Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451
Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451
Volume 49 Issue 12 November 21, 2013 Angelic Announcements of Advent The season of Advent has come! Most of us do Christmas planning. That planning includes visiting, decorating the house, baking goodies, visiting family, and purchasing and opening gifts. Our Christmas planning gains some real meaning if we do some Advent planning. In God’s house we will gather for three special Wednesday evening services under the theme, “Angelic Announcements of Advent” God’s gifts are the real gifts of Christmas. Please plan to be in God’s house to hear his angelic call, and to praise Him for sending His Son as a child to be our Savior. Advent worship service on Wednesday, December 4 Wednesday, December 11 Wednesday, December 18 These worship services are at 7:00 p.m. Christmas for Kids is on Saturday, December 14, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The theme is “Jesus The Savior Is Born .” Christmas Eve children’s Sunday School service at 4:00 p.m. The theme is “I Love to Tell the Story.” Candlelight service is at 10:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day service will be a devotional/song service that will wrap up the Advent season. We look forward to a full church, singing with joy-filled voices at one service at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, December 29, our worship service at 9:00 a.m. (one service) New Year’s Eve service will be on Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. We sincerely hope these services will be included in your Christmas plans. website: Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451.2213 Church office, Brenda 651.451.1035 Page 12 MESSENGER A publication of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 149 8th Ave S in South St. Paul, MN 55075 I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. John 6:35 Dear Members and friends of Grace, This December issue of the Messenger is arriving in your homes before Thanksgiving Day in the final week of November. Everything seems to blur together as we acclimate ourselves to the changes in weather and winter draws ever closer. The stores have long been gearing up for the holiday shopping season. Even the renowned "Black Friday," is being replaced by "Black Friday events," to lure us into shopping and spending even before the Thanksgiving holiday arrives. It is difficult to turn off all this noise and think about using these holidays as opportunities to focus on the God who loves us and the Savior whom He sent for us. But if you can do that, suddenly there is a calm, a quiet that fills our souls. There is really one thing that is needful in our lives, and Jesus our Savior fulfills that need. Can you remember the Christmas hymn, O Little Town of Bethlehem? In the third stanza we sing, "How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given! So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heaven." That little town of Bethlehem is famous as the "City of David," to which Joseph and Mary traveled to fulfill their responsibilities in the Roman December 2013 census, "because they were of the house and lineage of David" (Luke 2:4). So God's prophecy was fulfilled that foretold the very city where the Savior would be born. But dig a little deeper and you might see God's hand even more clearly. The name of the city, Bethlehem, means "house of bread." Is it just coincidence that the one who called himself the bread of life was born in a city with that name? Everything about the Savior whom God sent bears his signature. None of it just happened; it happened in accordance with God's gracious salvation design. Are you going to eat some special foods for Thanksgiving? Are you going to bake some special cookies and treats for Christmas? They will certainly be delicious, even if they add to the frenzy and the hustle and bustle of this time of year. Will you pause regularly during this season to think about the bread of life that God has provided for your soul? People love to mention the "reason for the season." Will you come to God's house and worship each week, and find some special moments of nourishment and peace in the middle of each week at our Thanksgiving Eve service, at our Advent mid-week services, and at our Christmas and New Year's services? That too might sound like adding to the frenzy and obligations of the season. Or maybe, just maybe it is just what you need. May the Lord bless you with the peace that only he can give and lead you to our little "house of bread" at Grace Lutheran Church during the important weeks ahead. Pastor Hartwig I’m under a lot stress. Come Join Us ForofWorship! Altar Flower Changes The congregation approved the 2014 budget at the their last meeting in October. Weekly flowers for the altar were not included in the adopted budget. Beginning in January we will be putting flowers on the altar for special occasions only. You may use the 2014 flower chart hanging on the west coat room closet door or contact the office with your request. It is almost time for composing our 2013 annual report. Our next congregation voters’ meeting is Tuesday, January 21. Therefore the deadline for the annual reports is Sunday, January 12. Christmas Party The Grace Guild and Ladies Aid invite all the women of the congregation to come to their annual Christmas party at Angelo’s Restaurant in South St. Paul on Tuesday, December 3, at 6:30. The meal charge is $12.00 per person. Please bring an unwrapped gift for Neighbors, Inc. - child or teen. For reservation, call Carol Weber at 651-451-2888 or Betty Ohman at 651-451-1004 by December 1, or sign up on the sheet in the narthex. The Nominating Committee has met to consider nominations for the 2014 Church Council. The positions are two-year terms for president, vice-president, secretary, and one-year term for the vacant financial secretary. Also, elected for a three-year term are two elders. We pray for God’s blessing as those nominated consider these positions. England and Scotland Tour The Council has approved the request for a new pictorial church directory. The dates set for photographing are Wednesday, February 26 through Saturday, March 1. If you already know that you will not be available for pictures on these dates, please contact the church office. We would like to work with you so that you may also be included. Please save these dates and watch for more information to come. Retired WELS pastor, James Humann, invites you to join him and fellow WELS/ELS members on an eleven-day tour to England and Scotland. The tour dates are July 1424, 2014. Space is limited. Twenty people have already joined the tour. For a colorful brochure with the daily itinerary, costs, and General Conditions, e-mail Pastor Humann at [email protected] or call 253-839-9055. If you would like a hard copy of the brochure, be sure to include your mailing address. In Christ, Pastor James Humann Page 2 Messenger The Messenger is on our website each month. If you would like to help save printing/mailing costs and have the Messenger emailed to you, contact the office at Brenda’s email, which is [email protected]. Flowers The flower chart is posted on the inside door to the west coat room. If you would like to beautify our altar on a certain Sunday, please fill in the date or call the church office. December has only one Sunday filled. Glassing Florist Vases The office learned in October that Glassing Florist will take their flower vases back. If you decorated our altar or organ with flowers in a vase and you do not want it, Glassing Florist will take it back. Contact the church office to make arrangements. Military If you know of any members of our congregation or family members now serving in the military, please contact the church office (651-451-1035) with names and addresses. Mobile Apps WELS now offers mobile apps for both the iOS and Android platforms. WELS ONLINE collects devotional and educational audio, video, and text content from in an easy-to-use application. Missing If your birthday or anniversary has been missing from our lists, please contact the church office, and we will add the date to our records. Address Change If you move and have a change of address, please contact the church office at 651-4511035. Hospitalized If you are admitted to the hospital, have someone contact the church office, and Pastor will come see you. The hospitals do not contact the churches because of privacy issues. Meditations The current Meditations is on the spin rack in the lower narthex. We have many issues, so please help yourself! Recycle Old Meditations and Portals of Prayer may be saved for the prison ministry at the Mission for Visually Impaired. Drop off your old copies in the church office or in the box marked devotion books in the west coat room. The church office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays. Page 11 Page 10 Finance Secretary Report – October 2013 Fund Updates October General Fund Receipts Monthly Average Needed to Meet Our Projected Budget $13,478.30 $18,593.00 Classroom Window Replacement Fund Goal: $24,000.00 (to date received) $11,278.00 Funds available: $2,371.07 YTD General Fund Receipts YTD Average Needed to Meet Our Projected Budget $155,590.57 $167,337.00 Debt Reduction (to date) $18,432.00 goal: $50,000.00 Total October Receipts $15,820.30 YTD Total Receipts $181,989.69 Major Repair Project Fund (to date) $17,235.12 OCTOBER’S ATTENDANCE Sunday, October 6 Monday, October 7 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 136 16 Sunday, October 13 Monday, October 14 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 132 11 Sunday, October 20 Monday, October 21 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 108 23 Sunday, October 27 Monday, October 28 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 140 12 Communion: Communion: 113 13 Communion: Communion: 93 20 Thank the Lord as He continues to strengthen the hearts of His people through the Word and they in turn respond with their gifts of love. Craft and Quilt Day Golden Agers Eight of us got together on Saturday, November 9. Our small group put together quilts to be taken home to sew and a couple worked on their personal projects. A couple of us boxed up 39 tote bags for a church member to take to the New Day Center the next week. These totes are very appreciated for moms to carry their diapers etc. home. Grace Church has a group called the Golden Agers for anyone who is over 55. The Golden Agers would love to have more of Grace’s members join them. We enjoyed a very yummy lunch and fellowship time. After lunch three of us took down the spring flowers and did the fall decorating in the lower narthex. This group meets at noon on the third Thursday of each month. It is a wonderful time for fellowship as well as the enjoyment of a delicious hot meal. We have a good mix of both men and women. Pastor also joins us for some spiritual enrichment. The cost for the dinner is $7.00. Next year we will change the date in November from the second Saturday to another Saturday due to two annual craft shows in the area. If anyone has army wool blankets or other 100% wool items, our group has a project that needs wool. Each of us that come to Craft and Quilt Day has found this a very rewarding experience personally from the sharing of ideas to being able to use our talents for others. Please join us on Saturday, December 7! Check the church calendar and join us for our next gathering. Page 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS Evangelism Committee The Evangelism Committee met on November 14, 2013. The meeting was opened with prayer. The minutes from our last meeting were read and approved. December is always full of life with Christmas, family gettogethers, gifts, good food, and Christ being born. We love seeing so many people in our holiday services. Please remember also how important is to worship our Savior all through the year. This time of year, our homebound could use visits and calls. It can be very lonely for them. Let’s give extra attention to them this month. I know, if you do, you’ll really feel great. So to all our “homebound”, a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. May 2014 give us good health and happiness. Ken Wallert Visitation Committee Chairman Grace Guild The Grace Guild meeting was held on November 5. We finished the study on 1Peter 1 with Pastor. The On the Road Again money total was $1,657.95. The treasurer will divide the money with the Ladies Aid. Guild will use their share along with money collected for Craft/Bake sale. The Craft/Bake sale money will come from the Guild members. These funds will be used for Home Missions. We will decide which one in January. Four members from Grace attended the fall rally at Salem, Woodbury, for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS). There were 84 guests from 20 congregations in attendance. The speaker was a student from Martin Luther College. Her topic, which was very interesting, was her work in Japan. The Grace Guild is sponsoring a Christmas party at Angelo’s on Tuesday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $12.00 for an Italian buffet. All the ladies of Grace are invited. The ladies will not exchange gifts but bring a gift for our Mitten Tree for Neighbor’s Inc. Please call Carol Weber at 651-451-2888 or Betty Ohman at 651-451-1004. Carol Weber Secretary We again discussed new signage for the church. Dennis will head a committee to gather more information for the church council. He is looking for and accepting volunteers for his committee. We discussed this years Christmas for Kids. The Young People Society is willing to help. This will be held on December 14, 2013. We will be mailing out invitations on December 2, 2013. Pictures for a new directory will be taken this winter. We will be discussing if there is a way we might help or use this as an evangelism tool. Lori Neujahr Secretary Lutheran Girl Pioneers Monthly Note November went by so quickly. On October 27, we went on a field trip to Country Sun Farm. The girls got to play in a silly string area, a corn kernel pit, take a hay ride, and visit with some farm animals. Unlike last year it was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed ourselves. As we left, everyone got to pick out a pumpkin for her house. We stopped at Denney’s and had a late lunch before heading home. I will post pictures downstairs soon. Be sure to stop by and check them out. Betty Ohman (my wonderful mom) came for two Sundays and did two different crafts (table décor) for the Golden Agers and for Mission Festival dinners. Thanks mom, and thank you, girls. They turned out beautiful! We still have some glass figurines, rings, and assorted novelties that Jim and June Peterson donated to us years ago. My mom (yes, another wonderful idea from her) and dad are going to drive down to our Belle Plaine Lutheran Home and deliver the figurines and novelties to distribute to their patients. We will be boxing up the rest of the jewelry again this year for Neighbors, Inc. In December we will finish our Christmas crafts for our families, go on a field trip (movie or theater?), and have a Christmas party. Have a very blessed Christmas! Beth Stroschein Caravan Counselor Page 4 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Preschool St. Andrew’s has a preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. The hours for the school are 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. The students must be potty trained. The cost is $135 a month, and there is a $50 registration fee. To register or to discuss before/after school care, please contact Julie Tjernagel at 651-285-7226. The school is located at 1001 Holley in St. Paul Park. True North WELS Campus Ministry Pastor Dan Lindner [email protected] Office 612-378-1346 Address 1313 5th St E #328 Box 33 Minneapolis, MN 55414 All college students in the Twin Cities are invited to join True North WELS Campus Ministries Sunday worship opportunities. 10:00 a.m. Worship Service St. John’s Lutheran Church 610 Broadway St NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 11:30 a.m. Worship Service Commons Hotel 615 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 Students, please check the website ( for the latest news and updates. 1200 Oakdale Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55118 651.455.1521 Come see “The Glass Slipper,” a classic rendition of the Cinderella story by the St. Croix Lutheran Drama Department. Bring the children and be delighted on Saturday, November 23, at 2:00 or 7:00 p.m. at St. Croix Lutheran. Tickets are $6.00—adults, $4.00— high school students, $2.00-PK—8th grade. A highlight of the year! Join us as the Croixaliers, Crusader Choir, and bands brighten the season with music and praise on Friday, December 20, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Croix Lutheran for the high school Christmas Concert. Ladies Aid The Ladies Aid met on Wednesday, November 13. Pastor led us in a small discussion about an article on evolution. We all agreed that evolution is in conflict with God’s Word in the Bible. The Scholarship Committee met and is dividing the funds between seven students. Our group discussed what was needed to be done for the pot luck on Mission Sunday. We voted to have the same officers for 2014. They are Evelyn Witz, Marge Knoch, Carol Weber, and Donna Hartwig. Ladies Aid will join the Guild for their December meeting at Angelo’s. The ladies will not exchange gifts but bring a gift for the Mitten Tree. Neighbors, Inc. is always in need of teenage gifts. The gathering will be on December 3 at 6:30 p.m., and the cost is $12.00. Call the church office or Carol Weber if planning on attending. Tuition Assistance Program Our congregation has a long history of encouraging and supporting our families who choose to enroll their children in Lutheran Christian schools. Over the years financial assistance from Grace has allowed many families to pursue Christian education while enjoying membership at Grace. We are blessed to have several WELS elementary schools nearby, as well as St. Croix Middle School and St. Croix Lutheran High School. This year we have nine students from our families at Grace attending St. Croix Lutheran High School. In recent years such assistance was removed from our budget, and instead our congregation has supported those families in need through our Tuition Assistance Fund. Funds for this year have already been allocated. To secure the fund with a balance that will cover emergencies and projected possible requests, we would like to raise $5,000 for the Tuition Assistance Fund. Please prayerfully consider supporting Christian based education and our families in need of assistance with a gift to the Tuition Assistance Fund. You may use your monthly Special Offering envelope or mark your gift for the Tuition Assistance Fund. Carol Weber, Secretary Page 9 SCHOOL NEWS Wildcat News & Notes December, 2013 “Living to Soar” Isaiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Basketball season is here, and practices are well under way. Our B-team played their first game of the season on November 8. Our gym is busy this season with St. Croix Lutheran using our gym for middle school basketball practices and games. St. John students are partnering with St. Croix students to form boys and girls teams. Our 8th graders will be attending “Crusader for a Day” at St. Croix Lutheran High School on Friday, December 6. The students are invited to spend a good portion of the day at St. Croix to learn about their curriculum and what the school has to offer. Practice will be starting next week for our Children’s Christmas Service, which will be on Saturday, December 21, 4:00 p.m., at St. John Lutheran Church. This year we are using the service, “Jesus is the Light” by Rebecca M. Bishop. All of you are welcome to attend. St. John Lutheran School 771 Margaret Street · St. Paul, MN 55106 phone: (651) 771-6406 · email: [email protected] Tony Drkula, Principal Mr. Jack Pearson, Minnesota musician/storyteller, will be performing for our school children, staff, adults, and guests once again on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 10:30 a.m. in the St. John School gymnasium. Those of you who may have heard Jack will remember his engaging style of music and storytelling, and first-timers are in for a real treat! His fiddle, banjo, and guitar will have everyone tapping and singing along in no time. Anyone, adults and children alike, are welcome to join us that morning. There is no cost to attend. Spread the word to family and friends . . . the more who come, the merrier! Mr. Pearson does have CDs and simple instruments for sale, but there is not pressure to purchase anything. Please park in the back parking lot and enter through those doors. Crown of Life School West St. Paul December 2 6 11 13 15 20 24 Lego Club Crusader for a Day Good Samaritan Choristers sing — 6:30 Advent service Matins, Muffins, and Panera Choristers sing at West St. Paul 8:00 and 10:30 Early dismissal at 11:30, Christmas Break begins Children’s Christmas Service—4:00 p.m. (Pre-K through 8th grade sing) Martin Luther College December 6 Poems by Shel Silverstein—7:30 p.m. 7 Poems by Shel Silverstein—2:00 p.m. Christmas Concerts—7:30 p.m. 8 Christmas Concerts—4:00 p.m. 10 12-14 19 Koine Christmas Concert—7:30 p.m. Emmanuel Lux Focus on Ministry Tip-Off Tournament December Commencement Service—10:00 a.m. December 20 through January 8—Christmas recess School resumes on Monday, January 6 Page 8 I Need More…JOY These words of Jesus bring us true joy. They mean that all is done, and Easter’s announcement "He Is Risen!" guarantees that God our Father has accepted Jesus' life and death as payment in full for all our sins. True joy is the forgiveness of sins that is ours through faith in Jesus. While we are in the midst of the season when it seems hard to keep joy in our lives, focus on the true Joy Giver. Ponder again the words of the angels to the shepherds, “Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord.” Come and worship the Babe born in Bethlehem, and may God the Holy Spirit fill you with a joy that never ends. Monthly message from WELS Evangelism After hastily opening the wrapped package and making the obligatory thank yous, it certainly didn't take me long to turn away from the thoughtful gift as something ho hum. Just then three-year-old Eleanor came along and stopping by the discarded item exclaimed, "Oh, my, what a beautiful gift! Is that yours? You must be so happy?" As she walked away, I thought to myself, "Why don't I have the joy of that little girl?" At times we have those feelings which cause us to cry out, "I need more joy in my life!" That is so often true at this time of year when for one reason or another we find ourselves lacking joy. There are indications everywhere that joy should fill our lives. Decorations are going up inside and outside. Christmas music surrounds us and cards are arriving daily. Some days the festive joy fills our hearts as we excitedly go about our holiday shopping and schedule planning. But yet deep down we know that this joy will not last. Planning becomes overwhelming, schedules start falling apart, and decorating gets tiresome. Above all, we know from experience, there will be no joy when we find we don't have enough money to purchase the perfect gift or when credit card payments come due. All of this leads us to shout out, "I need more joy! I need joy that will last!" Here’s some great news. Christmas brings us joy that does last—the true joy found in Jesus. With a love that we cannot comprehend, our heavenly Father gave His only Son, born to be our Savior. With perfect obedience Jesus lived the life all of us are unable to live. Each and every evil thought, evil word, and evil deed we have done has been picked from us by our heavenly Father and placed on Jesus. On Calvary’s cross, Jesus bowed His head in death declaring, “It is finished.” Thrivent Choice Dollars Thrivent Choice lets you help choose where some of Thrivent Financials charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars and by participating in Voting Events. Eligible members are designated Choice Dollars based on their insurance premium, contract values, and Thrivent volunteer leadership. Thrivent members who received letters in the mail with “x” number of dollars can designate their “Choice Dollars” to Grace now if they choose. Eligible members may call Thrivent (800-847-4836) and say, “Thrivent Choice.” You can use your new Thrivent ID card which was mailed to each member with a unique number on it. This program’s automatic recurring direction feature was recently discontinued. If you have a computer, you may go on-line at For the organization search; use only this information: “Grace” “55075” “Minnesota”. This will help you find our church in the listing. The program will continue to be available for eligible benefit members by calling 1-800-847-4836 (at the beginning of a new year or quarterly in January, April, July, and October) to again direct your designated Choice Dollars. To date we have received $10,263.00. Thank you! 2014 Church Envelopes Next year’s envelopes will be in the lower narthex starting on December 1. Please note that your envelope number will change for 2014. You will begin to your new envelopes in January, 2014. Page 5 Come join the fun! We need a large group of volunteers to decorate our church for Christmas. We will be doing this on Saturday, December 7, starting at 9:00 a.m. Many times during the holidays, our TV audience, shut-ins, and guests compliment us on how beautifully our church is decorated. The church office is taking orders now for poinsettias. There are two sizes: the smaller 6 1/2” pot for $13.00 and the larger 8 1/2” pot for $20.00. They are available in pink, red, and white for the smaller ones and only red and white for the larger ones. The deadline for ordering will be Monday, December 2. These will all be delivered for Sunday, December 22. Bible Class is available regularly on Sunday mornings. We enjoy good discussion and fellowship as we grow in our understanding of God's Word. Suggestions for gifts for teens are hair supplies and accessories, nail polish, billfolds, cosmetics, bath & body products, grooming items, basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, and gift certificates. Sunday's class meets between services in the Fellowship Hall at 9:10 a.m. and is studying the gospel of John. All are welcome! Please continue to collect and drop off aluminum cans. The proceeds benefit the Young People’s Society and the Pioneers. Drop them into the large grey/green “storage shed” under the fire escape behind the church garage. Thank you! Please do not leave items near the alley by themselves because others will help themselves to the cans. We will be collecting unwrapped donations for Neighbors, Inc. These items can be new clothing items. Needed in infant to adult sizes are socks, underwear (boys and girls, all sizes, especially boys’ and young men's boxers), hats, mittens, scarves, and pajamas. Common requests for toys are Legos, remote control cars, doll clothes for Barbie, learning toys, coloring books, art and craft supplies, and board games. Grow in Faith Aluminum Our annual Mitten Trees will be set up after Thanksgiving. Ice Cream Buckets Don’t throw away your large ice cream buckets. We will be saving them here at church. Many people wanted to borrow one for their chili for On the Road Again. We will try to make the buckets available next year. The final day for collecting is Tuesday, December 16, when everything will be taken to Neighbors, Inc. Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store Christian Life Ministry has a thrift store which helps support the ministry. This thrift store has a need for dishes, pots and pans, furniture, bedding, shoes, and jewelry. If you have a few small items to donate, contact the office to make arrangements. The contact information number is 651-917-4149. The address is Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store, 2756 Lake Shore Ave., Little Canada, MN 55117. Page 6 November 2013 Council Meeting Highlights Congregation Vice-President Bill Bremel called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Pastor Hartwig provided an opening devotion. Wanted: Volunteers Please consider these special ministry opportunities. You need no prior experience at all as there is training available. We are in need of one more person to help on Sundays with operating the camera. We very much need another person who is willing to edit the Sunday service tape and insert hymn verses, etc. into it using computer equipment at Town Square Television. This phase of the work is done during an afternoon near the beginning of the week. If one of these volunteer opportunities interests you, contact the church office. We want to continue to put our worship service on the cable network. Young People’s Society (YPS) Secretary’s report for the previous month was reviewed and accepted with corrections. Financial Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were reviewed and accepted subject to audit. Pastor Hartwig met with Pastor Schneider of St. Andrew’s Lutheran to discuss an Advent service rotation. Dave Ross read the printed October 2013 Elders’ and Chief Usher’s reports reflecting membership changes, attendance and service statistics. Council approved the transfer of Joel Schossow to Christ Lutheran in Prescott Valley, AZ and removed Marvin Bares from church membership due to his passing. We will have one service at 9 a.m. on the Sunday between Christmas and New Years. Elders presented a proposed survey to seek congregational feedback on going to one Sunday service and possible service times. Date of Lifetouch Photography: The agreement has been signed. Photo sessions will be February 26 – March 1. The lease on the copier will expire February, 2014. Pastor and Brenda have been meeting with vendors to explore options. Council directed Pastor to choose what they see as best, provided it is under the budget. Thank you to everyone who ordered Christmas greenery! It is very appreciated. The next Council meeting will be December 10 at 7 p.m. with the Elders meeting at 6:15 p.m. that same night. We will have our regular meeting on Sunday, December 1 after the 10:30 service. Our first 2014 monthly meeting will be January 5 also after the 10:30 service. Respectfully submitted, Anthony Kulik Secretary The YPS will be helping with Christmas for Kids on Saturday, December 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Our Christmas lock-in will be on Friday, December 20 from 6:00 p.m. to around 4:00 a.m. Dinner will be provided. Please bring a snack to share and a $15.00 gender neutral gift if you want to participate in the gift exchange. Page 7
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