A Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Fazenda e Tecnologia da
A Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Fazenda e Tecnologia da
TRADUC;Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION A Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Fazenda e Tecnologia da Informa9ao SEMPLA PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE NATAL NESTA Tradutora luramentada Sworn Translator 12.35712014 Encaminho a V. Sa. as Tradu90es Oficiais de numeros e 12.358/2014,juntamente com os documentos que lhes serviram de fonte, respectivamente, Host City Agreement e First Amendment to the Host City Agreement. Informo, ainda, que 0 valor final do servi90 e de R$ 3.704,88 (tres mil setecentos e quatro reais e oitenta e oito centavos). Natal, 12 de fevereiro de 2014 ~ HERTA MARIA FERNANDES DE QUEIROZ NUNES Tradutora Oficial - Sworn Translator RG: 75.773 SSP-RN CPF: 106.338.804.00 CAM: 119.207-8 Endereyol Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil- CEP: 59056-450 E-mail: [email protected] Fone/Phone: (0·*84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cel1 phone: (084) 9983-3579 TRADUC;Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION HERTA MARIA FERNANDES DE QUEIROZ NUNES, Pi.blica e Intcrp"ctc Comc"cial de Ingles no Rio Grandc do No.·te, nomca~rlO legal, na forma da Lei, ctc. CERTI FICO, em razao de minhas pcdido vcrbal dc partc intcrcssada, que mc foi alll'cscnlado, ncsta tradu~fio, 0 documento ou papel que, tr'aduzido, c do scguinte teo,': - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 1128 Tradutora B"asil, por fun~oes c a data, pan. I, HERTA MARIA FERNANDES DE QUEIROZ NUNES, Official Translator and Interpreter of the English Language in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, being the officer legally authorized to make the following certificate, DO CERTIFY, on account of said official and by OI'al request of concerned party, that on this date a documcnt or paper was presented to me, for translation, which after being translated reads literally as follows: [N. T. 0 documento apresentado para Tradutora .Iuramentada Sworn Translator esta traduyao contem 16 folhas numeradas, a partir da segunda, de 2 a 16.] ----------------------------------------Primeiro o Aditivo ao Contrato presente Contrato de Cidade-Sede e celebrado ---------------------------------- em [Manuscrito.] 07 de maryo de 2011 fevereiro de 2009 ----------------------------------------------------------------------~ntre a I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1f1e1)1e1{j\1[IO~ I~1[Ie~A1[IO~A~1e I)Ie IfOO1[BA~~ -------------------------------------------- ASSOCIA 1[IO~ (lfIIf A) --------------------------------------- FIF A -Strasse 20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------CH-8044 Zurich [Zurique] ------------------------------------------------------------ Switzerland [Suic;a] -------------------------------------------------------------------("lfIlfA"), -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COP A 1)0 MU~I)O COMITE IfIF A 2014 - -------------------------------------------------- ORGA~IZADOR BI{j\SI~IeIRO ~ 1[I)A. --------------------------- A venida Luiz Carlos Prestes , n° 180 , Sala 337 ------------------------------------Barra da Tijuca - CEP: 22775-055 --------------------------------------------------- Rio de Janeiro - RJ --------------------------------------------------------------------Brasil. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------("~OC"), -------------------------------------------------------------------------------e a CII)AI)Ie Die ~A1[A~ ------------------------------------------------------------ PRIeJfIeI1[UI{j\ MU~ICIPA~ 1)0 ~A1[A~ -------------------------------------Rua Ulisses Caldas , nO81 ------------------------------------------------------------Centro, CEP: 59.025 -090 -------------------------------------------------------------I N.T.: A tradutora optou pOl' transcrever alguns dados referentes as partes elencadas encontram no original e suprir, entre colchetes e it{dico, a traduy30 de term os relevantes. Endere90/ Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP: 59056-450 E·mail: [email protected] abaixo, tal como se Fone/Phone: (0"84) 3206·5367 Celular/Cel1 phone (084) 9983-3579 6L<;(-(866 (1780) :Quoljd 0<;17-9<;06<; :d,jJ 11;):)jlBIIlI;):) L9£~-90e£ (178.. 0) lUO~ IIBlUil®S;:lUIlUBJl::>lj :lIuw-3 - pSBl8 BAON BoilUl- - ;:l:W0N op ;:lpURIC) 01(1 - IBJBN L£Oe ::>UOljd /:>U0::l 'OlISE:) "P OlU;:lUII~SBN NV :SS;:ll PPV /O~;)l;)PU:I --- :dn~dS mUOJ BPBldl[B lpdS ,,0}2:)9ddUlOJ Bp SBJIBW" dP O}2:)!UgdPV .T --------------------------------- ·v apas-apup!J ap 0lUJlUOJ ou saQJUJanv ----------------:3Il93S OWOJoavauoJv ---------------------- 'gpgs-gPBPIJ '3~S3a Ol3W UOd 'VJI.fI gp OlBl:~UOJOBOA!lIPV 01!gUlI1d glSg gp OlB1lUOJ op t'z BTnsnl?IJ V . T OXgUv OUlOJ 0PBlUnf 'gpgS-gpBP!J gp OlB.llU0:J B 'lu~quml '3" 'l?-gS-lBJ!ldB gpgS-gPBP!J ----------------------- ou g OlB glSgU SOP!lUOJ SgQ:)B~!lqO g SOlIgl!P SO SOpOl UlBUO!JUgAUOJ sglJ8d SB IBnb OIdd COA!l!PV" 0) dPdS-dPBP!J gp OlBllUOJ OJ!gUl!.ld glSg 'glugsg.ld Ofdd 'UlB.lqgpJ gpgS-gPBP!:J OB OAIl1PV B g JO'1 0 'v dId B 'gpgS-gpBP!J BU 0}26!lgdlUOJ Bp 0}26BZIIBgl g 0}26dgJg.l 12SglUglgJgl SBsgdsgp SB[gd gpBpn!qBsuodsgl B .lBPIJnp gp g V dId Bp SB!JU~B!Xg SBAOUS12gpgS-gPBP!J gp OlBJlU0:J 0 JBldBPB gp lUg B 'OPUgS lUIssV ---------------------------------------------------- 'gpgS-gPBP!:J '0 gp OlB1lU0:J op 8!JU~B!A B glUBJnp SBPBJgllB no SBPB![duTB19S Ulgpod o136!lgdUIO:J 12 SBAPBld.l V dId B g JOI Bp SB!JU~BIXd SB gnb lUBldJdl{UOJdl dPdS-dPBP!:J op 1'17 Blnsnl?lJ B UlOJ OplOJB dO 0 'dPdS-dPBP1:J dP OlBllUOJ ------------------- Capas-apEp!;:) gpgS-gPBP!:J 'o136!lgdUIOJ Bp 13!llgUB OlUOJ 0136BdPIl1Bd 12dlUdldJdl ap 0lEJlUO;:)" 0) gpgS-gPBP!:J gp 8 g :J0'1 0 'v dId B 'OP9lBl!J!I -------------------------------------------------- 'nSBJ8 sdQ6B.ldPdJUOJ SBP BdoJ Bp d CO~J!ladrnoJ" op BdoJ 'J Bp 13!JlgUB B ldS B.md 'LOOZ B[gd BPBgUIOU !oJ CaR;:),,) Toqglnd OlB1lUOJ 0 lUBJBUIlg ossdJOJd 0 glUB.mO '8 ou £ 1OZ gp V dId Bp B) 17[OZ Vdld Bp opunW dP OJqnlno dP O£ lUd 'v dId dP BJ!gESBl8 0136BldPdJUOJ V ·v ----------------------------------------------------------------------O~~IlaOUJL~I ----------------------------------------------------------------[·Z BU!Bl?dBp 0P~1glUOJ o '.I!nBgS vJ ['{ BUIBl?d Bp Ul1dJ ['[BlBN gp o!dp!unw o 'oUBTd opunBds op SBUI.IV gp o13sB.l8 lUg 'd Bl!dlIP .lO!JdJU! lUdBIBlU BU SBJpqru PIOZ:Val a Ep opunw £0 LUBlSU0:JJ op Edo;:) Ep IUuy oyJ!}adrno;) Ep ~!llyUE orno;) o~JEdpHJEd ~ oAHElaJ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Capas-a PEP!;:)" B) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SVZ: dBBd/BLI!Zl1}d - f1lOZlSS£'Zl 'oN - NOUV'1SNV1U '1VI:JU.tIO - '1VI:JUO [!SB.l8 ~ -- IBlBN oy::'>rraV1U TRADU<;AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION ""Marca da Competiyao" conforme seja qualquer Desenho significa, individual da Competiyao, logotipo Composto (em qualquer (vi) qualquer idioma) (v) qualquer nome oficial da e/ou (vii) quaisquer desenhos, marc as registradas, representayoes outros gnificas e logotipos oficiais da FIF A usados em associayao com a Competiyao". 2. (ii) (iii) a Taya da Competiyao, da Cidade-Sede, oficial da Competiyao, Competiyao ou coletivamente, caso, (i) qualquer Logotipo da Competiyao, 0 Mascote (iv) qualquer - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 3/28 ----- A Chiusula 3.2 do Contrato de Cidade-Sede sera alterada como segue: "3.2 Comunica<;ao diretamente com a FIFA: A Cidade-Sede com a FIF A em relayao concementes ao presente estabelecido coordenayao de Cidade-Sede administrayao que fique que fica responsavel A Cidade-Sede, a Competiyao. urn e pIanos para juntamente para com a a FIF A do LOC urn escrit6rio para Cidade-Sede fara parte desse escrit6rio e, assim, reportar-se-a ao Administrador espayo. 0 administrador e estabelecera 0 e em urn estagio espayo 0 no quadro de pessoal 0 0 LOC contratara, administrador pela Competiyao do Estadio, fomecera simultaneamente ao LOC seus organogramas posterior, a menos de todas as questoes relativas da Cidade-Sede. a as questoes nomeara, no maximo ate 12 de janeiro de 2010, urn administrador relativos a todas em contrario pela FIF A. ------------------------------ A Cidade-Sede ambito Contrato, comunicar-se-a da do Espayo do LOC. ----------------------------- [Constam 04 rubric as na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior dire ita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 2.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 3.] ----------------------------------------------------------------A Cidade-Sede to do 0 colocara pessoal disposiyao, 0 envolvido administrador (conforme da Cidade-Sede seja apropriado) e a para fins de qualquer inspeyao da FIF A e/ou do LOC. Essas inspeyoes serao anunciadas pela FIFA e pelo LOC . . " -------------------------------------com su filClente antece d~enCIa. Endereyo/Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP: 59056-450 E-mail: [email protected] Fone/Phone: (0**84) 3206-5367 Cellilar/Cel1 phone. (084) 9983-3579 6L~£-£S66 (VSO) :JlIOl[d IPJ/JBIIlI;O L9£S-90l£ (VS •• O) OSlr9S06S lllOJ JIBUlil@s:JlIIlUll).ldl[ :JIBllI-3 - IIS8J8 - ::J).lON op ~pllP.JO Ol(j -1P.lllN d3J HOl BAON lloil1l1- BA!SnpXg B gpgS-gpBP!;) SOp [BEd[ 'OJ)SllJ:JP OllldlllIJSBN NV :SS:JJpP\f/o:i:JJ:JP1I3 ·"lIOlld/JlI0:l qos O!l?l!l:) g OA!SnpXg £: l? SOp!Jg]UO:) g O~:)gs ngS B g:)gUBUllgd BlSgU SOp!Jg]gl SOl!gl!P V O~:)glOJd Bp Ol!qW1? 0 gnb g:)gL[UO:)gJ gpdS-gpBP!;) ------------------------------------------------------':)01 o[dd no jd VdId BIgd SOPBA.IgSd.l WB:)!] 'OlB.llUO;) glUdSg.ld ou gpgS-gpBP!;) l? glUgWBSSg.Idxg lB!J.ldUfOJ ---- £: g O~:)B.l0Idxg 'O~:)BAO.IdB [Bl o~u gnb gp V dId O~U nO/g VdId V g Bfdd Bl!lJSg SOl!d.l!P glllgSgJd o~u osn SdSSdP --------------------- SBns sl? .IgpgJ 0 glUdUIBSSgldxg SBsgdsgp lilO:) 'l!nEgS Bpd 0 gWBOSUO:) SgQ:)ll.IlSU! g SBA!lgl!P glUdllmunpodo 'gpdS-dPBP!;) SBP!pgdxg Bp EU!lg)j,mw sv SB gA!SnpU! SgZPlg.l!G so 'glUgE!A .lgnbS!Bnb glUBOSUOJ 'OlB.llU0:J g opd ldnbs!Bnb SgZPldl!G O~lUg BUllO] gp opd £: SBA!pgdsg.I nO/g VdId Bpd 'v dId gS s!Bnb sBpd SB g gpgS-gpBP!;) Bp OlUgA3: op SgZ!llgl!G BU OlB1lUO;) glugsgJd gp OlB.IlUO;) op OWOJ UIgq 'vdId Bp glugsg.ld SOP!Egl SOp!.lg]uo:) SOl!gl!P so 19:)JgXg B gS-glgUIOldmo:) 8Z1J7 d'28d/8Ll!'2Vd - J7IOZl8S£'Z! VdId V" SO]B.lEl}.IBdSOAOUsO Bp SgZ!llgl!G ;)01 Bp SBJIBW SBP SgZ!.llg.l!G 'gpgS-gpBP!;) 19AHSg 'OlB.llU0:J l? d.Ig]UOJ UIglgS B 'UmE!lqo gp V SBp!lUnSSB Bp SglUB 'gpgS-gpBP!;) ----------------------------------- ,,'VdId SBP!pgdxg gp B SOl!gl!P so 'BA!SnpXg WgS 'gpgS-gpBP!;) : ~ BInsnl}I;) glUgsgJd l}Jgl OB snf 1}.IBJgpgS-gPBP!J o~:)gs l? SOPBlUgJSg.IJB O~.lgS l!nEgS B SOP9lnP0.IlU! SB g 0lB1lU0:J SOPOl l? SOp!lg]UOJ BJdd glUdUlBA!SnpXg op B!:)U~E!A B glURmp BULlO] gp d snug so g B!A?.ld O~:)BAO.ldB l? Ol!gfns 'BS.IgA!P BUI.IO] gp OlSods!p dnb 0 oPBAIBSSd.l 'dpgS-gpBP!;) OgldS 'gpdS-gpBP!;) sgQ:)!nlHsu! ~ OSlD U OSlD OPBJdP~SUOJ 'Opdl~P --------------- g SOl!gl!P SOAHBp.l SOl!d.I!P so B!.I1}l!.IOfBUIo~:)Bd!J!l.lBd SBU SgPBpqUg ofdd l? Bp .IB:)!PU!A!g.l gp Ol!gl!P .IgnbIBnb BlSdU SOPpg]g.I LUdl s!Bnb 'o~:)!lddUIO;) SgpBp!unl.lodo gJgL[UOJg.l gpgS-gpBP!;) o~:)gs ';)01 SOPpg]UO:) Sglugu!l.lgd op SOUI.lgl gpgS-gPBP!:J l? gpgS-gPBP!:J V 'ON - NOLLV'lSNV~lL 'lVI;)H:3:0 - 'lVI;)H:O OY:)flQV~U '17 TRADUCAO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION responsabilidade - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 5/28 da FIF A. A Cidade-Sede nao ten! qualquer direito de reclamar quaisquer medidas de protec;ao de direitos relativas a esses direitos." ------------------------------------------5. A Clausula 6.1 do Contrato de Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "6.1 Sinaliza<;ao: Em cada Partida sediada na Cidade-Sede, providenciani a exibic;ao de um painel de propaganda do campo com 0 nome da Cidade-Sede. um sistema estatico de propaganda eletronico de propaganda. Cidade-Sede no nivel A FIF A podera adotar ou um sistema de painel 0 modo segundo vai ser incorporado a FIFA qual 0 0 sera determinado nome da pela FIF A. As dimensoes dessa exibic;ao do painel de propaganda design serao determinados A Clausula 7.1 do Contrato seu 0 pela FIF A. As despesas com esse painel de propaganda serao assumidas pela FIF A." 6. e da Cidade-Sede ------------ devera ser alterada conforme segue: --------------------------------------------------------------"7.1 FIF A.com: FIF A.com 0 (mico site oficial da Competic;ao na internet, sera de propriedade da FIF A (0 "Site da Internet") sera e operado pela FIF A e apresentara uma sec;ao "Destino Brasil" dispoa suas expensasnivel no URL www.FIFA.com.ACidade- Sede fara jus ao direito de, a expensas da FIF A, ser apresentada no site oficial da FIF A na internet, destinado forma determinada exclusivamente [Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio a Competic;ao, de pela FIF A. ------------------ inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 3.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 4.] ----------------------------------------------------------------A Cidade-Sede colaborara com a FIF A na criac;ao da sec;ao "Destino Brasil" no site da internet, fornecendo, por exemplo, informac;oes autorais promover e materiais as instalac;oes isentos e de direitos atrac;oes gratui tam ente." ------- ----------------------7. A Clausula 8 do Contrato Enderec;o/ Address Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEp: 59056-450 da Cidade-Sede E-mail: [email protected] da para Cidade-Sede, ---- ------- -------------sera alterada conforme Fone/Phone (0··84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cell rlHlne (OS4) 'J98"-3570 6L5£-f866 (1780) ;)UOlfd 11";)/J"I"I"';) L9[<;-901:[ (178 •• 0) .dUOlld l"U03 Bp olsodmo:J Od!lOBOl 0,17-9<;06, llllnl'rLu8':/VsdUIlUB1Jdlf Op o~gpgdSg :1'BlU-3 d3;) - ")JoN op "pUDJ~ 01<1-IH1BN L£Ol 'OJ1SB.JdP OlU""llIJ"'N 'V :SSdJ PPV IO~"J"PU3 -1'SBJ8 UA(lN Ho8B,- OlUglUgp OB SglUgJ:;)J:;)J SOl!dJIP SgSSgp JgnbSIBnb :;) SOpOl gnb ~JqUBJBB gpgS-:;)PBP!J B 'OlSodmo:J Bfdd odqoBol Op Og6BF~ Bp g~md OlliO~ gpgS-gPBP!J SOpBdUIOU dlUdUIBlgl!PU! no Blg.l!P SOl!g;)ml no dPdS -dPBPIJ B Rmd SOllgJ!P Jdnbs!Bnb mg.I!ApB dP gpBp!IBnlUgAd BN ------------------------------------------------------- ·og6qgdmo:J Bp g!JlgUB ouro~ IgdBd ngs .lgAourO.ld BJBd OlsodlUOJ odqoBol .msn gp Ol!gJ!P OB snf ~JBJ gpdS-gPBPIJ d 0 V ·VdId Bp Og6BAO.ldB1? 'dlUglU.l0I.ldlSod 'y dId Bfgd SBPBlUgSgldB U[glgS B SB~gpddsg SBJ!'J~JB SgZ!JlgJIP B BlIgfns ~JBlSg OlsodlUOJ Od!lOBOl dSSgp BULlO]B :olsoduIOJ Od!lOBOl 0!ld91d ndS lB!l;) gp dpBp!Unpodo B ~.Tdl gpdS-dPBP!J V :OlsodlUOJ gUUOJUO;)BpBJdHB ~lgS dPdS-dPBP!J -------------------dlSdP O!JJ:).ldXd odqo'i301 op Og3B!lJ Bp OlBJlUOJ op I"ZI Blnsn~IJ Y ·6 V ·8 ."snu9 lUgS g 0PBU!lUldlgpU! OZBJd lod Ol!gl!P OB snf l?.lBJY dTd Y ·SOp9plldl SOlIJlSd.U! ogs dnb 'dpgS-gpBP!J g OZBJd B oluBnb Bp 19l59d 0 lBsn gp SOl!gl!P sndS 'BIPJW dP SOl!d.lIG no Buqg)[JBW dP SOl!gllG so gpgJUO~ Y dId B IBnb 1? 'dPBP!lUd JdnblBnb B Jdpg~ gp Ollg.I!P OB snf ZBJ VdId B dnb g~dl{UOJdl g Bp.IOJB gpdS-gPBP!:J V ·VdId Bp SOllgJ!P og.TdJgUBUUgd .IglS9d OB sopBlnJu!A S!B!JldlUOJ SOl!gl!P so sopol ·.TglS9d OB OAqBP.I IBFudmOJ Ol!d.T!P O.IlnO ldnblBnb gp OIJPJ:;)xd OB no .ldlS9d op BPUgA 1? snf PBJ ogu :;)pgS-gpBP!J B 'sBPIAI)P .I!urp!P B.lBd ·dlUdlUBA!SnpXg 'S!BUO!;)OlUOld sug B.md JdlS9d op osn OB snf ~JB] dPdS-dPBP!J V :.lglS9d op oSD dill.tOJUOJ BPB.I:;)lIB~.ldS :;)P:;)S-gpBP!:J Bp OlB.llUOJ op Z"6 Blnsn~IJ -------------------------"SgpUI.T8 gp SdZ!lldl!G" lUd og6!lgdlUOJ ,,·VdId Bfdd SBp!l!lUg UTgJdSB SBpBnbgpB SB UTOJ Op.IOJB dP g dPBP!UUOJuo~ Bp dPdS-gPBP!:J OUIOJ og:)!PUOJ Bns ldAOurOld B.TBd SgpUPH .TBSn gp dpBp!Unpodo B ~lgl gpdS-gpBP!:J V" 8119 daBd/BLlla?d - PIOZl8s£·n ·ON- NOU V'1SNVlIl. '1VDI~~O - '1VI:JUO Oy:'>ilGVUl TRADU<;Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL Cidade-Sede, em particular propriedade outros, TRANSLATION intelectual direitos patenteados, - No. 12.358/2014 todos presentes autorais, e quaisquer ou futuros, direitos nenhuma restri~ao em rela~ao a dura~ao, vigencia, prorroga~oes concluida inclusive, inclusive em todo 0 de entre direitos sejam cedidos imediata e irrevogavelmente, a FIF A a direitos de uso e outros garantia de plena titularidade, toda - Pagina/Page 7/28 com mundo e sem ambito e territ6rio pOl' quaisquer renovayoes ou desses direitos. Esta cessao de direitos deveni ser antes do lan~amento publico ou usa do Logotipo Co Inpo sto. ------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------A Cidade-Sede acorda e reconhece direito de ceder a qualquer entidade, Direitos de Marketing usar 0 que a FIFA faz jus ao a qual a FIF A concede os ou Direitos de Mfdia, seus direitos de Logotipo Composto, que sao irrestritos quanta a prazo e territ6rios. A FIF A fani jus ao exercicio deste direito por prazo indeterminado 10. A Clausula e sem onus". ----------------------------------------- 12.3 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "12.3 Uso de Marcas da Competicao: direito de usar as Marcas Decorayao da Cidade-Sede 15), de modo Cidade-Sede determinado A Cidade-Sede da Competi~ao (conforme no Program a de definido exclusivamente fara jus ao na Clausula pela FIF A. A reconhece que to do e qualquer uso das Marcas da Competi~ao exigem a [...] ------------------------------------------[Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 4.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 5.] ----------------------------------------------------------------[...] previa aprovayao esc rita da FIF A. Para dirimir dLlvida, a CidadeSede nao fara jus ao dire ito de usar as Marcas da Competi~ao para qualquer outro fim". ----------------------------------------------------------11. A Clausula 12.9 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Endcrcyol Add ress: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP: 59056-450 E-mail: [email protected] Fone/Phone (0"84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cel1 phone (084) 9983-3579 6L~[-[866 (1780) ~uollct Ild:)/JBIIlI:J:) L9£,-90l£ (178 .. 0) ::JUOLld /Ju0:J 0,1,-9,06, LUO;) JlBLUlI@S:JUIlUBIJ:JLI :JlBLU-::1 8.LBd C.0gJBUB!SdQ,,) dPdS-dPBP!:) Bp BAON :d3:) - I'SBJ8 - 0lJON op dpUBJD 01}1 --IBIBN Bo1l81- LEOL -OJ)SBJ::>P O)UdLUI;)S1JN AV :SS;lJP_c_PV--,-/_o~_:JJ_:_gp_:U3=--- _ [B!:J!]O 0.12JBUB!SdP Y :IBPYO Og5BUB!SdQ 91'Zl" ---- ---- - ---------------------------------------------------------:dPd S -dPBP!:) B .msn dP OPdJ!P OB Snr~JBl dPdS-dPBP!J Bp OlBJlUOJ OB BPBlUd:JSd.l:JB~.ldS 9 I'Z I Blnsn~I:) BAOU dlU!n'ads Y 'Z T '"BlUO!P! ldnbIBnb Clid 'SB~BPno SOUUd~SdSSdP OgJBA!JdP no .LB[!lll!S[BU!S.ldnb[Bnb no \,vIOZ dPdS-dPBP!:)" OUlO:J SOllLTd~'y dId Bp ogJ!~ddUTO:J JdnbIBnb dP dPdS-dPBP!J no 0.101 'dPdS-SJBd op dUTOUOB SBA9BPJ SB~BPJdnbs!Bnb dP O.l~S!BdJ no osn 'O~UdUT!AIOAUdsdp0 no '(y dId Bp ogJ!~ddlllO:J B.l~nOJdnb[Bnb no YdId Bp opunw B JBJY!WdP! BJBd BUTO!P! Jdnb[Bnb O.l~no Jdnb[Bnb '"opunW np ddno:)" PP no) BdoJ" UTd opBsn "UB4JSJd~S!dUl~[dM_" \,opunW \, Y dId" \,IB!punw" op BdoJ op no BdoJ" \,dn:) OUUd~ "Wi\'\." \,dPUOW PJlo M_" SBJABIBd SB ;:)A!SnpU! 'J01 op no V dId Bp OgJ!lddUTOJ J;mblBnb dP 'y dId Bp BJOPBJ!j1lUdP! OUTOJoJ!Tql)d opd BP!JdlU! .IdS Bssod dnb no 'O.12J!lddulO:) ~ BAqBPJ ogJBU'a!SdP no (ogu no BPB.llS!Bdl BfdS) BJ.mUT Bllno no OJ!AJdS dP BJJBUI 'O[OqUTJS 'BPB1~S!Bd.l BJJBUT '[BU!S '( SUBBO[S 'JBjnJ!PBd lUd) 'dUlOU Jdnb[Bnb SOjn~n 'IB!JldlliOJ 'JB1~S!BdJ no BJJBill 'odqo'a0I msn 'JdA[OAUdSdP dP .IBX!dP B dS-dldUlOJdll1o:J dPdS-dPBP!J B '.mjnJ!~lBd UTa 'S!B!JJdUTOJ SBJ.lBUI S!B~ UTOJ [Bd[SdP B!JU~llOJUOJ Burn BJdldqBlSd dnb no '0.12JBA!.ldPBum no 'ogJBl!UT! BUTnBfdS 'dlUB4[dUldS d~UdUmnB!qum BfdS dnb OUUd~ JdnblBnb --------------------------------------------------- (q) no :(BUTO!P! JdnbIBnb UTd) 'SBpBsn BJd JOd no Y dId Bp dPBPd!ldOld dP '0.12u no SBPBIlS!'adI 'S!B!:JIdUTOJ SBJ.mUT Jdnbs!Bnb -----------------------------------------no 'l}lBlOpB ogu dPdS-dPBP!:) O~!1JSdP dS OAIBS :IBsn B ~mJdUTOJ no '~JB!IJ B 'OlBIlliO:) d~SdU dllidUTBSSdJdXd :SdlUdIJOJUO:) Sz:JS d'i3Bd/BLI!,a~d - PIOZlSS£'Zl (B) SBJIBW 'oN - NOUV'lSNVlLL dP B!:Ju~sny 'lVL)I.tIdO - 'lVDIdO 6'ZI" Oy::'>OQVlLL TRADU<;:AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION promover - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 9/28 sua condic;ao como Cidade-Sede forma determinada sera determinada exclusivamente da Competic;ao de pela FIF A. A designac;ao pela FIF A e pelo LaC. A Cidade-Sede nao fara jus ao dire ito de aditar ou alterar ou usar qualquer outra designac;ao, senao a oficial". ---------------------------------------13. A Clausula 15.1 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "15.1 Desenvol vimento do Programa: A FIF A e 0 LaC criarao urn programa abrangente pOl' meio do qual os principais locais da Cidade-Sede de ida e (inclusive rotas oficiais de protocolo volta ao estadio, aeroporto, principal estac;ao de trem e hoteis oficiais da FIFA) apresentarao decorac;oes incorporando as Marcas da Competic;ao e as marcas ou logotipos das Coligadas Comerciais conforme Decorac;ao da Cidade-Sede") Cidade-Sede orientado com disponibilizara a pela FIF A (0 "Programa celebrando da A Cidade-Sede (ou garantira a disponibilizac;ao), gratuitamente, os espac;os necessarios Competic;ao. a associac;ao de na Cidade-Sede (como postes de iluminac;ao, faixas, outdoors, fachadas de construc;oes, espac;os de midia externos, placas rotativas, paineis eletr6nicos, guardacorpo de pontes, pontes e meios de transporte publico) para a implementac;ao do Programa de Decorac;ao da Cidade-Sede". [Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio - inferior dire ita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 5.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 6.] ----------------------------------------------------------------14. A Cl<iusula 15.3 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "15.3 Plano de Espaco: A Cidade-Sede que descrevenl Programa apresentara um plano formal os espac;os a serem disponibilizados de Decorac;ao da Cidade-Sede, para para analise 0 e aprovac;ao pela FIFA. No maximo ate 30 de junho de 2012, e tambem em um Endere<;o/Address· Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova N'll,d - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEl' 59056-450 estagio E-mail posterior, [email protected] de acordo e quando Fane/Phone: (0"84) 3206-5167 CcilIlar/Cel1 phone. (084) 9983-3579 ,--------------------------------------------------------------------~ 6L~£-£~66 (1780) .::lLlOlld II::lJ/JBII1IJJ L9E~-90ZE (178.. 0) 0~1,-9~06~ lllo:rlmUl8@sgUI1UBjJ~lI :1I8lll-3 :d3J -IISOJ8 'OJjSllJ ~p OjUgllll:JSBN AV :sS~JPPV/0:'l;U;}PU3 :gllOLJd/all0::l dUUOjUOJ BPBld+J1~~ldS dPdS-dPBP!J Op ~'~ I Blnsn~lJ Bp 0lB1lUOJ ---------------------------------------------- - ~IJON op ~pllBJ[) Ol~ -IB)BN LEGZ BAON B08B1- V '9 T Blnsnl?I=> V '~1 ' " SmlJldllIO" SBPBZl1lo'\ . . J . J SBP og:)BJmlUdP~ B nO/d OlsodllIO:J Od!lOZlO'10 'og:)!lddUlO=> Bp SBJJBW SB 1BJBlSdP PdPod dP BllIBlZlOld op BBd.IlUd d op [Bnb 0 'dPdS-dPBP!J og:)BlUdllIgldllI~ og:)npo.rd ~ 'UB!SdP opd so OgJdS 'SBSUddxd SBns B '=>01 0 Bp Og:)BlOJdG 0pBU~lSdP SOJ!ut) S!dA~SuodsdJ V dId V :og5npold d dUIJOjUOJ BPBldllB 1?1dSdPdS-gPBP!:J IB~lglBlll d Bp 0lBllU0:J op U'6!SdG v'~ I -----------------------'"VdId Bpd 0PBU~UUdldP ldS B BlllB1ZlOUOJJ urn liIOJ OpJOJB dP 0PBlUdllldldUl~ 1?1dS dPdS-dPBP!=> Bp Og:)BJOJdG dP BllIBJZlOJd 0 'dPdS-dPBP!:) dP BlllBJZlOJd 0 B1Bd d JOl OB d V .11.1 ~ sdQ:)BIB1SU!SB.llll0 SBSSd ~lBZq!q!uods!p SO!l~l!Jqqnd sO:)Bdsd SBns B 'dPdS-dPBP~:J SO!.l~PJ!Iqnd S06Bdsd d opoPdd IBl dlUBmp sdQ:)BIBlSU! SBllno l?.lp!nbpB 'SBSUddxd d B 'JO'1 op V dId d Bp 12 S!dAJuods~p 'Sdllid!J!Jnsu! Uld.lOJ dPdS-dPBP!:J 'SOPBJg9udP! SO~Jl?l!J~Iqnd sO:)Bdsd opd Bp Og:)B1BddJd d ldPUdlUd ou SOPBUO!JBpJ sdQ:)BIBlSU! SB dS '=>0'1 d V _.-Ttl BTdd dPdS-dPBP~:J Bp Og:)B1Bddld dP BliIRIZlOld d o Rmd 0Pl?SSdJdU 0PBJdP!SUOJ dUUOjUOJ S!BUO!JOUlOld sug BJBd sBpBnbdpB sdQ:)BIBlSU! d SO!Jl?l!J!lqnd sO:)Bdsd so 'dPdS-dPBP!=> BU BPIl.md RI!dlil!Jd Bp SdlUB SB!P 17 I dP Blil!UIUl B!JU~PdJdlUB UlOJ V d snug lUdS '=>0'1 OB d V dId 12l?JBZ![!q!uods!p dPdS-dPBP~=> dP S!B!JgO S!BJOI d S!B!JgO S!?lOl{ sou 'O!Pl?lSg: 'OlUdUlBU!d1l op SdQ:)B!PdUl! SBU 'liId.q dP og:)B1Sd BU 'OPOdOldB OU ("Jld O!Pl?lSg: OB og:)BlSd Bp 'O!P~lSg: OB OllodoldB op 'oIdllldxd lOd) OIOJOlOJd op SBlOJ SBPBllIBl{J SBP OZluoI OBdlUdlllIB!Jddsd ':)01 opd d VdId Bpd SOPBU!UUdldP S!BJOI sou S!BUO!JOliIOJd sug BJBd sBpBnbdpB sdQ:)BIBlSU! S!BllIdP sO:)Bdsd mun so '=>01 dPdS-dPBP!:J SOpOl OB d B dP og:)BTd.l d d SdlUdlS!Xd SOPl?l!J!{qnd BSO!JnU!lll Og:)BJg!lUdP! VdId 12 'Is B1Bd snug UlOJ 'l?lBz!l!q!uods!p '=>0'1 8Z101 ;)BBd/BLI!B~d - HOZl8S£'U oldd d V dId 'ON- NOUV'lSNnU Bpd 0PB1!J!{OS 'lVI:JldilO - 'lVI:JldO oy::>nanu TRADU~Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 11128 segue: "15.5 Instala<;ao, Manuten<;ao e Remo<;ao: A Cidade-Sede, a suas expensas, sera responsavel (mica pela instaia9ao, manutenyao e a rem09ao do material destinado de Decora9ao da Cidade-Sede, , . necessanas 17. A Clausula implementa9ao do Programa bern como por todas as licen9as . 1ementa9ao- " . -----------------------------para ta 1 Imp 17.5 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "17.5 Integra<;ao de Coligadas Comerciais: que integrara razoavelmente os eventos as Coligadas da Cidade-Sede a Competi9ao, relativas A Cidade-Sede garantira Comerciais e quaisquer outras a todos atividades em particular atraves do uso de tiras de logotipos (exibi9ao grafica padrao dos logotipos de Coligadas Comerciais) fornecidas pela FIF A em todos materiais impressos da Cidade-Sede e atraves Comerciais do uso dos produtos em rela9ao e servi90s 04 rubricas a Competi9ao das Coligadas em quaisquer Eventos da Cidade-Sede com as Diretrizes de Eventos da Cidade-Sede". [Constam e quaisq uer na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio de acordo ----------------- inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.J [Fim da pagina 6.J [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 7.] ----------------------------------------------------------------18. A seguinte nova Clausula 17-A sera acrescentada Cidade- Sede: -------------------------"1 7-A. IN G RESSOS ao Contrato da ------------------- ------------ ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- A Cidade-Sede fara jus ao direito de comprar 0 numero de ingressos e produtos de ingressos para as Partidas na CidadeSede conforme determinado pela FIF A e pelo LOC". 19. Os novos paragrafos introdut6rios a seguir serao acrescentados 4 do Contrato de Cidade-Sede: "A Cidade-Sede cumprir quaisquer seguir. Endere~o/ Address Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil- CEp: 59056-450 a Se9ao ---------------------------------------------- compromete-se perante a FIF A e 0 LOC a de suas obriga90es A Cidade-Sede ---------- assumira referidas as despesas E-m31i: [email protected] nas se90es a referentes ao I'one/ Phone (0**84)37.06-5367 Celular/Celi phone (084) 9983-3579 6LC;£-£866 (10'80) :JLlol{d II~J/JBllllgJ L9[~-90ZE (10'8 .. 0) JUOlld/JU0=l lllOJ 11B1ll1l@sdunu8jJdl{ 0<;10'-9<;06<; :d:lJ - I'sBJ8 - ;)lJON op gpUBJ!) '''(] - 1"1l'N BAON 801181- L[OC: 'OJ1SBJ gp 01U~WI')S8N ·AV SS;)JpPv/o;'),lJgpu:! :IIBlll-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------dULlOJUO;) BPBJd~IB 1}.ldS dP;;lS-dPBPI:J -------------------------- sdpBPlnJ!.PP 'y dId ~ ;;l :J0'1 IZ Blnsn1}l;) Bp O~BJ~UO:J op ."O~B.I~UO;) d~S;;lopun'6ds dP OlUdUl~.IdUln;) OB olUBnb B 'dlUdUIB~BIPdUl! :;;lnB;;lS V ·ZZ V . IZ V ·OZ SdQJB'6pQO SBns J;;lnbs~Bnb dP o~~;;ldsd.l OB 1}.IBUl.lOJuI dP;;lS-dPBP!:J B 'OSS!P UI?IV ·(OpB~!;)nOS ;;lS B!;)u~nb;;l.IJ .IOIBUI UIO;) no) B!~)u~B!A B dlUmnp sndS dP 'OWJlU0:J d~UdSd.ld OB SBA!~BPl S;;lPBP!A!~B dP O~dldUTo;) sn~B~S 0 LUBAdDS;;lP dnb SOl!_TJSd SO!.l9~BPJ ;)0'1 ?.IBWdSd.ldB dPdS-;;lPBP!:J B OB d BPBJ;;llIB 1}J;;lS ;;lP;;lS-dPBP!;) dUI.l0JUOJ ~ d~UdUTIBJ~S;;lUI!J~ dP 0 I dP J!pBd OZ Bp O~B.I~UO:J op --------------------------------------------------------------OU BJJO;)O ;;lnb 0l.2J!1ddUlO;) Bp IB!;)go SOUBld '0~UdUTB4uBdUIOJB V dId '600Z dP 04un[ d V" Blllsn1}l;) ·"O!P1}~stI O~U;;lAd O.llno J;;lnblBnb dP no BP!PBd B.l!dLllpd Bp Sd~UB SB!P 17 I dP BlllIU!Ul B!;)U~P;;l;)d~UB LUO:) ':)OJ Oidd ;;l VdId BI;;ld ol.2J!l;;ldmo;) O!P1}~stI op IB!;)go dUTOU 0 SBUddB .l!q!Xd B B.IBd 0PBUBIs;;lP dP;;lS-;;lPBP!;) 1}.IdAdP Bp o~uod .l;;lnblBnb UI;;l BPBz!lB;)Ol O!P1}~sH op Ol.2Jd.I!P dP 0l.2:)BZ!IBU!S JdnblBnb op!s dnb 1}.I!1UBJBBdPdS-;;lPBP!:J V ·YdId Bl;;ld 0PBUUOJU! Bl[Ud~ d41 dUUOJUO;) 'Ol.2:)I~ddUTO;) Bp B;)gp;;lds;;l IBI;)go 0l.2JBUB!SdP Bns .!Od O~UdlllBU!dJ~ dP OdUTB;) OB no O!P1}~SH OB Ol.2-dS-J!JdJd.l dPdS-dPBP!:J Bpd S;;lQJB;)IunUIO;) SB SBpol ·vdId SB~!;;lJ 0l.2:)PddUlO;) ~ S;;l~Udl;;lJ;;lJ Bl;;ld 'op1}J~UO;) Ul;;l 'OpBAOJdB dS OAIBS 'SO.l!d;)Jd~ dP od!lOBOl nO/d dUTOU 0 Bqud~UO;) ;;lnb ;;lUlOU .{;;lnblBnb lod 'OPBUO!;);;lPS B no 'BP!PBd O!P1}lsg 'J!JdJdJ J;;lnblBnb .ldnblBnb B O~UdUTBU!;;lJ~dP dP 0l.2!.llgUB dP lIA.IdS B.IBd 0PBUO!;)dPS 'O~B.llllO;) d~SdP dS 0l.2u UTd BPIO:)B dP;;lS-dPBP!:J dLU.l0JUO;) BPBJ;;lllB 1}J;;lSdP;;lS-dPBPI:J -------------------------------------OlS!AdJd dS OAIBS OdUIB;) .I;;lnblBnb BI;)U~B!A B dlllBJnp V :sO!P1}~sH ;;lp SdUTON Bp OlB.I~UO;) op Z· 6 I Blnsn1}l;) ." OIJ1}JlUO;)Ul;;l d~udmBssdIdxd 'SdQJBBpqo SBSS;;lP 8Z1Z 1 dBBd/BU!B~d- f710Zl8S£"Z1 "ON- NOI.L V'lSNV~I.L OlUdUl!.ldum;) 'lVI:JI.!I&O - 'lVI:JI.!IO oy::'>nGvuJ. TRADU(:Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANS LA TION - No. 12.35812014 - Pagina/Page 13/28 "21. SEGURAN<;A, DEFESA, PROTE<;AO INCENDIO E SERVI<;OS MEDICOS. A Cidade-Sede CONTRA --------------------------- fornecera, a suas expensas, suporte a F1FA e ao LOC fora do Estadio na area de seguranya, proteyao incendio e serviyos medicos, e compromete-se contra a adotar todas as medidas gerais de seguranya e demais medidas de proteyao a relativas Competiyao conforme considerado F1FA e pelo LOC, inclusive como cercas e demais para delegayao da FIF A/LOC, aprovando fornecimento 0 infraestruturas, exclusiva os times participantes as leis e decretos implementar plenamente Competiyao, e a fornecer 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio proteyao da pelo LOC, e necessarios providencias qualquer policial e os membros municipais essas pela de instalay6es a serem fornecidas para relativas assistencia solicitada pelas autoridades brasileiras". [Constam necessario a que the seja -------------------------- inferior dire ita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 7.] [A seguir, 0 contelldo da pagina 8.] ----------------------------------------------------------------23. A Chiusula 22.1 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada confonne segue: "22.1 Gerenciamento cooperayao de Transporte: integral desenvolver as a suas expensas, implementar plenamente municipais assistencia solicitada pela e/ou principais pelo LOC 1sso pode incluir, porem fornecimento inclusive a para qualquer plano de gerenciamento e para fornecer qualquer brasileiras. A Cidade- necessarios, transporte F1FA, para um plano de a adotar todas as medidas, de leis e decretos prestara competentes de transporte durante a Competiyao. Sede compromete-se aprovayao Cidade-Sede autoridades e implementar, gerenciamento A peJas de que the seja autoridades nao fica adstrito a, 0 de faixas de acesso especial de trafego para os representantes Endere90/ Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEI': 59056-450 do LOC E-mail: [email protected] e da FIFA e para Fone/Phone: (0**84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cell rlione (084) 9983-3579 os 6L~f-f866 (1780) JlIol[d L9£<;-90n 0<;17-9<;06<; [[;)J/18[11[;)J (PS .. O) lllO'YJ1B1l18@sdlll1l1B1JdL[ :J1BUI-3 d3J - [IStU8 - ;))10N op JPllD1D Ol{] -\n]IlN BAON 808B1- Lto?: 'OJ)S8J dP O)lI;)ll1l:JSBN AV :;)lIOl[d/JlIO"\ :sSdJPPV/0,i;~JdP1l3 gULlOJUO:J BPB.lglP~ ,?.lgS gpgS-gPBP~:) ---------------------------0,,:)010 d dPdS-dPBP~:) o:Jnql)d dlJOdSUB1l 'S!Bnp!A!pU! 'OPB-1BglU! "BP!l.lBd .lBsn mun gp gp OJqql)d B BPULTdd dnb d 0lB-quOJ op ,?ldS 0Pl)dlUOJ dP dpodsUB-ll UIOJ 'OPB.IBdlUI OSSd.IBU! dP 0lB.IlUOJ UIn 10pBlJod dP dPBP!lUd ':)01 op dUIOU V :OPB1EdlUI OSSd.IEUI dP OlB1lUO:) ------------------------------------------------------------------Bp OlB-quO:) OB BpBlUdJSd.IJB -------------------------------------- " 0 sop OBdJ,?.ll IBd!JU!ld .IgS ?1dAgp O!P?lSa SB SBPOl dP l!PBd -- - - - - - - -------OlB1lUO:) gp 0 soxnU 81Bd B OSSdJB 1iZZ Bllo:JSg ----------- ~oZZ ,?ldS Blnsn'?l:::> BAOU dlU!n'BgS d S!BPUdldJd.Id dP 06!A.IdS 'snug ~OZZ" - ---- ---- - :dPd S -dPBP!:) 0,,\1 dId Bp og6BBd{dP B d sdIAA (s)o lUO:J .IgnblBnb B.IBd s06.lOJsg :)01 op nO/d \I dId \I o~Z 'sdIA sOPBPIAUO:J UTdS ':)01 Bp sdQsSnJS!p so SOpol ,?.IBPIAUd dPdS-dPBP!:::> --------------------------------------------------------B1nsn?l:::> 12 0pBlUdJSd.IJB ------------------------------------------ 'sgd!nbd sgQ6BIBlSU! 12 .lgJgUJO] dP Uly B gpdS-gPBPI:::> Bp (s )Ol10do.IdB (s )OA!Pddsd.l Bp gp {dAJssod 0 :OlUglUBUO!JBlSg: dP sgQ5BIBlsuI OB BpBlUdJSd.IJB 8 OlUgUIBlB-q 'og6dg:Jd.I SB lBl!EJB] lUgS OlUgUlBUO!JBlSg B.l8d SBPU!A-SBOq dP SOlUgUl!PdJ01d V dId S81O~ °Sd.lOPBPddsg 1BZl1.lJ - ----- ------ - ---- -- ----------- ----------------------------- ---------- 0 ,?.IB!odB dPdS V dIA sOPBPIAUOJ d B!PJUl Bp SdlUBlUdSd.Idd.I so B.IBd Og.IdS OSSdJB dP S!BPddsd 08 g °9Z °SdlUP. + g Sg.T0PB1'STUIUlPB B.md -+ • • S8PBZIl!q!uods!p 8p \I Blnsn'?l:::> BAOU dlu!n'Bds OlUdUIBUO!JBlSd dP sdQ6BIBlSU! dP OlUdUqJdU.I0J -dP8P!:) 9°ZZ" :dPd S -dPBP!:) 9°ZZ ,?.IgS LZ 0 dlUglUBl!nlB.l'B OSSg.lBUI IBJ01 OJqq1)d lUd ',?.TBlqd{dJ dpgS-dPBP!:::> 0 dP og6BJOIB BA!PddsdJ gpOdSUBll .lOpBpod V Blnsn'?I:) B 'IdA,?suodsd1 0PBU!UUdldP d1lUd OSSd.l'BU! dP SB!P sou IB!JUgpg.lJ .ldnblBnb dPBP!lUd SOSSd1BU! so B1Bd SBSddsgp B gA!SnpU! o dP 1"~Z Bp OlB.llUO:) Op SB OUTOJ S!B!:Jddsd OUTO:J UTgq "sdIAA sglUBd!J!PBd 'sglUBd!J!l.lBd :dPd S -dPBP!:::> ,?.IdS .I!nBdS B ° \I" oZ OJB.IB,?.IBd OAOU 0 °17Z d Sd.lOPB.IlS!U!UlPB SOdl1.lB B.IBd IB!:J!Tod SdlU!l 8Z1PI di3Bd/BU!i3~d - PIOZl8s£on °ON- NOUV'lSNVKL d Sg.I0PB1lS!U!lUPB 'lVI;)M.iO - 'lVI;)MO oy:)rrQw.L TRADU<;:Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 15/28 segue: "25.1 Ausencia de Atividades em Dias de Partida: A Cidade-Sede assegurani que qualquer entidade que geralmente atividades comerciais Exclusao abstenha-se instalayoes ou nao comerciais desenvolva dentro da Zona de de por em funcionamento as respecti vas em dias de Partida, e no dia anterior aos dias de partida, salvo se antecipadamente combinado com a FIFA, por escrito, e de que nenhuma autorizayao ou licenya relativa a atividades comerciais ou nao comerciais, de qualquer natureza, sera concedida pela Cidade-Sede de Partida, para uso dentro da Zona de Exclusao em dias salvo se antecipadamente aprovado pel a FIFA, por escrito. A Cidade-Sede assegurani que, em dias de partida e no dia anterior aos dias de partida, a Zona de Exclusao publicidade LOC), esteja desobstruida e livre de qualquer extern a (de acordo com as instruyoes da FIF A e do que nao poderao ser realizados eventos ou outras atividades que, no entender da FIF A e do LOC, possam causar impacto na organizayao ou marketing da respectiva [...] ------[Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 8.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 9.] ----------------------------------------------------------------[...] Partida alimentos, e que nao possa bebidas, semelhantes". 28. ocorrer venda artigos para fils, souvenirs Pllblica de ou produtos --------------------------------------------------------- A Clausula 25.2 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: "25.2 Ocultac;ao de Publicidade: garantir que, no regulamentayao identificayao removidas A Cidade-Sede ambito aplicaveis, permitido qualquer comerciallocalizadas ou completamente compromete-se pela a legisla<;:ao e propaganda e outra na Zona de Exclusao sejam ocultadas. A Cidade-Sede envidanl todos seus esforyos para discutir essas exigencias, em Endere~o/ Address. Av Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagaa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP 59056-450 E-mail: [email protected] Fane/Phone: (0**84) 3206-5367 Cclular/Ccll phone (084) 9983-3579 (JL~S-£8(J6(1780) JuoqclIIJJ/JBIIlI~J L9t~-90(f (v8 .. 0) JUOlIcI/JUO·1 0~jr9~06~ :d3J ~ jlsBJ8 ~ JllON op gpUBJ:> Ol(j ~ leluN p'AoN BO))P,l ~ L£OZ 'OJ1SC:) op Olll;)llll;)""N ·'V SS;UPPV10:lJldpUcl 1"11l1-::1 lllo"·jlI1lUn@S;)lIllUBlJJLj gS 'g OlUgLU!Ug~g.l~Uggp UUlB.lBO.ld 'O.lnBgS 'UnBl} 'U~B.lgUg V dId 'UZgdW!! 'UJUU.lnBgS 'UJ.lgJ 'LUOS 'O~JUU~lUnp 'OJlud) up opunW op udo:) up )pud uUd 0 u.lud SUJ!lsJBoI g S!uuopulgdo SBP!pgUl SB SBPOl lOd 'sBsugdxg Slms B 'IgA1}Suodsgl l}.IdSgpdS-dPUP!:J V 'V dId up opunW op udo:) Bp IU!JYo >IJud UBd OB 'O~J!J~Sdl liIdS 'o~-ds-luJndB V dId UIgd SBP!l!UTgWd.lgS U gpgs-gpUP!:) Bp O~UgAg gp SdZ!.l~dJ!a sv 'oJnql)d dllodsuu.l~ dP O!dlil JOd OSSdJUEJl}J dP U[dS gnb 'gpgS-dPUP!:) up O.l~UdJ ou OlU!X9.Tdno O.I~UdJou upunbdPu O~JUZ!IUJOIlUd UpUZqBdl .IdS g O~J!lddUlO:) Bp IU!JYO IB.Tn~InJ BUlB1BOld op .lgZUJ'dPdS-dPUP!:) up O~UdAg um ldS gllud l}.TdAdPdnb '0~6!lddUTO:) up UP!llud UUl9It) U S9du sUIP (S~l~) £0 UU!UUd~d 0~6!lddlUO:J up up!l.Tud UJ!dlU!.Tdup Sg~UUSU!P(S!gs) 90 OUT!U!lUou U!J!U! gS dnb opoPdd 0 d~uulnp 'v dId up opunW op udo:J up IUPYo )[lud uUd lUll 'v dId up SU!JU~B!XdSUUTOJ0plOJU dP 'pAl}suodsdJ ~!l~Yuu gp dPupqunb uu 'l}.mZ!UuBJO gpdS-dPUP!;) V :o~'5uznUJOl 1'9Z" :dnBdS gLLLlOJUOJ UPU.IdHUl}.IdS dpgS-dPUP!:J up O~U.I~UO;) op I '9Z qnsnl}l:J --------------------------------------- gp .,,( 'J~d V '0£ SUUd.TU 'O~UdUI!U~)ld.l~Ud SUdJl} 'SOl.{dqU SOU.Id~Xd s06udsd 'sup!l.Iud dP sUIP sou SUpUSllO~UdUTUUO!JU~Sg dP SUg.ll}SU'OIdlUdxg lod) SUPIllUd sup 0~6UZ!UUB.lOuu 'pAJssod o~uunb O~UU~'supJnpu! O~ldS o}2snpxg dP uuoz up O.l~UdPSUd.Il}su 'SUP!~.IUdsup 0}26UZ!UUB.I0 up UJypud 0~6u~uglUgldUl! --------- --------- ------ ------------ U 1!lUU1UB Blud :o~'5uz!IuJol ------------------------------- up 0lB.IlU0:J OU UPU~UgJSg.lJUl}lgS t,.~Z ulnsnl}I:J 1i~Z" :gPdS-dPUP!:) UAOU g~U!nBgS V .6Z -- ."glUdUlB!lU.TodUld~SU~!dJldS 0}21dPodUU.IdlXddPUp!J!lqnd dP o~JullnJo d 0}260UIdJ V ·sdJOpU.I~S!U!UTPU no SO!Jl}ld!ldold SdSSd U olLm[ SU!JU~p!Ao.ld SUA!pddsdl SU 'susuddxd suns U 'lUlUOl 'SU!JU~B!Xd SUSSdP O~udUl!1durnJ 0 .lU.TnBdSSUU O!ll}SSdJdu O~!qUIg OU 'd s06udsd d so~p?.Id ldnbs!unb dP Sd.l0pUl~S!U!UlPU d s0!ll}ld!ldOJd so lUOJ ';)0'1 op d V dId up 8Z191 :d'BBd/BU!'B?d - J7IOZl8S£'ZY 'ON - NOUV'lSNV1LL 'lVI:JId.fO dUlOU - 'lVI:JIdO Oy::'>IlGV1LL TRADU<;::Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION necessario para 0 - No. 12.358/2014 - PaginaiPage 17/28 Fan park oficial da Copa do Mundo da FIF A, um painel eletronico). 0 Fan park oficial da Copa do Mundo da FIF A podera conter a chamada "exibi<;ao ao publico" com transmissoes ao vivo das Pmiidas, sujeito a aprova<;ao da FIFA e/ou do LOC. 0 acesso ao Fan park oficial da Copa do Mundo da FIFA sera gratuito para 0 publico acordado em contrario com a FIFA e/ou em geral, 0 salvo se LOC. 0 conteudo do Fan park oficial da Copa do Mundo da FIF A sera estabelecido pela Cidade-Sede em coopera<;ao com a FIF A e base nas Diretrizes de Evento da Cidade-Sede LOC, com 0 a serem emitidas pe la FIF A." -----------------------------------------------------------31. 0 Item (d) da Clausula 26.2 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterado conforme segue: --------------------------------------------------------------"( d) a Cidade-Sede (i) obtera as autoriza<;oes, licen<;as e/ou libera<;oes exigidas para por em funcionamento o( s) fan parke s) da FIFA e (ii) negociara com os administradores competentes questoes especificas relativas ao bom funcionamento does) fan parkes) da FIFA (inclusive, questoes relativas a regulamenta<;ao a titulo de exemplo, de ruidos e pagamentos de royalties de musicas); e" -------------------------------------------------------[Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior dire ita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 9.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 10.] --------------------------------------------------------------32. 0 Item (b) da Clausula 28.2 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterado conforlne segue: --------------------------------------------------------------"( b) nomeara pessoal competente, em periodo integral, para auxil iar a FIF A e 0 LOC na implementayao de Direitos e assumir do Programa de Prote<;ao a responsabilidade principal coordena<;ao de todas as comunica<;oes com a FIF A e Imediatamente 0 pela LOC. ap6s a nomea<;ao desse pessoal, a Cidade-Sede notificara a FIF A e 0 LOC de suas identidades, da descri<;ao de seus papeis e responsabilidades Endercyo/ Address Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal- Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEp: 59056-450 e a descri<;ao de seus niveis E-mail: [email protected] ['one/Phone (0**84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cell phone (084) 9983-3579 6g(:-S866 (1780) 0,17-9,06, ~Llolld IF:\J/JBlnl~J L9ES:-90Z£ (\78**0) LlIO'''IIClllil@s''lIIlLlR)J''LJ -d3J - IISBJ8 - "'lJON op "PUBJO OI~1- IBlBN BAoN B0;3111- Lto" 'OJjSllJ ~p Olu;mIiJSBN -AV :IIBLLI-3 :;)1I0lld/"uoJ dPdS-dPBP!J :sS"JPPV/o~"J"PLl3 Bp 0lB1lUO;) Op £08Z BlnSn~l;) ------------------------------------------------------------------- SOJqql).d sO:)Bdsd ldnbs~Bnb Bp OllUgp 'lBlnJIll~d lig o,,(oJld 'S~~UO~JOliOld B!P!W dP Sgp~P~A!l~ 19nbs~Bnb SOl!dl!G no aU!ld){.lBW V dId B s!Bnb sl? SdPBP!lUd SBP SOPd.l!P so dP SOl!d.l!G dPdJUOJ '\{did Bp sdQ:)n.llSu! SB UlOJ OP.lOJB dP 'Og:)B.ldP!SUOJ Uld ~.lBAdl ---------------------------------------------------Blnsn1}lJ Z08Z 0S;t: dP osn 'BUldlXd B!PJur) dPdS-dPBP!;) dP 01?SS!lUJdd l? SOA!lBpJ op 0 Bp OJBJa1}JBd OJ!durpd :dPdS-dPBP!;) l? 0pBlUdJSdlJB l!nadS 1}ldS (4)" Bp OlB-IlUOJ B (lJ) UTdH OAOU 0 °17£ ,,: IT OZ dP olJUnf dP O£ our!x1?ur OU ?lB sopBalnuro.ld ------------ 01?JdS s!Bd!J!unur SOld.IJdP no S!dl SBSS3. °og:)!ldduro;) Bp SBJIBW SB LLmfu~.IJu~no BpBJSOqLLI3.dP aU!ld)[.iBJ;\l dP OlB LLInLLlBnl!lSUOJ dnb SdPBP!A!lB .ldnbs!Bnb JddUlO-lJdlU! nOjd 'OlB!PdUl! V dId Bp sOpBzpolnB dP 'lBJSgUOJ B urBl!Ulldd dnb 'dA!SnpU! dlWd SOludUlBlnadl nOjd S!B!-ldlBUI Jdnbs!Bnb SdlUBlUdSd.lddJ SOld.IJdP 'S!dl 'sollno '012:)qddUlO;) Bp SBJlBW SBP 0pBZ!.lOlnBSdp osn '!dnb[Bnb nOjd BpBJSOqlLI3. dP aU!ld){.mw dP OlB ldnb[Bnb IBUO!JBu [BWdUlBUJdAoa og:)BlS!adl dnb SRIll10 nOjd d.llUd [BlOl lUd d B .!B!odB B1Bd 'SBS!OJ 'SOp!a!Xd .IdS UldPod dnb S!Bdp!UnUl SOld.iJdP 'S!d[ SBP!AdP SB 'JOI 0 d V dId Bp sdQ:)n.llSU! V dId SOlUdUIBlnadl B lUOJ 01?:)BJddooJ OplOJB dP '~.lBalnUIoJd UTOJ --------------------------------------------------------------0PBJdlIB 1?.ldSdPdS-dPBP!;) SBU dludlUIBlnJ!llBd :dnads Bp 0lBJlUO;) op Z08Z Blnsn~r;) --------------------------------------------- Bq!Old " ".::::t Bp (p) urdH "'"'. 'S!dA1?J!ldB og:)BludUIBlnad.l Bp Ol!qUIg ou d 'PA~OZBl d BpBpdoldB dUUOJUOJ :OlPBlS':I op sdo:)mpdun • d 0 o££ • 01?:)BlS!adl BUUOJ dP 'SO.l!dJldl SBl!JH! SdPBP!A!lB BJlUOJ S!B!J!l0d SdQ:)B 1?.lBZ!lBdl d (p)" dP ';)01 OB d V dId 12SdQ:)BJg!.ldA SBI1SdP SO!J9lBP.l dludUlIBsudUT 1?JBlUdSd.ldB d IBug (S!dS) BP!PBd 90 B ?lB dP 0poPdd SOB SBlO.l S!Bdpupd SB.llnO 8Z181 d.llUd 01?:)!lddUlOJ oIdd dPdS-dPBP!J [BOSSdd l? Sd.lO!.ldlUB SdSdUI Bp 01?:)BZ!lBU!SB d S!BJOI SB dlUdUI1Blnadl 'OPBl!JBldns d~Bd/BLlI2?d - d 1?lBUO!Jddsu! 'SBS!OJ 0 °SOUldlU! SOJ!nbl1?ldIlJ f7IOZl8S£on °ON- NOLLV'lSNV1LL 'lVI:JUdO - 'lVI:JIdO oy~{lav~..L TRADU<;:Ao OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.35812014 - Pagina/Page 19/28 sera alterado conforme segue: ----------------------------------------------"28.3 Ausencia de Associacao: A Cidade-Sede nao concedenl ou tera intenc;ao de conceder qualquer direito ou permitira qualquer atividade de terceiros, inclusive quaisquer de seus parceiros de midia e marketing, que implicasse, direta ou indiretamente, uma associayao com a Competiyao ou entrasse em conflito ou infringisse quaisquer dos Direitos de Marketing ou dos Direitos da Midia ou dos direitos Competiyao. Em particular, exigira, contratualmente, abstenha-se dos times que participam a Cidade-Sede concorda que cada prestador da que de serviyos seu de fazer declarayoes publicas, base ad as ou nao em fatos, e independente de criarem ou nao uma associayao com a Competiyao, em relayao a prestayao desses serviyos. A CidadeSede garantira, ainda, que nenhum qualquer desses forma, prestadores anunClar, de serVlC;OS ira, de explorar comercialmente ou comunicar, de quaJquer forma, a prestayaO desses serviyos (por exemplo, em folhetos, [...] -----------------[Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 10.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 11.] --------------------------------------------------------------[...] propagandas, cartas, listas de referencia, imprensa, brochuras ou quaisquer outros impressos, audiovisuais materiais ou sites da internet). Todas as partes contratadas pela Cidade-Sede ou que prestarem servic;os a Cidade-Sede relativos a Competiyao deverao acordar em relayao . d'lSpOSlyOeS . - contratUals: . " -------------------------------segumtes 36. a cOl11unicados 0 ultimo paragrafo da Clausula 28.3 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede as sera alterado conforme segue: ----------------------------------------------------"Na eventualidade de um prestador de servic;o da Cidade-Sede prestar uma qualquer autorizadas, dessas declarayoes publicas ou violar quaisquer dessas obrigayoes, Sede ado tara, imediatamente, Endere90/Address' Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP 59056-450 todas as medidas nao a Cidade- que Ihe sao ['one/Phone E-mail: [email protected] (0**84) :1206·531'7 Cellilar/Cell phone (084) 9983-3579 6L~£-£866 (1'80) ;:,uolld II":)/JP-I"I"':) (1'8 .. 0) L9£~-90Z£ 0~j7-9~06~ d3:) -l'sBJ8 - J)J0N op "'PU8JD Ol~ -1''-lBN choN co8Bl - L£Oc 'OJjsc:) "P OIUdlUldSBN NV wOd'I'Bw8@sdUIlUB1J"lI :I'BUI-3 JUOlIcI/JU0::l S!BUO!JBJnpd V 'pAJssod SSJJpPV/O;);)JdPU::I SBlUB1BOJd ldl dP 0l!d.I!P OB snf l?lB] dPdS-dPBP!:) :)0'1 BfdS OBOl Ogl SdQ:)BIBlSU! SBP Ol!qwg Bldd :)0'1 d 'v dId opd dP 0lUdAd op w?IB B Bmd d osn Bpd dP BpBlUlgUOJ 0pUdJdU10] Bp SO!Jl?lUnloA gp lB!JgO dP dlIAUOJ 'lBlnJ!llBd BldS so Bp opopgd gnb og:)n1lSUOJ Bp 0poPdd Bp 'Og:)dPS B1Bd sdQ:)BIBlSU! 'JO'1 op lUd - --- --------- \f dId d \f 0 dluRmp O!JJuI 19nblBnb 0 OPOl dluBmp ------ - - ---- - - :d Pd Blnsnl?IJ Bsuddsns ou 'BP!Al)P JlU VWV1I90'lld V-Z£" - ------ l?JdS \f-Z£ OB BpBlUdJSdJJB Og:)IlddlUOJ OlUdUIB:)UBl BlUB1BOJd 0 l?lB!odB gpgS-gpBP!:) -- - --- - - - - - --- ---- - -- ----- - ------ ,:Og:)!lddUlO:) 'dPdS-dPBP!J og:)BJnpd d ---------------------------sonry INIl'10A Bp OlB.llUOJ \f olUnfuoJ Sd.lOpBllS!U!WPB dlUdlUBl!nlBJB l?ldS SB!ll?SSdJdU Op og:)Bmp 0PBZ!lBdl 'SO!ll?lunIOA 'SO!.ll?lunIOA opd dPdS-dPBP!:) BAOU dlulnBds \f '8£ \f 'L£ dludumpBlodlUdl 0ludumpuB l!UI!l!P S -d PBP! J lUd .ldAIlSd B.IBd 'og6!lgdlUO:) BU BP!PUdd.TdUTd .IdS B 'BPBApd no BJ!{q1)d 'HAp BlqO BJBd BumBIB B:)UdJH PdPdJUOJ LUdUl?JBZ!lOlnB ogu dPdS-dPBP!:) (s )OB dP d oludUlIUdld.llUd SO.IlUdJ V 'dPdS-dPBP!:) Bp (S)OIPl?lsg dP SBd.ll? sl? 'dpdS-dPBPI:::> SIBd!Jupd SOB SOUT!X9.Id d Bp dllOdsUBll OJ!{q1)d OB S!dAJsIA SB.IqO dP SO.T!dlUBJ SIBdIJUI.Id sop ogsIA B 0PU!n1lsqo UldS d 'oldUIdXd 'SBSUddxd op lOd 'OlUglUBzdpqUTd dLLTJOJUOJ BpB.ldHB PdS ---------------------sRqno d OJ!lq1)d dpdS-dPBPI:::> l?lIlUB1B13dPdS-dPBPI:J dPdS-dPBP!:J SB Bp OlB.IlU0:J op B \f" Z£ Blnsl1l?l:J . " SO:)IAldS dP .lOPBlSd.Id 0 Rl1UOJ SBUBSSdJdU . +. ~ SB SBPOl 'O:)!A.IgS dP lOPBlSd.Id l?.IBlOpB d 0 lUOJ 0lBllUOJ 'OlB!PdUT! OA!pgdSd.I 'og:)BIO!A dP SdQ:)B no SdQ:)B.IBIJdP SBSSd dP lOPBlSdJd dP Sill dlUdB.IlB S!BUT 0 JBX!dP BlBd sO:).I0JSd SO SOPOllBPIAUd SBP!PdlU dP SBP!PdUT SBA!Pddsdl SBl1S B 'l?.IBWOl g 'SdlUBlIsIA loqdln] SO.IqUTdW SOB IdA!ssod 'SdQ:)!.IlSd.I 0 dS 'd S:.:lQ:)B.IBTJdP S!Bl dnb lBlldJUd sBpB13InAIP sIBUT ogu JqUB.IBB dP wg B '\f 8Z10Z d;h~d/BLI!B?d - t'IOZl8S£'ZI 'ON - NOLLV'1SNYlll Ol!dJd UTOJ 0 l?lIpUIJSd.I ogu O:)!AldS d SBPB1!ld.l UTB[dS dId Bpd SBP!B!Xd '1VIJI.tI.tIO - '1VIJI.tIO Oy::'.H1GVUl TRADU<;:AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.358/2014 especificos da voluntarios. Salvo se especificamente entre a FIF A, Cidade-Sede 0 integrados - Pagina/Page 21128 ao programa acordado LOC e a Cidade-Sede, de em contrario a Cidade-Sede nao estabelecera um programa proprio de voluntarios, independente do programa oficial de voluntarios". 39. A seguinte nova Clausula ------------------------------ 32-B sera acrescentada Cidade- Sede: --- -------------------------- ao Contrato da -------- ------ ----- ----- ---- ---------- "32-B PROCESSO DE APROVA<;AO --------------------------------A Cidade-Sede contratuais apoiara a FIF A, 0 quanta as suas atividades em particular, LOC e seus parceiros relativas a Competi<;ao, no ambito permitido pelas leis e regulamentos pertinentes, relativamente para as atividades aos processos de concessao e licen<;a dentro do Estadio e no fan park oficial da Copa do Mundo da FIFA, inclusive tratando dos processos de concessao [...]---------------------------------------------------------[Constam 04 rubricas na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior dire ita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 11.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 12.] --------------------------------------------------------------- [ ... J e licen<;a para a constru<;ao das instala<;oes temporarias oportuna e acelerada". 40. A seguinte -------------------------------------------------------- nova Clausula 32-C sera acrescentada Cidade- Sed e: ----------------------------------A Cidade-Sede promocionais presen9a promo vera ativamente, promocionais -----------------a todas as atividades da FIF A e do LOC, por exemplo, garantindo da Cidade-Sede nos eventos, a 0 gratuito de instala90es para eventos e atividades antes e durante promo<;ao da Competi9ao a Competi9ao, em material Sede. A Cidade-Sede compromete-se Cidade-Sede da a suas expensas, no ambito local e apoiara de representantes fornecimento ao Contrato ----------------- ----- ---------- "32-C PROMO(AO LOCAL DA COMPETI(AO Competi9ao de forma impresso E-mail: [email protected] da Cidade- a organizar os Eventos da e usar os direitos e/ou oportunidades Endere<;o/ Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP: 59056-450 bem como a que the sao Fone/Phone: (0**84) 3206-5367 Cclular/Cell phone (084) 9983-3579 OStr9S06S (1780) .JUOL/d IIJJ/JliIIl18J (lL~f-l-~M L9ES-90lE (178 •• 0) Ulo:YIIBUlll@s;)UIlUBlJ;)L( :PBUI-3 ·d3J --IISIlJ8 - alloN BAON llo11Bl- ;)LlOlIJ/~LI()J ------------------- L£Ol op JIlliBJ0 01(1 -l(1)BN 'OJ1SllJ;Jp OjU;JUII:JSllN ·A\i :ss;UPP\i/o~;lJdPU3 ""Og6BA01dB Bp ~P~S-~PBP~;) 121}lBUIlOJU~;)01 o 'ogS~;)S~l ~P OSB;) Ul3_ "YdId Bp 'BP1;)S~ 'B!A?ld Og6BAOldB B Ul~S OlBllUO;) ~lU~S~ld 0 l~PU~;)S~l ~p Ol~~l!p OB snr 1}lBJ ogu J01 0 "Ol!lJS~ lod Bl!~J 1}l~S OlBllUOJ ~lS~p ogS!JS~l y" ---------------------------------------------------- :~P~S -~PBP!;) Bp OlB1lUO;) op 9"££ Blnsn1}l:J 12 OpBlU~JS::UJB 1}l~S l!n'a~s ----------------------------------------------------o Br~S ~nb l~nblBnb B OJB1'a1}lBd OAOU 0 "£v ""OA~lOUl 'Op~PU~JS~l 10J ~p~S-~PBP~J Bp O!P1}lS3_op 10pBllS~U!UlPB no/~ O~P1}lS3_ op 0F1}l~!ldOld 0 'y dId B ~llU~ O!P1}lS3_op OlBllUO;) 0 ~S (AI) o ~ JOI S~Q6Bl~do SBns lBZnB~l ~p 1BX~~p no BlBplOJUOJ LU~ JBllU~ 'B~JU~AIOSU~lBJBIJ~P ~P~S-~pBP~:J --------------------sBumBIB 'BP!llBd /olu~Um!pB B ~s ~og:)~l~dUlOJ B BpOl ~p no SBpqlBd Bum ~p ~lOJ!oq '0126dn1l~lU! no Og6Bd!J~lUB '0126B;)01~1 'olU~UlBl~;)UB;) 'lO!BUl B610J ~p ~lU~p~JU! Uln ~p ~pBp!lBmU~A~ BU -------------------------------OUT1~l J~nblBnb --------------- (n!) (!!) ~OlBllUOJ ~lS~p IB~JU~SS~ l~p~lBSUBll ~p~S-~PBP~J B --------------------------------------------- ~S (!) :0 ~P1}lS3_op SBp!llBd SB lBl~l~l ~p ~ '~llBd Ul~ no OPOl ou 'OlB1lUO;) ~lU~S~ld o dllidUlBlB!PdUl! l!PU!;)S~l ~p Ol!d1~P ogldl ;)01 - :dnBds dUUOJUOJ OpBldllB ""JOI 1}ldS 0 ~ Y dId \f" 9"££ Blnsn1}lJ Bp OJBlB1}lBdopunBds 0 "Z17 op ~ \f dId Bp SB!JU~B~Xds12Bl!~rnS ~ SOSS~lBU~~p BpU~A B B1Bd sdQ6BIBlSU~~ SBIBS~p Ol!nlB1B OlU~Ul~J~UlOJ op S?AB1lB '~P~S-~PBP~:J BU SOSS~lBU!~p Og60UlOld ~ SBpU~A s12~BUBl ~nb ou JOI 0 d Y dId B 'IBJOI Ol!qUlg Ul~ '1}lB!odB ~P~S-dPBP!;) --------------------------------------- SOSS:IUIDNI lIG SVGNlIA ------------------------------------------------------------------Bp OlBllUOJ OB BPBlUd;)SdDB ------------------------------------ Y 1}ldS Q-Z£ G-Z£" :~p~S-~PBP!;) Blnsn1}l;) BAOU dlU!nBdS Y "Iv "" sopBnb~pB ~ SI~ABOZBlOllqUlB ..1. 'V 8Z1ZZ d;3Bd/BU!Bl?d - PIOZl8S£"ZY "ON- NOUV'lSNnLL 'lVIJl.tl.~O - 'lVIJI~O oy='>[}aV~LL TRADU<;:AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL [Constam 04 rubricas TRANS LA TION - No. 12.35812014 - Pagina/Page 23/28 na margem Brasao de Armas do Municipio inferior direita e, em segundo plano, 0 de Natal.] [Fim da pagina 12.] [A seguir, 0 conteudo da pagina 13.] --------------------------------------------------------------44. 0 novo paragrafo Contrato da Cidade-Sede: "Na a a seguir sera acrescentado Clausula 33.7 do ---------------------------------------------------- eventualidade de uma ou malS Partidas ser(em) cancelada( s), relocada( s), adiada( s) ou interrompida( s) pela FIF A, por motivos justificados, outros motivos organizayao que possam, no entender da Competiyao, reivindicayoes tais como forya maior ou nao hayed da FIFA, afetar a pagamento de reparayao pela Cidade-Sede ou outras contra a FIF A, 0 LOC e/ou qualquer das partes por eles instruida. Nesse caso, a Cidade-Sede arcara com todas e quaisquer despesas adicionais incorri das". ----- ----------------------------45. ---------- ---------------- A Clausula 33.19 do Contrato da Cidade-Sede sera alterada conforme segue: --------------------------------------------------------------------------"33.19 Limitacao de Responsabilidade: administradores, subcontratantes agentes, 0 LOC e a FIFA, seus licenciadas ou funcionarios, nao serao imputaveis perante a Cidade-Sede por 6bito, lesao corporal ou danos materiais ou perdas relativos a Competiyao, corporal, negligencia salvo na eventualidade de tal 6bito, material por dana por descaso ou perda ter ou ato voluntario parte do LOC ou da FIFA (conforme causa lesao ato de ou omissao, seja aplicavel) pOl' ou por quaisquer pessoas e entidades agindo em nomes deles. Nem LOC, nem a FIF A, nem qualquer agentes, funcionarios, 0 de seus administradores, licenciadas ou parceiros contratuais sera imputavel perante a Cidade-Sede por quaisquer danos, caso a Partida prevista para ser realizada no Estadio nao seja realizada no Estadio ou nao seja, por outro lado, realizada conforme que ficou programado". 46. A seguinte nova Clausula Endere~o/ Address Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP 59056·450 0 --------------------------------------------- 33.20 sera acrescentada E·mail: [email protected] ao Contrato da Fane/Phone (0**84) 3206·5367 Celular/Cell phone: (084) 9983·3579 6L~[-[S66 (1780) duoLfd IIJJIJBI"I"J L9[<;-90l[ :JUOLfdIJUO~ (vs •• ol 1lI0:J jlBUI8@sJUIlUB]JJlI O<;v-9<;06<; ·d3:J - IISP.J8- J1JON op JPUBJ!) w~J -IB1BN BooN BOlJC1- LtOl 'OJ1S8:JJP OlUJlUI:Js"N "V :sSJJPPV/0~JJJPU3 I'llUl-3 o '_llnBdS V] ['S1 ~U!B~d ~p Ul~d] ['l~l~N dP O!dF'!unW Op S~LU1V dP 012S~la o 'OU~ld OpUnBdS Uld 'd ~l!dl!P .1OIJdJU! UldBl~Ul ~U S~;)!1qnl VO lLI~lSUO:J] ------------------------------------------------------------- '"Ol~llUOJ Op SgQ:)!SOdS!p S~U ~Un;)~l 19nbl~nb ~ 'glUgUll~nB! '~l~;)!1d~ gS OSSI 'lg!\!SSOd OlU~nb OlU~l 'pA~ln;)gXd 012Uno l~Bgl Ol!gJg UlgS '~1'1U 012:)!sods!p 1? glU~qpUlgS ~fgS 'pAJssod 0J?6tqS!Bdl d op ~P!pgUT ~u 'gnb Ol!qUTl1'OdUlgl 'l~;)0I gp SOLUlglUlg BPB!ldOldB ~fgS gnb 012:)!sods~p ~um lOd SBpJnmsqns OpgS S!gA~ln;)dXg 012u no 'lBBdl Ol!dJg UldS 's~lnu sdg:)!sods!p S~ 'OSB;) I~l urt{ 'OlB1lU0:J glUgSd.ld op SglUg;)SdU~UTgl Sgg:)!sods!p SBP dP~P!lBA ~ ~.lBldJ~ 012u IdA~ln;)dXd 012u no 'T~Bgl Ol!gJd UldS 'Blnu .ToJ Ol~llUOJ glSdP 012:)!sods!p ~UInBIB gs" :sdWgpugdgpUI ----------- ------- ---------- --------------------------------------- s~lnsn~lJ ZZ'Sf" :gpd S -gp~P!:J Bp OlB.TlU0:J O~ ~P~lUd;)Sg.T;)B~.TdS ZZ"SS BAOU dlU!n~gS V ---------------------B S~pRInBdS OUlO;) SBp!npU! d S~;)!SH s~ossdd '012:)~l!;)!lOS gw~!pgw 'S!~UO!;)!P~ umfgs gUIOU ngs Uld Wgnl~ gnb S~ d :JO'1 0 'vdId B gnb ~J!lUB1BB V '( SOlnd dP sd9qEur 01 gp OUl!U}Wum 'SOUgUT dPdS-dP~P!:J Oldd 'B urn ~P~;)) RI!d;)UBUg: ~PJdd lOd SOZ!nfdJd SOUBp OWO;) d S!B!ldlBUI UIdq 's!BJOdlO;) sdgsdI ~ dlUdJdJg.l SOl!d;)Jdl gp .I0l\BJ lUd B;)!lql)d dPBp!r!q~suodsgl 'IBJdB OmBgS urn 'ol!gdsdJ O.TnBgS dP gp 'dlUdBuBlqB gSSg B '?lBJqglg;) d op~nbdP~ g BPB!ldoldB ~urn ~J!lUBl~B gpgS-dPBP!:J ~lnlldqO;) - ------------------------------------------- V :om'ags ----------------------- :dPd 1Z' SS" S -dPBP!:J Bp OlB.llU0:J OB ~P~lUd;)Sdl;)B ~JgS I Z'SS ~lnsn?T:J ~AOU glU!nBgS V ---- ,,'OlRIlU0:J dlSgU dSBq UTO;)sdg:)~B~lqO s~A!Pddsdl SBUddB SBUI 'olRqU0:J RIO '817 ',,~ml.Tgqo;) BSSgp og:)~lUgUln;)Op ~A!pddsg.l ~.ld:)dUJOJdpgS-dP~P~J ~ SB;)!ppnf Blnsn~l:J Sdg:)BB!Jqo LI7 SBns lod dludsd.ld OB SdlUglgJd.l no SBP!;)dlgq~lSg S~A!PddsgJ SB dlUBJdd S!gA~suodSdJ s~ns 'dlugump~10S! JOd d Sgpgs-Sgp~P!:J ~!J~P!l0S 'ogs ogu :JO'1 0 d V dId V :B!l?P!10S gpBpmq~suodsdlI gp B!;)U~lS!XdUI OZ' S S" ----------- --- ---- ------------------------------------------------:dPd S -dP~P!:J 8Z1PZ d'i38d/BLlla?d - PIOZl8S£'n 'ON - NOUV'lSNVRL 'lVI::>L>IdO - 'lVDBO OY:)flOVlU TRADU<;AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 25/28 conteudo da pagina 14.] --------------------------------------------------------------49. A seguinte nova Clausula Cidade-Sede: 33.23 sera acrescentada ao Contrato da ------------------------------------------------------------------- "33.23 AnticorruP9ao: As partes reconhecem que fornecer e receber propinas pode levar a processos penais, de acordo com as . 1a<;oes - b rasl'1'elra e sUl<;a ,,, . -------------------------------------1egIs 50. A seguinte nova Clausula 33.24 sera acrescentada ao Contrato C idade- Sed e: -----------------------------------------------------"33.24 Cronograma que ------------- de Partidas e Times: A Cidade-Sede a FIF A podera cronograma decidir, de Partidas, times participantes das Partidas". a seu exclusivo inclusive 0 reconhece criterio, os das Partidas e a sele<;ao das cidades sedes --------------------------------------------------------- Outras Dis posic;oes ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. A Cidade-Sede, por meio do presente instrumento, FIFA e ao LOC que (i) a Cidade-Sede a declara e garante tem a autoridade e 0 poder para celebrar, firmar, entre gar e cumprir este Aditivo, (ii) este Aditivo foi devidamente Cidade-Sede, (iii) a celebra<;ao, entrega e cumprimento nao causara conflito termos de qualquer Cidade-Sede 0 numero de Partidas, B. necessarios da autorizado, ou constituinl compromisso, firmado e entregue pela deste Aditivo uma viola<;ao ou omissao acordo ou instrumento nos no qual a seja uma das partes ou pelo qual se obrigue e (iv) este Aditivo constitui a obriga<;ao legal, valida e vinculante da Cidade- Sede, executavel contra a Cidade-Sede de acordo com seus termos. --2. 0 LOC aceita, de fonna irrevogavel, incondicional direitos e ratifica que se obrigara plenamente obriga<;oes atribuidas COP A DO MUNDO Cidade-Sede, 3. ao "COMITE e absoluta, todos os por meio de todas as ORGANIZADOR DA FIF A BRASIL 2014" conforme aditado por este Aditivo. do presente Aditivo praticarao todos os atos e tudo Enderec;o/ Address· Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP: 59056-450 sao estritamente 0 DA no Contrato da ------------------------ 0 teor e qualquer informa<;ao revelada em conformidade termos LOCAL com e/ou nos sigilosos. As partes que for necessario para preservar seu E-mail: [email protected] Fone/Phone: (0*'8~) 3206-5367 Cellliar/Cell phone (084) 9983-3579 6L~£-t866 (1780) ;lLIoL[d II;)J/1HII1IJJ L9fS-90Z£ (t?8 .. 0) 0~tr9~06S WOJ'1'8wil@sJUnUBjJJL[ :IIBUI-3 d3J LtO;: JlIOL[d /JUO,.j urn lod 'dlUdUIBA!SnpXd 12 '~JdAdP dP ogsnlJXd 'OJ1S13JJP OjUJ'_lIl:JSBN A\I ,SS;:>lPP\I/0~J1JPU3 £0 'dP sO~~Jdsm~ SO qos SOll!ql~ (S~ll) d - ~l-J0N Op "pUBJC) Oli] -1"lI'N -115818 13AON 13oilBl- l~ll!ql~ dP olsodUIO~ l~unq!ll 'BP!AIOSdl IdS 'OJOJ 011110 dP no OZJI1['Idl1blBnb BZdJnWU BSSdP B!SJS::lAOI1UOJJdnb(Bnb .IdS .Tdpnd [dA~B!UlB og6nlos 'BpB6UBJIB BUIn1..[UdUdS 'Og6B!JOBdU dP SS::lABI1B Sdl.TBd SB dllUd dlUdUI(dABB!UIB SBPB1SI1!BdlUdlUBlUOld OgldS 'ogS!JSdl '0!J91B[nJU!A SB Bns 12 Ol!dds;:u UIdZ!P dl1b SB!SJS::lAO.llUOJ Ol!dJd 'ogsnpUOJ dA!SnpU! 'OA!l!PY B dlSd SBA!lBld1 SB!SJ?AOI1UOJ V] ['vI o 'oUBld opunBds ---------- BU!B~d Bp UI!d] ['IB1BN dP O!dp!UI1W UId 'd Bl!dl!P 'o.roJ dP og6!dld --------------------------d dP SO!dpU!ld TOJ ;)nb 0 SOpOl 'OA!l!PV OPBAIBSSdl 'dnb l;:mbs!Bnb d 1 Blnsn~IJ dP Uld ojdd 'OPBJ!P1B.l d 0P!PUdlUd (Sdl.md .IdS ulBssod dnb Bp Uld SOPBJBJB SOUUdl so 'dludsd.ld dlUdUIB1!J!ldxd SB dllUd d .mJ!] dnb 0 oPBAIBssdlI '~ SB SBPOl d d dPdS-dPBP!J Idnbs!Bnb 'Old!qo SB!JU~P!AOld !nmsqns SBP SdQ6BB!lqO SBP Og6B.lBpdP 'OA!l!PY d d Uldq) 'sdQ6B!JOBdU Old!qo IB.lBdlU! OUlOJ SdJ!pu~dB dSSd B SOA!lBld.l 'sOl!.lJsd ndS B d 'SOlUdUl!PUdlUd olUBnb Sdl.TBd BJ!Ut) B J!l1l!lSUOJ B dS-BU!lSdP Bp OlB.llUO;) 0 dA!Snpu!) ------------------------------------------------------------ OA!l!PY 'S!B!JIpn! dP OSmJdp OU B!l~SSdJdu B:)BJ dS no 'S!B!J!pn! S!dl BP!B!Xd Og6BpAd.l B!dS dl.TBd dlSdP dlUB1BdlU! Ol!.IJSd onl1).Ul OpIOJB .rod sOPBlUd~SdlJB 1 OXdUY 0 S!Bq.ldA 'sdJO!.ldlUB SOp.roJB SBldd '9 ogs sd1..[1dnb SOpBJ!.J!UB!S so ogJdl sBlnJst)!BlU SOXdUB SOllno dP Jdnbs!Bnb sndS BJ!d 'Sdl.{Bd SB SBqUlB .!Od BPBUU!] d Ol!.lJSd .lod Bl!dJ .IdS og.T!nl!lSUOJ (SdJ!pu~dB 'L dllidUlBl!J![dxd 'dPdS-dPBP!;) dAdP OA!l!PV dlSdU Og6BldllB ldnblBno 'sdQ6B.lBpdP 0 dludsdJd Bp OlBJlUO;) op sdQ6!puOJ OU OPB.lBiJdP dlUdSdld BU sop!nq!J1B OlSods!p ----------------------- sndS 170 ulB1SUOJ] l? 'I!SBJH ogsnpxd Op!BdJ S::lOA!l!PY dPdS-dPBP!;) 'dlUdSdld OlUdUTn.llSU! dlSdU sopBsn OU 0!.l~J1UOJ op SBUIIY dP OgSB1H BU SBJpqn.l --------------------------------------------------------------01BJ1UOJ op '8 SBpol 'B1BP Bns dP J!l.TBd B IBBdl Ol!dJd d JOB!A d oUdld SOPB.ldllBU! OgJdJdUBUUdd SOULIdl so d UldBlBlU 10!ldJU! op S!dl SB LUOJ OpJOJB dP 0pBldJd.rdlli! urd SB [, S; I BU!B~d Bp 0Pl)dlUOJ --------------------------------------------------------------o '.llnBdS d OA!l!PB (Bl dPUO dlS3" '17 sossdJo.ld SdQS!JdP no SdlUdU!l.Tdd S::llB OPBAIBSSdl 'Ol!'B!S 8Z19Z d3Bd/BLI!Bl/d - J7lOZl8S£'n 'ON - NOUV'lSNVRL 'lVIJB.tIO - 'lVIJBO OY:)flaV~LL TRADU<;AO OFICIAL - OFFICIAL TRANSLATION - No. 12.358/2014 - Pagina/Page 27/28 de acordo com, as Normas Sui9as de Arbitragem Internacional da Camara de Comercio Su19a. 0 foro da arbitragem sera Zurique, Sui9a, e 0 idioma do processo sera 0 ingles. --------------------------------------- Em testemunho do que, as partes firmaram por seus representantes 0 devidamente autorizados. 1f1C})ICIlJ\1rI()~ I~1rIC~~1rI()~~~IC})1C 1f00TB~~~ presente Aditivo em quatro vias ~SS()CI~ --------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 1rI()~ (IfIIf~) --------------------------------------------- Por: [Assinatura ilegivel.] / Por: [Assinatura ilegi vel.] ---------------------------Nome: [Carimbo, em tinta preta:] Jerome Valcke / Secretario Geral -----------Nome: [Carimbo, em tinta preta:] Markus Kattner / Secretario Geral Sub stitu to --------- ---------- -------- -------------- -------------- -------------------------Cargo: [Nada consta.] / Cargo: [Nada consta.] / [Manuscrito.] 7/3/2011-------- COPA })O MUN})O FIF ~ 2014 - -------------------------------------------------COMITE ORG~~IZ~})()R BIlJ\SI~ICIR() ~ T})~. -------------------------- Por: [Assinatura ilegivel.] / Por: [Assinatura ilegivel.] ---------------------------Nome: [Nada consta.] / Nome: [Nada consta.] ------------------------------------Cargo: [Nada consta.] / Cargo: [Nada consta.] ------------------------------------- PREFEITUM MUNICIP ~~ })() NAT ~L -------------------------------------- Por: [Assinatura ilegivel.] / Por: [Assinatura ilegi vel.] ---------------------------Nome: [Manuscrito.] F~I~ MICARLA DE SOUSA / Nome: [Manuscrito.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cargo: Prefeita da Cidade de Natal/Cargo: T cs tern u n has: Nome: PAULO Vice-Prefeito da Cidade de Natal -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Manuscrito.] FRANCISCO SOA~S DE L. JR. / Nome: [Manuscrito.] FERNANDO DANT AS DE R. FILHO ---------------------------- Nlll11erO da [Manuscrito.] Identidade: Identidade: [Manuscrito.] 3244302 IFP/RJ / Nllll1ero da 00173026 RN -------------------------------------------- NLlIl1ero do CPF: [Manuscrito.] 268.684.237-72 / Numero do [Manuscrito.] 140.533 .494-00 -------------------------------------------------------- CPF: Assinatura: [Assinatura ilegivel.] / Assinatura: [Assinatura ilegf vel.] ----------[Carimbo.] Contrato Juridico da FIFA Aprovado / 17 de fevereiro de 201 I / Por: [Assinatura ilegivel.] ------------------------------------------------------------- Endere90/ Address: Av. Nascimento de Castro, 2037 - Lagoa Nova Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil - CEP 59056-450 E-mail: [email protected] Fone/Phone: (0**84) 3206-5367 Celular/Cell phone (084) 9983-3579 ,./1. .~ -.- -, n . 6LSE-E866 (v80) O~V-9~06~ :d3J ~uoL[d [[;1J/JB[I1[8J llIO:)"[lBllI\)@SJUnUB1JJL[ :[lclu-3 ~ [lSBJ8 ~ ;))JoN op ~pUBJQ olll ~ [BIEN BAON BO~I~~1~ LfO;: 'OJ1SB:);)P 0IU~11IlJSC;~ "AV :SS,uPPV/°:);)J;)PU3 .lOjHISlIUl".lO"S HIHqUJUlll.lllf S3Nil,\! Z_O_ll~31l0~3H "Tz:p:e;;f.2:;;'~ HJOlllp,u_L 80'98P"1 $~ 'JlII OJ pJ1UJSJ,HljUJlIII1JOp 'OPUjUJSJ,H)U !OJ JlII Jl1b J'll.IO OjUJlIIl1JOp UO!I"ISUlulll1.J'II!".J op IJH Ol!:\I1PIl.l1 Po S! S!'LL 1'.1ll11~ "IS~I ------------------ ['91 Bu~2lJdBp m~d] ['pnBN gp o~dp~unw op sBm.r\{ gp O}2SB.l8. o 'oUBld opun2gs UTg 'g Bl~gl~P lO!ldJU! mg2.lBlLI BU SBJpqm ------------------------------------------------------------ to apas-apup!:J lLIBlSUO:J] ap 0lIUluO:_) 10X3:NV ['91 BU!BlJd Bp oPl)glUOJ 0 '.qnags V] ['~I BU!alJd Bp LU!d] ['IBlBN gp o!dp!ullV\l_ op SBlLU\{ gp O}2SB.IH0 'oUBld opunags lUg 'g .Io!JgJU! UlgalBUl BU BJpqn.l 10 UlBlSU0:J] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8Z18Z dBBd/BU!B~d- f7IOZl8S£'Zl 'ON- NOll V'lSNV1U 'lVI:JU.fIO - 'lVI:JUO lBag,! oy::':>flonu This Agreement among is made on _ ... "fi;earuary2:009 fEOERA liON INTERNATIONAlE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (rIFA) FIFA-Strasse 20 CH-8044 Zurich Switzerland ("rIFA"). (OPA DO MUNDO FIFA 2014COMITE ORGANIZAOOR BRASILEIRO LTOA. Avenida Luiz Cartos Prestes, nO 180, Sala 337 Barra da Tijuca - CEP: 22775-055 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brazil ("LOC) and CITY OF NATAL NATAL CITY HALL Rua Utisses Caldas, n° 81 Centro, CEP: 59.025-090 Natal - RN Brazil (the "Host City") regarding participation in hosting the final competition of the 2014 rlFA World Cup INTRODUCTION A. The Confedera<;:ao Brasileira de Futebol ("(SF") was appointed on October 30, 1007 by FIFA to be the host of the 2014 FIFA World Cup (the "Competition") and the FlFA Confederations Cup 2013 in Brazil. B. Durjng the bidding process, FIFA, the lOC and the Host City signed the Host Agreement (the "Host City Agreement") regarding participation in hosting Competition. City the C. According to Ctause 4.1 of the Host City Agreement, the LOC and the Host City recognised that FIFA requirements concerning the Competition may evolve or change during the Term of the Host City Agreement. D. Therefore, in order to adapt the Host City Agreement to new FIFA requirements and to clarify the responsibility for the expenses regarding the hosting and staging of the Competition in the Host City, FIFA, the LOC and the Host City hereby enter into this first Amendment to the Host City Agreement (the "Amendment") under which the parties agree upon aU rights and obligations contained herein and in the Host City Agreement attached as Schedule 1. E. Clause 2.4 of the Host City Agreement the Host City Agreement. IT is HEREBY AGREED shaH apply also to this First Amendment to AS FOLLOWS: A. Changesto the Host City Agreement 1. The definition of "Competition Marks" shaH be modified as follows: ....Competition Mark" means, individually or collectively as the case may be, (i) any Competition logo, (ii) any Competition Mascot, (iii) the Competition trophy, (iv) any Host City Composite togo, (v) any official Competition Design, (vi) any official name of the Competition (in any language), and/or (vii) any other official designs, marks, brandings and logos of FIFA used in connection wlth the Competition ... /... Clause 3.2 of the Host City Agreement "3.2 Commuhication flFA in relation FlfA otherwise. shaH be modified as follows: with FlFA: The Host City shall communicate directly with to all matters relating to this Agreement, unless directed by The Host City shall appoint no later than 1 January 2010 a Host City manager who is responslbie to coordinate all matters within the Host City in relation to the Competition. The Host City together with the Stadium management shall at the same time provide FIFA and the LOC with their staffing plans and organisation charts in relation to the Competition. The lOC wilt hire at a later stage a LOC venue manager and will establish a venue office. The Host City manager shall be an integral part of thiS office and shall then report to the LOC Venue Manager. 2 The Host City shaH make available the Host City manager and all involved staff (as appropriate) to any FlFA and or lOC inspection. Such inspections wiH be announced by FIFA and the LOC with sufficient notice." 3. The following "4.2 4. new Clause 4.2 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: The Host City undertakes to exercise the rights granted to the Host City under this Agreement In accordance with the terms of this Agreement and any applicable FIFA Guidelines in its valid form at such time, including the binding Host City Event Guidelines, Host City Marks Guidelines and Host City Marketing Guidelines to be timely issued by FIFA as well as any directives and instructions issued by FIFA and/or the LOC on the basis of this Agreement and the respective Flf A Guidelines." The following new introductory paragraphs shaH be added to Section 3 in the Host City Agreement before Clause 5: hFiFA grants to the Host City, free of charge and on a non-exclusive basis, the following rights for the Term of this Agreement. Any costs for the use of these rights will be solely borne by the Host City, unless expressively stated otherwise. The Host City shaH be entitled, on a case-by-case basis and subject to the prior, written consent of FIFA andlor the LOC, to assign to its majorityowned entities and institutions the rights referred to in this Section 3 and granted to the Host City. The Host City acknowledges that it shaH have no right to claim such consent from FIFA. Ail rights and commercial exploitation opportunities in relation to the Competition not expressively granted to the Host City under this Agreement are reserved by FlFA and/or the lOC. The Host City acknowledges that the scope of the legal protection of the rights referred to in this Section 3 and granted to the Host City remains entirety at the discretion, and within the sate responsibility of, FIFA. The Host City shall have no right to claim any rights protection measures in respect of these rights." 5. Clause 6.1 of the Host City Agreement "6.1 as follows: Slgnage: At each Match staged in the Host City, FIFA shaH provide a pitch level advertising board exposure carrying the name of the Host City. FIFA may adopt a static advertiSing system or an electroniC advertiSing board system. The manner in which the Host City name will be incorporated will be determined by FIFA. The dimensions of such advertising board exposure and its design wilt be determined by FIFA. The costs for such advertising board will be Dome by FIFA. Clause 7.1 of the Host City Agreement "7.1 shaH be modified shall be modified as follows: FIFA.com: F!FA.com (the "Website") shalt be the only official Competition website, shaH be owned and operated by FIFA and shali feature a "Destination Brazil" section available under the URL www.FIFA.com. The Hos.t City shall be entitled, at FIFA's costs, to be presented at the official FIFA website for the Competition in a manner solely determined by F!fA. The Host City shaH cooperate with FlfA in the creation of the "Destination Brazil" section of the Website, for example, by providi~g information and copyright free material to promote Host Clty facilities and attractions free of charge." 7. Clause 8 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as foHows: "The Host City shaH have the opportunity to use Premiums to promote its status as host city of the Competition subject to and in accordance with the applicable "Premium Guidelines" to be issued by fIFA." 8. Clause 9.2 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "9.2 9, Use of Post~[: The Host City shall be entitled to use the Poster for promotional purposes only. for the avoidance of doubt, the Host City shall not be entitled to sell the Poster or exercise any other commercia! right in relation to the Poster. AU commercial rights associated with the Poster shall remain vested in FIFA. The Host City agrees and acknowledges that FIFA has the right to assign to any entity to which FIFA grants Marketing Rights or Media Rights its rights to use the Host City Poster, which are unrestricted in relation to territories and time. FlFA shaH be entitled to exercise this right for an unlimited period of time and free of charge." Gause 12.1 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "12.1 Creation of Composite logo: The Host City shaH have the opportunity to create its own CompOSite logo, the form of such Composite Logo to be subject to specific graphic guidelines to be provided by FIFA at a tate!" date, and subject to FIFA's approval. The Host City shall be entitled to use the Composite Logo to promote its rote in hosting the CompetiHon. In the event that any rights accrue for the Host City or any third party directly or indirectly commissioned by the Host City as part of the creation of the CompOSite Logo, the Host City wilt ensure that any and all such rights in relation to the Host City-specific element of the Composite logo, in particular any and all present or future intellectual property rights, indudlng but not limited to copyrights, rights of usage and other proprietary rights are immediately and in perpetuity assigned, with fuH title guarantee, to FIFA throughout the world and without any restriction in reLation to time, scope and territory for the full term, including any renewals or extensions of such rights. This assignment of rights must be concluded prior to the public launch or the use of the CompOSite Logo. The HO'lt City agrees and acknowLedges that FIFA has the right to assign to any entity to which FIFA grants Marketing Rights or Media Rights its rights to use the CompOSite Logo, which are unrestricted in time and territories. FlfA shaH be entitled to exercise this right for an unlimited period of time and free of charge." 10. Clause 12.3 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as foltows: "12.:3 Use of Competition Marks: The Host City shaH be entitled to use the Competition Marks in the Host City Decoration Programme {as defined in Clause 15), in a manner solely determined by FIFA. The Host City acknowtedges that each and every use of the Competition Marks in reqUires 4 FlFA's prior written approvaL For the avoidance of doubt, the Host City shall not be entitled to use the Competition Marks for any 'other purpose." ' 11. Clause 12.9 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as foHows: "U.9 H. No Competing Marks: Except as expressly outlined in this Agreement. Host City shall not adopt, create, or begin to use: the (a) any registered or unregistered trademarks owned or used by F!FA, (in any language}; or (b} any term which is confusingly similar to, is an imitation of, or is a derivation of, or which unfairly competes with, such trademarks. In particular, the Host City undertakes to refrain from the development, use or registration of, any name, logo, trade mark, titles (in particular slogans), indicia, brand name, symbol, service mark or other mark (whether registered or unregistered) or deslgnation in relation to the Competition, or which may be inferred by the public as identifying wlth FlFA, any FIFA competition, or the lOC, including the words "World Cup", "Mundial", "fIFA", "Coupe du Monde", "Copa do Mundo", "Copa del Mundo", "WM" or "Weltmeisterschaft" (or any other term used in any language to identify the FIFA World Cup or any other FIFA competition), or the development, use or regIstration of any dates in connection with the name of the host country, venue or host city of any FIFA competition, terms such as "Host City 2014", or any similar indicia or derivation of such terms or dates in any language." The follOWing new Clause 12.16 shaH be added in the Host City Agreement: "12,16 Official Designation: The Host City shall be entitled to use the official host city deSignation ("Designation") to promote its status as a host city of the Competition in a manner solely determined by FIFA. The DeSignation will be determined by FIFA and the lOC. The Host City shaH not be entitled to amend or change, or use any other than, the official designation." 13. Clause 15.1 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as follows: "15.1 Development of Programme: FIFA and the LOC shaH devetop a comprehenslve programme whereby key locations throughout the Host City (including the official protocol routes from and to the stadium, the airport, the main train station and the official flFA hotels) shall feature decorations incorporating the Competition Marks and the marks or logos of the Commercial Affiliates as directed by FIFA (the "Host City Decoration Programme") celebrating the Host City's association with the CempetHion. The Host City shaH make available (or ensure the availability free of charge, the necessary spaces within the Host City (such as lampposts, banners, bHlboards, building facades, outdoor media spaces, rotating boards, video walts, bridge railings, bridges and public transportation means) for the implementation of the Host City Decoration Programme. " on, 5 14. Clause 15.3 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as folLo~s: "15.3 15. ({ause 15.4 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as foHows: "15.4 16. Oesign and Production: FifA and the LOC, at their own expense, shall be solely responsible for the design, production and delivery of the material implementing the Host City Decoration Programme, which may feature the Competition Marks, the CompOSite logo and/or identification of Commercia! Affiliates. " ctause 15.5 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modifIed as foHows: "15.5 17. Space Plan: The Host City will submit a formal plan outlining the spaces to be made avaHable for the Host City Decoration Programme for F!FA's review and approval. By no later than 30 June, 2012 and also at a tater stage as and when requested by FlFA and the LOC, the Host City will, at its own costs, make available to FIFA and the lOC a detailed identification and listing of all existing advertising spaces and other facilities suitable for promotional purposes at such locations determined by flFA and the LOC, especiaUy along the so-called protocol routes (e.g. from the airport to the Stadium, from the station to the Stadium, etc.) and at the airport, the train station as welt as in the vicinity of the StadIum, the official hotels and the offkial training Sites. The Host City shaH make available to F1FA and the LOC, free of charge and at least 14 days prior to the first match in the Host City, such advertising spaces and facilities suitable for promotional purposes as deemed necessary for the Host City DreSSing Programme by FIFA and the LOc' In case the advertising spaces and facilities identified, listed and available to the Host City are, in the opinion of FIFA and the lOC, not sufficient, the Host City shaH, at its own expense, acquire additionat advertising spaces and facHities for such duration and make such additional advertising !'.paces and facilities available to FIFA and the LOC for the Host City DreSSing Programme. The Host City Decoration Programme shall be implemented in accordance with a schedule to be determined by FlFA." Installation, Maintenance and Removat: The Host City, at its o'l'In expense, shalt be solely responsibLe for the installation, maintenance and removal of the material implementing the Host City Decoration Programme as well as aU permits necessary for such implementation. ,. Clause 17,5 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "17.5 Integration of Commercial Affiliates: The Host City shall ensure to reasonably integrate the Commercial .Affiliates at all Host City events and any other activities in connection with the Competition, in particular by using the logo strip (standard graphlc exposure of the logos of the Commercial Affiliates) proVided by FIFA on any and all Host City print materials in relation to the Competition and by using the products and services of the Commercial Affltiates at any Host City Events in accordance with the Host City Event Guidelines." 6 i 8. The following new Clause 17·A shall be added in the Host City Mreement: The Host City shall be entitled to purchase such number of tickets and ticket products for the Matches in the Host City as determined by FIFA and the lOC." 19. The following new introductory (ity Agreement: paragraphs shall be added to Section 4 in the Host "The Host City undertakes to FIFA and the LOC to discharge any of its obligations as referred to in the (oHowing sections. The Host City shall bear an costs connected to the discharge of these obligations, unless expressly stated otherwise." 20. Clause 19.2 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "19.2 2i. Stadium Names: The Host City agrees not to refer, during the Term of this Agreement, to any Stadium selected to host any Match, or to any selected training grounds, by any name which includes the name andior togo of any third party, unless otherwise approved by FIFA. All Competition reiated communications issued by the Host City shaH refer to the Stadium or to the training ground by its official Competition·specific deSignation, as notified to it by FtFA. The Host City shaH ensure that any directional signage of the Stadium located anywhere in the Host City shaH only display the offlcial name of the Stadium determined for the Competition by FIFA and the LOC as of at least 14 days prior to the first Match or any other official event of the Competition taking place in the Stadium" Gause 20 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as follows: "From 1 June 2009, the Host City shalt quarterly submit to FIF.Aand the LOC written progress reports describing the complete status of its plans and activities relating to this Agreement during the Term (or more frequently if requested). In addition, the Host City shaH immediately inform the LOC and FIFA of any difficulties in connection with complying with its obligations under this Agreement. " 22. Clause 21 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "210 SAFETY, SECURITY, FIRE PROTECTION AND MEDICAL SERViCES The Host City shalt, at its own expense, support FIFA and the LOC outside of the Stadium in the area of safety, fire protection and medical services and undertakes to adopt all generai security and other protection measures in relation to the Competition as deemed necessary bV FIFA and the LOC, including, provision of facilities such as fences and other infrastructure, dedicated police protection for the participating teams and the members of the FIFAILOC delegation as to be prOVided by the LOC, and passing the necessary municipal ordinances and by-taws, to tully implement these arrangements relating to the Competition, and to provide any assistance requested of it by the Brazilian authorities." 7 23. Clause 22.1 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as fO\lows: "22.1 24. Transportation Management: The Host City shall cooperate fully with the relevant authorities to develop and implement, at its own expense, a transportation management plan during the Competition. The Host City undertakes to adopt aU measures, induding passing the necessary municipal ordinances and by-laws, to fully implement any such transportation and management plan, and to provide any assistance requested of it by FIFA, the LOC and/or the Brazilian authorities. This may include but is not limited to the provision of special traffic access lanes for key LOC and FIFA representatives and for the participating teams and officials as well as police escorts for special constituent groups such as the teams, officiat and VVIPs" The following new paragraph 2 shaH be added to CLause22A of the Host City: "The Host City shall use its best efforts to facilitate the discussions of FIFA and/or the LOC with the relevant Host City airport(s} to provide FIFA and the lOC, free of any charge, with welcome desks, preferred guest treatments and welcome procedures for VIPs, VVIPsand the FIFA delegation." 25. The following new Clause 22.5 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: "22.5 26. Parking Facilities: The access from all parking facilities to the Stadium shaH be possible without the crossing of the main traffic flows of the spectators. Special access routes shaH be made availabte for media representatives and VIP-guests. The Host City shall support the provision of parking facilities for officials and teams." The following new Clause 22.6 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: "22.6 Combination-Ticket Agreement: The Host City shaH, in the name and on behalf of the lOC, enter into an combination' ticket agreement with the local pubHc transportation entity that allows any ticket holder and accreditation holder to use public transportation on Match days free of charge. The content of the combination-ticket agreement, including the respective allocation of costs to the individual tickets, will be determined between the responsible public transport.ation entity, the Host City and the lOc''' 27. Clause 25.1 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as foHows: "25.1 No Activities on Match Days: The Host City shaH ensure that any entity which usually operates commercial or non· commercial activities within the Exclusion lone refrains from the operation of the relevant facilities on Match days and on the day before Match days, unless agreed in advance by FIFA in writing, and that no permits or licences for commercial or noncommercial activities of any kind wiLL be granted by the Host City for use within the Exclusion Zone on Match days, unless approved in advance by FIFA in writing. The Host City shaH ensure that on Match days and the day before Match days the Exclusion Zone must be free and clear of any outdoor advertising (in accordance with the instructions by FiFA and the LOC), that no events or other activities may be held which in the opinion of FlFA and the LOC may impact on the organisation or marketing of the respective Match, and that no public sales of food, beverages, similar products may take place." 28. Clause 25.2. of the Host City Agreement "25.2 29. 30. 31. new Clause 25.4 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: location: To ensure the smooth implementation of the organisation of the Matches, the areas within the Exclusion Zone shall be included as much as possible into the organisation of the Matches (for example parking areas used on match days, open outdoor spaces, entertainment areas, arenas, etc.),;' ctause 26. i of the Host City Agreement "26.1 as follows: Covering of Advertising: The Host City undertakes to ensure that, to the extent permitted by applicable taws and regulations, any advertisement and other commercial identification located within the Exclusion Zone will be removed or fully covered. The Host City shalt use best efforts to discuss, in the name and on behalf of FIFA and the LOC, these requirements, with the owners and operators of any buildings and spaces and, to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with these requirements, to enter at its own expense into the respective arrangements with these owners or operators. The remova! and coverage of the outdoor advertising may be done temporarily. n The following "25.4 shaH be modified fan items, souvenirs or ' shall be modified as follows: location: The Host City shall organise as responsible host, in accordance with F1FA's requirements, an official FIFA World Cup fan park for the period commencing at least six (6) days prior to the first match of the Competition and ending three (3) days after the last match of the Competition, which shalt be a Host City Event, be part of the official cutturat programme of the Competition and take place at a suitable location at or near the centre of the Host City which is easily accessible by public transportation. The Host City Event GUidelines to be issued by FIFA shall apply without any restrlction to the official FIFA World Cup fan park. The Host City shan be, at its own expense, responsible for aU operational and logistical measures for the FIFA World Cup (an park (stage, tight, sound, fencing, security, cleaning, energy, water, insurance, entertainment program and, if needed for the official FIFA World Cup fan park, a video-wall). The official FIFA World Cup fan park may include the so-called "public viewing" with live broadcasting of Matches, subject to the approval from FIFA and/or the LOC. The access to the officlal FIFA World Cup fan park shaH be (ree of charge for the genera! public, unless agreed otherwise with FIFA and/ or the LOC The content of the official F!FA World Cup fan park shaH be determined by the Host City in cooperation with FIFA and the lOC based on the Host City Event Guidelines to be issued by FIFA ... Item (d) of Clause 26.2 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as follows: "(d) the Host City wHt (i) obtain the permits, licences and/or clearances required to run the flfA fan park(s), and (ii) negotiate with relevant administrators for specific matters retating to the successful running of the F1FAfan park(s) (including, by way of example, matters relating to noise regulation and music royalty payments); and" 9 32. Item (b) of Clause 28.2 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modi(led as follows: "(b) 33. item (d) of Clause 28.2 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "(d) 34. The following Agreement: "(h, 35. appoint full time competent staff to assist F!FA and the lOC in the implementation of the Rights Protection Programme, and to be primarily responsible for the co-ordination of aU communications with FIFA and the lOC. Immediately foHowing the appointment of such staff, the Host City shaH notify FIFA and the LOC of their identities, a description of their foles and responsibilities and a description of their internal reporting tines. The staff referred to above shaH, inter alia, regularly inspect key routes to the Sites and signage 1n the Host City for the period commencing six (6) months prior to the Competition untit the final Match, report their findings to FlFA and the lOC on a monthly baSiS, and carry out enforcement actions against unlawful activities by third parties in a reasonab~e and appropriate manner and within the scope of the applicable laws and regulations, in particular in the Vicinity of the Stadium;" enact, upon FIFA's instructions and in full co-operation with FiFA and the LOe, appropriate municipal by-taws and/or ordinances and/or regulations with may be required, inter alla, to support national governmental legislation prohibiting any act of Ambush Marketing and/or unauthorized use of Competition Marks. including without limitation, by·taws and/or ordinances and/or regUlations which permit FIFA's authorized representatives to immediately confiscate any materials and/or halt any activities which constitute an act of Ambush Marketing or which infringe upon the Competition Marks. Such municipal by-taws or ordinances shaH be enacted no later than 30 June 2011;·j new Item (h) shall be added to Clause 28.2 in the Host City take into account, in accordance with the instructions by FIFA, the rights of the entities to which FIFA grants Marketing Rights or Media Rights in connection with the permission of, in particular any promotlonal activities within the Host City (outdoor media, use of any pubUc spaces, etc.)." The first paragraph of Clause 28.3 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as foHows: "28.3 No Association: The Host City shall not grant or purport to grant any right. or aHow any activity by. any third party. including any of its marketing and media partners, which would imply, directly or indirectly, an association with the Competition or conflict Of infringe upon any of the Marketing Rights or the Media Rights or the rights of the t.eams participating in the Competition. In particular, the Host City agrees that it shaH contractually require each provider of services to the Host City to refrain from making pubUc statements, whether factual or otherwise, and whether or not intended to create an association with the Competition. in relation to the provision of such services. The Host City shaH also ensure that none of these service providers wilt in any manner advertise, commercially exploit or otherwise communicate the prOVision of such services (e.g. in leaflets, advertisements, tetters, reference lists, press retease~, brochures or any other print or audio-visual material or websites}. AU parties contracting with or providing services to the Host City in connectIon with the Competition must agree to the following contractual provisions:" 36. The last paragraph of Clause 28.3 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified follows: as "in the event that any Host City service provider makes any such unauthorised PUblic statements or infringes any of these obligations, the Host City shaH immediately adopt aU measures required of it by FIFA to ensure that such statements or infringement actions are withdrawn and no longer disseminated, and, should the service provider not terminate such statements or infringement actions, terminate the respective contract with the service provider with immediate effect and adopt at! other necessary against the senliee provider." Jf Oause 32 of the Host City Agreement shaH be modified as follows: "The Host City shaH ensure that it makes best efforts to render the Host City as attractive as possible to the members of the public and visiting footbnll fans, and shaH, at its own expense, carry out the respective beautification measures, by, for example, and without limitation, obstructing the view to major construction sites which are visible to the public and are dose to the Host City's major transport hubs, entertainment areas and the Stadium(s) in the Host City. The Host City shaH not authorise or grant any permits for any private or public construction works to be undertaken within the Host City for the entire duration of the Competition. For the avoidance of doubt, any construction which is in progress at the start of the Competition shaH be temporarily suspended for the period of the Competition," 38. The following new Clause "H·A 32-A shall be added in the Host City Agreement: VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME The Host City shaH support the official volunteer programme of FIFA and the LOC, in particular by providing, free of charge, facilities for the volunteer managers, for the selection, education and invitation of volunteers as well as the joint kick-off event of staged by FlfA, the LOC and the Host City. The duration of the use and the scope of the required facilities will be confirmed by the LOC as soon as possible. The Host City shall be entitled to have Host City-specific educational programmes integrated into the volunteer programme. Unless specifically agreed otherwise between FIFA, the LOC and the Host City, the Host City shaH Mt set up an own volunteer programme independent from the official volunteer programme. " 39. The following new Clause 3l-B shat! be added in the Host City Agreement: "32-S APPROVAL PROCESS The Host City shaH support flF A, the LOC and their contractual partners in relation to their activities in connection with the Competition, in partkular, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, with respect to the permit and concession processes fer the activities within the Stadium and at the offTcial FlfA World Cup fan park, including by handUng the permit and concession processes for the erection of temporpry timely appropriate and accelerated manner. " 40. The following "32·( facilities in an new Clause 32·C shaH be added in the Host City Agreement: LOCAL PROMOnON OF THE COMPETITION The Host City shalt, at its own costs, actively promote the Competition locally and support atl promotional activities of FlFA and the LOC by, for example, ensuring the presence of Host City representatives at events, the provision of facilities for promotional events and activities free of charge prior and during the Competition as well as the promotion of the Competition in print material of the Host City. The Host City undertakes to organise Host City Events and to use the rights and/or opportunities granted to it under this Agreement In a reasonable and appropriate manner and scope." 41. The following "32-0 new Clause 32-0 shalt be added in the Host City Agreement: TiCKET SAtES The Host City shaH locally support FlFA and the lOC in connection with the sales and promotion of tickets within the Host City, in particular by providing rooms and facilities for the sale of tickets free of charge and subject to FIFA's and the LOC's requirements." 42. The second paragraph of Clause 33.6 shaH be modified as follows: "FIFA and the lOC shaH have the right to immediately terminate partially as a whole this Agreement and withdraw the Matches from the Stadium: 43 The foHowing Agreement: or (i) if the Host City Violates any material (H) in the event of an incident of force majeure, cancellation, relocation, interruption, postponement! advancing or boycott of a Match, some Matches or the entire Competition; (iii} if the Host City declares insolvency, enters into a composition agreement or ceases to carry out its business operations; (IV) if the Stadium Agreement among FIFA, the LOC and the Stadium owner and/or Stadium operator of the Stadium in the Host City be terminated for whatever reason." new paragraph shaH be added term of this Agreement; to Clause 33.6 of the Host City "Termination of this Agreement shall be made in writing. The LOC shaH not be entitled to terminate this Agreement without the prior, written consent from FIFA. In case of a termination, the LOC shall jnform the Host City of such consent. " 44. The following Agreement: new paragraph shall be added to Clause 3;:1.7 of the Host City "In the event that a Match or some Matches are cancelled, relocated, postponed or interrupted by FIFA for justified reasons, such as force majeure or other reasons that may in FIFA's opinion impact on the organisation of the Competition, there exist no payment or other compensation claims by the Host City against FIFA, the LOC and/or any party instructed by them. In such case the Host Ctty shalt bear any and all additional incurred costs. " 45. Clause 33.19 of the Host City Agreement shall be modified as follows: "33.19 Limitation of Liability: The LOC and FIFA, their officers, agents, employees, !icensees or sub-contractors shaH not be liabte to the Host City for the death, personal or property losses, damages or injuries related to the Competition save in the event that such death, personal or property losses, damages or injuries is caused by a grossLynegligent or wHfut act or omission on the part of the LOC, FIFA (as applicable) or any persons and entities acting on their behalf. Neither the LOC, nor FIFA, nor any of their officers, agents, employees, l1cenee'Sor contractual partner shaH be liable to the Host City for any damages should a Match scheduled to take place at the Stadium not take place at the Stadium or otherwise not take place as scheduled" 46. The following new Clause 33.20 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: "33.20 No Joint Liability: FIFA and the LOC are not jointly and severally liable to the Host Cities for their respective obligations under, or in relation to, this Agreement, but only for their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement." 4'.I.... The following new Clause 33.21 shaH be added in the Host City Agreement: "33.21 Insurance: The Host City shall ensure an appropriate insurance coverage and shalt, in this respect, enter into an appropriate and comprehensive general PUblk liability insurance for personal injuries, as welt as property and financial loss damages, (each at a minimum of no less than 10 million EURO). The Host City shaH ensure that FlFA, the LOC and the persons and entities acting on their behalf are included as an additional insured. Upon request. the Host (lty shaH provide relevant documentation of thIS coverage." 48. The foHowing new Clause 33.22 shalt be added in the Host City Agreement: "33.22 Severability; "Should a provision of this Agreement be void, invalid or unenforceable, this shaH not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. In such case, the void, invaltd or unenforceable provisions shall be replaced by a provision which is appropriate in terms of location, time, scope and legislation which, to the extent pOSSible, resembles the void, invalid or unenforceable provision as much as possible. This shall apply equally to any gap in the provisions of the Agreement. " 49. The following new Clause 33.23 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: "33.23 Anti-Corruption: lead to criminal law, " 50. The parties acknowledge that giving and taking bribes can proceedings in accordance with the Brazilian and Swiss The foHowing new Gause 33.24 shall be added in the Host City Agreement: "33.2:4 Match Schedule and Teams: The Host City acknowledges that FIFA may decide at its sole discretion on the Match schedule, including the number of Matches, the teams participating in the Matches and the selection of the host cities of the Matches. '. B. Further Provisions 1. The Host City hereby represents and warrants to FIFA and to the LOC that (iJ the Host City has the requisite power and authority to enter into, execute, deliver and perform this Amendment, (ii) this Amendment has been duty authorized, executed and delivered by the Host City, (iii) the execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment shalt not conflict with or constitute a breach of or default under any commitment, agreement or instrument to whiCh the Host City is a party or by which it is bound, and (iv) this Amendment constitutes the legal, vaUd and binding obligation of the Host City, enforceable against the Host City in accordance with its terms. 2. The LOC irrevocably. unconditionally and absolutely accepts ail the rights and confirms that it shaH be fuHy bound by an the obligations attributed to "2014 FIFA World Cup Local Organising CommiUee Brazil" In the Host City Agreement, as amended by this Amendment. 3. The contents of,. and any information disclosed pursuant to and/or under, this Amendment, are strictly confldentia.l. The parties will do ali things and acts necessary to preserve their confidentiality, except to the extent that disclosure is required by relevant laws or court orders, or is necessary in the course of legal proceedings. 4. This Amendment (induding the Host City Agreement and appendices thereto) is intended to be the sole and complete statement of the obligations of the parties as to its subject matter and supersedes aU previous oral and written representations, understandings, negotiations, arrangements and agreements relating to such subject matter. Schedule 1 and any appendices thereto (as weH as any other schedules that may be added by the mutual written agreement of the parties) shall form an integral part of this Amendment. Any amendment to this Amendment must be in writing and signed by both parties. 5. Unless explicitly stated otherwise herein, capitalised terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in Clause 'j of the Host City Agreement. 6, It is understood and hereby confirmed that except as explicitly stated under this Amendment, aU terms and conditions of the Host City Agreement shaH remain unaffected and in full force and effect as at the date thereof. 7. This Amendment is governed by, and construed in accordance Brazil, to the exclusion of any choice of law principles. With, the laws of 8. All disputes arising in connection with thlS Amendment, including disputes as to its conciusion, binding effect, amendment and termination, are to be promptly settled between the parties amicably by negotiation. If no amicable solution can be reached, such disputes shalt, to the exdusion of any court or other forum, be exclusively resolved by an arbitral tribunal consisting of three (3) arbitrators under the auspices of, and pursuant to, the Swiss Rules of Internationat Arbitration of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce. The seat of the arbitration shaH be Zurich, Switzerland and the language of the proceedings shaH be English. !n Witness Whereof, the parties have executed authorized representativ this Amendment in four copies by their duly FEDERATION INTERN FOOTBALL ASSO By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: ···~i.irkus·K;;;i;;~;············ Deputy S,x:retary General (OPA DO MUNDO FIFA 2014 ~ (OMITE ORGANIZAOOR'BRASllEIRO {4./ -t..R_ _A:.(;/i<"'J:: ::L . LTDA. L By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Witnesses: Name: Name: Identity Number: Identity Number: National Ta)(pay~r'$ registry: National Signature: Signature: i (Hi \ l(F I L - --...1 15 SCHEDULE 1 Host City Agreement 16