breakout session descriptions
breakout session descriptions
BREAKOUT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS 2015 IB CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (USA) 23 – 26 JULY #IBCHI2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Friday • 11:15 – 12:30.............................2 • 14:00 – 15:15.............................19 • 15:45 – 17:00.............................37 Saturday • 11:15 – 12:30.............................55 • 14:00 – 15:15.............................72 • 15:45 – 17:00.............................90 Sunday • 09:00 – 10:15.............................107 #IBCHI2015 FRIDAY, 24 JULY 11:15–12:30 #IBCHI2015 3 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 A redefinition of CAS STRAND: DP ROOM: Erie CAS has undergone a revision that invites a more realistic and meaningful experience for the already busy IB student. This session focuses on how the changes will impact the role of the CAS coordinator and the IB student. Presenter(s) Theresa Biggs, Coordinator of Advanced Academics, Plano Independent School District, Plano, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 4 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Admissions case studies STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Mississippi Join a mock admission committee session and experience what reading applications is really like. Participants will review sample applications in a holistic manner, paying close attention to the added dimension of the IB programmes. Presenter(s) David Zutautas, Assistant Director of Student Recruitment, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Kirk Brennan, Undergraduate Director of Admission, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States Michael Lai, Student Outreach Lead – North America, Minerva Schools at KGI, San Francisco, California, United States Pamela Joos, University Counselor, Washington International School, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Jim Bock, Vice President and Dean of Admissions, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 5 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Approaches to teaching and learning: Best practice in the IB Diploma Programme STRAND: DP ROOM: Michigan A This session will introduce DP teachers to the rationale, practice and results of effective ATL. The session will also briefly explore the latest brain research, which informs pedagogical classroom strategies. Presenter(s) Richard Hood, Independent Consultant, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 6 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Expanding PK‐12 access to IB: The Chicago project STRAND: General ROOM: Missouri Chicago Public Schools, the third largest school district in the US, has gone from offering only one IB programme in 1997 to offering more IB programmes than any other school district in the US to date, serving over 15,000 IB students. Through the expansion of the IB in Chicago, more students are provided with access to this high‐quality education in PK–12. This session will include the strategies that have been used to provide more citywide access to the IB. Presenter(s) Sara Leven, Secondary Magnet and IB Schools Coordinator, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, Illinois, United States Tanya Baxter‐Bateson, MYP and PYP Schools Coordinator, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 7 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Gamification and enrichment in an IB classroom STRAND: General ROOM: Arkansas Games and enrichment—are you using them in your classroom? Our session will provide educators of all levels of experience with practical strategies for incorporating gamification and enrichment into your curriculum and classroom. These fun and engaging strategies will increase student motivation, engagement and promote lifelong learning while providing your curriculum with the rigour that is expected from an IB class. Presenter(s) James Hron, Project Lead the Way and Science Teacher, Fridley Middle School, Fridley, Minnesota, United States Joel Weingart, 6th Grade Math Teacher, Fridley Middle School, Fridley, Minnesota, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 8 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Getting it right! STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 9 Hands on learning works best when you get it right! Not only does it engage your students in everyday learning, it also motivates them to keep trying; understanding that failure is a process not a destination. If learning involves collaborative, socially relevant projects, students will also develop important social skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership skills. Stephan Turnipseed of LEGO® Education will discuss how a hands‐on, minds‐on approach helps students actively take ownership of the learning process and develop 21st‐century skills such as creative thinking and problem solving. Presenter(s) Stephan Turnipseed, President Emeritus and Executive Director ‐ Strategic Partnerships, LEGO Education, Pittsburg, Kansas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 9 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Leading school transformational change through MYP assessing, grading and reporting STRAND: MYP ROOM: Superior Current research in assessment challenges traditional practices in terms of grading, recording and reporting and aligns nicely with MYP criterion‐related assessment. Until schools fully embrace and implement these assessment standards as common and standard practices across the school, full implementation of the MYP is often limited by conflicting traditional grading practices. Learn how two schools with diverse student populations challenged the status quo of traditional grading and implemented MYP criterion‐related assessment as a transformational change process. Presenter(s) Tom Dodd, Principal, Lesher Middle School, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States Farr Prickett Quinn, Math Teacher, Alice Deal Middle School, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Louis Marchesano, Educational Consultant, Ed‐Lightenment Educational Consulting, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 10 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Leading through capacity building STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Michigan B International research consistently confirms the most important in‐school variable for improving student outcomes is teaching quality. The second most important variable is the quality of leadership. This presentation examines the research into effective leadership practices that have been demonstrated to impact student outcomes; it will then explore a range of strategies to build the capacity of leadership teams and present models for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching practice within your school. Presenter(s) Gerard Calnin, Professor, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 11 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Learning for life through playful ways of knowing STRAND: PYP ROOM: Huron Learning—what’s play got to do with it? Come and discover PYP developments that aim to tease out the relationship between developing the attributes of the IB learner profile and PYP students’ playful ways of learning and knowing. This interactive session will give you insights about types of play and their impact on learning. IB educators will share how they might collectively form a powerful professional community of practice around the importance of learning through play. Presenter(s) Cecile Doyen, PYP Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 12 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Mindfulness, compassion and happiness: Innovative strategies for the implementation of ATL STRAND: PYP ROOM: Columbus This session will present techniques and strategies that have been shown to be effective in implementing the new ATL component of the DP. Based on scientific evidence from the most recent research in neuroscience from the west, and integrated with ancient philosophies from the east, it will provide participants with experiential opportunities to explore the impact of compassion and mindfulness practices and develop strategies as to how to incorporate them inside and outside the classroom. Presenter(s) Lorne Young, Educator, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Claudia Santos, CAS Coordinator, Weston Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 13 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 One IB : The way forward STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Chicago 8 David Hawley was appointed IB Chief Academic Officer in January 2015. Join him as he discusses four priorities that are emerging: focusing on the student experience with a clear and coherent ‘One IB’ philosophy across all programmes; being more explicit about how we develop, value and measure the competencies and qualities of character that are part of the the IB Learner Profile; taking more of an “outside in” approach when we are developing curriculum and include student voices and perspectives along with global experts to complement the contributions of IB educators; finding ways to promote more real‐life applied problem solving, project based learning and deep conceptual understanding, particularly within the IB Diploma Programme. Presenter(s) David Hawley, Chief Academic Officer, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 14 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Outreach means leaving the building: Community and inclusion in diverse urban IB schools STRAND: General ROOM: Gold Coast This session will provide space and tools for participants to explore what meaningful community outreach looks like in a diverse urban setting. We will hear about how Rainier Beach High School has structured their community outreach model around events called 'community cafes' and will experience the structure of these events. Participants will then work to develop their own outreach and communication plans based on the stakeholder groups in their own schools. Presenter(s) Colin Pierce, DP Coordinator and Teacher, Rainier Beach High School, Seattle, Washington, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 15 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Personal projects 2016 STRAND: MYP ROOM: Chicago 10 For the first time, in May 2016 all MYP Year 5 students around the world will be registered for personal project moderation. In this session for administrators, coordinators, personal project leaders and supervisors, you will learn about the mysteries of IBIS, uploads, submission deadlines, IB dynamic moderation, and IB MYP course results. Participants will review important things to know and do for the first required moderation of the personal project, share best planning practices and create a personalized school action plan to ensure success in the new MYP. Presenter(s) Gill Chudley, Subject Manager, International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom Danielle Veilleux, MYP Curriculum and Assessment Manager, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 16 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Strategies for successfully implementing MYP at economically disadvantaged schools STRAND: MYP ROOM: Ontario The presentation will detail a school’s continuing journey for improvement that aligns the IB philosophy with state standards in an economically disadvantaged area of Texas. The strategies presented will come from administrators from an internationally recognized MYP World School that have implemented systems connecting students, staff and community. A student‐centered campus that is IB inclusive begins with effective and frequent teacher planning sessions focused on educating students for life. Presenter(s) Lorena Madrigal, Assistant Principal, Cathey Middle School, McAllen, Texas, United States Melvin Benford, Principal, Cathey Middle School, McAllen, Texas, United States Romeo Benavidez, Assistant Principal, Cathey Middle School, McAllen, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 17 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 Teaching twice‐exceptional students in the IB programmes STRAND: General ROOM: Mayfair Many of our students are identified as twice exceptional: gifted academically but also negotiating learning disorders, emotional disabilities or attention difficulties. For these students to access the IB programmes successfully, teachers need to understand and accommodate their needs. Through demonstrations of 21st‐century skills, critical‐ and creative‐thinking strategies, and ways of taking socio‐ emotional learning into account, this session will illustrate ways of working with twice‐exceptional students to ensure they reach their potential. Presenter(s) Daina Lieberman, English Teacher and MYP Coordinator, South Lakes High School, Reston, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 18 Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 The blank planner project STRAND: PYP ROOM: River A Imagine beginning day one of a unit of inquiry with nothing but a blank planner. Learn how to plan and implement a completely student‐developed unit of inquiry with input from parents, students and administration. Participants will take part in a simulated “blank planner” event to learn how to foster an environment of collaboration to design a central idea, lines of inquiry and summative assessment in relation to a chosen PYP theme and concepts. Presenter(s) Stacey Walker, Grade 5 Teacher, Riverstone International School, Boise, Idaho, United States Trevor Lindsay, Grade 5 Teacher, Riverstone International School, Boise, Idaho, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 11:15 – 12:30 FRIDAY, 24 JULY 14:00–15:15 #IBCHI2015 20 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Assessing for understanding across the IB continuum STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 10 Teaching in a conceptual‐framework requires a different way of assessing. The paradigm shift from assessing for acquisition of knowledge to transfer of understanding key concepts requires a change in grading, recording, and reporting practices. This session explores creating a single, coherent assessment system for the entire IB Continuum that assesses and reports what students know, understand, and can do while aligning with current research in education and commercially developed common core assessments. Presenter(s) Louis Marchesano, Educational Consultant, Ed‐Lightenment Educational Consulting, Fort Collins, Colorado, United States Chris Overhoff, PYP Teacher, Morikami Park Elementary School, Delray Beach, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 21 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Closing the loop: Linking assessment criteria to classroom standards to improve student learning STRAND: DP ROOM: River A In order for students and teachers to feel they can tackle the rigour of an IB course, teachers (and coordinators) must understand how the different components interact to produce an IB score of 1–7. Teachers must then use this increased understanding of component data to create an assessment model that will be predictive of an IB score. Presenter(s) Matthew Axelrod, DP Coordinator and History Teacher, George C Marshall High School, Falls Church, Virginia, United States J Timothy Kane, Assessment Coach and History Teacher, George C Marshall High School, Falls Church, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 22 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Cómo desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento en los estudiantes STRAND: PYP ROOM: Columbus A través de este taller los asistentes comprenderán la importancia de desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento en los estudiantes conociendo algunas rutinas que favorecen el hacer visible el pensamiento de los estudiantes. Presenter(s) Sagrario Argüelles, Directora de Curriculum y Aprendizaje/Coordinadora del PEP, Escuela Bilingüe Internacional, Oakland, California (Estados Unidos) Jaime Úbeda Gómez, Director de Recursos Humanos, International School San Patricio Toledo, Toledo (España) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 23 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Coordinator as leader in professional learning STRAND: MYP ROOM: Ontario The Shaker Heights City School District’s MYP coordinators will lead an interactive session on how to integrate the MYP philosophy and framework within the broader context of the ever‐increasing demands on schools. Learn the models, resources and activities that coordinators as professional development leaders can use to transform the foundation of a school system through the MYP transition within a diverse, whole‐district IB programme. Presenter(s) Amy Brodsky, MYP Coordinator, Woodbury Upper Elementary School, Shaker Heights, Ohio, United States John Moore, MYP Coordinator, Shaker Heights High School, Shaker Heights, Ohio, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 24 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Diploma Programme assessment update STRAND: DP ROOM: Chicago 8 Carolyn Adams, Chief Assessment Officer, will present an overview of current and future developments in DP assessment. A substantial part of the time will be devoted to questions and answers on DP assessment issues. Presenter(s) Carolyn Adams, Chief Assessment Officer, International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 25 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Exploring digital portfolios in the PYP using Google Sites STRAND: PYP ROOM: Michigan B Digital portfolios increase student engagement, promote media literacy and provide an in‐depth picture of a child’s learning over time. Join us for this strategy‐packed session where participants will be provided with an overview of our school’s journey in establishing digital portfolios! Participants will be provided with a road map of our decision‐making process regarding various digital portfolio options. Tips, strategies, templates and supporting documents for successfully launching digital portfolios using Google Sites will be shared. Presenter(s) Denise Brandt, Educator, Lone Pine Elementary, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States Kathy Janelle, PYP Coordinator, Lone Pine Elementary and West Hills Middle School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States Mary Hillberry, Head of School, Lone Pine Elementary, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 26 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Facilitating intelligent collaboration to teach social, affective and reflection skills STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Arkansas The IB learner profile and societal demands compel today’s IB educators to embody and nurture the soft skills necessary for our students’ success. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to explore and practise these skills in a guided collaboration that incorporates the principles of creative drama, emotional intelligence and differentiation. Presenter(s) Eleanor Hinz‐Radue, IB English and Theatre Teacher, Green Bay Area Public Schools, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 27 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 IB coordinators and counselors together STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Mayfair Although IB coordinators are charged with the task of managing the ins and outs of their programme, their work oftentimes exceeds the parameters of the job description. If school counselors have the opportunity to work with the coordinator to address the diverse needs of their students, the load then becomes much more manageable. Join us to learn about areas in which there is potential for coordinators and counselors to collaborate and develop ways for this partnership to exist in your school. Presenter(s) Marie Vivas, University Relations Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Irene Kondos, IB Diploma Coordinator, William Howard Taft High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States Christine Eischen, College and University Advisor, Lycée Français de Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 28 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Including students with significant special education needs in the Personal Project STRAND: MYP ROOM: Erie Hill‐Freedman World Academy (HFWA) supports a diverse student population ranging from gifted learners to students with autism and intellectual disabilities. HFWA is in the formative year of developing a framework for the personal project for our students with significant learning support requirements. We will share our school’s journey of differentiating the personal project to include all students. The most important element of our presentation will be videos of students presenting their personal projects. Presenter(s) Stephanie Caroll, Resident Principal, Hill‐Freedman World Academy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Jane Cordero, Transition Coordinator, Hill‐Freedman World Academy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Anthony Majewski, Head of School, Hill‐Freedman World Academy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 29 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Learning to engage, and engaging to learn STRAND: PYP ROOM: Huron Interested to find out the difference between a “busy” classroom and an “active” one? Participate in an interactive and informative presentation about active learning spaces and strategies for a PYP classroom. Find out more about the principles of active learning, and how both teachers and administrators can create an environment that will engage PYP students through effective teaching and learning strategies in conjunction with learning environments and spaces. Presenter(s) Ashleigh Woodward, Grade 5 Teacher, MacLachlan College, Oakville, Ontario, Canada Jacki Bright, PYP Coordinator, MacLachlan College, Oakville, Ontario, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 30 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Meeting the needs of all educators: Designing an internal professional development structure for the MYP STRAND: MYP ROOM: Mississippi A constant challenge for IB schools is inducting new faculty into the culture and practices of the MYP. This session examines the case of a school–university partnership in Chicago engaged in developing internal professional development structures designed to support programme implementation and continuous improvement. We provide an overview of differentiated educator supports, from pre‐service teacher candidates to experienced IB teachers, followed by an in‐depth study of the first phase of the PD structure: inducting new teachers. Presenter(s) David Gregg, MYP Coordinator, Nicholas Senn High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States Charles Tocci, Clinical Assistant Professor of Education, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 31 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Promoting excellence and equity in your Diploma Programme (Introduction to the E2 Excellence and Equity Project) STRAND: DP ROOM: Michigan A In 2014, IB Americas launched the Bridging the Equity Gap project in order to build capacity within US public high schools to increase the participation and achievement of low‐income students in the DP. This session will introduce the E2 Framework (which provides a strong foundation for both evaluating the level of equity in existing DP schools and promotes increasing success and access for low‐income students) and share project research findings. Presenter(s) Asheesh Misra, Programme Manager—Bridging the Equity Gap project, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Carol Burris, Former Principal, New York, New York, United States Cindy Harcum, Principal, Baltimore City College, Baltimore, Maryland, United States Colin Pierce, DP Coordinator and Teacher, Rainier Beach High School, Seattle, Washington, United States Dan Wartick, Principal of North Kansas City High School, Kansas City, Missouri, United States James McSwain, Principal of Mirabeau B Lamar High School, Houston, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 32 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Teoría del conocimiento: Un enfoque cultural STRAND: DP ROOM: Ohio Una presentación de una actividad realizada en clase utilizando la técnica de ABP (aprendizaje basado en problemas) y los resultados logrados de acuerdo a los temas abordados en TdC respecto a cultura, Sistemas religiosos de Conocimiento y Sistemas de Conocimiento Indígena. Presenter(s) Susana Leventhal, Profesora y coordinadora de TdC, ITESM Campus Eugenio Garza Sada, Monterrey, Nuevo León (México) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 33 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 The cage‐busting teacher STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Chicago 9 Teachers can perform magic in their classrooms, but often feel powerless over what goes on beyond those four walls. The United States education system wasn't built to regard teachers as professionals and successive waves of reform have done little to change this. The way forward is for teachers to bust out of that cage and take ownership of their schools and systems. This session offers practical advice on how teachers can do just that. Presenter(s) Rick Hess, Director of Education Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, District of Columbia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 34 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Understanding the new DP history course for coordinators and administrators STRAND: DP ROOM: Superior Significant changes have been made to the DP History guide for first exams in May 2017. This session provides an overview of the changes to the course and includes an introduction to the new format, topics of study and the revamped internal assessment. DP coordinators and administrators will leave with a basic understanding of the course that will help them to support their DP history teachers and the overall programme at their school. Presenter(s) Elissa Banas, DP Coordinator, City Honors School at Fosdick‐Masten Park, Buffalo, New York, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 35 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 A call to action: Creating ambassadors of action STRAND: General ROOM: Gold Coast How are you helping promote action as an IB practitioner? This session is designed to explore the PYP’s essential element of action. In this presentation, we will help define what action is, how to model the action cycle and how to integrate action into your PYP units of study. We will showcase our success stories from Roland Park, as we have truly cultivated 'ambassadors of action' in our school and community. Presenter(s) Holly Gerlach, PYP Coordinator, Roland Park K–8 Magnet School for International Studies, Tampa, Florida, United States Cara von Ancken, 5th Grade Teacher, Roland Park K–8 Magnet School for International Studies, Tampa, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 36 Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 Career‐related Programme update STRAND: CP ROOM: Missouri Please join the CP team for a review of regional data, curriculum changes, professional development updates and upcoming changes to the CP. This will be your opportunity to meet members of the CP staff and ask any burning questions about the programme and its implementation Presenter(s) Natasha Deflorian, CP Associate Manager—IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 14:00 – 15:15 FRIDAY, 24 JULY 15:45–17:00 #IBCHI2015 38 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Access and inclusion in the new MYP e‐assessments STRAND: MYP ROOM: Gold Coast The IB Assessment Access and Inclusion Manager will cover developments in the MYP in the area of access and inclusion. The session will address the manner in which the MYP eAssessments have been designed keeping accessibility in view. While some accessibility features are built into the eAssessment, others may be added specifically for a candidate upon authorization of inclusive assessment arrangements. The session will also introduce the audience to the new online Request for inclusive assessment arrangements (MYP) that will be launched on IBIS to request inclusive arrangements for MYP eAssessment candidates. The criteria used to evaluate requests in line with the new policy document, Candidates with assessment access requirements (Middle Years Programme), will also be discussed in this session. Presenter(s) Kala Parasuram, Assessment Access and Inclusion Manager, International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 39 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 ALIS in Wonderland: Raising teacher effectiveness with predictive testing STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Missouri Are your students thriving in their classes? We have found that we can help students with their IB assessments by using predictive testing to measure the effect of a teacher in the classroom, and working with those teachers to help understand how to improve their teaching. We will discuss Durham University’s ALIS test, the International Schools Assessment, and others, to help teachers focus on areas to improve. Presenter(s) Stephen Campbell, Assistant Head of Upper School, Lausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, Tennessee, United States Stuart Dunster, Head of Upper School, Lausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, Tennessee, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 40 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Blueprint for successful service learning STRAND: General ROOM: Erie This session provides first‐hand insights from IB administrators, coordinators and teachers on how to build a strong service learning foundation within all programmes of an IB continuum high school. Presenters will lead participants through an exploration of ways to act locally, think globally, change school culture, and support academic and career courses by implementing the five stages of service learning: investigation, preparation, action, reflection, demonstration. Concrete examples of how service learning links content area subjects, involves stakeholders and creates meaningful connections between the MYP, DP and CP will be shared and discussed. Presenter(s) Carlos Acosta, CP Coordinator, Atlantic High School, Delray Beach, Florida, United States David Youngman, DP Coordinator, Atlantic High School, Delray Beach, Florida, United States Jackie Boileau, MYP Coordinator, Atlantic High School, Delray Beach, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 41 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Coaching educators to instructional excellence STRAND: Leadership ROOM: River A IB schools are challenged to create a world‐class learning environment for students and teachers alike. This session will provide school leaders with a toolkit to coach educators to be the next‐best version of themselves. School leaders will learn the importance of building relational capacity with teachers and students to allow them to push them to excellence. This training will provide participants with sample coaching plans and a toolkit for implementation. Presenter(s) Krista Herrera, Principal, Summit Charter Collegiate Academy, Porterville, California, United States Jorge Ramos, Vice Principal, Summit Charter Collegiate Academy, Porterville, California, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 42 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Designing concept‐based mathematics curriculum through inquiry STRAND: General ROOM: Ontario The following questions will be addressed: What does concept‐based curriculum and instruction look like in the mathematics classroom? How do we use the inquiry continuum to foster synergistic thinking and develop intellect? How do we plan instructional units that ensure we move the curriculum from a two‐dimensional model to a concept‐based three‐dimensional model? What are the top strategies for an engaging, inquiry‐led and concept‐based lesson to captivate the hearts and minds of our students? Presenter(s) Jennifer Wathall, Head of Mathematics, Island School, Hong Kong 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 43 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Diploma Programme update STRAND: DP ROOM: Chicago 9 Please join the DP team to review regional data, curriculum changes, professional development updates and upcoming changes to the Diploma Programme. This session will be your opportunity to meet members of the DP staff and ask any burning questions about the programme and its implementation. Presenter(s) Alicia D'Urbano, DP Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Kelsey Day, Diploma Programme Associate Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States James Monk, Curriculum Area Head, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 44 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Educación pública de calidad: El impacto del Programa del Diploma en políticas educativas públicas STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Columbus La mejora de la calidad educativa en el sistema público sigue siendo uno de los retos más importantes y urgentes de América Latina. Tres países y una ciudad de la región están implementando iniciativas de innovación educativa en las que, con distintas modalidades, incorporan el Programa del Diploma en sus sistemas. Funcionarios públicos de los Ministerios de Educación de Costa Rica, Ecuador y Perú y de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires presentarán las particularidades de la implementación del Programa en sus lugares de origen y analizarán, conjuntamente, el impacto de estos proyectos en el presente y futuro de la educación pública en el ámbito local y nacional. Presenter(s) Rigoberto Corrales Zúñiga, Jefe Departamento Tercer Ciclo y Educación Diversificada, Ministerio de Educación, San José (Costa Rica) Freddy Peñafiel Larrea, Vice‐ministro, Ministerio de Educación, Quito (Ecuador) Mercedes Miguel, Directora General de Planeamiento e Innovación educativa, Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 45 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 El arte de presentar a nuestros alumnos y programas a las universidades en Los Estados Unidos y Canada STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Ohio Los alumnos del IB son excelentes candidatos para admisión a las mejores universidades. Esta sesión se enfoca en la mejor manera de presentar a sus estudiantes y su programa IB y en cómo explicar su sistema de calificaciones y currículo en un buen perfil escolar, preparar buenas cartas de recomendación, asistir a los alumnos con sus ensayos entrevistas universitarias. Presenter(s) Marie Vivas, Gerente de relaciones universitarias para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland, (Estados Unidos) Rosa Moreno‐Zutautas, Asesora educativa, Colegio Jefferson, Caracas (Venezuela) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 46 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Explore the world of IB professional development STRAND: MYP ROOM: Mayfair IB educators enjoy many professional development options for career growth and lifelong learning. In this session, you will explore the world of IB’s exciting offerings for face‐to‐face and online workshops and other multimedia opportunities. Have you seen our PD e‐catalogue? This easy‐to‐use online tool should be the first stop on your journey in taking your professional development to the next level. We will show you how to think beyond category 1 PD compliance and explore hundreds of category 3 workshops, other experiences and resources. Find out how you can gain an IB educator or leadership certificate by studying with one of the universities in our network. Come and meet some of the IB professional development team, learn how you can become a workshop leader or developer, and share your ideas on how to bring relevant and cutting‐edge professional‐development learning opportunities to the world of IB education. Presenter(s) Anthony Tait, Global Professional Development Director, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Stan Burgoyne, Head of Global Professional Development—MYP, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 47 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Exploring how language development standards can work with IB content statements for ELL development STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Michigan B Attendees will explore a framework for language development, that is, the WIDA Standards, their guiding principles, and supporting structures for understanding the needs of ELLs at various proficiency levels and how those standards can interface with the implementation of IB content standards at any grade . Presenter(s) Jesse Markow, Researcher, WIDA at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 48 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Life after the IB: The benefits of staying connected with the IB after graduation STRAND: DP ROOM: Arkansas How can alumni benefit from staying connected with the IB? What are the resources available for IB coordinators and teachers? This session will showcase the work of the IB Alumni Network and the IB Alumni Advisory Council in providing social, networking and academic opportunities for alumni to share their experiences with one another, even many years after completing the Diploma Programme, embodying the idea of lifelong learning. Led by a panel of alumni, students, coordinators and professionals, attendees will take home strategies and tools to strengthen the alumni community at their schools and learn more about the IB programmes designed to engage with graduates. Presenter(s) Benjamin Sky Brandt, Parent and Alumni Relations Manager, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 49 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Middle Years Programme update STRAND: MYP ROOM: Chicago 8 Please join the MYP team to review regional data, curriculum changes, professional development updates and upcoming changes to the Middle Years Programme. This session will be your opportunity to meet members of the MYP staff and ask any burning questions about the programme and its implementation. Presenter(s) Ted Williams, MYP Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Sofia Dolega, MYP Associate Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Buenos Aires, Argentina Bianca Duceppe, Professionnelle à la SÉBIQ et représentante de l’IB, SEBIQ, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 50 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Multilingüismo: Aprendizaje por tareas y estimulación lingüística STRAND: General ROOM: Mississippi Sesión participativa en la que los asistentes podrán evidenciar el proceso de implantación de un modelo multilingüe (cuatro idiomas) a través del aprendizaje por tareas, estimulación lingüística e inteligencia emocional. Presenter(s) Ignacio Castellano Zapatero, Director, International School San Patricio Toledo, Toledo (España) Jaime Úbeda Gómez, Director de Recursos Humanos, International School San Patricio Toledo, Toledo (España) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 51 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Next Generation Science Standards and IB pathways STRAND: General ROOM: Huron Since early 2015, Achieve and the IB have been collaborating with a group of teachers who have expertise in both IB and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This session presents the results of that collaboration, including draft materials to help IB schools use NGSS to support advanced coursework in science. The session will also provide opportunities for IB educators to provide input on the next steps in the project. Presenter(s) Stephen Pruitt, Senior Vice President, Achieve, Washington, District of Columbia, United States Rita Bateson, MYP Curriculum and Assessment Manager for Mathematics and Sciences, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands Teresa Eliopoulos, Senior Program Associate, Achieve, Washington, District of Columbia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 52 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Primary Years Programme update STRAND: PYP ROOM: Chicago 10 Please join the PYP team to review regional data, curriculum changes, professional development updates and upcoming changes to the Primary Years Programme. This session will be your opportunity to meet members of the PYP staff and ask any burning questions about the programme and its implementation. Presenter(s) Michael Clifton, PYP Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Alicia Olea, PYP Associate Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 53 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 Redefining stress within the IB STRAND: General ROOM: Superior This session will help educators better understand stress and how educators discuss the topic with IB students when recurrent difficulties with stress management are observed. Other topics covered include how educators can better promote balanced, healthy living and helping students achieve more than just academic goals by identifying and pursuing their values. Presenter(s) Daniel Chorney, Psychologist, Dr Daniel Chorney and Associates, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 54 Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 The IB and the future of online learning STRAND: General ROOM: Michigan A The ubiquity of the internet and emerging technologies has the potential to change educational experiences. This presentation will introduce and highlight trends in the digital landscape with particular emphasis on impacts on IB World Schools. Consideration will include promising practices in pedagogy, models of integration and implementation, and practical approaches to introducing new technologies— where technology is not an add‐on but becomes an integral component that supports teaching and learning. Presenter(s) Denise Perrault, Head of Online Learning, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Friday, 15:45 – 17:00 SATURDAY, 25 JULY 11:15–12:30 #IBCHI2015 56 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 De Español Lengua B a Español Lengua A STRAND: DP ROOM: Mississippi Esta presentación está diseñada para los profesores de Español Lengua B que estén interesados en añadir Español Lengua A a su programa de IB Diploma. La presentación se centrará en consejos, recursos y estrategias para aplicar en el aula, como también dará ideas de evaluación formativa y súmativa para trabajar con alumnos americanos no hispanohablantes. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de compartir sus dudas e ideas sobre el programa Lengua A. Presenter(s) Eugenia Carioni, Jefa de Idiomas, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Miami, Florida (Estados Unidos) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 57 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Fostering the creative youth voice STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 8 Presented by award‐winning filmmaker and creative director Erahm Christopher, this multi‐media session will reveal how his youth focused projects have empowered, educated and inspired students using their creative voices. Having reached over 6.6 million youths around the world with live experiences, films and creative workshops, Christopher will show you how to develop creative projects that students will love. Most importantly, he will continue the conversation launched at the 2015 Peterson Academic Symposium by illustrating the importance of creativity through a journey that will incite you to find new ways to implement your innovative projects at your school. Presenter(s) Erahm Christopher, Filmmaker and Creative Director, EC Films, Los Angeles, California, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 58 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Grading and reporting in the IB: One school's evolution and reflection STRAND: MYP ROOM: Michigan B In 2013, Tates Creek Middle School embarked on a journey that would change the way teachers and students view student achievement. Guided by IB subject‐group rubrics, and determined to formally communicate student progress on ATL skills, a committed group of MYP teachers crafted a non‐ traditional reporting system that married the core values of the IB with best practices in grading. Come and learn where we’ve been, where we’re going and how you can do it, too! Presenter(s) Kelly Sirginnis, Administrative Dean and MYP Coordinator, Tates Creek Middle School, Lexington, Kentucky, United States Nathan Lockhart, Science Teacher, Tates Creek Middle School, Lexington, Kentucky, United States Sara King, Physical Education Teacher, Tates Creek Middle School, Lexington, Kentucky, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 59 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Growing pains: From a school within a school to a whole school model STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Gold Coast The presenters will describe the process by which they moved from a small school‐within‐a‐school Diploma Programme to a whole‐school MYP and DP model in the context of a no‐application, Title I, inner‐city school. The focus of the presentation will be the ways in which the school navigated through the application process, worked within the local constraints and contexts, and continues to address the challenges of changing a school culture. Presenter(s) Kyra Orgill, MYP Coordinator, Fresno High School, Fresno, California, United States Cathlyn Dossetti, DP Coordinator, Fresno High School, Fresno, California, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 60 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Heads to heads STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Chicago 9 Heads of School are invited to join this interactive session with panelists representing the Heads Council, the Regional Council, and senior IB leadership. There will be open discussion on current IB initiatives and how they fit the needs of IB World Schools across the region. IB heads of schools are encouraged to reflect on current support and where the IB could focus attention in the coming year. Updates from the most recent Heads and Regional Council meetings will also be discussed. Presenter(s) Nikki Woodson, IB Heads Council Member and Regional Council Member, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Kimberly Mitchell, IB Americas Regional Council Chair, Seattle, Washington, United States Drew Deutsch, Director–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States David Hawley, Chief Academic Officer, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands Paul Campbell, Head of Regional Development– IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 61 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 How one‐to‐one technology can support student success in the MYP and DP STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Missouri Participants will be provided with an overview of how a one‐to‐one Chromebook environment can be used as a vehicle to enhance inclusive and differentiated approaches to accessing the IB curriculum. The findings are based on action research that was conducted at Dobbs Ferry High School. Specific attention will be given to the use of Google Drive and the skills that students develop in connection with the IB learner profile. Presenter(s) John J Falino, Head of School, Dobbs Ferry High School, Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States Candace Reim, Administrator, Dobbs Ferry High School, Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States Marion Halberg, IB Coordinator, Dobbs Ferry High School, Dobbs Ferry, New York, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 62 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Leveraging the International Baccalaureate MYP to restructure underpeforming schools STRAND: MYP ROOM: Chicago 10 In this session, the presenters will address the structural components that have been successfully implemented at one school to move it from performing in the bottom 10% of schools in the state of California to now being recognized as a Reward School and authorized MYP school in three short years. The presenters will dig deep into the high leverage elements of the MYP that can dramatically shift the culture in underperforming schools with high poverty. Presenter(s) Kristine Belcher, Head of School, Cooper Academy, Fresno, California, United States Sandra Auble, Assistant Head of School, Cooper Academy, Fresno, California, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 63 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Marketing your IB students and programme STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Michigan A IB students are excellent candidates for admission to top universities. This session will focus on how to best present your students and your programme. What is in a “good” profile (clarity and transparency)? How do you explain your grading system and mixed curriculum courses? How can you work with teachers on recommendation letters? How can students write essays that highlight the unique elements of the IB? How can students prepare for interviews? Presenter(s) Shayne Swift, IB Coordinator, Parkdale High School, Riverdale, Maryland, United States Panetha Theodosia Nychis Ott, Associate Director of Admission and Director of International Admission, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States Debra von Bargen, Assistant Dean of Admission, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States Rachelle Bernadel, University Relations Administrator–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 64 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Planning, developing and marketing your CP STRAND: CP ROOM: Erie Are you considering the CP for your school? Do you know what pathways to offer? If so, this session is for you. Presenters will describe the IB Career‐related Programme and its requirements. The session will include opportunities for participants to interact and reflect on how to choose and connect CTE /career‐ related strands, strategies to form partnerships and relationships with business and community organizations, and ideas on to grow the programme at your school. Presenter(s) Leah Keuscher, Principal, Wooster High School, Reno, Nevada, United States Luz M Verdin‐Lopez, CP Coordinator, Wooster High School, Reno, Nevada, United States Dana Ryan, Signature Academies CTE Director, Washoe County School District, Reno, Nevada, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 65 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Project Worldview: Using the IB core to cultivate young researchers STRAND: DP ROOM: Mayfair Project Worldview is a framework that connects the DP core . Students experience ten 75‐minute sessions over eight months, allowing them to delve into the research process, make personal connections between self, research and world view , and work towards the goal of developing the extended essay. This interactive presentation allows participants to experience a lesson, view student work and suggests ways this model could be adapted. Initial findings of a research study of student experiences in Project Worldview will be shared. Initial findings of a research study of student experiences in Project Worldview will be shared. This project and research is a collaboration between Jennifer Mitton‐Kukner of St. Francis Xavier University and Heather Michael of CP Allen High School. Presenter(s) Heather Michael, DP Coordinator and TOK Teacher, Charles P Allen High School, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 66 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Reflection, relationships and resources: The three R's to sustaining the PYP STRAND: PYP ROOM: Arkansas Sustaining the PYP in an ever changing world of standards and assessments can be challenging. This session will provide perspectives for administrators, coordinators, teachers and media specialists to evolve the PYP. Through ongoing reflection, building strong relationships and an alignment of resources, the journey of a PYP school will be presented. Participants will leave with a toolkit of structures to implement a more organized alignment of reflection, relationships and resources for the upcoming school year. Presenter(s) Lucy Haddock, PYP Coordinator, Freedom 7 Elementary School of International Studies, Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States Lisa Enrique, PYP Coordinator, Freedom 7 Elementary School of International Studies, Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 67 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Supporting the core and explicit ATL skills in the Diploma Programme: Our school's new approach STRAND: DP ROOM: Superior In seeking to address the ATL skills and to give better support of the core, Branksome Hall decided to change its model of teaching TOK, the extended essay, CAS and explicit ATL skills. Participants will hear how being part of the “Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme” pilot spurred us on to create a course to better support the core and provide better balance for students who carry so much. Presenter(s) Kate Hebdon, DP Coordinator and Guidance/University Counselor, Branksome Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 68 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Tips for TOK: Educating for life with arts and sciences! STRAND: DP ROOM: Huron The TOK course reflects on the nature of knowledge. It is written in the guide that “it is a fundamental premise of TOK that personal knowledge should not result from simple acceptance of knowledge claims without sufficient inquiry and evidence”. This breakout session aims to analyse these knowledge claims and to reveal how arts and sciences can help students to critically reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions. Presenter(s) Patrick Daneau, TOK Teacher, College Garneau, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 69 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 Una ruta para la indagación: Docentes construyendo un ciclo para su colegio STRAND: DP ROOM: Ohio Consistirá en dar a conocer, de manera experiencial, el proceso de indagación‐acción‐reflexión que tuvo el Equipo de Indagación PEP del CHMS en la Cd. de México, durante el diseño de su propio ciclo de indagación (ci) así como presentar el CI‐CHMS y el material didáctico creado para promover el compromiso docente con éste. Presenter(s) Yareri Sánchez Ángeles, Docente de Artes PEP, Colegio Hebreo Monte Sinai, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal (México) Alma Fabiola Corona Chávez, Docente globalizador segundo de primaria, Colegio Hebreo Monte Sinai, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal (México) María Beatriz, Barrera García, Personal de la Coordinación PEP, Colegio Hebreo Monte Sinaí, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal (México) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 70 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 What are they thinking? Making thinking visible in PYP classrooms STRAND: PYP ROOM: River A Have you ever wondered how someone came up with an idea? In this session, participants will examine routines from the best‐selling educational book Making Thinking Visible by Ritchhart, Church and Morrison. Come and see how we have instituted these routines to improve the thinking and learning in our PYP units of inquiry. Take away ideas for creating a culture of inquiry that allows learners to develop depth of understanding, increased engagement and autonomy. Presenter(s) Chad Hyatt, Curriculum Coach, Metropolitan School District of Washington Township, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Pam Weiger, PYP Coordinator and Media Specialist, Metropolitan School District of Washington Township, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 71 Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 World cafe: Using dialogue to market your IB programme STRAND: General ROOM: Ontario Want to market your IB programme? Want to bring the community into your school? Find out how Hickory High School’s world cafe—a methodology that provides a unique format for hosting large group dialogue—created a special environment for its rising ninth grade students. This community event encouraged middle and high school students to discuss human rights issues and learn about the Hickory High School DP. Presenter(s) Rachael Moyer, DP Coordinator and Secondary AIG Specialist, Hickory High School, Hickory, North Carolina, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 11:15 – 12:30 SATURDAY, 25 JULY 14:00–15:15 #IBCHI2015 73 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Asessing interdisciplinary learning in the new MYP STRAND: MYP ROOM: Mayfair The new MYP interdisciplinary guide and unit planner offer exciting opportunities for developing teaching and learning that is integrated across subject groups. But how can interdisciplinary learning be reliably assessed? Join us for a demonstration of the MYP’s innovative interdisciplinary eAssessment which will introduce you to the power and possibility of on‐screen examinations. We will explore large scale assessment principles that can inform and model good classroom practice. Participants will share ideas for effective implementation of interdisciplinary learning, and make a plan for engaging with MYP eAssessment, and explore the impact of MYP on‐screen examinations in a range of school‐specific settings. Presenter(s) Gareth Hegarty, Head of MYP Assessment, International Baccalaureate, Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom Robert Harrison, Head of MYP Development, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 74 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Bridging the gap between theory and practice: How concept‐based curricula inform inquiry instruction STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 10 Participants will gain a better understanding of how the constructivist theory directly relates to inquiry‐ based learning by actively engaging in concept‐based structures. Research demonstrates the link but the gap seems to appear in the pedagogy—“the how”. This session will reveal a recent discovery about how students’ understandings become more transdisciplinary and, hopefully, enduring. Presenter(s) Sonja Hutchison, PYP Teacher, Cassingham Elementary School, Bexley, Ohio, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 75 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Career‐related Programme (CP) ATL: Building curriculum and community in the CP core STRAND: CP ROOM: Missouri This session is meant for other ATL teachers and CP‐affiliated teachers to get a sense of how utilizing ATL as the core of CP has been successful at a Chicago Public School for the past three years. Presenter(s) Denise Prociuk, ATL Teacher and English Teacher, Prosser Career Academy, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 76 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Creating high‐quality units for the IB English literature classroom STRAND: DP ROOM: Arkansas This workshop is geared to prepare IB students for the terminology and curriculum demands of the DP in 11th and 12th grades . In addition, unit goals, formative and summative assessments, and instructional plans are aligned for students entering the DP that may not have had experience with the MYP. Presenter(s) Rebeckah Tisdale, IB English HL and TOK Teacher, Garland High School, Mckinney, Texas, United States Carol Zembower, Adjunct Faculty, Collin County Community College, Allen, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 77 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Enseñanza y aprendizaje de las lenguas adicionales en seis colegios internacionales con el PEP STRAND: PYP ROOM: Columbus En primer lugar, los ponentes realizarán una presentación de la investigación sobre lenguas adicionales y las aportaciones que realizan los distintos grupos entrevistados en el estudio de casos. Posteriormente, los asistentes recibirán un resumen de las principales aportaciones de la investigación para leerlos y utilizarlos en pequeños grupos de discusión con otros participantes. Los resultados de los grupos de discusión se expondrán y compartirán entre todos, comparando las necesidades detectadas en los centros estudiados con las suyas propias. Presenter(s) Ángeles Bueno Villaverde, Profesor, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid (España) Carol Van Vooren, Profesor, California State University San Marcos, San Marcos, California (Estados Unidos) Veronica Steffen, Profesor, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid (España) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 78 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Evaluación quinquenal: la retroalimentación que los colegios merecen STRAND: DP ROOM: Ohio Una vez que los colegios completan su autoevaluación, la Oficina Regional les proporciona retroalimentación. Un grupo de educadores expertos lee los documentos enviados por el colegio y completan sus comentarios utilizando un programa informático diseñado para este propósito. Los educadores pueden elegir los comentarios pre‐establecidos en el sistema o escribir los propios. Dado que la elección de qué escribir está basada en los antecedentes y experiencia de los lectores, hemos notado inconsistencias en la retroalimentación que damos a los colegios. Por ello diseñamos una forma de estandarizar la retroalimentación que los colegios reciben para asegurar no solamente la consistencia, sino también la equidad. Por favor acompañe al equipo del Programa del Diploma para saber más acerca de la manera en la que la Oficina Regional estandariza los comentarios sobre la evaluación de los colegios. Esta sesión le proveerá herramientas que le ayudarán a completar la próxima autoevaluación de su colegio en forma exitosa. Presenter(s) Alicia D’Urbano, Responsable del PD para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) Kelsey Day, Responsable adjunta del PD para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 79 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 IB for all (part 1) STRAND: General ROOM: Superior As IB continually evolves to meet the needs of diverse communities, many IB schools are using strategies to develop and support a culture of access, equity, and inclusion in their classrooms and throughout their schools. Come to a hands‐on, double‐session to discuss the inclusive nature of an IB education and how five different schools around the United States use strategies to grow successful IB programmes and increase access to the IB for their whole student population. Presenter(s) Michael Leshner, Development and Outreach Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Paul Marble, Principal, Sturgis Charter Public School–East, Hyannis, Massachusetts, United States Shane O’Day, Head of School, Gambold Preparatory Magnet High School, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Colin Pierce, DP Coordinator and Teacher, Rainier Beach High School, Seattle, Washington, United States Lillian Solis‐Silva, IB Coordinator, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Miami, Florida, United States Barbara Winn, Head of School, Green Run Collegiate, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 80 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Implementing IB approaches to learning in a virtual environment STRAND: DP ROOM: Mississippi Linked closely to the attitudes and dispositions highlighted in the IB learner profile, the approaches to teaching and learning model (ATL) highlights essential skills for IB student success in school and in life, now and into the future. These skills empower students to handle future challenges and become true lifelong learners. ATL is fully embedded within the latest online DP courses, inviting students to become independent learners and communicators. In this new learning model, teachers are positioned and supported to be powerful facilitators, encouraging students to collaborate with each other and to reflect on their own learning. Presenter(s) Edward Lawless, Principal, Pamoja Education, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Matthew White, Head of Regional Development, Pamoja Education, Oxford, Oxfordshire United Kingdom 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 81 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Learning for life: Educating the whole person STRAND: PYP ROOM: Chicago 9 “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all” (Aristotle). Attend our interactive session to enhance your understanding of well‐being and the PYP. Learn how well‐being is measured in schools, in countries and across the globe, and consider this in relation to the current PYP and to future PYP development. Join the PYP development team to explore what well‐being means and its relevance to your individual and school context. Presenter(s) Terri Walker, PYP Curriculum Manager, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 82 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Moving your school forward: An easy technique for shifting your faculty into overdrive STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Michigan B In this session, participants will learn how to move their IB change efforts forward very dramatically. Participants will learn how to form a small, representative team that gathers data in one day, providing feedback to the faculty at day’s end. Participants will see videos of the process in action, as well as spend time creating a sample team and agenda for the follow‐up meeting with faculty. Presenter(s) Joyce Flowers, Principal, Madison Simis Elementary School, Phoenix, Arizona, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 83 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 MYP implementation "ah‐ha's": Two Schools' approaches to managing the challenges of diverse schools STRAND: MYP ROOM: River A Implementing the MYP provides schools with the opportunity to examine their culture and practices but also presents unique challenges. Experienced IB educators and coordinators from two highly diverse, low‐income public MYP candidate high schools will share their successes, challenges and “ah‐ha” moments of MYP implementation. Participants will engage in focused small‐group discussions about topics relevant to candidate schools. A digital resource and the transcripts from brainstorming will be made available to participants upon completion. Presenter(s) Chris Powell, Advanced Academics Secondary and IB Specialist, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax, Virginia, United States Holly Cho, MYP Coordinator, Edison High School, Alexandria, Virginia, United States Stephanie Bilimoria, MYP Coordinator, Lee High School, Springfield, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 84 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Seeking knowledge, exercising reason, living the gospel: IB in Catholic and faith‐based schools STRAND: General ROOM: Gold Coast Have you heard it said that the International Baccalaureate and faith‐based education are incompatible? Not true! These perspectives can work well together; however, being a faith‐based IB school does pose unique challenges and opportunities. Join us in a discussion of how different academic disciplines at Notre Dame Academy (Green Bay, Wisconsin) have navigated merging the IB experience and Catholic teaching in developing students seeking knowledge, exercising reason and living the gospel. Presenter(s) Matthew Schultz, DP Coordinator, Notre Dame de la Baie Academy, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States Michele Mahlock, DP Educator, Notre Dame de la Baie Academy, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States Christopher Gray, Philosophy and Social Studies Teacher, Notre Dame de la Baie Academy, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 85 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Students with special education needs and instructional strategies for success in IB classes STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 8 This presentation will focus on instructional strategies for a wide range of learners in IB programmes. It will examine language‐based learning disabilities, current research regarding special education needs, and instructional strategies. Participants will learn, reflect upon and develop instructional strategies that can be used in classrooms. Presenter(s) Matthew J Gonzales, Associate Head of Middle and Upper School and DP Coordinator, Dwight School, New York, New York, United States Joshua Kigel, Director of Special Studies, Dwight School, New York, New York, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 86 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Supporting underserved students STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Ontario The IB Diploma Programme is providing traditionally under‐served students with a pathway to college. In many US schools, this includes low‐income, first‐generation and undocumented students. How can educators on both sides of the desk support this population? What do they need to know about applying to college? How can we help them find the right fit? Once they arrive on campus, how can we support them in the transition process? This session will explore the answers to those questions. Presenter(s) Kedra Ishop, Vice President for Enrollment Management, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States Kara Turner, Associate Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Academic Support Services, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States Brian Spittle, Assistant Vice President for Access and Attainment, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, United States Sara Leven, Secondary Magnet and IB Schools Coordinator, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 87 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Technology and assessment tools that connect students with the world STRAND: General ROOM: Michigan A Engaged participants will leave this session with an immense array of apps and online tools that will improve their own formative and summative assessments. Participants will also experience how to use the internet as a type of online hallway to display student work. Presenter(s) Paul Blissit, Individuals and Societies Teacher, Hot Springs School District, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, United States John Stokes, EAST Facilitator, Hot Springs School District, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, United States Leanne Hitt, Language Arts Teacher, Hot Springs School District, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 88 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Engineering the PYP curriculum STRAND: PYP ROOM: Erie This session focuses on developing a transdisciplinary curriculum that infuses STEM into the IB. Participants will be guided through the integration framework in which engineering design process parallels the inquiry cycle as a central integrating concept, around which all other academic subjects are aligned to create cohesive transdisciplinary units of study. Participants will gain insights in how to integrate STEM and the IB through selection of engineering activity, deliberate choice of constraints and focus on international‐mindedness. Presenter(s) Mijana Lockard, TRST‐STEM Lead Teacher, Polk School District Office of Magnet Schools, Bartow, Florida, United States Carolyn Bridges, Senior Director, Polk School District Office of Magnet Schools, Bartow, Florida, United States Holly Wallace, PYP Coordinator, Lincoln Avenue Academy, Lakeland, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 89 Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 Teachers and the IB learner profile: A case study and ideas for professional development STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Huron What do teachers believe about the IB learner profile? How do those beliefs impact on their practice? These questions guided the qualitative case study that will be explored in this session. An activity for reflection on the learner profile and a review of different conceptions about the learner profile will be included. The final discussion will explore how schools can encourage dialogue among teachers about the learner profile. Presenter(s) Joanne Chatlos, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Alcuin School, Dallas, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 14:00 – 15:15 SATURDAY, 25 JULY 15:45–17:00 #IBCHI2015 91 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Actualización del Programa de la Escuela Primaria STRAND: PYP ROOM: Huron Les invitamos a que asistan a esta presentación y debate con personal encargado del PEP. En esta sesión ofreceremos información actualizada sobre el crecimiento que ha experimentado el PAI en la región IB Américas en el últimoaño. Además, trataremos tanto los cambios relacionados con los procesos de servicios del PAI a los colegios como los cambios planificados para el futuro. Los participantes tendrán también la oportunidad de resolver sus dudas más acuciantes sobre el programa. Presenter(s) Alicia Olea, Responsable adjunta del PEP para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional,Buenos Aires (Argentina) Michael Clifton, Responsable del PEP para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 92 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Actualización del Programa de los Años Intermedios STRAND: MYP ROOM: Mississippi Les invitamos a que asistan a esta presentación y debate con personal encargado del PAI. En esta sesión ofreceremos información actualizada sobre el crecimiento que ha experimentado el PAI en la región IB Américas en el últimoaño. Además, trataremos tanto los cambios relacionados con los procesos de servicios del PAI a los colegios como los cambios planificados para el futuro. Los participantes tendrán también la oportunidad de resolver sus dudas más acuciantes sobre el programa. Presenter(s) Sofia Dolega, Responsable adjunta del PAI para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Ted Williams, Responsable del PAI para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 93 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Actualización del Programa del Diploma STRAND: DP ROOM: Ohio Les invitamos a que asistan a esta presentación y debate con personal encargado del PD. En esta sesión trataremos los cambios que ha experimentado el PD durante el último año y los que habrá en el futuro. Además, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de resolver sus dudas más acuciantes sobre el programa. Presenter(s) Alicia D’Urbano, Responsable del PD para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) Jennifer Baker, Responsable adjunta del PD para IB Américas, Bachillerato Internacional, Bethesda, Maryland (Estados Unidos) James Monk, Jefe de área curricular, Bachillerato Internacional, La Haya (Holanda) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 94 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Engaging young learners through student‐led research STRAND: PYP ROOM: Chicago 8 This workshop will give participants an overview of how we implement student‐led research in the first years of the PYP. We will provide guidance for leading students to conduct independent research in an engaging, active classroom. We will also address the challenges of implementation in our urban district and how we successfully engage families to foster a supportive learning community. Participants will leave this workshop with ideas and next steps for implementation in the classroom. Presenter(s) Kimberly Stone‐Keaton, Head of School and PYP Coordinator, Global Communications Academy, Hartford, Connecticut, United States Ashley Desmond, PYP Teacher, Global Communications Academy, Hartford, Connecticut, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 95 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Feedback is assessment: Exploring the intersection of learning and technology STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Ontario How can we personalize feedback for learners using standards and benchmarks while also using relevant technologies to enhance progress and achievement? This interactive workshop and discussion will explore the nexus of meaningful assessment of learning and technology. Audience members should be prepared to play and to work hands‐on with their devices towards understanding how different technological tools can be used to provide students with personalized feedback about their learning in the light of assessment objectives. Presenter(s) Charles Gleek, North Broward Preparatory School, Boca Raton, Florida, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 96 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 From data to implementation: A case study of integrating ATL in the Extended Essay process STRAND: DP ROOM: Arkansas This session tracks our school’s journey from data to programme refinement with a specific focus on the extended essay. This work is in response to the ATL model for the DP and in response to the literature on metacognition and personal epistemology in post‐secondary research and instruction. We will share: our data‐gathering approaches, steps we are taking in response to the data, our students’ reflections to date, and resources participants can use. Presenter(s) Julia L Kinnear, Academic Dean, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Mari Roughneen, Teacher Librarian, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jody McLean, Senior Division Coordinator, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 97 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 How being an all‐IB district has paid off STRAND: General ROOM: Missouri The Green Lake School District is a small, rural district that has made a major commitment to the IB. It is the state’s only all‐IB district and the first all‐IB high school. The focus of having all programmes has created better communication among staff and improved achievement for students. The district is an exemplar recognized by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The development of teacher leaders has been a key to the success, and the IB coordinators will share their story. Presenter(s) Mary Hunter, MYP Coordinator and Social Studies Teacher, Green Lake Schools, Green Lake, Wisconsin, United States Mary Allen, Principal, Green Lake High School, Green Lake, Wisconsin, United States Pattie Priske, DP Coordinator and Math Teacher, Green Lake Schools, Green Lake, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 98 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 IB for all (part 2) STRAND: General ROOM: Superior As IB continually evolves to meet the needs of diverse communities, many IB schools are using strategies to develop and support a culture of access, equity, and inclusion in their classrooms and throughout their schools. Come to a hands‐on, double‐session to discuss the inclusive nature of an IB education and how five different schools around the United States use strategies to grow successful IB programmes and increase access to the IB for their whole student population. Presenter(s) Michael Leshner, Development and Outreach Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Paul Marble, Principal, Sturgis Charter Public School–East, Hyannis, Massachusetts, United States Shane O’Day, Head of School, Gambold Preparatory Magnet High School, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Colin Pierce, DP Coordinator and Teacher, Rainier Beach High School, Seattle, Washington, United States Lillian Solis‐Silva, IB Coordinator, Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart, Miami, Florida, United States Barbara Winn, Head of School, Green Run Collegiate, Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 99 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 New services to support IB Schools STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Erie IB is piloting two new services for schools. ‘Curriculum Connections’ addresses how to connect local, state, or national curriculum requirements to those of the IB programmes. ‘Building Quality Curriculum’ provides schools with detailed feedback from experienced IB educators on the PYP Programme of Inquiry, individual units of inquiry and MYP unit planners. Beginning in 2016, this service will be a requirement of MYP schools as part of programme evaluation, and will be available as an optional service for all other PYP and MYP candidate and authorized schools. Presenter(s) Sean Rankin, Pre‐Authorization Manager, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Erin Albright, Global Head of Post Authorization Services, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 100 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Primary children's perspectives on their school experiences: Using multiple modes of communication to inform practice STRAND: PYP ROOM: Michigan B This session will describe how Indigenous and culturally‐diverse students shared their favorite learning experiences in a Canadian Primary Years Programme. Due to the evolution of communication, children have acquired expertise with a repertoire of modes (film making, digital photography, storytelling) which they utilized in this study. The students’ engagement with different modes positioned them as innovative thinkers and communicators at school, and also has the potential to support their future aspirations in a globalized world. Presenter(s) Jodi Streelasky, Instructor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Bill Reid, Principal, North Vancouver School District, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 101 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Skills for life: Social and emotional learning in the MYP STRAND: MYP ROOM: Chicago 9 The IB represents a commitment to holistic education. The IB learner profile calls for caring, open‐ minded, balanced, reflective people. Programme standards and practices require schools to have open communication based on understanding and respect. Approaches to learning includes a range of affective, personal and collaborative skills. So why aren’t we talking more about social and emotional learning in IB programmes? The MYP leads the way with new thinking and support—find out more! Presenter(s) Robert Harrison, Head of MYP Development, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 102 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Strategies and best practices for supporting language acquisition STRAND: Leadership ROOM: River A In this session, participants will explore best practices and strategies when implementing a dual‐ language programme or supporting a second language. Participants will engage in different theories of second‐language acquisition that support the implementation of an IB programme. Presenters will share personal experiences about their journey through the process of planning and supporting a second language. The presenters will use IB Standards and Practices to help participants build or improve their language programme. Presenter(s) Evaleen Velazquez, Dean of Curriculum and Language, Pan American Academy Charter School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 103 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 The IB learner in the digital age: Redefining collaborative learning with free technology tools STRAND: General ROOM: Mayfair This session will redefine collaborative learning that can be used across any discipline with the inclusion of free technology tools. These approaches will enhance classroom discussion, encourage inquiry‐based research, provide unique student curation and project options, and expand creative expression, all while maintaining the integrity of the IB learner profile and building an innovative IB classroom. Participants are welcome from all technology comfort levels and are asked to bring a device with internet access. Presenter(s) Vicki Quinn, IB English Literature Instructor, Bay Port High School, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States Amy Heusterberg‐Richards, IB English Literature Instructor, Bay Port High School, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 104 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Under fire: University recognition update STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Chicago 10 In this session a panel of experts in the area of university admissions and enrollment management will address your concerns about IB recognition in the region. Here is your chance to ask those important questions and express your most vexing issues with IB recognition. While the panelists cannot fix specific issues, they can speak to the many frustrations IB educators and students share when dealing with universities and colleges. Learn more about how the Regional and Global Recognition teams are working to ensure that IB graduates can successfully transition to university programs worldwide. We will share some of our key strategies, successes and challenges in the coming years. We will come prepared with our shields and armors; you can bring your slings and arrows. Presenter(s) Shannon Gundy, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Maryland–College Park, College Park, Maryland, United States Paul Sanders, Head of Global Recognition, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Marie Vivas, University Relations Manager–IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Jonathan Burdick, Vice Provost and Dean of College Admission, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, United States Mairead Barry, Assistant Vice President–Enrolment Management, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 105 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Using 3D printers to express creativity in the MYP STRAND: MYP ROOM: Michigan A Nuevo Mundo (UEBNM) is a school with more than 37 years in the educational field in Guayaquil‐ Ecuador. UEBNM merges the implementation of 3D printers with the IB MYP curriculum to develop abilities in their students in order to express their creativity in the MYP areas. Come hear from the students themselves how the use of 3D printers has helped their own development and originality. Presenter(s) Édgar Emmanuel Muñoz Acuña, Student, Unidad Educativa Nuevo Mundo, Guayaquil, Ecuador María Emilia Córdova Mosquera, Student, Unidad Educativa Nuevo Mundo, Guayaquil, Ecuador Mónica Carolina Guillén Collaguazo, Student, Unidad Educativa Nuevo Mundo, Guayaquil, Ecuador Juan Francisco Cisneros Wuah Hing, Student, Unidad Educativa Nuevo Mundo, Guayaquil, Ecuador Miranda María Santander Castillo, Student, Unidad Educativa Nuevo Mundo, Guayaquil, Ecuador 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 106 Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 Using IB DP Advantage to create and sustain a professional learning community at your school STRAND: DP ROOM: Gold Coast Through the recent launch of IB DP Advantage, the IB is inviting schools to foster professional learning communities using engaging and diverse informal learning opportunities. Presenter(s) Matt James, Head of Online Professional Development, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands Jan Stipek, Head of Global Professional Development—DP, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Saturday, 15:45 – 17:00 SUNDAY, 26 JULY 9:00–10:15 #IBCHI2015 108 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Advancing the under‐represented STRAND: General ROOM: River A This workshop examines critical factors impacting identification, access and advocacy for under‐ represented high‐ability minorities, second‐language learners, international, military and low‐income students. The workshop incorporates the philosophy of cultural proficiency with the constructive use of resources and school–community partnerships that support early identification. It has a practical and academic emphasis on leadership and instructional dispositions for advocacy, as well as the impact of organizational structures on access to opportunities. Presenter(s) Ibe Bulinda Hereford Crawley, MYP Coordinator, Walt Whitman Middle School, Alexandria, Virginia, United States Mark Ausbrooks, Director of Student Services, Walt Whitman Middle School, Alexandria, Virginia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 109 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Con los pies en la tierra STRAND: DP ROOM: Ohio Se iniciará con un vídeo testimonial, para dar paso a explicación de que es CAS para prepa UDEM, cómo enamorar a los estudiantes del CAS a través de la pasión del coordinador para terminar compartiendo con ejemplos, experiencias y el sentido que le dan los estudiantes al CAS, fomentando la trascendencia en su vida profesional y personal. Presenter(s) María Aurora Tamez Elizondo, Coordinadora CAS, Prepa UDEM Unidad Valle Alto, San Pedro Garza García (México) Lucía A Ruiz Velasco de la Garz, Coordinadora IB, Prepa UDEM Unidad Valle Alto, San Pedro Garza García (México) Homero de Jesús Treviño Villagomez, Coordinador IB, Prepa UDEM Unidad Fundadores, San Pedro Garza García (México) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 110 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Developing a performance music and visual arts curriculum as an IB Career‐related Programme STRAND: CP ROOM: Arkansas In 2013, Lincoln Park High School, an IB World School since 1980, was designated one of CPSs wall‐to‐ wall IB schools including applying for a full grade 9 and grade 10 MYP and stand‐alone diploma subjects. Three programmes—JROTC , performance music, and visual arts—had always been highly valued at the school, with many participants. Our army JROTC programme could easily become a Career‐related Programme, which was very validating for those involved. However, including our large and successful performance music and visual arts programmes presented more of a challenge. Although many of the students in each were already professional musicians and visual artists, the school did not have an official certification programme to recognize the students’ studies and achievements. This session will summarize how we successfully went about the application process, recruited our first class from all three programmes, and outlines our progress, delights and challenges experienced through the first year of the CP. Presenter(s) Mary Enda Tookey, DP and CP Coordinator, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States Elizabeth Drake, Visual Arts Department Chair and IB Visual Arts Instructor, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States Lise Gilly, Performance Music Chair and Band/Strings Instructor, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States Nicole Soltanzadeh, ATL Instructor, Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 111 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 El valor de los valores STRAND: MYP ROOM: Mississippi Reconocer la importancia de los valores y los atributos del Perfil IB en los alumnos, a través de la presentación de dos proyectos académicos en IBAMEX y en el Colegio Internacional de México para fortalecer el rol que juegan éstos en la formación integral de los jóvenes en la actualidad. Presenter(s) Jorge Alberto Perera González, Coordinador del PAI, Colegio Internacional de México, Mexico City, Distrito Federal (Mexico) 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 112 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Exploring the big ideas with our community of innovative schools STRAND: General ROOM: Ontario Are you an innovative school? This session is aimed at schools with the capacity and desire to innovate; it launches the exciting idea of “incubation hubs.” This approach recognizes that many IB schools are leading the way in developing new ideas. The incubation hubs will actively connect and support schools to explore some of the big ideas in education together. The first of these incubation hubs will begin this year—exploring the relevance of complexity. Presenter(s) Jane Drake, Head of Curriculum Innovation and Alignment, International Baccalaureate, The Hague, The Netherlands 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 113 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Five‐year review: Providing the feedback schools deserve STRAND: DP ROOM: Chicago 8 After schools engage in the self‐study process, the Global Centre provides feedback. A group of experienced educators read the documents submitted by the school and complete their comments using software designed for this purpose. Educators can either choose the comments from pre‐ populated lists in the software or write their own. Since the choice is based on the readers’ background and experience, we noticed inconsistencies in the feedback we give to schools and therefore created a way to standardize the feedback schools receive to ensure not only consistency but also equity. Please join the Diploma Programme team to find out more about the way in which the Global Centre standardizes the Diploma Programme evaluation feedback. This session will provide you with tools to help you successfully complete your school’s next evaluation. Presenter(s) Kelsey Day, DP School Services Associate Manager—IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States Alicia D’Urbano, DP School Services Manager—IB Americas, International Baccalaureate, Bethesda, Maryland, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 114 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 From performing below to becoming IB STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Erie Marquette Elementary School has had the MYP for ten years. In 2012 it was acquired by the Academy of Urban School Leadership to begin the turnaround process. All students weren’t given the opportunity to reach their potential because the MYP was offered to an exclusive group of students. This process altered the perception of the school, and now that every student is part of our MYP, all have the opportunity to become successful, global citizens. Presenter(s) Melissa Hooker, MYP Coordinator, Marquette School of Excellence, Chicago, Illinois, United States Alexa Young, MYP Science Instructor, Marquette School of Excellence, Chicago, Illinois, United States Faye Stevens‐Jett, MYP Physical Education Instructor, Marquette School of Excellence, Chicago, Illinois, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 115 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Growing and rethinking your urban IB Diploma Programme STRAND: DP ROOM: Michigan A Growing and maintaining your IB Diploma Programme in urban environments with high poverty, mobility , limited access to community resources and funding can be daunting to say the least! This session will share strategies that work in urban environments—from the personal mindset level up to the large‐scale system level. Presenter(s) Erik Brandt, DP Coordinator, Harding Senior High School, Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 116 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 How to apply to Canada, UK, Europe STRAND: Higher Ed ROOM: Huron The IB is highly regarded in many countries, and IB Diploma Programme graduates are well positioned to pursue university studies outside of their region. This session is geared towards high school counselors and IB Coordinators and will walk through the process of applying internationally. How do students need to think differently about applying overseas versus domestically? How might applying overseas affect what DP subjects a student picks in 10th grade? Presenter(s) Andrew Arida, Associate Registrar–Undergraduate Admissions, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Pamela Joos, University Counselor, Washington International School, Washington, District of Columbia, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 117 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Inclusive education: The implementation of the PYP in a Canadian school population of children with special needs STRAND: PYP ROOM: Michigan B This presentation highlights the collaborative process established at the school level to support an inclusive learning model among educators, educational assistants and families of children with learning support requirements in a Western Canadian school. This session specifically addresses how the connection between home and school supports the integration and inclusion of students with learning support requirements in order to optimize their learning. Various differentiated approaches to the learning‐delivery model will be highlighted in the presentation that is proven to be successful. Presenter(s) Sandra Singh, Vice Principal and PYP Coordinator, Queen Mary Community School, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 118 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Learning to improve your leadership (and life) through the natural change process STRAND: General ROOM: Chicago 10 Did you know that all decision‐making, all change and all conflict follows the same procedure? IB leaders and facilitators who attend this session will learn to use the natural change process called the ORID (objective, reflective, interpretive, decisional) method. It is a practical model for guiding and creating conversations. Learn how to drive the process of change to improve both your school and the life of all the learners within your school community. Presenter(s) Dave Webb, Superintendent of Schools, South St Paul Public Schools, South St Paul, Minnesota, United States Chad Schmidt, Director of Learning, South St Paul Public Schools, South St Paul, Minnesota, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 119 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Rigour for all: The AVID and IB partnership STRAND: MYP ROOM: Superior Schools that successfully integrate AVID and IB find that the two programmes complement each other in fostering a college and career‐readiness culture that ensures access and rigour for all. This session will explore ways that the MYP and the DP have successfully integrated AVID and IB, with practical ideas and provocative questions to help you rethink possibilities in your own school. Presenter(s) Elizabeth Jensen, AVID Elective Teacher and Coordinator, Fridley High School, Fridley, Minnesota, United States Angela Wilcox, MYP Coordinator and AVID Elective Teacher, Hopkins North Junior High, Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 120 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Student‐led inquiries, a platform for action STRAND: PYP ROOM: Mayfair This presentation is an opportunity to understand how teachers foster conceptual understanding that leads to action through student‐led inquiries. It is a chance to reflect upon the role of these inquiries within the curriculum. A step‐by‐step guide that allows teachers to follow a formula that connects personal interests and student engagement will be explored. By addressing the essential elements, teachers help students achieve enduring understandings and aim for the ultimate summative assessment of all: action. Presenter(s) Rodrigo González, Educator, Escuela Lomas Altas, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico Adriana Santacruz, Educator, Escuela Lomas Altas, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 121 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 The story begins STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Missouri The session consists of the participants writing IB lessons and units for their subject area. Participants will create and design assignments, projects and reflections for an interactive notebook. By the end of the session the interactive notebook will transform into a tool that helps students to process information, study and review content for assessment. Presenter(s) Barbara Clemons, Individuals and Societies Teacher, Hoffman Middle School, Houston, Texas, United States Angela Hall Hector, MYP Coordinator, Eisenhower Ninth Grade School, Houston, Texas, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 122 Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15 Using student self‐assessment to improve learning in IB mathematics STRAND: Leadership ROOM: Gold Coast Learn how the use of student self‐assessment can improve student learning in mathematics. Learn how to get out of the business of measuring intelligence and awarding points, and instead move towards meaningful evaluation of student strengths and weaknesses. Learn how you can develop the IB learner profile in your students by asking them to think, reflect and communicate mathematically, shifting the focus from answer‐getting to communication of mathematical reasoning. Presenter(s) Douglas Guyette, Mathematics Teacher, Notre Dame de la Baie Academy, Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2015 IB Conference of the Americas Breakout Session Descriptions Sunday, 9:00 – 10:15