rmtour - Cycling Utah


rmtour - Cycling Utah
Don’t you like spring? Every day is filled with fresh energy and
potential. Now that the skiing days are numbered, it’s time to get
the bikes off the indoor trainer, or the hook in some cases, and hit
the roads and trails for what is shaping up to be another fantastic
cycling season.
Following what we consider to be a successful first year, based
on the numerous positive comments we received about our Rocky
Mountain Tour Guide and requests for additional copies, we looked
for ways to improve our little booklet. To that effect we joined forces
with Cycling Utah to help produce, research and distribute the guide.
Two heads are better than one, and it seems to work for all of us,
with you, the rider, as the beneficiary of that partnership.
In order to help push you out the door, we compiled our second
annual edition of the Rocky Mountain Tour Guide. It is loaded with
century and shorter distance rides and tours to assist planning your
weekend schedule — and we have no
“...what better remorse about making it tough for you to
way to introduce decide which event to attend. Similar to
last year, you will find road and mountain
someone to a region events listed in separate sections, just
than from the seat more of them.
of a bike.”
Organizers in Utah, Wyoming,
Colorado and New Mexico are all privileged, as their backyards are filled with amazing scenery through
which they can put on a ride. Whether it’s deserts, mountains, valleys, streams, rivers, sand dunes or geysers, these spectacular landscapes form the rich diversity of their playground. From their point
of view, there’s always something to discover, and what better way to
introduce someone to a region than from the seat of a bike.
Event promoters all strive to grab your attention and gently lure
you into their neck of the woods, to share their area’s beauty. In
some cases they include more than just scenery — climbs, altitude
and extra distance create the perfect challenge for the hardcore
cyclist. Others bank on home baked goodies and fantastic food to
replenish and reward the riders at their rest stops. Some go out of
their way to provide a family-friendly environment with rides that suit
the younger cyclists and beginners. The festivals provide something
for everyone, in a fun and exciting atmosphere. But all organizers
have one common goal, the desire to produce fun, safe events where
participants enjoy themselves to the fullest.
So you are all invited to join them, mix and match the plethora of
events available to you. Keep your old favorites but go discover new
rides. Support those close to home but also travel a little to find out
what the riding is like in other parts of the Rocky Mountains.
Aren’t you excited yet?
Happy riding
Claire Bonin
Volume 2
March, 2009
Seattle Publishing & Cycling Utah
Jay Stilwell, SP President
Ryan Price, SP Vice-President
Dave Iltis, CU Editor
David R Ward, CU Publisher
Associate Publisher / Editor
Claire Bonin
Assistant Editor
Darren Dencklau
Editorial Intern
Angela Sucich
Claire Bonin
Scott Christopher
Darren Dencklau
Dave Iltis
Lang Reynolds
Angela Sucich
Art / Production
Amy Beardemphl
Graphic Intern
Christina Rascon
Cover Design
Amy Beardemphl
Bikerpelli Sports
Claire Bonin
JD Thompson,
Robin Perkins
Claire Bonin
Darren Dencklau
Dave Iltis
Jay Stilwell
Pollard Group
Cycling Utah
Amber Zappfel
Cover Photo
Breathtaking views of Arches National
Park taken at a leisurely pace during
the 2008 Moab Skinny Tire Festival.
Photo courtesy of JD Thompson,
RM Tour Guide is published once a year
by Bicycle Paper, Cycling Utah and Seattle
Bicycle Paper, 68 South Washington St.,
Seattle, WA 98104.
Phone 206.903.1333 or toll free
1.888.836.5720, fax 206.903.8565, email
[email protected]
Send address changes to:
Bicycle Paper
68 South Washington St.
Seattle, WA 98104
All articles, photos and artwork appear in RM
Tour Guide are the sole property of the RM
Tour Guide and Bicycle Paper. No reprinting or
any other use is allowed without obtaining the
written permission of the publishers or editor.
All advertising inquiries should be directed to
Darren Dencklau and Dave Iltis
Bicycle Paper / RM Tour Guide is listed in
The Consumer Magazine & Agri Media
Source SRDS.
Century Preparation .......... 4
Organizer Coalition ............ 7
April-May .............................. 9
June-August........................ 14
September-December ....... 22
Photo by Claire Bonin
Why restrict yourself to one playground when you can enjoy both
Moab and Fruita?
Adventure Cycling
California Lines ..........................BC
Association ............................. IBC
Carbon County Recreation .......... 27
America By Bike ........................... 9
Cycle Oregon................................. 8
Arthritis Foundation’s California
Coast Classic............................. 24
CycleItalia .................................... 16
Bicycle Adventures ..................... 17
Bicycle Colorado ......................... 32
Cycling Utah ................................ 11
March-October .................. 27
Club Listings ..................... 30
Tour Companies ............... 31
Get your Guts in Gear ............... 21
Handle Bar & Grill ........................ 9
Ride Idaho - YMCA ..................... 16
New Zealand Pedal Tours .......... 24
Round and Round Production .. 20
Paceline Products ....................... 32
Timberline Adventures .............. 12
Red River Chamber of
Commerce ............................... 25
Tour de Park City........................ 17
Bonneville Cycling Club ............ 13
Cactus Hugger Cycling Club ...... 1
Red Rock Events ........................... 5
West Yellowstone Tour ................. 4
Bicycle Paper ............................... 31
Bike 2 Bike ............................... IFC
Bike Tires Direct - Velotech ...... 25
Velo Wear ..................................... 29
Secrets of a Good Century
By Coach Lang Reynolds, Cycle
lead to significant changes in position. You should
consider a bike fit before you start the bulk of
your training.
Century rides are a great distance for both
novice and experienced cyclists because they are
long enough to offer a significant challenge, yet
short enough that most riders can finish one without intense training. On the flipside of this relative
approachability among endurance cycling events,
however, is the danger of not taking preparation
seriously enough. Most riders can get on a bike
and ride 100 miles, but to complete the distance
under your goal time, without undue fatigue or
overuse injuries, and while having fun, requires
diligent training and attention to the other details.
Along with a properly fitted bike, developing
good bike handling and group riding skills is
something to take care of well before your event.
Good handling skills will not only allow you to
descend, corner and climb faster, they will also
give you more confidence, reduce stress and
elevate the overall experience. Many centuries
can be relatively crowded, making bike handling
skills important for your own safety and the safety
of those around you. Other riders also present an
opportunity to work together for a faster overall
finishing time, but it is important to practice riding
in a group beforehand to safely learn the dynamics
of a paceline.
Solid and consistent training on the bike is
the key component to any great performance, but
there are several other facets of preparation and
event-day execution that will lead to a smooth ride
on the “big day.” These include:
• Proper bike fit
• Solid bike handling and group riding skills
• Goal setting and visualization
• Proper pacing
• Effective and familiar nutrition plan
A proper bike fit ensures a comfortable, powerful and efficient position on the bike and can also
prevent injuries. If you’ve never had a professional
bike fit, recently got a new bike, or upgraded your
shoes, saddle, pedals, handlebars, etc., this could
Often overlooked, goal setting and visualization
will also lead you to a faster time and a more enjoyable experience. While completing the century is a
goal in and of itself, spend a little time each week
prior to the event thinking about more specific
goals within the event itself — a finishing time, an
office buddy you want to beat, or simply the feeling
you want to have at the finish line. After you have
established some goals, spend time visualizing
yourself riding the event, how you will accomplish
your goals, and how you will feel once you have
achieved them. It sounds corny but I can tell you
from personal experience that it really works.
Poor pacing is one of the biggest reasons riders don’t achieve their goals on event day; caught
up in the excitement, many riders start off riding
way harder than they can sustain for the event’s
duration. One way to easily manage your pace is
through the use of a device like a power meter or
heart rate monitor. But pacing should also be a
part of your training — learning what it feels like
to ride at a particular effort level and determining
how long you can sustain that effort should also be
part of it. In the first hour of the ride, ask yourself
if you are riding at an intensity level you can sustain for 5+ hours. If the answer is no, slow down. If
the answer is yes, slow down anyway because you
are probably being overly optimistic.
Nutrition is another often-overlooked aspect
of preparing for a century. Eating too little food
will lead to premature fatigue, while eating too
much can cause cramping and intestinal distress.
In general, most riders consume between 200-500
calories per hour; experiment with different rates
of caloric intake during training rides to figure out
your requirement. In addition, you also need to
find out what kind of food is best for you. A plethora of gels and drinks are now available, some work
better than others. Try different products during
your training rides to see what suits you best.
Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, is the
training you will do on the bike. I’ve included a
sample 16-week training plan based on mileage for
a century-type event. If this is the first time you
are tackling a century, the most important aspect
of training is consistency. Ease into the training at
the beginning, and then get the miles in as consistently as possible every week.
If you are an experienced rider looking to
improve your average speed, use one or two days
a week for interval workouts such as hill repeats
or hard efforts on flat or rolling terrain. The most
effective way to improve your cruising speed is
to spend shorter periods of time above “cruising speed intensity,” followed by short periods
of recovery. While there is no substitute for time
in the saddle when you are preparing for a longdistance cycling event, the best way to get faster
once you’ve already put in your hours is to stress
the body by increasing the intensity. Be sure to
give yourself an extra day of rest after these interval sessions.
There are many facets to address when preparing for to a century ride, but at its core it simply
comes down to doing your homework before you
get to the starting line. Remember, the #1 goal
should be to have fun on your bike. Events are a
lot more enjoyable if you put all the pieces together, achieve your goal and feel better than ever!
Cycle University has written 100’s of training
plans for century riders and helped thousands of
riders prepare for everything from a ride around the
block to preparing for races. 12 professional coaches
offer bike fitting, coaching, skills classes, teams, gear,
advanced spin classes, boot camps and more. www.
New Coalition Makes Events
Better for All Involved
By Scott Christopher
Perhaps you are a veteran bicyclist, having
participated in many cycling events over the years.
Or maybe you are looking forward to your very
first organized bicycling event in 2009. Colorado
is fortunate to have many great rides and devoted
organizers are working hard to make sure you
enjoy a fantastic experience. This past year, many
of Colorado’s ride organizers began working
together with Bicycle Colorado to ensure Colorado
bike events continue for many years to come.
Beautiful scenery, majestic mountains, and
large numbers of cyclists come to mind when
explaining the reasons more than twenty organized rides in Colorado flourish during the cycling
season. Riders come from all over the country and
the globe to join active cyclists in the region.
Event organizers work extensively to make
your riding experience fun and memorable and
they realize that a safe event is necessary to allow
the fun experiences to occur.
While bicycle events have excellent safety
records, they have a goal of continually improving
safety and other aspects of the event. To achieve
this goal a group of cycling professionals met
in April 2008 to explore the establishment of an
association of Colorado bicycle event directors.
The feedback was all positive, a series of goals and
objectives were agreed upon, and the first meeting
took place in November 2008.
Named the Colorado Bicycle Event Directors’
Coalition, this group was created to share the best
practices, address safety programs, streamline processes with governmental agencies, and continue
making bicycling events more enjoyable.
Bicycle Colorado, the state’s non-profit organization working for a more bicycle-friendly state,
and Chandler Smith, Ride the Rockies tour director, first discussed the potential value of such
an organization in late 2007. Scott Christopher,
outreach manager at Bicycle Colorado, developed
objectives for the Coalition, with the overriding
goal being the preservation, growth, and overall
enjoyment of the diverse organized rides that take
place across Colorado.
This first-ever statewide coalition brings together directors of major Colorado bicycling events,
both new and established, which provide a wealth
of options for riders.
Registering for your ride is just the first visible
result of all the behind the scenes work by ride
directors, staff and volunteers. Their professionalism, dedication, and expertise are a critical part of
the growth and success of cycling events.
When organizers are not performing the glamorous work of renting port-a-potties or sanitizing
water tanks, they are busy supporting sponsors,
designing new routes, organizing aid stations and
support vehicles, and reaching out to the communities and citizens where their events take place.
They are also deeply involved in the permitting
process with governmental agencies at all levels:
state, county, and local; state patrol, county sheriffs,
and municipal law enforcement; as well as departments of transportation. Without the support of
all these governmental agencies and the detailed
permitting process undertaken by event directors,
these beloved rides would not be possible.
But you do your part — pay your entry fee and
participate — so why is this important to you?
The importance of law enforcement is very
clear: these special events affect normal road
usage and without the responsible planning,
permitting, and execution, these ride requests
could be turned away. As a rider, you can have
significant impact on the future of events. Most all
roads are open to motorized traffic while you are
enjoying your ride. Obeying traffic laws, showing
courteousy to others, and thanking event helpers
will go a long way towards making each ride a success. At the first Colorado Bicycle Event Directors’
Coalition meeting in November 2008, the guest
speakers were from the Colorado State Patrol. The
meeting was a success from both the State Patrol’s
perspective and from the view of the bicycle
event directors. Event directors expressed their
appreciation for the extensive support provided to
events by the State Patrol, while the officers were
pleased to learn of the emphasis on safety best
practices and the desire to streamline the permitting process.
In January of 2009, the Colorado Bicycle Event
Directors Coalition completed a working session
and adopted a common set of safe riding rules to
be published jointly on all websites and in printed
materials. The State Patrol has agreed to review
and provide input to this set of cycling event rules,
demonstrating the cooperation and professionalism
between these two groups.
As cyclists and participants, most of us have
grown to expect that our favorite events - some
that have taken place every year for more than 20
years - will always be available for our enjoyment.
Only through our responsible participation and
sharing the roads with other vehicles will we contribute to the approval of next year’s event.
Begin your preparation now for the upcoming
cycling season. Ride outdoors whenever the weather allows. Incorporate cycling into your commute
to get in some miles without taking time away from
personal and professional commitments. Enjoy
other physical activities to train your muscles,
heart, and lungs. Prepare mentally as well: ensure
you are comfortable sharing the road with motor
vehicles, “drive” your bike like you drive your car,
following the same laws and rules of the road, and
focus on the fun of the upcoming cycling season.
If you are not comfortable riding in large
groups, on open roads, or are concerned about
what laws apply to bicyclists, take a cycling class
or training offered by many events.
For event directors interested in participating
in the Coalition, please contact Scott Christopher,
Bicycle Colorado, [email protected],
www.bicyclecolorado.org, 303-417-1544, ext. 17,
or Chandler Smith, Ride the Rockies, chsmith@
Enjoy a great year of cycling in 2009!
BCC Super Series
Apr 4: Zion Canyon
200km Brevet
Apr 18-Sep 1:
Various, UT. Super Series. Events 100 miles or longer, some with
shorter options. Not supported, bring money or food. Open to all,
non-club members welcome. Membership: $20. Identified as SS in
individual event descriptions. BCC, bccutah.org”
Challenge Series
Apr 12-Sep 5:
Various, CO. Nationally sanctioned Colorado Brevet Series. Includes
ten challenging endurance events lasting one or more days from April
to September. Distances: 72 to 200 miles. Most events are free, but for
insurance purposes, you must be an RMCC member ($25 per year) to
participate. Times will be recorded at check points. Results by age group
and gender. Aero bar not permitted. Event includes RMCC 1-2-3, Triple
Cown, Copper Triangle and Foothill Climbfest. Rocky Mountain Cycling
Club, rmccrides.com
St. George, UT. 200-km brevet from Convention Center
in St. George to Zion, returns
via Toquerville and Leeds.
Checkpoint opens at 6:15am,
ride starts at 7am. Park entry fee
required. Southern Utah Brevet,
Apr 5: Carter Lake Populaire
Longmont, CO. A tranquil visit
to Carter Lake, 106km. Sign in
at 8:30am, start 9am from the
Conoco on I-25 exit 243. Rocky
Mountain CC,
Family Friendly Ride
Supports Bicycle Colorado
Photo courtesy of MoabActionShots.com
Experience the Moab Century
Tour September 18-20, 2009
Apr 12: Challenge Series RMCC 1-2-3
Northglenn, CO. Part 1 of this
3-leg event. 100km, start at 9am
at the Park and Ride. CourseKeenesburg, Hudson, Brighton.
Must complete the 200km on May
2 and 300km on May 23 to get an
official finish. Part of Challenge
Series. Rocky Mountain CC,
Apr 12–18: Tour of
the Canyonlands
Moab, UT. 5 riding days,
350 miles, distance from
40-110 miles per day. Travel
through Arches Nat’l Park,
Canyonlands Nat’l Park, follow
the Colorado River and the La
Sal Mountain loop. Also available 10/11. Cycling Escapes,
Apr 18: Salt Lake City
Marathon Bike Tour
Salt Lake City, UT. 25 miles
non-stop through scenic and
spectacular parts of Salt Lake
Valley following the SLC marathon course. Start at 6am at the
Olympic Legacy Bridge near
Fort Douglas TRAX stop. Part
of marathon festivities. Open
to all. Salt Lake City Marathon,
Apr 18: Stove Prairie - 200km
Longmont, CO. Starts at 8am
at Conoco I-25 exit 243. ACP
brevet. Rocky Mountain CC,
Apr 18: Willard Bay 100
Centerville City, UT. SS #1.
Centerville JHS to Willard Bay,
self-supported. Flat 30-, 75- and
100-mile options. 9am start.
BCC Super Series event. Don
Williams, BCC, 801-641-4020,
Apr 19: Horsetooth Populaire
Loveland, CO. 122km starts at
9am at I-25 exit 255. Sample
part of the Spring 200-km
course. Rocky Mountain CC,
Apr 25–26: Cactus Hugger
Cycling Festival
Ivins, UT. Pedal through the desert landscape beneath majestic
red cliffs of southwestern Utah.
Saturday: 42-, 65- & 100-mile
routes. Kids zone, family fun
ride, post-ride meal. Sunday: 45
miles, Virgin to Zion Nat’l Pak.
Ride starts 10am. Lucy Ormond,
Cactus Hugger Cycling Festival,
435-229-1404, cactushuggers.org
Apr 25: El Mailpais
Grants, NM. 300-km brevet.
Goes through El Malpais Nat’l
Monument. 5,200’ of elevation
gain, most of it at the beginning
in a long, gradual climb. Start
at 6am. NM Brevet Series, 505
263-7090, nmbrevets.com
Apr 25: Ride for the Center
Albuquerque, NM. 10-, 22- or
54-mile route along Bosque
Trail and beyond. Kicks off the
Family Fun and Wellness Day:
A Day of Free Healthcare. Fully
supported, breakfast, T-shirt,
post-ride health fair held at
the National Hispanic Cultural
Center. National Hispanic
Cultural Center, 505-243-3930,
Apr 25: Spring Warm-up
Fort Collins, CO. Tentative date.
Metric century, 45-mile Prairie
loop and 15-mile family route.
Fort Collins CC, fccycleclub.org
Apr 25: Tour de Summerlin
Las Vegas, NV. 10-, 35-, 80-mile
routes. Vistas Community Park,
circumnavigates Las Vegas.
Apr 26–May 1: Br yceZion Bike
St. George, UT. Ride through
a panorama of sparkling
sunny skies, red rock sculptures, immense canyons and
aspen forests. All levels. Also
available: May, June, Sept.
and Oct. Bicycle Adventures,
May 1–31: UTA Bike
Commuter Challenge
Salt Lake County, UT. Residents
are encouraged to ride their
bikes. Includes activities such as
Bike to Work Wednesdays, Bike
to Work Day, Cycle Salt Lake
Week. Show your support of biking as a viable commute option.
Pat Dierks, 801-287-2062,
May 2: Challenge Series RMCC 1-2-3
Longmont, CO. Part 2 of this
3-leg event. 200km, start at 8am
at the RV 66 Conoco service
station. Course: Horsetooth and
Stove Prairie. Must complete
the 300km on May 23 to get an
official finish. Part of Challenge
Series. Rocky Mountain CC,
May 2: Ghost Town Centur y
Tooele, UT. Fun ride through
Utah’s historic ghost towns of
yesteryear. Mostly flat country
with rolling hills, little traffic,
mountain views. Benefit Valley
Mental Health. Bike 2 Bike,
801-677-0134, bike2bike.org
May 2: Kersey Kick
Louisville, CO. A plains foray
in Boulder, Weld and Larimer
Counties. 200km. Start at 8am
from US-36 Louisville-Superior
exit. Rocky Mountain CC,
May 2: Kickstands and
Cornstalks Ride
Fort Collins, CO. 45-mile tour
of the local farms on the northern end of the Front Range.
Breakfast, lunch and snack provided. Sag and swag. Auction.
Ride starts at 7:30am. Available
5/23, 6/6, 6/27, 7/18, 8/8, 8/29.
Rolling Spokes Bike Tours,
May 2: Pine Valley Mountain
300km Brevet
St. George, UT. Self-supported
300km from St. George to Cedar
City, returning through New
Castle and Veyo. Checkpoint
opens at 4:30am, ride starts
at 5am. Southern Utah Brevet,
435-559-0895, subrevet.org
May 2: Tour de Fire
Boulder City, NV. Metric double
century, 20-, 42-, 73-, 99-,
132-mile options. tdfire.com
May 3: Amoeba Rock
Fun Ride
Fort Collins, CO. Choose the flat
35- or 50-mile ride. Entry fee: $25
donation to the LAF. Starts across
from the Fort Collins Library. Free
breakfast & pizza. Reg. Opens at
8:30am. Jeff, 970-484-8323,
May 3: Rose Hill Rally
Grand Junction, CO. 100km
(62 miles) or 50km (31 miles).
Begin/end at Canyon View Park.
All abilities. Ride beautiful valley farm country. Start 7am,
breakfast, hot lunch, fully supported. Benefits Rose Hill House
of St. Mary’s Hospital. Richelle
Barton, St. Mary’s Hospital,
970-255-7731, stmarygj.org
May 4–Aug 4: Trans Am Self-Contained
Williamsburg, VA. From VA to
Eugene, OR. Self-contained
trips. Breakfast, lunch & dinner
provided each day. Adventure
Cycling Association,
May 7: Colorado Front
Range Fleche
Various, CO. Team to set departure and routes. Must be at
least 360km, 24-hour limit. Light
required. Registration by April
15. Finish in Louisville. ACP
sanctioned. Rocky Mountain CC,
May 9–16: Bicycle Tour
of Utah - Color Countr y
to Canyonlands
Springdale, UT. 6 riding days,
454 miles, 26,000’ elevation
gain. Mileage varies from 30-85
miles per day. Very scenic. Also
available 9/19, 10/3. Cycling
Escapes, CyclingEscapes.com
May 9: CSU Community Ride
Fort Collins, CO. Join the inspiring GSSE students in the fight
against poverty. 22-, 42- and
62-mile rides around Fort Collins.
Rams Cycling Team,
May 9: Salt Lake Challenge
Salt Lake City, UT. A scavenger
hunt on wheels with fun challenges instead of collecting things.
Team event, choose your route
from A to B, mandatory stops,
whacky challenges. Support Bike
Education & Youth Cycling. Bike
2 Bike, bike2bike.org
May 9: Springville to Nephi
Springville, UT. SS #2. Meet at
Cracker Barrel in Springville.
Self-supported, club ride, nonmembers welcome. Distances:
75 or 100 miles. BCC event.
BCC, 801-641-4020, bccutah.org
May 9: WSNM Moonlight Ride
Holloman AFB, NM. Dunes Drive
open to bicycles. SOLD OUT.
White Sands Nat’l Monument,
May 10–15: Santa FeTaos Tour
Santa Fe, NM. Ride New
Mexico’s High Desert, including
Bandelier Nat’l Monument &
the Enchanted Circle, feast on
epic cuisine, explore ancient cliff
dwellings, world famous art &
culture. Also available 5/31, 9/13
& 9/27. Bicycle Adventures,
May 11–15: Bike to
Work Week
Various. National Bike to Work
Week. Check with local bike
clubs for events in your region.
League of American Bicyclists,
May 12: UTA Rideshare Bike
to Work Day in Provo City
Various, UT. Activities in Provo,
Salt Lake, Summit County and
more. See website for details.
Part of Cycle Salt Lake Week.
May 16–30: Bike Ride Across
Scenic Utah (BRA ~ SU)
St. George, UT. An adventure of
a lifetime, 5 states, 5 nat’l parks,
5 nat’l monuments, 2 nat’l forests
& 4 nations. Panoramic views,
pristine air and picturesque
country will leave you breathless.
Limit 50 riders. Fully supported.
Bike 2 Bike, bike2bike.org
May 16: Black Forest
Littleton, CO. 300km. A rollerfest, straddling the spine of the
Palmer Divide. ACP brevet.
Lights required. Start at 5am,
Mineal and Santa Fe Park and
Ride. Rocky Mountain CC,
May 16: Buena Vista Bike
Buena Vista, CO. Century
route to Leadville along scenic
rolling hills in the shadows
of Colorado’s highest peaks.
Nearly all climbing is completed
in the first 60 miles; the last 40
are downhill to flat. 40-, 50- or
62-mile options. Colorado
Springs Cycling Club, bvbf.org
May 16: Cycle Salt Lake
Centur y
Salt Lake City, UT. 36-, 67- &
100-mile mostly flat rural routes
with view of Great Salt Lake. Start
at State Fair Park. Courses open
from 7:30am-5pm. Fully supported. Part of Cycle Salt Lake
Week. Cycle Salt Lake Century
Inc., cyclesaltlakecentury.com
May 16: Herriman
Pedal Palooza
Herriman, UT. Cycling event for
the whole family. Amateur road
crit, kids safety rodeo, helmet
safety inspection and more. A
celebration of everything cycling.
Starts at 9am. Infinite Cycles and
Healthy Herriman, pedalpalooza.
May 16: Ride for the Pass,
Independence Pass, CO.
A 10-mile race and ride on
Independence Pass the weekend before the road opens to
automobile traffic. Proceeds
benefit Independence Pass
Foundation. Independence Pass
May 16–Aug 5: Trans Am Supported
Williamsburg, VA. From VA to
Eugene, OR. Spin along the
4,253-mile TransAmerica Bicycle
Trail going light and carefree.
Camping & other gear hauled
for you. Adventure Cycling
Association, 800-744-2453 x 3,
May 16: Valles Caldera
Double Crossing
White Rock, NM. 200-km brevet.
Traverse the southern half of the
volcanic Jemez Mt Range. Climb
up and over the Caldera rim 4
times. RUSA event. NM Brevet
Series, 505 263-7090,
May 17: Community Classic
Bike Tour
Loveland, CO. 62-, 37-, 30& 10-mile routes. Longer
routes thru Loveland & Fort
Collins passing Carter Lake &
May 16: 15th Annual Ride for the Pass
Ride for the Pass is a charity bike race and recreational ride on scenic
Highway 82 near Aspen, Colorado. The event takes place the Friday
before Memorial Day and before the highway is open to automobiles
for the summer, giving participants a chance to ride this beautiful
stretch of road to Independence Pass without any traffic. There is
approximately 2,200’ of elevation gain before you summit at over
11,000’. Prizes are awarded at the party following the event in beautiful downtown Aspen. Benefits the Independence Pass Foundation.
Location: Aspen, CO
Organizer: Independence Pass
Website: independencepass.org
Distance: 10 miles, 2,300’ gain
Ser vices: Rest stops, finish line
festival, transportation
Horsetooth Reservoir. Pancake
breakfast after ride. Benefit
McKee Programs. McKee
Medical Center Foundation,
May 17: Mission to Ride
Montrose, CO. 30-, 40-, 60-,
100-mile road route and 2 MTB
rides. Century is challenging and
incorporates arduous climbs but
offers spectacular views. The 40
is difficult, the 60 is rather mellow
and the 30 has some hills. Starts
between 5:30-9am. Benefits
the Montrose Medical Mission.
Mission to Ride,
May 17: The Santa Fe Century
Santa Fe, NM. 25-, 50-, 75- &
100-mile routes. Terrain - flat,
rolling, moderately hilly. Entry
fee includes water bottle, ride
numbers, maps, route marking,
6 food & beverage stops, full
sag support. Santa Fe Century
Committee, santafecentury.com
May 20: Ride of Silence
Salt Lake City, UT. Meet at
Gallivan Center (239 S Main St).
Ride to raise cycling safety. All
cyclists invited. No faster than 12
mph and remain silent during the
ride. Raleig Fehr, Cycle Salt Lake
Century, rideofsilence.org
May 20: Ride of Silence
Various, CO. Cyclists will take to
the roads in a silent procession
to honor cyclists who have been
killed or injured while cycling on
public roadways. Starts at 7pm.
Many locations in each state.
See event website for a location
near you. rideofsilence.org
May 23: 3rd Annual
Amazing Earthfest
Kanab, UT. Grand Staircase
Escalante National Monument.
Scenic 37 miles out and back
(paved). Pre-ride refreshments,
optional 60 miles. MTB rides
also. amazingearthfest.com
May 23: Challenge Series RMCC 1-2-3
Littleton, CO. Part 3 of this 3-leg
event. 300km, start at 5am at the
Park and Ride in West Littleton.
Course: Larkspur, Palmer
Lake, Black Forest, Elbert. Part
of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
May 23: Color Countr y
Centur y
Cedar City, UT. 100-mile unsupported ride starts at 8am. Color
Country Cycling Club,
May 23: Iron Horse Classic Citizen Tour
Durango, CO. 50-mile tour using
the “classic” route to the historical mining town of Silverton.
Scenic and challenging, with 2
mountain passes and 10,000’ of
climbing. Take off with the train
at 8:15am or early at 7am. Limit
1,200 riders. IHBC Director,
May 23: Pedal the Platte
Denver, CO. 10- and 30-mile
bike rides along Denver’s scenic
South Platte River trail. Open
to all ages and fitness levels.
Fundraiser for the Outdoor
Education Center. James P.
Beckwourth Mountain Club,
May 23: Quarter Horse Ride
Durango, CO. 25-mile ride from
Durango to Purgatory. 2,300’ of
climbing. Food and celebration at
the finish. IHBC Director,
May 24–30: Northern New
Mexico Alpiner
Albuquerque, NM. 386 miles
over 7 days. Climb the Sandia
Crest, the Truchas. Ride Taos
Canyon, finish with Bandelier
National Monument and trace
the Jemez River. Timberline
Adventures, timbertours.com
May 25: Memorial Day
Salt Lake City, UT. SS #3. Meet
at West Point Park, self-supported club ride, non-members welcome. 30-, 65-, 100-mile rides.
From West Point Park to Layton
Bench then Antelope Island and
back. Bring money to get on
the Island. BCC event. BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
May 30: Bikes for
Kids Centur y
Murray, UT. Fourth annual event
offers 4-, 25- and 62-mile (metric century) routes in SLC and
Murray. Proceeds benefit Bike for
Kids. Start 8am at Intermountain
HealthCare facility. Bikes For Kids,
May 30: Hurricane
400km Brevet
Hurricane, UT. Self-supported
400-km brevet from Garfield
County Fairgrounds in Panguitch
through Red Canyon to Bryce
Canyon NP, Kingston and
Junction. Checkpoint opens
at 6:15am, ride starts at
7am. Southern Utah Brevet,
435-559-0895, subrevet.org
May 30–Jun 5: Red
Rock Ramble
St. George, UT. Week-long tour
in red rock country of southern
Utah. For self-contained traveler
who prefer sleeping in a bed to
tenting it. Spectacular scenery,
Zion & Bryce Canyon Nat’l Parks
& Cedar Breaks Nat’l Monument.
Adventure Cycling Association,
May 30–31: Sacramento
Mountain Sacrifice
Ruidoso, NM. 400-km brevet.
Fantastic ride. 2 loops, start
with 1,500’ climb to forested and
mountain meadows. 18,000’ of
total climbing. Start at 5am. ACP
sanctioned. NM Brevet Series,
505-263-7090, nmbrevets.com
May 31: Eureka 105
Saratoga Springs, UT. SS #4.
Meet at Inlet Park, self-supported, club ride, non-members welcome. 105-mile ride to Elberta,
climb US 6 to Eureka, Vernon &
Camp Floyd & back. 30-miler to
Goshen & back. Epic tailwinds
on backside of loop last year.
BCC event. Don Williams, BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
May 31: NM Tour de Cure
Bernalillo, NM. 10-, 50- and
70-mile rides. Santa Ana Star
Casino. American Diabetes
Association - NM Chapter,
888-diabetes, tour.diabetes.org
May 31: RMCC Foothill
Littleton, CO. 94 miles, 12,000’
of climbing. Start at 8am. Meet
at Ken Caryl RTD lot. Course
Deer Creek, Shadow Mountain,
Brook Forest, Pleasant Park.
Part of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
May 31: Road to Victor y
Bicycle Classic
Boulder, CO. Two routes (44 or
60 miles) through rolling Boulder
roads towards Denver, Golden
and Ft Collins. Start at 7:40am.
Post event music, raffle and
more. Benefit the Davis Phinney
Foundation. road2victory.com
Jun 6: Albuquerque Centur y
Albuquerque, NM. Fabulous
urban cycling tour around the
city. Enjoy scenic views of
the Sandia Mountains on this
100-mile loop. 25-, 50-, 65-mile
routes also available. Start
at 7am at the Heart Hospital.
Routes close at 3:30pm. Heart
Hospital of NM, abqcentury.com
Jun 6: Lefthand Canyon
Louisville, CO. 400km. ACP
brevet. Start US-36 LouisvilleSuperior exit at 4am. Climb
Lefthand Canyon (4,500’ of
climbing to 9,250’), descend St.
Vrain Canyon, climb Carter Lake
& south Horsetooth Reservoir.
10,000’ of climbing. Lights
required. Rocky Mountain CC,
Jun 6: Little Red
Riding Hood
Wellsville, UT. Women only. Fully
supported century ride. 15-, 35-,
45-, 62-, 80-, 104-mile routes
through Cache Valley in northern
Utah. Mostly flat with rolling hills.
Meet at Bowery Park. Max 2,600
riders. Fundraiser for Women’s
Cancer Research. Penny
Perkins, 801-472-2887,
Jun 6: Moonshadows in Moab
Moab, UT. Cycle under the
power of the full desert moon
into the heart of canyon country.
40-mile route with a gradual
elevation gain of 1,700’. Skinny
Tire Events, 435-259-2698,
Jun 7–28: El Sangre De Cristo
Taos, NM. 600-km brevet. Crown
jewel of NM series. Traverses
the northern 2/3 of the Sangre
de Cristo Mountains. Over
24,000’ of climbing. Start at 5am.
ACP sanctioned. NM Brevet
Series, nmbrevets.com
Jun 7: Subaru Elephant
Castle Rock, CO. Rocky
Mountain’s premier cycling festival. 7-, 32-, 62- or 100-mile routes.
Start 5:30-7:30am at Douglas
County Fair Grounds. 6,500-rider
limit. 14 & under welcome to ride
7- and 32-mile courses. Picnic
& cycling expo. Rocky Mountain
Events Inc, 303-282-9020,
Jun 13: Challenge Series Triple Crown #1
Littleton, CO. Joe Lookingbill
Denver to Aspen Classic. 186
miles, 1,300’ of climbing. Must
complete July 14 and August 1
event to receive Triple Crown
status. Part of Challenge Series.
Rocky Mountain CC,
Jun 13: Ride and Go Seek
Fort Collins, CO. Treasure hunting on bike. Ride from one town
jewel to the next, solving riddles
and clues. Benefit Local Northern
Colorado. Rolling Spokes Bike
Tours, 970-402-3987,
Jun 13: Tour de Cure Golden Spike Centur y
Brigham City, UT. Start at
Box Elder High School. 104
miles: start 7:30am; 69 miles:
at 8:30am; 25 miles: at 10am.
Scenic. Century to Golden Spike
Monument. Family fun circles,
1-10 miles, Rees Pioneer Park.
Fully supported. Min. $150
in pledge. Marshall Emsley,
American Diabetes Assoc. - Utah
Chapter, 888-342-2383 x 7075,
Jun 14–19: Denver Post
Ride the Rockies
Durango, CO. 435 miles from
Durango to Breckenridge,
Average 60-65 miles per day.
Entry fee includes camping,
showers, full support. Limit 2,000
riders. Registration conducted
by lottery. Ride the Rockies,
Jun 18–21: Cycle for Sight
Bernalillo, NM. Day 1 - 80
miles, Jemez Mts, Valle Grande,
Bandelier Nat’l Monument,
Los Alamos. Day 2 - 70 miles
to Taos. Day 3 - 85 miles,
Enchanted Circle, Red River
& back. Day 4 - 78 miles, Las
Vegas, NM. Supported, fundraising min. $1,000. Greg Theobald,
Cycle for Sight, cycleforsight.org
Jun 18–26: Rocky
Mountain Tour
Salt Lake City, UT. Tackle the
Wasatch Mountains, Soldier
Summit, pass Book Cliffs and
north of Arches Nat’l Park.
Challenging at times, rolling to
finish in Pueblo, CO. 594 miles, 9
riding days. America by Bicycle,
888-797-7057, abbike.com
Jun 20: Bike For a Cure
Spring City, UT. A benefit
ride for the Susan G. Komen
Foundation. 6-, 42-, 58- and
100-mile options through
Sanpete County in Central Utah.
Erika Stover, 435-283-2158,
Jun 20: Blue River Century
Keystone, CO. Century & new
metric century rides through
Summit County. 62-mile ride has
3,350’ elevation gain. 3 finish
options on century to suit climbing desires. Benefit LAF. Limit
700. 303-321-5196,
Jun 20: Br yce Canyon
200km Brevet
Panguitch, UT. New event on a
well tested route. Stunning landscape. Meet at Garfield County
Fairgrounds at 6:15am. Start at
7am. Climb up through scenic
Red Canyon to the Paunsaugunt
Plateau, Topic, Kingston and
Junction Utah. Self-supported.
Southern Utah Brevet,
435-559-0895, subrevet.org
Photo courtesy of Robin Perkins
Jun 20–26: Cycle Montana
Missoula, MT. Week-long tour
through valleys of western &
southwestern Montana. Follow
Bitterroot River upstream before
climbing Lost Trail & Chief
Joseph passes. Adventure
Cycling Association,
Jun 20: St. Vrain Canyon +
Louisville, CO. 600-km &
1,000-km ACP brevet. Reg.
by June 14. Light required.
St. Vrain Canyon, Estes Park,
Big Thompson Canyon, S.
Horsetooth Reservoir, the
Plains, Wellington & Windsor.
18,000’ of climbing. 1,000km to
South Platte, Ft Morgan. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Jun 20: Starlight Spectacular
Colorado Springs, CO. Ride
starts at 11:59pm. 14- and
20-mile rides begin at Garden
of the Gods Visitor and Nature
Center. Ride through the garden
and the city. Great for all ages.
Benefit the Trails and Open
Space Coalition. Riderfinders,
Jun 20: Tour de Bosque
Albuquerque, NM. Tentative
date. 25- or 50-mile ride.
Benefits Aids research. New
Mexico AIDS Services,
Jun 20: Tour of Marsh
Creek Valley
Pocatello, ID. Fully supported
ride presented in conjunction
with the Pocatello Riverfest. 25-,
62- or 100-mile rides on roads
between Pocatello and Malad
Pass. Idaho Cycling Enthusiasts
/ Pebble Creek Ski Race Team,
Jun 21–27: Bicycle Tour
of Colorado
Glenwood Spring, CO. Ride the
Colorado Rockies. Week-long,
fully supported loop, outdoor/
indoor camping, catered meals,
75-80 miles a day, rest day in
Crested Butte, 5 passes, plus
Join the Little Red Riding Hood
riders on June 6.
Grand Mesa & Colorado Nat’l
Monument. Limit 2,000 riders.
Bicycle Tour of Colorado,
Jun 21–26: San Juans
of Colorado
Durango, CO. From Durango,
climb the Colorado Plateau,
rest in Telluride and ride to
Ouray. Climb Red Mountain
and Coal Bank Passes. 266
miles. Timberline Adventures,
800-417-2453, timbertours.com
Jun 21: Up-N-Over
Salt Lake City, UT. SS #5.
Meet at Dog Park East of
Hogle Zoo, self-supported, club
ride, non-members welcome.
100-mile ride. Up Emigration
Canyon to Park City, Kamas,
Browns Canyon and back. BCC
event. Don Williams, BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
Jun 23–28: Lake City
Womens Tour
Lake City, CO. A 4-day, 253-mile
tour from Saguache to Lake City
and returning through Gunnison.
Fully supported, 48 to 75 miles
per day. Dream Cycle Tours,
Jun 27–28: Great-West Life
Bike MS Colorado
Westminster, CO. Ride as a
team or individually. 150-175
miles, moderate. Caters to
riders of all levels. Route
includes Lyons, Carter Lake
and Horsetooth Reservoir. Limit
3,000. Benefit MS chapter of
Colorado. Ray Saperstein,
National MS Society, COC
Chapter, 303-698-5423,
Jun 27–28: Harmon’s MS Best Dam Bike Ride
Cache Valley, UT. 40-, 75- & 100mile routes available on Sat., 40
& 75 miles on Sunday. Ride as little as 40 or as much as 175 miles
on the weekend. New routes.
Fully supported, rest stops every
8-10 miles. Nat’l MS Society Utah Chapter, curemsutah.org
Jun 27: RMCC Copper
Triangle #1
Copper Mountain, CO. 78 miles,
6,000’ vertical. Start at 8am
at Ten Mile Creek Trailhead.
Course: Leadville, Minturn, Vail,
Copper Mountain. Clockwise.
Part of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Jun 27: Tour de Prairie
Cheyenne, WY. Tentative.
Courses ranging from 10 to
100 miles are well supported
for riders of all skills and ages.
Cheyenne Parks & Recreation
Department, cheyennecity.org
Jun 30–Jul 9: Northern
Rockies Ride
Boise, ID. Ride through the
Snake River Valley and up
Grand Teton to Casper, WY.
704 miles, 8 riding days. Bill
Lannon, America by Bicycle,
888-797-7057, abbike.com
Jul 4: Challenge Series Triple Crown #2
Ridgway, CO. Colorado Death
Ride. 226 miles, 15,000’ vertical. Course: Durango, Delores,
Telluride, Ridgway. Light
required. Part of Challenge
Series. Rocky Mountain CC,
Jul 4: Tater ville 100
Richmond, UT. SS #6. New route
- Meet at Richmond City Park
North. Ride through Preston and
climb Strawberry on the LOTOJA
course. 40 (flat), 100 or 150
miles (hilly). BCC event. BCC,
435-563-1212, bccutah.org
Jul 10: Antelope by
Moonlight Bike Ride
Davis, UT. 22-mile ride held
during full moon. Views are
spectacular, food is delicious.
Ride goes from marina to the
historic Fielding Garr Ranch.
Fee includes park entry, T-shirt.
Neka Roundy, Davis County
Economic Dev., 801-451-3286,
Jul 11: Triple Bypass
Evergreen, CO. 120 miles and
more than 10,000’ elevation gain
over 3 mountain passes (Jupiter,
Loveland, Vail). Limit 3,500.
SOLD OUT. Team Evergreen
Bicycle Club, teamevergreen.org
Jul 12: Chalk Creek
Park City, UT. SS #7. Meet at
Treasure Mt. Middle School at
8am. Club ride, non-members
welcome, self-supported.
100-mile ride, hilly. Park City
to Wyoming border. BCC
event. Don Williams, BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
Jul 12–25: Denali Adventure
Anchorage, AK. 14-day Alaskan
tour. Set out on Glenn &
Richardson highways. Turn west
onto Denali Hwy for 140 miles to
Cantwell & join George Parks Hwy
and Denali Nat’l Park. Mountain
bikes or wide-tire touring bikes
recommended. Adventure Cycling
Association, adventurecycling.org
June 27: Tour de Prairie
The cowboy country of Cheyenne, Wyoming is most famous for the
annual Cheyenne Frontier Days held every July. This out-and-back
ride is on mostly flat terrain with rolling hills, and participants can
turn around at any point. Wind provides a different kind of challenge
for riders as it slows or hastens your ride, depending on which way
you’re heading. Mountain bikers can leave the road behind and
enjoy the dirt course also offered on this ride. Many activities are
held throughout the day, and a free concert featuring Blue Oyster
Cult begins at 7pm that evening.
Location: Cheyenne, WY
Organizer: Cheyenne Parks and
Website: cheyennecity.org
Distance: Varies from 12.5 to
100 miles
Ser vices: Breakfast & lunch,
fully supported showers, entertainment, swag bag, T-shirt
Jul 12–21: Glacier
Waterton Loop
Whitefish, MT. Ride north from
Whitefish, MT into Fernie, BC,
then east to crest the Continental
Divide at Crowsnest Pass and
along Alberta prairie to Waterton
Lakes Nat’l Park, Glacier Nat’l
Park’s adjacent twin sister.
Adventure Cycling Association,
Jul 12–17: Northwest
Troutdale, OR. 408 miles over
8 days. Trace Lewis & Clark’s
journey through the Columbia
Gorge to Florence. Timberline
Adventures, timbertours.com
Jul 12–17: Tour de Wyoming
Laramie, WY. 13th annual ride
could be called the Mountain
Mojo Tour or the WyColo Tour.
366 miles, 4 passes in 6 days,
overnight stays in Walden,
Steamboat Springs, Baggs,
Saratoga, Centennial and back
to Laramie. Amber Travky, Cycle
Wyoming, 307-742-5840, cyclewyoming.org
Jul 15–Aug 13: Tetons
to Tides
Jackson, WY. Begin in Jackson,
WY amid majestic Grand Teton
Nat’l Park, head north through
Montana & Idaho, cross into
Oregon to reach the Coast Range & Pacific Ocean in Eugene.
Adventure Cycling Association,
Jul 18: Kaiser Permanente
Moonlight Classic
Denver, CO. Moonlight ride
through deserted streets of
Denver with thousands of
other cyclists. 7- and 15-mile
rides start at the State
Capitol. Costumes & cruisers
encouraged. Families start at
10:30pm, others at 11:30pm.
Benefit Senior Inc. Kaiser
Permanente Moonlight Classic,
Jul 18: Kent Eriksen’s Tour
de Steamboat
Steamboat, CO. Benefit the
Sunshine Kids. 110-, 40- and
20-mile route options. Family
easy ride (20 miles) on the
Yampa Valley Core Trail. 7am
start. Rocky Peak Productions,
Jul 18: Pioneer 100
Morgan, UT. SS #8. Meet at
Morgan High School at 8am,
self-supported, club ride, nonmembers welcome. 100-mile
hilly loop in Summit/Wasatch
counties area. BCC event. BCC,
Jul 19: Mt. Nebo Loop
Nephi, UT. SS #9. The shortest
and tallest SS event. Meet at
Nephi Park at 8am, self-supported,
non-members welcome. 70-mile
ride, hilly to mountainous. Nephi to
Mona, Goshen Canyon, Santaquin
Payson, Nephi. Provo area. BCC
event. BCC, bccutah.org
Jul 24: Pedal Away
Kaysville, UT. 10-mile family
ride through town. Start at 8am
at Gailey Park. Benefits the
Utah Chapter of the American
Parkinson Disease Association.
Meredith Healey, 801-451-6566,
Jul 24: Pioneer Day Centur y
Salt Lake, UT. SS #10. BCC
event. Course to be deter-
mined. Don Williams, BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
Jul 25–27: Courage
Leadville, CO. 3-day, 157-mile tour
climbs from Leadville to Summit
County and back. Go over Vail,
Ute and Fremont Passes. 45 to
100 miles/day. Family 35 miles on
Saturday. Supports the Children’s
Hospital. Limit 2,000 riders.
Children’s Hospital Foundation,
Jul 25: Eagle River Ride
Beaver Creek, CO. Century,
metric century, 42-mile ride from
Beaver Creek to Wolcott up CO
Hwy 131 to Colorado River Rd
down to Dotsero & back. Fully
supported. Start Beaver Creek
Resort, 7-8am. Benefits at-risk
youth, SOS Outreach. SOS
Outreach, 970-926-9292,
Jul 25: St. Vrain Canyon
Louisville, CO. 400-, 600- and
1,000-km ACP brevet. Light
required. ACP sanctioned.
Superior, Platteville, Lefthand
Canyon, St. Vrain, Horsetooth,
Wellington and more for the
600- and 1,000-km riders. Start
at 3am. Rocky Mountain CC,
Jul 25: Sunrise Centur y
Boulder, CO. Tour Boulder’s
mountains and canyons, looping
back into downtown. 45-, 60-,
75- and 100-mile options. Start
at 6:30am. Limit 1,500 riders.
Bikerpelli Sports, 303-875-9111,
Jul 25–Aug 1: Volcanoes of
Washington Challenge
Seattle, WA. 2 wheels. 4 mountains. 8 days - and a million
July 26: 7th Annual Durango 100
This scenic loop starts from the biking mecca of Durango, Colorado,
goes to Farmington, New Mexico and returns to Durango in a
clockwise direction. The terrain varies from mountainous to high
desert and includes mostly flat and smooth roads with a few hills
on the way back to Durango — perfect for those looking for a fast
century. The ride begins early so there is minimal automobile traffic.
Friendly volunteers staff five fully stocked food and water rest stops.
Easier ride options of 50 and 85 miles are also available. Enjoy beautiful downtown Durango after the ride or explore some of the best
singletrack in the country on your mountain bike.
Location: Durango, CO
Organizers: Keith Ashmore,
Velo de Animas Bicycle Club
Website: durango100.com
Distance: 50-mile one-way, 85&100-mile loops
Ser vices: Lunch, rest stops,
SAG, mechanical/medical support, swag bag
memories. Energetic beginner
to advanced cyclist. Bicycle
Adventures, 800-443-6060,
Jul 26: Durango 100
Durango, CO. 100- and 84-mile
loops, or 50-miles one-way.
100-miler has 4,091’ vertical
gain. Start/finish Gateway Park,
with a detour to Farmington,
NM. Mix of small country roads
and county highways. Velo de
Animas Bicycle Club,
Jul 26–31: Family Fun Idaho
Plummer, ID. Explore 2 heralded,
car-free rail trails in the West,
Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes &
Route of the Hiawatha. Fullysupported. Adventure Cycling
Association, 800-744-2453,
Jul 26: Upland Roller 100
Salt Lake, UT. SS #11. Meet
at Wanship Trailhead at 8am.
Goes to Morgan and back. Selfsupported. 100-mile ride, hilly,
starts easy but goes up after a
while. Shorter distances available. Carpool recommended.
BCC event. Don Williams, BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
Aug 1: 4th Annual
Copper Triangle
Copper Mountain, CO.
Colorado’s classic alpine road
ride. Start/finish at Burning
Stones Plaza. 78-mile loop
crests 3 mountain passes Fremont, Tennessee & Vail.
Fully supported. Post-ride party.
3,000-rider limit. Rocky Mountain
Events, Inc, 303-282-9020,
Aug 1: Around the Block Ride
Wilson, WY. From Wilson to
Victor and the Swan Valley back
to Wilson after 109 miles and two
mountain passes. 40- and 70-mile
options also available. Fundraiser
for the Growth Grant Program.
Sarah Mitchell, 307-734-8600,
Aug 1: Challenge Series Triple Crown #3
Golden, CO. Grand Loop. 200
miles, 14,000’ vertical. Course:
Lyons, Estes Park, Trail Ridge,
Granby, Berthoud, Golden.
Receive Triple Crown status
if you did all 3 in the summer.
Part of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Aug 1: Tour de Park City
Park City, UT. Fully suppoorted
road rides. Start/finish at Park
City. Three ride options: 50,
100, 170 miles through Northern
Utah’s beautiful mountain valleys.
Limit 750 riders. Riley Siddoway,
Aug 1–2: Ride with the
Winds Bike Tours
Douglas, WY. 2-day cycling tour
complete with meals, indoor/
outdoor camping, sag, medical
and mechanical support, massage therapy. Daily route choices
- 50, 75 miles or century. Charity
event - minimum $150 pledges.
Wyoming Cares, 866-996-6564,
Aug 2–8: Colorado
Rocky Mountain Bike
Tour (CRMBT)
Montrose, CO. Fully-supported,
438 challenging alpine miles.
Altitude ranges from 5,000’ to
11,000’+. This will be a true alpine
ride with no “weak” days and over
40,000’ of climbing. 3-day light
version available 8/2-5. CRMBT,
720-641-2130, crmbt.com
Aug 2–7: Oregon Coast
Portland, OR. Cycle Oregon’s
dramatically wild coastline with
its rocky cliffs and historic lighthouses. Also available: 8/23, 9/6,
9/20. Bicycle Adventures,
Aug 2: Pre-Ride ULCER
Provo, UT. SS #12. Meet at
Thanksgiving Point at 8am. Ride
to Goshen and the west side of
Utah Lake. Self-supported, club
ride, non-members welcome.
100-mile ride, moderate. BCC
event. BCC, bccutah.org
Aug 5–10: Heart of the
Underground Railroad
Cincinnati, OH. Encounter
landmarks along the nation’s
“road to freedom.” Moderate
daily mileage and full support.
Adventure Cycling Association,
Aug 5–10: High
Countr y Relaxed
Silverthorne, CO. Ride central
Colorado on mostly paved,
car-free roads, views of the
Rockies & ski areas like Vail &
Breckenridge. Fully supported.
Adventure Cycling Association,
Aug 8: Blue Cruise Wheels
for Wellness
Pocatello, ID. Charity ride. 15-,
30- & 50-mile options. Includes
a nice lunch and live blues
music. Benefits health education programs. Blue Cross of
Idaho Foundation for Health,
Aug 8: Going Green 100
Salida, CO. Ride from Alpine
Park in Salida to the top of
spectacular Cottonwood Pass
and back. 25-, 62- and 100-mile
options. Going Green 100,
Aug 8: Peak to Peak 300km
Louisville, CO. Start 5am at
US-36 Louisville-Superior exit.
Light required. ACP-sanctioned.
Climbs Coal Creek Canyon,
traverses Peak-to-Peak Hwy,
descends from Estes Park over
Devil’s Gulch thru Glen Haven.
10,600’ of climbing. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Aug 8: ULCER
Lehi, UT. Century ride around
Utah Lake. Fully supported. Also
offered: 74-, 56- and 24-mile
routes. Mild to hilly. Start at
Thanksgiving Point. BCC,
801-641-4020, bccutah.org
Aug 9–12: Colorado
Peace Ride
Durango, CO. Contribute to
world peace and ride 238 miles
of southwest Colorado’s most
breathtaking scenery. Goes from
Durango to Ouray, Telluride,
Dolores and back to Durango.
Clinton Wilson, Dolores Sophia
Peace Center, 206-380-4611,
Aug 9: Good Sam Bike Jam
Lafayette, CO. Ride from
Lafayette to Jamestown on 3
different routes. Benefit Exempla
Good Samaritan Foundation.
Exempla, 303-689-5251,
Aug 9–15: Ride Idaho
Nampa, ID. Annual 7-day, fully
supported, bicycle tour. Nampa
to Boise the long way. Provide
cyclists with a community on
wheels as they tour Idaho. Limit:
240. Ride Idaho, rideidaho.org
Aug 9: SPAN the Rockies
Boulder, CO. Double metric
century, 100km, 50km and 20km
routes. Fundraising event for
SPAN. Safehouse Progressive
Alliance for Nonviolence,
Aug 9–16: Tour of Crater
Lake and Cascades
Cottage Grove, OR. Ride
400 miles and climb 30,000’
along the Cascades Scenic
Byway to Crater Lake National
Park. Cycling Escapes,
Aug 15–16: Bike MS:
Saturn of Cheyenne Close
Encounters Ride
Sundance, WY. Ride toward the
Devil’s Tower Monument and
through the Wyoming side of the
Black Hills. 50-, 100 or 160-mile
options. For all levels. Fully supported, sag, massage therapists,
festive rest areas. National MS
Society, Wyoming Division,
Aug 15: Stonewall Centur y
La Veta, CO. Scenic ride on Hwy
12 to Segundo and back. 102-,
50- and 25-mile options. 7,500’
elevation gain. Start/stop in La
Veta Town Park. Sag provided,
starts at 6:30am. Benefits Red
Cross and various local organizations. Spanish Peaks Cycling
Club, spcycling.org
Aug 16: Promontor y
Point 120
Ogden, UT. SS #13. Meet at
5 Points Shopping Center at
8am. Goes to Golden Spike,
Tremonton and back, 120-mile
ride, moderate to hilly, shorter
options. Self-supported, club
ride, non-members welcome.
BCC event. BCC, bccutah.org
Aug 22: Aspen Snowmass
Ride for the Cure
Snowmass, CO. Ride 10, 30 or
100 miles to support the Susan
G. Komen Foundation. Opening
ceremony, dinner and package pick-up on Friday night.
Finish line party after the ride.
970-920-0250, komenaspen.org
Aug 22–23: Bike MS: Rio
Grande Ride
TBC, NM. New route to be
announced. 150 miles. Maggie
Schold, MS Society - Rio Grande
Division, 800-344-4867,
Aug 22: Bike the Bear Century
Garden City, UT. 50-, 100-mile
rides, start at Camp Hunt.
Register through Trapper Trails
Boy Scout office. Supported ride,
includes T-shirt and goodie bag.
Jason Ebon, 801-479-5460,
[email protected]
Aug 22: CASVAR
Afton, WY. Start at Canyon Park.
20-, 45-, 65-, 85-mile and Saddle
Sore Century rides. You will
see bison, but not many cars.
Howard Jones, Cycling Assoc.
of Star Valley Annual Ride,
307-883-9779, casv.org
Aug 22: Desperado Dual
Centur y & Double Centur y
Panguitch, UT. Fully supported
100- or 200-mile. 1-day event.
Ride through the heart of the Old
West along scenic back roads,
passing Nat’l Parks and historic
communities. Limit 500. Start
Garfield County Fairgrounds at
6:30am, finish by 11:30pm.
August 15: Stonewall Centur y Ride
Featuring the picturesque Highway 12, also known as the “Highway
of Legends,” on the Colorado Scenic Byway. This 100-miler is on
one of the most breathtaking roads in the state. For those who enjoy
lots of climbing and big descents, this is the ride to do. Starting in
the town of La Veta, participants climb Cuchara Pass (9,945’), North
Lake (8,600’) and the grand finale that locals call the “Soul Crusher,”
a 12% gradient at mile 83. The reward after these tough climbs is 17
miles of downhill back to La Veta, where a barbecue and finish line
festival awaits in Town Park.
Location: La Veta, CO
Organizers: Sue Wyman
Website: spcycling.org
Distance / elev.: 25, 50, 102
miles 8,200’
Ser vices: Fully supported. swag
bag, showers, camping, massage, entertainment, T-shirt
Aug 22–23: New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM. Rolling desert, Great Sand Dunes, alpine
grandeur and more. Ends in
Denver. 492 miles. Timberline
Adventures, 800-417-2453,
Aug 22: Ride for Teens
Provo, UT. 2 to 50 miles in all
three forks of Provo Canyon.
Prizes and post ride meal. Event
starts at 8am at the Ronald
Williams Last Park. Proceeds
benefit local at-risk youth services. Jesse Ellis, Heritage
Schools, 801-367-3599,
Aug 22: Tour de Cure
Longmont, CO. Start Boulder
County Fairgrounds. 12-, 31-,
62- & 100-mile rides. Family
12-mile is on the Longmont
Greenways Trail system. Century
goes up to Carter Lake. Fully
supported, lunch &
wellness village at finish. Min.
fundraising: $150. American
Diabetes Association, Colorado
Office, 720-588-1102,
Family Friendly Ride
Supports Bicycle Colorado
August 22: Desperado Dual
With a name like this, how can it not be challenging? The Desperado
Dual 200 begins and ends in the town of Panguitch, Utah, at the
Garfield County Fairgrounds. The routes take cyclists through
southern Utah’s magnificent Color Country, giving a glimpse of what
the Old West used to be. All participants ride the 100-mile Outlaw
Loop, but the real challenge starts with the Big Fish Loop where the
distance and hills may take their toll on riders. The reward is the last
30 miles of downhill road accompanied by a tailwind. Both routes
offer amazing views, significant climbs and roads less-traveled.
Reward yourself afterwards with a feast and make some new friends.
Location: Panguitch, UT
Organizers: Red Rock
Bicycle Co.
Website: desperadodual.com
Distance: 100, 200 miles
Ser vices: Meals, rest stops,
entertainment, SAG, mechanical
support, T-shirt
Aug 22: Tour of Utah - 1,000
Warriors Ride
Aug 29: Hess Cancer Foundation Legacy Parkway Tour
Park City, UT. 96 miles, 11,000+
vertical feet. Start from Park City
HS at 6am, finish at Snowbird.
Toughest stage of the Nation’s
toughest stage race. Beat the
Tour of Utah pro time and win
$1,000 and the glory. Wounded
Warriors (Marines) Charity event.
Rick Bennett, 801-571-3100,
Bountiful, UT. 20-mile bike ride
on Legacy Parkway. Begins at
8:30am. All proceeds go to the
Hess Cancer Foundation, a
non-profit that provides financial
assistance to families who lost
a child to cancer. Travis Hess,
801-520-9755, tourlegacy.com
Aug 28–29: Fort Collins
Festival - Tour de Rist
Fort Collins, CO. Friday: Cruiser
bike ride and concert. Saturday:
ride to the top of Rist Canyon.
9-mile ascent. Sunday: climb 18.5
miles. Both climbs are timed but
you do them at your own pace.
Rams Cycling Team,
Aug 29: Big Ride 150
Richmond City, UT. SS #14. New
route. Meet Richmond City Park
at 8am. Self-supported, club ride,
non-members welcome. 150-mile
ride, hilly. Excellent preparation
for LOTOJA. BCC event. Jen
Green, BCC, 435-563-1212,
Aug 29: Cache Valley
Centur y Tour
Richmond, UT. Century, metric
century and 40-mile options.
Lunch and rest stops. Century
goes through Idaho and back to
Utah. Start at 8am. Bob Jardine,
Veloists Bicycle Touring Club,
435-752-2253, cvveloists.org
Aug 29–Sep 7: Denver Plus
Denver, CO. Average 50 miles
per day, mostly flat in Denver
area with hills in the foothills.
Ride on paved trails to moderate
traffic roads. Bicycle Adventure
Club, bicycleadventureclub.org
Aug 29: Rhodes Canyon
Bike Ride
White Sands, NM. White Sands
Missile Range, 505-678-1713,
Aug 30–Sep 5: Tour of
Southern Utah
St George, UT. Ride to Mt.
Carmel Junction (via Zion),
Bryce, Escalante, Torrey,
Panguitch, Cedar City and back.
60 to 100 very challenging miles
per day. Deb Bowling, Planet
Ultra, 818-889-2453,
Aug 30: Venus de Miles
Longmont, CO. Womenonly event to raise funds to
Greenhouse Scholars for college. 35-, 50- and 65-mile course
options available. Start Prospect
Park at 7am. Benefit Greenhouse Scholars. 303-460-1745,
Sep 4–7: Great Utah Bicycle
Festival - GRUB Fest
Minersville, Utah. Entire weekend of cycling. Miles & miles of
roads and trails for all kinds of
biking: mountain, road, cyclocross, randonnee for recreational
biking and racing. 3 century rides
with 65- and 50-mile options.
Bike 2 Bike, 801-677-0134,
Sep 5–7: Blue Loop Tour
Morenci, AZ. Hilly & scenic ride
in central mountains of Arizona &
New Mexico. For strong riders.
Greater Arizona Bicycle
Association, bikegaba.org
Sep 5: Hooper Horizontal 100
Salt Lake, UT. SS #15. Meet
at Westpoint Park at 8am.
Self-supported, club ride, nonmembers welcome. 100-mile flat
ride, shorter distance available.
Perfect training for LOTOJA.
BCC events. BCC, bccutah.org
Sep 5–6: Horsetooth
Double Dip
Fort Collins, CO. Tentative date.
Ride northern Colorado’s best
kept secrets: Fort Collins to Estes
Park. 170 miles over 2 days, fully
supported ride. Rams Cycling
Team, fccyclingfest.com
Sep 5–11: Oregon Crater Lake
Oakridge, OR. Cycle over the
Cascade Mountains to Crater
Lake. Also available August
through mid-September. Bicycle
Sep 5: RMCC Foothill
Climbfest 2
Littleton, CO. 94 miles, 12,000’
of climbing. Start at 8am. Meet
at Ken Caryl RTD lot. Course
Deer Creek, Shadow Mountain,
Brook Forest, Pleasant Park.
Part of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Sep 5: Summit Challenge
Park City, UT. 15-, 50, 100-mile
ride to benefit the National Ability
Center. Check-in starts at 7am
at NAC’s Bronfman Recreation
Center & Ranch. Rides start at
8:30am. 435-200-0985,
Sept 4-7: Grub Fest
Cyclists take over the town of Minersville for a Woodstock-type of
cycling event. Kids, racers and recreational riders alike will find
events to enter in both the skinny and fat tire divisions. The 3-day
event offers 50-, 65- and 100-mile options with elevation that varies
between 500’ and 5000’ - depending on the course selected. Each day
offers a different fully supported century course where the scenery
varies from desert to mountain. Kids routes of 2 to 20 miles are also
available. Ride an area where bikes outnumber the cars and support
Veteran’s Hospital Salt Lake City Psychiatric Department.
Location: Minersville, UT
Organizer: Bike 2 Bike
Website: bike2bike.org
Distance/elev.: 2-20, 50, 65 and
3 x 100 miles / 500-5,500’
Ser vices: Fully supported, SAG,
lunch, entertainment, showers
and more
Sep 6–11: Br yce-Zion Bike
St. George, UT. Ride through
a panorama of sparkling sunny
skies, red rock sculptures,
immense canyons and aspen
forests. All levels. Bicycle
Adventures, 800-443-6060,
Sep 9–12: Colorado Last
Chance 1200 Randonnee
Boulder, CO. 1,200km, with
1,000km option. Must have
completed a 1,000- or 1,200-km
randonnee or a full brevet series
in order to participate. Route to
be confirmed. Register by Aug
15. Limit 35-40 riders. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Sep 10–19: LAGBRAU
Moab, UT. 10 days, 5 national
parks, 5 state parks, 4 national
forests, 3 national monuments,
1 national recreation area and
a variety of ancient Indian ruins
along 3 scenic byways. 400
miles. Ride the 3-, 7- or 10-day
option. Les Titus, 801-654-1144,
Sep 12: Independent Living
5km Run & Roll
TBA, UT. Hand-cycle, wheelchair
& walk/run categories. Debbie,
801-466-5565, uilc.org
Sep 12: Kootenai River Ride
Bonners Ferry, ID. Spectacular
scenery along the Kootenai River
and Boundary County. 100-, 60or 16-km routes. Starts at 8am
at the County Fairgrounds. Fully
supported, long sleeve T-shirt
and baked potato feed included.
Andrea Kramer, Bonners Ferry
Rotary Club, 208-267-2045,
Sep 12: Enchanted
Circle Centur y
Red River, NM. 100-mile loop
around beautiful and challenging
Enchanted Circle. Route from
Red River to Questa and Taos,
then from Angel Fire to Black
Lake. Return through Angel
Fire, Black Lake, Eagle Nest
and Red River. Simple. Red
River Chamber of Commerce,
Sep 12: Ride for 65 Roses
Longmont, CO. Tentative date.
20-, 40-, 65-mile routes. Benefit
the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Sep 12: RMCC Copper
Triangle #2
Photo courtesy of Bikerpelli Sports
Copper Mountain, CO. 78 miles,
6,000’ vertical. Start at 8am at Ten
Mile Creek Trail-head. Course:
Vail, Minturn, Leadville, Copper
Mountain. Counter-clockwise.
Part of Challenge Series. Rocky
Mountain CC, rmccrides.com
Sep 13: Buffalo Bicycle
Boulder, CO. 14, 35, 50, 70 or
100 miles. Benefits CU’s College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Online registration through 9/12.
Saturday registration on campus.
Cindy Nelson, Buffalo Bicycle
Classic, 303-735-1569,
Sep 13: Tour de Tahoe Bike Big Blue
Lake Tahoe, NV. Ride on the
shoreline around Lake Tahoe.
Boat cruise, 72 and 35-mile fun
ride. Curtis Fong, 800-565-2704,
Sep 13-Oct 2: The Santa Fe
Trail Bicycle Trek
Santa Fe, NM. Ride all or part of
the 1100 mile to New Franklin,
MO. Limit 50 riders. Camping
with meals provided. Ride paved
roads only. Gear carried by truck,
food provided. $40/day. Distance
21 to 85 miles per day. Santa Fe
Trail Bicycle Committee,
Sep 18–20: Moab
Centur y Tour
Moab, UT. 4 different routes:
the Cruise (42 miles), the Big
Nasty - La Sal loop (65 miles),
Rolling Classic (72 miles) & the
Ultimate (102 miles). Fully supported, benefits Lance Armstrong
Foundation. Social warm up
rides on Friday & recovery ride
on Sunday. Start/finish at Swanny City Park. Skinny Tire Events,
Sep 19: Tour de Vineyards
Palisade, CO. A fun, 25-mile bike
tour of the West Slope of Colorado’s vineyards and orchards
held in conjunction with the 18th
Annual Colorado Mountain
Winefest. Presented by Enstrom
Candies. Event Marketing Group
LLC, emgcolorado.com
Sep 19: I Think I CANyons
Salt Lake City, UT. Climb
over 12,000’ over 110 miles.
Crest Little Cottonwood, Big
Some enjoy the pavement,
others prefer the dirt
Cottonwood, Millcreek, and
Emigration Canyons. Start at
the Olympus Hills Shopping
Center at 7am. Benefit Fourth
Street Clinic a nonprofit clinic
that provides free healthcare to
the homeless. Friends of Fourth
Street, ithinkicanyons.com
Sep 19: Josie Johnson
Memorial Ride
Salt Lake City, UT. Travel from
Sugarhouse Park to the mouth
of Big Cottonwood Canyon and
back. Event goal is to bring the
community together and raise
awareness for bicycle safety.
Starts at 10:30am. No fee but
donation accepted. John Weis,
Utah Bicycle Coalition,
Sep 19: Randy’s Fall
Color Classic
Salt Lake, UT. SS #16. Meet
at Dog park east of Hogle Zoo
at 9am. Self-supported. 25-,
50- and 100-mile rides, hilly to
mountainous. Climb Emigration
and Parleys. BCC event. Don
Williams, BCC, bccutah.org
Sep 19: Stove Prairie - clockwise - 200km Brevet
Longmont, CO. Starts at 8am
at Conoco I-25 exit 243. ACP
brevet. Rocky Mountain CC,
Sep 19: Tour de Vins
Pocatello, ID. 15-, 32- and
60-mile options. Figure 8 loop.
Bike tour and wine tasting event.
Starts at Idaho State Univ. PSUB
building at 8:30am. Ride through
Buckskin and Rapid Creek.
Fundraiser for FS Alliance.
Wine tasting from 6:30-9:30pm
in historic old town. Sarah
Leeds, Family Services Alliance,
208-232-0742, FSAlliance.org
Sep 22: World Car Free Day
Various, UT. Ride your bike and
leave the car at home.
Sep 25–27: Sustainability
Overnight Tour
Fort Collins, CO. Explore
amazing sustainable initiatives
in the Front Range. Eat delicious food and learn practical
things that can be implemented
back home. Rolling Spokes Bike
Tours, 970-402-3987,
Sep 26: Durango Fall Blaze
Durango, CO. Enjoy the fall colors in the San Juan Mountains
with 37-, 60- or 100-mile options.
Proceeds benefit Tom Danielson
Scholarship Fund. Fully supported. Start at Fort Lewis College
Campus Clock tower at 8am.
Fort Lewis College, CC,
Sep 26–Oct 8: Enchanted
Las Cruces, NM. Explore
the Chihuahuan Desert, St.
Augustin Pass, White Sands
Nat’l Monument, Stallion Gate
entrance to Trinity Site.Trip ends
with a visit of historic Silver City
& dinner at La Posta restaurant
in Mesilla. Adventure Cycling
Association, 800-744-2453,
Sep 26: Heber Valley
Olympic Centur y
Heber City, UT. Ride through
the scenic splendor of the
Wasatch mountains. 25-, 50-,
62-, 100-mile options. Enjoy the
autumn’s finest during this fun
and challenging ride that visits
the Olympic venues. Fundraiser
for Huntsman Cancer Institute.
Bike 2 Bike, bike2bike.org
Sep 26: Mountain to the
Desert Ride
Telluride, CO. 133 miles to
Moab, UT. Benefit Just for Kids
Foundation, m2dbikeride.com
Sep 26: Tour de Ruidoso
Ruidoso, NM. Challenging
century begins at 6,900’ and
rolls through one of the most
scenic and challenging cycling
routes in New Mexico. Several
mountainous climbs of 8%.
Option of 100km or 20-mile fun
ride. Benefits Ruidoso Hospice
Foundation. Steven, Ruidoso
Hospice Century, 505-336-1151,
Sep 26: West Yellowstone
Old Faithful Cycle Tour
West Yellowstone, MT. Travel 60
miles from West Yellowstone into
Yellowstone Nat’l Park. Follow
Madison and Firehole Rivers to
Old Faithful. Return along same
route. Gurgling hot pots, steamy
geysers, sag, rest stops, T-shirts
included in fee. Sara Hoovler,
West Yellowstone Chamber
of Commerce, 406-599-4465,
Sep 27: Tour of Acoma
Acoma, NM. Ride the 25-, 50- or
100-mile route in the Acoma
and Laguna reservations usually not open to the general
public. Century starts at 7am,
others at 8am. Early registration recommended. Nadine
Kowice, Sky City Cultural Center,
505-552-7676, acomaskycity.org
Sep 27–Oct 3: OATBRAN
Lake Tahoe, NV. Follow the
Legendary Pony Express Trail 5
days, 420 miles from Lake Tahoe
to Great Basin National Park.
Oct 3: Capulin Volcanic
Raton, NM. 400km, RUSA
event. NM Brevet Series, 505
263-7090, nmbrevets.com
Oct 3: WSNM Moonlight Ride
Holloman AFB, NM. Dunes Drive
open to bicycle only for 3 hours
after dark. Lights mandatory.
Limited number of participants.
Call to reserve. Registration
opens May 10. White Sands
Nat’l Monument, 575-679-2599
Oct 4–11: Hawaii
Kona, HI. Ride parts of the
Ironman course, explore coffee
country & volcano lands, cycle
little-known routes. Luxury tour.
Budget tour also offered. Also
available: Nov., Dec. Bicycle
Oct 10: Kickstands and
Cornstalks Ride
Fort Collins, CO. 45-mile tour of
the local farms on the northern
end of the Front Range. Ride
starts at 7:30am. Rolling Spokes
Bike Tours, rollingspokestours.com
century or 10-km family ride.
Rest stops, no pets, no personal
support vehicle allowed. Ride
begins as balloons rise into the
sky. New Mexico Sports and
Wellness Center,
Oct 11: Apple Valley
Boulder, CO. Scenic foothills
ride with autumn foliage. 129km.
Start at East Boulder Community
Center at 10am. RUSA sanctioned. Rocky Mountain CC,
Oct 17–18: Cave Creek Tour
Roadforks, NM. 2-day event. 45
miles per day. Scenic and easy
ride from Roadforks to Portal,
AZ via Cave Creek Canyon.
Meals included, overnight in
cabins. Greater Arizona Bicycle
Association, bikegaba.org
Oct 17: Tour de St. George
Fall Centur y
Saint George, UT. Ride around
Snow Canyon State Park, Quail
Creek Reservoir and Sand
Hollow. Challenging route, fully
supported with rest stops and
lunch. 30, 65 and 100 miles.
Starts from Town Square at 8am.
Tim Tabor, Tour de St. George,
Oct 17–18: Vuelta de
Los Muertos
Las Vegas, NV. 25-, 50- and
100-mile rides from Las Vegas
to Lake Mead. Regional Transportation Commission of S.
Nevada, rtcsnv.com
Hillsboro, NM. Tentative dates.
Two days offering short and long
riding options each day, both
scenic. Ride one or both days.
Fundraiser event. ZIAVELO
Racing Club,
Oct 10: Chase the Balloons
Oct 24: Black Mountain Side
Oct 10: RTC Viva Bike Vegas
Albuquerque, NM. Tentative.
Cycling benefit. 25 miles, metric
Radium Springs, NM. 300-km
brevet. Start at 5am. Out and
back in remote, mountainous
countryside. Mix of long and
steep climbs in the rolling hills of
the Black Range. Minimal traffic.
Self supported. RUSA event. NM
Brevet Series, nmbrevets.com
Oct 24: Centur y V Bike Ride
White Sands, NM. Tentative
date. 50-mile ride. WSMR,
575-678-1713, wsmrmwr.com
Oct 25: Day of the Tread
Albuquerque, NM. Tentative. Start/
finish at Embassy Suites Hotel.
Flat 25-mile or challenging 50-mile
route. Celebrate Halloween,
prizes for best costumes. Includes
T-shirt, map, water bottle. Benefit
Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation
& Casa Esperanza.
Dec 5: Radium Springs
Radium Springs, NM. 200-km
brevet. Ride heads north through
chile and cotton fields and
pecan orchards of the Lower
Rio Grande Valley. Start at 7am
at Leasburg Dam State Park.
RUSA event. NM Brevet Series,
Dec 31–Jan 1: New Year
Goodyear, AZ. Celebrate as you
ride out the old year and into the
new. 2 different routes in warm
and sunny AZ. bike2bike.org
Looking for more rides?
Northwest Tour Guide
features WA, OR, ID &
BC events. Find it online
at bicyclepaper.com
September 26: Tour de Ruidoso
The third annual event is a challenging century ride that begins at
an elevation of 6,900’ and takes participants through some of the
most scenic views New Mexico has to offer. It is also one of the
more challenging rides, with plenty of climbing over mountainous
terrain and high elevation. New this year, there is a 20-mile option
on mostly flat terrain for those not wanting to do the 62-mile or full
century ride. This fundraising event benefits the Ruidoso Hospice
Foundation. “The greatest green chili cheeseburgers in the State of
New Mexico” will be your reward at the finish line. The longer rides
are for intermediate to advanced cyclists.
Location: Ruidoso, NM
Organizers: Ruidoso Hospice
Website: ruidoso.net
Distance: 20, 62, 100 miles
Ser vices: Food, rest stops,
SAG, mechanical support, swag
bag, T-shirt
Apr 23–26: Fruita Fat
Tire Festival
Fruita, CO. Mountain & desert
rides, parties & expo in downtown Fruita at Civic Center Park.
Road riders welcome with great
riding over the Colorado Nat’l
Monument, Douglas Pass & wine
country. Bike expo, live music,
Clunker crit, prizes, fun. Fruita
Fat Tire Festival, Inc,
Apr 30–May 3: Kokopelli
Fruita, CO. 4 days, 142 miles of
singletrack, jeep trails and retired
railroad. Rest stops and lunches.
Camping, gear transportation. Also available May 7-10.
Bikerpelli Sports, bikerpelli.com
May 1–3: Bookcliffs Trailfest
Price, UT. Trail rides, trail building,
demos, food, live music, chaos
& mayhem. Friday afternoon
warm-up ride will be mellow with
a party atmosphere, Saturday
& Sunday ride for real. HQ is at
BicycleWorks. 435-637-2453,
May 11–15: The Maze
Canyonlands Nat’l Park, UT.
5-day tour of the Maze District of
the Nat’l Park, travel over mesa
& through canyon terrain. Intermediate to advanced riders. Also
available 9/13. Magpie Adventures, magpieadventures.com
May 15–17: San Rafael Swell
Mountain Bike Festival
Huntington, UT. Celebrating the
biking of the San Rafael Swell
and the social aspects of riding. MECCA, 435-637-0086,
May 16–19: Tour de Bloom
Grand Junction, CO. COPMOBA’s
fundraising tour between Grand
Junction and Moab UT. A 4-day
mountain bike tour along the
Kokopelli Trail. Fully supported
and catered. Limit 28 riders.
COPMOBA, copmoba.org
May 17: Mission to Ride
Montrose, CO. Guided rides by
the Colorado Plateau MTB Trail
Assoc. Ride the Gunnison Gorge
National Conservation area.
Easy 7.5-mile route, advanced
12-mile distance requires technical skills. 4 road distances
available. Benefits the Montrose
Medical Mission. Mission to
Ride, missiontoride.com
May 22–25: Black Hills Fat
Tire Festival
Rapid City, SD. Rides, races (hill
climb, XC, Super D), film festival
and more. bhfattirefestival.com
May 23: Amazing Earthfest
Kanab, UT. Joy Jordan Woodhill
Trail Ride (BLM): 12-, 24-mile
non-technical loops on hardpack, views of the Kaibab
Plateau & the colorful cliffs of the
Grand Staircase. 435-644-3735,
Jun 5–7: Dinotrax Numb Fest
Vernal, UT. 3 fun and actionpacked days of riding and
festivities. Organized trail rides
each day based on ability level,
evening gathering, food, beverage, revelry & prizes. All events
in & around the Uintah Basin. No
entry fee. Altitude Cycle,
Jun 7: Subaru Elephant
Castle Rock, CO. The Rocky
Mountain region’s premier
cycling festival. 25-mile course
start/finish at Douglas County
Fairgrounds. 1,500 limit. Travel
on dirt & paved roads and bike
paths. Post event picnic and
cycling expo. Rocky Mountain
Events Inc, elephantrockride.com
Jun 11–14: Wild West
End Tour
Montrose, CO. Tour the remote
and rugged Paradox Trail. A
4-day MTB tour along one of
the areas great trails. Fully supported and home cooked meals.
COPMOBA, copmoba.org
Jun 14–19: Br yce to Zion
Family Trip
St. George, UT. 6-day tour
between national parks, over dirt
roads, double and single-track,
covering 16-25 miles per day.
Intermediate level. Also available
6/21 through 8/28. Western Spirit
Cycling Adventures,
Jun 14: Desert RATS
MTB Tour
Moab, UT. 6-day MTB tour from
Grand Junction, CO to Moab,
UT. Between 20-40 miles per
day on intermediate level trails.
Gemini Adventures,
Jun 14–19: Grand Staircase
Escalante Mtn Singletrack
Panguitch, UT. 6-day, 150-mile
guided tour of the Grand Staircase
and Escalante River areas, including Hell’s Backbone and Gap
Mountain Trail. Also available:
7/5, 8/2, 9/6. Escape Adventures,
Jun 20: The Bike Mick
Hot Springs, SD. Century
mountain bike ride, also 61-,
50- or 32-miles distance offered.
Mickelson Trail Affiliates,
605-745-363, thebigmick.org
Jun 24-28: Fat Tire Bike Week
Crested Butte, CO. Tentative,
check website to confirm. A
week-long mountain bike celebration. Crested Butte Chamber
of Commerce, 800-545-4505,
Jul 11–17: Cycle the Divide
Whitefish, MT. 208-mile multi-day
tour fully supported, load-free.
Ride abandoned logging roads
& some singletrack. Adventure
Cycling Association,
Jul 12–25: Denali Adventure
Anchorage, AK. 14-day Alaskan
tour, farmland & mountain views.
Ride Glenn & Richardson Hwys,
and Denali Nat’l Park. Mountain
or wide-tired touring bikes recommended. Adventure Cycling
Association, 800-744-2453,
Jul 16–18: Fishlake
Bike Festival
Richfield, UT. Tentative. Candy
Mountain. Enjoy beautiful trails,
Native American and mining history, wildlife and more.
[email protected]
Jul 17–19: Fat Tire Classic
Winter Park, CO. Bring a team
or do it solo. Ride Winter Park
Resort trails & raise money for
charity. Includes 5 meals and
access to the trails. Support
National Sports Center for
the Disabled. Brad Jesse,
303-293-5311, fattireclassic.com
Jul 25–26: Fort Collins
Cycling Festival
Fort Collins, CO. Mountain bike
treasure hunt. Enter as a team
of 5 or solo. Discover the beauty
of northern Colorado while looking for hidden caches using map
and GPS. Fort Collins Cycling
Festival, www.fccyclingfest.com
Aug 1–3: Babes in the
Backcountr y
Breckenridge, CO. Fine tune
your riding skill on pristine singletrack. Perfect for beginner to
intermediate riders. Babes in the
Aug 15–24: Wheelin’ the
Jackson, WY. Van-supported
Great Divide Mountain Bike
Route tour. Adventure Cycling
Association, adventurecycling.org
Sep 4–7: Great Utah Bicycle
Festival - GRUB Fest
Minersville, Utah. Entire weekend of cycling. Miles of roads
and trails for all kinds of biking:
There will be music, food and
fun for everyone. Bike 2 Bike,
Sep 12–13: Pearl Pass Tour
Crested Butte, CO. The oldest
mountain bike event in the world
celebrates the Mountain Biking
June 24-28: Crested Butte Fat Tire Bike Week
Location: Crested Butte, CO
Crested Butte is home to the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame and boasts
some of the best mountain biking trails in the world. Considered to be
the world’s longest running MTB festival, FTBW celebrates all things
bike. This family friendly event is great for all skill levels and age
groups. Each morning there will be group rides, separated by skill
level, that will head out to explore the area’s magnificent trails, full of
wildflowers and amazing views. In addition to great biking and daily
festivals, there will be races, BBQs, demonstrations, clinics, and more.
Ser vices: Entertainment/festivals, transportation, swag bag,
mechanical support, T-shirt
Sept 25-27: Castle Countr y Single Track Mountain
Bike Festival
Location: Price, UT
Call it CCSTMBF for short, this three-day event offers singletrack
riding that follows the mesa’s edge with views of the Manti-LaSal
Mountains and the San Rafael Swell and is nothing short of spectacular. Ride the widely known P.A.S.S trails and many 2008-built
trails that are perfectly seasoned following a year of local riding.
Beginners to Experts will find a playing ground to suit their fancy.
And if riding the trails beneath the majestic Book Cliffs isn’t enough,
there is always a good party.
Organizer: Scott Still
Website: ftbw.com
Distance: Varies
Organizer: Carbon County
Recreation, Utah’s Castle
Country, Bicycle Works
Website: carbonrec.com
Distance/elev.: Varies
Ser vices: SAG, entertainment,
Hall of Fame inductees. Pearl
Pass tour to Aspen and back.
Mountain Bike Hall of Fame,
Sep 25–27: Castle Countr y
Single Track MTB Festival
Price, UT. Great Carbon County
MTB recreational rides for all
levels, evening festivities, 2
meals included, bike raffle,
fun for everyone. Kathy Smith,
435-636-3702, castlecountry.com
Oct 3: Road Apple Rally Citizens Bank Tour
Farmington, NM. The longest
running MTB race offers a scenic
tour for those who prefer not to
race. Do it at your own pace.
Need to be 14 and over.
Oct 5–9: Gooseberr y
Mesa Trail
St. George, UT. 5-day tour combining slickrock and singletrack
trails south of Zion National Park,
covering 15 to 25 miles per day.
Intermediate level. Western Spirit
Cycling Adventures,
Oct 30–Nov 1: Moab
Ho-Down Bike Festival
Moab, UT. MTB festival includes
townie tour and movie premiere,
group rides and more. Halloween
costume party, prize giveaways
and just an all-around good time.
Tracy Reed, 435-259-4688,
October 3: Road Apple Rally
The longest running annual mountain bike race in the world, now in
its 29th year, is offering a recreational ride in addition to its racing
program. Located between Aztec and Farmington, New Mexico, this
event has seen many local pros and mountain biking legends roll
their wheels over the extremely fun terrain that makes Road Apple
Rally a must-do. Beginners race a 15-mile loop and for the rest of the
fields, a 30-mile loop of flowing and fast desert-style singletrack. The
scenic Citizen’s Bank Tour is ideal for those not wanting to push it
too hard or just want to ride. Kids race also available.
Location: Farmington, NM
Organizers: City of Farmington
Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Affairs Department
Website: roadapplerally.com
Distance: 15, 30 miles
Ser vices: Lunch, camping,
Rocky Mountain Cycling Clubs
Tired of riding alone? Looking for a club to join in your area? Need to find weekly rides or riding
partners while visiting one of the Rocky Mountain regions? Below is a list of clubs in the area.
Aspen CC - aspencyclingclub.org
Boulder Bicycle Commuters boulderbicyclecommuters.org
Boulder MTB Alliance boa-mtb.org
Swift CC - cyclingevents.com
Title Nine - titleninecycling.com
Women on Bikes/Women on
MTB - womenonbikes.com
Summit Fat Tire Society - sfts.us
Castle Rock
6202 Cycling - 6202cycling.org
Front Rangers CC frontrangersdenver.org
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs CC bikesprings.org
International Christian CC Colorado - coloradoiccc.org
Medicine Wheel - medwheel.org
Crested Butte
Crested Butte Mountain Bike
Association - cbmba.org
Denver Bicycle Touring Club dbtc.org
OUT Spokin’ - outspokin.org
Rocky Mountain Bicycle Boys rmbb.org
Durango Wheel Club durangowheelclub.com
Mesa State College CC org.mesastate.edu/cycling
Team Evergreen Bicycle Club teamevergreen.org
Fort Collins
Fort Collins CC - fccycleclub.org
Peak to Pub Bicycling Club fortnet.org/PeaktoPub
Team BOB - Babes on Bikes fortnet.org/team_bob
Colorado Tandem Club coloradotandemclub.org
Grand Junction
West Slope Wheelmen [email protected]
Highlands Ranch
Highlands Ranch CC highlandsranchcycling.com
La Veta
Spanish Peaks Cycling spcycling.org
Colorado MTB Association comba.org
P.E.D.A.L - users.frii.com/pedal
Amicas CC southcentralracing.com
Steamboat Springs
Routt County Riders Bicycle Club routtcountyriders.org
Wheat Ridge
Rocky Mountain CC rmccrides.com
FooMTB - foomtb.org
New Mexico Touring Society nmts.org
Spokez Outdoor CC sportzoutdoor.com
White Line CC [email protected]
El Prado
Taos CC - taoscycleclub.com
Velo de Animas velodeanimas.com
Las Cruces
1Bike and Chowder Club bike_and_chowder_club.home.
Los Alamos
Tuff Riders MTB Club tuffriders.losalamos.com
Red River
Red River Bicycle Club redriverbikeclub.com
Roswell Bike Club [email protected]
Santa Fe
Pedal Queens - pedalqueens.com
Santa Fee Road Riders sports.groups.yahoo.com/
Silver City
Silver Spokes Bicycle Club [email protected]
Cedar Crest
NM RUSA Randonneurs nmbrevets.com
UtahMountainBiking.com utahmountainbiking.com
Bountiful Mazda CC - bmbbc.com
Cedar City
Color Country CC colorcountrycycling.org
Canyon Bicycles/VeloCity Cyclists canyonbicyclesdraper.com
Biker’s Edge - bebikes.com/team
Cache Valley Veloists Bicycle
Touring Club - cvveloists.org
Autoliv CC [email protected]
Northshore CC binghamcyclery.com
Park City
Young Riders - youngriders.com
Price Area Singletrack Society groups.msn.com/
Salt Lake City
Bike2Bike Club web.bike2bike.biz
Bonneville CC - BCCUtah.org
Contender Bicycles CC contenderbicycles.com
Cutthroat Racing cutthroatracing.org
Salt Lake CC canyonbicycles.com/club.html
SLC Bike Collective slcbikecollective.org
Sugarhouse CC sugarhousecyclingclub.com
Wasatch Women’s CC [email protected]
South Jordan
Team Inertia CC golsancycles.com
St. George
Cactus Hugger CC cactushugger.com
Utah County
Utah Velo Club - utahveloclub.com
Casper Wheelmen [email protected]
Cheyenne CC cheyennecyclingclub.org
Evanston CC evanstoncycling.org
Laramie Bicycling Network laramiebikenet.com
Three Peaks Mountaineers Bike
Club - [email protected]
Cycling Association of Star Valley casv.org
Below are commercial companies that are from the Rocky Mountain region or offer tours in the area.
Adventure Cycling Association
America by Bike
Austin-Lehman Adventures
Bikerpelli Sports
Bicycle Adventure Club
Bicycle Adventures
Bicycle Tour of Colorado
Bike 2 Bike
Blacktop Bicycle Tours
Carpenter/Phinney Bike Camp
Challenge Unlimited
Colorado HeartCycle
Cycle America
Cycling Escapes
Dream Cycle Tours
Escape Adventures
ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours
Gila Tours
Hermosa Tours
Holiday Expeditions
KE Adventures
Known World Guide Ser vice
Magpie Adventures Tours
Mellow Velo Bikes
Native Sons Adventures
Nichols Expeditions
Noo Funteers
Outpost Wilderness Adventure
Pacific-Atlantic-Cycling Tour
Planet Ultra
Randonnee Tours
Rim Tours
Rocky Mountain Cycle Tours
Rusted Rock Tours
Springdale Cycle Tours
Solfun Tours
Terra Trek
Teton Mountain Bike Tours
Timberline Adventures
Timberline Tours
Treks N Trails
Utah Outventures
Western Spirit Cycling
Zion Bike Tours