The Foundations of the Millau Viaduct
The Foundations of the Millau Viaduct
GeoSS Singapore, 7 February 2012 The Foundations of the Millau Viaduct François SCHLOSSER Emeritus Professor. Ecole des Ponts. Paris Tech The Millau Viaduct (the highest cable stayed highway bridge) • • • • • Presentation of the viaduct Geological and geotechnical aspects Foundations Design of the foundations Application of the observational method during construction (‘interactive design’) • Earthworks and retaining structures 1 The viaduct was completing the north to south A75 highway at the deep valley of the Tarn river close to the Millau town. Participants to the construction of the Millau viaduct Owner (Concession) : EIFFAGE Architect : Norman FOSTER (GB) Consulting Engineer : SETEC Contractor Part 1 : EIFFAGE Public Works Contractor Part 2 : EIFFEL Metallic Construction Consultants for the owner : Michel VIRLOGEUX ( Structures ) François SCHLOSSER ( Foundations) Alain PICCARDI ( Welding) Bernard FOUCRIAT ( Concrete ) 2 The Normandy Highway Bridge over the Seine river Michel VIRLOGEUX : the great french Highway Bridge Designer Dimensions of the viaduct Length : Highest pier : 2,460 m 245 m Height of the metallic pylons : (P2 ) 90 m Slightly curved : constant radius 3 Other main figures • 343 m : maximum total height over the Tarn river. • 8 spans : 6 of 342 m and 2 of 204 m. • 360 MN of steel for the deck (5 times the Eiffel tower). • 2,050 MN of concrete of which 1,250 MN of high resistance concrete. General view of the viaduct at the end of construction North South Pylons. Cables. Red metallic provisional piers (one being dismantled) 4 Structures of the viaduct Steel deck Concrete piers and abutments CONSTRUCTION OF THE PIERS Top view of the P2 pier close to its full height The crane is linked to the pier and raised in the same step 5 Contruction of the piers Two views taken from the south side : At the beginning after the construction of the foundations (large concrete piles and raft); At a medium state. A temporary metallic pier in red is at the beginning of construction; Temporary metallic pier Raising jacking. is performed by jacking New steel tubes are placed in the frame located at the base. 6 Pushing of the deck and clamping over the Tarn river Deck elements were assembled on the two sides of the valley. Pushing of the deck was performed using special jacking apparatus (vertical and horizontal movements) at the top of each pier and provisonal pier Launching direction Clamping Launching direction Installation of the pylon Pushing of the deck : arrival on a provisional pier 7 View of the pushing from the two north and south abutments. View after the clamping over the Tarn river 8 View taken from the south side after clamping Close to the end of the construction. The pylons have been erected and a part of the cables has been put in place. Due to an optical effect the cables at the north side of each pylon are not visible. 9 GEOLOGICAL and GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS Geological cross-section Colluvium (relatively instable layer) Marls Limestones Major faults 10 Geological map Karst in limestone under the future south abutment C8 11 Very fractured limestone at the location of the C0 abutment Karst in the fractured rock at the location of the temporary pier 1 12 CLOSE TO PIER P1 (Northern part): Limestone with embedded marl. Fractured to very fractured rock. Fault 1m wide. Excavation in the very stiff marl for construction of the P5 raft 13 Excavation at the pier P7 in colluvium and stiff marl protected by a soil nailed wall. Landslide at P7 in the colluvium overlying the marl 14 Slide in the colluvium covering the marls : 1) View from the top of the temporary pier n° 6. 2) A small embankment was constructed close to the foundation of the temporary pier for building it. 3) Nature of the embankment material : marl excavated for the construction of the platform. 4) The slide occurred on 13/12/2003 after of a very rainy period. FOUNDATIONS (Piers, temporary piers, abutments) 15 Foundations of the piers Pier P2 (Limestone) Pier P5 (Marl) Foundation of the pier P 4 16 Pier P2 : loads applied on the foundation Weight Wind : (pier + pile cap) : H L = 10.6 MN N = 350 MN ML = 885 MN.m (pier+ pile + cap + deck) : H T = 12.5 MN N = 400 MN M T = 2 360 MN.m Longitudinal view Side view Excavation of the shafts and placement of the reinforcements. 17 View of the south C0 abutment Excavation for the foundation the C0 (north) abutment 18 Construction of the C8 north abutment DESIGN OF THE FOUNDATIONS 19 Geological and geotechnical investigations Core sampling, destructive drillings, log soundings, in situ & lab testing, inclinometers, pile load tests, trial shafts. Example of the P3 pier Location of pier P3 (in a steep slope, on limestones, close to the slope) The depth of the piles have been increased after investigations investig 20 MECHANICAL PARAMETERS OF THE ROCKS RMR (Rock Mass Rating) •Rc or σc (matrix) = unconfined compression •RQD (drill core quality) 0≤ RMR≤ 105 •Discontinuities (spacing, orientation, fill material) •Ground water ___ RMR-15 σc .10 40 Modulus (GPa) Hoek (1996) 100 Critère de rupture : Failure criterium __________ : => (φ,c) tangents σ1 = σ3 + mσc .σs + sσc ² E= √ √ m (RMR) s (RMR) LIMESTONES (Héttangien, Sinémurien) (Carixien) E= (5 to10 GPa) /(10 to20 GPa), σc = 50 to 70 MPa E= 20 to 60 GPa σc = 80 to 100 MPa (Bajocien) MARLS σc = 70 to 160 MPa (Domérien, Toarcien, Aalénien) σc = 10 to 15 MPa E= 0,5 to 1,5 GPa Pile load tests in the marls Load - settlement curve Qc = 5200 kN Shaft friction – displacement curves qs 520 kPa Qu 8000 kN 21 Foundation designs DEEP FOUNDATION Elasto-plastic design (Service Limit State) + ULS DEEP FOUNDATION (Ultimate Limit State) PILED RAFT Terrasol elastic design (SLS) 1) Ministry design: Base of the piles only 2) Concessionnaire design : Base and transversal reactions 3) Most probable behaviour design : Piles + cap contribution CALCULATION OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CAP AND THE PILES FOXTA computer program (TERRASOL) PILED RAFT FOUNDATION 1) Assumption of a rigid cap 2) Elastic behaviour of the ground loaded by the cap and of the ground under the pile base 3) Elasto-plastic law for the shaft friction tangential stress 4) Use of the soil displacements due to Qc for evaluating the relative pile/sol displacement y 5) Iterative calculation 6) No pile group effect taken into account 22 Tassement [mm] avr.-02 TASSEMENT CALCULE SEMELLE P6 CALCULATED SETTLEMENT (mm) OF THE RAFT (Pier P6 juin-02 août-02 oct.-02 déc.-02 févr.-03 avr.-03 juin-03 août-03 oct.-03 Masse du béton [T] déc.-03 janv.-04 mars-04 0 24000 -0.5 3 -1 20000 -1.5 2b -2 16000 -2.5 -3 12000 -3.5 -4 8000 2a -4.5 -5 4000 -5.5 -6 0 Fin de la construction de la pile 18m Nord 21 m Pile + Tablier Calcul EEG-SIMECSOL Calcul SETEC Calcul TERRASOL MASSE BA SUR SEMELLE Settlement calculation of the P 6 pier foundation versus time assuming different behaviour mechanisms Distribution of the loads on the foundation TERRASOL calculation Pier P2 (limestone) : cap ( 62%) + piles ( 38%) Pier P6 (marl) Case 4 : cap ( 7%) + piles ( 93%) : Piers and deck weight ( permanent load) + maximum lateral wind (temporary load) 23 APPLICATION of the OBSERVATIONAL METHOD during construction (INTERACTIVE DESIGN) Observational method (‘interactive design’) 1) Design with the most probable behaviour 2) Monitoring 3) Implementation and design of contingency actions 4) Definition of thresholds for the application of the contingency actions 24 Application of the observational method to the Millau Viaduct 1) Deformation calculation of the piles + cap system 2) Definition of thresholds 3) Study of contingency actions 4) Geological observation of shaft excavation : new values of RMR index adaptations (pile depth, ground treatment, etc ) 5) Monitoring of foundation settlements and rotations Threshold definitions Settlements Rotation Vigilance threshold Theoretical slope ds / dQ (Simecsol curve) 5. 10-4 rad Alert threshold Confirmation of exceeding of vigilance threshold 25 Application of the observational method. Contingency actions Geology Marls Monitoring and surveying means Possible treatments Differential and/or total settlement Horizontal micrometric inclinometers and levelling Injection (compaction, compensation) Local or global nailing Piles / micropiles Horizontal movement and/or rotation Micrometric inclinometrers Piezometers Vertical inclinometers Precise levelling Ground reinforcement Drainage Eathworks Possible anomaly Possible drifting Clay pocket Or High deformability heterogeneity Thin clay layer Excess pore water pressure High thrust on the foundation Anchors Reinforcement Passive thrust Pile cap settlement (P2 Pier founded on limestones) Tassement [mm] avr.-02 juin-02 1 TASSEMENT SEMELLE P2 Masse du béton [ T ] août-02 oct.-02 déc.-02 févr.-03 avr.-03 juin-03 août-03 oct.-03 déc.-03 60000 0 50000 -1 40000 -2 30000 3 -3 20000 -4 10000 -5 0 Fin de la construction de la pile 18m Nord 27m Tassement moyen PI2SEMLNIVNO1 Masse BA Tassement calculé PI2SEMLNIVSE1 PI2SEMLNIVNE1 PI2SEMLNIVSO1 26 (Pier P6 founded on the marls) Settlement of the pile cap Tassement [mm] avr.-02 0 Masse du béton [T] TASSEMENT SEMELLE P6 juin-02 août-02 oct.-02 déc.-02 févr.-03 avr.-03 juin-03 août-03 oct.-03 déc.-03 16000 14000 -1 12000 -2 10000 8000 -3 3 6000 -4 4000 -5 2000 -6 0 Fin de la construction de la pile Mise en place du tablier Nord 18m Tassement moyen PI6SEMLNIVNO1 PI6SEMLNIVSO1 MASSE BA SUR SEMELLE 21 m PI6SEMLNIVNE1 PI6SEMLNIVSE1 Tassement calculé Rotation of the pile cap (P6) ROTATION SEMELLE P6 rotation [mrad] avr.-02 0.6 juin-02 août-02 oct.-02 déc.-02 févr.-03 avr.-03 juin-03 août-03 Masse du béton [T] oct.-03 déc.-03 16000 14000 0.4 12000 Est 0.2 Sud 10000 0 8000 Ouest -0.2 Nord 6000 4000 -0.4 2000 -0.6 0 Fin de la construction de la pile 18m Nord 21 m Mise en place du tablier Rotation moyenne vers l'Est / l'Ouest Rotation moyenne vers le Sud / le Nord seuils "MASSE BA" 27 Rotation of the pile cap P2 Masse du béton [T] ROTATION SEMELLE P2 rotation [m.rad] avr.-02 0.6 juin-02 août-02 oct.-02 déc.-02 févr.-03 avr.-03 juin-03 août-03 oct.-03 déc.-03 60000 50000 0.4 0.2 40000 Est Sud 0 30000 -0.2 20000 Ouest -0.4 Nord 10000 0 Fin de la construction de la pile -0.6 18 Nord Rotation moyenne vers l'Est / l'Ouest seuils 27m Rotation moyenne vers le Sud / le Nord MASSE BA Settlement of the pile cap P3 Settlement (mm) Mass (ton) The vigilance threshold has been exceeded during 2 1/2 months 3 28 Settlements of all pier foundations versus load EARTHWORKS and RETAINING STRUCTURES 29 Soil nailed wall at the P7 pier platform PLANE VIEW A-A CROSS SECTION Calculation of the soil nailed wall 30 P3 platform Soil nailed wall and reinforcement for the construction of the pile cap 31 Tervoile reinforced soil wall at the edge of the P3 platform 32 Construction of the Tervoile soil reinforced wall Conclusions 1) The main part of the total load is due to the piers 2) Settlement of the pier fondations during the total construction is less than 1 cm. No rotation detected. 3) Respective contributions of pile cap and piles are very different in marls and in limestones 4) Contrary to what was expected, problems where encountered with limestones and not with marls 5) The RMR method is well suited for marls, but a little less for limestones 6)) Measured and calculated settlements and rotations are in fairly good agreement, but measured settlements in the limestones are occuring by steps. 7) The most difficult pier foundation was P3 8) Interactive design is a safe tool for risk management 33 Conclusions 9) Excavations in the slopes led to some stability problems 10) As expected the colluvium layer covering the marls led to xxxxstability problems 11) Temporary retaining structures have to be improved considering xxxxthe required 120 years service life. Observational method will be xxxxused 34
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