Venetian Tower (1) - Overview and Roof


Venetian Tower (1) - Overview and Roof
Venetian Tower (1) - Overview and Roof
Venetian Tower.vy (Voyager bundle)
Venetian Tower (ArtMatic file)
This structure consists of an array of DFRM objects connected
to a 3>3 N Fold Mirrors and Offset tile using the "xz plane
NFold mirror x+" algorithm. N is set to four, so mirrored
objects will appear on 4 sides of the tower.
The tree contains four compiled trees (CT). From left to right,
they are: Roof, Tower, Arcades, Untitled. Arcades and Untitled
are mixed by the 2>4 Packed Logic# tile before being
repacked and mixed with the first two streams in the bottom
3>4 Packed Logic# tile. They will add detail to the top of the
If you set the color shader in ArtMatic Designer to
"Geographic clut" it is easier to visualize your DFRM objects.
Start with the Roof CT. It creates two DFRM output streams,
which are mixed at the bottom of the tree by the 2>4 Packed
Alpha Max tile. The stream on the right is the output of the 2>1
Profile Shapes tile (algo: triangle). The triangle shape is infinite on
the z axis, but in this situation we want a finite shape. So the
stream is fed into the y input of the 2>1 Logic Tools tile (algo:
subtract x and blend y) while output on the z axis from the 3D
parent (the 3>3 3D Rotate tile is fed into the x input of the Logic
Tools tile. The effect, when parameter B of the Logic Tools tile is set
to 1, is to constrain the triangle into a finite shape.
The stream on the left consists of another 2>1 Profile Shapes Tile (algo: framed Box). Its
x input comes from the z output of the 3D parent and its y input from the output
stream of the triangle. Once again, the triangle is infinite but it and the box are built on
different planes to constrain the triangle. The 1>2 Add tile on the y output of the 3D
parent controls the vertical location of the roof relative to the tower.
Venetian Tower (2) - 3D from 2D
This is a simplified tree demonstrating the
concept. It produces a triangle of infinite
length in the z axis. At left is the tree
and right the result as viewed in Voyager.
This is how the tree would look viewed in
Voyager under the influence of the 3>3
N-Fold Mirrors tile when n=4. The N-Fold
Mirror tile is in the main tree and
influences the CTs below it.
This is the same tree but now the
triangle output stream is input to the
framed box. The result, as seen in
Voyager, is below.
This is the constrained triangle as it
appears in Voyager under the
influence of the N-Fold Mirror tile.
The z offset parameter of the N-Fold
tile is set to 7.5.
This is the portion of the roof CT that creates the frame we have
been studying. The 1>1 RGB Alpha Pack creates a coloration for the
surface and will be mixed later on with the right half of the tree,
which creates the green surface.
Venetian Tower (3) - 3D by Intersection
Now, let's turn to the green prism object. Here is just the
portion of the CT that generates the object. The triangle
is created on the xy plane and its stream is fed into the y
input of the 2>1 Logic Tools tile using the Subtract x and
Blend y algorithm. The x input to Logic Tools comes from
the z output of the 3D parent and has a scaling capacity
via the 1>2 Add tile, as was the case with the frame
structure. This procedure eliminates the infinite axis (z)
from the object. To view this in action, change parameter B
of the 2>1 Logic tools and observe the results.
Logic tools parameter B = 0
Logic Tools parameter B = 1
This shows the complete roof CT. The left side creates the
gray frame and the right creates the green prism. We add
color to each object separately using the 1>1 RGB Alpha
Pack components which in turn are mixed into the 2>1 RGB
Alpha Pack tile. Back on the main tree, these outputs are
packed into 4>1 streams and mixed with other objects
needed to build the composite image.
Frame and prism together; the output of the Roof Compiled
Tree. The bottom section of the prism is actually hidden
inside the tower via offset.
Venetian Tower (4) - The Tower
This is the object generated by the
Tower CT.
The Tower CT contains two DFRM objects mixed
together: a Framed Box shape swept in a pattern by
the 3>2 Revolution and Sweeps tile and a Gothic Arch
provided by the second 2>1 Profile Shapes# tile. They
are colored in the 1>1 RGB Alpha Pack tiles and mixed
by the 2>4 Packed Logic tile using the Framed
Subtract algorithm. This method creates "windowsills"
around the shape. Tiles below the Packed Logic tile
are not shown in this illustration.
Look again at the entire tree (left). Two
paths branch from the output of the lefthand 2>1 Profile Shapes tile. The extra
path bypasses the Alpha Pack and Packed
Logic tiles and connects to the 1>1 Offset
tile on the right. It feeds a new 1>1 Alpha
Pack tile then is mixed back with the
packed stream from its parent. This
creates a copy of the tower shape without
the windows. This “inner” tower is colored
black and the “outer” tower is
superimposed on it.
Main Tree
Simplified tree
showing second
Venetian Tower (5) - Tower Color and Modulo Effects
The position of the “inner” black tower is controlled by Parameter A of the 1>1 Offset tile.
When it is <= 0 the red surface shows. If it is > 0 the black tower overlays the red one.
The result of the superimposition is a red tower cut with windows that show a black
interior. You can see this clearly if you delete the second stream from the tree and view
the results.
Without 2nd tower
With 2nd Tower (black)
This is the portion of the tree that produces the windows. The 1>1
Offset tile is fed from the x output of the 3D parent so it will
affect that axis. Because all the elements in this CT are under the
influence of the 3>3 N-Fold Mirror tile in the main tree, Parameter A
of the Offset tile will shift the arch shape, allowing it to be
reflected on the x axis and mirrored to the other 3 planes of the
A = - 35.25
A 1>1 Modulo tile (algo: Repeats N) is connected to the y input of the arch Profile
Shapes tile. Used on a specific axis, Modulo creates copies of an object on that axis.
In this example, Parameter B (phase) is used to control the vertical location of the
mirrored windows. Parameter A (Period) controls spacing of the copies. Here, the extra
arches are stacked up on top of one another but you can reveal them by adjusting
the Period parameter.
Period = 5
Period = 36
Venetian Tower (6) - Arcades Using Modulo
The Arcades CT mixes a 2>1 Profile Shape (Framed Box) with a
2>1 Profile Shape (Gothic Arch). The Box is built on the zy
plane and the arch on the xy plane. The object is infinite on
the x axis but becomes finite under the influence of the 3>3
N-Fold Mirrors tile on the main tree.
Without N-Fold Mirroring
With N-Fold mirroring (N=4)
The 1>1 Offset on the y input of the Profile Shape tile controls the vertical alignment of
the arches on the box.
The 1>1 Modulo tile (algo: Repeats N) on the x input of the Profile Shape tile creates N
multiples of the arch. Its Period parameter controls the horizontal spread of the copies
while the Phase parameter controls the reflection effect by shifting the central arch.
Modulo Phase = 0
Modulo Period = 0
The multiple arches are “stacked” beneath the first arch and
thus invisible.
Modulo Phase = -10
Modulo Period = 0
The “stack” of arches shifted left are now reflected. The
reflection axis is between the two stacks.
Modulo Phase = -10
Modulo Period = 20.5
Now the stack is spread out enough to show the top arch and
the one below it. The two are reflected, so you see four arches.
If the framed box is made wider, more arches can be
drawn by increasing the modulo N parameter.
Venetian Tower (7) - Coloring the Arcade and the "Untitled" CT
As was seen with the tower object in the Tower CT, here the Framed Box object
output is divided into two streams. The left-hand stream is colored gray by the 1>1 RGB
Alpha Pack Tile while the right-hand stream feeds a 1>1 Offset tile and a 1>1 RGB
Alpha Pack tile, to add a black color. As was the case with the Tower, this allows the
space behind the arches to appear black when the arch shapes are subtracted from
the Box.
The three object streams are fed to the 3>4 packed Logic Tools# tile (algo: subtract
C & Union B). Input A is the gray box object stream, input B is the black box object
Stream, and input C is the arch object stream. The arches are subtracted, the two
boxes merged.
The color of the arches is close but not identical to that of the box, creating a frame
effect around the arches similar to the Framed Subtract Algorithm in the 2>1 and 2>4
Logic Tools# components.
Venetian Tower: The “Untitled” CT
Two 2>1 Profile Shapes# (algo: column classic) tiles are assigned
color by 1>1 RGB Alpha Pack tiles and mixed by the 2>4 Packed
Logic Tools# (Framed Subtract) tile. This output stream is
packed and sent to the bottom 2>4 Packed Logic Tools# tile
(edged union+).
The bas relief work comes from the 3>2 Revolution and Sweeps
(algo:Circle Revolution) tile feeding a 2>1 profile Shapes (Roof B
ix-) tile. This stream is also packed for mixing at the bottom.
The 3>3 3D Offset tile at the top of the right hand stream controls the appearance.
Parameter x affects placement on the x axis (it will mirror if it moves in a negative
direction), Parameter y controls its altitude on the y axis, and Parameter z its "size" so
that it will bulge through the enclosing wall.
Venetian Tower (8) - Conclusion
This simplified system shows how the shape is formed.
Parameter B (y Offset) of the 3>3 Offset tile allows
insertion into the hollow tower structure.
The "Venetian tower.vy" example file illustrates several useful techniques for
architectural design in Voyager:
1) Profile Shapes to create 3D objects (intersection method and 2D sweep method);
2) N-Fold mirroring to add detail to an n-sided object (the tower);
3) Parallel output streams to color interior space (the arcades);
4) Modulo to create duplicate slices of space (tower windows and the arcades).
Component view of
tower parts as seen in
ArtMatic Designer.
Component view of tower
parts as seen in
ArtMatic Voyager (black
arcades not depicted).