LocalTapiola Bank Ltd
LocalTapiola Bank Ltd
LocalTapiola Bank Ltd Close to you throughout your life Annual Report 2013 LocalTapiola Bank LocalTapiolaBankbeganoperatingin2004.Thebank'sserviceshave expandedtocoverallprivatecustomerservicesfromaccountsand cardstoinvestmentsandsecuritiesbrokerage,aswellasservicesfor smallcompaniesandfarmers.SBankandTapiolaBankhavemerged toformanewSBank. Close to you throughout your life LocalTapiolaincludesenthusiasticdrivers,mothersandfathers,athletes,pet owners,boaters,housebuilders,worldtravellers,investorsandentrepreneurs. Therefore,weofferthesamesolutionswewantanduseourselves.Wehandle yourmostimportantmatterswithcompetenceandgenuinecare. Table of Contents Review by the Managing Director 4 Report by the Board of Directors 1 January – 31 December 2013 6 Tapiola Bank Ltd – financial statements of the Bank Group 11 Balance sheet and consolidated profit and loss account of the Bank Group 11 Bank Group cash flow statement 15 Key figures of the Bank Group 16 Notes to the financial statements of the Bank Group 17 Notes on the principles used in the preparation of financial statements 17 Transitioning from the IFRS standards to the use of the FAS norms 21 Notes on the risk management of the Bank Group 25 Notes on the Bank Group's solvency management 31 Notes to the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet of the Bank Group 34 Balance sheet and profit and loss account of LocalTapiola Bank Plc 44 Cash flow statement of LocalTapiola Bank Plc 48 Key figures of LocalTapiola Bank Plc 49 Notes to the financial statements of LocalTapiola Bank Plc 50 Notes on the principles used in the preparation of LocalTapiola Bank Plc´s financial statements 50 Notes relating to the balance sheet and profit and loss account of LocalTapiola Bank Plc 50 Signatures to the annual report and financial statements 61 Auditor’s note 62 Auditor’s report 63 LocalTapiola in brief LocalTapiolaGroupisamutual groupofcompaniesownedby itscustomers.itservesprivate customers,farmers,entrepreneurs, corporatecustomersand organisations.Weoffernon-lifeand lifeinsuranceservicesaswellas investmentandsavingservices.We alsoprovidepensioninsuranceand bankingservices. LocalTapiola's online reporting LocalTapiola'sonlineannualreport 2013andthecompanies'annual reportsandinvestmentreviewswillbe availableduringweek15inpDFformat atthefollowingaddress: www.vuosiraportti 2013.lahitapiola.fi LocalTapiola Bank is now S Bank S Bank and LocalTapiola Bank have merged to form a new S Bank. S Group owns 75 per cent and LocalTapiola Group 25 per cent of the new bank, which will begin operating in 2014. S Bank and LocalTapiola Bank merged on 1 May 2014. The merger does not require customers to take any action. In other words, the existing customer relationships will remain unchanged. Services for individuals • Accounts and cards. Current account, interest payable on daily balance • Comprehensive, easy to use online and mobile services • Loans for various purposes • Savings and investments, brokerage services Services for entrepreneurs and farmers • Accounts, saving, investment and financing solutions for agriculture and forestry • Savings, investment and financing solutions for entrepreneurs • Accounts for self-employed people and payment transaction services • Online services 3 ANNUALREpORT2013 LOCALTApiOLABANKLTD A pivotal year for LocalTapiola Bank ForLocalTapiolaBank,2013wasatimeof numerouschanges.Despitethis,wewereable tomaintainahighlevelofcustomersatisfaction. 87percentofourcustomersratedthebankas goodorverygood. Themaineventoftheyearwastheagreement betweenSBankandLocalTapiolaBankto mergeandformanewSBank.LocalTapiola Groupowns25percentofthenewbankandS Groupowns75percent. ThenewSBankbeganoperatingon1May2014. Marjapajulahti,ManagingDirector N ewregulationsonbankingmarkets,solutions tothecreditcrisisandaweakeningeconomic climatehaveallcontributedtoincreasing refinancingcostsforbanksandhaveresultedinincreased marginsonnewloanstomaintainprofitability.Lowinterest rateshavereducedthebank'snetinterestincome,which hasservedtoweakentheresult.Asaresultofthedecrease innetinterestincome,bankshaveattemptedtoboost theirprofitabilitywithcommissionincomeandincome fromothersources,aswellasbyincreasingtheiroperating effi ciency. LocalTapiolaBankhasalsobeeninvolvedinthe aforementionedtrend.in2013,ourfocusshiftedfrom sellingloanstosellinginvestmentsandothercommissionbasedactivities.Theresultwasamarkedimprovementin investmentsales,which,forourVaurasassetmanagement concept,were150%betterthanthepreviousyear'ssales. Thenumberofcustomersofoursecuritiesbrokerage businessalsoincreasedsteadilythroughouttheyear. investmentsaleshaveplayedtheirpartincreating opportunitiestoincreaseprofitability,whilealsoboosting LocalTapiola'sprofileasaproviderofsavingandinvestment services.inadditiontosavingsaccounts,ourinvestment productsincludedLocalTapiolaVauras,whichisintendedfor customersinvestingEUR20,000–100,000.Ourinvestment customersalsohadaccesstofivedifferentinvestment depositproductslastyear. 4 Investment sales increased by 2.5 partiallyduetoinvestmentsales,thebankgainedatotal ofalmost20,000newcustomersandoverallprofitability improved.TheresultwasonlyEUR4million.Thiswas weakenedbyprovisionsforupcomingnon-recurringcosts duetotheSBankmerger.Theresultwasalsoaffectedby extraordinarycostsduetothetransferofbankemployees whohadbeenworkinginLocalTapiola'soffi cesaround Finlandandwhomovedtothebankaspartofthebusiness transferthatwasimplementedon1September2013. Customer satisfaction remained good Wedidnotreachourobjectiveofincreasingthenumber ofactivecustomers,althoughcustomersatisfaction remainedgoodin2013.87percentofourcustomersrated LocalTapiolaBankasgoodorverygood.TheBank'smessage isthatitisareliableandactivepartnerforourownercustomersastheymanagetheireverydayfinances. 2013 2012 2011 Turnover, EUR m 60.4 65.5 67.1 Operating profit/loss, 4.0 6.4 4.5 EUR m Borrowing and lending, public and public corporations, EUR m Deposits 1,754.6 1,643.8 1,509.1 Credit portfolio 1,840.3 1,671.3 1,500.4 Customer benefits, EUR m 10.3 12.1 11.8 Number of customers 274,002 254,729 233,256 274,002 1,634.7 1,754.6 Number of LocalTapiola Bank customers 233,256 At the turn of 2013, development was underway to bring LocalTapiola Bank closer to customers by working with the regional companies. As a result of this, a preliminary agreement on the bank merger was made in spring 2013 and the agreement was confirmed at the end of the year. Work on the merger began with permit processes and preliminary reports on approximately 30 different integration projects. The new S Bank will begin operating on 1 May 2014. LocalTapiola Bank key figures 254,729 The merger with S Bank was confirmed Key figures 1,509.1 The customer satisfaction rating shows that we have succeeded in offering personal service via our extensive service network and easy-to-use online services. Customers can choose to contact us in the manner that suits them best. For everyday financial matters, they continued to favour online services and mobile services. This is borne out by the fact that our online banking system handled 7.7 million user log-ins last year. The bank changed its name to LocalTapiola Bank on 8 June 2013. The change in name also necessitated a project to make large-scale system changes. At the same time, the online service and the bank's mobile service were updated. Customer feedback has generally been good. 2011 2012 2013 Number of customers Deposit base, EUR m Objectives for 2014 The main event in 2014 will be the merger with S Bank. In connection with this, it is important to ensure that LocalTapiola Bank's customers are satisfied and are receiving a good standard of service. The bank merger will also cause changes for investment sales as LocalTapiola's funds will be transferred to FIM, a subsidiary of S Bank. The role of the regional companies as providers of banking services will also become clearer in 2014. Building the new S Bank Maintaining high customer service levels and ensuring that customer satisfaction remains good. Utilising the regional companies as providers of banking services Making the most of local expertise and networking. Continuing investment sales Customer interest in investment services continues to grow. 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 JANUARY–31 DECEMBER 2013 Bank Group and LocalTapiola Group LocalTapiola Bank Plc is a subsidiary of LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company (LocalTapiola General) and is the parent company of the Bank Group. The Bank Group includes the subsidiary LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd, wholly owned by LocalTapiola Bank Plc, and the associated undertaking Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd, of which LocalTapiola Bank Plc owns 34%. Besides the aforementioned LocalTapiola General, LocalTapiola Bank and LocalTapiola Asset Management, LocalTapiola Group consists of LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company, LocalTapiola Real Estate Asset Management Ltd, Tapiola Data Ltd and 19 regional companies engaged in non-life insurance operations. The domicile of LocalTapiola Bank Plc is Espoo and its business ID is 1795059-8. The financial statements are drawn up in accordance with Finnish legislation and the regulations of the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. In its meeting on 24 October 2013, the Board of Directors decided to use the FAS norms instead of the IFRS standards in the preparations of the 2013 consolidated financial statements. The change harmonised the financial statement practices of LocalTapiola Bank and S Bank. The bridge calculations for the transition are presented in the financial statements. Change of company form In its meeting on 11 April 2013, the General Meeting of Tapiola Bank Ltd decided on a change of company form to a public limited company as of 8 June 2013. The company's name is: LähiTapiola Pankki Oyj LokalTapiola Bank Abp in Swedish LocalTapiola Bank Plc. in English Operating environment In 2013, there were two major turning points in the operating environment of financial markets, the first of which was the strengthening of global growth prospects. The extraordinarily long recession in the eurozone ended in the second quarter of the year and the acute economic crisis began to subside, even in the most problematic countries. Thanks to Europe's recovery, a global recovery was no longer entirely dependent on US economic growth. On the other hand, the economic outlook in emerging economies remained highly uncertain and began to stabilise only at the very end of the year. In addition, the impact of the global economic recovery on Finland's overall production was less marked than expected, and there was no substantial improvement in the economic outlook during 2013. The other major turning point occurred in central banks' monetary policy. In the spring, the US Federal Reserve began to signal that they may have to cut back on stimulus 6 measures for the monetary economy. The Fed's new policy also had a major impact on financial markets as the liquidity offered by central banks had significantly supported increases in asset values. During the summer, interest rates increased and risk premiums widened. Fixed-income investment markets in emerging economies, which had perhaps benefited the most from abundant liquidity over the previous years, were hardest hit by the repricing of risks. The equity markets recovered quite rapidly from the decrease in share prices in February as macroeconomic indicators encouraged risk-taking in the financial markets. The increase in risky assets accelerated in the autumn when the US Federal Reserve surprised the markets by announcing that, for the time being, it will not cut back on quantitative stimulus measures. Long-term interest rates in the US and Germany decreased clearly from the summer's peak levels. Not even the US federal budget dispute and government shutdown at the beginning of October were able to cause major disruptions in the markets. Shares were clearly the best-performing asset class in 2013. Share prices in developed economies returned an average of over 19 per cent in euro terms. Emerging markets suffered from the structural slowdown of growth and fears of a tighter monetary economy. Share prices in emerging markets decreased by an average of almost seven per cent in euro terms. In fixed-income investments, government bonds in the eurozone yielded an average of 2.2 per cent. On the foreign exchange market, the euro strengthened against all major currencies. The US dollar weakened by 4.4 per cent against the euro, by 2.1 per cent against the UK pound and by 20.8 per cent against the Japanese yen. Interest rates and mutual fund market Reference rates remained low throughout 2013. The 12month Euribor interest rate was 0.556 per cent (0.543%) on 31 December 2013. The LocalTapiola Prime rate decreased from 1.500 per cent to 1.400 per cent on 24 June 2013 and to 1.200 per cent on 25 October 2013. Low interest rates over the long term have restricted banks' interest income on lending. The expenses of asset management have not decreased correspondingly. Therefore, banks' interest margin development has been based on increased loan margins. Banks' expenses have been increased by more extensive regulation and bank tax, among other factors. Due to increased expenses, the interest margins charged on lending have increased. Capital in funds registered in Finland amounted to EUR 75.1 billion (EUR 66.3 billion) at the end of the year. Net subscriptions to funds registered in Finland amounted to EUR 4.6 billion and the impact of the increase in market values was EUR 4.2 billion. LocalTapiola Bank Group Outlook for 2014 Global economic growth accelerated in the second half of 2013 and, based on anticipatory indicators in developed economies, economic conditions are also expected to strengthen in the early part of 2014. All in all, 2014 will be better than the previous year in terms of economic growth. In the eurozone, the basic economic trend is more favourable than in the previous year. However, there is no strong upswing in sight – only slightly positive growth at best. High unemployment and a moderate increase in salaries will slow down the recovery of consumer demand. On the other hand, weak growth prospects do not encourage investments and public authorities will have no choice but to tighten their belts. Global trade was affected by competitive devaluations, which put a brake on eurozone exports. Sources of sustainable growth will continue to be scarce. During 2014, GDP development in the most important emerging economies will set out on a new path of long-term growth. This means growth of 6 to 7 per cent for China and India and a growth rate of 3 to 4 per cent for Brazil and Russia. Within emerging markets, the focus of growth is shifting from the BRIC countries to new, less developed areas. In the BRIC countries, growth is restricted by several structural problems, such as sloped demand structures, ineffective public sectors and labour expertise bottlenecks. However, many African countries are entering a phase of stronger growth. From the point of view of the financial markets, the outlook for the operating environment continues to be rather favourable: there are positive changes, but economic growth in the main market areas will remain so low that central banks will not be able to tighten their monetary policies to a large extent for quite some time. Investment risks, however, will be increased by structural economic changes and the associated political risks, as well as by the weaker predictability of the global economic cycle. Services LocalTapiola Bank Plc and its subsidiary LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd offer the customers of LocalTapiola Group a comprehensive branch network and a telephone service for banking and investment services. A branch network covering the whole country serves borrowers and investors. Our online services are available 24 hours per day for handling accounts, loans, funds and insurance, and there is also a securities service. In addition to our online services, debit cards, credit cards and mobile services are also available to our customers. Our online and mobile services were updated in June. The update improved the usability of our banking services. We offer asset management to our customers through the Private and Vauras (Wealth) investment concepts. In October, LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd established a new fixed-income fund, LocalTapiola Nordic Corporate Interest. The main focus of the fund's investments is Nordic corporate bonds. The Bank is registered as the insurance agent of LocalTapiola General and LocalTapiola Life Insurance Company. 4 (60) Customers The Bank Group acquired 19,273 new customers, having 274,002 (254,729) banking customers at the end of the year. The number of customers of LocalTapiola's funds increased by 2,999 to 34,422 (31,423). The number of unit holders rose to 70,070 (63,249). Risk management in the Bank Group The Boards of Directors of LocalTapiola Bank Group's companies bear overall responsibility for risk management. The Boards determine the risk management targets, limits of risk taking, responsibilities, indicators and monitoring principles for each activity. Risk management plans are drawn up annually in the companies and approved by the Boards of Directors. The Boards also monitor the status of risk management and the development of key risks on a regular basis. The Bank Group's Risk Management Committee and Balance Sheet Management Committee monitor and manage risk management. The Group's corresponding organs direct the work of the Committees. Risks which may threaten operations or goals are identified and analysed in business units in connection with both strategic and annual planning and daily activities. The importance of preparing for risks is assessed by analysing the probability and implications of the risks occurring. The risk management measures and related responsibilities are defined in the risk management plans. Risk management supervision is the responsibility of the Risk Management Director, who is not responsible for operational business activities. Internal Audit supports the management and Board of Directors in implementing and developing risk management. The Audit Committee, which assists the Cooperation Committee of LocalTapiola Group's Supervisory Boards, also monitors and evaluates risks. The most significant risks in the Bank Group's operations are related to credit granting. Other risk types of importance from the operational point of view are market risks, operational risks, risks related to the operating environment and strategic risks. No significant changes took place in risk management principles compared to the previous year. Risk mapping Capital adequacy requirements are calculated for strategic and operational risks on the basis of risk mapping and the scope of the operations. Capital adequacy requirements are part of the economic capital calculation model. The internal solvency management process (ICAAP) of the Bank Group, which is used to define the amount of economic capital, has been described in greater detail in the notes to the financial statements More detailed description of risk management The notes to the financial statements regarding risk include a more detailed description of the organisation of risk management, the monitoring of different risk classes and risk levels. 7 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 5 (60) Key figures and solvency The solvency ratio of the Bank Group was 16.4 per cent (12.7%) and the ratio of primary own funds was 15.3 per cent (10.9%). The development of key solvency figures has been affected by the growth in the credit portfolio and corporate receivables, as well as by the strengthening of capital and reserves through a share issue. Key figures Bank Group Interes t ma rgi n, EUR m Opera ti ng profi t, EUR m Cos t/return ra ti o Return on equi ty (ROE), % Ra ti o of pri ma ry own funds , % 2013 2012 2011 18.9 7.5 0.9 19.3 5.9 0.9 17.8 4.7 0.9 5.5 5.6 4.9 15.3 10.9 10.5 Solvency % 16.4 12.7 14.1 The Bank Group's return on equity (ROE) was 5.5 per cent (5.6%). The cost/return ratio remained the same, being 0.9. The key figures and solvency calculation are presented in more detail in the financial statements and the notes thereto. Certificates of claim, including those with entitlements to central bank financing, totalled EUR 153.5 million (EUR 170.3 million). 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 EUR m EUR m change % 153.5 170.3 -9.8 % 1,840.3 1,825.5 1,671.3 1,665.4 10.1 % 9.6 % 1,766.9 1,751.9 143.6 2,177.8 1,696.0 1,634.4 108.3 2,057.1 4.2 % 7.2 % 32.6 % 5.9 % 79.1 80.5 -1.8 % Receivables from the public and public corporations increased by EUR 169.0 million, standing at EUR 1,840.3 million (EUR 1,671.3 million) at the end of the year. The loan portfolio increased by 9.6 per cent, which exceeds the average growth for the sector in household loans (2.2%). The deposit base increased by 7.2 per cent. At the same time, the deposit base of households decreased (-0.7%) in the sector. Liabilities to the public and public corporations totalled EUR 1,766.8 million (EUR 1,696.0 million), of which deposits accounted for EUR 1,751.9 million (EUR 1,634.4 million). There were EUR 79.1 million (EUR 80.5 million) of off-balance-sheet commitments. The Bank Group's capital and reserves amounted to EUR 143.6 million (EUR 108.3 million). In the share issue of 24 June 2013, equity capital and distributable reserves were 8 The Bank has one series of shares, whose ownership is divided as follows: Division of LocalTapiola Shares, pcs Share of Bank Plc's share capital stock and votes, % LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company 59,242 78.0 LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company 12,122 16.0 LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company 4,544 6.0 Total 75,908 100.0 No treasury shares were received or taken as pledge by the company, nor were any shares ceded or annulled. The managed assets of the Bank Group grew by 9.6 per cent to EUR 10,547.8 million (EUR 9,627.2 million) during the year. Managed assets Bank Group Depos i ts Other fi na nci a l l i a bi l i ti es Balance sheet, off-balance-sheet commitments and managed assets of the Bank Group Balance sheet Bank Group Certi fi ca tes of cl a i m, tota l Recei va bl es from the publ i c a nd publ i c corpora ti ons , tota l Loa ns Li a bi l i ti es to the publ i c a nd publ i c corpora ti ons , tota l Depos i ts Ca pi ta l a nd res erves Ba l a nce s heet tota l Off-ba l a nce-s heet commi tments increased by EUR 9.0 million and EUR 21.0 million respectively. The equity capital increase was registered on 3 September 2013. The company's owners were the beneficiaries of the share issue. Of the change in capital and reserves, EUR 7.0 million came from profit for the financial year and the rest from the change in the fair value reserve. Bonds i s s ued to the publ i c Other cus tomer a s s ets Total 31/12/2013 EUR m 1,751.9 62.6 31/12/2012 EUR m 1,634.4 104.9 change % 7.2 % -40.3 % 139.9 8,593.4 10,547.8 131.7 7,756.1 9,627.2 6.2 % 10.8 % 9.6 % The most significant growth in managed assets (EUR 837.3 million) was in other customer assets. They consist of the fund capital and customer assets managed by LocalTapiola Asset Management, which grew by a total of 10.8 per cent to EUR 8,593.4 million (EUR 7,763.2 million). Fund capital in the mutual funds managed by LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd increased by 23.7 per cent to EUR 2,972.8 million (EUR 2,403.7 million) during the financial year. Net subscriptions amounted to EUR 358.5 million (EUR 524.9 million). LocalTapiola Asset Management was the eighth largest fund management company in Finland. Result for the financial year The operating profit of the Bank Group was EUR 7,528 thousand (EUR 5,879 thousand) and the profit for the financial year was EUR 6,970 thousand (EUR 5,907 thousand). Profit and loss account Bank Group Opera ti ng profi t (before ta xes ) Profi t for the fi na nci a l yea r Interes t ma rgi n Commi s s i on i ncome, net Admi ni s tra ti ve expens es Va l ue a djus tment l os s es 1-12/2013 1,000 € 1-12/2012 1,000 € change % 7,528 5,879 28.0 % 6,970 18,876 5,907 19,330 18.0 % -2.3 % 35,761 27,947 28.0 % -46,763 -41,156 13.6 % 89 -220 -140.5 % LocalTapiola Bank Group The low interest rates, which were offset by the rise in margins, burdened the development of the interest margin. The interest margin decreased by 2.3 per cent to EUR 18,876 thousand (EUR 19,330 thousand). Net commission income grew by 28.0 per cent to EUR 35,761 thousand (EUR 27,947 thousand). Commission income increased thanks to a non-recurring item that reduced the commission income of LocalTapiola Asset Management in the comparison period, an increase in fund capital and the recovery of the financial markets. LocalTapiola's integration also promoted growth in fund unit subscriptions. Administrative expenses came to EUR 46,763 thousand (EUR 41,156 thousand). The share of personnel expenses was EUR 18,189 thousand (EUR 13,269 thousand). Credit losses remained low. Credit losses and value adjustment losses from credit decreased to EUR 89 thousand (EUR -220 thousand) thanks to payments received. The joint effect of the entries made in 2013 improved operating profit in the profit and loss account. The Bank's management, personnel and branch network As of 11 April 2013, the Board of Directors of LocalTapiola Bank Plc consisted of six members, whose term is three years. The Credit Institutions Act stipulates that the Board members must have general knowledge of the operations of credit institutions to the extent required by their nature and scope. The Board of Directors met 43 times in 2013. The attendance rate at the meetings was 92.5%. Members of the Board of Directors of LocalTapiola Bank Plc: Harri Lauslahti (b. 1961) Chairman as of 11 April 2013 • Master of Science in Economics • Group Director, LocalTapiola Group Leevi Ainasoja (b. 1960) • MBA • Managing Director, LocalTapiola Kainuu-Koillismaa Mutual Insurance Company Jari Eklund (b. 1963), Chairman until 11 April 2013 • Master of Science in Economics • Group Director, LocalTapiola Group Hanna Hiidenpalo (b. 1966) • Master of Science in Economics • Group Director, Investment Operations, LocalTapiola Pension Jukka Kinnunen (b. 1957) • Master of Science in Economics • Managing Director, LocalTapiola General Erik Valros (b. 1973) • Master of Science in Economics • Managing Director, LocalTapiola Uusimaa Mutual Insurance Company Matti Inha (b. 1949), until 11 April 2013 • Master of Laws • Managing Director of the Mortgage Society of Finland 6 (60) Members of the Management Group of LocalTapiola Bank Ltd: Marja Pajulahti (b. 1966), Managing Director • Master of Laws Eero Saloranta (b. 1962), Acting Managing Director • Engineer, MBA • Capital Market Director Sanna Holm (b. 1974) as of 1 April 2013 • Master of Science in Economics • Private Customer Business Director Heikki Honkanen (b. 1950) • Master of Science in Economics, MBA • Financial Director Päivi Hyvärinen (b. 1966) as of 1 July 2013 • Master of Political Sciences, eMBA • Risk Management Director Kaija Jokiharju (b. 1964) • Vocational Qualification in IT, Business and Administration • IT and Network Service Director Antti Kalliokoski (b. 1969) • Master of Science in Engineering • Corporate and Farming Business Director Tapani Nyrhi (b. 1962) • Master of Laws, MBA • Lending Director Satu Norhomaa (b. 1974) until 1 June 2013 • Bachelor of Business Administration • Savings and Investments Director During the financial year, the Group had an average of 230 employees. The strong growth is due to the transfer of the customer telephone service, legal services, financial management, risk management and branch network personnel from LocalTapiola General to the Bank. As a result of these business transfers, a total of 190 people were transferred during the spring and autumn. Average number of personnel Ba nki ng As s et Ma na gement Total 2013 179 2012 113 change % 58.4 51 230 50 163 1.6 41.0 In addition, the Bank Group purchases services from the other companies in the Group in order to maintain the service network around Finland. The Bank Group complies with LocalTapiola Group's salary and compensation schemes. The schemes are planned and prepared under the leadership of HR in cooperation with financial and risk management services and representatives of business operations, including representation from the regional companies and the Cooperation Committee of the Supervisory Boards. If necessary, external consultants are used. The Supervisory Boards' Cooperation Committee decides on LocalTapiola Group's salary and compensation schemes, as well as the compensation for the President and members and deputy members of the Board of Directors. Otherwise, decisions are made by the companies' Boards of Directors. Remuneration for managers is based on the Group's strategy. The merit pay indicators are based on the key figures relating to the targets of the business operations. 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group The remuneration is established as the product of the outcome rate of the above-mentioned elements, the maximum remuneration percentage based on the position and the annual salary. The maximum remuneration percentages vary between 30 and 83 per cent. The amount of merit pay granted to clerical employees may not exceed seven per cent of the annual salary, except for some experts in investments and asset management, as well as in risk management, whose maximum merit pay may not exceed 83 per cent of the annual salary. Objectives are determined on the basis of the Group's strategy and can be either team-specific or personal. The achievement of targets is evaluated in performance review discussions. Some employees in the Group's investment organisation have their own long-term merit pay model, in which the merit pay has been determined for a three-year period on the basis of investment returns compared to an index. Bonus levels varied annually between 10 and 33 per cent of the annual salary. Based on the results, annual payments are also made to LocalTapiola Group's personnel fund, established in 1991. This profit bonus item is mainly determined by the companies' profits in accordance with the Act on Personnel Funds. Other elements include efficiency and growth. The payment is subtracted from the preliminary estimate of the result of the financial year. LocalTapiola Bank Plc has reported on its corporate governance in accordance with recommendation 54 concerning Finnish listed companies' corporate governance (15 June 2010). LocalTapiola Bank adheres to good corporate governance, which is based on legislation concerning the banking sector, as well as the regulations and guidelines issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. The report and the information required by the recommendations can be found in their entirety on the company's website at www.lahitapiola.fi. The auditor of LocalTapiola Bank Plc is Authorised Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab, and the auditor with principal responsibility, appointed by KPMG Oy Ab, is Mikko Haavisto, APA. Upcoming events A set of agreements was concluded between LocalTapiola Group and S Group, which was announced on 6 June 2013. The parties also agreed to merge S Bank and LocalTapiola Bank to form a new S Bank. S Group owns 75 per cent and LocalTapiola Group 25 per cent of the new bank, which began operating on 1 May 2014. At the same time, the parties agreed to transfer LocalTapiola Asset Management's mutual fund operations to the S Group (FIM Asset Management Ltd) and to sell LocalTapiola Asset Management's shares to other companies of LocalTapiola Group. The intention is to execute the transfer on 1 March 2014. LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd will continue to operate as an independent and visionary asset manager. Furthermore, it will continue to manage the investment operations of the funds it currently manages as well as the investment portfolios of other asset management customers. The changes do not require customers to take any action. 10 7 (60) In connection with the management of the funds being transferred, the company will give up its fund management licence and apply for an investment company licence. Proposal of the Board of Directors to the 2014 General Meeting The Board of Directors proposes to the 2014 General Meeting that the profit of LocalTapiola Bank Plc for the financial year, EUR 3,999,210.39, be transferred to the profit and loss account and that no dividend be paid. LocalTapiola Bank Group 8 (60) LOCALTAPIOLA BANK PLC – FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BANK GROUP Balance sheet and profit and loss account of the Bank Group (FAS) BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash assets Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Government obligations Other Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Receivables from credit institutions Payable on demand Other Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Payable on demand Other Receivables from the public and public corporations Leased property Certificates of claim From others Certificates of claim Shares and holdings Shares and holdings in participating interests Derivative contracts Intangible assets Other long-term expenditure Intangible assets Tangible assets Other tangible assets Tangible assets Other assets Prepayments and accrued income Deferred tax assets TOTAL ASSETS 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € (Appendix number) 126,149 91,228 (K20) 13,104 113,388 126,492 27,838 50,867 78,705 (K3, K17, K18, K19, K20) 765 19,813 20,578 27,756 52,108 79,864 (K1, K17, K18, K20) 14,777 1,825,505 1,840,282 13,936 5,907 1,665,365 1,671,271 9,597 27,021 27,021 492 1,961 1,248 91,566 91,566 8,623 1,852 564 7,171 7,171 9,949 9,949 289 289 5,601 4,606 2,000 459 459 7,508 4,571 1,372 2,177,824 2,057,129 (K2, K17, K18, K20, K45, K47) (K4) (K3, K17, K18, K19, K20) (K5, K19, K20) (K5, K19, K20, K47, K48) (K6, K18, K19, K20) (K7, K8) (K8) (K9, K41) (K10) (K11) 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Liabilities to credit institutions To central banks To credit institutions Payable on demand Other To credit institutions Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Deposits Payable on demand Other Deposits Other liabilities Other Other liabilities Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Bonds Other Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and other liabilities retained for business purposes Other liabilities Other liabilities Other liabilities Accruals and deferred income Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Other Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Deferred tax liabilities LIABILITIES, TOTAL 12 9 (60) (Appendix number) 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € 30,000 30,000 132 17,500 17,632 47,632 28 13,250 13,278 43,278 1,448,422 303,431 1,751,853 1,269,347 365,076 1,634,423 15,000 15,000 1,766,853 61,593 61,593 1,696,016 (K17, K18, K20) 2,435 137,442 139,877 2,380 129,345 131,725 (K12, K17, K18, K20) 1,252 549 (K13, K18, K19, K20) 43,514 43,514 10,032 44,023 44,023 7,738 (K14, K41) 25,000 25,000 20 25,000 25,000 500 (K16, K17, K18, K20, K24) 2,034,180 1,948,828 (K17, K18, K20) (K15) (K11) LocalTapiola Bank Group 10 (60) 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € (Appendix number) 49,340 48,100 40,370 48,100 (K21, K22, K23, K25) CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND MINORITY INTEREST Equity capital Premium fund Other restricted reserves Current value reserve From valuation at current value Current value reserve Other restricted reserves Unrestricted reserves Invested distributable reserves Unrestricted reserves Profit (loss) brought forward Profit (loss) for the financial year -100 -100 -100 1,528 1,528 1,528 70,104 70,104 -30,769 6,970 49,073 49,073 -36,676 5,907 CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND MINORITY INTEREST, TOTAL 143,644 108,302 2,177,824 2,057,129 11,920 12,266 67,170 68,282 79,090 80,547 CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS Commitments given in favour of third parties on behalf of the customer Sureties and pledges Irrevocable commitments given in favour of the customer Other OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS, TOTAL (K21) (K21) (K21) (K21) (K21) (K37, K40) 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Interest income Interest expenses INTEREST MARGIN Return on equity investments Commission income Commission expenses Net income from securities trading and currency operations Net income from securities trading Net income from currency operations Net income from securities trading and currency operations Net income from saleable financial assets Other business income Administrative expenses Personnel expenses Salaries and remuneration Other personnel expenses Pension expenses Other personnel expenses Other personnel expenses Personnel expenses Other administrative expenses Administrative expenses Depreciation and value adjustments on tangible and intangible assets Other business expenses Value adjustment loss on credits and other commitments Share of profit/loss of associated undertakings OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) Income taxes Profit (loss) from ordinary activities, after taxes Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after minority interest PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 14 11 (60) 1.1.-31.12.2013 1,000 € 31,787 -12,911 18,876 121 40,364 -4,603 1.1.-31.12.2012 1,000 € 40,675 -21,345 19,330 87 32,446 -4,499 7 141 148 1,213 7,012 -13 70 57 184 5,793 -14,520 -10,572 -2,990 -679 -3,669 -18,189 -28,574 -46,763 -2,221 -476 -2,697 -13,269 -27,887 -41,156 -3,955 -5,082 89 109 7,528 -558 6,970 -2,358 -3,713 -220 -73 5,879 28 5,907 6,970 6,970 5,907 5,907 (Appendix number) (K26, K27) (K26) (K28) (K29) (K29) (K30) (K31) (K32) (K38, K44, K46) (K42) (K8, K34) (K33, K50) (K2, K35) (K47, K48) (K11) LocalTapiola Bank Group 12 (60) Cash flow statement of the Bank Group INDIRECT CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2013 1,000 € 2012 1,000 € 7,528 5,879 4,929 325 236 989 -169,198 -4,338 -39,126 8,240 3,616 -200,806 -171,209 -1,622 74,952 -15 -4,740 -102,634 4,354 70,801 8,487 -3,090 80,551 23,841 70,570 15,919 9,245 119,575 -107,473 24,045 -1,146 268 -1,132 87 -878 -1,046 30,001 0 0 -10,000 30,001 -10,000 -78,350 12,999 225,077 146,727 212,078 225,077 -78,350 12,999 126,149 765 19,813 0 146,727 91,228 27,756 52,108 53,986 225,077 43 -1,076 -121 3,955 187 2,049 -109 4,929 58 -1,359 -87 2,358 314 -1,122 73 236 Cash flow from operations Operating profit (loss) Adjustments made to operating profit Income taxes paid Business asset increase(-)/decrease(+) Receivables from the public and public corporations Leased property Certificates of claim Shares and holdings Other assets Business asset increase(-) / decrease(+) Increase (+) / decrease (-) in the liabilities of the business Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Other liabilities Increase (+) / decrease (-) in the liabilities of the business Cash flow from operations (A) Cash flow from investments Investments (-) Decrease in and income on investments (+) Cash flow from investments (B) Cash flow from financing activities Increase in capital and reserves (share issue) (+) Decrease in financial liabilities (-) Cash flow from financing activities (C) Change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year Change in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) increase (+) / decrease (-) Notes to the cash flow statement The cash and cash equivalents included in the cash flow statement include the following: Cash assets Receivables from credit institutions payable on demand Receivables from credit institutions to be included in cash and cash Certificates of claim to be included in cash and cash equivalents Total Adjustments in operating profit, itemised: Interest income Interest expenses Dividends Depreciation on tangible and intangible assets Value adjustment losses Other adjustments Share of profit/loss of associated undertakings Total 15 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 13 (60) Key figures of the Bank Group KEY FIGURES DESCRIBING FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT Receivables from credit institutions, EUR m Receivables from the public and public corporations, EUR m Liabilities to credit institutions, EUR m Liabilities to the public and public corporations, EUR m Capital and reserves, EUR m Balance sheet total, EUR m Contingent liabilities, EUR m Interest margin, EUR m Turnover, EUR m Operating profit/loss, EUR m of turnover, % Return on equity (ROE), % Return on assets (ROA), % Equity ratio, % Cost/return ratio SOLVENCY in accordance with Basel II Primary own funds, total, EUR m Secondary own funds, total, EUR m Minimum requirement for own funds, EUR m Capital adequacy ratio primary own funds, % Capital adequacy ratio, % Calculation of key figures 16 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31.12.2011 20.6 1,840.3 47.6 1,766.9 143.6 2,177.8 79.1 79.9 1,671.3 43.3 1,696.0 108.3 2,057.1 80.5 123.0 1,500.4 19.4 1,625.5 101.5 1,942.8 74.1 18.9 80.6 7.5 9.3 19.3 79.2 5.9 7.4 17.8 81.0 4.0 4.9 5.5 0.3 6.6 0.9 5.6 0.3 5.3 0.9 4.9 0.2 5.2 0.9 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 133.6 8.9 69.7 15.3 16.4 94.5 15.6 69.6 10.9 12.7 87.4 29.7 66.5 10.5 14.1 LocalTapiola Bank Group Notes to the financial statements of the Bank Group 1. Notes on the principles used in the preparation of financial statements 1.1. General information LocalTapiola Bank Plc is a subsidiary of LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company (LocalTapiola General). The parent company of LocalTapiola Bank Group is LocalTapiola Bank Plc (business ID 1795059-8) and its domicile is Espoo. The address of the company is Revontulentie 7, 02100 Espoo, Finland. LocalTapiola Bank Group includes the Bank's subsidiary LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd (100%) and the associated undertaking Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd (34%). The Board of Directors of LocalTapiola Bank Plc agreed to publish these financial statements in its meeting on 26 February 2014. In accordance with the Finnish Companies Act, shareholders have the opportunity to accept or reject the financial statements at a General Meeting to be held after the statement has been published. The General Meeting is also able to decide on changes to the financial statements. 1.2. Summary of significant accounting principles The following section describes the key principles applied in these consolidated financial statements. They have been consistently followed during all financial years to be presented, unless stated otherwise. The consolidated financial statements of LocalTapiola Bank Plc have been prepared in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act and accounting decree, the Act on Credit Institutions, the decree of the Ministry of Finance on the financial statements, consolidated financial statements and report of the Board of Directors of credit institutions and investment firms, the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations and instructions, and the general instructions of the Accounting Board. In its meeting on 24 October 2013, the Board of Directors decided to use the FAS norms instead of the IFRS standards in the preparations of the 2013 consolidated financial statements. The change harmonised the financial statements practices of LocalTapiola Bank and S Bank. The bridge calculations for the transition are presented in the financial statements. 1.2.1. Principles used in preparing the financial statements The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the valuation principle of original acquisition costs, unless otherwise stated in the principles used in preparing the statements. The financial statements information is presented in thousands of euros, unless otherwise stated. LocalTapiola Bank Group presents the Pillar III solvency information required by the regulations of the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority as part of the financial statements and in the annual report, as applicable. 1.2.2. Preparing the consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements consist of the parent company, LocalTapiola Bank Plc, and its subsidiary, Tapiola Asset Management Ltd (100% owned by Tapiola Bank Ltd), 14 (60) as well as the associated undertaking Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd (34% owned by Tapiola Bank Ltd). Subsidiaries include all companies in which the Group has the right to dictate the principles of finance and operations. The Group is considered to have a controlling interest when its shareholding yields more than half of the voting rights. The subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements. Mergers of business operations are handled using the acquisitions method. The financial assets and liabilities as well as the contingent assets and liabilities of the acquired business are valued at current value at the time of acquisition. The amount by which the payment exceeds the Group's share of the current value of the acquired net wealth is recorded on the balance sheet as goodwill. Consolidated goodwill has been depreciated following straight-line depreciation at 10 years. Business transactions, receivables and liabilities between companies in the Group, as well as profits and expenses, are eliminated. The principles used to prepare financial statements for the subsidiaries have, if necessary, been changed to correspond with those used by the Group. Associated undertakings include all companies in which the Group has 20 to 50 per cent of the voting rights. Investments made in associated undertakings are handled using the equity method and are stated at cost. The Group's shares in the associated undertakings also include the goodwill defined at the time of acquisition with any possible value adjustments. The Group's share of the profit and loss of the associated undertakings after the acquisition are stated in the profit and loss account. If the Group's share of the losses of an associated undertaking is equal to or greater than its share of the associated undertaking, including any unsecured claims, the Group does not record any more losses unless it has a legal or actual obligation to do so, and it has not made payments on behalf of the associated undertaking. The part corresponding to the share owned by the Group will be eliminated from the unrealised profits between the Group and its associated undertakings. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless business transactions indicate a value adjustment of the investment. 1.2.3. Foreign currency items The Group only operates in Finland. The operational currency of all companies in the Group is the euro, which is also the currency used in the consolidated financial statements. The Group has no business transactions in foreign currencies, with the exception of some accounts in foreign currencies used for payments. Business transactions in foreign currencies are converted into transactions in the operational currency at the rate on the transaction date or, if the items have been revalued, at the rate on the valuation date. Exchange gains or losses from payments connected with business transactions and from converting foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities to the exchange rate on the day of closing of the accounts are recorded in the profit and loss account as net income from currency operations. 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group 1.2.4. Cash and cash equivalents The cash and cash equivalents entered in the cash flow statement consist of a chequeing account at the Bank of Finland, bank deposits that can be withdrawn on demand and other highly liquid investments with an original run time of no more than three months. 1.2.5. Principles for classifying, valuing and recording financial instruments For bookkeeping valuation purposes, the balance sheet items related to the Group's financial assets and liabilities are classified into the following groups: financial assets and liabilities to be entered in the profit and loss account at fair value, loans and other receivables, saleable financial assets, investments kept until their due date and financial liabilities valued at the allocated acquisition cost. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets in question have been acquired. The management decides on the classification of the financial assets when initially stating them. Financial assets to be entered in the profit and loss account at current value consist of investments held for the purpose of trade. An item belonging to financial assets is classified in this group if it has been acquired mainly for the purpose of selling it in the near future. Derivative contracts are also considered financial assets held for trading purposes, unless they have been defined as hedging instruments. The Group's derivatives contracts in the balance sheet have not been defined as hedging instruments. Saleable financial assets are assets not included in derivatives contracts, which have either specifically been classified in this group or have not been classified in any other group. For example, investments in bonds, commercial papers, shares and holdings, have been classified in this group. Investments kept until their due date are assets classified in this group, which fall due on a specified date and which the management of the Group intends and is able to hold until then. Loans and other receivables are financial assets not included under derivatives. The payments related to these are either fixed or to be determined and the assets are not listed on a market. Receivables from credit institutions, receivables from the public and public corporations, liquid assets, other prepayments and accrued income, as well as other assets, are classified as loans and other receivables. Financial liabilities to be entered in the profit and loss account at current value consist of embedded derivatives separated from the main agreement. Purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the date in question. Investments in financial assets which are not entered in the profit and loss account at fair value are initially entered at fair value plus transaction costs. Financial assets which are entered in the profit and loss account at current value are originally entered at current value, and the transactional costs are entered as an expense in the profit and loss account. Financial assets are removed from the balance sheet when the rights to the cash flow of the investments have expired or have been transferred to another party, and the Group has, in relevant parts, transferred the risks and benefits related to owning the asset to another party. 18 15 (60) Saleable financial assets and financial assets to be entered in the balance sheet at current value are later valued at current value. Loans and other receivables, as well as investments kept until their due date, are valued using the effective interest of allocated acquisition cost method. Changes in the fair value of saleable financial assets are adjusted for tax effects and entered under capital and reserves in the balance sheet item 'fair value reserve'. The interest calculated using the effective interest method is stated as interest income. When securities classified as saleable are sold or value adjustments are recorded on them, the change in the fair value reserve entered in capital and reserves is transferred to the net income of the financial assets available for sale in the profit and loss account. The financial assets to be kept until their due date and, for financial liabilities, the liabilities to be valued at the allocated acquisition cost are originally stated at fair value with transaction costs subtracted. After this, they are valued at the allocated acquisition cost using the effective interest method. 1.2.6. Value adjustments for financial assets At the end of each reporting period, it is estimated whether there is objective proof of a value adjustment on an item or group in the financial assets. Criteria for objective proof include significant financial difficulties on the part of the debtor and violation of agreement terms, such as delays in the payment of interest, repayment or non-payment. Other criteria are if the Group grants the debtor concessions that it would not normally approve, for financial or legal reasons related to the financial difficulties of the debtor, and if bankruptcy or other financial restructuring becomes likely on the part of the debtor. The Group first estimates, item by item, whether there is any objective proof of value adjustments of those financial assets which are individually significant. In the second phase, the value adjustment of financial asset groups with similar credit risk properties is estimated by group. The estimate is based on a historical analysis of insolvency and its likelihood for different loan types. The scope of value adjustment losses is defined as the difference between the book value and the fair value of the corresponding cash flows, discounted with the original effective interest, of the financial asset item in question. The fair value of the security is also taken into account in the calculation, after which the book value of the financial asset is reduced and the loss is entered into the profit and loss account. If the value of equity investments classified as saleable financial assets is deemed to have decreased significantly or the decrease is prolonged, the accrued losses are entered from equity into the profit and loss account item 'value adjustment losses on credit and other commitments'. Cancellations of value adjustment losses are entered in the profit and loss account under financial assets if the decrease in the value adjustment can objectively be linked with an event that has taken place since the value adjustment. Leasing objects are entered at acquisition cost, less depreciation. The planned depreciation on leased items is calculated using the annuity method in such a way that the depreciation corresponds to the calculated repayment of LocalTapiola Bank Group capital included in the leasing fees. The risk of reducing balance for the leasing stock is borne by the lessee, as defined in the leasing contract. 1.2.7. Tangible assets Tangible assets consist of office furniture and vehicles. Tangible assets are stated at cost less planned depreciation. Cost includes the immediate costs of acquiring the tangible assets. Machinery and equipment are depreciated in accordance with the Finnish standard (EVL) using the net expenditure depreciation method. 1.2.8. Intangible assets Goodwill is the amount by which the acquisition cost exceeds the Group's share of the fair value of the net wealth of the acquired subsidiary at the time of acquisition. The goodwill generated by acquiring subsidiaries in the intangible assets has been removed entirely. The other intangible assets consist of specified computer software under the control of the Group, the acquisition cost of which includes licence payments, the costs of making the software ready to use and the costs of development work performed on the software. Furthermore, renovation costs related to rented premises are also entered in other intangible assets. Maintenance costs related to the software are entered as costs when they are realised. Other intangible assets are entered as expenses under planned depreciation for the length of their expected useful lives over a period of 10 years. The residual value and the financial implications of the other intangible assets are checked on the final day of each reporting period and changed, if necessary. 1.2.9. Equity capital Shares are classified as a part of capital and reserves. The direct transaction costs of issuing new shares are entered into capital and reserves as deductions on received payments, adjusted with tax effects. Dividends to be distributed to shareholders are entered as debt in the consolidated financial statements for the period during which the general meeting approves the dividends. 1.2.10. Interest income and expenses Interest income and expenses are entered for all financial instruments that accrue interest on the basis of the passage of time, using the effective interest method. Interest income accruing from value-adjusted loan receivables is entered according to the original effective interest. 1.2.11. Commission income and expenses Commission income consists of management commissions for mutual funds, from which refunds of management fees have been deducted, and commission income from asset management, brokerage services, issue of securities, insurance operations, sureties and similar. It is recorded when a service or a separate operation has been performed. The amount of commission income is the current value of the remuneration received. Various service charges and fees and commission expenses paid to third parties are recorded under 16 (60) commission expenses deducted from the income received from customers as service or handling fees. 1.2.12. Dividend income Dividend income and other similar profit shares are entered when the right to receive remuneration is realised. Such income is presented as net income in the financial assets and liabilities. 1.2.13. Lease agreements The Group as the lessee The Group has leased business offices and IT equipment under agreements which state that the lessor will retain a significant part of the risks and benefits typical of ownership. The agreements are classified as other lease agreements. The fees paid on the basis of other lease agreements are entered in the profit and loss account in equal instalments during the course of the lease agreement. The Group as the lessor The Group has signed car lease agreements where the typical risks and benefits of ownership have been transferred to the lessee insofar as is relevant. The leased property is presented in the balance sheet item 'leasing objects', and it is entered at the current rate of the future receivables. Financial income from the agreement is released to the interest income of the interest margin, which, in the parent company, is specified under the profit and loss account item 'net income from leasing operations'. 1.2.14. Taxes Taxes include taxes based on the taxable profit of the period and deferred taxes. Taxes are entered in the profit and loss statement, unless they relate to fair value reserve items or directly to capital and reserve items. In this case, the tax is similarly entered directly in the capital and reserves. Income taxes are entered on the basis of the estimated taxable income for the year. Deferred taxes are entered at full value on the basis of the temporary differences between the taxable values of assets and liabilities and their book value in accordance with the consolidated financial statements using the liability method. According to the precautionary principle, deferred taxes are entered only insofar as there is taxable profit against which the deferred taxes will be paid. 1.2.15. Employment benefits Pension benefits All of the Group's pension arrangements are defined contribution plans. The personnel's statutory pension cover has been arranged through basic Employees Pensions Act (TyEL) insurance taken out from LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 January 2014), where benefits include oldage, disability and survivors' pension, as well as death benefit for family members. Supplementary pension cover has been arranged through defined contribution insurance with LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company. As a rule, the supplementary pension increases the pension by 0.2 per cent of the annual income on which the pension as defined in the Employees Pensions Act is based. All employees are 19 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd entitled to the additional benefit after five years of employment. The supplementary pension encompasses the entire period of service. Past service cost is immediately entered in the profit and loss account, except if a change made in a pension arrangement requires the employment to continue for a defined period (period required for a paidup policy). In this case, past service cost is entered as cost in equal instalments during the period required for a paid-up policy. The payments are entered as personnel expenses when they are due for payment. Payments made in advance are entered as assets in the balance sheet, as they can be regained as returns or as deductions on future payments. The retirement age of the members of the Board of Directors is either 60 or the standard retirement age in Finland of 63–68 years. The retirement age of the managing directors is 63 years. The retirement age of other directors is the standard retirement age in Finland: 63–68 years. Other employment benefits The Group companies use a merit pay model for the compensation of both management and clerical employees. Furthermore, the Bank Group participates in LocalTapiola Group's joint personnel fund. The Group companies do not offer benefits after the end of employment, such as health care services for retired employees. There were no other benefits, such as profit share arrangements or share-based incentive systems. 1.2.16. Provisions Provisions are entered when the Group has, on the basis of actual events, a legal or actual obligation in force and it is likely that the fulfilment of the obligation will become actual and the amount of the obligation has been reliably estimated. The amount to be entered as provision is the current value of the costs expected to be incurred when fulfilling the obligation. 1.2.17. Bank guarantees and other off-balance-sheet commitments A bank guarantee obligates the guarantor to pay certain fees to compensate the recipient of the guarantee for losses incurred when the debtor neglects payment due in accordance with the original or amended terms of the liability instrument. Bank guarantees are granted to banks on behalf of the customers to guarantee loans and credit accounts as well as job guarantees. Prudent collateral is required to secure the guarantees. By and large, guarantee provisions are paid in advance as a single payment. The commission received corresponds to the current value of the guarantee at the time of concluding the agreement. The guarantee commission received is entered as commission income. The guarantee is later valued as the entered amount, which corresponds to a cautious estimate of the costs incurred by fulfilling the existing obligation on the end date of the reporting period, or as the originally entered amount, if this is the greater. 20 17 (60) LocalTapiola Bank Group 2. 18 (60) Transitioning from the IFRS standards to the use of the FAS norms By decision of the Board of Directors, LocalTapiola Bank Plc's financial statements of 31 December 2013 were prepared in accordance with the Finnish financial statement norms (FAS). A bridge calculation has been made for the transition. THE BANK GROUP'S FAS TRANSITION CALCULATION BALANCE SHEET FAS 31/12/2012 1,000 € ASSETS Cash assets Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Leased property Certificates of claim Shares and holdings Shares and holdings in participating interests Derivative contracts Intangible assets Consolidated goodwill Other long-term expenditure Intangible assets Tangible assets Other assets Prepayments and accrued income Deferred tax assets TOTAL ASSETS effect of the transition 91,228 78,705 79,864 1,671,271 9,597 91,566 8,623 1,852 564 (1) (3) (2) (3) (4) IFRS FAS 31/12/2012 1,000 € 01/01/2012 1,000 € 91,228 78,705 79,864 1,671,271 9,597 91,566 8,623 1,852 564 0 54,989 123,039 1,500,377 7,975 226,378 7,393 1,925 469 IFRS effect of the transition 01/01/2012 1,000 € 0 54,989 123,039 1,500,377 7,975 226,378 7,393 1,925 469 0 9,949 9,949 459 7,508 4,571 1,372 -4,096 0 -4,096 -43 4,096 9,949 14,046 502 7,508 4,571 1,372 0 11,633 11,633 139 3,521 3,719 1,252 -4,096 67 -4,029 -91 4,096 11,566 15,662 230 3,521 3,719 1,252 2,057,129 -4,140 2,061,269 1,942,809 -4,120 1,946,929 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group 19 (60) CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and other liabilities retained for business purposes Other liabilities Accruals and deferred income Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Deferred tax liabilities (4) LIABILITIES, TOTAL CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND MINORITY INTEREST Equity capital Premium fund Other restricted reserves Unrestricted reserves Profit (loss) brought forward Profit (loss) for the financial year (1) (2) (4) CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND MINORITY INTEREST, TOTAL CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL 31/12/2012 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € 01/01/2012 1,000 € 01/01/2012 1,000 € 43,278 43,278 19,437 19,437 1,696,016 131,725 1,696,016 131,725 1,625,549 115,848 1,625,549 115,848 549 44,023 7,738 25,000 500 -11 549 44,023 7,738 25,000 511 441 37,555 7,266 35,000 207 -6 441 37,555 7,266 35,000 213 1,948,828 -11 1,948,838 1,841,302 -6 1,841,308 40,370 48,100 1,528 49,073 -36,676 5,907 -4,114 -15 40,370 48,100 1,528 49,073 -32,562 5,922 40,370 48,100 640 49,073 -40,805 4,130 -3,373 -742 40,370 48,100 640 49,073 -37,433 4,871 108,302 -4,129 112,431 101,507 -4,114 105,621 2,057,129 -4,140 2,061,269 1,942,809 -4,120 1,946,929 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS Commitments given in favour of third parties on behalf of the custom Irrevocable commitments given in favour of the customer 12,266 68,282 12,266 68,282 8,299 65,843 8,299 65,843 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS, TOTAL 80,547 80,547 74,143 74,143 22 LocalTapiola Bank Group 20 (60) THE BANK GROUP'S FAS TRANSITION CALCULATION PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT INTEREST MARGIN Return on equity investments Commission income Commission expenses Net income from securities trading and currency operations Net income from saleable financial assets Other business income Administrative expenses Depreciation and value adjustments on consolidated goodwill Depreciation and value adjustments on tangible and intangible assets Other business expenses Value adjustment loss on credits and other commitments Share of profit/loss of associated undertakings OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) Income taxes Profit (loss) from ordinary activities, after taxes PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (reference number) (1) (2) (4) FAS 1.1.-31.12.2012 1,000 € 19,330 87 32,446 -4,499 57 184 5,793 -41,156 0 -2,358 -3,713 -220 -73 5,879 28 5,907 5,907 effect of the transition IFRS 0 1,000 € 0 19,330 87 32,446 -4,499 57 184 5,793 -41,156 0 -20 -20 5 -15 -15 -2,338 -3,713 -220 -73 5,898 24 5,922 5,922 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group 21 (60) Reconciliation of retained earnings and the result for 2012 between FAS and IFRS Retained earnings 1 Jan 2012, IFRS Correction of consolidated goodwill Correction of deductions Correction of deferred taxes Retained earnings 1 Jan 2012, FAS Result for the 2012 financial year, IFRS Amortisation of consolidated goodwill Correction of deductions Correction of deferred taxes Result for the 2012 financial year, FAS (1) (2) (4) (1) (2) (4) -32,562 -4,096 -24 6 -36,676 5,922 0 -20 5 5,907 Explanations of the effects of the transition to FAS (1) The last consolidated goodwill depreciations according to the FAS norms were made in 2011. The consolidated goodwill handling difference of EU* +4,096 thousand between FAS and IFRS can be seen in the result of the previous financial years. (2) The depreciations of machinery and equipment have been entered as EVL depreciations in FAS instead of the 4-year straight-line depreciations of IFRS (financial impact: EUR 20 thousand). (3) The activated renovation costs contained in the opening balance sheet of 1 January 2012 have been transferred to intangible assets in FAS instead of the tangible assets of IFRS. The classification has no effect on results. (4) The deferred taxes resulting from the handling difference (reference 2) of the depreciations of FAS and IFRS have been discontinued in FAS (financial impact: EUR +5 thousand). 24 LocalTapiola Bank Group 3. Notes on the Bank Group's risk management 3.1. Basis for risk management The purpose of risk management is to prepare for threats and opportunities arising from changes in the internal and external circumstances, within the defined willingness to take risks, in order to achieve strategic and operational targets. LocalTapiola Bank Group's risk management is based on risk management concepts, the purpose of risk management, strategic intent and the willingness to take risks defined in LocalTapiola Group, as well as official regulations. The aim is to promote customers' ongoing financial security and help the Group to reach its operational and financial targets. Good solvency is particularly important due to the mutual company form of the company at the head of the financial group. Risk management refers to active and proactive operations that aim to identify, assess, limit, utilise and monitor business threats and new opportunities arising from changing external and internal conditions or LocalTapiola's strategic intent. The willingness of the Bank Group to take risks is based on the following principles: • Risk-taking supports the financial and operational realisation of the strategy and operational plans • Risks do not threaten the operations of the companies or operations of the Group, or economic stability • Group companies and functions remain within the risk limits specified for them • The effects of risks on all parts of the Group are identified • Risk linkages between various parts of the Group are clear In accordance with the principles of corporate responsibility, LocalTapiola Bank Group manages its risks and provides reliable information on them and their management to its customers and other stakeholders. The procedures and risk management methods are based on clear principles that take into account the nature and scope of LocalTapiola Bank's operations. 3.2. Key areas of risk management The key areas of risk management are common to the Bank Group and the financial conglomerate. 22 (60) Risks associated with the operating environment and strategy • Risks associated with the general operating environment • Risks associated with the markets and customer behaviour • Risks caused by the nature of competition and by competitors • Risks related to strategic choices • Risks relating to operating as a Group and group investments Financial risks • Risks relating to solvency management • Market risks • Credit risks • Liquidity risks • Concentration risks • Insurance risks Operational risks • Risks relating to business planning • Process risks • Systemic risks • Personnel risks • Legal and compliance risks • Risks of accident and damage LocalTapiola Bank complies with the Organisation of Internal Audit and Risk Management (4.1) and Operational Risk Management (4.4b) standards set by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, as well as LocalTapiola Group's risk management policy and other risk management guidelines of the Group, either in their original form or applied to banking operations. In accordance with its rules of procedure, LocalTapiola Bank's Board of Directors annually confirms the company's risk management plan and the related guidelines and plans, ensures that they are taken into account in the annual operational plans and monitors the implementation of risk management. Furthermore, on the basis of the Management Group's proposal, the Board of Directors decides on new product and service concepts, marketing policies, pricing principles and customer benefits, as well as any substantial changes to be made to these. 3.3. Risk management organisation of the Bank Group The Bank's operations are guided by the strategy, annual risk management, investment and business plans and operating principles, as well as the principles, limits and decision-making principles concerning crediting and investments, and related monitoring measures as approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank. The Bank's management implements the Bank's internal audit, taking account of legislation, official regulations and the Bank's Articles of Association, as well as the decisions and guidelines issued by the Board of Directors. The Bank's Managing Director is responsible for organising the risk management function. The Risk Management Director acts as the chairman of the Risk Management Committee. In accordance with its rules of 25 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd procedure, the Committee prepares and supervises risk management guidelines and compliance with them. In dayto-day business operations, the responsibility for risk management is placed with the Credit Director as regards credit risks, the Balance Sheet Management Committee as regards balance sheet risks, and the head of each business 3.3.1. 26 Risk management organisation 23 (60) area as regards operational risks. This division of responsibility has been implemented in order to ensure that risk management is comprehensive, as well as to identify all material risks and their combined effect on the Bank's operational result and own funds. LocalTapiola Bank Group The Bank Group's internal control refers to the planned daily monitoring of business operations. The risk events are registered and reported to the management group and the Group's risk management. The internal control process also entails giving feedback and participating in risk reduction measures. 3.3.2. The Bank's Balance Sheet Management Committee The Balance Sheet Management Committee is an expert organ of managing, monitoring and reviewing the company's balance sheet risks. It is established by the Bank's Board of Directors and reports directly to it. The Committee is responsible for ensuring that the company's balance sheet management is organised in an appropriate manner and that risks are at the desired level in relation to the expected profit. The Committee monitors the liquidity situation and the ratio of the Bank's lending to other investment assets and fund-raising. Monitoring takes place by tracking and measuring the behaviour of the company's balance sheet items and the risk of value changes in relation to operational minimum solvency requirements and those set by the authorities. The Committee is responsible for ensuring the suitability and timeliness of the calculation methods and IT systems needed in monitoring, as well as for ensuring the sufficiency of other monitoring resources. The Committee reports on matters relating to balance sheet management and participates in the preparation of the investment plan and risk budgeting as well as in liquidity and solvency management. The ordinary members of the Balance Sheet Management Committee are the managing director (chairman), CFO, risk management director, senior economist and capital market director. In addition, a representative of the Bank's Board of Directors attends the meetings in a monitoring capacity. The Bank's executive assistant acts as secretary to the Committee. The Interest Committee, working under the guidance of the Balance Sheet Management Committee, decides on the directive level of the interest rates applied in business operations. The organisation of the Bank's management is confirmed by the Board of Directors. The structure of the organisation reflects the need to separate operations and assignments and ensure expedient organisation of monitoring. The powers of decision and responsibilities are defined in the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure for the management group verified by the Board of Directors, and the roles and role descriptions of the other personnel. The annual operational plan of the Bank sets the internal quantitative and qualitative goals based for the various operations of the Bank, the actualisation of which is continuously monitored. The Bank’s management group reviews risk reports monthly and the Board of Directors reviews them quarterly. 3.4. Risk types, measurement and management Risk management includes the identification, assessment, prevention and monitoring of risks. 24 (60) 3.4.1. Strategic risks Strategic risk refers to a situation where a chosen strategy is incorrect in relation to the Bank's ability to take risks, and its technical and human resources (for instance, the wrong strategy, slow action, centralised control, weak or narrow leadership). One element of strategic risk is the risk to reputation, which is regularly monitored using customer satisfaction questionnaires and measuring of market awareness. The strategic risks of the Group companies are mapped at least once a year according to the rules. The mapping is performed using a common method for the financial group, based on the use of model scenarios. Risk mapping is performed for each risk aspect in the operational environment. These aspects are as follows: • Risks associated with the general operating environment • Risks associated with the markets and customer behaviour • Risks caused by the nature of competition and by competitors • Risks related to strategic choices • Risks related to integration The strategic intent of the Bank has two main elements in accordance with the practice of the Group: the core of the strategy and the special part to be defined for a three-year period. The core strategy includes the business idea, values, unique selling points and vision. The section to be defined for the three-year period includes the elements of strategic choices and a strategy card, which is divided into four perspectives. These perspectives are (1) the benefits and services expected by the customer, (2) the know-how and wellbeing of personnel, (3) the efficiency and quality of processes, and (4) financial conditions and market position. The reputation of the Bank is included in all of the strategic elements described above. This means that risks related to reputation and corporate image can be realised in many different ways. To reduce the risk to reputation, the Bank regularly measures the above-mentioned strategic elements on the market and among the clientele. The results are reported regularly to the Board of Directors and the management when reviewing whether the goals of the strategy have been reached and when reviewing the results of the risk management process. If necessary, actions for reducing the risk to reputation are linked with a specific procedure to measures in the aforementioned strategy card and in the annual strategy card. 3.4.2. Credit risk Credit risk refers to the risk of a loss caused by the Bank's contracting parties not being able to discharge their payment obligations and the collateral received being insufficient to cover the receivables. Credit-granting and the quality of the credit process are essential for credit risk management. LocalTapiola Bank was founded to supplement the Group's service range, particularly in the private sector. As a result of the Local Insurance merger, the range of services offered to farmers and small companies has expanded. The 27 ANNUALREpORT2013 LOCALTApiOLABANKLTD LocalTapiola Bank Group Bank's customers include those that centralise their business in the Group, as well as new customers coming to the Bank on the basis of the new opportunities offered by it. The customers are households and the main credit product is housing loans. As a rule, unsecured credit risks are not taken. The customer's solvency and financial buffers must secure a low-risk loan portfolio for the Bank. Careful credit-granting is based on the customer's credit rating, a centralised credit decision process, careful insurance policies and safe creditgranting authorisations. The credit-granting function of LocalTapiola Bank is based on centralised decision-making and credit-granting authorisations. This harmonises risk-taking and speeds up reaction times in situations of change. When credit is drawn, a "four eyes" principle, centralised archiving of documents and post-checking procedure are in use in accordance with special instructions. There are clear operational principles and goals set for the monitoring of regional credit operations. Credit operations is a key area of the internal auditing of the bank and a part of the annual risk management self-assessment report delivered to the Board of Directors. The granting of credit is directed and implemented in accordance with the credit-granting strategy and financial products approved by the Board of Directors. The principle in calculating the need for capital is to take into account the extended debt-servicing ability of the counterparties, including the total assets of the customer, all liabilities and net income. In corporate financing, the operational preconditions of the company are similarly assessed. The development of customers’ overall wealth and the assessment of their future cash flows are central concepts in the review. The goal is to establish, as reliably as possible, the credit risk of the Bank's entire credit portfolio and the capital required to cover this. The credit-granting guidelines have separate regulations on the collateral required for individual credit products. The credit-granting to private persons and the assessment of the need for capital relating to credits are based on the risk classification applied since the start of the Bank's operations. The borrower’s solvency and financial buffers are taken into account in the risk classification. Both classification criteria use a five-class evaluation scale, so there are a total of 25 risk classes in the matrix. A value of 1–25 has been defined for each cell in the matrix, which is used in the reports when risk classes are combined. Three risk classes are used in regular reporting. A relative maximum limit has been set in the risk management plan for the loans with the highest risk content. In the table below, the risk classes have been combined into three main classes. Normal risk level requires that the customer's assets are twice the amount of the loan applied for, or that no more than 30% of the customer's income is spent on living expenses and managing the loan. Risk level Lower tha n norma l Norma l Hi gher tha n norma l Total 28 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 EUR share EUR share 928 53% 748 45% 626 36% 733 44% 192 11% 192 11% 1,746 100% 1,673 100% 25 (60) The risk class is used to guide the margin requirement. In addition to the prudent collateral requirement, the customer's solvency after a possible rise in interest rate levels is assessed in risk classification, among other things. The management group modifies the guidelines for credit pricing in accordance with the risk management plan and the general market situation. In accordance with the credit-granting guidelines, all housing loans must have a real security to cover the amount or supplementary credit insurance, or a guarantee. Residential property is estimated as prudent collateral for 70 per cent of its current value. Of the Bank's credit portfolio (loans and receivables), 76.7 per cent consists of housing loans. For these loans, the average loan-tocollateral ratio is approximately 57 per cent. Therefore, housing loans have better collateral than the credit-granting policies require. The effect of the trend of decreasing prices on the capital adequacy requirement is being tested by calculating the amount of the value of the housing that remains outside the limit of securing collateral. The private sector accounted for 91.3 (95.8) per cent of the loan portfolio at the end of the financial year. The figure below shows the division of the loan portfolio according to the intended use. The obligations outside the credit portfolio and the balance sheet in millions of euros using the risk adjustments used in solvency calculations are as follows: Risk adjustments 0% 10% 20% 35% 50% 75% 100% 150% Total liabilities, EUR m 31.12.2013 EUR m 157 24 120 1,619 0 216 111 4 2,250 31.12.2012 EUR m 136 25 122 1,475 0 186 187 3 2,134 LocalTapiola Bank Group 26 (60) The risk adjustment classes mainly include the following items: Government, municipalities 0% Collateralised bonds 10 % Credit institutions 20 % Residential mortgage-backed credits 35 % Companies (Class A) 50 % Other small loans 75 % Companies 100 % Unorganised receivables 150 % The number of household loans where no value adjustments had been made (including the balance sheet values of the property pledged as collateral) were as follows: Unmanaged credits EUR m 43.6 32.7 49.3 30–90 da ys 3.4 3.9 4.1 Over 90 da ys 5.1 5.5 4.2 52.1 42.1 57.6 Proportion of credit portfolio % % % Unma na ged, tota l 2.82 2.51 3.83 Over 90 da ys 0.27 0.33 0.28 The amount of individual receivables with a reduced value decreased by EUR 0.7 million during the review period, and the total amount at the end of the period was EUR 0.4 million. After depreciation, the credit portfolio does not include unsecured loans, except for a small number of short-term consumer credit accounts. Geographically, the loan portfolio is divided as follows: Loan portfolio 31/12/2013 EUR m 421.2 1,419.1 1,840.3 Grea ter Hel s i nki Area Fi nl a nd, other Total 31/12/2012 EUR m 384.9 1,286.4 1,671.3 LocalTapiola Prime The Bank's Balance Sheet Management Committee makes decisions concerning the LocalTapiola Prime interest rate. The decisions are communicated at least two weeks before they take effect. % 30.9.13 0.00 31.12.13 0.00 30.6.13 0.50 31.3.13 0.50 30.9.12 1.00 31.12.12 1.00 30.6.12 1.50 31.3.12 1.50 30.9.11 2.00 31.12.11 2.00 30.6.11 2.50 31.3.11 2.50 31.12.10 1,600 1,634.7 1,840.3 1,754.6 1,671.3 1,509.1 1,500.4 1,400 600 400 200 0 Deposits 12/2011 Deposits 12/2012 Deposits 12/2013 Euribor Lending 12/2011 Prime Lending 12/2012 Lending 12/2013 Fixed The relative proportion of Euribor-linked deposits and credit increased. The popularity of the Prime interest rate decreased, especially in new housing loans. 3.4.3. Market risks Interest rate risk Interest rate risk refers to the Bank's performance changing when the interest rate level changes in an unfavourable direction (including maturity, reference rate and interest rate adjustment period risks). Interest rate risk is measured both as cash flow interest rate risk based on current values and as 12-month income risk. In the calculation of both risk indicators, a one per cent interest rate change (+/-) from the next interest rate adjustment day has been applied to the interest-sensitive items on the balance sheet. The risk indicators illustrate the vulnerability of the Group's results to a rise or fall in interest rates on an annual level. Limits in relation to the Bank’s own funds have been set for the risk indicators. In addition to these, the impact of various linear standard shocks on the Bank’s balance sheet are monitored. The resulting risk figures are compared to the Bank’s own funds. The following table depicts the interest rate risk of the balance sheet calculated as 12-month income risk if the interest rate drops by one per cent. Bank Development of market interest rates in 2011–2013 Euribor 12 months 1,800 800 EUR m Total EUR m 2,000 1,000 EUR m Les s tha n 30 da ys LocalTapiola Bank's lending and deposits by interest linkage 1,200 31.12.2013 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Duration of delay The 12-month Euribor interest rate was 0.556 (0.543) per cent at the turn of the year. The LocalTapiola Prime interest rate was lowered twice during 2013. At the end of the year, it was 1.2 per cent. Own funds , Ti er I, EUR m Own funds , Ti er II, EUR m Income ri s k, EUR m Ri s k i n Ti er I a s s ets , % Ri s k i n Ti er I + II a s s ets , % 31.12.2013 EUR m 139.1 8.3 2.0 1.4 1.3 31.12.2012 EUR m 104.1 14.9 2.7 2.6 2.3 All the monitored interest risk indicators are at safe levels. Financing risk Financing risk arises when the maturities of receivables and liabilities are different. Financing risk is monitored on the basis of maturity classes. In each of the maturity classes to be monitored, underfunding may not exceed the amount defined in the risk management plan. If the risk limit is 29 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 27 (60) exceeded, the deficit can be covered with the financial conglomerate’s internal financing limit. The conglomerate’s internal financing limit must cover the deficit created in total. As regards financing risk, the Bank’s financial resources are sufficient. Liquidity risks The liquidity risk is managed in accordance with a strategy approved by the Board of Directors and a contingency plan safeguarding the implementation of the strategy. LocalTapiola Bank maintains a sufficient liquidity reserve, which covers sudden changes in the cash situation. The principle is to determine the size of the reserve in such a way that at least one month's unanticipated market disturbance can be managed with it. Scenario 1 depicts liquidity stress in which ten per cent of the on-demand deposits is lost immediately. The Bank must have liquid assets amounting to at least 1.5 times the bank run and at least ten per cent of the balance sheet. Scenario 1 Level 1 ca pi ta l 100% LCR's l evel 1 ca pi ta l As s ets i n other ba nks (under 1 month) Level 2 ca pi ta l 85% LCR's l evel 2 ca pi ta l Items s ui ta bl e for the Centra l Ba nk but not LCR Level 3 ca pi ta l 50%, more extens i ve tha n LCR Fi na nci ng l i mi ts Liquidity reserve, total Scena ri o's ba nk run Ca pi ta l ma rket i ns ta bi l i ty Other a ddi ti ona l s tres s es Income fl ows Liquidity stress LCRmod % 31.12.2013 EUR m 157.6 157.2 0.4 24.8 20.5 4.3 49.4 160.0 391.7 85.7 221.7 4.0 -6.6 304.7 129% LocalTapiola Bank maintains a sufficient liquidity reserve, which covers sudden changes in the cash situation. The principle is to determine the size of the reserve in such a way that at least one month's unanticipated market disturbance can be managed with it. The sufficiency of liquid assets is assessed using two different indicators. For both of these, the liquidity reserve must exceed the amount of liquid assets required as indicated by the liquidity stress. Scenario 1 reviews the liquidity claim (LCR) when applied in such a way that both the reserve and stress take account of the Bank's own view of the required assets and credible stress. Unlike the official indicator (LCR), the reserve of the scenario takes into account the securities of credit counterparties, among other things. Correspondingly, stress coefficients are partly increased compared to the official indicator. In scenario 2, ten per cent of the on-demand deposits is lost within a month. The bank run is compared to the Bank's liquid assets, which must amount to at least 1.5 times the bank run and at least ten per cent of the balance sheet. 30 Scenario 2 Depos i ts pa ya bl e on dema nd Bank run (of on demand-deposits 10%) 31.12.2013 EUR m 1,451.2 145.1 Depos i ts a t the Ba nk of Fi nl a nd Items enti tl i ng to centra l ba nk fi na nci ng Short-term recei va bl es (under 1 month) Fi na nci ng l i mi ts Liquid assets, total 144.1 126.5 50.8 160.0 481.4 Required liquidity reserve Liquidity ratio 217.7 221% Ba nk's ba l a nce s heet Share of liquid assets in the bank's balance 2,182.0 221% According to liquidity scenarios, the Bank's liquidity is at a safe level. In 2013, liquidity risk was also monitored internally using indicators that comply with the forthcoming Basel III regulations. Currency risks Overall and currency-specific limits have been set for currency operations. Country risks At the end of the review period, the Group had investments in the eurozone only in fixed-income instruments issued by the Finnish government and companies operating in Finland as well as financial institutions operating in Finland or Sweden. The Group had no country risk in terms of credit granted outside of Finland. Limits have been set for country risks in investment operations. Price risks Price risk refers to the risks connected with changes in the market value of investments and holdings. In fixed-income investments, price risk may affect the fair value of investments as a result of changes in credit, interest rate or spread risks. The Group's most significant price risk mainly concerns the fixed-income investments managed by the Bank's treasury and the related interest rate risk. The purpose of the investments is to act as the Group's liquidity reserve. The limits set in the risk management plan set the limits for investment activities. The price risk is at a moderate level in accordance with the risk management policy. 3.4.4. Operational risk Operational risk refers to the possibility that deficiencies in the Bank's systems or internal monitoring cause unexpected losses (for instance, operational risks, operational stoppages, mistakes, erroneous systems, failure of monitoring, system failures, poor skills). The operational risks of the Bank and the asset management operations are mapped by activity in accordance with the risk mapping method for financial conglomerates, including legal and sales organisations. According to the rules, this procedure is performed annually in conjunction with the annual planning and whenever a specific reason for it is detected. LocalTapiola Bank Group Operational risks are mapped from operational perspectives. The perspectives used in the mapping include: • Process risks • Personnel risks • Systemic risks • Legal risks • Risks of damage • Other risks related to tactical choices in annual and periodic planning The mapping is based on the descriptions prepared of operational processes. Process descriptions and risk mapping are intended to seek the risk points critical for guaranteeing the quality of operations, to plan the procedures required for maintaining quality and to appoint responsible parties or persons. In addition, the sufficiency of risk management measures is assessed. Mapping operational risks and the related action plans is part of the companies' risk management plan related to annual planning. The practical monitoring related to operational risks in the companies' operations is the responsibility of the management group. The internal auditing function within the Group also performs audits on specific functions as regards operational risks. The quality of risk management is maintained by monitoring and continuity planning. In the continuity plans, operational processes and key systems have been prioritised by activity and recovery times have been defined for them. In addition, descriptions have been prepared of the measures to be taken in typical problematic situations, along with the personnel responsible for such measures. Summaries of the operational risks for the entire Bank are prepared on the basis of activity- and region-specific mapping. 3.4.5. Cyclical risks Cyclical risks refer to the negative effect of economic trends on the finances of the Bank's customers and their relationship with the Bank. LocalTapiola Bank grants credit mainly for housing. The greatest cyclical risk is therefore an unfavourable change in housing prices. The price development does not directly weaken customers’ ability to pay, but it is an indication of other financial uncertainties and potential difficulties in paying. Price development has been chosen as an indicator to be followed at the Bank, as it anticipates changes in the economy faster than, for example, the unemployment rate. The effect of decreasing prices on the risk classification of new credit is defined in the risk management instructions of the Bank. This cyclical risk indicator is also used in part to manage the concentration risk of the bank's credit portfolio. The Bank monitors the effect the decreasing prices have on the value of housing collateral and the resulting capital requirements. Of the credit granted by the Group, 76.7 (79.8) per cent was housing loans in 2013. According to the credit-granting guidelines, loans must have prudent collateral. Residential property is estimated as prudent collateral for 70 per cent of its fair value. If needed, the collateral can be supplemented with credit insurance or a secure guarantee. The policy on collateral reduces the immediate risks caused by economic fluctuations to the Group's core business. 28 (60) The operational conditions of LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd are based on the development of the financial markets. Weaker markets could result in a reduced number of assignments and, thus, lower profits. Changes can have significant effects. Market trends are monitored primarily using the OMX Helsinki index. 3.4.6. Legal and compliance risks Legal and compliance risks include the interpretation of laws and decrees, the validity and content of agreements and the legal risks related to the Bank's marketing that may cause losses, liability for damages or loss of reputation or esteem. Risks can be related to the whole business and can arise from external factors or the Bank's own operations. Legal risks are mapped at the same time as operational risks, using a shared method. 4. Notes on the Bank Group's solvency management The Bank Group's solvency management is based on monitoring in accordance with the Basel II, Pillar I norms and an internal capital sufficiency assessment process (ICAAP). The need for capital required by the various operational risks is assessed with an internal process. The assessment is used in solvency planning. The solvency strategy is updated annually. The following table depicts the solvency ratios: • Requirement of economic capital, ICAAP • BASEL II, Pillar I solvency ratio ICAAP requirement of economic capital BASEL II, Pillar I solvency ratio 2.20 2.1 2.00 1.9 1.8 1.80 1.60 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.40 1.20 1.00 2011 2012 ICAAP 2013 BASEL Solvency management is guided by the conglomerate's risk management group. The goal of the management group is to support comprehensive risk management that aims to use the best practices in risk management. The capital management process assesses the sufficiency of capital, taking into account operational risks in a comprehensive manner (Pillar II, ICAAP). These risks refer to, for example, the risks included in Pillar I (credit and operational risks) and the risks remaining outside Pillar I, such as interest-rate risk, development risk and strategic risks of the financial balance sheet. Furthermore, the sufficiency of capital is assessed as needed through separate stress tests that take into account changes in the market situation or stress tests defined by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority. 31 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 4.1. Requirements and goals related to solvency Solvency management is based on current legislation on solvency. When calculating the solvency of the Bank Group, the standard method is applied to credit risks and the basic method to operational risks. In addition, the goals of the financial conglomerate and the Bank Group as regards solvency are also taken into account in solvency management. The solvency requirements for credit institutions and investment services stated in the following laws apply to LocalTapiola Bank and LocalTapiola Asset Management: • The amount and quality of the bank's own capital must always be sufficient to cover the risks faced by the bank (the Act on Credit Institutions, Section 5) • The total amount of own capital for asset management must always be equal to the decreed minimum capital (Act on Common Funds, chapter 4. a) 4.2. Internal goals for solvency The following ratios have been set as internal goals for solvency in the Bank Group: • The Basel II, Pillar I solvency ratio must be a minimum of twelve per cent. • The solvency ratio of primary own funds must be at least eleven per cent The Group's solvency was good in 2013. The Group's equity increased in 2013 in line with the requirements set by the expansion of the business operations. In 2013, the solvency ratio of the Bank Group was 16.4 (12.7) per cent and the ratio with primary own funds was 15.3 (10.9) per cent. The ICAAP calculation is performed monthly and the development of the capital requirement is estimated based on result and solvency predictions and stress tests. In addition to fulfilling the requirements and objectives concerning solvency, the goal is to arrange the supervision and management of solvency in compliance with the following principles. Solvency supervision and management • Covers all material risks related to business and the operating environment; • Takes into account the strategic and operational plans, while also influencing strategic and operational targetsetting; • Covers both the short and long term; • Applies to operations under normal conditions (as defined in business plans) and in unusual situations. Solvency is monitored and managed on the basis of these principles by the risk management group and the Balance Sheet Management Committee using stress tests and reporting processes. The reports also present conclusions on the capital adequacy ratio and on necessary actions for maintaining solvency. 32 29 (60) 4.3. Publishing solvency information Solvency information in accordance with the Credit Institutions Act and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority's standards is included in the financial statements and annual report of LocalTapiola Bank Group. The financial statements of the Group, including solvency information, are prepared by the Bank's financial administration under the leadership of the CFO. The financial statements are handled by the management group of the Bank and approved by the Board of Directors. After this, the auditors of the Bank audit the financial statements. The auditors also verify the correctness of the solvency information while auditing the financial statements. 4.4. Significant changes to the information during the financial period If such material changes in the solvency information of the Bank Group occur during the financial period as may have significance to stakeholders, such as customers, partners and owners, the solvency information is also published in the interim report. The information is published in the interim report concerning the time period when the material changes have occurred. If a material change has occurred only in a single piece of information concerning solvency, it is not essential to publish the other information. Thus, only the relevant information can be published in the interim report, with a mention that the other information remains unchanged. The Board of Directors decides when the changes that have occurred in the information are significant enough that they must be published during the financial period. 4.5. Information to be published As a rule, the information listed in Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority standard 4.5, Publishing solvency information to the markets, is published as solvency information. However, information that is not relevant to the solvency of the Group is not published. This includes information that is not relevant to the Bank Group’s stakeholders and which is not otherwise relevant on the basis of the type and scope of the Group’s operations and risks. With regard to information deemed irrelevant, the financial statement information includes a brief explanation as to why the information has not been included in the financial statements. The Board of Directors makes the decision on information that is deemed irrelevant and thus will not be published. Similarly, the Board of Directors makes the decision on information deemed to be business secrets or to fall under the purview of confidentiality. The financial statements and annual report of the Bank Group are published on the internet pages of LocalTapiola Group (www.localtapiola.fi), along with the solvency information, thus ensuring that these are available online to stakeholders. LocalTapiola Bank Group 4.6. Calculating economic capital The requirement for economic capital is based on the combined capital requirements of the various areas of business. The ICAAP process handles the following risks and their capital requirements: • Credit and counterparty risks • Operative risks • Legal risks • Market risks • Residual risks • Cyclical risks • Quality and concentration of credit portfolio 4.7. Solvency calculation 30 (60) • Industry-specific risk • Strategic risks, including risk to reputation • New business The model calls for the sum of the capital required by the various risks to be calculated, thereby assuming that it is possible for all of the risks to occur simultaneously. The requirement for economic capital is calculated monthly and published as part of the management's risk reporting. The risk reporting follows the capital requirements according to both the ICAAP and Basel II norms. SOLVENCY CALCULATION 1,000 € Own funds 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 142,513 110,129 Primary own funds Capital and reserves 167,544 137,543 Adjusted profit/loss brought forward -25,799 -32,141 Deduction from primary own funds -7,171 -9,949 134,574 95,453 Total Secondary own funds Higher secondary own funds -100 1,528 Lower secondary own funds 10,000 15,000 9,900 16,528 -1,961 -1,852 Total Deductions from primary and secondary own funds Primary own funds for solvency calculation 133,593 94,527 8,919 15,602 Minimum requirement for own funds 69,700 69,598 Requirement for own funds for credit and counterparty risks (standard method) Secondary own funds for solvency calculation 61,994 62,415 Receivables from credit institutions and investment firms 2,046 2,101 Receivables from companies 5,402 5,721 Retail portfolio 6,761 5,762 44,759 40,699 Mortgages Receivables due 450 463 Short-term receivables from companies 582 5,208 Mutual fund investments 28 679 Other items 1,965 1,782 Requirement for own funds for operative risks (basic method) 7,707 7,183 72,813 40,530 Capital adequacy ratio primary own funds (%) 15.3 10.9 Capital adequacy ratio (%) 16.4 12.7 Surplus/deficit of own funds 33 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 5. 31 (60) Notes to the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet of the Bank Group All figures are presented in thousands of euros, unless stated otherwise. Notes concerning balance sheet items K1. Receivables from credit institutions From the central bank From Finnish credit institutions From foreign credit institutions Receivables from credit institutions, total K2. K3. 2013 Total 2012 Total 17,918 1,895 19,813 17,918 2,347 314 20,578 16,809 62,742 313 79,864 2013 2012 Corporate customers and housing associations Financial and insurance institutions Households Non-profit-making corporations Foreign countries Receivables from the public and public corporations, total 91,203 9 1,740,478 3,391 5,201 1,840,282 67,685 376 1,595,937 2,131 5,142 1,671,271 Value adjustments on 1 Jan. Increase in receivable-specific value adjustments Receivable-specific cancellations of value adjustments Change in group-specific value adjustments -1,925 -80 154 -77 -1,818 -110 82 -79 Value adjustments included in the balance sheet item on 31 Dec. -1,928 -1,925 Increases in credit losses recognised for the financial year -30 -125 Cancellations of credit losses recognised for the financial year 121 12 2013 2012 13,104 27,838 1,025 - 2,222 110,140 50,867 126,492 78,705 16,972 4,990 5,058 27,021 26,471 59,969 5,126 91,566 153,512 170,271 2013 13,936 13,936 2012 9,597 9,597 Certificates of claim Certificates of claim, not entitling the company to central bank financing Issued by parties other than public corporations Saleable, publicly listed - Commercial papers issued by banks - Commercial papers - Bonds issued by banks - Other certificates of claim Other certificates of claim, total Certificates of claim, total Property leased under financial leasing agreements Property leased under financial leasing agreements Machinery and equipment Total 34 Other Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Issued by public corporations Saleable, publicly listed - Government-issued bonds Issued by parties other than public corporations Kept until due date, publicly listed - Bonds issued by banks Saleable, publicly listed - Bonds issued by companies - Bonds issued by banks Certificates of claim entitling the company to central bank financing, total K4. Payable on demand ----451 314 765 LocalTapiola Bank Group K5. Shares and holdings Balance sheet item Shares and holdings Saleable Shares and holdings in Group companies Shares and holdings in participating interests Total - of which at acquisition cost K6. 32 (60) Publicly listed Other of which in credit 2013 Total 2012 Total - 492 1,961 2,453 492 1,961 1,961 1,961 492 0 1,961 2,453 492 8,623 0 1,852 10,475 495 2013 2012 1,248 1,248 564 564 Derivative contracts Share derivatives Assets retained for business purposes Option contracts Purchased Total Concluded for purposes other than hedging *) Share derivatives Option contracts Purchased Total - where the counterparty is a company in the same Group Nominal value of underlying asset Remaining maturity under 1 year 1–5 years Current value of derivative Total positive negative 17,645 17,645 19,010 19,010 36,655 36,655 1,248 1,248 - - - - - - 2013 7,171 7,171 2012 9,949 9,949 2013 2012 14,084 1,081 15,165 -4,135 -3,859 -7,994 7,171 9,949 13,900 521 -337 14,084 -2,267 337 -2,205 -4,135 9,949 11,633 2013 2012 750 66 -140 676 -291 -96 -388 289 459 277 567 -94 750 -138 -153 -291 459 139 2013 5,601 5,601 2012 7,508 7,508 * comprising options sold and equivalent options bought for investment deposits and index-linked bonds. The embedded derivatives related to the main agreement of the released investment deposits and index-linked bonds have been separated from the main agreement. K7. Intangible assets Intangible assets IT expenses Total K8. Changes in tangible and intangible assets during the financial year INTANGIBLE ASSETS Acquisition cost on 1 Jan. Increase Transfers between items Acquisition cost on 31 Dec. Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 1 Jan. Accumulated depreciation related to deductions and transfers Depreciation for the financial year Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 31 Dec. Book value on 31 Dec. Book value on 1 Jan. TANGIBLE ASSETS Other tangible assets Acquisition cost on 1 Jan. Increase Deductions Acquisition cost on 31 Dec. Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 1 Jan. Accumulated depreciation related to deductions and transfers Depreciation for the financial year Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 31 Dec. Book value on 31 Dec. Book value on 1 Jan. K9. Other assets Other assets Other receivables Total 35 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank 2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 33 (60) K10. Prepayments and accrued income Prepayments and accrued income Interest receivables Other prepayments and accrued income Prepayments paid Total 2013 4,262 325 19 4,606 2012 3,418 1,153 4,571 2013 2012 2,000 2,000 1,372 1,372 Deferred tax liabilities Recorded from the current value reserve Deferred tax liabilities in total -20 -20 -500 -500 Deferred taxes in the profit and loss account 628 120 -3 -1 26,184 31,464 2013 2012 137,442 137,650 129,345 129,700 2,435 2,601 139,877 2,380 2,601 131,725 2013 2012 1,252 1,252 549 549 2013 37,844 5,670 43,514 2012 39,454 4,569 44,023 2013 1,753 8,278 0 10,032 2012 2,531 5,205 2 7,738 K11. Deferred tax liabilities and tax assets Deferred tax assets Recorded confirmed losses Deferred tax assets The off-balance-sheet deferred tax liability of the current value reserve Confirmed loss from previous years Deferred tax profits will be recorded on the unused tax liabilities up to the amount for which the company is likely to receive tax profits on the basis of taxable income. Deferred tax assets are recognised using a 20% tax base. Other deferred tax profits on the confirmed losses of LocalTapiola Bank Plc have been left unrecorded. They may be used against taxable income collected in the future. The losses expire in 2014–2017. K12. Bonds issued to the public Certificates of deposit and commercial papers book value nominal value Bonds book value nominal value Total book values K13. Derivative contracts and other liabilities retained for business purposes Share derivatives Derivative liabilities managed together with financial assets held for trading Total Derivative contracts Embedded derivatives Sold options Total - where the counterparty is a company in the same Group Nominal value of the main contract Remaining maturity under 1 year 1–5 years Total 17,577 19,000 36,577 17,577 19,000 36,577 - - - K14. Other liabilities Other liabilities Liabilities on payment intermediation Other Total K15. Accruals and deferred income Accruals and deferred income Interest payable Other accruals and deferred income Prepayments received Total 36 LocalTapiola Bank Group 34 (60) K16. Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities 2013 2013 2012 Tier II value book value book value Tapiola Bank Ltd debenture loan 1/2006, nominal value EUR 10,000,000 Loan period 30 June 2006 to 30 June 2016, right to premature repayment after 5 years, interest 12-month Euribor + 0.25% units p.a. until 30 June 2011 and 12-month Euribor + 1.00 % units p.a. thereafter 4,000 10,000 10,000 Tapiola Bank Ltd debenture loan 1/2011, nominal value EUR 15,000,000 Loan period 30 June 2011 to 30 June 2016, interest 12month Euribor rate + 1.35 % units until 30 June 2016 6,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 5–10 years over 10 years 11,936 251,529 1,403,833 - 2013 Total 126,492 20,578 1,840,282 27,021 Total In the solvency calculation, loans have been grouped under Tier II. K17. Maturity distribution of financial assets and liabilities Maturity distribution Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities under 3 months 3–12 months 4,532 4,068 20,578 29,534 8,608 9,011 11,973 8,132 1,618,801 50,785 - 9,500 125,963 86,657 - 1–5 years 105,956 146,777 6,037 - - 47,632 1,766,853 139,877 25,000 Foreign of which from the same currency 2013 Total 2012 Total 30,000 22,088 2,435 25,000 K18. Specification of balance sheet items into Finnish and foreign-currency items and items from the same Group Balance sheet item, Finnish currency Finnish currency Group Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim Derivative contracts Other assets, incl. cash assets Assets, total 20,398 1,840,282 153,512 1,248 162,203 2,177,644 180 180 2,747 8 2,756 20,578 1,840,282 153,512 1,248 162,203 2,177,824 79,864 1,671,271 170,271 564 135,159 2,057,129 Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes Other liabilities Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Liabilities, total 47,632 1,766,853 139,877 - 2,747 - 47,632 1,766,853 139,877 43,278 1,696,016 131,725 1,252 53,566 25,000 2,034,180 0 8 2,756 1,252 53,566 25,000 2,034,180 549 52,261 25,000 1,948,828 K19. Current values of financial assets and liabilities Assets and liabilities that, after the original recognition, are valued in the balance sheet at current value repeatedly or one-off The current values of the level 1 instruments are based totally on the quoted prices of identical assets or liabilities on actual markets, such as prices on the stock exchange, at brokers or in price information services. The instruments on level 1 mainly consist of domestic quoted equity investment liabilities that have been listed for sale. The bid price at the time is used as the market price for the quoted financial assets. The current values of the level 2 instruments have been calculated using value methods and are derived from quoted prices on the markets. Level 2 instruments consist of OTC derivatives and embedded derivative liabilities. Current values to be repeatedly determined using significant input data other than the observable ones (level 3) The recorded values of the level 3 holdings or liabilities are not based on verifiable market information. Level 3 includes equity instruments that have valued at acquisition cost because they have no market price quoted on the actual markets and their current value cannot be determined reliably. 37 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank 2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 35 (60) K20. Current values and book values of financial assets and liabilities as well as current value hierarchy 2013 Current value 2013 Book value 2012 Book value 126,149 126,149 91,228 20,578 20,578 79,864 1,840,282 1,840,282 1,671,271 Certificates of claim 153,512 153,512 170,271 Shares and holdings 492 492 8,623 1,944 1,944 1,852 0 0 0 1,248 1,248 564 Current values of financial assets and liabilities Financial assets Cash assets Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Shares and holdings in participating interests Shares and holdings in Group companies Derivative contracts Financial liabilities Liabilities to credit institutions 47,632 47,632 43,278 1,766,853 1,766,853 1,696,016 Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes 140,721 139,877 131,725 1,252 1,252 549 Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities 24,915 25,000 25,000 Level 3 2013 Liabilities to the public and public corporations Financial instruments valued at current value in the balance sheet Financial assets Certificates of claim, classified as saleable Level 1 Level 2 152,487 152,487 Shares and holdings Shares and holdings in participating interests Shares and holdings in Group companies 492 492 1,944 1,944 0 Derivative contracts Financial liabilities Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes 0 1,248 1,248 1,252 1,252 Gains and losses unrealised during the period (level 3) 0 K21. Capital and reserves items Equity capital At the beginning of 40,370 48,100 + Increase - Decrease 8,970.00 - Premium fund Other restricted reserves 1,528 -1,628 0 -100 Current value reserve 1,528 -1,628 1,528 -1,628 0 - -100 49,073 21,031 49,073 21,031 - From valuation at current value Unrestricted reserves Invested distributable reserves Profit or loss brought forward Profit or loss for the financial year Total -36,676 Transfers At the end of between the financial 49,340 48,100 -100 0 - 70,104 5,907 -30,769 70,104 5,907 6,970 -5,907 6,970 108,302 35,343 -5,907 143,644 In Group accounting, a bridge calculation has been made for the transition from IFRS to FAS. The calculation is presented in Appendix 2. K22. Equity capital Equity capital at the beginning of the financial year Share issue realised during the financial year Equity capital at the end of the financial year Share type code Number of shares at the beginning of the financial year Change in the number of shares in the share issue, pcs Number of shares at the end of the financial year Number of votes for a share Shares have no nominal value Limitations regarding the acquisition of shares redemption clause in the articles of association Shareholder's priority for new shares when equity capital according to shares of ownership is increased Right to dividend equal to all shares The Bank's shares are not held by the Bank, its subsidiary or associated companies 38 2013 2012 40,370 8,970 49,340 62,108 13,800 75,908 75,908 40,370 40,370 62,108 62,108 62,108 LocalTapiola Bank Group 36 (60) K23. Issues of shares, option rights and issues of convertible bonds concerning shares At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 14 June 2013, it was decided to increase the equity capital from EUR 40,370,200 to EUR 49,340,200. The equity capital increase was registered on 3 September 2013. No option rights, or authorisations to issue convertible bonds, were granted in 2013. K24. Companies Act 624/2006, Chapter 8, sections 5 and 8 Unlike the annual report, the notes to the financial statements make mention of the fact that the Group companies have no subordinated loans. K25. Major shareholders and distribution of shareholdings The division of the Bank's share capital is as follows: LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company Total 2013 Share, % of stock and votes 78.0 16.0 6.0 100.0 2013 Number of shares 2012 Number of shares 59,242 12,122 4,544 75,908 45,442 12,122 4,544 62,108 2013 2012 199 29,014 2,221 31,434 501 35,458 4,297 40,255 209 201 15 - 334 10,988 831 419 17,912 1,977 231 526 0 12,911 240 797 0 21,345 - 0 2013 4,424 -4,076 6 0 354 2012 8,343 -7,940 18 -1 420 2013 121 2012 87 121 87 Notes concerning income statement items K26. Specification of interest income and expenses by balance sheet item Interest income Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim Interest income, total of which from subsidiaries and associated undertakings in the same Group Recorded from value-adjusted credits and other receivables Interest expenses Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Other interest expenses Interest expenses, total of which for subsidiaries and associated undertakings in the same Group K27. Net income from leasing operations Net income from leasing operations Rental income Planned depreciation of leased property Other income Other expenses Investment income K28. Return on equity investments Dividend income from investments in shares and holdings From investments classified as saleable From companies in the same Group and participating interests Total 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Ltd LocalTapiola Bank Group 37 (60) K29. Commission income and expenses 2013 2012 Commission income From credit-granting From deposits From payment transactions From funds From asset management From trading in securities From granting of sureties From other operations Total 3,517 323 2,319 14,954 7,222 803 159 11,066 40,364 2,303 336 2,185 8,200 6,021 779 107 12,515 32,446 Commission expenses From service charges paid From other Total 963 3,640 4,603 932 3,567 4,499 K30. Net income from securities trading Net income from securities trading Other items 2013 Total 2012 Total -18 -18 106 Other changes in current value 682 -656 26 - 35 663 -656 7 141 -205 193 -13 70 87 26 35 148 57 2013 2012 0 0 184 184 From shares and shareholdings From transfers (profit/loss) From transfers from current value reserves Total 1,213 0 1,213 0 0 0 Net income from saleable financial assets 1,213 184 2013 7,012 7,012 2012 5,793 5,793 2013 1,434 1,394 2,255 5,082 2012 1,222 1,209 1,281 3,713 2012 2012 3,859 2,205 96 3,955 153 2,358 From derivative contracts From liabilities retained for business purposes Net income from securities trading, total Net income from currency operations Net income from securities trading and currency operations Capital gains and losses K31. Net income from saleable financial assets From certificates of claim From transfers (profit/loss) Total K32. Other business income Other business income Other income Total K33. Other business expenses Other business expenses Rent expenses Deposit Guarantee Fund payments Other expenses Total K34. Depreciation and value adjustments on tangible and intangible assets Intangible assets Planned depreciation Tangible assets Planned depreciation Depreciation in total 40 LocalTapiola Bank Group 38 (60) K35. Value adjustment losses from credits, other commitments and other financial assets 2013 Value adjustment losses Receivables from the public and public corporations, credit losses Receivables from the public and public corporations, other value adjustments Value adjustment losses, total 2012 Contractspecific gross Group- Recorded in Recorded in specific the profit and the profit and gross loss loss decreases 30 -121 - -91 113 80 110 -155 -276 77 77 2 -89 107 220 Value adjustment losses also includes credit losses recorded off the balance sheet. Value adjustment on credits is presented in Appendix K2. K36. Information on business areas and geographical market areas The Group's business areas are banking and asset management. The companies do not have a service network outside Finland. Asset Banking management business business 47,465 22,129 3,371 4,849 2,182,144 15,524 2,032,548 4,388 271 50 Specification for the Group by business sector, uneliminated Income for the financial year, total Operating profit (loss) Assets, total Assets, total Average number of personnel Notes concerning guarantees and contingent liabilities K37. Guarantees given Pledges Mortgages 2013 Other collateral Pledged for the company's own loans Liabilities to credit institutions Other liabilities Pledged for the company's for own liabilities, total - - 55,000 1,295 56,295 30,000 1,299 31,299 Given for other reasons on the company's behalf - - 9,600 23,000 Pledged on behalf of others of which to members who are insiders - - 11,920 - 12,266 - Balance sheet item 2013 2013 2012 Other collateral K38. Pension liabilities The personnel's statutory and supplementary pension covers have been arranged through insurance. Basic TyEL insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 January 2014) Supplementary pension insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company K39. Leasing and other rental liabilities Off-balance-sheet commitments are presented in Appendix K42 and other lease agreements are short-term. K40. Off-balance-sheet commitments Commitments given in favour of third parties on behalf of the customer Guarantees Unused credit facilities Off-balance-sheet commitments, total on beha l f of 2013 2012 a compa ny i n Commitments, Commitments, the s a me total total Group 6,036 6,036 11,920 67,170 79,090 12,266 68,282 80,547 41 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Group LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 39 (60) K41. Receivables and liabilities on payment intermediation Savings as per the Long-Term Savings Act On deposit accounts Total Due to sales and acquisitions of assets executed on behalf of customers Accounts receivable Trade creditors 2013 2012 86 86 45 45 8 101 10 23 2013 2012 1,633 - 2,709 - 2013 289 19 13 321 2012 153 12 12 177 2013 2012 756 8 675 20 K42. Other off-balance-sheet facilities Contractual liability related to fees for service providers The Group's annual core business system expenses are linked to a fixed or indexed annual price until 2016. The agreements for system providers contain separate termination clauses. As regards data centre and system integrator services, LocalTapiola Bank and LocalTapiola Asset Management follow the agreements signed by LocalTapiola Group. No significant changes occurred in the agreements between the companies and service providers. Annual expenses are presented in the profit and loss account item "Other administrative expenses". Joint liability relating to collective registering for valueadded taxation (ALV 188 §) Within one year on behalf of a company in the Bank Group Notes concerning personnel, management and related parties K43. Number of personnel average Permanent full-time personnel Permanent part-time personnel Fixed-term personnel Total K44. Salaries and remuneration paid to the management Management's salaries and remunerations Managing director and acting managing director Ordinary and deputy Board members K45. Credits and off-balance-sheet commitments granted to management 2013 2012 Managing director and acting managing director as well as ordinary and deputy Board members Loans on 1 Jan. increase deductions Loans on 31 Dec. 1,169 570 -137 1,602 617 598 -45 1,169 Guarantees and other off-balance-sheet commitments granted to management Managing director and acting managing director as well as ordinary and deputy Board members - - Credits granted to management K46. Pension commitments of the management The management's statutory and supplementary pension cover has been arranged through insurance. Basic TyEL insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 January 2014) Supplementary pension insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company The retirement age of the managing directors is 63 years. 42 LocalTapiola Bank Group 40 (60) K47. Loans and other financial receivables from members who are insiders, as well as investments made in these, and guarantees and securities issued for these Receivables from the public and public corporations 16,964 2,834 19,799 - Grounds for being an insider Controlling interest Significant influence Parent company Key persons who are part of related party companies' management Total Value adjustment losses Equity investments Other receivables 0 1,961 1,961 - 8 253 1,476 1737 - Transactions between an insider (under the IAS 24 definition) and the parent company are reported only if they are substantive and have not been executed under customary commercial terms. Credits, guarantees and other off-balance-sheet commitments granted to the management are presented in Appendix K45. Credits and guarantees granted to natural persons who are insiders have been granted under customary terms and conditions. Loans granted to related party companies have been itemised in accordance with the grounds for being an insider. Credits granted to a related-party company based on ownership of a credit institution are unsecured. In other respects, loan agreements are concluded under customary commercial terms. Undrawn credits and guarantees granted to related-party companies are presented in Appendix K40. Other off-balance-sheet commitments with related-party companies are presented in Appendix K42. The related-party companies in which investments have been made are presented in more detail in Appendix K48. K48. Holdings in other companies Shareholdings Domicile LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd Espoo Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd Mariehamn Share of ownership 100.0 % 34.0 % Capital and Profit for the reserves 31 financial year Dec 2013 11,137 3,663 5,761 313 Other notes K49. Information on notarial services and the total amount of held customer assets LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd provides discretionary asset management and contract? based investment advice to its customers. Asset management services Customer assets in asset management Discretionary asset management 2013 2012 8,593,379 7,756,165 In asset management on the basis of another contract Customer assets, total 731 8,594,110 743 7,756,909 2013 50 77 143 18 288 2012 106 77 15 199 K50. Auditor's fees Auditor's fees Auditing Assignments within the meaning of the provisions of the Auditing Act Tax advice Additional services Total K51. Business information concerning the Group's supervised company The parent company in these consolidated financial statements, LocalTapiola Bank Plc, belongs as a subsidiary to a Group whose the parent company is LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company. The domicile of both is Espoo, Finland. The consolidated financial statements are available on the The consolidated financial statements are available online at the following address: http:/www.lahitapiola.fi 43 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 41 (60) Balance sheet and profit and loss account of LocalTapiola Bank Ltd BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash assets Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Government obligations Other Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Receivables from credit institutions Payable on demand Other Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Payable on demand Other Receivables from the public and public corporations Leased property Certificates of claim From others Certificates of claim Shares and holdings Shares and holdings in participating interests Shares and holdings in Group companies Derivative contracts Intangible assets Tangible assets Other tangible assets Tangible assets Other assets Prepayments and accrued income Deferred tax assets TOTAL ASSETS 44 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € (Appendix number) 126,149 91,228 (P20) 13,104 113,388 126,492 27,838 50,867 78,705 (P3, P17, P18, P19, P20) 428 19,813 20,241 27,696 52,108 79,804 (P1, P17, P18, P20) 14,777 1,825,505 1,840,282 13,936 5,907 1,665,365 1,671,271P2, P17, P18, P20, P45, P47) (P4) 9,597 19,042 19,042 138 3,230 85,087 85,087 8,268 3,230 15,819 1,248 6,972 15,819 564 8,557 265 265 2,037 4,293 2,000 288 288 5,191 3,507 1,372 2,182,144 2,062,488 (P3, P17, P18, P19, P20) (P5, P19, P20) (P5, P19, P20) (P5, P19, P20, P47, P48) (P6, P18, P19, P20) (P7, P8) (P8) (P9, P41) (P10) (P11) LocalTapiola Bank Plc CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Liabilities to credit institutions To central banks To credit institutions Payable on demand Other To credit institutions Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Deposits Payable on demand Other Deposits Other liabilities Other Other liabilities Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Bonds Other Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and other liabilities retained for business purposes Other liabilities Other liabilities Other liabilities Accruals and deferred income Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Other Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Deferred tax liabilities LIABILITIES, TOTAL 42 (60) (Appendix number) 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € 30,000 30,000 132 17,500 17,632 47,632 28 13,250 13,278 43,278 1,451,169 303,431 1,754,600 1,269,668 365,076 1,634,744 15,000 15,000 1,769,600 61,593 61,593 1,696,336 (P17, P18, P20) 2,435 137,442 139,877 2,380 129,345 131,725 (P12, P17, P18, P20) 1,252 549 (P13, P18, P19, P20) 43,169 43,169 5,998 43,511 43,511 4,376 (P14, P41) 25,000 25,000 20 25,000 25,000 500 (P16, P17, P18, P20, P24) 2,032,548 1,945,275 (P17, P18, P20) (P15) (P11) 45 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank 2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 43 (60) 31/12/2013 1,000 € 31/12/2012 1,000 € (Appendix 49,340 48,100 40,370 48,100 (P21, P22, P23, P25) CAPITAL AND RESERVES Equity capital Premium fund Other restricted reserves Current value reserve From valuation at current value Current value reserve Other restricted reserves Unrestricted reserves Invested distributable reserves Unrestricted reserves Profit (loss) brought forward Profit (loss) for the financial year -85 -85 -85 1,532 1,532 1,532 70,104 70,104 -21,862 3,999 49,073 49,073 -28,377 6,516 TOTAL CAPITAL AND RESERVES 149,596 117,213 2,182,144 2,062,488 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS Commitments given in favour of third parties on behalf of the customer Sureties and pledges 11,920 12,266 Irrevocable commitments given in favour of the customer Other 67,170 68,282 OFF-BALANCE-SHEET COMMITMENTS, TOTAL 79,090 80,547 CAPITAL AND RESERVES AND LIABILITIES, TOTAL 46 number) (P21) (P21) (P21) (P21) (P21) (P37, P40) LocalTapiola Bank Plc PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Interest income Net income from leasing operations Interest expenses INTEREST MARGIN Return on equity investments From companies in the same group From other companies Return on equity investments Commission income Commission expenses Net income from securities trading and currency operations Net income from securities trading Net income from currency operations Net income from securities trading and currency operation Net income from saleable financial assets Other business income Administrative expenses Personnel expenses Salaries and remuneration Other personnel expenses Pension expenses Other personnel expenses Other personnel expenses Personnel expenses Other administrative expenses Administrative expenses Depreciation and value adjustments on tangible and intangible assets Other business expenses Value adjustment loss on credits and other receivables OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS) Income taxes Profit (loss) from ordinary activities, after taxes PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 44 (60) (Appendix number) 1.1.-31.12.2013 1,000 € 31,408 354 -12,911 18,850 1.1.-31.12.2012 1,000 € 40,192 420 -21,345 19,267 801 98 899 18,757 -3,946 800 65 865 18,697 -4,145 (P28) 7 141 148 1,221 7,590 -13 70 57 200 5,165 (P30) -9,884 -6,361 -2,072 -472 -2,544 -12,428 -20,642 -33,070 -1,251 -298 -1,549 -7,910 -20,543 -28,453 -2,754 -4,412 89 3,371 628 3,999 3,999 -2,074 -2,963 -220 6,396 120 6,516 6,516 (P26) (P27) (P26) (P29) (P29) (P31) (P32) (P38, P44, P46) (P42) (P8, P34) (P33, P49) (P2, P35) (P11) 47 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 45 (60) Cash flow statement of LocalTapiola Bank Plc INDIRECT CASH FLOW STATEMENT 2013 2012 1,000 € 1,000 € 3,371 6,396 3,058 -900 -169,198 -4,338 -37,616 8,240 4,112 -198,801 -171,209 -1,622 79,158 -15 -4,375 -98,063 4,354 73,227 8,487 -2,085 83,983 23,841 70,502 15,919 7,610 117,871 -108,388 25,304 -1,146 906 -989 865 -240 -124 30,001 0 0 -10,000 30,001 -10,000 Cash flow from operations Operating profit (loss) Adjustments made to operating profit Business asset increase(-)/decrease(+) Receivables from the public and public corporations Leased property Certificates of claim Shares and holdings Other assets Business asset increase(-) / decrease(+) Increase (+) / decrease (-) in the liabilities of the business Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Other liabilities Increase (+) / decrease (-) in the liabilities of the business Cash flow from operations (A) Cash flow from investments Investments (-) Decrease in and income on investments (+) Cash flow from investments (B) Cash flow from financing activities Increase in capital and reserves (share issue) (+) Decrease in financial liabilities (-) Cash flow from financing activities (C) Change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year Change in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) increase (+) / decrease (-) -78,627 15,181 225,017 146,389 209,836 225,017 -78,627 15,181 126,149 428 91,228 27,696 19,813 0 146,389 52,108 53,986 225,017 43 -1,076 -899 2,754 187 2,049 3,058 58 -1,359 -865 2,074 314 -1,122 -900 Notes to the cash flow statement The cash and cash equivalents included in the cash flow statement include the following: Cash assets Receivables from credit institutions payable on demand Receivables from credit institutions to be included in cash and cash equivalents Certificates of claim to be included in cash and cash equivalents Total Adjustments in operating profit, itemised: Interest income Interest expenses Dividends Depreciation on tangible and intangible assets Value adjustment losses Other adjustments Total 48 LocalTapiola Bank Plc 46 (60) Key figures of LocalTapiola Bank Plc KEY FIGURES DESCRIBING FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT Receivables from credit institutions, EUR m Receivables from the public and public corporations, EUR m Liabilities to credit institutions, EUR m Liabilities to the public and public corporations, EUR m Capital and reserves, EUR m Balance sheet total, EUR m Contingent liabilities, EUR m Interest margin, EUR m Turnover, EUR m Operating profit/loss, EUR m of turnover, % Return on equity (ROE), % Return on assets (ROA), % Equity ratio, % Cost/return ratio SOLVENCY in accordance with Basel II Primary own funds, total, EUR m Secondary own funds, total, EUR m Minimum requirement for own funds, EUR m Capital adequacy ratio primary own funds, % Capital adequacy ratio, % 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 20.2 1,840.3 47.6 1,769.6 149.6 2,182.1 79.1 79.8 1,671.3 43.3 1,696.3 117.2 2,062.5 80.5 123.0 1,500.4 19.4 1,625.9 109.8 1,949.0 74.1 18.9 60.4 3.4 5.6 19.3 65.6 6.4 9.7 17.7 67.1 4.5 6.7 3.0 0.2 6.9 0.9 5.7 0.3 5.7 0.8 5.4 0.3 5.6 0.9 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 31/12/2011 139.1 8.3 68.5 16.3 17.2 104.1 14.9 68.5 12.2 13.9 96.3 29.0 65.5 11.8 15.3 49 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 47 (60) Notes concerning LocalTapiola Bank Plc 1. Notes on the principles used in the preparation of LocalTapiola Bank Plc's financial statements The financial statements of LocalTapiola Bank Plc have been prepared in accordance with the Finnish Accounting Act and accounting decree, the Act on Credit Institutions, the decree of the Ministry of Finance on the financial statements, consolidated financial statements and report of the Board of Directors of credit institutions and investment firms, the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority's regulations and instructions, and the general instructions of the Accounting Board. The principles used in the preparation of the Bank Group's statements have been used as the defining principles of LocalTapiola Bank Plc. 2. Notes concerning the balance sheet and profit and loss account of LocalTapiola Bank Plc All figures are presented in thousands of euros, unless stated otherwise. Notes concerning balance sheet items P1. Receivables from credit institutions From the central bank From Finnish credit institutions From foreign credit institutions Receivables from credit institutions, total P2. 50 Payable on demand ----114 314 428 Other 2013 Total 2012 Total 17,918 1,895 19,813 17,918 2,009 314 20,241 16,809 62,681 313 79,804 Receivables from the public and public corporations 2013 2012 Corporate customers and housing associations Financial and insurance institutions Households Non-profit-making corporations Foreign countries Receivables from the public and public corporations, total 91,203 9 1,740,478 3,391 5,201 1,840,282 67,685 376 1,595,937 2,131 5,142 1,671,271 Value adjustments on 1 Jan. Increase in receivable-specific value adjustments Receivable-specific cancellations of value adjustments Change in group-specific value adjustments -1,925 -80 154 -77 -1,818 -110 82 -79 Value adjustments included in the balance sheet item on 31 Dec. -1,928 -1,925 Increases in credit losses recognised for the financial year -30 -125 Cancellations of credit losses recognised for the financial year 121 12 LocalTapiola Bank Plc P3. 48 (60) Certificates of claim Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing Issued by public corporations Saleable, publicly listed - Government-issued bonds Issued by parties other than public corporations Kept until due date, publicly listed - Bonds issued by banks Saleable, publicly listed - Bonds issued by banks - Bonds issued by companies Certificates of claim entitling the company to central bank financing, total Certificates of claim, not entitling the company to central bank financing Issued by parties other than public corporations Saleable, publicly listed - Commercial papers issued by banks - Commercial papers - Bonds issued by banks - Other certificates of claim Other certificates of claim, total 27,838 1,025 - 110,140 2,222 50,867 - 126,492 78,705 19,992 59,969 5,126 85,087 145,534 163,792 2013 13,936 13,936 2012 9,597 9,597 Shares and holdings Balance sheet item Shares and holdings Saleable Shares and holdings in Group companies Shares and holdings in participating interests Total - of which at acquisition cost P6. 13,104 Property leased under financial leasing agreements Property leased under financial leasing agreements Machinery and equipment Total P5. 2012 8,994 4,990 5,058 19,042 Certificates of claim, total P4. 2013 Publicly listed Other of which in credit 2013 Total 2012 Total - 138 15,819 3,230 19,187 19,187 3,230 3,230 3,230 138 15,819 3,230 19,187 19,187 8,268 15,819 3,230 27,317 19,190 2013 2012 1,248 1,248 564 564 Derivative contracts Share derivatives Assets retained for business purposes Option contracts Purchased Total Contracts concluded for purposes other than hedging *) Share derivatives Option contracts Purchased Total - where the counterparty is a company in the same Group Nominal value of underlying asset Remaining maturity under 1 year 1–5 years Current value of derivative Total positive negative 17,645 17,645 19,010 19,010 36,655 36,655 1,248 1,248 - - - - - - 2013 6,972 6,972 2012 8,557 8,557 * comprising options sold and equivalent options bought for investment deposits and index-linked bonds. The embedded derivatives related to the main agreement of the released investment deposits and index-linked bonds have been separated from the main agreement. P7. Intangible assets Intangible assets IT expenses Total 51 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 LocalTapiola Bank Plc P8. LocalTapiola Bank Ltd Changes in tangible and intangible assets during the financial year INTANGIBLE ASSETS 2013 2012 12,293 1,081 13,374 -3,737 -2,666 -6,402 6,972 8,557 11,969 521 -196 12,293 -1,955 196 -1,978 -3,737 8,557 10,014 2013 2012 401 66 467 -114 -88 -202 265 288 71 330 401 -18 -96 -114 288 53 2013 2,037 2,037 2012 5,191 5,191 2013 4,262 13 18 4,293 2012 3,418 89 3,507 2013 2012 2,000 2,000 1,372 1,372 Deferred tax liabilities Recorded from the current value reserve Deferred tax liabilities in total -20 -20 -500 -500 Deferred taxes in the profit and loss account 628 120 - - 26,184 31,464 2013 2012 137,442 137,650 129,345 129,700 2,435 2,601 139,877 2,380 2,601 131,725 Acquisition cost on 1 Jan. Increase Transfers between items Acquisition cost on 31 Dec. Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 1 Jan. Accumulated depreciation related to deductions and transfers Depreciation for the financial year Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 31 Dec. Book value on 31 Dec. Book value on 1 Jan. TANGIBLE ASSETS Other tangible assets Acquisition cost on 1 Jan. Increase Deductions Acquisition cost on 31 Dec. Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 1 Jan. Accumulated depreciation related to deductions and transfers Depreciation for the financial year Accumulated depreciation and value adjustments on 31 Dec. Book value on 31 Dec. Book value on 1 Jan. P9. 49 (60) Other assets Other assets Other receivables Total P10. Prepayments and accrued income Prepayments and accrued income Interest receivables Other prepayments and accrued income Prepayments paid Total P11. Deferred tax liabilities and tax assets Deferred tax assets Recorded confirmed losses Deferred tax assets The off-balance-sheet deferred tax liability of the current value reserve Confirmed loss from previous years Deferred tax profits will be recorded on the unused tax liabilities up to the amount for which the company is likely to receive tax profits on the basis of taxable income. Deferred tax assets are recognised using a 20% tax base. Other deferred tax profits on the confirmed losses of LocalTapiola Bank Plc have been left unrecorded. They may be used against taxable income collected in the future. The losses expire in 2014–2017. P12. Bonds issued to the public Certificates of deposit and commercial papers book value nominal value Bonds book value nominal value Total book values 52 LocalTapiola Bank Plc 50 (60) P13. Derivative contracts and other liabilities retained for business purposes Share derivatives Derivative liabilities managed together with financial assets retained for business purposes Total Derivative contracts 2013 2012 1,252 1,252 549 549 2013 37,844 5,324 43,169 2012 39,454 4,058 43,511 2013 1,753 4,245 0 5,998 2012 2,531 1,843 2 4,376 Nominal value of the main contract Remaining maturity under 1 year 1–5 years Total 17,577 19,000 36,577 17,577 19,000 36,577 Embedded derivatives Sold options Total - where the counterparty is a company in the same Group - - - P14. Other liabilities Other liabilities Liabilities on payment intermediation Other Total P15. Accruals and deferred income Accruals and deferred income Interest payable Other accruals and deferred income Prepayments received Total P16. Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities 2013 2013 2012 Tier II value book value book value Tapiola Bank Ltd debenture loan 1/2006, nominal value EUR 10,000,000 Loan period 30 June 2006 to 30 June 2016, right to premature repayment after 5 years, interest 12-month Euribor + 0.25% units p.a. until 30 June 2011 and 12-month Euribor + 1.00% units p.a. thereafter 4,000 10,000 10,000 Tapiola Bank Ltd debenture loan 1/2011, nominal value EUR 15,000,000 Loan period 30 June 2011 to 30 June 2016, interest 12-month Euribor rate + 1.35 % units until 30 June 2016 6,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 25,000 25,000 5–10 years over 10 years 11,936 251,529 1,403,833 - 2013 Total 126,492 20,241 1,840,282 19,042 Total In the solvency calculation, loans have been grouped under Tier II. P17. Maturity distribution of financial assets and liabilities nder 3 months 3–12 months Maturity distribution Certificates of claim entitling to central bank financing 4,532 4,068 Receivables from credit institutions 20,241 Receivables from the public and public corporations 29,534 8,608 Certificates of claim 9,011 3,995 Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities 8,132 1,621,549 50,785 - 9,500 125,963 86,657 - 1–5 years 105,956 146,777 6,037 30,000 22,088 2,435 25,000 - - 47,632 1,769,600 139,877 25,000 53 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 51 (60) P18. Specification of balance sheet items into Finnish and foreigncurrency items and items from the same Group Balance sheet item, Finnish currency Finnish currency Foreign of which from the same currency 2013 Total 2012 Total Group Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim Derivative contracts Other assets, incl. cash assets Assets, total 20,061 1,840,282 145,534 1,248 174,838 2,181,964 180 180 2,747 8 2,756 20,241 1,840,282 145,534 1,248 174,838 2,182,144 79,804 1,671,271 163,792 564 147,057 2,062,488 Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes Other liabilities Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Liabilities, total 47,632 1,769,600 139,877 - 2,747 - 47,632 1,769,600 139,877 13,278 1,696,336 131,725 1,252 49,187 25,000 2,032,548 0 8 2,756 1,252 49,187 25,000 2,032,548 549 78,388 25,000 1,945,275 2013 Current value 2013 Book value 2012 Book value 126,149 126,149 91,228 20,241 20,241 79,804 1,840,282 1,840,282 1,671,271 Certificates of claim 145,534 145,534 163,792 Shares and holdings 138 138 8,268 3,230 3,230 3,230 15,819 15,819 15,819 1,248 1,248 564 P19. Current values of financial assets and liabilities Assets and liabilities that, after the original recognition, are valued in the balance sheet at current value repeatedly or one-off The current values of the level 1 instruments are based totally on the quoted prices of identical assets or liabilities on actual markets, such as prices on the stock exchange, at brokers or in price information services. The instruments on level 1 mainly consist of domestic quoted equity investment liabilities that have been listed for sale. The bid price at the time is used as the market price for the quoted financial assets. The current values of the level 2 instruments have been calculated using value methods and are derived from quoted prices on the markets. Level 2 instruments consist of OTC derivatives and embedded derivative liabilities. Current values to be repeatedly determined using significant input data other than the observable ones (level 3) The recorded values of the level 3 holdings or liabilities are not based on verifiable market information. Level 3 includes equity instruments that have valued at acquisition cost because they have no market price quoted on the actual markets and their current value cannot be determined reliably. P20. Current values and book values of financial assets and liabilities as well as current value hierarchy Current values of financial assets and liabilities Financial assets cash assets Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Shares and holdings in participating interests Shares and holdings in Group companies Derivative contracts Financial liabilities Liabilities to credit institutions 47,632 47,632 43,278 1,769,600 1,769,600 1,696,336 Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes 140,721 139,877 131,725 1,252 1,252 549 Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities 24,915 25,000 25,000 Liabilities to the public and public corporations 54 LocalTapiola Bank Plc Financial instruments valued at current value in the balance sheet Financial assets Certificates of claim, classified as saleable 52 (60) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 144,509 144,509 Shares and holdings Shares and holdings in participating interests Shares and holdings in Group companies Derivative contracts Financial liabilities Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes 2013 138 138 3,230 3,230 15,819 15,819 1,248 1,248 1,252 1,252 Gains and losses unrealised during the period (level 3) 0 P21. Capital and reserves items Transfers At the end of between the financial items year Equity capital At the beginning of the financial year 40,370 Premium fund 48,100 8,970 - - 48,100 Other restricted reserves 1,532 -1,617 0 -85 Current value reserve 1,532 -1,617 1,532 -1,617 0 - -85 49,073 21,031 21,031 - 0 - 70,104 49,073 6,516 -21,862 6,516 3,999 -6,516 3,999 117,213 32,383 -6,516 149,596 From valuation at current value Unrestricted reserves Invested distributable reserves Profit or loss brought forward Profit or loss for the financial year Total -28,377 + Increase - Decrease 49,340 -85 70,104 P22. Equity capital Equity capital at the beginning of the financial year Share issue realised during the financial year Equity capital at the end of the financial year Share type code Number of shares at the beginning of the financial year Change in the number of shares in the share issue, pcs Number of shares at the end of the financial year Number of votes for a share Shares have no nominal value Limitations regarding the acquisition of shares redemption clause in the articles of association Shareholder's priority for new shares when equity capital according to shares of ownership is increased Right to dividend equal to all shares The Bank's shares are not held by the Bank, its subsidiary or associated companies 2013 2012 40,370 8,970 49,340 62,108 13,800 75,908 75,908 40,370 40,370 62,108 62,108 62,108 P23. Issues of shares, option rights and issues of convertible bonds concerning shares At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 14 June 2013, it was decided to increase the equity capital from EUR 40,370,200 to EUR 49,340,200. The equity capital increase was registered on 3 September 2013. No option rights, or authorisations to issue convertible bonds, were granted in 2013. P24. Companies Act 624/2006, Chapter 8, sections 5 and 8 Unlike the annual report, the notes to the financial statements make mention of the fact that the company has no subordinated loans. P25. Major shareholders and distribution of shareholdings The division of the Bank's share capital is as follows: LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company Total 2013 Share, % of stock and votes 78.0 16.0 6.0 100.0 2013 Number of shares 2012 Number of shares 59,242 12,122 4,544 75,908 45,442 12,122 4,544 62,108 55 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 53 (60) Notes concerning income statement items P26. Specification of interest income and expenses by balance sheet item Interest income Receivables from credit institutions Receivables from the public and public corporations Certificates of claim Interest income, total of which from subsidiaries and associated undertakings in the same Group Recorded from value-adjusted credits and other receivables Interest expenses Liabilities to credit institutions Liabilities to the public and public corporations Bonds issued to the public Derivative contracts and liabilities retained for business purposes Liabilities that have lower priority than other liabilities Other interest expenses Interest expenses, total of which for subsidiaries and associated undertakings in the same Group 2013 2012 199 29,014 2,196 31,408 501 35,458 4,234 40,192 209 201 15 0 334 10,988 831 419 17,912 1,977 231 526 12,911 240 797 21,345 - 0 2013 4,424 -4,076 6 0 354 2012 8,343 -7,940 18 -1 420 2013 98 2012 65 801 899 800 865 P27. Net income from leasing operations Net income from leasing operations Rental income Planned depreciation of leased property Other income Other expenses Investment income P28. Return on equity investments Dividend income from investments in shares and holdings From investments classified as saleable From companies in the same Group and participating interests Total P29. Commission income and expenses 2013 2012 Commission income From credit-granting From deposits From payment transactions From funds From asset management From trading in securities From granting of sureties From other operations Total 3,517 323 2,321 10 557 803 159 11,066 18,757 2,303 336 2,187 11 461 779 107 12,515 18,697 Commission expenses From service charges paid From other Total 958 2,987 3,946 929 3,216 4,145 Other items 2013 Total 2012 Total P30. Net income from securities trading Net income from securities trading From derivative contracts From liabilities retained for business purposes Net income from securities trading, total Net income from currency operations Net income from securities trading and currency operations 56 Capital gains Changes in and losses current value -18 -18 106 682 -656 26 - 35 663 -656 7 141 -205 193 -13 70 87 26 35 148 57 LocalTapiola Bank Plc 54 (60) P31. Net income from saleable financial assets 2013 2012 0 0 184 184 From shares and shareholdings From transfers (profit/loss) From transfers from current value reserves Total 1,213 8 1,221 0 15 15 Net income from saleable financial assets 1,221 200 2013 7,590 7,590 2012 5,165 5,165 2013 1,055 1,394 1,964 4,412 2012 692 1,209 1,062 2,963 2012 2012 2,666 1,978 88 2,754 96 2,074 2013 2012 From certificates of claim From transfers (profit/loss) Total P32. Other business income Other business income Other income Total P33. Other business expenses Other business expenses Rent expenses Deposit Guarantee Fund payments Other expenses Total P34. Depreciation and value adjustments on tangible and intangible assets Intangible assets Planned depreciation Tangible assets Planned depreciation Depreciation in total P35. Value adjustment losses from credits, other commitments and other financial assets Value adjustment losses Receivables from the public and public corporations, credit losses Receivables from the public and public corporations, other value adjustments Value adjustment losses, total Group- Recorded in Recorded in specific the profit and the profit and gross loss loss Contractspecific gross decreases 30 -121 - -91 113 80 110 -155 -276 77 77 2 -89 107 220 Value adjustment losses also includes credit losses recorded off the balance sheet. Value adjustment on credits is presented in Appendix P2. P36. Information on business areas and geographical market areas The company's business area is banking in Finland. The company does not have a service network outside Finland. Notes concerning personnel information have been reported in Appendix P43. 57 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 55 (60) Notes concerning guarantees and contingent liabilities P37. Guarantees given Pledges Mortgages 2013 Other collateral Pledged for the company's own loans Liabilities to credit institutions Other liabilities Pledged for the company's for own liabilities, total - - 55,000 1,295 56,295 30,000 1,299 31,299 Given for other reasons on the company's behalf - - 9,600 23,000 Pledged on behalf of others of which to members who are insiders - - 11,920 - 12,266 - Balance sheet item 2013 2013 2012 Other collateral P38. Pension liabilities The personnel's statutory and supplementary pension covers have been arranged through insurance. Basic TyEL insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 January 2014) Supplementary pension insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company P39. Leasing and other rental liabilities Off-balance-sheet commitments are presented in Appendix P42 and other lease agreements are short-term. 40. P40. Off-balance-sheet commitments Commitments given in favour of third parties on behalf of the customer Guarantees Unused credit facilities Off-balance-sheet commitments, total on beha l f of 2012 2013 a compa ny i n Commitments, Commitments, the s a me total total Group 6,036 6,036 11,920 67,170 79,090 12,266 68,282 80,547 2013 2012 86 86 45 45 8 101 10 23 2013 2012 1,651 18 2,736 27 P41. Receivables and liabilities on payment intermediation Savings as per the Long-Term Savings Act On deposit accounts Total Due to sales and acquisitions of assets executed on behalf of customers Accounts receivable Trade creditors P42. Other off-balance-sheet facilities Contractual liability related to fees for service providers The annual core business system expenses of the banking business are linked to a fixed or indexed annual price until 2016. The agreements for system providers contain separate termination clauses. As regards data centre and system integrator services, the company follows the agreements signed by LocalTapiola Group. No significant changes occurred in the agreements between the Bank and service providers. Annual expenses are presented in the profit and loss account item "Other administrative expenses". Joint liability relating to collective registering for valueadded taxation (ALV 188 §) Within one year on behalf of a company in the Bank Group 58 LocalTapiola Bank Plc 56 (60) Notes concerning personnel, management and related parties P43. Number of personnel average Permanent full-time personnel Permanent part-time personnel Fixed-term personnel Total 2013 247 14 10 271 2012 107 6 9 122 2013 2012 352 334 P44. Salaries and remuneration paid to the management Management's salaries and remunerations Managing director and acting managing director as well as ordinary and deputy Board members P45. Credits and off-balance-sheet commitments granted to management 2013 2012 Managing director and acting managing director as well as ordinary and deputy Board members Loans on 1 Jan. increase deductions Loans on 31 Dec. 457 570 -94 933 264 220 -26 457 Guarantees and other off-balance-sheet commitments granted to management Managing director and acting managing director as well as ordinary and deputy Board members - - Credits granted to management P46. Pension commitments of the management The management's statutory and supplementary pension cover has been arranged through insurance. Basic TyEL insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 January 2014) Supplementary pension insurance from LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company The retirement age of the managing director is 63 years. P47. Loans and other financial receivables from members who are insiders, as well as investments made in these, and guarantees and securities issued for these Receivables from the public and public corporations 16,964 2,165 19,130 - Grounds for being an insider Controlling interest Significant influence Parent company Key persons who are part of related party companies' management Total Value adjustment losses Equity investments Other receivables 15,819 3,230 19,049 - 8 253 1,131 1392 - Transactions between an insider (under the IAS 24 definition) and the parent company are reported only if they are substantive and have not been executed under customary commercial terms. Credits, guarantees and other off-balance-sheet commitments granted to the management are presented in Appendix P45. Credits and guarantees granted to natural persons who are insiders have been granted under customary terms and conditions. Loans granted to related party companies have been itemised in accordance with the grounds for being an insider. Credits granted to a related-party company based on ownership of a credit institution are unsecured. In other respects, loan agreements are concluded under customary commercial terms. Undrawn credits and guarantees granted to related-party companies are presented in Appendix P40. Other off-balance-sheet commitments with related-party companies are presented in Appendix P42. The related-party companies in which investments have been made are presented in more detail in Appendix P48. P48. Holdings in other companies Shareholdings Domicile LocalTapiola Asset Management Ltd Espoo Ab Compass Card Oy Ltd Mariehamn Share of ownership 100.0 % 34.0 % Capital and Profit for the reserves 31 financial year Dec 2013 11,137 3,663 5,761 313 59 ANNUAL REPORT LocalTapiola Bank2013 Plc LocalTapiola Bank Ltd 57 (60) Other notes P49. Auditor's fees Auditor's fees Auditing Assignments within the meaning of the provisions of the Auditing Act Tax advice Additional services Total P50. Business information concerning the Group's supervised company The parent company in these consolidated financial statements, LocalTapiola Bank Plc, belongs as a subsidiary to a Group whose the parent company is LocalTapiola General Mutual Insurance Company. The domicile of both is Espoo, Finland. The consolidated financial statements are available on the Internet at www.lahitapiola.fi. 60 2013 30 4 138 12 185 2012 95 1 13 109 LocalTapiola Bank Plc 58 (60) SIGNATURES TO THE ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Espoo, 26 February 2014 Harri Lauslahti Chairman of the Board of Directors Leevi Ainasoja Jari Eklund Jukka Kinnunen Erik Valros Hanna Hiidenpalo Marja Pajulahti Managing Director 61 LocalTapiola Bank Plc ANNUAL REPORT 2013 59 (60) LocalTapiola Bank Ltd AUDITOR'S NOTE A report has been issued today on the audit performed. Espoo, 26 February 2014 KPMG Oy Ab Authorised Public Accountants Mikko Haavisto Authorised Public Accountant 62 Auditors’ report Auditors’ report To the Annual General Meeting of LocalTapiola Bank Plc We have audited the accounting records, financial statements, the report of the Board of Directors and the administration of LocalTapiola Bank Plc for the financial year 1 January – 31 December 2013. The financial statements comprise the balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, cash flow statements and notes to the financial statements for both the consolidated company and the parent company. Responsibility of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director The Board of Directors and the Managing Director are responsible for the preparation of financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors that give a true and fair view in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the preparation of the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors in Finland. The Board of Directors is responsible for the appropriate arrangement of the control of the company’s accounts and finances, and the Managing Director shall see to it that the accounts of the company are in compliance with the law and that its financial affairs have been arranged in a reliable manner. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements, on the consolidated financial statements and on the report of the Board of Directors based on our audit. The Auditing Act requires that we comply with the requirements of professional ethics. We conducted our audit in accordance with good auditing practice in Finland. Good auditing practice requires that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors are free from material misstatement, and whether the members of the Board of Directors of the parent company and the Managing Director are guilty of an act or negligence which may result in liability in damages towards the company, or whether they have violated the Companies Act or the articles of association of the company. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of financial statements and report of the Board of Directors that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Statement In our opinion, the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors give a true and fair view of both the consolidated and the parent company’s financial performance and financial position in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the preparation of the financial statements and the report of the Board of Directors in Finland. The information in the report of the Board of Directors is consistent with the information in the financial statements. Espoo, 26 Fabruary 2014 KPMG OY AB Mikko Haavisto Authorised Public Accountant 63 LocalTapiola is close to you throughout your life LocalTapiola is close to you everywhere in Finland. Our regional companies offer comprehensive insurance, savings and investment services. We also provide banking services. We are your partner in matters related to security, well-being and the economy. Welcome to the new LocalTapiola. LocalTapiola Group Street address: Revontulenkuja 1 FI-02100 Espoo Postal address: FI-02010 LocalTapiola Tel: +358 9 4531 www.localtapiola.fi