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Music Jewish Living - Highland Park
Ahavas Achim
University 5770
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Table of Content
Weekly Shiurim
Shabbat Shiurim
Torah Conference Network
Retirees’ Kollel
Special Shiurim
Yom Iyun
Baal Korei-in-Residence
Lecture - Rabbi Mordechai Becher
Cantorial Weekend
Program - The Sandwich Generation
Special Concerts
AAU Shavuot Experience
Youth Programs
Ahavas Achim University 5770 gratefully
acknowledges the Legacy Heritage Foundation,
which has provided us with funding to intensify
the role of Jewish music in our Congregation in
a systematic and sustainable manner.
Within these pages, you will find not only
information about concerts and guest musical
personality appearances, but also they keys
to integrating music into every aspect of the
synagogue experience. Music is one of the
pathways to the soul, and we will harness its
power this year.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 3
Weekly Shiurim
Saturday Night, various times
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - Navi
Live via satellite from Brooklyn
(see page 6 for schedule information) $5/person.
Sundays @ 9:00 a.m.
Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner:
Messianiam in Chassidic Thought
Mondays @ 8:00 p.m.
Mitch Rottenstreich:
Chovot Halevavot
Mondays @ 9:00 p.m. (new class!)
Rabbi Steven Miodownik:
Talmud: Megillah, Chapter 3
Tuesdays @ 7:45 a.m.
Retirees’ Kollel at Ahavas Achim
University (see page 6 for more details)
Wednesdays @ 2:30 p.m.
Rabbi Steven Miodownik
Navi: Yehoshua
Wednesdays @ 8:30 p.m.
Beit Midrash Program
Thursdays @ 9:00 p.m.
Rabbi Yissocher Frand Halacha from the Parsha
Live via satellite from Baltimore
(see page 6 for schedule information) $5/person
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 4
Shabbat Shiurim
After Hashkama
Moreh Nevuchim with Rabbi Bryan
Fifty Minutes before Mincha
Daf Yomi
After Mincha
Hebrew Reading with Berel Beyer
After Seudah Shlishit
The Parsha Prep with Rabbi Steven
Want to get a head start on next week’s Parshat
Hashavuah? Come and get a concise digest of the
happenings and themes for the new week of Torah
reading, and an exploration of critical issues in the
parsha. You will be prepared for shul the following
Shabbat morning!
The Amidah with Josh Fine
Over the course of many Shabbat afternoons, we
will explore each bracha of the weekday Shmoneh
Esrei, one blessing at a time, to gain a better
understanding of the philosophy and deeper
meaning behind this thrice-daily
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 5
Torah Conferencing
Rabbi Yissocher Frand
Rabbi Frand gives an enormously popular Halacha
shiur based on the weekly Parsha. It is broadcast
from Baltimore, MD. Rabbi Frand is a Magid Shiur
at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. He is known
worldwide for his eloquence and ability to capture
the imagination of many different audiences.
Thursday Evenings at 9pm
August 20 - October 1
October 15 - March 25
April 8 - May 13
May 27 - June 24
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman
Rabbi Reisman gives a shiur which incorporates
elements of Nach, Halacha and Hashkafa. Rabbi
Reisman is Rav of Agudas Israel of Madison in
Brooklyn, a Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva Torah V’Das,
and a popular speaker. He is known throughout
the Jewish world for his broad range of insightful
Motzei Shabbat
October 17-31 @ 9pm
Nov 7 - Jan 30 @ 7:30pm
February 6 - 27 @ 8pm
March 6 - 13 @ 8:30pm
March 20 - 27 @ 9:30pm
April 3 - 10 @ 10pm
April 17 - 24 @ 10:15pm
May 1 - 15 @ 10:30pm
All shiurim are $5/person
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 6
irees’ Kollel
Ahavas Achim University is proud to present a new learning
opportunity for retired men: The Retirees’ Kollel at AAU.
Every Tuesday morning, you are invited to a special
program that will enlighten your entire week.
7:45 a.m. Shacharit • 8:15 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m. First Shiur
Parsha Gems
with Rabbi Moshe Goldberger
Prepare the parsha of the week under the guidance of a
master teacher.
Rabbi Goldberger is a student of Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l and Rav
Avigdor Miller zt”l, the author of numerous books and articles, and
maggid shiur in New Jersey and Staten Island.
9:30 a.m. Second Shiur:
with Rabbi Avigdor Weitzner
This exploration of Oral Torah will focus on the laws of prayer
and blessings.
Rabbi Weitzner, a long-time resident of Highland Park, is the former
director of the Rutgers Hillel and a regular maggid shiur in the
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 7
Special Shiurim
Saturday Night Shmooze
AAU invites all young couples and singles to four winter get-togethers in private
homes for interactive parsha discussions with Rabbi Miodownik, followed by
ample time for socializing and meeting new friends. The Shmooze will take place
on Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m. at the following locations and dates:
October 31 @ the home of Jeremy and Tova Renna
November 28 @ the home of Josh and Jennie Fine
December 26 @ the home of Srulee and Alisa Hercman
February 13 @ the home of Rabbi Steven and Gila Miodownik
Women’s Shabbat Afternoon Lecture
Ahavas Achim Sisterhood and Women’s Torah Institute invite all women
and girls to learn together on select Shabbat afternoons
throughout the year. Held in private homes, this is a great
opportunity to engage in serious study in the company of
your Ahavas Achim family.
March 20, April 17, May 15, June 12
River Ridge Lecture Series
In the cold of a winter Friday night, warm your soul with
these special lectures at the South Adelaide branch of AAU:
December 4 and February 12 at 30 South Adelaide
Avenue, Highland Park.
Pesach Seminars
March 16 & 23
Prepare for Pesach with shiurim on the laws & lore of the holiday.
North Side Lecture
June 19
What better reason to hike to Manor Court than
stimulating Torah on a long Shabbat afternoon?
Choose Your Own Drasha
July 10
Your annual chance to manipulate the rabbi’s sermon.
Elul Seminars
September 9 & 16
Get into the High Holiday Spirit with these
inspirational shiurim.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 8
A Weekend of Music with
Pey Dalid
Shabbat Chanukah, Dec. 11-12
What better way to bring in Chanukah than with heartstopping Jewish music?
Pey Dalid will lead our davening, run an Oneg Shabbat
on Friday night, and conclude with an incredible Family
Chanukah Concert on Saturday Night.
Pey Dalid performs a unique blend of musical styles,
incorporating rock, reggae and many other popular genres
with traditional Jewish sound and content. Their well-known
and catchy melodies are sung both in Hebrew and English.
The band’s live shows are high-energy and intense, bringing
audiences to their feet singing and dancing. Formed by
three brothers, Mordechai (rhythm guitar/vocals), Shlomo
(lead guitar/vocals), and Pesach Walker (drums/percussion/
vocals), Pey Dalid has influenced and inspired thousands of
people in its 8 years in the Jewish music field.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 9
Yom Iyun
Women’s Yom Iyun
Sponsored by Ahavas Achim Sisterhood
Friday morning, December 25
A Morning of Inspiration with Yitta Halberstam,
author of Small Miracles of the Holocaust and the
Small Miracles series.
Join us for a delicious breakfast, a powerful storytelling experience, and book sale on your day off!
Yitta Halberstam, co-author of
the Small Miracles series, is the
daughter of a Chassidic Rabbi
and scion of a famous Chassidic
dynasty that traces its roots back to
King David. She pursued graduate
studies in American Literature at
New York University and taught
Literature of the Holocaust at
Baruch College . She has also
worked as a newspaper reporter,
writer for Seventeen Magazine, public relations director,
press aide and high school teacher. Published since the
age of nine, Yitta’s work has appeared in more than 50
Anglo/Jewish publications and secular magazines such
as Parade, Money, Working Woman, and New York . She
is also the author of another non-fiction book “Holy
Brother: Enchanted Tales and Inspiring Tales about
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.” There are currently more than
2 million copies of the Small Miracles series in print. It
has been translated into 14 languages, including Italian,
German, Spanish, Portugese, Chinese, Japanese, and
Hebrew. The first volume in the series: “Small Miracles:
Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday Life” was a
national bestseller, appearing on The New York Times
bestseller list.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 10
Baal Korei-in-Residence
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
Shabbat, December 25-26
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder is the Joseph
and Gwendolyn Straus Professor of
Talmud in the University’s Mazer Yeshiva
Program and is an Adjunct Professor
of Bible in Yeshiva College. He was
ordained by RIETS and holds a PhD in
Judaic Studies from New York University
Friday night dinner (by
reservation only) followed by
lecture and Oneg.
Explanatory Kriat HaTorah on
Shabbat morning and lectures
in the afternoon.
The reading of the Torah and
Haftarah are also musical
components of the shul
experience. Over the course of
this unique scholar-in-residence
weekend, Rabbi Wieder - an
expert Baal Korei and educator will deliver lectures on issues of
Judaism and music, lead training
sessions for Gabbaim and Baalei
Keriah, and lead an explanatory
Torah and Haftarah reading on
Shabbat morning.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 11
Special Lect
Rabbi Mordechai Becher
The Rooster, the Tree,
and the SUV
Saturday Night, February 6, 8:30 p.m.
The Ahavas Achim Environmental
Committee proudly presents this
lecture, which examines a Jewish
perspective on our impact on the
Rabbi Mordechai Becher, originally from Australia,
is a Senior Lecturer for the Gateways Organization.
He was a Senior Lecturer at Ohr Somayach, Neve
Yerushalayim and Darchei Binah in Jerusalem
for 15 years, was a chaplain in the Israel Defence
Forces and taught in a number of Rabbinic training
programs. Rabbi Becher is the co-author of
After the Return, and has answered thousands of
questions on the Ask-the-Rabbi website. His latest
book, Gateway to Judaism, published by Shaar
Press, is now in its fourth printing. Rabbi Becher
received his ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 12
orial Weekend
Chazzan Shim Craimer
Chazzan, Riverdale Jewish Center
February 2010
One of the hottest new voices on
the Jewish music scene comes
from the mouth of Shim Craimer,
who will bring his powerful and
elegant singing to Ahavas Achim.
Join us for an incredible Friday
night Kabbalat Shabbat and Oneg
Shabbat, then return on Shabbat
morning for a beautiful Mussaf
with our Chazzan-in-Residence.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 13
Special Program
The Sandwich Generation
February 2010
Do you find yourself “sandwiched” between
responsibilities as a parent and your obligation
of your Kibud Av va-Em? Let us help you
successfully navigate your many challenges and
Panel discussion includes:
• Halachic Considerations
• Accessing Appropriate Care
• How to Research Physicians
• Therapeutic Services and Agencies
• Financial Considerations
In Conjunction with
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 14
Special Concert
Israeli Music Concert
and Performance
in honor of Israel’s 62nd Birthday
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sephardic Music
Educational Concert,
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 15
AAU Shavuot
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
May 18-20
The Chag of Matan Torah will be enriched
by the presence of Rabbi Nathaniel
Helfgot, a brilliant Torah teacher, who will
deliver shiurim during the nights and days
of Shavuot. And don’t miss the second
installment of the phenomanally successful
“Tikkun Yom Shavuot”!
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot is the chair of the Departments
of Bible and Jewish Thought at Yeshivat Chovevei
Torah. He was previously Director of the Judaic Studies
Curriculum at Ma`ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls.
Ordained by RIETS and a recipient of the Jerusalem
Fellowship, Rabbi Helfgot holds an MA in Education
from the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University.
He has authored dozens of essays in Hebrew and
English, serves as co-editor of the Hebrew journal Or
HaMizrach and most recently served as editor of the
volume “Community, Covenant and Commitment:
Selected Letters and Communications of Rabbi Joseph
B. Soloveitchik.”
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 16
h Programs
Matan Bat Mitzvah
Building Jewish Leaders of Tomorow,
The program consists of ten two-hour sessions during
which mothers and daughters study Jewish sources
in chavruta in preparation for the girl’s Bat Mitzvah.
Centered around the theme “Jewish Women Through
the Ages”, the program focuses on Jewish role models,
among them: Rivka, Miriam, Yocheved, Devorah,
Channah, Esther, Bruriah, Dona Gracia, Nechama
Leibowitz, Rabbanit Bracha Kapach of Jerusalem and
Avital Sharansky. These women were selected for the
program because they embody positive attributes and
values from which the girls can learn. Encountering
these women through varied sources, both mothers
and daughters are able to appreciate the uniqueness
of these women’s lives in relationship not only to the
period in which they lived, but to modern times as well.
At each meeting the learning session is accompanied by
an experiential activity such as music, theater, art and
guided imagery. Each girl is encouraged to prepare a
special project for her Bat Mitzvah on the subject “Aishet
Chayil”, selecting a woman from Tanakh or history, a
family member or any other inspiring woman. These
projects often serve as the basis for the Bat Mitzvah girl’s
Dvar Torah.
Registration for this program costs $100 per
mother/daughter team, and will be facilitated
by Gila Miodownik.
Please contact the shul office or
[email protected] if you would like to
register for the Matan program or would like
more information.
The program will take place Monday evenings
at 7:00 p.m. from November 2, 2009 through
January 4, 2010
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 17
Invest in Torah. Invest in Yourself.
Invest in Ahavas Achim University.
Your generous sponsorships make AAU happen! We are grateful
for the grant from the Legacy Heritage Fund, which will enable
us to engage many more members of the community in musical
programming. But your sponsorship enables us to run our
weekly and Shabbat classes, our Shabbat afternoon, Friday
night, and Saturday Night series, and all the spectacular nonmusical programming 5770 will include! We encourage everyone
to support Torah education in our community by becoming a
sponsor of Ahavas Achim University 5770. Please consider one of
the following sponsorship categories, indicate your selection on
the enclosed form, and return to the shul with payment.
Drum: $100
Support our year’s worth of adult education, and receive an official AAU rhythm
instrument as our token of appreciation.
Harp $250
Receive free family admission to our Chanukah Concert with Pey Daled on
Saturday Night, December 12, and an official AAU rhythm instrument as our token
of appreciation, and support our year’s worth of adult education.
Flute: $360
Receive admission for six to one Friday night catered meal in the shul (December
2009 or February 2010), free family admission to our Chanukah Concert with Pey
Daled on Saturday Night, December 12, and an official AAU rhythm instrument as
our token of appreciation, and support our year’s worth of adult education
Shofar: $613
Receive admission for six to two Friday night catered meals in the shul
(December 2009 and February 2010), free family admission with priority seating
to our Chanukah Concert with Pey Daled on Saturday Night, December 12, and
an official AAU rhythm instrument as our token of appreciation, and support our
year’s worth of adult education.
Cymbals: $1,000
Receive admission and priority seating to all AAU musical concerts (December,
April, and June), admission for six to two Friday night catered meals in the shul
(December 2009 and February 2010), and an official AAU rhythm instrument as
our token of appreciation, and support our year’s worth of adult education.
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 18
Sponsorship Form
Please tear out this page and return to the
shul office.
I would like to support this symphony of
adult educational programming in our
community. Enclosed is my sponsorship of:
q Drum: $100
q Harp $250
q Flute: $360
q Flute: $360
q Shofar: $613
q Cymbals: $1,000
(Please make checks out to
Ahavas Achim University)
Please Return To:
Congregation Ahavas Achim
216 South 1st Avenue P.O. Box 4242
Highland Park, NJ 08904
(732) 247-0532 •
Harmony Ahavas Achim University 5770 • Page 19
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