I looooooved issue 2 of Horngry!! Y`all should go read it! @tlc, you`re


I looooooved issue 2 of Horngry!! Y`all should go read it! @tlc, you`re
I looooooved issue 2 of Horngry!! Y’all should go read it! @tlc, you’re the best :)
I wish I was the guy on the cover of Horngry
You guys better be reading the latest Horngry! By far, the most informative, kinky, enlightening piece of reading material out in the community!! You guys better show TenderLovingCares some love, because a 48 page
webzine is no easy task for anyone, especially by themselves!!!
Can’t wait for issue 03!!!
#3Absolutely loved the latest issue of Horngry, if your a BHM or FFA, I can’ recommend it enough.
Horngry was great, even for a female feedee... loved the article about capitalism and religion!
The second issue of HORNGRY is already a hit and proving to be every bit as good as the first. Well done, TenderLovingCares. The online FA/feedism community is in a better place knowing what you bring to the table.
It makes me happy to see so many of us coming together to share your vision and contribute to your cause
to make the online FA/feedism community a better place for everyone in it. I’ll be interested to see how you
intend to outdo yourself when the time comes to release issue #3.
I absolutely adore Horngry and with the expanded content of this issue I think it is a great way for newbies to
learn in a well presented way and for veterans to geek out on our mutual interest. Plus I really like the logo pic!
Horngry objectifies fat men, it’s clearly a feminist plot to take over the fetish scene, but I’m on to them!
LOVED the issue of Horngry!! It must have taken a ton of work, but it’s wonderful. I particularly enjoyed the
interview w/ Charles and Palkowski, can’t wait to read their book.
I am intriguied by one element of the science bit in horngry. The doctor being interviewed states that they
were very surprised about most feedist memories occuring in childhood, not puberty and that feedism is more
sexuality than fantasy. So, anyone who’s a member of fetlife etc aswell - Is this “sexuality” aspect not common
in other fetishes?
Just read Horngry, and I’m blown away. As a disclaimer, I’m a heterosexual, male FA with feeder tendencies,
but no inclination toward being a feedee (I’m 5’11” and 175, with the metabolism of a humminbird).
All that being said, I’m glad the female feeder community has their own new zine, if that’s a term still used. It’s
so unbelievably well written, professionally produced, and respectful of all people within the movement, male
and female. I especially loved the guide on how to approach fellow feabesters via private message, pointers on
how not to be a creep, etc. It’s a fascinating read. Do yourself a favor and show TenderLovingCares some love
by downloading a copy.
You will not be disappointed.
Just impressive! This magazine is an unique masterpiece which I enjoyed to read like the first one. All the stories, peoples profiles, articles, artworks are amazing and it is free. I mean, free in every aspect. Again TenderLovingCares put a lot of work into this, giving me a feeling of freedom and showing everyone, that we are not
alone. You can also click on the profiles pictures which are linked to real profiles and get connected with them.
It’s authentic and you can feel the love TenderLovingCares put into this magazine! Thank you!
Happy Holidays!!!
Read it... and LOOOOOOOVED it!!!! <3<3<3
So much bellyworshipping, hihihi
I completely loved the artworks <3!
I love to see so many talented people, sharing the same kink, in one magazine.
I never really thought about all the different ways and styles you could draw
Ahhhh it’s finally here!
We’re not alone.
bellies ;p
Issue 3! And it is by
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the magazine!
far the issue I’m most
We’re out there and our community is growing just
And YOU TenderLovingCares, YOU ARE AMAZING!!! <3<3<3
proud of so far.
as beautifully as some of our amazing big guys. The
Donut Challenge brings you the faces of some proud
So what are you in
HORNGRY readers and after all the stresses of putting
It’s a very very well done zine, and it’s a fantastic read. As a male feedee, I apstore for??
together a new issue, seeing all your faces on one
preciate how it’s put together professionally, and how it helps put you inside a
page, just melts my heart.
FFA’s head a bit in a way that makes it all seem much less taboo. I recomment it
and hope that someday it makes it mainstream.
The foodie corner is finally here and brings us the
And to top it all of PizzaWolf brings us a cautionary
story and recipe of maybe one of the most traditional tale on the realities of feedism, while Porky Pierrot
and caloric recipes out there: Chankonabe - the food
brings us the magical tale of the harlequin piggy.
Horngry is the thing that I never knew I wanted (because I don’t pay much attention to magazines, especially
of sumo wrestlers - and from none other than
online ones), but now that it exists, I can’t get enough of it! So well done and so fun to read!
#pwcooks himself.
I hope you will enjoy this issue just as much as the
last ones. I know I’ve poured just as much, no, to be
This issue brings you more artists than any of the
honest more love into this issua than every other
TLC is like a mystical forest nymph sent from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to bless the internet chubboprevious issues. I’m joined by FatClubInc,
issue so far and the feedback and the support you
sphere with Horngry and we all owe her a second helping of dessert.
LordsOfTechnomancy, Yer-Keij-fer-Cash,
guys have been giving me has meant the world to me
MoobGroper, Liesisvies, Twiggy-loves-big-boys and
whenever I felt down about it.
FoolishReplicka. And we have two awesome (and
Regardless of your kink within feedism, I think you should all take the time to download and read Horngry.
HORNGRY exclusive) stories from Nandi Heart and
Yes, I get frustrated, disillusioned, disappointed when
The quality of content is superb- informative, sexy, funny. I really think TenderLovingCares work adds so much
Molly Ren.
something I’ve planned goes wrong - and I could
value to our community and I encourage everyone to check it out!
write a whole page on the troubles and pains I went
For this issue I tackled a whole new subject that has
through while trying to get the Donut Challenge piclong been overlooked in “Where the fudge is our
tures. But at the end of the day, there’s one thing I’ve
Another home run! :)
porn?”, an article that looks at the BHM clips for sale
never doubted: It’s worth it.
market out there, both in general, as well as specifically for the FFA market and I couldn’t be happier that This community is so incredibly worth it. From
Look at all of this love!!! Well done TenderLovingCares, you’re a PIONEER within the community!!
I got to talk to Hansi from Hansis Superchubs about
the people I’ve gotten to know because of
some of the ins and outs of the clips store websites
HORNGRY, to the start of Feabie, the incredibly
out there and how his own store, one of the most
exciting new launch of ffambrosia... it finally
popular clip stores on clips4sale got started.
feels like we slowly, but surely, are making a name for
ourselves, within the community.
This issue brings you the most elaborate cover so far
(a 50+ hours artwork that almost drove me nuts) and
There’s a place for us. And we built it.
a whole new make over in layouts. I’ve upgraded all
my software for HORNGRY to Adobe InDesign and
invested in a new tablet for the artwork. Which brings TLC
us to another update:
Crowdfunding for HORNGRY is finally here by bringing HORNGRY to Patreon. So if you’ve always wanted
to support this project, even if it’s just a dollar an
issue, you can now do so - and even get rewards for
it! And as more people join in to support, HORNGRY
will keep expanding and bring new BHM/FFA related
projects... with your support!
In the Feedism Online section, I’m bringing you an
interview with BellyAdmirer, the creator and owner
of ffambrosia, who gave us some great insights into
what it takes to start your own BHM/FFA website
from scratch and what’s in store for the future!
For the spotlight interviews I’ve talked to
obiwan_cannoli and sarebear, which has been an
absolute pleasure and reminded me of how good
it feels to hear how other people in our community
have our experiences, our frustrations as well as our
HORNGRY is now on Patreon
What’s in store for Horngry’s future?
16 Where the fudge is our porn?
A look at BHM clipsites
30 Spotlight Interview
sarebear & chunkybear
42 Twiggy-loves-big-boys
Drawing Board
52 Copyrights
Credits, Details and Patreon Helpers
08 The Donut Challenge
Join us in the fun
22 MoobGroper
Drawing Board
34 Liesisvies
Drawing Board
43 Not all Cake and Ice Cream
Column by PizzaWolf
Where to keep reading
Download older issues
09 Inbox
HORNGRY swag is coming!
24 #Feedism Online
ffambrosia is here!!
36 Spotlight Interview
44 Porky Pierrot
The Harlequin Piggy
The End
Thank you 
12 FatClubInc
Drawing Board
27 LordsOfTechnomancy
Drawing Board
40 I need to eat for you
Story by Nandi Heart
45 Remedy Diner
Story by Molly Ren
Foodie Corner
28 Yer Keij-fer-Cash
Drawing Board
41 FoolishReplicka
Drawing Board
50 Glossary
Feedism in all its shapes and sizes
This issue’s artists:
HORNGRY is now on Patreon!!
The number 1 request I get from readers is for HORNGRY to become a more regular thing.
This is my bet to make this work... with your help. 
The Patreon is for everyone who wants to help and support HORNGRY regularly. Everyone can
pledge a small tip per issue, even just a single dollar per issue can make a difference if enough
people join in. These are the main benefits of supporting HORNGRY this way:
1. Rewards
If you become a patron for HORNGRY
you get rewards, depending on the
amount you pledge. I’ve listed the rewards on the right side of this page.
Most notably is that for as little as
$3.00 you get access to a single page
version (instead of the spread page)
that is better suitable for mobie readers.
On top of that each patron who pledges $5.00 or more will get access to
an accompanying booklet that will be
released for patrons exclusively with
extended versions of some interviews,
alternate and extra versions of some
of the artwork and some fun
behind the scenes stuff.
2. Community Goals
There are so many plans I have for
HORNGRY’s future and reaching certain “Patreon Milestones” will make it
possible for me to focus on some of
They start with just adding more
content to the coming issues, such
as more artwork or an extra story
booklet, but the options are endless.
I’d love to have patreon group skypes,
events and more!
And by reaching some of the higher
milestones I have set guaranteed
minimum issues per year. So if you’re
the author of one of the mails in my
inbox hoping for HORNGRY to be a
bi-monthly release - THIS is how to
guarantee it.
3. Pay only for what you
This one is simple. This is not a monthly Patreon! You pledge only per issue
that actually is being released.
You don’t pay and hope for HORNGRY
to keep coming. You only pay when I
actually deliver the content.
I thought about this concept for a
while and I think it’s just fair and considering the general flakiness of kink
communities in general it’s the best I
can do to provide some sort of security to anyone who wants to support
HORNGRY because they believe in it.
My first 3
You three are the first who believed in
this Patreon idea and for that I’m so
XXL Patron
XL Patron
Sean L
S Patron
What are the Rewards?
Each Patron reward includes all previous rewards. If you pledge to
become an L Patron, you will also get the rewards of S Patrons and
M Patrons.
S Patron
If only I had “a dollar an issue” <3
- A thank you e-mail
M Patron
- A mention of your username and a thank you in the upcoming
issue of HORNGRY
- A non-spread, single page version of HORNGRY for better
mobile viewing.
HORNGRY will always be free, but if
you think that HORNGRY deserves
the equivalent of what you would
pay your waiter, or the coffee you
get during lunch breaks, or the
loose change that annoys the hell
out of you on the bottom of your
purse, then this is how you can help.
HORNGRY is and always has been
a community project, just imagine
what else this community can do if
we rally together and support projects we believe in. TLC
$ 25
XXL Patron
- Become part of the consultant
HORNGRY team: You will have
access to the exclusive Patreon
posts that will include infos on
upcoming topics where you can
add your comments and influence the upoming issue as well
as some sneak peaks of content
in progress.
$ 50
3XL Patron
Patreon exclusive booklet!
Starting with this very issue I’m adding a little extra online booklet that will be coming exclusively for Patreons
($5.00 and upwards) and that will contain extended versions of some of the interviews, in progress pictures of
some of the pages, alternative versions of the covers and more behind the scenes stuff!
- A signed print (11.7x15.5 inches)
of your favourite HORNGRY
cover, accompanied by a personalized thank you note.
I’m really excited I will get to share some of the awesome things that due to time and page limits had to be cut
sometimes, but that are very much still worth reading! :)
• Extended Interviews
• Making Ofs
• Alternate Covers
• Fun little updates
• Behind the Scenes Pictures
$ 100
4XL Patron
L Patron
- Access to the Patreon exclusive accompanying booklet, with
extended interviews, progress shots of some of the graphics and
behind the scenes stuff from me!
$ 15
XL Patron
- Be listed as an official helper in each HORNGRY issue, as long as
you’re a patron.
- You will get a magazine preview a week before official release, as well as prioritized entry
to any possible future HORNGRY
events or video chats.
$ 150
Immobile Patron ;)
- A printed version of every
upcoming issue of HORNGRY, as
long as you’re a patron.
The Donut Challenge!
Thank You!
So a few weeks ago I challenged readers of HORNGRY to let me know
that they’re out there, reading and enjoying it, by doing something that
comes easy to our community: Bite into a Donut! A pink one.
Here are the results.
YOU guys are awesome! 
$ 50
Top Donator
Sympathy from
Hansis Superchubs
2 issues aren’t even close to enough issues to get used to the amount of
love you guys have given me and HORNGRY. To be honest, I don’t think
I’ll ever get used to it. And I certainly won’t stop thanking you for all the
HORNGRY still is a pretty daunting task to manage on top of graduate
school and work, but it’s worth it. So Thank You for showing your support, you have no idea how appreciated it truly is. 
$ 20 PizzaWolf
Thank You!
Bryan B.
Munchkin gratitude expression
$ 20 Holly W.
I wish I was the guy on the cover
of Horngry
I looooooved issue 2 of Horngry!!
Y’all should go read it! @tlc, you’re
the best :)
You guys better be reading the
latest Horngry! By far, the most
informative, kinky, enlightening
piece of reading material out in
the community!! You guys better
show TenderLovingCares some
love, because a 48 page webzine
is no easy task for anyone, especially by themselves!!!
Can’t wait for issue 03!!!
Absolutely loved the latest issue
of Horngry, if your a BHM or FFA,
I can’ recommend it enough.
Keep Horngry Going!
$ 20 Paul R.
$ 15 feederlass
$ 20
keep sending them in!
$ 20 Celeste
$ 20
Magazine funding
$ 5 Nevin W.
Great edition
Horngry was great, even for a
female feedee... loved the article
about capitalism and religion!
The second issue of HORNGRY is
already a hit and proving to be
every bit as good as the first. Well
done, TenderLovingCares. The
online FA/feedism community is
in a better place knowing what
you bring to the table. It makes
me happy to see so many of us
coming together to share your vision and contribute to your cause
to make the online FA/feedism
community a better place for
everyone in it. I’ll be interested
to see how you intend to outdo
yourself when the time comes to
release issue #3.
I absolutely adore Horngry and
with the expanded content of
this issue I think it is a great way
for newbies to learn in a well
presented way and for veterans
to geek out on our mutual interest. Plus I really like the logo pic!
Horngry objectifies fat men, it’s
clearly a feminist plot to take over
the fetish scene, but I’m on to
them! #meninist
LOVED the issue of Horngry!! It
must have taken a ton of work,
but it’s wonderful. I particularly
enjoyed the interview w/ Charles
and Palkowski, can’t wait to read
their book.
Just read Horngry, and I’m blown
away. As a disclaimer, I’m a heterosexual, male FA with feeder
tendencies, but no inclination
toward being a feedee (I’m 5’11”
and 175, with the metabolism of
a humminbird).
All that being said, I’m glad the female feeder community has their
own new zine, if that’s a term still
used. It’s so unbelievably well
written, professionally produced,
and respectful of all people
within the movement, male and
female. I especially loved the
guide on how to approach fellow
feabesters via private message,
pointers on how not to be a
creep, etc. It’s a fascinating read.
Do yourself a favor and show
TenderLovingCares some love by
downloading a copy.
You will not be disappointed.
I am intriguied by one element
of the science bit in horngry.
The doctor being interviewed
states that they were very surprised about most feedist
memories occuring in
childhood, not puberty
and that feedism is more
sexuality than fantasy. So,
anyone who’s a member
of fetlife etc aswell - Is this
“sexuality” aspect not common in
other fetishes?
Just impressive! This magazine is
an unique masterpiece which I
enjoyed to read like the first one.
All the stories, peoples profiles,
articles, artworks are amazing
and it is free. I mean, free in every
aspect. Again TenderLovingCares
put a lot of work into this, giving
me a feeling of freedom and
showing everyone, that we are
not alone. You can also click on
the profiles pictures which are
linked to real profiles and get
connected with them. It’s authentic and you can feel the love
TenderLovingCares put into this
magazine! Thank you!
I downloaded the 2nd issue of
to read on the metro and got so
engrossed that I missed my stop!
XD Great job!
It’s a very very well done zine,
and it’s a fantastic read. As a male
feedee, I appreciate how it’s put
together professionally, and how
it helps put you inside a FFA’s
head a bit in a way that makes
it all seem much less taboo. I
recomment it and hope that
someday it makes it mainstream.
Stickers, Mugs, T-Shirts & Printed Issues!
Horngry is the thing that I never
knew I wanted (because I don’t
pay much attention to magazines,
especially online ones), but now
that it exists, I can’t get enough
of it! So well done and so fun to
Yes, HORNGRY swag is coming! A few people have been asking for printed versions
of HORNGRY to put into their book shelf and while that is surprisingly hard to do on
a limited budget, there will be printed goodies in the future.
Read it... and LOOOOOOOVED
it!!!! <3<3<3
So much bellyworshipping, hihihi
I completely loved the artworks
I love to see so many talented
people, sharing the same kink, in
one magazine.
I never really thought about all
the different ways and styles you
could draw bellies ;p
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the magazine!
And YOU TenderLovingCares,
But if you’re interested, let me know! I will be posting pictures of it in Horngry#4
and to be honest, I can’t wait to hold an issue of HORNGRY in my hand and just flick
through the pages like with any other magazine. TLC
TLC is like a mystical forest
nymph sent from the Grand
Duchy of Luxembourg to bless
the internet chubbosphere with
Horngry and we all owe her a
second helping of dessert.
Regardless of your kink within
feedism, I think you should all
take the time to download and
read Horngry. The quality of content is superb- informative, sexy,
funny. I really think TenderLovingCares work adds so much value
to our community and I encourage everyone to check it out!
I will be starting with some fun sticker with the logo and have a few t-shirts printed
for myself so I can show you the goodies in the next issue. The same goes for mugs
and printed issues of HORNGRY. I will not be printing them in big numbers and am
considering it more of a test run for now.
FEEDERISM: Eating, Weight Gain, and
Sexual Pleasure
by Kathy Charles and Michael Palkowski
If you’ve enjoyed last issues interview with Dr. Kathy
Charles and Michael Palkowski about the first academic book on the topic of feederism, I have great news.
Their book, a 114 pages hardcover, was published in
September and can be ordered via palgrave macmillan
(print on demand) and HORNGRY is being mentioned
in it!
Please get in touch with me!
Please let me know what you think of this third issue! I appreciate any feedback
I get, positive and negative and I’d love to include more of your opinions in the
next issue.
Feedback will help me find out which parts of HORNGRY you enjoy the most,
what you want to see more of and plan ahead to make even better issue in the
future. 
Questions, Comments, Reviews and Requests - send them my way.
You can contact me on most important Feedism websites:
The book is split into 3 sections. The first chapter discusses feederism in the context of mainstream depictions, but also on how it has been previously depicted
by psychology and sociology and gives an insight in
previous studies that have tried to tackle the complex
subject of feederism. The second chapter revolves
around personal stories and feederism fiction and
features stories from a few people within the community, me being one of them. The last section goes into
possible future directions of feederism in academic
literature and how their research could be applied to
future research.
If you’re interested in psychological insights, this book
is the foundation of what is to come, and I can only
recommend it.
ISBN 9781137470454
Publication Date September 2015
Formats Hardcover, EPUB, PDF
Publisher Palgrave Pivot
Another home run! :)
FatClubInc is an artist specializing in bbw/ssbbw wrestling, weight-gain and body expansion art.
Foodie Corner
Chicken & Shrimp Chanko
(serves 1, but you better scale up!)
4 cups water
1 tsp instant dashi
3 T soy sauce
3 T sake or mirin
Pinch of salt
1 cup nappa cabbage (or just cabbage if you can’t
source nappa)
½ cup mushrooms, chopped
1 carrot, rough dice
1 potato, peeled and roughly diced
½ cup extra-firm tofu, cubed
½ cup of shrimp (peeled and deveined)
3 green onions, sliced.
apan and Japanese culture occupies a weird place
in the Western mind, a study in contrasts that never entirely square with one another. Images of serene meditation among the cherry blossoms
are contrasted with giant robots destroying
Tokyo. The elegance of haiku is birthed from
the same society that gave us underwear
vending machines, and the stern samurai
aesthetic of Kurosawa has given way to
animated series about high school students
who are aliens, or robots, or both. This mixture of
the traditional and the unexpected is most prevalent, however, in the national sport of Japan, sumo.
Having its roots in Shinto practice, sumo can look
awkward to Western eyes. The sheer size and
physicality of the wrestlers doesn’t mesh with the
popularly-held impression of Japanese people as
smaller, and more efficient. In fact, there’s something that seems positively American about watching two giant dudes get in a ring and smash into
each other for dominance. Looks, however, can be
deceiving; despite the in-ring savagery of sumo,
the sport is steeped in tradition and regulations.
Wrestlers known as rikishi live like overgrown frat
boys at schools in which they train, and wear traditional Japanese clothing in a nod to the cultural
significance of the sport. After an incident where a
riskishi caused an accident while driving, top level
competitors must be chauffeured around to protect
the propriety of the sport. Finally, despite dramatic
changes in sports nutrition and the diets of athletes
in general, most rikishi achieve their considerable
heft and bulk by eating the same thing riskishi were
eating when Babe Ruth was eating hamburgers and
drinking beer between innings: chankonabe.
What is chakonabe? Another contrast, of course; a
totally traditional stew that seems more like a clean
out of what’s left in the fridge similar to what a dorm
chef would whip up instead of a representative dish
from a cuisine better known in the west for its focus
on absolutely pristine flavors and minimalist presentation.
Each sumo school, and in fact, every rikishi has their
own twist on “chanko” but these basics are true
across the spectrum. It’s always a decidedly un-fussy
one pot affair; chankonabe’s name is derived from
nabemono which literally translates to “pot thing,”
implying just how old this dish really is. Although
the current etymology is unclear, chan means father and ko means child, which makes sense given
sumo’s rigid hierarchy. Everything from where one
sleeps in the school to which hairstyles one can
wear is highly regimented, and in every school the
younger, lower-ranked rikishi are expected to perform household duties for the higher-ranked ones,
including making the chanko.
burdock root, nappa cabbage, bok choi, chrysanthemum greens, and whatever vegetables are available
and cheap, as absolutely massive quantities of the
stuff are consumed. The chanko is seasoned with
mirin wine, miso paste, and soy sauce, and usually
eaten with rice or noodles. Like everything else, the
higher-ranking riskishi eat first and get the lion’s
share of choice ingredients, with younger wrestlers
cracking eggs into their leaner soups to make sure
their protein intake remains high. As with all things
in life, chanko is best enjoyed with beer.
The recipe that follows is a 100% bastardized recipe
of my own devising, but should be relatively easy
for anyone to source ingredients for and recreate.
The next time you get the urge to sample a new dish
and lots of it, why not eat (and eat, and eat) like the
original big boys of Japan do?
Chicken Meatballs
½ lb ground chicken (pork works, too!)
1 green onion, sliced
1 T corn starch (omit if using pork)
½ t sesame oil
½ t fresh ginger, grated
1 t soy sauce
First, make the meatballs by combining all ingredients in a bowl and then, using wet hands,
forming them into 1 ½ inch balls; set aside.
Next bring water to a boil on stove over high
heat and add dashi powder, soy sauce, mirin or sake, and salt. Add in vegetables (mins
the green parts of the green onions), shrimp
and tofu and reduce heat to medium, cooking until
veggies have softened, about ten minutes. Skim any
film or scum that develops on the top of the soup
and discard. Reduce heat to low and add meatballs,
poaching until cooked through, about five minutes.
Garnish with green parts of green onions and sesame oil.
Banzai! PizzaWolf
Despite potential differences, chanko starts out like
most Japanese soups: with dashi. Dashi is a mixture
of dried kelp seaweed known as konbu and dried,
cured, shaved bonito fish flakes called katsuoboshi.
The rich, umami-heavy flavor of the stew comes
courtesy of the dried fish, which is high in sodium
inosinate and glutamic acid, two well-known components of umami richness. After the dashi is made,
the options are basically endless, but protein is the
dominant ingredient. Bone-in, skin-on chicken leg
quarters, fish (either filled or formed into balls and
fried), and tofu are the most traditional additions,
but beef is common, too, as are more modern addins, like hot dogs. The soup is further flavored and
bulked out (pun intended, Horngry readers) with
the addition of carrots, leeks, daikon radish, potato,
Where the fudge is our porn?
A look at BHM clipsites
et’s do some serious research. Just kidding, let’s
just google something. If you enter the search
term “BBW clip” you end up with 1,990,000 hits
according to google’s estimation algorithm. The
first hits come up with the titles of BBW Free Clips,
BBW allsexclips, Bbw - Hot Milf Clips, xxx Fat Clips
and more. If we repeat the same things with the
search term “BHM clip”, we end up with an estimate
of 421,000 hits. But a quick scroll through the very
first page brings us to a topic in the forum section
of BHM - Black Hair Media, answering the question
“Will clip-ins break my hair off?”. Not the clips we
were looking for.
The rest of the Google search page is a seemingly
random mix of Black History Month infos, Homesteading & Self Reliance Help (Blackwoods Home
Magazine) and some actual clip sites that
even when clicking on them bring us to BBW
exclusive content, all of them not featuring a
single BHM costar. It’s no surprise to anyone
who has googled their way to some of the
big guy content out there, that the market
of online video content caters mainly to
our big sisters and their admirers. Even clips4sale.
com, the self acclaimed “#1 downloadable video clip
site” that carries well over 4 million clips, comes in
at a whopping 71,000 BBW clips, compared to the
disappointing 678 BHM clips available. To put it into
perspective, there are 3 times as many ballet shoe
related clips on clips4sale than BHM videos.
Hansis Superchubs
When passion pays off
Out of those 678 videos however, there is one studio that stands out, since it monopolizes the category with well over 500 of those videos. Hansis Superchubs, is a studio that started back in 2010 as the
passion project of Swiss native Hansi. What started
as a close and intense online friendship between
him and a 750 lbs man in New York became the
foundation of what today is one of the most popular
studios on clips4sale, and by far the most popular
BHM studio out there.
“We talked about much more than just sex. He started
telling me about his problems, how he struggled living
on disability benefits that didn’t cover even his modest
living situation. The money that was barely enough to
by TenderLovingCares
feed a normal sized man, let alone someone of his size.
So I started supporting him a bit financially and in return
he recorded some videos for me. I loved the videos and
the money made his life more enjoyable. As a proud, fat
guy he just loved recording those videos, something I had
always admired about him.” Hansi
When he agreed and supported Hansi in reselling
the videos to friends online, an idea was born. Hansi
promoted and sold the videos, and in return he
would pass the extra money back to his friend. Soon
other men joined in the venture and more friends
started recording videos for Hansi. Mid 2013, when
Hansi opened his official video store on clips4sale
the money coming in was less than exciting, but in
his words “each dollar that I was able to make with
the videos would help out my superchubs”. But the
idea that started off slow and had taken some blows
along the way when his first model and close friend
passed away, suddenly started to take off as more
models joined his site. Now two and a half year later
Hansi prides himself in helping out around 20 models, by promoting and selling their clips online.
His store mainly focuses on superchubs and while
he does not have a fixed minimum weight requirement, he realizes that his shop caters to a specific
audience and he is looking specifically for men
around 450 lbs and above. He admits that “At the end
of the day, the heavier and fatter someone is, the more
success they will have selling videos. My most successful
models are around and above 650 lbs, with my most
successful model being heavier than 900 lbs.” And while
that sounds depressing to all the smaller guys out
there, trying to dip their toes in video selling online, size is just one aspect of the market. The BHM
market out there is small, both including straight
and gay audiences and the fact is, if something
makes you stand out from the others you’re almost
by definition one of a select few people out there
producing that content, meaning that any audience
looking for it will immediately find your content and
your content alone. And while that works for size, it
can work for a lot of different things, too.
“What I also care about is that my models enjoy being fat
and are confident about it. People who struggle with self
acceptance and their own weight might be better off not
selling videos online, because it can very likely happen
that they will attract some attention from people giving
them grief for their videos.” (The nature of the internet,
I guess) “And to deal with that, it needs a healthy amount
of confidence and pride.”
way and helped me film some of them.
When talking to Hansi you can’t help but realize the
amount of love and passion he has for his shop
and the superchubs that make the shop what it has
become today. When I asked him, what his personal
attraction to superchubs means to him, his answer
was uncompromising and beautiful:
At the time I thought the audience mainly consisted of
non-hetero men, but as I started my blog on tumblr, I
surprisingly realized that there were quite a few women
in between the new followers and the fan post that were
more than happy to let me know how much they liked the
videos.” Fatwasad
“Basically said, I don’t have an upper weight limit for men
I find attractive. It doesn’t mean that I will be attracted to
every fat guy. But I just absolutely love it when a belly is
incredibly soft and love handles just make me feel lightheaded. And when a T-shirt is just a tiny bit too short and
you can see a low hanging belly peak out underneath it, I
can barely think clearly and it makes my knees feel weak.
Beautiful, fat thighs are amazing and spending hours, if
not days caressing a beautiful, soft, fat body is better than
sex… And I’m a lucky man, because my husband gives me
the permission to experience that every now and then,
since he isn’t fat himself. For that understanding I love
him even more!”
It’s that passion that makes his store stand out from
others. The flattering description behind his videos,
the focus on a rare and sought after part of the market by focussing on superchubs and the fact that he
has a wide range of videos, from explicitly sexual
content, to simply just superchubs eating or doing
daily chores. His models, just as his audience, are
mostly but not exclusively gay, but not by design or
restriction and now that the store is growing, more
models of all orientations are finding their way to
One of his straight models is Fatwasad, who has
recorded around 30 clips for Hansi over the past
“It might sound weird, but I always enjoyed watching
myself gain weight. As early back as when I was a child I
would stand in front of mirrors in pool locker rooms and
examine the newly gained pounds. Just seeing the process
fascinates me. A few years back when I got my first PC
and the internet started to become faster and bigger I
started documenting my weight gain in form of pictures
and with a new webcam even the recording of videos was
suddenly incredibly easy, compared to before. As I upgraded in computers and hard disks the picture collection
progressed to a video collection and by now I’m pretty
used to filming myself or being filmed. It’s fun and ever
since I found all the BBWs online that record their own
clips and are proud to show how happy they are about
their size, I wanted to do the same. A few years ago when
there were barely any websites for straight men, I signed
up on Grommr, where I first got to know Hansi and the
possibility to make videos for him came up quickly.
No matter how open I was about my body, at first it was
still weird knowing that the video I recorded was being
watched by strangers, especially since many of them are
quite explicit. But my girlfriend supported me along the
The BHM/FFA market
We’re the part that brought down the Titanic
Now let’s face it, as FFAs/female feeders and straight
BHMs we are a niche, within a niche, within a niche.
If the fat admirers are considered the freaks within
mainstream society and feeders the freaks within
fat admirers, we’re the freaks within feeders. Or
looking at it vertically, if sexuality is an iceberg, we’re
the part that brought down the Titanic and I think
expecting that the demand for BHM clips will ever
outnumber the amount of BBW clips on the web
is not a realistic expectation. But there is a market,
there are women who enjoy watching video content
of men proudly showing off their chub. Beyond
Hansis videostore there is a great number of private
accounts making their videos available on clipsites,
private youtube pages or private websites.
There is (predominantly gay) tumblr content that is furiously being reblogged by FFA
blogs. We’re out there, looking for it.
When asking around in the community however there are a few problems that come
to mind when it comes to FFAs or feedresses and
their interest in videoclips. While there are plenty of
women happy and ready to see and even invest in
BHM video content, there is an even bigger number
of men who are even more eager to just show off
their videos and pictures for free.
As part of the FFA corner, I have asked two female
community members BellyAdmirer and pizza to
share their opinions about male clipsite content. “I
am bombarded with more of it in my inbox than I want
to look at necessarily, so seeking out paid content isn’t
really on my mind.” BellyAdmirer
And there’s nothing wrong with that! But it explains
at least partially how the equilibrium of demand and
supply is simply out of whack in our community.
There is something about our society, our genetics,
our habits or all those things combined that have
lead to an internet where the number 1 consumer
of visually arousing video material is traditionally
the male consumer. And that is a pattern that has
carried over from the main stream porn market to
the private kink market.
Donald Symons, the author behind one of the most
influential anthropological books on human sexuality phrased it this way:
“Among all peoples it is primarily men who court, woo,
proposition, seduce, employ love magic, give gifts in
exchange for sex, and use the services of prostitutes. And
only men rape.”
D. Symons, 1979, The Evolution of Human Sexuality
Sex, and in a broader sense sexual explicit material,
is understood to be something females can provide
and males want. It’s a form of sexual economics that
is incredibly deep rooted in our society and has yet
to be dismantled for clear insights as to why and
how this has developed in an overwhelming number of societies all around the world and for as long
as there has been documentation about human
sexuality. But there are studies upon studies that
have given insight in how different hormone levels
alone might be the biggest factor in the observable
difference between male sex-seeking behaviour and
frequency compared to females. And a slight imbalance in supply and demand is enough to create
a society that is shaped, if not overshadowed by it.
Especially if the fulfilment of said demand is so overwhelmingly addictive and evolutionary satisfying as
Not even male political dominance has
altered the fundamentals of sexual economics. To some extent male dominance might
have resulted out of that very imbalance. If
a woman is the one who controls the sexual
resource, then dominating women is the
easy way for men to take back control over
said resource. If you can’t earn something, take it.
It has taken society millennials to learn from their
mistakes and I think we can all agree we’ve long ago
reached a point where our common sense should
be able to override some of our hormonal predispositions. At least some of us are trying! Nevertheless
our little niche-within-a-niche community of female
fat admirers and the awesome big dudes we love
faces some of those very problems tied to sexual
economy in a sort of magnified way:
There is the fact that generally the “admirer” part of
any community are almost by definition the main
consumers of most content produced. Whether
that’s the fat admirer in the BBW community, or the
feet worshipper - and in most kink communities that
part is the male part. And the BBWs are generally
the provider of that content, again, the women. And
I’m not saying the fat admirer, the feeder isn’t just
as desirable, but what I mean is, there is no porn
category out there of skinny guys holding cupcakes
into the camera.
In a community like ours however, where like in
most other kink communities the men vastly outnumber the women, the effect is magnified by the
seemingly obvious but kind of mind boggling fact
that the admirer, the consumer is by definition the
female part, while the male is the provider.
It’s a fundamentally different dynamic than the
one present in the BBW/FA community where the
provider of explicit sexual content is as traditionally
established the woman, the BBW, and the admirer/
consumer the man, the fat admirer. The male tendency to seek out such content just creates a higher
demand in their case, therefore fuelling the BBW
websites since they’re making a well deserved profit
with their supply and lastly strengthening the financial economy of that community. Unfortunately in
our community the opposite happens and the vast
supply (over)satisfies any demand quickly and most
of the time for free.
That creates an environment that even besides the
sheer numbers maybe makes it even more understandable as to why there seem to be so few websites catering BHM content to straight women.
But does this mean there is NO market for straight
BHM content? No. Besides the point that there’s
always a market for straight BHMs to additionally
promote and sell their content in the gay chub/chaser community, there is always the little detail that
there’s a market for everything, if you know your audience well enough. Maybe it’s time to stop trying to
recreate what is the male equivalent to a BBW porn
clip and to listen to the FFA’s and female feeders for
what their demand is actually looking for.
But what ARE we looking for?
What DeviantArt taught me
Looking at the straight, vanilla porn industry, it’s
more than obvious that upwards of 90% of the
content caters to men. A similar trend can be found
in most kink communities. But while for a long time
it was thought that most women do not consume
sexually explicit content at all, recent studies have
shown that upwards of 80% of women claim to do
so. So what happened? Definitions happened. More
and more studies are taking into account that the
video market alone (whether vanilla or kink) is not
the only sexual content that can be consumed and
including written erotica, as well as drawn/painted erotica into their definition of sexual content is
showing a much more diverse picture of not just the
frequency, but more specifically the quality of content that women consume to get their rocks off.
Yes we get it, men are inherently visually oriented in
both their sexual attraction seeking as well as their
sexual satisfaction seeking. But there is a million
dollar market out there for erotic literature geared
towards women, that has been doing well almost
since modern paperback print was invented, and I
think the almost epidemic fame of Fifty Shades of
Grey has made this abundantly clear to everyone by
now. Women seek out sexual satisfaction in almost
the same frequency as men, the main difference is
just the medium in which they chose to do so.
for food or gifts, because I like the feeling I get from that,
rather than just seeing some content I am detached from.
I guess I like feeling involved?” BellyAdmirer
Exploring DeviantArt for Horngry made me realize that while FFAs are said to be hard to find on
some websites, most weight gain fiction authors
and consumers of those stories are female. To the
point where there is a big number of women on
deviantart that have never really ventured outside
of deviantart and have never even heard of many of
the community websites such as Dimensions, Feabie
or ffambrosia.
And there are ways to produce video content that
interacts more with the viewer than many traditional belly jiggling videos.
“When I first started exploring feedist content, it was all
through stories. Later when I began talking to people,
that took precedence over reading stories. Videos and
photos have always been lower on the list. My fantasies
are richer when I have more freedom for my imagination. Visuals can be really sexy, and sometimes there is
no substitute, but it does remove quite a bit of freedom of
imagination. Really, the hottest phrases I return to in my
mind repeatedly tend to be offhand things someone has
said to me during conversation. Belly videos, on the other
hand, tend to be a sort of same-same blur in my mind.”
Belly Admirer
“I think I’d want to see the person’s face too. Beyond that,
I honestly find belly play videos and eating videos to be really tedious to watch. In a 5 minute video, there’s usually
like 30 seconds that actually interest me. Unless someone
is being really sensual with how they are eating, watching
that on a screen is boring. Also, soooooo many guys do
this fast belly jiggling, and that totally turns me off for
some reason. I want to see slooooow belly touching. :) If
it’s just some fat gut being shaken, I am bored. I like to
see videos where I feel like I am being seduced, or where I
can insert myself into the fantasy.” BellyAdmirer
But don’t fret, this does not mean that all BHMs
should abandon their camera equipment and take
up the pen and brush! We live in a society that
through modern technology is becoming increasingly more visually oriented, to the extent where more
and more FFAs and female feeders recount finding
their way into the community through the youtube
belly videos. But most of all, there are lessons to be
learned from written weight gain fiction. There are
things that distinguish weight gain fiction that are
hard, if not impossible, to replicate on camera. But
there are other things that can certainly be adapted.
Whether it is a stronger focus on themed content
(there is a reason why most successful vanilla pornography videos geared towards women generally
have more story based narratives and focus on a lot
more than just the actual sex part of it), an inclusion
of all senses and the fact that most kink weight gain
fiction focusses on couple interactions instead of
just a single BHM.
When I asked female members of our communities
whether they would pay for video content, I got
a fair amount of answers that alluded to some of
those things.
“Any time I have asked about BHM content, the stuff
people have directed me to is either kind of explicit gay
male stuff (I am not that interested in watching sex,
whether gay or straight) or features SSBHM. I would
want to see FEEDING, not just a super fat guy sitting on
a bed or something. I think for me to pay for something,
I would have to be sure I liked it. Also, to be honest, if I
am paying, I would rather spend my money on someone
“I’m really into videos where the person is talking. It could
be about experiences, numbers, what they’re eating, how
much they’ve eaten, what they want a person to do to
them... if there’s anything feedism related, I’d probably be
into it.” pizza
Obviously some of those observations are individual
in nature, and as in any kink there are preferences, turn ons and turn offs, that will not be
shared by everyone. But nonetheless it does
give you an idea of how the focus can be
different if you want to produce content that
is specifically for women. And then there
is youtube, which is known in the gaining
community for it’s vast number of free belly
play videos, but very few of them have the production quality costumers of Hansis store pay for, or
the level of personal involvement some of the FFAs
and feedresses I talked to would pay for. Simply put:
there’s a reason they’re free.
“That [the youtube vids] is how I found out about the feedism community, but I generally don’t watch them these
days. I’ve found that a lot of them either tend to be lazy
iphone videos (which is fine, just not something I want to
watch) or just videos of things that I’m not into. There’s
also a lot of silent videos and headless shots, so it’s not
the most pleasing thing to watch.” (pizza)
Don’t get me wrong, there is certainly a market for
those youtube videos, and there’s barely a FFAs who
hasn’t seen or enjoyed some of them. I still watch
them every now and again to this day. But if anything, the videos available give you an idea on how
easy it is for great videos to stand out. Fatwasad
stressed the impact a few little changes can make to
a simple video:
“Early on I was told how important a good camera would
be, but often enough the equipment easily available can
be enough if you go about it smartly. Craft a tripod out of
cardboard, so that you get a steady shot, it’s easier than
it sounds. Try and look for good lighting that can illuminate, and if positioned in front of you a simple household
lamp can do the trick. Just start by filming yourself. Just
imagine you’re standing in front of a mirror, looking at
yourself. If you like what you see on the video, there’s a
chance there’s someone out there who will enjoy them,
too.” Fatwasad
And he records his video on his Samsung. Yes, it’s
no 1080p HD with professional lighting. But it works
because he loves doing it. He puts effort into it and
sometimes his girlfriend even helps him out in front
of the cam instead of just behind the cam.
Special Thanks to the following people for helping me out with their opinions and insights:
People familiar with some of the trollier parts of the
internet might be familiar with rule 34. According
to a popular meme, rule 34 of the internet says: “If
it exists, there is porn of it - no exceptions” (believe
me, I have yet to find an exception). I know for a fact
that there are a bunch of awesome, sexy big guys
and even couples out there who would have the
technical possibilities and dedication to listen to the
community and to pull it off. We exist.
Which kind of advice do you have for BHMs that would like to
make some money filming video content?
Be proud of who you are and don’t hide it. Show what you have
to offer and don’t let anyone tell you how to live or how to love.
And ignore the haters and their hurtful comments that believe that
just because someone is fat they’re not entitled to the same human decency and respect that everyone else deserves. I will never
understand people who think people deserve to be insulted without
regards for anything, but apparently it’s human nature to pick on
what is considered to be the weakest link. For exactly that reason,
be proud and strong to be fatter than everyone else, or to love
people who are fat!
Thank you for sharing your story and for the
passion with which you do your work. We need
more people like you!
Please check out another tid bit from my Interview with him on the right, and make sure to
check out his videostore:
Hansis Superchubs
When I asked Wood & KeineMacht, a mutual gaining
couple who currently focusses mainly on BBW clips,
but who have made both mutual gaining clips as
well as a few BHM oriented clips available in their
clipstore, their main advice was: “Don’t expect immediate success, networking is vital, pay attention to trends,
try to have quality clips both in a visual aspect as well as
showing your personality.” Wood & KeineMacht
Not even Hansis clipstore was born overnight, but
with time, effort and a reliable stream of videos
a market was created. Even just a year ago, there
was no HORNGRY, there was no Feabie, there was
no ffambrosia. Yes, we had all seen a few random
FFAs or straight BHMs stick their head into
Fantasy Feeder or pop up in a lonely tumblr
reblog and there were weight gain stories
on dimensions that were proof that we’re
out there. But even when I asked around
when the idea of HORNGRY first popped
into my head, you wouldn’t believe me how
many people told me that it’s cute, but probably not
worthwhile. People from our very own community.
And if I had written an article back then on whether
ANYTHING is marketable for the FFA/BHM market,
I would have said “no”. Okay, I can already see the
people who know me laugh, because I’m known as
the forever optimist when it comes to our community. So who am I kidding, I would have said “yes”,
just because I know that if everyone keeps saying
“no” we’re not even giving it a chance and we would
become part of the problem instead of the solution.
A little more from my Interview with Hansi...
Thank you for the honesty and support in answering my questions very last minute.
You can find his videos in Hansis
You’ve been part of the FFA Corner since the
beginning, and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Thank you for joining in on the fun, I really loved
your insight!
And to finish this interview with some curiosity: Do you have a favourite video that you’d like to recommend us?
Definitely the new video of SuperXLChubBoy that has been struggeling and is now doing better in the hospital.
I’m impressed by his strength and how someone can have this much strength to carry a body of his frame
(around 900 lbs) and move the way he does, that shows an incredibly physical strength. On top of that, his rolls
of fat are just incredibly sexy.
With the huge variety of videos in the store, I could go on forever…
Honourable mentions:
• Chris aka Package
• James
• Hoggrim
• Swedish Gainer
• Fatexhibitionist (with a few guest appearances from Hansi himself)
So what’s in the future for Hansis Superchubs?
I’m just really happy that my video store has made both men and women who have a passion for superchubs
or megachubs happy in a way that at the same time supports and helps the models involved and makes their
life a little bit easier.
I’m planning to hopefully extent the variety of videos even further in the upcoming year and I’m working towards being able to support my models by helping them produce videos in increasingly better qualities. On one
hand by helping them buy cameras and tripods, but also by working more and more behind the camera, and
maybe even by joining a few of them in front of the camera, who knows…
Other than that I enjoy getting feedback, advice or suggestions from anyone, so feel free to contact me on
Grommr, Chasabl, Biggercity or Feabie, where I go by the username Hansi. And if you buy my videos, don’t
forget to subscribe to my newsletter! If you answer that newsletter your e-mail lands directly in my inbox!
Wood & KeineMacht
Keep doing what you’re doing. You guys rock.
Hansis Superchubs
So where the fudge is our porn?
Used with permission from to-many-cupcakes, as it was part of an
art trade.
#Feedism Online
ffambrosia is the first community website that was built first and foremost for the FFA/BHM community. Its flexible design combines both the advantages of message boards with the current trend of social
newsfeeds and adds the exciting addition of both public and private groups in which members can
discuss certain topics in the safe spaces of the group’s individual themes and rules.
My ever so favourite part is the story section (who would have thought!) that is active and growing
quickly. And while the design itself is still being worked on little by little and the site keeps growing
with each update, there is already a strong and surprisingly active membership that has made ffambrosia a very positive place to visit.
Bellyadmirer, the owner and creator of ffambrosia has introduced a credit system that is based on
participation and in my opinion the most unique and promising thing I have seen so far in the feedism online community. Features that many other websites offer for paid membership are available
in exchange for participation points. This focus on member activity, the creative outlet in form of the
story sections as well as artist or cooking related groups and the addition of verified profiles providing
enhanced safety are just a few of the reasons why ffambrosia is already making a name for itself for
having a surprisingly strong and active female presence.
I’m personally so excited about ffambrosia. It is something I’ve been waiting for, for a long, long
time and it being put together by a good friend of mine that has already been a part of the FFA
corner of HORNGRY’s last issue is even more exciting!
ple of free message boards, because forums are my
comfort zone, and there are free options out there.
After a while, I came to the conclusion that
the free boards were not flexible enough to
give me what I wanted, nor were they social
enough. At these point, I realized I was going
to have to sink some money into this project,
and I began researching other options.
For quite a while, I have wished for a place within the
feedism community where I felt more at home. It
caters very well to male FAs and BBW but not as well
to anyone else. I reached a point where I finally told
myself I had to stop wishing for a place for someone
like me and build it myself. One of my main inspirations was actually HORNGRY. If another woman about
my age could decide to produce something because
she felt a gap, what was my excuse for waiting for
someone else to create what I wanted?
I settled on one and began building my site.
It was quite a learning process and took up
loads of my time. I finally got it to the point
where I wanted some people there to help
test things out and see what worked and
what didn’t. Word of mouth spread so much
more quickly than I anticipated, and a lot of
people joined that first night before I really
was ready for them or had said anything
about the site publicly.
However, I am not a web developer by any means, so
I wasn’t sure I really could pull it off, nor did I want to
spend much money. I first experimented with a cou-
Fortunately for me, at that point,
akbedwarmer stepped up and offered some
help. It didn’t take us long to realize that there were a
earn credits and climb the leaderboard.
A very intense week ensued, during which we worked
to get ffambrosia 2.0 ready enough for the switchover. It would never have happened so quickly without
akbedwarmer’s help, and the site would have a lot
more problems still without him. There is still plenty
to work on, and it seems something new is always
cropping up, but for a free (to users) site created by
an amateur just a couple of months ago (as of the
time of this writing), I am really happy with where
ffambrosia is so far.
The title ffambrosia is obviously inspired by ambrosia, the legendary food of the gods, distributed
by nymphs on ancient depictions. Where does the
name come from and what does it mean to you?
I have had so much support and encouragement
from the very beginning, even freedom before there
was a site, and that is what has kept me going.
I got name suggestions from a few people
and ran a little poll by posting on Tumblr and
Feabie. ffambrosia was not the winner of the
poll (I think it came in second), but it was my
personal favorite, and, more importantly,
the domain name was available. I wanted a
name that had “ffa” in it but that was a bit subtle, and
I loved this suggestion from the get-go, though I got a
few other creative suggestions as well.
What are the main features of ffambrosia?
So for this issue, I decided to pick her brain a little bit and she was happy to share the story behind ffambrosia and all the smart decision that went into building it from the ground up. And to
all of you reading this article: Please go to ffambrosia.com (a click on the banner above will bring you
directly to it) and just see for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.
Holly, you couldn’t believe how excited, and to
some extent relieved I was when I first heard
about ffambrosia and especially that you’re the
person behind it all! I know you’ve told me a little
bit about how it came into existence, but would
you mind giving the readers a quick run through
as to what inspired you in the first place and how
the beginning of ffambrosia was like?
lot of bugs and issues that were beyond our abilities
to fix. I decided it may be worth exploring an alternative platform. I found something I thought seemed
interesting, we installed it on a test site, and within
half hour of playing around had decided we needed
to switch despite the disruption to the site.
ffambrosia has several types of content: status updates, photos, videos, stories, forums, and public and
private/invitation-only groups. It is intended to be a
social media site, so there are the social aspects like
status updates and private messaging, but I personally have been on a writing-based forum for many
years now. For that reason, it was important for me to
incorporate both forums and stories, in addition to a more social news feed. The activities
in the “slower” areas appear on the sitewide
activity stream along with status updates — it
is not just a status update stream. It is meant
to give you an overview of what is happening
throughout the site (except for the groups,
which are like their own silos or almost mini
Additionally, we have a credit system. It costs
credits to do certain things, with initiating
new messages being the most expensive.
Earning credits is easily done by posting
content and even just by logging in. The system has two purposes. First, making it more
difficult for new members to mass-send “hey
wanna chat” type messages without engaging
in the community, while not being an undue
burden to those who do visit and participate.
Second, members may experience some incentive to
We do have verified profiles at this time too, because
it is a very popular feature and one that i really wanted to have. It has also proven to be one of the biggest
headaches and still needs work.
The name “ffambrosia” (pronounced fam - broh zhuh) is a concatenation of “FFA” and “ambrosia.”
This name was chosen because it contains a direct
reference to FFAs, a nod to our BHM “bros,” and references food!
The BHM/FFA community is undoubtedly a comparatively small fraction of the feedism and fat
admiration community, but the last year has
brought some changes - at least in my opinion and the community feels bigger and seems to be
stronger represented than what I had previously
seen. Do you think that this trend will continue to
gain traction in the upcoming months and years?
I certainly hope it will! In the past year or so, in the
more general sense, we lost feedism.net, but we
gained Feabie and will be gaining feedist.net. More
specifically to our segment, we have HORNGRY and
ffambrosia. I think the general growth has made
more FFAs interested in participating. I hope the wider range of sites and material than I remember seeing
before will enable more FFAs to find a comfy spot
somewhere within the community at large. I think as
we have more and better spaces where we are represented, that will feed on itself.
What do you think are the biggest struggles the
BHM/FFA community is facing at the moment?
Hm. I have a hard time answering this question
because it is difficult for me to look on it except as an
individual. I think one problem is not feeling heard
or represented. I do think ffambrosia can be one
part of combatting that, but so are HORNGRY and
Tumblr and deviant art. I think the problems we face
are much the same as problems faced by any internet-based community, especially ones with a sexual
component or basis. I don’t have good solutions to
that, other than doing my best to promote respectful public interactions on ffambrosia. Sadly, I do not
have a solution for the teleportation issue that would
decrease distance barriers, but as soon as I figure it
out in my copious spare time and become a zillionaire, ffambrosia will be the first to benefit.
On a more serious note, I think women from all sides
of the feedism spectrum often feel overwhelmed and
uncomfortable in the community. I think on ffambrosia, it is easier for FFAs to feel a part of a group rather
than alone, at least if you engage in the community
and with the other women. I think BHM and male
feedees often feel underappreciated as well, and I do
think on ffambrosia, it is easier for them not to get
lost in the crowd and to receive positive attention, at
least those who engage in the community.
I would be really interested in hearing other people’s
perspectives on what they feel the biggest problems
or challenges are right now.
At the end, I think increased community
involvement (not only on ffambrosia), as
opposed to just lurking or seeking a partner,
is what I would like to see, especially since we
are a smaller group under the feedism um-
Ffambrosia is fairly new, yet is already known for
having a strong female presence, even though
FFAs tend to be known in the community as being
quite rare to find. What about ffambrosia do you
think attracts a surprising amount of FFAs (except
for the bellies of course)?
I think it is because I am an FFA and I built the site for
myself! :P Seriously, though, I basically am my target
audience, I have made an effort to tell other women
I have talked to about it, and I think this has made a
difference. It’s not that we have a surprising number
of FFAs. We are a small site with a gender imbalance
like other feedism sites. However, I think we have a
fairly vocal core group of women who aren’t drowned
out as it often feels we are elsewhere.
What’s ahead for ffambrosia? Do you have new
features that you’re excited about introducing
and that you’d like to share? And what long term
visions do you have for ffambrosia in general?
Oh, this is a tricky question. I have a wishlist, of
course. However, I am just one person who also
works full time and have other things going on in
my life, so much of this will depend on what kind of
help I can get and how much I am willing to spend on
hiring coders if no one in the FFA/BHM community
steps forward to lend their skills. There are many
small things, but in terms of bigger picture items, my
biggest priority at the moment is working out the
remaining issues with the profile verification feature.
After that, I hope to get height and weight fields added. I would also like to see some improvements to the
story format. Oh, and I hope to build a stronger social
media presence for ffambrosia as well. I think I need
to clone myself to get this all done!
And keep an eye out for a logo contest after New
Artist from the Unites States | Digital & TraditionalArt
Wow, sounds like you’re going to be busy. :)
So.... shoutouts?
Obviously akbedwarmer I mentioned already. In addition to him, as I was building the site, I got advice and
input on various things from other people, including
vegasfat, MrChubby, georgejorge, and wayoutwest.
As always, my good friend lovinitbig has been a
source of support and encouragement from the getgo and saw early stages no one else saw while I still
wasn’t sure how far I was going to take this project. I
would also like to recognize NandiHeart in particular
for being such a powerful and active presence on the
Thank you so much for bringing ffambrosia to life
and sharing it’s beginnings with us! TLC
You can find BellyAdmirer here:
Help needed!
I am seeking people who have the skills necessary
to help run a website, because, let’s face it, I am
a novice. In order for this site to grow, improve,
and also not fall apart over time, I will need a
dedicated team of helpers. If you have any of the
following skills, please send me a PM on ffambrosia, Feabie or via e-mail to discuss it in more
network management skills (knowledge handling server-related things)
PHP coding
CSS skills
dedication and expertise managing social
any other coding or web development knowledge or experience and the desire to help
ffambrosia grow
 BellyAdmirer
Artist from the Unites States | Digital Art
Spotlight Interview
hat does your username mean?
It was a nickname someone gave me last year, I
thought it was cute and it just stuck.
How do you describe your sexuality to fellow feedist?
Submissive female feeder
How do you describe your sexuality to non-feedist?
I’m a girl who’s attracted to bigger guys.
When did you first discover your preference/kink and
how did you experience it growing up?
I first discovered it by looking at pictures of bigger people
online when I was around 12 or 13, then I found videos,
like people playing with their bellies. I was embarrassed at
first and didn’t really know what to do, I tried to make the
attraction stop by not looking at these but it never really
worked. It was pretty much a secret my whole life, I’ve had a
few romantic interests but once I got with my first big guy I
knew it was what I wanted. It felt so liberating to experience
and accept my fantasies.
Body type
Relationship status 20
Thin / Average
Even-Tempered Temperamental
Noncompetitive Competitive
What made you want to suppress those feelings?
I wanted to suppress them because I was ashamed and
thought that feeling the way I did was not normal, this was
mostly because of media. Seeing only thin couples and
knowing fat was viewed as negative I was worried that
people would judge me based on what I liked. Advice I have
would be to stop worrying about what other people think,
it’s hard but you’ll realize you shouldn’t feel judged and
there will always be better friends for you who care about
you. No matter what you enjoy, as long as it doesn’t hurt
anyone, go for it life is too short to hide your feelings.
How important is feedism to you now, and how big of a
role does it play in your life?
Right now it plays a big role, I’m finally starting to explore it
and be more open with someone that I truly care about. It’s
important to my relationship, but not something that could
be an ultimatum in the long run.
What is your favorite fantasy?
My favorite fantasy right now is just imaging him gaining
more weight and how it will look on him. He has a body
structure that carries his fat really well, almost like he was
meant to be bigger. I just like thinking about how he’ll outgrow his clothes and how soft he will feel.
What is it about weight gain itself that excites you?
I think I just get excited imagining him bigger, how he’ll look
when he gains weight. I think about how much softer he’s
going to be and fun to cuddle! Not to mention outgrowing
his old clothes, there’s something about tight clothes that
really excites me, like he’s too good to be contained.
So you’re pretty open with him about your kink! How
did you two meet and how was the first time you told
him about your preference/kink?
I met him this year just walking from class, we live in the
same apartment complex at our University, I thought he was
really cute and messaged him on facebook, I was really nervous. After hanging out and growing closer for a few weeks
I opened up to him first by telling him that I liked his body
then about how I like feeding and seeing him gain weight.
He was happy that I liked his body but wasn’t sure about the
other stuff, he wanted to try for me and now he loves it!
What does a great evening with him look
My perfect evening would be playing video
games with him, either going out or cooking
for him, then relaxing watching movies and
sharing a few drinks. We’re very indoorsy and
I love cuddling with him.
As a fairly young person who’s also new to
experiencing the kink, how different has
your real experience been compared to
what you imagined it to be?
I was always worried that my expectations
were too high but now that I’m experiencing
it I found it to be extremely satisfying. It’s better than what I could have imagined to give in
to my kink and fantasies.
You identify as a submissive female feeder
which I’ve encountered a lot within the
female members of our community, while
a lot of BHMs seem to assume that most,
if not all female feeders are dominant in
nature. How have your experiences been
when communicating with other members of the community and how exactly
does you preference for being submissive
play into feedism?
I’ve found it to be pretty easy to explain myself to members of the community, everyone
seems very open-minded. As to it playing
into my fantasies, I feel like because he’s so
much bigger than me it automatically gives
him control which I like. While dominant
feeders see feeding a guy as having control
over them, I see it more like I’m doing it
because he wants me to, kind of like ordering
me around. I also like when he teases me
by jiggling his belly or talking about how fat
he’s getting rather than me telling him. I also
enjoy it when he’s on top and restraining me,
it gives him a lot of control.
Body type
Relationship status What advice would you give another person who’s dating outside of the feedism / FA community? What is the
best way to introduce someone to the kink?
I feel like it would be easy to introduce to someone who’s
already bigger, they probably never heard of it before and
will be surprised and happy to learn that someone would
find them unbelievably sexy and not mind them gaining
weight. The best way to introduce someone is giving it time,
I started off by hinting at it, complimenting him, telling him
he looked good the way he is, paying attention to what I like
and he might feel insecure about. Once you have an idea of
their reaction, then you can start being more up front saying
stuff like, I like watching you eat, or I like how tight that shirt
is, I like how much bigger than me you are. Those are just
some ideas, just do what’s comfortable with you and don’t
be scared!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. :) TLC
Thank you to my amazing Chunkybear, for helping me
accept myself and trying new things for me. I’m so glad that
I met you, you make every day more enjoyable and I hope
I do the same for you. Thank you to all our followers, we
really appreciate the kind words and hope to gain more
support, and thank you to TenderLovingCares for hearing
our story and publishing it, I really appreciate all the hard
work you do!
Thin / Average
Rapid Fire Questions
Would you rather date a guy your ideal size
with an average appetite or an average sized
guy with your ideal appetite?
My ideal size with an average appetite
Favourite Food to cook (or feed)?
Breakfast is my favorite to cook and I make a
pretty good baked macaroni, as for feeding it has
to be junk food and fast food
Favourite Restaurant
Red Lobster
Top 3 Gaining Websites
Feabie, Tumblr, Dimensions
Top 5 Movies Edward Scissorhands, Pineapple
Express, Superbad, Lilo and Stitch, Detachment
Top 4 TV Shows Louie, Always sunny in Philadelphia, Wilfred, Breaking Bad
Top 3 Music Artists Lana Del Rey, Led Zeppelin,
Pink floyd
Top 2 Hobbies Art and video games
Top 1 Book Harry Potter series, can’t pick one
What do you think do your fantasies say about your
I think it connects with my submissiveness, when he’s big
and imagining him getting bigger and holding me I feel safe.
I feel like with his size he has a lot of power over me and
that he can protect me. I also like seeing him enjoy himself
because he loves food, so I guess it says that I like when
other people I care about are happy and comfortable with
What has your experience of the online community
around feedism been like?
I’ve only been on for about 3 or 4 months and it’s been
mostly positive, It’s awesome being able to talk to people
with similar interests. It’s a great outlet for me and I wish I
had known about it sooner.
Artist from Belgium | Traditional Art
Spotlight Interview
o I know you’ve been in and out of the community
with different usernames, so the questions about
the meaning of your username seems slightly redundant, but I can’t help it. How did you land on obiwan_
I’ve gone by a few names over the years in the feederism
community, clichegainingname, robfordseightball, thingsjonsnowknows most predominantly. I was considering
sticking with ‘thingsjonsnowknows’, however everyone kept
calling me Jon, and as a 100% Italian, I couldn’t handle it. In
that mindset, obiwan_cannoli just hit me and I went with it!
I mean, who doesn’t like Star
Wars and cannoli’s?
What is the earliest feedism or weight related memory
you remember that stuck in your mind? And do you
think it has shaped your kink in any way?
Well, before I even know what any of this stuff was, I used
to stuff my clothes with pillows to look fatter. My parents
were also health food crazy, so whenever junk food was in
the house I used to sneak to eat it and hide the wrappers
places so they didn’t notice. I was kind of chubby until High
School, but I lost a ton of weight due to sports and weight
lifting and even at one time I had abs! (Believe it or not).
But I always binge ate and
hid food from my parents so
I would say it shaped my kink
for me.
“I mean, who doesn’t like Star Wars
and cannoli’s?”
Body type
6 foot 1, Chubby
with a belly
Southern New Jersey
Network Tech,
Real estate
Talkative Quiet
Even-Tempered Temperamental
Noncompetitive Competitive
What is the reason behind
the frequent username
changes and when do you
decide it’s time for a new
The reason I change my handle most of the time is due to staleness. After a while I just
don’t find it clever or funny anymore and it bothers me in
the most mundane way possible so I figure its time to shake
things up. Alternatively, I tend to change username depending on what medium I have an account on. For example,
when I was very active on tumblr, I went by ‘robfordseightball’. As a fantasyfeeder.com member, I was ‘clichegainingname’ and most recently on Feabie.com ‘thingsjonsnowknows’ and ultimately what I go by now, ‘obiwan_cannoli’.
How would you describe your sexuality to a fellow community member?
I’m not the biggest fan of labels, unless they are food labels,
however “Straight” would be the best category to put me
into. Delving a littler deeper into that, I identify as a feeder,
feedee, and an FA. I get asked this question a lot, “What
kind of girls are you into?” My answer is all kinds! While I do
adore helping a girl gain (or just a bigger girl in general), I’m
also very into the contrast of a slimmer girl against my not
so slim figure.
I call it “Bi-fatual”. Haha.
How would you describe your sexuality to a stranger?
This is a good question. While I don’t consider myself “closeted” in regards to feederism, I’ve had some bad experiences bringing it up in the past. So what I tend to do is drop
subtle hints about always being hungry, or talking about
clothes not fitting and that I need to go shopping etc, to
gauge their reaction and see if eventually feederism could
be brought up. Most of the time, unfortunately, its not.
Which is where places like tumblr or feabie can really help
to find likeminded people.
How important is your kink in your daily life?
It’s gotten to the point where I don’t think I can date or be
with anyone who isn’t at least aware of it. So I would say
very important. My last girlfriend who had no idea about
feederism tried to get me to go to the gym almost everyday
and it really made me hate myself. I had to break it off, I
didn’t like the way it made me feel.
When did you first discover
the feedism community
and how has it changed
your experience?
I first discovered the feedism community around the age of
14 when I happened upon fantasyfeeder.com. Back then,
gaining wasn’t an option because of sports and power
lifting so I identified mainly as a feeder/FA. As soon as high
school ended, and I decided not to play football in college, I
put on a significant amount of weight accidently due to just
completely stopping all exercise and eating how I always
Needless to say, I adored it and decided to keep going!
Without fantasyfeeder and tumblr I don’t think I would
have kept going intentionally. So its made for a much more
fattening experience =).
How did you experience gaining weight intentionally
for the first time?
Going back to an earlier question, after I accidently gained
weight when high school ended (about 30 pounds) I absolutely loved it. So I decided to just go all in! I looked at a lot
of the female gainers and emulated what they did and just
kept going with it and the weight started to pile on. I did
take a few gaining breaks because I didn’t want to get too
big without a feeder, but those don’t last very long (obviously).
What are your favourite and least favourite aspects about
gaining weight?
My favorite aspect
about gaining is the
feeling of being absolutely stuffed to the
max, all the time. I love
the way clothes start to get tighter and feel different as I get
bigger and the sensual feeling of a pair of jeans digging into
your body is pure bliss to me. I really enjoy eating as much
as I want, of whatever I want, whenever I want!
dislike constantly having to buy new clothes, I wish I could
just go out of the house with my belly poking out but lets be
How about doubts? Do you ever doubt your journey and
how do you deal with those doubts?
I’ve certainly had my doubts, usually ill take a break from
gaining for a couple months or something to that extent
but I always find myself back here. I deal with it like anything else, constantly debating what I should do and if its
worth it verses how it makes me feel.
What are the smaller awesome things about gaining
that you never thought about or expected until you
actually gained weight and experienced it?
I never realized when I was skinner just how much your
body can jiggle just by moving. I still have an athletic build
(albeit under all my new fat) so it’s mostly belly jiggling and
stuff. Also furniture, I’ve broken futons, chairs, couches, etc.
I absolutely adore when that happens. Popping buttons
on pants and shirts is also a guilty pleasure of mine that
I never realized it would be. Its such an incredible feeling
destroying a button on a pair of jeans because of how fat
I’ve gotten.
Do you have a goal weight/size/feeling? And has that
changed over time?
As of right now, I don’t plan on getting much bigger
without a feeder. That being said, if I was in a relationship with a feeder, I would gain and get as big as
she wanted. I suppose that’s a submissive trait? But
that’s a conversation for another time. I used to set
goals when I first started but I realized that the numbers
don’t mean as much as the freedom of feeling it does. If
that makes any sense!
How do you feel when you look into the mirror?
Remember the movie Zoolander? When Ben Stiller talked
about looking into a spoon and realizing how ridiculously
good looking he was? Nothing like that at all. Haha, no but
when I do catch a glimpse of myself I always notice a new
stretchmark or how low my belly is hanging and it makes
me happy.
“Also furniture, I’ve broken futons,
chairs, couches, etc. I absolutely
adore when that happens.”
What I dislike about gaining is the cost! Being a feedee
starts to add up as you can eat more and more. I also
What is your favourite fantasy?
Drive thru hopping! Spending a
set amount at as many fast food
restaurants as possible back to back
to back to back! Throw in a female
feeder and I’m on fantasy island.
Do your feeding fantasies vary
from what you would actually like
to achieve in reality?
I think my fantasy is super realistic, I’m not particularly into
all the immobile/tube feeding stuff but would I mind being
tube fed? Ill try anything once, or twice. Ideally a mutual
gaining relationship would be a huge fantasy of mine but
like I said earlier, Im bi-fatual.
Have you had any feedism experiences in real life?
I’ve actually been lucky enough to have several real life
feeding experiences. I’ve never fed anyone myself however,
but It’s surely on my to-do list!
The first time I met a feeder, it was from tumblr and I will
admit, I had no idea what I was doing. I have a strong personality and I like to think I’m funny but that’s debatable so I
didn’t make it awkward but really, what do you do with your
hands while you’re being fed? It’s strange! The Second time
I met a feeder it was a lot more relaxed and went very well.
We had dinner at a restruant, where she kept telling me to
keep eating (swoon), and then afterwards she suggested I
drive through mcdonalds and she fed me in the car. Needless to say I was stuffed!
Body type
6 foot 1, Chubby
with a belly
Southern New Jersey
Network Tech,
Real estate
Rapid Fire Questions
Is there a food you could imagine eating every
day for the rest of your life?
Any kind of pasta alfredo with grilled chicken
over top. And the steak quesadillas from taco
Favourite Restaurant
Ventura’s Offshore
Top 1 Book The Idiot – Fyodor
Top 2 Hobbies Guitar, Singing/songwriting.
Top 3 Movies 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Princess Bride, Sunshine
Top 4 TV Shows The Walking Dead, Game of
Thrones, Breaking Bad, Farscape
Top 4 Music Artists Portugal. The Man, Bayside,
Brand New, The Artic Monkeys, The Faint.
Top 1 Feeder Crush Obviously the creator of
Top 2 Gaining Websites Feabie.com, Tumblr
Top 3 Gaining Idols Layla from Stuffer31, Roxxie,
and Boberry. (I know they are all women but, hey,
you get it!)
How is your body image now compared to when you
were skinnier?
I have my good days and bad days, sure. To be honest I’ve
always been like that though, which is one of the reasons
I try to use my sense of humor and outgoing personality
as my strongpoints and not even worry about body image.
Essentially I’ve always been a weirdo, but now I suppose I fit
the “fat-funny guy” motif.
You talked about being Bi-fatual and you came into
the community as a feeder/FA first, before you started
identifying as a feedee, too. There seems to be a pattern of many feedees starting off as feeders first. Why
do you think that might be the case?
I think a lot of people are scared of what their family and
friends will think if they gain. I myself was scared for the
longest time and then I realized who really cares what
anyone thinks of me? They don’t make me happy I make
myself happy, so they are irrelevant. I’m lucky I figured this
out early, a lot of people don’t. And that’s when they project
their insecurities in others.
How do you feel about the feedism community at
the moment and is there something you’d like to see
This question made air come out of my nose. There will always be the people who ruin it for the rest of us, but that’s
to be expected in any niche community. The only thing I
think that needs to change is how offended everyone gets
over nothing but that
applies to everyone
not just the feedism
community I suppose. Also, and this is
mostly for the men,
they really need to
learn some basic social skills. A lot of female feeders are turned off from being
a part of the community because of how a majority of the
men act.
I don’t consider it an extension. I’m more of the “this is me,
and this is what I like” as opposed to “this all I am”. Most
of the time when I speak with people in the community it’s
about anything but feederism. Do I enjoy talking about it?
Of course! But I’m so much more than that, and I take great
pride in who I am.
Gaining to me is... (finish the sentence)
Gaining to me is sensual. It’s not a hobby but more of a lifestyle and something that I firmly believed should be shared
between two people. That’s not always the case however,
distance is the worst!
For all the men out there who are still working up the
courage to gain weight: Why is it worth pursuing?
If you generally want to gain and really feel like it’s for you,
try it out! You can always stop or lose weight if you really
dislike it. Just like anything in life, it’s worth a shot, but its
not your only option. And never let anyone force you to do
anything you don’t want to. That’s how people get hurt.
And what weight gain advice would you have for guys
who are just starting out?
The best advice other than “eat more, move less” is to just
take your time and eat all day. Stuffing sessions are fun
and I recommend them, but until you can fit more into your
stomach, just constantly be grazing. Its safer, less painful,
and hey food is meant to be enjoyed! If you’re constantly
in pain from overstuffing after a while it’ll lose its fun factor
and become a chore.
Is there something you’d wish more FFA’s or feedresses
would ask you?
“Wanna go drive thru hopping?” =).
How can people get in touch with you?
Right now im only on feabie, and my username is: obiwan_
I do have a kik as well that is listed on the same profile.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and answering the
questions! It was really great to hear your story. :) TLC
The pleasure is 100 percent mine! I love HORNGRY and im
super proud to be a part of it!
“Wanna go drive thru hopping?”
I’d just like to say thanks to everyone
who has made me feel welcome in
this community and all of the friends
I have made along the way.
Would you consider your kink an extension of your
personality, and if so, what does it say about you as a
Artist from the Unites States | Digital Art
I need to eat for you
by NandiHeart
“I need to eat for you”
I see these words typed out across my screen as
we’ve been chatting, and instantaneously I feel an
intense arousal pulsating throughout my body. I can
barely catch my breath. My lust for you has been
kindled by an unusually close friendship that spans
the distance of so many obstacles, but none of that
really matters now. I absolutely adore you, but more
than that, I know you. I know that your craving to eat
for me comes from the same inexplicable longing to
be fulfilled that mine does. We both need you
to stuff yourself. You need to be thoroughly
incapacitated by food and encouraged in your
gluttony by my devious feedress desires. You
need to become ridiculously full for me.
I’m anxious to see you and my heart races as my
screen becomes an enlightened window into your
world. Watching your movements and hearing your
voice allows me to more fully experience your total
sexiness and the enthralling ecstasy of your eating
for me. I tell you to take off your shirt, exposing your
gorgeous belly that awaits the onslaught of food
which I’ll be demanding that you devour to satisfy our
shared deviances. But your tightly buttoned pants?
Those stay on for now. I know how constricting they
can become, and I enjoy torturing you with that for
just a bit.
Watching you remove your shirt as the soft pudge
that surrounds your once-fit frame becomes visible is
highly erotic to me, but imagining what your overstuffed stomach will look like when I’m done with you
excites me even more! I can’t wait any longer as the
urgency to see your glutted gut overwhelms me. I
must immediately make you eat for me!
You begin by ravenously devouring the entire extra
large pizza that I’ve made you order especially for this
occasion. With the quick demise of that pie it becomes abundantly clear that you will need more food
to satisfy both of us, so I insist that you keep eating
and drinking until you can barely move. You continue
to binge on all of the ice cream in your freezer, then
feast on the salty snacks in your pantry, bloat with a
generous amount of sweetly spiked soda, and finally
gorge yourself on part of a package of treats that you
were intending to save for later. Obviously “later” has
come a lot sooner than you thought! But it’s not your
job to think right now; I want you mindlessly eating at
my command.
Your belly is now completely distended and ballooning out past the waistline of your pants which is now
seriously cutting into you. After asking for my permission I let you unbutton them, and your belly spills out
onto your lap relieving a bit of the pressure from your
dining debauchery. I watch as you sensuously rub
your stomach, just as I would if they were my hands
seductively touching you and coaxing a bit more
room into your already overtaxed tummy. Maybe
now you can eat a little bit more of those treats for
At this point you must force yourself to continue
since you are so glutted that you can barely swallow,
but the pleasure of your painfully protruding belly is
arousing in a way that you can never fully experience
on your own. You are completely under my control,
eating way too much for my sadistic satisfaction, and I
have absolutely addicted you to all of it.
You beg for the final ecstacy you have come to expect
as the result of your gluttony, and at last I allow you
to have your release. The intoxication of the experience has left us both blissfully satiated and connected
in an intimacy that only fellow feedists could possibly
comprehend. I let you go and watch as the window
to your world darkens, knowing that you will drift off
into a deep food-induced sleep, and perhaps dream
of a world where our obstacles are now obsolete.
Nandi Heart
Read more from Nandi Heart on
her tumblr
by PizzaWolf
Not All Cake and Ice Cream:
the Realities of Feedism
he longer I’m in the feedism community, the more
evident it becomes that there’s a pretty clear line
in the sand drawn between the people who have a
made a choice to incorporate actual feedist activities
into their lifestyle and relationships and people who
are more comfortable with feedism as an idea or
fantasy but less comfortable bringing it into their lived
Before I go any farther with this article, I want to
make it clear that while I’m a lifestyle feedist, I in no
way think that one mindset is superior to the other
or that fantasy feedists are somehow less committed
to feedism. It’s frustrating when there’s any degree of
kink-prioritizing in what is already a small community;
that being said, it’s also a little frustrating when a thin,
feedee-identified person expresses a desire to gain
multiple hundreds of pounds, doubling or tripling
their own weight, or claims to be dead-set serious
on becoming immobile, often in a short time. While I
don’t doubt that some of these folks earnestly want to
become big ol’ landwhales like yours truly, I thought
it would be a fun idea to give a little bit of perspective
into what that means for me. Also, since I’ve gained
significantly in the last year, I wanted to share some
of the issues unique to gaining, at least for me.
This is absolutely a personal account and shouldn’t be
taken as representative of that of the entire community, but you might be able to notice some similar
threads for you or a partner, I suspect.
One thing I’m NOT going to get into are health concerns. As we all have to be aware and actively engaged in our own health, and health is inherently
personal, I’m going to assume all the adults reading
this will be sure to take care of themselves as they
understand best.
-Fatness itself, though, is different. To society (apart
from this magazine’s readership) your body will
become funny instead of sexy, and while you won’t
necessarily be despised for being fat, your public sexual agency will objectively start to diminish. You will
see many people like you in public, but few of them in
advertisements, in media, in high-culture depictions.
You will see “fat” used as shorthand for lazy, greedy,
and stupid. You will hear “fat” used as an amplifier for
insults. If you’re thin and interested in fat people, dat-
ing one will bring questions from friends and family
as to why you’re with your partner, and suggestions
that you could do better. It will be suggested that you
help them lose weight. There is no lived, closeted feedism. Dating a fat person as a thin person will make
you responsible in the eyes of others for getting them
skinny. God help you if they get fatter.
But what if you get fat? Look at fat people around
you. Look how we walk, how we stand, how we sit.
Gently, always gently. Having gone through more
plastic patio chairs like tissue paper than I can count,
I can attest to developing a sense that the world is
built for lighter bodies, and acting accordingly.
I don’t plop into chairs or jump on beds or hug
too tightly, because I’m bigger than my surroundings. Feedism isn’t easy, either. Digestive
issues can be significant, and woe to the wouldbe feedee who, overwhelmed with feedist
ardor, downs a quart of heavy cream never having
done so before. Oof. The human body is incredibly
adaptable, but never instantly, and feedist exploration is a lot like dessert: you can always have more.
Just start with a little. Gaining is expensive, too. Not
just food cost, and not just the money involved. I’m
finally at the point where all the 3XL punk rock t-shirts
I made with a friend years ago are just inappropriate
for public wear because belly. Sure, that’s hot and all,
but when you’re gaining, it’s probably unwise to form
attachments to any articles of clothing besides hats.
If you have favorite brands, you might end up beyond
their biggest size. Same for favorite stores, and favorite articles of clothing. Hopefully this serves as more
of an indictment of capitalism than feedism, but it’s
been one of the less fun aspects.
Everything is horse trading to a degree, though. I
accept all of these things, because to me, feedism
is essential. Almost as essential as a good sense of
humor. Try not to be deadly serious about becoming
superfat, and don’t get too upset if you hear laughter
after crushing a flimsy chair: it would probably be
weird if you didn’t.
Porky Pierrot
dent and magical night of your life. A care free adventure feeding this wonderful, charming, FAT young
piggy, Porky is your friend.
Find Porky Pierrot on Facebook and Feabie and find
out for yourself!
The Harlequin Piggy
hen I was younger, in the dark days before the
Internet, there were certain moments in film
and TV that would mesmerise me. Moments that I’m
sure resonate with everyone who shares a passion
for fatness. There was Violet Bouregard ballooning
into a fat juicy blueberry, Augustus Gloop giving in to
his greed and becoming wedged in a tube by his own
stomach, or Winnie the Pooh eating so much honey
that he had grown too fat to squeeze through the
doorway he had entered through.
These scenes remain close to my heart as once upon
a time they were the only place I could witness a moment focussed entirely on how fat someone was. And
I think it is this that has let them become almost cult
scenes in the world of FAs, feeders and feedees alike.
It gave me perhaps an unrealistic wish that I might
find such a caricature of gluttony and bulging fatness
in the real world.
In a room full to the brim of mythical creatures,
masquerade costumes and all manner of weird and
wonderful attire, one stood out from the crowd.
He has the white face of a harlequin with a cute
little piggy snout and pointed ears under bright red
hair. Around his neck a beautiful white ruff. He was
dressed in pinstriped tails that might have fit him
once upon a time, but this is a greedy little piggy! His
clothes strained and stretched, looking as thought
they could burst open any moment, barely able to
contain him. He had already lost several buttons to
his over indulgence and now, bulging out from burst
jacket buttons and rolling over his trousers rests a
big, round, unashamedly fat belly. It was a glorious
thing to see, reminiscent of Violet or Pooh in his focus
on fatness, but with one big difference, this piggy is
But I have found such a fatty.
London is currently playing host to a growing
scene of spectacular vaudevillian club nights,
an underground scene of masquerade and
magical decadence. Parties spreading over
huge multi story clubs, abandoned theatres
and even in the vaults below London Bridge itself.
These settings are perfect to find a character of pure
Every inch of these places are dressed in velvet, and
draped with gold and jewels. Entangled with creepers and plant life that bring an air of spiritual nature
to it. As you move from one room to the next you
are transported to different worlds. From a Venetian
ballroom you could crawl down a rabbit hole into
wonderland or find yourself in the hall of the mountain King.
Entertainment comes in the form of cabaret acts,
to burlesque, to circus performers swinging from
wires right above you. You can truly be swept away
to another world of magic and decadence. Where
inhibitions are left behind and perhaps the anonymity
of a Venetian mask or spectacular costume are an
empowering force, allowing you freedom to do as you
please without consequence.
There is a creature making a name for himself across
this scene. A creature taking the decadence of these
parties to a new level. The harlequin piggy. Making an
art of over indulgence.
“Porky Pierrot, at your service” he says with a warm
and charming smile. He goes on to introduce himself
as the one and only Harlequin Piggy and the spirit of
all things wickedly indulgent. He speaks as though we
are old friends and with great confidence considering
he is doing something that many wouldn’t dare in
front of so many people.
He has friends with him, two girls in harlequin costume who seem to be having the time of their lives
making sure this fat piggy doesn’t stop eating. They
feed him several big cupcakes within a few minutes,
wobbling and patting his growing belly as they go.
Not only that but together they mingle through the
crowd and encourage everyone they can to help them
fatten up their big piggy! Almost everyone they ask
wants to help them, as though everyone has a feeder
side to them, even if buried deep down. The concept
touches something in the revellers and they are excited to have a hand in making this big belly grow fatter
still and to poke and wobble the blubber bulging from
the pinstriped tails.
These are “the Piglettes”! Some are girls that have
found me on sites like Feabie and want to help fatten
me up in this glorious care free environment, some
are excited by the thought of feeding up a fatty in
front of so many people, others see it as a safety net,
it’s very different from a one-on-one date with someone you’ve met online. For some, a harlequin mask
gives them the anonymity they need to explore something inside of them. Others are the girls that previous Piglettes have met at other parties, who want to
have a go because it looks like so much fun!
“We come up with characters for them and a small
backstory for why they are trying to make me fatter,
some do it out of love, some out of ridicule but every
one is different and they all have a spectacular evening at the masquerade and after every evening I am
a little bit fatter than I was before.”
As the party went on and we drank and we danced
and explored all the performances and rooms, I was
amazed at just how many people seemed to love Porky Pierrot. Anxious to shove some food in his mouth
and jiggle his growing belly. Porky is open to all of it.
He’s such a creature of decadence and fun, to him it’s
all part of the adventure and he’s only too happy to
watch himself expand.
There are a million reasons to get in touch with Porky
Pierrot. He’s friendly and charming, loves to talk
about anything, particularly art in any form. He’s a
poet, a painter, a talented musician and performer
and has the most beautiful perspectives on the world.
But better than all of those things, he is hungry!
Encourage him to eat and eat and watch him growing
bigger. And most of all, if you find yourself in the UK
and want to experience the most spectacularly decaHORNGRY | 45
Feedee Boys Series
weeks that I didn’t immediately realize that Rufus was
talking to me.
“Oh, you’re eating too?” he teased, and suddenly I remembered that this wasn’t just us getting an
early lunch, but a “scene”.
A weight gain fiction series by Molly Ren
“It’s not a rule!” I said, feeling a bit more
irritated than I ought to. Usually when Rufus stuffed
himself I was too excited to eat anything myself, and
Six had to sometimes remind me to do things like
drink water.
Remedy Diner
by Molly Ren
When a fat, pretty girl loses her job at an art gallery, she is snapped up by the eccentric Mister Six: a kinky party promoter
whose hobby is helping people realize their deepest desires. When Six discovers that the pretty girl is a feeder, he loses no
time introducing her to his partner Rufus Hex, front man for the indie rock band The Apologists. Together, they have gloriously poly adventures in fame and feederism that usually end in Rufus being very, very stuffed. This is the fifth installment
in what’s known as... The Feedee Boys Series!
“Two hours?” said Rufus when I got back from the
“At least,” I said. “Some kind of mechanical
“Fuck!” he said, which was exactly how I felt.
How things had changed. Two years ago I
would have been thrilled to be stuck in New
York for any length of time, but after six trips
in four months I had had more than enough of airports and dubious hotels. New York may be the greatest city on earth, but right now it was late January,
and what wasn’t pebbled with ice was covered in dirty
slush. The record wind chill had forced me to wear a
balaclava for the first time ever, no matter how much
Six would tease me about being unfashionable later.
“Certainly there’s something we can do for two
hours…” I said as I slumped down beside Rufus on
the slightly-too-narrow waiting seats. But as both of
us were completely out of ideas, I pushed my face
against his shoulder, puffy in his parka, and for a few
minutes neither of us said anything at all.
“I’m hungry,” said Rufus.
I looked up at him. “Oh?” Breakfast had been hours
ago, and one of those stingy free buffets. But something about the way he said it made me think this
wasn’t simply about wanting a hamburger.
“Mm-hmm,” he said, looking at little smug at the
effect those two little words had had on me. Which
was pretty good, considering he was wearing a knit
hat made to look like a shark’s mouth. (I had bought it
for him when he complained his ears were cold.)
“Six is always talking about how great the food is
“Besides,” I added in what I hoped was a happier
tone, “it looks good.” The picture showed stacks of
buttery pancakes surrounded by bursting ripe blueberries, and when the waitress came I ordered a
short stack and an order of sausage. Rufus copied
me… except that he got a full stack, and then kept
adding side dishes until I started to giggle. When the
waitress had left he gently caught one of my boots
between his under the table, lightly squeezing it to
show his excitement, and my irritation with him disappeared.
“You want to go there?” I giggled a moment later.
We spent the next few moments thawing
out, shedding our coats and scarves and gloves and
silly knitted shark hats. I relayed a sympathetic text
from Six, who had naturally heard of our flight delay
almost before we did, and we commiserated with
each other about how much we missed him (and also
how he was at this minute sunbathing by the pool at
home, the lucky bastard).
“I’m the feedee,” said Rufus archly. “That means I
get to pick.”
“How come you never do this?” he asked after
the waitress brought our food.
We managed to temporarily ditch our rolling suitcases in a locker, then made our way down the icy
sidewalk hand in gloved hand. Out of all the local Yelp
options--which ranged from five-star pizza places to
grander restaurants where--since yesterday’s television appearance--he could have easily gotten
a table even in his current outfit-- Rufus had
chosen an unassuming little diner. It looked
exactly like its Yelp picture: all chrome and
Formica and big front windows.
“Do what?” I asked, stirring sugar and cream
into my coffee. They had sugar cubes!
here,” I said as I fished out my tablet. “Let’s see what
we can find…”
“What I’m doing,” he said, gesturing at the
enormous spread in front of him. In addition to the
pancakes, he had sausage and hashbrowns
and a honey-slathered roll.
Other Stories
by Molly Ren
“Someone has to stay sober,” I said as
lightly as I could. I grinned at him as I licked
my coffee spoon. There wasn’t going to be
any alcohol in the food we’d ordered, but Rufus often got a little punchy after his stomach
was filled to bursting.
I had thought that being able to be someplace warm, not wet, and most importantly
not an airport lounge would be so wonderful
Feedee Boys Series
that I automatically wouldn’t want anything
Gummy Bears
“If that was true, you’d do it at home,”
else. But once I stepped inside and was hit
Snack Machine
he said.
with the delicious smell of cooking sausage
Feeding Tube
I looked at the butter trickling down
I found that I was hungry too. This was the
pancakes and suddenly felt wretchkind of place, I realized as I followed him
he have asked me any other
to a booth, that Rufus and Six would have
frequented in their starving artist days...but
it was also the kind of place that I had gone
“I’m sorry,” he said when the silence
to with my college friend Rick on Sunday mornings,
went on too long.
pleasantly exhausted and still wearing our goth club
“It makes me ill,” I said, covering the awkwardfinery from the night before. Even the menus--huge
a sip of my coffee.
laminated things that were spiral bound and seemed
to offer every breakfast food known to man--were the
Watching Rufus systematically demolish that much
I was so busy feeling more at home than I had in
food, however, had the effect of making me com-
pletely forget my discomfort. In fact, the only thing I
could think about was how I could feel my clit pushing insistently against the damp gusset of my panties,
and how frustrating it was that I was wearing too
many layers for Rufus to slip a hand under the table
and caress me.
I made do. The sun had come out while we were
eating, and I had dragged him into one of those weird
little parks that seem to be everywhere in NYC so that
I could grope his newly-rounded belly. But the second
our lips parted from a long, long kiss, he started up
“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t
want to do,” he said, “I just think this pretty belly
would be even prettier with a lot of candy inside it--”
He spread his hand across my upper belly. I pushed
it back down and was away from him so fast I didn’t
fully realize what I’d done.
“I’m really fucking this up, aren’t I?” he said.
“Yes,” I said. He let me walk away from him for a
little bit. I could hear him puffing slightly behind me-his tummy was too full of pancakes--and this mollified
me a little.
“You know I used to take ballet classes?” I told him.
“I didn’t.” He sounded surprised. Six had started his
life in showbiz as a ballet dancer, but I’d never
mentioned this to him either.
“It was in grade school,” I said. “You had to
buy the tights from a catalog. And we ordered
the largest size, but mine didn’t fit.”
“Oh,” said Rufus.
“And it’s always like that. Until I met Six, I never really had clothes that fit me-- and you remember, when
we were in that bar, and that guy called me a cow
and you told him I was your girlfriend and he looked
Rufus said, “I remember.” He was starting to look
as bad as I’d felt when he first brought it up, but I was
just getting started
“It’s safe if you do it,” I said. I’d sat in Rufus’ dressing room just yesterday, pretending not to notice the
confused look the wrangler gave me at seeing someone twice the size of their usual guests being kissed
by someone as GQ-ready as Rufus before he went
on stage. “One time, I was in a diner with my mom,
and I ordered a milkshake, and she pointed to the fat
lady at the counter and said ‘Be careful’. ‘Be careful’!”
I exploded. ”I just wanted a milkshake!” A pigeon flew
away from us in a panic, and I stopped, embarrassed.
“I don’t even drink them every day….”
Rufus took out his phone, and for an agonizing
second I thought I’d lost him completely.
Then he said, “We still have an hour and a half left
I was confused. “What do you want to do?”
He took my arm and steered me down the street.
“I’m buying you a milkshake.”
The diner was called “Remedy”. I felt a tiny bit of
leftover embarrassment, but it didn’t last through
snuggling up to Rufus in the booth. He held me tightly
against him with one arm, protective, and the waitress was too busy to treat us like anything other than
a normal couple.
When she asked if I wanted whipped cream and a
cherry, Rufus said, “And sprinkles if you have them,”
kissing me. “And I’ll have…” he squinted at the menu.
“Number five.”
“How would you like it cooked?” the waitress asked
as I stared at him in awe.
“A steak?!” I asked in a loud whisper when the waitress had gone.
“It’s just a steak,” he said. “Anyway, we’ve been
walking around, so those pancakes have had time
to settle.” He casually rubbed his rounded belly, and
gave a small burp.
I found myself drooling. “Unf,” I said.
“What’s ‘unf’?” he asked.
“Universal Noise of Fucking,” I said, surprising myself with a memory from Live Journal, and he
“Oh, it’s like ‘phwoar’.”
My milkshake arrived before his food did.
I leaned back in his embrace and sipped,
feeling a distinct lack of food-related guilt for
the first time that day. Rufus didn’t say a word, but I
glanced up at him once and saw that he looked a little
“Is that person taking pics of us?” I asked after a
moment. The person was three booths away from us,
but they were holding their camera up awfully high
for a selfie.
“I think they are,” said Rufus.
blood and fat, and he was watching my reaction.
“Do you want another?”
“Please,” I said, then kissed his shoulder. “You need
to eat some too.”
“Oh, I will,” he said, but paused for a moment
before taking a bite himself. The pancakes had had
time to “settle” in his belly, but they’d also had time to
There was something extremely decadent,
I thought, about watching Rufus take slow bites of
blood-rare animal when I had the taste of chocolate
and cream in my mouth. I was already thinking of
ways we could capitalize on this new information
when we were back home. I imagined a scene where
Six and me sipped cocktails, as outwardly disinterested as Roman emperors, while poor naked Rufus had
to drink… a whole case of beer? A gallon of milk? Six
could help me come up with ideas.
About a third of the way through the steak, I decided Rufus deserved a break and tapped his shoulder.
I held up a spoonful of the whipped cream, and he
obediently sucked it off, giving a little sigh afterwards.
“That’s amazing.”
“I think it’s real cream,” I said brightly, as if his reaction was due to something as simple as the quality of
the food. He squeezed my thigh under the table.
A little later he hiccupped, covering his mouth with
his napkin. “We should have gone here first,” he said,
to cover how he was starting to really struggle. “This
is the one the best steaks I have ever had.” His eyes
were big, probably because he just realized he was
only halfway through.
“I’m just thinking about all the things you had
before,” I purred. I discreetly slid my hand over his
belly under the table (well, a distant part of my brain
hoped it was discrete!) Oh yes, he was so swollen
now. I felt myself go wet as I explored his stomach’s
new firmness under my fingers, the indent of his
navel where his t-shirt was pulled taut.
He whispered in my ear, “Imagine the pull quote:
‘My girlfriend wants to make me fat!’” and while we
were still giggling his steak came.
Rufus kept eating. I don’t know what we looked like
to other people, but at this point all I could focus on
was rubbing the growing curve of his belly, the way
his lips parted, and the way his throat moved as he
swallowed. After the last bite, I gently squeezed his
belly, which made him jerk slightly and then grip the
Rufus made a soft pleased noise as he cut into it
and revealed a delicious bloody pinkness.
Then I pulled away, taking another delightful
sip of the milk shake. “Chips too,” I said.
“Wow,” I said, “they got it right for once.” I could
count the truly rare steaks I’d gotten in a diner like
this on one hand.
Rufus made a growly noise. I couldn’t tell if it
was frustration at not having my hand on him anymore, or frustration at still having to plow through
a pile of heavy, greasy steak fries. I stole one and
bit into it, reflecting on something that Six had said
before: stolen fries really did taste better.
“Maybe they’re a tabloid,” I said. “’Mystery lady
snuggles up-and-coming rocker’.”
“Want a bite?” he asked.
I gently slid the piece off the tines of his fork with
my tongue. This was the first time he’d fed me anything, ever.
“Wow,” I said again, when I could talk. It tasted of
“Here,” I said, taking pity on him, “I’ll help.” I
snuggled close again, thinking about how he seemed
to be so much heavier now even though the diner ta-
ble hid most of the results of his enormous feast, and
alternately ate one fry and fed him the second one.
It’s because he’s breathing more slowly and deeply, I
thought, and even moving slower. That helps to give
the impression of heaviness. As much as his belly
must be hurting at this point, he obediently ate each
fry from my hand, eyes half shut. Fortunately, with
me sharing, it meant he only had to eat five of them.
When we were down to only one, I held it in front of
his lips for a moment until he opened his mouth, then
took it back and ate it myself.
“God,” said Rufus. He sounded dazed. The
sight of his pretty, chubby girlfriend eating was too
much for him, but now his greed had gotten the better of him and he was too fat to move.
“Aww,” I said, the way sadists do when they’re only
pretending to feel sorry for you. I started rubbing his
huge belly again. That’s how I felt, rather than heard,
it gurgle before he gave an enormous burp. I was
sure they could hear it in Times Square.
I started giggling again. Rufus didn’t even apologize.
Instead, he leaned back, undid the top button on his
jeans and practically melted into the diner seat. “I
hope that waitress never comes back,” he muttered.
“Nah, you have to get up to pay,” I said, suiting
action to word. I fished my purse out from our mass
of coats and scarves, then kissed him on the nose.
“Hope you’re not too heavy to walk back,” I teased.
Rufus just groaned. In half an hour we’d be
crammed into a pair of narrow airline seats, but this
time I didn’t mind it. It would just make it easier to
listen to Rufus’ gurgling belly… and that’s what I did all
the way back home.
Molly Ren
This story has been written for and first published
in this third issue of HORNGRY.
Chips/fries and unf/pwroar: After spending most
of his life living in Manchester, England and traveling with a multi-lingual rock band, Rufus tends to
use whichever word he can remember first. This
habit has rubbed off on his lovers.
Remedy Diner is, in fact, the name of a real diner
in NYC. After pulling an all-nighter their coffee
seemed to reach near-hallucinatory deliciousness,
but I have never actually had their steak.
Feel free to email me at [email protected]
I’ve gotten several emails about these stories in
the past year and I’ve enjoyed it immensely!
I first introduced this infographic in the very
first issue. I will be returning to it in the upcoming issues, but for now, consider issue
#1 the resource material for this infographic
and the different aspects of feederism I’ve
included in this issue.
ft F
Never forget that those are just shades of
an infinite spectrum. They are themes that
the community gravitates towards, but by
no means are the bound to the connecting
aspects or even the main category I filed
them under.
Instant Gaining
I’ve explained each aspect a little bit further
in issue #1.
Button Popping
Crushing Objects
Crushing People
is created, edited and selfpublished by
All the content, if not otherwise specified, has
been written by TenderLovingCares. Please
get in contact first if you want permission to
use any of the writing or artwork elsewhere.
The copyright of artworks from other artists of the community remain with the original artist and everything used has been
approved and previewed by the artist before being uploaded as part of HORNGRY.
Thank you goes to the following Patreons
for supporting this issue:
Patreon Helpers
Sean L
A big thank you goes out to all the artists
and writers who made Horngry 03 possible.
Here is a complete list of them:
Writing by
p14, 43
Nandi Heart
Molly Ren
Special interviews for participating in interviews
You can download older
issues of HORNGRY at:
Wood & KeineMacht
Cover and Logo Artwork
Layout Design and Execution
Proof Reading
Preview Coordination
Planning and Publicity
Equipment used
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Wacom Intuous
This is a gree webzine. None of the artists
or writers have been paid for any of their
content and neither have I. If you want to
support any of us, check out the webpages
of the artists, check for commission opening or donation link and consider supporting HORNGRY on Patreon.
Supporting the community benefits everyone in the long run!
Issue #2
Mar 2015
Issue #1
Dec 2014
Thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed it and would like to see more of HORNGRY in the future,
please consider supporting HORNGRY on Patreon.