April 2012 4-L1 Today - District 4-L1


April 2012 4-L1 Today - District 4-L1
Vol. 17 Issue 5
April 2012
Come Join the Fun at the Convention 2012: “ Lions
International Food Faire Service is Out of this World”
The International Food
Faire Committee encourages all district Lions Clubs
to consider hosting a table
for the International Food
Faire taking place at noon
on Friday, May 18th during
the 2012 District Convention
at the Sheraton Agoura Hills
Hotel.. The Lions Clubs
of our district represent a
great diversity of cultures,
backgrounds, and of course
good eating. Everyone looks
forward to this festive event
featuring all kinds of delicious food items. It’s great
fun for your club to present a
table with your special food
dish or beverage, and it’s a
great way to involve your
club members working together and to draw attention
to what your club can do.
Participating in the Food
Faire is a relatively easy
project – you’re not asked
to serve an entire meal. Just
decide on a food or beverage
item that you enjoy and that
you can readily put together
and serve in small portions.
There’ll be lots of other
food tables to help with the
overall eating experience.
And of course you’ll enjoy
the offerings of all the other
clubs, without charge. Every
club will bear its own costs,
so no one will go overboard
on expense. Plan on serving about 100 Lions and
guests, with your own paper
plates, napkins, plastic cups,
plastic forks, spoons – whatever your food item requires.
All those attending the
Food Faire will be able
to vote on their favorites,
both as to taste and as to
presentation. Many clubs
decorate their tables and
have costumes to carry out
their themes, all of which
adds to the fun. The winning clubs in each category
will receive trophy awards.
To sign up, please complete the form on page 13 and
return it to me by regular mail
at 518 Continental Court,
Pasadena, CA 91103 or via
e-mail at mdoug96393@aol.
com. Please include your
Lions Club in all the fun!
IPDG Marcia Newyear has sent the following letter to International
Director Alan Theodore “Ted” Reiver, who will be the international guest at
the 2012 District Convention. It lists the activities at this year’s convention:
We are looking forward to your visit on May 17 th through 20 th. I am PDG
Marcia and I am the junior member on our Convention Committee. You will
soon be hearing from PDG Ron Burdick, our Convention Chair. I know that
Bhavna Shodhan (the Governor’s wife) has been in touch with you, but I wanted to give you a little more detail as to what to expect when you visit California.
First of all, we plan on having wonderful weather for you and your wife. If you come in on
Thursday we will have a hospitality and then dinner. Friday morning. will be our first breakfast with a wonderful speaker, which will lead us into our first business meeting followed
by our International Food Faire at noon. This year our Governor’s theme is “Lions Serve
Everywhere,” so we thought it would be appropriate to have an International theme. Each club
has been encouraged to have a table with an International delicacy. All attendees do the judging.
Following the Food Faire we will be having the District Derby, a race with four stick
horses in three heats. The hotel bar will be serving Mint Juleps. You and your wife need
to be prepared with hats since it will be in the sun and warm. There will be a contest
for the “best” hat for the women. There will be the candidates hospitality shortly after.
On Friday evening the theme will be “Lions Service is Out
of this World”. It is a space theme and our crazy, fun DJ will be entertaining us. If your Star Trek uniform is in the cleaners, then just dress casual.
Early Saturday morning will be the Cabinet Meeting and we would love to have
you attend. The second business meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. and include the introduction of our candidates.. The International Director’s Luncheon will be at noon.
California has a Student Speakers Contest that starts at club level and works
up to the State Level. We are so thrilled because right after the luncheon, we will
be having the area contest. The winner at this level will receive a $6,500 scholarship. Our first lady Bhavna will be giving a small reception for the incoming First Lady Anna Oviedo after the contest. We would love to have Ann attend.
S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g i s t h e G o v e r n o r ’s B a l l w i t h t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l
theme. We will be asking our Lions to come dressed in their heritage
costume or formal dress. Sunday morning will feature our awards breakfast.
As you can tell, you won’t be coming here to rest. The hotel is not far from the Regan
Library. Depending when you have to leave, we could arrange for you to visit. Again,
we are looking forward to your visit. Please let us know if you have any questions.
April 2012
Page 2
ID Reiver to be Keynote Speaker Peace Poster Marks
25th Year
at Convention
Alan T. “Ted” Reiver,
from Wilmington, Delaware,
was elected to serve a twoyear term as a director of the
International Association
Of Lions Clubs at the association’s 94th International
Convention, held in
Seattle July 4-8, 2011.
Director Reiver is
a floor and window coverings store merchant.
A member of the
Talleyville-Naamans Lions
Club since 1983, he has
held many offices within the
association, including club
president, zone chair, region
chair, vice district governor,
district governor, council
secretary, LEHP Coordinator,
Rebuilding Lions coordinator and multiple district
international convention
chair. He also served as CSF
II group coordinator, district chaplain, Kusiak Lions
Youth Foundation board
chairperson and treasurer,
Delaware Lions Foundation
grants and loans chairperson, Lions Vision Research
Foundation board member and as a faculty member/presenter at numerous
Lions Leadership Institutes.
In recognition of his
service to the association, he has received numerous awards including
Club Lion of the Year, PID
Gene Polgar Fellow, PIP
Clem Kusiak Fellow, Dr.
Arnall Patz Fellow, PID
James A. McCarty Fellow,
Ralph N. Helm Fellow, PID
Darley Travers Fellow, an
International President’s
Certificate of Achievement,
a Presidential Leadership
Medal, an International
President’s Certificate of
Sponsorship, an International
President’s Certificate
of Appreciation and an
International President’s
Medal. He is a Progressive
M e l v i n J o n e s F e l l o w.
In addition to his Lions
activities, Director Reiver
is active in numerous professional and community
organizations, including the
Penn-Rose Civic Association
and the Board of Delaware
Association of the Blind.
He has served on several
boards of directors, including
the Claymont Community
Center, Edgemoor
Community Center, Sellers
Senior Center and the
Floor covering Association
of Greater Philadelphia.
Director Reiver and his
wife Ann, also a Lion and a
Progressive Melvin Jones
Fellow, have one daughter
and three grandchildren.
Reprinted from March 2012 Lion Magazine
Celebrate the 25th year of the Lions International
Peace Poster Contest by participating in the 20122013 competition. Kits are now on sale at Lions
Clubs International. Lions clubs can sponsor the art
contest for children ages 11 to 13 as of November
15 in local schools and youth groups. The art contest encourages youths to express their visions of
peace. More than 4 million children from nearly
100 countries have participated. The grand prize
winner will receive a trip to Lions Day with the
United Nations and a cash prize of $5,000. Each
of the 23 merit award winners will receive $500.
For information, visit www.lionsclubs.
org (search: Peace Poster), call 630-5715466 or e-mail [email protected].
Lions Raise Funds for Diabetes Research
Thanks to the generosity of the Lions of District 4-L1, Lion Fred Beck
was able to give the City of Hope a check for $1,088.19 for diabetes research. Lion Fred has given each club a collection box to leave at a location for donations. Thank you to all the clubs for turning in their donations:
L.A. Envision - $60.00, No. Hollywood - $45.00, Santa Clarita - $26.17,
L.A. Mid-Valley - $52.01, 2nd VDG Josephine Louie - $200.00, Mojave $21.00, Palmdale - $331.16, L.A. International - $200.00 and a collection
at the Desert Region Meeting collected $152.85 from miscellaneous clubs.
Lion Fred presented the check to the City of Hope at the Lions Day Tribute.
The 2011-2012 grand prize winner by Trisha
Co Reyes of the Philippines. She was sponsored by the Manila Centennial Lions Club.
April 2012
Editor’s Desk
PDG Lita Guidotti
Time has been flying by.
Ten months ago I accepted
the position of SecretaryTreasurer with a great deal of
enthusiasm. I was positive
that my experience as Past
District Governor will greatly contribute to the success
of District Governor Kadam
Shodhan’s goal and vision.
My efforts are aimed toward
helping make the year a successful one for District 4-L1.
I would like to thank
all Region and Zone Chairs
and, Club Secretaries and
Treasurers in getting their
clubs to submit the MMR
reports and in paying their
dues, though few of the clubs
are still in arrears and have
not updated their MMR and
the District Interclub activity
report. We are aware that
all Region and Zone have
tried their best to follow up
with their clubs. The cash
flow of the district has been
affected by the decrease
in membership. We urge
the clubs to update your
dues to both MD4 and LCI.
District Governor Kadam
wishes to transfer fund to
VDG Eduardo more than the
$1,500 required by the District
Constitution and By-Laws.
As of March 2012, the
district membership count
was reduced to 892, reflecting a decrease of 38 members. District Governor
Kadam and I both met with
the new club organizer and
we got about 20 members
signed up with the $30.00
initial fee each new member. We are expecting the
approval of the new club in
the valley region by May
2012. The new Lions Club
is named the “Greater West
You kinda’ had to be there, but first the Buckley
Ponds/Rawson Ponds had to be drained and then mucked
out by mechanical and hand means. Trucks, scoops,
graders and Caterpillar equipment were made available through kind supporters including the City of Los
Angeles Department of Water and Power, John Arcularius
and his 10-wheeler, John Clair and his truck loader, and
State of California’s CalFire operations near Bishop in
Round Valley. Concrete was made available by Steve
Yeager, fencing by Boyd’s Fence, steel for the deck/
dock framing and structure came from Brown’s Supply.
Valley Lions Club” whose
membership consists of
mostly business owners and
professionals in the west
San Fernando Valley area.
As to the Student
Speaker Contest, all region
contests are completed, the
district level contest will be
held at the Ridgecrest City
Council chambers at 2:00
p.m. on Saturday, April 14th.
Lion President Owen
Kato has spearheaded the
formation of the new Taft
High School Leo Club.
Thank you President
Owen and members of the
Mid-Valley Lions Club.
I personally thank all
of the clubs who have donated to the LOVE Program,
a project supported by
District 4-L1. We received
an $800 donation for the
Blind Fishing project. Lion
Kathy Amman is proactively
preparing for the August
fishing trip for the blind.
To all the cabinet officers, you are more than
great Lions; I will cherish
your friendship forever.
This is my last issue as
editor of 4-L1 Today. I hope
I have served you well. At
times it has been frustrating
to do this paper, especially
when the deadline would
come and go and we only had
enough information to fill
maybe a page and a half! At
those times I would refer to
this as the “paper from hell”.
For me this has been a
great learning experience.
I want to thank PDG
Dudley and PDG Ross for
all their time, advice and
encouragement. To the staff,
thank you for all your hard
work gathering up the information and getting it down
on paper for us. Thanks
Lion Pete for getting the
paper out in the mail the
same day it was picked
up from the printer. Thank
you to the many people
who not only labeled but
tabbed the paper as well.
Lion Sondra will take
over and I‘ll help between diaper changes!
4-L1 Today
Page 3
Publication Staff
Aggie Vosburg (Pete)
R: (818) 894-3712
[email protected]
Pete Vosburg (Aggie)
R: (818) 894-3712
[email protected]
Articles Editor
PDG Dudley Lang (Gail)
B: (213) 243-6144
[email protected]
Erica Grubert
R/F: (323) 257-2497
[email protected]
PDG Ross Adams (Rita)
R: (818) 243-4458
[email protected]
Carl Spring
R: (310) 398-6350
[email protected]
Marva Murphy
B: (818) 955-8018
[email protected]
Stan Smith
R: (760) 873-6937
[email protected]
New Editor
Lion Sondra Tersigni
[email protected]
(661) 305-2235
Page 4
April 2012
Griffith Park Lions 94th Anniversary Luncheon
L.A. Host Lions getting ready to flip Come and join the celebration
Club Activities those pancakes
Around the District.......
Eyemobile Screenings.
The L.A. Host Lions Club
has scheduled four eye
screening events in the coming months: March 24th at
All Peoples Community
Center; April 28 th for the
Echo Center in Echo Park;
July 22nd at Our Lady Queen
of Angels Church at La
Placita Olvera; and on
August 7 th for “National
Night Out” at the Walgreens
parking lot in Echo Park.
Offsite Programs. The
L.A. Host Lions Club has
held or scheduled three
offsite programs since the
February report: Hillsides,
a safe haven for abused
foster children located in
Pasadena, hosted by speak-
er Jackie Broxton; Braille
Institute at its Vermont
Avenue campus, hosted by
speaker Sally Jameson; and
Catholic Charities at the
Farley House of the Good
Shepherd Center, hosted
by Msgr. Gregory Cox.
LSH Program. On
April 27th, Randy Stein, CEO
of the Lions Sight & Hearing
Foundation will present a
program at the regular meeting of the L.. Host Lions Club.
Planning Meeting. The
L.A. Host Lions will hold its
annual Planning Meeting on
Friday, April 13th at which
the budget, activities and
committee assignments for
the coming year will be
mapped out and discussed.
Patient Carole Langley is happy to receive the
Valentine’s Day visit and gift from Burbank Noon Lions
Club member Brenda Lantieri. Club members brought
good wishes and gifts to patients at Burbank Healthcare
and Rehabilitation Center to celebrate the holiday.
Pancake Breakfast.
The 69 th Annual Pancake
Breakfast Fundraiser will be
held on Saturday, May 5th in
the parking lot of the Atwater
Wells Fargo Bank, located
at, 3250 Glendale Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90039; from
7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Cost
per person is $5.00. Menu
includes; pancakes, eggs,
sausages, juice, coffee and
milk. The Lions Eyemobile
will be available from 7:30 to
9:30 a.m. for those attendees
wanting to be screened for
glaucoma or other vision
issues. There will also be
Door Prizes and a Silent
Auction. For further details
please contact President,
Betty Barlotta, at (323) 6619893. Please mark this date
on your calendar – we look
forward to seeing you there.
Charitable Donations.
The Griffith Park Lions Club
thus far in 2012 has or will
donate to The City of Hope
and the Lions forthcoming
Fishing Trips for the blind and
visually impaired children.
by Lion Gail Adams
Lion Gilbert Mares of the L.A. Host Lions Club has asked
that you all be reminded that they are having a very special
94th Anniversary on May 25th, at noon, at Taix Restaurant,
1911 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. 94th! - that’s a big one!
He is working to receive a proclamation from the
Mayor and president of the City Council, as well as
the California Senate and Assembly, maybe the United
States Congress. International Director Lion Larry
Dicus will be there to make a special presentation.
The L.A. Host Lions Club has sponsored 22 clubs
and has been serving the Los Angeles area for 94 years
Please contact President David Bermudez at (213)
725-4922 or [email protected] or Lion
Gilbert at (626) 568-1600 or maresgz@earthlink.
net if you will be attending this special occasion.
Framing and Shape Progress
You can begin to see what Lions had in mind as
Lefty Irwin (center) supervises volunteers placing and
installing the concrete base and then the steel frame for
the substructure of the ramp and dock. You can also see
the effort remaining behind the workers which will be
required to continue to clear, clean, dredge and refill the
pond for access by the handicapped anglers. Not shown
are other workers and the various structures intended to
be placed in the pond when refilled which will house the
warm-water fish and serve as habitat and breeding locales.
April 2012
Page 5
Metro Region Speaker
Contest Held
Castaic Lions Receive Eyeglasses
from Hart High School
Keith Robison, President of the Castaic Lions Club,
reports that it was an honor recently to meet Hart High
School teacher Mrs. Paula Bae at Appreciation night, and
to hear to about the passion she and her students have in
collecting eyeglasses. That evening Paula delivered to us
approximately 1,500 pairs of prescription eyeglasses, about
the same amount delivered last year. This is a beautiful
sight to see, on what one teacher and her students can do.
The collection from Hart High School.
KidSight volunteers gathered at Bueba Vista Library
in Burbank for training on the eye screening equipment. Friends and family of the Crescenta-Canada,
Northwest Glendale, Burbank Noon and L.A. MidValley Lions, focused as staff of equipment supplier
iScreen Vision Co. demonstrated proper usage. Tracy
McNabb, holding iScreen unit, took practice shots of
Northwest Glendale Lion Ted Walters’ grandchild.
by PDG Lita Guidotti
As the result of a fall for
Bishop City Councilman Jim
Ellis and the ensuing Ellis
family need for assistance
in meeting medical and rehabilitation expenses from that
accident, the Bishop Lions
sponsored a spaghetti feed
on March 23rd as a community fundraiser. Bishop Lions
and community volunteers
served approx. 450 dinners
prepared by 28 Lions and
tireless community members
who stepped forward in the
Ellis family’s time of need.
Those attending enjoyed
music provided gratis by
two great swing/blues/rockn-roll bands and participated
in a 5050 raffle which raised
$1,000 for the winner and a
drawing for various donated
door prizes. Shown above
(l-r) are Project/Event chair
Bishop Lion Ken Lloyd, Jim
Ellis’ wife Cami Ellis, Bishop
Lions Club President George
Johnston, and Clancey
Batchelder who Lion Ken
says is a great family friend
and was an irreplaceable
super-helper for this dinner!
The Metro Regional
Speaker Contest was
held on March 20 th at
the Golden Dragon
Restaurant in Los
Angeles. The three Metro
Zone Chairpersons,
Lions Fredy Perez, Vince
De Santis, and Nancy
Chan, as well as 1st VDG
Eduardo Oviedo, 2 nd
VDG Josephine Louie
and several clubs from
the region attended and
assisted in the completion of the contest. The
Metro Region team decided that each Zone
Chair person would invite judges respectively.
It was a great pleasure
that L.A. International
Lions Club President
Peter Rowland helped
PDG Lita arrange the
venue, dinner and the
program. During the
3-minute intermissions,
PDG Ross Adams
spoke about the Student
Speaker Foundation;
PDG Lita addressed nonLion attendees about
“What Lions Do” and
how to become a member of a Lions Club.
Certificates were
presented to all three
contestants, including
runners-up Vivian Le
and Matlin Daldanian.
The $150 cash prize was
awarded to the winner
Anna Diep, a student
from Gabrielino High
School sponsored by the
LA Chinese Lions Club.
It was announced that
the District level contest will be held at the
Ridgecrest City Council
chambers at 2:00 p.m.
on Saturday, April 14th.
Page 6
Around the District.......
April 2012
Melvin Lee Smith
June 25, 1918 - January 29, 2012
L.A. Host Lions with Msgr. Gregory Cox and Sister Ann Tan at Good
S h e p h e rd C e n t e r, a p ro j e c t o f C a t h o l i c C h a r i t i e s L o s A n g e l e s .
Melvin Smith, a long time
resident of Mojave, passed
away on January 29, 2012 after a long illness. He was 93.
Mel was born in bishop,
CA and moved to Mojave
in 1940. He was with Banl
of America for 33 years and
Santa Barbara Savings for
seven years. He took a very
active role in his community.
He was the Chief, for 18 years,
of the Mojave Volunteer
Fire Department; a charter
member of the Lions Club;
the first Honorary Mayor of
Mojave; The Golden Voice
of Radio KDOL; announcing high school football,
basketball and Little League
games. He was a director
on the board of the Mojave
Public Utility District, a
director on the board of the
East Kern Airport District
and a board member of the
Mojave Medical Center, Inc.
He was preceded in
death by his wife of 49
years, Ellen, in July 2001.
He is survived by
their three children, Sue
Hagner of Bend, OR; Lyn
Williams of Bakersfield and
Harold Smith of Mojave;
and six grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren.
Lions Gilbert
and Carol Mares
at the L.A.
Lions Club‘s 46th
Annual Chinese
New Year Dinner.
April 2012
Page 7
Dr. Roland E. Loudermilk, D.C. Lone Pine Lions & because Donald D. Ainsworth II
April 1, 1941 - February 24, 2012
it was just Easter
Whether you knew him as
“Doc”, “Rollo” or “Rusty”,
you knew a very special man.
Dr.. Loudermilk had a
great passion for the earth
and its animals. He believed
in the right to bear arms and
was a huge John Wayne fan.
He liked 50’s music, playing
tennis and watching sports
on TV. He started his career
as a stunt man at Old Tucson
in Arizona. Being a street
performer and stunt man for
shows like “High Chaparral”
led him to try his career in
Hollywood. In California
Doc realized he needed a
real job to pay the bills and
attended chiropractic school
Doc was a member
of the Toluca Lake Lions
Club for 32 years. He had
a great sense of humor
and paid the fine at every
meeting just to tell a joke!
He worked hard as a chiropractor to support his family and as a Lion to support
his club. He organized two
concerts, Dave Somerville
and a country concert, as
fund-raisers for the club.
Some people believe he
could sell you the Brooklyn
Bridge and he’d donate
the proceeds to his club.
Doc is survived by his
wife of forty years, Margit
(also a member of the Toluca
Lake Lions Club), two children, Betina and David, one
brother and four sisters.
Lion Julie reported Sara and
Kayla and Samantha
Daughtry were there
to take part in the
Lone Pine Lions’
fun, as were veteran
egg seekers Robert
Wilkinson and Joey
Bellas, along with
a special presentation by Inyo County
Supervisor Richard
Cervantes of a water bottle to young
Sierra Kingsford.
Lone Pine Lion Julie
Fought shipped an assortment of Easter pictures from
the Lone Pine Lions’ recent Easter Egg Hunt. Past
President Paul Lamos helped
hide the eggs but had to
leave to watch a basketball
game, so Lion Victor Silvas
took up the support for finding photos and IDs for the
Easter Bunny and assembled kids and parents and
Lions working the project.
Incumbent Club President
Lion Matt Kingsley invited
other Lions and community
volunteers to start hiding
eggs at 8:30 Easter Sunday
morning, and says the egg
hunt started at 10:00 a.m.
We suspect it didn’t take
long for the urchins to locate and basket all the eggs!
Northwest Glendale
Lions lost another longtime, dedicated Lion with
the passing of life member
Don Ainsworth on March
13 th. Don transferred to
Northwest Glendale in July
1999 from the Hollywood
Lions Club in District 4-L3,
where he had been a club
president and zone chairman.
He continued his leadership
role, serving as president
of the Northwest Glendale
Lions for two years 20032005 and as chairman of
the Scholarship Committee
for the past three years. He
has been a board member
since 2000 and was currently first vice-president.
Lion Don was a hospital
administrator: 18 years at the
UCLA Medical School; 18
years at Mt. Sinai and Cedars
of Lebanon, overseeing the
merger into Cedars-Sinai;
two years at Hollywood
Presbyterian before “retiring” to be the West Coast
recruiter for the medical
school of Ross University in
Granada. He was a graduate
of both UCLA and USC.
Don and wife
Virginia(Ginny) observed
their 63rd wedding anniversary on February 22, 2012.
He is survived by Ginny and
sons Donald III and Stephen.
A daughter preceded him in
death. This gentle, unassuming leader will be missed
as a Lion and as a friend.
No services are planned.
www. md4lions.org
Page 8
April 2012
DG Kadam Shodhan’s Message
DG Dr. Kadam Shodhan
We are now in the month
of April and, with all the activities coming up, I feel the
year will be over in the blink
of an eye. Next month we will
have our District Convention
when a new District
Governor and Vice District
Governors will be elected.
Our District Convention
Committee is working very
hard to make the convention
a very successful event. This
year’s theme is “Out of this
World with Lions Service”
as Lions Care Everywhere. I
request every Lion to attend
the convention by sending
your reservation to PDG
Ron Burdick at your earliest convenience. I promise
you it will be a lot of fun
coming together to celebrate
the world of Lionism on one
platform. The convention
will be held from May 17 - 20
at the Sheraton Agoura Hills
Hotel located in the rolling
foothills of the Santa Monica
Mountains. On Friday, May
18th, we will have our annual
International Food Faire un-
der the leadership of the L.A.
Host Lions, and I request all
the clubs to participate and
show our unity with international diversity. As icing
on the cake, on Saturday
afternoon, May 19th, the Area
3 Student Speakers Contest
will take place. This will be
a wonderful opportunity to
show how our district supports the MD-4 Student
Speakers Contest. It will
also give you one more good
reason to participate in our
District Convention this year
to see the Area 3 Contest in
person, knowing that the
student winner will now
move on to the MD-4 Final
Contest in Sacramento on
June 2nd. I am sure we will all
be highly impressed and will
appreciate our young student
speakers and the thoughts
expressed in their speeches.
The Desert Region
Meeting was held on March
9 – 10 in beautiful Tehachapi.
Thanks to Region Chair Eva
Hebebrand, Zone Chairs
Doris Mann and John
Minneci, and all the clubs for
their whole-hearted support
to make it a very successful
event. The First Niter was in
the historic Train Depot with
a great variety of food and
drinks supplied by different
clubs. The Cabinet meeting
started with breakfast, and
then the business session
with reports from various
committee chairs. Lion Fred
Beck, Chair of the Diabetes
Awareness Committee, em-
phasized his fund raising
idea for the City of Hope by
passing collection boxes at
meetings and different business places. As Lion Bhavna
also had City of Hope boxes,
the idea was executed at the
meeting and $377 was collected. During the year he
has collected $1,088.19 from
various collection boxes for
which he presented a check
to the City of Hope. Also,
special thanks to PDG Bill
Newyear for tail twisting in
his unique hilarious style.
The Melvin Jones Dinner
was held on Saturday evening. Unfortunately, I could
not attend the dinner due
to family reasons. Thanks
to all of the clubs for their
support and attendance.
Lion Aggie Vosburg,
Editor-in-Chief of “4-L1
Today” announced at the
Desert Region meeting that
she would be retiring after
this issue of the newspaper.
We are very thankful to
Lion Aggie for her many
years of commitment, fellowship, and wonderful service. We will always remember her for the outstanding
work she has done in putting together the newspaper
and making it available to
all district Lions on time.
City of Hope’s 55 th
Annual Lions Tribute Day
was held on Sunday, March
25 th . There were presentations by renowned City
of Hope clinicians and researchers, beautiful campus
tours, complimentary lunch
and awards/recognition of
outstanding Lions for City
of Hope. Among others, the
L.A. Chinese Lions Club
was well represented. Their
President and Chair of the
City of Hope Committee,
Dr. Huo Chen, collected
over $10,000 for the Lions
Family Center at the City
of Hope. It was a pleasant
surprise for all when he presented a big enlarged check
to Nancy Lewis of City of
Hope. Hats off to Dr. Chen,
Zone Chair Nancy Chan,
and participating Lions, you
truly deserve accolades!
I am very pleased to let
you know that a new club,
the West Valley Lions Club,
is about to be born with
members composed of business people and people from
different walks of life from
the San Fernando Valley.
I am very excited to welcome this club and its new
members in our district.
Our district is in a very
critical condition so far as
membership is concerned.
We need to work very seriously on membership, extension and retention. We need
to make an effort and believe
in the “Power of One” to
increase our membership. As
Lions, we are part of a different kind of family where we
share a common belief that
by working together, we can
accomplish great things and
change the world through
service. It is important that
we value our club members
as family, keep them active,
engaged and involved, and
treat them with pride and
respect as we would our own
family. This would strengthen cohesiveness in our clubs,
make them successful, and
fulfill community needs
through membership growth
and new club formation.
We still have a couple of
months left in the year. I
hope you will try to bring in
new members and retain the
members we already have.
It has been my great pleasure to work with my cabinet
officers, different committee
members and to meet so
many Lions as I visited clubs
in our district. The District
and its Lions members have
given me a lot of experience
and memories that Bhavna
and I will always cherish.
Bhavna and I sincerely thank
everyone for their support
to make my year of District
Governor a very successful
and memorable one. Let’s
always remember: we are
Lions because We Serve
and Lions Care Everywhere.
I look forward to
seeing you all at our
District Convention
i n M a y. T h a n k y o u .
April 2012
Page 9
District Governor Dr. Kadam Shodhan and
First Lady Lion Bhavna “Thank You for a
wonderful year of Lions Caring Everywhere”
Page 10
April 2012
District Committee Watch
Lions District 4-L1 proposed amendment to District constitution
The Constitution, By-laws and Rules Committee proposes an amendment to Article VII, Section 6 of the District Constitution
that would revise the list of persons who would be provided convention comps. Initially, competing proposals were submitted by the
Acton and Palmdale Lions Clubs. Then, after the time for clubs to submit new proposals had expired, a new proposal was advanced
blending key aspects of both the Acton and Palmdale proposals. After consideration and after consulting with representatives of
the Acton and Palmdale Lions Clubs, the Constitution, By-laws and Rules Committee has endorsed the proposal set forth below.
Effective beginning with the 2013 District Convention, convention comps would be available only to the following persons and their respective spouses: the District Governor, the First Vice District Governor, the Second Vice District Governor,
the District Governor’s guest from Lions Clubs International, the Cabinet Secretary or the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer, and
the Convention Committee Chair. If the paid attendance at the District Convention exceeds 12% of the District membership,
however, the Convention Committee and the District Governor would have the discretion to extend convention comps to any
or all of the following persons and their respective spouses: the Cabinet Treasurer, one visiting district governor, one visiting
first vice district governor, one visiting second vice district governor, and the other two members of the Convention Committee.
As amended, the provision would read as set forth below with deleted language stricken and added language double underlined.
Section 6: Housing, meals served by at the Convention, and convention activity books shall be provided without cost
(“Convention Comps”) only to the following persons and their respective spouses: the District Governor, the First
Vice District Governor, the Second Vice District Governor, the Cabinet Secretary or the Cabinet Secretary- Treasurer,
the District Governor’s guest from Lions Clubs International, one district governor from another district of MD-4
selected by the District Governor, one Vice District Governor from another District of MD-4 selected by the first
Vice District Governor, and the Convention Committee members and the Convention Committee Chair. If the paid
attendance at the Convention is at least 12% of the district membership as of March 31st of the year of the convention,
the Convention Committee and the District Governor may, at their joint discretion, offer Convention Comps to any
or all of the following persons and their respective spouses: one district governor from another district of MD-4
selected by the District Governor, one first vice district governor from another district of MD-4 selected by the First
Vice District Governor, one second vice district governor from another district of MD-4 selected by the Second Vice
District Governor, the Cabinet Treasurer. and the first and second-year members of the Convention Committee. No
other housing, meals, or hospitality shall be furnished to any other person except with the prior approval of the
Convention Committee and the District Governor.
Rationale. Because of declining attendance at recent district conventions, it is unfair to expect the paid attendees to shoulder
the costs of up to 20 comped attendees. This amendment would reward district leaders for their service while offering an incentive
for all Lions to promote Convention attendance. This amendment would save convention comps in the first instance and, should
the minimum threshold be reached, costs for specified additional convention comps would be covered by the increased attendance.
April 2012
Page 11
District Committee Watch
for Blind Fishing Trips YOU MAKING HEADWAY OR
By Lion Kathy Amman, District Chairperson
Once again, it is time
to ask for your support of
the District 4-L1 Fishing
Trips for the blind. These
trips continue as a tribute
to Lion Dick Krueger and
to the benefit of the visually impaired young people of the Braille Institute.
Hopefully each of you
is aware that clubs in our
district sponsor two fishing
trips for blind young people
each summer. This, the first
trip is out of Long Beach
(June 2012) and the second
trip is out of Channel Islands
Sportfishing (August 2012).
We take 10-12 blind teenagers, match them up with a
like number of Lions, and go
one on one to introduce these
youngsters to the thrill of
deep-sea fishing, where they
hone their confidence skills.
The District, through
the Blind Fishing Account,
covers the cost of the boat,
food, soft drinks, miscellaneous terminal tackle, and
fish filleting for the blind
youngsters. The accompanying Lions pay for their
own gear, food, soft drinks
and fishing filleting (if any).
The cost of fuel continues to rise and the two
trips cost approximately
$3,350 last summer. We are
asking for contributions of
$100 to maintain this program. Naturally, we will be
pleased to accept any contribution your club decides on.
Please make check
payable to District 4-L1
Blind Fishing Account and
send them to our Cabinet
S e c r e t a r y / Tr e a s u r e r.
If your club is interested
in a program about this project or have people interested
in going fishing with the kids
on any of the trips, please
call or e-mail me at (818)
736-5615 home, (818) 4001309 cell phone, or e-mail
[email protected].
Thank you so very much
for your continuing support.
Eighty percent of donations come from individuals.
But individuals don’t part
with their hard earned money
without feeling there is a valid reason to do so. Six years
after the devastating floods of
Katrina, several Lions from
across the country visited
New Orleans for the North
American Conference of
Lions Foundations including
myself and Nancy Hayakawa.
The conference began
three days after Mardi Gras,
yet revelers kept Bourbon
Street and the French
Quarter, jumping until law
enforcement shut them down
in the wee hours every morning. Cash registers were
ringing sales from the boutiques filled with Mardi Gras
paraphernalia, restaurants
with scrumptious menus
and clubs dedicated to drink
and merriment. Café de
Monde served up the famous beignets 24/7, and
even an occasional drizzle
didn’t dampen the spirits and
enthusiasm of Mardi Gras.
Mardi Gras paraphernalia
filled the stores on
Bourbon Street in the
French Quarter.
New Orleans was the
perfect setting for our conference; it gave us the opportunity to see our Lions dollars in action. Hospital, playgrounds and schools rebuilt
with donations of individual
Lions from across the country and around the world.
Does your community
see results of your service?
Are you enacting change and/
or improvement that can be
measured by potential contributors or do you just send
a check to another charity,
and no one is the wiser as to
how you are helping locally?
The conference dealt
with many topics, which
included fundraising. It
was strongly suggested that
we approach potential contributors on the basis of
“Making an Investment in
the future”, not just “giving”. Agenda topics included board management,
legal aspects of non-profits,
Lions Club International
Foundation grant programs
and Lions Clubs International
Service Projects. Speakers
also discussed the importance of the “5 R’s”:
Reciprocity – are donors
getting a return/are there networking or social activities?
Responsible – is the
donor ’s gift being used
wisely and as indicated?
Recognition – does your
club/charity have a means
of highlighting your donors?
Reporting – are your 990
forms available online to verify services being provided?
Relationships – are donors being nurtured with
thank you notes, above and
beyond the standard boilerplate letter for their tax deductible gift, have you sent
an editorial to your local
paper thanking donors/the
community for their investment in the health and well
being of your community?
With government funding for non-profits in short
supply, the competition for
donations from individuals is great. Following the
“5 R’s” may just give your
charity the leg up, separating
you from the pack. Today’s
world does not recognize
the “way we’ve always done
it” as a viable approach to
fundraising and publicity.
NOTE: North American
Conference of Lions
Foundations (NACLF) is
open to any members of Lions
clubs or Foundations and is
held annually. www.naclf.org
April 2012
Page 12
District Master Calendar
May 5
Griffith Park Lions Club
7:30 - 11:00 a.m.
69th Annual Pancake Breakfast
Wells Fargo Bank
Atwater Village
Contact Pres. Betty Bartlotta
(323) 661-9893
May 17-20
District 4-L1 Convention
Agoura Hills
May 19
Area Level Student Speakers Contest
Starts promptly at 2:00 pm
Agoura Hills
May 27
L.A. Host 90th Anniversary
See page 4
June 22-26
95th Annual Lions Clubs
International Convention
Busan, Republic of Korea
July 20-21
Metro Region Meeting and
Cabinet Installation
Glendale Hilton
Aug. 12
Annual Guide Dog Fundraiser
Sept. 14-16
USA/Canada Forum
Tampa Bay, Florida
To have your activities listed in the Master Calendar, please contact Lion Erica Grubert (323) 257-2497 or [email protected]
You can also contact your District Activities Coordinators to have your events posted:
Metro and Valley - Lion Gail Adams, (626) 791-1111, email: [email protected]
Desert and Sierra - Lion Joann Wayland, (661) 269-5844, email: [email protected]
Page 13
April 2012
lions district 4-l1
international food faire
friday, May 18, 2012
To sign up to participate in the International Food Faire, please complete this form and return it to Lion Marion
Douglas by mail at 518 Continental Court, Pasadena, CA 91103 or via e-mail at [email protected]
Please let us know if you’ll need an electrical hook-up.  Yes
 No.
(Sorry, we won’t be able to have charcoal fires or butane stoves.)
Lions Club: Contact Name: Address: Telephone: E-Mail: Food Offering (Check one or suggest your own ideas):
American Traditional
Hawaiian Savory
South American Savory
American Country
Hawaiian Dessert
South American Dessert
American Southern
Indian Savory
Fresh Fruit
American Barbeque
Indian Dessert
American Dessert
Japanese Noodles
Cake, Cookies
Armenian Savory
Japanese Sushi
Armenian Dessert
Japanese Yakitori
Italian Pasta
Japanese Dessert
Italian Savory
Korean Noodles
Italian Dessert
Korean Savory
Chinese Noodles
Korean Dessert
Chinese Savory
Mexican Savory
Chinese Sweet & Sour
Mexican Dessert
Chinese Dessert
Philippine Savory
German Savory
Philippine Dessert
German Dessert
The Lone Pine
Lions make many local
children happy with a
visit from the Easter
Bunny and an egg hunt.
Page 14
Recognizing Aggie and Pete Vosburg
at the Heart of 4-L1 Today
By PDG Dudley Lang
About this time in 1994,
eighteen years ago, a group
of Lions started this district
newspaper we decided to
call 4-L1 Today. The idea
was to provide improved
communication throughout
the district by distributing
the newspaper regularly to
every Lion in District 4-L1.
In that way, everyone would
know what was going on,
and no one could legitimately say, “I wasn’t told about
that.” Among the organizing
group were Lions Aggie and
Pete Vosburg. There were
others, but they represent the
greatest continuity for the
entire project; they worked
on virtually every issue of
the newspaper for 18 years.
Back then, the newspaper was produced manually
by a cut-and-paste process.
The newspaper staff would
gather at a business office
in Burbank and work late
into the evening laying out
the twelve pages of news
and features: a page for the
Governor’s Message and
such, a page of club news for
each region of the district,
pages devoted to committee
activities, and pages devoted
to the next convention or
cabinet meeting along with
forms to make reservations.
Later as the capability of
the computer became recognized, more of the newspaper
was produced electronically.
It was Aggie Vosburg who
first mastered the computer
programs, and for that reason it was Aggie who ran
4-L1 Today for most of its
18 year existence. After the
passing of Tom Reynolds,
Pete Vosburg took over the
important task of distributing
and mailing the newspaper.
Other Lions pitched in to
report what was happening
in the district – PDG Ross
Adams and Lions Carl Spring,
Stan Smith, Erica Grubert,
Marva Murphy and yes,
Dudley Lang. But it always
came back to Aggie Vosburg.
Everyone in the district
should be aware the invaluable service Aggie and Pete
Vosburg have provided in
keeping 4-L1 Today alive
for these many years, and
we all owe them a debt of
gratitude. Aggie and Pete,
we honor you and we express
to you our deepest appreciation for all you have done to
get the news out. Great job!
April 2012
Big Things Happening in Bishop
Shown above (l-r) are Bishop Lions Lefty Irwin (handicapped ramp and handicapped
fisherpeople dock chairman), Bishop Club 2011-2012 President George Johnston, Bruce
Kingsbury, Ron Lewis and Don Buser. These five and a whole bunch of other Lions
and community volunteers recently completed Dock#1 at Rawson Pond #3, part of a
planned group of three docks which will allow handicapped fishermen and -women to
access warm-water fishing, bird-watching and general outdoor recreation/observation.
Largely a project brought to the Bishop Lions Club by community outdoor recreation activist, Dick Noles, the handicap ramp/dock plan brought together other Bishop
Lions Ray Miklaucic, Neil Vedder, Larry Cox, Sam Dean and Ken Lloyd, along
with community volunteers Steve Yeager, David Noles, Kirk Nance, Jerry Gabriel,
Kenny Milici and Ryan Yeager, who performed the major work on this platform.
In addition, equipment and materials were donated by Boyd Fence, Brown’s Supply, Alpine
Paint, County of Inyo, Southern California Edison, California Waterfowl Association (Bishop
Chapter), Advocates for Access to Public Lands, Compton Hunting and Fishing Club, and others.
Financial support came from numerous private contributors, including food establishments, concrete and truck suppliers, and fuel dispensers. Several cash donations
were made to support the ramp/dock work and a complete list is being prepared for
recognition. One check from Bishop residents Jan Hambleton & Curt Schweizer was
submitted to the Bishop Lions at lunch April 12th by club member Paul Bedell, co-chair
with Lion Lefty Irwin. More are expected as the next two decks/docks are underway.
April 2012
Page 15
Thank you for your support
Page 16
4-L1 Today
14224 Pierce St.
Arleta, CA 91331-5350
Index of Advertisers
L.A. International
Lions in Sight
Northwest Glendale Lions
Palmdale Lions
Schaefer Ambulance
Toluca Lake Lions Club
City of Hope
DEH Associates
Dr. Fredy Perez
King, King, Alleman & Jensen
L.A. Host Lions
MAY 17-20, 2012
Celebrate the World of Lionism
Lions Care Everywhere
Reservation Form
Each attendee must fill out a separate form - Please Print Carefully or Type
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name on Badge: _______________________________
Lions Club: ____________________________________________
Phone (H) : ________________________________
Phone: (W or C ): __________________________________
email: ____________________________________________________________
Please check all that apply
Lion [ ]
LEO [ ]
Guest [ ] PDG [ ]
President [ ]
Secretary [ ] Treasurer [ ]
Please select your meal choice for the following meals: __________________________________
Friday Dinner
[ ] Roasted Chicken
International Luncheon
[ ] Penne Pasta w/ grilled vegies
[ ] Chef's choice Vegetarian
[ ] Chicken Caesar Salad
Governor's Ball
[ ] Almond Crusted Tilapia
[ ] Tuscan Style Grilled Chicken
[ ] Rosemary Crusted Flat Iron Steak
Reservation with Payment Postmarked:
by April 30
after April 30
Staying at Sheraton - Event Book
________ @ $140
______ @ $150
Not staying at Sheraton - Event Book
________ @ $170
______ @ $180
Total Amount Enclosed
$ ______________________________
For Hotel Reservations - Rooms at $69.00 Lions rate plus tax per night - Book online using the following:
There will be a link sent to you in an email to make the room reservation process even easier.
Make Checks Payable to: "District 4-L1 Convention"
Send to: PDG Ron Burdick
4241 Conestoga Drive
Quartz Hill, CA 93536-6805
Please do not mail anything after May 8th as it may not arrive before the convention begins.
If you have any questions - Please Call Lion Ron @661-943-0835 or 661-839-6675 or email at [email protected]
April 2012
U.S. Postage
North Hollywood, CA
Permit No. 816