NOW ENROLLING 2016-2017 Heart of Mary Class of 1966 50th
NOW ENROLLING 2016-2017 Heart of Mary Class of 1966 50th
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MOBILE,AL PERMIT No.000 ZIP CODE 00000 P.O. Box 40441 Mobile, AL 36640 Most Pure Heart of Mary Alumni Association CONNECTIONS Spring 2016 NOW ENROLLING 2016-2017 President Lorenzo McKee [email protected] “What greater work is there than training the mind and forming the habits of the young?” ~St. John Chrysostom Vice-President Lamar Lott Welcome to Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School! In choosing Heart of Mary, you have demonstrated a commitment to the values and philosophy of a Catholic education. The faculty and staff of your school look forward to working with you to promote spiritual development and academic excellence in the context of the teachings of the Catholic Church. [email protected] 251-454-2821 Heart of Mary Class of 1966 50th Class Reunion Treasurer Thelma Mitchell Tart [email protected] Recording Secretary Belinda Lott [email protected] Corresponding Secretary Cecilia Prichard Snider [email protected] Financial Secretary Betty Hall 251.545.6434 Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish and School have been living faith in Mobile since 1899. As a parish and school we have committed ourselves to the neighborhood and to our surrounding community. As a community, we cherish our heritage and are committed to our mission. (Continue on Page 3) WORDS FROM THE PRESIDENT I am excited to announce the Most Pure Heart of Mary All Class Reunion 2016. Heart of Mary Alumni Association has been working diligently to plan this year's reunion. The 2016 All Class Reunion is sure to be a weekend that will not be easily forgotten. Therefore, on behalf of the Heart of Mary Alumni Association Reunion Committee, I am asking for your support to ensure The All Class Reunion 2016 is a huge success. As a result of your participation in the 2014 All Class Reunion we were able to donate $20,700 that was used in assisting with elementary building roof replacement. Your support is needed to help us to reach our greatest potential. The Reunion dates are as follows : July 1-3, 2016. Please fill out the enclosed information and return it along with your registration fee of $150.00. This fee includes a Reunion shirt. The deadline for ordering shirts is June 1. After June 1 sizes may not be guaranteed. I look forward to seeing all of you in July. LIONS ROAR Parliamentarian Eugene Lewis 251.370.2086 The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King, Jr. Chaplain Father Kenneth Ugwu 251.432.3344 Top row (L to R): Howard Gaskins, Sister Alberta, Erane Trenier Allen, Rene Lewis, James Bivens, Larry Lassose, Carol Frazier (not a ‘66 grad), Labaron Grove, Roland Russell, Oscar Jackson, James Wilson, Theresa Washington, Harold DuCloux Second row (L to R): Cheryl Medlock Anderson, Charlene Brown Nobles, Warren Nicholas, Yvonne Duggin, Mary Francis Johnson, Sister Antonietta Front row (L to R): Edith Porter Rudolph, Cheryl Lott Sledge, LaVerne Patterson Finley, Thelma Mitchell Tartt, Rosetta Palmer Website: | Join us on Facebook: Alumni Newsletter is a quarterly publication published three times per year. Join the alumni association in supporting Most Pure Heart of Mary Lions. Keep current at the alumni website Alumni meetings, 3rd Monday of month at HOM Parish Center, 6 p.m. Volume 1, Issue 2 L to R: Cecilia Snider, Yolanda Cassino, Belinda Lott, Brenda Norwood, Martha Powe, Betty Hall and Meryl Foster. Not pictured: Lamar Lott, Lorenzo McKee, Thelma Tartt, Celestine Williams, Michael Hall, Eugene Lewis and Myrtle Martin Heart of Mary Alumni Association | P.O. Box 40441 | Mobile, AL 36640 | Website: MOST PURE HEART OF MARY STUDENTS, STAFF & PARENTS MOST PURE HEART OF MARY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION “Propelled by the Past to Impact the Future” The Most Pure Heart of Mary Alumni Association exists to promote, to influence, and to support lifelong educational, spiritual and cultural connections to Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School. The mission is brought to life through continued reunion activities, fundraising and outstanding awards. ALUMNI SPIRIT Lauren N. McKee (2012) was inducted into the McGill-Toolen National Honor Society where she is currently enrolled as a senior. She is also a member of the MC-T Girl's Basketball team. Lauren is the daughter of Lorenzo and Felecia McKee. All Class Reunion (All grades, K-12, All Years, regardless of completion or graduation) will be held July 1 to 3, 2016. Class of 1965 and 1966 will be recognized for 50th year. Consult the alumni website and download details: All Class Reunion Dates 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Tickets $150 for all three days. $50 per event. Children 12 and under are free. July 1 - Get Acquainted, No Charge July 1 - BYOB Cabaret/Awards July 2 - Picnic July 3 - Mass and Brunch *During the course of the 2014-2015 the HOM Alumni donated $ 20,000 to Heart of Mary School. This money was raised at the last All- Class Reunion *Grants are now being written to lower ceilings. Donations can be made directly to the HOMMA Foundation Fund, P.O. Box 40441, Mobile, Al. 36640 *A new roof was added to the Elementary school building replacing the original roof. Thanks to grants secured by School administrative staff and donations the debt of the new roof has been cleared Alumni meetings are held on the third * Thanks to grants and gifts the HOM School cafeteria has been refurbished: new Stove, microwave , convection oven and ice machine. And, more improvements on the way. Our school has been greatly blessed thanks to grants, donations and alumni fundraising. Thanks to all for believing in Most Pure Heart of Mary * Mr. Leonard Stiell (HOM 67') has been named the official HOM School Board Grant Writer. * Thelma Mitchell Tartt (HOM 66') was unanimously elected as the new HOMAA Treasurer. We thank the outgoing Treasurer, Wanda Foster Lewis for her faithful and devoted service. Monday of each month at the Heart of Mary Parish Center, 6 p.m. Consult school website for exact dates: http:// Monthly luncheons are held on 3rd Friday of each month at 1 p.m. Check webpage for location or contact an officer. "Pancakes and More" Breakfast, will be held the third Sunday of each month from 8-2:00p.m. at Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish Center. Breakfast plate: grits, eggs, sausage, pancakes, plus choice of beverage and fruit. $5.00 donation. Contact C. Snider 251.433.4640 NOTABLES Most Pure Heart of Mary Alumni Association would like to thank Retired Major General J. Gary Cooper for his continued support. HOMEGOING MILESTONES: Yvonne Lott King (1942) Sister Marie Jerome Wilkerson, O.P. (taught Social Studies and Reading during 1960’s) Heart of Mary Alumni Association (HMAA) | P.O. Box 40441 (Continued from Page 1) As Principal of our school, I promise our parents a safe, faith-based, learning environment for their children in Pre Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. I am joined in this commitment by our amazing faculty and staff who are dedicated to each student’s success in the classroom. We partner with parents who are the primary educators of their children. Parents support us with their time, talents, and treasures for the benefit of all Heart of Mary students. Our students show their love for Christ and others by looking after one another, treating their peers with respect, doing their best every day, and caring for the environment. We are a community working together, valuing children and teaching values. Together let us pray that God, who has begun this good work in us, may carry it through to completion. In 1912, a school annex was built at Davis Avenue and St. Ann Street, one mile north of the parish plant. This annex school continued until 1927 when a brick school building replaced the many temporary buildings used by the school. A full high school program was initiated in September of 1911 and continued until 1964, when integration opened McGill-Toolen High School to African-Americans. The Holy Spirit Sisters staffed Most Pure Heart of Mary School from 1911 to 1943, when the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, Wisconsin replaced them and who continued to serve until 1990. The school was then staffed with a lay principal and teachers until 1993. In September of 1993, the Glen Riddle Franciscan Sisters returned to manage the school. Lay teachers, 1900-1902 Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, 1902-1907 Lay Teacher, 19071911 Holy Spirit Sisters, San Antonio, 1911-1943 Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, 1943-1990 Lay Teachers, 1990-1993 Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, 1993-2012. 2012 - present Lay Teachers. The Church was organized in 1899 as St Anthony's Mission by Creoles of African descent. The Mission was served by Josephite Priests, Rev. Joseph St. Laurent and Rev. Louis Pastorlli. By 1901, a small school was established. The construction of the present church was completed in 1908. The name was changed to Most Pure Heart of Mary in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mother. The Parish continued as a spiritual beacon to black Mobilians during the Civil Rights Movement of the late Sixties and early Seventies. Most Pure Heart of Mary was the public meeting location for the Neighborhood Organized Workers-NOW. Diocesan priests and nuns participated in boycotts and marches in support of the black community. Most Pure Heart of Mary parish continues as a foundation for Black Catholics in Mobile. Blessings of Peace, Mrs. Jamie Crain Principal Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School The Value of A Good Education: CONGRATS to Mrs. Lucille Deteige (33’) - on possibly being the oldest living graduate of Most Pure Heart of Mary. We wish her many more candles, smiles and birthdays. David “Birdbrain” Simpson (1952) Clarence Lott (1932) In October of 1900, a school was opened in the original building that served as the new parish then named St. Anthony. In October of 1902, five Glen Riddle Franciscan Sisters arrived to take over the school and remained for five years. Lay teachers operated the school from 1907 to 1911 when Sisters of the Holy Spirit from San Antonio, Texas took over the educational mission of the parish in September of that year. SAVE THE DATE Isaiah M. Hall (2011) received Eagle Scout Status (Boy Scouts of America ) Summer of 2015. He is the son of Michael D. Hall and Karen Watkins Hall. Isaiah graduated from McGill-Toolen Catholic High School in 2015 and is currently attending Faulkner State Community College HISTORY, MOST PURE HEART OF MARY SCHOOL NOW ENROLLING 2016-2017 | Mobile, AL 36640 “Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenge of their future by developing their mind, their body their soul and their spirit. As such Catholic schools are foremost in teaching values that parents want instilled in their children.” See more pictures on Facebook, Most-Pure-Heart -of-MaryCatholic-School David Vetter Website: | Join us on Facebook:
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