Juilliard`s Chairman of Music Theory Dr. Steven Laitz


Juilliard`s Chairman of Music Theory Dr. Steven Laitz
Dr. Steven Laitz
Juilliard’s Chairman of Music Theory
Lecture/Demonstration: “Music Theory Opens the World of Music”
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Free event for all music students, teachers, parents, and community!
(Reservation required)
Camelot Ballroom, 6635 W. 151st St. Overland Park, KS 66223
10:00 -11:00 am – For young musicians and general audience
11:00-12:00 pm – For advanced musicians and music teachers
For reservations or information call 913-888-2444 or email us at: [email protected]
Dr. Laitz is coming for the inauguration of our new music theory program.
Enroll Now for Music Theory Classes
• Same curriculum as Juilliard’s freshman music theory courses • Rigorous curriculum integrates analysis, composition,
listening, sight singing, keyboard harmony,
• Prepares students to pass the AP Music Theory exam
• Our instructors receive personal training from Dr. Steven Laitz and improvisation. Taken as a whole, this
comprehensive and powerful program informs
• Open to students in grades 7-12
performance and creates the complete musician.
Kansas City School of Music • Lenexa • Overland Park • www.kansascityschoolofmusic.com • 913.888.2444