Dear Church Family, A good writer is worth their weight in gold. I


Dear Church Family, A good writer is worth their weight in gold. I
Dear Church Family,
A good writer is worth their weight in gold. I would pay a handsome price to be one. Writing, like any art form, takes practice, practice,
and more practice. I marvel at those persons who can take a short topic
and turn it into a masterpiece. I am not one of them. But I do know stuff.
Sunday, November 29th begins the new Christian year – 1st Sunday
in Advent. We celebrate this day with the “Hanging of the Greens” worship at all three services. So, we prepare the Church for the Christ Child’s
arrival. Now, how do we prepare ourselves, our families, our friends for
the greatest of all gifts? Especially when we are surrounded by all the
commercial and material spirit of Christmas?
The word Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” We should treat
this period of time as a celebration of what God has already done to reconcile the world to Himself and all creation; as well as anticipate and prepare for Christ to come again.
The best way to prepare at Advent is through PRAYER! A Church
that is faithful in prayer is a healthy congregation. We pray for ourselves,
our family, our leaders, and our community. We ask God to teach us how
to prepare. We ask God to give us generous giving hearts. Giving is the
key word. God gave us all He had in His Son Jesus Christ. What do we
give in return?
My hope is that this new coming Christian year will be one full of
healthy prayer lives for all members of Grace Church.
Have a blessed Advent Season,
This & That
To help you prepare to hear
God’s Word at worship:
Readings for December 6
Malachi 3:1-4
Luke 1:68-79
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6
Readings for December 13
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Isaiah 12:2-6
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:7-18
Readings for December 20
Micah 5:2-5a
Luke 1:47-55
Hebrews 10:5-10
Luke 1:39-45
Readings for Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2-7
Psalm 96
Titus 2:11-14
Luke 2:1-20
Readings for December 27
1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26
Psalm 148
Colossians 3:12-17
Luke 2:41-52
Amazing Grace
One Combined Service
Bishop Jeremiah Park’s Visit
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 24, 2014
Children’s Service 5 pm
A service for our children
Mark your calendars for a special Sunday morning. We are blessed to have our
Bishop come and preach at the 10:45am service on Sunday, December 6th. This is indeed a
great privilege and one you will not want to
and those young of heart.
Family Service 7 pm
A service designed especially for families with
carols, candlelight, and our living nativity.
Candlelight Service 9 pm
Bishop Jeremiah Park is the Bishop of the
Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church. This will be the second time in
25 years that a Bishop has visited Grace
Church. Please spread the word -- this will be
a truly special day at Grace!
This service will combine carols, candlelight,
special music, and our inspiring nativity.
A luncheon will follow the one combined 10:45am worship service.
Victory Voices will be raising their voices in joyful song
on Sunday, December 13th. We will have rehearsals following the 10:45am service on November 29th and at 9am on
Sunday, December 6th.
We will be celebrating Advent with a “Lessons &
Carols” service at all three worship services on December
13th. Come ready to worship through scripture lessons and
carols of the season. Anyone interested in being a reader for
these services should contact Serena Heffner at
[email protected].
December 2015
Christmas Caroling
Come One, Come All!
It’s that time of year again to share
sounds of the season with Hummelstown
residents. Please join us in the All-Purpose
room for food, fun, and fellowship starting at 6pm on Friday, December 18th. If you would like
to bring a dozen or two of cookies to share, we would love it! Remember, NO NUTS. Please
sign-up at “The Table of Grace” outside the Church Office. This helps Tami Wagoner, our Director of Food Service, to plan and prepare. The cookies you bring and hot chocolate will be
served after returning from the evening’s caroling.
New Wednesday Evening
Women’s Bible Study
to begin January 6th at 6:30pm.
Fourteen women have already
signed-up for the study.
We’d love to have you join us!
Contact Angie Glasmire at
[email protected]
for more info.
Holiday Happenings!
Friday, December 4 – GCCC Christmas Program from 6 to 8pm
Sunday, December 6 – Bishop Parks visits Grace UMC
Saturday, December 12 – Santa Breakfast serving from 8 to 10am
Santa Luncheon festivities begin at 11:30am
Friday, December 18 - Caroling at Grace from 6 to 9pm
Sunday, December 20 - GUMY & TY Kids Christmas Luncheon at 12 noon
Thursday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Worship Services: 5, 7 and 9pm
Saturday, December 26 - De-waxing of the Sanctuary, 9am
Sunday, December 27 - Blessing of the Toys during the 10:45am worship service
Amazing Grace
One of the very special events that happen at
Grace Church is our Living Christmas Eve Nativity.
We will present the Living Nativity at all three
Christmas Eve services: 5, 7 and 9pm. Children
and adult volunteers are needed. Sign-up sheets
will be in the Narthex area. The parts and costume
sizes are listed on a display board. We will draw a
name for duplicate requests. Everyone participating must attend rehearsal!
The practice schedule is:
5pm Christmas Eve worship service –
rehearsal at 6 pm Thursday, 12/17
7 and 9pm Christmas Eve services –
rehearsal Wednesday, 12/16 at 7pm
Don’t be shy adults! Those who have participated in the past agree that this is a wonderful
opportunity to be part of a meaningful celebration of the birth of our Savior! Dressers are
needed for each service, too. To be a part of this ministry, please contact Linda Stuart at
Saturday, December 12th
Breakfast served from 8 to 10am
Adults $7, children 10 and under $3
Sign-up at the Welcome Center
December 2015
The General Council on Finance and Administration of the UMC is pleased to present
UMCmarket, a tremendously rewarding opportunity to earn money for our Church. UMCmarket
makes it possible to receive donations from retailers every time you make an online purchase. The
best thing is that you don’t have to change anything from how you shop, and every small donation
makes a difference. This allows our Church Family to do together what we cannot do alone.
You can easily sign up for free. When you go to, click on “Get
Started.” You have the option to sign-up with your Facebook account or enter your email and create a password. You will then be prompted to download the Easy Give Button and find our church
listed as Hummelstown Grace. With these three simple steps, you are ready to shop and donate.
Be sure to visit the UMC market for:
Budget Rent-a-Car, Marriott, Best Western, and more
Jos A Banks, PetCo, Sephora, PeaPod, HockeyMonkey, Groupon and more
Questions? Contact Tammy Houck at 566-2897 or [email protected]
Neighborhood Center - unwrapped gifts for
infants, children and youth. The Christmas
Wish List is located on the Missions Table in
Narthex. The last day to bring a gift is Sunday, December 6, 2015. Remember those who
are less fortunate.
Mission Opportunities
During this holiday season, please remember these additional mission opportunities available at Grace.
Bundles of Warmth - supporting the Race
Track Chaplaincy of America. Donation items
Heifer International – Information and gift
needed: men’s hats, gloves, scarves, blankets,
order forms are available on the Missions
full-sized toiletries, shampoo, deodorant, bars
Table in the Narthex. Please help yourself.
of soap, toothbrushes, tooth paste.
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you
to financially support Grace Church every
time you shop, at no cost to you! You’ll find
the exact same pricing and selection as; but with the added bonus of 0.5% of
the purchase price going to Grace. Designate
Grace United Methodist Church, Hummelstown, PA at your first visit. All that’s left to
do is shop!
Amazing Grace
Grace Family & Friends
iBlast Night
Friday, January 29, 2016
Spaghetti Dinner at 6pm
Followed by the
Creative Ministries Program
at 7:15pm
In order for you to have your 2015
offering included in this tax year, please
get your year-end contributions to Grace
by December 30th.
Altar Flowers
All We Need Is the Box!
If you would like to sponsor altar
flowers, please sign the Flower Chart
located on the Narthex bulletin board. Select the Sunday of your choice and write the
wording you would like on the chart. You
can also contact Kathy in the Church Office
by calling 566-2897or [email protected].
A donation of $30 is greatly appreciated.
If you are lucky enough to receive a
large screen tv for Christmas, please bring
your empty boxes to Grace. Our Creative
Ministries program could use it. If you
have one to donate, please contact Stacey
Forshey or the Church Office.
GUMY Fundraiser
GUMY is having a Chicken Pie fund
raiser. Look for the sign-up sheet at “The
Table of Grace” in the Narthex. The price per
pie is $15 with profits going to underwrite
the GUMY Program. The frozen chicken pies
will be distributed on Sunday, January 3rd at
all three services.
GUMY/TY Christmas Luncheon is planned for Sunday, December 20th at noon.
GUMY will provide the meat and you are asked to bring a side or dessert to share. Families
are welcome. Please look for the sign-up sheet at “The Table of Grace” in the Narthex.
Please indicate name, number of people, and the side/dessert you are bringing.
2 Women’s Bible
Study 9:30am
GCPreschool Board
Meeting noon
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30pm
Volleyball 7-9:30pm
10 Food Bank Team 6
Family Dinner served
from 5-6:30pm
Angel Choir 6pm
Junior Praise 6:30pm
Chancel Choir 7pm
3 Thursday Night
Family Dinner served
from 5-6:30pm
Angel Choir 6pm
Junior Praise 6:30pm
Chancel Choir 7pm
D e ce mb er 2 01 5
Women’s Bible Study
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30pm
Volleyball 7-9:30pm
GUMY Advisors’
Meeting 7pm
Adult Bible Class
Christmas Party
6 Rev. Parks’ Visit
One Service at 10:45
followed by luncheon
Victory Voices 9am
Prayer Shawl 3pm
6:30 - 8:30pm
Committee Meeting
Church Office Closed
Church Office Closed
De-waxing the
Sanctuary 9am
Santa Breakfast 8am 10am
Santa Luncheon
GCCC Christmas
Program 6pm
17 Family Dinner 18
served from 5-6:30pm Christmas Caroling at
5pm Living Nativity
Grace 6 to 9pm
Rehearsal 6pm
Angel Choir 6pm
Junior Praise 6:30pm
Chancel Choir 7pm
Handbell Rehearsals
5:30 - 7:30pm
Volleyball 7-9:30pm
7 &9pm Living Nativity
Practice 7pm
Church Office Closed
Lessons & Carols
GUMY Pizza Sale
GUMY Outreach
Night 6:30 pm
GUMY/TY Christmas
Luncheon 12 noon
Church Office Closed
Christmas Eve
Worship Services:
5pm - Children’s
7pm - Family
9pm - Candlelight
No GUMY this
Blessing of the Toys
Prayer Shawl 3pm
GUMY Lock-In
Happy Birthday Greetings To ….
12/1 Dolly Bashore
Layne Price
Morgan Stumpf
12/2 Dan Ail
David Steiner
Angela Hollinger
Julie Hickey
Jeremy Hoffman
Christopher DeCock
Janelle Laudermilch
Taylor Behney
12/3 Carly Elias
Nathan Ocker
Ian Fogleman
12/4 Janice Shepler
Marjie Hartz
Alec Dormer
12/5 Barbara Baylor
Audrey Wilder
Jane Wrenn
12/6 Holly Simpson
Melissa Snyder
12/7 Stacy Erdman
Chandlir Pinkham
Spencer Bashline
12/8 Nick Svirbely
12/9 Angie Hepner
Piper Burns
12/10 Paul Swartz
Georgie Nissley
12/10 Holly Brubaker
Tina Watkins
Christopher Elliott
Mark Heisey
Idalee Simpson
Tyler Haynes
Brayden Brown
12/11 Becky Sweigard
Aiden Davis
Megan Smith
12/12 Leslie Fox
Tamara Ebert
John Holey
12/13 Debra Crum
Valerie Stricker
Samantha Stearman
12/14 Mike Hubler
Kelly Giannascoli
Ben Bashline
Lily Kratz
Adelynne Heffner
12/15 Connie Finley
Mark Brown
Ellen Zitko
Katie Jones
Lizzy Jones
12/16 Pat English
Kay Dohne
Tom Messenger
Tom Theuret
Fred Marotta
12/17 Jeff Rosensteel
Gabe Silks
Evan Stephens
12/18 Jocelyn Hercher
Samuel Davis
12/19 Nick Stoner
Jillian Kolva
Zoe Fulton
12/20 Leisha Kreider
Joel Bergey
Travis Hershey
12/21 Doug Crum
Hannah Schulteis
12/22 Douglas Betley
12/23 Phil Grow
12/24 Christopher Stricker
12/25 Cheryl Black
Ryan Little
Rebecca Brownell
12/25 Isaac Lupp
12/26 Elaine Fogleman
Linda Anastasi
Chris Dunlap
Maria Elias
Bob Laudermilch
Ethan Riccio
12/28 Mike Mullikin
Keith Hoover
Darin Kehler
Elliot Miller
Jacob Neithercoat
12/29 Maudie Diamond
Julianna Jeannette
Jennifer Cook
Bradley Keifrider
Rowan Angstadt
Peyton Moffett
12/30 Sandy Harper
Sec Briselli
Christan Kehler
Cassandra Cenko
Brian Passuello
Laura Glasmire
Nathan Wolfe
12/31 Keith Ocker
Dan Eisenhooth
Tom Wenner
Adam Clay
Konrad Hercher
Ryan Koons
Hannah Russell