MAY, 2015 MAY, 2015
MAY, 2015 MAY, 2015
MAY, 2015 FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-4945 Fax: 508 520-4917 Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FREE WIFI COMMON GROUNDS CAFÉ Breakfast 8:30-10:00 am Lunch 11:30-1:00 pm CAFÉ will be closed on May 25 & 29 BEN’S BOUNTY GIFT SHOP Mon thru Fri; 10 am - 2 pm Hand knitted baby clothes and lots of great bargains! MAY OFFERS MANY ACTIVITIES Wed., May 6: SENIOR SCRIBBLER’S TEA PARTY at 12:30 p.m. The Scribblers will recite some of their work and distribute a compila on of their wonderful wri ngs. Enjoy tea sandwiches and pastries. Please call to sign up. Friday, May 15: TICK TALK with Wellness Nurse, Linda Has1ngs, at 10:00 a.m. Besides Lyme Disease, there are 13 other diseases found in the Northeast that are transmi8ed by cks. This includes one newly discovered disease, which is resistant to anbiocs and has proven to be deadly. Learn how to protect yourself from and about the symptoms they present. Please call to sign up. Thurs., May 21: YELLOW DOT SIGN UP/PHOTO ID’S at 11:00 a.m. This program provides EMT’s with vital medical informa on, and a yellow decal for your car’s rear windshield, along with a photo and medical info in your glove box. Photo ID’s also offered. Hosted by the Norfolk County Sheriff’s Office; call to sign up. DR. JOHN CADIGIN “STATINS & YOUR GENERAL CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH” Join us on Tuesday, May 26, when Dr. John Cadigin will review Stans & Cardiovascular Health at 10:00 a.m. Dr. Cadigin is a Board Cer fied Cardiologist who has prac ced at both Boston Medical Center and Norwood Hospital. He is experienced in trea ng all types of Cardiovascular disease and will share his extensive knowledge with us. Bring your ques ons about any cardiovascular issue, as ample me will be devoted to Ques ons & Answers. EVENING HOURS Evening ac vi es this month include: Mat Yoga ($3) with Susan; 6 p.m. Zumba ($3) with Judith at 6 p.m. Free for “Y” members. ⇒ Open Art Studio, free with Diana at 6 p.m. ⇒ Access to the Pool Table, Computer Lab, Library & Game Rooms. ⇒ Free Cardmaking Class with Diana on May 28 at 6:00 p.m. Feel free to bring photos if you’d like to enhance your cards! ⇒ ⇒ CONGRATULATIONS & HEARTFELT THANKS TO BOB FAHEY! The staff, volunteers & Council on Aging wish Bob the very best of everything in his well-deserved rerement! Daily Activities… MONDAY 9am-2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 9am&1pm Pain ng with Aivars Zandbergs 9:30am Italian Conversa on Group 10am Mexican Train Dominoes 10am Asian Mah Jong 11am Book Discussion Group reviews Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink on May 4 12pm Zumba Aerobics/$3, free for Y mbrs 1pm Chair Volleyball 1pm American Mah Jong 1:15pm Monday Movies: see page 5. 6pm Cribbage TUESDAY 9am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 10am 10:45am 12:30pm Cribbage Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 Busy Bee CraLs Manicures with Rona /$8, by appt. Quil ng for Beginners Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 5/19 - Legal Clinic w/Fran Small by appointment. 12:30pm American Mah Jongg Lessons 1pm Bingo! 1pm Beginners Cribbage Lessons The Café will be closed on Monday, May 25 & Friday, May 29. WEDNESDAY 8:45-10am Blood Sugar Tests (2nd/4th Wed.) 9am 9am 10am 10am Trailblazer Walking Club SHINE Counselor (by appt.) Quil ng/KniJng Instruc on Scrabble 10am Chair&Mat Yoga; Susan Winters/$3 10:30am Line Dancing w/Mary Lennon/$2 11:00 am Low Vision Group; May 6 11:15am Medita on with Susan Winters/$2 12 - 2pm 1 - 3 pm 1pm 2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 Senior Scribblers (Wri ng Group) Line Dancing with Clare Shea/$4 Chess Club; 3rd Wed; May 20 4pm Caregivers Support Group; see pg. 5 THURSDAY 9am-1pm Free Blood Pressure Tes ng 9am Cribbage & Bridge 9:30 Busy Bee CraLs 9:30 Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 10am Current Events Discussion Group (2nd & 4th Thursday of month) 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 12pm Tai Chi /$5, free for ‘Y’ members 1pm Bingo! * The Page Turners discuss “T 1pm Art Studio with Diana V. * Walking ClubOpen meets at Town Common; weather permitting. 3pm Memory Café - 3rd Thursday 6pm Yoga, Zumba & Open Art Studio FRIDAY 10am Woodcarving, Whist 11am Zumba Aerobics/$3; free for Y mbrs 1pm TOPS Weight Loss Support Group 1-3:45pm Podiatry Clinic (by appointment) 1pm Pokeno 2pm The Silvertones, Senior Chorus Upcoming Events... Wed., May 6: SENIOR SCRIBBLER’S TEA PARTY at 12:30 p.m. See page 1. Wed., May 6: LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP at 11:00 a.m. with Andrea Schein, from the MA Commission for the Blind who will review their services and programs. Please call to sign up. Great news for those with low vision; see page 4! Wed., May 7: COPS CORNER with Officer Dan Smith at 11:30 a.m. Come by to ask ques ons or offer feedback to our liaison from the Franklin Police Department! Friday, May 15: TICK TALK with Wellness Nurse, Linda Has1ngs, at 10:00 a.m. See page 1. Mon., May 18: SPRING FLOWER ARRANGING is free! Diana Vandekerkhoff will help you create a beau ful arrangement with silk flowers at 9:30 a.m. Flowers and accessories are provided free. If you’d like, bring a wreath frame so you can make a spring wreath for your front door! Please call to sign up. Mon., May 18: FIVE WISHES is an advanced direc ve document (Living Will) that lets you control how you will be treated if you become seriously ill. This form addresses your personal, emo onal and spiritual needs as well as your medical wishes, and is valid under Massachuse8s law. Health & Wellness Nurse, Linda Has1ngs will be distribu ng and reviewing this tool at 11:00 a.m. Please call to sign up. Thurs., May 21: YELLOW DOT SIGN UP/PHOTO ID’S at 11:00 a.m. See page 1. Thurs., May 21: MEMORY CAFÉ at 3:00 p.m. This is a place where people with Alzheimer’s, or related demen a, and their care partners can socialize and have fun. Hosted by Elaine Owens, Respite Supervisor. Please call to sign up. Fri., May 22: VETERANS BREAKFAST: Join us on Friday, May 22, at 9:00 a.m. at the Memorial Day Breakfast at the Franklin Elks with John Spruyt, Director of Bourne Na1onal Cemetery. Call to sign up. Tues., May 26: DR. JOHN CADIGIN, CARDIOLOGIST at 10:00 a.m. See page 1. Thurs., May 28: FREE CARDMAKING CLASS with Diana at 6:00 p.m. See pg. 1. • SMARTPHONE & TABLET LESSONS with students from the Horace Mann Middle School. Please call for more informa on. • BOCCE starts this month and new players are welcome; call for info! • CORNHOLE BEAN BAG GAME (BEAN BAG TOSS) is played on WEDNES DAYS at 12:30 p.m. Teams are forming now, so come on by! • SAVE THE DATE! SOUTHEASTERN MA COMM. CONCERT BAND on Mon., July 27, at 6:00 p.m. Thanks to the Franklin Cultural Council for funding! CHARLES F. OTERI & SON Franklin Funeral Home 33 Cottage St., Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 528-0011 Charles F. Oteri/Sean A. Oteri, Licensed Directors Thinking of Selling? Call us today for a FREE consultation ATTENTION CAREGIVERS! The Franklin Senior Center now offers a trained Companion to stay with your loved one so you can have some me off. Our Companion Caregiver Program can help and the first visit is free! Please call Elaine at (508) 520-4945. Visiting Practitioners, LLC. Lyn O’Brien, PhD RN/NP Comprehensive Medical Care at Home (508) 530530-3140 Website: KEEFE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. “Personal and Professional Service since 1913” RealLiving Realty Group Matt Kelly 508-520-1600 Mike Colombo Auto · Home· Business · Life· Financial Planning Bob Keras/Peter Brunelli 51 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 508 528-3310/ Information & Referral... DOES YOUR BATHROOM NEED GRAB BARS or other adap1ve assistance? The SAFE & SECURE AT HOME PROGRAM provides a thorough assessment of your home environment to iden fy risks for dangerous, lifethreatening falls. If fall risks are iden fied, free grab bars or other adap ve assistance can be provided. Call the Center for more informa on. FUEL ASSISTANCE DEADLINE EXTENDED: The deadline for fuel assistance applica ons has been extended to May 15. For more informa on or to complete and applica on, please call Erin Rogers. GREAT NEWS FOR THOSE WITH LOW VISION: Thanks to the Friends of Franklin Elders, the Senior Center now has two, state-of-the-art devices to help those with low vision and even those with no vision to read, write, view photos, and more! The Desktop Video Magnifier can enlarge wri8en material for low vision folks but it also scans the material and reads it aloud to the user. It is so simple to use! This is a great opportunity to read the paper, look at family photos or listen to a book. If you are interested in using these devices, come by the Center or call for more informa on. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR AARP TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM! Every year, the AARP’s Tax Aide Program helps over 100 of Franklin’s elderly and low to moderate income residents by preparing their tax returns, but the folks who volunteer are all from other communi es! Come on Franklin! We need some home-grown talent to serve our community! AARP is looking for volunteers to be trained by IRS-cer fied instructors to help prepare simple tax returns. Basic income tax knowledge is suggested but not required for this role. You do not have to be a member of AARP to be part of the Tax Aide Program. If interested, the applica on process is simple. Go to this site and click on “Become a Volunteer,” h8p:// Or, you can call Tim Brady at 508 839-4595. Thanks for your help! HAVE YOU HIT THE DONUT HOLE? Seniors who reach the gap in their Medicare prescrip on drug plan, oLen referred to as the “donut hole,” can see their prescrip on drug costs rise drama cally! Prescrip1on Advantage is a state-sponsored program that supplements your Medicare drug plan to fill that gap. Call Prescrip on Advantage today at 1-800-AGE-INF0 (1-800-243-4636) and Press 2 to learn more! - FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE, CALL ERIN ROGERS (508) 520-4945 - Supportive Day Program... Monday Matinee... The Sunshine Club at the Franklin Senior Center offers frail elders individual a8en on and the company of others. Fun ac vi es, lively discussions and gentle exercise make for a s mula ng day. If you care for a loved one who is frail, socially isolated, has low vision or demen a, come visit! To learn more, call Carol Adile8o or Donna Haynes at (508) 520-4945. Movies shown on Mondays at 1:15 p.m. A CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP is offered on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Par cipa on in the Suppor ve Day Program is not required for the Support Group. Please call to sign up for the Support Group; you can make a reservaon for respite care during the mee ng. May 4: THE IMITATION GAME (PG-13) The true story of Alan Turing, who led a group of scholars, linguists, chess champions and intelligence officers to crack the unbreakable codes of Germany's WW II Enigma machine; with Benedict Cumberbatch & Keira Knightly. May 11: WILD (R) ALer years of reckless behavior, a heroin addic on and the destruc on of her marriage, Cheryl Strayed makes a rash decision to hike more than a thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail all on her own.; with Reese Witherspoon & Laura Dern. May 18: BIG EYES (PG-13) Walter Keane’s pain ngs of big-eyed children made him famous, but his wife claimed that she painted them. The subsequent legal ba8le leads to a court showdown, proving once and for all who the real ar st is; with Amy Adams & Christopher Waltz. T.O.P.S. is happy to announce a 100 pound loss! Be3y Cirotski holds a trophy given to her by T.O.P.S. Area Coordinator, Gail Lewis. T.O.P.S. is an interna onal organiza on, founded in 1948, whose goal is good health. It is a nonprofit, non-commercial, wellness educa on organiza on specializing in support, recogni on, and overall health. T.O.P.S. meets on Fridays at the Senior Center, at 1:00 pm. We focus on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide las ng weight changes and be8er health. For more informa on, call (508) 528-8050. With Sincere Appreciation... • • • • The Friends of Franklin Elders for funding entertainment for our April party & our Volunteer Recogni on Luncheon. Elynor Crothers, Martha Chilson Akers, Claire & Albert Lewis, Barbara DeCosta, Cheryl & Jerry PaqueMe, Don & Gloria Gelineau, Bill & Marge Hanavan, Nick & Marge Capezza, Beth WiMcoff, CongeMa Lind, Robbin Hutchins, Dorene, Greg & Tori Landry, Linda & Mary Ellsworth, David & Clarice Cargill, Tom Pruvot, Clare Flynn, Rose Turco, Irene Mahr, David Storey, Lonnie & Dennis Grillo, Keller Elementary Sunshine CommiMee, Lisa Santagate, Sherry & Robert Bossa, Pauline Hodges, Dan Moriarty, Gerald Laferriere, and Ed & Roberta Doherty, for generous dona ons in memory of Lee Ellsworth. Carol Bailey for a generous dona on in memory of Dick Cook. Janet WhiMen, Bev Dillon, Beverly Marguerite, Ruth Anderson, Marie Murphy, Cheryl Dolan, Donna Mackintosh, Barbara Besterfield, Stephanie Saunders, Cora Cadillac, Miriam Bissan1, Pat Cooke, Joan Matus, Lynn Waples, Gail Eddy, Dot Wilson, BeMy Cirotski, Pat Stevens, & Paula DeBaggis for making generous dona ons to our GiL Shop. ADVERTISE HERE! Call: (508) 553-9557 Terrific Trips... Date Destination Details Cost Join us for a guided tour of this beau ful, his$5 per person, transportatorical building w/Rep. Jeff Roy and learn how on only. state government works. Lunch at Faneuil Hall. Wed., May 6 State House Tour with Rep. Jeff Roy Wed., May 20 Tour of Fenway Park Lunch TBD Fri., May 22 The New Dawn Singers at Luciano’s Lake Pearl Talented group of youthful performers sing & $59/person includes lunch dance songs of yesteryear with energy & style. & show. No transporta on. Wed., May 27 Tour of Channel 2, WGBH Peek behind the scenes of the home of Master- $5 per person, transportapiece Theater, Mystery, and so many of your on only. The tour is free! favorite shows! Lunch at The Stockyard. Wed., June 10 Wellesley College Botanic Gardens & Parks Stroll thru beau ful parks, gardens and green- $5 per person for transhouses. Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. porta on & free admission. Wed., June 17 Cape Cod Canal Cruise & Lunch at Lindsey’s Cruise along the canal with a guided tour of the $21 per person includes history and nature of this beau ful seJng. cruise and transporta on. Wed., June 24 The DriPers at Danversport Yacht Club Enjoy all their great songs; Under the Board- $70/person includes transwalk , Save the Last Dance for Me, Up On the porta on, lunch (Chicken Roof, This Magic Moment and many more! Breast or Scrod) & show. Plimouth Planta1on, Plymouth, MA A 17th century village recreates the year 1627. $29 per person, transportaMeet villagers & Na ve Americans. This trip on and admission only. involves extensive walking. Wed., July 1 Wed., July 8 Enjoy this exci ng tour of the park and its buildings and many stories of Red Sox lore. $25 per person includes transp. & admission. Edward M. Kennedy Visit this new memorial dedicated to educa ng $17 per person for admisIns1tute for the U.S. Senate the public about the U. S. Senate, encouraging sion and transporta on. democracy, invigora ng civil discourse, & inspiring civic engagement. Lunch TBA. Wed., July 22 Lobster Roll Cruise & Luncheon Cruise through Sesuit Harbor into the beau ful $35 per person all inclusive Cape Cod Bay. Enjoy Lobster Roll, Roast Beef Wrap, Veggie Wrap or Chicken Caesar Salad. Wed., July 29 Broadway Meets Nashville at Sturbridge Village Music made famous by Lore8a Lynn, Dolly Par- $47.50 per person, all inton, Patsy Kline, Buddy Holly, Elvis & the Everly clusive. Brothers. Lunch - Baked Scrod or Sage Chicken. TRIP POLICY: Recreaonal trips are available for seniors, 50 years of age and over, and disabled residents. Franklin residents are given preference for sign up for two weeks a;er the trip is published in The Franklin Connec=on. Payment for day trips is due upon sign up at the Senior Center. Disabled, non-senior riders are required to provide documentaon verifying their disability. Seventy-two hours noce (3 business days) is required to receive a full refund for day trips. Condions vary for overnight trips. For more informaon, please call (508) 520-4945. FOR TRANSPORTATION call Kiessling Transit at 1-800-698-7676, Option 1 FOR HOME DELIVERED MEALS call Tri-Valley Elder Services at 1-800-286-6640 Friends of Franklin Elders... THE FRIENDS OF FRANKLIN ELDERS, INC. The Friends of Franklin Elders is a private, non-profit organiza on whose purpose is to supplement local and state government funding of the Franklin Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment. The Friends also publish The Franklin Connecon. Thanks for your generous dona ons! The next mee ng of the Friends of Franklin Elders is scheduled for Friday, May 15, at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to a8end! MEMORIAL DONATIONS Maureen E. Moore in memory of Emily & Allan Moore Paul O’Connell in memory of Bob Gagnon, Stella Jeon & BeBy Snyder Sue Shluger in memory of Rita Sher Richard & Brenda Willis in memory of all our dogs that have passed; Heidi, Ben, McKenzie, Muffins #1, McGregor, Wellington, Rocky, Muffins, Cindy Toast Joannah Brunelli in memory of Anna Bassignani Mary Brunelli in memory of Albert “Pete” Brunelli MEMORIAL DONATIONS Clare Flynn in memory of James P. Flynn Marion Arcaro in memory of Mario Arcaro, Mike & Tillie Carlucci, & John Carlucci Mary Foley in memory of Walter J. Flynn Carol Gillespie in memory of Peter H. Gillespie Peter Bucchanio in memory of Sandra Lee Bucchanio Keefe Agency in memory of Albert “Pete” Brunelli YveBe Buffone in memory of Robert Buffone, Sr. Barbara Ann Kelly in memory of John D. Kelly Loraine & Pauline Druan in memory of Romeo Palumbo Nancy Langevin in memory of Arthur Langevin Sylvia & Paul Ficco in memory of Robert DeCecco & Josephine Riberio Celia Pasquarosa in memory of Paul Pasquarosa Mary Hagan in memory of Jim & Jimmy Hagan Lorainne Rojee in memory of Peg Sullivan Shirley PeB in memory of John, Nellie, & Robert Kaufman Ann Taschereau in memory of Joseph & Grace Bartolo, Rofino Vilma Pascucci in memory of Louis Pascucci Ron & Jean Taddeo in memory of Elda M. Daddario Doris Ramsey in memory of Fred Ramsey, Sr. Hazel Witzel in memory of George Witzel Paul Tracey in memory of Dorothy Tracey John Triolo in memory of Susanne Triolo Margaret Natan in memory of Max Natan Dick Neal in memory of Krisn Graci Vincent & Mary Sitkauskas in memory of Peggy Corsini GENEROUS DONATIONS Marie Dalo in memory of Eugene Negrone, Tony & Vera Mucciarone Mr. & Mrs. Domenic D’Ascenzo in memory of Luigi D’Ascenzo, Paul D’Ascenzo, Oridio D’Ascenzo, Mr. & Mrs. OBavio Zappitelli, Domenico Caruso & Domenic Zappitelli Phyllis & George Dempsey in memory of BeBy Duncan Theresa Foley in memory of David Foley Ronald Bucchanio Mary Ledwith & Family in memory of Paul Ledwith William & Diane Howard Fidelity Charitable Wayne Smith & Joan Secatore Pam Spicer Alex Dobachesky Ruth Emmons in memory of Paul Degnim & Dorothea Kaufman Judith Mucciarone in memory of Marion Holmes Barbara Deely in memory of Barbara Cunningham & “Al” Deely FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING Officers: Chairman……..……………… Ken Norman Vice-Chairman…...…...……....Paul O’Connell Secretary………….…………..Barbara Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Pre-Sorted c/o Franklin Council on Aging 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA 02038 Standard Franklin, MA Permit No. 13 Members: Dave Cargill, Bob Crowley, Mary Hick, Lyn O’Brien, Suzanne Wade & Lester Quan Staff: Director ………………..……….……...Karen Alves Program Coordinator…….…….…….Sue Barbour Vet’s Agent……………………....……..Bob Fahey Outreach Worker……………………...Erin Rogers Supportive Day Coordinators……...Carol Adiletto & Donna Haynes Supportive Day Program Aide…...Donna Brunelli Health & Wellness Nurse…………Linda Hastings Receptionists………..……….…..…...Claire Lewis Gloria Gelineau Respite Supervisor………………...Elaine Owens Respite Companions………......Karen Calabrese & Mary Claire Flaherty Driver…………………….....………..Phyllis Molloy Grill Cook.………………………….....Paul Ledwith The Franklin Connection is distributed with funds provided by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Franklin Senior Center “Independence, Information, & Connection!” The Franklin Council on Aging meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. This is an open meeng; the public is invited to aBend. The mission of the Franklin Council on Aging is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by: ♦ Idenfying the needs of this populaon and creang programs that meet those needs. ♦ Offering the knowledge, tools and opportunies to promote mental, social and physical well-being. ♦ Advocang for relevant programs and services in our community. ♦ Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families. And On The Lighter Side... GOD’S GIFT One day in the Garden of Eden, God said to Adam, “I am going to give you the perfect mate! She is beau ful and will care for you, cook, clean and wash for you, sing to you and treat you like a King.“ Adam responded, “Great! So, what’s this gonna cost me?” God replies, “An arm and a leg.” Adam thinks a minute and says, “What can I get for a rib?” UPPER BODY STRENGTH FOR SENIORS Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day you'll find that you can hold this posi on for just a bit longer. ALer a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags. Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can liL a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.) ALer you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag. NOBLE NIPPING Some mes when I reflect back on all the wine I drink I feel shame, then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the vineyards and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this wine, they might be out of work and their dreams would be sha8ered. Then I say to myself, “It is be8er that I drink this wine and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”