Guringai Festival
Guringai Festival
26 May - 12 July 2015 Guringai 2015 Story of place A Celebration of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage 1 Kerrie Kenton, Story of Place, 2014 ABOUT THE ARTWORK Story of Place 2014 By Kerrie Kenton 2400mm x 1200mm Acrylic on canvas This artwork was created during the Christmas in the Bush 2014 celebration. This annual event brings together the Aboriginal community and workers to celebrate culture and Christmas. The artwork was created during an arts workshop with Darug artist Kerrie Kenton. Kerrie’s design represents the Aboriginal community, organisations and the eleven local Government Councils. Each Council of the northern Sydney Region is depicted by the circles with Aboriginal Elders and community connections surrounding these symbols. The young Aboriginal people of the communities, contributed to the creation of this artwork. Their hand prints placed within the art expresses their connection and participation. 2 The background colours are a representation of the Dreaming of the northern Sydney Region and the colourful dots are the physical connection to each of the Councils. The white dots express the cultural and spiritual importance of culture and story. The kangaroo and emu tracks show the journey of both male and female ancestors and the participants and reflects some of the totems of the Aboriginal people. This artwork visually expresses the Aboriginal community’s connection to this place. It acknowledges and pays respect to the Darug and Guringai people, the traditional people of the northern Sydney Region, the Elders, past and present. The story of yesterday, today and tomorrow and is their Story of Place. Artists‘ statement CONTENTS Welcome message 4 About the Guringai Festival5 Program at a Glance6 Festival Launch 9 Keynote Event 10 Events Hornsby11 Events Hunters Hill12 Events Ku-ring-gai13 Events Lane Cove15 Events Manly17 Events Mosman20 Events North Sydney22 Events Pittwater 25 Events Ryde29 Events Warringah30 Events Willoughby34 Important Dates 37 Acknowledgements38 3 WELCOME MESSAGE From the chairs… In 2015 the Guringai Festival celebrates 15 years of sharing Australia’s First Peoples culture and heritage in the Northern Sydney region. Happy Birthday to us! Someone said there was going to be a cake! We invite you to join in all the fabulous events and activities of this year’s Festival. We hope you are inspired and learn something new. The jam packed full festival program starts with “Pathways to Recovery” for Sorry Day, continues through Reconciliation Week and culminates at the end of NAIDOC week. 4 This year’s Festival theme Story of Place has guided the activities with a line up once again filled with events that will touch your heart, make you laugh and celebrate US as a whole of community living in Northern Sydney, Guringai Country. We hope you enjoy this years Guringai Festival 2015 and we hope you come and help us eat the cake – at the launch of the Festival on Friday 29 May in Hornsby Mall 10am–2pm, or at many of the events! Sue Pinckham, Caroline Glass-Pattison, and Susan Moylan-Coombs Co-Chairs, Guringai Festival Committee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land, the Guringai peoples on whose land we now stand, we pay our respects to the Elders past and present. About the Guringai Festival Founded in 2001, the Guringai Festival aims to raise awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Northern Sydney region. The festival usually starts on Sorry Day, 26 May and goes through to the end of NAIDOC Week, the second week in July each year. The festival involves 11 Councils and numerous reconciliation and community groups. Events include workshops, art exhibitions, performances, films and talks. SORRY BUSINESS We would like to acknowledge the passing and contributions of those members of the local community who are no longer with us to celebrate the Guringai Festival. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this document/website may contain images or names of people who have since passed away. 5 PROGRAM MAY MAY 6 DATE EVENT LOCATION PAGE 8 May - 28 June Saltwater Country Exhibition Manly 17 8 May - 28 June Des Mullion: Raids and Wars Manly 18 12-24 NorthSide Aboriginal Artists Exhibition - Hunters Hill Hunters Hill 12 Wednesdays: 20 May - 1 July Weaving Bridges Project: Yarn to Yarn Workshops Brookvale 33 Thursdays: 21 May - 2 July Weaving Bridges Project: Yarn to Yarn Workshops Manly 18 22 Guringai Reconciliation Writing Competition closes Regional 34 24 SORRY DAY North Narrabeen 25 25 May - 12 July Guringai Tribe Exhibition St Ives 13 26 Pathways to Recovery for Stolen Generations Survivors and their Families Chatswood 10 26 Sorry Day Regional 37 26 Reconciliation Week Regional 37 28 Children’s Voices for Reconciliation Lane Cove 15 29 Launch of the Guringai Festival at Children’s Voices for Reconciliation – Muddi Mittigar (Darug for Young Friends) Hornsby 9 29 Bush Tucker Cooking Lane Cove 15 29 May - 14 June NUKAL by artists: Julie Janson, Michelle Ball, Emma Hicks, Katie Louise Williams Terrey Hills 30 30 ‘Walk and Talk’ to North Head Sanctuary Manly 19 30 EORA: Parramatta River Clans Ryde 29 30 4 hour Bushwalk in Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Belrose 31 31 Oxford Falls Triangle Walk Belrose 31 31 Singing Up Country Terrey Hills 31 PROGRAM JUNE JUNE DATE EVENT LOCATION PAGE 3 Bennelong: In England and After Hunters Hill 12 4 Children’s Voices for Reconciliation Gordon 13 4 June - 9 July The Albert Namatjira Room Mona Vale 25 4 June - 2 July 15 Years: Guringai Festival Poster Exhibition North Sydney 22 10 Traditional story telling, art, dance and music North Sydney 22 11 Kadul Dance Performance at Chatswood Youth Centre Chatswood 34 13 Guringai Festival @ North Sydney Market on Miller North Sydney 23 13 Indigenous Heritage and Bush Food Talk and Taste North Sydney 23 13 Guided Walk of Gulgaldya Muru at Manly Dam Manly Dam 32 14 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Walk Wollstonecraft 23 14 Indigenous Walk To be provided 26 14 The Aboriginal Experience - Constitutional Reform Chatswood 35 17 June - 5 July Illuminate Exhibition Willoughby 35 17 Movie: Charlie’s Country Collaroy 32 18-19 Maruku Marketplace North Sydney 24 20 Aboriginal Heritage Walk and Talk at Turimetta Head To be provided 26 20 Kids Bark Painting with Karleen Green North Narrabeen 27 20 Native Grass Weaving with Karleen Green North Narrabeen 27 21 Walk the Basin Track with Uncle Laurie Bimson Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park 13 21 Stories of Flat Rock from an Indigenous Perspective Willoughby 35 24 Pre-school Storytelling at Mona Vale Library Mona Vale 27 25 Campfire and Culture Walks St Ives 14 25 Guided Bushwalk and Aboriginal Art Exhibition Incinerator Art Space and Flat Rock Gully 36 26 One Community Many Stories Avalon 28 26 Senior’s Guringai Festival Lunch Spit Junction 20 27 Aboriginal Heritage Walk Roseville 13 29 School Holiday Writing Workshops Chatswood 36 30 Aboriginal Sites Guided Tours Lane Cove West 16 7 PROGRAM JULY JULY 8 DATE EVENT LOCATION PAGE 1 Rainbow Serpent Mosman 20 2 Boomerang Mosman 20 5-12 Mosman High Year 7 Art Project Mosman 20 5-12 NAIDOC Week School Student’s Artwork Exhibition Mosman 21 5-12 Country: By Warwick Keen assisted by Noel Wellington Mosman 21 5-12 NAIDOC Week We all Stand on Sacred Ground Regional 37 6 School Holiday Writing Workshops Chatswood 36 7 Launch of Weaving Bridges Project Manly 33 7 Kadul Dance Performance with Ryka Ali Mosman 21 8 Animals of the Dreaming Lane Cove 16 8 NAIDOC Week at Ryde Library - Stories and Culture Ryde 29 9 Wuruniri with Matthew Doyle Mosman 21 9 Kids’ Bush Skills and Aboriginal Culture Day St Ives 14 9 Dreamtime Stories and Art for Children St Ives 14 9 NAIDOC Week Celebration 2015 Hornsby 11 10 Film Screening - The Sapphires Crows Nest 24 13 NAIDOC Mona Vale 28 FESTIVAL LAUNCH Launch of the Guringai Festival at Children’s Voices For Reconciliation – Muddi Mittigar (Darug for Young Friends) Friday 29 May, 10am-2pm Florence Street, Hornsby Mall, Hornsby FREE Help launch the Guringai Festival in it’s 15th year during National Reconciliation Week with Muddi Mittigar. Aboriginal markets, short films, photos, school student presentations about Australia’s Aboriginal history and future. Pick up a Guringai Festival booklet. Launch event Students on stage in the mall from 10am-12pm All welcome Enquiries: Community Development Team on 9847 6531 9 KEYNOTE EVENT Pathways to Recovery for Stolen Generations Survivors and their Families Tuesday 26 May, 9am-1pm The Civic Pavillion at The Concourse 409 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood FREE National Sorry Day is an Australian wide observance day held on May 26 each year. This day gives us a chance to come together and share the stories and walk together towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities. Last year we started a new dialogue and lay the foundations for a Pathway to Recovery and posed the questions, what does healing and wellbeing look like and how can we write a new story? We cannot simply keep rereading our old ones. Each new generation must be given the tools and be empowered to create communities that are healthy, happy and whole. The future is in their hands and they hold the key to the survival of this planet and of humanity. So what are our new stories, what are our stories of wellness, stories of healing and Story of Place 10 This year’s Sorry Day event will continue to explore the theme Pathways to Recovery with an expert panel and special guest performance. In the afternoon members of the Stolen Generations and their families are invited to the Healing Circle in Lane Cove National Park. Transport will be provided to and from The Concourse, Chatswood. Enquiries: Community Care(Northern Beaches) Ltd Sally Cornelius on 9998 2900 [email protected] Bookings: Hosted by Community Care Northern Beaches Ltd – “Partners In Recovery”, Sydney North Shore and Beaches Medicare Local, Northern Sydney Medicare Local and Northern Sydney Local Health District. The aim of the event is to allow Australia’s First Peoples affected by these past policies to explore and share their own stories and experiences; as well as increase understanding about these experiences and resulting needs with service providers, policy makers and members of the general public. EVENTS HORNSBY NAIDOC Week Celebration 2015 Thursday 9 July, 10am-1pm Evening start time: 6.30pm-8pm 28-44 George Street, Hornsby FREE Traditional Aboriginal Story Telling, Colouring In, Morning tea, Author talk by Julie Janson and the Northside Aboriginal Artists’ Exhibition. Enquiries: Hornsby Library on 9847 6614 Bookings essential: Ticketed event. Book online at or at any Hornsby Shire Library branch. Artist panel by Jessica Birk, Claire Jackson and Julie Janson in the evening, talking about their work. 11 EVENTS HUNTERS HILL NorthSide Aboriginal Artists Exhibition Hunters Hill Tuesday 12 May - Sunday 24 May 10am-4pm Hunters Hill Art Gallery Garibaldi Inn, 37 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill Opening Event: Saturday 16 May, 2pm-4pm FREE NorthSide Aboriginal Artists (NSAA) is a non-profit group of artists wishing to show publicly that there are many talented Aboriginal people living and working on the northside of Sydney, who are not only contributing to the general community but producingartworks of a high standard which we wish to share with the whole community of northern Sydney. Come along to our Exhibition which will be held in conjunction with the Hunters Hill Art Exhibition to view, discuss, enjoy and perhaps purchase our exciting works. Enquiries: 0438 020 709 [email protected] Bennelong: In England and After Wednesday 3 June, 10am-12pm Gladesville Road Community Centre, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill FREE Keith Vincent Smith and Peter Mitchell will present a joint talk on the life and death of Woollarawaree Bennelong, one of the most significant figures in Australian history. It will be an illustrated talk about Bennelong’s visit to London and his life on the Parramatta River after his return, with details of the fate of the brick hut built for Bennelong by Governor Arthur Phillip that gave Bennelong Point its name. Both Keith and Peter are experts in their fields and Dr Peter Mitchell was responsible for identifying Bennelong’s likely final resting place. Bookings: Margaret Kelly on 9879 9419 [email protected] 12 EVENTS KU-RING-GAI Guringai Tribe Exhibition Monday 25 May - Sunday 12 July St Ives Library St Ives Village Shopping Centre 166 Mona Vale Road, St Ives FREE Walk the Basin Track with Uncle Laurie Bimson Sunday 21 June, 10am-2pm Basin Track, West Head Road, Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park Cost: $50.00 (includes lunch) A collection of pictures and brief text on the Guringai Tribe will be on display for the duration of the Festival. At the site you will have explanations as to how the rock carvings were made and be told stories of times long gone by. Enquiries: Penny Xavier on 9424 0452 Come and taste some Aboriginal food and experience the culture. Be quick, maximum 30 people. Bring your camera for the view from West Head. Children’s Voices for Reconciliation Enquiries: Laurie Bimson on 0438 877 509 [email protected] Thursday 4 June, 9.30am-11.30am Ravenswood School for Girls Cecil Street, Gordon FREE Ku-ring-gai Council are pleased to once again present Children’s Voices for Reconciliation. Special Guest Gumaroy Newman will MC the program which will showcase the talents of local school children presenting a theme of Reconciliation in dance, drama, poetry, art and song. Enquiries: Rachael Thomson on 9424 0868 Aboriginal Heritage Walk Saturday 27 June, 10am-12pm End of Carnarvon Road, Roseville FREE The Little Digger Track is a short walk with remnants of rainforest vegetation including, Sydney Red Gums, She Oaks and ferns. The walk will reveal waterfalls, rock pools and caves. Join this educational walk lead by the Aboriginal Heritage Office and learn about local Aboriginal heritage and culture. Bookings essential: Kathy Kai on 9424 0933 13 EVENTS KU-RING-GAI Campfire and Culture Walks Thursday 25 June, 10am-11.30am and 1pm-2.30pm Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives Cost: $11.00 Aboriginal Heritage Officer Karen Smith brings her knowledge and experience of local Aboriginal culture to share on a step-free bushwalk through the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden, followed by billy tea and damper around the campfire. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Carers of participants with a disability are admitted free. Kids’ Bush Skills and Aboriginal Culture Day Thursday 9 July, 9am-4pm Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives Cost: $55.00 Kids aged 6-12 can spend a day in the bush learning skills such as boomerangthrowing, bush tucker identification and fire-lighting. Renowned Aboriginal artist and teacher Walangari Karntawarra will join us for a special culture workshop of storytelling, didgeridoo playing and Aboriginal art. 14 Dreamtime Stories and Art for Children Thursday 9 July, 10am-11.30am Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden 420 Mona Vale Road, St Ives Cost: $12.00 Aboriginal artist and teacher Walangari Karntawarra will introduce young children aged 2-5 years old to Aboriginal culture through activities including art, singing, storytelling and boomerang-throwing. Accompanying adults $7.00. Enquiries for the above events: Jenny Edyejones on 9424 0353 [email protected] EVENTS LANE COVE Children’s Voices for Reconciliation Thursday 28 May, 10.30am-12pm Lane Cove Plaza, Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove In the event of wet weather, this program will be hosted in the main hall at Lane Cove Public School FREE Now in its 19th year, this combined schools performance brings young people together to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and Reconciliation. Join us for an exciting morning of entertainment where young people of all ages share their voice on Reconciliation through music, dance and song. Enquiries: Cultural Development Officer on 9911 3594 Bush Tucker Cooking Friday 29 May, 4pm-6pm Synergy Youth Centre 8 Little Street, Lane Cove (Under the pool grandstand) FREE Come along and join us as we cook up a bush tucker storm at Synergy Youth Centre. Aboriginal Education Officer from Koori Kinnections Jessica Sinnott will be teaching 11-18 year olds about local bush tucker and how to cook some scrumptious food. Enquiries: Community Development Officer Youth Services on 9911 3586 [email protected] 15 EVENTS LANE COVE Aboriginal Sites Guided Tours Tuesday 30 June, 9.30am-11.30am Lovetts Reserve Penrose Street, Lane Cove West FREE Discover middens, etchings, native bush foods, artefacts and more in your local bushland. Join a guided walk through Lane Cove with an Aboriginal Heritage Officer. Bookings essential on 9911 3583 or Animals of the Dreaming Wednesday 8 July, 1pm-2pm Lane Cove Plaza Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove FREE Join Col Hardy (OAM) for Animals of the Dreaming these school holidays for an exciting program combining two facets of Australia, native animals and Dreamtime stories. An Indigenous Taronga Zoo staff member and a Zoo Education Officer weave Dreamtime stories through the animal presentation. Enquiries: Cultural Development Officer on 9911 3594 16 EVENTS MANLY Saltwater Country Exhibition Open Tuesday - Sunday, 10am-5pm Exhibition Dates: 8 May - 28 June Manly Art Gallery and Museum West Esplanade Reserve, Manly FREE Saltwater Country is a major touring exhibition that presents new work by 16 contemporary Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. The term `Country’ has come to be understood as an all-encompassing word to explain the intrinsic nature of Aboriginal culture and creative expression as a reflection of the connectedness to land and place of birth. What is less understood is the equally strong cultural connection to the sea and water’s edge. This exhibition seeks to capture the distinctive cultural and creative experience as artists reclaim histories, investigate their pasts and establish new ways of caring for country and community through their artistic practice. Artists: Vernon Ah Kee / Daniel Boyd / Michael Cook/ Megan Cope / Erub Arts / Fiona Foley/ Rosella Namok / Mavis Ngallametta / Laurie Nilsen/ Napolean Oui /Ryan Presley / Brian Robinson/ Ken Thaiday / Alick Tipoti / Ian Waldron / Judy Watson. Curated by Michael Aird and Virginia Rigney. A touring exhibition by Museums & Galleries Queensland and Gold Coast City Gallery. Enquiries: Manly Art Gallery & Museum on 9976 1421 [email protected] 17 EVENTS MANLY Des Mullion: Raids and Wars Open Tuesday - Sunday, 10am-5pm Exhibition dates: 8 May - 28 June Manly Art Gallery and Museum West Esplanade Reserve, Manly FREE Manly Art Gallery and Museum presents the work of emerging Indigenous Kamilaroi artist Des Mullion. Des paints the goanna and the brown snake, exploring his narrative as a member of the stolen generation through his art. This exhibition is presented in partnership with the ManlyGunnedah Sister City program. Enquiries: Manly Art Gallery & Museum on 9976 1421 [email protected] Weaving Bridges Project Yarn to Yarn Workshops - FREE Thursdays: 21 May - 2 July, 12pm-2.30pm Manly Community Centre 12 Wentworth Street, Manly Launch of Weaving Bridges Project - FREE Tuesday 7 July, 10.30am-12.30pm Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club Building on from the success of the Weaving Bridges Project in 2013 and 2014 - join the Manly Environment Centre, Manly Community Centre, Northern Beaches Aboriginal Community members and Warringah Council for an exciting new weaving project in 2015 – Story of Place. Individuals and community groups are invited to participate in Yarn to Yarn workshops collaborating towards a large scale art installation. Enjoy a laugh and a yarn with a member of the Aboriginal community at the same time. We need lots of helping hands for this project. Join us and bring along a friend/s. Like us on facebook to find out about workshops in your area. Enquiries: Robyn Millward Manly Environment Centre on 9976 2842 or [email protected] 18 Angelique Lubomirof Manly Community Centre on 9977 1066 or [email protected] EVENTS MANLY Walk and Talk to North Head Sanctuary Saturday 30 May 9.45am for 10am start - 12.30pm Meet at Little Manly Beach (beside cafe) FREE Learn about your local Aboriginal heritage on a guided walk with Karen Smith, Aboriginal Heritage Office from Little Manly Beach up to North Head Sanctuary Foundation Nursery. Following morning tea join the conversation with Aunty Frances Bodkin, Dharawal knowledgeholder and botanical author. Bookings essential as limited numbers: Robynne Millward on 9976 2842 [email protected] 19 EVENTS MOSMAN Senior’s Guringai Festival Lunch Friday 26 June, 12pm-2pm Mosman Seniors Centre Mosman Square, Spit Junction Cost: $12.00 A fantastic three course luncheon for the over 55s to celebrate the Guringai Festival. Enquiries: Olivier Strobel on 9978 4127 Rainbow Serpent Wednesday 1 July, 10am-11am Mosman Library, Library Walk 605 Military Road, Mosman FREE Have you ever heard the story of the rainbow serpent? In this workshop we will be using the Aboriginal dreamtime story to create your own rainbow serpent using traditional techniques; such as dot painting. Suitable for ages 5-12 years. Enquiries: Simin Reyhanian on 9978 4091 Bookings essential: 20 Boomerang Thursday 2 July,10am-11am Mosman Library, Library Walk, 605 Military Road, Mosman FREE Did you know there are three different types of Boomerangs? Learn about Aboriginal history and culture in preparation for NAIDOC week and use cardboard and paint to create your own boomerang. Suitable for ages 5-12 years. Enquiries: Simin Reyhanian on 9978 4091 Bookings essential: Mosman High Year 7 Art Project Sunday 5 July - Sunday 12 July, 10am-5pm Mosman Art Gallery Corner Myahgah Road and Art Gallery Way, Mosman FREE A collaborative artwork produced by Mosman High’s Year 7 special art group, exploring themes of the Guringai Festival and NAIDOC week. Enquiries: Mosman Art Gallery on 9978 4178 EVENTS MOSMAN NAIDOC Week School Student’s Artwork Exhibiton Sunday 5 July - Sunday 12 July, 10am-5pm Mosman Library, Library Walk, 605 Military Road, Mosman FREE Display of artwork by public and private schools in the Mosman and Neutral Bay areas on the Guringai Festival theme, Story of Place and NAIDOC theme We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate. Enquiries: 9909 0203 [email protected] Kadul Dance Performance with Ryka Ali Tuesday 7 July, 10am-11am Mosman Library, Library Walk, 605 Military Road, Mosman FREE Ryka’s performance includes both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island songs and participatory dances inspired by Australian animals. Ryka is a previous winner of the Young, Black and Deadly Talent Quest. His show is entertaining, educational and participation is greatly encouraged. This is an event for all ages. Enquiries: Simin Reyhanian on 9978 4091 Bookings essential: Wuruniri with Matthew Doyle Thursday 9 July, 10am-11am Mosman Library, Library Walk, 605 Military Road, Mosman Dreamtime stories, personal stories and a vast knowledge of Aboriginal culture are intertwined in an interactive programme. Matthew brings a wealth of experience to demonstrate traditional dance and music skills. This event is suitable for all ages. Enquiries: Simin Reyhanian on 9978 4091 Bookings essential: Country: By Warwick Keen assisted by Noel Wellington Sunday 5 July - Sunday 12 July, 10am-5pm Mosman Art Gallery, Corner Myahgah Road and Art Gallery Way, Mosman FREE Originally a part of Bungaree’s Farm exhibition celebrating the 200th anniversary of Bungaree’s Land grant, the 24 carved poles will be installed in the Mosman Art Gallery forecourt sculpture garden in recognition of the Guringai Festival and NAIDOC week. Enquiries: Mosman Art Gallery on 9978 4178 21 EVENTS NORTH SYDNEY 15 Years: Guringai Festival Poster Exhibition Thursday 4 June - Thursday 2 July 9am-5pm inTransit Art Space Council Chambers Building, 1st floor, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney FREE North Sydney Council hosts 15 Years: Guringai Festival Poster Exhibition in celebration of the 15 year anniversary of the Guringai Festival in the Northern Sydney Region. This exhibition presents a collection of posters ranging from the initial festival in 2001 to the present day and featuring the artworks of local Aboriginal artists including Bibi Barba, Jessica Birk, Kerrie Kenton, Paul McCarthy and Tim Moriarty. Please join us for the exhibition’s opening between 5pm-7pm on Thursday 4 June. 22 Enquiries: Lisa Sammut on 9936 8100 [email protected] Traditional story telling, art, dance and music at Explorers Playgroup Wednesday 10 June North Sydney Community Centre 220 Miller Street, North Sydney An opportunity for kids aged 0–5 years to be introduced to and explore Aboriginal culture and heritage. Aboriginal facilitators share traditional stories and history through dance, song, art, face painting and music. Enquiries: Anneke Barnes on 9922 2299 [email protected] EVENTS NORTH SYDNEY Indigenous Heritage and Bush Food Talk and Taste Saturday 13 June, 11am-1pm Stanton Library FREE Experienced Aboriginal educator and guide, Jess Sinnott will talk about seasonally available native produce from the local area, giving out samples of her homemade delicacies. Come along and try local foods in delicious dishes such as johnny cakes, a native flavoured cake accompanied with a native flavoured dip. Guringai Festival @ North Sydney Market on Miller Saturday 13 June Civic Park, 220 Miller Street, North Sydney Free parking in Ridge Street car park FREE A market celebration of Aboriginal culture, story and place through kids and adults workshops, bush tucker stalls featuring handcrafted Aboriginal sculpture and art. Songbirds descend as Aboriginal musicians present original music and market goers can pick up a free native tree or bush from Bushcare. Enquiries: Anneke Barnes on 9922 2299 [email protected] Enquiries: Amanda Hudson on 9936 8400 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Walk Sunday 14 June, 9am-12pm Berry Island Reserve Shirley Road, Wollstonecraft FREE Join the Aboriginal Heritage Officer for an Aboriginal cultural heritage and awareness tour of significant sites at Berry Island and Balls Head Reserves. Easy to medium grade trek from Wollstonecraft to Waverton. Enquiries: Andrew Scott on 9936 8100 [email protected] Bookings essential: 23 EVENTS NORTH SYDNEY Maruku Marketplace Thursday 18 June - Friday 19 June 6pm-8.30pm Thursday 9am-1.30pm Friday Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College 128 Miller Street, North Sydney O’Regan Arts and Cultural Common FREE Maruku Marketplace is an opportunity to purchase paintings, walka boards (boards with incised and painted designs) and punu (carved wooden sculptures) made by Anangu artists of the Maruku Arts cooperative in the Central Desert. This event is part of our celebrations for NAIDOC Week and we will be joined by Aboriginal people of the Wreck Bay and Central Desert communities. Enquiries: Marshall Leaver on 9409 6499 [email protected] Film Screening: The Sapphires Thursday 10 July, 10.30am-1pm Crows Nest Centre 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest FREE Please join us for the screening of the film The Sapphires to celebrate NAIDOC week at the Crows Nest Centre. The Sapphires is a musical comedy based on a true story of four Aboriginal women who are discovered by a talent scout who form a music group, travelling to Vietnam in 1968 to sing for troops during the war. This is a free event and light refreshments will be provided. Enquiries: Camelia Tobia on 9437 7502 [email protected] 24 EVENTS PIT TWATER SORRY DAY Sunday 24 May,3pm-6pm Scout Hall Bilarong Reserve Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen FREE Come and commemorate National Sorry Day 2015. The Albert Namatjira Room 6 Showings - Thursdays only Thursday 4 June - Thursday 9 July 1pm-3pm Mona Vale Bowling Club 1598 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale FREE A time for all Australians to reflect on the profound grief and trauma experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly members of the Stolen Generations. All Welcome: You won’t believe these hidden treasures. It is also an opportunity to celebrate their strength and resilience, and to reaffirm our shared commitment to healing and reconciliation. Not to be missed – only 6 Thursday showings. All Welcome free BBQ and afternoon tea. Enquiries: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] See original art work rarely displayed. The bigger than life size paintings and rare collection of spears. Enquiries: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] Photo supplied by The Aboriginal Heritage Office* 25 EVENTS PIT TWATER Indigenous Walk Sunday 14 June, 9am-11am Details to be provided on booking FREE A guided bushwalk discovering cultural sites including rock engravings in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. This tour led by staff from the Coastal Environment Centre and an Indigenous guide offers a great opportunity to learn more about this amazing area. The walk will give you information on the local flora and their uses as bushtucker and medicines. Look for native animals and their tracks as we explore. Aboriginal Heritage Walk and Talk at Turimetta Head Saturday 20 June, 9am-11am Details to be provided on booking FREE Join the Aboriginal Heritage Office and Pittwater Council for an Aboriginal walk and talk around Turimetta Head. This walk is in an area of amazing beauty with outstanding history and heritage. Some stairs are involved but this walk is taken at a gentle pace allowing for the opportunity to share information on the cultural heritage of the area. This event is suitable for the whole family! 26 Bookings essential for both events: Coastal Environment Centre on 1300 000 232 (Reception - Option1) EVENTS PIT TWATER Native Grass Weaving with Karleen Green Saturday 20 June, 1pm-5pm Scout Hall, Bilarong Reserve Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen Cost: $55.00 (Max 15) Karleen will teach you the basic skills in traditional grass weaving. Learn how native grasses can be made into beautiful and useful objects. All equipment and afternoon tea included Enquiries: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] Kids Bark Painting with Karleen Green Saturday 20 June, 10am-12pm Scout Hall Bilarong Reserve Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen Cost: $15.00 Pre-school Storytelling at Mona Vale Library Wednesday 24 June, 10am Mona Vale Library 1 Park Street, Mona Vale FREE We will be having a themed story-telling session in the library on 24 June at 10am to celebrate the festival. Kids just want to have fun with Karleen Green. Kids get to take home their work. No bookings are required. There will be story-telling, music and craft. All equipment included. Enquiries: Mary Anderson on 9970 1606 [email protected] Enquiries: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] 27 EVENTS PIT TWATER One Community Many Stories Friday 26 June, 5pm-8pm Avalon Public School Hall Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Cost: $1.00 Arts Festival; an exhibition of arts by the students from K to Y12 who attend the 13 Peninsula Community of Schools, collection of works reflect the Guringai Festival theme, depicting the many stories from our community. Enquiries: Sharon Smithies on 9918 8811 or 0433 590 093 [email protected] peninsulacommunityofschools. 28 NAIDOC Monday 13 July, 7.30pm-9.30pm Mona Vale Memorial Hall 1606 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale FREE 2015 theme: We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate Speaker to be advised. All welcome - night including light supper Enquirires: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] EVENTS RYDE NAIDOC Week at Ryde Library Stories and Culture Wednesday 8 July, 10.30am-12.15pm Ryde Library 1 Pope Street, Ryde A fun and interactive NAIDOC week morning for children and families to come on a journey with special guest Chris Tobin, Aboriginal artist and story teller, to learn a whole lot of things you didn’t know about Aboriginal history in the Ryde area, enjoy stories that have been told for generations and find out about how culture is lived. EORA: Parramatta River Clans Bookings essential: Ryde Library on 9952 8352 [email protected] Saturday 30 May, 1.30pm-4.30pm Walumetta Room Ryde Library, Pope Street, Ryde FREE They called themselves Eora, meaning `people’. In this illustrated talk, Keith Vincent Smith will locate and describe the Indigenous clans of coastal Sydney identified by Woollarawarre Bennelong, with a brief history of the lives of their leading personalities. Enquiries: Judy McGregor on 0403 348 925 [email protected] 29 EVENTS WARRINGAH NUKAL by artists: Julie Janson, Michelle Ball, Emma Hicks, Katie Louise Williams Friday 29 May - Sunday 14 June 10am-3pm 304 McCarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills Opening night: Friday 29 May, 6pm - 8pm Open Days / Time: Saturday and Sundays only 10am-3pm or by appointment Cost: $2.00 Four artists: two Aboriginal and two European Australian women (“Nukal” women in Aboriginal Guringai language). Objects, installations and images that convey shared history. A confluence of Aboriginal and European memory 30 and interpretation of belonging to country. How do we make sense of colonisation and living together? Public Program with Exhibition: Julie Janson will talk about her new book: The Crocodile Hotel. Tuesday 2 June, 6.30-8pm. Cost: $10.00 cuppa provided Q & A with the Artists by the Curators Sunday 31 May, 2pm–3pm. Free. Enquiries: Susan Milne and Greg Stonehouse Co Artistic Director/ Curator on 0429 428 813 [email protected] EVENTS WARRINGAH 4 hour Bushwalk in Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Saturday 30 May, 10am-2pm 27 Morgan Road, Belrose FREE Events in association with ASG-MWP Allow 4 hours. BYO lunch and water. See impressive carvings and extraordinary biodiversity when transversing the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment. So don’t forget your camera. Oxford Falls Triangle Walk Sunday 31 May, 10am-2pm 27 Morgan Road, Belrose FREE Events in association with ASG-MWP Allow 4 hours. BYO lunch and water. See great carvings near Red Hill. We will walk down to Oxford Falls and carpool back. Bring your camera. Singing Up Country Sunday 31 May, 5pm-7.30pm Saint Anthony in the Fields Church 46 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills Cost: $15.00 Students/Unwaged/ Pensioners: By donation Join us for a concert with a difference featuring young Aboriginal performers singing in traditional languages, indigenous dancers, as well as young Non-Aboriginal performers. This event is part of the ‘Sharing the Story’, Sharing the Land partnership between the Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish community and the Northern Beaches Aboriginal community. Hosted by the FFCP Social Justice Group, this as a change from the usual Dinner and Conversation. The concert will be followed by yarning over supper and a campfire. Bookings essential by Tuesday 26 May: Anne Lanyon on 0408 279 871 [email protected] or Imogen Kelly on 0425 226 380 Enquiries for the above events: Conny Harris on 0432 643 295 [email protected] 31 EVENTS WARRINGAH Guided Walk of Gulgaldya Muru at Manly Dam Saturday 13 June, 10am-12pm Manly Dam Manly Warringah War Memorial Park Discover Manly Dam through the eyes of its original inhabitants, led by the Aboriginal Heritage Office. You will see evidence of Aboriginal life and you could be lucky enough to discover the remains of ancient camp sites. The walk will take two hours and will finish with refreshments. Booking essential as places are limited: Warringah Events on 9942 2603 Movie: Charlie’s Country Wednesday 17 June, 9.45am-12 pm Collaroy Cinema 1097 Pittwater Road, Collaroy FREE Charlie (David Gulpilil), an aging Native Australian living in the Northern Territory, is broke. He does not have a house. He is also hungry and his spirits are low as a result of the erosion of his way of life. The intervention is making life more difficult on his remote community, what with the proper policing of white fella laws now. So Charlie takes off. Writers: David Gulpilil, Rolf de Heer Starring: David Gulpilil 32 Enquiries: Neil Evers on 0419 219 770 [email protected] EVENTS WARRINGAH Weaving Bridges Project Yarn to Yarn Workshops - FREE Wednesdays: 20 May - 1 July, 9.30am-11.30am Relationships Australia Community Hub - Northern Beaches 2 Alfred Road, Brookvale Launch of Weaving Bridges Workshop FREE Tuesday 7 July, 10.30am-12.30pm Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club Building on from the success of the Weaving Bridges Project in 2013 and 2014 - join Warringah Council, Relationships Australia Community Hub - Northern Beaches, Northern Beaches Aboriginal Community members and Manly Environment Centre, for an exciting new weaving project in 2015 Story of Place. workshops collaborating towards a large scale art installation. Enjoy a laugh and a yarn with a member of the Aboriginal community at the same time. We need lots of helping hands for this project. Join us and bring along a friend/s. Like us on facebook to find out about workshops in your area: Enquiries: Rachel Carroll on 9942 2522 or [email protected] Sue Johansson on 9938 5240 or [email protected] Relationships Australia Community Hub - Northern Beaches Individuals and community groups are invited to participate in Yarn to Yarn 33 EVENTS WILLOUGHBY Guringai Reconciliation Writing Competition Kadul Dance Performance at Chatswood Youth Centre Monday 2 March - Friday 22 May Competition open during these dates Awards Ceremony: Chatswood Library on The Concourse Thursday 11 June, 4pm-6pm Chatswood Youth Centre 64 Albert Avenue, Chatswood The Guringai Reconciliation Writing Competition is open to students in years 5 to 9. An awards presentation will be held on Tuesday 23 June at Chatswood Library on The Concourse with the winning entries on display. For writing topic and entry forms, visit: Enquiries: Tracey Walker on 9777 7982 (Monday - Wednesday) [email protected] or [email protected] 34 Enjoy a performance by Indigenous artist, Ryka Ali, followed by a bush tucker dinner. Ryka’s performance will include participatory dances, a didgeridoo demostration and the amazing sounds he creates - including modern DJ and beat-boxing sounds. Ryka is a previous winner of the Young, Black and Deadly Talent Quest. Enquiries: Lucy Myers on 9777 7986 EVENTS WILLOUGHBY The Aboriginal Experience - Constitutional Reform Stories of Flat Rock from an Indigenous Perspective Sunday 14 June, 7.30pm-9.30pm North Shore Temple Emanuel 28 Chatswood Avenue, Chatswood Sunday 21 June, 9.30am-11am Flat Rock Reserve Bush car park at the end of Small Street, Willoughby How much do you know about the Australian Constitution? You know that there is a move to recognise our First Peoples in the Constitution. Join us to hear an Indigenous member of the Recognise team on the challenge of changing our Constitution. Enquiries: Nic Witton on 9888 5774 [email protected] caring-others/jews-social-action Join us for a short walk, exhibition viewing, chat and `cuppa’ with Karen Smith from the Aboriginal Heritage Office. Walking along the flat upper section of the reserve, stopping to discuss how the local Aboriginal people cared for and lived in this area. Enjoy a tour of the Guringai Festival Exhibition at Incinerator Art Space and stay on for a chat with Karen. Bookings Essential: Emma Hayes on 9777 7755 Illuminate Wednesday 17 June - Sunday 5 July 10am-4pm, Wednesday - Sunday only Incinerator Art Space 2 Small Street, Willoughby This immersive new media installation, led by members of the Euraba Artists and Papermakers, is created with paper, light and sound and explores stories and ideas of home and housing, culture and community. An initiative of the Goomeroi people. Enquiries: Kathie Najar on 0401 638 501 35 EVENTS WILLOUGHBY Guided Bushwalk and Aboriginal Art Exhibition School Holiday Writing Workshops Thursday 25 June, 9.30am-2pm Incinerator Art Space and Flat Rock Gully Transport provided from Chatswood Youth Centre Monday 29 June and Monday 6 July 2pm-4pm Chatswood Library on the Concourse 409 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood FREE For young people aged 12-18 years. The day will start with a tour of the Illuminate exhibition at the Incinerator Art Space, followed by a guided bushwalk down the Flat Rock Gully track with Aboriginal heritage and bush tucker expert Terry Lennis. Lunch will be provided, as well as transport to and from the Chatswood Youth Centre Suitable for ages 12-18 years. Enquiries: John Woodwardon 9777 7993 [email protected] 36 Learn how to translate your ideas into well-crafted stories. You will learn how to map the narrative, creating interesting characters and giving your stories a sense of place through games and using a visual focus. Bookings essential as spaces are limited: Phone 9777 7900 or book online IMPORTANT DATES Sorry Day Tuesday 26 May National Sorry Day is an Australia-wide observance held on May 26 each year. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities. Stolen Generations refer to Indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families and communities. Reconciliation Week Tuesday 26 May National Reconciliation Week offers people across Australia the opportunity to focus on reconciliation, to hear about the cultures and histories of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and to explore new and better ways of meeting challenges in our communities. The Week is timed to coincide with two significant dates in Australia’s history, which provide strong symbols of our hopes and aims for reconciliation. NAIDOC Week We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate Sunday 5 – Sunday 12 July This year the theme highlights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ strong spiritual and cultural connection to land and sea. The theme is an opportunity to pay respects to country; honour those who work tirelessly on preserving land, sea and culture and to share the stories of many sites of significance or sacred places with the nation. As the oldest continuing culture on the planet, the living culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is intrinsically linked with these sacred places. Sacred places can be geographic feature like a river or lake, a beach, bays, inlets, hills or mountain ranges or ceremonial grounds, galleries of rock art or engravings or places used for gathering for cultural practices. This year’s theme was also chosen specifically to highlight and celebrate the anniversary of the ‘Handback’ of Uluru, one of these sacred sites, to its traditional owners on 26 October, 30 years ago. 37 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 38 Aboriginal Heritage Office Aboriginal Support Group – Manly Warringah Pittwater Bennelong & Surrounds Residents for Reconciliation Budawa Aboriginal Signage Group Crows Nest Centre Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish Guringai Aboriginal Tours Hornsby Shire Council Hunters Hill Council Jews for Social Action: North Shore Temple Emanuel Ku-ring-gai Council Lane Cove Bushcare Lane Cove Council Manly Art Gallery Manly Council Manly Environment Centre Manly Surf City Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College Mona Vale Library Mosman Council ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mosman Reconciliation NAIDOC Week North Sydney Council Northside Aboriginal Artists Association Peninsula Community of Schools Pittwater Council Relationships Australia Community Hub Reconciliation Network Northern Sydney Region Ryde City Council NORTHERN SYDNEY REGION: LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA HORNSBY PITTWATER Warringah Council WARRINGAH KU-RING-GAI Willoughby City Council RYDE MANLY WILLOUGHBY LANE COVE HUNTERS HILL MOSMAN NORTH SYDNEY *All photos and images reside with the supplier of the photo and acknowledgement has been provided where possible. 39 Guringai