English Language Teaching Resources on the Internet
English Language Teaching Resources on the Internet
FREE (!) English Language Teaching Resources on the Internet for ESL Classes: yes, all free! Stephen Perry, IRO* [email protected] Washington, D.C 202-453-8295 - Information Resource Officer PART I: NEW GENERATION SEARCH ENGINES Better Alternatives to GOOGLE NEW GENERATION SEARCH ENGINES: http://www.lii.org LII SEARCH RESULTS on www.lii.org Can click on the Microscope symbol in www.lii.org to see the LC Subject headings: assures precision and relevancy. Clicking on the Subject headings achieves more Targeted Results InfoMine: a search engine for Academic Topics: http://infomine.ucr.edu Can browse by LC Subject Headings: http://infomine.ucr.edu LC SUBJECT HEADINGS bring a wealth of resources: http://infomine.ucr.edu Under the LCSH “..Composition and Exercises,” there is a reference to an excellent Internet Site and a summary. And, here is the site itself: http://owl.english.purdue.edu Other Examples of InfoMine Subject Headings: http://infomine.ucr.edu Under LCSH: --rhetoric—handbooks, manuals, etc. one of the Web Sites listed The Site itself: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ RDN: RESOURCE DISCOVERY NETWORK: www.rdn.ac.uk RDN maintains a Virtual Training Suite (VTS): how to use the Internet Effectively in various Subject Areas: www.vts.rdn.ac.uk Example of a VTS for ESOL: www.vts.rdn.ac.uk/fe/tutorial/esol PART II: MEGASITES Megasites are well maintained collections of links, allowing the researcher to locate almost everything relevant in a single Web Page. Resources for English as a Second Language: http://www.usingenglish.com MEGASITES: One such site is from the U.S. EMBASSY in MEXICO CITY: http://mexico.usembassy.gov/mexico/library.html ESL RESOURCES FROM U.S. EMBASSY MEXICO CITY: http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/bbf/bfingles.htm ESL GOLD: www.eslgold.com ESL GOLD CONTINUED Another MEGASITE is the U.S. EMBASSY in SANTO DOMINGO: http://www.usemb.gov.doc/IRC/English_Teaching .htm From the U.S. EMBASSY in ANKARA TURKEY: NOTICE SECTION ON AMERICAN STUDIES: http://ankara.usembassy.gov/english_language_programs.html Office of English Language Programs, U.S. Department of State: Using the Internet for English Teachers: http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteaching/ onlineca.htm TEFL SITES: Office of English Language Programs: http://exchanges.state.gov/education/engteaching/e al-res.htm#sites FORUM ENGLISH TEACHING JOURNALS IN VARIOUS FIELDS ESL LINKS FROM THE INTERNET TESL JOURNAL: http://iteslj.org/links Online English Language Center: University of Oregon (OELP): An excellent outline of what is available: http://oelp.uoregon.edu/learn.html One such link referred to in this MegaSite: http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/toppicks/toppic ks.html PART III: EXERCICES, QUIZZES, HANDBOOKS, GAMES ONLINE SPECIFIC ESL EXAMPLES Examples of Idioms: http://www.esl.rice.edu/esl/English_Practice_EN.asp ?SnID=1278403101 Quizzes to make Classroom Activity Fun and Educational: http://www.eslcafe.com/quiz A Web Site with Useful Classroom Activities: http://englishpage.com Example of Proper Use of Prepositions in this Web Site: www.englishpage.com Internet Grammar of English: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/ The Blue Book of Grammar: QUIZZES AND EXPLANATIONS OF PUNCTUATION: www.grammarbook.com Guide to Grammar and Writing: Proper Use of Verbs, Prepositions, etc. with examples: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/gramamar Grammar Girl explains the fine points of the English Language (Lie v. Lay explained) http://grammar.qdnow.com/ TEACHING ACCENTS AND PRONUNCIATION Speech Accent : FOR TEACHING ACCENTS: http://accent.gmu.edu/browse.php USING FILMS TO TEACH ENGLISH: http://vladivostok.usconsulate.gov/elf.html PART IV: BEST WRITING GUIDES ON THE INTERNET HOW TO TEACH YOUR STUDENTS TO WRITE BETTER NUTS AND BOLTS OF COLLEGE WRITING: http://nutsandbolts.washcoll.edu/ EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY WRITING RESOURCES CENTER: http://www.esc.edu/ESConline/Across_ESC/Writing ResourceCenter.nsf/homepageForm?OpenForm Online Writing Assistant: http://www.powa.org How to Write Argumentative Essays: http://www.powa.org/argument/index.html The Writing Center of the University of Wisconsin at Madison: http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/ Dartmouth College Writing Center: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~writing/materials/about. shtml Bibliography of Effective Writing Resources: http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/bibs/ewr/ewr.htm PART V: Distance Education Resources Quality Resources from MIT, Massachusetts and The University of Texas at Austin MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology: http://ocw.mit.edu MIT In Depth: Writing and Humanistic Studies A Course on Culture Shock MIT: Another Online Course on Consumer Culture Student Essays Online available from the MIT Site on Consumer Culture to develop and motivate Writing Skills Examples of Student Essays in an Autobiography Class: MIT Course on Expository Writing and Autobiography. World Lecture Hall: The University of Texas at Austin http://web.austin.utexas.edu/wlh/browse.cfm Notice Online Courses for ENGLISH/WRITING/RHETORIC Courses in English, Writing, Rhetoric YALE UNIVERSITY NOW OFFERS DISTANCE EDUCATION http://open.yale.edu/courses/ YALE UNIVERSITY: http://open.yale.edu/courses/ Example of a class at YALE UNIVERSITY FREE LECTURE NOTES Actual Class Lecture U CALIFORNIA BERKELEY courses on VIDEO via YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/ucberkeley Academic Earth also has full length course videos from leading Universities: voted as one of the best academic web sites of 2009 by Free Technology for Teachers website: http://www.academicearth.org/ Universities around the world participating in the Open Courseware concept More Universities participating in the Open Courseware concept PART VI: Examples of Electronic Journals with Full Text America.gov, TESL-J, Forum, E-Journals from America.gov: http://www.america.gov/publications/ejournalus a.html DYNAMIC ENGLISH E-JOURNAL: http://www.america.gov/publications/ejournalusa/08 07.html English Journals from the U.S. Department of State: English Teaching Forum: http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/journal/ FORUM INCLUDES TEACHING PLANS: http://exchanges.state.gov/forum/vols/vol43/i ndex.htm#top TESL JOURNAL: http://iteslj.org America.gov website has videos and publications in all subject areas VIDEOS ON AMERICA.GOV WEBCHATS ON VARIOUS TOPICS: YOUR CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS and practice your written English!: http://www.america.gov/multimedia/askamerica.html WEBCHATS ON ESL TOPICS THE CAIRO WIKI also has in-depth bibliographies on many topics, including ESL: the Web site is: http://tinyurl.com/chn36u: updted with new web resources monthly Continuation of the CAIRO IRC WIKI: http://tinyurl.com/chn36u NOTE updated ESL BIB GOOGLE READER: www.google.com/reader Note the “Browse for Stuff” on top right side: use this to find “Bundles” Discover and search for Feeds using embedded Search Engine: I searched for English Can subscribe to all these feeds and will show up automatically in your alerts every day: just sign in to Google Reader to see them More Google Reader Feeds on ESL topics: note feeds matching English Even More Google Reader Feeds on English THE END: THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION IRO STEPHEN PERRY for Central and Eastern Africa 202-632-2747 [email protected] U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20052