BALAI HIDROLOGI DAN TATA AIR Balai Hidrologi dan Tata Air (Balai HITA) menyelenggarakan fungsi penyusunan program, pelaksanaan penelitian, pengembangan, perekayasaan, difusi dan alih teknologi, dan pelayanan teknis (pengujian dan pengkajian), serta penyusunan standar, pedoman dan manual dalam bidang hidrologi dan tata air. Di samping itu Balai HITA juga melakukan penyelenggaraan laboratorium dan sertifikasi. Fasilitas balai meliputi laboratorium kalibrasi current meter (alat ukur kecepatan aliran) dan alat ukur/pengamatan parameter klimatologi, peralatan pengukuran parameter hidrologi, studio pengolahan data hidrologi, sistem telemetri, sarana dan prasarana pelatihan, serta fasilitas perangkat lunak untuk studi tentang hidrologi dan tata air. Cakupan Kegiatan Litbang meliputi: Banjir, kekeringan, peramalan dan peringatan dini banjir dan kekeringan, erosi‐sedimentasi, permodelan hujan aliran, pengelolaan SDAWS, air tanah, dan instrumentasi hidrologi. Konfigurasi Sistem Hidrologi Real Time balai hidrologi dan tata air Remote Station Data Communication Network (DCN) Water Management Center Pos Hujan Pos Hujan GSM Pos Hujan Pos Hujan DCN S/W Forecasting S/W Data Base SMS Gateway Internet Gateway internet Pos Duga Air Pos Duga Air Celular Public User Celular Public User Internet Public User Celular Public User Inovasi dan perekayasaan teknologi ini untuk mendukung konservasi dan pembangunan prasarana sumber daya air seperti untuk pengendalian sungai, pembangunan bendung dan bendungan, pengendalian bencana alam, operasi dan pemeliharaan bangunan air dan sebagainya serta penyusunan norma, standar, pedoman, manual yang berkaitan dengan hidrologi dan tata air. Equipment calibration process at the laboratory of the Experimental Station for Hydrology and Water Management Peta Tinggi Aliran Rata-rata Wilayah Sungai di Indonesia Peta Isoline Curah Hujan Extrim Periode Ulang 100 Tahun Some functions of the Experimental Station for Hydrology and Water Management include the arrangement of programs; implementation of research ; development, invention, diffusion and transfer of technology; and technical services (testing and research); and the compilation of standards, guidelines and manuals in hydrology and water management. The Experimental Station for Hydrology and Water Management is also concerned with the laboratory and certification of calibration. International trainings and workshops are also organized by the Experimental Stations. Facilities at the Experimental Station comprise among others the laboratory for calibration of current meter and equipment for the measurement of climatology parameters, a studio for the hydrological data processing, telemetry system, training facilities and equipment, and software for the study into hydrology and water management. Result of research at the Experimental Station for Hydrology and Water Management Activities of research of development include: floods, drought, flood and drought forecasting and early warning system, erosion‐sedimentation, rainfall‐runoff, water management and ground water, as well as hydrological instruments. These innovation and invention of technologies shall support the construction of hydraulic structures such as river control structure, dam and reservoirs, the mitigation of natural disasters, operation and maintenance of hydraulic structures and others. The Experimental Station is also concerned with the establishment of norms, standards, guidelines, and manuals in hydrology and water management. River flow measurement and AWLR station experimental station for hydrology and water management EXPERIMENTAL STATION FOR HYDROLOGY AND WATER MANAGEMENT