Montorio Al Vomano Cellino Attanasio Penna S. Andrea Basciano
Montorio Al Vomano Cellino Attanasio Penna S. Andrea Basciano
13°34'0"E 13°36'0"E 390000 13°38'0"E 13°40'0"E 13°42'0"E 13°44'0"E 13°46'0"E 400000 13°48'0"E 13°50'0"E 410000 13°52'0"E 13°54'0"E 13°56'0"E 13°58'0"E 420000 14°0'0"E 14°2'0"E 14°4'0"E GLIDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMSR-062 Product N.: 01Teramo, v1 Teramo - ITALY Flood - 01/12/2013 Grading Map - Overview Production date: 06/12/2013 Folignano Torano Nuovo Corropoli Nereto Macerata 42°50'0"N 42°50'0"N S. Egidio Alla Vibrata laghetto F. S. Omero Tortoreto Lido 42°48'0"N 4740000 42°48'0"N il Lago Tortoreto Alto (Sede Com.Le) P.Te Stregone Tyrrhenian Sea AdriaticItaly Sea Tunisia Teramo Ionian Sea Mediterranean Sea Abruzzo Rieti Lazio L'Aquila ! ( L'Aquila 1:65000 Pescara Chieti io cc Giulianova 4730000 5 km Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33N map coordinate system Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system Flooded Area (05/12/2013, 9:35 UTC) Hydrology Coastline General Information !! !! !! !! !! !! Municipality Settlements ! Reservoir Point of Interest Populated Place Residential Commercial Area of Interest - Detail Industrial Institutional Recreational F Cemetery Storage Tank Processing Facility Quarry Transportation Industrial " X Bridge Station Railway Institutional Motorway Medical Primary Road Recreational Secondary Road Religious Harbour Land use - Land Cover Features available in vector data Physiography - Contour line and Elevation (m) 42°42'0"N P.Te Di Garrano Green Area 4 D 9 K m ^ Educational T U 4 Lake Administrative boundaries ± Industry / Utilities River Area of Interest nte Fo a uc eL F .t Campli 2,5 Crisis Information Valle del l a F .s o 42°44'0"N Mosciano S. Angelo 1,25 Legend 42°44'0"N Bellante 42°46'0"N P.Te Scorticalasino 0 4730000 P.Te Santo Full color IS O A 1, low resolution (100 dpi) ³ laghetto zz o di Ri o P F .s o 42°46'0"N Adria tic Sea Cartographic Information Civitella Del Tronto 42°42'0"N ^Roma £ il Laghetto Croatia Serbia Fermo Ascoli Piceno 4740000 so F. Vibr at a Slovenia Hungary France Marche Umbria C ar p ineto Switzerland P.Te Corvo s 42°40'0"N Data Sources 42°38'0"N ano m o F. V P.Te Zappacosta 4720000 Pineto ion e No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). Map Production bb Sa 42°40'0"N 42°34'0"N T F. so Dissemination/Publication The products elaborated in the framework of current mapping in rush mode activation are realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are compliant with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. 42°36'0"N F.s o Inset maps based on: Administrative boundaries (JRC 2013, GISCO 2010, © EuroGeographics), Hydrology, Transportation (Natural Earth, 2012, CCM River DB © EU-JRC 2007), Settlements (Geonames, 2013). Spot-6 © Astrium Services (acquired on 05/12/2013 09:35 UTC, GSD 1.5 m). Base vector layers based on Geoportale Nazionale © Ministero dell'Ambiente (, OpenStreetMmap © OpenStreetMap contributors, Geonames, (approx. 1:10:000, extracted on 03/12/2013), refined by e-GEOS. Source information is included in vector data. Population data: Landscan 2010 © UT BATTELLE, LLC. All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. Framework ri Ba o B artolone na log Bo P.Te Della Morte Cellino Attanasio F. s li llone St a mba P P.Te Vomano so a C di Map Information Heavy rainfall began late on Sunday, 1st December and caused severe floods across the Basilicata and Puglia regions, in particular in the Basento, Bradano and Metaponto basins in the Ionian area. Gradually the event affected also the Abruzzo region, in particular the towns of Chieti and Teramo. In the whole area, evacuation took place in several towns. In total, several hundreds of people have been evacuated. to F.s o T . Rio . P.Te Murato et guin 42°38'0"N F. a ggi o S 4720000 o San o Penna S. Andrea iomb a le na Ca laghetto F .s lfo Zo o av n e 42°36'0"N Notaresco no tefa n io M lo el T. od Montorio Al Vomano Basciano Morro D'Oro Roseto Degli Abruzzi o F.s lud i Pa oS .S a nt Sa F.s . no glia Ma ua cq Canzano P.Te S. Antonio F .s T. u ro Ma S. o r tin S . Ma a no to An in o F. Tor d l'A t am el re n oT F.s F.s o S F .so d e lle F . so d Teramo Castellalto re F . s o P a g lia Ponte Storto The present map shows the flood damage grading in the area of Teramo, Abruzzo (ITALY).The basic topographic features such as transportation, hydrology and settlements are derived from public datasets, refined by means of visual interpretation of pre-event aerial orthoimages © 2013 courtesy of AGEA (acquired in 2010, GSD 4 m). Thematic layer, assessing the delineation of the event and its grading, has been derived from a post-event image (Spot-6 © Astrium services, acquired on 05/12/2013 09:35 UTC, GSD 1.5 m). No visible damage on settlements or transportation infrastructures has been detected. The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5 m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background aerial orthoimage. The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, as it is based on visual interpretation of recognizable items on very high resolution optical imagery. Map produced on 06/12/2013 by SIRS under contract 257219 with the European Commission. All products are © of the European Commission. Name of the release inspector (quality control): e-GEOS (ODO). E-mail: [email protected] Civil Protection 42°34'0"N Response Area of Interest - Overview Grading Map - Overview Planning Flood 13°34'0"E 13°36'0"E 13°38'0"E 13°40'0"E 390000 13°42'0"E 13°44'0"E 13°46'0"E 400000 13°48'0"E 13°50'0"E 13°52'0"E 13°54'0"E 410000 13°56'0"E 13°58'0"E 14°0'0"E 420000 14°2'0"E 14°4'0"E Spot-6 (c) Astrium services 2013 01-12-2013
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