Cento Pieve di Cento San Matteo Della Decima Renazzo Dosso
Cento Pieve di Cento San Matteo Della Decima Renazzo Dosso
Via Ros set ti Earthquake - 29/05/2012 Delineation Map - Overview Production date: 31.05.2012 " Fr ov no Be l do Nu vi a p olin i via vi a am Pr Via Dosso via La n zo n St or ta V ia d i Me z zo nc via F ras s mi na 0,325 in o ri o ; Ø # Secondary Road Local Road Road Block Bridge Affected building Points of interest Building Blocks P o nt e A lt o V ia lto A 9 4 Highly Affected Vi a Fo d e nt l la an a Not Affected K ^ " 44°44'0"N 4956000 C Via Educational 0 Commercial 1 Recreational 0 al V ia p ig hi Ga l va ni Institutional Multi-Functional 1 0 2 0 a 4955000 on em Vi a Vo A lta Cento Vi a Parrocchia S. P ietro Cr ci no ^ r e t In f ao " es D t " "" 44°43'0"N il a t e " Via Asia 9 " 678000 11°15'0"E 679000 11°16'0"E 680000 0 An earthquake with a magnitude 5.8 killed at least 16 people in northern Italy on 29/05/2012, damaging buildings and leaving 14,000 people homeless in the Emilia Romagna region north of Bologna, one of Italy most agriculturally and industrially productive areas. The epicentre of the earthquake, which struck at depth of 9.6 km (6 miles), was less than 30 km (19 miles) from Modena, not far from where the magnitude 6 earthquake struck on 20th May (Source: www.glidenumber.net). The core users of the map are Civil Protection authorities involved in operations in the field. The aim of the map production is to support the emergency response activities. via P ro vin 9 Pieve di Cento c i al e S. Piet ro Dissemination/Publication Framework " Via P rim a LandScan ©UT BATTELLE, LLC. 2010 (approx. 1km resolution). Base vector layers based on Openstreetmap and Wikimapia refined by GAF (nominal scale 1:5000). All Data sources are complete and with no gaps. No restrictions on the publication of the mapping apply. Delivery formats are GeoTIFF, GeoPDF, GeoJPEG and vectors (shapefile and KML formats). r ia The products elaborated for this rapid mapping have been realized to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame during a crisis, optimizing the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original data sources. The products are compliant with GIO-EMS RUSH Product Portfolio specifications. Map production The present map shows a delineation of the affected building in the area of Cento, ITALY, based on visual interpretation of post-event satellite imagery acquired on 30/05/2012 (WorldView-02, spatial resolution 0.6 m). Post-event satellite images have been orthorectified using RPC model and SRTM elevation data. V i a Sa n B e ne d et to 44°42'0"N 4952000 li n a e Ar M " " 4954000 uo vo 4953000 te N a Tigli P on dre V ia V ia S ant 'A n dei v ia gna San Matteo Della Decima 677000 0 Background imagery: WorldView-02 © Digitalglobe (0% cloudy, 0.6 m resolution, acquired on 30/05/2012) a via Bo lo pe 11°14'0"E Military 0 Data Sources 4951000 676000 Transportation ia a ta a n" v ia Gi ac Le op o m o a rd i v ia S a nta Li b ue r G Vi aU B a go ss i C or so " le 44°41'0"N 11°13'0"E Religious 0 Map Information andro ss The estimated geometric accuracy of this product is 5m CE90 or better, from native positional accuracy of the background orthoimage. The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 60% or better, as it is based on visual interpretation of recognizable items on very high resolution satellite imagery. Map produced on 31/05/2012 by GAF under contract 257219 with the European Commission. All products are © of the European Commission. Name of the release inspector (quality control): GAF AG (ODO). E-mail: [email protected] Civil Protection 675000 Medical M Other 4951000 11°12'0"E Other 30 Planning 674000 Religious Residential Delineation Map - Overview 11°11'0"E Medical 34 Building blocks Response 673000 Educational 41150 Inhabitants Industrial l Institutional Consequences within the AOI estimated AOI population e R iso rg i Primary Road Gathering of People " Vi a Transportation affected assets a an ± 1,3 km Crisis Information " Po n te 0,65 Area of Interest to en 0 Full color ISO A1, low resolution (100 dpi) Legend gio " m 1:22000 Map Coordinate System: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 32N Graticule: WGS 84 geographical coordinates ro 44°45'0"N Se C ilie A ce 4957000 via d i Me z zo via v ia v ia C arp i no v ia Cartographic Information zio i F r a n e Co rp in o ren o he a Ba ra or Vi a ad a via N uo va u sa ab Ca nn vi a ll i ia r e Ch vi a a le Pe nz V ia Pa Gu San Giovanni Battista Ma rm o V ia de l Area of Intere st Cento, Emilia Romagna, ITALY i no 9^ ^ i xi o Strada St a ta l " e2 25 on ar i Via P ro vinc iale B o lo gn a Pio p Activation ID: EMSR-004 Product N.: 06Cento, v1 " V Via S e XX t te mb re a at r e b Li us so v ia Pa np e mb o o lo oC f or i sto pec elle via d hi o ve cc no Re V ia S a n C r is t of o ro 4954000 44°43'0"N 4953000 v ia o nt 4952000 vi a via M ca ss Ce 44°42'0"N vi a " V ia via Mo n te le ia K oB io " via Nin cc di s i v ia Su o re Sa O nt r at a or " Ma io v ia r i a Al b e re lli " Parrochia Di v ia Pe San Giorgio da gn a lli llo " Ri e c in " Farmacia v ia nn Via v ro " ^ o Ca P L eva nte qu er ci a ll o dei 7 mace ri Sa mogg ia ve c c h ia via ti a Vi inia V ia Virg Via M e zz o Parrocchia S. Matteo Scuola a de Sa ^ aS 9 " a St r de lla on Vi a vi to di n i ^ 4 " at er " " er e Vi a Parrocchia Collegiata Di S . B iagio po uo v Cen V ia vi a io p v ia S av e na " Vi aN vi a di io o v ec c h v ia R e n via S an ta M ar ia v ia em ont e via Rigo n e to Ca nt a ga Parrocchia Santa Maria E.S. Pi c ura sse o re v ia S t rad e lla zz o 4957000 4956000 44°44'0"N i na lP del A lb o v an n i ar via " Renazzo " a V ia U Gio m b er to r da n o " v ia i Gu i cc an G io vi a rso na via d e 4955000 Mo nt eb o " en a zz s nt' O r V ia a r re zz o ro p eR i Vi a Cr Eu Ba ion vi vi a lina gn eP ggi o di v ia via M od e Mu si i nF ra z i Ba ns ol e na F r v ia az ion Sa l e vi i Re n na zz o v ia Du " llo ino vi a 4958000 44°45'0"N vi a V ia gol ti Pia az z R B re nat r di s op ra Vi a er a zz a via Cas ab ru c iat a Via Col lar i V ia L un ga en via Reno Vecc hio in Frazione Renazz o A lb Tad d tt ie r M ig adi Be v ia " Vi a to inar i via Lam bo r " ghi ni via S an v ia G iu Le n se p zi pe v ia Bu sq u ga ia v ia I F ra V N o v z io n e e m b re Re naz i n zo via Tas s 4959000 44°46'0"N v ia Pa Lar P ar gno del Leo vi a 4960000 v ia v ia vi a vi a vi a re Ma v ia " via a Ch i ar esa P in F a vi raz ion eR v ia e na P ila zz o s tro Bevilacqua V ia v ia ns i ola at az z M a i V V ia nde G ra es t ra Ma zo es t r aM o nc a " vi a Vi a Vi a " Mo ve 4961000 Ri ga 44°47'0"N via P ar ad i " si in " F ra zio ne R ena z V ia o 4962000 Co e ll GLIDE number: EQ-2012-000090-ITA 44°47'0"N v ia ca no as tr 4960000 sa B ia n a Ri c c via Mo io ns ig di s n opr or a lle r ani Mo li P il 687000 44°46'0"N via Ca Ga o a 686000 11°21'0"E 4959000 v ia li nt in vi a Vi 685000 11°20'0"E 4958000 no n e Mo " r el via Va le 684000 11°19'0"E i 4962000 r ov a V ia P v ia X II 683000 on V ia 682000 11°18'0"E 4961000 681000 11°17'0"E La nz 680000 11°16'0"E vi a 679000 i 678000 11°15'0"E at 677000 11°14'0"E Al b e rg 676000 11°13'0"E V ia 675000 11°12'0"E A lp 674000 Vi a 673000 az i on v ia M e B ae uo st r na a i co n m pr a 11°11'0"E 11°17'0"E 681000 682000 11°18'0"E 683000 11°19'0"E 684000 11°20'0"E 685000 686000 11°21'0"E 687000 Earthquake Satellite Imagery © Digitalglobe 29-05-2012