St. Peter Catholic Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
The Catholic Community ST. PETER 557 Lake Street Antioch, Illinois 60002 Phone: 847-395-0274 Fax: 847-395-4553 Website: http:/ JANUARY 3, 2016 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Our Vision? A people ALIVE with love for God…ready to serve Our Mission? To live our lives centered on Christ in the Eucharist, sharing the Good News of Salvation and serving others with special concern for the poor and suffering W E L C O M E T O S T. P E T E R PA R I S H THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. PETER PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Michael McMahon, Pastor Rev. Ronald Anglim, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Jonathan Thompson Jeanine Kellman…...Director of Music/Liturgy 262-903-1629 557 LAKE STREET • ANTIOCH, ILLINOIS 60002 (847) 395-0274 • FAX: (847) 395-4553 WWW.STPETERANTIOCH.ORG NEW PARISHIONERS RECTORY Welcome! Please stop at the Rectory to register in person or complete a form found at the rear of Church and drop it into the Usher’s basket. Office Hours………...Mon. thru Fri., 9am - 5pm Saturday……......9am - 12pm Closed for Lunch .….……….12:00 to 1:30pm BAPTISMS 557 Lake Street, Antioch, IL 60002 Phone: 847-395-0274 PARISH SUPPORT Ted Sokulski……………………Bookkeeper Becky Serna…………Administrative Assistant [email protected] Tom Kurowski…………………..Bulletin Editor Finance [email protected] Baptisms are scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Families must be members of the parish for three months prior to Baptisms. Please make arrangements at the Rectory. PRE-BAPTISM SESSION A Baptism class is required for all parents and is held on the first Sunday of the month after the 9:30 Mass in the Religious Education Center. To register, please call the Rectory at 847-395-0274. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ST. PETER SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saturday ...... 8:30 am and by appointment 559 Elizabeth St. (former Convent) Phone: 847-395-0246 Office Hours ............................. 9 am to 4 pm Monday thru Thursday and by appointment Kari Leaf…..Director of Religious Education MARRIAGES Marriage arrangements should be made at least six months in advance by calling the Rectory at 847-395-0274. ST. PETER SCHOOL 900 St. Peter Street Phone: 847-395-0037 Web-Site: Office Hours ................. 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Tina Vakilynejad ............................... Principal Helen McKinney ................. School Secretary RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Wednesday 1st Semester (Grades 6-8) 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Wednesday 2nd Semester (Grades 1st & 2nd) 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Regis Trenda Adele Peterson Joel Tune John Carley Joe Annunzio Fr. McMahon Carter Bell Fr. McMahon Julie Cannon Paul Coleman Jeanine Kellman Fran Gomes Mary Leonard Tina Vakilynejad Dennis Meek Steve Roche Bruce Pagni Denise Smith Rod Vivian Arlene Sokulski Deb Yankee Ted Sowa Bob Zuiker Bob Zeien 2 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL (Grades 3, 4 & 5) 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE M, T, W, Th, Sat .…..….….………7:30am Friday…………………………….8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass…………….. 4:30pm Sunday Mass..……...….6:30, 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 am Holy Day Masses..7:30, 9:30 am & 7:30 pm Saturday Confessions…..….………8:30 am Holiday Masses…………….........…9:30 am Briefs From Father McMahon Today we celebrate the epiphana, the appearance of the eternal Word of God on earth. He is truly the Lord of all. Countless ages have awaited his coming, sages and prophets have foretold him, and Isaiah the prophet gives voice to the longings, hopes and dreams of hundreds of years of anxious people confident and longing for the promise of ages to be fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah. The glory of the Lord will shine with heavenly radiance revealed in a simple child in poor and humble circumstances. Many will simply be unable to see and recognize the fulfillment of their dreams in such a child and in such a place. We all have our own expectations about how the divine presence will appear in our midst. But we can also set ourselves up, through these expectations, to miss the divine glory when it truly appears. We get caught up looking for the star, forgetting that it was not the divine sign, the babe was. Only a persistent journey will bring us to the true appearance of God’s glory in our lives. The hustle and bustle of the Christmas rush is over. As we head into the long, cold days of winter we need to look to our discipleship, to look at what exactly we need to take with us from our days of Nativity celebration. It is quite easy to get caught up in the “gold frankincense and myrrh” of the feast with exotic magi kings and extravagances in such a lowly place. We can find the meaning of the divine presence proclaimed today for our lives. The king’s job description is also ours. This way, as the prophet Isaiah explains, all nations will walk by our light. The Wise Men received the gift of an epiphany by following a star. May the Light of Christ lead you to him as well. Many people in our parish help to make Jesus Christ manifest to all. What a great day to offer our thanks! Thanks to Father Rubey, Father Galik, Fr. John Bosco, Father Droll and all the priests who have served our Church so faithfully. Also, Father Martin, Father Aloyius, Deacon Jonathan Thompson and Deacon John Bosco and our wonderful Parish Staff. Many Blessings! Art and Environment volunteers and all those who keep our church clean and decorated. Jeanine Kellman and her talented and dedicated musical forces that ring in the season and New Year. Our faithful and devout Communion Ministers. Our Readers and Proclaimers of the Word. Our Altar Servers and Rob Ryan, MC and Seminarian at SMLS. Our Ushers and the Knights for their help with parking on Christmas Eve. Our Money counters who assist with the collections. Our Homebound and Hospital Ministers of Care who care for our sick. Blessings to you All and Heartfelt Thanks!! JANUARY 3, 2016 — THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 3 MASS SCHEDULE January 4, Monday St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 7:30am Mothers Day Society January 9, Saturday 7:30am Ruth Lindsey By Bobbie Boyd January 5, Tuesday St. John Neumann 7:30am John Schurger By Joe & Rita Schurger 4:30pm Intention Of Richard Luszcak By Family Kaaren Luszcak By Family January 6, Wednesday St. Andre Bessette 7:30am Communion Service Only January 10, Sunday THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 7, Thursday St. Raymond Of Penyafort 7:30am Maria Majewska By Family 6:30am Bernice Wheeler By Joe & Rita Schurger 8:00am Parishioners Of St. Peter Parish January 8, Friday 8:00am Sick Parishioners Of St. Peter Parish 9:30am Pat Buffington By Friends Of The Family 11:30am Helene Werner Nagrocki By Patricia Weitzmann LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, January 9 and Sunday, January 10, 2016 Ministry Weekday January 11 to January 16 7:30am Friday 8:00am Celebrants & Deacons Altar Servers Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Cantor Organist Joe Coleman Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Fr. Rubey TBA TBA TBA TBA Delilah Ramirez Justin Hess Barrett Kilcullen Joe Coleman Jackson McKinney Lillian McKinney Channin Pluciennik Lindsay Koza Sara Jilly Mary Ashworth SERVER NEEDED Jack Baker Howie Franzen Jeff Barber Cheryl Benson Jim Schreiner Bruce Pagni Megan Deichl Joanne Aschbacher Alexandra Keller Jack Brown Bonnie Brown Rod Vivian Marian Rohde Martin Montano Helen McKinney Mark McKinney Diane Schreiner Mary Gaborek Ellen Ipsen Sharon Theisen Wayne Sobczak Valerie Serritella Bo Thompson Terry Harrison Katie Rachek Loretta Rachek Nicole Peterson Adele Peterson J. Marsalek B. O’Donnell J. Konrath Adult Choir J. Kellman M. Dearhammer K. Cizewski 4 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL Contemporary Choir J. Kellman January 14, 2016 University Of Saint Mary Of The Lake, Mundelein, 7:30-8:30 pm Location Prist Center ( 201P) ( 847 ) 837-4564 February 4, 2016 University Of Saint Mary Of The Lake, Mundelein, 7:30-8:30 pm Location Prist Center ( 201P) ( 847 ) 837-4564 March 3, 2016 University Of Saint Mary Of The Lake, Mundelein, 7:30-8:30 pm Location Prist Center ( 201P) ( 847 ) 837-4564 March 31, 2016 University Of Saint Mary Of The Lake, Mundelein, 7:30-8:30 pm Location Prist Center ( 201P) ( 847 ) 837-4564 JANUARY 3, 2016 — THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 5 Spiritual Life Readings for the Week of January 3, 2016 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Epiphany of the Lord; National Migration Week Monday: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Tuesday: St. John Neumann Wednesday: St. André Bessette Thursday: St. Raymond of Penyafort; Julian Calendar Christmas TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Over the next few weeks, if you were to stroll around Prague or Budapest or Kraków, you might see curious grafitti scratched in chalk over some doorways: “20 + C + M + B + 16.” The families dwelling behind those doors have celebrated the Epiphany door blessing. They have gathered before the feast-day meal, probably after Mass, and the head of the family has traced the sign of the cross on the piece of chalk. Standing on a ladder, the leader traces the numbers for the new year, and the letters C M B for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, Latin for “May Christ bless this house.” The letters also point to the names that tradition has assigned to the mysterious magi, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar—although scripture tells us nothing of their number, their country, or their names. The blessing speaks of journeys ended and journeys begun at the doorway, and prays that all journeys be as satisfying as was the magi’s. It prays that the house beyond the door have the quality of love and peace that the magi marveled at when they at last arrived in Bethlehem. In some countries where the Soviet Union tried to impose a harsh atheism, the vigor of this household custom survived all efforts to erase Christian customs. In the years of struggle, the chalked blessings were a pervasive sign of defiance, and now in the light of new freedoms, they are a sign of the resilience of our tradition and the fulfillment of the magi’s quest for meaning and peace. 6 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL PLEASE PRAY FOR The Book of the Sick Diane Firnbach Bodden Curtis Shendry Betty Hanley Irene Krzeminski Faith O’Donnell Karl Hertel Dorothy Carapia Kathy Zeimetz Kristine Gore Betty Lou Ravenscraft Chris Jezowski Jean Johnson Lindner Cheryl Pedrina Joe & Mary Jo Weidert Thomas Tomasello John Mattes Lucille Tomasello Larry Albrecht James Looby Laura Nemes Manuel Ruiz Farrah Dearlove Timothy Dougherty Ann Cloherty Doris Svoboda Kay Meyers Theresa Thelma Thompson Melba Farina Janet Fitzgerald Tom Wanat Bernard Glynn Jim Pasquesi Lynn Lach John Beran Bob Bieganowski Felice Lewandowski Aidan Barber Dale Downing Jennifer Meek Katie Wilkinson Janice Buckley PLEASE NOTE: We attempt to update our Sick List every 30 days and delete names who have been on the list for that time. The Dearly Departed Pat Buffington Elizabeth Lynch Serving in the Armed Forces St. Peter lists the names of active duty military personnel. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they protect our country and freedom. Please inform us if your service person is no longer active in the military. Christopher Sherwood Josephine Gaffrig Peter Bickelhaupt Patrick L. McConnell Jim Kyne James H. & Robert J. Schreiner Jim & Melissa Finborg Kevin Nelson Phillip Andrew Hettich Paul Joseph Hettich Spencer Keith Michael Callahan Jesse Sanchez Jon Marino Katrina Kyne Andy Hernandez Stephen Bastain Shane Parkman Bob Caulfield, III Michael Matthews Brian Langner Aaron Roman Steven Orzech Frederic Drummond Jeramiah Paddock Sean Pasieta Brandon Stockwell Kyle Klean Robert W. Schartz Ryan Benson Chistyn & Cheryl Gaa Bryce Roman Gabriel Gonzalez Jacob Allen Rebecca Stockwell Carter P. Bell Thomas Dvorak Joseph Mesnard Royce Applegren Brandon Klean Christopher Jendrycki Michael Jendrycki Aaron Marsh Daniel Lee Weston Robert McCharen Joseph Cernivec Christopher Burke ANNOUNCEMENTS The Week Ahead Saturday January 9 5:30 PM TO 7:00PM Father Frawley Hall Monday 1-4-16 Tuesday 1-5-16 Next Pasta@ Pete’s 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration Until 8:00pm ( RE Building Chapel ) 7:00pm Contemporary Choir Practice PRIESTHOOD: A LIFE WORTH LIVING IS GOD CALLING YOU? Wednesday 1-6-16 6:30pm to 8:30pm RE Class ( School ) Fr. Francis Bitterman, Vocation Director Thursday 1-7-16 7:30pm Knights of Columbus Meeting ( F.F.H ) ATTENTION SCRAPPERS! OUR NEXT EVENT “CROP ‘TIL YOU DROP” IS COMING UP SOON— JANUARY 9TH, 2016! LOOK FOR OUR REGISTRATION FORM IN THE BULLETIN SOON OR EMAIL US AT: [email protected] TO HAVE A REGISTRATION FORM EMAILED TO YOU OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. HAPPY SCRAPPING!!!! 8:00am Mass Friday 1-8-16 Saturday 1-9-16 Sunday 1-10-16 312-534-8298 [email protected] Shawl Ministry 8:30am Confession 4:30pm Mass Anyone, or loved one/friend experiencing illness ,hospice, or hospitalization, may appreciate one of our blessed items on hand through this ministry. We craft shawls, lap blankets, walker bags ,baby hats and blankets & give them FREE OF CHARGE, to anyone within our parish, as well as outreach ministry. Please contact Valerie @ 847-838-6360 for info. 5:30PM Pasta @ Pete’s ( F.F.H ) 11:30am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word Anyone interested in exploring the Catholic Faith is invited to call at the Rectory: 847-395-0274. Have Drinking or Emotional Problems Help is Near ! Holbrook Counseling Center Of Mundelein, a Program of Catholic Charities, has professional staff who can help with all of your problems. Both of our therapists have experience working with individuals and couples, treating a multitude of problems, including substance abuse and addiction as well as martial conflict, personal issues, family problems and other difficulties. Daytime and evening appointments are available. Our fees are reasonable, and we respect your privacy. Phone:(847) 566-5168 address: 998 E Maple Ave, Mundelein, IL 60060 JANUARY 3, 2016 — THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7 Formation & Education From The Desk Of Kari Leaf It's the new year, time to start working out!!! Have you heard that recently? Gyms are super busy this time of year with lots of people trying to shed those holiday pounds. Well, you won't find me there. Haha. Not because gyms are bad, but I know myself. I won't go. One time I got talked into a 3 year gym membership contract because of a New Year's resolution . I was so dumb. In those three years, I spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and maybe went to the gym 50 times or less. I have no idea because it was so infrequent. Again, not saying gyms are bad, they are great for the right people. Just not right for this lady! I'm more of a workout at home kind of person. Anyway... One New Year's resolution I don't want to give up on this year is the one where I grow closer to God. Maybe this could be one of your New Year's resolutions too? I'm not "big" on resolutions, but I am big on growing closer to my Savior. I'm not always as disciplined as I would like to be, however I do well with lists! So, I found a Catholic list of New Year's resolutions. I think these resolutions are practical and easy to work through throughout 2016. If you don't think you can do all of them, start with a couple and go from there. Enjoy and good luck! Catholic Resolutions by Bishop Thomas Tobin, Bishop of Providence 1) Be more aware of God’s presence in my life by spending a few moments in quiet prayer every day. 2) Do my very best to attend Holy Mass every Sunday and Holy Day. 3) Receive the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) on a regular basis. 4) (Re)Introduce at least one individual to the Catholic Faith and invite that person to attend Mass with me. 5) Increase the financial support I give to the Church – to my parish, the Diocese or in special collections. 6) Read Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Evangelium Gaudium. 7) Pray and work for an increase of vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, and pray also for our current seminarians. 8) Be reconciled with at least one person from whom I’ve been separated, granting forgiveness and seeking forgiveness wherever it’s needed. 9) Promote and defend the Catholic Faith in the secular media or with elected officials whenever important public issues arise. 10) Get involved in at least one community program or Church ministry that promotes charity and justice. Happy New Year! Mrs. Kari Leaf Director of Religious Education [email protected] (847) 395-0246 Events coming up in RE: • Jan. 6-First night for 1st-5th grade RE students! Sign up ASAP if you haven't! • Jan. 31-Student/Parent Confirmation Meeting at 6pm. (For all 8th grade students and their parents.) 8 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL JANUARY 3, 2016 — THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 9 ST. PETER PARISH & LAKE COUNTY HELPFUL RESOURCES A Safe Place Provides shelter, counseling and other needs for victims of domestic violence. For information, call 847249-4450 or visit Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Lake County Services 671 S. Lewis Avenue Waukegan, IL 60085 847-782-4000 or for Senior services, 847-546-5733 Food Pantry Hours 10am to 3pm, Phone 847-782-4166 Community Health Primary Care Center, Lake County Health Department Midlakes Medical Clinic, Round Lake Park, 847-984-5100 Education Ministries (847-395-0037) Council of Catholic Women Unites women to provide spiritual enrichment. Marilyn Novack, 847395-2315 St. Peter School - the education of children in guiding their moral, spiritual, academic and physical development; pre-school thru grade 8. Department of Children and Family Services The state agency handles sexual and physical abuse cases. All cases involving a caretaker, teacher or parent should be reported to the agency. For information, call 800-25-ABUSE or visit index.shtml Eucharistic Adoration Observed at the Religious Education Center (old Convent) every Tuesday from 8am until 8pm. Adorers staff full time. Steve Roche, 847-838-5941. Funeral Luncheon Ministry Jeanine Kellman, 267-742-5057 Helping HANDS FOOD PANTRY 2502 Spring Ridge Dr. Spring Grove, IL 60081 Phone : ( 847 ) 587-7727 Hours : 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday Home Bound Minister Brings Communion to those unable to attend Mass. Call the Rectory at 847395-0274 OPEN ARMS MISSION 1548 s. Main St. Antioch, IL 60002 Phone: ( 847 ) 395-0309 Hours: 7:00 am to 6:30 pm Tuesday through Thursday Alcoholics Anonymous St. Peter Church Several meetings are scheduled throughout Lake County. For those who think they may have a drinking or drug problem, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous Contact: Bill L. at 847-603-1766. Also and For spouses and families of those who may have problems with Alcohol. Alanon, Louise Y. 262-705-8522 Also For spouses and families of those who may have problems with drugs. Families Anonymous, Bonnie L. 847-873-5035, Also . There are many meetings in our area for all of the above fellowships. December 20, 2015 Regular Collection………….………….$10,755.13 All Saints…………………………...……….$10.00 All Souls…………………...……………...….$5.00 Campaign For Human Development……....$50.00 Christmas Flowers………………………$1,069.00 Education……………………………………$10.00 Energy…………………………….………….$5.00 Holy Christmas…………….……………$3,112.00 Immaculate Conception…………………...$250.00 Open Arms………………………..……......$10.00 Poor Box…………………….……………....$98.00 Retirement………………………………....$155.00 Seminary…………………...………………$80.00 If you know of any homebound person who would like Communion brought to them, please call the Rectory at 847-395-0274. Please Note: Confessions 8:30 am Every Saturday Morning And By Appointment 847-395-0274 10 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL Anyone interested in exploring the Catholic Faith is invited to call at the Rectory: 847-395-0274. Anyone who is experiencing a family or personal crisis and would like our St. Peter Parish prayer chain to pray for your special needs, please call Lois Pflieger at 847-395-2713. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION We observe Eucharistic Adoration on TUESDAYS In the Religious Education Center Chapel from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 1FREE COFFEE WITH ANY OMELET OR SKILLET PURCHASE ■ AWARDED 2nd Place for Top Breakfast & Lunch Diner in Lake County not valid with any other offer Exp. 2/28/16 Open 7 Days a Week 6am-2pm an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA (according to YELP) One of the Top 10 Breakfast Diners in Illinois (according to Authentic Mexican Breakfast Breakfast • Lunch Dine-in • Carryout • Catering Available 934 MAIN ST • ANTIOCH, IL 60002 (CORNER OF MAIN ST. & LAKE STREET) • 224-788-5090 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through An ideal companion for personal prayer. Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 J.S. Paluch 1-800-621-5197 009242 St Peter Church (C) 800-566-6150 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PROFESSIONAL AUTO REPAIR Since 1986 Import & Domestic • Towing If I can’t fix it - it ain’t broke 847-587-7892 50¢ Off Any Size Blizzard 847-395-8383 ANTIOCH SILVER LAKE 36250 Wilson Rd. - Ingleside DEAN KLEIN - Proprietor If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! Visit us today to learn how we can make a big difference in your life! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! A Senior Living Community in Zion 800.393.9954 Living Assistance Services at Home Caregivers Provided Hourly to 24 Hours at Affordable Rates Non-Medical Care for Seniors • Personal Care • Respite Care • Companion Care 847-996-0888 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Call Paula Kubica for a tour today at 847-746-2147 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Ellen Ipsen 800-566-6150 • Lakeland Septic Service 847-395-8828 [email protected] 509 Lake St., Antioch BLACKHAWK TITLE SERVICES Tiffany Real Estate Wayne A. Sobczak Broker/Owner, Licensed in IL & WI 847-395-1010 Located Next to St. Peter Church 847-395-7400 Fax 847-395-7518 744 Main Street • Antioch Connie J. Crawford, O.D., P.C. Parishioner Dr. Laura L. Cretors, O.D. Family Eye Care Contact Lenses ✔ Septic Tank Cleaning ✔ Reliable Service ✔ Licensed & Insured Dan Weis and Family - Owners 262-857-9128 847-395-1987 Laser Surgery Co-Management HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 24 Hour Emergency Service Family Owned and Operated 90 Cedar Ave. • Lake Villa • 847-356-3581 (LASIK) Evening & Sat. Appointments CORPORATE & LEISURE TRAVEL 884 Hillside Ave., Antioch 345 PARK AVE., STE. 7, ANTIOCH 847-395-4090 (847) 395-2772 SUE & STEVE RYAN - PARISHIONERS Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! Serving Breakfast and Lunch Open 6:00 am – 3:30 Daily 914 Main St., Antioch (847) 395-6363 • Parking in Rear 009242 St Peter Church (B) The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! email: [email protected] Call Maggie Lang 800.566.6170 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 STRANG FUNERAL HOME, INC. Established 1912 — Licensed In Illinois & Wisconsin 847-395-4000 1055 Main St., Antioch David Moore - Dan Dugenske, Directors 1-800-622-4441 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. THE VILLAGE AT VICTORY LAKES A Franciscan Community Prairie Homes Independent Apartments Assisted Living Skilled Nursing & Rehab DELANY INSURANCE Auto Body, Inc. Complete Collision & Repair Center For further information, please call the Parish Office. 549 Lake Street Antioch 847-838-5595 [email protected] 460 Orchard Street Antioch • 395-7842 • Laser Technology • 4-Wheel Alignment 75 W. GRAND AVE. • LAKE VILLA 847-265-1000 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket 847-356-4666 on an ADVERTISED mattress Lindenhurst, IL and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower AL & LU’S RING’S SNACK SHACK RADIATOR SERVICE Antioch Rt. 173 Radiators-Heaters-Gas Tanks Repaired-Minor Welding 1½ Miles W. of Rt. 59 WE NOW SERVICE: OPEN DAILY at 11:00 AM BRAKES • Hot Dogs EXHAUST SYSTEMS • Hamburgers OIL CHANGES • Implants • Root Canals • Invisalign® • Crowns • Bridges • Dentures • Italian Beef Grass Lake Road Dental Al & Luanne Haisman 499 North Ave., Antioch Parishioners 847-395-6550 CALL ORDERS AHEAD 847-395-1705 Donald K. Jones, DDS, PC, Member of the Knights of Columbus 847.395.1363 GERALDINE * MATT * BILL 25867 W. Grass Lake Rd., Antioch, IL 60002 TWO GENERATIONS OF SERVICE shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? (847) 395-6600 Colette & Ano Families - Parishioners • New Construction • Sump Pumps • Remodeling & Repair • Water Heaters • Power Rodding PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. WEBB’S MARINA OMC • Cobra • MerCruiser • Volvo Year Around Boat Storage In & Out “Professional Service & Installation Since 1962” Service - Marine Supplies Shoremaster Boat Lifts & Pier Systems 25837 W. Route 173, Antioch (847) 395-2217 FREEATES ESTIM EW O N N MENT IP EQU F 24 HAST SER OUR VIC E 847-623-7300 Hablo Español Denise Runge • 847-395-2839 Parishioner Serving all of Lake County 10% of Order Donated to Church Roof Fund PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... WATER • SEWER • DRAINAGE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • Sump Pumps, Water Heaters & Faucets • Water Lines • Sewer Repair & Replacement • Rodding • Sewer Camera Drain Vision • Cross Connection Control Device Inspector 847-951-8325 PL #058-197042 Licensed, Bonded, Insured 009242 St Peter Church (A) EPA #XC5090 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months TRATTORIA • PIZZERIA 20% ANYTIME EXCEPT HOLIDAYS WITH THIS AD 384 Lake Street, Antioch 847-395-9999 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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St. Peter Catholic Church
in our thoughts and prayers as they protect our country and freedom.
Please inform us if your service person is no longer active in the military.
St. Peter Catholic Church
Please inform us if your service person is no longer active in the military.