St. Peter Catholic Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
The Catholic Community of ST. PETER 557 Lake Street Antioch, Illinois 60002 Phone: 847-395-0274 Fax: 847-395-4553 Website: http:/ Our Vision? A people ALIVE with love for God…ready to serve Our Mission? To live our lives centered on Christ in the Eucharist, sharing the Good News of Salvation and serving others with special concern for the poor and suffering. May 4, 2014 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER W E L C O M E T O S T. P E T E R P A R I S H PASTORAL STAFF THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF ST. PETER Rev. Michael McMahon, Pastor Rev. Dean Semmer, Associate Pastor Rev. Ronald Anglim, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Jonathan Thompson Jeanine Kellman…...Director of Music/Liturgy 262-903-1629 RECTORY 557 Lake Street, Antioch, IL 60002 Phone: 847-395-0274 Office Hours………...Mon. thru Fri., 9am - 5pm Saturday……......9am - 12pm Closed for Lunch .….……….12:00 to 1:30pm PARISH SUPPORT Ted Sokulski……………………Bookkeeper Becky Serna…………Administrative Assistant [email protected] Tom Kurowski…………………..Bulletin Editor Finance [email protected] 557 LAKE STREET • ANTIOCH, ILLINOIS 60002 (847) 395-0274 • FAX: (847) 395-4553 WWW.STPETERANTIOCH.ORG NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! Please stop at the Rectory to register in person or complete a form found at the rear of Church and drop it into the Usher’s basket. BAPTISMS Baptisms are scheduled for the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Families must be members of the parish for three months prior to Baptisms. Please make arrangements at the Rectory. PRE-BAPTISM SESSION A Baptism class is required for all parents and is held on the first Sunday of the month after the 9:30 Mass in the Religious Education Center. To register, please call the Rectory at 847-395-0274. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday ...... 8:30 am and by appointment MARRIAGES ST. PETER SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marriage arrangements should be made at least six months in advance by calling the Rectory at 847-395-0274. 559 Elizabeth St. (former Convent) Phone: 847-395-0246 RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Office Hours..............................9 am to 4 pm Monday thru Thursday and by appointment Mary Leonard…..…….Director of Religious Ed. Wednesday 1st Semester (Grades 6-8) 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Wednesday 2nd Semester (Grades 1st & 2nd) 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm ST. PETER SCHOOL SIGNED MASS 900 St. Peter Street Phone: 847-395-0037 Web-Site: St. Peter offers a signed Mass on the third Sunday of the month at 11:30am. (Grades 3, 4 & 5) 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Office Hours................. 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Christine Mors ................................... Principal FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Regis Trenda Adele Peterson Joel Tune John Carley Joe Annunzio Chris Mors Fr. McMahon Carter Bell Fr. McMahon Julie Cannon Fr. Semmer Paul Coleman Jeanine Kellman Fran Gomes Mary Leonard Kevin Noonan Chris Mors Steve Roche David Short Wanda Sobczak Arlene Sokulski Ted Sowa Bob Zuiker Bob Zeien 2 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL MASS SCHEDULE M, T, W, Th, Sat .…..….….………7:30am Friday…………………………….8:00am Saturday Vigil Mass…………….. 4:30pm Sunday Mass..……...….6:30, 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 am Holy Day Masses..7:30, 9:30 am & 7:30 pm Saturday Confessions…..….………8:30 am Holiday Masses…………….........…9:30 am Briefs from Father McMahon Saint Peter speaks to us twice today. In the first reading, we hear an excerpt from his sermon on Pentecost; in the second reading part of his first letter. Peter has come a long way indeed. Once a frightened and uneducated fisherman who had a tendency to say the wrong thing, Peter is speaking what he now knows to be the truth. Everything Jesus said and did makes sense and becomes clear. Jesus Christ’s dying and rising were all part of God’s amazing plan of salvation, and our faith and hope can be centered on God. Words and bread. Jesus reveals the divine power at work in him through simple, earthy parables and shared meals. After his Resurrection from the dead, the disciples came to recognize him as the ‘stranger’ who spoke to them of the scriptures along the way and stayed to break bread with them. Jesus wants US to know him in exactly the same way as well. Every mass follows the same pattern: we hear God’s wisdom in the Liturgy of the Word; we taste God’s love in the liturgy of the Eucharist. We have heard this story over and over again, and perhaps, it doesn’t seem “news” anymore. We’ve broken the bread so often we know the words and the actions by heart. I sometimes wonder if we no longer recognize him in the breaking of the bread. This weekend we celebrated First Communion and our young communicants are very excited and eager to receive the Lord into their lives. They are receiving the Real Body and Blood of Jesus. I wish we all could have their simplicity and zeal, as well as a renewed sense of what a privilege it is to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Please pray for the all our First Communicants and their families. May they continue to let their children receive the Lord Jesus at this table and grow in the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures and the grace poured out on us all by the Divine giver of life. May they help us all to rekindle the flame of love in us so that we feel “our hearts burning within us” once again. Today is an invitation for us to find that “Resurrected Storytelling Stranger” and invite him to stay with us - in our homes, our workplaces. Can he stay with us or will we walk away, leaving him behind? Come on home. Stay with us. We want you to. Stay, Eat and tell us more. Auctioneer’s Night “At the Hop” was a great evening for everyone who participated last weekend. Many thanks to all the wonderful folks who worked so diligently to make this an enjoyable evening. I am deeply grateful for all who participated in making this a successful and profitable evening for our St. Peter’s School. Thank-you for a fun event! Pope St. John XXIII and Pope St. John Paul II – Pray for us and bless us! MAY 4, 2014 — THIRD WEEK OF EASTER 3 Mass Schedule May 5, Monday, 3rd Week Of Easter Cinco de Mayo 7:30am Marita Cihlar by Joe & Rita Schurger May 10, Saturday, 3rd Week Of Easter St. Damien de Veuster 7:30am Intention of Richard Luszcak by Family May 6, Tuesday, 3rd Week Of Easter 7:30am Intention of Robert Hanert by St Peter Parishioners 4:30pm Adam & Anna Famich by Family Bernice Tollenaere by Clara Svoboda May 11, Sunday, Fourth Sunday Of Easter Mother’s Day, World Day Of Prayer For Vocations May 7, Wednesday, 3rd Week Of Easter 7:30am Maria Buchner by Family 6:30am ALL MASSES “ Mothers of St Peter Parish” May 8, Thursday, 3rd Week Of Easter 7:30am Bob Gagnon by By the Kernan/Price Family 8:00am ALL MASSES “ Mothers of St Peter Parish” 9:30am ALL MASSES “ Mothers of St Peter Parish” May 9, Friday, 3rd Week Of Easter 8:00am William Miklaustch by Family 11:30am ALL MASSES “ Mothers of St Peter Parish” LITURGICAL MINISTERS Ministry Weekday May 12 to Saturday 4:30 pm May 17 7:30am Friday 8:00am Fr. Rubey Celebrants & Deacons Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Fr. McMahon Fr. Semmer Fr. Semmer Fr. McMahon J. Thompson Justin Hess Kyle Viven Alex Viven Ben Ticsay Brady Smith Bobbi Chamberlin Nathan Altman Tommy Castino Lindsay Koza Grace Rachek Melanie McQueen Justin Paul Rusty McQueen Denise Runge Marian Rohde Jim Schreiner Michael Fagan Justin Niebow Eucharistic Ministers MaryAnn Shatto Jack Brown Bonnie Brown Vicki Vermillion Jeff Barber Cheryl Benson Rita Schurger Joe Schurger Esther Hamlin Charles Hamlin Larry Albrecht Joan Albrecht Diane Schreiner Sharon Theisen Regis Trenda Donna Trenda Bill Lamb Bonnie Lamb Lillian Wisniewski Sharon Thode SUB NEEDED Adele Peterson SUB NEEDED Cantor Organist B. Eaton J. Kellman A. Mann J. Kellman J. Marsalek Adult Choir B. O’Donnell Contemporary Choir J. Kellman Altar Servers Lector Jackson McKinney Elizabeth Trzupzek Saturday, May 10 and Sunday, May 11, 2014 4 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL MAY 4, 2014 — THIRD WEEK OF EASTER 5 Spiritual Life Readings for the Week of May 4, 2014 Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:3540 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Third Sunday of Easter Monday: Cinco de Mayo Saturday: St. Damien de Veuster PLEASE PRAY FOR The Book of the Sick Natalie Renda Sue Lengvenis Joan Novack Carol Dobbs Mary Ann Shatto Michael J. Nasca Mark Bednarz Gerald Roszkowiak Catherine Atkin Joan Vistain Jack Brown Chris Jezowski Karen Rose Annie Thompson John Cochara Patricia Sailer Jean Lewis Denis Kellman George Kortas Kim Denikas James Looby Laura Nemes Janet Fitzgerald Joseph Toth Timothy Dougherty Gary Jost Marie Adjie Kay Meyers Bruce Roseman David Seiberl Shirley Fitzgerald Lita Verdaguer Bernard Glynn Philip Lojdl Stacey Gissel Wendy Landl Erin Castillo Leslie Ward Vicki Flowers Patsy Leonard Warren Nichols Tim Wells Kaitlyn Polfer Michelle Moser Baily PLEASE NOTE: We attempt to update our Sick List every 30 days and delete names who have been on the list for that time. The Dearly Departed Bruce Rosemann GOD’S WORD TODAY The story of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus is a story that is often played out in our own lives. These two dejected disciples had lost heart. The one in whom they had placed their hope had been brutally murdered. Their dream was snuffed out. All too often we find ourselves walking our own journeys to Emmaus. A loved one dies; we lose a job; a spouse is unfaithful; a marriage ends; our children disappoint us. Like those two disciples, we move through life, our hearts heavy with anger, grief, and disappointment. Then, miraculously, we discover the presence of God in the midst of all the mess. Our dejected hearts begin to burn within us as we relish the moment of recognition. Let us be open to the presence of Christ in the living word proclaimed today. 6 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL Serving in the Armed Forces St. Peter lists the names of active duty military personnel. We keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they protect our country and freedom. Please inform us if your service person is no longer active in the military. Christopher Sherwood Josephine Gaffrig Peter Bickelhaupt Patrick L. McConnell Jim Kyne James H. & Robert J. Schreiner Jim & Melissa Finborg Paul Joseph Hettich Kevin Nelson Katrina Kyne Phillip Andrew Hettich Robert Haley Michael Callahan Jesse Sanchez Spencer Keith Andy Hernandez Jon Marino Derek Duba Stephen Bastain Shane Parkman Bob Caulfield, III Michael Matthews Brian Langner Aaron Roman Steven Orzech Frederic Drummond Jeramiah Paddock Sean Pasieta Brandon Stockwell Kyle Klean Ryan Benson Chistyn & Cheryl Gaa Bryce Roman Gabriel Gonzalez Jacob Allen Rebecca Stockwell Carter P. Bell Thomas Dvorak Joseph Mesnard Royce Applegren Ray Gaylord Tyler C. R. Weaver Brandon Klean Michael Jendrycki Aaron Marsh Robert McCharen Joseph Cernivec Christopher Burke ANNOUNCEMENTS The Week Ahead Monday 5-5-14 Tuesday 5-6-14 Wednesday 5-7-14 Thursday 5-8-14 9:30am to 11:00am Women Of The Word ( R.E Building ) 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration until 8 pm (RE Center Chapel ) 6:00pm to 7:30pm 1st Communion Practice ( Church & F.F.H ) 7:30pm Adult Choir Practice ( Church ) 4:00 to 5:15pm Children’s Choir Practice ( Church & Downstairs ) Council Of Catholic Women Friday 5-9-14 Saturday 5-10-14 Sunday 5-11-14 8:30am Over Eater’s Meeting ( R.E ) 8:30am Confessions 10:00am 1St Communion MOTHER’S DAY 11:30am Children’s Liturgy Of The Word 11:30am Contemporary Choir Maintenance Worker Needed St. Peter Church is in need of a part time ( Approximately 20 hours per week ) maintenance worker. The selected person would be responsible for minor maintenance, performing preventive inspections of the parish buildings and mechanical systems, and coordinating all parish grounds work. Prior maintenance experience is necessary. If you are interested, please call the Rectory at 847-395-0274 May Wedding Banns Janene Cermak & Thomas Olandese Thomas Cichon & Courtney Maney MAY 4, 2014 — THIRD WEEK OF EASTER 7 Formation & Education From The Desk Of Father Semmer From The Desk Of Mary Leonard WHAT’S COMING UP????? YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A PRAYER SERVICE HONORING BLESSED MOTHER ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 14TH as we close our 1st through 5th grade class time with a prayer service. May is a GREAT month and dedicated to Blessed Mother! We begin the month with May Crowning with our CCW and then later on the 9th with our school community. Our RE students and families gather at 6:30pm on May 14th as we again honor Blessed Mother. Our prayer service will last about 30 minutes and you are most welcome to bring flowers to be placed on Blessed Mother’s altar. Our students who just received their First Communion have an opportunity to dress up again for this evening and they will lead the procession to Mary’s altar. Hope you can join us in prayer! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION PACKETS WILL BE OUT SOON! THOSE FAMILIES CURRENTLY REGISTERED THIS PAST SCHOOL YEAR WILL RECEIVE THEIR PACKET BY EMAIL. After the email is sent the registration packets will be made available in the church entryway or by calling the RE Office (847 395-0246) or emailing us at: [email protected] ARE YOU, OR DO YOU KNOW OF, SOMEONE IN NEED OF A BIT OF COMFORT AND WARMTH? The stitchers of St. Peter “Prayer Shawl Ministry”, have made various shawls, hand warmers, lap blankets, capelets and bags for walkers. These are available, upon request, to anyone going through a time of illness, loss, hospitalization, hospice or nursing home residency. If you know of someone who would appreciate a blessed, hand-made item, please contact Val Serritella (847 838-6360). PRAYERS, PLEASE FOR OUR PARISH’S FIRST COMMUNICANTS. We have 86 children in our parish who are preparing to receive their First Communion on May 3rd and May 10th. They are getting very excited about their big day coming up very soon! This is a great time for all of us to pray for them as they continue preparing and to remember how special it always is to be able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist every time. 8 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL Memorial Day Mass May 26 at 9:30 a.m. Memorial Day is a federal holiday commemorating U.S. soldiers who died while in military service. Beginning the day at Mass with prayers for those departed soldiers is an excellent way for your family to observe this holiday. Veterans, active duty military, and their families—you are cordially invited to be specially involved. Those wishing to march into church should arrive fifteen minutes early. Also….for Memorial Day….we invite anyone who would like to write a name of their loved one in a Memorial Day book of remembrance to do so before or after mass the weekends, May 10-11, May 17-18 and May 24-25 . This will be presented during mass and be will pray their intentions. ST. PETER PARISH & LAKE COUNTY HELPFUL RESOURCES A Safe Place Provides shelter, counseling and other needs for victims of domestic violence. For information, call 847249-4450 or visit Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago Lake County Services 671 S. Lewis Avenue Waukegan, IL 60085 847-782-4000 or for Senior services, 847-546-5733 Food Pantry Hours 10am to 3pm, Phone 847-782-4166 Community Health Primary Care Center, Lake County Health Department Midlakes Medical Clinic, Round Lake Park, 847-984-5100 Council of Catholic Women Unites women to provide spiritual enrichment. Marilyn Novack, 847395-2315 Department of Children and Family Services The state agency handles sexual and physical abuse cases. All cases involving a caretaker, teacher or parent should be reported to the agency. For information, call 800-25-ABUSE or visit index.shtml Eucharistic Adoration Observed at the Religious Education Center (old Convent) every Tuesday from 8am until 8pm. Adorers staff full time. Steve Roche, 847-838-5941. Funeral Luncheon Ministry Jeanine Kellman, 267-742-5057 Rainbows Support group for children who suffer from the loss of loved ones. Call 847-395-0274 Education Ministries (847-395-0037) St. Peter School - the education of children in guiding their moral, spiritual, academic and physical development; pre-school thru OPEN ARMS MISSION 1548 s. Main St. Antioch, IL 60002 Phone: ( 847 ) 395-0309 Hours: 7:00 am to 6:30 pm Tuesday through Thursday Home Bound Minister Brings Communion to those unable to attend Mass. Call the Rectory at 847-3950274 Helping HANDS FOOD PANTRY 2502 Spring Ridge Dr. Spring Grove, IL 60081 Phone : ( 847 ) 587-7727 Hours : 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday Alcoholics Anonymous St. Peter Church, Antioch Contact: Bill L., 847-204-4877 Several meetings are scheduled throughout Lake County. Day’s And Hour’s Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 am, 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm ( R. E. ( lg. rm ) MAY 4, 2014 — THIRD WEEK OF EASTER 9 EASTER VIGIL MASS NEWLY INITIATED PARISH MEMBERS April 27, 2014 Collection Anyone interested in exploring the Catholic Faith is invited to call Fr. Dean Semmer at the Rectory: 847-395-0274. Regular Collection……………..$9,862.11 Easter…………………………….$695.00 Easter Europe………………………….$70.00 Education Fr. Hanley…………………$80.00 Energy Needs………………………. $10.00 Good Friday….……………………….$65.00 Mother’s Day……………………...$1,978.00 Poor Box……………………………...$54.00 Please Note: Confessions 8:30 am Every Saturday Morning And By Appointment 847-395-0274 10 ST. PETER PARISH · ANTIOCH, IL If you know of any homebound person who would like Communion brought to them, please call the Rectory at 847-395-0274. Anyone who is experiencing a family or personal crisis and would like our St. Peter Parish prayer chain to pray for your special needs, please call Lois Pflieger at 847-395-2713. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION We observe Eucharistic Adoration on TUESDAYS In the Religious Education Center Chapel from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators ✂ 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers WE TAKE DENTS OUT OF ACCIDENTS BODY CRAFT, INC. Family Owned & Operated Since 1967 Collision • Repair • Computerized Alignment BILL CREANEY • 847-395-0076 • Mark & Tony MAGLIO 009242 St Peter Church (C) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PROFESSIONAL AUTO REPAIR Since 1986 Import & Domestic • Towing If I can’t fix it - it ain’t broke 847-587-7892 50¢ Off Any Size Blizzard 847-395-8383 ANTIOCH SILVER LAKE 36250 Wilson Rd. - Ingleside DEAN KLEIN - Proprietor Are you ever alone? A Senior Living Community in Zion You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day Visit us today to learn how we can make a big difference in your life! • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Paula Kubica for a tour today at 847-746-2147 Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free The Way of the Cross Wonderful for individual devotions. Beautifully illustrated book ($1.95) CD ($17) contains music reflections for each station. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Wayne A. Sobczak Broker/Owner, Licensed in IL & WI Located Next to St. Peter Church ANTIOCH ANIMAL HOSPITAL, INC. Dr. Mike Passarella 40949 N. Hwy. 83 Antioch 847-395-0636 847-996-0888 See Your Ad in C O L O R Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.621.5197 847-395-8828 Remanufactured Inkjet & Laser Cartridges [email protected] PC & Laser Printer Repair Expert Advice • 100% Guarantee 509 Lake St., Antioch 847-395-5705 [email protected] BLACKHAWK TITLE SERVICES Tiffany Real Estate 847-395-1010 Ellen Ipsen Living Assistance Services at Home Caregivers Provided Hourly to 24 Hours at Affordable Rates Non-Medical Care for Seniors • Personal Care • Respite Care • Companion Care 847-395-7400 Fax 847-395-7518 744 Main Street • Antioch Antioch Lakeland Septic Service Connie J. Crawford, O.D., P.C. Parishioner Septic Tank Cleaning Reliable Service Licensed & Insured Dr. Laura L. Cretors, O.D. Dan Weis and Family - Owners Family Eye Care 262-857-9128 • 847-395-1987 Contact Lenses Laser Surgery Co-Management HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 24 Hour Emergency Service Family Owned and Operated 90 Cedar Ave. • Lake Villa • 847-356-3581 (LASIK) Evening & Sat. Appointments CORPORATE & LEISURE TRAVEL 884 Hillside Ave., Antioch 345 PARK AVE., STE. 7, ANTIOCH 847-395-4090 (847) 395-2772 SUE & STEVE RYAN - PARISHIONERS Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING RESTAURANT -Breakfast Any TimeLunch, Dinner Sun. thru Thurs.: 6am to 11pm Fri. & Sat.: 6am to Midnight Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 914 Main St., Antioch (847) 395-6363 • Parking in Rear 009242 St Peter Church (B) 800-566-6150 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 STRANG FUNERAL HOME, INC. Established 1912 — Licensed In Illinois & Wisconsin 847-395-4000 1055 Main St., Antioch David Moore - Dan Dugenske, Directors 1-800-622-4441 Consider Find Me On THE VILLAGE AT Remembering Google VICTORY LAKES Your Parish in Your Will. Robert Edens A Franciscan Community DELANY INSURANCE For further information, 460 Orchard Street 549 Lake Street Prairie Homes Attorney please call the Parish Office. Antioch • 395-7842 Antioch Independent Apartments WHY IS IT 847-838-5595 (847) 395-6600 Assisted Living A man wakes up after sleeping Skilled Nursing & Rehab [email protected] Reed Ano, Parishioner New Construction 847-356-4666 Lindenhurst, IL RING’S RADIATOR SERVICE 440 Lake Street, Antioch (847) 395-2700 Member FDIC Denise Runge • 847-395-2839 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas Bill Ross Construction Co. shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap All Home Improvement Needs 847-395-6550 GERALDINE * MATT * BILL TWO GENERATIONS OF SERVICE AL & LU’S SNACK SHACK Roofing • Flat Roofs Waterproofing • Single Ply Caulking • Building Maintenance Sheet Metal • All Type Shingles John W. Smith (847) 395-8854 Licensed Professional Auto Body, Inc. 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CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Top Buyer of Cars & Trucks Any Condition SAVE With Used Auto Parts 815-338-2800 009242 St Peter Church (A) Serving all of Lake & McHenry Counties TRATTORIA • PIZZERIA 20% ANYTIME EXCEPT HOLIDAYS WITH THIS AD 384 Lake Street, Antioch 847-395-9999 847-623-7300 Call 800-566-6150 • F 24 HAST SER OUR VIC E Open 7 Days to Serve You! GARY N. FOLEY, P.C. 847-986-2999 1919 Rt. 83, Round Lake Beach BANKRUPTCY Parishioner • FORECLOSURES • REPOSSESSIONS • LAWSUITS & WAGE GARNISHMENTS • FEDERAL & STATE TAX LEVIES • SAVE YOUR HOUSE • SAVE YOUR CAR • SAVE YOUR PAYCHECK! • SAVE YOUR SANITY! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Se Habla Español For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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St. Peter Catholic Church
Please inform us if your service person is no longer active in the military.