Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016
Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016
Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 M ass I ntentions This year of 2016, our parish theme is I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, … plans to give you a future full of hope. Jer 29:11 All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent, and treasure so as to give glory to God. Today we celebrate Father’s Day as an American holiday in which we thank all fathers, living and deceased, for the love, care, and example that they provide for their children. Fathers, God has entrusted you with this responsibility to your children. Your modeling of what it means to be a good Catholic father is found in your participation at Sunday Mass, in leading prayer in your family at home, in directing your children so that that they grow in virtue, and in seeing that your speech is edifying to others. The words of Jesus, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” are found in the examples of so many fathers. Happy Fathers Day! I will be away on retreat this week. Know that you and your intentions are remembered in my prayer. Father Lee Roos There is no vacation from your vocation. Bring God into your vacation in a special way by continuing to participate in Sunday Mass while traveling. For Mass times see Thank you for your sacrificial giving to the weekly Sunday collections. If you are away for vacation or on a work-related trip, you can still stay in touch with All Saints via the online Sunday bulletin posted on our parish website at w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g . The Church observes the birth of John as a hallowed event. We have no such commemoration for any other fathers; but it is significant that we celebrate the birthdays of John and of Jesus. … John was the voice that lasted only for a time; Christ, the Word in the beginning, is eternal. June M 20 7:00 am 8:30 am Tu 21 7:00 am 8:30 am W 22 Weekday Louis Parrington + Fathers Day Novena St. Aloysius Gonzaga, religious Fathers Day Novena Raymond & Marian Desmarais + Feast: St. Thomas More, martyr, (Principal Patron of the Diocese of Arlington) Fathers Day Novena Dan Beber + Weekday Fathers Day Novena Chester Majewski + Solemnity: The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Larry & Anne Purdy Fathers Day Novena Weekday Fathers Day Novena 7:00 am 8:30 am Th 23 7:00 am 8:30 am F 24 7:00 am 8:30 am Sa 25 8:00 am SUNDAY: THE LORD’S DAY 13 Sunday in Ordinary Time Sa 25 5:30 pm Su 26 7:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am [Sp] 11:30 am 1:30 pm [Sp] 5:30 pm 7:00 pm [Sp] Robert P. & Rita S. Mehr + All parishioners Liria Daves + Familia Avila de la Trinida +[at MPCC] George Patrick + In thanksgiving to Virgen de Santoana + Fathers Day Novena Guillermo Ruiz + Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased. MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center Readings: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 Vacation and Sunday Mass Never one without the other in the summertime. M ilestones Congratulations to Jack Cassidy, parishioner, who celebrated his 101st birthday on June 8th! Best wishes and prayers. — from a sermon by St. Augustine w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time Through Infant Baptism we welcome into the Catholic Church: Isabella Mendoza, Brandon Montgomery, Liliana Silva, Jamileth Chavarria, Matthew Dorfman, Nicole Flores, Flor Garcia, Jasmine Guzman, Julian Lopez, Jorge Miranda, and Madelyn Paz. Rest in Peace: May those who have died enter into the mercy of God and the joy of the Kingdom: Frances Williox. For Christ’s healing of the sick we pray for: Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Marcella Altizer, Helen & Rakesh Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs, Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Ann Brien, Jay Briseno, Paul Byrne, Jane Carney, Timothy Ceschin, Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, Lisa Colgan, John Connelly, Joseph Conway, Valerie Corliss, Richard Cruz, Sandra Culebro, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel, Leo DiFilippo, Sister Lydia D’Souza, Vincent Eugenio, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini, Justin P. Flemming, Anthony Gabriel, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia, Sam Garman, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Mary Giordano, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez, Claude Grant, Mike Hadro, Rachel Harley, Danyl Henderson, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, Virginia Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuela Juarez, Molumba Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Bill Lansing, Sr., Brian Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris Lusk, Betty Maag, Nicole McGinn, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Cathy Marshall, Lenny Martelli, Hazel Martino, Kimberly McNamara, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Francis Munsell, Julie Kay Natali, Emily Navarra, George H. Nitzel Jr., Melanie Nocera, Philip Nuar, Daniel W. O’Leary, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Sandra Patterson, Abigail Pell, Tom Propes, Michael Puzynski, Laurel Quinn, Joe Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Rosalie Robl, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S., Des Sassov, Susie Serene, Jerry Shea, Mike Shoults, Diane Lynn Smith, Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary Tolley, Sylvia Urani, Antonio Uribe, Virginia Walsh, Kiki Warrick, Bob Weaver, Jim Westerhouse, George Whitfield, Collette Williams, Frances Williams, Eleanor Wisniewski, Beatrice Yeager, and Richard Zavadowski. Jubilee Year of Mercy Following Christ, and taking up our cross, leads us to see the goodness in mercy: God’s Mercy and our mercy towards others. You are the Christ of God. The Son of Man must suffer greatly. Luke 9:18-24. Ordinations to priesthood were on Sat., June 11 at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, Arlington. Father Colin Davis, a parishioner of All Saints, was one of two transitional deacons who were ordained as priests. Newly-ordained Father Colin Davis, will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sun., June 26, at the 11:30 am Mass, here at All Saints, followed by a reception in the Activities Center. Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Photo: © Gregorio Borgia/Reuters. 80200216 2nd collection: Next Sunday our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the Holy Father with the funds he needs to carry out his most important charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection derives its name from an ancient custom. In ninth-century England, King Alfred the Great collected money — “pence” or pennies — from landowners as financial support for the Pope. Next week, our Diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. 2 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH I n O ur P arish Legion of Mary, Activities Center, St. Joseph Room, Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. Spirit of Love Prayer Group, Tues., June 21, Room 1 of Fr. Kelley Wing, 7:00-8:30 pm. A Bible Study facilitated by Deacon Brian Majewski meets every Thursday morning from 10:00 –11:00 am in the church library. Bring your Bible and attend as you can. Adult Faith Formation Resource. The parish subscribes to f o r m e d . o r g , a source of streaming videos, audio talks, etc. Create your own login credential (user name and password), using our parish code 16e125. Formed has Opening the Word, a short video that goes along with the Sunday readings. There are movies, audio talks and e-books, including the Catholicism Series videos by Bishop Robert Barron. You will also find Reborn, a series on Baptism, and Called, a series for youth on vocations. Watering the flowers: Art & Environment. We are in need of one or more persons to help water the plants in the church. We ask that people do not water them on their own. We need you to coordinate with our Art & Environment Committee so that the plants are not over-watered. Please contact Tim Lewicki, Coordinator of Liturgical Ministries (703-3932146). My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. Psalm 63 Attention, college students — All Saints’ co-ed adult volleyball is every Thursday from 9:00–11:30 pm in the gym at All Saints. This is open play volleyball for B-A level players. If you played on a team in college, high school or league, come out and join the fun. Are you registered in the parish? If you are not receiving mail from the parish, chances are you are not registered. Please stop by the parish office to become a registered member of All Saints. Parish registration is required to be a Baptismal Godparent or Confirmation Sponsor. You may also visit our parish website at w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g . Secure and Easy Giving. Parish Giving is the electronic funds transfer program available to All Saints parishioners for offertory giving. Information: w w w . pa r i s h - g i v i n g . o r g or email (info @ parishgiving . org ) or call 1-866-307-7140. June 19, 2016 E ucharistic A doration Prayer. Penance. Praise. Take one hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for public prayer in our chapel. We have needs for adorers at the following times: Thursday Friday Saturday 2:00–3:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am 2:00–3:00 am 2:00–3:00 am Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ). Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for your time slot so we know that the time is covered. B ethany F ood P antry Summer is coming — the inventory is low but the need remains great. Please keep the Bethany Food Pantry in mind when doing your weekly food shopping. We are especially in need of all varieties of canned vegetables and dry beans. All non-perishable items are greatly appreciated! If you would like to donate cold/fresh foods, please call 703-366-1655 to arrange for delivery. When your greeting sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Elizabeth to Mary at the Visitation Please support the advertisers of our parish bulletin. They enable this publication to be free each Sunday. R eligious L iberty Fortnight for Freedom, June 21 - July 4. An opening Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop William Lori, our Metropolitan Archbishop, at 7:00 pm on Tues., June 21 at the Basilica of the Assumption in Baltimore. A closing Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, with homilist Bishop David Zubik of Pittsburgh, at 12:10 pm on Mon., July 4, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Veneration of the relics of Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher will be possible after the Mass. During his visit to the U. S. last autumn, Pope Francis said, “[Religious] freedom remains one of America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it.” Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time 3 P astoral C are Cancer and Prayer Support in the church library, Mon., June 27, 1:00–2:00 pm for cancer victims and care givers. Vistation of the sick. Please notify us if you have a family member in Prince William Hospital or one of the nursing homes / assisted living facilities. A priest or Eucharistic Minister will then visit. Please call us at 703-393-1411 with the name of the person in need and provide the patient’s name and room number. If you would like your loved one to be placed on our Parish Prayer Tree, please call Maureen (703361-4066). If you would like your loved one’s name to be placed in the bulletin, please call Linda (703-393-1430.). A ll S aints C atholic S chool Summer Office Hours. The school office will remain open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm during the months of June and August. Should you need to contact school personnel during the summer months, please do not hesitate to leave a voicemail or contact us via email at office @ allsaintsva . org . We will make every effort to assist you in a timely manner. Pre-K and Middle School – Openings Available. Our award-winning parish school has openings available in prekindergarten (4 year old students), middle school, and a few select grade levels. To schedule a tour or request information, please contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ). All of you who were baptized have clothed yourselves with Christ. Galatians 3:26-29 Annual Diocesan Multicultural Mass & Fair. Join the many cultural communities throughout the Diocese of Arlington at the Annual Diocesan Multicultural Mass & Fair on Sat., June 25 at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, 3901 Cathedral Lane, Arlington. Mass will begin at 5:30 pm. The Multicultural Fair and Reception will follow immediately after Mass, where the various cultural communities will display exciting news, events and information about their ministry. Each cultural community will provide food representative of their native country for the reception. All are welcome! Information: Email mcm @ arlingtondiocese . org . Thus says the Lord: I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and petition; and they shall look on him whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they shall grieve over him as one grieves over a firstborn. Zechariah 12:10-11 Birthright of Manassas needs volunteers. From our office at 10752B Ambassador Drive in Manassas, VA 20109: Birthright of Manassas provides free pregnancy testing, maternity clothing, baby clothing and layettes, and other necessities. Education, guidance, and referrals for shelter, prenatal care, community resources, legal advice, adoption information, and non-judgmental friendship to any woman who is pregnant and in need of help are provided as well. Our focus is to help her bring her baby to term. Services are free and confidential. Birthright of Manassas is an all-volunteer agency funded solely by donations. We have an immediate need for volunteers to interface with women in need. No experience is necessary. We will train you. Also, we have a couple of vacancies on our Board of Directors, the policy-setting group overseeing our financial and advertising strategies. Call Birthright (703-3619769) or Kathy (703-791-3934). We look forward to hearing from you. The winner of the Trip for Two to Ireland for the Father Kelley Division, Ancient Order of Hibernians raffle was Maria Rocha. Congratulations! 4 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH R eligious E ducation Registration for 2016-2017 Year. RE Registration forms for 2016-2017 are now available in the RE Office and at w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g . Registration forms can mailed to: 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110 or can be dropped off at the parish office. Registration deadline is Mon., Aug. 29 for students to attend the first day of classes, BUT register now for your preferred time and date. A ll S aints Y oung A dults Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s, single & married, who seek to engage and grow deeply in their faith. Tuesday Nights: Young Adult Bible Study. Every Tuesday night in the St. John Vianney Room (in the Parish Activities Center) from 7:30‑9:00 pm. We are now studying the Gospel of Luke. Information: Dave Farmer (dlfarmer 09@ gmail . com ). Theatre & Art Day Camps in a Catholic Environment. Enroll your child in a fun and exciting camp this July dedicated to teaching excellence in the arts. Instructors are top notch in their field in topics such as visual art, dance, singing, acting, improvisation, crafts, and more. Opportunities from Pre-K – High School make Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps perfect for the whole family. For over 10 years, Rob Tessier has offered these camps within the Arlington Diocese. See In and June 19, 2016 A round O ur D iocese … and B eyond Mass to Pray for Healing for Victims/Survivors of Sexual Abuse. All are invited to pray for the healing of victims/ survivors of sexual abuse during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul S. Loverde at 7:30 pm on Mon., June 27 at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, 130 Keating Drive, Winchester. Infomation: Office of Victim Assistance (703-841-2530) or visit: www.a r l i n g to n d i o c e s e . o r g / v i c t i m - a s s i s ta n c e . Sunday TV Mass for the Homebound. The Diocese of Arlington, partnered with the Archdiocese of Washington, produces a weekly Sunday TV Mass filmed in the Crypt Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Viewers can watch the TV Mass every Sunday from 10:30 to 11:00 am on the DCW50 network. It is a wonderful ministry for those members of our Catholic family who are unable to be physically present with a local worshiping community for the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy. Information, visit: w w w . a r l i n g to n d i o c e s e . o r g / tv-mass. Discount Courses Available through Catholic Distance University. Join the inspiring instructors at Catholic Distance University for a faith-filled journey of discovery. Enroll in an online independent study course of your choice and study anytime, anywhere! Courses include: CHIST N086 Pius XII: In Defense of Truth, CHIST N025 The True Story of the Crusades, SPIR N064 Vatican II: Lay Spirituality, SPIR N156 Classics in Prayer and the Spiritual Life, RELED N066 The Catholic School: Idenvtity and Leadership, and RELED N004 NDC: Vitalizing the Catechetical Ministry. For a full list of courses, browse our catalog at w w w . c d u . c ata l o g . i n s t r u c t u r e . c o m /. Use Promo Code CDU15ARLINGTON when registering to qualify for the $30 rate. V ocation D iscovered The Lord called me before I was born. Do you pray to know your vocation which was given to you before you were born? Could it be as a priest, deacon, sister or brother? Contact Father J.D. Jaffe (703-841-2514, or j . jaffe @ arlingtondiocese . org . A summer virtue: In these summer months, please remember the virtue of modesty in how you dress for Mass. Some clothing is better suited for the beach or the mall than for Mass. Please do not let such clothing become a source of distraction for others at Mass. Race for Seminarians. Run the Marine Corps Marathon/10K on Sun., Oct. 30 to support the future priests of the Arlington Diocese! Runners and walkers of all experience levels are welcome. For more information on joining or sponsoring the Race for Seminarians team, visit: w w w . a r l i n g to n v o c at i o n s . o r g or call 703-841-2514. Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time 5 WITNESSES TO FREEDOM STS. THOMAS MORE AND JOHN FISHER USCCB Fact Sheet “I die the king’s good servant, but God’s first.” (Our Lady of Victories, Kensington, London; Photo by Fr. Lawrence Lew, OP) Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher were Renaissance men. Talented and energetic, they contributed to the humanist scholarship of early modern England. More wrote theological and philosophical treatises, while making a career as a lawyer and government official. Bishop John Fisher worked as an administrator at Cambridge, confronted the challenge Martin Luther presented to Christian Europe, and most importantly served as Bishop of Rochester. As a bishop, he is notable for his dedication to preaching at a time when bishops tended to focus on politics. These men were brilliant. They both corresponded with Erasmus, who helped Bishop Fisher learn Greek and Hebrew, and who also famously referred to More as a man omnium horarium, a man of all seasons. Above all their accomplishments, these men bore witness to a deep faith in Christ and his Church. More considered joining religious life and was assiduous in his devotional practices. As a married man, he committed himself wholly to his vocation as a father. At the time, disciplinary practices with children tended to be severe, but More’s children testify to his warmth, patience, and generosity. St. John Fisher was a model shepherd and demonstrated remarkable humility. He remained in the small Diocese of Rochester his entire episcopal ministry, devoting himself to his local church rather than seeking promotion to a larger, more powerful diocese. More and Fisher are well-known for opposing King Henry’s divorce. Ultimately, it was their refusal to sign an oath of supremacy that led them to be executed. King Henry VIII claimed to be the supreme head of the Church in England, asserting sovereign power over English Christians. Neither Fisher nor More could abide this claim, and their steadfastness to their consciences put them in conflict with the king. They were convicted of treason. When More made his way to the gallows, he is said to have stated, “I die the King’s good servant, but God’s first.” Both More and Fisher were patriots. They never rose up to incite rebellion or foment revolution. They were no traitors. But when the law of the king came into conflict with the law of Christ, they chose Christ. These men gave their lives for the freedom of the Church and for freedom of conscience. They bear witness to the truth that no government can make a claim on a person’s soul. Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, pray that we too will be good servants to our country, but God’s first! Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty| Twitter: @USCCBFreedom Text “Freedom” to 377377 to receive updates Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. 6 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH June 19, 2016 Manassas, Virginia IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS XII Domingo del tiempo ordinario 19 de junio, 2016 7 Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ Margarito Padilla • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En memoria de Jacinta Martinez Hernandez • Misa de 7:00 pm ~ En memoria de Dario Balderas. Año Jubilar de la Misericordia Hombres de Valor. Invitamos a todos los hombres a un rato de oración y desayuno este martes 21 de junio a las 5:00 am en la Capilla de Todos los Santos. E ducación R eligiosa Copyright © 2015, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Se reservan todos los derechos. Foto: © Gregorio Borgia/Reuters. 80200216 La próxima semana la Diócesis realizará la Colecta Peter’s Pence, la cual le proporciona al papa Francisco los fondos que necesita para llevar a cabo sus obras de caridad alrededor del mundo. Lo recaudado beneficia a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, opresión y desastres. Únanse a nuestro Santo Padre como un testigo de la caridad para aquellos que sufren. Inscripciones para el Año 2016-2017. Formas de inscripciones para clases de educación religiosa ya están disponibles en la oficina y en www.allsaintsreligiouseducation. org. Puede enviar por correo las formas de inscripción a: 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110 o pueden ser entregadas a la oficina de la parroquia. El plazo de inscripción es el 29 de agosto, para que los estudiantes asistan el primer día de clases, PERO regístrese ahora para obtener el día y la hora de su preferencia. El Proyecto Gabriel de Todos los Santos celebrará un “baby shower” para 20 mujeres necesitadas que estén esperando dar a luz a sus bebés este verano. ¡Necesitamos su ayuda! Entre los artículos que se necesitan están: ropa de recién nacidos, prendas de bebé de 0 a 9 meses, mantas para bebés, toallitas, pañales para recién nacidos. Toda ayuda monetaria es bienvenida. No podemos recibir sillas de carros usadas. Puede traer su donación los domingos 19 de junio después de todas las misas. Preguntas, póngase en contacto con Rosalba Mejía al 703-606-6416. Párroco Rev. Lee R. Roos 703-393-2155 Vicarios Parroquiales Rev. Juan Puigbó 703-393-2153 Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154 Rev. Noah Morey 703-303-2152 Oficina Parroquial 703-368-4500 Horario de Misas en Español Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. Confesiones Confirmación Adoración del Santísimo Horario de Oficina Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am • Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am • Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; • Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30 am Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216. Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249. La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan, conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .