Schedule of Services


Schedule of Services
950 Preakness Avenue, Wayne, New Jersey 07470
973-595-6565 Iyar/Sivan 5770
Vol. LVIII No. 10 May 2010
Schedule of Services
Saturday, May 1
Torah Study at 9 AM
Shabbat Worship at 10 AM
Parshat Emor
Leviticus 21:1-24:23
Bar Mitzvah of Kenneth Belgard
Friday, May 7
Erev Shabbat Service at 8 PM
Religious School Graduation
Saturday, May 8
Torah Study at 9 AM
Shabbat Worship at 10 AM
Parshat Behar/Bechukotai
Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Bar Mitzvah of Griffin Zager
Friday, May 14
Erev Shabbat Service at 8 PM
Guest Preacher Rabbi Ned Soltz
Intergenerational Choir Singing
Volunteer Appreciation Oneg Shabbat
Saturday, May 15
No Torah Study
Shabbat Worship at 10 AM
Parshat Bemidbar
Numbers 1:1-4:20
Bar Mitzvah Jason Sagalow
Tuesday, May 18
Erev Shavuot 8 PM
Wednesday, May 19
Shavuot Worship 10 AM
When God commanded a census of Israelites in the
desert, God called for the tribal males to be counted
from age 20 to age 50. These are the ages of military
service. The census provided a count of the men available for the militia.
The tribe of Levi were singled out for different treatment. They were counted from the age of one month.
Rabbi David Solomon explains that this is because the
Levites were the teachers and religious leaders in ancient Israel. Military training begins in early adulthood, but education in sacred and proper living begins
at birth.
If we are to make Jews of the next generation we can
learn from the wisdom of the Torah. The religious indoctrination of our children begins in the earliest
years. Even before our children learn to speak they are
watching and learning, picking up cues from parents
and family about what is important and how to behave. The holidays that are observed in the home, the
circle of love at the Shabbat dinner table, the stories
and tales of ancient prophets and rabbis which are
used to teach lessons in moral character – these are
most effective from the earliest age.
Continued on page 2
Friday, May 21
Tot Shabbat 7:15 PM
Erev Shabbat Service at 8 PM
Friday, May 28
Erev Shabbat Service at 8 PM
Saturday, May 22
Torah Study at 9 AM
Shabbat Worship at 10 AM
Parshat Naso
Numbers 4:21-7:89
Saturday, May 29
Torah Study 9 AM
Shabbat Worship 10 AM
Parshat Beha’alotecha
Numbers 8:1-12:16
Bat Mitzvah of Janet Shapiro
Bat Mitzvah of Lea Cawthorne
Rabbi’s Article (continued)
Beryl Paul
It’s hard to believe, with the unsettled weather we’ve
been having, that summer and the end of another Temple year, is almost here. We look forward to Religious
School graduation on May 7th and Confirmation on
May 18th.
I would not be doing my job as your Temple president
if I did not remind the members that we have had a
difficult year financially and we need money. We are
a congregation of 400 families. We distinguish ourselves as a place where people know you, and you can
easily become active.
At the moment, we are living in frightening economic
times. Many of our older members are seeing their
retirement accounts dwindle and our younger members are seeing their wages and salaries fall or get
eaten up by increases in the cost of living. We must
make tough decisions in a way that brings us together
instead of pushing us apart.
For those of us who can afford to financially support
the Temple, now is our moment of truth between Temple Beth Tikvah and its members. When you get your
dues statement later this month, please pay your dues
and consider paying more (please consider Legacy
Membership) to compensate for those members who
are having a tough time and can’t afford it. Tough
times remind us what is important and what is superficial. Our religion and our traditions have carried past
generations of Jews through far tougher times than
this. If we put our energy and financial resources into
TBT, it will be there for us as it has been for past generations.
We cannot expect the optimum results from a Jewish
education that begins at age 8 and concludes after bar/
bat mitzvah at age 13. We can never get back those earliest years, when our children’s character is most easily
If you have young children or grandchildren, remember
the precious opportunities that are afforded by Tot Shabbat, Purim Megillah reading and party, Tu B’Shevat seder, Chanukah family dinner, our pre-school family
workshops, and the early grades of our religious school.
Let us make certain that our children’s happiest early
childhood memories are memories of Jewish sacred
celebration in the company of our dearest loved ones,
and our friends and community.
To the shiva service attendees, sympathy card senders, phone callers, we wish to say “THANK YOU”
for your condolences on the passing of my brother
Aaron Braun. Your wishes and interest helped to
lighten the sorrow of my brother’s passing. It would
be better that we gather for “simchas.”
With great appreciation,
Jack and Jean Braun
Contact TBT Staff:
Rabbi Stephen Wylen
[email protected]
Cantor Charles Romalis
[email protected]
Ellen Goldin, Administrator
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Carol Bederka, Temple Secretary
[email protected]
Meredith Rinas, Staff Accountant
[email protected]
Marie Tomasko, Religious School Sec [email protected]
Mickie Stricker, Bulletin Editor
[email protected]
A Very Special Daytime Social, Educational & Cultural Event
Miss T
Don’t anding
Outst e Program
Thursday, May 6
1:00—3:00 pm
Joel Lebowitz
Proprietor of Wayne Camera
Tells the True Personal Story of His Family
Who Escaped
into the Belarussian Forests during WWII,
Followed by a DVD Presentation of ‘Defiance’
Joel Lebowitz’ mother, father and uncle were among those who
lived the true story told in the award-winning movie “Defiance.”
Director Edward Zwick's epic World War II drama “Defiance”
tells the tale of three Jewish Eastern European brothers (Daniel
Craig, Liev Schreiber, and Jamie Bell) who narrowly escape
certain death at the hands of the Nazis, subsequently vowing to
avenge the deaths of their loved ones by launching a desperate
battle against the forces that seek to exterminate their entire race.
The year is 1941, and the setting is Nazi-occupied Belarus. The
three brothers have miraculously managed to escape into the
dense surrounding forest. They soon decide that simply surviving
is not enough. In order to make a difference, they must take action. We are thrilled
that Joel Lebowitz has agreed to share his family’s story with us. Joel purchased
Wayne Camera Center in 1980. A well-known service provider to the Wayne
community for over 30 years, he is also a member of the New Jersey Army National
Guard, where he was the chief photographer.
Come hear the very personal story of Joel’s family and then watch
this DVD with new insights and understanding!
Coffee, Tea & Snacks Served
For more information or to get on our Senior Daytime Programming mailing list,
please call Barbara Reiss at 973-694-7478.
Open to All Other TBT Members & Non-Members Alike at $5 Each
Temple Beth Tikvah Membership Not Required to Attend These Events!
You can even bring a friend to join you!
Temple Beth Tikvah * 950 Preakness Avenue * Wayne, NJ *
973-595-6565 *
Educator’s Message ~ Ellen Goldin
Religious School News
May 2010
The Religious School year begins with consecration of our younger students and ends with the graduation
and Confirmation ceremonies of our older students. And so…the “generations” of Temple Beth Tikvah
Religious School students roll on. Each of these Jewish milestones marks commitment to Jewish learning
by our students and families.
Many thanks to the members of our faculty and our Religious School Committee for all they do to make
TBT Religious School the best it can be. Their dedication to the children and Judaism is immeasurable. We
extend a special thank you to Bobbie Kraus who is stepping down as the chair of the RS committee. For
three years, Bobbie gave generously of her time, educational expertise and thoughtfulness. She is an inspiration to us all.
Be on the lookout for registration materials for the 2010-11 Religious School. Each student must have a
new registration form each year.
Just a reminder…Our Primary Program (PreK/K Workshop series, grades 1 and 2) is free with your membership. Our Resource Program is available for children with learning or social needs that require an individualized, small group situation. For information about any of the Religious School programs, please call
or e-mail me at:
973-595-6565 or [email protected]
Give your children the gift of a lifetime…a Jewish education.
On Friday evening, Erev Shabbat May 7th, one of the most special events of the Religious School year will
take place. At that time our 12th grade graduation will take place. Not only have these students been confirmed on our Bima, but they have also completed two additional years of study with Rabbi Wylen in our
monthly Post Confirmation Class. At graduation, the PTO college scholarship will be presented to our students and they will speak about their Judaism. The entire congregation is invited to join these special
young men and their families on this Shabbat evening. Mazel Tov to our students and their families who
have made Judaism and study a priority despite their busy secular schedules.
Brian Abner
Hannah Blake
Lindsey Calabro
Rebecca Epstein
Ivy Kolpon
Randi Ploshnick
Mitchell Schwartz
Josh West
On Tuesday evening, Erev Shavuot May 18, during Shavuot eve worship, our 10th grade students will be
confirmed. Mazel Tov to our Confirmands and their families.
Jason Gold
Jason Katz
Joshua Mordkoff
Lee Weisberger
Gregory Zuber
Again, the entire congregation is invited to join us for Shavuot worship and the Confirmation ceremony of
these wonderful young people. They are truly people of substance as you will witness from their
speeches, as they read from the Torah scroll and as they guide us in prayer.
Both our Graduates and Confirmands have exhibited the commitment to fulfill the ethical mandate to
make the world a better place. Without a doubt they have the ability to be future leaders in both the Jewish and secular arenas. May they go “from strength to strength.”
Friday, May 7
Religious School Graduation (Grade 12) 8:00PM
Monday, May 10
Grades 8 & 9
Tuesday, May 11
Grade 2
Wednesday, May 12
Grade 1
Thursday, May 13
Resource Program
Monday, May 17
Grades 3, 4, & 7
Tuesday, May 18
Grades 5 & 6
Tuesday, May 18
Shavuot / Confirmation of 10TH Grade Students at 8PM
Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing summer.
Ellen Goldin
950 Preakness Avenue
Wayne, NJ 07470
Office: 973-595-6565
School: 973-595-6566
Rabbi Stephen Wylen
Cantor Charles Romalis
Administrator/Educator Ellen
Beryl Paul
Exec VP
Mickie Stricker
Vice Presidents:
Aimee Gomberg
Steve Gross
Sharon Nachimson
On May 23 at 10:30 AM, Temple Beth Tikvah will host Shi
Lei, a descendant of one of the original Jewish families
believed to have settled in Kaifeng, China around the 10th
century. This will be his one and only appearance in NJ.
He will share the story of his unique and long forgotten community and how
it has maintained its identity and way of life throughout the centuries up to
and including modern China. His presentation will include details on the origin of the first Jewish settlers in Kaifeng, the importance of the community
to Chinese mercantile society, its isolation for hundreds of years and its
“discovery” by a European Jesuit priest in 1605. Shi Lei will also provide
background on how this extraordinary community managed to remain intact and functioning despite being cut off from the remainder of the Jewish
people in other parts of the world.
This program is free of charge thanks to a generous donation from Richard
and Averil Moskow, Joe and Marcia Bograd and the Renaissance Club of
Temple Beth Tikvah. For more information call Temple Beth Tikvah at 973595-6565 or email Mickie Stricker at: [email protected]
Preceding the presentation outlined above, the TBT Renaissance Club will hold
its annual paid-up membership breakfast at 9:30 AM. There is no cost for TBT
Renaissance Club members. Non-members are welcome for a $10 charge.
Please RSVP for the breakfast to Mickie Stricker at 973-904-9070 or
[email protected].
Rabbi Ned Soltz of Teaneck will be our guest speaker at Erev
Shabbat Services on May 14. Rabbi Soltz is Rabbi Emeritus
of Congregation Beth Shalom in Arlington, Texas. He currently
serves as Rabbi of Congregation Mvakshe Derekh, Scarsdale,
New York. Rabbi Soltz and Rabbi Wylen became friends through
study at the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Now that Rabbi Soltz
has chosen to live in our region in his semi-retirement, we welcome him and his wife, Mary, to our congregation.
TBT Dinner Fashion Show A Smashing Success
On Wednesday, April 21, 156 women attended the Swing Into
Spring Dinner Fashion Show at the Brownstone. There were over
100 trays, 5 grand prizes and a $300 50/50. The models wore
clothes provided by Annie Sez and the evening was enjoyed by
all. Nearly $7,000 was raised at the event.
7:15—7:45 pm
Celebrate the Sabbath
Stories, Songs, Parades & Prayers
that Get Your Young Children & Grandchildren
Excited About Going to Temple!
It’s th
Tot Sh AST
of the
Schoo at
T MIS Year!
Followed by a special Children’s Oneg Shabbat
“Hi! This next Tot Shabbat is the LAST one of
the school year, so please don’t miss it! We’ll sing
Perfect for
songs with the Cantor, sit on the bima to hear the Children Ages Newborn
Rabbi’s story and march around the synagogue
to 8 Years
just before we get to hug the Torah. You might
& Their Families!
even get to help open the ark!! Of course,
Casual Dress
everyone gets to light the candles and enjoy grape
juice and challah. Oh, and cookies & juice &
Kids Free to Move Around
play time after the service, too, complete with puzzles, books,
legos, drawing and more. We hope you join us—and
Participation Encouraged
have fun at this LAST Tot Shabbat before summer—on
Snacks Galore
May 21st!”
— Andrew B. Paul, Age 8
Lots of Variety!
Please bring your own candlesticks. Candles are provided.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Temple Beth Tikvah Membership or Religious School Enrollment Not Required to Attend These Events!
You can even have your children or grandchildren bring a friend to join them!
For more information or to get on our Tot Shabbat mailing list,
call Tot Shabbat Chairs Janice at 973-694-1616 or Beryl at 973-696-7310.
Temple Beth Tikvah * 950 Preakness Avenue * Wayne, NJ * 973-595-6565 *
Passover, Family Honors &
Myriad Other Happenings at TBT
Photos on this and the next
pages by Ellen Goldin and
Janice Paul, except as noted.
On the evening of March 30, approximately
60 TBT congregants shared the second
seder of Passover. In this yearly tradition,
Rabbi Wylen led TBT families and friends
through the Haggadah, complete with an
afikomen hunt and prizes for all of the
children and a charoses throwdown, where
the best home-made charoses was awarded
first, second and third place. Thanks go to
Hope Haiman and her helpers for making
the evening a special one.
...with the help of TBT’s own Evan
Haiman, producer of Liza’s concert DVD.
Evan shared several behind the scenes
stories about working with Liza and about
how such a concert DVD is actually put
together. The more than 40 seniors who
attended our fourth Senior Daytime
Program of the fiscal year then had the
opportunity to watch the DVD together
with new insight and appreciation. We
thank Evan for sharing his time, energy
and expertise. We also thank him for his
generosity in providing the DVD as a very
special gift to all who attended. Thanks
also go to our Senior Liaison Barbara Reiss
for her invaluable help with our Senior
Daytime Series.
The last program in our 2009-2010 Senior
Daytime Series will be held on Thursday,
May 6 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
On Friday, March 26, Membership Committee Chair Janice Paul represented TBT in honoring the more than 20% of
our congregation’s members who are related in some way to each other with individual recognition. TBT boasts
three-generation families of grandparents, parents and grandchildren. TBT also has among its members numerous
siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles and nieces & nephews; we’ve got in-laws of every kind—the whole gamut of
mishpoche. It is well worth noting that the duty of building a home and rearing a family actually figures in the
rabbinic Codes as the very first of the 613 commandments of the Torah. And, so in being part of a family within our
bigger TBT family, worshiping with each other, celebrating Jewish holidays together, maintaining the traditions of
Judaism together as a family, our inter- and multi-generational families are carrying out a particularly special
mitzvah—the very first! For those who participated in our Mitzvah Torah project a couple of years back, you should
know that you have now fulfilled the 1st and the 613th commandments. Now that just leaves the 611 in between. : )
Thanks go to Elia Gold for helping to coordinate this very special evening of recognition.
Having so many families within our Temple
Beth Tikvah family helps strengthen the
bonds of connectedness—with each other
and to Temple Beth Tikvah—that we seek for
ALL of our membership.
Lynn Birnberg, Susan & Alan
Brosnick, Allyson & David
Eleanore & Larry Rubin, Hope &
Evan Haiman
Claire & Henry Wolff, Sue & Jay
& Ivy Kolpon
Leslie Frommer, Lori & Mark
Averil & Richard Moskow, Barbara Kane, Jodie
Ploshnick & Ira Ploshnick
Carol & Howard Phillips, Susie &
Craig Betron
Razie & Steve Alexander, Ellen & Kirk Cawthorne
Sue Ungerleider, Shari & Jeff
Judy & Phil Frost, Suzanne & Richard Bieser
Danielle Grand and Adam Grand
Estelle Hendler and Sue & Harvey Hendler
Marilyn & George Schwartz,
Cindy & Howard Peyser
Adrienne & Ralph Migdale, Sue & Steven West
Myrna & Ed Arlinsky, Lori &
Neal Bellet
Marcia & Harvey Rosenkrantz, Lisa & Marc
Mary & Howard Moroch, Nancy
Barrow & Michael Moroch
Tamar Sieradzky, Felicia & David Sieradzky
Judy & Mort Segal, Lisa & Seth
Sandy Pressler, Andrea Schwartz, Beth &
Steven Pressler
Renee & Harvey Fishman, Stacy & Rodney Black,
Jessica & Douglas Fishman
Louise & Charles Romalis, Millie Rosenfeld
Cynthea & Bernard Blacksberg, Shelley & Peter
Myra & Elliott Sarney, Danielle & David
Glenn & Melanie Mintz, Allan & Michelle Jacobs
Gail & Darryl Milstein, Alyse & Brian Halligan
Beryl Paul & Ed Glasspool, Janice Paul
Mimi & Bernard Gorovitz, Elaine
& Bernard Green, Roslyn &
Joseph Gorovitz
Janice & Jack Molnar, Robert
Molnar, Gwen Eckstein
Susan & Howard Kagan, Diane &
Robert Goodkin, Janet Hannagan
Jayne & Bruce Silverstein,
Barbara & Ed Cohen
Judy & Gene Kosson, Betty &
George Garrison
Lynn Alper, Sue & Steven Weisberger
Carolyn & Howard Baum, Roy
Marcia & Joseph Bograd, Naomi & Edward
Sharon & Richard Miller, Pat &
Robert Prail
Michelle & Scott Silodor, Deborah Silodor &
Steven Goldfarb
Maxine & Howard Abner, Marian
& Rick Hyne
Ann & Donald Osur, Andrea & Allen Susser
Paula & Ken Lang, Gen & Milton
Lillian & Fred Knopf, Fran & Barry Knopf
Marian & Ben Stein, Randi Saunders
Eric & Stacy Ostern, Laurie & Jeff Weinstein
On Sunday, April 11 – Yom HaShoa – the Czech Republic Permanent Mission to the U.N. sponsored a memorial to
the victims of the Terezin Concentation Camp, which was located in Czechoslovakia not far from Prague. The
ceremony was held at the Bohemian National Hall in New York City. Past TBT member Eric Mayer was a prime
organizer of the ceremony.
Czech P.M. Jan Fischer was present. He made remarks and presented a government medal to survivors of the Terezin
camp who were present. Fisher himself lost an aunt and other relatives in the Shoa. The centerpiece of the event was a
performance of the Terezin Cantata by the CantaNova Chorale of Ramapo College. Composer Robert Convery put to
music poems written by children in the schools and cultural centers that the Jews operated in Terezienstadt Camp.
Our Temple Beth Tikvah Holocaust Memorial scroll, which is on display in a glass case at the front of our sanctuary,
comes from Brno, a city in the Czech Republic. The Czech government had requested that our scroll be on display at
the ceremony. Because the scroll is fragile, Mr. Mayer recommended a photo essay on the scroll instead. TBT member
Peter Blacksberg took pictures of our scroll which were made into a photo essay, a selection of which is shown below.
Many members of the diplomatic community were in attendance. Attending from TBT were Rabbi Stephen and
Cheryl Wylen, Rabbi Israel Dresner, and Harvey and Lynn Cooper. We were proud of our Temple’s association with
this moving and meaningful memorial.
On April 9, Temple Beth Tikvah welcomed Rabbi Peter
Grumbacher as he delivered this year’s Joseph Gotthelf
Memorial Lecture. Rabbi Grumbacher spoke during
Erev Shabbat Services on “Sharing the Silence: The Son
of A Survivor Tells His Father’s Story.” As the years go
by, fewer and fewer survivors are alive to share their
experiences about what happened in Europe during the
Holocaust. Rabbi Grumbacher shared with us his
father’s story of internment in the Dachau Concentration
Camp, his survival and his emigration to the United
States. It is important that subsequent generations never
forget. Thanks to Janet Shapiro, Adult Ed Chair, for
organizing this most important event.
The seventh graders of Suzanne Rosenzweig’s class in
TBT’s Religious School recently completed a study of
the Modern State of Israel: The Jewish Homeland,
creating a bulletin board “travelogue” of the different
cities of Israel and the various highlights of learning and
culture in Israel. Job well done, students!
On March 26, Seth Prince, son of proud parents Jonathan
& Jacqueline Prince, received the Maccabee Award on the
TBT Bimah from Rabbi Wylen. To earn the Maccabee, a
Cub Scout must complete requirements in six categories:
Jewish personalities, holidays, vocabulary, symbols and
objects, community helpers and heroes. The Maccabee
Award takes its name from Judah Maccabee and his
brothers who led the military and religious struggle
against the Syrian king, Antiochus, who attempted to
suppress the practice of Judaism. Their revolt ended
victoriously in the rededication of the Temple in
Jerusalem in the year 168 B.C.E., as celebrated during the
holiday of Chanukah. The Maccabee medal is a bronze
pendant depicting the Menorah. The pendant is attached
to a bronze bar pin that carries the word "Maccabee."
Mazel Tov to Seth and the entire Prince family!
Under the guidance of TBT Religious School teachers
Dahlia Gutenberg, Laura Hertz and Jayne Silverstein,
our fifth graders prepared for Passover and learned the
stories and meaning behind the symbols and traditions
of Passover, first by making their own Seder Plates and
then by conducting a model chocolate Seder.
SUNDAY, JUNE 6th 11:00 am—Dusk
If you are willing to take a 2-hour shift at the TBT booth at Wayne Day, please contact
Janice at 973-694-1616 or [email protected]. Your help would be MUCH appreciated!
Introducing the First of its Kind Rabbi’s Educational Series
at the Y in Wayne
The YM-YWHA of North Jersey invites the community to join us for our Rabbis’ Educational Series. This
is a great opportunity to learn with several local Rabbis on a variety of subjects. Dates and topics are as follows:
Tues, May 4
Rabbi Josh Finkelstein, Temple Emanuel, Franklin Lakes
Jewish Memory in the 21st Century: Living in a World with No Survivors
Tues., May 11
Rabbi Stephen Wylen, Temple Beth Tikvah, Wayne
Jewish Continuity Strategies in America
Wed., May 26
Rabbi Elyse Frishman, Barnert Temple, Franklin Lakes
The Crisis of Radical Fundamentalism in Israel
Tues, June 1
Rabbi Ken Emert, Temple Beth Rishon, Wyckoff
Synagogue Renewal in an Age of Extreme Choice: Transformation or Demise?
All discussions start at 7:30pm and seating is limited. Admission is free, however, rsvp’s are required. For
further information and to reserve your seat, please call Cheryl, 973-595-0100 ext. 228. The Y is located at
One Pike Drive in Wayne.
Tuesday Evening, June 8, 2010!
The musical comedy
Tuesday Evening, July 13, 2010!
Tony Winners
In the new musical
Tuesday Evening, August 3, 2010
Twyla Tharp’s Kinetic heat to the cool of Frank Sinatra
In the new dazzling dance musical!
And coming in September the newest hit to arrive on Broadway…
What a line-up! 4 wonderful musicals
For tickets and information call Sandy Margolin 973-694-2133
Alan and Mary Geisenheimer on the engagement of their daughter Jill to Craig Bienstock
Jack Braun on the loss of his brother Aaron
Blessings for Renewed Health
Brian Nabatian
Sonnie Trachtenberg
Paula Jacobs
Leslie Frommer
Rickie Bernstein
May 1
Ruth and David Belgard in honor of Kenneth’s Bar Mitzvah
May 7
Carolyn and David Zager in honor of Griffin’s Bar Mitzvah
Ellen Goldin in honor of TBT’s Religious School Graduates
The families of the Religious School Graduates:
Jonathan & Lynne Aber
Jay & Suzanne Kolpon
James & Carrie Blake
Ira & Jodie Ploshnick
Stephen & Julie Calabro
Michael & Mona Schwartz
Bruce & Pamela Epstein
Stephen & Susan West
May 14
Pamela and Craig Sagalow in honor of Jason’s Bar Mitzvah
Michael Hecht in honor of his family
May 21
Janet Shapiro in honor of her Bat Mitzvah
Bobbie and Bob Kraus in honor of Janet Shapiro becoming a Bat Mitzvah
May 28
Ellen and Kirk Cawthorne in honor of Lea’s Bat Mitzvah
Razie and Steven Alexander in honor of Lea’s Bat Mitzvah
Rabbi Stephen and Cheryl Wylen in honor of their anniversary
Monday, May 3
Intergenerational Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM
Wednesday, May 5
Membership Committee Meeting 7:30 PM- off-site
Friday, May 7
Religious School Graduation 8 PM
PTO Scholarship Awards
Monday, May 10
Intergenerational Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM
Comedy Night Committee Meeting 7:00 PM
Classes end Grades 8 and 9
Tuesday, May 11
Classes end Grade 2
Wednesday, May 12
Classes end Grade 1
Thursday, May 13
Classes end Resource Program
Renaissance Club Movie Night
Friday, May 14
Intergenerational Choir Performing at
Erev Shabbat Services 8:00PM
Volunteer Appreciation Oneg Shabbat
Monday, May 17
Classes end Grades 3, 4 and 7
Board of Trustees Meeting 8:00 PM
Tuesday, May 18
Senior Event 1:00 PM
Classes end Grades 5 and 6
Erev Shavuot
Confirmation Dinner 6 PM
Shavuot Worship and Confirmation 8:00 PM
Wednesday, May 19
Shavuot Worship and Yizkor 10:00 AM
Temple office closed
Friday, May 21
Tot Shabbat 7:15 PM
Sunday, May 23
Renaissance Breakfast 9:30 AM
Speaker: Shi Lei 10:30AM
Monday, May 24
Congregational Meeting
Monday, May 31
Memorial Day- Office Closed
Temple Beth Tikvah
B’nai Mitzvah May and June
Golden Book
Tribute Card
Kenneth Belgard
May 1, 2010
Griffin Zager
May 8, 2010
Jason Sagalow
May 15, 2010
Janet Shapiro
May 22, 2010
Lea Cawthorne
May 29, 2010
Joshua Spiegel
June 5, 2010
Sam Goldfarb
June 5, 2010 (Afternoon
Adam Herskovits
June 12, 2010
Ashley Jacobs
June 19, 2010
To send your best wishes to a Bar or Bat Mitzvah who will be called to the Bima in May or June, mark
off each intended recipient either in the Tribute Card ($7.50 ea) column or in the Golden Book ($4.00
each) column and return this completed form to the Temple with your check. Your good wishes will
also be listed in the bulletin.
OTHER: If you would like to purchase a Golden Book or Tribute Card for a special occasion other than
the ones listed above.
I would like to purchase:
Golden Book
In Honor of
In Memory of
Get Well Wishes to
Tribute Cards
@ $7.50 each
Golden Book Cards @ $4.00 each
Total Enclosed
Your Name:
Tribute Card
_____Your Phone #: _____________________
Return this form and check to: TBT. 950 Preakness Ave. Wayne. NJ 07470
Golden Books
Debbie Till & family in memory of mother Sheila Robbins from Andrea & Allen Susser
Debbie Till & family in memory of mother Sheila Robbins from Barbara & Harold Reiss
Mickie & Harry Stricker in honor of birth of Ella, Tori, and Dylan from Alice Osur
Sondra Trachtenberg wishing a speedy recovery from Janice, Jack, Kevin, & Raymond Molnar
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Stricker in honor of birth of grandchildren Ella, Tori, & Dylan from Judy & Mort Segal
Jean & Jack Braun in memory of Aaron Braun, brother of Jack
Morris Krakinowsky & family in memory of Miriam from Miriam Gluzman
Morris Krakinowsky & family in memory of Miriam from Emily Lajterman
Tribute Cards
Jack Braun and family in memory of brother Aaron from Claire and Henry Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Brenner in honor of Michael's Bar Mitzvah from Roz and Howie Jacobs
Griffin Zager in honor of Bar Mitzvah from Gen and Milt Warsaw
Cantor Romalis Music Fund
The Heit Family to thank Cantor Romalis
Peter Till to thank Cantor Romalis
Jill and Mark Mazzarell in honor of Eric and Jayne Mittleberg’s grandson
Jill and Mark Mazzarell in honor of Mr and Mrs Bennett Wasserstrum’s grandson
Myrna and Martin Slatin in memory of Shelly Ayer
Mickie and Harry Stricker in honor of Jill Geisenheimer’s engagement
Charles and Louise Romalis in honor of Janet Shapiro becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Jane and Eric Mittleberg in honor of Cantor Romalis
Dedire Rindner Memorial Fund
Paul Rindner and Derek Rindner in memory of Deidre
Library Fund
Betty and George Garrison in memory of Alice Sadowsky
Marylin Kailo Music and Art Scholarship
Marylin and Norman Kailo in memory of Murray Cole
Marylin and Norman Kailo in memory of Aaron Braun
A lovely way to honor someone’s life cycle event or to offer condolences.
Golden Books are $4.00
Tribute Cards are $7.50
Your name and the recipient's name will be listed in the bulletin
For Golden Books Call:
Sue Kolpon 973-839-0823
*Gen Warsaw 973-595-6207
For Tribute Cards Call:
Claire Wolff 973-305-8144
*packs only—no listing in bulletin
May Donations (continued)
Memorial Fund:
Myrna and Martin Slatin in memory of Louis Herman, Sheri Isenstein and Pearl Hydler
George and Barbara Ginsberg in memory of Fanny Ginsberg
Barbara and Ken Kanoff in memory of Helen Bell
Arlene Burlant in memory of William Burlant
Annette Landis in memory of Nathan Cass
Marilyn and Paul Daitch in memory of Mildred and Max Daitch
Loretta Arlook in memory of Abe Wolfish
Allen and Andrea Susser in memory of Herbert Susser
Janet and Michael Schwartzbard in memory of Natalie Cogen and Ida and Al Schwartzbard
Janet Shapiro in memory of Eleanor Shapiro, Lena Shapiro, Herman Shapiro and Bertha Gaspari
Linda and Alan Lawrence in memory of Irene Sherman
Judy and Eugene Kosson
Bruce and Rochelle Banner in memory of Augusta Banner
Sammy and Tracey Grant in memory of Marty Rakitt
Marylyn Lamstein in memory of Elinor Slagg
Robin Ratliff in memory of Elinor Slagg
Florence Rudman in memory of Robert Rudman
Ann and Thomas Fedor in memory of David and Judith Lipsutz , Marilyn Block and Phyllis Strulowitz
George and Betty Garrison in memory of May Garrison
Nancy and Leonard Rosenberg in memory of Max Rosenberg
Carol Chesney in memory of Ida Spielberg
Herb Friedman
Judy and Howard Ebright in memory of Ruth Halpern and Irving Ebright
Fred and Lillian Knopf in memory of Phillip Solomon
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Thanks to TBT member
Jay Stack, we have a much improved
website that is quite user friendly.
Take a look soon!