November `14 Tikvah Topics


November `14 Tikvah Topics
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Our High Holy Days Food Drive
brought in 1,216 pounds of food
Read more on page 2.
Congregation Beth Tikvah • 6121 Olentangy River Road • Worthington, OH 43085
Phone: 614-885-6286 • Fax: 614-885-4052 •
Services Schedule
Nov. 1
9 a.m. Torah Study
Thank You November
Bima Flower and Oneg Sponsors
Please call the temple office if you wish to sponsor bima flowers, a pre-oneg or oneg.
Nov. 7
Oneg Sponsors are still needed for Nov. 7 and 28.
7:15 p.m. Veterans’ Shabbat
Nov. 8
9 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating the Bat
Mitzvah of Hannah O’Connell
Nov. 14
Nov. 7
Nov. 21
Bima flowers sponsors
Bima flowers sponsors
John & Stacie O’Connell in honor
of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,
Oneg table flowers
5:45 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Alive
Jackie & Mitchell Kon in memory of
Jackie’s mother, Carole Saltzman
Nov. 15
Franklin & Dixie Adkins in honor of
the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter,
Bentley Adkins
Oneg sponsors
Beth Tikvah Brotherhood in honor of
Stu Zweben, recipient of the 2014 Ed
Schecter Founders Award
9 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating the Bar
Mitzvah of Jackson Scaglione
Nov. 14
Beth & Wesley Walter in honor of their
25th wedding anniversary
Nov. 28
5:45 p.m. Tikvah Tots
6:15 p.m. Tikvah Tots Dinner
7:15 p.m. Shabbat
Evening Service
Bima flowers and Oneg sponsors
Bima flowers sponsors
Nov. 21
Pre-Oneg sponsors
Sheri & Nick Scaglione in honor of the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jackson
Judi & Al Bindman in honor of their
wedding anniversary
Nov. 22
9 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating the
Bat Mitzvah of Bentley Adkins
6:30 p.m. Gan Family Ed
Nov. 28
7:15 p.m. Shabbat
Evening Service
Nov. 29
No Torah Study
Inside this issue
4th/5th grade retreat
Meet our
B’nai Mitzvahs
Israel Trip Info
Mazel Tovs
New High Holy Days
Leaders, Sponsors
and Contributors
Social Action - Contact Alex Joseph at [email protected]
Thank you Beth Tikvah
for a successful food drive
With a Great Big Thank You! to the
Beth Tikvah Congregation members
that participated in the High Holy Day
Food Drive, Matt Mazer and the BethTY
kids for their tireless dissemination of
Food Drive Flyers and Paper Bags, followed by their collection of food and
other items, and last, but not least, Rachel Levin for transforming the Food
Drive flyer into a multimedia experience. Beth Tikvah was very successful in providing over $1,000 in cash
contributions via our virtual drive and
delivering 1,216 POUNDS of food and
personal care items. The in-kind value
of these items is $2,055. The virtual and
regular food drive resulted in a net of a
little over $3,000 dollars. Thank you for
your commitment which benefitted the
Worthington Resource Pantry. It was
such an amazing experience to deliver all
of those items and see it almost instantaneously go out to community members
in need. Think about how much good we
did when we combined our efforts as a
congregation. Imagine how much more
good we can do together!
It is our goal to provide the Worthington Resource Pantry with a rotating
schedule of volunteers to help staff their
needs. They only have three full-time
paid employees and rely on the kindness
of volunteers to upkeep the facilities and
help get the donations out to those in
need. If you want to feel an incredible
high and almost instantaneous gratification contact me and get on the schedule.
Thank you! Thank you again for your
generosity! What a wonderful note on
which to start our new year!
With Blessings
A message from Rabbi Rick Kellner
As I think back on the recent
weeks, I feel so blessed to be
part of this incredible and spiritually uplifting community. To
look out at our sanctuary filled
with people gathered in prayer
is a sight that is awe inspiring.
Anyone who stood on the bima
could appreciate this impressive sea of people. So much of
what was spiritually uplifting
was the soulful and prayerful
music that inspired us to reach
new heights. This music, under
the guidance and direction of
our Director of Musical Programming, Julie Sapper, helps
us to find so much meaning in
our prayers. While Julie has
been part of our community
for years, teaching music in our
Religious School and accompanying our Shabbat Alive band
since its onset, she took on the
leadership role as our director
of musical programming just
over a year ago. Her talents,
passion and wisdom are outstanding and you can see on
a week-to-week basis the soul
that she brings to the music.
We are also blessed to have
two incredible Cantorial Soloists. Cindy Leland joined our
congregation in the Spring of
2012. She brings to us an incredible passion for Jewish music.
Prior to joining the Beth Tikvah
family, Cindy served as a Cantorial Soloist here in Columbus
and in Israel. She has studied
with numerous “greats” in the
Jewish world including Debbie
Friedman, Bonia Shur and Ben
Steinberg. Cindy brings an incredible creativity and thoughtfulness about the liturgy, the
season and the themes connecting us to the larger Jewish
world and Israel. Cindy has also
coordinated a number of concerts and musical performances
throughout Columbus.
Our other Cantorial Soloist, John Stefano, is a longtime member of Congregation
Beth Tikvah. He has served as
a Cantorial Soloist for many
years here and has gradually increased his responsibilities over
time. John also has a passion
for Jewish music which grew
through his participation in
the URJ Biennial choirs. Such
choirs are composed of more
than 100 people who come together for four days every other
year to create a prayer experience for thousands of Reform
Jews. He has brought much of
this music back to Beth Tikvah.
John’s voice can also be heard
in our Shironim every month.
John collaborates with Julie in
the leadership of the group and
is often seen conducting during
the holidays and Shabbat.
The voices of the Shironim
have been a part of our congregation for more than a
generation. While some individuals have moved away and
are no longer part of this talented group, we continue to
be blessed with angelic voices.
They lead our services once a
month and bring many moments of meditation and joy.
They next services they will
lead are on Nov. 21 and Dec. 14.
This year Shironim will have
some extraordinary highlights.
One is a Shabbat dedicated to
Debbie Friedman’s memory
on Jan. 23. Another is March
6. This Shabbat is dedicated
to Civil Rights and the 50th
anniversary of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marching alongside the Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. from
Selma to Montgomery. We
will also welcome the choir
of the Good Shepherd Baptist Church that evening. On
May 15, the Shironim will join
with our newly formed youth
choir for an intergenerational
vocal performance.
Lastly, we are grateful to
the musicians of our Shabbat
Alive Band who bless us with
their passion and talents each
and every month. They fill
our sanctuary with music and
provide a lively sound which
creates a different experience
from other Shabbats. They
will bring joy to our community Hanukkah celebration
and have already enhanced our
Simchat Torah celebration.
We are so fortunate to have
these two outstanding groups
of volunteers who give us the
gift of music. The month following the High Holy Days is
called Cheshvan. The rabbis
call it Mar Cheshvan, the bitterness of Cheshvan, because there
are no holidays. Here at Beth
Tikvah we are lucky enough to
temper this sadness with music. We celebrate each Shabbat
through the wonderful music
of our Cantorial Soloists, our
Shironim and the instruments
of the Shabbat Alive Band.
We are
to have
groups of
who give
us the
gift of
fill our
a lively
that is
A letter from the President
At Rosh HaShanah and in my email
to the congregation, I shared some early
thoughts about the board’s work during
the past year. We have analyzed key Beth
Tikvah trends and identified space needs
for our growing religious school. Our
enrollment has grown from 181 students
in 2011 to 237 this year.
To that end, I appointed a special feasibility committee to analyze, organize
and prioritize our congregational needs.
This committee has been chaired by Tara
Rozen and consists of Debbie Ecker, Ilissa Eiferman, Wendi Stern, and Stacy
Levin. After presenting their recommendations to the board, we are excited to
share them with the congregation.
The committee kept our congregational culture for conservative fiscal management and our education focused mission
in mind. It also was mindful of our emphasis on relationship-building among
our members.
It became clear that we need to add
some additional classrooms to our building and improve the flexibility of our existing classrooms in order to keep our
K-6 religious school students in a single
morning session. We’ve had split morning sessions in the past, but they were
not ideal. The sense of community created when all of our parents and students
come together on Sunday mornings is
integral to our children making lasting
connections to the Jewish community
they will carry with them throughout
their lives. Although we added some
classroom space in our latest renovation,
the primary driver of that project was the
addition of our new sanctuary. Our long
term education needs were not fully addressed. So, working with our religious
school committee, we formulated a plan
for additional and more flexible religious
school space.
We also have recognized the need
for an improved and renovated kitchen.
Our current kitchen makes it difficult
for congregants to bake together, caterers to serve at events, and precludes us
from having much programming such as
cooking classes.
Consistent with our desire to serve
our members, in particular to provide
education to all age groups and foster
the development of relationships among
our families, the committee also began
looking at whether we could host a faith
based early childhood program on site.
This committee knew our recent history
and that our current zoning prevents
having an early childhood program on
site. The committee began working with
the city of Worthington and the JCC to
see if, during this expansion and renovation plan, we might also be able to make
our building the home of an early childhood program during the week. As the
committee made progress, they learned
a great deal about changing our zoning
plan and early childhood requirements.
In early June, the board authorized the
committee to hire an architect to explore
the potential expansion and to establish
a firm cost estimate of the potential project. The committee selected M+A Architects, an experienced organization which
has done much work in Worthington, including the educational space for several
In August, the committee presented
a series of ideas to the board that would
encompass improving our education
wing through a combination of renovation and expansion along the East side of
the building (the side facing Olentangy
River Road). In addition, the recommended plan includes adding a new library / multi-purpose room on the West
side of the building to accommodate our
meeting space needs, and a renovation
of our kitchen. This renovation plan also
adds much needed storage and ensures
that the new space would meet current
accreditation requirements for an early
childhood program.
Simultaneously, the committee began
meeting with our neighbors and the City
of Worthington, with a goal to understand if we might be able to gain consensus on our overall vision. Our neighbors
have a myriad of different opinions and
positions, but tend to agree that Beth
Tikvah has generally been a good neighbor, despite our differences over the
years. In particular, our neighbors worry
about a future exit out the back of our
parking lot into the Shaker Square neigh-
borhood (this idea
has been proposed a
couple of times over
the years). They also
want to maintain the
feel of the wooded
lot of our back acre.
It turns out that a preschool is less of a
concern for them than these other two
As a result, we have been actively
working with the city and our neighbors to find common ground and see
if there is an amicable way forward for
Beth Tikvah in its desire to host an early
childhood program on site. We have not
reached consensus yet, but healthy conversations are ongoing.
Tara and the feasibility committee have
completed the first three presentations
to our congregation and we will schedule several more outlining this plan in
greater detail. In my next letter, I will include additional thoughts on the specific
building ideas along with an outline of
the costs and financing plan. Financially,
this plan would require a combination of
using existing congregational assets, rent
from the JCC, and new pledges and donations from our members. It is vital that
we communicate the ideas and recommendations behind this plan to as many
members as possible. And of course,
any building improvements of this size
require a congregational vote of support
before the project could proceed.
I look forward to sharing more details in the coming weeks through email,
Tikvah Topics, and in-person. Please
feel free to contact the feasibility committee members, our senior staff, or any
member of the Board of Trustees to learn
more details and to share your thoughts.
My door is always open to all congregants on this and any other Beth Tikvah
related item.
This is an important time in our congregation, and I am excited to share more
details as they unfold.
A note about education
It was wonderful seeing everyone over the High Holy
Day season! Thank you for
allowing me the opportunity
to share the music of Kol Nidre with you all on my cello!
This year, we had two options
for our Religious School age
students to celebrate and learn
about the High Holy Days. We
had the traditional 3rd-6th
Junior Congregation Service
program led by Ben Azriel, our
Students participated in experiential T’fliah, as well as some
really great activities including making green apple and
honey soda. This year the Department of Education implemented new educational programming for kids in Gan-2nd
grade for the High Holy Days.
It was very well received, with
42 children attending on Rosh
HaShanah, and approximately
30 kids on Yom Kippur. I had
a wonderful time being “back
in the classroom” with this age
group, learning through stories, songs, crafts and interactive multimedia. We also had
a phenomenal group of teens
who volunteered to assist with
the programming for both
age groups. I am so thankful
that we have such a passionate
group of young educators in
our Madrichim program!
I am excited to take this
time and share some updates
on a continuing initiative of
the Department of Education
and Religious School Committee. As many of you may
recall, two years ago we began
a journey with the Union for
Reform Judaism called the
B’nai Mitzvah Revolution Ac-
tive Learning Network. To begin this process, we convened
a small focus group of parents,
teachers, and other lay leaders
to explore the B’nai Mitzvah
process at Beth Tikvah, and
identify areas in the process
that we thought could be “revolutionized.” We identified a
key area to focus on: our 7th
grade curriculum. Over the
summer prior to the 201213 school year, Brad Rozen.
our 7th grade teacher, and I
worked to develop new experiences for our students, which
laid the foundation for our 7th
grade “B’nai Mitzvah Learning
Lab.” Through this curricular
initiative, students are deepening their understanding of the
context of B’nai Mitzvah, practicing skills such as the Torah
processional and putting on
a tallit, as well as taking part
in unique tikkun olam experiences in the community to
strengthen their connection to
performing mitzvot. I was able
to share our work at the 2013
URJ Biennial Convention in
San Diego, where all Active
Learning Network Congregations came together for three
days of learning and sharing.
The next step in this process
began this week, as the next
element in this process, BMR
Focused Learning Groups,
kicked off. Along with 10 other congregations in the United
States, we will be focusing on
the topic of engaging families
in the B’nai Mitzvah process,
which we hope will help revolutionize B’nai Mitzvah in our
congregation and make it a
a stepping stone to a lifelong
commitment to Judaism. One
way we hope to achieve this
goal is through the implementation of our 6th Grade
Family Shabbaton in January
(details to follow). Through
our focused learning group
we will:
• Choose an area of B’nai
Mitzvah to focus on during
the year
• Meet every two months
online with other BMR congregations wrestling with the
same topic
• Learn with an expert
• Select a year-long project
complementary to the Learning Group topic and gain
valuable insights
• Engage in data collection as
a way to learn how well we are
meeting our goals and so that
we can make strategic decisions to impact change.
The overall goal is to end
the practice of B’nai Mitzvah
as a “graduation from Religious School.” Through the focused learning group we will
learn together with an expert
in the field, Wendy Grinberg,
about ways to help transform
thought on this subject. Grinberg is the lead researcher and
innovating mind behind Jewish Education Lab (JEDLAB).
She is a creative Jewish educator with over fifteen years of
experience in formal and informal education from early
childhood to adult learners
in all kinds of settings. I am
thrilled to be working with her
as our mentor for this process!
Please contact
Morissa with
any questions.
Email her at
For more
about the
project, visit:
For more
visit: http://
Mazel Tov to our November B’nai Mitzvahs
Hannah O’Connell
Jackson Thomas Scaglione
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
Hannah is an 8th
grader at Memorial
Middle School in
Hilliard. She is
volunteering at the
Hilliard Food Pantry
for her mitzvah
project. Hannah likes
helping others who
are in need and she
is donating food, as
well as volunteering
and will assist with
their Holiday Drive
in December. In
her spare time,
Hannah likes playing
volleyball and
spending time with
her friends.
Jackson Scaglione,
the son of Sheri and
Nick Scaglione, will
be called to the Torah
as a Bar Mitzvah on
Nov. 15. Jackson is a
7th grader at Liberty
Middle School and
lives in Powell. He
runs cross country,
plays in the school
band and is a Boy
Scout. In his free time,
Jackson loves to read
and play soccer. He also loves to spend the summer at
Camp Wise.
For his mitzvah project, Jackson is working with
the National MS Society to collect donations for
holiday bags which will be delivered to individuals
with MS who reside in nursing homes or are isolated
within their homes.
Religious School - Contact Wendi Stern
at [email protected]
Bentley Sarah Adkins
Support our children, join the
Religious School Committee
Nov. 22
Bentley is
in the 8th grade
at Sells Middle
School in Dublin,
where she plays
cello in the
orchestra and
participates in
the drama club,
student council,
Junior Teen
Institute and
Power of the Pen.
Outside of school,
Bentley plays the
piano and soccer,
and likes to go
skiing, bake and
read. In her free time, Bentley enjoys spending time
with her friends and with her sister, Aiden.
The Religious School
Committee is looking for
more interested congregants
to participate. The committee is comprised of members
who want to have input on
programming and policies
related to the operation of
the Religious School here at
Beth Tikvah. The committee
meets five times each year
and helps organize several
events throughout the year,
such as the Purim Carnival.
The committee also provides oversight of the Religious School Dedicated Account, which is used to fund
and to assist teens financially
with the cost of travel to
You are invited to attend
meetings at any time to
share ideas and learn more
about what is going on
within the Religious School.
The committee meets at 7
p.m. at Beth Tikvah and is
scheduled for the following
• Monday, Dec. 8
• Thursday, Jan. 29
• Thursday, March 19
• Monday, April 27
If you have any questions, please contact Wendi
Stern at 614-777-4205 or
[email protected].
Second Annual expanded
4th and 5th Grade Reform
Community Shabbat Retreat!
Congregation Beth Tikvah,
Temple Israel, and Temple Beth
Shalom were awarded an incentive grant from the Jewish Federation of Columbus to continue this
community building initiative.
We had an amazing time last year,
and are excited to expand this program to both 4th and 5th graders.
4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7 through
3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8
at Deer Creek State Park.
Transportation will be provided
to/from Deer Creek with buses
departing from Easton.
$35 per student
*Prior RSVP Required
Join us for Tikvah Tots
With Second Grade Participation
Nov. 21
5:45 p.m. Service
6:15 p.m. Dinner
Dinner Cost: $6 per person
Look for RSVP information in “News From Beth Tikvah” and
the “Thursday Buzz”
at Beth Tikvah
with PJ Pals
Sunday, Nov. 23 at 3 p.m.
Create your own meaningful
Hanukkah art piece. Select either a
Dreidel, Menorah or Star of David
Nov. 23 at Beth Tikvah
after Religious School
Our parent-led youth group for children
in 3rd through 5th grade will be hosting
a Hanukkah party. Stay tuned to the
“Thursday Buzz” for more information.
Please RSVP by Nov. 16
and select a project:
Thank you to
our contributors:
• Judy & Al Bindman in memory
of Judy’s mother, Hilda Gross
• Nada & Robert Mazurek in
memory of Dorothy Nibert, mother
of Jim Nibert; in memory of
Robert Mickler, brother of
Wendy Grindstaff
• Liz & Andy Shafran with
appreciation to Barb Mindel for
tutoring their son, Max, for his
Bar Mitzvah
In memory of Esther Cohen, mother
of Rebecca Gutcher
• Marsha & D.C. Boudreau
• Sally A. Rae
• Anne Semerar-Gwin
• Joan R. Wentz
• Charlene & Bruce Chelnick and
Family in honor of
Sharon Chelnick’s Bat Mitzvah
• Judy & Michael Krasnoff in
honor of their friendship with
Marty & Dossy Gelender
• Janet & Gary Meckler in
memory of Roz Goldway, mother of
Marty Kalb
• Adele & Steven Blazey in
appreciation of the High Holy Day
• Linda & Les Kellner in honor of
the Bar Mitzvah of Max Shafran
• Liz & Andy Shafran in
appreciation for Julie Sapper and
John Stefano for their musical
accompaniment at the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Max
• Marsha & Wilson Pond in
memory of Marsha’s mother,
Gertrude Rocker Landau
• Susan & Louis Pomerantz
in honor of the birth of their
grandson, Ethan Pomerantz, son of
Brian & Nicole Pomerantz
FUND (Gary A. Huber)
• Karen & Chuck Boster in
memory of Chuck’s father, Morris
FUND (Richard M.C.
• Marilyn & Stuart Cooper in
memory of Marilyn’s mother,
Goldie Portnoy
• Myriam & Steven Gluck in
honor of Barb Mindel’s dedication
to teaching Torah
• Yelena Feldman &
Leonid Gorelik with gratitude for a
beautiful wedding ceremony
• Evelyn Greenspan in memory of
her husband, Earl Greenspan
• Cary & Robert Lindberg in
honor of their wedding, and in
appreciation of Rabbi Kellner
• Liz & Andy Shafran in
appreciation for Rabbi Kellner, and
in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their
son, Max
• Anita Steinbergh &
Thomas Johnston in memory of
Anita’s father, David R. Steinbergh
In appreciation for the
High Holy Day Services
•Robert K. Feist
•Toni & Melvyn Meyers
•Shelley Nathan in appreciation
for the holiday services and in
memory of her parents, Gilbert
& Norma Michaels
•Beverly & Lewis Stern in
appreciation of Rabbi Kellner for
the inspiring Rosh HaShanah
•Lisa & Marc Tennenbaum
Contributions Con’t.
of Prayer
“Prayer is not entertainment,
it is a discipline like music,
running, or meditation.”
Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
• Do you feel lost sometimes
in services?
• Do you want to learn why our
prayerbook is written the way it is?
• Do you want to connect with God
or do you want God to connect
with you?
The Jazz of Prayer is FOR YOU
One Monday evening each
month the class will meet with
Rabbi Kellner to dive into the
depths of Jewish prayer. It will
explore various layers of themes,
history and spirituality to make the
siddur come to life.
7:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 17, Dec. 1,
Jan. 5, Feb. 2, March 2, April 13
and May 11
RSVP to the office 614-885-6286
Rabbi Huber’s Fall Class:
Still More
Rabbi Huber will teach his
ongoing class STILL MORE MIDRASH on Nov. 4, 11 &
18, from 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Midrash refers to the
non-legal writings of the
great sages and scholars of
the Talmudic period.
While there is no charge
for the class, please let us
know you are interested in
attending by phoning the
office at 614-885-6286.
Israel o
Breakfa er
Do you love Israel? Do you
want to learn more about
what Israelis face every day?
Do you want to discuss the
challenges of peoplehood,
the conflict, Israel’s internal
struggle for existence and
anything else that might come
up each month?
Join us the third Wednesday
of each month for a delicious
breakfast at Panera
on Bethel Road at 8:30 a.m.
Call the office at
614-885-6286 to RSVP
Nov. 19
And you shall
teach them to
your children?
Judaism teaches us it is a
mitzvah to pass tradition on
to our children. How do you
know what to pass on?
Parents (and grandparents
too!) are invited to join with
Rabbi Kellner as we dive into
the world of teaching Jewish
values to our children.
Nov. 9 topic:
“He did it, no she did it”...
Making peace in the home
Join Rabbi Kellner
from 9:45- 10:45 a.m.
(during Religious School)
Nov. 9, Dec. 14,
Jan. 11, Feb. 8 and March 22
Rabbi’s Tisch
Raising Jewish Kids
in a non-Jewish world
Please join Rabbi Kellner at 7 p.m. on
Nov. 13 for an exploration of how to
build partnerships with our schools
and communities at the home of
Jim & Ilene Burkart.
Space is limited. Please RSVP to the
office as soon as possible by calling
614-885-6286 or emailing Joanne at
[email protected].
In addition to your RSVP please bring
a bottle of wine, an hors d’oeuvre or a
dessert to share.
Veterans’ Shabbat
Join Beth Tikvah on
Nov. 7, at 7:15 p.m.
as we honor our Veterans.
Member Joe Botto will share his
experience of serving our country
during a time of war.
Beth Tikvah’s Veterans
Richard Abrams
Ira Mersack
Timothy Barker
Alan Belasco
John Bender
Allen Bloomberg
Joe Botto
Merom Brachman
Steven Bromet
Michael Bruce
Norman Cohen
Edwin Dauerman
Arthur Davidson
Elliot Davidoff
Howard Fink
Mike Fliegel
Philip Franta
Marty Gelender
Jason Gilbreath
Mark Green
Brad Gutcher
Rebecca Gutcher
Tim Hedges
Sol Josen
Herb Kahn
Stan Karn
Doug Kreiselman
Dave Lambermont
Bruce Lent
Ken Tecklenburg
*Jack Laib
Gene Levy
Stan Lewis
Jay Loewenstein
Wayne Miller
Scott Movshin
Bernard Pasternack
Louis Pomerantz
Howard Poriss
Grant Rosen
Richard Sabgir
*Bill Slabodnick
*Ed Schecter
Morris Schwartz
Don Simon
Albert Soloway
*Jim Sniderman
Ed Sterling
*Joel Stern
Kenneth Verhaeghe
Daniel Yaross
Jacques Zakin
Adult Biblical
/ Prayerbook
Hebrew Classes
beginning Thursday, Nov. 6.
10-11 a.m., Beginners Class
(no Hebrew experience)
In this class, we will learn to
decode the Hebrew alphabet,
while learning vocabulary.
11 a.m. -noon, Advanced
Beginners Class (can decode all
Hebrew letters/vowels)
In this class, we will work on
decoding fluency, learning to read
for meaning through the study of
shoreshim (roots), vocabulary, and
some basic grammar.
Class taught by Morissa Freiburg
and will run through May.
$20 materials fee for members.
Also open to non-members at
a higher fee. Email Morissa if
interested! Bring a friend!
College Shabbat
Join us as we welcome home and
honor our college students. We
will also learn about their Jewish
experiences in college.
Dec. 26 at 7:15 p.m.
Use the same Amazon you
normally do, but Beth Tikvah gets
a share of the profit. It’s a fun
easy way to give to Beth Tikvah.
and log in to your Amazon account
* signify members who have passed away
Contributions Con’t.
• Debbie & Doug King in memory
of Jean Haskell, mother of
Ron Haskell
• Rob Loewenstein &
Marilyn Schear in honor of
Joan Loewenstein’s “special
• Shelly & Barry Igdaloff in honor
of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Shafran
• Margaret & Kenneth Gutcher in
memory of Esther Cohen, mother
of Rebecca Gutcher
• Rhonda Moskowitz &
Chris Farrar in appreciation for
the honor of Rhonda’s chanting
Torah for Yom Kippur and
Valia Bergelson’s tutoring
• Elisa Alcabes in memory of
Esther Cohen, mother of
Rebecca Gutcher
Cindy McCarty
Kathy H. Taylor
Linda & Richard Thomas
Meryl & David Weinstein
For more information about the
different funds please visit our
Fund of the month:
Hanukkah Mispacha Fund
In Loving Memory:
• Molly Berliner, grandmother of
member Shana Birely
• Robert Alan Mickler, brother of
member Wendy Grindstaff
• Ruth Ann Blank, mother of
member Andrew Blank
• Gary McBride, brother of
member Nancy Schick
Thank you volunteers:
• Inge Guttman, for labeling
Tikvah Topics the day before Rosh
• Elaine Selekman, for filing a
mountain of paperwork
• Darla Abraham, for editing
Tikvah Topics
• David Binkovitz for
photographing BT events
High Holy Day Torah Readers
• Ariel Gluck
• Mara Sanderow
• Matthew Barrile
• Zach Leder
• Sharon Chelnick
• Rhonda Moskowitz
• Morgan Dolchin
• Carl Buford
• Audrey Rosenstein
HHD Shironim and Musicians
• Priscilla Bresler
• Hilary Damaser
• Mike Fliegel
• Marsha Huber
• Doug King
• Doug Kreiselman
• Tema Krempley
• Peg Levine
• Barb Mindel
• Dani Robbins
• Myriam Solomon
• John Stefano
• Alyson Vigneron
• Morissa Freiberg
• Al Bindman
Thank you Leaders,
Sponsors and Contributors
The extra funds you committed sustain Beth Tikvah,
and enable us to welcome all families. We are incredibly grateful. Thank you!
Beth Tikvah Leaders contributed more than double the
sustaining amount. Thank you.
• Ruth Abrams
• Steve Peale & Melissa Lamb Peale
• Mark & Joann Rosenberg
• Greg & Anne Russell
• Don & Helene Simon
• Jacques & Laura Zakin
Beth Tikvah Sponsors contributed more than one and a half
times the sustaining amount. Thank you.
• Lee & Darla Abraham
• David Applebaum
• Stewart Aron &
Sonia Sniderman Aron
• John & Roberta Bender
• Robert & Sandra Bornstein
• Andrew Smith & Lavea Brachman
• Merom & Judith Brachman
• Philip & Shelley Engler
• Donald & Myong Feinstein
• Rich & Patti Fertel
• Gideon & Alice Fraenkel
• Chad & Charlotte Friedman
• Harvey & Audrey Glick
• Steven & Karen Heiser
• Dawn Heyman
• Barry & Shelly Igdaloff
• Hal Keller & Laurie Kaps Keller
• Howard & Stacy Levin
Beth Tikvah Contributors contributed more than the
sustaining amount. Thank you.
• David Binkovitz
• Allan & Katherine Burkman
• Sharon Chelnick & Chris Wojno
• Cara & Bill Cloyd
• Stuart & Marilyn Cooper
• Elliot & Margie Davidoff
• Barry & Ellen Edelman
• Bette Feist
• Michael Flamm & Jennifer McNally
• Sylvan & Bonnie Frank
• Harvey & Evie Freeman
• Ron & Lynne Gaines
• Mark & Jennifer Gams
• Marty & Dossy Gelender
• Bill & Rhoda Gilbert
• Shelley Grieve Zerkel &
Danny Zerkel
• Alice & Tom Hilliard
• Dan & Ky Jaffe
• Richard & Janet Kass
• Doug & Debbie King
• Robert & Jean Lewis
• Ernie & Cheryl Mandell
• Joel & Connie Mayerson
• Bradley & Kelly Needleman
• Marsha & Wilson Pond
• Sid & Patti Price
• William & Erin Rabinowitz
• Bradley & Tara Rozen
• Lewis & Jennifer Sanderow
• Lance & Sue Schneier
• Andy & Liz Shafran
• Lewis & Donna Shore
• Ron & Ruth Siegle
• Don & Rhoda Simon
• Anita Steinbergh &
Thomas Johnston
• Michael & Barbara Taxier
• Stu & Rochelle Zweben
• Rick & Stephanie Kleban
• Jim & Wendy Klein
• Michael & Judy Krasnoff
• Eric Kraut & Patricia Cirino Kraut
• Marc & Ranee Leder
• Thomas & Ellen Lemberger
• Douglas & Susan Levin
• Maury & Susan Levine
• Manny & Rose Luttinger
• Jeff & Jane Lyon
• Robert & Nada Mazurek
• Richard & Nancy Pawliger
• Jim & Sherry Peck
• Martha Phillips
• Stacie Presser & Marla Dolchin
• Dani Robbins & Roy Barnewall
• Mark & Marie Segal
• Randy & Wendi Stern
• Herb & Judy Weisberg
• Robert & Sally Weisman
Fundraising - Contact Dora Sterling at [email protected]
Coming Feb. 28, 2015:
“The People vs. Abraham”
This a mock trial in which YOU,
the audience, decide if our first
patriarch, Abraham, is guilty or
innocent of child endangerment
and attempted murder of his son,
Biblical mock trials held in
other cities have been called
“Riveting!” “Intellectually playful!”
and entertaining at the same
time!” This year’s offering comes
to Columbus with an all-star legal,
religious, civic and academic cast!
Tickets are $30 - $125. CLE and
CE credits for attorneys and social
workers are include with the price
of a $125, $75 or $60 tickets.
This fundraiser is a joint venture
of Congregation Beth Tikvah and
Capital University Law School, and
will be held at Mees Auditorium in
If you are interested in being a
part of the debut of what promises
to be an annual Columbus
event, contact Dora Sterling at
[email protected].
Details will be published in coming
weeks, but congregants are being
recruited to help plan and staff the
event NOW!
Membership - Contact Debbie King at [email protected]
Hilliard Zip Tag and Shishim fun for all
In November, several of the
Zip Tag groups will be holding
another function. If your group
had an event, and you would like
to help plan the next gathering
please contact me or the person
that planned the first happening.
Ask us when the next Zip Tag is,
how you can help plan it or to plan
it yourself.
If your ZIP code has not met yet,
please volunteer to be the point
person to get your area involved.
Just contact me, and I will help you
get started.
The Hilliard Zip Tag group is
really doing a lot. If you are part of
the Hilliard school district but your
ZIP code is not Hilliard, please
contact Lois Winnick-Chapman at
[email protected],
let her know you would like to
be added to the Hilliard Zip Tag
distribution list.
Shishim group held a wonderful
October program. All who attended
the guided tour of the Wexner
Family Art Collection and the
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and
Museum really enjoyed themselves.
The Nov. 13 program is focused
on Self-defense.
Rabbi Cary
Kozberg, Director of Spiritual
Life at Wexner Heritage Village,
explores the mitzvah of personal
self-defense. Maimonides instructs
that our best efforts at living a
moral, holy life do not guarantee
that the immoral, destructive
decisions of others will not affect
us. Sometimes physical force may
be needed to preserve the lives and
well being of ourselves and others.
Following lunch, learn personal
self-defense. Text study and the
learning of basic self-defense
techniques are included. Since
the session will involve physical
activity, participants should wear
loose clothing.
If you are interested in attending
the program please contact Ann
McElligott (annmcelligott@yahoo.
com) or Joyce Sabgir (jsabgir@ to get involved with
Mazel Tov!
• Susan & Louis Pomerantz whose
grandson, Ethan Pomerantz, was
born to their son and daughter-inlaw, Brian & Nicole Pomerantz
on Sept. 2.
• Steve & Bridget Dritz’s first
grandchild, Allison (Allie) Olivia
Dritz, was born on Sept. 3. Her
parents, Nicole and Simon Dritz,
are doing well.
• Bruce Chapman &
Lois Winnick-Chapman, and
Rachel & Jamie Shaw on the birth
of their grandson and nephew,
Jaxson David Neel, on Sept. 29.
His parents are Amanda & Jay
• Members Katy and Lee Starr on
the birth of their son, Theodore,
on Sept. 22.
• Elika Bergelson, daughter
of members Valia & Vitaly
Bergelson, on receiving one of 17
Early Independence Awards from
National Institutes of Health.
• Dan “BC” Brodsky-Chenfeld,
son of member Mimi Chenfeld,
on being inducted into the
National Skydiving Museum’s
Hall of Fame.
• Members Jackie Morris &
David Bell on their wedding on
Oct. 18.
• Members Harvey &
Evie Freeman on the birth of their
grandson, Cooper Lewis Knowles,
born Oct. 15. The parents are their
daughter, Naomi Freeman and her
husband Brett Knowles.
• Cara Barker, daughter of
members Tim & Cindy Barker,
whose Master’s Thesis play, “The
Colored Museum,” opened on
Oct. 17 and will run through
Nov. 1. Cara is a member
of the California Repertory
Company, which routinely
produces theatrical performances
throughout Southern California.
• Members Wendy & Seth Young
on their wedding Oct. 27 in NY.
Welcome to our
new members:
• Harry & Nancy Burman
• Marilee Bush
• Sarah, Tim, Cameron & Abby
• Bob & Toba Feldman
• David, Meryl & Rachel
• Jessica Horowitz-Moore, Joel &
Oliver Moore
• Suzi Wilkoff & Deb Landig
•Penny Wyman
• Laura, Ryan, Madeline &
Andrew King
Thanks to the 28 families who
support us this way,
we received $442
last quarter.
Our number is 80474.
Log on to
communityrewards to update.
Ritual - Contact Cindy Barker at [email protected]
High Holy Days in review
The Ritual Committee (RC)
would like to thank the following
individuals for the wonderful
and meaningful High Holy Days
(HHD) 2014 at Beth Tikvah:
Rabbi Rick Kellner; Julie Sapper;
Cindy Leland; John Stefano;
Debbie Vinocur and the entire
our wonderful Shironim; our
leading our second-day Rosh
HaShanah services; everyone who
participated in our services; our
BethTY youth group members
and their advisor, Matt Mazer;
Anita Steinbergh for coordinating
our ushers and greeters; David
Binkovitz for his thoughtful and
thorough guidance in that effort;
all of our ushers and greeters; our
fantastic custodial staff; and our
Board Members for their support
in enhancing our visual and audio
improvements. Our services were
beautiful, filled with touching
moments in which our congregants
shared their stories, experienced
the triumph of reading from the
Torah, and simply participated in
our great community. The fact that
people could see the Bima more
easily this year made the services
even more special.
At our next meeting, the RC
will review and discuss feedback
from HHD that will include input
from our congregants, ushers and
greeters, administrative staff, the
RC, Rabbi Kellner and others. We
will also discuss possible changes
to future HHD services.
We are also busy preparing our
“Mishkan HaNafesh” (our new
HHD Prayer Books) dedication
campaign. We are developing a
dedication letter to be distributed
to our congregation, promotions
and order forms to appear in Tikvah
Topics, and finalizing our process
for fulfilling orders.
We look forward to a happy,
healthy and active New Year!
Dedicate a new “Mishkan HaNafesh” High
Holy Days prayer book to someone you love
Are you looking for a meaningful Hanukkah, Bar or Bat Mitzvah,
birthday, anniversary, or “thinking of you” gift? Would you like to
create a lasting impression while making a valuable contribution?
‫שכן הנפש‬
‫ה נוראים‬
We have the answer!
Consider dedicating a new set of our “Mishkan HaNafesh” High
Holy Days prayer books in honor of your family members, friends
and colleagues.
Be on the lookout for more news about our “Mishkan HaNafesh”
dedication effort in future issues of Tikvah Topics!
‫חזור לימ ים‬
for the D EF ES H
ays of Aw
Hi gh Ho
ly Days
Sa mp le
Sisterhood - Contact Ilissa Eiferman at [email protected]
, Come join us at the home of WR
IN Rachel Lambermont, North American WRJ J!
W Board member and proud Beth Tikvah Sisterhood
member, for an evening of fun, education about sisterhood and
Women of Reform Judaism. We will sample various wines, have
some snacks and learn about our fantastic organization.
Non-alcoholic beverages will also be available.
When: Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m.
Where: Rachel Lambermont’s Home
Cost: Free for Sisterhood Members, $5 for Non-Members
We are pleased to announce
that our gift shop is open the
following Sundays:
• Nov. 2
• Nov. 9
• Nov. 16
from 9:30 a.m. - noon.
And mark your calendars for our annual
Hanukkah Sale Dec. 7! We will have all
of your Hanukkah needs!
Sisterhood is very thankful to
those who worked to make our
congregational Break-Fast so
successful. It was a great event!
Thanks also to all who attended
and brought food to share.
Please join us at our
November SWEET dinner
at Kogen’s in Powell on
Nov. 12. Check your
inbox for the Evite.
Thank you to our sponsors
Join us for Brotherhood’s
Chicken Souper Bowl Cook-off IX
Jan. 31 at Beth Tikvah
Entry Form
For information about
entering the Cook-off or
sponsorship opportunities
please contact Jeff Wasserstrom
at 614-760-0026
or [email protected].
Save the date
Beth Tikvah’s
Join us Dec. 19 for our
annual Hanukkah
Shabbat Alive and
Brotherhood Latke Fest
• Make-your-own
Menorah Contest
• Candle lighting
• Dreidel Tournament
November / Cheshvan
Wednesday Thursday
Join us for Shabbat Alive Nov. 14 @6:15 p.m.
The fun-filled, family-friendly service features the Shabbat
Alive Band under the direction of Julie Sapper and
Cantorial Soloist Cindy Leland. Pre-Oneg wine and cheese
reception with delicious nosh at 5:45 pm. before the service.
9:30 a.m.
Religious School
12:30 p.m.
Teen Program, no 8th
1 p.m.
Introduction to
Judaism @Beth Tikvah
Women’s Torah
7 p.m.
Junior BethTY trip to
Dan Nichols concert
9:30 a.m.
Religious School
9:45 a.m.
And You Shall Teach
Them to Your Children
11 a.m.
The Jazz of Prayer
12:30 p.m.
Teen Program
1 p.m.
Introduction to
Judaism @Beth Tikvah
7 p.m.
Brotherhood Meeting,
Sunday Night Study Gp
9:30 a.m.
Religious School,
Parent Tot
9:30 a.m.
Introduction to
Judaism @ TI
12:30 p.m.
Teen Program, No 8th
7 p.m.
Sisterhood Bd. Meeting,
Sunday Night Study Gp
7:30 p.m.
Still More
7 p.m.
Israel Speaker
7:30 p.m.
BT Knitters
7:30 p.m.
Board of Trustees
Meeting (note
date change)
Sisterhood Book
7:30 p.m.
Still More
4:30 p.m.
Hebrew School
4:30 p.m.
Hebrew School
6:30 p.m.
Sisterhood SWEET
@ Kogen’s
10:30 a.m.
7 p.m.
Rabbi’s Tisch:
Raising Jewish
Kids in a
4 p.m.
4th/5th grade
7:15 p.m.
9 a.m.
Torah Study Group
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating
the Bat Mitzvah of
Hannah O’Connell
5:45 p.m.
9 a.m.
Torah Study Group
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Alive
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating
the Bar Mitzvah of
Jackson Scaglione
7:30 p.m.
Fundraiser first
planning meeting
7:30 p.m.
The Jazz of Prayer
10 a.m.
Shishim Planning
9 a.m.
Sunday Book Group
9:30 a.m.
Religious School,
5th Grade Family Day
9:30 a.m.
Introduction to
Judaism @ TI
12:30 p.m.
Teen Program, 9th
grade field trip to JFS
5: 30 p.m.
Brotherhood Meeting
Election Day
7 p.m.
Annual Assembly
Reserve your Shabbat-in-a-box meal
9 a.m.
Torah Study
9 a.m.
8th grade Shabbat
Morning Service at
Tifereth Israel
7 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
Israel Over
Breakfast @
Panera on Bethel
7 p.m.
Wine, Women
and WRJ
4:30 p.m.
Hebrew School
7 p.m.
Sisterhood Board
7:30 p.m.
Tikvah Tots
Service with
2nd Grade
6:15 p.m.
Tikvah Tots
7:15 p.m.
Shabbat Evening
7:30 p.m.
Still More
7:30 p.m.
Finance Meeting
5:45 p.m.
No Hebrew
8 a.m.
LifeLine Screening
by appointment
12:30 p.m.
Mitzvah Craft
Office Closed for
2 p.m.
Building Opens
7:15 p.m.
Shabbat Evening
9 a.m.
Torah Study Group
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning
Service Celebrating
the Bat Mitzvah of
Bentley Adkins
6:30 p.m.
Gan Family Ed
No Torah Study
Sunday 30
No Religious School
Rabbi Rick Kellner
[email protected]
After-hours call: (614) 407-4354
Rabbi Emeritus Gary Huber
[email protected]
Temple Administrator
Debbie Vinocur
[email protected]
Director of Education
Morissa Freiberg
[email protected]
Tikvah Topics
is published eleven times a year as the
monthly bulletin of:
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Dublin, Ohio
Permit #212
Congregation Beth Tikvah
Congregation Beth Tikvah
6121 Olentangy River Road
Worthington, OH 43085
Director of Musical Programming
Julie Sapper
[email protected]
Congregation Beth Tikvah
2014-15 Board of Trustees
Andy Shafran, President
[email protected]; 614-430-3164
Ernie Mandell, 1st Vice President
[email protected]; 614-451-6768
Tara Rozen, 2nd Vice President
[email protected]; 614-792-1151
Darla Abraham, Secretary
[email protected]; 614-888-1790
Stu Zweben, Treasurer
[email protected]; 614-764-9845
Patti Price, Past President
[email protected]; 614-738-9304
ADULT EDUCATION – Sharon Chelnick
[email protected]; 614-246-9190
[email protected]; 614-273-0153
BUILDING – Joshua Reinicke
[email protected]; 614-263-7724
Lewis Sanderow
[email protected]; 740-548-0749
FUNDRAISING – Dora Sterling
[email protected]; 614-771-0824
Mazel Tov Stu Zweben
on being selected as the
7th Ed Schecter Award recipient
Congregation Beth Tikvah
MEMBERSHIP – Debbie King
[email protected]; 740-548-7715
Jen Withee
[email protected]; 614-846-9327
Congregation Beth Tik
[email protected]; 614-777-4205
RITUAL – Cindy Barker
[email protected]; 614-793-0864
SISTERHOOD – Ilissa Eiferman
[email protected]; 614-553-7193
SOCIAL ACTION — Alex Nielson-Joseph
Congregation Beth Tikvah
[email protected]; 614-553-7658
[email protected]; 614-789-0684
TRUSTEE AT-LARGE – Michael Schecter
[email protected]; 614-841-9493
TRUSTEE AT-LARGE – Judy Weisberg
[email protected]; 614-431-9545
Support Staff
Ben Azriel - Finance Assistant
[email protected]
Rachel Levin– Communications
Coordinator [email protected]
Joanne Notowidigdo—Receptionist
[email protected]
Rachel Shaw— Education Assistant
[email protected]
Cantorial Soloists
Cindy Leland
John Stefano
The Beth Tikvah Brotherhood is proud to announce that Stu Zweben has been
named as the the 2014 recipient of the Ed Schecter Founders’ Award.
The award will be presented to Stu at Shabbat services on Nov. 21. The
Brotherhood will also honor Stu with a special Oneg Shabbat that evening.
The Ed Schecter Founders’ Award is presented to a Brotherhood member
who has significantly contributed to the Beth Tikvah Brotherhood, or to
Congregation Beth Tikvah, or to the Jewish community.

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