IPCU won Arkitera Employer Awards for Reconstructed Schools


IPCU won Arkitera Employer Awards for Reconstructed Schools
Since 2006, with the Istanbul
Seismic Risk Mitigation and
Emergency Preparedness Project
(ISMEP) necessary preparations
for before, during and after
disasters including risk reduction,
mitigation, response and
recovery actions are being taken
IPCU won Arkitera
Employer Awards for
Reconstructed Schools
Reconstructing 44 schools across Istanbul, Istanbul Project Coordination Unit won
Arkitera Employer Awards given for the 9th time this year.
Turkey - İstanbul
Project Duration:
2006 - 2019
Implementing Agency:
Republic of Turkey Istanbul Governorship
Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU)
Fund Sources:
World Bank
European Investment Bank
Council of Europe Development Bank
Islamic Development Bank
Project Budget:
1,75 Billion Euro
Beşiktaş Yeni Levent High School
Üsküdar, Sultantepe Primary School
Güngören Industrial V.H.S
In Arkitera Employer Awards
Started in 2005 and organized
for the 9th time this year, Istanbul
Project Coordination Unit
(IPCU) was honoured as the
winner of Public Category. The
award, the winners of which are
determined according to public
responsibilities of the architect
and the employer, has been given
for honouring the enterprises that
perform qualified architectural
works in public and private
sectors. In the Arkitera Employer
Awards which cover building,
building groups, engineering
structures, indoor applications
and outdoor arrangements,
the winners are determined by
In the awards ceremony
organized on Tuesday, December
22, in Kadıköy Moda Theatre,
which also won an award last
year, IPCU Director Kazım Gökhan
Elgin received the award for IPCU.
Ms. Semra Uygur and Mr. Özcan
Uygur, architects of the project
from Uygur Architecture, were
also given plaques.
In Arkitera Employer Awards
given in two categories: Private
and Public Sector, the winners
were selected by a selection
committee constituted by
Cafer Bozkurt, Yüksel Demir,
Bilge Kalfa, Doğu Kaptan and
Alper Ünlü on October 3. The
previous year winner in the public
sector category was Istanbul
Metropolitan Municipality with
its Şişhane Urban Square and
Underground Car Park project.
44 Renovated Schools,
Thousands of Happy
The Istanbul Seismic Risk
Mitigation and Emergency
Preparedness Project (ISMEP)
implemented by IPCU aims
retrofit and reconstruction of
school and hospital buildings,
as well as other public buildings
against earthquakes. IPCU has
retrofitted and reconstructed
nearly 1258 buildings against
earthquake so far, of which the
44 schools reconstructed against
earthquake under ISMEP, which
entitled IPCU to the award, are
located in 14 different districts of
Istanbul. The schools located in
Bakırköy, Bayrampaşa, Beşiktaş,
Beykoz, Beyoğlu, Esenyurt, Eyüp,
Fatih, Gaziosmanpaşa, Güngören,
Kağıthane, Şişli, Üsküdar and
Zeytinburnu are constituted by
15 primary schools, 17 secondary
schools, 11 high schools, and 1
private education and vocational
education centre.
Though architecture of
and materials used for the
reconstructed schools have a
certain standard, each school was
specially projected to well adapt
its neighbourhood. In addition,
the operating and maintenance
costs were tried to be minimized.
In schools reconstructed, IPCU
did not only take into account
earthquake resistance but also
aesthetic, environmental, and
energy efficiency aspects.
Like Other Countries, Serbia also Visited
Turkey Concerning Developments
about Disaster Management
Turkey continues to be a role model country in disaster management.
Authorities from Serbian
Government’s Disaster Recovery
and Reconstruction Agency
visited Ankara and Istanbul for
obtaining information about
mitigation of disaster risks.
The committee first visited
Disaster and Emergency
Management Presidency of
Turkey (AFAD) on December
7-8, 2015; and then went to
Istanbul, and held meetings with
AFAD and IPCU in Istanbul on
December 9-10.
In the visit, a meeting chaired
by Istanbul AFAD Director
Gökay Atilla Bostan was
held in HASDAL Command
Control Centre by participation
of World Bank, Serbian
Government Committee and
IPCU representatives. Then,
the committee visited Istanbul
Project Coordination Unit where
a meeting chaired by Director
Kazım Gökhan Elgin was held.
In the meeting, information
about ISMEP Project, as well
as activities performed and
knowledge & experience gained
under the project were shared.
In the second day of the visit,
on-site visits were made to
sites where retrofitting and
reconstruction works were
performed, including Mehmet
Salih Bal Vocational & Technical
Anatolian High School, and
Göztepe Training and Research
Hospital. The committee
members expressed that they
were quite impressed during the
visit, reached an agreement for
maintenance of cooperation.
IPCU Director K. Gökhan Elgin Delivers
Opening Speech in Central Asia
Earthquake Risk Reduction Forum
IPCU continues to share with the rest of the world its vast knowledge and experience in the field of earthquake risk
reduction. IPCU Director Kazım Gökhan Elgin represented Turkey in the Central Asia Earthquake Risks Reduction
Forum organized in Kazakhstan.
Activities against earthquake, one
of the most important problems
in the whole world, continue
non-stop. In the “Central Asia
Earthquake Risks Reduction
Forum” organized in Almaty,
capital city of Kazakhstan,
powered by the World Bank, the
impacts of the growing number
of earthquakes in the region were
discussed, evaluating possible
ways to minimize the damages.
In addition to the host nation
Kazakhstan, the event organized
on October 27-28, 2015
was attended by participants
from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan,
along with experts from other
In the event where the
participants discussed how
mitigation of earthquake risks,
elimination of financial problems,
and organization of donations
and management should
be, opinions and ideas were
exchanged on the measures
and precautions that should be
taken by the countries in the
region. Istanbul Governorship
Istanbul Project Coordination
Unit Director Kazım Gökhan
Elgin who delivered the opening
speech in the event shared with
international participants risk
reduction activities performed
throughout Turkey and Istanbul.
Central Asia has a
Significant Earthquake
What draws attention when we
look at the history of earthquakes
in the Central Asia is the number
and density of highly destructive
earthquakes in the region. The
6.4 magnitude earthquake in
Andjian district of Uzbekistan in
1902 destructed 40 thousand
residences with a death toll
reaching nearly 4 thousand
500 hundred people. In 1948,
the 7.3 magnitude earthquake
in Ashgabat, the capital city of
Turkmenistan, left many collapsed
building and 110 thousand dead.
After that earthquake, on July
1949, there was 7.5 magnitude
Khait Earthquake in Tajikistan
killing 12 thousand people.
The 6.0 magnitude earthquake
occurred in Kyrgyzstan in 1992
destructed 8.200 residences
with a death toll up to 54
thousand. The two consecutive
earthquakes to the south of the
region, i.e. Nepal, with 7.8 and
7.3 magnitudes in April and May
2015 respectively have shown us
that the danger still lingers out
there. Those two earthquakes
killed more than 9 thousand
people and injured more than 25
thousand people.
Pendik Welcomes New
Government Building
As of October 2015, Pendik moves to its Government Building reconstructed by
Istanbul Governorship Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU). The local
government agencies have started to move to the new modern and comfortable
Government Building as of October 2015.
The construction of Pendik
Government Building which was
reconstructed against earthquake
by Istanbul Project Coordination
Unit (IPCU) under ISMEP project
was completed.
The reconstruction of Pendik
Government Building started
earlier last year will collect the
district governor’s Office and local
public offices in one building.
The district governor’s office will
be located on 4th floor of the
government building, while other
floors will be occupied by the
Land Registry Office, Civil Registry
Office, Rehabilitation Centre,
Maternal and Infantile Health and
Family Planning Centre, Fiscal
Directorate, Tuberculosis Control
Centre, Public Education Centre,
National Education Directorate,
Health Group Directorate, Green
Book Centre, District Directorate
of Agriculture.
The new government building,
with a total area of 16 thousand
square meters, consists of 5
blocks. In the building which
features comfort in all respects,
there are cafes and resting
areas, as well as a multipurpose
conference hall. In the building
which has a 63-vehicle parking
lot, there are ramps, easy-toenter doors and elevators for the
Ataturk Dormitory Reconstructed and
Put at the Disposal of Education
Ataturk Dormitory, one of the most important dormitories of Istanbul, reconstructed by IPCU under ISMEP Project
to be earthquake-resistant, and put at the disposal of education sector with increased capacity.
An important step has been
taken in IPCU’s efforts to prepare
the education and health units
against impacts of earthquakes
and other natural disasters.
Ataturk Dormitory in Cevizlibağ,
one of the biggest dormitories
in the European side of Istanbul,
was reconstructed against
earthquake by Istanbul Project
Coordination Unit under Seismic
Risk Mitigation and Emergency
Preparedness Project (ISMEP),
and it has been put at the
disposal of students.
Completely destructed and
reconstructed, Ataturk Dormitory
which meets almost all needs
of students draws attention
with its modern structure. The
3000-student capacity of the old
dormitory has been increased
up to 3555 in the new building
complex where the room spaces
are enlarged compared to
the old building complex. The
dormitory which was located on
a 43 thousand square meters
land now has an indoor area
of more than 110 thousand
square meters. In addition, whole
campus centre is kept under
control by a central automation
system, which enables central
monitoring of whole mechanical
and electrical installations.
Students Offered
Accommodation with Hotel
Providing modern
accommodation to 3 thousand
555 female students in total,
the new dormitory apparently
provides better living and
studying areas to the students
compared to the old dormitory.
In the old dormitory, 4 students
were accommodated in 16
square meter rooms each while
the new dormitory features rooms
with maximum 3-person rooms
having a space up to 44 square
meters. The square meter area
has increased while the number
of students accommodated has
decreased. The 7-storey building
constructed instead of the old
building with 5 stories, excluding
basement and ground floor,
plays an important role in the
enlargement of living spaces.
The reconstructed Ataturk
Dormitory is also designed to
provide the students with a safe
and comfortable accommodation
in the dormitory rooms. The
rooms which can be entered
through card-pass system have
separate restrooms, showers,
individual worktables for each
student, lockers, etc. In addition,
the new rooms are equipped
with additional comforts such as
mini refrigerators, and wall-mount
screens. Moreover, every floor
has common study and television
A Safe and Environmentally
Friendly Campus
Ataturk Dormitory which was
reconstructed for nearly 100
Million Turkish Lira by IPCU is
distinguished from others by its
technologic and environmentally
friendly structure. The energy
efficiency achieved by insulation
is also supplemented by
renewable energy resources. The
solar collectors placed on the
roof provide for hot water supply
while the water accumulated on
the roof is collected and purified
in the modular reservoirs located
in basement floors of building
blocks. Such water is purified
and used in restrooms thus
contributing to water saving.
One of the most significant
features of the dormitory
buildings is use of fire-safe
materials. The doors, beds, floors
and façade coatings are fire-safe
up to 30, 60 and 90 minutes.
In the new Ataturk Dormitory
consisting of total 5 blocks, there
are also a Library Building of
671 Square Meters, a Laundry a
Heating Centre of 1333 Square
Meters, and an Entrance Building
of 242 Square Meters in addition
to the block were students
stay. There are up to 1185
rooms in the whole campus. The
campus has a dining hall with
3500-person capacity providing
meal to the students three times
a day, as well as a sports hall with
270-person capacity.
IPCU Reconstructs 35 Schools More
Retrofitting and reconstructing schools across Istanbul against Earthquake, Istanbul Project Coordination Unit
includes 35 new schools to its school reconstruction move.
IPCU will destruct and
reconstruct 28 more schools -of
which 3 are schools for disabledagainst earthquake to ensure
that nearly 35 thousand students
are educated and instructed
under safer and more modern
conditions. In addition to ongoing
reconstruction works for 28
schools, agreements have been
concluded for 7 more schools,
thus the number of schools
to be reconstructed reached
35 in total. Having retrofitted
or reconstructed 769 schools
in different districts across
Istanbul as of 2015, IPCU has
also included 7 more schools to
this process, thus ensuring safe
schools to more than 1,5 Million
students in total.
Of the 7 schools which will be
destructed and reconstructed, 2
schools are located in Kağıthane
district and a school in Üsküdar,
Sultanbeyli, Kadıköy, Fatih and
Bahçelievler each. Names of
schools to be reconstructed by
IPCU are Altunizade Hafize Özal
Primary School, Gediktaş Imam
Hatip Secondary School and
High School, Harmantepe Primary
School, Fındıklı Primary School,
Kazım İşmen Anatolian High
School, Ahmet Rasim Anatolian
High School, and Kocasinan
Fatih Ahmet Rasim Anatolian High School
Şehit Samet Kırbaş Technical and
Industrial Vocational High School.
In the reconstructed schools,
the number of classrooms will
be increased from 192 to 268. In
addition, the square meter area of
the buildings will also be enlarged,
thus providing student the
Üsküdar Altunizade Hafize Özel Primary School
opportunity to get educated and
instructed under more spacious
conditions. In the schools which
will have 4410 student capacity,
the students will be educated and
instructed in safe, environmentally
friendly, energy efficient buildings
resistant against earthquakes.
Kağıthane Fındıklı Primary School
Having retrofitted or
reconstructed nearly 1258 public
buildings across Istanbul under
the ISMEP project, IPCU further
aims at increasing the number
of buildings to prepared against
New Ümraniye Gynaecology and
Paediatrics Hospital at European
Standards Opens
Realizing important provincewide projects under Istanbul
Governorship for retrofitting
and reconstruction of public
buildings against natural
disasters, in particular
earthquakes, Istanbul Project
Coordination Unit (IPCU)
completed construction of
Ümraniye Gynaecology and
Paediatrics Hospital which
started in 2012. The new
hospital which is subject
to Ümraniye Research and
Training Hospital draws
attention with its technical
adequacy and successful
With total 100 thousand squaremeter indoor area, the new
Ümraniye Gynaecology and
Paediatrics Hospital will not
only serve the Ümraniye district
but whole region which is quite
distinctive. The inpatient bed
capacity is 430, which can be
increased up to 486 in case of
Under the school and hospital reconstructions and retrofits against impacts of
earthquake carried out by Istanbul Project Coordination Unit under ISMEP Project,
Ümraniye gains a new environmentally friendly Gynaecology and Paediatrics
Hospital designed to meet European Standards.
Ümraniye Gynaecology and
Paediatrics Hospital, costing
EUR 45 million to IPCU,
was reconstructed against
earthquake on the basis of
seismic data.
beds are for children, 8 are
for adults, and 10 beds are
for adult shelter, as well as
32 emergency service bed,
10 operating rooms, and 30
In Ümraniye Gynaecology and
Paediatrics Hospitals which
incorporates Bone Marrow
Transfer Centre and Medical
Oncology Centre, 290 of
486 beds are reserved for
the paediatrics service, with
175 beds reserved for the
gynaecology, and the rest of the
beds reserved for emergency
services. The hospital has 50
polyclinics, and a total of 63
intensive care beds, of which
30 beds are for newborns, 15
A colourful world for the
The hospital architecture draws
attention with sections specially
designed for the children.
Independent of the main
building, the hospital is coated
with colourful panels inspired
from crayons thus eliminating
the hospital fear of children.
One of the most important
features of the hospital,
designed by Turkish and
German architects, is its
environmentally friendly
structure. The hospital which is
constructed to meet European
standards in terms of service
quality and standards is
designed to satisfy Green
Building criteria recognized
Having 721-car capacity,
including the underground
parking, Ümraniye Gynaecology
and Paediatrics Hospital is an
important ring in the chain of
hospitals reconstructed by IPCU
under ISMEP Project. Of the
other hospitals, reconstructed
under ISMEP project, Kartal
Training and Research
Hospital’s capacity has been
increased from 45.000 square
meters to 290.000 square
meters, with increased inpatient
bed capacity up to 1.003.
Capacity of Okmeydanı Training
and Research Hospital, another
hospital reconstructed under
the project, has been increased
by 195.000 square meters to
reach 250.000 square meters,
with inpatient bed capacity
increased up to 1.099. Göztepe
Research and Training Hospital,
another hospital reconstructed
under the project, has its
capacity increased up to
250.000 square meters, and
inpatient bed capacity up to