ECHO 79 - Capuchin Province of St. Francis of Assisi, India


ECHO 79 - Capuchin Province of St. Francis of Assisi, India
Community Prayer, a Witness
My Dear Brothers,
Once again we are around the memory of
our Founder and Holy Father Francis in view
of celebrating his feast. Wish all of you a Very
Happy Feast and pray his intercessions. Such a
celebration should put us in proper perspective.
We know the desire and longing of St Francis
for God in Christ. God who abides in us
speaks to our hearts with the same spirit. Our
constitution enlightens us: ‘We cannot respond
to Him without leaving the self love behind and
passing over into Christ in communion with
God and His people.’
Every time and space people searched on us
with an expectation. It was for a witness of men
of prayer. Francis speaks of Christ himself as
our prayer. Professor Lehmann would present
St Francis as ‘Master of prayer’. It is time for
us also to examine ourselves: Who are we in
prayer? Our last Elective chapter evaluated our
life of prayer and the first decision itself was to
re-organize life of prayer. In view of the same
I had exhorted you in my Visitation Report in
general that you have to re-organize the
prayer life in fraternities where ever it is in
Once again I remind you to be faithful
to the life of prayer particularly community
prayer. Often we find ourselves excessively
engaged in activities at the risk of Christ
Himself, our Prayer. It is in this context during
the General Elective Chapter, Br Mauro Johri,
our Minister General was strongly asserting
his position on our choice of life: ‘If one does
not follow the basic and specific nature of
our religious life, he should re-search his
vocation and transfer his vocation where he
is fitting.’
To whom are we engaging ourselves to,
by our activities? The specific charism of our
Capuchin life is fraternal life and minority
which is expressed primarily through the
communitarian and personal life of prayer.
We have formation fraternities, pastoral
fraternities; there are our friars engaged
in various apostolates as parish priests,
assistant parish priests, parish in charge,
Manager of School, Social Centre and Media
Directors, involved in academic studies and
so on. Moreover, these days we are blessed
with very many young friars who need to
continue with their experience of God and
witness. They are seeking their orientation
as to where to go. Sometimes we are
inclined to reason out: prayer is activity. All
the same, we need to reflect on ourselves:
When Christ Himself is not promoting our
apostolate, why should we waste our time
as Franciscan Capuchins? Without fraternal
life integrated with personal and community
prayer we cease to be Franciscan Capuchins.
As Br General would place it: ‘He has made
a wrong decision by choosing Franciscan
Capuchin life.’ We are sure that we have not made a wrong choice.
It is enough that we are constantly faithful to our religious life
Therefore as we are celebrating the Feast of our Holy Father St
Francis, let us resolve ourselves with ‘greater care to cultivate the
spirit of holy prayer, becoming a living prayer and giving a genuine
witness of prayer through our fraternal and communitarian life.’ Let
us be also opening up genuine orientation and example for our young
and beloved brothers.
Once again wish you all a Very Happy Feast of our Holy Father
With love and prayers
Br John Fernandaz
Provincial Minister
Next issue of ECHO is scheduled to be as a
Christmas Issue
Kindly send the matters for ECHO on or before December – 15th , 2012.
: [email protected]
Echo team : Saji, Jonath, Fidelis
Visit us at :
The New General and His Councillors
The 84th General Chapter of the Capuchin Friars Minor has elected
Br. Mauro Johri as the General Minister of the Order of Friars Minor (Capuchin).
Br. Stefan Kozuh
(Province of Slovenia)
Vicar General Minister
Definitor General Middle America
Minister Provincial France
PACC Br. Cesar Acuin
: Minister Provincial Phillipines
CCB Br. Sergio Dal Moro : Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
CECOC Br. Stefan Kozuh : Minister Provincial Slovenia
CIMPCap Br. Raffaele Della Torre : Minister Provincial Lombardy
CCMSI Br. Michael Fernandes
: Minister Provincial Maharashtra,
: Secretary of the Chapter, Peru
Br. Hugo Mejia Morles
: Viceprovincial Congo
Br. Jean-Bertin Nadonye
NAPCC Br. Mark Schenk
Dear Brothers,
Hope you are all fine. Glad to meet you all with some hot
news of the summer.
Sunny Days
Bros. Saji and Shibu from St. Charles
When the sun appears in the sky, its rays fall on our heart
and made our summer days so celebrative. The summer has
begun with lots of activities. Bros Saji and Shibu had two
months of holidays from their French studies. After the renewal
chapter they directly went for their pastoral ministries. Bro.
Shibu like last year went to Lac-Buchette for his one month
pastoral ministries. While Bro. Saji went to Ottawa for one
week and there after he went to La Reparation and did some
pastoral ministries for one month. Both of them rendered a
remarkable and exuberant pastoral ministry. Soon after that
we all planned to make a picnic to ever loved and charming
Niagara Falls. The picnic was arranged for one week. Even
though it was summer we got wet in two days. But we were
not ready to give up. We enjoyed those rainy days by seeing
some Malayalam movies. Since we were altogether six, we
travelled in two cars. For the last year picnic we just missed
Bro. Antony Louiz and we were not willing to miss him this
year too. His presence doubled our joy. He, together with
Bro. Manuel prepared an appetizing and delicious food. While, Bros.
Josy and Benny were heating their bottom and head with the travel
expenses. But Bro. Saji could make them cool by his collection of
music in four languages. On the third day of picnic we went to see
Niagara Falls. Oh my god, what a majestic and scenic vision. Even
though some of us have already visited Niagara, it was first time we
made a boat journey which led us so close to the Niagara Falls. When
we stood beneath it we were remembering the amazing graces of
god. Seeing its beauty we might have clicked our cameras a thousand
times. Not only that we also had a glimpse of United States from the
Canadian borders of Niagara Falls. We also visited many other places.
Among them a remarkable one was the church of Canadian Martyrs.
All those days we were staying in a chalet which is close to river and
we were not ready to lose the chance of boating and swimming. After
all those awesome days we returned to our respective houses.
Then came the superb activity called Fête de tent which means
feast of tents. It is an activity arranged by the Franciscans for the
youngsters. It is a souvenir of Franciscan Chapter of Mats and Jewish
feast of tents. All those who participate in it must bring a tent. Thus,
for two days we slept in the tent. But it was so cold. Even three
blankets could not make us warm. Even then we had some amazing
days which were cheered up with dance, songs, Franciscan reflections
and other activities.
When we came back after the Fête de tent the parishioners
have celebrated the last Eucharist at St. Charles church and closed
it permanently. Then the fraternity enlarged its small chapel and
welcomed the parishioners for the Eucharist. It is painful to close
down a church and the Canada church is putting up lots of efforts to
maintain the faith by giving conferences on new evangelization. We
also took part in it with a love for the church.
There is another important news to share with you. In the last
edition of ECHO, we announced the sudden and sad demise of Bro.
Benoît Fortin, our Provincial minister due to brain tumor. This time,
we are happy to announce the nomination of Bro. Louis Cinq-Mars
as our new provincial minister. Bro. Louis will be the 16th provincial
minister of the Sacred Heart Capuchin province of eastern Canada.
He was made provincial during the General chapter at Rome.
Under bright summer sun.
Bros. Manuel and Benny from La Réparation
We had an exceptional summer time. Warm days and cool nights.
Nothing more to ask for from a Canadian summer! Our gardens were
full of flowers and fruits, except some deer-related disturbances!
The ever growing deer population in the Reparation-woods, the
public park that surrounds our monastery is a real challenge to friars’
gardening dreams. This time we were on the offensive - or at least we
imagined ourselves to be so. Right from the early springtime, Bros.
Manuel and Benny together with their service personnel sprang into
action and repaired the fallen fences and mended all the possible
deer-holes. They were happy and proud until they discovered a deercouple stranded in the monastery compound, unable to make an exit.
Furthermore, the deer family surprised the friars with their newborn
baby deer.
On a certain extremely hot and humid summer noon, brothers
found the little newborn in the garden tired and gasping for breath.
Their timely hand-rearing intervention saved it’s life and gained him a
lot of Franciscan hospitality and sympathy, resulting an Indian-politics
like hard shift in our fraternity’s opinion about deers! ‘Forget the
garden and flowers, save our little deer!’ , became the new slogan of
the brothers. Needless to say, the fawn together with his parents still
profits this franciscan hospitality, ravaging our flower garden every
night! Dear Deers, we'll get you next time!!!
These days La Réparation fraternity is getting back to its normal
rhythm as almost all the brothers are back from their summer
vacations and we are gearing up ourselves for the cool autumn nights
and freezing winter time ahead.
We would like to share you something about our Sacred Heart
shrine. We were happy to welcome Bros. Saji and Aberra (Ethiopia)
for summer ministries. Aberra was with us about two months. During
the time of our renewal chapter, he replaced us, celebrating each
day two masses and taking care of our parlor ministries. Bro. Saji
was also active and busy with the celebration of French masses and
confessions. Their presence has given new vitality to our community.
Thank you very much brothers for your presence and your ministries
in our shrine. St. Padre Pio is our second patron of our shrine. We
had nine days of prayers and preaching in preparation for the feast.
Besides, we have also organized one whole night of prayer and
adoration. Many participated for this vigil. The feast day became
more colorful with the participation of the Italian community.
The Rays of the Sun
Bros. Josy and Antony Louiz from St. Michel
Although the friars of the Sacred Heart Province are slowly getting
relieved from the grief caused by the sad demise of Bro. Benoît
Fortin, still his absence makes a void in the Province, particularly at St.
Michel where he had been a member of the fraternity. His presence
was something that of a lamp, well illumined and placed on a lampstand for every one of us to see and understand the signs of the
Onathinidayile Puttu visheshangal !
Until very recently ‘Kappa& kingfish’ was the great delicacy at St.
Michel, especially when Indian friars come together. However a new
dish found place in our menu card that is “PUTTU”. Thanks to Benny &
Josy who took the trouble to get a ‘PUTTU KUDAM’ as a ‘STHAVARA
JANGAMA’property of Indian friars. Anyhow “les 4 Montrealais”
(Manu, Benny, Josy& Antony Louiz) do trial and error in making
Puttu occasionally. We know that “les 2 Québécois (Saji & Shibu) are
jealous of us! On 21 July we celebrated the birthday of Antony Louiz
at St.Michel. Bros. Manual, Benny, Regis Belzile were present from ‘La
Reparation’. Of course our PUTTU was the main attraction of the day
and Bro. Regis was very much impressed by it!
On 17th of August Bro. Louiz Antony accompanied a group of
people from his parish to the pilgrim centre of St-Antony of Padua,
which is run by the Capuchins of Quebec. It was really an enriching
experience. On 18th September 2012 Bro. Louiz Antony was appointed
as the parish priest of 2 parishes St-Michel and St-Bernardin-deSienna in the Arch-Diocese of Montreal and he shine like a star in the
Arch-Diocese. Then we had another grand celebration to mark the
octave of the birthday celebration of Antony Louiz and Onam. Mgr
.Alain Faubert (the then vicar Episcopal of our region) was the guest
of honor. Under the guidance of Manuel we prepared a SAMBAR and
AVIAL we appreciate the patience of Benny for cutting vegetables in
exact measurement.
The hot summer is giving way to freezing days. Hope you are
warmed with you hot news. Hei, not finished! You will be warmed
more and more with some precious visits. As it seems to be customary
for us to send some brothers to Kerala to sit by you under our mango
trees- turned-Christmas trees to tell you all our Quebec stories, Bros.
Manuel, Shibu and Saji will be joining you for Christmas season on
their biennial home vacation.
See you……………
ephraem maria gilbert
Experts say that any narrative should follow a regularity
tested over time, i.e. if you are telling a story you should
begin it invariably with something like “once upon a time”
and it should follow a predictable line until the villain gets
crushed by the mighty arms of nemesis and the hero and
preferably his family or lover living happily thereafter till
the end of times. Similarly a narrative should have an
“intro”, a “body” and a “conclusion.” Perhaps! There can
be other ways too. What can be applied to a systematic
analysis cannot be often applied to an experiential
one. Consciousness is not often a laminar flow; it has
its perturbations too. Neruda says that he has not the
penchant of a romantic poet when there is enough blood
on the streets yelling at him: “Come and see the blood in
the streets “(cf.I EXPLAIN A FEW THINGS-Pablo Neruda.)
‘Wedding in Galilee’ is an interesting movie from Palestine.
ONCE UPON A TIME in Galilee an Arab wanted to conduct
his son’s marriage in a grandiose scale and so had to get
the curfew lifted. This could only be achieved by him
inviting the Israeli military governor and his men as guests
of honour leaving his family chagrined. The plot thickens
but what resounds is the fact that the whole development
and all this “honour” stuff drive the bridegroom to despair
and he vents his ire at the father. The distraught father
ruffling the hairs of his younger son on his lap starts telling
him a bedtime story and the child sleeps too early to hear that. The
father then resigns with these words: “Every time I tell you a story, I
find you sleeping in my lap. My stories are not yours…”
David Hume defying all traces of causality comments that there
is nothing in the sight of a loaf of bread to tell us that it is food. He
presupposes that food is something which is nutritious and he is true
by that light of his. When your stomach is full, nutrition can be the
next immediate concern, but when hunger gapes at you and you
have no way to quell it in the “orthodox” way then you may deem
even a lump of mud food inasmuch as it can stuff the guts. So is a
bedtime story. It is a very typical view, nevertheless having immense
wisdom embedded in it. The question is whether these bedtime
stories warp one’s dreams which would have otherwise have been
original. Lullabies are bedtime communication done to a baby. A
simple analysis would reveal that the verbal expressions involved are
not much meant for the baby as much as it is a self-communing of
the singer. The baby is not yet grown to discern the import of what is
spoken to him. That the tonal qualities of a lullaby can have soothing
effects on the baby is a different question. The point is that lullaby or
any bedtime stories for that sake are not quite accommodative of the
reality in all its phases. There are such “bedtime stories” grown into
grand narratives that steer one’s life. By “bedtime story” is meant any
construct that generate unwarranted orthodoxy, something which
is smuggled into our consciousness and which is pre-reflectively
stamped in us. When there are many strange tongues abounding
around us in the land which we thought to be our proprietary pride,
we grow intensely xenophobic because we are facing a cosmopolitan
system dictated by economic machinery and not a poetic situation
where the frontiers fade and there is just one world and one song.
The very integrity of such grand narratives as culture and racial
qualities are put under scanner. Where we fear to tread others rush
in and we are no angels and they are no fools.
As English has grown into a language that has many variants and
representations across the world it is getting proved as a non-absolute
language. Language in a sense mirrors our understanding of reality.
There are Janus words in English which harbours opposite meanings
in them. Literalness of the language is decreasing and contextcontent is increasing. A quick google of antagonyms or contronyms is
recommended for further reading, but then a word about Google or
for that sake any web content- they are highly customized so much
so that critics say that there is no such thing as a standard Google.
Algorithms are the watchdogs of the present world and they will spot
you as if you are the only one in the world. They believe that your
stories are not mine.
In essentials, unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things charity.
Thank you, S.Pater Augustinus for that piece of advice. Now let us see
whether our small narratives live up to it.
[email protected]
Compliments from Bawal
Custody Day
We have celebrated the custody day on 18thof September
with all the passion of a gigantic celebration. This year the
community at Bawal was privileged to lodge brothers in our
community for this extra-large event. By thanking God for
the blessings to the custody we began the custody day by
Holy mass which was presided by Br. George Kooliath. Br.
Edmond gave a stunning homily quoting the significance and
implications of Padre Peo. After the mass we had a number
of indoor games. During the lunch, Br. Thomson the first
Definitor distributed gifts to each and all. In the evening
there were games like tug of war, volley ball and basket ball.
Vibrant participation of each brother proved the significance
of his presence in the group assigned to him. After the dinner
the guest brothers left to their respective houses in awfully
cheerful frame of mind.
A Novel Looking grotto
Under the guidance and supervise of Brs. Jude, Vinu and Alexander
you may perceive a different looking new grotto in the premise of
the ashram. The inauguration and blessing of the grotto was done by
Br. Alex Joseph on the custody day. Attraction of the grotto brought
a lot of attention and appreciations to the architects in profusion.
Our heartfelt congratulation and salutation to the men behind this
brave work. Thanks to you dear Br. Thomson our superior for all the
supports provided for the achievement.
Rarest of Atypical was here
We had three renowned guests brothers here for two days. To
name them Brs. Suresh and Antony came from Kerala, while Br. Tomy
reached here from Arunachal Pradesh. They had arrived in Delhi to
attend a seminar for a few days. Nevertheless, their love for this
house and reminiscences of this place did not permit them to stop
merely in Delhi. A full day jaunt together with them to the forts of
pink city in Jaipur painted the day with seven colors. Thank you very
much our darling brothers for your visit which we value as great as
Your gentle touch…
No wonder, I feel it
As natural as a cool breeze
Patting soft petals of a lonely flower
In a silent valley.
Your gentle touch…
I feel it when I call a strange woman,
“Mamma mia” at a grassy hilltop…
Where clouds meet to wish me,
“Buona giornata!”
Your gentle touch…
I’m aware of your presence with me
That whispers at my ears:
You are not a ‘straniero’;
You belong to me and all.
Your gentle touch…
I sense it here and out there
In a morning dew
And in a human touch
That does wonders everywhere.
Your gentle touch…
That makes me assert myself:
You are son of man gentle and rough;
And yet you belong to the Great One
Who is as fragile as the hapless crucified.
Your gentle touch…
br. joseph joyson ofm cap
Dear Brothers,
I scribble this message from our Capuchin Inter National
College in Rome, the Venue of the 84th General Chapter of
our Capuchin Order. Three weeks (of long 5 weeks General
Chapter) is over. As you all know the election result and the
Chapter news from other sources I don’t mention it again.
These days the Capitulars under the leadership of Br.Mauro
Johri, the re-elected Minister General and in the right
guidance of Br.Hugo, the very efficient Chapter Secretary, are
immersed in the long process of fulfilling their laborious and
very responsible task of the renewal of our Constitutions.
I would like to share some of the events that took place
in the GVPA. Fr. Stalin arrived GVPA on 12 August and is
assigned to be as one of the assistant Parish Priests at Al Ain, in
U.A.E, where Fr. Antony P.A from St.Francis Francis Province,
Kerala, is the Parish Priest. The other assistant Parish Priest
is Fr.Augustin Fernandes from St.Fidelis Province, UP, North
Bishop Camillo Ballin, the Vicar Apostolic of Northern
Arabia, was residing at Kuwait, shifted his residence to
Bahrain from the beginning of August 2012. At Kuwait there
are two parishes, the main parish at Manama where there are 6
Capuchins – Fr.Ding from Philippines (Parish Priest), Fr.Freddy from
Karnataka Province (Guardian), Fr.Maroun from Lebanon, Fr.Andrew
Santiagu from Tamil Nadu Southern Province, Fr.Joy Menachery from
St.Thomas Province, Kerala and Fr.Antony from Goa. Bishop Camillo
stays at Awali. The King of Bahrain has donated to Bishop Camillo a
plot of land of 7000 square feet to build another church and Bishop’s
House. The news of this came to news papers and a big group of
Mullas (about 70 of them) have expressed their protest and Bishop
wants our prayers to get our plan\dream to build the new church be
One of the important events in the future in the Gulf Mission will
be the 2nd Catholic Youth Conference in Arabia (known as “ACYC
2012”) Scheduled to be held at Abu Dhabi from 15 to 17 November,
2012. Following the manner of reading Arabic ACYC is to be read
from right to left. The first ACYC, in the initiative of Jesus Youth in
collaboration with other youth groups in U.A.E., held at Dubai from 8
to 10 December 2009, under the patronage of Bishops Camillo Ballin
and Paul Hinder, the Apostolic Vicars of the then Vicariates of Kuwait
and Arabia, Fr.Varghese Chempoly being the general convener,
participated by 1800 youth from both the Vicariates, was a great
success. At the request of the participants and the organizing youth
to have such conventions as often as possible, both the Bishops and
Priests of both the Vicariates decided to organize ACYC once in every
three years. In tune with the Catholic Church who will begin “the Year
of Faith” from October 2012, we have chosen “Everything is possible
for the one who believes” (Mk 9:23) as the theme of ACYC 2012. We
expect over 2000 teen agers and youth from both the vicariates to
participate in it. The General Co-ordination Team (GCT – Fr.Varghese
Chempoly as the Convener, Fr.George Kunnel as the Asst. Convener
Mr.Bejesh Solomon, as the General Coordinator and so on…) with
various sub committees, are working very hard to make ACYC 2012 a
grand success by fulfilling its purposes – to know Jesus, to live Jesus,
to give Jesus to others, to equip the youth to face the challenges in
their lives… .On behalf of the GCT I request all the readers of ECHO to
support us for your prayers for the success of ACYC 2012.
The number of the members of GVPA as I mentioned in the previous
issue of Echo, was 58 from 17 circumscriptions and 6 countries –
America, India, Italy, Lebanon, Philippines and Switzerland (listed
alphabetically). Out of the last two Italians, Fr.Edward Saracini (who
was in Sohar), at the age of 85, gone back to Italy (Tuscani Province)for
good. Fr.Eugene Mattioli, the PP of Jebel Ali (81 years young) the only
one from Italy is not keeping well. Bishop Camillo wanted to have a
Spanish speaking Capuchin in his Vicariate. The Process of obtaining
a Capuchin from Northern America or elsewhere has begun. By the
grace of God all the friars are doing well.
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Greetings from the Land of “ Rising Sun”
We the members of Assisi mount friary, Dadam are glad
to meet you once again through the pages of echo.
Feast day Celebration
On 3rd of July we celebrated the feast of our beloved
guardian Fr. Tomy. The celebrations began in the previous
evening with the holy adoration. On the feast day we had
our sumptuous meal in the afternoon together with the
priests, sisters from neighbouring parishes and also church
and village leaders from our parish and from the sub stations.
The parish had celebrated this feast on the previous Sunday.
It was such a special day for us as well as for the Dadam
village to remember his selfless services in taking up of the
responsibilities like guardian of the house and parish priest of
Dadam village. As he took up the new offices, many wished
him God’s blessings, on his feast day.
We have celebrated 64th independence day of our nation
together with our school students and parishioners. The
chief guest of this day was Mr. Manish Shukla the Major
Commander of C.R.P.F. Our joy was doubled when our school
children put up their talents before the people. The programmes
ended with meal for all our school children.
Onam Celebration
It was an unforgettable day for us because it is the first time that
we have celebrated onam festival in Dadam, Arunachal Pradesh. All
the credit goes to the brothers Sumesh and Deejo who joined with us
on 24th august and have prepared for us Onasadya.
Indeed we were privileged to have a rare guest Fr. Lucious. We
appreciate and congratulate our dear Fr. Lucious for his courage and
will to visit us and our new mission land. Thank you father for your
fraternal visit and sorry for the inconveniences during your stay with
We are blessed with the coming of our regents Brs. Nobert,
Joseph, Sumesh and Deejo. Now they are being placed in the villages
in order to get the pulse of the people. Let us wait to hear their
thrilling experiences and stay in the villages, that will be the written
in the next episode.
Br. Placid is uber-busy with his activities at the school and he is
very popular among the teachers and the students of the school.
Br. Kuriakose is actively involved in the pastoral ministry and travels
up and down regularly. Br. Tomy, while managing the activities of
the friary, is also actively involved and completely immersed, while
himself engaging in the pastoral services and caters to the needs of
the locality.
More news next time!
Theo gallery and Theo publication are the official book
distribution and publications of St. Francis Assisi Capuchin
province, Kerala. It was established in 2002 by the pain
stacking efforts of Fr. Bobby Jose. Fr. Prasad Cyprian has
shouldered a major responsibility to bring the gallery under a
systematic and efficient management. At present Fr. Sebastian
Thobias and Fr. Bobby Jose shoulder the responsibility of Theo
gallery and Theo publication respectively. Exhorted by the
constitution, "to greatly esteem the modern means of social
and communication for their power to influence and move
the masses" (Const 153.2). Theo books are well-acclaimed
and sought after in Kerala. It seeks all the means to encourage
the reading habit. Moreover its aim is to evangelize the
society and proclaim the good news by deeply infusing the
Gospel values. Through it we try to inculcate the spirit of St.
Francis of Assisi, who loved God, man and nature.
The word "Theo" has two dimensions. Firstly, its root
meaning implies "of God", precisely to proclaim the "Word
of God". Secondly to specially commemorate Servant of God
Fr. Theophane who has led a saintly Capuchin life and always
a beacon for us.
Theo gallery reaches-out all through mobile shop and
its books are available in almost all shops of Kerala. Within
a short span of time, Theo books marked a consistent and
burgeoning growth in its demand. Theo books have published
many value based books. Many books have secured awards
for its value based depictions. The Head Office of Theo Gallery
is in Capuchin Ashram, Thumpoly, Alappuzha. Around thirty
two books are published by Theo publication.
1. Hridayavayal-Bobby Jose Kattikadu
What do we sow in our hearts? After ploughing our hearts
spiritually, breaching the wall of pride, drawing the ditches of love,
burying some reflections behind every thunders and baritones
and waiting for the showers of blessings, we all become some
symbols of truth. This book is a call to retreat from the aroma of
the incense to the sweat of the Jewish carpenter… A book built
by the words of spiritual viscosity.
2. Sanchariyude Deivam-Bobby Jose Kattiakad
A butterfly moves to a flower, roots go deep in the soil and a bird
flies to the sky's limit. When thoughts burn our hearts and mind,
a man longs for an oasis as in the desert. These words are not for
mere reading, but to be grown from within… It's a journey to find
ourselves and to sense our nostalgia.
3. Keli-Bobby Jose Kattikadu
A person strives hard to reach the skies of his spirituality. But
he realizes the need to keep a navel connection with the earth.
Journey along with God should never be at the cost of his
brothers. It depicts the deep beliefs and skepticisms of a person,
constantly divided between man and God. If a necessary choice
arises between them, the writer stands stern with man for God's
4. Nilathezhuthu-Boby Jose kattikadu
We get another chance to start everything from the beginning.
Waves wiped away all the footprints of the past. A new life is
kept in front of all. It's a pack of the most beautiful and integrated
prayerful thoughts about life, at the same time, it is a window to
Christ's mind.
5. Vathil- Bobby Jose Kattikadu
What is so scenic as an open door on earth? Every door is a sign.
An open door in enchanting. But a closed door breaks our heart.
As Gibran says "God abide in open houses". Extended hands are
like open doors. All these closed and open doors become certain
signs… the real signs of life on earth… a must-read book…
6. Kankettu- Aakkanathu
The words of Jesus opened their eyes. They could realize
everything they ignored. When he broke the bread of selfoblation, they got their sight. With a blazing heart, they set off
their journey to a new direction. Let's untie all the ties on our eye,
join them in their journey with great zeal, till we reach eternity…
A typical book from the author
7. Aathmavinte Aakashangal-Joseph Eenthemkuzhy
Words are take guidelines to truth. Perhaps they are mostly
hidden. All the scriptures try not to reveal much. The reflections
in this work multiply one's spirituality. All these words are spots
having the light of meditation and the beauty of simplicity.
8. Pope John Paul II- Jeevithavum Kaalavum- Sebastian Pallithode
A study on the life of Pope John Paul II by Sebastian Pallithode. The
author writes on his contemporary with independent and close
observations. Soviet Union finally disappeared. Gorbachev and
others merged with history. Pope John Paul was the mastermind
behind them all. This is the first Malayalam work, studying the
epical life of Pope John Paul II along with the political history of
the contemporary Eastern Europe.
9. Padukam- Jonath Capuchin
Shoe keeps ones purity. Be the road covered with thorns or dirt,
shoe protects ones foot from all the external impurities and
inflictions. If God is my shield, my soul will be saved from all the
impurities of sins. This work fights all the mediocre stands and
maintains ones wakefulness. A must read book…
10. Athijeevanam- Shobha CSN
Life keeps many impasses before us. To face them is the only
option. We can overcome them indeed… through contentions,
murmurs, tears….or along with Christ, keeping prayers in heart
and a smile on face . Love seems to be the only assets in life. Not
small is the confidence this book instills in us to survive the entire
impasses in life…
11. Mazhayathu Vithumbunna
Friendship matches with rain, rivers and seas. More time you
see it, you won't be satisfied. Never has it satisfied anyone. Each
friendship is the continuation or completion of the other. They
always remind us about something to be given and something to
be taken. It is a rain, like golden threads, may make you cry; make
you wet or May moist your soul.
12. Agniye Samharicha Mulppadarppu- P K Abraham
The book is a journey through the life of Blessed Virgin Mary. The
love and sacrifice of Mary should mould us to the inner simplicity.
We will be able to astray the spiritual and physical arrogances
through her. One's spiritual journey starts when he walks forward
holding Mary's hand. It enables one to find a loving mother and
take an oblation an ablution in light…
13. Nerippodile Theekkanal-Fernandez Kakkassery
How should a priest be? It a question bound of many
expectations…..a priest should assimilate the life and words of
Jesus and serve the people of God. Our tender hearts may shiver
before certain challenges and anticipations, but a priest won't.
He thaws in Christ and becomes ever-conscious of the Gospel
values. This book is a collection of such priestly thoughts, full of
its warmth and light, to find yourselves and guide our ways…
14. Thomasinte Suvishesham- Swamy Vinayachaithanya
Thomas saw Jesus through His wounds. The gospel according
to St. Thomas contains 114 verses and was discovered from the
banks of the Dead Sea. It is a gospel of vividness, from darkness
to light. While sleeping, man was in darkness, but an awakened
man identifies the Kingdom of God, and signifies the light. To
find, to know, to see, to do…. all these comprised the repenting
process of Thomas.
15. Deivam Peithirangunnu –Dany Capuchin
Deivam Peithirangunnu is a prismatic novel by Dany Capuchin.
The novel leads the reader through the thoughts of "Chinmay",
the protagonist. Chinmay never waits for anyone. He is an imagery
of time. The duty of a man is double-sided- to love others and to
serve others. A voyage through the solicitudes of one's life.
16. Ormakalude Pusthakam- Titus Chullikkal
God will open up new seas for you, if you want to voyage. We
all float on a clear lake. No waves disturb this lake. The rays of
Continued on Page - 35
St. B
n Friary
Hai, It is me, a little friar speaking from Ponnurnni. Let me
log-in to your heart. It is my pleasue to speak out some of
the major events of our Ashram. Our new buds (new batch
brothers) are keeping well. In the beginning, a handful of
brothers had home-sickness, but the love of the elder friars
could soothe them. They are put in to the Franciscan track
gradually. Let us pray for the new buds, the promising ones
of the Province.
How Sweet a Heart……………Sacred Heart.
On the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the
community dedicated everyone into the loving protection of
the Sacred Heart. We had a special vespers in which Br. Deejo
Pathrose, the Regent, delivered an inspiring message. Both
the friars and the students were immersed into the love of
Jesus by the message.
Seven Celebrations.
On 24th June, we celebrated the feast of our Vicar Fr.
Essow Yohannan, the most exemplary friars of the Province.
Fr. Guardian had great words of appreciation for the services
Fr. Essow renders to the community. He is the man who can be
found in the choir for every canonical hours. We also coupled
the feast and the birthday celebrations of Brs. Simon Peter and Jaittus.
If you come to our Ashram, you can taste the fruits (papaya, plantain,
vegetable,…etc.) of the sweat of Fr. Simon Peter, who spends hours
and hours in the vegetable garden. We miss Br. Jaittus. Br. Jaittus,
the music, the rhythm of our Ashram, is now at transfer. We thank
you for teaching music to our little brothers and for all the services,
especially in the catechism department. The birthday of Fr. Bosco was
celebrated on 11th July. Fr. Bosco is now very busy with renovating
the flower garden. He is in the garden night and day.
The thirtieth natal day of Br. Jonath, our Shalom preacher, was
celebrated. On 8th August, we celebrated the feast of Br. Dominic,
who even in his sixties, is very vibrant. We can find him in the court,
playing basket-ball with our little brothers every evening. It was our
pleasure to celebrate the birthday of Br. Thomas Thoppaparambil,
our Liturgist, whom we can always find in the sacristy as one of the
brothers commented on him.
Independence Day Celebration.
As usual, we hoisted the National Flag after the morning Mass.
One of our catechism staffs gave a short message. Our brothers
mapped India, on the Sanctuary floor.
A Farewell to our Regent.
Br. Deejo Pathrose who had been with us for three months is
now at Arunachal Pradesh. He was a great help in our community.
Our brothers mourned over his departure. We thank him for all the
services he rendered to the community.
Onam Celebration.
Onam was celebrated in a grand scale. Our brothers had
competitions and funs. We had a sumptuous ‘onasadya.’ Our
Franciscan Youth prepared a beautiful ‘Atthapookkalam’ in the
portico of the Church.
Birth Centenary of Fr. Theophane, the Servant of God.
On July 22nd, we inaugurated the one year birth centenary
programmes. The birth centenary celebration began with a Solemn
Mass presided over by Very Rev. Provincial Br. John Fernandaz. Br.
Joseph Roy, Our Superior, blessed the newly-built “Samadhi Hall.”
There was a public meeting held in honour of the Servant of God. Br.
Provincial was the president of the meeting.
Prof. K.V. Thomas, the central minister, inaugurated the meeting.
K. Babu (Minister), Tony Chammini (Mayor), Benny Behannan (M.L.A.)
and Ward councilor were present. It was a memorable day for the
people of the vicinity at Ponnurnni.
One Year Programme of the Birth Centenary Celebrations of the
Servant of God Fr. Tehophane Koodallur OFM Cap.
1. Birth Centenary Inauguration 2. Medical Camp
3. Cyber Seminar
4. Religious Gathering
5. Blood Donation Camp
6. Former Guardians and Pious Assocaition
Members’ Get-together
7. Forty Fifth Death Anniversary Celebrations
of the Sevant of God 8. Theo Caps Celebration
(Former Latin School Students’ Gathering)
9. Major Seminary Students’ Get-together
10.Birth Centenary Concluding The Special Feasts.
: July 22, 2012.
: September 8, 2012.
: October 21, 2012.
:Nov. 24, 2012.
: January 13, 2013.
: March 9, 2013.
: April 4, 2013.
: April 13, 2013.
: June 20, 2013.
: July 20, 2013.
In the consecutive months August and September 2012, we
celebrated the feasts of Pius X and Our Lady of Dolours. The feast of
Our Lady of Dolours was specially noted by the presence of Rev. Dr.
Jacob Prasad, the Rector of Carmelgiri, ALuva, who was the Principal
Celebrant and heart-throbbing message delivered by Br. Fidelis James.
Medical Camp.
On 8th September, hundreds of people flocked into our Ashram.
Why is it so? It was because it was the day of Medical Camp,
which was conducted as the second programme of the Centenary
programme. The doctor could diagnose even the minute block in the
heart with the help of a small Chinese machine. Though many people
are in favour of this medical camp. We could give chance only for 250
people, who registered first.
Thank you one and all. It is me, a little friar from Ponnurnni,
signing-off for the time being and wishing to log-in the next Echo.
The Centenary Birthday Celebrations of the Servant of God,
Fr. Theophane, is being inaugurated at St. Bonaventure Capuchin
Friary, Ponnurunni, by Central Minister Mr. K.V. Thomas. Fr. Andrews
Alexander OFM Cap. (Theophane Guild Director), Mayor Mr. Tony
Chammany, Mr. Benny Behannan M.L.A., Fr. John Fernandaz OFM
Cap. (Provincial , St. Francis of Assisi Capuchin Province), Fr. Varghese
Chempoly (Vice-Provincial, General Vice-Province of Arabia), Mr.
K. Babu and Fr. Joseph Roy OFM Cap. (Superior, St. Bonaventure
Capuchin Friary, Ponnurnni) are also seen.
Greetings from the Venice of the East,
Once again we have a handful of colorful experiences to
share with you................
May we begin.........
Yah..., it is none other than our Little Flower's Little hut......!
At last the painstaking dreams blossomed...! We completed the
maintenance work of our "Little Hut" ...! Our Rector Fr. Victor
was the real cox... not alone himself , and also the Community
,who were all behind the curtain, joined together with him in
hand- in -hand to make the tiresome work easy..... Thanks to
Fr. provincial and the construction committee ..... . God gave
Do you know what does it mean ?..Don't worry...
It means " COME LET US ADORE THE LORD "... Because it
has taken place on July 28..It was the day of Adoration.... We
had it together, with our faithful .It really enkindled our spiritual
thirst... and the day was concluded , by a solemn Eucharistic
celebration , offered by all the members of the community..!!!
(Proverbs 8 :17)
We had a special day, filled with showers of blessings and
greetings....It was the day that Br. Joseph Ambrose, offered himself
before the our Altar ,He received the Holy Order of
Diaconate.., from the hands of His Lordship Rt. Rev Dr.Stephen
Athipozhiyil, the Bishop of Alleppey...and on the same day, some of
our brothers also joined in the joy of Benefactor's Day's celebrations
with a great delight....!!
It is about August 15... As you know , it was a day of celebrating the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mother and also the Independence
of our Bharath Matha ..... Both solemnities were celebrated by the
Solemn Mass, offered by the members of the Community...Soon
after the Mass, we gathered around, infront of chruch for hoisting
the national flag..... but unexpectedly showers of blessings reached
there through the rain drops....And at the end our dear Br. Antony
drew us all the pains and gains of 1947's through his short speech.....!
"The Lord has done great things for us and we rejoiced....:" (psalm
126 : 3)'
Do you know what happened ?
we were extremely blessed by the presence of Br. Ephrem Maria
Gilbert as a regent. He had been serving us for the last three months
with his fully devoted mind.... And also we were privileged during
this period to celebrate his birthday...! So we take this opportunity to
thank him and wish him everything best in his future.....
( Luke 4 : 11)
Our friary was entirely in an ecstatic mood as we bid a tumultuous
welcome to the new Unicorn bike. By God's grace we welcomed the
new ' Bearer ' of the community in a heartfelt manner...
" Mathula bhashakal kevalam dhathrimar ,
Malayalam aanu ente pettamma......"
As you know we also celebrated the Vernacular day in an
extravagant manner.... And the above written lines were echoing
from every nook and corner of our house.... And we were wrapped
by the heritage of our own culture.
Dragon flies are entirely different when they come together
with MAVELI... We also welcomed them to our Little Hut...And we
celebrated the Onam with them, in it's full meaning and spirit of
equality.... the brothers made the pookalam and other games were
the part of the celebration..And every thing came to an end with a
sumptuous Sadhya....
So it is time now ,to conclude ......We wish you all the blessing's of
the feast of our Father St. Francis.
Bye see you again
Continued from Page - 27
graces fall on us. It's a calm lake where Jehovah brings his people.
The lucidity of the lake is connected with its depth. Extraordinary
clarity in the depiction is the specialty of this work. This book
awakens our mind and strengthens the inner conscience.
17. Kilikkudin Aakashavum- Dr. Christy Vatakkuzhy
Francis of Assisi is the world's dearest preceptor. This book deals
with a teacher's views to make-up a deep awareness about
Christ. Each teacher is a nest. When the wings get strength, they
show the birds, the endless sky and exhort them to fly to eternity.
Francis is the nest and Christ, the sky. A book to deepen ones
spiritual fondness…
18. Thorathe Peyyunna Mazhayil- Sebastian Pallithode
From the dark lanes and the wet fields and from all the solitary
journeys, the author collects his childhood and teenage. A new
world…a new language… new life alliances…All these words emit
some smiles with tears of stars in the sky for all those who are
meted out to accept some painful infections in life. The author
himself meets through his memories of the past.
19. Sthraina Aathiyatha-Rosy Thampy
Spirituality is the way to find oneself. Nowadays spirituality
relates to the "spirit" or "soul". When a woman seeks God from
her own self with her wonts, modality and miens, it gets differed
from the prevailing spirituality. It is a roll of notes scattering the
merriments and beauty of being a woman.
20. Basalel-Biju Madathikkunnel
More than being a novel, it is a book of self-identification or
the experiments with truth. Basalel, the protagonist, is a young
priest. The author identifies that the journey through the way of
priesthood is not in his full control. He meets the ignominies when
he walks along with God and man at the same time. Eventually
the novel becomes "the portrait of an artist as a young priest."
21. Koottam Thettiyavarude Sankeerthanam-Romance Antony
This book becomes a price to liberty. We should think of the
contemporary relevance of the problem that we see in Exodus.
Free my nation-they have to go to adore God. Has the nation,
trampled under the yoke of hunger and exploitation, the freedom
to adore? It should blaze ones heart who stands along side with
the master who came to free the world with truth. Everybody
speaks about the Word. When you speak about bread, you
become brute…a book to enlighten our thoughts and minds.
22. Prakashatninte Nizhal-Dany Capuchin
"They even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on
cots and mats, in order that Peter's shadow might fall on some of
them as he came by. A great number of people would also gather
from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those
tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all cured" (Acts
5:15-16).What has transformed Peter? Dany Capuchin justifies
that, Peter walked, but shadow was Jesus'…Peter has passed
through different phases of his life… that transformed him into a
true disciple of Jesus… A journey through the life of Peter..
23. Kadal Oru Pariyayamanu- Vinayak Nirmal
Here are some words that are going to strike your heart…some
thoughts to haunt you…and of course some stands to help you.
You will be the part of all the individual experiences of Vinayak,
something that happened not in his life alone but happening
in your life too… because the words will obviously penetrate
and hurt your heart with all its innocence and purity. Love and
innocence beckons you…
24. Thoppiyile Manju (HYKKU) – Jerly
There are many things to be read but few to be experienced and
the hykku is one among the few. Jerly challenges you with his
little thoughts. Yes, little thoughts with the way opened for strong
reflection and contemplation. It will indeed open your inner eyes.
Be sure you are going to see something superb from mere ordinary
ones and thus your will listen to your inner voice too…
25. Athijeevanam- Sr. Shoba CSN
There are only few thoughts that have a lasting effect in our life.
No doubt, Athijeevanam is one among them. Illumined by the
light of God her thoughts become all the more clear and pure. It
calls you to walk the other mile, the mile of grace……
26. Ottayadipatha - Sr. Shoba CSN
All the ways before us are not to be traveled together….certain
paths are unique for us ….. The untrodden path of reality is
disclosed. It shatters your dreams but constructs your life. Dare
to go O reader if not you miss the vistas of vision.
27. Haritham - Sebastian Thobias
Evergreen thoughts embellishing the stratum of life. Be sure that it
will water your life… Prune your vices… Manure your innocence…
to be a tree rooted in deep… Fresh and green… never withers and
of course shade for all. An evergreen work….prismatic words…An
authentic expression.
28. Pralayakalathe Mazavillu-Peter Thomas
There are ‘wayside sacraments' and epiphanies in the ordinary
and the mundane. This is what one tends to overlook in the heady
pace of life but that which the author ardently pursues to craft
this litany of insights. The world is fed up with routines, weary of
the same faces and disheartened by the tedium of life; but now
this book tells us how the most non descript events could host
a voluminous revelation and teach us to listen to God who very
often speaks in whispers, ear to ear. This is serious philosophy
presented in a most delectable fashion, with no pretensions of a
spiritual master but the soothing company of a fellow traveler.
29. Prakashathinte NizaL- Dany Capuchin
Narrative criticism is an exegetical technique which has gained
ground of late. This employs character analysis as a method.
Unhampered by the absence of a strictly technical application
of this technique, the author takes the creative liberty to read
into the person of Peter the Apostle. This work is a mystical
extrapolation, picking up from where the Gospels set off their
magnificent silence. Until he receives a glimpse of the totality of
Christ, St.Peter is more of a spiritual cocktail. This craft follows
the evolution of Peter's faith. This teaches that Peter, very much
like us, had his possibilities and openings of grace too.
30. Ee Ravu Theerum Munpu-Daniel Poovannathil
One may call it a travelogue or a chronicle of a spiritual journey.
It begins with aspiration to bring back all who have deserted the
communion of love, before the dawn breaks in. It is an earnest
longing that none should wander into the vagaries of night,
unarmed in the spirit. This text has the unorthodoxy of a mystic,
alertness of a pastor and the liberty of a poet. This is an attempt
to reclaim Jesus, often condemned to the cold and dark recesses
of institutions. It is a tribute to the souls who taught the simplicity
of love. Narratives taken from pastoral experiences, mulled over
by benevolent and deft reflections, make the reading a seamless
experience with life.
31. Bhoomipatangal- Dr.Helen A.P, trans.Dr.Sowmya Baby
In this delightful book, the author delicately carves out a very
tangible life experience from what could otherwise have become
a mere academic exposition. As commented on it, it triggers a
paleolithic conscience within the reader taking one back to
that primordial union with nature. It takes pedagogical skills
sharpened over time to present a deeply scientific perspective
to the eyes of an ordinary beholder. This book serves as anything
from a primer on eco-spirituality to a grim reminder on the
urgency for eco-spirituality. The book dwells on the relation
between science and religion, the design of life, globalization and
indiscriminate exploitation, environmental values and ecological
meltdowns that can threaten our existence in the near future.
32. Ruth- Kavalam Balachandran
Written in enchanting verse, this unfurls the untold love story in
the biblical book of Ruth. Whereas the Bible is tacit about the
amorous undercurrents in Ruth, this piece of poetry celebrates
love with a romantic exuberance. It subtly and sublimely presents
this Biblical episode which has great genealogical significance
in the Gospels. Perhaps nothing can serve better than a poetic
rendition when one attempts to make that love speak which
would otherwise have slipped silently between the lines of the
biblical text. This work is one of the very few of its kind.
33. Shwasam (soon to-be-released) – Sebastian Thobais
It’s truly amazing to write this letter to you. We are
awfully excited! ....Yeah…..
We hope you are fine, hale and hearty.
You know, how wonderful was the past days for us? We
had the exhilaration of twin celebrations. Fr. Guardian’s feast
and Fr. Sajan’s birthday. Those were the living moments of
real unity, joy and fraternity for us!! …….We started the festal
celebrations of Fr. Guardian with the adoration and the high
solemn mass together with the community became the key
to open the celebrations. A sumptuous banquet was waiting
for us on the table. Many Priests and Sisters from the nearby
communities took part in our joyful celebrations and wished
together with community all the best compliments to Fr.
Guardian in his future endeavour. In the thrilling basket ball
match Fr. Guardian’s team proved their mettle and became
victorious…… The celebrations were concluded with the
cultural extravaganza by our young brothers. And we had
a very special guest for the cultural eve…..Can you guess
who?????? ….Yeah.. was Fr. Provincial our Big Brother.
Fr. Provincial was with us for some more days and he
painted the canvas of fraternity with his exceptional blending
of paternal and fraternal love, friendly chit chats, happiness
and helping hands in the community activities.
Fr. Sajan’s birthday was another occasion where we felt the warmth
of joy and fraternity. Many priests joined us to sing “Happy Birthday”
to Fr. Sajan. The celebration commenced with the adoration and the
High Solemn Mass in the church. We specially thanked God for His
graces that we received through Fr. Sajan. Our brothers were vibrant
enough to turn the eve into a gala. The twin celebrations encircled
our friary with the scent of fraternity and love and we together
praised the almighty for his blessings.
Well, we had a small pain in the base of our heart. It was the
pain of departure when Fr. Sajan moved to Edakkadathy as a Parish
priest. But, still he relishes the aroma of joy through his presence in
our frairy.
How was your Independence day and Onam celebrations,
dear? We have turned the days colourful as much as possible here.
Independence day brought us higher into the pinnacle of our morale
and patriotism. It was well flanked by the flag hoisting ceremony,
national anthem and a smoldering message by Br. Arun Raj.
Onam indeed is a journey back to the prosperity and happiness
of malayalees along with the sweet fragrance of flowers and yeah……
Onasadhya…. The huge floral carpet in the church was really exciting
for all. The more exciting things were yet to come. They were the
traditional onam games, together with basketball, kabbadi, cricket,
volleyball, badminton and tug-of-war that we played here. We had
two groups for Onam viz Atham and Thumba. Eventually with the
jaw-downing and heart-throbbing performance Atham became the
holders of the over-all championship. And the much awaited thing
was the gargantuan Onasadhya(finding it difficult to appropriate an
adjective in English – delicious and sumptuous to its fullest) that
brought us back to the nostalgia of Onam. Really Cooool
You know our friary is celebrating its Silver Jubilee this year…….
Each moment is becoming more vibrant spiritually as we have
arranged daily adoration throughout the jubilee year.
Again we have hosted an Inter seminary basket ball tournament
of our Province on August 30th. Teams from all the seminaries of
our province arrived here with a single motive to lift the cup. The
team had the huge support of the friars and the other brothers who
came with them from their respective houses. Fr. Peter Thomas the
former superior of our friary inaugurated the tournament and blew
the starting whistle. Teams tied their shoes, met their opponents
in the court and started the action to cling the podium. Success
stands with the brave, right? Sure…..the philosophers from Marygiri,
through their logical calculation and highly spirited and classically
brushed movements, passings and shootings defeated Bodhi and
lifted the cup in final#1. It was a tough journey for the Pre-Novices in
the tournament. Yet they turned the challenge into success as they
surged past the Novices in the semi-final and reached the final. They
continued the journey of victory by defeating the Allepey brothers in
final#2 in a thriller and kissed the cup…..Howzzit now?
Fr. Stephen was with us almost for a month. Himself together with
Fr. Sabu proved that examinations were not a period to declare 144…..
well relaxed but with uncompromising and systematic preparations
they met their MA examinations and turned “examophobia” into
“examophilia”. Also, Fr. Henry went to Velankanni, the international
pilgrimage , to render his pastoral ministry for the malayalee devotees.
We were really thrilled by the Province Day celebrations and we
enjoyed each moment of it. Behind the curtains, we sweated out
ourselves all these days to bring out a new venture for the Province
day cultural eve. With God’s grace we could bring it out with a clearcut performance on the stage. We are preparing ourselves for the
feast of our seraphic father and hope you too do the same. We wish
you all our regards and please convey the same to all our brothers.
Let us nourish the spirit of fraternity for now and all times to come.
n ashram
n capuchi
God’s Own Community
Hai Brothers,
I (Santhosh George Kulangara) spent my past two months
joyfully in Manalikad, as a part of Sancharam. This visit
was mande because of the continuous pressure of one of
my friends. Really these two months were so precious and
valuable time for me, even precious that the space travel.
Now I must share my experiences, if not, my life will be in
Soon after my arrival, they started having whole day
adoration on every Friday and the co-operation of people
makes it alive. The adoration was being conducted in a
charismatic way that day-by-day devotees increased in
On day – 2, all the Novices had gone to Vikas Bhavan as
part of the Silver Jubileeof Kottappuram Diocese. Brothers
have given a beautiful message in a religious gathering
through a wonderful skit, which was appreciated by every
On the feast day of Manju Matha, all the Novices had a
boating at Munambam beach and later they had visited Mr.
Johnson and family and they spent some time in beach, which was
accompanied by Fr. Anson. Soon after their arrival, they prepared
themselves for somehting, which they have eagerly waited. That was
the feast of the Assumption of the B.V.M. and Independence Day and
Br. Fantin had delivered a wonderful message.
As a part of my visit, brothers had invited me into all of their
offices to share their experiences with me. And it was the feeling of
everyone to celebrate their feasts in the absence of their beloved
master , made them so sad.
For me the Onam celebration was undescribable. Their
Onam celebrations prolonged for three days with play and other
enjoyments. But here the joy of the community did not stunned in
our plot alone, rather it spread the whole Manalikkad. The breakfast
and the games with the people were the best sign for it. Also the visit
of Frs. Lucius, Biju James and Assisi increased the sweetness of their
Onam enjoyments.
September – 8, the day had begun with a festal Mass and that
was a holiday for them in honour of the Nativity of the B.V.M. and the
Province day of Mary Matha Province.
But I was listening that all over the celebration, brothers were
aware of someother celebration. What is it? At the end, I realized
that it is nothing but the birthday of Fr. Anson. They started the
celebrations with an adoration in honour of Fr. Anson. Many priests,
nuns and the parents of Fr. Anson were present to express their
loving and prayerful heart to him. We had a sumptuous meal outside
of the Ashram, which was well arranged in a tent and appreciated by
all. The next day, that is on the birthday, we had a Solemn Mass in the
evening and thereafter cultural programmes by the Novices outside,
in a stage with the people. Thus the celebrations were in its zenith
Brothers the sion Community asked me to give thanks for all
valuable guests, who had visited this Poriuncula of St. Francis
Province. They also welcome you to experience their spiritual joy
Thank you brothers for listening me. Let’s meet in the next issue.
Hi, there all of you and welcome once again to the leaves
of the Echo, to record the happenings at the Provincialate.
The Motherly Touch:
These few days we had a whole rush of activities and the
life, as usual ever, was hectic. While all are so engaged in one
or other engagements, it was hearty to see how the sisters
of our neighbourhood care for us with concern. It was the
turn of the C.T.C. sisters of the “Regina Coeli Novitiate” who
reminded us of the importance of taking care of our health.
They brought us the famed “Karkidaka Marunnu Kanji” for
three consecutive days. Thanking God for His concern, which
we experienced through them.
It really had our brains out and kept us all at the
Provincialate in tentacle hooks, when there came backto-back meeting schedules within a span of two days. The
Finance Commission, Social Work Commission, Commission
for S.F.O. and the Finance Drafting Committee of the Extraordinary Chapter-2013 had their meetings one after the
other. Still we had a helluva fun of a time, since it was a
moment of experiencing the fraternal collaboration, so also a
sense of togetherness.
Ushering Joys:
We were really proud when we heard the priests of the Archdiocese
of Verapoly speaking highly in praise of the monthly recollection
talk given to the priests of the Archdiocese by Fr. Sterin, the Vice
Novice Master. After a few days, came in the wonderful celebration
of the Keralites, Onam, and the malayalees at the Provincialate had
enthusiastic bouts of fervor, as they celebrated it to the brim. We
were really apprehensive about the availability of Fr. Marian, since
he was hospitalized with uneasiness, but still he managed himself
to be available for the onasadya. The flower carpet (Pookalam)
was arranged on the round-table at the Provincialate and also the
outside of the Provincialate. It was well authored and the design well
orchestrated by none other than the Friar with the Magical Fingers, Fr.
Joyson, who within no time drew the lines and the whole community
in attendance did it to the gin. For the ‘Sadya’, Frs. Marian, Biju James,
Assisi, Savio, Fidelis, Isaac, Robin Thomas, Lucius, Regent Br. Shaji
and four relatives of Fr. Isaac were present, together with our ‘Little
Cook’, Mr. Kishore (Shoroth). After the ‘Sadya’, most of the friars took
it off to Manalikkad and celebrated the rest of the day there with the
The “Busy”ness at the Provincialate:
As it goes, Provincialate is always bustling with multi-activities.
The community had the one-day picnic to “Paanely Poru”, under the
plans of Fr. Marian. It was really a day-off to the otherwise fast-paced
community. The members took time off to cool themselves and lavishly
enjoyed in the mesmerizing landscapes as well as the temptingly
tumultuous streams of water, rumoured to have undercurrents at
any time, notwithstanding the unexpected attack of the elephants.
The locales and the fun moments were aesthetically captured by the
ace master photographer, Fr. Joyson. The fun added its zing with the
one and only frolicking Fr. Joseph James, who was also glad enough
to join us together. The ripples of the waters tickled-off the timidity
and as more and more friars entered the waters, one could at last see
Fr. Biju James screaming like a child, Fr. Marian dancing like an infant,
Br. Shaji, Frs. Assisi, Savio and Fidelis in their naughty best. “Indeed
the waters dissolved the ice of weightages and bondages.” Really we
were all like children baptized by the waters of the streams and it
impelled us with a new vigour and energy.
We, the community at Provincialate, began our Novena of St.
Francis of Assisi, in view of the impending Solemnity, from 25th of
September, 2012 onwards. The Novena is celebrated in the afternoon,
coupling with the Office of the Readings and the Prayer during the
Day, initiating with the Angelus.
Moistened Eyes:
On the 22nd of September, 2012, the day had as its destiny, the
send-off programme of the changing-Superior, Fr. Marian. The day
opened with the Holy Eucharist, where apart from the community
members themselves, the priests of the nearby institutions and the
sisters of the five neighbourhood convents marking their attendance
for Fr. Marian, who was a popular star among them. Fr. Savio’s
introduction during the Mass put the mood in its right place and
a delectable breakfast under the guidance of Fr. Assisi, followed,
gradually transferring the Guardianship of the Provincialate to Fr. Biju
James. On the same afternoon, Fr. Marian was bid adieu, and Frs. Biju
James, Francis Assisi, Paul Savio, Basil and Br. Saji John, accompanied
Fr. Marian to St. Joseph’s Capuchin Ashram, Fort Kochi.
The five Novices of the nearby Mother of Carmel (O-Carm.)
Convent, who are preparing for their Final Profession on the 2nd of
October, 2012, were invited to our house and given a send-off agape,
since we shared a good rapport with them and we ministered to their
spiritual and pastoral needs.
Part of a Historical Innings:
The present community at the Provincialate was blessed by
God to be here at this moment of time, when the Archdiocese of
Verapoly is celebrating its 125th Jubilee Celebrations. As part of the
same, various programmes are conducted and new ones charted-out
every now and then, so much so that those in the jurisdiction of the
Archdiocese cannot forego, at least one programme, if at all missed
another one. While the co-ordinators have to be applauded for their
vision, God’s grace has to be remembered in gratitude.
On the 9th of September, 2012, Frs. Marian and Assisi participated
in the inaugural celebrations of the event at the Our Lady of Ransom
Church, the Vallarpadom Basilica, kicked-off by the Cardinal, His
Beatitude Mar George Alnachery.
Then followed a light-and-sound show, ‘Ammamaram’, where the
history of the Archdiocese of Verapoly enfolds in a matter of twoand-a-half hours, which is very much a history of the Kerala Catholic
Church itself. The community viewed its screening on the 26th of
September, 2012, and it left us wonder-struck, awe-filled, aware and
still awfully gaping for more, ultimately compelling us to thank God
and believe in the plans of the Almighty all the more.
A New Entrant:
You might have noticed, as you read, a new name Master Kishore
(aka Shoroth). He is the new cook from Orissa, barely into his
eighteens. He is a fast learner, which is seen from the delicious meals
he dishes-out, taught from the hands of the master chef Fr. Assisi and
he surprised us with the fastness in which he picked up our language
Malayalam. It is true that necessity compels us to learn faster. It is
rather interesting to see Br. Shaji calling him “Beta” (in hindi, it means
“son”). His name in Kerala is Kishore, but his original name, as you
read in the brackets, is Shoroth, which in our language is equivalent
to Sharath. Hey guys, welcome to Provincialate for tasting the new
recipes and sumptuous cuisine.
The Vibrant Characters:
The Provincialate has in various ways a community swinging in
all its vibrancy and spontaneity. Fr. Biju James, as he is wielding the
megaphone as the new Guardian, is always afresh with his innovative
ideas and he outsmarts us with the accuracy and abruptness with
which he handles the issues and settles the affairs, with elan. It is
indeed flourishing under his guardianship and he is never short of
energy and enthusiasm, which he even radiates and transmits to
each and every member of the community. His ability to multi-task
both his offices as the Social Director of the Province and as the
newly appointed Guardian, is amazing. One can see him at Kollam
giving lectures to the students on social issues, another can spot him
at Thiruvananthapuram giving classes to the brothers of Philosophy
and still another can find him at Ernakulam giving Recollection talks.
Apart from these he is ever ready to render his service by making
himself available to pick-up and see-off all the friars who come and
go from here.
If a plant has a strong support, then it could stand the test of times.
The right hand of Fr. Biju, the Vicar of the Provincialate, Fr. Francis
Assisi, is the one who manages the whole affairs of the Provincialate
with his inimitable style, standing in chorus with Fr. Biju, as the latter
is constantly on the move. The ability of the Procurator to keep in
toes the whole members of the Provincialate, with his efficient hands,
specially in the day-to-day affairs has to be seen to believe.
After a short hiatus from the Provincialate, Fr. Paul Savio, the
Vocation Promoter, returned back to the Provincialate from Pariyaram.
With his arrival, it was like the blooming of the plants in the rain, after
a long dry weather. Once again the walls of the Provincialate began
to reverberate the echoes of the clattering and mutterings of Fr. Paul
We were indeed glad to have Fr. Joseph Joyson, who was a silent
and soft presence to the Provincialate, but a strong one too. He,
with an artistic mind, instilled and instigated us to bring-forth the
small beauties of life, be it through his photographs or through his
paintings, which we saw orally. After his short stay, he headed to his
appointed community at Padua Capuchin Ashram, Pariyaram , on the
27th of September, 2012. Wishing him all the best for his stay there.
And expecting that the Province itself would become colourful once
more with his talents and creativities.
After his short ministry at U.S.A., the ever-vibrant and enthusiastic
friar, Fr. David Basil, joined us and, mind you, we are tired of laughing,
every moment, since he is quick-witted and has jokes always in store,
which he presents with his unique style and delivers it with panache,
aptly fitting for each situation. One can’t help stop laughing and we
feel the streams and tides of joy every now and then.
Our Regent Br. Shaji is so active that he fails to have a whiff of
breath. On Sundays, he rushes to St. Bonaventure Capuchin Friary,
Ponnurnni, for doing his pastoral ministry there and takes catechism
for the youth. He himself attends a small course at Professor V.P.
George’s, a retiree of St. Paul’s College. On alternate days, we hear
his reflections on the day’s gospel, for the Mass. Amidst his busy
schedules, it was indeed inspiring to see him securing the driving
license for both two and four wheeler.
The Visitors and ……:
As everyone knows, Provincialate is always abundant with the
flow of visitors in different modes, moods and for different matters.
We had so many visitors. To mention all would be a herculean task,
but some special guests are to be remembered, like Frs. Varghese
Chempoly, the General Vice-Provincial of GVPA, Andrew Francis
(Kuwait), George Kooliath (who made us laugh out our mind), Gerin,
We indeed see-off many from our Provincialate. The PostNovices/Regents- Brs. Ephrem Maria Gilbert, Sumesh Gerald and
Deejo Pathrose- were seen-off to Arunachal Pradesh. Fr. David Basil
was seen-off to and later received back from the United States. Fr.
Varghese Alphonse, the Provincial Delegate to Ghana Mission and Fr.
Isaac were seen-off. Br. Vincent Davidson, after his Diaconate Ministry
was seen-off to Shillong, Fr. John Paul, to the Province of Tuscnay and
Fr. Robinson Melkis to U.K. for his doctoral studies.
And the list goes on and on and on…………………
Mission Band Retreat
Dear Brothers in Jesus Christ and St. Francis of Assisi,
Greetings from Capuchin Mission Band..........
We could conduct three-day Capuchin Mission Band Retreats in three
places at the same time. This is the first time in the history of our Mission
Band that retreats are being conducted at three places at the same time.
Praise the Lord and thanks dear Brothers for your valuable presence and
spiritual supports.
St. Roch's church Poothura, Thiruvananahtapuram, Aug 25 to 27:
Fr, Bobby, Fr. Berny, Fr. Godfrey, Fr. Babu, Fr. sabu, Fr Henry, Fr. Gipson,
Fr, Sales, Fr. Benoy.
Three Places at the same time:
St. Antony's Shrine Kaloor, St. Francis Xavier church, Kadavanthara &
St. Sebastian’s Church, Gandhinagar:
Fr. Francis M, Fr peter Thomas, Fr. Simon Peter, Fr. Joy, Fr. Jaittus, Fr
Robin, Fr. Francis Assisi, Fr. Anish Cleetus, Fr, Shaji, Fr. Roy, Fr, Sales, Fr.
Holy Cross Church Palapooru, Thiruvananthapuram September 10 to 13:
Fr. Peter Thomas, Fr. Sebastian, Fr. Joy, Fr. Benoy, Fr. Sales.
Our Next destinations:
St. Therese of Lisiseux Church, Thoongamopara, Kattakkada Sep. 23rd to
St, Francis Xavier's Church, Ponel, Cochin Nov. 14th to 18th.
Once again Thanks to you all....
n ashram
Hai dear brothers, Marygiri theaters proudly presents
before you the very new drama, THE LIVES ON HILL TOP
Scene- 1: Reading room
Guardian: At last all is over
Fr. Ferdinand: What?
Guardian: The celebrations, these two months we ware so
busy with our celebrations.
Fr. Antony: Yes, of course I struggled a lot to manage the
finance of this month, beginning from my own birthday we
celebrated the birthdays of Fr. babu, Fr. Ferdinand and feast
of Fr. guardian at a stretch only Fr. Samuel is exempted
Fr. Babu: Only birthdays and feast then what about our
onam celebration, the charming onappattu, dilecious sadya
and onam games!!! How wonderful it was
[A brother is entering to the stage]
Brother Dean: Yes father I too hope if it was onam everyday
Fr. Samuel: For what
Brother Dean: At least that day you may grant us a holiday isn’t it
Fr. Samuel: You guys only think about holidays go and study
Brother Dean: Father you don’t be so rush don’t you know that
we were taking constant practice for the feast of Fr. Guardian and
birthday of Fr. Ferdinand to put up a beautiful cultural programme. we
diligently served all the guests including Monsignor and priests and
also we didn’t give slumber to our eyelids until we decorate for all this
house for the guardians feast and onam day brothers were working
up to early morning to make onapookalam. After our dappankuttu in
the garden for the birth day of Fr. Antony and Fr. babu, the sumptuous
food which we had on that days digested so fast.
Fr. Guardian: Oh so sad, go for your work
Fr. Antony: I am struggling to tally the accounts
Fr. Guardian: What happened?
Fr. Antony: Father, as you know that the front side of the ashram
and our reading room has renovated recently and this new get up
looks so beautiful but too expensive
Fr. Guardian: Ok, I know that, leave it now we can discuss it later
come let us have a tea
Scene - 2, In front of the ashram
Brothers: Welcome back Fr. Samuel, how was your stay in Rome.
Fr. Samuel: I had a pleasant stay in Rome and now I am eager to
know the news of Marygiri
Br.Nikil: There are many things to be conveyed,
Br. Harish: what did you bring for us?
Fr. Samuel: Yah I brought some holy materials for you
Br.Harish: Hurray
Fr. Samuel: Where is your new assistant rector father Antony
Br.Binu: He went out just before, the last week only Fr. Guardian
informed that the new appointment of Fr. Antony as new assistant
superior and rector and we hope that his good vision and ideas will
enrich our community better.
Scene- 3, Refectory
Guardian: It is something painful to give a farewell to Fr. Ferdinand.
As we know that he was good help for all of us. His dedicated services
and thought provoking jokes will keep his memories alive in our
community and also in our parish. Even though he is parting form us
for a short period it will create a great void in our community so I take
this opportunity to thank you Fr. Ferdinand for all the services that
you have rendered for the community and parish.
Fr. Ferdinand, It is very painful for me to part from this community.
The memories which you have gifted to me will be cherishing always in
my life, and I thank each and every one for your valuable cooperation,
also special thanks to Monsignor Eugene Pereira, Procurator Fr.
Rajashekharan and Fr. Justin who came here to express their love
towards me. Thank you all
Guardian: In this sorrowful moment we have a good news, we
have a new member to our community in the person of Fr. Gipson,
a new bird in our nest. As we know that he has already installed as
the parish priest in Our Lady of Fatima Church. And I hope he can
influence people more through his cool and dynamic nature. I take
this opportunity to congratulate him
[Phone Rings and Parlor master attend the phone]
Br. Josey: Hello, good evening
Fr. Roy: Good evening Br. I am Fr. Roy, may I get Fr. Berny on line
Br.josey: Sorry Fr. He is attending the farewell programme of Fr.
Fr. Roy: Never mind, please convey this message to him that I
will arrive on 9th Sep. for an official visit and I would like to meet all
Brothers individually, also please convey my regards to Fr. Ferdinand
Brother Josey: Ok, Fr. thank you
Seen- 4, school Auditorium
Br. Jojo: Good morning sister. I heard that our school have some
thing to celebrate, isn’t it
Sr. Principal: Yes of course after a long period our Marygiri
English School has declared as a minority institution by the national
commission for minority educational institution under the Govt of
India. The certificate was issued by Justice M.S.A Siddqui on 9th July
2012. Many of the school in TVM has not achieved this land mark so
it is a golden hat for our school and this was last among the many
achievements that we have gained within four months in this new
scholastic year
Br. Jojo: Then what are the those achievements
Sr. Principal: We are happy that our school is granted with hitech agricultural and farm project and also for winning the South
sahodaya boys over all sport championship and I think by the short
time Marygiri has gone miles ahead than any other institutions
Br: Jojo: What are the other celebrations?
Sr. Principal: The other celebrations of our students where the
celebration of youth festival and teachers day the creativity of our
students come out with flying colour in the youth festival. The three
days of programme were beautifully arranged by the staff in the
school. In these days the school premises were filled with echoes of
varieties of kalas.
Sr. Principal: Brother, I heard that you have presented a paper on
priest in politics hoe was it
Br: Jojo: It was so nice and the topic was so interesting. I prepared
it as the part of Malayalam academy. It was on 9th July. Br Jijin
critically evaluated the paper in a dynamic way. The moderator Rev.
Monsignor James Culas made the discussion more vibrant and fruitful
[Voice from the Anchor]
The drama never ends because the life in Marygiri is still blooming.
Even though we know that it is the time to put down the curtain for
three months but we assure that the show will go on. Finally the
marygirians wish all the brothers a very joyful feast of our beloved
father Francis. May we lovingly follow his steps.
Til ery
n friary
s capuchi
The months of June, July, August and the initial days of
September have not been extra ordinary in the usual sense
but the same in every sense. This may sound confusing,
yet the reality is that the spirit of these past days remains
untranslatable. However they cannot be considered
irretrievable. Of course, the last three and a half months have
been eventful at St. Antony’s Friary, Tillery. June reveled in
feasts. The feast of St. Antony, the patron of the Friary was
celebrated with great devotion and sufficient participation
by the local people. The family that took up the feast cooperated with Fr. Guardian to make all the arrangements
regarding the liturgy and the rest. On the day of feast proper,
food was provided for all the faithful present.
Tillery being the mother house always becomes the
venue of any gathering minor or major. The meeting of the
financial administrators was such a one held at the Friary.
Each house was represented and a seminar on financial
auditing conducted. The friary continued to experience
sweet moments of celebration and specialties. The arrival of
Fr. Peter Thomas, the new Dean of studies was a key event.
Soon we had reason to pep up as in the form of his feast. The
whole community wished the feasterian and received him
warmly amidst us. The activities paced up keeping the Friary
always at a starting point. The friars young and old moved about
never out of place but ever intact. The Benefactors’ Meet at San Pio
was amply represented by brothers.
One of the notable occasions that followed was the send-off meal
in honor of Fr. Robinson Melkis. It marked an emotional farewell
to the former dean. Every one invariably expressed their good
will towards him for all that he had been to the Bodhi Institute of
Theology. We wished him a successful completion of his doctrinal
studies at UK. Congrats and kudos to Fr. Joseph James and team who
took pain in planning the new face of our central garden. At last their
hard work seemed to bore fruit as we had the inauguration of the
renovated garden with an evening rosary in the serene open air. The
paths leading to the centre font and to the encircling portions with
blooming flowers are delights and feasts to eyes. The garden looks
pretty. We hope it gets adorned by the variety of flowers. Bros. Shotin,
Joby and Dn. Joseph Ambrose are working hard to make it a hub of
butterflies. Already they have started to hum and savor the honey!
Brothers also had a day-out relaxing and enjoying a bit- surely
rejuvenating them to pursue the academy more vigorously.
Meanwhile the entire community made itself available to be present
at the adoration monastery to mark the 800th year of the entrance
of St. Clare to the Order. They were blissful moments of a life time
sharing the table with the Lord’s Brides. August 15th was kept alive.
Fr.Sunil hoisted the flag with the back ground accompaniment of the
national anthem. Sweets distributed and a free day declared opening
smiles on our playful faces. The celebration of Onam was highly
packed. The couple of days that it lasted took our whole energy away.
The entire community involved in all the games possible both indoor
and out door. In fact on the day of Thiruvonam and of the sumptuous
meal, every one looked in bad shape and tired by way of the games
still lingering on. However amidst the cloudy atmosphere, we ate the
sadhya as ever deliciously. Each group that participated in the games
was given prizes. The visit of Fr. Roy, Defnitor in-charge of formation
stood out.
Some of the revampings that took place lately have changed the
face of the Friary. Along with the centre garden, the wine room and
the oratory, what has come out well is the stage in the main study
hall. The efforts of Fr. Peter, Bros. Yesudas, Shotin, Martin and Anoop
should be appreciated here. It was fitting that the stage was formerly
opened for the Province Day cultural eve.
The ripples and mirth that floating and echoing the capuchin
brotherhood set the Province Day apart as one to be relished for
a while. At the outset Fr. Roy the convener, and Bros. Jerome and
Dynish who spearheaded were brilliant in organizing this important
event successfully. There was the mixture of spirit of competitions,
sportsmanship, fraternity and pat on the back both on the basketball
court and the programme stage. It was good to see different jerseys
shining along the hallmark La Fraternita. The prize distribution
honoring different achievement was a great and welcoming gesture
from the part of the committee. Everything went on well especially
the liturgy, the food and the reception by the benevolent joining of
hands of all our capuchin houses. Congrats and thanks to you dear
brothers for your coming and making the event a wonderful moment
to remember.
The community also celebrated the first death anniversary of
our beloved Fr. Martin Bernard. His relatives were present for the
Holy Mass offered for his soul. We silently prayed and thought of
everything that he had been to our capuchin brotherhood. May his
soul rest in peace and intercede for all of us.
We are lucky that the two joint ventures of our life namely Padre
Pio Retreat Center and Assisi Press giving us always surprises and
moments of joy. The blessing of the new Altar at the retreat centre
was a memorable one. Fr. Provincial presided over the short prayer
session. Everyone present had high opinion of what had come out,
a very fine work suitable for prayer and adoration. We were also
invited and made part of the onam celebrations at the retreat centre.
The recently concluded also made us feel very proud of its spiritual
significance to all of us particularly to people of Quilon Diocese. The
transfer of Fr. Gipson has least affected its function. However, we miss
Fr. Gipson who had been a constant aid in all the pastoral activities
of the Friary, Retreat centre and the outside ministries. He was highly
sought in the spiritual counselings. We now thank him and wish him
all the very best in his new venture as the parish priest. We also
participated in the inaugural staging of the new drama of Assisi arts
club Kannady at the town hall. We are very proud of the social issues
undertaken in the play. Of course the press and its other activities go
fine under the leadership and management of Fr. Albert.
News from Heights of the Mountain
Happy to Meet You All.
It is very nice to share something that happens in the
community and around us. The very specialty of the Place is
that its calmness and beauty. it helps us to meditate over our
lives and the lives of the people here. Thus every now then
we are blessed and the people too.
1. Healing Touch
In the Gospel we see Jesus is crying looking at the
peopleas those voiceless and helpless without a shepherd.
The community is aware that we are called to do the same for
the people, to be a shepherd. We the community extended
God's healing touch to the people through counselling,
confession, proclamation of the Word of God and mainly Holy
Eucharist. People come in with a heavy heart and goes back
with a peace of mind. And People do share their experience
of God's healing touch. And the community is so happy and
we continue the mission.
2. Ministries
Now Pio Bhavan is well known in Wayanad district, because
we the community is ready and vigourous to extend a helping hand to
nearby convents and parishes. Though there are other congregations
we, the capuchins are given importance in this area of Calicut Diocese.
Congratulations to the guardian for keeping up the rapport.
3. New Comer
We the community is happy to have Br.George Louis in the
community. It is an added joy. How pleasant and good it is when
brothers live in unity. Thanks for the gift of Bro. George to the
4. Guests
it is always nice when people come in. We were privileged to
have Bros. Biju James the Social Director of the Province, Joyson, Frs.
Antony, Franson from the Diocese. Thank you brothers. Again most
welcome to the beauty and calmness.
That is all at present. Meet you in the next.
d heart
Hi friends!
We are back on the little pages of Magnificent and
Incredible heart of our province ‘Echo’, bringing to one and all
the touching moments of our little Sacred Heart Community,
so keep track with our news.
It’s always a joy in celebrating life. In fact life is to be
celebrated at every moment. Live and let others live is
the motto of our community. Everything goes fine with the
vibrant animation of our Guardian.
The community is preparing to celebrate the feast of
our Holy Father St.Francis . The Bishop of Calicut Rt. Rev.
Dr.Varghese Chakkalakal consented to take part in the
fraternal gathering. We have also invited all the priests and
religious from the Calicut forane. On 3rd evening 6.30pm the
gathering will start with the ‘Transitus’. Next day morning
7am we have a Solemn Mass with people of this locality.
The friars are dispensing their valuable time to render services at
the different localities in Kerala. Br. Baptist is very much engaged in
the area of preaching retreat. He preached retreats to Charity and
Bethany sisters during these days. He is also taking bible class for the
laity in a nearby parish of Thamarassery diocese.
Our fraternal life is relished and enriched with certain celebrations.
Community celebrated the feast of St. Clare with FCC sisters and friars
from Kundayithode capuchin ashram. Community also celebrated
the onam festival. Bro. Robin Thomas was pleased to lend his helping
hand in arranging a beautiful ‘Pookalam’, which attracted the local
In the month of July we were privileged to have a rare guest.
Community was happy indeed to welcome a new ‘Lhasapso’ puppy.
And we baptized him as Rudie.
We were also enriched by the presence of certain great
personalities like Bros. Joyson, Stalin, Robin Thomas, George Luis,
Fr.Paul Percy and FCC sisters.
n ashram
Fraternal greetings
In Today’s world, practical aspects of life weigh more than
the theoretical, Our precious time must be converted into
moments of action for real success in life. Idle talk can lead
one nowhere. Life should be moulded on the firm basis of
action. Here in Pariyaram Padua Ashram we have a dynamic
friar in the form of Fr. Robin Daniel, our guardian who is
striving to be practical and stop wasting precious time on
unnecessary preaching. He is a vibrant friar, preaching Word
of God in different parts of India as well as abroad. He is very
disciplined who never waste time and reading lot of books.
He is model to imitate. Though he is a senior member, he is
very active doing lot of works for the community because of
that we are going to reap lots of fruits from our compound.
His personality and talks were highly appreciated among
priests and religious.
Feast day of our guardian was celebrated o 17th September.
The day began with festal Mass and the faithful gathered in
the refectory to facilitate Fr. Robin Daniel, thereafter we had
delicious breakfast. At the same day evening we had festal
dinner. Rev. Fathers and Rev. Sisters from nearby houses
participated. Fr. Plato welcomed the guests. Fr. George Payyenedath,
the parish priest of St. Xavier Church, Pariyaram felicitated saying that
Fr. Robin talks very short and keeps his relationship very stronger.
Fr. Plato after successfully completing his language course in
French reached back to the community and in parish. He came out
with flying colours. He desires to go for advanced course. Sometimes
we are surprised to hear French from Fr. Plato. If you have any doubt
in French please contact Fr. Plato Silvester at [email protected]
“Valley of Bones”
You have surely heard of the “Valley of Bones” in Ezechiel. A
reminiscent of that valley was here. Every time we looked at the
unfinished structure behind the house, we mused “will these bones
get flesh? The miracle is in the making. The bones are getting flesh. It
may not be a dance of of the bones coming to full life. But at least the
structure will be protected from ruin, being exposed to inclemency’s
of the weather, which has already taken its toll to some extent. Now
the concreting is on, all civil problems related to it are sorted out. We
thank father Provincial and the construction committee for setting
this priority right and taking the necessary steps.
Fr. Paul Savio was the in charge of the Kunhimangalam Parish in
Fr. Plato’s absence. He left his footprints in the hearts of many in the
parish. Thank you Fr. Paul Savio for your wounderful presence and
ministry in the community and in parish. Thank you all. See you next
New Superior
Aryanad community is blessed with the presence of
new guardian in the person of Br. Alphose Lucious. He took
the charge on 17th July 2012 as the guardian of Assisi.
The community is now more vibrant with the Franciscan
Spirituality Role Model. Arunachal is a new mission where
we hesitate to enter. Br. Lucious being a just man paid a
short visit to our young missionaries area to boost up their
mission thirst. It was well appreciated by the missionaries of
Forane Meeting
It was our term to conduct the forane priests meeting
and it was well arranged by Br. Lucious the guardian of the
house. The community thanked him for the loving service.
Our Visitors
Every visit create a new energy to the community. We the
community thank Very Rev Br. John Fernandez the Provincial
Minister, Brs. Biju James, and George Louis for their kind visit.
Centenary Celebration and Feast
One of the substations of Br. Sunil C.E., has celebrated its centenary
of the faith formation. It was well arranged by the diocese and the
people around. Thanks to communities of Aryanad, Marygiri, and
Valiyathura. Thanks Brs. John Fernandez, Bernad Varghese, Alphonse
Lucius, Aldrin Joseph and for all the capuchin Friars who prayed and
worked for the race.
Velankanni Shrine
With the help of the community Br. Sunil could celebrate the feast
of Our Lady in a shrine in one of his substations. Br. Sunil thanked Br.
Lucious and Br. Sijo for the help they rendered for the parishes.
Irinchal Feast
Br. Sijo is well appreciated by the parishioners of Irinchal for his
hard work. He renovated the alter and the whole church before the
feast. He conducted the feast in a Franciscan manner which could
devote the people to experience the Franciscan spirituality. The
community thanked and congratulated Br. Sijo for all his undertakings.
Wish you all happy feast
Our Friars...
Brs. Jose Suresh, Antony Kurishinkal & Tomy participated in the Workshop
on Public Relations, conducted at NISCORT (National Institute of Social
Commission, Research & Training), under the auspices of CBCI Office for
Public Relations and Office for Social Communications, at New Delhi, from
September – 23 to 26, 2012.
Congrats to Rev. Fr. Jaitus Kochappilly
OFM Cap., who was the co-ordinator in
the composing and subsequent releasing
of the three volumes of the C.D.s
“Sankeertahnangal”, based on the Psalms,
under the auspices of K.C.B.C.
Participated in the “In-Service Course 2012
For Religious and Lay Workers of Capuchin
Libraries, Archives and Museums” organized
by the “Central Capuchin Library the General
Capuchin Archives and the Franciscan
Museum” (Rome, 23rd – 28th July 2012)
Had a short, but successful
stint at the Diocese of Fresno
(California), in two parishes.
Attended the “Overseas Mission
Orientation Course” at Ishvani
Kendra, Pune.
October – 2012
Mass at the Thottam Palli with the
• Transitus at 11:30 am.
• Evening Festal Mass with Archbishop
Francis Kallarakkal at St. Francis of
Assisi Cathedral at 5:30 pm
• Province Annual Retreat
7th – 13th
• Jubilee of the Simple Profession of
Brs. Alphonse Lucius, Bobby Jose and
Thomas Thoppaparambil OFM Cap.
Local Vocation Promoters’ Meeting at San
Pio Capuchin Retreat house, Kovilthottam,
5:30 pm : Festal Mass at Fr. Jesmon’s Parish
Super Universam Comprehensive Exam at
Bodhi, Tillery.
St. Jude’s Feast, Vazhayila.
Travel to Veo : Arunahcal Pradesh
November – 2012
18th – 20th
The New Friary Blessing at Veo, Aunachal
Return from Veo : Arunachal Pradesh
Social Work Agenda Committee of the
Extra-Ordinary Chapter Meeting.
Provincial of Switzerland, Rev. Br. Ephrem
Bucher OFM Cap., in the Province.
Valiathura Villa Padua Jubilee Celebrations
Date :. August – 11th, 2012
Programme : Vocation Promoters’ Meeting.
:.St. Antony’s Capuchin Friary,
Tillery, Kollam.
: August – 11 , 2012.
Programme : Meeting of the Finance Committee of
the Extra-Ordinary Chapter .
: St. Antony’s Capuchin Friary, Tillery.
: August – 13th, 2012.
Programme : Meeting of the Finance Committee .
: Capuchin Provincialate,
S. Kalamassery.
: August – 13th, 2012.
Programme : Meeting of the Social Work
Committee of the Extra-Ordinary
Chapter .
: Capuchin Provincialate,
S. Kalamassery.
: August – 14th, 2012.
: Meeting of the Commission for
Pastoral Co-ordination & Mission.
: Capuchin Provincialate,
S. Kalamassery.
: August – 14th, 2012.
Programme : Definitory Meeting.
: Capuchin Provincialate,
S. Kalamassery.
: August – 16th, 2012.
: Meeting of the Commission
for S.F.O.
: Capuchin Provincialate,
S. Kalamassery.
: August – 17th, 2012.
Programme : Province Day.
: St. Antony’s Friary, Tillery.