2200 Honolulu Avenue
2200 Honolulu Avenue
CITY OF GLENDALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING HEARING OFFICER STAFF REPORT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. PCUP 1322174 MEETING DATE: December 4, 2013 TO: Planning Hearing Officer PREPARED BY: Christopher E. Baxter, Planner ADDRESS: 2200 Honolulu Avenue APPLICANT: Hrire Rostomian - Benitoite Restaurant OWNER: Eva A. Jeffers PROJECT PROPOSAL: A. Applicant Proposes: A Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-site sales, service, and consumption of beer and wine at a new full-service restaurant with sidewalk dining located within the "CR" - Commercial Retail Zone. 8. CEQA Status: Exempt per CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1 Existing Facility. C. Previous Permits for the Site: D. Related Concurrent Permit Applications: There are no other cases or active building permits being processed with this case. E. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the project with conditions. None SITE CONTEXT GENERAL PLAN: Commercial - Regional ZONE: (CR) Commercial Retail Zone DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING PROPERTY AND USES: The 14,430 square-foot site contains two buildings totaling 11,659 square-feet consisting of an existing restaurant, beauty salon, barber shop and shoe repair shop. The proposed 1,260 square-foot full-service restaurant (Benitoite) with sidewalk dining will be located in a tenant space at the corner of Honolulu Avenue and Verdugo Road. No parking spaces exist on the site because the buildings occupy the majority of the parcel; however, no parking is required because Section 30.32.030, Glendale Municipal Code, allows a retail use less than 2,000 square feet to convert to full-service restaurant without providing additional parking spaces. Additionally, no parking spaces were required when these buildings were constructed in 1914 and 1921. City Parking Lots No. 1 and No. 7 located south and southwest of the property contain 35 and 95 parking spaces respectively and City Parking Lot No. 3 northwest of the property contains 308 spaces. 1 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 NEIGHBORING ZONES AND USES: Zoning North South CR CR East CR West Project Site CR CR Existing Uses Retail and food service El Charro Mexican Restaurant and City of Glendale Public Parking Lot No. 1 Verizon Wireless retail store and Divina Cucina Restaurant. Retail and food service Full-service restaurant, beauty salon, barber shop and shoe repair shop COMMENTS FROM OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS: Comments and suggested conditions were received by the Police Department. They initially objected to sidewalk dining because the sidewalk is not wide enough; however, in follow-up emails they would not object to sidewalk dining if Public Works Engineering issues an encroachment permit (please see attached Police comments). Other City Departments and Sections did not submit comments or recommend conditions for the project. REQUIRED FINDINGS Pursuant to Section 30.42.030 of the Glendale Municipal Code, a conditional use permit may be granted only if the following findings of fact can be made: A. That the proposed use will be consistent with the various elements and objectives of the general plan. B. That the use and its associated structures and facilities will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, the general welfare, or the environment. C. That the use and facilities will not adversely affect or conflict with adjacent uses or impede the normal development of surrounding property. D. That adequate public and private facilities such as utilities, landscaping, parking spaces and traffic circulation measures are or will be provided for the proposed use. Further, this request requires that additional findings of fact be made, as follows: For applications involving the sale, serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages, the following criteria shall be considered in making the above findings A through D: 1. That where an existing or proposed on-site use is located in a census tract with more than the recommended maximum concentration of on-site uses or that where an existing or proposed off-site use is located in a census tract with more than the recommended maximum concentration of off-site uses, both as recommended by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, such use does not or will not tend to intensify or otherwise contribute to the adverse impacts on the surrounding area caused by such over concentration; 2. That where the existing or proposed use is located in a crime reporting district with a crime rate which exceeds twenty (20) percent of the city average for Part I crimes, as 2 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 reported by the Glendale Police Department, such use does not or will not tend to encourage or intensify crime within the district; 3. That the existing or proposed use does not or will not adversely impact any church, public or private school or college, day care facility, public park, library, hospital or residential use within the surrounding area; 4. That adequate parking and loading facilities are or will be provided for the existing or proposed use, or other reasonable alternatives satisfy the transportation and parking needs of the existing or proposed use; and 5. That, notwithstanding consideration of the criteria in subsections 1 through 4 above, the existing or proposed use does or will serve a public necessity or public convenience purpose for the area. BACKGROUND The applicant is applying for a conditional use permit to sell, serve and consume beer and wine with food at a full-service restaurant (Benitoite Restaurant) with sidewalk dining. The proposed site is located in a single-story building at the southwest corner of Verdugo Road and Honolulu Avenue in the Montrose Shopping Park. The tenant space is currently vacant and undergoing tenant improvements. Benitoite applied for a Zoning Use Certificate on September 18, 2013. It will be issued when the tenant improvements are finaled by the Building and Safety Division. Benitoite's hours of operation will be as follows: • • • • Tuesday -Thursday 11 :30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Friday - Saturday 11 :30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 11 :30 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday the restaurant is closed. ANALYSIS The project is located in the Montrose Shopping Park which is recognized as a regional Town Center. This area provides commercial services to Crescenta Valley residents and is known for its hometown pedestrian-friendly character. The area encourages community festivals and a variety of shops, restaurants and cafes. The General Plan recognizes that a full-service restaurant serving beer and wine with meals is an allowed use in the CR Commercial Retail Zone. Serving beer and wine with meals at Benitoite Restaurant, including meals served in the public right-of-way, would add to the area's shopping experience. It would not be detrimental nor adversely affect or conflict with its neighbors or impede normal development activity in the area because a restaurant use is the type of business the community encourages and promotes. No on-site parking was provided when the subject buildings were constructed in 1914 and 1921; however, City Parking Lots No. 1 and No. 7 south and southwest of the property contain 35 and 95 public parking spaces respectively and Parking Lot No. 3 northwest of the property contains 308 public parking spaces. The Police Department states that there are 33 establishments that provide alcoholic beverages in census tract 3006 where seven on-sale establishments are allowed. Benitoite Restaurant is not one of the 33 establishments. The amount of alcoholic beverage sales licenses currently exceeds the recommended limit and intensifies the concentration of licenses in the census tract; however, the proposed beer and wine sales at a new full-service restaurant is the type of business encouraged in the Montrose 3 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 Shopping Park. The number of Part 1 crimes (felony-related crimes) in the census tract is 42 percent above the city average; however, no Part 1 crimes are associated with this property. There are no identified sensitive land-uses in the immediate neighborhood such as day care facilities, public parks, libraries, hospitals, residential uses, or hospitals. Benitoite Restaurant will primarily serve food with complementary beer and wine sales, service and consumption and serve a public convenience because a fullservice restaurant use provides another dining option in an area that encourages the type of economic activity envisioned for the shopping park. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff believes that the findings for the conditional use permit can be made and recommends that the request be granted. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Reduced Plans 3. Departmental Comments 4 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. PCUP 1322174 DRAFT FINDINGS A. The proposed use will be consistent with the various elements and objectives of the general plan. The Land Use Element classifies the subject site as Regional Commercial and the North Glendale Community Plan identifies the neighborhood as the Montrose Shopping Park. An economic goal of these documents is to create vibrant areas that promote diversity and economic opportunities that support a variety of businesses. The Montrose Shopping Park emphasizes pedestrian amenities and traffic calming features such as public parking lots, curb extensions, wide sidewalks, sidewalk dining and seating in landscape planter areas with shade trees. This commercial district is a shopping and dining destination that draws customers from surrounding communities. The Circulation Element identifies this section of Honolulu Avenue as an Urban Collector street and Verdugo Road as a Major Arterial both of which can support a new 1,260 square-foot full-service restaurant land use activity. Given that the applicant requests only the ability to sell, serve and consume beer and wine within a new restaurant and in the public right-of-way, the request will be consistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan. B. That the use and its associated structures and facilities will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, the general welfare, or the environment. Benitoite Restaurant is located in Census Tract 3006. The Police Department noted there are 33 on-sale establishments selling alcohol where seven would be allowed. Benitoite would be the 34th establishment selling alcoholic beverages. Based on Part 1 crime statistics for this census tract, there were 85 crimes, which is 42 percent above the city-wide average. While Benitoite Restaurant is located in a census tract which exceeds the number of on-sale establishments as recommended by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and has more crime than some areas of the city, it is a business type that the Montrose Shopping Park encourages and promotes to enhance the shopping experience and economic viability of the area. The current conditional use permit application to begin the sales, service and consumption of beer and wine at a new full-service restaurant, including sidewalk dining, is not anticipated to have a detrimental effect on the community. C. The use and facilities will not adversely affect or conflict with adjacent uses or impede the normal development of surrounding property. Montrose Shopping Park is an area already developed with commercial uses such as restaurants, retail/service and office establishments. The new full-service restaurant will provide another dining option in the area that is not traditionally associated with land uses that adversely affect or conflict with adjacent commercial uses. Additionally, no concerns or comments were submitted by the Police Department or Neighborhood Services Division that would indicate that Benitoite Restaurant would impede the normal development of the area because of the addition of sales, service and consumption of beer and wine in conjunction with the consumption of food. 5 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 D. Adequate public and private facilities such as utilities, landscaping, parking spaces and traffic circulation measures are provided for the proposed use. A full-service restaurant with ancillary beer and wine sales at a full-service restaurant is not anticipated to increase the need for public or private facilities. The restaurant will be located on a property with buildings constructed in 1914 and 1921. The neighborhood is well established and has historically provided adequate public and private facilities and infrastructure, including three public parking lots within walking distance of commercial land uses for customers and employees, including Benitoite Restaurant. As noted in Finding A, Honolulu Avenue and Verdugo Road can adequately handle the traffic circulation of the new restaurant. Furthermore, this request requires that additional findings of fact be made, as follows: For applications involving the sale, serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages, the following criteria shall be considered in making the findings in subsection a. through d. above: 1. That such use does not or will not tend to intensify or otherwise contribute to the adverse impacts on the surrounding area caused by over concentration as described above in finding B. 2. That such use does not or will not tend to encourage or intensify crime within the district as described above in finding B. 3. That such use does not or will not adversely impact any other uses within the surrounding area (church, public or private schools or college, day care facility, public park, library, hospital or residential use) as described above in finding C. 4. That the proposed use satisfies its transportation or parking needs as described above in finding D. 5. That the proposed use does or will serve a public convenience purpose for the Montrose Shopping Park because the operation of a full-service restaurant with beer and wine on-site sales, service and consumption will be consistent the General Plan as described above in finding A. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: APPROVAL of this Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to the following: 1. That the development shall be in substantial accord with the plans submitted with the application and presented at the hearing except for any modifications as may be required to meet specific Code standards or other conditions stipulated herein to the satisfaction of the Planning Hearing Officer. 2. That all necessary licenses as required from Federal, State, County or City authorities including the City Clerk shall be obtained and kept current at all times. 3. That a new Zoning Use Certificate shall be obtained to reflect the conditional use permit approval (no new fee is required). 4. That Benitoite Restaurant shall obtain a sidewalk dining permit by the Public Works Department to operate an outdoor dining area on the sidewalk in the public right-of-way. 6 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 5. That no separate bar for the exclusive service of beer and wine shall be installed on the premises. 6. That only beer and wine shall be served only in conjunction with the consumption of food. Beer and wine sales shall be less than fifty (50) percent of restaurant's gross revenues otherwise the establishment shall be defined as a tavern. 7. That the sale and serving of beer and wine shall be for consumption on the premises only and that the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited. 8. That no patron will be allowed to bring into the restaurant or maintain in the restaurant any beer and wine unless that beer and wine was purchased within that same establishment or unless the facility has an established corkage policy. 9. That no exterior signs advertising the sales/service of alcoholic beverages be permitted. 10. That no live entertainment shall be allowed. 11. That all music, lighting, noise and odors shall be confined to the occupancy so as not to disturb occupants of other adjacent businesses or properties and patrons on the public right-of-way. The Planning Hearing Officer's opinion shall prevail to arbitrate any conflicts. 12. That the proprietor and employees shall make an active and conscientious effort to keep its customers from trespassing on nearby properties or making disturbances in the area. 13. That the facilities shall not be rented, leased or otherwise occupied for purposes not specified. 14. That the premise shall remain open to the public during business hours as a full-service restaurant as defined in Chapter 30.70 of the Glendale Municipal Code (G.M.C). 15. That any expansion or modification of the facility or use which intensifies the existing Conditional Use Permit shall require a new Conditional Use Permit application. Expansion shall constitute adding floor area, changes to the use or operation, or any physical change as determined by the Planning Hearing Officer, with concurrence from the Director of Community Development. 16. That the proposed full-service restaurant adheres to the City's Fresh Air (smoking) Ordinance. 17. That the sales, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be in full accord with and only within areas designated by the regulations and conditions established by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. 18. That access to the premises shall be made available upon request to all City of Glendale authorized staff (i.e. Community Development Department, Neighborhood Services Division, Building and Safety Division, Fire Department, Police Department, 7 2200 Honolulu Avenue PCUP 1322174 December 4, 2013 etc.) for the purpose of verifying compliance with all laws and the conditions of this approval. 20. That the authorization granted herein shall be valid for a period of five years, until October , 2022, at which time, a reapplication shall be made. 8 LOCATION MAP RAD1US =300' 0I :~ l' SS d3S EIOZ PROJECT ADDRESS: 2200 HONOLULU AVENUE GLENDALE, CA 91020 SCALE: T'=200 I --·ct S IDE ~ 7 FT ; ' • ,. , fo 1 -- 0 ... ... --iJ- -- :1 :.L· ·' , -. _ r.} ···::·. _.) ( r-J- -· · (J \ · .~ NORTH j . ' - ! T:>..\/E· __ . . - · _ _ _ _ WALK ---~ .. .. ·· =·. . HONOLULU : ~~ •' - N \, • • , • - - - .;;. ":·--· , ,.... r · · PROf.OSED FL Q_OR flf\ N_ .~L E iSEN\\O\\ E 2200 :. . • RES\A.URA.NT HONO L..l.fLU sz :b '" 'I · ' ' ~. .J \ t lJO EIOZ PROJECT ADDRESS: 2212 HOl~OLULU AVENUE (U~llT 2200) GLENDALE, CA 91020 PROPERTY OWNER: EVA JEFFERS 2200 HOl,IOLULU AVENUE GLENDALE. CA 91020 HONOLULU AVENUE ·------------------··· BUSINESS OWNER/TENANT: BEl~ITOITE INC. 1338 VERDUGO BL VD. LA CANADA, CA 91011 TEL: (818)648-0960 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: APN : 5615-001-001 TRACT: 1701 LOTS: 31,32 LOT SIZE : 14,430 SO.FT. EXISTll,IG BUILDll,IG AREA: 11,659 SO.FT. ZOl~E : COMMERCIAL EXISTll,IG OCCUPAl,ICY : B NEW OCCUPANCY: B SIDEWALK PATH OF TRAVEL _TR_!>.VEL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r-----,--H.----. -------------------;------. ----------------PATH ----·· -- - -- - (/) _]~2~--,----~ (/) w 0::: 0 ' FIL J 2200 HONOLULU AVENUE . ·AREA: 1,260 SQ.FT. ~I 0 <( NI Ir---_ SCOPE OF WORK: l~EW FULL SERVICE RESTAURl\l~T -TENANT IMPROVEMENT - INTERIOR REl'IODEL ! I AREA CALCULATION AND ADDITIONAL INFO: EXISTll,IG RETAIL SPACE : 1,260 SO.FT. TENAf\IT IMPROVEMENT AREA : 1,260 SO.FT. (E) LANDSCAPl~IG AREA: 0 SO.FT. NUMBER OF Ol'l-SITE PARKING: 0 f- w z ~ z <[ <[ <[ 0' <[ ~ f(J) w 0::: _J ~ _J w 0 I- fz -- --- -- --- u EXISTING RESTAURANT (EL CHAR~O ME.\ICAN RESTAURANT) p I - I~ -~- I --....:.... PLANS PREPARED BY: ORBEL l\ESHISHIAl'i 3015 PROSPECT AVENUE LA CRESCENTA, CA 91214 TEL: (818) L,82-1197 EMAIL : ORBEL_K@Y AHOO. COM -- --- -- -- -- I l I f- w wz m 0 I 0 0 N N u w _J <[ 0 z w _J l'.) 0 0::: (L I -- ENERGY CONSULTANT: SIMI!\ SIMONIAI~ 414 E. VALENCIA AVENUE #307 BURBANK, CA 91501 TEL: (818) 281-7654 I ' 0 J 0 N w S2 ~> 0::: "-' o< "' Q' ~ I I APPLICABLE CODES: -- --- -- -- CBC 2010, CFC 20!0, CPC 2010, CEH 2010, CMC 2010 DRAWING INDEX A-I SITE PLAN AND PROJECT DATA A-2 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN ~ EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE A-3 CEILING PLAN N-1 GENERAL NOTES H-1 DISABLED ACCESS NOTES F-1 FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES M-1 TYPE-I HOOD DETAILS AND INFORMATION M-2 EXHAUST FAN AND COOLER DETAILS AND INFO P-1 GENERAL NOTES P-2 RISER DIAGRAM P-3 WASTE AND VENT DESIGN E-1 ELECTRICAL NOTES AND SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM E-2 ROOF PLAN, POWER PLAN, LIGHTING PLAN E-3 TITLE-ZL VICINITY MAP ;i.._.,hrt;»'f ~~~:..-., 1s8.s~-- g0 CJ f5 _:::;: I I N.T.S. G:;:J TENANT IMPROVEMENT ~----==:J EXISTING 8UILD!NG I llOTE . . E:<fSTlllG BUILDlllG IS rmT SPRlflKLERED - E:<ISTlt!G BUILOllJG Ht.S tlO FIRE I1L,\RM S'rSTEM ~------r OPEN SPACE LIST OF TENANTS/TYPE OF BUSINESS: SITE PLAN SCALE: J/8" = l'-0" 2218 HONOLULU AVENUE - ANDERSON'S PET SHOP 2210 HONOLULU AVENUE - FRANK'S SHOE REPAIR 2208 HONOLULU AVENUE - TONY'S BARBER SHOP 2206 HONOLULU AVENUE - !MAGES SALON 8 DAY SPA 2200 HONOLULU AVENUE - BENITOITE (1,260 37t..I N. VERDUGO RD. - EL CHARRO MEXICAN . ';'"'··Y- _,·.~::,~~.,,.., tt SU•LE: 118" ::_ l'-0" o.nE: .:..ucusr 201.:i SHEET· A- 1 NEW EQUIPMENT SCHEDUl_E EXISTING WALL NEW WALL EXISTING l'iON-BEARING WALL TO BE REMOVED 4o._ > <1 _j z (/) MECHANICAL VENl - 80 CFM DIRECTLY TO OUTSIDE (/) w>- (/) <1 0 :::Jo 3 w NEW FLOOR SINK <1 Oz Zo 0 _j I Nw N 0 (d)cJ] L_J <1 -0 (/) 0 (/) CJ CUSTOMER/ SITTING AREA <1 :;:: 0:::: I- w z ::::> 0 0 <[ z N O::'. w S2 > 0 :::::i <[ <[ CJ' NEW FLOOR DRAIN NEW WALL MOUNTED FIRE EXTINGUISHER <[ <( I(/) ::::> u __J w ::::> CL __J w NEW WALL MOUNTED CLASS 'K' FIRE EXTINGUISHER w z0 I- I- NEW TAl"KLESS WATER HEATER ON ROOFTOP uo I Wz NOTES: --:> 0 - ALL EXISTING WINDOWS IN SITTll"G AREA WILL HAVE DECORATIVE WOODEN FRAME ON THE INTERIOR SIDE. ~-- - PROVIDE LIGHT COLOR SMOOTH INTERIOR BEHll"D BAR COUNTER. w []] 0 I w 0 0 N N 0:::: 3741 N. VERDUGO RD (EL CHARRO MEXICANRESTAURANT) HOURS OF OPERATION: OCCUPANCY LOAD CALCULATION: MONDAY• CLOSED TUE, WED, THUR• II AM TO 10 PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY• II AM TO II PM u1m SQUARE FOOTAGE' 1,260 SO.FT. - PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALE: !/4' = l'-0' PLYWOOD SHEATHING I SIMPSON "D!C" CUP @48"0 C. 2x4 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. I SITTING AREA' 530 SO.FT. ! OCCUPANCY LOAD FACTOR ' 1/15 PASTA, RICE FISH GRILLED AND SEARED CHICKEN GRILLED AND SEARED BEEF HAMBURGER FRENCH FRIES COOKED VEGETABLES SALADS FRUIT TART AND CHOCOLATE CAKE COFFEE, ESPRESSO AND TEA : 530 I 15 o 35.33 I KITCHEN B HALLWAY' 412 SO~FT: ·1 OCCUPANCY LOAD FACTOR ' 1/100 j !412/100"4.12 ITOTAL' 35.33 + 4.12 0 39.45 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: I I ~ L I '1~-,~~~~T~D,--~~~~~ TT WALL Q_ OCCUPANCY ' B NUMBER OF SEA TS ' 30 SEATS (MOVEABLE) NUMBER OF TABLES ' 8 (MOVEABLE) MENU ITEMS: -~STUD f:= 2-3 EMPLOYEES PER SHIFT \ (NOi' BEARING) 2X FULL -DEPTH BLOCKING___j Ill "HU" HANGER '-JOIST -- 2X PT SILL PLATE W/SIM. PDPW-300 @I 2"0C SHOT-PIN(TYP.) 2-ZX TOP PLATES c' x r ~ -I 2X STUDS r FINISH SCHEDULE FLOOR '-~~'--~~~~~~~~~~_.c~~~~~~ 1~-(E) SLAB ON GRADE CFILING CEILING HEIGHT Wt.US BASE NOT-PARALLEL TO JOISTS PARALLEL TO JOISTS I - NON BEARING WALL DETAIL (TYP.) NTS. NOTES: FOR INTERIOR DE CORA Tll/E WOODWORK ABOVE PROPOSED BAR COUNTER, WOOD PANELS ON THE WALLS AND WOOD FRAMING AROUND THE EXISTING WINDOWS IN SEATING AREA USE FIREGUARD XL95-CLASS "A" WATERBASE FIRE RETARDANT TREATMENT. (FOR PRODUCT DETAILS SEE SHEET F-1) __J <[ 0 SU.LE: llf.· = l'·O' SHEET: A-2 z __J (_') INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION PROJECT CONDITIONS AND COMMENTS Project Address: 2200 Honolulu Ave. Project Case No.: PCUP 1322174 NOTE: Your comments should address, within your area of authority, concerns and potentially significant adverse physical changes to the environment regarding the project. You may also identify code requirements specific to the project, above and beyond your normal requirements. Applicant will be informed early in the development process. You may review complete plans, maps and exhibits in our office, MSB Room 103. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your timely comments. Please do not recommend APPROVAL or DENIAL. For any questions, please contact the Case Planner ASAP, so as not to delay the case processing. I COMMENTS: Cl This office DOES NOT have any comment. lJL This office HAS the following comments/conditions. Cl (See attached Dept. Master List) Date: 10-17-13 Print Name: Scott Bickle Dept. Police Title: Lieutenant Tel.: 818-548-3120 a. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: [8] 1. Benitoite Inc. is located in census tract 3006.00 which allows for 7 On-Site Sale establishments. There are currently 33 On-Site Sale licenses in this tract. Benitoite Inc. is not one of the existing 33 . Based on Pai1 I crime statistics for census tract 3006.00 in 2012, there were 85 crimes-42% above the city wide average of60. Within the last calendar year, there were no calls for police service b. CASE SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: (these are not standard code requirements) 0 1. c. SUGGESTED CONDITIONS: (may or may not be adopted by the Hearing Officer) I would object to the outdoor seating. This sidewalk is not large enough to contain a table and chairs for two people while still allowing free access to the pedestrians. The sidewalk is 5 feet wide, and the grass and easement containing trees takes up the remaining 5 feet. A table and chairs would impede the natural flow for pedestrians at a very busy intersection. Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 2 1. At all times when the premises are open for business, the service of any alcoholic beverage shall be made only in the areas designated with an ABC license. Consumption of alcoholic beverages will only be on those same licensed areas. 2. Sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only between the hours of 1000 am to 2:00 am each day of the week (hours to be determined by the Planning I Zoning Administrator - week night and weekend restrictions may be considered). 3. No patron to any of the business establishments will be allowed to bring into any establishment or maintain in the establishments, any alcoholic beverage unless that alcoholic beverage was purchased within that same establishment unless the facility has an established corkage policy allowing and regulating such. 4. That the proprietor and his/her employees shall make an active and conscientious effort to keep customers and employees from trespassing on other nearby properties or otherwise making disturbances in the area. 5. Those premises may be utilized for banquets, private parties, or other events, provided that all events comply with the provisions of the applicant's Alcoholic Beverage Control license, and provided they have appropriate Conditional Use Permits and Use Variances if required. 6. There shall be no video machine maintained upon the premises. 7. Music or noise shall be contained within the edifice of the establishment. The business shall comply with all state and local laws and ordinances concerning excessive noise and disturbing the peace. The hearing officer's opinion shall prevail to arbitrate any conflicts. 8. The front and back doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times while the location is open for business, except in case of emergency. Panic bar hardware with automatic alarm shall be provided. 9. An establishment that primarily provides for the on-premises sale, serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages and that derives more than fifty (50) percent of gross revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages is by definition of the code a "tavern" and requires approval of a separate conditional use permit. Taverns include bars, pubs, cocktail lounges and similar establishments. 10. The sale of beer, wine, and/or distilled spirits is strictly prohibited without an ABC License. 11. No booth or group seating shall be installed which completely prohibits observation of the occupants. 12. That parking areas shall be kept adequately illuminated for security purposes during all hours of darkness. 13. Excessive police calls for service (4 or more) may result in a temporary or permanent revocation of CUP. 14. The Manager and or Staff should be proactive in the enforcement of the City of Glendale Clean Air Act. Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 3 Note: Nothing in these conditions shall be construed to permit any person to violate any provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 4 Message Page 1 of 1 Baxter, Christopher ------- From: Bickle, Scott Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:58 AM To: Baxter, Christopher Subject: Re: 2200 Honolulu Chris, If t hey fee l it is enough room, I wo uld not obj ect. Thanks, Scott From: Baxter, Christopher Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 05:52 PM To: Bickle, Scott Cc: Jenks, Frankie; A'Hearn, William; Ko, Wayne Subject: RE: 2200 Honolulu Hi Scott, Thank you for the comments objecting to the Benitoite's sidewalk dining request due to the narrow sidewalk. The applicant is applying for an encroachment permit through the City Engineer's Office to allow sidewalk dining . Would the Police Department still object to sidewalk dining if the City Engineer grants them an encroachment permit? Chris Baxter P&NSD x8162 -----Original Message----From: Jenks, Frankie Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 8:07 AM To: Baxter, Christopher Subject: 2200 Honolulu Revised with Lt. Bickle's comments CSO Frankie Jenks Glendale Police Department Vi ce/N arcotics 13 1 N . Isabe l St. G lendale, CA 91 206 8 18-54 8-3 120 1111112013 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION PROJECT CONDITIONS AND COMMENTS Project Address: 2200 Honolulu Ave. Project Case No.: PCUP 1322174 NOTE: Your comments should address, within your area of authority, concerns and potentially significant adverse physical changes to the environment regarding the project. You may also identify code requirements specific to the project, above and beyond your normal requirements. Applicant will be informed early in the development process. You may review complete plans, maps and exhibits in our office, MSB Room 103. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your timely comments. Please do not recommend APPROVAL or DENIAL. For any questions, please contact the Case Planner ASAP, so as not to delay the case processing. I COMMENTS: C This office DOES NOT have any comment. ~This office HAS the following c mments/conditions:.: Date: 10/09/13 Print Name: Scott Bickle Title: Lt. Dept.: Vice/Narcotics a. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: D 1. Benitoite Inc. is in the process of obtaining a Conditional Use Permit for the on-site sales, service and consumption of beer and wine at a full-service restaurant at 2200 Honolulu Ave in Montrose, CA. Benitoite Inc. is located in census tract 3006.00 which allows for 7 On-Site Sale establishments. There are cunently 33 On-Site Sale licenses in this tract. Benitoite Inc. is not one of the existing 33. Based on Part 1 crime statistics for census tract 3006.00 in 2012, there were 85 crimes-42% above the city wide average of 60. Within the last calendar year, there were no calls for police service b. CASE SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: (these are not standard code requirements) D 1. c. SUGGESTED CONDITIONS: (may or may not be adopted by the Hearing Officer) Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 2 D 1. Suggested Conditions: 1. At all times when the premises are open for business, the service of any alcoholic beverage shall be made only in the areas designated with an ABC license. Consumption of alcoholic beverages will only be on those same licensed areas. 2. Sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only between the to each day of the week (hours to be determined by the Planning I hours of Zoning Administrator - week night and weekend restrictions may be considered) . ./3. No patron to any of the business establishments will be allowed to bring into any establishment or maintain in the establishments, any alcoholic beverage unless that alcoholic beverage was purchased within that same establishment unless the facility has an established corkage policy allowing and regulating such. 4. fhe restaurant shall remain open to the public during business hours. /S. That the proprietor and his/her employees shall make an active and conscientious effort to keep customers and employees from trespassing on other nearby properties or otherwise making disturbances in the area. 6. Those premises may be utilized for banquets, private parties, or other events, provided that all /events comply with the provisions of the applicant's Alcoholic Beverage Control license, and provided they have appropriate Conditional Use Permits and Use Variances if required. 7. There shall be no video machine maintained upon the premises. 8. Dancing is only allowed on the premises in designated dance floor areas. /9. Live entertainment is permitted with the exception that no karaoke, no bikini activities or events, no lingerie activities or events, no swimwear activities or events, nor any similar activities or events be allowed where partial clothing of male or female ente11ainment is provided. ; 10. Music or noise shall be contained within the edifice of the establishment. The business shall comply with all state and local laws and ordinances concerning excessive noise and disturbing the peace. 11. The front and back doors of the establishment shall be kept closed at all times while the location is open for business, except in case of emergency. /i 2. An establishment that primarily provides for the on-premises sale, serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages and that derives more than fifty (50) percent of gross revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages is by definition of the code a "tavern" and requires approval of a separate conditional use permit. Taverns include bars, pubs, cocktail lounges and similar establishments. Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 3 13. Any establishment serving alcoholic beverages which has a dance floor of greater than 200 square feet is considered a nightclub and will require a separate conditional use permit. 4. The sale of beer, wine, and/or distilled spirits for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited with the exception of the market I liquor store. /l 5. There shall be no bar or lounge area upon the premises maintained solely for the purpose of sales, service or consumption of alcoholic beverages by patrons. 16. Dedicated security staff is required on-site in addition to any audio-visual surveillance technology the applicant may wish to utilize. An audio-visual system will not take the place of security staff and in and of itself, is not sufficient. It is recommended that the security staff be identified either by uniform or professional blazers. 17. The Manager and or Staff should be proactive in the enforcement of the City of Glendale Clean Air Act. Revised 15 Aug 2013--JH 4 Message Page 1 of 1 Baxter, Christopher Subject: 2200Honolulu PCUP1322174 2nd RFC (2) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION PROJECT CONDITIONS AND COMMENTS Project Address: 2200 Honolulu Ave. Project Case No.: PCUP 1322174 NOTE: Your comments should address, within your area of authority, concerns and potentially significant adverse physical changes to the environment regarding the project. You may also identify code requirements specific to the project, above and beyond your normal requirements. Applicant will be informed early in the development process. You may review complete plans, maps and exhibits in our office, MSB Room 103. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your timely comments. Please do not recommend APPROVAL or DENIAL. For any questions, please contact the Case Planner ASAP, so as not to delay the case processing. f COMMENTS: Cl This office DOES NOT have any comment. l&l This office HAS the following comments/conditions. Cl (See attached Dept. Master List) Date: 10/24/2013 Print Name: Sarkis Hairapetian, P.E. Title: B.C.S.11. Dept. Build'g & Safety Tel.: X-3209 [8] 1. That all necessary permits (i.e., building, fire, engineering, etc.) shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Division and all construction shall be in compliance with the Glendale Building Code and all other applicable regulations. [8] 2. That the premises shall be made available and accessible to any authorized City personnel (Building, Fire, Police, Neighborhood Services, Planning, etc.), for inspection to ascertain that all conditions of approval of this conditional use permit are complied with. [8] 3. That State Accessibility Standards be met for all parking requirements and building entrance accessibility as required by the Building and Safety Division. [8] 4. That additional or other building code requirements or specific code requirements (i.e. CA Green Building Code, etc.) may be required upon submittal of plans for building plans check and permit. 10/24/2013 Project Address: 2200 Honolulu Ave. Pi:oject Case No.: PCUP 1322174 NOTE: Your comments should address, wi hin your area of authority, concerns and potentially significant adverse physical changes to the environment regarding the project. You may also identify code requirements specific to the project, above and beyond your normal requirements. Applicant will be informed early in the development process. You may review complete plans, maps and exhibits in our office, MSB Room 103. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your timely comments. Please do not recommend APPROVAL or DENIAL. For any questions, please contact the Case Planner ASAP, so as not to delay the case processing. I COMMENTS: Cl This office DOES NOT have any comment. ~ This office HAS the following comments/conditions. Cl (See attached Dept. Master List) Tel.: ·' b. CASE SPECIFIC CODE REQUIREMENTS: (these are not standard code requirements) D 1. c. SUGGESTED CONDITIONS: (may or may not be adopted by the Hearin·g Officer) a 1. Revised 15 Aug 2013-"-JH 2 ~l5S