18 0n Iraq, smart products, 25 Anti
18 0n Iraq, smart products, 25 Anti
8 The world this week United States 35 Americanjihadists Leaders 13 Ittiberatism The home-grown 36 What peopte? Playing with fear 14 Refugees and Europe More toi[, less troub[e 14 Monetary policy After Lift-0ff 16 Venezueta's election A counter-revotution 37 Education No Chitd Left Behind gets teft behind 37 Congress Show and teil. 38 Chicagoin fitm in America and Europe: leader, page 13. Two front-runners for the Repubtican nomination seem ready to harm America to r,vin: Lexington, page 40. For Marine Le pen,s pàrt1r, regionaI elections arejust a stepping-stone, page 24. Anti-immigrant parties in Europe have long been shunned by mainstream politicians. That may no tonger be possibte, page 2§ DaiLyanaLysis and opinìon to supplementthe prìnt edition, ptus audio and video, and a dajlv chart seLf-styted 39 Esoteric research is Sneaking with the fishes Letters 18 0n Iraq, smart products, The potitics of panic The Americas Briefing African demography 2t The young contjnent Europe 24 France's National Front Eyes on the prìze 41 Venezuela's election Reasons to cetebrate 42 26 Corruption in Ukraine 27 Making Joe Biden mad Germany's next chancetlor UrsuLa 43 Argentina's president A rocky road 43 Sunken treasure Who wants Battling with Britain Britain 7pm London time each Thursday Economist.com/print 29 fhe Audio edition: avaitabte on [ine to downLoad each Friday Economist.com/audioedition 30 ga to be a lteonai re? 44 Corruption in Brazi[ Weird j ustice major 28 Char[emagne BetLo The United States and Cuba ta Lk a Lot, trade less Europe's Littte Trumps Economist.com/email risky move. page zg and Japan together 46 FLoods in India Come Next time by water referendum Cameron's Brexit gambte 47 Deaths at sea UKIP Unrisen fruitcakes 48 South Korea's clergy EU with other EU governments over migrants'benefits js a u!*È., :"_re1 Asia 45 India Britain and Europe The prime minjster's raising ofthe stakes North Korea's ghost vessets More money than God 48 Asia's migrant maids Volume 417 Number ! btished since September1843 .. a :n tt in,, o severe cantest between :: : : - :e, which presses forwqrd. and ti'ia i s'ar0 nce obstructi ng , - -, - - :: P : Editoriat offices in London and alsol t, , -.: := 3. ' B .,,e s. (ai o. ( n cago -,_ t'' ,- 1. 1 , 0... t1 . *Dai. \èi.ooi, I ,\i1.c.. Dr.:. S.rr.an(.sco ]:,,D )o0,!aLLo.SeGt \.a-q,. Si rgaoo ìo^yo. " washlnqton DI [iphate's in come George Burns Print edition: availab{.e ontine by @ ca taking a pounding, page 32 40 Lexington Syria, Cotombia, unicorns, Economist.com E-mail: newstetters and mobite edition its edge. page 31. The Not so fast Human guinea pigs 25 Anti-immigrant poputism fhe Economist online propaganda machine is losing 38 Foreigners triats Right-wing popuList potiticians are on the march How Istamic State radicatises There a re signs that IS's Athens on the take 17 Randomised controtled 0n the cover threat The Supreme Court Middle East and Africa 31 Islamic State's propaganda U nfriend ed 32 Islamic State's fi nances Broken homes 49 Banyan Myanmar in transit Mi Ition-do[[ar mastiffs Jinping's anti-graft crusade hurts domestic tuiuries, Xi page 50 Degraded 33 Yemen Houthis, Saudis and ji hadìs 33 South Africa's debts Towards a bait-out 34 Congotese politics Wil,LJoe go? ») Contents continues overteaf China Science and technology 50 Luxury goods Mitlion-doLtar mastiffs 67 Downsized car engines The incredible shrinkìng machin e 51 CensoringTV Btood and cuts 68 InternationaI 69 Camera technotogy Extreme poverty Leaving it behjnd 69 Matnutrition Engine oil. Fast Lube 52 FederaI Reserve The first increase in interest rates since 20o6 is tikelyth'is month. The timing ofthe second jncrease matters more: Leader, page 14. Nobody knows how far or how fast American interest rates will. rise, page 60. Markets must [earn howto survive withoutthe Fed's 53 Notjust for drugs 54 Europe's refugees 56 Antitrust in America Pushing the Umits Mìssion improbab[e 57 Talentv hard work Best or Keegan? 58 Avon'stroubles Di n g-dong 59 Schumpeter Private schoots for the poor iJ r,. :'): * ::: ... ''" ;:r :ii I Finance and economics I ) I i.. 60 Interest rates in America :i r,, i . :t, :.-,, I .:: Buckle up Randomised controtted triats Doctors use evidence when 61 Buttonwood prescri bì n g treatments. Poticymakers shoutd, too: leader, page 17. How to test 62 Emerging markets everything from sLuggish teenagers to corrupt frozen seas Pictures from PLuto The Fed and investors The secutar sutk 6z BitLGatesandtheIDB Subscription service Books and arts 63 Banking in Cash Congo in a canoe 64 Investing in raitways 0n the right track 64 The ECB's medicine Raising the dose 65 Bitcoin's schism For our ful[ range ofsubscription offers. ircLuding dig'ta t onty or pri rr a ,d olqir al combined. visit 71 Holtywood and Wat[ Street FinaLLy, a terrific 72 The Jewish deti its rise and fat[ Economist.com/offers fiLm o'ca.tthete.epho'e nr roerp-ovioed Detow: letephone: +44 (0) 845 120 0983 or +4a (ol 2o7 576 8448 72 MichaelCunningham Duty and the beast Subscription for 1 year (51 issues) Print onty Euro-zone countries 73 Argentine matambo Denmark Hungary Dancing jn the dark 73 Economics and legal. 74 Women artists NKr 1,379 Pola nd PLN 809 5Kr 1.636 SFr 255 I4iddle East - GCC South Africa Rand Middte East and Africa No man's Land 76 Economic and HUF 58.107 Norway 5wìtzerland other Eurooe /ex tJKì Btood oiL €188 DKr 1,399 Sweden phitosophy t)s$347 , t243 I 700. us$175, f120 us$280, r196 financiaI indicators PrincipaI commercial ofices: Statistics on 42 economies, 25 5t James's Sr-eeL, London swlA pLus a cLoser [ook at asset Tet: o2O 7830 performa nce Rue de r'Arhénée 32 1206 Geneva, Switzerland PooLing resources bureaucrats, page 53 Who makes a good father Changes in a man's testosterone [eve[ show the kind of parent he wjLL be, page 70 Pot Luck The new arrivals 57 Atibaba's media empire 61 Chicken out 70 Fatherhood 70 Distant mountains, Busi ness heLp: Buttonwood, page Randomised controlled trials Round the bend 1HG Tooo -eli 4't 22 566 24to 0bituary 78 Chartes Cawley The man from MBNA 750 3 ro Aven ue, 5th r.oo', NewYork, lel;1 212 541 O5OO 1301 Cityplaza Four, NY 10017 r2 Tajkoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong Tel:852 2585 3888 0ther commercial offices: Chicago, Dubai, F.alkrurt, Pa'''. Sa r Los AngeLes, Francisco and Singapore Stumb[ìng bLocks 65 Stumping commodities In a hote 66 Free exchange The gifts ofthe mogu[s Refugees and work Getting asyIum-seekers i nto work quickty would benefit everyone. Howto makeit happen: ,#é PEFC Leader, page 14. How businesses could benefit, and pgFe refugees wou Ld i ntegrate faster, page 54 PEic/r0 t, ' ,i,. 31 from sustainabty managed forests certìfìed by PEFC 03: ,.1 , ,:,:5Èi.olors.''A1oaoò',|n,.po,A.0l,5e"l,Éo,\F,p.jo.o|'oio.,o|a|vpd,o,,ia/bp,"p,o0.(Fo,olpoèlpie," ItatianeSpA-SpedAbbPostDL353/2003(conv.t 27/2/zoa4t.46)ailconn certified Ihis capy of The Econonist is prìnted on paper sourced kÉ er§ rmaMit""",oi,.rero.lomeiicoTassinarì li:t§,::all:all*§§:*.;#ffit§11§-1*l.'i'lT:x{§§§x:§:,:;i:ii.'irr§§§§i:',jl:.'!!%§.,'i,i:. www.pefc.org