9350 - 82 Street NW Edmonton Alberta T6C 2X8 E-mail
9350 - 82 Street NW Edmonton Alberta T6C 2X8 E-mail
Once in a lifetime…. Skip, Lil Ledger and her Carpet Bowling team Irene Holmstrom (Third), Norma Alton (Second) and Ernie Ledger (First) scored an eight-ender in league play on January 17. An eight-ender refers to a perfect score in an end and is a very rare occurrence. Congratulations, team! Mission Statement: To provide programs and services that will help seniors maintain and enhance their quality of life. 9350 - 82 Street NW Edmonton Alberta T6C 2X8 E-mail: [email protected] Phone 780.468.1985 Website: www.seesa.ca February 2013 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT—JOHN BANNISTER [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT— SHEILA CLIFFORD-MACKAY SECRETARY—ROBYN BUCHAN TREASURER—ALLAN THOMAS ACTING PAST PRESIDENT– ANDY ANTONIUK FINANCE CHAIR—COLIN CARTER BUILDING & MAINTENANCE—HARVEY NORSTROM DIRECTORS: MARILYNN ANDERSON MARALYNNE HAWKINS WALTER KLEPACHEK TONY POWELL VIVIAN WOOD STAFF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR KIMBERLY BUEHLER Personnel & Centre Business [email protected] FUND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER MARY ANNE JAEDICKE Fundraising, Centre & Rental Info [email protected] BOOKKEEPER SHARON SVENDSEN [email protected] PROGRAM COORDINATOR ELAUN CABLE LIND Member Services, Website & Newsletter [email protected] OUTREACH COORDINATOR KIM BOYD Counseling, Visitation, & Support Services 2 [email protected] COORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEERS SHERR WADSON [email protected] KITCHEN COORDINATOR BEV CLARKE [email protected] HOME SERVICES COORDINATOR SHELLEY SABO [email protected] SECOND COOK JOAN YANDEAU KITCHEN ASSISTANT DARLENE NIELSON BUILDING ATTENDANT STEVE MONTAGUE SET UP ERIC KADATZ Front Office Hours Monday & Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 8:30 am to 8:30 pm Saturday 9 am to noon (Closed Feb 16) Cafeteria Open Mon- Fri Breakfast 8:30 - 10 am Lunch 11:30 am - 1 pm Wednesday Supper 4:30 - 6 pm IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Contact the front office immediately. The staff is trained in CPR. Please co-operate and clear the area as requested by staff or emergency personnel. Please note! There is a first aid kit in the cloak room for the use of the members. It is located on the wall attached to the coat rack. The AED is located in the main hall between the Gym and Kitchen entrances. You can buy advertising in this newsletter. $15.00 Business Card $25.00 1/4 page $50.00 1/2 page $100.00 Whole Page 1100 circulation **a one-time set up fee of $25 may apply Next deadline February 14, 2013 Note: paid advertisements may not reflect the views of SEESA. Buyer discretion is advised. THE NEWSLETTER CREW Compilation: Mary Carey Proofreaders: Kimberly Buehler Kay Klepachek Karen Sheridan Brenda Remin Carol Kodish-Butt Roz Schilberg Collators: Dorothy Debenham Steve Bennett, Jim Mann Lil & Ernie Ledger Photographers: Elaun Cable Lind Shirley Zygun Editorial Layout: Elaun Cable Lind Kimberly’s Korner Message from the President A New Year and it’s time to look ahead to what is on the agenda for all of our SEESA members. From the activity at the centre it would seem that all the programs, clubs etc. are well under way. We do not anticipate that the repairs to the building after the flood will be done in the near future; Kimberly is presently working with the Insurance company and City, determining what has to be done and who is responsible. The Board has not met since December 11 of last year. Since it was a short meeting there is nothing to report. However the Executive Committee has met and we are taking a look at the Annual General Meeting agenda and possible ways of shortening the meeting while still addressing all the issues. Thank you & God Bless, John B. - President Valentine’s Day Breakfast Thursday, February 14th Eggs Benedict or Strawberry Waffles Includes coffee/tea and juice Three Sittings: 9 am, 10:30 am & Noon Tickets in Advance $8.00 each Deadline Tues Feb. 12th noon Regular breakfast or lunch will not be available on this day SEESA has purchased 2 ipads for the use of our members. These handy little devices can be used for many things: games (Scrabble, Sudoku), brain teasers, surfing the web and some just plain fun. These can be signed out by members (for use within the centre only) at the front desk. Here are a couple of fun photos taken with the ipad: Our centre is a very busy one and programing the time schedule for all of our classes, clubs and activities is a challenging one. For the most part classes are scheduled with a 15 minute buffer inbetween. This allows the members from the class that has ended to clean up and get ready to leave and also permits the beginning class time to set up and get ready to start. If your class or club has a start time of 2:15 in the gym the previous class will end at 2:00. They will need at least 5 minutes to clean up and clear out. Thanks for giving each other the time to properly finish a session before entering the room. Room schedules are now posted on the outside of each room. Pay it Forward! How can we all participate in this initiative? Pay for coffee for the next person in line. Take the time to say thanks to the folks who help you out. Let someone go in front of you at the grocery store, or in traffic. We can all participate! Kimberly February 2013 3 OUTREACH NEWS Milestones & Celebrations Chase away the winter DECEMBER LANDMARK blues with a Light Therapy BIRTHDAYS lamp. I personally tried Susan Driver, Judy Mansell, this and it is amazing the Marg McCarthy, Mary change in my mood. Temofychuk, Kathleen These run about $200.00 Johnston, Leslie Campbell, and can be purchased at Frank Crozier, Rolande Edmonton, Fred most health equipment stores. These therapy Elgert, Francine Hill, Irma Rowlands, lights increase your energy levels, improve your Jane Bannister, Irma Lindquist, Vivian overall mood and ease those winter blues many Manson, Dick O’Connor, Max Timm, Phyl people get on these sunny yet short days in the Clark, Rose-Marie Constantin, David A. winter months. I highly recommend these Ettinger, Judy Hansen, Kaye Zenchyson, lights and have personally benefited a great Lynn Anderson, Margaret Dolezal, deal. Jacoline B. Hilcton, June Inch, Lois Hawkins, Donna Kelly, Claudia Ramsay, L. Elaine Wagner, Rob Bernshaw Outreach Volunteers: Thank you to some new people in the neighborhood who have stepped JANUARY LANDMARK BIRTHDAYS up to visit (even fix door bells!), phone, or walk Crill Merrick, Margaret Mansell, Stan dogs for isolated seniors It is crucial that we report volunteer work and hours to our Jober, Alf Gerlinsky, Aubrey Villett, Hilda Cramton, Jack Holan, Lee Crawford, funders. If we cannot show that we have Marjorie Gomuwka, David Reid, Karl people volunteering, we are not doing part of Schnepper, Charlie Hall, Kathleen our mandate. Please use MySeniorCenter to Saunders, Leslie Toth, Evelyn Anderson, record your time. I realize it may seem Caroline Anker, Helga Martens, Marion awkward to call what you do as “volunteer Bentley, Elaine Essien, Jim Normey, Roz work”, but ask yourself, did an employee of Schilberg, Sharon Ozouf, Elaine Eglen, SEESA get you involved with this person or Rita Gleason, Jack Gillis, Justine Janusfamily? Would that person have to pay someMiquel, Beth Payne, Linda Smeland one to do what you are doing ? If the answer If your name does not appear on the list above and you believe is yes, it is considered volunteer work to us and it should be there please leave a note for Elaun. We do our very important to future monies coming into best to keep up to date with our database and apologize if anySEESA. Often these volunteers build a strong one is missed. friendship with the people they are helping. Please remember what you do keeps our funding flowing. Thank you for the time you Thanks Darren Bergquist, offer to help our seniors. Please write or call Manager of Ottewell, IGA. He if you want to volunteer in Outreach. Kim Basham-Boyd,M.H.R. [email protected] 4 donated one of the $50 gift cards we used for prizes at the November bingo. In Our Thoughts and Prayers To all our members and friends who have been ill, or who have lost a loved one, our thoughts and prayers are with you. The following people have been ill or injured and hopefully will be fit and active shortly: Vi Wood, Jane Bannister, Maddie Beebe, Anne Marshall, Elizabeth Eichmuller, Roger Smeland, Joan Neal, Carol Borle, Nancy Whitson’s daughter, Shirley Galway, Edith Wright, Gus Rosenau, and Marilynn Anderson The following members, past members or family of members have passed away: Peggy Daniels, Don Hawkins, Dorothy Nielsen, George Skaley’s sister and Darlene Nielson’s grandson If you have any news either good or bad about members, past or present, and their families, PLEASE write it in the Outreach book located at the front desk. Until We Meet Again…. The Newsletter Committee is extremely saddened to have lost one of our own this past January. Peggy Daniels had been an active volunteer compiling and typing up handwritten articles to be published. Peggy volunteered elsewhere for the centre, too, as a Front Desk Receptionist, a Cafeteria Cashier, avid Rummage Sale worker, just to name a few (she wore so many hats here at SEESA). Peggy had also served on the SEESA Board of Directors and held the Membership portfolio. She was responsible for the creation and implementation of Lifetime Membership at 90. We sure are going to miss you, Peggy. February 2013 NOVEMBER DINNER BETTY LOU KITSON (50/50) JACK HARRIS (DOOR PRIZE) ROSE ROCHAT, MARGARET BURLINGHAM, DOROTHY BENNETT (BINGO WINNERS) DECEMBER DINNER AUDREY ELLIS (50/50) GARETTE BANNER (DOOR PRIZE) YEAR END BINGO FRAN PURSCHKE (BONANZA WINNER) DOROTHY BENNETT (LETTER “X”) Coffee with Councillor Ben Henderson Friday February 22, 1:00pm 5 Fundamentals As you may know… we are a registered charity, therefore we can distribute tax receipts for all donations. Thank you… end of the year donations: TOPS AB 1481 Rick and Judy Pape Lois Gangl Alberta Smith Orlene Rawlyk Emily Bartman Wow! “This is amazing. We have a member who donates $5.00 a month or $60.00 a year. Run that through your calculator, $60 x 1200 members is 72,000 a year!!! Can you spare $5.00 a month? I am going to commit to $10 per month, equal to 2 cups of 2nd Cup coffee to 2013. I challenge you to do the same. When Doris Steen passed away her family requested in lieu of flowers that donations be made to SEESA. Thank you to the Steens for your consideration. We recognized $496. We will put the money to good use right here in Southeast Edmonton at an association that Doris obviously believed in, evident in her 33 year membership with this organization. She was one of the founding members and a dedicated volunteer. She will be sadly missed. There was also a memorial donation made in honour of Mrs. Oda Whillier. CN made a donation of $500 each on behalf of Bernice Armstrong and Agnes Schmidt, former employees being recognized for the volunteer work that they do here at SEESA. Much appreciated. Thanks to all who make the raffles happen. They are a big contribution to our centre , last year $6468. The two biggest raffle revenues come from the Dinner 50/50, $2045; thanks May Warnock and crew for taking the time every month to sell these tickets and the Quilt Raffles which made $2162. As you know the quilting ladies meet weekly for a quilting bee. All of their quilts are donated for SEESA raffles. Much appreciated. Mary Anne Jaedicke 6 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read all about it The government vows to leave you penniless You say… Good-bye Penny We say… Good Buy Penny Donate your soon obsolete pennies to SEESA Tinkle in our jar with loose pennies or bring your rolls to front desk We will put them to good use to buy something good for our centre. Pot of Gold Fun Casino Games and Live Auction Cash Bar and Snacks : 50/50 Draw Saturday, March 16 Doors 6:30pm & Auction 9:30pm Redeem your tickets for $1,000,000 in SEESA fun money Use your winnings to bid on Auction Items. Prizes from Fabulous to Frivolous $15 / per person Tickets on sale February 28 For Members and Invited Guests FYI Seminars: Seniors Housing Forum Register at the Front Desk - $5/session covers the cost of handouts and coffee/tea Identity Theft Feb 1, 10:30 am - Noon Program Room Please join Facilitator: Lloyd Kenney, Callcraft Consulting and Independent Associate, LegalShield Learn about the Fastest Growing Crime in North America and ways you can protect yourself. Strength Training 101 Feb 13, 10 – 11 am Gym Presenter: Sheryl Preiss, Seniors Liaison for Comfort Keepers and previous owner of a private strength training studio. David C. Dorward, MLA Edmonton – Gold Bar Constituency For a discussion on seniors housing needs in Edmonton – Gold Bar Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Time: 2:00 pm Place: SEESA Cafeteria refreshments will be provided Strength training can have tremendous benefits for your health. It has been shown to benefit cardiovascular health, bone strength, and balance in addition to encouraging weight loss. Maybe you would like to know why you would bother to strength train. Learn about proper techniques and gain an understanding of what makes the difference when trying to develop strength and muscular endurance. This class is mostly for education with little participation required (this is not an exercise class) but dressing comfortably with clean runners may be helpful if you give some things a try. This class is designed for people (45 – 95 years) with NO PRIOR weight training experience. Though if you have some experience but have some good questions to test the trainer with – please attend. Please RSVP: phone: 780. 414-1015 email: [email protected] Paid advertisement I’ve Noticed... Mary Anne Jaedicke, inspired by the number of Canadian Red Cross donations Peggy Daniels had made in her life, has decided to honour Peggy by giving blood at least three times this next year. What a wonderful tribute. This is the place to track good deeds. Have you taken notice of something good? Please submit your observation of any kindness to the Front Desk for inclusion in the next newsletter. Penny for your thoughts…. February 2013 7 2012 TAX CLINICS Tax clinics will be held here at SEESA on Wednesdays, March 13 & 27 and Thursdays, March 7 & 21. Appointments are 25 minutes each for one return. Couples wishing to do their taxes together need to book two consecutive appointments. SEESA Event 1:30 pm meet at the East Doors by the flag pole Tax clinics are a community service designed to assist the financially disadvantaged seniors with their annual personal tax returns. Volunteers from the Chartered Accountants of Alberta take time out of the busiest season of their year to offer this service. To qualify for this service please refer to the following guidelines With no dependent $30,000 or less With dependents $50,000 or less All interest income, investment income (US or Canadian) etc., is considered as income and is subject to the income guidelines. “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it Appointments are on a first come first served into practice.” -Anton Chekhov basis and range from 6 pm to 8:35 pm. Are you are currently involved in the Get Contact the SEESA front desk to reserve OnLine program and need to practice your your appointment. newly learned skills? Perhaps you need some advice on a computer glitch at home or maybe you are thinking of getting involved in the Get OnLine program and would like to know more. The SEESA Mentors have a wealth of knowledge they are just waiting to share Kimberly is pleased to offer with you. Drop in on Monday between Commissioner of Oaths service, this is 10am and noon. Mentors of SEESA Get free to SEESA members. For nonOnLine are available in the Edmonton Room members a contribution to SEESA is to help with your computer issues. Use our appreciated. I am always happy to help computers, laptops or bring your own. Come with commissioner duties, but please check out our brand new notebooks, they call first to make arrangements, as I am are amazing. If you prefer to learn by readnot able to assist will all documents e.g. ing a book, we have books in our library for certified true copies you need to see which you may borrow. SEESA, see what’s happening! a Notary. 8 SEESA Home Services Program Preventing and Treating Burns If you are thinking about hiring someone to do your yard work this spring, it is not too early to book a service. We have screened yard workers who do good work at a fair price. Please call me for more information. We also have a registry of other service providers including housepainters, dogwalkers, and handypeople. There are also businesses that can help you downsize, run errands or get to appointments. As adults become older, they become more vulnerable to burns. Aging skin becomes thinner and therefore less able to provide protection from full thickness burns. Many of these burns are caused by hot liquids rather than fire. Prevent painful injuries by observing the following: Shelley Sabo Immediately cool the burned area by immersing it in cool water for 10-15 minutes. Use care when cooking. Wear tight fitting or short sleeves. Dangling sleeves can come into contact with If your annual income is below $25,100 or hot elements and catch fire. $40,800 for a couple as per line 150 on Use pot holders or oven your income tax return, you may be eligible mitts when moving hot items. for a $100 a month subsidy for snow When microwaving food or beverages, shovelling, yard maintenance and housealways use caution. Food may heat work. Please call the Alberta Supports unevenly or overheat causing serious burns. Contact Centre at 780.644.9992 for more Adjust the temperature on your hot water information. heater. In some older adults, it can take half Also, be sure to let me know if you know of the time to cause a severe burn. a service provider that should be on our How should you treat a burn? registry. Home Services Coordinator 780.468.1985 ext. 260 NEVER use butter, ointments, lotions or ice to treat the burn. Library News Margaret Mansell has retired from our Library after many years of service. Thank you very much for all your hard work. Do not break any blisters. This can cause an infection. For serious burns, seek medical attention immediately. -Edmonton Fire Rescue Service PLEASE -We cannot accept magazines, including Reader Digests or National Geographic, in our Library or our book sales. Tuesdays 2 pm - 4 pm in the Card Room Starting February 5th Books for the book sale will not be accepted until April 1st because we have no storage space. February 2013 9 SEESA Dinner & Dance with Valentine’s NEWS FROM MELODY SINGERS No sing-outs this month as we practiced our Christmas music for the two dinners on December 19th and 20th. Our choir director, Anne Marshall, had an unfortunate fall on the ice and injured an elbow and a leg. She will be out of commission until the end of January. Happy New Year, Anne, and we look forward to having you back. Dinner & Dance Saturday, Feb 9th Tickets in Advance Only $25/person Ticket Deadline Tuesday, Feb 5 at noon. www.theromanticsband.com We were lucky enough to find another pianist and conductor for the concerts – Karen McNaughton on piano and Martin Molzan conducted. You did a wonderful job – thank you. It would have been a disaster if you hadn’t stepped forward. We’ll be learning new music this year and getting ready to sing out again soon. Thanks to all the choir members who contributed to the smooth running of our choir. You are invaluable. Beryl Robertson 10 Paid advertisement New this Winter Cooking Class Demos With Sally Vaughan-Johnston, Best of Bridge cookbooks author and certified chef. Just Desserts for Two - Monday Feb 4 There’s only two of you at the table but you can still indulge in a decadent dessert. Discover how to make simple yet mouthwatering treats such as 5-Minute Berry Cake; Crepes with Chocolate and Orange and more. Register at the Front Desk - there is limited space available. Please refer to the Winter Program Guide for time and cost. Paid advertisement Level Landscaping Presents Creative Age Festival 2013 Call for snow shovelling, lawn and yard care and landscaping services. June 4 to 9 Free estimates. Many satisfied SEESA members. Watch for details about workshops, arts cafes, art exhibits and other events as the Creative Age Festival firms up plans for its annual celebration of the benefits to older adults of engagement in the arts. The festival will showcase the talents and accomplishments of seniors as expressed through the arts, encourage others to 780.695.1476 explore their creativity in response to the example set 12402-86 St by their peers, and encourage the development of more opportunities to explore the arts throughout the year at whatever level a senior chooses. Endorsed by the Ask your seniors centre to keep you informed and/or go to www.creativeageedmonton.ca for more information SEESA Home Services Coordinator as it becomes available. Paid advertisement Mr. Tran February 2013 11 SEESA 2013 Paid ad Annual General Meeting Companionship Personal Care Meal preparation Laundry Respite or Relief Care Medication Reminders Light Housekeeping Incidental Transportation Screened, Trained and Bonded 10% off for SEESA members & endorsed by Home Services Coordinator, Shelley Sabo Changes to by-laws. Election of Board Members. News and updates on the workings of your centre. Wine & Cheese to Follow Serving Edmonton and Surrounding area Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 780-465-4665 Wednesday, March13th, 2013 at 1pm [email protected] www.comfortkeepers.ca An international network of independently owned and operated offices DECEMBER 2012 BIRTHDAY PARTY Louis Lynn led SEESA Guitar Club volunteers, Walt Butler, Rick Orthner, George Skaley and Shirley Yakimishyn in a jolly, strumming, more-than-Christmas party. Partiers sang along to oldies and listened with corvid attention to delightful poems read by crow champions and Melody Singers, Sheryl Lynn and Dale Wilkie. Monica Schinzel and Max Timm won draws for door prizes. Judy Ashton and Frank Crozier won SEESA Breakfast for Two. A full year of thanks goes to our great Birthday Party Volunteers. We couldn’t have done it without you. 12 JANUARY BIRTHDAY PARTY A crowd of 42 celebrants and 41 guests made for an exciting day. Bev Monroe and Marvin Wolfe, as usual, made for a very pleasant afternoon. A few couples couldn’t resist getting up to dance. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed having them. Door prizes were won by Thelma Lorentz and Neil Gibson. Margaret Barabash and Charlie Hall won SEESA Breakfast Gift Certificates. Stan Jober was awarded his Lifetime Membership. Congratulations, Stan! December Crib Tournament 1st : Steve & Loretta Holub 2nd: Rina Allen & Neil Smith 3rd: Norma Gallardo & D. Reid Boobie Prize: Vincent & Helen Slugoski Door Prizes: Helen Slugoski, Gordon Armstrong, Alec Trynchy January Crib Tournament 1st : Alec Trynchy & Kay Wakaruk 2nd: Jim Lane & Alice Hrabec 3rd: Ernie Lidgett Steve Halub Boobie Prize: Irene Holmstrom & Jane Wall Door Prizes: Carol Ryll, Dallis Nowoselski, Mitch Bruntlet. Find more photos online on our Facebook page SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Guaranteed Work JIM’S SPEEDEE REPAIRS In Shop Repairs General Service $55 Call: Jim Wilson 780-469-3429 Next Crib Tournament: Feb 8 7 pm sharp Paid advertisement February 2013 13 The Volunteer Voice Monthly Draw Winners: December: Judy Mansell (Library) Wednesday Lite Supper; Rita Solkowski (Kitchen) Lunch. January: Kay Klepachek (Phoning); Ron Cutting (Special Events) Kitchen Help & Cashiers We can’t say “thank you“ enough to the wonderful subs who have willingly covered open shifts for others enduring ill health. SEESA as the venue to work “mandated” service hours for needed credit. Reed Marcano and Anthony Plettl were a great help at Christmas & New Year’s, and we had a bonus: Michelle and Tony, Anthony’s folks, came, too! Great to see families! this role please let Sherr know. Thank you to Mary Fournier who has stepped up to save the Crib Tournaments. Mary will officially take over in March. Special thanks to Dorothy and Steve Bennett for holding down the fort for the last few months. We Watch for sign-up sheets for appreciate your spirit and coming events. dedication. Front Desk Reception Sherr Wadson Welcome Judy Corbett FDR Coordinator of Volunteers in training. We’ve vacancies both in the kitchen and on cash; we’ll Urgent Need: Wood gladly train members or non- Carvers Liaison members. A person to gather the dropin fees, take attendance, and ...and speaking of nonbe the bridge for members, the young folk communication between the you’ve seen helping in food office and the wood carvers services have chosen club. If you are able to fill I always seek the good that is in people and leave the bad to Him who made mankind and knows how to round off the corners. Unknown Research Grant will Help Seniors' Centres Address Changing Needs The Alberta government is providing $70,800 grant to the University of Alberta, the Alberta Association of Seniors Centres (AASC) and the Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) to carry out the year-long study. The research will look at ways to ensure seniors’ centres are financially sustainable and offer the programs and services the province’s growing seniors’ population needs. From fitness classes to educational opportunities to social engagement, seniors’ centres provide valuable programs and services for seniors across the province. Alberta has more than 400 seniors’ centres that offer a wide variety of programs, services and supports that cater to diverse groups of seniors. As the population ages, some centres are facing challenges recruiting and retaining volunteers, low or declining memberships, and operational costs. The study will look at the ability of seniors’ centres to offer programs and services to their members; examine the future needs of Alberta’s seniors, and how seniors’ centres can meet these needs; and explore funding models that can best support the sustainability of seniors’ centres. “Seniors’ centres in Alberta are essential to sustaining and growing a model of successful aging in the province,” said Dr. Kyle Whitfield, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Extension at the U of A, and the Lead Researcher for the study. “These centres can foster and enhance seniors’ quality of life by promoting active participation in the community and social contact, which contributes to improved physical and emotional wellbeing. Because our aging population is growing, knowing more about the needs, key issues, challenges and opportunities for capacity building amongst seniors’ centres is a necessity.” 14 Upcoming Events: March 1 8 15 22 28 29 Jam Session 7 pm Crib Tournament 7 pm Jam Session 7 pm Dance 7 pm Monthly Dinner Good Friday - Centre Closed April 1 Easter Monday - Centre Closed 20 - 21 Spring Rummage Sale 24 Vintage Poetry Event 6:30 pm May 3 & 4 Art Show 5 Melody Singers Spring Performance 24-26 Accidental Drama Club Variety Show This Seat Taken You may save a seat for your guests at the SEESA Monthly Dinners. When the doors open at 4:30 pm you may pick up a new “This Seat Taken” sign from the 50/50 table. Be sure to inform your guests to arrive by 5 pm otherwise reserved seats will be released for other ticketholders to sit together. -Angela Morgan Special Events Committee Got Pennies? We’ll take ‘em. Paid advertisement February 2013 15 February Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 February Dinner 3 Dinner Tix on Sale 8:45 am Tickets on sale Friday, Feb 1 8:45 am $12/person Jam Session 7 pm 4 5 11 12 6 7 8 Fundraisers Meeting 9 am Sat 2 Roast Beef Deadline for Valentine’s Dinner & Dance Tickets Noon 10 Fri 9 Crib Tournament 7 pm Valentine’s Dinner & Dance Winter Walk Event 1:30 pm 13 14 Valentine Breakfast 15 16 Jam Session 7 pm Special Events Meeting 10 am Newsletter Deadline 17 18 19 Family Day Centre Closed 24 25 21 Birthday Party 2:30 pm 26 Board Meeting Deadline for Dinner Tickets Noon 16 20 27 22 23 Coffee with the Councillor 2 pm 28 Monthly Dinner 5:30 pm AGM SEESA m 13 1 p h c r a M