Moccasin Telegraph - Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre
Moccasin Telegraph - Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre
PAGE 1 Moccasin Telegraph Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre July 2015 Opaskowipîsim Moulting month I N S I D E T H I S IS S U E : Message from the Board 2-3 Executive Director 4 Outreach 4 Resources 5 From the Cook 5 Housing 6-7 Ongoing programs 8 What's new 9 Special Events and announcements 10-11 Health tips 12 July Calendar 13 EASC information 14 P AGE 2 From your Board… We hope you’re enjoying your summer now that the nice weather has arrived. Our Board committees continue their work. Programs Committee, for instance, is working through a new system. It became obvious to the Board that we needed more information in order to approve costs of programs and the staff has provided what we asked for. The Programs Committee then prioritizes the suggestions and makes sure there are enough resources to do them. That could mean money but it also could mean people – staff, volunteers and, most important, those of you who will be taking part. Then, the Programs Committee presents their recommendations to the Board. We just make sure there’s enough money and that it fits with our overall plan for the year. You may already be aware there will be no long trips this year, none out of province, but short ones are being planned which should be spiritual or cultural in nature. On the subject of trips, we are always discussing ways to do more with what we have. It’s been suggested that some of our trips could be partly supported by the members participating. We try every way possible to do things that don’t cost but we’ve heard from members they would be willing to share the cost of some trips, for instance. On the subject of trips, some of you may recall the Healing Our Spirits Worldwide conference held in Hawaii in 2010 and the fundraising many of you did for that purpose. The funds are still sitting in a GIC not making a lot of money, and we want to know what you would like us to do with it. Apparently, the previous Board agreed to put it into programs but no review of the minutes has been done to prove that. So, we thought we’d ask you what you think we should do with the $9,827.05. We’d prefer to have some record of what you suggest so we’d ask you to put it in writing. Just a short note will do. But, if you would rather discuss it with someone, make your suggestions to the staff or to individual Board members. We’ll be happy to hear from you. On another topic, some of you have been wondering about the Criminal Records Check for Board members. The Board has approved a change to our Volunteer policy and now Board members are included as volunteers. We must all abide by the rule that all volunteers must have what’s called a “Crim. Check.” Most of the Board has complied. We have applied for a university student to come help the Board with its administration. We have committees but don’t have terms of reference for them yet. P AGE 3 M OC C AS IN T E LE GR AP H We hope this person will be able to do that for us among other things. Most of our Board members volunteered at the casino held June 18 th and 19 . We were pleased to be able to support our Centre in this way and we thank all the volunteers who helped out. We can expect our pooled allocation in a few months and then we budget that amount over two years. We are very grateful the Province of Alberta supports non-profit organizations in this way. We’re looking forward to our Round Dance in October. Our partner, Enoch First Nation, is sharing their expertise to make it a very successful event. Our staff and Board appreciate the teachings involved. We’ll be talking more about it as time goes on but for now we are asking you to think of people who have passed on that we should remember. We don’t want to miss anyone. Now, on a serious note, because our Board is committed to being open and transparent in all our dealings, we must let you know we are being sued by a former staff member. We have hired a lawyer to handle it and we hope for the best. We’re still two members short so we’d welcome any volunteers for the Board to serve until next March. In the fall we will ask each current Board member to complete a skills assessments so we can see where our gaps are. Already we know we need legal and business experience. Keep safe and enjoy the good weather. Maybe think about taking part in one of our programs and activities. If it gets approved, some of us want to sign up for pottery classes! Until next time… Board of Directors Elder - Gilman Cardinal Chairperson - Jane Woodward Vice Chair - Ruth Cook Secretary - Beatrice Pambrun Treasurer - Doreen Wabasca Director at large Lorraine Savard Director at large Ed Lavallee Director at large Joe Callihoo Director at large vacant Director at large vacant Riddles: (answers on page 14) 1. What building has the most stories? 2. Railroad crossing without any cars. Can you spell that without any R's? 3. What is thrown to both kings and beggars? P AGE 4 Message from Executive Director Jori Hunter Well hello all you beautiful members! Summer is here – finally. With summer comes special attention that must be paid to our skin and overall health. Make sure that you use sunscreen when going on our field trips and day programs. Apply liberally and often. Drink lots of water and carry a water bottle with you when travelling to curb dehydration. Wear a hat whenever you can, because not only will you will look fabulous but you will receive a secondary benefit that keeps the head cool. And no one likes a hot head if you know what I mean lol. Spritz yourself with water whenever you can. I keep a small sprayer of water in my purse but if you’re a man you will have to keep it in your murse (man-purse) or fanny pack. You can even travel with an umbrella to keep the heat off you. Many do that in other countries and it is beginning to catch on here in Canada as well. And for goodness sake people take your socks off, especially if you have sandals on. Let those toes breathe even that ugly crooked one – cha just messing with ya. Stay tuned as next month Aunty Jori will be back with another column chock a block full of wisdom and wit. Please take note that I will be away from June 29 and back on July 13th. I look forward to seeing everyone when I get back. Take care of one another till then. Hiy Hiy - Jori Outreach Coordinator I want to start by thanking all of you for being so welcoming and kind. I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Melissa, I am the new Seniors Outreach Coordinator. I am a single mother to a beautiful five year old girl, named Riel. I am Mi'kmaq/Cree, from my mother’s side and of European descent on my father’s side of the family. I have been working in the Human services field for nine years. I’ve worked in areas such as addictions, homelessness, domestic violence and human trafficking. My main focus is on our community; being a role model for our younger generation and learning from our Elders. I love to paint, bead, write and read in my down time. I am usually attending an event with my daughter or somewhere within our beautiful city, outdoors. I look forward to working with all the amazing members of the Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre. Please stop in to say hello. If I can help you in any way please do not be afraid to ask. No issue is too large, small nor insignificant. I look forward to getting to know all of you and again I thank you for welcoming me to the Centre. Hiy- Hiy Melissa M OC C AS IN T E LE GR AP H P AGE 5 Resources and Services Coordinator Tansi! June’s gone and July is here! Where does the time go? I've been a busy girl over the last few weeks, assisting you on our outings, recruiting volunteers, working with the board and staff. Helping create and plan for new programs and special events, making lists for the van, programs and recording stats! At home my daughters are almost done soccer for the season (finally!!) and I just went to my son’s grade 6 farewell grad…. My baby boy is off to Junior High in September!!! Im still chipping away at the hours I need to complete for the down payment on my home through Habitat for Humanity... Time flies by so quickly—you know the saying “cherish each moment before its gone.” Anyways I'm looking forward to another month here. We've been working hard on new ideas as well as fine tuning our regular programs. I am proud of the staff here, and our volunteers I must say we are doing quite well. Everyday I am meeting new people and learning everyone's names! So please keep in touch with us, we need your input, participation and help to keep our Centre alive and well - we work for you, so I hope to see you all more!! Hiy Hiy - Amanda Congrats to Tracy for passing her Food Safety Course!!! Message from the cook Tansi! I hope you are all enjoying the soup and bannock on Wednesdays as I try hard to please you. I would like your input into what we cook here each week, I've tried many different soups. I’d like to know what you want to see more and less of. If you have any suggestions, please let us know and we will do our best to cook it. Also, if you would like to help me in the kitchen to prep the food, I would love your company. Just give us a shout and we can let you know what time to stop by. Hiy Hiy! Tracy P AGE 6 Housing Coordinator - Norma Collins Hello Folks! What a wonderful summer it is! We have so many blessings to be thankful for. I hope that everyone is enjoying the summer festivities in the city or having a joyful time visiting with family and friends. What happened in June? (egg hatching month) all the snow that melted and all the rain that came down made little water lakes everywhere. We followed a path to and from school, short cuts between the main roads. There was a little lake on the path by the big spruce tree we used to climb on the way home from school. We made another path all around the water. Each week the path would get straighter as the water receded. One day we saw the duck sitting on a nest full of eggs. A big brown mallard duck. Every day we tried not to scare the duck. Quietly ever so quietly we tried sneaking by. Some days the duck would fly away then we could have a peek at her eggs. There were so many eggs. It was such joy just to be able to look at them. One morning we saw a slight crack in one egg. After school all the ducks were gone. By this time all the water had disappeared. Our little lake was gone and so were our little ducks. Every one of them had hatched and the nest was abandoned. I had to see if they were alive. I snuck up to the nearby slough and waited. Sure enough there was mother duck with her baby ducklings swimming across the water. All baby ducks accounted for. Opaskawewowipisim—the time when the eggs hatch. Wowi means eggs, pisim means moon and I think opaska means to break open. This is what happens in June in Alberta. Hiy Hiy—Norma M OC C AS IN T E LE GR AP H P AGE 7 HOUSING: A short review of Greater Edmonton Foundation (GEF) You must be 65 to apply at GEF. For couples, one person must be 65 and the other person needs to be at least 60 years of age. Applicants are prioritized according to needs. If you have high housing and service need and you are not fussy about where you live then the wait could be short. If you want to live in a certain location and your need is low then you could have a longer wait. Seniors must be functionally independent to live in GEF housing. GEF does not have medical staff at any location. Many residents receive Home Care from Alberta Health Services. The maximum income criteria is 33,000 (bachelor suite), 38,000 (single), 48,000 (couple). Rental rates are reviewed yearly and changes take effect on July 1. 4 types: Self-Contained Housing--This is an apartment with a kitchen. You will be able to cook your own meals. The rent is 30% of your total monthly income; bachelor suite may be as high as $845 (or lower depending on your income), $1,000 for a one bedroom suite, $1,225 for a two bedroom suite (couple), again it depends on your income, it can be lower. Phone, cable, electricity and parking are not included in the rent. There are inexpensive laundry facilities available in the buildings. The heat, water and garbage removal are included in the rent. In all there are 27 self-contained apartment blocks throughout Edmonton. Lodge—this is a bed/sitting room-style accommodation; it has a single bed, night table and dresser. In a lodge, meals and weekly housekeeping are provided and non-medical staff is available 24 hours a day. You can bring your own furniture if you want. In the lodge you will pay the additional cost of support services. The rates for a single or handicapped room is $725, couples or double occupancy room is $1,230, (effective July 1, 2015). The support service cost will be in addition to the rent. Rent is 30% your gross monthly income. Maximum rent is 1,885 for a single or handicapped room; again this amount could be lower depending on what your total monthly income is. The maximum for a couple is $2,300 a month; again it depends on your total monthly income. There is also an additional fee for parking, cable television and laundry. Greater Edmonton Foundation manages 9 lodges, altogether 883 beds. There are 5 other lodges which do not participate in the Alberta Municipal Affairs Seniors Lodge program they are McCauley, Nihgi Metis Seniors Lodge, All Shepherds Care, Sparling Lodge, St. Michael’s Grove Manor. Some of the 5 are subsidized, some are a flat rate. See Sage directory for listing. Duplex Homes- Two locations that offer one-bedroom accommodation in a duplex. Rent is a flat rate, $575 for single or $650 for double occupancy (effective July 1, 2015). Lauderdale Homes has 12 beds while Golden Homes has 25 beds. Affordable Apartments- Seniors affordable apartments are linked to two lodges Rosslyn Terrace has 50 spaces and Ottewell Terrace has 54 spaces. One bedroom suite starts at $825, two bedroom starts at $1,040 (effective July 1, 2015). Each suite has a fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher and balcony with laundry facilities in the building and underground parking. (review taken from “Housing Information”, P AGE 8 Ongoing programs Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Foot care July 7, 2015 from 12-3pm July 21, 2015 from 12-3pm Contact Melissa - Outreach - to book your appointment. MASS There will be no mass held until September 2015 We are grateful Father Jim for leading Mass here at the Centre. We would also like to thank Helen for the delicious meals she makes each month for the Potluck. See you in September! VAN pick up drop off Please contact us for a ride a to the Centre for programming. Call at least one day in advance Nutritional program Join us at the EASC for soup and bannock! We make a new dishes each week! As always this is hosted every Wednesday from 12-1pm. Hope to see you there!!! Sewing/Quilting Craft Corner We will be continuing our sewing group each Thursday between 10-2pm. We have lots of material and the ladies have been doing an awesome job! Join us Mondays from 10-2pm for var ious crafts - call us for each week’s project. Crib There will be no crib this month—due to Summer Dance. Afternoon Bingo Join us after Soup and Bannock every second Wednesday from 1:15-3pm. Although we do not play for money, our prizes are amazing! We are very thankful for the donations we receive from our members! Drop in Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Come on in anytime to check out whats going on, or just for a coffee. We have cable, phone, internet access, as well as many things you could help us out with!!! M OC C AS IN T E LE GR AP H P AGE 9 What's new at the Centre Drop in Lunch Computer Tech Each day between 12-1pm we are ser ving lunch for seniors. We would like to thank the Edmonton Food Bank for their contribution towards this important service to our Seniors. Starting July 15, Mikale from the Calder Library will be here every second Wednesday from 1-3pm to assist senior s with computers, cell phones ipads ect. Walking club We have started a walking club. This will be from 9:30-10am Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please join us for some fresh air. Also as this club grows we will start tracking time and km’s for prizes! Garden Club Canadian Tire money Do you have Canadian Tire money that your not using? Please donate it to the Centre, we will be tracking donors and purchasing something fun for the Centre. WECAN Food Baskets Join us Tuesdays from 2-4pm for our gar den club, we will be sharing tips, techniques as well as tending to our garden here at the centre. The EASC will be helping its members get groceries through the WECAN Food Basket program. First, participants buy a $5 annual membership to join WECAN. You must then put your order into Mosom and Me WECAN and the EASC will pick it up and deliver it to you! Baskets range from Woodworking $10.00 -$25.00. For information on how We are working with Habitat for Humanity to get started please contact us ! This is to construct our flower boxes, please stay open to EASC members who do not have tuned for dates on construction! their own transportation. Phone system We have re-directed our phone lines so you will not go straight to voice mail when you call us. Either a volunteer or one of us will be able to answer calls as they come in and take a message or transfer to the appropriate person. Don’t forget that you can get each weeks events when you call in by pressing “0” P AGE 1 0 Special Events and announcements Seniors Summer Dance July 10, 2014 In partnership with Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society Dance will be held at Parkdale School - 11648-85st from 6:00-11:00pm $10.00/ticket includes Live band, Concession, 50/50, raffle items All proceeds go towards programming for Seniors Enoch Pow Wow Saturday July 11, 2015 We will be going to the Pow wow in Enoch, van leaves centre at 10:30am and returns by 6:00pm please sign up with Amanda by July 8, 2015 Casino Volunteer Appreciation BBQ July 17, 2015 from 12:00-3:00pm at the Centre - Cost: donation. Metis Crossing - Old time Jamboree Saturday July 18, 2015 We will be going to the Old time Jam at Metis Crossing near Smoky Lake. Van leaves at 10:30am and returns by 6:00pm. please sign up with Amanda by July 10, 2015 Lac St. Anne Pilgrimage July 21, 2015 We will be going to Lac St. Anne Pilgrimage, van leaves at 9:00am and returns by 3:00pm Please sign up with Amanda by July 17, 2015 Men's fishing day July 24, 2015 We will be taking our Men out of town to go fishing, this trip will cost $20.00 or can be worked off in volunteer hours. Van will be leaving by 8:30am and return by 4:30pm. Please sign up and pay Amanda by July 17, 2015 Volunteers! We are looking for you! We are continually looking for volunteers to help out the Centre and its seniors. We can guarantee you’ll have a good time, meet new people and maybe acquire a new skill! Fine Options is another way we recruit for volunteers. If you or anyone you know has a fine to pay through community service, we can set you up with a project. For Seniors we offer field trips and other programs in exchange for volunteer hours, please contact Amanda for more information on how you can volunteer towards a trip. M OCCAS IN T E LE GR AP H P AGE 1 1 Special Events and announcements Memories of a grandparent - On July 31, 2015 from 1-3pm we will be assisting you to capture the memories and stories you have to pass on to your family. We will be helping you to write down what you remember about you and your family including things like marriages, births and special events of your life then creating a book you can give to your family. For more information please contact us! August 1, 2015 - Poundmaker s Powwow sign up with Amanda by J uly 24, 2015 August 14, 2015 Tr ip to Kikino rodeo - We will be going to the Kikino rodeo - members pay $5.00 towards trip or complete 5 hours of volunteer services. Sign up and pay Amanda by August 7, 2015 August 15, 2015 - Dress up with us Kentucky Derby Style as we are going to the Canadian derby at Northlands - stay tuned for details August 19, 2015 we will be playing CREE Bingo after Soup and bannock from 1:15-3pm August 21-22, 2015 - Yard sale 10-4pm - br ing your unwanted items to the Centre to sell at our yard sale. Table rental - $10.00. sign up and pay Amanda by August 17, 30 Year Anniversary Project As the only Abor iginal Senior s Centre in Canada, we have a long and very colourful history – 30 years of it, in fact. Information will be gathered from members, previous and current Board and staff, volunteers, and stakeholders to be put into a booklet which will be launched on our 30th anniversary in October 2016. If you have photos or other records we can use in this project, please let us know! SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 24, 2015 The EASC is pleased to announce that we will be co-hosting a Traditional Round Dance in partnership with Enoch Elders Centre. We will need help cooking and serving. We will be hosting a number of fundraising activities leading up to the event, so if you are interested please contact us for more information! P AGE 1 2 Health Tips for the summer Sip Smart Feeling tired? Have a headache? Dry, sticky mouth? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you might be dehydrated. Water is essential to human life; it makes up about 60% of your body. You need water to keep your body working properly and to control your body temperature. It flushes out wastes and toxins, helps digestion, lubricates the joints and eyes, and keeps skin healthy. You can't live without it. Signs of dehydration Dizziness or light-headedness Dry mouth, lips and eyes Decreased urine output Rapid pulse Weakness Most adults should drink at least 1500 ml (6 cups) of fluid daily. While drinking water is generally the best choice for hydration, you also get fluid from juice, milk, soup, fruits, vegetables, as well as other foods and beverages. If having fruit juice, choose 100% juice (limit to ½ cup or 125ml per day) instead of blends, cocktails, and punches, which can have added sugars. Caffeinated beverages — such as coffee, tea or soda contribute to overall fluid intake, but these should not be a major part of your fluid for the day. For more information about choosing healthy drinks go to the Healthy Eating Starts Here web site:\ Tips to increase fluid intake: Bring a water bottle with you when you leave the house Add vegetables or fruit (cucumber, raspberries, oranges) or herbs (mint) to flavor water Choose lower fat milk or plain fortified soy-beverage at meals Check for more nutrition information online at Healthy Eating Starts Here: Health Link Alberta answers nutrition questions. Phone 811 Written by Registered Dietitians, Edmonton Zone M CLE ASTIN LEITGR N EOC WS T ETRET LEAP H P AGE 13 M OC C ASIN T E L E GR APH Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre Cottage E, 10107-134ave Edmonton, Alberta T5E-1J2 Phone 780-475-6595 Fax 780-475-7957 PAGE 14 The Edmonton Aboriginal Seniors Centre is a registered, charitable organization. We are unique in that we are the only Aboriginal Seniors Centre in Canada that is self-governed by a board of directors elected annually. It is also the City of Edmonton's major resource for Aboriginal Seniors. This profile is maintained through continued effort as a seniors advocate, through participation in projects, events and services offered in the greater City of Edmonton/ community. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Staff list Jori Hunter - Executive Director Amanda L’Hirondelle - Resources Norma Collins - Housing Melissa Peters- Outreach Jennifer Allan - Book Keeper Tracy Minoose - Cook Vic Auger - Janitor Answers to riddles on page 3 1. A library 2. T-H-A-T. 3. A toilet (porcelain throne). Membership Available to anyone: Aged 50+ $5.00/year Age 49/under $10.00/year Includes monthly newsletter And access to programs Hours of Operation 8:30-4:30pm Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
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