Message From The Principal Senior`s Last Week


Message From The Principal Senior`s Last Week
Carman-Ainsworth High School
May 2014
Special points of
Message From The Principal
May 24, 2014
Mr. Rory Mattar
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Seniors Say Farwell
Summer School
Student Drop-off
and Pick-up
Accelerated English
Summer Reading
Mr. Jones/Director
of the Year
Red Cedar Summer
Writing Camp
Ch. 12 Spirit Cup
Yearbook Purchase
STEM Career Path
May has arrived with some questionable weather patterns early on, but lately it
seems to be a little more favorable. Our Seniors are out and on their way to enjoying life prior to summer and all of the activities and work that usually accompany
June, July, and August.
We will be finishing up our last few details in preparation for our Honors Convocation (Thursday, May 29th, @ CAHS 6:00 p.m.) and our Commencement Ceremony (Thursday, June 5th, @ Perani’s Event Center 7:00 p.m.). The seniors were
very well mannered their last week of school and took care of business as expected. It was a bitter sweet week for many of our seniors as they began to realize
that it was all ending in what seemed to be rather abruptly. Thirteen years gone
bye in the blink of an eye. During this last week, I believe our senior students finally began to realize the support, love, and care that the CAHS staff has for
them is special, to say the least. This is the place where they could stumble, make
mistakes, and have the safety net of concerned adults to help guide them back
toward the road of success. The number of adults influencing, counseling, supporting, and monitoring their progress after high school can decrease significantly in
I would like to congratulate our seniors on their successes here at CAHS over the
past four years as high school students. They certainly became leaders of CAHS
this past year and demonstrated their many talents in several arenas including,
academics, athletics, robotics, band/orchestra, chorale, fundraising, clubs, and organizations just to name a few. I thank them for all of their contributions to
CAHS and I wish them the best of luck moving forward, and will expect to hear
great success stories in the near future!!
Seniors ROCK!
Senior’s Last Week
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1
CAHS 2014 Summer School (Reclassification and Summer School)
Summer School will again be offered to all Carman-Ainsworth students beginning July 7th—August 14th. Since
Carman-Ainsworth High School requires 24 credits to graduate, students who do not earn all 6 credits each school
year are “reclassified” and encouraged to make-up credits through summer school. Please understand that students only need to make-up the class(es) that he/she failed. The purpose of reclassification is to serve as a very serious warning that the student is not on track to graduate and thus needs to “make-up” lost credits in order to get
back on track. A credit check letter will be sent from the Guidance Office for each student reflecting their current
credit status. For the fourth summer we will again be using the Plato Learning System, which is an on-line credit
recovery program. Each lab will have a highly qualified teacher along with one tutor to help students move through
the required on-line courses. Some work with the on-line courses will be accessible from home or any internet connection. The cost is $150 per session (1/2 credit or more) or $300 for two sessions. Some students may have the opportunity to take additional classes if time allows with no additional cost. Students can register for Summer School
in the High School Attendance Office during the following dates and times. (please note payment is due upon registration with either cash or money order only). Personal checks will not be accepted.
Registration: Monday
June 30
12 p.m.— 5 p.m.
July 1
12 p.m.— 5 p.m. Any questions call 591-5509 or 591-3240.
Students may also register early with their counselor until school dismisses on June 12th!!!
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
As the school year winds down, please be mindful of our procedures regarding dropping
students off in the morning and picking students up in the afternoon. This system allows
for a safe and efficient bus drop-off of students in the back gymnasium entrance in the
morning as well as a safe pick-up in the afternoon.
Morning: All car riders dropped in front of the building Main Entrance. Busses only in the
Afternoon: All car riders picked-up in the back of the building. Busses load in the front!
Attention Accelerated
English Students!!!!!
Be sure to pick up your
summer reading assignments from your English
teacher before leaving for
the summer. Completion of
these assignments is critical as you begin the 20142015 school year!!!
Senior Fines
At the end of every school year, there is a mad rush for
seniors to pay their fines that have accumulated over
the course of their high school careers. Parents are
often shocked at the amount of money their child owes in book fees, lost sports
equipment, broken school property, lunch money, and an assortment of other
unpaid fines. We advise all of our seniors to check in the Media Center and be
sure they do not have unpaid fines waiting for them when it’s time to pick up
their cap and gown for graduation. Caps and gowns are not distributed to any
senior who has an unpaid fine. Avoid the stress and long lines at the end of the
school year by paying your fines early. You may come into the Media Center
and pay your fines anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. daily.
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1
Benjy Jones District III Band/
Orchestra Director of the Year
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Benjy Jones as
the MSBOA District III Band/Orchestra Director of the
Year! Mr. Jones received this well-deserved award at
the district level organizational meeting, and his name
has been forwarded to the state level as a nominee
for Director of the Year at the State level. Congratulations Mr. Jones. Job well done!!!!!!!
Robotics Team 314—World
Championship Qualifiers
CAHS Robotics Team 314 participated in the
FIRST FRC Robotics World Championships for
the second year in a row!! CAHS Team 314
traveled to St. Louis, Missouri to compete
against students from countries around the
world. Teams were represented from countries
like Chile, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, the Netherlands, China, and the U.S. There were a total
of 400 teams competing in the FRC (high
school) division. The 400 teams were divided
into 4 divisions with Team 314 and Big Mo
competing in the Isaac Newton Division. Congratulations to all of our robotic students and
their supervisors on another great year!!
Last Chance to buy a
Parents, buy your child a yearbook! Yearbooks are
still available, but they are selling out fast. You may
purchase a book before or after school from Mrs.
Bryan (English teacher) in room 104, at the Senior’s
Honors Program on Thursday, May 29th, at the Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, June 5th, or the
Post-Grad party following the Commencement Ceremony. You may purchase a yearbook for $75 cash or
we accept cashier's checks or money orders made
out to Carman-Ainsworth Yearbook.
Red Cedar Writing Project
sponsored by Michigan
State University
Greenrock Writers Retreat is a four-day camp
for high school students with a passion for
writing. Click on the above link for details and
registration information.
ABC Ch. 12 Spirit Cup Success
Congratulations to the entire C-A community and
their efforts in supporting the Eastern Michigan
Food Bank. During the Spirit Cup Challenge the CA community raised over 40,836 pounds of food to
help feed needy families in and around Genesee
County. This total placed C-A in third place behind
second place finisher Flushing, and the overall winner Owosso. This was a tremendous showing of
support and definitely a community affair. Thanks
again to everyone who supported the cause!!!!
2013-2014 School Calendar
May 26
May 29
Memorial Day (no-school)
Honors Convocation CAHS 6:00 p.m.
June 5
June 10-12
June 12
CAHS Commencement Ceremony @ Perani’s Event Center 7:00 p.m.
Final Exams 1/2 days 7:15-10:42 a.m.
Thursday— Last school day for students
June 30
July 1
Summer School Registration 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Summer School Registration 12:00-5:00 p.m.
It’s easy to report and all tips go directly to the principals email
keeping the student who reports the tip anonymous. Students
have used this system for the past year and it has really helped
us address inappropriate behavior within CAHS and/or alerted
us to students who may be in a crisis.
C-A Creating Opportunities for Students
The Carman-Ainsworth School District continues to provide opportunities for students to grow academically, acquire new knowledge, prepare for a post secondary
education, accumulate additional credits, work with college level material, and be
a part of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) career pathway. The
following is a list of programming in place currently or will be in place beginning
next school year.
Accelerated Graduation Opportunity
College Access Network
Project Lead the Way
Dual Enrollment Educational Partnership
STEM Partnership Team
Michigan Advanced Technician Training
FIRST Robotics
Equity/Cultural Proficiency
On-Time Graduation Project
ACT Preparation

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