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Planning Board – Monday, June 22, 2015, 6:30PM City Hall Council Chambers 3 Washington Street, 2nd floor Agenda I. Call to order – roll call II. Minutes of previous meeting 1. May 26, 2015 III. Membership 1. Election of Vice Chair 2. Election of Steering Committee IV. Continued Public Hearing 1. SPR-218, Mod. 2 – Freihofer’s Bakery – 815 Court Street – Site Plan – Applicant Jim Phippard of Brickstone Land Use Consultants on behalf of owner 815 Court Street, LLC proposes a 4000sf addition to an existing retail building for Freihofer’s distribution center and retail bakery outlet. Waivers are requested from Standards #10: Lighting and #19: related to location of parking. The site is 2.39 acres in size and located in the Commerce Zoning District (TMP # 188-01-004). V. Public Hearing 1. SPR-505, Mod. 1 – Fairfields Cadillac Buick GMC – 434 Winchester Street – Site Plan – Applicant Brickstone Land Use Consultants, LLC on behalf of owner 434-440 Winchester, LLC proposes to renovate and expand the existing 10,886 sf building. The site is 3.01 acres in size and located in the Commerce Limited Zoning District (TMP# 91124-008). 2. S-03-15 – 383/0 Chapman Road – Boundary Line Adjustment – Applicant Brickstone Land Use Consultants, LLC on behalf of owners Chapman Road Holdings, LLC and The Chapman Road Farm, LLC propose to adjust the boundary line between 383 and 0 Chapman Road. The combined lots total 73.39 acres in size and located in the Rural Zoning District (TMP #s 902-21-11 and 902-21-011.01). ZBA approval of 9/2/14. 3. S-02-15 – 391 Old Walpole Road – Subdivision – Applicant Wendy Pelletier, PLLC, on behalf of owner David Williams, proposes the subdivision of an existing 2.78 acre lot, which is in the Rural Zoning District. The two lots after adjustment would be 1.29 and 1.16 acres (TMP# 919-07-028). ZBA approval of 6/1/15. VI. Driveway Permit 1. 0 Summit Road – Owner C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. proposes two new curb cuts that will service a new bus stop and provide a one-way bus turn-around north of the YMCA driveway and adjacent to the YMCA property. The site is 21.1 acres and located in the Corporate Park and Low Density Zoning Districts (TMP# 918-10-013.02). VII. Planning Director Reports VIII. Upcoming dates of interest – July 2015 Planning Board Meeting – Monday, July 27, 6:30 PM Planning Board Steering Committee – Wednesday, July 15, 4:30 PM Joint PB/PLD – Monday, July 13, 6:30 PM Planning Board Site Visits – TBD Page 1 of 68 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT CITY OF KEENE NEW HAMPSHIRE PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 26, 2015 Members Present Mayor Kendall Lane Douglas Barrett Councilor James Duffy Andrew Bohannon Christine Weeks Nathaniel Stout George Hansel Tammy Adams, Alternate 6:30 PM Council Chambers Staff: Rhett Lamb, Planning Director Members Not Present: Gary Spykman, Chairman I. Call to order – Roll Call Mayor Lane called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and a roll call was taken. In the absence of Chair Spykman, Councilor Duffy made a motion to nominate Mayor Kendall Lane to act as temporary Chair for the May 26, 2015 Planning Board meeting. The motion was seconded by Andrew Bohannon and was unanimously approved. II. Minutes of previous meeting – April 27, 2015 and March 23, 2015 (Proposed Amendment) April 27, 2015: Christine Weeks offered the following corrections: Page 3 of 48, fourth paragraph should say “gas station” not “gas canopy”. Page 2, under A. Board Determination of Completeness Add the word “Application” before the SPR 172. Page 15 under Upcoming Dates of Interest – Steering Committee should be a May date not a March date. A motion was made by Christine Weeks that the Planning Board accept the April 27, 2015 meeting minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by James Duffy and was unanimously approved. March 23, 2015 A motion was made by Christine Weeks that the Planning Board accept an amendment to the March 23, 2015 meeting minutes related to CUP-2014-01 – Wetland Crossing – 490 Washington Street – Conditional Use Permit. The motion was seconded by James Duffy and was unanimously approved. Page 2 of 68 Page 1 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT III. Membership 1. Election of Vice Chair Item delayed until next month. 2. Recognize new alternate member, Tammy Adams The Board welcomed Tammy Adams to the Board as an Alternate. Ms. Adams was asked to join the Board because of the absence of Chair Spykman. IV. Driveway Permit 1. 0 Summit Road – Owner C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc. proposes two new curb cuts that will service a new bus stop and provide a one-way bus turn-around north of the YMCA driveway and adjacent to the YMCA property. The site is 21.1 acres and located in the Corporate Park and Low Density Zoning Districts (TMP# 918-10-013.02). Item postponed until the matter is heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. V. Public Hearings 1. SPR-218, Mod. 2 – Freihofer’s Bakery – 815 Court Street – Site Plan – Applicant Jim Phippard of Brickstone Land Use Consultants on behalf of owner 815 Court Street, LLC proposes a 4000sf addition to an existing retail building for Freihofer’s distribution center and retail bakery outlet. Waivers are requested from Standards #10: Lighting and #19: related to location of parking. The site is 2.39 acres in size and located in the Commerce Zoning District (TMP # 188-01-004). A. Board Determination of Completeness Planner Michele Chalice recommended to the Board that Application SPR-218, Modification 2 was complete. A motion was made by Douglas Barrett that the Board accept this application as complete. The motion was seconded by James Duffy. Ms. Weeks stated that when she read through the packet she found it to be very confusing and referred to pages 22 - 25, Freihofer Bakery and stated that she would like to know who this information is from. Mr. Lamb said the document is from the applicant. Mr. Lamb explained that it is the practice that the staff report is the first item that is read in the section of the staff report. He indicated staff will make sure it is titled as such. The motion made by Douglas Barrett was unanimously approved. B. Public Hearing Mr. David Bergeron of Brickstone Land Use Consultants addressed the Board. Mr. Bergeron referred to Court Street on the plan. The existing property has a 10,000 square foot building on it, there is parking across the front and there is a shared set of driveways that service four different businesses and there are also two shared curb cuts. The area around the building is paved and there are dumpsters at the rear of the site. The existing retail building will expand to house the applicant’s business, Freihofer Bakery. Mr. Bergeron stated that there is a vacant space in the building which used to be a restaurant and bar. This vacant space will be taken over by the bakery. There will be 2,000 square feet of additional space at the front for future rental. In addition to the changes that are being proposed to the building, the driveway will be moved so that it could connect to the driveway around the Page 3 of 68 Page 2 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT building. There will be additional parking added to the rear of the building as well as more pavement. This is to provide circulation for their delivery trucks. The applicant needs a large loading dock so that a delivery truck could bring products to the business and they also have five bays for delivery trucks to back up, load the trucks and leave the site to make their respective deliveries. Mr. Bergeron noted that even though the name is Freihofer Bakery, this site will not be a bakery; it will strictly be a warehouse and distribution center with a small retail store. Their existing site on Bradco Street is what is moving to this site. He added that the building is currently going through a facelift. The canopy that has been recently located will continue to the new addition. The planters that are located at the front will be replaced. Mr. Bergeron then went over the performance standards. Drainage – Currently everything in the front drains to catch basins located in the front of the site and a drainage system picks that up and runs it to a drainage system in the rear. There is a low spot that exists at the rear of the site and the drainage at the present time does not leave the site. This drainage scheme will continue with the low spot being made slightly bigger. The applicant has looked at a 50-year design storm and it has been determined that no drainage will leave the site. Sedimentation and Erosion Control – This is shown on the plan but it will be minor because of the way everything is contained on site. Hillside Protection – N/A Snow Storage – There is a large area in the rear for snow storage without having any effect on the operations. Flood Plain – This property is not located in the flood plain. Mr. Bergeron then referred to the staff report. He stated that the staff report indicated that the north wall could use some dressing up. The applicant has looked at that and has revised the landscape plan. They are proposing some taller shrubs as well as canopies over two of the doors. Over time this arborvitae should grow to about five to six feet tall. Mr. Bergeron felt these added items should break up this façade. Noise – Mr. Bergeron stated that the applicant doesn’t expect any excess noise. Dumpster – The dumpster will be located at the rear and will have screening. The screening will consist of a solid wood fence with a door. Lighting – The applicant has requested a waiver for a reduced lighting plan. Mr. Bergeron explained that the reason for requesting this waiver is because of the nature of this operation. The delivery trucks come between during mid-night and 2 am to unload supplies into the building. The drivers then come in by 4 am and leave by 7 am. The applicant is requesting the lights to be left on so that drivers and delivery people can get in and out of the building safely. Page 4 of 68 Page 3 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Mayor Lane asked who would be affected by this lighting. Mr. Bergeron stated that there is a dentist office that abuts the site at the rear with apartments on the second floor. He added the lights that face the apartments will be shielded. He noted that the applicant is proposing two, new, 20’ light poles for the rear parking area. The apartments will be about 150 feet from the closest light pole. There will also be three wall pack lighting at the back of the building where the loading docks are located and another light pole next to the dumpster. The light level will be at zero near the property line. Water and Sewer – There will be a new water line brought in for the new business but they will use the existing sewer line. Traffic – Most of the traffic will be during off hours and will be done before the peak hour. The retail store is about 700 square feet but it is not anything out of the ordinary than what has existed here. Comprehensive Access Management – This site fits this standard well because four businesses are sharing two curb cuts. The bus route comes through this area and a bike rack is shown on the property. Hazardous Material – None Filling/Excavation – Crushed gravel will be brought in to bring the pavement up to grade, a berm at the rear that needs to be cut down (two to three foot cut). Architectural Appearance – The building store front will match what exists there right now. The new awning was recently added which will remain. Mr. Bergeron then talked about the waiver for parking spaces at the front. There are three spaces being added to the front by continuing what exists there right now. The landscape islands that exist will also be continued across the front. The existing landscape islands will be redone with granite curbing. He felt that having these spaces at the front makes it easier to rent the vacant area... Ms. Weeks asked how many existing spaces existed for the bar/restaurant. Mr. Bergeron stated that only three spaces are going to be added to the front of the area that is going to be vacant. Ms. Weeks asked how many spaces will exist in front of the Freihofer retail area. Mr. Bergeron stated that three spaces are going to be added in front of this retail space. Mr. Hansel asked how far the apartments are from the north corner. Mr. Bergeron stated that they are about 200 feet from this corner. Mr. Hansel asked whether the smaller delivery trucks make a beeping sound when they back up. Mr. Bergeron stated that they probably do. Mr. Hansel asked whether this noise was taken into consideration by the petitioner. Mr. Bergeron stated that the delivery trucks leave the site early in the morning and don’t return to the site until about 3 pm where they will be left until about 3 am the next morning when they are reloaded and leave. Mr. Hansel referred to the following language from the staff report: Five delivery trucks loading and leaving the site between 1:00AM and 7:00 AM. Mr. Hansel asked whether the apartments are going to be listening to five delivery trucks back into this area between the hours mentioned Page 5 of 68 Page 4 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT above. Mr. Bergeron explained that these truck will return to the site at 3pm and the drivers will leave for the afternoon and then return at 3 am load their trucks and leave. Mr. Barrett asked whether the trucks can leave the site without the need to back up. Mr. Bergeron answered in the affirmative. Mr. Barrett asked Mr. Bergeron to show on the plan the route the semi-truck will take and clarified that they will have to use the turnaround spot only once. Mr. Barrett asked how close this truck will be to the dentist’s office. Mr. Bergeron stated that the truck will be about 75 feet from that office. Mr. Barrett asked how loud the truck will be from these apartments. Mr. Bergeron stated that he wasn’t sure. Ms. Adams noted that in relation to the trucks accessing the site there was no sidewalk for foot traffic to the property. Mr. Bergeron referred to where there property line was located and added that they could widen the curb cut slightly to create more space. They only have about 15 feet to the property line and then it is a different property owner. Ms. Adams referred to the parking spaces on the westerly side and asked whether they were on the petitioner’s property. Mr. Bergeron answered in the affirmative and added that they are on the property line (a foot between those spaces and the property line). Mr. Bergeron stated that if you look at the existing conditions plan, there is a long walk along the driveway to get to this business but what the petitioner is proposing is a much shorter walk. Ms. Adams stated that her concern was the property located across Court Street and residents who live in that building trying to access this site. Mr. Bohannon asked whether there was a possibility to use motion sensor for the lighting. Mr. Bergeron stated that they have but have had mixed results because the lights can be activated by animals. Mr. Stout asked about the roof top units. Mr. Bergeron stated that the current site has HVAC units on the roof and the petitioner plans on doing the same. The larger unit will be replaced with two smaller ones. The thought is to paint them the same color as the wall. Mr. Bergeron felt that adding screening will only add to the expanse of the units and make it more visible. Following up on Ms. Adams’ concern, Ms. Weeks asked whether there was a stop sign for trucks coming around the area where the foot traffic could be accessing the site. Mr. Bergeron stated that there wasn’t but one could be considered. Ms. Weeks suggested stop signs at both ends. Staff comments were next. Planner Michele Chalice addressed the Board and stated that this application has met many of the Board’s requirements. She indicated that the issues that staff would like to raise are unique to this site; off hour deliveries. This notion of noise cannot be known at this time. She referred to language about the noise levels of semi-trucks and added that once this site is approved the city won’t have any control of this issue. Ms. Chalice stated that that staff has tried to explain the proximity of the distribution center not only to the dentist office with the existing residential units but also the other three units that have been approved by the Planning Board that could be constructed sometime in the future. The other issue was children coming from the apartment complex located to the west of this distribution center. Staff would like the applicant to consider a connecting sidewalk that could be on the inside of the entrance driveway connected to a marked crosswalk that could then connect to the front of the building. Page 6 of 68 Page 5 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Ms. Chalice stated that criteria for the two waivers have not yet been presented and the Board after listening to the criteria could ask for appropriate mitigation that they feel is reasonable to ensure the spirit and intent of the standard being waived is preserved. If the three requested parking spaces are approved together with the seven spaces in the rear (10 spaces in all) planting of a tree would be required according to Board standards. Ms. Chalice stated that staff had suggested a tree at the front between Court Street and the west side parking areas so that you don’t have to look right into that parking lot from Court Street. Mayor Lane asked whether the crab apple trees the applicant was proposing for the front of the building will meet the criteria for the required tree. Ms. Chalice stated that the Board’s standard is a three-inch caliper tree and the crab apple trees are not typically three inch caliper. Ms. Weeks asked whether staff was satisfied with the applicant’s proposal for the north side; the report refer to shade trees but the applicant is referring to arborvitae and shrubs. Ms. Chalice stated that there is no standard for what she has suggested but a shade tree would provide quite a bit of visual screening for the second floor unit which are the residential units on the adjoining site. Mr. Lamb stated that there are two waivers that were requested – parking and lighting. He indicated that previously there was discussion about putting in motion sensors/timers for lighting. He said that if they are on motion sensors/timers, a waiver is not necessary, because they are considered to be off until an activity turns them on. Mr. Bergeron stated with the combination of a timer and a motion sensor they could be on up to a certain time and then be monitored with a sensor. He added that there are some businesses in this plaza that have activity until late in the evening and the wall lights and the two poles that exist there right now might need to stay on until those businesses close for the night. Mr. Bergeron then went over the waiver criteria for parking: 1) That granting the waiver will not be contrary to the spirit and intent of these regulations; Mr. Bergeron stated that the spirit and intent of the regulation is to locate parking to the rear. However, this is a fully developed site with parking already established and added that he failed to mention there is a deed restriction which prevents them from moving the building to the front and locating additional parking to the rear. As well as the proximity to Court Street also requires parking be located to the front as opposed to the rear or to the side. 2) That granting the waiver will not increase the potential for creating adverse impacts to abutters, the community or the environment; and Most of the parking already exists and they are a very small number of spaces that are being located. Mr. Bergeron felt that most people will not notice that three spaces were added here. Mayor Lane clarified that the applicant was adding spaces against the building and not against the street. Mr. Bergeron agreed. 3) That granting the waiver has not been shown to diminish the property values of abutting properties. This parking lot exists and it is not likely to be noticed that three spaces were added and it is not likely to diminish property values. Page 7 of 68 Page 6 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT 4) Consideration will also be given to whether strict conformity with the regulations or Development Standards would pose an unnecessary hardship to the applicant. Mr. Bergeron stated eliminating these spaces would really not have any benefit; it exists and added that having three spaces would really be advantageous to the property owner and any tenant who wants to rent this space. Denial of these spaces will create an unnecessary hardship. Mr. Bergeron went on to say that as suggested by staff they can replace the crab apple tree with another type of tree that has a three-inch caliper, perhaps a flowering pear tree. He referred to the city right of way in front of the applicant’s site and noted to where there is already some landscaping and didn’t think much could be done to the Court Street frontage that would make much difference and noted that Court Street is about three to four feet higher than the parking lot. Mr. Stout noted that the Zoning Board approved a variance for a storage facility on this lot and asked what the traffic pattern would look like. Mr. Bergeron stated that it would be a lot less because much of the space from the storage facility is being used by this expansion; at least one building has been taken away and added that he wasn’t sure if the remaining space would be viable to continue with a storage facility. Mr. Stout noted that it was the same applicant who proposed the storage facility is the one who is now proposing the matter before the Board today. Mr. Bergeron stated that the application for the storage facility did not come before the Planning Board; all it received was Zoning Board variance. If the matter ever wanted to move forward it would need to come before the Planning Board. Mr. Stout asked about the variance that was approved and how long that would last. Mr. Bergeron stated that variances are good for two years and if the applicant was going to move forward with it, the use would be at a much smaller scale. Ms. Weeks asked whether the applicant would consider adding shade trees to the north instead of the arborvitae. Mr. Bergeron stated if the Board prefers the shade trees they could reduce the number of arborvitae, which is more expensive, and go with shade trees. Ms. Weeks referred this question to staff. Ms. Chalice stated that staff prefers shade trees to arborvitae to provide more of a visual separation between that long stretch and the residential units. Mr. Bergeron stated that for some portion of the area, that could be done but referred to a utility pole and a propane tank that exist and referred to the location where three trees could be added which should accomplish the separation. Mr. Barrett asked whether Mr. Bergeron knows how long it will take for the semi-trucks to unload. Mr. Bergeron stated that he recalls the time to be about two hours. Mr. Barrett asked whether the trucks have any refrigeration units. Mr. Bergeron answered in the negative; they transports only dry goods. Mr. Barrett asked whether the trucks will be shut down when unloading happens. Mr. Bergeron felt they might be but wasn’t sure what would happen during winter months. Councilor Duffy clarified that these trucks will have back-up alarms. Mr. Bergeron stated that he wasn’t sure whether tractor trailer trucks had back up alarms but does know that construction vehicles do have them. Mr. Hansel indicated that his experience has been that most all such trucks have back up alarms. The Councilor raised the question about idling as well. Mr. Bergeron stated that he could request the applicant that the trucks be turned off but wasn’t sure what would happen during winter months. He added that during the winter months people will have their windows shut. Page 8 of 68 Page 7 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Mayor Lane stated that diesel trucks idling can be very noisy. Ms. Weeks asked whether this item can be made part of the motion. Mr. Lamb stated that a condition such as that would typically be included as a note on the plan and the average truck driver will not be carrying around the plan nor will there be an effective enforcement mechanism. Mayor Lane stated that once this plan is approved and the operation is underway the neighborhood is likely to start calling the city with complaints. Mr. Lamb agreed and said this is a circumstance that was generated by the grant of a variance and any conditions that are going to be placed will be difficult to enforce. He added that a request can be made through the ownership of this site to enforce such a condition. Ms. Weeks asked whether it would be better to have something on the record should the neighbors complain. Mr. Lamb agreed. Mr. Barrett felt that instead of including this in the plan perhaps a sign could be posted which is visible to the drivers that say no idling. Mr. Lamb stated this would be a reasonable way to address this issue and added that enforcement will still be required but this would happen through the noise ordinance, which follows the city code as opposed to a violation of the site plan. Ms. Adams stated that she lived across this site for seven years; aside from the noise, which can be annoying, the area is like a bowl where the air can get stagnant and the diesel fumes get trapped in it which is another issue. The Mayor asked for public comments next. With no comments from the public, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Mr. Barrett referred to the apartments over the dentist office as well as the apartments that are going to be located on the mixed use property. These buildings are set back about 300 feet from Court Street and although there is traffic on Court Street it is less at night and noise is less because you are 300 feet from Court Street. Around mid-night if a truck should pull in, it would be about 50 feet from a window and that truck will sound like it is inside of your bedroom. An example of the noise level would be about 70 - 80 decibels at the façade of the apartment. Mr. Barrett added that the backup alarms are regrettable but they are exempt from the noise ordinance. He further stated that what he would focus on is that this truck pulls in, residents are awoken but they fall back to sleep but an hour later the truck starts up again to leave the site. He added that what the applicant is proposing is a new use to this area because of the late night activity. Mr. Hansel asked what happens if the property wasn’t renovated and the bakery went in as a new tenant – would the city then have jurisdiction over that if there was a complaint from a neighbor. Mr. Lamb explained that this use as a warehouse is not allowed in the commerce district and required a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The granting of the variance creates potential for the conflict. If this was a change of use or an additional use, it would have to go through the site plan process even if it didn’t require an expansion to the building. It may or may not have come before the Planning Board, but Board standards would have been applied through the administrative process. Councilor Duffy stated that even though this is an allowable use his main concern is the traffic and noise. Mayor Lane stated that the diesel exhaust causes concern to him. Page 9 of 68 Page 8 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Mr. Stout stated that he is in an awkward position tonight as he voted in favor of this variance at the Zoning Board and wasn’t sure how his vote should be handled before this Body. Mayor Lane stated that Mr. Stout’s vote is independent from what he did at the Zoning Board. Mr. Bohannon stated that when he read the application he liked what he read because this proposal is introducing what the Master Plan is proposing, which is creating more nodes within the City. It is one more added convenience for this neighborhood. However, the only thing that concerns him is the noise late at night and is grateful for Mr. Barrett’s expertise in this field. Councilor Duffy stated that we are not just talking about a bakery, this is also a warehouse and wasn’t sure if this was compatible with a neighborhood node especially with residential being in such close proximity. Mayor Lane noted the use has been approved by the Zoning Board and even if the Board has particular concerns about the use in this area; residential and commercial uses so close by, the Zoning Board has answered that question. What the Planning Board has to figure out is a way to minimize the effect of diesel trucks coming in and out of this site. The Mayor felt that the suggestion to not idle is something the Board should follow-up on which can later be used for enforcement purposes if there is a need. Ms. Weeks stated that she would add not only noise but also pollution. Mr. Stout asked whether the Board could ask for a noise barrier similar to what is seen on highways. Mr. Lamb stated that if the noise issue is significant enough, the Board could ask the applicant to investigate and demonstrate how this noise level can be mitigated. The Mayor asked what the standard for noise level at the property line was. Mr. Lamb stated that the Board does not have a specific standard. He recalled the application for Key Collision Auto Body Shop where the standard the Board called for at the property line was 70 decibels. In that case the residential units were quite some distance away from the property line and there was a tree buffer at that location as well. Councilor Duffy referred to Page 28 of the packet which is the narrative from the applicant – Noise - No excess noise is expected to be generated as a result of this proposal. The Councilor felt that there could be a clear debate as to whether this assertion is accurate. Mr. Barrett suggested that perhaps the applicant could get some expert advice and report back to the Board and propose mitigation. Mayor Lane reopened the public hearing and asked whether this was time critical. Mr. Bergeron stated that it is somewhat time-critical but felt if this was a problem that needs to be worked out, it was acceptable to him. The Mayor asked whether it would be appropriate to delay this item by 30 days so that the applicant could give more of a definitive response to the concerns that have been raised. Mr. Bergeron felt that would be a good idea. Mr. Stout suggested asking about the feasibility of turning the trucks off even when the weather is cold. Mr. Bergeron stated that this is not a question he has posed to the applicant but noted the delivery trucks are turned off when they return to the site. Ms. Weeks asked whether this item could be considered at the Joint Meeting on June 8th. Mayor Lane did not feel this would be an appropriate item for the Joint Committee setting. Page 10 of 68 Page 9 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Mr. Lamb suggested that the item be continued to the June meeting. Mr. Lamb also suggested that the Board ask the applicant whether the time of delivery could change. He added that that he wasn’t sure if this was a noise problem or a time of day problem. Mayor Lane stated that during cold months heaters can be used to keep diesel trucks warm; there are mitigation options. Mr. Bergeron stated that the items he is proposing to look into are – the type of truck, the flexibility of the delivery time, how long the truck stays at this location, and whether any mitigation can be provided for the pull-up area. C. Board Discussion and Action A motion was made by Christine Weeks that the Planning Board continue the public hearing for SPR-218, Mod. 2 to the June 22, 2015 Planning Board meeting. The motion was seconded by George Hansel and was unanimously approved. 2. S-01-15 – 399 & 411 Hurricane Road – Boundary Line Adjustment – Applicant Edward C. Goodrich, Jr. on behalf of Maria Del Pilar Abaurrea, Trustee proposes to adjust the boundary between 399 and 411 Hurricane Road. The sites are 21.2 and 7 acres in size and both are located in the Rural Zoning District (TMP # 918-10-036 and 918-10-021). A. Board Determination of Completeness Planning Director, Rhett Lamb recommended to the Board that Application S-01-15, Modification 2 was complete. A motion was made by Christine Weeks that the Board accept this application as complete. The motion was seconded by James Duffy and was unanimously approved. B. Public Hearing Mr. Edward Goodrich stated that he was hired by the Monadnock Conservancy and Maria Del Pilar Abaurrea to prepare a conservation easement plan for this property. Mr. Goodrich stated that in doing the land research and survey he found some unusual items. He explained that there was a boundary line dispute that occurred between the two neighbors who decided to come up with a Solomon’s solution and split the area into two. He indicated that prior to 1952 this property was all one parcel of land. The owner of house at #411 sold a portion of land to the south creating #399. A surveyor was hired to do some work and he precisely surveyed the line listed from C to B to A on the plan. The parcel never had a plan prepared just the field notes of the surveyor and using those notes a deed was prepared. In 1969, a new owner of the parcel at #411, not knowing where the line was, hired a surveyor and he came up with a line from C to B to D, essentially claiming a two-acre triangle that was previously sold (located to the south). In 1974, Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich who owned #399 had a subdivision plan prepared to sell off the parcel to the south. This surveyor merely accepted the survey done in 1969. When the conservation easement plan was being proposed the error was found and the neighbors have agreed instead of going through litigation to split the two acres in half, making the new lines go from C to F to E. If this plan is accepted tonight, #411 will go into a conservation easement except for a small portion around the house. Mr. Stout asked whether there were any terrain features in this two-acre area that will lend itself to a certain kind of division, or whether they were all similar. Mr. Goodrich stated that they were all similar and added that it is a steady rise to the top of the hill and the area is all forested. Page 11 of 68 Page 10 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Staff comments were next. Mr. Lamb stated that Mr. Goodrich has explained the application well and staff didn’t have anything more to add. He indicated that staff did confirm that the new property lines did not create any setback issues with existing structures. The Mayor asked for public comment. With no public comment, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Ms. Weeks complimented both applicants for coming to such an amicable agreement. C. Board Discussion and Action A motion was made by Christine Weeks that the Planning Board Approve S-01-15 as shown on the plan identified as “Boundary Line Adjustment and Conservation Easement Plan of Land of Pilar Abaurrea Revocable Trust, 411 Hurricane Road, Keene NH” prepared on 6/18/2014 by Surveyor Edward C. Goodrich a scale of 1”=100’ with the following condition: 1. Both property owners’ signatures appear on the plan prior to signature by Chair. The motion was seconded by James Duffy and was unanimously approved. VI. Planning Director Reports Mr. Lamb stated that staff has been working on the Marlboro Street rezoning project and they have been trying to finalize the preparation of zoning ordinances that would move forward towards adoption. There will be three separate types of zoning changes and as this moves forward there is likely to be changes to the Planning Board standards as well. He went on to say that following up on Councilor Duffy’s letter the Joint Committee in June will be looking at the Comprehensive Master Plan Implementation with reference to the landuse code update. Mr. Stout asked whether the landuse code update is same as rezoning. Mr. Lamb stated that it was seen as an update to the zoning code but there are many other aspects that deal with landuse; floodplain development, historic district ordinance and Planning Board standards. This is a lengthy project and ultimately there will be substantial changes to zoning. Councilor Duffy asked whether there are any portions that exist currently that need to be deleted. Mr. Lamb stated he did not want to go into anything specific today. The Councilor noted that some zoning goes back as far as the 40’s. Mr. Lamb stated that there are some that date further back and the recent changes date back to the 70’s where some of the problems exist. The Councilor noted that many of the problems that occurred with zoning happened in the 60’s and 70’s when sprawl, suburbs and filling in of the land and decimating the possibility of preventing flooding started to occur. Ms. Weeks asked whether a standard for noise should be considered which is not something that exists at the present time is. Mr. Lamb agreed that this is something that should be considered especially now that there is an expert on the Board. He felt the Board should learn more about it before standards are written. Mayor Lane felt the city noise code is more of an absence of a code; it is more related to static noise. Page 12 of 68 Page 11 of 12 Planning Board Meeting May 26, 2015 DRAFT Mr. Stout asked what the timeframe for the landuse code update is estimated to be and whether discussion is likely to start at the next meeting. Mr. Lamb stated that the first order of business will be Marlboro Street and in terms of a timeline it would be a year or two. VII. Upcoming dates of interest – June 2015 Planning Board Meeting – Monday, June 22, 6:30 PM Planning Board Steering Committee – Wednesday, June 10, 4:30 PM Joint PB/PLD – Monday, June 8, 6:30 PM Planning Board Site Visits – TBD Ms. Weeks asked that the various sections of the Board packet be labeled as to who it is from, she referred to page 27, 37 and 43. Mr. Lamb explained that the title “Staff Report” is added to the first page of the staff report. Ms. Weeks referred to page 33 and asked whether the answers to the waiver criteria were from the applicant or staff. Mr. Lamb stated that this is from Brickstone Landuse Consultants. Ms. Chalice stated that this portion of the application came after their initial submission and was not part of their Narrative and suggested that perhaps using the applicant’s letterhead. Ms. Weeks stated that in reading through the packet it is hard to figure out who it is from. Mr. Lamb indicated that these packets are often very lengthy and wasn’t sure he wanted to add a header to every page and went on to say that if Staff Report is indicated at the beginning of a section and after the recommendation is when the Board would know the staff report has concluded. Ms. Weeks stated that she was only asking that each section be titled not each page. Councilor Duffy asked whether the Planning Department can request the applicant to be clear as possible, because that seems to be the issue. Mr. Lamb stated that the applicant submits an application form that is about 6 pages long as well as multiple attachments which is not all included in the staff report, ultimately if the applicant wants everything included they could request same. Mayor Lane stated that he understands the confusion but also understands the limited staff time that is available. He suggested separating out the staff section from the rest of the packet. Councilor Duffy stated that he too has to focus a little more on trying to figure out who the information belongs to. Mayor Lane stated that he often goes by the font. Mr. Lamb stated that staff will look at other options as to how they can better present this information. Mr. Stout suggested colored paper for the staff report. Ms. Weeks noted that the site numbers for Freihofer are different in different sections (217 and 218). Mr. Lamb stated that this was a typographic error that will be fixed. On a unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Krishni Pahl Minute Taker Reviewed by: Rhett Lamb, Planning Director Edits, Lee Langella Page 13 of 68 Page 12 of 12 REVISED STAFF REPORT SPR-218, Modification 2 - Freihofer’s Bakery - 815 Court Street Request: Brickstone Land Use Consultants, LLC on behalf of property owner 815 Court Street, LLC is proposing a 4000 SF addition to the northern side of the existing 10,000 SF retail building on a 2.39 acre lot, TMP 188-01-004. The new addition will hold a bakery warehouse, a small retail bakery store and an additional, 2,000 SF retail space. Background: The Planning Board began its review at their May 26, 2015 meeting. This revised staff report is intended to address questions or concerns raised at that meeting and to supplement the previous staff report. The issues needing additional information or revision: Suggested alternatives to the proposed semi-tractor trailer dock location and site lighting due to their proximity to the adjacent, mixed-use building. Requested flexibility to change the proposed 12PM to 3AM delivery times to this distribution center. Requested “expert advice” regarding the variety and decibel level of anticipated truck sounds entering, backing in, idling, winter use of truck heaters and leaving the site. Requested modifications to the proposed site plantings for improved screening and to meet development standards. Requested potential installation of “No Idling” and stop sign signage. Approved Mixed-Use Buildings Addition 815 COURT STREET Aerial photo showing 815 Court Street with approximate locations of proposed and previously approved buildings. Page 14 of 68 REVISED STAFF REPORT Additional Application Analysis: Loading Dock Location The dock was relocated to nearly midway through the rear elevation at the proposed addition. This will allow a different route for truck access and decrease light and noise disturbances to the adjacent, mixed use building/s by the proposed semi-tractor trailer deliveries and departures between 12PM and 3PM. Noise The applicant gathered a variety of sound data of the dB Standard truck at various distances to the building and by adding the window specification information, inside the building. The decibel levels hover just below the City’s maximum of 70 decibels at the property line: Per Sec. 102-951 “In all zoning districts the following site use impact conditions must be met: …Noise shall be measured at the property line of the property on which such noise is being generated, or perceived, as appropriate…The decibel level resulting from the use of or proposed use in any district shall not exceed 70 decibels”. The applicant was asked to explain the relevance of City’s noise ordinance to their proposed project. Site Lighting No mention is made of the requested lighting options of motion sensors, timer or lighting levels to reduce light impacts, however, a revised lighting plan shows 0.0 at the property lines. The average and uniformity ratios are calculated with the loading dock/parking area having the only lights on the site. A more accurate lighting footprint and calculations have been requested. Per Development Standard 10.D.1.b.the foot-candle levels in the back unloading and loading areas range from 3.0 to 0.2. This level meets the Planning Board standard. Delivery Time No mention was made regarding the tenant’s ability to modify their delivery times. Planting Modifications Additional shade trees are proposed on the north property line to screen addition from the parking lot. Proposed ornamental tree was replaced with a shade tree in the grassed/perennial planted (daylilies) island between the parking lot and the bike rack. Arborvitae shrubs were augmented with additional shrubs on the north side of the building addition. The standard has been met. Additional Signage No mention was made of the additional sign requests and they are not shown on the revised plans. The requests for a stop sign for traffic leaving the loading dock area at the back of the building to the front, northernmost access drive as well as “no idling” signs at the loading docks. These are added as conditions. Page 15 of 68 REVISED STAFF REPORT RECOMMENDATION FOR APPLICATION: Motion will be provided at the meeting Page 16 of 68 Brickstone Land Use Consultants ~ Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 (603) 357-0116 June 8, 2015 Rhett Lamb, Planning Director City of Keene 3 Washington Street Keene, NH 03431 Re: SPR~218 Mod 2, Freihofer's Bakery, Proposed 4000 SF addition, 815 Court Street Dear Rhett; Attached please find a revised site plan for the above project. Based on the questions and concerns raised at the May 26th meeting of the Planning Board we have revised the site plan as follows: 1. We have eliminated the truck pull in that was approximately 45 feet from the adjacent building containing residential units. 2. We have reversed the interior layout of the proposed facility. By doing this we have moved the tractor trailer delivery dock to the opposite side of the rental space thereby moving it as far as possible away from the residential use. By making these revisions, we have been able to move the tractor trailer location at the loading dock approximately 140 feet from the residential use. The closest pass will be approximately 95 feet from the building when the truck is entering the rear parking area. This will reduce the sound levels reaching the building. We also reviewed the construction of the residential building and spoke with the builder to find out what type of windows were used in the building. The building is 2 x 6 wood framed construction with fiberglass insulation. This type of wall section would typically have a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of39. The windows are Jeld Wen thermal pane windows with 1/8" glass. These windows have a (STC) ratings of29 For noise source information we used for reference the "Midpoint at 237 Loading Dock Noise Study" dated March 27, 2014 by Charles M. Salter Associates, Inc. Tractor trailer noise levels were listed for arrival and departure, backup with alarm, brief idling before shutoff and departure. All these sound levels were listed at a set distance from the tractor trailer. We calculated the expected sound level at the building based on the distance from the building to the truck travel path and the expected interior sound level based on the STC rating of the windows installed in the building. Please see the below table for the sound levels expected. Page 17 of 68 Description Passby arrival/exit Back up w/Alarm Idling before shutoff Accelerate from stop dB Standard 68 at 30 feet 79 at 30 feet 70 at 25 feet 74 at 25 feet Dist. To Bldg. 95 feet 140 feet 140 feet 140 feet dB at Building 58 dB 66dB 55 dB 59dB Interior 29dB 37 dB 26dB 30dB In addition, standard company policy of Freihofer' s Bakery requires trucks to be shut off while at the loading dock year round. Therefore, this will be a brief period of time of two to three minutes when the truck will arrive and back up to the dock. Trucks will typically unload in 45 minutes to one hour, then restart and depart. The departing trucks will turn away from the residential use and continue around the building to leave the site. ~~~:__~~----~ David Bergeron Page 18 of 68 Midpoint at 237 Loading Dock Noise Study 27 March 2014 Based on the assumptions described below, estimated noise levels were then compared to applicable criteria to determine if noise from the proposed facility would exceed the City's noise goals (described above) at neighboring noise-sensitive land uses (including residences, schools, and churches). Noise Source Assumptions Our analysis estimated future noise from the facility based on the following assumptions (as discussed with the client via phone and email, and per the revised overall site plan Sheet 3-Al.01 dated 14 February 2014): Trucks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 5 6 We understand that trucks will not be allowed to venture into the parking lots on the north, east, and west sides of Parcels 3 and 5, as well as the east, west, and south sides of Parcel 4. Therefore, it is assumed that each truck will enter through either the northernmost or southernmost entrance along Disk Drive (whichever is closest to their destined loading dock). Trucks will drive down that aisle directly to their respective loading dock, and then exit along the same path by which they arrived. Any non-truck noise associated with loading/unloading activities (i.e., forklifts, rolling doors, carts, items dropping) is assumed to be completely contained with the warehouse facility, and is therefore not included in our analysis. An average truck trip (not including unloading/loading) is estimated to last for a cumulative period of about 2 minutes, and be at least 470 feet from residential property lines and 350 feet from the school property line. Calculations assume that trucks occupy the loading dock in their loading area that is nearest to noise-sensitive receivers Total number of loading docks across entire site: 78 2 "loading areas" per building 21 loading docks on the south side of Building 1, 10 to 11 loading docks per loading area 21 loading docks on the north side of Building 2, 10 to 11 loading docks per loading area 36 loading docks on the south side of Building 3, 18 loading docks per loading area Total number of trips per truck: 2 Total number of truck trips across entire site per day: 156 18 total hours of facility operation (6:00 AM to Midnight), Monday through Friday Total number of truck trips per hour across entire site: 9 Total number of truck trips per hour per loading area: 1 to 2 An estimated typical truck "trip" consists of the following events (and assumed sound levels): • Truck passby (arrival, departure): 68 dB at 30 feet • Truck airbrakes: 72 dB at 25 feet • Truck backup alarm: 79 dB at 30 feet • Brief idle before engine shutoff: 70 dB at 25 feet • Truck engine ignition + airbrakes: 71 dB at 25 feet • Truck accelerating from stop: 74 dB at 25 feet Truck trip reference heights 5 (above grade) • Passby, brief idle, acceleration, and ignition - 8 feet (DNL), 11.5 feet (L,,,"'6) • Back-up beeper and airbrake - 2.5 feet Truck source heights excerpted from caltrans Technical Noise Supplement document (TeNS) document dated October 1998. Max Noise Level (Lmax) - The maximum sound level over the entire measurement (or event) duration. Page 19 of 68 Pages Vinyl Key L = Laminated STC = Sound Transmission Class (ASTM E413) OITC = Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (ASTM E1332) The performance information listed is for new products and is intended to be used for reference only, and is not complete. Depending on the components, accessories, and options chosen, the actual rating could vary. Confirm ratings for specific products with your supplier or JELD-WEN sales representative. ~~ Double Hung Double Hung Fixed Fixed Horizontal Slider Sidelite or Transom Side Load Single Hung Sliding Patio Door Tilt Single Hung Page 20 of 68 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3f16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 3/16 out 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/32 in - 3/32 out 1/8 in - 1/8 out 3/16 in - 3/16 out 3/16 in - 1/8 out 1/4 L in - 1/8 out 27 29 30 32 34 26 28 29 31 34 25 28 30 32 34 35 26 28 29 30 31 28 27 28 29 31 32 28 27 27 29 30 33 22 24 26 26 29 22 23 25 26 28 22 23 26 27 28 29 22 23 25 27 28 23 22 24 25 27 28 23 22 24 24 26 29 A-WEIGHTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL, IN DECIBELS 140 130 THRESHOLD OF PAIN CIVIL DEFENSE S.IREN (100') JETIAKEOFF (200') 120 RIVETING MACHINE 110 DIESEL BUS (15') 100 BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT TRAIN PASS8Y (10') OFF HIGHWAY VEHICLE (50') PNEUMATIC DRILL (50') SF MUNI LIGHT-RAIL VEHICLE (35') FREIGHT CARS (100') 90 ROCK MUSIC BAND PILEDRl\IER (50') AMBULANCE SIREN (100') BOILER ROOM PRINTING PRESS PLANT GARBAGE DISPOSAL IN THE HOME INSIDE SPORTS CAR. 50 MPH 80 70 ------- --------.- VACUUM CLEANER (10') SPEECH (1') 60 DATA PROCESSING CENTER DEPARTMENT STORE PRIVATE BUSINESS OFFICE LIGHT TRAFFJC (100') 50 LARGE TRANSFORMER (200') AVERAGE RESIOENCE 40 ..• "--~- 30 SOFT WHISPER (5') 20 ...37 .. -· TYPICAL MINIMUM NIGHTTIME LEVELS··RESJDENTIAL AREAS RECORDING STUDIO RUSTLING LEAVES 10 THRESHOLD OF HEARING MOSQUITO (3') 0 (100')'" DISTANCE IN FEET BETWEEN SOURCE AND LISTENER TYPICAL SOUND LEVELS MEASURED IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND INDUSTRY Page 21 of 68 "~ 2002! si:.t rss_ TEP ::.-ssr:~;,.; u~c "'i;.W J~r.;U~11C:~·L V~':iti'l rff(l?P,t;,\T~"< :.::t".~Ri.t-5 ~" ., Ji .~s.;: !> 't!-,,Qi ! CiTY OF KEENE I PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN REVIEW I MODIFICATION APPLICATION · Project Nam~ fiw..t'~o Mc.drt1ecdwi~ S~ , Date Received/Dat¢ of Submission AP J 7 20 15 --------------1 Date of pre-apphcation meetmg Tax Map Parcel number(s) _I _a.&._ - a_ _I - _o_ _Q ~ _D. _Q 12 .0 Date Apphcation is Complete Plannmg Department Project Address: 3\ 6 8 t.::!.Y======--J File# ~£ \<6\ Name: Address: Couv-i Sh-ec:t ~ Acreage/S .F. : +I of Parcel: r9. 39t1e.//(}t/, l<i3 1-.sF 0 I\l ·~ S+ :eerie N-H- Telephone\ Email: s· t t----+-ig_n_a_ur_e~:----~-=~~~--~~----! Name: Zoning District: .Q LLC!__ Address: ~S C!ornmef"ee... o.. 0.. .:c: Telephone\ Email: 3S?-l;>lllo Signature: ~~ ... ·l~ ~r ~ Date:0~a 18 Hob .w. \ !i/:i.CJ I f For those sections of the application that are not affected by the proposed modification to the previously approved site Ian, you are encoura ed to re uest exem tions in lieu of submittin re uired documents. Mo!;lifications: Is this a modification to a previously-approved site plan: 1:1 No Ila Yes: SPR#: .?IB Descriptive Narrative Including i;a. Type of development ~ Sedimentation Control 1iSI Scope/scale of development [J Debris management NIA- &-Pareel--s1ze Iii Proposed stormwater, drainage & erosion plan [J Disposal proposals for boulders, stumps & debris tJ/A el Proposed uses a Vegetation ~ Location of access points Anv other descriptive information A comglete application must include the following J:i:1 Two (2) copies of completed application forms signed & dated ell Plans stamped/signed by reg. professional 13 Two {2) copies of descriptive narrative ~ Two (2) copies on 85'' x I I" or l I" x l r &I Certified list of all owners of property within 200' !if Three (3) copies ofall technical reports .W Two (2) sets of mailing labels, per abutter 1'f Two (2) color architectural elevations on 11" x 17" ]ii Seven (7) copies on "D" size paper of plans (22" x 36") [J (I Three (3) co ies of"D" size architectural elevations (22" x 36") K:\Administration ·Planning Department\FORMS\Site_Plan\Site Plan Application.docx Page 22 of 68 A check to cover the costs oflegal notice to advertise the ublic hearing, mailin notices out to abutters 1.26.2015 KEENE DATE: REVISIONS: PERTY LOCATION NOT TO SCALE JUNE B, 2015 REVISE PAVEMENT REMOVAL AREA REVISE TRUCK OOCK LAYOUT REMOVE TRUCK PULL UP AREA. RELOCATE DUMPSTERS ADD ROOF DRAIN AND TRUCK WELL DRAIN. REVISE GRADING FOR DOCK AREAS. ADD SHADE TREES • I Engineer: THAYER FELLOWS, P.E. COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 (603) 756-4811 \ Owner: \ EXIST. ROOF DRAIN 815 COURT STREET, LLC \ 117 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 \ REMOVE POLE Planner: ft..:.~.· Land Use Consultantsl LC Brickstone F i : U: I I ;a I Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603)357-0116 PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 LEGEND -6-e- TELEPHONE POLE @ CATCH BASIN HYDRANT --w--s - SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, lV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE --- EXISTING GRADE WATER LINE PROPOSED GRADE DUMPSTER Wmi 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE @l -?'.( 0 GENERAL NOTES / 1. 2. 3. 4. THIS PLAN IS A BASED ON AS-BUILT GROUND SURVEY OF SITE FEATURES BY SVE ASSOCIATES. SUPPLIED TO THIS OFFICE IN DIGITAL FORM. LOCATION OF UTILITIES IS FROM THE CITY OF KEENE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RECORDS. LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY "DIG SAFE" AT 1-888-344-7233 A MIN. OF 72 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF EXCAVATION. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN FOR THE CITY OF KEENE. L 0 T ZONING TAX MAP # LOT SIZE LOT COVERAGE EXISTING BUILDING PAVING TOTAL D A T A COMMERCE 188-01-04 104, 108 SF - 2.39 AC± EXISTING CONDITION ND DEMOLITION PLAN 10,000 SF - 1O::C 36.450 SF - 35::C 46,450 SF - 45::C SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 LIGHT ON POLE ) - - SF - - PROPANE TANK SILT FENCE, HAYBALES SHEET Page 23 of 68 1 REVISIONS: DATE: JUN£ 8, 2015 REVISE: TRUCK DOCK lAYOUT RE:MOI/£ TRUCK PULL UP AREA. RELOCATE DUMPSTERS ADD ROOF DRAIN AND TRUCK WE:LL DRAIN. REVISE: GRADING FDR DOCK AREAS. ADD SHADE: TRffS GENERAL NOTES THIS PLAN IS A BASED ON AS-BUILT GROUND SURVEY OF SITE FEATURES BY SV£ ASSOCIATES. SUPPLIED TO THIS omc£ IN DIGITAL FORM. LOCATION OF UTILITIES IS FROM TH£ CITY OF K££N£ ENGIN££RING DEPAATMENT RECORDS. LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY "DIG SAFE" AT 1-BBB-J44-72JJ A MIN. OF 72 HOURS PRIOR TO TH£ START OF EXCAVATION. THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITHIN THE I 00 YEAR fLOODPlAIN FOR TH£ CITY OF K££N£. 1. 2. J. 4. L 0 T DATA COMMERCE 188-01-04 104.108 SF - 2.39 AC± ZONING TAX MAP # LOT SIZE LOT COVERAGE EXISTING BUILDING PAVING TOTAL 10,000 SF - 10:11 36,450 SF - 35:11 46,450 SF - 45:11 PROPOSED BUILDING PAVING TOTAL 14,000 SF - 13:11 44,500 SF - 43:11 58,500 SF - 56:11 PARKING RET/oJL @ 1/200 SF GYt.t Cl 1/500 SF STORAGE Cl 1/3000 SF TOTAL REQUIRED TOTAL PROVIDED 5400/200 =27 SPACES 2000/500 - 4 SPACES 6,600/3000 - 3 SPACES 34 SPACES 50 SPACES Engineer: THAYER FELLOWS, P.E. COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 (603) 756-4811 6" TRENCH DRAIN INV OUT 485.0' Owner: 815 COURT STREET, LLC EXIST. ROOF DRAIN 17 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 NEW ROOF DRAIN INV OUT 484.35 Planner: ft..:.~.· Land Use Consultantsl LC NEW PLANTERS &: SIDEWALK Sff DETAIL Brickstone F i : U: I I ;a Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603)357-0116 PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 PROPOSED CONDITION PLAN LEGEND -6-e- HYDRANT TELEPHONE POLE ~ CATCH BASIN --w--s - SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, TV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE --- EXISTING GRADE WATER LINE PROPOSED GRADE DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE [fil -~- ( 0 ' LIGHT ON POLE ) --SF-- PROPANE TANK SILT FENCE, HAYBALES SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 SHEET Page 24 of 68 2 I 48" MIN. FENCE POST GROUND THIS IS A SUGGESTED SEQUENCE FOR THE IMPLEME:NTATION OF EROSION CONTROLS. IT SHALL NOT LIMIT THE CONTRACTOR IN MEANS, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR THE CONTROLLING OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION NECESSARY TO FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS OF" NEW HAMPSHIRE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION CONTROL 485-A: 17. LEGEND .. ,) , -6-e- • I\ a·· PERSPECTNE VIEW 48" MIN. FENCE POST FILTER CLOTH '°" HYDRANT 1. TELEPHONE POLE ([@) MIN "*/ ~ REVISIONS: EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE DRl\IEN MIN. 16" INTO ' CATCH BASIN --w --s SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, lV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE ----- EXISTING GRADE WATER LINE ' INSTALL SILT FENCE WHERE SHOWN AND WHERE REQUIRED TO CONTROL EROSION ON AND OFF SITE. 2. INSTALL STABILIZE:D CONSTRUCTION E:NTRANCE NORTH OF BUILDING. J. REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES AND PAVING WHERE REQU/RE:D OR WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 4. CLEAR AND GRUB CONSTRUCTION AREAS. 5. CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION AND BRING TO SUBGRADE AND STABILIZE. 6. INSTALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND STABILIZE. 7. FINE GRADE AND STABILIZE ALL AREAS WITHIN 72 HOURS OF ACHIEVING FINISH GRADE. 8. ALL CUT/FILL SLOPES TO BE: LOAME:D AND MULCHE:D OR PLANTED WITH GROUND COVER WITHIN 72 HOURS OF ACHIEVING F"INISHE:D GRADE. 9. THE SMALLEST AREA PRACTICABLE SHALL BE: DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. STABILIZATION SHALL BE: DEFINED AS EITHER BASE COURSE PAVING, CONCRETE, RIP RAP, J INCHES OF" BARK MULCH, OR A MIN. OF 85" OF VEGITATED GROWTH HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 45 DAYS. 11. WHEN ALL WORK IS COMPLITED, SLOPES AND DITCHES ARE STABILIZED, REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND ANY SE:DIMENT THAT HAS COLLECTED IN DITCHES. CULVERTS OR DITENTION PONDS. 12. SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR WISH TO ALTER THIS SE:QUENCE, HE SHALL SUBMIT THE PROPOSE:D CHANGES IN WRITING TO THE ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER WILL REVIEW THE PROPOSED CHANGES AND ADVISE THE CONTRACTOR. 13. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING ANY AND ALL PROCEDURES TO CONTROL EROSION ON AND OFF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN INSPECTION LOG FOR VIEWING BY THE CITY ENGINEER. " PROPOSED GRADE MIN :::ELO:W~:'.~""~::~+-+__.{_~UN~D~ISTU:;RBED GROUND DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE @:I EMBED FILTER CLOTH - - MIN 8" INTO GROUND ( -~0 / LIGHT ON POLE ) - - SF - - / PROPANE TANK DATE: JUNE 8, 2015 REVISE TRUCK DOCK LAYOUT REMOVE TRUCK PULL UP AREA. RELOCATE DUMPSTERS ADD ROOF DRAIN AND TRUCK WELL DRAIN. REVISE GRADING FOR DOCK AREAS. ADD SHADE TREES WINTER CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. ALL PROPOSED VEGETATED AREAS WHICH DO NOT EXHIBIT A MINIMUM OF 85% VEGETATIVE GROWTH BY OCTOBER 15TH, OR WHICH ARE DISTURBED AFTER OCTOBER 15TH. SHALL BE STABIUZE:D BY SEEDING AND INSTALUNG EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 3: 1. AND SEEDING AND PLACING .3 TD 4 TONS OF MULCH PER ACRE, SECURE:D WITH ANCHORED NEmNG, ELSEWHERE. THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR MULCH AND NEmNG SHALL NOT OCCUR OVER ACCUMULATED SNOW OR ON FROZEN GROUND AND SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ADVANCE OF THAW OR SPRING MELT EVENTS. SILT FENCE, HAYBALES CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. FABRIC TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. 2. WHEN lWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE O\l'ERLAPPEO AT A POST BY 6 INCHES, FOLDED AND STAPLED. "' "' 3. t.ilAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED "5 NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN "BULGES• DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. SILT FENCE DETAIL '' NTS '' '' 2. ALL DITCHES OR SWALES WHICH DO NOT EXHIBIT A MINIMUM OF 85% VEGETATIVE GROWTH BY OCTOBER 15TH OR WHICH ARE DISTURBE:D AFTER OCTOBER 15TH, SHALL BE STABILIZED TEMPORARILY l\!TH STONE OR EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS APPROPRIATE FOR THE DESIGN FLOW COND/TIONS. J. AFTER NOVEMBER 15TH, INCOMPLETE ROAD OR PARKING SURFACES, WHERE: WORK HAS STOPPED FOR THE WINTER SEASON, SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A MINIMUM OF" J INCHES OF CRUSHED GRAVEL PER NHDOT ITEM 304.J. EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION: INSPECTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE MADE BY PERSONNEL FAMILIAR WITH THE CONSTRUCT/ON ACTIVITY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IDENTIRED IN THE PLAN SHALL BE OBSERVED TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE OPERATING CORRECTI. Y. INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY EACH WEEK AND WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE END OF" A STORM EVENT THAT IS 0.5 INCH OR GREATER. THESE INSPECTIONS SHALL COVER DISTURBED AREAS THAT HAVE NOT BE:EN FINALLY STABILIZE:D, AREAS USED FOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO PRECIPITATION, STRUCTURAL CONTROL MEASURES, AND LOCATIONS WHERE: VEHICLES ENTER OR EXIT THE SITE. WHERE AREAS HAVE BEEN FINALLY OR TEMPORARILY STABILIZED OR RUNOFF IN UNLIKELY DUE TO WINTER CONDITIONS (E.G., SITE IS CO\IERE:D WITH SNOW, ICE, OR FROZEN GROUND EXISTS) SUCH INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY MONTH. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP WRITTEN REPORTS SUMMARIZING EACH INSPECTION ONSITE. UTILITY AND GRADING NOTES Engineer: I. ALL NEW SEWER PIPE TO BE P1V SOR 35. 2. WATER SERVICE m BE SIZE AND TYPE AS SHOWN ON THE SITE PL.ANS. ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TllE CITY OF KEENE STREET ANO UTILITY STANDARDS ANO INSPECTEO BY DPW ENGINEERING J. THAYER FELLOWS, P.E. COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 (603) 756-4811 OR WATER/SfWER DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO BURIAL OR BEING PLACED IN SERVICE. MAINTAIN MIN. 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION OF WATER AND 4. SEWER UNES. ALL CATCHBASINS TO HAVE A MIN. 2' SUMP. ALL Cl\TCHBASINS TO HAVE HOODED OLJn.ETS. GRATES SHALL BE TYPE "B" OR AS APPROVED BY CITY OF KEENE IF" WITHIN THE CITY ROW. E:ACH WATER SERVICE TO BE METERED SEPARATELY. DRAINAGE PIPE TO BE CPP OR PERFORATED CPP SUITABLE FOR H-20 LOADING. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. EXIST. ROOF" DRAIN CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CITY ROW REQUIRES AN EXCAVATION PE'RMff FORM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXCAVATION PERMITS REQUIRED. EXCl\VATION WITHIN TllE CITY STREIT SHALL BE SAW CUT. WORK TO BE OONE TO DPW STANDARDS ANO INSPECTED BY DPW. SEWER LINES WfTH LESS THAN 4 FEET OF COVER SHALL BE INSULATED WIT/I 2" EPS. DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE SHALL REQUIRE A KEENE OPW APPROVEO TESTABLE BACKFLOW DEVICE TO BE INSTALLED IN BU/LO/NG. INSTALL CORPORATIONS OR Gtl.TE VALVES AT ALL WATER LINE CONNECTIONS TO THE CITY MAIN LINE. NEW ROOF" DRAIN TO BE: INSULATED WITH 2" EPS INSULATION WHERE LESS THAN 4 FEET BELOW GRADE. 10. 11. NEW ROOF DRAIN /NV OUT 4B4.35 12. FF~4B9.9' l.J. 14. THE DEPTH OF THE EXISTING FOUNDATION IS UNKNOWN. 15. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY FROST PROTECTION IS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED AFTER LOWERING GRADE ADJACENT TO BUILDING. "' "' Owner: 815 COURT STREET, LLC 17 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 Planner: ft.:.~.· Land Use Consultantsl LC Brickstone F i : U: I I ;a Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603)357-0116 I I I I I I I I I .L::i I I I { I ,/ PROFILE 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 ~21 I I EXXON EXISTING 120 EX 50' MIN. PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION I / i· r 2o' MIN. PLAN 1-1/2" STONE SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION STA.B ILIZEJ CONSTRUCTION ENTRAl\C E 1. 2. J. 4. . . Page 25 of 68 CUT PAV/NC IN PARKING LOT IN FRONT OF SIDEWALK AND REMOVE J TO 4 FEET OF" PAVING. REMOVE SIDEWALK AND PLANTERS IN FRONT OF BUILDING. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TEMPORARY AND SAFE ACCESS TO BUSINE:SSES AFFECTED DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS FOR EXISTING BUSINESSES. CONSTRUCT NEW PLANTERS AND NEW CONCRETE: SIDEWALi<. E:NSURE NEW SIDEWALi< HAS POSITIVE DRAINAGE: SLOPE OF 21' AWAY FROM EXISTING AND NEW BUILDING. GRADE PARKING LOT AREA TO MATCH INTO NEW SIDEWALi< GRADE AND EXISTING PAVING AND RE-PAVE PARKING AREA. NOT TO SCALE GRADING, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PLAN \ SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 < \ ~ \ A SHEET 3 I / v 1. PRUNE 1/5 OF EXISTING LEAF AREA l'IHILE RETAINING THE NATURAL FORM. NEVER CUT LEADER. 2. REMOVE ALL WIRERS, NYLON ROPE, OR STRING FROM TOP QUARTER OF TREE BALL, REMOVE TREATED BURLAP AND PLASTIC BURLAP ENTIRELY. I 5. TREE GUYS: PLACE GUYS 120 DEGREES APART. l'IHEN THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, THEN POSITION SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO MAXIMIZE STABILIZATION. WIRE MUST NOT TOUCH TRUNK OF TREE REVISIONS: DATE: JUNE B, 2015 REVISE TRUCK DOCK LAYOUT REMOVE TRUCK PULL UP AREA. RELOCATE DUMPSTERS ADD ROOF DRAIN AND TRUCK WELL DRAIN. REVISE GRADING FOR DOCK AREAS. ADD SHADE TRE:E:S 3. DO NOT USE TREE WRAP 4. GROUND LINE TO BE SAME AS GROWN AT NURSERY. KEEP NATURAL FLARE OF THE TRUNK ABOVE THE GROUND LINE. -----~ CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP - - FROM TOP THIRD OF BALL 3• LAYER OF MULCH TEMPORARY SAUCER 6 • MIN 12 " MIN • / DETAIL OF TREE PLANTING AND GUYING NOT TO SCALE / / REMOVE ALL WIRERS, NYLON ROPE, STRING, TREATED BURLAP, AND PLASTIC BURLAP ENTIRELY. / DO NOT CUT LEADER OF EVERGREEN PLANTS. PRUNE AND THIN BRANCHES AND FOLIAGE BY 1/3 OF PLANT. DO NOT CUT ALL END TIPS. RETAIN THE NATURAL SHAPE OF THAT SPECIES. PLANT SHRUBS 2-4 INCHES HIGHER THAN THE EXISTING GROUND LINE. / EXIS' THAYER FELLOWS, P.E. COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 (603) 756-4811 SCARIFY OR LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS. CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP THIRD OF BALL , Engineer: 3" LA YER OF MULCH TEMPORARY SAUCER Owner: COMPACTED TOPSOIL BACKFILL 18" t.tlN . .!IW-- - LEAF COMPOST OR PEATIMOSS AND ~im~~~fm~ SLOPE PER PLAN ~~i'a~~~~~~miJ~-~-~~3• PROCESSED Ml.I.CH :·. ........... :-. ·.·.·:·. ...... •· • • :". ·:.• .. '. :·. ·..·.· ~12" :·. ·:.··· • ' LOAM TOPSOIL AT 2: 1 MIX "--UNDISTURBED EXISTING SUBSOIL Planner: ~--coMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE GRADED AND COMPACTED IN 12• LIFTS (MAX) PRIOR TO APPUCAllON DETAIL OF SHRUB PLANTING 1. SPREAD LOAt.t TO SPECIFIED DEPTH AND RAKE TO REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. ROLL LOAM TO COMPACT. 2. SPREAD LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 80 LBS/1000 SF OF SURFACE AREA J. FERTILIZE WITH 10-10-10 FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 20 LBS/1000 SF 4. SPREAD MULCH IN AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN. NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE LANDSCAPE LEGEND TYPE YP YELLOW GEM POTENTILLA SC STEPHANANDRA CUTLEAF RP PURPLE PAVEMENT ROSE QUANTITY 16 EA 8 EA 16 EA AA AMERICAN ARBORVITAE 3 3 3 3 3 Cl COMPACT INKBERRY SJ SEA GREEN JUNIPER G CASINO GOLD JUNIPER GOLD TIP JUNIPER G C ANTICLEER PEAR LEGEND aE---CQMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE GRADED AttD COMPAClED ti 12· LIFTS (MAM) PRIOR TO APPLICATION 1. SPREAD LOAt.t TO SPECIFIED DEPTH AND RAKE TO REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS. ROLL LOAM TO COt.tPACT. 2. SPREAD Lit.tESTONE AT A RATE OF 80 LBS/1000 SF OF SURFACE AREA 3. FERTILIZE WITH 10-10-10 FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 20 LBS/1000 SF 4. SEED AT 2.75 LBS/1000 SF NH DOT SEED TYPE 15 CREEPING RED FESCUE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS REDTOP GERMINATION % LBS/ACRE 85 90 85 80 TOTAL JAPANESE ZELKOVA F i : I I ;a TELEPHONE POLE @ CATCH BASIN --E-- ELECTRIC, TV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE --- EXISTING GRADE 1 EA 3 EA 3 GAL J GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL 3 GAL MATURE HEIGHT 2 FEET 3 FEET 2.5 FEET 12 FEET 4 FEET 4 FEET 3 FEET 4 FEET 3"" CAL(6' HEIGHT 4' WIDTH) 25 FEET 1 - 1 1/2" CAL 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 LANDSCAPING PLAN 50 FEET PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING REQUIRED 50X9X18X0.1=810 SF LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 1400 SF WATER LINE PROPOSED GRADE DUt.tPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID [fil WOOD FENCE -'dI\ 0 EA EA EA EA EA PLANTING SIZE 2 GAL 2 GAL 2 GAL PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION 0 SCALE: 1"=10' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 LIGHT ON POLE ) --SF-- PROPANE TANK SILT FENCE, HAYBALES SHEET Page 26 of 68 U: HYDRANT SEWER LINE ( NOT TO SCALE -6-e-w-s- 40 50 25 5 120 LOAM AND SEED DETAIL ft..:.~.· Land Use Consultantsl LC Brickstone Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603)357-0116 LOAM AND MULCH DETAIL t.tlNIMUM PURITY % 96 98 97 95 17 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 (ITEM 641) 12 " MIN • KIND OF SEED 815 COURT STREET, LLC 4 I DATE: REVISIONS: JUNE 8, 2015 REVISE TRUCK DOCK LAYOUT REMOVE: TRUCK PULL UP AREA. RELOCATE DUMPSTERS ADD ROOF DRAIN AHD TRUCK WfLL DRAIN. REVISE GRADING FUR DOCK AREAS. ADD SHADE TREES REVISE LIGHTING FOR NEW LAYOUT b.o b.o b.o LIGHTING DESIGNER: b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.4 b.6 b.7 i.o i .s 2.2 3.o b.2 b.1 b.1 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o .2 b.2 b.3 b.s b.1 i .o i .s i .9 2.s b.3 b.1 b.1 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.2 b.1 b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b ..r b. b.2 b.1 b.2 b.2 b.3 b.s b.a i.1 i.s 2.1 2.6 3.2 b.s b.1 b.o b.o b.o b.o b. b.1 b.1 b.2 b.3 b.s b.a i .2 i.6 i.a i .s b EXIST. ROOF DRAIN b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o LEGEND -b- HYDRANT TELEPHONE POLE CATCH BASIN --w--s - SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, lV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE WATER LINE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE @1 DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE -~( Q LIGHT ON POLE ) PROPANE TANK ~---~ - - SF - - Page 27 of 68 SILT FENCE, HAYBALES b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.o 'll ·o '' '' '' b. ~o b.o b.o b.o b.~.o b.o b.o b.o · .o , '' b.o, b.o '' '' ' \ b.3 b.1 b.o b.o b.o .1 ~ -0 ,. .o b.o o.,e '' '' b.o b.o b.o ',~~ b.o b.o \ b.1 17 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 Planner: b.1 b.1 b.o.,.'".o Brickstone z"· Land Use Consultants '' ~~ '' '' Site Planning, Pennltllng and Development ConsuHlng 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 357-0116 .o .0 PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION .o b.o 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 .o .o b.o b.o b.o b.o b. LIGHTING PLAN .. '' '' '' '' o~ ~ .o '' '' \0 '' ' \ '' b.o b.o \ '' '' '' '' '' b.o b.o b.o . . o b.o b.o \ b.o 0.0 '' '' '' '' Luminaire Schedule Qty Symbol 2 -El 2 0 3 0 Label S4 Wl W2 Arrangement SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE Description GLEON-AE-03-LED-El-SL4/ 20' AFG IST-B02-LED-El-BL4/ 12. AFG XTOR2A/ 12. AFG StatArea 1 TRUCK BAYS TO PKG SPACES Illuminance (Fe) Average = 1.46 Maximum= 5.7 Minimum= 0.4 Avg/Min Ratio 3. 65 Max/Min Ratio 14.25 \ '' .o b.o SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 \ '' \ LC .0 b.o b.o b.o \'\. b.o ',' ~('1' ' ', -ilr-1,; "ii'° ',' "~ VO:, ' !· ll 815COURT STREET, LLC •' • b o. ° \ .o . . o.o, 0.0 ~ Owner: O·.o b.o b.1 b.1 b.1 0.1 b.1 a.Ao o.o o'\.° '' \ ,. '-~b.o '' H P I( b.1 b.1 b.1 b.2 b.3 b.3 b. b.o b.1 b.1 b.1 b.2 b. '' \ b.1 b.o o b.o b.1 b.1 b.1 b.2 b.4 b.s b.1 b.o b.o '' 9 b.l b.l b.l b.2 b.3 b.6 b.B i.l b.o b.o b.o b.o '' yrb. b.1 b.2 b.3 b.s b.a i .1 i .s 2.o 2.4 2.4 i .6 b.s b.1 b.o b.o b.o,.!.o b.o b.o b.o b.o b.2 '' ,. b.3 b.2 b.2 b.3 b.s b.a i .1 i.4 2.o 3.2 3.9 3.9 SHEET 5 REVISIONS: ----t---1" (COMPAClED) WEARING COURSE PAVING (NHDOT TYPE E) 5" X 18" GRANITIE CURB DATE: '<o •.• , • •• • • • :·. ·.' .''.·. ·.' .' •• • • ;·. ·; .' ~;--2: (COMPACTED) BASE COURSE P(AVING (NHD)OT TYPE B) •.•• '.'. '.' _. :·. '.' / . • • " 6 COMPACTED CRUSHED STONE ITEM 304.4 4" CONCRETIE SIDEWALK 1<---12" COMPACTED BANK-RUN GRAVEL (ITEM 304.2) ~~j(;--coMPACTED SUBGRADE - OR GRANULAR FILL ITEM 209.1 GRADED AND COMPACTED IN 12" LIFTS IMAX) PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF GRAVEL TENANT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: PER BBU SPECIFICATIONS. ALL NEW PAVEMENT AREAS SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT AS SPECIFIED BY THE "DESIGN OF HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREAS (IS109)". SITE SPECIFIC GEOTEC REPORT MAY DICTATE ALTERNATIVE PAVEMENT DESIGN AND MAY REQUIRE THICKER STONE BASE AND THICKER ASPHALT SECTION FOR HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT AREAS. CONSULT MW SOILS, PO BOX 1466, CHARLESTOWN, NH, 03603, PH 603 826 5873 FOR GEOTEC INVESTIGATION. ALL FILL MATERIAL AND DISTURBED AREAS UNDER PAVING TO BE CONCRETE DOOR PAD DETAIL GRANITE PLANTER COMPAClED TO A MIN 95% DENSITY. SCALE: NOT 1lD SCALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE PAVING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. P," GAV!.. POST CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET WIDE. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4 • TIHICK. AT DRIVEWAYS, CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 8" THICK. SUB BASE SHALL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 12" OF CLIEAN GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTIED TO 95%. BASE SHALL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6" OF CRUSHED GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95%. SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 1/4" PER FOOT. MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL GRADE SHALL BE 1:12. MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL GRADE SHALL BE 0.5%. CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI CLASS M CONCRETE WITH 1.5 LIBS OF FORTAFIBRE PER CUBIC YARD, AS PER NHDOT SPECIFICATIONS. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 5-9% AIR ENTRAINMENT. SLUMP SHALL BE BETWEEN 3" AND 5". 4 TEST CYLINDERS PER LOAD OF CONCRETE, BY CERTIFIED CONCRETE TIESTER. MAXIMUM SPACING DF EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE 30 FEET. CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE A UNIFORM DISTANCE APART, SPACED FIVE FEET, AND 3/4" DEEP. ALL EDGES AND JOINTS SHALL BE FINISHED WITH A HAND EDGING TOOL. TIHE SURFACE OF THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE MAG-FLOATED AND TROWELED, AND GIVEN A FINE GRAINED BROOM FINISH. AS SOON AS THE CONCRETE HAS ATTl>JNED ITS INmAL SET, IT SHALL BE COVERED WITH PLASTIC, BURLAP, OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL AND KEPT MOIST FOR A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS TO CURE, AND SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO FREEZE. NO TRAFFIC SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE SIDEWALK DURING THE CURING PERIOD. AFTER THE CONCRETE HAS CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS, AND AFTER IT HAS ATTAINED A DRY APPEl>JRANCE, IT SHALL BE COATED WITH A 50-50 MIXTURE OF DOUBLE BOILED LINSEED OIL AND KEROSENE. l>JPPLICATION SHALL BE AT A RATE OF 1 GALLON PER 40 SQ YARDS. A SECOND COAT SHALL BE APPLIED WHEN THE CONCRETE HAS REGAINED ITS DRY APPEARANCE, BUT AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER TIHE FIRST COAT, AT A RATE OF 1 GALLON PER 70 SQ YARDS. 1 X 4 PIN~)l'R=::==::==:=::==::~=::==::==::==:==j'i'JI 1/2" GAP DUMPSTER J - 2X4 PT RAILS COMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE --~ GRADED AND COMPACTIED IN 12" LIFTS (MAX) PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF GRAVEL 1<---1COMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE GRADED AND COMPACTIED IN 12" LIFTS (MAX) PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF GRAVEL 6' HIGH STOCKADE DUMPSTER ffNCf - - - Engineer: 6" CONC. SLAB WITIH 114 BARS 12" O.C. E. W. 4• GALV POST 1/8 • 1/8 • CONJRAC]ON ,JOINT NOTE: P.E.J.F.C. SHALL BE INSTALLED AGAINST ALL EXISTING HARD SURFACES AGAINST WHICH CONCRETE WILL BE POURED. COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 (603) 756-4811 GATE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF DUMPSTER PAD. ~~:9 JOINT SEALER CONFORMING TO ASTIM D 1850 OR FED. SPEC. ss-S-1401 '--...pREMOULDED EXPANSION EXPANSION JOINT JOINT FILILER CONFORMING TO ASTIM D1751 OR D1752 THAYER FELLOWS, P.E. NOTIES; 1. ALL WOOD Rl>JLS TO BE PRESSURE TIREATED, FREE FIROM EXCESSIVE CRACKS, CHIPS, WARPS OR KNOTS. 2. ALL FASTENERS AND POSTS TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. 3. NUMBER OF DUMPSTERS AND SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER SIZE l>JND NUMBER WILL DETERMINE FINAL DIMENSIONS OF ENCLOSURE. 4. PROVIDE 4' WIDE ACCESS OPENING ON SIDE, W/ A.DA ROUTE. DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAIL NTS Owner: 815 COURT STREET, LLC 117 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 Planner: ft..:.~.· Land Use Consultantsl LC Brickstone CONCRETE WALK DETAIL F i : U: I I ;a Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 NOT TO SCALE Phone: (603)357-0116 PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION ·. ·4 • SAW CUT TRENCH 12"WIDER THAN ALLOWABLE TRENCH WIDTH (W) BOTH SIDES FOR PAVEMENT LIMITS FOR TRENCH PATCH (TYPICAL FOR ALL PIPE IN TRENCH PATCH AREAS) r 'I-" COMPACTED LOAM !c SEED (SEE NOTE 5) 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 DRAINAGE TRENCH NOTES: • ··'\.\. \. " \. "\ ""-' "-"-·'" " ' PAVEMENT - -....._ GRAVELS SEE TYPICAL ROAD SECTION 1. -----2. SUITABLE~ \MATERIAL ------w All. BACKFILL SHALL BE COMPACTED AT OR NEAR OPTIMUM t.10ISTURE CONTENT BY APPROVED MEANS.BACKFlLL BENEATH PAVED SURFACES SHALL BE COMPACTED TO NOT LESS THAN 95 PERCENT OF AASHTO T99, METHOD C (SEE NOTE 6) • , • •. •• • •• a 0 0 • o • •o • O .. • • • COMPACT IN 1' LAYERS MAX. 3. . •. . SITE DETAILS QRA!NAGE p!PF: MATERIALS SHALL BE CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE4. ALL SHEETING SHALL BE LEFT IN PL.ACE, TO BE EMBEDDED IN THE 8ACKF1LL OF THE TRENCH, UNLESS IN THE OPINION OF THE ENGINEER REMOVAL OF THE SHEETING WILL NOT CAUSE INJURY TO STRUCTURES, STREET UTILITIES, OR PROPERTY (WHETHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE), OR CREATE SEnLEMENT OF THE SUB GRADE IN CASES WHERE REFILL BELOW GRADE IS REQUIRED. REMOVAL OF SHEETING WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CITY ENGINEER. SHEETING LEFT IN THE TRENCH SHALL BE CUT OFF ONE FOOT ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE PIPE. 5. FOR CROSS COUNTRY CONSTRUCTION: BACKFILL OF FlLL SHALL BE MOUNDED 1lD A HEIGHT OF 6 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND. CRUSHED STONE OR GRAVEL BEDDING h.~"'-~.--.-_...,_,d..----(:::S:'.'EE~NO'.':TE:=-1:'.')=~~==~=~~· •• - • ... 0 • a • • o • " Cl - < .. • • LEDGE JRENCH SECTION CTYpJ NOT 1lD SCALE Page 28 of 68 BACKFILL MATE:RIAL: IN ROADS, SHOULDERS, WALKWAYS AND TRAVELED WAYS, SUITABLE MATERIAL FOR TRENCH BACKFlLL SHALL BE THE NATURAL MATERIAL EXCAVAlED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, BUT SHALL EXCLUDE DEBRIS, PIECES OF PAVEMENT, ORGANIC MATTER, TOP SOIL. ALL WET OR SOFT MUCK, PEAT OR CLAY. ALL EXCAVATED LEDGE MATERIAL. ALL ROCKS OVER 6" IN DIAMETER AND ANY MATERW. WHICH IS DffiRMINED BY THE ENGINEER THAT WILL NOT PR<MDE SUFFICIENT SUPPORT OR Ml>JNTAIN THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION IN A STABLE CONDITION. IN CROSS COUNTRY CONSTRUCTION SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE AS DESCRIBED ABOVE, EXCEPT THAT THE ENGINEER MAY PERMIT THE USE OF TIDP SOIL. LOAM, MUCK OR PEAT, IF THE ENGINEER IS SATISFIED THAT THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION WILL BE ENTIRELY STABLE AND PROVIDE EAS'f ACCESS TO THE PIPE LINE FOR MAINTENANCE AND FUTIJRE REPLACEMENT. COMPACT IN 2' LAYERS MAX. - - - - --!'/ , BEpp!NG: FOR PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF PREPARING THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH 1lD SUPPORT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE AT A UNIFORM SLOPE AND ALIGNMENT. CRUSHED GRAVEL OR CRUSHED STONE SHALL BE USED TO BED PIPE TO THE ELEVATION SHOWN. 6" MIN. BEDDING DEPTH IN EARTH AND LEDGE AND PAYMENT DEPTH FOR LEDGE EXCAVATION' 6" OR 1/+ 0 D. FOR PIPE GREATER THAN 24" O.D. SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: APRIL 17, 2015 BOLLARD DETAIL (NTS) SHEET 6 I '' ... ........ ... ... "" "" ........ .... .... .... ... ................... .... .... '' ''' ""',,, ..............., ........ ... ....,,.... ... ', ... ... ,8 ', " ...., ' ' ',,.,. '' ~ ~ " '' 815COURT STREET, LLC Page 29 of 68 " '\ ' ', ... 117 WEST STREET KEENE, NH 03431 "" '' '' '' '' '' ''' fD) rickstone '' '' ' ... l9J Land Use Consultants, LLC 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: 603 35Nl116 PROPOSED 4000 SF BUILDING ADDITION 815 COURT STREET KEENE, NH 03431 REVISION TRUCK ACCESS PLAN SCALE: DATE 1·=40 1 6/8/15 T1 '' STAFF REPORT SPR-505, Modification 1 – SITE PLAN REVIEW – Fairfield’s – 434-440 Winchester St. Request: Applicant Brickstone Land Use Consultants, on behalf of property owner 434-440 Winchester LLC is proposing a building expansion to the existing, automobile dealership at 434 Winchester St. in Keene NH. The parcel is 3.01 acres, TMP# 911-24-008 in the Commerce Limited zone. The property is located entirely within the 100-year floodplain. The project is a renovation of the 10,886 SF existing structure; expanding it by 3,885 SF and creating second floor for offices. Background: The last expansion for the auto dealership on this parcel was approved in 1985. As the name suggests, the 434-440 Winchester LLC owns both the property involved with this renovation as well as the next, contiguous, property south. The existing building will be renovated with an addition to the back area as well as a second story. Site work is limited to the front landscape and the rear-most, fenced-in, storage area. The car parking and circulation will remain the same. Completeness: The applicant has requested site-specific exemptions from checklist items that are not applicable or do not exist on the property. In addition, they request exemption from submitting a Lighting Plan and Technical Reports: Drainage, Traffic Report and a Soils Report. After review of each request, Staff has determined that exempting the applicant from submitting this information would have no bearing on the merits of the application and recommends that the Planning Board grant these applications and accept the application as “complete.” K:\BOARDS\PLANNING\Applications\Site_Plan_Review\SPR-505 434 Winchester Fairfields\Mod. 1\Fairfield Staff Report.doc Page 30 of 68 Page 1 of 4 STAFF REPORT Departmental Comments: Code: Submit a Floodplain Development permit. Police Dept.: PD has no issues. Fire Dept.: I reviewed the plans, Fire is all set. Engineering Dept.: No Comments Application Analysis: The following is a review of the Board’s relevant standards in relation to the proposed application: 1. Drainage: a. Per DS 1a. The expansion of the proposed building will not result in increased runoff. The current flow of runoff from pavement towards the back of the site to an existing depression also does not change. The amount of paved area decreases slightly in the overall site plan. b. Per DS 1b. The application does not describe attempts to utilize LID treatments however the property’s location within the floodplain makes many LID treatments difficult. The current and proposed drainage pattern utilizes an existing depression as a detention area and settling basin which filters runoff. See attached Stormwater Management Review letter dated May 12, 2015 to Dave Bergeron from Thayer Fellows, PE. This standard appears to be met. 2. Sedimentation and Erosion Control: Per DS 2, the project drawings shows silt fence installed surrounding the portion of the parking lot proposed to be excavated and re-paved. A suggested project sequence on sheet C3, the Grading Plan, refers to sediment and erosion control measures needed with the broader standard of the NH stormwater management and erosion control requirements. This standard appears to be met. 3. Snow Storage: Snow storage is called for in the back, unpaved area that is adjacent to both the ditch and the jurisdictional wetland. This standard appears to be met. 5. Flooding: The BFE of the existing building is 471.3 as surveyed in 2013. The entire parcel is in the 100-year floodplain of the Ash Brook Swamp watershed as shown on the FEMA FIRM map 33005C0266E, dated May 23, 2006, and is subject to flooding to the elevation of 471. As mentioned earlier, per Development Standard 5 and Keene’s floodplain regulations, the entire building, both existing and proposed sections are to be floodproofed to a minimum elevation of 472. In addition, 100% compensatory storage is being created by removing, excavating and re-building the rear parking area to be 6” lower than its current elevation. A flood permit will be a condition of approval. 6. Landscaping: A new crabapple ornamental tree is being replaced along with various shrubs at the front of the building. The standard is met due to no other parking lot work requiring additional parking lot landscaping. K:\BOARDS\PLANNING\Applications\Site_Plan_Review\SPR-505 434 Winchester Fairfields\Mod. 1\Fairfield Staff Report.doc Page 31 of 68 Page 2 of 4 STAFF REPORT 7. Screening: a. Per D.S. 8.a. No dumpster is proposed for the site. b. Per D.S. 8.b. A parapet wall is proposed to screen a rooftop unit. This standard appears to be met. 10. Lighting: The proposed project will move the existing building wall-paks to new locations at the rear of the building. No pole-mounted lights are being moved or altered. The applicant is proposing to create a new lighting plan for both properties as a separate, future project. 13. Comprehensive Access Management: No city sidewalk is present to connect to. A paragraph discussion was submitted. A bicycle rack for employees is shown adjacent to the Service Entrance. Accessible parking spaces with access lanes are provided at both the front and side-service entrances. This standard appears to be met. 15. Filling / Excavation: Per DS 15.b. the approximately 250 C.Y. of material to be removed from the back parking area will be hauled by trucks using Route 10 out of town. This standard appears to be met. 16. Wetlands: a. Per D.S. 16 the wetland is not proposed to be altered or impacted. b. The buffer, however, will be impacted by a corner of the proposed compensatory wetland storage. However, per Sec. 102-1486.13 permits the “construction of compensatory flood storage excavation under City Code Chapter 54 – Natural Resources, as long as no part of the compensatory flood storage excavation is within a wetland…” This standard appears to be met. 19. Architectural and Visual Appearance: a. Similar to other Keene car dealership renovations and new constructions, the proposed building details are not particularly suggestive of New England architecture. However, per D.S. 19.b.1. The front and side façades have been articulated to reduce the massive scale of the glass panels by the second story office and storage section. b. Additionally, per D.S. 19.b.2, the height of the building (20’ and 23’) do not overwhelm the prevailing architectural scale of the City. c. The proposed materials for the exterior of the building are black, white and brushed aluminum. They do not have a gloss finish and d. Lastly, per D.S. 19.b.3 the front façade does highlight a curve and the rear façade has a gable. The proposed renovation is a vast improvement over the current building. K:\BOARDS\PLANNING\Applications\Site_Plan_Review\SPR-505 434 Winchester Fairfields\Mod. 1\Fairfield Staff Report.doc Page 32 of 68 Page 3 of 4 STAFF REPORT RECOMMENDATION FOR APPLICATION If the Board is inclined to approve this application, the following motion is recommended: Approve SPR-505 Modification #1, as shown on the plan entitled “PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION, FAIRFIELD’S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC”, Tax Map #: 911-24-008, 434-440 Winchester Street, Keene, Cheshire County, NH, dated May 15, 2015, last revised May 28, 2015 with sheets # C1-C5, drawn by Brickstone Land Use Consultants at a scale of 1” = 30’; with the following conditions: 1. The following actions are needed prior to signature by the Planning Board Chair: a. Owner’s signature on plan. b. An approved license from Keene City Council “to infringe 12’ into a 60’ right of way easement for Cornwall Drive”. c. Submittal of a completed Floodplain Permit. 2. Prior to signature, submittal security for landscaping and an “as-built” plan in a form and amount acceptable to the Planning Director and City Engineer. K:\BOARDS\PLANNING\Applications\Site_Plan_Review\SPR-505 434 Winchester Fairfields\Mod. 1\Fairfield Staff Report.doc Page 33 of 68 Page 4 of 4 Site Plan Application Narrative Modification to SPR-505, Building Addition Fairfield's Cadillac, Buick, GMC 434 Winchester Street Keene, NH May 15, 2015 434-440 Winchester Street, LLC is the owner of the land and buildings at 434 Winchester Street, a 3.01 acre lot in the Commerce Limited District. It is currently occupied by Fairfield"s Cadillac, Buick, GMC in a 10,886 sf building with_ parking and vehicle display spaces surrounding the building. The existing property is nonconforming due to the front building setback and existing side pavement setbacks. The property is also located entirely within the I 00 year floodplain with the exception of the building footprint. The applicant proposes to renovate and expand the existing building. The shov.-rnom at the front of the existing building will be removed and re-built with the west wall moved back to comply with the 100 foot building setback required in the CL district. Directly behind the showroom a portion of the existing building will be re-built to create a two story office and storage area. On the north side of the building a new customer service canopy is proposed for car access to the customer service area. At the rear of the building a 3885 sf addition is proposed to add service bays for vehicle repair and maintenance. To comply with the Keene floodplain regulations, onsite compensatory flood storage will be provided at the rear of the site. An existing paved parking area will be lowered approximately 6" and repaved to balance the amount of fill placed in the floodplain to construct the proposed building addition. The floor elevation in the existing building is 471.3 and does not comply with the regulation requiring the floor elevation to be one foot higher than the I 00 year flood elevation (4 71.0). To bring this building into compliance the entire building will be floodproofed to a minimum elevation of 472.0. The existing access to this site is via a shared driveway and access road. This is a deeded access shared by 5 adjacent properties on the east side of Winchester Street and was developed in the ! 980 's. Existing parking spaces at the front of the bull ding will be reconfigured to reduce the pavement 'width, add handicap parkmg and to allow additional greenspace at the front of the building. Total onsite parking and vehicle display will reduced from 177 to 173 spaces. On the north side of the building, a new 20' canopy is proposed at the car access to the customer service area. The proposed canopy will meet the building setback requirement but projects approximately 12' into an existing 60' right of way easement held by the City of Keene. The purpose of the easement is to allow for construction of a future road extension of Cornwell Ori ve from its existing tenninus to Winchester Street. Pern1ission from Keene City Council is required to allow the canopy to encroach into the easement. Page 34 of 68 ( No additional employees are planned as a result of this proposal and only 20 additional customer trips are anticipated. No new site lighting is proposed at this time. Exemptions are requested from providing a drainage report, a traffic report, lighting plans and from checklist items which do not exist on the property or are not applicable. Page 35 of 68 Site Plan Review Application Narrative Fairfield's Cadillac, Buick, GMC & Kia 434 Winchester Street Keene, NH l\'Iay 15, 2015 Development Standards 1. Drainage - The existing drainage patterns will be maintained with no increase in runoff leaving the site. There will be no increase in lot coverage as a result of this proposal. A letter regarding drainage from Thayer Fellows, PE is attached. An exemption from providing a formal drainage report is requested since no changes to drainage are proposed. 2. Sediment/Erosion Control - Silt fence will be installed along the perimeter of the development area to prevent sediment from entering the adjacent wetlands. Disturbed areas will be stabilized as shown on the site plan with loam and seed, mulch or new pavement. 3. Hillside Protection - NIA 4. Snow Storage and Removal - Snow storage is designated in areas adjacent to the parking areas. There is ample room for snow storage at the rear of the site. Melting snow will drain to the vegetated wetland areas at the rear of the site. 5. Flooding - This property is located within the 100 year floodplain for Ash Swamp Brook as shown on FEMA FIRM 33005C0266E, dated May 23, 2006, and is subject to flooding to elevation 471.0. 100% compensatory flood storage will be provided on site to allow the new construction. Compensatory flood storage will be provided by re-grading an existing parking area at the rear of the site. The floor elevation in the existing building is 471.3, which is less than 1 foot higher than the 100 year flood elevation. To comply with the Keene floodplain regulations, the existing building will be floodproofed to a minimum elevation of 472.0. A Flood Permit is required. 6. Landscaping- Existing landscaping at the front of the building will be removed and replaced. Ten existing junipers and one flowering crab tree will be replaced with 12 new shrubs and 1 flowering crab tree. The new shrubs include potentilla, gold tipped juniper and dwarf Alberta spruce. The remainder of the front landscaped area will be loamed and seeded and protected with new granite curbing. 7. Noise - No excess noise is expected to be generated. AlJ auto repair work wilJ be performed inside the building. Page 36 of 68 8. Screening - There are no dumpsters on the site. New HVAC units will be roof mounted over the new showroom and screened by a three foot high parapet wall. 9. Air Quality - NIA 10. Lighting - Existing site lighting will not be changed with this proposal. New site lighting is planned as a separate project for this lot and the adjacent lot to the south which is under the same ownership. The existing site lighting does not conform to the current lighting standard, however, the future lighting plan will include full cutoff LED fixtures with reduced lighting after hours. 11. Sewer and Water - The site is serviced by city sewer and city water. Adequate capacity exists for the proposed use. 12. Traffic-The business operates Monday thru Friday, 8AM to 8PM, Saturday 8AM to 5PM and Sunday 1 lAM to 4PM. They currently have 80 employees and do not anticipate adding employees at this time. With the addition of new work bays approximately 20 additional customer trips per day are expected. Winchester Street is a major roadway (State Rt. 10) with a dedicated center tum lane. The additional customer trips will not significantly affect the safety or capacity of Winchester Street. 13. Comprehensive Access Management- The existing property utilizes shared curb cuts and a shared access driveway which parallels Winchester Street. The access points and shared access driveway are part of a deeded access agreement shared by five adjacent properties on the east side of Winchester Street. The existing access points and the shared access driveway will remain unchanged by this proposal. There is adequate line of sight on Winchester Street in both directions at the existing driveway locations. There are no city sidewalks on either side of Winchester Street at this location. 14. Hazardous and Toxic Materials -The owner has no knowledge of existing contamination on the site. 15. Filling/Excavation - Removal of onsite materials to create compensatory flood storage is required. Approximately 250 CY will be removed from the rear of the site to balance the fill material placed for the new construction. Trucks will use Rt. 10 to service this site. 16. Wetlands - There are existing wetland areas on the site located to the east of the existing developed area. A wetland delineation was performed by SVE Associates in July 2013 and is depicted on the site plan. No wetland impacts are proposed. A small portion of the compensatory flood storage area lies with the 30' buffer at the wetland area on the west side of the site. This is permitted under section 102-1486 (m) of the Surface Water Protection Ordinance. Page 37 of 68 2 17. Surface Waters - There are no streams or rivers on or adjacent to the site. 18. Stump Dumps - None 19. Architecture and Visual Appearance- The existing building is a metal building constructed in the 1970's. This proposal will replace the front showroom and include new insulated glass panels and insulated ACM panels in colors of black, white and brushed aluminum. Directly behind the new showroom will be a two story section containing offices and storage. The two story building section, the new service canopy on the north side of the building and the addition at the rear of the building will be clad with the same insulated ACM panels colored to match the front. The metal siding of the remaining building portion will be replaced with insulated ACM panels using the same colors. The addition of the two story section helps to break up the lines of the building and adds visual interest. The large showroom windows facing south and west will help to breakup the metal fa9ade and provide natural light in the customer and showroom areas. Clerestory windows on the top floor of the office area will also bring natural light into the offices. The overhead doors and passage doors will be painted white to match the siding color. The proposed architectural treatments will result a new, clean appearance to this commercial building. Page 38 of 68 3 CITY OF KEENE I PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN REVIE\tV / 1\-IODIFICATION APPLICATION This form must be filled out in its entirety. !fa box is not checked staff will assume that the information is not provided and the application is. therefore. not complete. Incomplete applications will not be ar:r lfil)l-JJ:;...JJ[9..IJ:..~!ll!!!I~ (or review. Date Received/Date of Submiisicm: !jj: Project Name Ma:tt!italwn .S p,e- s-o '5' · ·- ...., · ~· 1 . . Dat~ ~f pt~~appfication meeting . • ' Tax: Map Parcel number(s) 9-LL - d_t/_- _J)_n_8-_o o .a cJ Date Application is Cemplete Planning Department File · Project //., / ; · Address: ,,_,'lj N J/J(!}def'J f .S Address: Po~ ~3"-1 ~ Acreage/S .F. I. of Parcel $. OI een~ N./f t03L/3 I Telephone\ Email: 0 Signature: I 131,tYll-/ Name: Zoning District: Address: Cb111171:1mc: L1tnl-'12d 0.. 0.. -< Signature: Modifications: Is this a modification to a previously-approved site plan: For those sections of the application that are not affected by the proposed modification to the previously approved site Ian, you are encouraaed to re uest exem tions in lieu of submittin° re uired documents. IQ Type of development ll!l Proposed uses ~ IZI Location of access points 13. Any other descriptive information ~ Sedimentation Control Scope/scale of development ~Vegetation QQ Parcel size D Debris management N~ l!'l Proposed storm water, drainage & erosion plan WVJI Disposal proposals for boulders, stumps & debris -· .~ A complete application inustindude the following ~ Two (2) copies of completed application forms signed & dated ~Plans stamped/signed by reg. professional O!. ~Two (2) copies on 8.5" x 11" or 11 " x l T Two (2) copies of descriptive narrative ~ Certified list ofall owners of property within 200' ..,lei.. D Three (3) copies of all technical reports ~ Two (2) sets of mailing labels, per abutter .~ Two (2) color architectural elevations on ll" x l T' Ji/. Seven (7) copies on "D" size paper of plans ( 22" x 36") ~ A check to cover the costs of legal notice to advertise ~ Three (3) copies of"D" size architectural elevations (22" x 36") K:\Administration - Planning Department\FORMS\Site_Plan\Site Plan Application.docx Page 39 of 68 the public hearing, mailing notices out to abutters 1.26.2015 N \ KEENE I' [87·02·041] JOSEPH J. PERRINI, Jr. f?7; //, • ,..,.}; 1010 Wool Ave Franklin Square, NY 11010 2249/611 Zone: COM /:?"' l/ <!'/~ «4t:<.•.,_,,r "423 Winchester St." ]/ iLc,:~ .....____ i777 ~ :1 /1 I I [87·02·042] JOSEPH J. PERRINI, Jr. 1010 Wool Ave Franklin Square. NY 11010 2249/611 Zone: COM f. I?-"J? "425-429 WiMP9'.j.. w St." ff.v J . _ , _ _ j ~ fie(((( - - ~(((((((((((((~ I '/ /. /. / 9 -:-. ,r mEBORo, VT. -:-. 0 / I YTE ~ ~ ~ g --! t«4(L. ::; ""«LLt:d] / / /. / «ec«J /% . 77??777?777~ f«~ / / /. [911 ·24·007] TBK REAL TY INC 117 West Street / // /// //. ////. / / //. ////. / / / / //. //. ///. Locus Map //. I Keene, NH 03431 1650/693 Zone: CL I 11 NOT TO SCALE [707·01 ·0031 KRIF ROAD ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP P.O.Box 565 Keene, NH 03431 1297/266 Zone: I 426-428 Winchester st• _ _ _ "Q Cel"l"lnell Driimye,a."-- Ii v Cornwell Drive ff- REVISIONS: b. MAY 28. 2015 ill DATE: ADD WETLAND BUFFER LINE ADD BUFFER NOTE ADD BIKE RACK ADD 5' ADA STRIPE AND NORTH SPACE. ADD LEGEND /" / ( -r FF: 471.J' ~77?>->---:.. '''-'/7777J ~ j j v p!f EXISTING I DEMO EXIS{ SHOWROOM [87·01 ·078] JONG E. & CHONG 0. LEE CITY OF 63 Stonewall Circle Westmoreland, NH 03467 1149/629 1 STORY SlEEL FRAME BUILDING "FAIRFIELDS" ENGINEER: 25' /GH THAYER FELLOWS PE Zone: COM COUNTY ROAD "433 Winchester St" P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 - OWNER: 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC. 434 WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 911 BLOCK 24 LOT 8 [87·01 ·002] J. ALEXANDER LTD 472 Winchester Street Keene, NH 03431 2640/001 I Zone: I "435 Winc j fter St." PLANNER: ff I 1 j ~--- ASPHALT PARKING 'tc(((((LJ =c:tRK ELEV=470.45' Brickstone I Land Use Consultants, LLC I 1 STORY SlEEL FRAME BUILDING •K1A• Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 357-0116 I I I _:,-I PROJECT NAME: I I I I I / I PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION / FAIRFIELD'S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH Ull LEGEND THIS SITE LIES WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA PER FEMA FIRM, CHESHIRE COUNTY, NH, PANEL 266 OF 610, MAP NUMBER 33005C0266E, EFFECTIVELY DATED MAY 23, 2006. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS 471 BASED CROSS SECTIONS C & D ASH SWAMP BROOK OF THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY, CHESHIRE COUNTY, NH DATED MAY 23, 2006. Soils 3. THE LOCUS IS SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS THAT AN UP-TO-DATE TITLE REPORT MIGHT REVEAL. 401 - 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM DATA OBTAINED FROM FIELD SURVEY OF SURFACE LOCATIONS, PREVIOUS MAPS AND RECORDS OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF KEENE. THEIR EXISTENCE MUST BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. 5. THERE MAY BE OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THE EXISTENCE OF WHICH ARE NOT KNOWN. THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES MUST BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION. CALL DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. 2. HYDRANT TELEPHONE POLE CATCH BASIN -w- WATER LINE -s- SEWER LINE Zoning Districts --E-- ELECTRIC, TV, TELEPHONE ZONE: COMMERCE LIMITED --G-- GAS LINE MAX HEIGHT MIN. LOT SIZE MIN LOT FRONTAGE MIN LOT WIDTH AT BUILDING 35' 20,000 sf 100' 100' MIN FRONT BUILDING SETBACK MIN SIDE BUILDING SETBACK MIN REAR BUILDING SETBACK 100' 20' 20' MAX BUILDING COVERAGE MAX IMPERMEABLE COVERAGE 40% 70% Page 40 of 68 EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE [fil ( -~0 6. DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE LIGHT ON POLE ) WETLANDS WERE DELINEATED IN THE PROJECT AREA BY SVE ASSOCIATES ON JULY 22, 2013 USING THE THREE PARAMETER APPROACH DESCRIBED IN TECHNICAL MANUAL Y-87-1, THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1987 WETLAND PELINEATION MANUAL AND FURTHER DEFINED BY THE OCTOBER 2009, INTERIM REGIONAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLAND DELINEATION MANUAL: NORTHCENTRAL AND NORTHEAST REGION U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NOW IN EFFECT. PROPANE TANK 7. SOILS ARE SHOWN FROM AN OVERLAY OF THE NRCS WEB SOILS SURVEY 3.0 PROGRAM. --SF SILT FENCE, HAY6ALES 8. --WB - - WETLAND BUFFER CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE 30' WETLAND BUFFER ON SITE IN UNDISTURBED AREAS WITH STAKES AND FLAGGING 50' ON CENTER. IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING PAVING/GRAVEL EXTENDS INTO THE BUFFER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE EDGE OF THE UNDISTURBED BUFFER REMAINING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING STAKES AND FLAGGING FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. 218 - RAYNHAM-WAREHAM COMPLEX, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED OCCUM FINE SANDY LOAM GRAPHIC SCALE ~-'i-i--'i----T ( IN FEET ) I inch = 30 ft. EXISTING CONDITION PLAN SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: 5/15/15 SHEET C1 t / / I [911 ·24·007] TBK REALTY INC 117 West Street /:I'. /// /// /// /// // '// / / / I I '//. // //// /// /// /// Keene, NH 03431 1650/693 Zone: CL .. 426-428 Winchester [707·01·003] KRIF ROAD ASSOCIAT LIMITED PARTNERSHI P.0.8ox 565 Keene, NH 03431 1297 /266 INV:463.34 pipe st• Zone: I ___ "o [87 ·02-042] JOSEPH J. PERRINI, Jr. 1010 Wool Ave Franklin Square, NY 11010 2249/811 Cornwell Ori.,,...._ Zone: COM Cornwell Drive - r/77~~~ pl REVISIONS: MAY 28. 2015 DATE: b. L1:J. ADD WETLAND BUFFER LINE 1 ADD BUFFER NOTE ADD BIKE RACK [87·01 ·078] JONG E. & CHONG 0. LEE ADD 5' ADA STRIPE AND NORTH SPACE. ADD LEGEND 63 Stonewall Circle Westmoreland, NH 03467 1149/629 Zone: COM "433 Winchester St" - -- / [87-01-002] J. ALEXANDER LTD 472 Winchester Street Keene, NH 0.3431 ENGINEER: THAYER FELLOWS PE 2640/001 Zone: I COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 l' OWNER: l 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC. (' ' I --J- f If ~ i . .l , ;.!.' r; BENQ-IMARK TBM 900 ELEV-470.45' :! I ll 434 WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 911 BLOCK 24 LOT 8 1 STORY STEEL FRAME BUILDING •K1A• ASPHALT PARKING I I ' . I l I I I . I PLANNER: I I Brickstone = "I Land Use Consultants, LLC Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 357-0116 Zoning Districts ZONE: COMMERCE LIMITED LEGEND HYDRANT MAX HEIGHT MIN. LOT SIZE MIN LOT FRONTAGE MIN LOT WIDTJ-j AT BUILDING 35' 20,000 sf 100' 100' MIN FRONT BUILDING SETBACK MIN SIDE BUILDING SETBACK MIN REAR BUILDING SETBACK 100' 20' 20' MAX BUILDING COVERAGE MAX IMPERMEABLE COVERAGE 40% 70% Notes 1. 2. TELEPHONE POLE --w--s - SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, TV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE WATER LINE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED GRADE DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID WOOD FENCE -~( 0 LIGHT ON POLE ) PROPANE TANK --SF SILT FENCE, HAYBALES --WB - - WETLAND BUFFER L0 T DAT A COMMERCE LIMITED ZONING 911-24-8 TAX MAP # 131,074 SF - 3.01 AC± LOT SIZE LOT COVERAGE EXISTING BUILDING 8% 10,886 SF PAV/GRAVEL 82,010 SF - 63% TOTAL 92,900 SF - 71% LOT CO\IERAGE PROPOSED BUILDING 14,550 SF - 11% PAV/GRAVEL 78,255 SF - 60% 92,805 SF - 71% TOTAL PARKING RETAJVOFF/CE/DISPLAY 7500 SF/200 -J5 SPACES SHOP/STORAGE - 10J60 SF/JOOO -4 SPACc TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING DESIGNATED - J9 SPACES 49 SPACES THIS SITE LIES WITJ-jlN TJ-jE 100 YEAR FLOOD HAZARD AREA PER FEMA FIRM, CHESHIRE COUNTY, NH, PANEL 266 OF 610, MAP NUMBER 33005C0266E, EFFECTIVELY DATED MAY 23, 2006. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS 471 BASED CROSS SECTIONS C & D ASH SWAMP BROOK OF THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY, CHESHIRE COUNTY, NH DATED MAY 23, 2006. 3. THE LOCUS IS SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS THAT AN UP-TO-DATE TITLE REPORT MIGHT REVEAL. 4. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM DATA OBTAINED FROM FIELD SURVEY OF SURFACE LOCATIONS, PREVIOUS MAPS AND RECORDS OBTAINED FROM TJ-jE CITY OF KEENE. TJ-jEIR EXISTENCE MUST BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY. CATCH BASIN PROJECT NAME: TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS COMPILED FROM THE ELECTRONIC FILE INDICATED IN PLAN REFERENCE No.1 AND ADDITIONAL FIELD SURVEY BY SVE PERFORMED DURING TJ-jE MONTJ-jS OF JUNE & JULY IN 2013. ELEVATION DATUM IS REPORTED TO BE NAVD88 BASED ON CONTROL POINTS OBTAINED FROM PLAN REF. No.1'. CONTOUR INTERVAL IS ONE (1) FOOT. 5. THERE MAY BE OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THE EXISTENCE OF WHICH ARE NOT KNOWN. THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES MUST BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION. CALL DIG-SAFE PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. 6. WETLANDS WERE DELINEATED IN TJ-jE PROJECT AREA BY SVE ASSOCIATES ON JULY 22, 2013 USING TJ-jE TJ-jREE PARAMETER APPROACH DESCRIBED IN TECHNICAL MANUAL Y-87-1, TJ-jE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1987 WETLAND PELINEATION MANUAL AND FURTHER DEFINED BY THE OCTOBER 2009, INTERIM REGIONAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLAND DELINEATION MANUAL: NORTHCENTRAL AND NORTHEAST REGION U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, NOW IN EFFECT. 7. SOILS ARE SHOWN FROM AN OVERLAY OF THE NRCS WEB SOILS SURVEY 3.0 PROGRAM. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE 30' WETLAND BUFFER ON SITE IN UNDISTURBED AREAS WITJ-j STAKES AND FLAGGING 50' ON CENTER. IN AREAS WHERE EXISTING PAVING/GRAVEL EXTENDS INTO TJ-jE BUFFER THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE EDGE OF THE UNDISTURBED BUFFER REMAINING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING STAKES AND FLAGGING FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION Plan References REFERENCES INCLUDE ALL INFORMATION REFERRED TO ON ANY OF TJ-jE FOLLOWING PLANS 1. PLAN SHOWING EXISTING CONDITIONS OF PROPERTY OF 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC, DATED APRIL 14, 2012 BY JOSEPH DIBERNARDO, DIBERNARDO ASSOCIATES, LLC (Provided by Client with permissions) 2. FAIRFIELDS DEALERSHIPS, WINCHESTER ST. KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, DATED AUGUST 2, 1982 BY ROBERT DION, DION ENGINEERING, INC. (Cab.4 No.115 CCRD) 3. PLAT OF EMILE J. LEGERE SUBDIVISION, WINCHESTER ST. KEENE, NH, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1982 BY THOMAS FLAVIN (Cab.4 No.145 CCRD) 4. CORNWELL TRUST LOT, WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH SUBDIVISION PLAN, RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, LAST REVISED 9-20-1985 BY ROBERT DION (Cab 7 No.14 CCRD) GRAPHIC SCALE FAIRFIELD'S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH PROPOSED CONDITION PLAN SCALE: 1"=30' DATE: 5/15/15 SHEET C2 ~-'i-i--·r----T ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - Page 41 of 68 30 It. I / / //. ///. / //. '/ ///. / / / ///. / ///. ///. '/ /. I I Cornwell Drive !£'" "" I - I - ( I I I I ~ I CITY OF 25' /GH REVISIONS: MAY 28, 2015 DATE: & ADD WETLAND BUFFER LINE - - - ADD BUFFER NOTE ADD BIKE RACK I ADD 5' ADA STRIPE AND NORTH SPACE. ADD LEGEND -J I I GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ~ 0 ~ ENGINEER: w ~ ~I-~-~--~1-lliiiiiiiiiiiil~I~~~I THAYER FELLOWS PE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 ft. WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 LEGEND OWNER: HYDRANT 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC. TELEPHONE POLE 434 WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 911 BLOCK 24 LOT 8 CATCH BASIN EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE THIS IS A SUGGESTED SEQUENCE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EROSION CONTROLS. IT SHALL NOT LIMIT THE CONTRACTOR IN MEANS, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES FOR THE CONTROLLING OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION NECESSARY TO FULFIUL THE REQUIREMENTS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE STORM WATIER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION CONTROL 485-A: 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. INSTAUL SILT FENCE WHERE SHOWN AND WHERE REQUIRED TO CONTROL EROSION ON AND OFIF SITIE. INSTAUL STABILIZED PROTECTION FOR EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM WHERE REQUIRED. REMOVE EXISTING BUILDING AND PAVING WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. REMOVE MATIER~ FOR FLOODPLAIN COMPENSATION AREA. CONSTRUCT FOUNDATION AND BRING TO SUBGRADE AND STABILIZE. INSTAUL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND STABILIZE. FINE GRADE AND STABILIZE AUL AREAS WITHIN 72 HOURS OF ACHIEVING FINISH GRADE. AUL CUT/FILL SLOPES TO BE LOAMED AND MULCHED OR PLANTIED WITH GROUND COVER WITHIN 72 HOURS OF ACHIEVING FINISHED GRADE. THE St.11\LLEST AREA PRACTICABLE SHAUL BE DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. STABILIZATION SHAUL BE DEFINED AS EITHER BASE COURSE PA~NG, CONCRETE, RIP RAP, 3 INCHES OF BARK MULCH. OR A MIN. OF 85% OF VEGETATED GROWTH HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHAUL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 45 DAYS. WHEN AUL WORK IS COMPLETED, SLOPES AND DITCHES ARE STABILIZED, REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND ANY SEDIMENT THAT HAS COLLECTED IN DITCHES, CULVERTS OR DETIENTION PONDS. SHOULO THE CONTRACTOR WISH TO ALTIER THIS SEQUENCE, HE SHAUL SUBMIT THE PROPOSED CHANGES IN WRITING TO THE ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER WIUL REVIEW THE PROPOSED CHANGES AND ~SE THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING ANY AND AUL PROCEDURES TO CONTIROL EROSION ON AND OFIF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN INSPECTION LOG FOR VIEWING BY THE CrrY ENGINEER. WINTER CONSTRUCTION NOTIES: 1. AUL PROPOSED VEGETATED AREAS WHICH DO NOT EXHIBIT A MINIMUM OF 85% VEGETATIVE GROWTH BY OCTOBER 15TH, OR WHICH ARE DISTURBED AFTIER OCTOBER 15TH. SHALL BE STABILIZED BY SEEDING AND INSTAWNG EROSION CONTIROL BLANKETS ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1, AND SEEDING AND PLACING 3 TO 4 TONS OF MULCH PER ACRE, SECURED WITH ANCHORED NETTING, ELSEWHERE. THE INSTALLATION OF EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS OR MULCH AND NETTING SHALL NOT OCCUR OVER ACCUMULATIED SNOW OR ON SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, TV, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE WATER LINE 48" MIN. FENCE POST DRIVEN MIN. 16" INTO GROUND PLANNER: EXISTING GRADE . PROPOSED GRADE DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID "-~- - ~ WOOD FENCE LIGHT ON POLE UTILITY AND GRADING NOTES ( 0 ) Pl~ TO 8£ PVC SDR 35. 1. ALL NEW S£W£R 2. 3. WATER S£RYICE TO BE SIZE AND TYPE AS Sf/OWN ON TflE SITE PLANS. ALL UTILITY WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TflE CITY OF KEENE STREET AND UTILITY STANDARDS AND INSPECTED BY DPW ENGINEERING OR WATER/SEWER DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO BURIAL OR BEING PLACED IN SERVICE. MAINTAIN MIN. 10' HORIZONTAL SEPARATION OF WATER AND SEWER LINES. ALL CATCH8ASINS TO flAVE: A MIN. 2' SUMP. ALL CATCH8ASINS TO flAVE: HOODED OU1LITS. GRATES SHALL BE TYPE "8" OR AS APPROVED BY CITY OF KITNE IF WITfllN TflE CITY ROW. EACfl WAIER S£RYICE TO BE: METERED SEPARATE:LY. DRAINAGE PIPE TO BE CPP OR PERFORATED CPP SUITABLE FOR H-20 4. 5. S. 7. 8. --SF SILT FENCE, HAYBALES --WB - - WETLAND BUFFER '--" 10. 11. 12. 13. Land Use Consultants, LLC \ B" MIN ~/ -,,o 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 PERSPECTIVE VIEW PROJECT NAME: 48" MIN. FENCE POST FILTER CLOTH ~ 3/4" STONE 20" MIN CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE CJTY ROW RE:QU/RES AN EXCAVATION PERMrr FORM TflE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CONTRACTOR JS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EXCAVATION PERMITS RE:QUIRED. EXCAVATION W/TfllN TflE CJTY STREET SHALL BE SAW CUT. WORK TO BE DONE TO DPW STANDARDS AND INSPECrrD BY DPW. SEWER LINES WJTfl LESS THAN 4 F<fT OF COVE:R SHALL BE INSULAIED WITH 2• EPS. DOMESTIC WAIER SE~CE Sf/ALL RE:QU/RE A KEENE DPW APPROVED TESTABLE BACKFLOW DEVICE TO BE INSTALLED IN BUILDING. INSTALL CORPORATIONS OR G<\IE VALVES AT ALL WAIER LINE CONNECTIONS TO TflE CITY MAIN LINE. '\II Ft.ow / UNDISTIURBED GROUND EMBED FILTER CLOTH ...--MIN 8" INTO GROUND rB" MIN SECTION .:::.~~~:' f--.....,>---+--.....,•·..,; ~. 3. AFTER NOVEMBER 15TH, INCOMPLETE ROAD OR PARKING SURFACES, WHERE WORK HAS STOPPED FOR THE WINTER SEASON, SHALL BE PROTIECTED 'MTH A MINIMUM Of 3 INCHES OF CRUSHED GRAVEL PER NHDOT ITIEM 304.3. FlLTER FABRIC UNDER GRATE SIDE VIEW ... ~-~ Page 42 of 68 .;~.:.•,. '.~t"f ;'.'f ;:xzp~:;r:;,i:;'i;_i:J{:- ACTI~TY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IDENrrFIED IN THE PLAN SHALL BE OBSERVED TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE OPERATING CORRECTLY. INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTIED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY EACH WEEK AND WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT THAT IS 0.5 INCH OR GREATER. THESE INSPECTIONS SHALL COVER DISTURBED AREAS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED, AREAS USED FOR STORAGE OF MATIERIALS THAT ARE EXPOSED TO PRECIPITATION, STRUCTURAL CONTROL MEASURES, AND LOCATIONS WHERE VEHICLES ENTIER OR EXIT THE SITE. WHERE AREAS HAVE BEEN FlNALLY OR TEMPORARILY STABILIZED OR RUNOFIF IN UNLIKELY DUE TO WINTER CONDITIONS (E.G., SITIE IS COVERED WITH SNOW, ICE, OR FROZEN GROUND EXISTS) SUCH INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTIED AT LEAST ONCE EVERY MONTH. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP WRITTIEN REPORTS SUMMARIZING EACH INSPECTION ONSITIE. PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION FAIRFIELD'S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH I. •••• ' . EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION: INSPECTIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE MADE BY PERSONNEL FAMILIAR WITH THE CONSTRUCTION Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting Phone: (603) 357-0116 LOADING. 9. Brickstone , ... 1 .~ ~ PROPANE TANK ~---~ FROZEN GROUND AND SHALL BE COMPLElED IN ADVANCE OF lHAW OR SPRING MELT EVENTS. 2. ALL DITCHES OR SWALES WHICH DO NOT EXHIBIT A MINIMUM OF B5" VEGETATIVE GROWTH BY OCTOBER 15TH OR WHICH ARE DISTURBED AFTIER OCTOBER 15TH, SHAUL BE STABILIZED TEMPORARILY 'MTH STONE OR EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS APPROPRIATE FOR THE DESIGN FLOW CONDITIONS. --w--s - TOP ~EW INSPECT AND MAINTAIN STONE & FILTER FABRIC AFTER 1/2" RAIN EVENT OR WEEKLY CATCH BASIN PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE GRADING CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. FABRIC TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. 2. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER, THEY SHALL BE CM:RLAPPED AT A POST BY 6 INCHES, FOLDED AND STAPLED. PLAN 3. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED />S NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN TIHE SILT FENCE. SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 5/15/15 SHEET C3 SILT FENCE DETAIL NTS ~ ---6·0--oEAS£~E SIDE SETBACK i N 9'26'3 "E 0 / 35.77 -- \_®\_ M_ -- 1_ J_ - L- - 11I - - 1- - - \ES - - I l \_- I I cc-= a 0 I ·1 JI ASPHJL PARKING BOLLAR.n f N:ll"' T oJ R ROAD A l I i - a. 0 --- -- --- -- -- 7~ CH~IN Ll~K F~NCE 0 (TYP) FF:471.3' ........_..... LOAM AND MULCH ~ ·J. . ., ~·.:· · ~ ..•.' .......·: ~ EXISTING 1 STORY STEEL FRAME BUILDING "FAIRFIELDS" [911·2§·08] 4.34-4• .Q WINC HESTER LLC ---+---- r\Hn¥- 684 Keene, NH 03431 1554-/ "·20 Zone:C L P ·:.·· .. :• -·· ; ···: --- SF " 434 Winchester St" I ~ LOAM AND MULCH -· - . ---· I I i ---SF SF - - - --- ·-. ,, m - ~ . - - - - -! - .1 i ·1 . '! I - I I _ -··_ ... - · · - · · · - .. . --.··· _ --···-···--··· ( J ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. . / \ ·;"1 M L..::~-1-1--1----1 :<.; ' r ;.\ @ ., ' . ,.•... -- ...- ...- .. "i--:-: - - - .- ...\..,--, . .-.I... -~ ~ .......... -~}919'.27"W 230:1$' •.•.•. \ .°7 .•.•.•.•. ~- •. "71~ ·-·-·-- ·-· . .- .. - · · - ... JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS \ I\ 10 ·- --···-·-·· - - - - · · '\ ·;\ .\ 1 - ' '\;, ..... - DITCH ---· '"' ~\ I .. - \.... · · - · · · · - - · · · - · · · - · · - · · · - . lfl\ SIDE SETBACK ·-· -::.:_·.~-· - · - -··-··-· -··-· ·- ·- ---SF . -··- - -··- ··- - ·- .-··- ·-··-· --· · - .. - i..-.. - ·-· -··-. \ SF - - - SF SF .. -···-··-··-· I '. -. 1- I . . "-.. .--·.. -~· REVISIONS: MAY 28, 2015 / DATE: & ADD WETLAND BUFFER LINE ADD BUFFER NOTE ADD BIKE RACK ADD 5' ADA STRIPE AND NORTH SPACE. ADDLEGEND I I I LEGEND LANDSCAPE LEGEND TYPE 0 AS GJ PO DWARF ALBERTA SPRUCE GOLD TIP JUNIPER POTENTILLA QUANTITY 4 EA 4 EA 4 EA ENGINEER: HYDRANT PLANTING SIZE MATURE HEIGHT 18"- 24• 18"- 24• 18"- 24" 4 FEET 4 FEET 3 FEET 1 112- 2• CAL<B' HEIGHT 6' \v'IDTHl I8 FEET -El- TELEPHONE POLE @ CATCH BASIN THAYER FELLOWS PE -w-s- SEWER LINE --E-- ELECTRIC, 1V, TELEPHONE --G-- GAS LINE WATER LINE COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 OWNER: EXISTING GRADE 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC. PROPOSED GRADE @.! PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING REQUIRED 49X9X18XO. 1=794 SF LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 2080 SF SLOPE PER PLAN DUMPSTER WITH 6' HIGH SOLID 434 WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 911 BLOCK 24 LOT 8 WOOD FENCE -~- LIGHT ON POLE Q PROPANE TANK --SF SILT FENCE, HAYBALES --WB - - WETLAND BUFFER PLANNER: NH DOT SEED TYPE 15 MINIMUM PURITY % KIND OF SEED CREEPING RED FESCUE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS REDTOP GERMINATION % LBS/ACRE 96 85 40 98 97 90 85 50 25 95 80 TOTAL 5 120 1. 1. PRUNE 1 /5 OF EXISTING LEAF AREA 5. WHILE RETAINING Tl-IE NAlURAL FORM. NEVER CUT LEADER. . REMOVE ALL 111RERS, NYLON ROPE, OR STRING FROM TOP QUARTER OF TREE BAUL, REMOVE TREATED BURLAP AND PLASTIC BURLAP ENTIRELY. TREE GUYS: PLACE GUYS 12D DEGREES APART. WHEN TJ-llS IS NOT POSSIBLE. TJ-IEN POSITION SHALL BE AD.AJSTED TO MAXIMIZE STABILIZATION. 111RE MUST NOT TOUCH TRUNK OF TREE , DO NOT USE TREE WRAP 3 PIECES OF 2-PLY FIBER BEARING RUBBER HOSE 111TJ-I CINCH TIE. . GROUND LINE TO BE SAME AS GROWN AT NURSERY. KEEP NAlURAL FLARE OF Tl-IE TRUNK ABOVE Tl-IE GROUND LINE. ------.... 12-14 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL 111RE ~~ -" CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP TJ-llRD OF BALL ~ 3" LA YER OF MULCH GALVANIZED lURNBUCKLE ON EACH OF Tl-IE TJ-IREE GUYS. DO NOT CUT LEADER OF EVERGREEN PLAN TS. PRUNE AND TJ-llN BRANCHES AND FOLIAGE BY 1/3 OF PLANT. DO NOT CUT ALL END TIPS. RETAIN Tl-IE NATURAL SHAPE OF TJ-IAT SPECIES. PLANT SHRUBS 2-4 INCHES HIGHER THAN Tl-IE EXISTING GROUND LINE. LOAM AND SEED DETAIL SLOPE PER PLAN 3" LAYER OF MULCH TEMPORARY SAUCER =-----~EXISTING GROUND LINE 1,,.,,,,__ _ _ _~EXISTING GROUND LINE ~ -~ .. -._..,· ( .. . ....•• ....•.:·. \." .•:·. ·: .· :·. ·..·.•:·. · : .• :·. ·. ·_;. ·: .· 1..( - - , 5 • LOAM """"""" ' · -- • 3• PROCESSED MULCH 6 " MIN 12 " MIN . NOT TO SCALE Page 43 of 68 PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION FAIRFIELD'S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH OF SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE LANDSCAPE PLAN LEAF COMPOST OR PEATMOSS AND TOPSOIL AT 2 : 1 MIX f.-....___UNDISTURBED EXISTING SUBSOIL DETAIL OF TREE PLANTING AND GUYING 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 357-0116 (llEM 641) COMPACTED TOPSOIL BACKFILL DETAIL Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting SCARIFY OR LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS. CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP TJ-llRD OF BALL 12 " MIN . Land Use Consultants, LLC NOT TO SCALE ,'f'f,.'<" ·' 1/2" X 3" X 12" WOOD FLAG PAINTED WHITE AND ATIACHED TO EACH OF TJ-IREE GUYS TEMPORARY SAUCER REMOVE ALL 111RERS, NYLON ROPE, STRING, TREATED BURLAP, AND PLASTIC BURLAP ENTIRELY. SPREAD LOAM TO SPECIFIED DEPTH AND RAKE TO REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND STDNES LARGER THAN 1 INCH. ROLL LOAM TO COMPACT, 2. SPREAD LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 80 LBS/1000 SF OF SURFACE AREA 3. FERTILIZE WITH 10-10-10 FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 20 LBS/1000 SF 4. SEED AT 2.75 LBS/1000 SF Brickstone 1. SPREAD LOAM TO SPECIFIED DEPTH AND RAKE TO REMOVE ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND STONES LARGER THAN 1 INCH. ROLL LOAM TO COMPACT. 2. SPREAD LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 80 LBS/1000 SF OF SURFACE AREA 3. FERTILIZE WITH 10-10-10 FERTILIZER AT A RATE OF 20 LBS/1000 SF 4. SPREAD MULCH IN AREAS SHOWN ON PLAN. SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 5/15/15 SHEET C4 LOAM AND MULCH DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DATE: REVISIONS: MAY 28, 2015 ADD WETI..AND BUFFER LINE ADD BUFFER NOTE ADD BIKE RACK ADD 5' ADA STRIPE AND NORTH SPACE. ADD LEGEND ASPHALT PAI/ING _.--r---1" (COMPACTED) WEARING COURSE PAV1NG (NHDOT TYPE E) E'----2• (COMP ...CTED) B"SE COURSE P"\llNG (NHDOT TYPE B) l r - - 6 " COMPACTED CRUSHED GRAVEL (ITEM 304.4) GRANITE CURB 4" COMPACTED GRAVEL -----''--+~'¥1"o' OR CRUSHED STONE 6" 3000 PSI CONCRETE i?---12" COMPACTED BANK-RUN GRAVEL (ITEM 304.2) STIFF BROOM FINISH #4 BARS 12" OC EACH WAY (2" MIN. COVER) COMPACTED SUBSOIL ----=----l COMPACTED SUBGRADE IISLOPED GRANITE CURB CONCRETE PAD DETAIL PARKING LOT DETAIL SCAUE: NOT TO SCAUE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE ALL FILL MATERIAL AND DISTURBED AREAS UNDER PAVING TO BE COMPACTED TO A MIN 95% DENSllY. CITY OF KEENE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. CONCRETE SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS 5" X LINSEED OIL FINISH CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET l'.lDE. CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" THICK. AT DRIVEWAYS, CONCRETE SIDEWALKS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 8" THICK. SUB BASE SHAUL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 12" OF CUEAN GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 953. BASE SHAUL BE A MINIMUM THICKNESS OF 6" OF CRUSHED GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95'1. SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CROSS SLOPE OF 1/4" PER FOOT. MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL GRADE SHALL BE 1: 12. MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL GRADE SHALL BE 0.5'1. CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI CLASS AA CONCRETE l'.lTH 1.5 LBS OF FORTAFIBRE PER CUBIC YARD, AS PER NHDOT SPECIFICATIONS. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE 5-9'1 AIR ENTRAINMENT. SLUMP SHALL BE BETWEEN 3" AND 5". 4 TEST CYLINDERS PER LOAD OF CONCRETE, BY CERTIFIED CONCRETE TESTER. MAXIMUM SPACING OF EXPANSION JOINTS SHAUL BE 30 FEET. CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE A UNIFORM DISTANCE APART, SPACED FIVE FEET, AND 3/4" DEEP. AUL EDGES AND JOINTS SHAUL BE FINISHED WITH A HAND EDGING TOOL. THE SURFACE OF THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE MAG-FLOATED AND TROWELED, AND GIVEN A FINE GRAINED BROOM FINISH. AS SOON AS THE CONCRETE HAS ATIAINED ITS INlllAL SET, IT SHALL BE COVERED WITH PLASTIC, BURLAP, OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL AND KEPT MOIST FOR A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS TO CURE, AND SHALL NOT BE AULOWED TO FREEZE. NO TRAFFIC SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE SIDEWALK DURING THE CURING PERIOD. AFTER THE CONCRETE HAS CURED FOR A MINIMUM OF 14 DAYS, AND AFTER IT HAS ATIAINED A DRY APPEARANCE, IT SHALL BE COATED WITH A 50-50 MIXTURE OF DOUBLE BOILED LINSEED OIL AND KEROSENE. APPLICATION SHALL BE AT A RATE OF 1 GALLON PER 40 SQ YARDS. A SECOND COAT SHALL BE APPLIED WHEN THE CONCRETE HAS REGAINED ITS DRY APPEARANCE, BUT AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER THE FIRST COAT, AT A RA TE OF 1 GALLON PER 70 SQ YARDS. .....,._.,,...~=-~~-~~/. '..< •. ., ..•. • 4" 4000 PSI CONCRETE STIFF BROOM FINISH - - - • ~ ..! •. 1.5 LBS FORTAFIBRE PER CY s" COMPACTED CRUSHED GRAVEL (ITEM 18" GRANITE CURB IF REQUIRED PER PLAN(ITEM 609.01) ASPHALT /TREATED ' 304 _ 3)--)~i.'.:::<\,:;.;::::::.~:'<'.•.;<.; .' / • FELT . -~·. .: •.4. ,I 1" (COMPACTED) WEARING COURSE PAV1NG (NHDOT TYPE E) .: j • COMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE - - ' ) ! GRADED AND COMPACTED IN 12" LIFTS (MAX) PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF GIRAVEL 00 oo •· ..·. 0 oo& .....·:· 1<---COMPACTED SUBGRADE - TO BE GRADED AND COMPACTED IN 12" LIFTS (MAX) PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF GRAVEL 2000 PSI CONCRETE BACKFIUL 1/8 • 1/8 • ' ". • ~ .. ~. ~/..4... '. :~.6... . .. . "·.. ~ ." ... . . /8 " R .. . .. . :·. •... ': .... ·: ~ .. ...... .. ". .. ... ~ •" . .' :"'.· ... :·a .. : -~. ·~ JOINT SEALER CONFORMING TO ASTM D 1850 OR FED. SPEC. SS-S-1401 Do .. . :'".· 7,.·.7,.· . :•.,. - "---.pREMOULDED EXPANSION EXPANSION JOINT JOINT FILUER CONFORMING TO ASTM D1751 OR D1752 CONJRACT!ON ,JOINT NOTE: P.E.J.F.C. SHALL BE INSTALLED AGAINST ALL EXISTING HARD SURFACES AGAINST WHICH CONCRETE WILL BE POURED. CONCRETE WALK DETAIL ENGINEER: BOLLARD DETAIL THAYER FELLOWS PE (tm!) COUNTY ROAD P. 0. BOX428 WALPOLE, NH 03608-0428 NOT TO SCALE OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL ACCEPTED SUCH AS 3• STEEL BEAMS, RAILROAD RAILS, ETC. PENDING APPROVAL BY' OWNER. RAMP SIDEWALK AT DRIVEWAYS & STREET INTERSECTIONS 1: 12 MAXIMUM. t----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------~---------------------------------------1 OWNER: 434-440 WINCHESTER LLC. PERPENDICULAR TO TRAVEL PATH CURBING 434 WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 911 BLOCK 24 LOT 8 MAX. SLOPE 1:12 MAX. CROSS-SLOPE 2% -~ / _rf ACCESSIBILITY SIGN AND VAN SIGN 5' AFG _L""NO PARKING" BITUMINOUS__/ PAVING 1/8" AWMINUM PANEL SCREEN PRINT SYMBOL ---+- Reserved 1/8" ALUMINUM PANEL Parking ----11- ~ NO PARKING PLANNER: • !P HANDICAPPED SYMBOL--+-,~ Brickstone Land Use Consultants, LLC SECTION A-A FINISH WITH SKID RESISTANT SURFACE ' ~1 · PROJECT NAME: .:.: ~ ~ ~ w a· 0 PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION 2" SQ. ALUMINUM POST FINISH AS PER SPECIFICATIONS FINISH GRADE J~gogogogogogogogo J~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1: 12 MAX. ,, ~ETECTABLE 1: 12 MAX. p~o00DoOoOo00Do00~1 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 00000000000000000 ,, 0~000000000000000 WARNING , ,, EARTH • CONCRETE FOOTING ,,,, NOTE: TACTILE WARNINGS REQUIRED ONLY FOR CURB RAMPS THAT ACCESS A VEHICULAR WAY. A 2 FOOT 'MOE STRIP CF TACTILE MA1ERIAL IS RECOMMENDED FOR ANY ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TI-IAT CONNECTS TO A HAZARDOUS AREA SUCH AS A PARKING LOT. PLAN VIEW TYPICAL ADA CURB ACCESS • - FAIRFIELD'S CADILLAC, BUICK, GMC WINCHESTER STREET KEENE, NH !" CONCRETE FOOTING NTS tA SEE PLAN -~~~-~ ~-----=-~--PA_VEM_E_N_T___,..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, BY ARMORED TILE (O.A.E.) EARTH !P VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE '----TIP-DOWN CURBING TYP 2 LONG, FULL WIDTH t 2" SQ. ALUMINUM POST FINISH AS PER SPECIFICATIONS B' FINISH GRADE 115 A - ,/ ~,. "...J Site Planning, Permitting and Development Consulting 185 Winchester Street, Keene, NH 03431 Phone: (603) 357-0116 Accessible I() FINISH l't1TH SKID RESISTANT SURFACE PERPENDIC ULAR TO TRAVEL PATH"""~ Van . 1. ACCESS ISLE SHALL HAVE A FIRM NON SLIP SURFACE 2. ACCESS ISLE AND PARKING SPACE MAX SLOPE OF 2% 3. IF ACCESSIBLE ROUTE IS LOCATED IN FRONT OF THE PARKING SPACE, WHEELSTOPS MAY BE REQUIRED TO KEEP VEHICLE OVERHANG FROM REDUCING WIDTH BELOW 36 INCHES. SITE SIGN S1 - HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN SCALE: NOT TO SCAUE SIGN S2 - NO PARKING SCAUE: NOT TO SCALE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE Page 44 of 68 SCALE: AS NOTED DATE: 5/15/15 SHEET CS Page 45 of 68 ISOMETRIC VIEW FAIRfIELDS, KEENE NH Page 46 of 68 STAFF REPORT S-03-15 Boundary Line Adjustment – 383/0 Chapman Road Request: Brickstone Land Use Consultants, LLC on behalf of owner Tim Symonds, Chapman Road Holdings, LLC, proposes a boundary line adjustment to two existing lots at 383 and 0 Chapman Road, which are both in the Rural Zoning District. The Chapman Farm, LLC parcel (TMP# 90221-011) is 71.4 acres and the Chapman Road Holdings, LLC parcel (TMP# 902-21-011.01) is 1.99 acres. Background: On September 2, 2014 the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted a variance to allow a single family dwelling and garage on an existing 2-acre lot at 0 Chapman Road. This project is proposing a boundary line adjustment to relocate the 2-acre lot 100 feet to the north. The Chapman Holdings lot which was the subject of the variance (1.99 acres) will transfer 1.23 acres to the Chapman Farm lot (currently 71.4 acres). Chapman Farm will transfer 1.24 acres back to the Chapman Road Holdings lot making it a total of 2.00 acres. Minimum frontage in the Rural Zoning District is 50 feet. The frontage of the proposed re-located 2 acre lot will be further north along Chapman Road as compared to the existing lot. The frontage distance will change from 200.92 feet (existing) to 214.1 feet (proposed). The frontage of the 71.4 acre lot will be change from one contiguous length of 200.76 feet located north of the existing 2 acre lot, to two lengths of frontage one either side of the proposed re-located 2 acre lot. The new frontage lengths for the 71.4 acre lot are: 50.28 feet (north) and 137.3 feet (south). Both of these frontage distances are adequate to serve as frontage for future subdivision of the 71.4 acre lot or to provide land area for a future public street to access the 71.4 acre lot. Completeness: The applicant has supplied two plans, existing and proposed plot plans. In addition, as this is a boundary line adjustment application and no development is proposed at this time the applicant has requested exemptions from providing Grading, Lighting, Landscaping information as well as the all of the Technical Reports. Staff recommends that the Board grant all the requested exemptions and open the public hearing for S-03-15. Departmental Comments: Code: No issues Police: No issues Fire: No new impact for KFD. Engineering: No issues Page 47 of 68 STAFF REPORT Application Analysis: With no development proposed at this time, the following is an analysis of applicable standards: 3. Hillside Protection: The applicant has indicated areas on the plan that are regulated by the Keene Hillside Protection Ordinance. However the Hillside Ordinance applies to a subdivision or site plan, not a boundary line adjustment. The applicant should be made aware that future develop of the site may be subject to the provisions of the Hillside Ordinance (Ch. 102 sec. 1400 et.seq.) 13. Driveways: The applicant states that a new driveway will be needed at a future time of development. 16. Wetlands & 17. Surface Waters: The applicant states that there are wet areas along a seasonal stream running through the area. No wetland survey has been done at this time because the Surface Water Ordinance applies to a subdivision or site plan, not a boundary line adjustment. The applicant is aware that any future development plans will be subject to the provisions of the Surface Water Ordinance (Ch. 102 Sec. 1480 et.seq.) Staff has not confirmed that the relocated frontage provides adequate and safe sight distance according the City Code. The applicant should be asked to provide information in this regard. Recommendation: A recommended motion will be provided at the meeting. Page 48 of 68 BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT Chapman Fann, LLC & Chapman Road Holdings, LLC Chapman Road Keene, NH 03431 (O)lE ®!U Wli: ~ llfil MAY 1 5 2015 ~ May 15, 2015 Narrative This application is a proposed boundary line adjustment on Chapman Road in Keene, NH. The properties are in the Rural Zone. The Chapman Farm, LLC property is 71.4 acres and the Chapman Road Holdings, LLC lot is 1.99 acres. This proposal would swap land between the two lots moving the location of the 1.99 acre lot approximately 150 feet to the north. The Chapman Road Holdings lot (1.99 acre) lot will give 1.23 acres to the Chapman Fann (71.4 acre) lot. Chapman Farm will give 1.24 acres back to the Chapman Road Holdings lot making it a total of2.00 acres. The property is bordered on the west by Chapman Road and on the other borders are rural residential properties. The 1.99 acre lot is below the zoning required lot size however a variance has been granted by the Keene Zoning Board of Adjustment to allow building on this lot. The Chapman Farm, LLC property currently contains a single family home. No additional development is proposed on this lot. The Chapman Road Holdings, LLC lot is a vacant lot. A single family home will be built on this lot in the future. Waivers Requested: Section IV.D.2.f.4 - Grading Plan - There are no proposed site changes in grading or construction. Existing contours are shown however no new grading is proposed. Section IV.D.2.f.5 -Landscaping Plan - there are no proposed changes to the site and no new landscaping is proposed for the property. Section IV.D.2.f.6 - Lighting Plan - There are no proposed changes to the site and no new lighting is proposed. Section IV.D.2.g - Technical Reports - There are no proposed changes to the site that will require a traffic study, or drainage study. Section IV.D.2.h - Visual and Architectural Details - No new buildings are proposed at this time. 1 Page 49 of 68 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: 1. Drainage. No new construction is proposed and no revisions to the on site drainage patterns are proposed. The Chapman Fann, LLC property currently contains a single family home. No additional development is proposed on this lot. The Chapman Road Holdings, LLC lot is a vacant lot. A single family home will be built on this lot in the future. 2. Sedimentation/Erosion Control. No new construction is proposed at this time. 3. Hillside Protection. A portion of the lots exceed the steep slope standards. No construction is proposed on the steep slopes. 4. Snow Stora ge and Removal. Snow storage is not required. 5. Flooding. This site is not located in the 100 year floodplain. No impacts to floodplain are proposed. 6. Landscaping. No additional landscaping is proposed for the lots. 7. Noise. This project will not generate noise in excess of city standards. 8. Screening. No on site screening is proposed. 9. Air Quality. This project will not affect air quality. 10. Lighting. No additional lighting is proposed. 11. Sewer and Water. No changes are proposed to the existing sewer and water services to the existing houses. 12. Traffic. These are both existing single family lots. No new lots are proposed so no increase in traffic will be generated by this project. 13. Driveways. 2 Page 50 of 68 No changes are proposed for the existing driveway for the Chapman Farms, LLC lot. The Chapman Road Holdings, LLC lot will require a driveway permit from the City of Keene Public Works Department. 14. Hazardous and T o:xic Materials. To the best of our knowledge, no hazardous or toxic materials exist on this property. This proposal does not create or involve any hazardous or toxic materials 15. Filling/Excavation. No :filling or excavation is proposed. 16. Wetlands. No wetlands will be impacted as part of this application. We are requesting a waiver of the requirement to do a wetland delineation on the property. The Chapman farms lot does contain wetlands however no development will occur on this property. The Chapman Road Holdings, LLC lot has a seasonal drainage way crossing the lot however it is at the bottom of a steep drop off and is outside the possible development area of the lot. All development will occur outside the 75' buffer for the drainage way. 17. Surface Waters. No surface waters will be impacted as part of this application. 18. Stump Dumps. No stump dumps will be constructed on site. 19. Architectural and Visual Appearance. No architectural plans are proposed as part ofthis boundary line adjustment. Page 51 of 68 3 CITY OF KEENE j .PLAl~NING BOARD SUBDMSION APPLICATION ! Tax-Map Parcel number(s) .'l. a...' - &-L.-11 _j._L 12- Ji .LL Q ?{_ll._& - -~..L - tlLL -1.1.L Q.Q I l I Telephone/E-mail: ;.::.. : .0.., (J Tdiephone/E-mail: ,~~~~~~~~~.;.;-~~~~~,.,-~~~~~~~~~-J Ve~fation ;.l £4 8 Parcel size ''...I · ' H~~ri:> ~ . . 1r~uiage:mert;:. 1t.t r/A rv .m Two (2)i cor t~.s of completed application fonns si;i;rn:J & dated I I $. 'I )iii T¥tO (2) copies on 8.5"' x: l t" or 11" x 17" Two (2) copies of descriptive narrative NI( .)».- Certified list of ull owners of property within 200' ' ~- Two (:LJ set : ofmwling. tab¢li>, pt> tibu.i:te' I 1lJ S.:ve11 ('/} <;1)pie;,: on "D" size a er of lans (22" x 36") >-;\/\tirnrn!~tr ntion ji!{_ Plans stamped/signed by reg. professiolial (J Three (3) copies of all technical reports )il. A check to cover the costs of legal notice to advertise -Planning Department\FC>RMS\SubdMsion\Subdivision Application.docx Page 52 of 68 ~-·· the otices out to abutters NOTICE OF DECISION September 2, 2014 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE NUMBER: Property Address: Zone: Owner: Petitioner: ZBA 14-26 0 Chapman Rd. Rural Zone Beacon Hill Realty, LLC Homer S. Bradley, Jr. You are hereby notified that the request for a Variance for property located at 0 Chapman Rd., which is in the Rural Zone and based upon the record and which is incorporated by reference has been approved by a vote of 5-0. This approval is to allow the erection of a single family dwelling and garage on a substandard lot of two acres where five acres is required per Section 102-761, Basic Zone Dimensional Requirement. Conditions: None NOTE: Any person affected has a right to appeal this Decision. If you wish to appeal, you must act within thirty- (30) days of the date of this notice. The necessary first step, before any appeal may be taken to the Courts, is to apply to the Board of Adjustment for a rehearing. The motion for rehearing must set forth all the grounds on which you will be base your appeal. See New Hampshire Statutes, RSA Chapter 677, for details. Ciry of Keene • 3 Washington Street • Keene. NH • 03431 • Page 53 of 68 Working Toward a Sustainable Communlry I I \ 'I ( I I < I I I ' I 'I < \ \ I I l I I \I I \ ' I I I I \ I I I I I I \ \ \ '\ \ \ I I I I I I I \ I I I I '\ \ I I I \ \ \ I I I I I I \ \ $ I \ \ \ I I I I I // <' ; /I I I I I I I / I ' I I I I I I I I I I I \ \ \ I \ I I I ' I I 'I I \ \ I I I \ ' \ \ \ I \ I I \ I \ \ \ \ I X 8795 '\ \ \ ' I I I I I ' I ' I I r' I '' I I I I I / I I I 22 10 160000 / / 1 \ \ \ \ I I ( \ 'I '\ I 1 '\ MAP~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ '\ \ ~ x\.!189,\ 4 I I \ \ \ \ I \ '\ \ \ I I \ SI TE I I I '\ 896 J \ '\ I '\ \ I \ I I '\ \ \ \ \ I ' \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ \ I \ I I I I \ I 'I \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ \ \ \, x 895 0 \ I I I I I \ I j ' '\ I \ I I \ '\ \ I I \ '\ '\ I I I I \ ROXBUR Y Ro \ \ I \ I I \ I I I I I '1 \ \ 'I I 'I \ 1 \ \ ' \ 1 I I I \ 1 \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ \ \ I I I I I ' \' ' I \ I I x 'I \ \ I '\ \I \' DATE REVI SIONS I I \ ' \\ I I I ' I \ I I \ I I I I I < 1 I I I x 879~ I I I I I \ I \ I \ l \ \ I I \ I I I I I I I I ' I I / I \ I I '\ f I I \ \ I I I ! 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I \\ I -,1 l '- 0 By SCD,LE 1 '=100' DATE 5/15/15 SHEET 1 OF 1 I I / I I ( / I \ Page 54 of 68 I \ I I I ~ OVERALL EXIST/ING CONO TI ONS PLAN 7"=200' 'I ' JOHN LEVERETT REV TRUST £LOIS£ PHELPS CLARK REV TRUST ii 85 ROXBURY RD. KEEHO, NH 03431 TAX MAP 902-21-2 •J I 1oBO' FIELD t:;- RoxsuRv t?o \ Fi'ELD -1 ---------OHW'Gb--------OHW- I I --------OHW 583/4/16028 583/3 I WOODED ~LOCATION TAX MA P 902-21-11 \ CHAPMAN FARM, LLC TAX MAP 902-21-11 71.4 ACR ES + ·1.23 ACRES - 1.24 ACRES WOODED 71.4 ACRES± 71.39 ACRES± \ FRONTAGE 200.76' MAP~ FRONTPGE 201 .67' \ \ N 0 ~ PROPERTY LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OLD PROPERTY UNE BUILDING SETBACKS 0 IRON PIN FOUND 5/8" ¢ IRON ROD SET STONE WALL so· UTILITY POLE OVERHEAD 111RE 1 . - - - - - - - UGE-- -··-. CHAPMAN ROAD HOLDINGS, LLC. TAX MAP 902-21-11.01 • ., ;/ FRONTAGE 200.92' ii: CLAIR E ABEL AM££ L. ABEL 341 CHA,0 A1A/li' RD. - - ---r- - - - - 201 76 2oo.9;- · KEENE, fllH 03437 TAX MAP 902-21-21 BROOK -· -· 1.99 ACRES± ,..,o;"' UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SHRUB CAROL L. WHITE. 2 AV01V ST CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 TAX MAP 902-21 - 22 & 23 ~- C!-/APMAN ROAD ~- ~CERT/FICA T!ON~ THE SUBDIVl~ON REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF KEENE, N.H. AAE A PAAT OF THIS PLAT. AND APPROVAL OF THIS PLAT IS COM PLETION OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SAID SUBDIVISION EXCEPTING ONLY ANY VARIANCES OR MODIFICATIONS MADE IN BY THE BOARD AND ATIACHED HERETO, TOGETHER -111TH THE APPROVED BY THE KEENE PLANNING BOARD ON-- CON TINGENT ON REGULATIONS WRITJNG FOLL0\\1NG INFORMATION. ----- GISSELLE. A. LASCA LA REVOCABLE. TRUST t 363 CHAPMAN RD. KEENE, NH 03431 TAX MAP 902 - 21 - 4 w~.~~. ~,~@ CERTIFIED BY C H A I R M A N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AND SECRETARY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By GRAPHIC SCALE o ~ ~NOTES is ~ ,_____.--._...... -1-1--1~~~~~~-~~b ~, ( IN FEET ) 1. METHOD OF SURVEY: NIKON DTM-520 TOTAL STATION. 1 inch - 2. BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO REFERENCE PLAN B. WOODED I IN TENDED TO BE USED BY ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL OR BUSINESS WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF SAID PARTIES AND DIBERNARDO ASSOCIATES, LLC. I' ' / A. PLAN ENTITLED "PLAT OF LOTS OWNED BY RICHARD R. & DONNA 8. ALLARD KEENE, NEW HAMPSHIRE" PREPAIRED BY R. K. PIPER IN MAY OF 1975. RECORDED IN PLAN BOOK 38 AT PAGE 19 ON DECEMBER 21, 1976. ., " Page 55 of 68 ./ CHAPMAN RD -- -- CHESHIRE COUNTY -==@::D- , Lee VT~ llct:NSED LANO NH suR"'-'oRS P.O. BOX 52 BEILOliS FALLS, VT 05101 802-463-3031 - 803-358-M09 ,/ .. DATE / JANUARY 14, 2015 DRAWN BY © COPYRIGHT 2015 DIBERNARDO ASSOCIATES, LLC. I I LL TAX MAP 902-21-11.01 ocl'J1/\RD0 ASSOC/ATfs DEEDS~ C. CHAP!v!All/ F?OAO i-fOLD!/VGS, viv<- B. PLAN ENTITJLED LAND OF RICHARD R. & DONNA B. ALLARD KEENE, NEW HAMPSH IRE" PREPAIRED BY ROY K. PIPER REVISED IN APRIL OF 1972. RECORDED IN PLAN BOOK 23 AT PAGE 8. 2. DEED FROM BEACON HILL REALTY, LLC TO CHAPMAN ROAD HOLDINGS LLC. RECORDED IN BOOK 2891 AT PAGE 1182 ON DECEMBER 31, 2014 . / I L. ~ TAX MAP 902-21-11 & ' PLAN S ~ 1. DEED FROM BEACON HILL REAL TY, LLC TO CHAPMAN FARM, LLC. RECORDED IN BOOK 2873 AT PAGE 496 ON JUNE 30, 2014. It. Ci-f APM/'1/V FA.Riv!, 4. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED FOR THE SOLE USE OF CHAPMAN FARM, LLC AND IS NOT RECORDED AT CHESHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS 30 PLAN SH0\\1NG BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTJMENT BETWEEN PROPERTIES OF 3. DIBERNARDO ASSOCIATES IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS PREPARED BY OTHER PERSONS FOR CONVEYANCE OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON. ~REFERENCE im ~ JW SURVEYED BY DWG.NO, 3044-1 SCALE CK'D BY JW. JD, BG 1"-30' JAD KEENE, NH C. C UCR,t.!.L ZJlf.~fkN(; l'X.Wt1,i10NS ~ tE'-£/tCTT lfCV. '1t\IST PU.I'.' 1vzoo· nmc~s~~~ ~r ~-"" ~~,,, ";J"'"--r·# ,_,~-=--=----:.-::.-.-:.-:..,._=~~~£ I ->·-- I - ------ ----:t"..l-~Ull:"..: ~- • · r;CR T l f' .'C," ,f, T-/OIJ ... . . ..,. . -SAll:f'ftOl:•t«.Uftl:llGlll' .. ~~:::'~~::.~~- - I » #l:ID°'~~-·""'°4m .000. 10CtMt' ~ 1IC ~ ..,_'°' ~ " l r ~ ! J : a ~ •T ""-...., """" _ _ _ _ _ __ GRAPHIC SCALE .... No rfs•.~•!l,Jll\C'l'. ~ID1llf-4 tat0t•11 ~-. t. ~-~ lO~ • 1-.r...LJ-i •:ran ,_ ...... t .......... ~ ...r:xi.>mlSMlf ~l-.-0.fW' ta:.IP'°"'"°' ......... :'f..r ............ -~ ""'Cll~fQl.CD""'lT.a '"=r::=~:a=I£~~-~~~~rl- CHAPMAN i-ARM. LLC. ,..,._~-:ti-1: Cl iAPMAN ROAD HOLDINGS, ii C. ~ ... -Rr r t~CN ~ [ P!A hS- ,,...~IJllOR.O.....,fS~~.,.~ --· QCMl,l--.0.- !Ul«.~ ......... , _ , . . . " "" .. -•U1't1' 1m. KOCllll:ClllANO . . . JI AT....OC •Cli~ M, 1tlL 8 . ......HIM!Ut!Vl!Ctl~Llll~9.~..,,._ICW ~~,.,.ARDWT',.,,...ll.nOtflt\t.lfllJlll>ON.IJl,SJ2. r:(CXllQJJ"f'Ul'lllllOICl.JATNlllL -~cr c RCNC F. _,. 0£CDS- •r ~o:ucn'~OI' DOM 1.fllJ,.OI WIOJll•l -.i.l.W,U.ClO-,llMl. UC.M'.~ 119(<ill ~fJ> A- ..111%-C..A.W:.lll.1DU. ~. ~rtow lCllC(:tj f&l.lllM.n".WI IO~llCl..:l~W:. ~ .. ---~ U'°lllCll 11C dlfDr'Clllmlit.>I, .... Page 56 of 68 - · lt-tlAll STAFF REPORT S-02-15 Subdivision – 391 Old Walpole Road Request: Wendy Pelletier, PLLC, on behalf of owner David Williams, proposes the subdivision of an existing 2.78 acre lot at 391 Old Walpole Road, which is in the Rural Zoning District. The two lots after adjustment would be 1.29 and 1.16 acres respectively, which is allowed by a second Zoning Board of Adjustment approval, dated June 1, 2015. This approval included a condition that both of the lots remain residential. The current parcel is listed as TMP# 919-07-028. Background: The existing 2.78 acre parcel is located at 391 Hurricane Road, with a house and large garage on site. The proposal would create two new lots, with the adjustment leaving the existing house on a 1.29 acre lot and the existing garage on a separate 1.16 acre lot. A driveway and small car shed exist along one of the proposed new boundary lines; the applicant has indicated both the shed and the driveway will be relocated accordingly. The applicant is remodeling the garage into a single family home. They have state approval to install a septic field and then they will sell the new lot as a residence. Both sites will be served by on-site water and sewer. Completeness: The applicant has supplied plan sets of existing and proposed plat of survey. In addition, as this is a subdivision application and no development is proposed at this time, the applicant has requested exemptions from providing Grading, Lighting, and Landscaping Plans. Staff recommends that the Board grant all exemptions and open the public hearing for S-02-15. Departmental Comments: Code: No issues Police: No issues Fire: No new impact for KFD. Engineering: Minimum 15” culvert required for driveway at ditch line at street Verify proposed driveway width at street and at parcel line; no drainage is to be allowed from driveway onto street right of way. Driveway is not to block gutter flow in street. Excavation at street will require City Council approval upon approval of subdivision An issuance of address must be requested from engineering division of Public Works department. Page 57 of 68 STAFF REPORT Additional Comments from Planning: The applicant was asked to submit revised plans showing the wetland areas of the site as well as precautionary and prohibitive slopes as designated by the Keene Hillside Protection Ordinance. Because this is a subdivision of land on an existing City street and no new roads or other development is proposed, the applicant has not submitted a drainage report. Unless required by the Board, a drainage report would not typically be required when building permits are sought for the proposed lots. The comment from the Engineering Division raises the question of whether a drainage study should be submitted now or in the future when lots are developed. In a similar situation, the Board required that a drainage report be submitted prior to a building permit for a new lot on Marshall Street. In that case, the abutters to the subdivision testified at the public hearing that new development on that lot would worsen an existing drainage problem. As it relates to this application, staff is not aware of specific drainage issues, other than the general comment raised by Engineering. If the public hearing reveals a drainage problem then the Board should consider requiring a drainage report prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed lots. A previous comment from Code Enforcement concerning a “driveway issue” refered to zoning standards that do not allow parking to be within three feet of a side setback on a property. The revised plans submitted by the applicant moved parking to an acceptable location and the applicant is aware of this issue going forward with driveway applications. Application Analysis: With no development proposed at this time, the following is an analysis of applicable standards: 3. Hillside Protection: The applicant has indicated areas on the plan that are regulated by the Keene Hillside Protection Ordinance. However, per III.C.6(b)(3) this subdivision in the Rural zoning district, does not trigger its requirements due to the size of the original parcel, less than ten acres. Other hillside protections will become relevant should a future project propose to disturb more than 20,000 Sq. Ft. of qualifying slopes. 5. Flooding: The existing parcel is not in the 100-Year FEMA Floodplain. 13. Driveways: Two driveway permits, one for each new parcel created were submitted at the time of this application. These will be reviewed administratively upon subdivision approval. 16. Wetlands & 17. Surface Waters: The wetland portion of the site were delineated by a NH certified wetland scientist in August 2013 and clearly indicated on the plan. The applicant is aware that this wetland is subject to the Surface Water Protection Ordinance. Page 58 of 68 STAFF REPORT Recommendation: If the Board is inclined to approve the application, the following motion is recommended: Approve S-11-13, as shown on the plan identified as “2-Lot Subdivision, Map 162-01-004,” dated August 28, 2013 and revised October 17, 2013, prepared by Wendy Pelletier, Surveyor, at a scale of 1” = 40’with the following conditions: 1. Prior to signature by Planning Board Chair, a revised, proposed subdivision plan showing: A. The information or a note on the plan pertaining to the request by the Engineering Department: o Minimum 15” culvert required for driveway at ditch line at street o Verify proposed driveway width at street and at parcel line; no drainage is to be allowed from driveway onto street right of way. o Driveway is not to block gutter flow in street. o Excavation at street will require City Council approval upon approval of subdivision o An issuance of address must be requested from engineering division of Public Works department. B. A revised ZBA meeting/approval date shown on the plan. Page 59 of 68 Project Narrative Map 919070280000 Prepared by: Wendy Pelletier, PLLC David & Dawne Williams 391 Old Walpole Road Keene, NH 03431 Proposed 2 Lot Subdivision Map 919070280000 is a 2.78 Acre lot on Old Walpole Road, with an existing house and garage. The proposed project is to subdivide this lot into 2 residential building lots. The existing home will be on a lot of 1.29 acres. The existing garage will be on the second lot of 1.49 ac. The garage is going to be converted to a single family dwelling. ZBA approval was received in December 2014. State approval for a septic system on lot 2 has been received. We are awaiting state subdivision approval for the lots. This is a subdivision of land with existing buildings and no houses are proposed at this time. Therefore there is no proposed grading, drainage or landscaping plans. We request exemptions for these requirements. ~LE~[EOWrEm! w APR 1 7 2015 By Page 60 of 68 ~ CITY OF KEENE I PLANNING BOARD SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date Received/Date of S ubmiss1on Project Name TVIJCl C... OT S LI IBDi \t ~Sicf-1 _M__..~_P_9_..·_1 q.._.o.._·7...0' -2-_e_0<_._'.>o---"c._ _ ____. Date of pre-apphcatmn meeting: Tax Map Parcel number(s) ::'i.L9- - ..Q_L_- CJ Z..~ · .Q_Q_~g_ Date Apphcationis Complete· Planning Qepiµ-trnent Fi.le Project Address: OL...b W~Po~ 3"'.)j L8=1.:.Y===:::=:::::=:;:=:::;::J #:5..,,.-Qd-:lS- Name: IZ-0 t:: ~~12 ~ O Address: 0 ~ 1 01.... 0 Telephone/E-mail: w3 3SS-'7 118 Acreage/S .F. of Parcel:2 • '78 ~ - - - - Zoning District: c ST. Telephone/E-mail: ltio3 Z,c.•9 - J 9 r iCJ( Sc;'.> /, Descriptive Narrative Including !:irType of development 1.J Sedimentation Control I-')t>- r:al Scope/scale of development ~oposed uses 0 Vegetation H/P< i:Y'Parcel size Gl"Location of access points 1.J Debris management l.J Any other descriptive information l.J Dis osal N-/1>- o Proposed stormwater, drainage & erosion plan t-r/i> proposal~ttr' boulders, stumps & debris A complete application must include the following [3" Two (2) copies of completed application forms signed & dated ~!ans stamped/signed by reg. professional rJ Two (2) copies of descriptive narrative ~wo (2) copies on 8.5'' x 11" or 11" x 17" r:i i:J Three (3) copies of all technical reports t-4/P. Certified list of all owners of property within 200' ~Two (2) sets of mailing labels, per abutter ~Seven (7) copies on "D" size paper of plans (22" x 36") 0 A check to cover the costs of legal notice to advertise K:\Administration · Planning Department\FORMS\Subdivision\Subdivision Application.docx Page 61 of 68 the public hearing, mailing notices out to abutters 1.26.2015 NOTICE OF DECISION June 1, 2015 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE NUMBER: Property Address: Zone: Owner: Petitioner: ZBA 15-08 391 Old Walpole Rd. Rural Zone David and Dawne Williams David and Dawne Williams You are hereby notified that the request for a Variance for property located at 391 Old Walpole Rd., which is in the Rural Zone and based upon the record and which is incorporated by reference has been approved by a vote of 4-0. Tiris approval is to be permitted subdivision of a 2. 78 acre of land into two lots of 1.29 acres and 1.16 acres of land. It should be noted that .33 acres of land is subtracted from a 1.49 acre lot, in accordance with the Surface Water Protection Ordinance, resulting in a 1.16 acre lot per Table 102-791 Basic Zone Dimensional Requirements of the Zoning Code. Previous approval was for 1.2 acre and a 1.6 acre lot. Conditions: 1. That both of the lots remain residential in accordance with the Zoning Ordinances. NOTE: Any person affected has a right to appeal this Decision. If you wish to appeal, you must act within thirty-(30) days of the date of this notice. The necessary first step, before any appeal may be taken to the Courts, is to apply to the Board of Adjustment for a rehearing. The motion for rehearing must set forth all the grounds on which you will be base your appeal. See New Hampshire Statutes, RSA Chapter 677, for details. rm ~ @fE a \YI fE ~ lJl] City of Keene • 3 W<ishington Street • Keene. NH • 03431 • us Page 62 of 68 Working Toward a Sustainable Communi~ JUN 0 9 2015 ~I Page 63 of 68 MAP 91saazoJooooo MARY V. GREGOR PO BOX 266 KffNE, NH OJ4J1 VOL. 1568 PG. J86 MAGNETIC 2015. MAP 92QQZQJZOOOO MONADNOCK WALDORF SCHOOL 98 SOUTH LINCOLN ST. KITNE, NH 03431 VOL 1401 PG. 755 2"' PIPE. 1.1' A.G. \ \ \ "-.. 120 / 56,344. 7 S.F. 1.29 AC. -- ==== -- ----.. Mt\P 91$1070280000 I I - ·- I \ 8 LOCUS MAP NOT TO SCALE \ \ \ I NOTES EX. "A\IED ORM: \ \ \ MAP 91908Q11QQQO ELLEN HAYES J82 OLD WALPOLE ROAD KEENE, NH 03431 VOL. 25J9 PG. 257 L \ \ SET-"'- 5_85'02'77• BJ.04• J \; - -......... c J - 2. DEED REFERENCE FOR MAP 919-7-28 IS VOL. 2247 PG. 2J4, DAVID A. AND DAWNE M. WILLIAMS. \srr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,2015 \ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RSA 674. I I I 1/2• DIA. PIPE 7.5' Al.G. THE CITY OF KEENE PLANNING BOARD - - I BY - - - - - - - - - - - - , C H A I R M A N 5. THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A STANDARD URBAN SURVEY WERE MET OR EXCEEDED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS PLAT. -t~::_:::---::-----:-.,....:::.:::::.:.:.:~~ c-,~=OC\:) 'j • D/A. PIPE. \ \j / \) MAP 919QZQZ!ODDQ 6. NO PORTION OF THIS LOT IS IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA. 1.0' A.G._ WITH 1• DIA.••~111:..ts PIPf: 7. £L£VATIONS ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED DATUM. B. RIGHT OF WAY OF OLD WALPOLE ROAD IS 4 RODS WIDES PER THE I I WILLIAM MCCOLLOCH & WENDY WOODLAND 720 NORTH FARRAGUT ST. PORTLAND. OR 9 7217 VOL. 2647 PG. 281 J. LOT NUMBERS REFER TO THE CITY OF KEENE PROPERTY MAPS. 4. CURRENT ZONING IS RURAL: 1 1 MINIMUM LOT AREA - 5 ACRES MIN. LOT WIDTH AT BUILDING LINE - 2001 FEET SETBACKS: \ FRONT - 50 FEET · SIDE/REAR - 50 FEET APPROVED AS A SUBDIVISION I I 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SUBDIVIDE MAP 919070280000 INTO TWO R£SIDENTIAL BUILDING LOTS. 18J6 LAYOUT RECORDED IN TH£ K££N£ HIGHWAY RECORDS VOL. 1 I PAGE J7. I I I I wrnANDS WE.RE DE.UNEATED IN APRIL 2015 8Y SHARON MONAHAN, CWS 227, ACCORDING TO THE REGIONAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE CORPS OF' ENGINEERS WETLAND DE.UNCATION MANUAL: NORTHCE.NTIW.. llORTHEASf' REGION (VERSION 2), ERDC/EL TR-12-1 9. THE PROPOSED DRIVEWAY WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY DRIVEWAY STANDARDS. A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CITY ENGINEERING DMSION SHALL BE CONTACTED 48 HOURS MINIMUM IN ADVANCE TO INSPECT THE DRIVEWAY. 10. ISDS APPROVAL NO. ECA20150J2J12 11. STATE SUBDIVISION APPROVAL NO. ESA2015042002. 12. ZBA APPROVAL CASE NUMBER 14-J2 VARIANCE FOR LOT SIZE GRANTED DECEMBER 1, 2014• .MAP 919070260000 1J. WETLANDS WERE DELINEATED BY SHARON MONAHAN, J CENTRAL STREET. PETERBOROUGH, NH OJ458, (60J) 924-8774. ROBERT T. & BARBARA M. CASNA 429 OLD WALPOLE ROAD KEENE, NH OJ4J1 VOL. 7901 PG. 255 PLAN REFERENCE 1) PLAN ENTITLED: "MAP 919 SECTION 07 LOT JO, BOUNDARY SURVEY, OLD WALPOLE ROAD, KEENE, NH, LAND OF MARY V. GREGOR, 40J OLD WALPOLE ROAD, KEENE. NH 03431 "; PREPARED BY: TF MORAN INC.; DATED: SEPTEMBER 20, 1996; SCALE: 1"=20'; RECORDED AT C.C.R.D CABINET 12 DR 2 #17. DATE I HEREBY CEJmFY THAT THIS PLAT IS BASED ON AN AC7!ML AEJ..D SURVEY HAVING A It/AX/MUii ERROR OF CLOSURE OF 1 PART IN 10,000. 2) PLAN ENTITLED: "PHYSICAL EVIDENCE SURVEY OF THE MOSES LAND, KEENc, NCW HAMPSHIRE"; PRf:PARED BY: JOHN C. CALHOUN, JR., RLS 131; DATED: 9/9/76; SCALE: 1"=30'; RECORDED AT C.C.R.D. PLAN BOOK J7 PAGE 64. 3.) PLAN ENTITLED: "BOUNDARY PLAT MAP 919-7-28 J91 OLD WALPOLE ROAD, KEENE, NH OJ4JI "; PREPARED BY: WENDY S. GANIO, LLS; DATED: MAY 20, 2010; SCALE: 1·-so'; RECORDED AT C.CR.D. CAB. 13-6-174. 5 7 15 No. \ Doto --- PIPE/PIN F'OUND • - DRILL HOLE SET A.G. - ABO\IE GRADE ~ - REBAR FOUND/sET - STONE WALL - UTILITY POLE Page 64 of 68 By TWO LOT SUBDIVISION MAP 919070280000 391 OLD WALPOLE ROAD KEENE, NH 03431 DATE LEGEND - Revision WP 00 By -s - ll · iS 0 ADDEO WETLANDS, CHANGED SCALE ru [E [lli [E a IYl [E m' GRAPHIC SCALE --1----1 60 1/2" REB<\R I.~· A.G. 120 IT IS HEREBY CERnFIE:D THAT I DAVIO WILLIAMS AAI THE OWNER OF TAX MAP 9 ! 9070280000 WITNESS THE DEED RECORDED IN CHESHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS VOL. 2247 PG. 234, AS DEPICTED HEREON, AND APPROVE OF THIS SU/3DIV1510N. Date: JANUARY 22. 2015 Prepared Far: ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 fl Scale: 1 "=30' DAVID & DAWNE WILLIAMS 391 OLD WALPOLE ROAD KEENE, NH 03431 WENDY PELLETIER, PLLC DAVID WILLIAMS Keene, New Hampshire 03431 Tel. (603) 209-1989 DAT£ Job No.: 194 F.Sd MAY 1 1 2015 ~ STAFF REPORT Driveway Permit at 0 Summit Road Request: Applicant Rob Hitchcock of SVE Associates on behalf of owner C&S Wholesale Grocers requests a driveway permit for a bus stop and one-way turn around to be located at 0 Summit Road. The site is 21.1 acres and located in the Corporate Park and Low Density Zoning Districts. (TMP 918-10-013.0200) Background: The applicant requests a driveway permit for two curb cuts at 0 Summit Road, directly adjacent to the Keene YMCA. The site is owned by C&S Wholesale Grocers and is located in the both the Corporate Park and Low Density Zoning district as the boundary between districts runs through the property. At this time there is no development on the site. Since City staff only has the ability to administratively approve driveways used for residential properties, the applicant was instructed to apply for a driveway permit. There is no exception requested from the rules as there is no existing development on the site and this would be the only access drive located on site. There are no sidewalks in this area of the City, so there are no concerns that this drive would disrupt pedestrian walkways. Standards call for openings to be no wider than 25 feet, and both curb cuts are seen on the plan as being less than 20 feet wide. The photo below shows the approximate location of the new bus stop and turn out, which will feature a one-way turn around solely for the use of the City Express public bus system. “Do Not Enter” and “City Express Bus Use Only” signs will be placed in appropriate locations as indicated on the plan. The Engineering department’s feedback stated that the proposed driveway should neither obstruct nor add to existing street drainage, which will be included as a condition of approval. Page 65 of 68 STAFF REPORT Application Analysis: Normally, applications for driveway permits are associated with a request for an exception to the standards, or are associated with a site plan or subdivision review and approval. In this case, the proposed project is on an undeveloped site and the project does not rise to the level of site plan review, therefore the applicant is requesting simply a driveway permit approval. The design of the driveway meets all standards related to drainage, width, location, and slope, and a provides a safe sight distance in both directions. It will be located in between two telephone poles, posing no threat to overhead utilities. This location is offset from the existing driveway accessing the C&S-owned site across the street, which does not serve many vehicles on a weekly basis as it only provides access to the community gardens located there. The design connects the existing sidewalk to the new bus stop, providing safe access to the stop for pedestrians. Therefore the Board must determine whether this application meets the intent of the Driveway Standards (below are relevant standards seen in the City Code of Ordinances sec. 70-135 Driveway Permit and Standards). A driveway permit must be obtained from the city prior to the construction or alteration (which changes grade, length or width) of any driveway, entrance, exit or approach within the right-of-way of any city street except when the driveway or its alteration is approved as part of a subdivision or site plan by the city planning board. It is the intent of these standards to: (1)Promote the safe passage of bicycles, pedestrians and vehicles; (2)Locate driveways so as to ensure adequate sight distances; (3)Avoid disruption of existing drainage systems; (4)Ensure that drainage from new driveways is properly channeled; (5)Avoid the creation of hazardous traffic conditions; (6)Ensure that city sidewalks are preserved; and (7)Ensure that roadways and intersections are not overly burdened by improperly located or excessive numbers of driveways. Recommendation for Application: If the Board is inclined to approve this application, the following motion is recommended: Approve a driveway permit for 0 Summit Road, as seen on the plan titled “BUS STOP, KEENE FAMILY YMCA” prepared by SVE Associates at a scale of 1” = 60’, dated October 17, 2014 with following condition: 1) Driveway design shall not direct stormwater flow nor disrupt existing drainage in the city right of way on Summit Road. Page 66 of 68 $50.00 fee required, check payable to the City of Keene 115/88 Citv of Keene New Hampshire Date: 3/6/15 Location of Proposed Driveway; summit Road (Street Address) Tax map # 9181oo13 02 OO (attach map showing Description of Proposed Action: Construct City bus turn (attach diagram location) around (one-way) + bus stop for use on west end ahowingdimensions .of Keene wbe~e there are no existing sidewalks anddra~ag~ There is a clear line of site here. Name of Owner: Address: Daytime Phone: C&S Wholesale Grocers I Inc. Attn: Noel Spear 7 Corporate Drive. Keene, NH 03431 --=3....::;5-=4'"""-...... 7....::;3"""'o"""'s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ For City Use Only: Reviewed by City Engineer: Date:_____ Signed:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Denied._____ Approved______ Approved w/conditions_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Culvert required under driveway. No drainage is to be allowed from the driveway onto the City of Keene right of way. Driveway not to block gutter flow in street. Other: ----------------------------- Planning Board Approval Date 2 Page 67 of 68 2 4 20' 2" BITl/NINOl.IS ASPHAJ. T PA 119/ENT; 7"1P£' E \ lBM::2 BONNET BOLT 520.46' \ BEN atMARK l. TBM 901 BOLT ELEV-520.47' ~'1A!Slo•n- ~~J& ,Wt.T i'al):h_ STOP BMIS r fllOll Ml. EDClf;'S. "CITY£XPR£;S.Bps~ !-.~ .. '' .2 1/2 SI.\ 0 ~· CRU51IDJ QfAIQ. 'L}l/IDOf 11DI .1)(.1 ~"Q64111 · ~r 11EJI .JOI.I ~ :r; CONCRETE PAD SECTION NOT TO SCALE '.· ~ Q. ..,.. "' ;i!; N !!l 0 N q:. s t..... "' ~ 7' x 12' COVERED ,.; BUS STOP HfTH 12' x 16' CONCRETE PAV. :'.. - ... -- - -- - INV: 5\;f36 ·- - •. • _ -- 15"HDPE ·- .- ·- .. / -. ' \ SVE Associates 47 Marlboro St., Keene, NH Phone (603) 355-1532 Page 68 of 68 03431 Fax (603) 355-2969 ' /. BUS STOP KEENE FAMILY YMCA, KEENE, 10/17/2014 1· - eo· NH K1755B I ~