11`$`#"1 - The Monadnock Shopper News
11`$`#"1 - The Monadnock Shopper News
Say You Saw it in The Monadnock Shopper News, November 2 – November 8, 2016 50% OFF entertainment YOUR STUDIO FEE with this ad and dining The Surry Players Perform The Red Velvet Cake War A RETROSPECTIVE RS E EXHIBIT & SALE OW OF TWO H WOMEN BR W ATERCOLORISTS I DA L S ES I T R UT PAT O H T BIR T H DAY IG G I R L N IG H N S N Terry Howard FA M I LY F U 5 NICK’S RESTAURANT $ Seafood and Steaks Serving Thanksgiving 11:30Am - 3:00Pm The Surry Players will perform the Southern comedy, The Red Velvet Cake War, by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten at the Surry Town Hall on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, November 4th, 5th, 6th, and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 10th, 11th, and 12th. Shows are at 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.),with the exception of the Sunday, November 6th show at 1 p.m. (door opens at noon). The Verdeen cousins try to hold a family reunion on the hottest day of July smack dab in the middle of Texas tornado season. Gaynelle (Robyn Lucius) “accidentally” crashed her minivan through her husband’s girlfriend’s doublewide, and she’s one frazzled nerve away from a meltdown. Sexpot Peaches (Donna Moxley), the number one mortuary cosmetologist in the tri-county area, is struggling to decide if it’s time to have her long-absent trucker husband declared dead. And rough-around-the-edges Whatley’s Western Wear manager Jimmie Wyvette (Sarah MacDonald) is resorting to extreme measures to outmaneuver a priss-pot neighbor (Sharon Iozzo) for the affections of Sweetgum’s newest widower. The girls’ antics have long delighted local gossips, and the eyes of Texas are upon them, as self-righteous Aunt LaMerle (Pat Jackson) loves to point out. The cousins face a parade of eccentric relatives, Gaynelle’s court-appointed psychologist (Paige Conroy), and a love-sick one-eyed delivery man (Andy Dubois). As this fast-paced romp barrels toward its uproarious climax, a high-stakes wager is made on who bakes the best red velvet cake. Directed by Todd Bissell, the cast also includes Pete Bissell, Mona Anderson, Zach Benton, Meg Kupiec, and Jody Mooney. For more details or to reserve a ticket ($10), call 603-352-8321. Every Fri. & Sat. Night PrimE rib Expires 11/30/16 603-355-2500 140 Monadnock Highway glazyforyou.com Swanzey NH 03446 [email protected] Opening Friday, November 4 • 4-7pm Exhibit can be seen through mid-December Historical Society of Cheshire County 246 Main Street, Keene, NH Rehearsing for the upcoming Surry Players’ performances of The Red Velvet Cake War are (L to R): Sarah MacDonald, Robyn Lucius, and Donna Moxley. 25 off speCIaLs Make Your Reservations! wITH THIs ad One coupon per table per visit Open Tues.-Sat. 4-9, Sun. 11:30-8, Closed Mon. 626 W. Swanzey Rd. (Rte. 10) • W. Swanzey, NH 352-6664 • nicksseafoodandsteak.com Now opeN MoNdays! 22 Main St. Keene • 603.903.1410 fireworksrestaurant.net Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards Readers’ Choice Awards 82 Main St. Keene NH 16 Main St. Northhampton MA 603-355-3993 • www.localkeene.com 586-5857 • www.localnorthamptom.com Readers’ Choice Awards SUN-THURS 11:30AM– 9PM; SUN-THURS 11:30AM–10PM; LATE NIGHT DINING FRI-SAT 11:30AM– 2AM FRI-SAT 11:30AM–3AM HAMBURGERS FRENCH FRIES HOT DOGS Cheshire County Shooting Sports Education Foundation Now through November 7th, drop by Keene Poker Room at 222 West Street. All charitable proceeds will go toward CCSSEF’s indoor range project! JUNIOR RIFLE TEAM - TUESDAYS IN PETERBOROUGH OPEN ENROLLMENT: Sat. 10 am M, T, W, F 9 am-1 pm Take a Tour! 19 Ferry Brook Rd., Keene www.ccssef.org•603-352-8563 Blow Your own PumPkins ! Many Dates Available Call to Schedule Your Time! 79 Hadley Road, Jaffrey • 603.593.5073 www.terrapinglass.com • Open Wed-Sun 9-4 SHOP LOCAL YOUR LOCAL SHOOTING SPORTS COMMUNITY 2017 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS ARE UNDERWAY Local First ay Bag D a z n a g a v a r t x E Shopping e! at each stor e item th 20% OFF on 5 . v o ,N Saturday cipating merchant: ur bag Pick up yo at a parti M Mooee nn w w a a P P & & w weellrryy SSyynneerrggyy rrttuunnee JJee rrkkeettppllaaccee oo G Goooodd FFoo m Maa M MooddaaSSuu rriimeess M G G g g h h n n a a ti ti n n n n in in ooll rr H Haa TTooaaddssttoo SSccrreeeenn PP pp s s e e e e T T e e BBeeeezz CCoo--oo Woorrkkss TThhee W oocckk FFoooodd iiooss n n d d a a n n o o M M Upp!! TTuurrnn IItt U ooggaa SSttuudd Y Y g g n n i i l l r r S Soo SSttee & SSppoorrtt M Maakkee IItt rr ooee & g g TTeedd’’ss SShh O rr ee Maaiinn LLooccaall BBuu eett ’’ss Onn M a a d d n n a a r r i i M M wee Sw LLiiffee IIss S xxcchhaannggee U Urrbbaann EE m Boooom miicc B C Coom Find us on Giveaways • Stories • Local Events 5