mp3 book: Table of Contents - University of Texas at Austin
mp3 book: Table of Contents - University of Texas at Austin
<d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents <> January 4 2002 mp3 book Table of Contents Table of Contents Chapter 0: Introduction ● ● ● What’s In This Book Who This Book Is For How To Read This Book Chapter 1: The Hype auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs ● What Is Internet Audio and Why Do People Use It? ● Some Thoughts on the New Economy ● A Brief History of Internet Audio ● ● ● mp3 book news ❍ Bell Labs, 1957 - Computer Music Is Born pictures ❍ Compression in Movies & Radio - MP3 is Invented! poems ❍ The Net Circa 1996: RealAudio, MIDI, and .AU The MP3 Explosion ❍ 1996 - The Release ❍ 1997 - The Early Adopters ❍ 1998 - The Explosion ❍ sidebar - The MP3 Summit ❍ 1999 - Commercial Acceptance Why Did It Happen? ❍ Hardware ❍ Open Source -> Free, Convenient Software ❍ Standards ❍ Memes: Idea Viruses Conclusion (1 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source <d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology ● Digital Audio Basics ● Understanding Fourier ● The Biology of Hearing ● Psychoacoustic Masking ❍ Normal Masking ❍ Tone Masking ❍ Noise Masking ● Critical Bands and Prioritization ● Fixed-Point Quantization ● Conclusion Chapter 3: Modern Audio Codecs ● ● ● MPEG Evolves ❍ MP2 ❍ MP3 ❍ AAC / MPEG-4 Other Internet Audio Codecs ❍ AC-3 / Dolbynet ❍ RealAudio G2 ❍ VQF ❍ QDesign Music Codec 2 ❍ EPAC Summary Chapter 4: The New Pipeline: The New Way To Produce, Distribute, and Listen to Music ● ● ● ● ● Digital Recording ❍ to DAT (studio) ❍ from CD (post-master) MIDI Studios Digital Editing Digital Distribution Digital Consumption (2 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents ● Portable Digital Audio Chapter 5: Software Tools ● ● ● ● Encoding ❍ Audio Catalyst ❍ BladeEnc ❍ Fraunhofer’s tools ❍ Liquid Audio ❍ MusicMatch ❍ Microsoft ❍ RealJukebox / RealEncoder ❍ WinDAC32 & Other Rippers ❍ 3rd Party Encoding Playback ❍ WinAMP ❍ Sonique ❍ Microsoft ❍ FreeAMP ❍ RealPlayer ❍ Other Players Serving ❍ RealServer ❍ Shoutcast & Icecast ❍ Microsoft 3rd party Serving ❍ Live365 ❍ Myplay ❍ Summary Chapter 6: The Law ● ● What Are You Allowed To Do With Music? ❍ Recording Rights, Composition Rights ❍ Streaming, Downloading, and Public Performance What Laws Are There? ❍ The Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 ❍ The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1995 (3 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents The "No Net Copy" Act of 1997 Where To Look For More Information Summary ❍ ● ● Chapter 7: The Security Issue ● ● ● ● ● ● Encryption Systems ❍ Liquid Audio ❍ a2bmusic ❍ mjuice ❍ Microsoft’s ASX Watermarking Systems ❍ Aris ❍ SDMI Whence eMusic? Why People Will Try To Protect Music Even When It’s Impossible Why MP3 Will Be Slow To Die Summary Chapter 8: How Artists Can Use The Internet (Push Out / Suck In) ● ● ● ● The Consumer Is Your Network: How and Why Superdistribution Works How To Push Out (Be Heard!) How To Suck In (Get Visitors!) How To Make Money From Your Fans Chapter 9: Enjoying Internet Music ● The Hunt For Good Music ❍ Indies ■ ■ ■ ■ Liquid Music Network ❍ Popular Music ■ MusicMaker ■ Napster ■ IRC (4 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents ■ ● ● ● Friends! Streaming The Portable Issue ❍ Burning Audio CDs ❍ Burning MP3 CDs ❍ Portable MP3 Players Summary The Leaders of the Revolution ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Michael Robertson, Karlheinz Brandenberg, FHG IIS Shawn Fanning, Napster Jim Griffin, OneHouse/Cherry Lane Digital Gene Hoffman, eMusic Justin Frankel, Nullsoft/AOL Phil Wiser, Liquid Audio Jack Moffit, Icecast Doug Camplejohn, MyPlay Ram Samuldrala Summary Chapter 10: The Future ● ● ● ● ● ● ● What are the Labels Scared of? Personalized Radio Donation Systems / Shareware Music Multichannel Audio Interactive Music ❍ Collaborative Composition ❍ Voice-Based Composition ❍ "Cyberskat" Digital Video Summary Appendix A: The Author's Story (5 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Table of Contents Appendix B: Web Resources content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (6 of 6) [1/4/2002 10:53:06 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio <> January 4 2002 mp3 book Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio What Is Internet Audio and Why Do People Use It? When people say "Internet audio," they're generally not speaking about websites that sell CDs online. Instead, they're talking about the recent phenomenon of downloading files from the Internet that contain information about music in a similar fashion to the way that a CD stores music. This means that you can play music on your computer without a CD, or a tape, or a vinyl record! The song is stored in a file. These files tend to be very large, as it takes a lot of information to store high-quality audio. As a result, most people use programs that compress their music - this way their music files take up much less space on their hard drives, but the music maintains the quality of a CD. The most popular of these compressed music formats is known as MP3. (We'll get into more of exactly how it works in Chapter 2!) Once you have individual songs in files stored on your computer, you can have much more control over your music than if you had been listening only with a CD player. For instance: you could make a list of your favorite 100 jazz tunes, or send a song that you particularly loved to a friend who lives across the country. If you have a CD burner, you can even burn custom audio mixes onto CDs for your friends! Since files are copied perfectly, they do not degrade as you make more copies like a tape would. Programs are now cheaply and widely available to allow users to quickly make music files of their entire CD collection. For these reasons and more, in the last three years, it has become very popular among college students to store (1 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio music on their computers. Many people have complained that putting music on your computer limits you, because you can only listen to music while you're sitting in front of your computer! Fortunately, several major manufacturers have solved this problem by introducing small devices that can store and play your music away from the computer: they are shaped like very small Walkmen, and tend not to weigh almost anything at all. Unfortunately, such devices are not yet compelling at the time of this writing, playing only an hour of music, after which you must run back to your computer to "refill" the device with new music - hardly suitable for a ski trip! There are, however, even newer devices that will likely be widely available by the time you're reading this that will allow you to store many tens of hours of music. Unlike most other technological revolutions before it (such as the introduction of CDs), MP3 and other Internet audio formats were not introduced by the record labels. Instead, they were introduced by consumers who, finding the technology exciting, passed the knowledge on by word of mouth. In fact, most record companies have been quite unhappy by the existence of MP3s, chiefly because it is now possible to quite easily obtain copyrighted music for free: the latest Beck tune is just a click away, regardless of what the label or the band thinks about it. Most labels are scared that free copying on the Internet will erase their ability to make a profit; or more importantly, to pay artists. In Chapter 10, we'll see why they're scared. Some Thoughts on the New Economy The Internet is changing our notion of a market. We used to think that an economy would be centered upon the sale of physical goods, with a small market for services. The rapid and nearly free redistribution that the Web permits morphs what were once products into services. News, once a physical commodity, to be delivered on pressed sheets of paper, has since become a service on the Internet. Obviously, the Internet cannot so dramatically change industries less centered on the circulation of ideas: the steel industry, for instance, has likely been undergoing far less rapid upheaval than the news industry. The music economy has been particularly interesting: originally, music was a service. One paid to attend a concert - you did not receive any physical object (2 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio that embodied the music; that would be unthinkable! But when Edison first recorded his voice on a wax cylinder at the beginning of the 20th century, that all was changed. Music could now be "bottled up," contained within a physical object, and sold, just like bread and beef, as a commodity. New advances in production technology, such as Ford's ingenious assembly lines, placed phonographs and radios in millions of homes, which in turned allowed for the rapid commercial distribution of music that exists to this day. Large record companies would solicit radio stations to play their music, which in turn would allow for rapid and widespread exposure and in its turn leading to increased sales of records. Pop stars could be made or broke in a twinkling; music as a commodity was thriving and labels (and a few lucky artists) were raking it in. But now the Internet is entering into the picture and erasing the concept of music as a product, returning music to the service market. Since music can be (and is!) freely copied, an individual song carries little value: instead, it is the arrangement and/or the branding of the song that is coming to be of value. A Brief History of Internet Audio So where did this notion of having computers play music come from? Truth be told, it wasn't a sudden quantum leap; computer music has been evolving for over 30 years. If any one place or any one man can be said to be the source of this whole hullabaloo, though, it would have to be Max Matthew's group at Bell Labs in New Jersey. Bell Labs, 1957 - Computer Music Is Born Max Matthews was working as a researcher for AT&T, whose Bell Laboratories have produced some of the most amazing technological discoveries of the century, such as the transistor, the laser, the digital computer, and most relevantly electronic audio recording and the phonograph. While there had been a few individuals who had made machines capable of electronically generating music, Max was the first to generate music on a general-purpose computer. In 1957, Max released "Music I", a program for a very early IBM computer that allowed music to be synthesized in the computer and output to a speaker. In the mid-60's, famous movie director Stanley Kubrick heard a later and more advanced version of Max's program actually sing the classic song "Daisy, Daisy, Bicycle Built for Two..." and was so impressed with the technology that he incorporated it into his movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Near the end of the movie, we discover that this song was the first thing that HAL, the film's intelligent and self-aware computer, had learned.) The original version is included on the CD in the back if you'd like to have a listen. Compression in Movies and Radio - MP3 is Invented! If you did bother to listen to the sample, you too would conclude that music synthesis has come a long way since then, with "Techno" (primarily (3 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio computer-generated music) emerging as a musical category in its own right, and most modern pop songs making heavy use of computer synthesis. But using a computer to synthesize music is only one part of the picture: since computers can perfectly copy music, it would seem to be most prudent to use a digital device to transmit and store music. The film industry has been very interested in digital audio formats from the beginning, but there was a very interesting initial problem to adding digital audio to movies. Audio was stored in a very small band to the right and left of each frame of the movie: it would be impossible to store the full digital signal, so the music needed to be compressed in order to fit on the reel. Dolby Laboratories, along with several other companies, rose to the challenge and invented several compression schemes that survive to this day. Radio stations also were keenly interested in digital audio, albeit for different reasons. Radio producers desired the ability to simultaneously broadcast a live show to many stations without a loss in quality. The solution would have to be for a broadcasting facility to "call up" a radio station and digitally transmit the audio. The problem with this is that the speed at which the telephone networks in the late 1980's sent information was far too slow for uncompressed audio. As a result, several companies undertook extensive research to discover an effective way to compress audio enough to be sent over the telephone lines. Karlheinz Brandenburg at Fraunhofer IIS, a German commercial research institute, designed one of the most effective algorithms for audio compression: as the third and most advanced method for compressing audio as standardized by the Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), it was dubbed MPEG Layer 3 audio, or MP3 for short. MP3 was invented in 1989 and standardized by 1991. The algorithm was so complicated that only a very expensive and dedicated piece of hardware could run it, and the notion that a personal computer would be able to run such software some day was likely not in the heads of many. The Net Circa 1996: RealAudio, MIDI, and .AU Around 1991, the world's largest inter-network (a network of computer networks) connecting U.S. government, educational, and research facilities, started to garner the public attention. It became known as the Internet, or even just, "The Net" for short. University students gradually started using electronic mail, or "email," to send letters and messages to their friends on campus or at other colleges. At the same time, Tim Berners-Lee was in Switzerland, developing the World Wide Web for CERN, The European Center for Nuclear Research (the acronym is from the French title). The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign soon decided to implement a high-quality graphical cross-platform web browser called Mosaic. Both Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator were built on Mosaic's core. (4 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio The first versions of these browsers did very little with audio: they had enough on their plate as was and most people involved with developing the browsers were focused on the creation of a new publication medium: since journals don't make music, why should a web browser? Nevertheless, one could still download sound files and play them back. Initially, there was one dominant format: Sun's .AU files. .AUs sound awful, but they're about as good as you could hear off of the tiny built-in speakers in a Sun workstation. I'll cover them in more detail in Chapter 3. RealAudio v1.0 came out of beta on July 26, 1995, allowing users for the first time to listen to music as it downloaded: people could begin hearing a tune as soon as they clicked on it, as opposed to having to wait until the download completed. That fall, NPR began posting 5 minute news segments on their website in RealAudio format. Streaming audio had come to the web. Unfortunately, even with their subsequent 2.0 and 3.0 releases, the audio quality was awful; unlistenable for everything except speech. People were amused by audio on the Internet, but few took it seriously. Arguably the most annoying of all Internet audio formats is MIDI. MIDI files are stored in a very different fashion from most others. Instead of storing the recording of, for instance, a piano concerto, it stores the notes. That is to say, all the file contains is that at so-and-so time, a C# is to be played on a grand piano with such-and-such force. It is up to the computer that plays the actual file to figure out what that C# should sound like. Naturally, if you have very expensive gear hooked up to your computer, it will sound great. However, synthesis on most people's computers sounds absolutely wretched. The two major pluses of MIDI files is that they take up almost no space at all (you're just storing the notes!) and that they are editable (if you want to, say, bring the bass line up by an two notes, you can). For the latter reason, this format has been very popular with musicians. It is the former reason that enabled it to take off in the early days of the Internet: only MIDI would allow you to hear a 2 minute song after a 15 second download on a 14.4 modem! (In contrast, this amount of time would be sufficient to download only 2 seconds of MP3 audio.) As computers grew faster and people started getting faster and faster connections to the Internet, an opportunity began to emerge for a high-quality audio compression algorithm. The MP3 Explosion As mentioned earlier, the MP3 algorithm was conceived in 1989 and standardized in 1991. It had not been anticipated to be widely run on personal computers due to its computational complexity. However, as Intel continued pushing out faster and faster chips, it became clear that once out-of-reach algorithms might be able to run in realtime. It was important that MP3 decoding be able to run in realtime. If it didn't, users would have to wait several minutes as the computer created a decompressed copy of the song before it (5 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio played. By being able to decode the upcoming audio as the song played, users could click on a song and immediately hear it play, making for a considerably more compelling experience. It was in 1996 that Intel finally released a processor fast enough to do this: the Pentium 120. 1996 - The Release It was late in 1996 that Fraunhofer decided to release their MP3 encoder and decoder, simply dubbed L3ENC (for Layer 3 Encoder) and WinPlay3 (their Windows MP3 player), as shareware on the Internet. A few people heard about it, made a few MP3s, and spread the word. The MP3 buzz began. One of the most impressive early websites was put up by a handful of students at Texas A&M University with handles like "bongo" and "frixion." Their site, called TEK, archived large quantities of high-quality streaming music: with a click you could be listening to a personalized country music, alternative, or R&B station. TEK's user interface was smooth and elegant, far beyond what any commercial entity would manage to pull off for the next few years. Sites like TEK exposed people to the MP3 revolution and greatly increased awareness around MP3. Unfortunately, early the next year TEK was shut down due to pressure from the University's administration. It never went online again. 1997 - The Early Adopters It was in 1997 that MP3s gained a strong "early adopter" following, including a good portion of the computer science types at colleges nationwide. As mentioned in the introduction, this was around the time that I had begun setting up my personal website to explain the intricacies of MP3s to the Internet public and give links to the latest players. Many great sites similar to mine were established; there was a real sense of community between those who were using MP3s and maintaining MP3 websites. It was not long, however, before the record labels began to act to stop MP3s from becoming popular. My personal music website was shut down, along with several dozen other websites. None of us had made any attempt to avoid detection; we had instead made our sites as visible as possible, posting their location to all of the popular search engines. We had also made links to each of each other's pages. It was, as a result, a simple task to discover and contact all of us rapidly: indeed, in one week early in 1997, just about every popular MP3 site on the Net disappeared. Later MP3 websites focused less on the specific distribution of MP3s and more on MP3 resources: how to make them, where to get the latest players, what sort of places to get them, etc. Michael Robertson acquired MP3.COM in late 1997 and developed an effective MP3 portal of this type (popular initially because of the domain) and also began signing bands up to non-exclusively distribute their music on the site. The media caught on starting in the middle of the year, and articles began appearing in all sorts of business and technology magazines, discussing the (6 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio future of the record industry. Microsoft near the end of the year quietly added MP3 playback and encoding to their Netshow (later renamed Windows Media) tools. Many programmers began to look at the Fraunhofer's programs and improve upon them, writing their own audio players from scratch. Tomislav Uzelac, then a Croatian student, decided to make a low-level engine to play back MP3 files that would let other people put a nice user interface on it or integrate it into other software players. A number of people noticed that this would make it very easy to create new players and began doing so. Justin Frankel, also a student at the time, constructed his MP3 player "WinAMP" based on the engine. WinAMP had a very straightforward and attractive interface. WinAMP quickly gained a massive following, which it maintains to this day. Nullsoft, Justin's holding company for WinAMP, was bought by America Online in June of 1999. 1998 - The Explosion The underground MP3 phenomenon continued through the next year, with the introduction of high-quality software and extremely rapid word-of-mouth growth. By the end of 1998, most college students had heard about MP3s and most major news outlets had written at least one story about the new music explosion. Sonique was perhaps the most exciting software release The Annual MP3 of the year, offering a slick and dynamic interface that Summits felt right out of a sci-fi movie. WinAMP continued to develop advanced features, like a customizable user interface and an advanced "plugin" architecture that Around February of 1998, I was allowed third-party developers to integrate new talking on the functionality into WinAMP. Hardware manufacturers phone with began to show interest in the growing MP3 market and Michael Saehan, a Korean hardware manufacturer, announced Robertson. I that they would be selling a portable MP3 player called mentioned to him that I had had the MPMan. The RIAA (the Recording Industry plans to host the Association of America) launched their SoundByting first MP3-oriented campaign and website in an attempt to steer college-age conference in the fall of 1997. students away from music piracy and convince people Unfortunately, that sharing music wasn't "cool." Unfortunately for had fallen them, the notion of sharing music has shown itself to be plans through, due to compelling to wide numbers of people; most people my not being able who knew about SoundByting were already heavily to personally pay involved with MP3s. In early 1999, the RIAA dumped the down payment on the the PR agency that had been managing the campaign, hotel and funding but the site remains to this day. coming through 1999 - Commercial Acceptance (7 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] too late. Michael sympathized and told me that <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio 1999 signified the complete acceptance of MP3 by hardware, software, and Internet companies. went public as MPPP, eMusic began signing popular bands to exclusively sell their albums online (including Bush, James Brown, Phish, and They Might Be Giants). WinAMP's parent company, Nullsoft, got bought out by America Online along with, a set of online radio stations. Yahoo! acquired online audio/video giant while Lycos purchased Sonique. Nullsoft introduced new software and services allowing individuals to listen to, create, and broadcast their own online radio shows called Shoutcast; an OpenSource variant by the name of Icecast soon showed up to compete. Startups live365 and myplay jumped onto the scene to allow people to manage their own MP3 collections and freely outsource their broadcasting. Dozens of hardware companies began to pump out portable players with no moving parts, including such heavy-hitters as RCA, Diamond Multimedia and Creative Labs, with players expected in 2000 from Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, and Casio. would sponsor such a conference if I decided to try again. I told him I was too busy, being a full-time student at Stanford. The next week he called me and told me that was going to put on the conference, just as I had envisioned it: an annual event with discussion panels from the legal, music, and tech industries, mingling time, and music at the end. I was greatly pleased. The Annual MP3 Summits were formed, the first one taking place in June of 1998. My report on that first Summit is still on their site. The RIAA conceded that digital audio is likely to be the future of music distribution and instead focusing exclusively on trying to stop the MP3 revolution, they redirected their efforts towards creating a new, secure music format. Their Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) tried to formalize a standard in time to allow hardware manufacturers to incorporate protection into their devices before the Christmas rush, but negotiations dragged on longer than expected and not a single SDMI-compliant player was sold in the holiday season. Napster was also released in 1999, allowing users to connect with music on each other's computers, achieving particular infamy for its sheer effectiveness at letting users exchange music. We'll go into more detail on Napster in Chapter 9. The MP3 revolution was well on its way, with artists signing to online sites left and right, hardware and software companies making it ever easier to use and manipulate MP3s, and increasing number of listeners flocking to the format. That's the "how" of the MP3 revolution, but there's another important question to ask... (8 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio Why Did It Happen? Hardware The MP3 revolution happened as soon as it was capable of happening - as soon as computers came onto the market that were fast enough to cope with playing back MP3 files, the technology took off. Coincidentally, storage space in 1997 was entering into the multi-gigabyte range, allowing regular users to store many hours of music on their computer without necessarily buying new storage. As hard drives continued to increase in size and lessen in price, it became possible to cheaply build absolutely massive (200+ CD) audio collections on a regular PC; understandably, this has made MP3 usage all the more compelling. As broadband (high-speed) Internet access is extended to the U.S. population, it's quite likely that rich-media activities such as MP3 sharing will continue to explode. Open Source -> Free, Convenient Software When Fraunhofer released L3ENC, they also released the source code to play back the resulting MP3 files. This enabled a whole generation of free MP3 playback engines that in turn became today's popular MP3 players. Without this source, there might not have been such a diversity of compelling software players, and MP3 might never have gained the popularity that it did. Many other formats exist today that are more technically advanced than MP3 but that do not allow people to freely create players and, consequently, do not have much of a following. Fraunhofer was also quite generous in licensing its encoding technology and as a result there are a fair number of high-quality MP3 encoders available, some of which are entirely free, others of which can be purchased for a very modest fee. Some other companies won't license their algorithms for any price; Apple has restricted Sorenson, the makers of QuickTime video technology, from using it anywhere else. Such closed policies have made it nearly impossible for other formats to encroach upon the much more open turf of the MP3 world. Standards It is also equally important to MP3's success that it is a very well-defined standard. As a result, there is complete software and hardware interoperability: any program that makes an MP3 can create a file that is playable on any hardware or software MP3 player. New uses of the format, such as with Icecast and Shoutcast, can be rapidly deployed and integrated into the existing architecture. Without a standard, such interoperability would be impossible. Memes: Idea Viruses It's also important to note that the MP3 revolution could never have happened (or it would have taken much longer) if the Internet had not been widely (9 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 1: The Hype About Internet Audio popularized; the Internet allowed participants to post information about the format, exchange messages, inform, and share. It let people quickly learn about what MP3s are and obtain software to make and listen to MP3s. Once people found out, they would often rush to tell their friends about it, spreading the word rapidly. The Internet especially enables this kind of rapid propagation of ideas; in some ways the ideas spread like viruses through a population: you catch an idea from a friend and once you're infected, you pass the idea on to other friends of yours. Richard Dawkins called such ideas "memes." Since it's easy to share ideas with people over the Internet, memes can be rapidly propagated. The Internet enabled the MP3 meme. Conclusion MP3 has been a long time coming; we've seen how the development of the Internet and of audio technology led up to the MP3 explosion and the way that MP3 has grown from an underground movement into a popular and widely-accepted activity. Hundreds of companies are now engaged in MP3-related activity, working on making music easier to make, share, find, and hear. MP3 is everywhere. I hope you have a better understanding of how and why MP3 has grown to the level of hype now pervading the media. content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (10 of 10) [1/4/2002 10:54:05 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology <> January 4 2002 mp3 book Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology In this section and the ones following, things are going to get increasingly technical. I'm going to start off pretty simple and slowly ramp up to some considerably involved topics, so please feel free to skip the parts that you already know to get to the juicy stuff. It's possible that you may find some parts overwhelming. Don't worry yourself too much about it, just feel free to simply skim. To make this easy for you, I've bolded the key definitions throughout the text. And if you get bored? Just go to the next chapter. Nobody's quizzing you on this! Digital Audio Basics Computers work by passing small charges through aluminum trenches etched in silicon and shoving these charges through various gates: If this charge is here and that one is too then the chip will create a charge in another place. The computer does all of its computations in ones and zeroes. Integers, like -4, 15, 0, or 3, can be represented with combinations of ones and zeroes in an arithmetic system called binary. Humans normally use a "decimal" system with ten symbols per space: we count 1, 2, 3,...8, 9, 10, 11. In the binary system there are only two symbols per space: one counts 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, 1000, etc.! If the computer is to understand how to store music, music must be represented as a series of ones and zeroes. How can we do this? Well, one thing to keep in mind throughout all of this discussion is that we're going to be focusing on making music for humans to hear. While that may sound trite, that will allow us to "cheat" and throw out the parts of the music the people (1 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology can't hear: a dog might not be able to appreciate Mozart as much after we're done with things, but if it sounds just the same to an average Jane, then we've accomplished our true mission - to have realistic music come from a computer! We first need to understand what sound is. When you hear a sound, like a train whistle or your favorite hip-hop artist, your eardrum is getting squished in and out by air. Speakers, whistles, voices, and anything else that makes sound repeatedly squishes air and then doesn't. When the sound gets to your ear, it pushes your eardrum in and out. If the air gets squished in and out at a constant rate, like 440 times a second, you'll hear a constant tone, like when someone whistles a single note. The faster the air gets squished in and out, the higher tone you hear; likewise, the low bass tones of a drum squish the air in and out very slowly, about 50 times a second. Engineers use the measurement Hertz, abbreviated Hz, to mean "number of times per second" and kilohertz, or kHz, to mean "thousands of times per second." Some people with very good hearing can hear sounds as low as 20Hz and as high as 20kHz. Also, the more violently the air is compressed and decompressed, the louder the signal is. Now we can understand what a microphone does. A microphone consists of a thin diaphragm that acts a lot like your eardrum: as music is being played, the diaphragm of the microphone gets pushed in and out. The more pushed in the diaphragm is, the more electrical charge the microphone sends back to the device into which you've plugged your mic. What if you plug the mic into your computer? The computer is good at dealing with discrete numbers, also known as digital information, but the amount that the microphone is being compressed is always changing; it is analog information. There is a small piece of hardware in a computer that allows it to record music from a microphone: it is a called a Analog to Digital Converter, or ADC for short. It is impossible for us to record a smooth signal as ones and zeroes and reproduce it perfectly on a computer. The ADC does not attempt to perfectly record the signal. Instead, several thousand times a second it takes a peek at how squished in the microphone is. The rate at which I (2 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology check on the microphone is called the sampling rate. If the microphone is 100% squished in, we'll give it the number 64,000. If the microphone is not squished in at all, we'll give it a 0, and we'll assign it a number correspondingly for in-between values: halfway squished in would merit a 32,000. We call these values samples. The Nyquist Theorem says that as long as our sampling rate is twice the frequency of highest tone we want to record, we'll be able to accurately reproduce the tone. Since humans can't hear anything higher than 22kHz, if we take sample the microphone 44,000 times a second, we'll be able to reproduce the highest tones that people can hear. In fact, CDs sample at 44.1kHz and, as suggested above, store the amount the microphone was squished as a number between 0 and 65,536, using 16 ones and zeros, or bits, for every sample. In this way, we'd say that CDs have a sample resolution of 16 bits. All of this data ends up taking a great deal of space: if we sample a left and a right channel for stereo sound at 44.1kHz, using 16 bits for every sample, that's 1.4 million bits for every second of music! On a 28.8 modem, it would take you over 50 seconds to transmit a single second of uncompressed music to a friend! We clearly need a way to use fewer bits to transmit the music. Those of you comfortable with computers may suggest we use a compression program like WinZIP or StuffitDeluxe to reduce the size of these musicfiles. Unfortunately, this does not work very well. These compression programs were designed largely with text in mind. These programs were also designed to perfectly reproduce every bit: If you compress a document to put it on a floppy, it had better not be missing anything when you decompress it on a friend's machine! Compression algorithms work best when they know what they are compressing. specialized algorithms can squish down video to an 100th of its original size, and people routinely use the JPEG (.JPG) compression format to reduce the size of pictures on the web. JPEG is lossy; that is to say, it destroys some data. If you scan in a beautifully detailed picture and (3 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology squish it down to a small JPEG file, you will see that there are noticeable differences between the original and the compressed versions, but in general it is throwing away the information that is less important for your eye to see to understand what the picture is about. In the same way, we will get much better compression of sound if we use and algorithm that understands the way that people hear and destroys the parts of the sound that we cannot perceive. Already, we have done this in a small way by ignoring any sounds above 22kHz. We might have done things differently if we were making an audio system for a dog or a whale; we have already exploited some knowledge of the human ear to our advantage, now it comes time for us to further use this knowledge to compress the sound. Understanding Fourier In order to compress the sound, we need to understand what parts are okay to throw away; that is to say, what the least important parts of the sound are. That way, we can keep the most important parts of the sound so we can stream them live through, say, a 28.8k modem. Now as it turns out, Sound is very tonal. This means that sounds tend to maintain their pitch for periods of time: a trumpet will play a note for half-second, a piano will sound a chord, etc. If I were to whistle an 'A' for second, your eardrum may be wiggling in and out very quickly, but the tone stays constant. While recording the "wiggling" of the signal going in and out would take a great deal of numbers to describe, in this case it would be much simpler to simply record the tone and how long it went for, i.e., "440Hz (that's A!) for 1.0 seconds." In this way, I've replaced hundreds of thousands of numbers with two numbers. While clearly most signals are not so compressible, the concept applies: sound pressure, or the amount that your eardrum is compressed, changes very rapidly (tens of thousands of times a second), while frequency information, or the tones that are present in a piece of music, tend not to change very frequently (32 notes per second is pretty fast for a pianist!). If we only had a way to look at sound in the frequency domain, we could probably get excellent compression. Luckily for us, J. B. Joseph Fourier, a 19th century mathematician, came up with a nifty way for transforming a chunk of samples into their respective frequencies. While describing the method in detail has occupied many graduate-level electrical engineering books, the concept is straightforward: if I take a small chunk of audio samples from the microphone as you are whistling, (4 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology I take the discrete numbers that describe the microphone's state and run it through a Discrete Fourier Transform, also known as a DFT. What I get out is a set of numbers that describe what frequencies are present in the signal and how strong they are, i.e., "There is a very loud tone playing an A# and there is a quiet G flat, too." I call the chunk of samples that I feed the DFT my input window. There is an interesting tradeoff here: if I take a long input window, meaning I record a long chunk of audio from the microphone and run it all through the DFT at once, I'll be able to pick out what tone a user was whistling with great precision. And, just like with people, if I only let the computer hear a sound for a short moment, it will have poor frequency resolution, i.e., it will be difficult for it to tell what tone was whistled. Likewise, if I'm trying to nail down exactly when a user begins to whistle into a microphone if I take short windows, I'll be able to pick out close to the exact time when they started to whistle; but if I take very long windows, the Fourier transform won't tell me when a tone began, only how loud it is. I'd have trouble nailing down when it began and could be said to have poor time resolution. Frequency resolution and time resolution work against each other: the more you need to know exactly when a sound happened, the less you know what tone it is; the more exactly you need to know what frequencies are present in a signal, the less precisely you know the time at which those frequencies started or stopped. As a real world example of where this is applicable, Microsoft's MS Audio 4 codec uses very long windows. As a result, music encoded in that format is bright and captures properly the tone of music, but quick, sharp sounds like hand claps, hihats, or cymbals sound mushy and drawn out. These kinds of quick bursts of sound are called transients in the audio compression world. Later on, we'll learn how MP3 deals with this. (AAC and AC-3 use similar techniques to MP3.) In 1965, two programmers, J. Tukey and J. Cooley invented a way to perform Fourier transforms a lot faster than had been done before. They decided to call this algorithm the Fast Fourier Transform, or FFT. You will likely hear this term used quite a bit in compression literature to refer to the Fourier transform (the process of looking at what tones are present in a sound). The Biology of Hearing Now that we understand how computers listen to sounds and how frequencies work, we can begin to understand how the human ear actually hears sound. So I'm going to take a bit of a "time out" from all of this talk about computer technology to explain some of the basics of ear biology. As I mentioned before, when sound waves travel through the air, they cause the eardrum to vibrate, pushing in and out of the ear canal. The back of the eardrum is attached to an assembly of the three smallest bones in your body, known as (5 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. These three bones are pressed up against an oval section of a spiral fluid cavity in your inner ear shaped like a snail shell, known as the cochlea. (Cochlea is actually Latin for "snail shell"!) The vibrations from the bones pushing against the oval window of the cochlea cause hairs within the cochlea to vibrate. Depending on the frequency of the vibrations, different sets of hairs in the cochlea vibrate: high tones excite the hairs near the base of the cochlea, while low tones excite the hairs at the center of the cochlea. When the hairs vibrate, they send electrical signals to the brain; the brain then perceives these signals as sound. The astute reader may notice that this means that the ear is itself performing a Fourier transform of sorts! The incoming signal (the vibrations of the air waves) is broken up into frequency components and transmitted to the brain. This means that thinking about sound in terms of frequency is not only useful because of the tonality of music, but also because it corresponds to how we actually perceive sound! The sensitivity of the cochlear hairs is mind-boggling. The human ear can sense as little as a picowatt of energy per square foot of sound compression, but can take up to a full watt of energy before starting to feel pain. Visualize dropping a grain of sand on a huge sheet and being able to sense it. Now visualize dropping an entire beachful of sand (or, say, an anvil) onto the same sheet, without the sheet tearing and also being able to sense that. This absurdly large range of scales necessitated the creation of a new system of acoustic measurement, called the bel, named after the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell. If one sound is a bel louder than another, it is ten times louder. If a sound is two bels louder than another, it is a hundred times louder than the first. If a sound is three bels louder than another, it is a thousand times louder. Get it? A bel corresponds roughly to however many digits there are after the first digit. A sounds 100,000 times louder than another would mean there was 5 bels of difference. This system lets us deal with manageably small numbers that can represent very large numbers. Mathematicians call these logarithmic numbering systems. People traditionally have used "tenths of bels," or decibels (dB) to describe relative sound strengths. In this system, one sound that was 20dB louder than another would be 2 bels louder, which means it is actually 100 times louder than the other. People are comfortable with sounds that are a trillion times louder than the quietest sounds they can hear! This corresponds to 12 bels, or 120dB of difference. If a set of hairs are excited, it impairs the ability of nearby hairs to pickup detailed signals; we'll cover this in the next section. It's also worth noting that our brain groups these hairs into 25 frequency bands, called critical bands: this was discovered by acoustic researchers Zwicker, Flottorp, and Stevens in 1957. We'll review critical bands a bit later on. Now, equipped with a basic knowledge of the functioning of the ear, we can tackle understanding the parts (6 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology of a sound less important to the ear. Psychoacoustic Masking Your ear adapts to the sounds in the environment around you. If all is still and quiet, you can hear a twig snap hundreds of feet away. But when you're at a concert with rock music blaring, it can be difficult to hear your friend, who is shouting right into your ear. This is called masking, because the louder sounds mask the quieter sounds. There are several different kinds of masking that occur in the human ear. Normal Masking Your ear obviously has certain inherent thresholds: you can't hear a mosquito buzzing 5 miles away even in complete silence, even though, theoretically it might be possible to do it with sufficiently sensitive instrumentation. The human ear is also more sensitive to some frequencies than to others: our best hearing is around 4000Hz, unsurprisingly not too far from the frequency range of most speech. If you were to plot a curve graphing the quietest tone a person can hear versus frequency, as is done to the right, it would look like a "U," with a little downwards notch around 4000Hz. Interestingly enough, people who have listened to too much loud music have a lump in this curve at 4000Hz, where they should have a notch. This is why it's hard to hear people talk right after a loud concert. Continued exposure to loud music will actually permanently damage your cochlear hair cells, and unlike the hair on your head, cochlear hairs never grow back. This curve, naturally, varies from person to person, and gets smaller the older the subject is, especially in the higher frequencies. Translation: old people usually have trouble hearing. Theoretically, this variance could be used to create custom compression for a given person's hearing capability, but this would require a great deal of CPU horsepower for a server delivering 250 custom streams at once! Tone Masking Pure tones, like a steady whistle, mask out nearby tones: if I were to whistle a C very loudly and you were to whistle a C# very softly, an onlooker (or "on-listener," really) would not be able to hear the C#. If, however, you were to whistle an octave or two above me, I might have a better chance of noticing it. The farther apart the two tones are, the less they mask each other. The louder a tone is, the more surrounding frequencies it masks out. Noise Masking Noise often encompasses a large number of frequencies. When you hear static (7 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology on the radio, you're hearing a whole slew of frequencies at once. Noise actually masks out sounds better than tones: It's easier to whisper to someone at even a loud classical music concert than it is under a waterfall. Critical Bands and Prioritization As mentioned in our brief review of the biology of hearing, frequencies fall into one of 25 human psychoacoustic "critical bands." This means that we can treat frequencies within a given band in a similar manner, allowing us to have a simpler mechanism for computing what parts of a sound are masked out. So how do we use all of our newly-acquired knowledge about masking to compress data? Well, we first grab a window of sound, usually about 1/100th of a second-worth, and we take a look at the frequencies present. Based on how strong the frequency components are, we compute what frequencies will mask out what other frequencies. We then assign a priority based on how much a given frequency pokes up above the masking threshold: a pure sine wave in quiet would receive nearly all of our attention, whereas with noise all of our attention would be spread around the entire signal. Giving more "attention" to a given frequency means allocating more bits to that frequency than others. In this way, I describe exactly how much energy is at that frequency with greater precision than for other frequencies. Fixed-Point Quantization How are the numbers encoded with different resolutions? That is to say, how can I use more bits to describe one number than another? The answer involves a touch of straightforward math. Do you remember scientific notation? It uses numbers kike 4.02 x 1032. The 4.02 is called the mantissa. The 32 is usually called the exponent, but we're going to call it the scale factor. Since frequencies in the same critical band are treated similarly by our ear, we give them all the same scale factor and allocate a certain (fixed) number of bits to the mantissa of each. For example, let's say I had the numbers 149.32, -13.29, and 0.12 - I'd set a scale factor of 4, since 104 = 100 and our largest number is 0.14932 x 103. In this way, I'm guaranteed that all of my mantissas will be between -1 and 1. Do you see why the exponent is called a scale factor now? I would encode the numbers above as 0.14932, -0.01329, and 0.00012 using a special algorithm known as fixed-point quantization. Have you ever played the game where someone picks a number between 1 and 100 and you have to guess what it is, but are told if your guess is high or low? Everybody knows that the best way to play this game is to first guess 50, then 25 or 75 depending, etc., each time halving the possible numbers left. Fixed-point quantization works in a very similar fashion. The best way to (8 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> mp3 book: Chapter 2: The Guts of Music Technology describe it is to walk through the quantization of a number, like 0.65. Since we start off knowing the number is between -1 and 1, we should record a 0 if the number is greater than or equal to 0, and a 1 if it is less than 0. Our number is greater than zero, so we record 0: now we know the number is between 0 and 1, so we record a 0 if the number is greater than or equal to 0.5. Being greater, we record 0 again, narrowing the range to between 0.5 and 1. On the next step, we note that our number (0.742) is less than 0.75 and record a 1, bringing our total number to 001. You can here see how with each successive "less-than, greater-than" decision we record a one or a zero and come twice as close to the answer. The more decisions I am allowed, the more precisely I may know a number. We can use a lot of fixed-point quantization decisions on the frequencies that are most important to our ears and only a few on those that are less. In this way, we "spend" our bits wisely. We can reconstruct a number by reversing the process: with 001, we first see that the number is between 0 and 1, then that it is between 0.5 and 1, and finally that it is between 0.5 and 0.75. Once we're at the end, we'll guess the number to be in the middle of the range of numbers we have left: 0.625 in this case. While we didn't get it exactly right, our quantization error is only 0.025 - not bad for three ones and zeroes to match a number so closely! Naturally, the more ones and zeroes that are given, the smaller the quantization error. Conclusion The above technique roughly describes the MPEG Layer 2 codec (techie jargon for compression / decompression algorithm) and is the basis for more advanced codecs like Layer 3, AAC, and AC-3, all of which incorporate their own extra tricks, like predicting what the audio is going to do in the next second based on the past second. At this point you understand the basic foundations of modern audio compression and are getting comfortable with the language used; it is time to move to a comprehensive review of modern audio codecs. content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (9 of 9) [1/4/2002 10:54:36 AM] <d.w.o> code: Programs I've Written <> January 4 2002 code Programs I've Written pixdir 0.3 pixdir is a set of scripts that take recursive directories full of full-size pictures, munge through them, and create thumbnails for pictures not yet thumbnailed; then spitting out HTML pages with tables full of thumbnails. (see this in action) The code's currently quite a hack; not very elegant at all. But it gets the job done. I'll move to something nicer later. Simple Finger 1.0 Simple Finger is a simple finger client for Win32 systems. It should theoretically work on Windows95, 98, NT, or 2000, but has only been tested on Windows98. It is tiny: the ZIP file above is 18Kb, including the binary and source code. The code is simply structured and should serve as a useful tool for anyone looking to learn Windows Sockets programming. It is non-graphical, running from the DOS prompt. (No documentation is included: if you don't know how it works, you probably can't make use of it anyhow.) Unbooting Yourself From Napster Has the Metallica lawsuit banned you from using Napster? Click here for some quick tips on how to get back online. DiamondSilk: my senior project DiamondSilk is a project to created structured data from unstructured HTML, such as being able to deduce the price of a product from the corresponding page at Documentation for the Napster Protocol is here. I did a very quick summary overview of the Napster protocol. A better and more comprehensive description can be found at OpenNap. Information for circumnavigating an ISP's Napster block is here Here is a short tutorial on configuring a Linux box to act as a SOCKS5 proxy to grant people who have been blocked from Napster access to the Napster network. auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source A mirror of The Breaking of Cyber Patrol 4 (not my work) My project for a secure, authenticated file exchange network (known alternately as (1 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:55:27 AM] <d.w.o> code: Programs I've Written safeX or fexnet) -- while code work is just beginning and not yet available, read the idea. console othello has its own page! rio v1.06 The official Rio utilities have now incorporated the ability to download files from the Rio to the PC, so my patch to do this is no longer neccessary. I have cleaned things up and put them in these easy-to-use packages: ● RedHat i386 RPM [v1.03 - old!] ● RedHat Source RPM [v1.03 - old!] ● Raw Source [v1.06 - newest] ftpcheck v0.33 v0.33: Shifted to a more subtle anonymous email address to pass most anonftp checks - thanks to Tox Gunn for pointing this out! v0.32: Fixed misclassification of "a.b.c" hostnames as class C IPs (Thanks, Jesper!) v0.31: Patched up some dumb bugs and cleaned up the code a little bit (Thanks Shane!). Wow, over a thousand downloads now! Keep mailing back those source patches! v0.3: ftpcheck is now an order of magnitude more efficient, thanks to improvements from Shane Kerr and some new timeout code that I wrote. Also now under the GPL. ftpcheck scans hosts and networks for FTP and anonymous FTP archives. It was written as a security analysis tool. I wouldn’t recommend running it on subnets you don’t own, unless you like getting calls from sysadmins at very early hours in the morning. requires perl modules relaycheck v0.3 the parent of ftpcheck, relaycheck scans a network for SMTP hosts that permit "relaying" of email. These servers are vulnerable because a 3rd party could come in and use the mail server to relay mail through the server for the purpose of spamming folks. Please email the administrators of any machines you find with this tool and tell them to turn off SMTP forwarding! requires perl modules sweep v0.4 (2 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:55:27 AM] <d.w.o> code: Programs I've Written mach-sweep was written back when Snap was running their Mach M3 contest back in august of 1998. The basic gist of the contest was that you had some small chance to win an instant prize every time you searched. So I wrote a perl script to "search" snap for the same term over and over again, and see if "congratulations!" was anywhere in the returned page. If so, it would save out the HTML page to disk and notify me. Otherwise, it would just print a period and search again. I ran it on about seven machines in parallel -- let’s just say I have enough slinkies, books, and video cameras to keep myself entertained for a while. ;) requires perl modules {required perl modules} ● perl [ for unix | for Win32 | for mac ] ● libnet [info] ● MD5 [info] ● MIME::Base64 ● HTML::Parser ● libwww notes to self on perl modules content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (3 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:55:27 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Dave's Encoding Guide <> January 4 2002 codecs Dave's Encoding Guide One day, procrastinating from doing schoolwork and about two days after Microsoft had released their new standard for compressing sound, called MS Audio 4, I decided to see just how good (or bad) the codec was and ran these tests, pitting it against MP3 and RealAudio, both of which it was supposed to crush. While I certainly don’t think the quality is earthshattering as it does not scale well to provide CD-quality audio and has annoying high-frequency artifacts, it may give RealAudio a run for its money in the low-bitrate market. As it turned out, the report became pretty popular. Over 30,000 people are estimated to have viewed this report. A second report will be forthcoming, covering MP2, MP3, AAC, AC-3, QDesign, EPAC, RealAudio, MS Audio 4, and VQF. (I decided to reserve from Internic.) NOTE: this report is getting pretty old and may not be representative of the current version of Windows Media. december 4, 2000 - audio samples are back online! auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems Executive Summary projects Introduction updates Equipment writings DTMF Tone Tests video get my updates Sliding Tone Tests Speech Tests enter email Subscribe! Music Tests dwo search Updates Also of Interest (1 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:55:43 AM] page source <d.w.o> codecs: Dave's Encoding Guide content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (2 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:55:43 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Executive Summary <> January 4 2002 codecs Executive Summary MS Audio v4.0 sounds considerably different than existing codecs, likely due to its completely new compression schema. The sound is brighter and has a much greater frequency range than other codecs, but at a loss of crispness and precision in the upper register that many find intolerably mushy and distorted, especially for "transients," sounds that occur quickly, like a hand clap or a hihat. auf deutsch en español en français { <d.w.o> about books WinAMP and RealAudio’s MP3 playback engines were both found to not perform properly in some of the tests, whereas Xing and Sonique properly played back the test MP3 files. RealAudio was found to perform adequately, not providing spectacular results, but generally producing the most reliably listenable files. } code codecs mp3 book news MP3 Variable Bitrate Reduction coding (VBR), implemented by Xing, was found to produce very crisp files, although a test has as of yet to be run to see if the files are actually of higher quality than constant bitrate files at the same average rate. pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly } [1/4/2002 10:56:16 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Introduction <> January 4 2002 codecs Introduction Today is April 17, 1999. Microsoft a few days ago released a proprietary codec, known as "MS Audio v4.0" Nobody’s exactly sure what’s in it, but it seems to be pretty high-quality. I wanted to investigate how well MS Audio actually works and possibly get a glimpse into how it works as well. I created four test files: a series of pure DTMF tones (like what your telephone does to dial a number), a descending tone and a descending tone at the same time, a short voice clip, and a short music clip. Just because I felt like it, I decided to check a number of different encoding schemes for relative quality, and ended up running a somewhat exhaustive battery of tests on most all of the popular codecs. The results were interesting. I found one codec that could reproduce my speech at 2.5kbps (That’s an hour and a half of speech on one floppy disk!) and I found some fascinating hints as to how Xing’s Variable Bitrate Coding actually works, as well as some anomalies in the MS Audio codec itself. auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures As a quick note, I was unfortunately unable to perform comprehensive testing on RealAudio’s G2 codec, as their free G2 Encoder (called the RealProducer G2) was extremely limited in what bitrates it would let you encode at. I was somewhat miffed. poems projects updates UPDATE: Real Networks is sending me a copy of RealProducer G2 to complete the testing. More details when it arrives. writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly } [1/4/2002 10:56:24 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Equipment <> January 4 2002 codecs Equipment ● CoolEdit96 (Registered) was used to edit the .WAV files and generate the sample tones. RealProducer G2 v6.0.3.271(Free Version) was used to create the sample G2 files. RealPlayer G2 v6.0.5.27 was used to listen to the G2 files. Xing’s AudioCatalyst v2.0 (Registered) was used to rip raw audio from my CD and, separately, to create the sample MP3 files. Microsoft’s Windows Media Encoder v4.0.0.3688 was used to encode the sample MS Audio v4, ACELP.Net, G.723.1, VoxWare MetaVoice, and Lernout & Hauspie CELP files. The Windows Media Player v6.02.05.0410 was used to listen to all ASX files. WinAMP v2.10 was used to listen to some of the MP3 files. Sonique v0.90b was used for some MP3 tests ● freeamp v1.2 was used for some MP3 tests projects ● XingMP3 Player v1.0.0 was used for some MP3 tests updates ● ● ● ● ● ● ● auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly } [1/4/2002 10:56:50 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: DTMF Tone Tests <> January 4 2002 codecs DTMF Tone Tests sample stereo DTMF tones (2.95 MB) Interestingly enough, when I tried to encode the above file as a constant bitrate MP3 file (@16kbps & @24kbps), the result was complete silence! Apparently, (I thought) MP3 had some fixed filterbanks that didn’t take well to pure tones. MP3 at higher bitrates still sounded wierd, and it wasn’t until 128kbps that WinAMP actually got it right. When I accidentally dragged my 48kbps file onto the RealPlayer and it played correctly, I realized that the problem was not on the encoding side, but the decoding side: this was a bug in WinAMP. Try listening to the following files in WinAMP, then try listening to them in another program (like RealPlayer or Windows Media). ● 48 kbps MP3 (100 KB) auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code codecs mp3 book news ● 64 kbps MP3 (134 KB) pictures ● 96 kbps MP3 (201 KB) poems ● 128 kbps MP3 (268 KB) Lest you all think I’m nuts, or this bug gets fixed, I’ve provided a WAV output (1.48 MB) of what WinAMP did to the MP3 at 48kbps. This didn’t seem to be a problem in other players. Xing’s Variable Bitrate Encoding reproduced the file faithfully at an average of 35.5 kbps at the lowest setting, but could not get any smaller. The VBR file played back just fine under WinAMP, unlike the constant bitrate files. There was little difference (73KB to 90KB) between the highest and the lowest VBR settings for this file: ● Lowest VBR setting (73 KB) ● projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! Highest VBR setting (90 KB) RealAudio was disappointing, as I could only scale it down to about 20kbps with the free version of their encoder. The test (48 KB) came out a touch scratchy. dwo search page source The Micrsoft encoder was able to scale to much lower bitrates. When I fed it the tone file and asked it to encode a 5kbps file I was at first surprised to see that the output file contained nothing but silence. Then I realized (1 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:56:57 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: DTMF Tone Tests that all of the frequencies in the file were above 4khz: since the 5kbps encoder was sampling at 8khz, it had missed all of the tones above 4khz! This, incidentally, means that the codec includes a good low-pass filter. Otherwise, there would have been a significant amount of aliasing and I would have ended up with a bunch of noise. Instead, the whole signal was filtered out and I got pure silence. Listening closely to MS Audio encodings of the file, one can hear the warble and mask when the two frequencies come close together. The two tones are almost fighting each other for dominance. This anomaly does not seem to be as conspicuous at lower sampling rates: ● 20kbps MSA4 encoding, sampled @ 16khz (46 KB) (hear the warble & mask) ● 20kbps MSA4 encoding, sampled @ 11khz (46 KB) High frequency anomalies seem to be a fundamental problem with the MS Audio codec; I will return to this further on in the writeup. content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (2 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:56:57 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Sliding Tone Tests <> January 4 2002 codecs Sliding Tone Tests sample sliding tones (1.76 MB) This is the area in which I grilled the MS Audio Encoder because I got the most tangibly interesting results from it: ● MSA4 5kbps w/8khz sampling (9 KB) auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about ● MSA4 8kbps w/8khz sampling (13 KB) ● MSA4 12kbps w/8khz sampling [stereo] (18 KB) books ● MSA4 16kbps w/8khz sampling [stereo] (23 KB) code ● MSA4 16kbps w/11khz sampling [stereo] (23 KB) Notice how in the 5 & 12 kbps samples the high and the low tone toggle between eachother, unsure of which should take dominance. Also note the frequency cutoff (the high tone suddenly appears & disappears): oddly enough, this cutoff is not at 4khz as we might expect, but considerably lower. The warbling would seem to indicate the encoder is using a sort of "point of focus," where it concentrates on the most energetic portion of the signal. The lower-than-4khz cutoff seems to also indicate that this focus model is not based on filterbanks, or at least a very different model. This is clearly something entirely different from the MPEG-type perceptual audio encoders. Listen to these MP3 files and hear how the high tone reaches a full 4khz before cutting out: ● MP3 16kbps mono (20 KB) ● MP3 24kbps mono (30 KB) ● MP3 96kbps stereo (120 KB) ● MP3 VBR (low) (61 KB) One thing that amused me about this bank of MP3s is that RealAudio’s builtin MP3 decoder was unable to render them properly, but WinAMP had no problem with them! Clearly, there is some variation in MP3 decoder implementations! To their credit, the Xing, Sonique, and FreeAMP players were all able to successfully play both sets of files. Note how the MP3s properly cut off at 4khz. codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source Again, the G2 test did not provide any interesting result, due to the limitations on the free version of their encoder. (The paid version costs $150!) The 20kbps stereo encoding performed adequately. (1 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:57:44 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Sliding Tone Tests content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (2 of 2) [1/4/2002 10:57:44 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Speech Tests <> January 4 2002 codecs Speech Tests speech sample (2.0 MB) "Hello, my name is David Weekly and this is a test of speech quality audio coding. The purple cat, masked, made an indelible impression on the clandestine cohorts." - a random sentence with crisp consonants MS Audio v4.0 auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code ● 5kbps, 8khz, mono (9 KB) ● 10kbps, 11khz, mono (16 KB) ● 10kbps, 22khz, mono (16 KB) ● 16kbps, 16khz, mono (24 KB) ● 16kbps, 44khz, mono (24 KB) news ● 22kbps, 44khz, mono (33 KB) pictures ● 22kbps, 44khz, stereo (33 KB) ● 32kbps, 32khz, mono (48 KB) ● 32kbps, 44khz, mono (48 KB) projects ● 40kbps, 44khz, mono (60 KB) updates The 5kbps version, while comprehensible, is unpleasant to listen to; it is echoed, as if I were talking through a tin can. The 10kbps version at 22khz sounds rather robotic. Reducing the sampling rate to 11khz produced a much more pleasant version, as there was less high-frequency "drowning" of the signal. This is also illustrated in the 16kbps versions at 16 versus 44khz. It seems clear that if one is to use low bitrate signals with MS Audio, it’s better to use a low sample rate as well. The 32kbps still adds a rather annoying "swish" to my voice, as if there were a thick piece of fabric on my lips as I was speaking. At 40kbps, it becomes listenable, even with some high-frequency artifacts still remaining. codecs mp3 book poems writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search MP3 ● 16 kbps mono (23 KB) ● 24 kbps mono (34 KB) (1 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:51 AM] page source <d.w.o> codecs: Speech Tests ● 32 kbps mono (46 KB) ● 32 kbps stereo (46 KB) ● 48 kbps stereo (69 KB) ● 128 kbps stereo (183 KB) ● VBR (lowest) stereo (77 KB) ● VBR (highest) stereo (168 KB) The VBR (lowest) file here performed aimicably against the constant bitrate samples. One notices a high-pitched ringing in the 24-48kbps encodings. The 16kbps encoding is listenable, but sounds like I’m speaking through a plastic tube of sorts. Barath Raghavan wrote in to say that Fraunhofer’s encoder offers better quality than Xing for low, constant bitrate speech. As soon as I get my hands on some samples, I will post them. Alternative Speech Codecs ● MetaVoice 2.4 kbps (5.7 KB) ● MetaVoice 3 kbps (6.6 KB) ● Lernout & Hauspie CELP 4.8 kbps (10.6 KB) ● Microsoft G.723.1 5.3 kbps (10.8 KB) ● 5 kbps (10.2 KB) ● 16 kbps (27 KB) ● ADPCM 6 bit (506 KB) The MetaVoice codec performed outstandingly, intelligibly reproducing my voice at a mere 2400 bits per second. While it sounds somewhat like a Speak ’n Spell instead of me, the text comes across fairly clearly. I was pleasantly impressed. The L&H CELP did not perform too well (IMHO) against G.723.1 and, and while ADPCM offered high quality, the size was nearly two orders of magnitude larger than MetaVoice. would here be my recommended codec of choice for 5-15kbps speech coding, with MetaVoice handling anything beneath that. RealAudio RealAudio did pretty well with their 16 kbps (24 KB) encoding and the 32 kbps (55 KB) were both pleasant to listen to, even if not transparent (i.e., there were noticeable, but acceptable errors in the audio). (2 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:51 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Speech Tests Recommendations For encoding speech, I recommend the following codecs for the specified bitrates: codec TrueVoice RealAudio MP3 VBR speed < 5kbps 5kbps - 15kbps 15kbps - 50kbps > 50kbps content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (3 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:51 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Music Tests <> January 4 2002 codecs Music Tests Here is the clincher. The fact of the matter is, most people don’t encode sine waves or DTMF tones, and most of the popular content out there isn’t speech, either. It’s music. So I picked a nice 36-second sample of Brazilian music, Bermimbau’s "Mandrake Som" from Blue Brazil. funky music sample (6.3 MB) Microsoft Audio v4.0 auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code ● 16 kbps, 16khz stereo (80 KB) ● 20 kbps, 16khz stereo (98 KB) ● 44 kbps, 44khz stereo (206 KB) mp3 book ● 64 kbps, 44khz stereo (295 KB) news ● 80 kbps (367 KB) ● 96 kbps (439 KB) ● 128 kbps (582 KB) At 20kbps, MSA4 is definitely carrying the upper frequencies, but they are "drowning." Listen carefully to how short and crisp the syncopated hihat sounds in the WAV file and then how long and watered down it sounds in the 20kbps version. I think what is so immediately surprising about MSA4 is that it bothers to try and encode the higher frequencies at all: we’re not used to hearing that from a modem-rate codec. But now we see why, perhaps, other codecs steered clear of that area -- high-frequency anomalies can be quite annoying. Even at 44kbps, the higher frequencies are still being swished around. RealPlayer, to counter, just hacks the signal down to a frequency range that it’s comfortable with. As a result, the files are soft and easy to listen to, even if lacking crispness. To the credit of MSA4, the overall quality is much higher than the other codecs and the dynamic range is excellent. codecs pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search RealAudio page source ● 20 kbps (95 KB) (1 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:58 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Music Tests ● 32 kbps (154 KB) ● 44 kbps (209 KB) ● 64 kbps (303 KB) ● 97 kbps (457 KB) The 20kbps is not very nice to listen to; it feels kind of like sitting in a middle seat in coach class on a 12-hour flight: all of the sound is packed in to too low a frequency range. The 32kbps version is listenable, but not quite yet pleasant. At 44kbps the music, to me, breaks some gray border between "listenable" and "funky" - the music is now genuinely enjoyable, with the hihats and percussion properly accounted for. The 64kbps version fills out the sound a bit more, but the 97kbps version seems to have little further to add. MP3 ● 16 kbps, mono (71 KB) ● 24 kbps, mono (107 KB) ● 32 kbps, mono (143 KB) ● 32 kbps, stereo (143 KB) ● 48 kbps, stereo (215 KB) ● 64 kbps, mono (286 KB) ● 64 kbps, stereo (286 KB) ● VBR (lowest) mono (231 KB) ● VBR (lowest) stereo (400 KB) ● VBR (low) mono (280 KB) ● VBR (mid) mono (338 KB) ● VBR (mid) stereo (582 KB) ● VBR (highest) stereo (847 KB) Note that the RealPlayer G2 will choke on the VBR files, inserting large quantities of silence. Their VBR support is obviously not quite polished. We see here once more the classic playoffs of sampling frequency and stereo vs. mono. The music becomes listenable at 64kbps. While not encoded above (gosh, I’m getting tired!) the 128kbps version adds a small amount of clarity and crispness to the sounds. Notably, the VBR (highest) encoding is effectively transparent. I haven’t been able to find a file that encoded poorly with VBR on its highest setting: it will just suck up more bits. This is ideal for archiving music, as it doesn’t sound lossy at all, even for very high-fidelity clips (I have an excellent hirate VBR clip of Sting’s "Hounds of Winter" that just blew me away - I may put up part of it at some point). (2 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:58 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Music Tests Recommendations While I have yet to put up more music here, I would say that in general MSA4 encodes low/mid frequency music excellently and that you should run to encode most of your techno / drum&bass / house music right away with it. For those of you that love folk, classical, or hifi audio, I’d either use MSA4 with a very high bitrate or MP3 VBR at the highest setting. Given that it’s free to stream MP3s and that you can make and listen to them on a diverse array of platforms (versus just MS’s), and given the relatively lossless character of VBR (highest), I’d vote for that right now. If you’re already with a RealAudio framework, try to provide a 44kbps stream for those of us at universities and at work who have fast enough connections: the music is an entirely different (better!) experience when it is clean! Most people have G2 at this point, or are willing to get it, so I would opt to use it. Although not covered here, the G2 codec is significantly cleaner & nicer than the RA5 & RA3 Dolbynet-based codecs. It’s worth the move up. Shame on RealNetworks for making all of their free tools difficult and hard to access. RN cannot continue trying to pimp their customers, or people will move to more pleasant and more powerful frameworks, like MS Audio and/or MP3. One last thing: I came into this report wanting to dislike MS Audio v4.0. But it has shown itself admirably, and seems to be based entirely on in-house, proprietary work. While I loathe closed standards and the way they’ve tied the codec to their own expensive products, the codec is of extremely high quality, possibly better than AAC (although I need some listening tests for that!). Kudos to the quiet brains that made it. I’ll be making additions and modifications to this document as they come in. Please feel free to tell me what you thought of the report, what’s wrong with it, where you have something to add, or where you’d like me to put a sample of yours. UPDATE: Microsoft did send me an email. In fact, I got an email from Microsoft’s Codec Group Manager, Amir. Here’s what he said. It’s worth a read as he pointed out some important technical flaws in the resampler bundled with MS Audio 4.0 that may have caused the high-frequency errors. They are working on improving their resampler but suggest in the meantime that anyone using MS Audio should downsample on their own before encoding. I will downsample before encoding my next round of tests. content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly }- (3 of 3) [1/4/2002 10:57:58 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Updates <> January 4 2002 codecs Updates If you want to be notified when this report and other items on my website change, sign up here. I will not give your email address to anyone, and I usually send out less than one email message a month. auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> email: about Notify me when the site changes If you found this report useful, please consider donating a few bucks or maybe a fresh batch of cookies to keep a starving college student alive. Just send whatever you can to "David Weekly, PO Box 14216, Stanford, CA 94309" and the gods will bless you and I will not die of starvation. books code codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly } [1/4/2002 10:58:10 AM] <d.w.o> codecs: Also of Interest <> January 4 2002 codecs Also of Interest If you found this report interesting, you may also find John Hayward-Warburton’s writeup to be particularly interesting. RealNetworks themselves did a writeup on MS Audio here. Robin Whittle did an aboslutely incredible comparison of AAC, MP3, and VQF a few months ago. Robin also covers lossless audio compression in great detail. Panos Stokas ran a nice informal series of tests on his page. You could also look at ISO’s AAC listening tests (requires adobe acrobat) to see a very formalized set of tests. auf deutsch en español en français { } <d.w.o> about books code And, of course, if you found this writeup interesting, maybe you’d like to look at the rest of <>! =) codecs mp3 book news pictures poems projects updates writings video get my updates enter email Subscribe! dwo search page source content & layout copyright '2000 -{ david e weekly } [1/4/2002 10:58:21 AM] Lossless audio compression Lossless Compression of Audio ● Tests of Shorten, MUSICompress/WaveZIP , WaveArc, Pegasus SPS (ELS-Ultra), Sonarc, LPAC , WavPack, AudioZip, Monkey, RKAU and FLAC audio compression software. Links to material concerning the lossless compression (data reduction) of digital audio signals, including some other programs which I did not test. ● A detailed look at Rice coding and other techniques for compressing integers of varying lengths - particularly Elias coding and the work of Peter Fenwick. ● My particular interest is in delivery of music via the Net - with compression which does not affect the sound quality at all. I am primarily interested in compression ratios, not speed of the programs. This is the first web site devoted to listing all known lossless audio compression algorithms and software - please email your suggestions and I will try to keep it up-to-date. Copyright Robin Whittle 1998 - 2000 [email protected] Originally written 8 December 1998. Complete new test series and update 24 November to 11 December 2000. Latest update 31 October 2001. The update history is at the bottom of this page. Back to the First Principles main page - for material on telecommunications, music marketing via Internet delivery, the Devil Fish TB-303 modification, the world's longest Sliiiiiiinky and many and other show-and-tell items. To the /audiocomp/ directory, which leads to material on lossy audio compression, in particular, comparing AAC, MP3 and TwinVQ. This new series of tests was performed as a project paid for by the Centre for Signal Processing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr Lin Xiao, of the Centre, whose program AudioZip is one of the ten programs I tested, was keen that my tests be independent. To this end, I used exactly the same test tracks I used in 1998, adding only two pink noise tracks which do not count towards the averages for file-size and compression ratio . Thanks to Lin Xiao and his colleagues for enabling me to do a proper job of this! Let me know if you would like me to send you a dual CD-R set with all the test files so you can reproduce these tests yourself. (1 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:54 AM] Lossless audio compression Tests: what can be achieved with lossless compression? Short answer: 60 to 70% of original file-size with pop, rock, techno and other loud, noisy music; 35% to 60% for quieter choral and orchestral pieces. My primary interest is in compression of 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo audio files - as used in CDs. There are lossless compression systems for 24 bit and surround-sound systems. While I have a few links to these, they are not tested here. My tests are for programs which run on a Windows machine, though I have Linux machines as well, and some of these programs run under Linux too. I only found one Mac-only lossless compressor (ZAP) and have not tested it. In my 1998 tests I was not interested in speed, but in November 2000, in view of the fact that the compression ratios of the leading programs were fairly similar, I decided to test their speed as well, since this varies enormously. Five programs distinguished themselves with high compression ratios: ● Dennis Lee's Waveform Archiver (WavArc). ● Tilman Liebchen's LPAC. Lin Xiao's AudioZip. ● Matthew T. Ashland's Monkeys Audio. ● Malcolm Taylor's RKAU. Since each program performed differently on different types of music, and since the choice of music in these tests is arbitrary, I cannot say with confidence that any of these programs will produce generally higher rates of compression than the others. With my particular test material, all five produce significantly higher rates of compression than the other programs I tested. ● Since the difference between the best three programs and the next best three is only a few percent, many other factors are likely to influence your choice of which program is most useful to you. A full description of the test tracks follows the test results themselves. All tracks were 44.1 kHz 16 bit stereo .WAV files read directly from audio CD and are either electronic productions or microphone based recordings - except for my Spare Luxury piece which was generated entirely with software. The music constituted 775 Megabytes of data - 73 minutes of music. The tabulation of these figures was done by MS-DOS directory listings and pasting the file-sizes as a block into a spreadsheet. (See notes below on exactly how I did it.) Those files are here: sizes9.txt and lossless-analysis.xls . I am pretty confident there are no clerical or other errors, but these intermediate documents enable you to check. Audio files contain a certain amount of information - "entropy" - so they cannot be compressed losslessly to any size smaller than that. So it is not realistic to expect an ever-increasing improvement in lossless compression algorithm performance. The performance can only approach more closely whatever the basic entropy of the file is. No-one quite knows what that entropy is of course . . . I think that would require understanding the datastream in a way which is exactly in tune with it's true nature. For instance a .jpg image of handwriting would appear to contain a lot of data, unless you could see and recognise the handwriting and record its characters in a suitably compressed format. The true nature of sound varies with its source, physical environment and recording method, and a lossless compression program cannot adapt itself entirely to the "true" nature of the sound in each piece of music. Therefore it is not surprising that different algorithms work best on different kinds of music. Here are the test results, with the figures in the main body of the table showing the compressed file size as a function of the original size. Those instances which are the smallest are in bold-face, larger characters and with a green background. The average file sizes are the average of the file sizes of the test tracks 00 to 10. The average compression ratio is simply 100 divided by the average file size percentage. Except where noted (2 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:54 AM] Lossless audio compression (WaveArc -4 and with RKAU -l2 and -l3) I have selected the highest compression option for all programs tested. The two test files 11PS and 12PM are pink-noise files with a -12dB signal level. 11PS is independent stereo channels and 12PM is the same signal on both channels - the left channel of 11PS. These are not realistic tests of compression of music, but they show something about the internal functioning of the programs. The compression ratios for these pink noise files do not contribute to the averages at the bottom of the table. It is unavoidably wide, so scroll sideways and print in landscape. The table alone, for those who want to print it, is available as an HTML file here: table.html . Wave Zip Shorten Tony Robinson 00HI Choral 01CE Solo Cello 02BE Orchestra 03CC Ballet 04SL Softw. Synth. 05BM Club Techno 06EB Rampant Techno 07BI Rock 08KY Pop 09SR Indian Classical 1 10SI Indian Classical 2 11PS Pink noise 12PM Pink noise mono Average size Tracks 00 - 10 Average ratio Tracks 00 - 10 Gadget WavWavPegasus labs Arc -4 Arc -5 SPS MUSICompress Dennis Lee Dennis Lee Sonarc Wav2.1i Pack Richard LPAC 3.6B P. David Tilman Sprague Liebchen Bryant Monkey Audio 3.81B RKAU Matthew 1.07 Zip T. Malcolm Lin Xiao Ashland Taylor 37.23 44.81 36.49 34.73 36.69 40.91 39.57 41.77 40.28 38.98 33.28 42.01 44.71 41.98 40.44 41.14 41.53 40.33 41.38 40.52 39.61 39.18 55.68 57.99 42.00 40.72 42.43 53.15 40.55 43.89 43.48 39.86 39.01 58.28 60.29 57.32 54.58 56.52 55.97 54.31 56.51 55.20 53.82 52.80 42.54 45.23 42.02 39.64 40.70 40.99 39.61 41.88 40.65 38.32 33.06 74.07 75.43 69.51 68.45 70.70 72.91 68.45 69.75 69.34 66.81 66.60 68.50 69.56 66.95 66.23 67.67 68.97 67.02 66.48 65.80 66.30 65.88 65.04 66.54 62.07 58.79 62.48 59.50 57.59 61.78 58.36 57.15 56.95 74.36 75.28 71.39 70.41 72.08 71.13 69.55 71.76 69.47 68.09 68.07 53.54 56.11 46.70 44.63 52.39 51.99 44.45 46.58 47.76 43.41 43.89 58.60 61.50 56.12 50.99 53.46 50.99 49.73 54.34 50.70 49.24 49.23 86.70 89.06 86.25 86.21 86.42 87.13 86.15 86.54 85.87 86.45 85.49 86.71 89.06 43.15 43.14 43.27 87.14 43.09 46.29 78.32 46.24 42.75 57.26 59.77 53.87 51.78 54.20 55.28 51.92 54.19 52.87 51.05 49.81 1.746 1.673 1.856 1.931 1.845 1.809 1.926 1.845 1.891 1.959 2.008 Shorten WaveZip WaveArc -4 (3 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:56 AM] WaveArc -5 Pegasus SPS Sonarc LPAC Wave Pack Audio Zip Monkey RKAU Lossless audio compression Time to compress 3min 20sec Kylie pop track (500 MHz Celeron) 0:17 0:22 0:30 4:37 1:42 66:00 1:18 0:21 6:26 0:28 The compress time tests were performed with a 500MHz Celeron with 128MB of RAM and a 13Gig IDE hard disc. It took 7 seconds to copy the test file (00ky.wav 35.9 MB) from and to the disc. These figures should be regarded as accurate to only +/- 20%. The test files are described below. 6 second 1 Megabyte sample waveforms are provided. The .wav files are stored in a directory which is not linked to exactly here, to stop search engines downloading them. The directory is /audiocomp/lossless/wav/ . Type this into your browser if you wish to download .wav files. Compression of these 6 second samples will no-doubt produce different ratios then compressing the entire file, due to variations in the sound signal from moment to moment. After I did these tests, I discovered some non-ideal aspects of two files: ● The Orchestra track was in fact mono - both channels were almost identical. I think it was an old analogue recording. ● The Ballet file (Can Can) had 12 seconds of silence at the end. I have not changed them, since they are the same files as I used in 1998. Description of audio Average track level dB (Size Megabytes) Smallest Length Comments Source file size min:sec as ratio of original Choral - Gothic Voices: Hildergard von Bingen: Columbia aspexit (00HI.wav 55.9MB) -29.5 34.7% 5:17 Solo cello - Janos Starker J.S. Bach: Suite 1 in G Major (01CE.wav 173.2MB) -20.4 40.3% 16.45 Orchestra - Beethoven 3rd Symphony (02BE.wav 43.6MB) -21.1 40.6% 4.07 Mono Berlin Philharmonic Music and Arts CD520, from a Classic CD magazine issue 54 cover disc. Ballet - Offenbach, Can Can (03CC.wav 24.4MB) -14.6 54.3% 2.18 12 sec silence Unknown orchestra, Tek (Innovatek S.A. Bruxelles) 93-006-2 A Feather on the Breath of God Hyperion CDA66039 Sefel SE-CD 300A (4 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:56 AM] 3:14 Lossless audio compression Software synthesis: my "Spare Luxury" Csound binaural piece (04SL.wav 85.0MB) -20.5 39.6% 8.02 Club techno Bubbleman (Andy Van): Theme from Bubbleman (05BM.wav 59.1MB) -11.7 68.5% 5.35 Vicious Vinyl Vol 3 VVLP004CD Rampant trance techno - ElBeano (Greg Bean): Ventilator (06EB.wav 44.0MB) -14.3 65.8% 4.09 Earthcore EARTH 001 Rock - Billy Idol, White Wedding (07BI.wav 88.9MB) -17.3 57.6% 8.23 Chrysalis CD 53254 Pop - Kylie Minogue, I Should be so Lucky (08KY.wav 35.9MB) -14.9 69.5% 3.23 Mushroom TVD93366 Indian classical (mandolin and mridangam) - U. Srinivas: Sri Ganapathi (09SR.wav 71.7MB) -12.1 44.4% 6.45 Academy of Indian Music (Sandstock) Aust.SSM054 CD Indian classical (sitar and tabla) PT. Kartick Kumar & Niladri Kumar,: Misra Piloo (10SI.wav 89.4MB) -19.4 49.7% 8.27 OMI music D4HI0627 Pink noise stereo (11PS.wav) -12.2 85.8% 1.00 Pink noise mono (12PM.wav) -12.2 43.1% 1.00 The 10 programs I tested Shorten Tony Robinson WaveZip Gadget labs (MUSI-Compress) (5 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:57 AM] Lossless audio compression WavArc Dennis Lee Pegasus SPS Sonarc 2.1i Richard P. Sprague LPAC Tilman Liebchen WavPack 3.1 David Bryant AudioZip Lin Xiao Centre for Signal Processing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Monkeys Audio 3.7 Matthew T. Ashland RKAU Malcolm Taylor FLAC Josh Coalson (Not tested yet.) Any program listed as running under Windows 95 or 98 will presumably run under Windows ME, NT, 2000, XP etc. Shorten Tony Robinson Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems MS-DOS, Win9x. Versions and price Win9x and demos free. More functional MS-DOS and Win9x version available for USD$29.95. Source code available? (In the past.) GUI / command line GUI & Command line. Notable features High speed. Real-time decoder In paid-for version. (6 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:57 AM] Lossless audio compression Other features ● ● ● Near-lossless compression available. Shorten "supports compression of Microsoft Wave format files (PCM, ALaw and mu-Law variants) as well as many raw binary formats". Paid-for version includes: ❍ Batch encoding and decoding. ❍ Creation of self-extracting encoded files. ❍ MS-DOS Command line encoder/decoder. Theory of operation A 1994 paper by Tony Robinson is available at from this Cambridge University site. Options used for tests GUI program: "lossless". Technical background to the program is at: . I tested version "2.3a1 (32 bit)" as reported in the GUI executable. This was from the shortn23a32e.exe installation file. Seek information in Shorten files, and other programs which compress to the Shorten file format There is another version of Shorten, "shortn32.exe" V3.1 at: . is concerned with lossless compression for swapping DAT recordings of bands who permit such recordings. This is an MS-DOS executable which reports itself (with the -h option) as: shorten: version 3.1: (c) 1992-1997 Tony Robinson and SoftSound Ltd Seek extensions by Wayne Stielau - 9-25-2000 This adds extra data to the file, or as a separate file, to enable quick seeking within a file for real-time playback. It compresses and decompresses. I was unable to get it to compress without including the seek data, so I did not test it. I assume its performance is the same as the program I obtained from Tony Robinson's site. Another program based on Tony Robinson's Shorten is by Michael K. Weise - a Win98/NT/2000 GUI program called "mkw Audio Compression Tool - mkwACT" . This generates compressed Shorten files with seek information. It can also compress to MP3 using the Blade codec. I tried installing the "version 0.97 beta 1" of this program, but there was an error. Real-time players for Shorten files In addition to the real-time player included in the full (paid-for) version of Shorten, there is a free plugin for the ubiquitous Windows MP3 (etc. & etc.) audio player Winamp . The plug-in - ShnAmp v2.0 - . This uses the special files with seek information produced by the programs mentioned above. There is a functionally similar real-time player program for Xmms the X MultiMedia System (Linux: and other Unix-compatible operating systems): xmms-shn which is freely available, with source code, from: . (7 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:57 AM] Lossless audio compression WaveZip Gadget labs (MUSICompress) Homepage WaveZip but see note below on availability. MUSICompress email None. Operating systems Win9x. (MUSICompress command line demo program runs in DOS box under any version of Windows.) Versions and price Win9x evaluation version is free. A paid-for 24 bit upgrade was available, but Gadget Labs has now gone out of business. (MUSICompress command line demo program is free to use.) Source code available? No, but see the Al Al Wegener's Soundspace site (below) for information and source code regarding the MUSI-Compress algorithm. GUI / command line GUI. Notable features High speed. Handles 8 and 16 bit .WAV files in stereo and mono. Also supports ACD (Sonic Foundry's ACID) and BUN (Cakewalk Pro). Real-time decoder No. Other features Very handy file selection system Theory of operation Soundspace Audio's page for their MUSICompress algorithm: See notes below. Options used for tests There are no options. (But see note below on commandline version of MUSICompress.) On 1 December 2000, Gadget Labs ceased trading and put some of its software in the public domain, with the announcement: "We regret to announce that Gadget Labs is no longer in business. We sincerely appreciate the support from customers during the last 3 years, and we regret that we didn't meet with enough success to be able to continue to deliver our products and service. This web site (8 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:57 AM] Lossless audio compression includes technical information and software drivers that are being placed in the public domain. Please note that usage of the information and drivers contained here is at the user's sole discretion, responsibility, and risk." Gadget Labs was primarily known for its digital audio interface cards. A Yahoo Groups discussion group regarding Gadget Labs is here. The WaveZip page at their site (wavezip.htm) has disappeared. There is no mention of WaveZip at their site at present. For now, I have placed the evaluation version 2.01 of WaveZip in a directory here: WaveZip/ . It is 2.7 megabytes. In October 2001, Al Wegener wrote to me to point out the command line demo version of MUSICompress which is available for free (subject to non-disclosure and no-dissassembly) at his site. He wrote: Even though the console interface is not nearly as nice as WaveZIP was, people can still submit WAV-format files to this PC app and both compress and decompress their files. This version also supports lossy compression, where users can play with a decrease in quality (one LSB at a time), vs. an increase in compression ratio. By the way, I've gotten several new customers recently that use MUSICompress specifically because it's fast. On many of these customers' files, an extra 10% compression ratio just isn't worth a 20x wait. MUSI-Compress Theory The information sheet at: indicates that MUSI-Compress is capable of reducing rock recordings to between 60 and 70% of their original size. An informative paper from the developer, Al Wegener, is available in Word 6 format from the Soundspace site. MUSICompress is written in ANSI C using integer math only. It has been ported to at least two DSPs and is used in the WaveZIP program (see below). There is also a Matlab version, and the documentation which comes with this indicates that MUSICompress typically uses: Compression requires between 35 and 45 instructions per sample. Expansion requires between 25 and 35 instructions per sample According to Al Wegener, like other commercial lossless audio compression algorithms, MUSICompress uses a predictor to approximate the audio signal - encoding the prediction data in the output stream - and then computes a set of difference values between the prediction and the actual signal. These difference values are relatively small integers (in general) and these are compressed using Huffman coding and sent to the output stream. The compress and decompress functions can apparently be implemented in hardware with 4,700 gates and 20,500 bits of RAM (compress) and 3,800 gates and 1,500 bits of RAM (decompress) - which sounds pretty snappy to me. (9 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:57 AM] Lossless audio compression The diagram to the left, from the abovementioned paper, depicts the approach taken by all the compression algorithms reviewed on this page. The raw signal is approximated by some kind of "prediction" algorithm, the parameters of which are selected to produce a wave quite similar to the input waveform. Those parameters are different for each frame (say 256 samples) of audio and are packed into a minimum number of bits in the output file (or stream, in a real-time application). Meanwhile, the difference between the "predicted" waveform and the real signal is packed into as small a number of bits as possible. Often, the "Rice" coding (AKA Rice packing) algorithm is used, but MUSI-Compress uses Huffman packing instead. Some of the material mentioned below contains more detailed theoretical descriptions of Rice packing and other algorithms - and I have my own explanation below. This diagram is relevant to all the lossless algorithms I know of. (I worked on my own algorithm which worked on different principles for a while - but it did not work out well. A good "prediction" system is crucial.) The predictor is replicated in the decoder - and it must work from prediction parameters and the previously decoded samples. The predicted value is added to the "error" value to create the final exactly correct value for that sample. Then the prediction algorithm is run again, based on the newly decoded sample and some previous ones, to predict the next sample. WavArc Dennis Lee Homepage Unknown - but the program is available here: wavarc/ .. email Unknown. Operating systems MS-DOS. (ie, in an MS-DOS window in Win9.x.) Versions and price Free. Source code available? No. GUI / command line Command line. Notable features Potentially very high compression. Multiple files stored in one archive. Real-time decoder No. (10 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:58 AM] Lossless audio compression Other features High compression ratio. Selectable speed/compression trade-off. Compresses WAV files and stores all other files without compression in the archive. Theory of operation ? Options used for tests "a -c4" and "a -c5". Dennis Lee's Waveform Archiver is a freeware command-line program to run under MS-DOS or in a Windows command line mode. It can store multiple .WAV files in a single archive. Dennis Lee's web page: disappeared sometime in 1999. Emails to that site (University of Toronto) enquiring about him have not resulted in any replies. No source code was available, and there was no mention of what algorithms are used. This program was made available on a low-key basis - but its performance in "compression level 5" mode significantly exceeds the alternatives that I was aware of when I did my first rounds of tests in late 1998. When compressing, I found that the report it gives on screen about the percentage file size is sometimes completely wrong. I tested version 1.1 of 1 August 1997. Dennis told me by email on 4 December 1998 that he had done a lot of work on version 2.0 of Waveform Archiver - but is not sure when it will be finished: Shortly before completing WA v2.0 I became involved with another project full-time, and haven't been able to work on WA since. WA v2.0 has some significant improvements including: 1) Faster at all compression settings. 2) -c6 codec (slightly more optimal than v1.1's -c5). 3) A new -c5 that's much faster (about half the speed of -c4). This new codec is both backward and forward compatible with v1.1's -c5. 4) Lossless compression for non-audio files (provided by zlib). 5) Several bug fixes including the incorrect compression status on large files. I hope to continue work on WA when I find the time. WavArc began life in 1994, as explained in /wavarc/WA.TXT . I would be very glad to hear of Dennis Lee. I did an extensive web search in November 2000, but found no leads. (11 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:58 AM] Lossless audio compression Pegasus SPS Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems Win9x. Versions and price Full version USD$39.95. Evaluation version limited to 10 compressions. Source code available? No. GUI / command line GUI. Notable features WAV files, 8 and 16 bit, stereo and mono. Real-time decoder No. Other features Batch compression in paid-for version. Theory of operation for generalised ELS algorithm. Options used for tests There are no options. In 1997 Krishna Software Inc. wrote a lossless audio compression program for Windows. The program has some limited audio editing capabilities and several compression modes, but the most significant lossless compression algorithm - ELS - comes from Pegasus Imaging, who seem to have developed it initially for JPG image compression. The SPS program is available from both companies. Pegasus-SPS provides four lossless compression modes and has the ability to truncate a specified number of bits for lossy compression. I used the default and highest performance "ELS-Ultra" algorithm for my tests. This was reasonably fast and produced results a fraction of a percent better than the next two best performing algorithms. When the compression function is working, this program seems to use virtually all the CPU cycles - at least under Windows 98 - so don't plan on doing much else with your computer! Some information on ELS - Entropy Logarithmic Scale - encoding is at: this leads to a .PDF file which has a scanned version of a 47 page 1996 paper explaining the algorithm: "A Rapid Entropy-Coding Algorithm" by Wm. Douglas Withers. I tested version 1.00 of Pegasus-SPS. (12 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:58 AM] Lossless audio compression Sonarc 2.1i Richard P. Sprague Homepage None. email None. Operating systems MS-DOS. Versions and price Was shareware, but author is uncontactable. Source code available? No. GUI / command line Command line. Notable features Real-time decoder No. Other features Theory of operation ? Options used for tests "-x -o0" = use floating point and for each frame, search for the best order or predictor. Sonarc, by Richard P. Sprague was developed up until 1994. His email address was "[email protected]" but in December 1998, this address was no longer valid. Sonarc has quite good compression rates, but it is very slow indeed. There is an entry for it in the speech compression FAQ at: . Sonarc is also listed in Jeff Gilchrist's magnificent MS-DOS/Windows "Archive Comparison Test" site at: which gives an FTP site for the program: . This is the program I tested: version 2.1i. You can get a copy of it here: sonarc/ . The programs are MS-DOS executables, dated 27 June 1994. The documentation file, with the shareware arrangements and author's contact details is here: sonarc/sonarc.txt . LPAC Tilman Liebchen Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems Win9x/ME/NT/2000, Linux, Solaris. (13 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:58 AM] Lossless audio compression Versions and price Free. Source code available? Tilman Liebchen writes that he is contemplating some form of availability, and that "the LPAC codec DLL can be used by anyone for their own programs. I do not supply a special documention for the DLL, but any potential user can contact me.". GUI / command line GUI and command line. In the future (Dec 2000) the LPAC codec DLL will operate as part of the Exact Audio Copy CD ripper. Notable features 8, 16, 20 and 24 bit support. Real-time decoder Yes, and a WinAmp plug-in. Other features High compression ratio. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) for verifying proper decompression. Theory of operation Tilman Liebchen writes "adaptive prediction followed by entropy coding". Options used for tests Extra High Compression, Joint Stereo and no Random Access. Tilman Liebchen is continuing to actively develop LPAC, the successor to LTAC which I tested in 1998. The results shown here are for the "Extra High Compression" option with "Joint Stereo" and no "Random Access". The Random Access is to aid seeking in a real-time player, and adds around 1% to the file size. But see the sizes9.txt for the actual file sizes. In all cases not using the "Joint Stereo" option produced files of the same size or larger. On 17 January, Tilman wrote: The new LPAC Codec 3.0 has just been released. It offers significantly improved compression ("medium" compression is now better than "extra high" compression was before) together with increased speed (approx. factor 1.5 - 2). I would be lucky if you could test the new codec and put the results on your page. I haven't tested it yet. (14 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:59 AM] Lossless audio compression WavPack 3.1 David Bryant Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems MS-DOS Versions and price Free. Version 3.1 and 3.6 Beta. Source code available? No. GUI / command line Command line. Notable features High speed. Real-time decoder WinAmp plugin currently being developed. Other features Compresses non .WAV files, including Adaptec .CIF files for an entire CD. Nice small distribution file < 82 kbytes. Theory of operation Options used for tests No options affected the lossless mode. I tested version 3.6 Beta of WavPack, using the -h option for the high compression mode which Dave Bryant added in 3.6. WavPack is freely available, without source code but with a good explanation of the compression algorithm. It is intended as a fast compressor with good compression ratios for .wav files. Compression and decompression rates of 8 times faster than audio are achieved on a Pentium 300 MHz machine. The algorithm makes use of the typical correlation which exists between left and right channels in a stereo file. Two additional features are lossless compression of any file, with high compression for those containing audio (such as CD-R image files) and selectably lossy compression. AudioZip Lin Xiao Centre for Signal Processing, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Homepage email Lin Xiao (Dr) [email protected] Operating systems Win9x. Versions and price Free. (15 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:59 AM] Lossless audio compression Source code available? No. GUI / command line GUI. Notable features High compression ratio. Real-time decoder No. Other features Theory of operation "LPC with Rice encoding." Options used for tests Maximum. The current version of AudioZip is rather slow - at least at the Maximum compression mode, which I used in these tests. Its user interface is quite primitive, for instance it is necessary to manually enter the name of each compressed file. However Lin Xiao writes that he and his team are working to make AudioZip faster and more user friendly. See the note below in the RKAU section on how AudioZip and RKAU achieved the highest compression ratios for the pink noise file. Monkey 3.7 - 3.81 Matthew T. Ashland Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems Win9x. Versions and price Free. Source code available? No, but author could be tempted. Programming details for the DLLs are provided, along with the source for the plugin realtime players (which use the DLL for decoding). GUI / command line GUI and command line. Encoder can be used by Exact Audio Copy CD ripper. Notable features High speed and high compression. Real-time decoder Standalone program and plugins for Winamp and Media Jukebox. (16 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:59 AM] Lossless audio compression Other features CRC checking. Includes ID3 tags as used in MP3 to convey information about the track. Can be used as front end for other compressors, including WavPack, Shorten and RKAU. Compresses WAV files, mono or stereo, 8, 16 or 24 bits. Theory of operation Adaptive predictor followed by Rice coding. Options used for tests Command line version -c4000. I tested the command line 3.81 Beta 1 commandline-only version of Monkeys Audio, using the -c4000 option for highest compression. A separate renamer program is handy for changing the extension of file names - it can recurse into sub-directories. RKAU Malcolm Taylor Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems Win9x. Versions and price Free. Source code available? No. GUI / command line Command line. (But Monkeys Audio can be a GUI front end.) Notable features High compression. Real-time decoder Winamp plugin. Other features Selectable lossy compression modes. Can include real-time seek information for use with realtime players. Theory of operation ? (17 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:59 AM] Lossless audio compression Options used for tests -t- -l2 -t- -l2 -s-t- -l3 -t- -l3 -s- I tested the v1.07 version, with options -t-" to not include real-time tags. Malcolm told me that the highest compression option "-l3" sometimes produced compression lower than "-l2", so I tried both options. Likewise the program's default behaviour of assuming there is something in common with both stereo channels does not always lead to the best compression. I tried RKAU with and without the -s- option, giving me four sets of file sizes. See analysis-rkau-107.html for these results and the "best-of" set chosen from the four options. The best-of set is reproduced below. Theseare the figures I have used in the main comparison table. 00HI With or without -sto disable separate stereo channels Either -L2 or -L3 -s- L2 Best of RKAU 1.07 -t- with or without -s- and at either -l2 or -l3 % 18,610,940 33.28 01CE L3 69,471,291 39.18 02BE L3 17,001,008 39.01 03CC L3 12,879,953 52.80 L3 28,109,211 33.06 05BM L3 39,382,534 66.60 06EB L2 28,985,245 65.88 07BI L3 50,598,306 56.95 08KY L3 24,435,044 68.07 L2 31,464,353 43.89 L2 44,015,255 49.23 9,048,056 85.49 04SL -s- 09SR 10SI -s- 11PS -s- L3 (18 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:58:59 AM] Lossless audio compression 12PM L2 4,524,830 Average size 00 - 09 42.75 49.812 Average ratio 2.00755 Note that the average file size and compression ratio is based on the best achievable after compressing each file in four ways and manually choosing the smallest file size - something which is not likely to be practical for everyday use. It shows that RKAU has potentially better compression ratios than other programs for the files I tested, but that at present, the program is not smart enough to choose the best approach for each file. The best results with any one option were for "-l2" (with -t- and without -s-). The average file size was 50.132% and the average compression ratio was 1.99475. Malcolm suggests that other programs would benefit from correct choice of whether or not to treat the stereo channels separately, or to treat them together (I guess compressing L+R as one channel and L-R as the other, presumably quieter channel). You can see by the results for the stereo and "mono" (both stereo channels the same) which programs are taking notice of stereo correlations. RKAU does this by default, but sometimes it would be better if it did not. Here are the options for each program: Program Default - does it recognise correlation between channels? Option to control Joint Stereo? Shorten No. WaveZip (Gadget Labs) No. WaveArc Yes. No. PegausSPS Yes. No. Sonarc LPAC Comments No. Yes. WavPack Joint Stereo is on by default. No. AudioZip To some extent. No. Monkey 3.81 beta Yes. No. (19 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:00 AM] Best to use Joint Stereo the results are the same or better then without it. Lossless audio compression RKAU Yes. Yes: -s- -s- is sometimes better. -l2 is sometimes better than -l3. I have not counted the pink-noise results towards the average compression percentages/ratios, because they do not represent musical signals, it is interesting to see which algorithm achieves the highest compression ratio for the stereo pink noise file. This signal has no musical pattern in terms of spectrum or sample-to-sample correlation other than pink noise filtering of white noise to give a spectrum of -3dB per octave, compared to white-noise (each sample completely random) which has a flat frequency response. (For more on pink noise, see: dsp/pink-noise/ ). This indicates that the RKAU and AudioZip's algorithms are highly attuned. FLAC Josh Coalson Homepage email [email protected] Operating systems Win9x, Linux, Solaris - any Unix. Versions and price Free. Source code available? Yes! GPL and LGPL. Written in C. GUI / command line Command line. Notable features Open source, patent-free format and source code for codec. Real-time decoder Winamp and XMMS plugins. Other features Uses stereo interchannel correlation in several possible ways, including variants such as L, (R-L). Several predictor algorithms and two approaches to Rice coding of the residuals. All these can be used optimally per block. The current version of the codec uses fixed blocksizes, but the format enables them to be varied dynamically. Provision for metadata, such as ID3 tags. Theory of operation Options used for tests Not tested yet. (20 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:00 AM] Lossless audio compression FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Coder) was released in an Alpha form on 10 December 2000. parameters which may affect compression ratios, so I will try a few combinations. I have not yet tested it. There are a number of Please provide feedback! Please let me know your suggestions for improving this page, particularly for correcting any problem with my description of the programs tested. I can't keep linking to every paper or page regarding lossless audio compression, but I would like to link to he major ones. Mark Nelson's compression link farm below, is likely to be a more complete set of links. If you like this page, please consider writing to Dr Lin Xiao [email protected] who organised the funding for my work on it in November-December 2000. With about 150 visits a day, this page is one of the most popular on my website. Programs I did not test or report on fully Two programs I tested briefly but have not reported on because their performance was not as good as any of those listed above: ❍ ADA, an MS-DOS command line program: . ❍ A simple sample-to-sample diff program followed by zip or gzip: audiozip RAR (AKA Win-RAR) is a general purpose archiver, with a "Multimedia" option: I tested version 2.80 Beta 1 with the "Best" and "Mulimedia" options - the results are in the spreadsheet. I have not added it to the table because, with a few exceptions, its compression ratios were worse than any of the programs listed in the table. RAR's average compression size was 61.219, giving a ratio of 1.63347. RAR is a shareware program with an evaluation period and a USD$35 registration fee. It has versions in multiple languages for operating systems including Windows, MS-DOS, Mac, Linux and various other flavours of Unix. MKT is a Windows drag-and-drop program with its own lossless compression format by Michael K. Weise, [email protected] . As with RAR and DAKX the compression ratios were no better than those already in my table. I have added them to the spreadsheet For MKT 0.97 Beta 1, the average compression size was 70.061, giving a ratio of 1.42732. MKT can also act as a fron-end for encoding with LAME (a highly regarded open-souce MP3 encoder/decoder) and losslessly with Shorten, with or without real-time seeking information. In doing so, MKT can apparently recurse and create subdirectories. Emagic have a lossless compressor Zap for the Macintosh, with decompression on Mac and Windows: . I did not test it because I do not have a Macintosh. The DAKX system, described more fully below, has a Mac-only shareware version and a Windows 9x version 1.0. (21 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:00 AM] Lossless audio compression Merging Technology's LRC system has no demonstration program: Links specific to lossless audio compression There are many more links regarding data compression of integers of varying lengths at the bottom of this page. Brian Dipert's lossy and lossless codec project >>> "There is another system!" - Colossus, in The Forbin Project. <<< This site tests several of the lossless codecs (encoder / decoder) tested here. In December 2000, these included MUSICompress (WaveZip), Shorten, WavPack and RAR. This is an ongoing project and the site lists several other lossless codecs, including MKT which I had not heard of before. This page has some excellent links to lossy and lossless codec sites! When I looked at it this page was corrupt and displayed incorrectly on every browser I tried (Netscape, Mozilla, Opera) apart from Microsoft Internet Explorer. Search Engines AltaVista Advanced - - returned 1,014 pages in December 2000 for the query: lossless near (sound or audio) and (compression or "data reduction") Click here to repeat that search. Mark Nelson's formidable compression resources and link farm Author Mark Nelson maintains a fabulous set of pages of links to all matters compression. The index page is: Some lossless audio programs are listed at: Also, check out the links at: (22 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:00 AM] Lossless audio compression Dr Dobb's Compression Forum Mark Nelson's extensive resource at the Web abode of what used to be known, from 1976 as Dr. Dobb's Journal of Calisthenics and Orthodontia: Running Light Without Overbyte. Usenet newsgroup comp.compression The FAQ for Usenet newsgroup comp.compression is at: If you don't have direct access (via NNTP) to a Usenet server which carries comp.compression, you can read the posts via the Web at: - and no doubt other such sites. You can post from too, but it is best to set up a free account with them first. Mat Hans' thesis Mat Hans has written a magnificent PhD thesis on lossless audio compression. It is in PDF format and is available zipped from his web site. (Actually, PDF is highly compressed - its generally better not to compress them with another algorithm.) The thesis looks at both lossy and lossless algorithms. In the lossless area, Hans tests and explores the inner workings of many lossless audio compression algorithms. DAKX A new algorithm suitable for lossless or lossy compression of audio and other similar signals has been developed by DAKX in North Carolina: The algorithm is patented in the US: . My impression is that it focuses on the most efficient way of storing the differences between one sample and another. This largely concerns setting a bit-length to hold each diff value in the output stream, with snappy ways of increasing or decreasing that bit-length. There are Macintosh executables for audio files. One (v1.1) is shareware for USD$40. D. A. Kopf, DAKX's developer, wrote to me and asked me to link to and test a Windows v1.0 version of DAKX. This is not as developed as the later Mac version, but it has the same compression performance. The program is at: is free to use. His email dakx-1.txt contains a brief description or DAKX's algorithm. I have not listed DAKX's compression performance in the table above, since it does not in general surpass any of those listed - and the table is already rather wide. I have added its results to the spreadsheet. Its average file size and compression ratio are 61.444% and 1.62749 respectively. These tests were done in 16 bit mode with the slider on the right at the higest position for "M" maximum complression. D. A. Kopf wrote to me that the Windows version's maximum compression is not quite as good as the Macintosh version. Compressing one section of a test file (03CC.wav) he found that the Windows and Macintosh file sizes were 57.03% and 56.50% respectively. Quite apart from its use as a compressor, this Windows version 1.0 of DAKX (and, I imagine the later Mac version) has a most fascinating and eductational function: It can play back WAV files with truncation from 16 (no truncation) down to 2 bits, with the truncation selectable by a slider in real-time!! Be sure to increase the size of the window by dragging the bottom right corner - this makes the file selection business easier. Click on the (23 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression Play button and then double-click on the file you want to listen to. This is a handy test tool for those who swear they need 24 bits! In many listening situations, it is hard to hear 14 bit truncation. This playback function makes a Jim Dandy fuzzbox too! DVD-AUDIO and Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP) I have not been following this at all, due to shortage of time, my belief that there's nothing wrong with 44.1 kHz 16 bit digital audio when it is properly done, and my interest in binaural sound, rather than multi-channel surround sound. (Nonetheless, for mastering, 20 or even 24 bit accuracy would be handy.) Click here to search Alta Vista Advanced text mode for material on "meridian lossless packing". ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Meridian's site: . A paper called "Coding High Quality Digital Audio " available in PDF format from has some interesting arguments about why 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio is supposedly not good enough, and mentions lossless compression for 96 kHz 24 bit digital audio for DVD discs. This is part of the ARA Acoustic Renaissance for Audio project. Frequently Asked Questions about Surround Sound : . More than 12 hours of 44.1 kHz 16 bit stereo with MLP will apparently be possible with DVD-A. It is extraordinary that there are still plans to add watermarking noise to material released on this potentially impeccable format! Dolby's Frequently Asked Questions about Dolby Digital is one of the files available at: . Various other links A large list of MS-DOS / Windows archiving programs, including some real antiques, is maintained by Jeff Gilchrist at his ACT Archive Compression Test site: . There is a test there on lossless compression of 8 bit audio files, but I am really only interested in 16 bit stereo files, which are a very different thing. Compression Pointers from Stuart Inglis: . Seneschal has an excellent set of links and papers regarding high sample-rate and bit resolution audio, including with new DVD audio formats. One article there by Seneshal's Oliver Masciarotte from the July 1998 Mix magazine, discussing various audio formats for DVD (DVD-Audio - which was then being finalised) and potentially lossless compression based the ARA proposal. In June 99 there is an article interviewing a Dolby engineer about Meridian Lossless Packing as used in DVD-Audio. (24 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression Not a lossless algorithm, but a relatively low loss system used for broadcasting is Audio Processing Technology's 4:1 fixed rate apt-X system. This is a real-time, high quality, low delay system (2.76ms for encode and decode combined) - which does not rely on psycho-acoustic models etc. The FAQ describes it: ADPCM as used by APT for its apt-X 4:1 compression algorithm takes the digital signal and breaks it into four frequency sub bands by means of a QMF digital filter. Each of these sub bands is subsequently coded by means of predictive analysis; the coder predicts what the next digital sample in the audio signal will be and subtracts this prediction from the actual sample. The resulting, small error signal is transmitted to the decoder which then adds back in the prediction from identical tables stored in the decoder. NO psycho-acoustic auditory mask is used to throw away any of the original audio signal resulting in a near lossless compression system. In March 2001, a chap from APT wrote to me that the algorithm is available on a demo basis as a Windows DLL. My work, an explanation of Rice Coding and an exploration of alternative coding strategies for generally short variable length integers In November 1997 I spent some time pursuing an old interest - lossless compression of audio signals. I tried sending, for instance, every 32nd sample, and then sending those in between - sample 16, 48 etc. - as differences from the interpolation of the preceding and following 32nd sample. Then I would do the 8th samples which were missing, and then the 4th and then all the odd samples on the same basis. This constitutes using interpolation between already transmitted samples as a predictor - and the results are not particularly promising. I also experimented using the highest quality MP3 encoding as a predictor, but even using LAME at 256 kbps, the difference between this (once decoded and aligned for shifts in the output waveform's timing) were quite large. The difference was generally broadband noise, with its volume depending on the volume of the input signal. This does not look like a promising approach either. In December I figured out an improvement to traditional "101 => 000001" Rice encoding. It turned out to be a generally sub-ovariation on the Elias Gamma code. Here is a quick description of Rice and Elias Gamma - and a link to an excellent paper on these and other funtionally similar codes. Rice Coding, AKA Rice Packing, Elias Gamma codes and other approaches In a lossless audio compression program, a major task is to store a larege body of signed integers of varying lengths. These are the "error" values for each sample: they tell the decoder the difference between its predictor value (based on some variable algorithm working on previously decoded samples) and the true value of the sample. The coding methods here all relate to storing variable length integers, in which the distribution is stronger for low values than for high. (25 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression I have not read the original paper: R. F. Rice, "Some practical universal noiseless coding techniques" Tech Rep. JPL-79-22, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, March 1979. I have read various not-so-great explanations of Rice coding. There seems to be several often-related algorithms which come under this heading. Initially, there are Golumb codes, as per the paper: S.W. Golomb, "Run-Length Encodings", IEEE Trans Info. Theory, Vol 12 pp 399Ð401 1966. Golumb codes are a generalised approach to dividing a number into two parts, encoding one directly and the other part - the one which varies more in length, in some other way. Rice codes are a development of Golumb codes. Here I will deal only with Rice codes of order k = 1, which is the same (I think) as Golomb codes of order m = 1. The basic principle of Rice coding for k = 1 is very simple: To code a number N, send N zeros followed by a one. To send 0 (0 binary) with Rice coding, the output is 1. To send 1 (1 binary) with Rice coding, the output is 01. To send 4 (100 binary) with Rice coding, the output is 00001. There are other Rice codes for k = 2 and higher values, but they are not so straightforward and suffer from the problem of involving three, four or more bits even when sending a simple 0. Terminology is a bit of a problem, since there is a larger, more complex operation as part of a lossless audio compression algorithm (described below) which is often referred to as "Rice" coding or packing, but technically, the Rice coding (for k = 1) is nothing more than the above. I will refer to them collectively as Rice - but I think there should or must be a separate term for the more complex algorithm described below. The following discusses how Rice (and later some other algorthms) is used as part of a larger operation on multiple signed binary numbers - the "error" values in a lossless compressor algorithm. The "error" values are to be stored in the file in as compact form as possible. They will be used by the decoder to arrive at the final value for each output sample, by adding this "error" value to the output of the predictor algorithm, which is operating from previously decoded samples. These "error" numbers are generally small, but quite a few of them are large, due to the complex and unpredictable nature of sound. Huffman coding can also be used, and is used by some of the programs tested here. These error numbers are typically twos-complement (signed) 16 bit integer, but their values are often small, say in the range of +/- a hundred or so, and so can be shortened to a 9 bit twos-complement integer. Some may be much larger - say +/- several thousand. Few are the full 16 bits, but some may be. How do you compress this ragged assortment of numbers? For these signed numbers, there is a preliminary step of converting to positive integers with a right-affixed sign bit. Lets use some examples, which we will consider as a frame of 8 "error words" to be compressed. Decimal 16 bit signed integer Sign (26 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Integer Integer with sign at right Lossless audio compression +20 +70 -5 +129 -300 +12 +510 -31 0000 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000 1111 0000 1110 0000 0001 1111 0001 0100 1111 1000 1101 0000 1111 1110 0100 0110 1011 0001 0100 1100 1110 0001 + + + + + - 1 0100 100 0110 101 1000 0001 1 0010 1100 1100 1 1111 1110 1 1111 101000 10001100 1011 100000010 1001011001 11000 1111111100 111111 The decimal and spaced-out 16 bit signed binary integer representations are to the left. Following that are the numbers converted into a sign and an unsigned integer, with leading zeroes removed. Then those integers have there corresponding sign bit tacked on to the right end, with negative being a "1". This right column of binary numbers is what we want to store in a compact form. The big problem is that their lengths vary dramatically. The first part of the Rice algorithm is to decide a "boundary" column, in this set of numbers. To the right, the bits are generally an impossible-to-compress mixture of 1s and 0s. To the left, for some samples at least, there are some extra ones and zeros which we need to code as well. For example, by some algorithm (which can be complex and iterative for Rice coding of these numbers on the left) a decision is made to set the boundary so that, in this example, the right-most 6 bits (including the sign bit which has been attached) is regarded as uncompressible. These bits will be sent directly to the output file. Also, by some means, the decoder has to be told, via a number in the output file, to expect this six bit wide stream of bits. (The decoder already knows the block length, which is typically fixed, so when it receives 48 bits, in this case of an 8 sample frame, in the context of already having been told to expect 6 bits of each sample sent directly, then it knows exactly how to use these 48 bits. Typically lossless audio programs use longer frames, say several hundred samples.) So the body of data we are trying to compress is broken into two sections: 10 100 1001 1111 101000 001100 1011 000010 011001 11000 111100 111111 or, more pedantically: 10 100 1001 1111 101000 001100 001011 000010 011001 011000 111100 111111 (27 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression Sending the right block is straightforward - but how to efficiently encode the stragglers on the left? (Note, "straggler" is my term!) Here they are, expressed as the shortest possible integer. I have added two columns for their decimal equivalent and for which of the 8 samples they are: Binary 0 10 0 100 1001 0 1111 0 Decimal Straggler of sample number 0 2 0 4 9 0 15 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 As mentioned above, the Rice algorithm (for k = 1) has a simple rule for transmitting these numbers. Send the number or 0s as per the value of the number, and then send a 1 to indicate that this is the end of the number. (In other descriptions, a variable number of 1s may be sent with a terminating 0.) So to send straggler number 0, which has a value of 0, the Rice algorithm sends (i.e. writes to the output file) a single "1". To send straggler number 0 (value 2) the Rice algorithm sends "001". Similarly, for straggler number 6, the Rice algorithm sends "0000000000000001". To encode the above 8 stragglers, the Rice algorithm puts out: 10011000010000000001100000000000000011 Now, seeing strings of 0s in a supposedly compressed data stream does seem a little incongruous. As the Kingdom of Id's fearless knight, Sir Rodney was heard to say, when during a ship inspection he was shown first the head (lavatory) and then the poopdeck: "Somehow, I sense redundancy here.". So I "invented" an alternative. Initially I could find no reference to such an improvement on basic Rice (k = 1), but a more extensive web-search showed that my system was a sub-optimal variation on "Elias Gamma" coding. More efficient alternatives to Rice Coding - Elias Gamma and other codes The code I "invented" is not exactly described in papers I have found, so I will give it a name here: Pod Coding because it reminds me of peas in a pod. Rice (k = 1) coding has the following relationship between the number to be coded and the encoded result: Number Dec Binary Encoded result (28 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 1 01 001 0001 00001 000001 0000001 00000001 000000001 0000000001 00000000001 000000000001 0000000000001 00000000000001 000000000000001 0000000000000001 00000000000000001 000000000000000001 0000000000000000001 Rice coding makes most sense when most of the numbers to be coded are small. This suits the "exponential" or "laplacian" distribution of numbers which typically make up the differences of a lossless audio encoding algorithm. (Speaking very loosely here - where is a reference on the various distributions and a graphic of their curves? Gaussian is a bell-shaped curve. Britannica has some explanations and diagrams:,5716,115242+8,00.html . . . . . . the best reference I can find is from Tony Robinson's paper: This includes some very helpful graphs. One page: describes laplacian as being double-sided exponential.) Here is the "pod" approach. The example is probably easier to understand than the formal explanation: Number Dec Binary 0 00000 1 00001 2 00010 3 00011 4 00100 Encoded result 1 01 0010 0011 000100 (29 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:01 AM] Lossless audio compression 5 00101 000101 6 00110 000110 7 00111 000111 8 01000 00001000 9 01001 00001001 10 01010 00001010 11 01011 00001011 12 01100 00001100 13 01101 00001101 14 01110 00001110 15 01111 00001111 16 10000 0000010000 17 10001 0000010001 18 10010 0000010010 Here is the formal definition. For 0, send: 1 For 1, send 01 For 2 bit numbers 1Z, send 001Z For 3 bit numbers 1YZ, send 0001YZ For 4 bit numbers 1XYZ, send 00001XYZ For 3 bit numbers 1WXYZ, send 000001WXYZ There's no problem for the decoder knowing how many bits WXYZ etc. to expect - it is one less than the number of 0s which preceded the 1. In two instances, "pod" coding produces one more bit than the Rice algorithm. In 4 instance it produces the same number of bits. In all other case, it produces less bits than the Rice algorithm. Number Dec Binary 0 00000 1 00001 2 00010 3 00011 4 00100 5 00101 6 00110 7 00111 8 01000 9 01001 10 01010 Rice bits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Pod bits 1 2 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 Benefit -1 -1 1 2 1 2 3 (30 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 There would be few situations in which the loss of efficiency encoding "2" and "4" would not be compensated by the gains in coding numbers higher than "5". In the above example, the output of the Rice and "Pod" algorithms respectively would be as follows, first broken with commas and then without: Rice: 1,001,1,00001,0000000001,1,0000000000000001,1 "Pod": 1,0010,1,000100,00001001,1,000011111,1 Rice: 10011000010000000001100000000000000011 "Pod": 1001010001000000100110000111111 I imagine that "Pod" coding (the way it encodes each straggler) would be suitable for sending individual signed and unsigned integer values in a compressed datastream, such as changes from one frame to the next in prediction parameters and the number of bits (width of the block to the right of the "boundary") to be send directly without coding, "Pod" packing has the fortuitous property that the number of bits produced is exactly twice the number of bits encoded - except for encoding "0" which produces 1 bit. This should greatly simplify the algorithm in a Rice-like system for deciding where to set the boundary between bits to be sent unencoded, and those stragglers to the left to be encoded with the "Pod" algorithm. A practical implementation could determine the bit length for each complete "sample" (including its sign bit on the right) which is being accumulated in the array prior to coding. By maintaining a counter for each possible sample length, and incrementing the appropriate counter for each sample created, then an array of integers would result showing how many 10 bit numbers there were in the frame, how many 9 bit numbers and so on. Since "Pod" coding produces precisely 2 bits for every input bit, and one bit if the input is 0, then as we move the boundary (between "stragglers" to the left and "direct send" bits to the right) to the right, we can answer the question of when to stop rather easily: 1. Samples which are not stragglers require 1 bit to code with "Pod". 2. No matter how long the straggler, moving the boundary to the right (including the case of a "1" appearing as a straggler in the column (31 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression immediately to the left of the boundary) will require 2 bits to encode this extra straggler bit. 3. Moving the boundary to the right saves 8 bits (in this example) by reducing the number of bits to be sent without coding from the block to the right of the boundary. The result is a simultaneous equation involving a potential cost in the straggler encoding part of N (the number of samples in the frame) and that cost being 2 times the number of stragglers minus 1 times the number of non-stragglers. Therefore, the break-even point is the boundary position where 1/3 of the samples have stragglers and 2/3 don't. The optimal position for the boundary is the one to the left of the position which would increase the number of stragglers to more than 1/3 of the number of samples in the frame. With the Rice algorithm, this process is more complex (I think) because the exact number of bits to be sent depends on the exact values of the stragglers, not just their bit-length. Some papers give a simple formulae based on the values of all the samples to determine the optimal placement of the boundary. I have not implemented or tested this "Pod" approach. This approach would provide the most benefit over the "Rice" approach when the stragglers have relatively high values - which means when most of the samples are small and a few are much larger. Since "Pod" outperforms the Rice algorithm when the samples peak at around 16 or more times the maximum value which will fit to the right of the "boundary" and since, at a guess, the average of those samples which do not form stragglers would be around a half to a third of that value, this "Pod" approach would only have benefits for relatively "spiky" values. To what extent this is true of error samples to be encoded in a lossless audio algorithm, I can't say, but I would venture that it is is proportional to the unpredictability of the music. Now it turns out that my "pod" approach is a variation, and not necessarily the best variation, on "Elias Gamma" coding. By far the best paper I can find on Golumb, Rice, Elias and some more involved and novel codes is by Peter Fenwick ( ) Punctured Elias Codes for variable-length coding of the integers Peter Fenwick [email protected] Technical Report 137 ISSN 1173-3500 5 December 1996 Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland [email protected] This is available as a Postscript file at: . I have converted it into a PDF file here: TechRep137.pdf . (Peter Fenwick wrote to me that this is fine.) Peter Fenwick's purpose co-incides closely with our interest - how to efficiently encode integers of varying lengths, when most of the integers are small. He refers to a paper: P. Elias, Universal Codeword Sets and Representations of the Integers, IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, Vol IT 21, No 2, pp 194-203, Mar 1975. There is an abstract for this at: but no PDF. Peter Fenwick's paper describes: (32 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression Golumb and Rice codes of various orders. ● Elias gamma codes. ● Elias delta codes. ● Elias omega codes, which are comparable to Even-Rodeh codes ● Start-Step-Stop codes. ● Ternary comma codes. ● His new "punctured" code. ● Comparisons of all the above for different sizes of integer and for two probability density functions of actual files in a text compressor. ● A modified ternary comma code with slight improvement for low numbers and less efficiency for numbers higher than 15. ● Variable radix gamma codes - a special, self-extending, case of Start-Step-Stop codes. He describes the Elias Gamma (actually the Gamma symbol with a prime - so maybe Elias Gamma Prime) code as: ● Number Dec Binary 1 00001 2 00010 3 00011 4 00100 5 00101 6 00110 7 00111 8 01000 Encoded result "Codeword" 1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 Note that this does not include encoding for zero. My "pod" approach is simply extending the above code with a 0 to the left of all the above codewords, and a "1" for encoding zero. This is not how Elias Gamma is normally extended to cover 0. The usual approach is to use the same pattern, but start at 0 rather than 1 for the number range it encodes. This is known as "biased Elias Gamma". Here are the two codes alongside each other, with their benefits over standard Rice coding: Number Dec Binary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 "Pod" Biased Elias Gamma 1 01 0010 0011 000100 000101 000110 000111 00001000 1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 (33 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] "Pod" benefit Biased Elias Gamma benefit -1 -1 -1 -1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 Lossless audio compression 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 00001001 00001010 00001011 00001100 00001101 00001110 00001111 0000010000 0000010001 0000010010 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111 000010000 000010001 000010010 000010011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 Standard Rice coding is clearly the best approach when most of the numbers to be encoded are small. From the example above, here are the "stragglers" encoded with Rice, my "Pod" extension to Elias Gamma, and the more usual approach: Biased Elias Gamma: Rice: 10011000010000000001100000000000000011 "Pod": 1001010001000000100110000111111 Biased Elias Gamma: 1011100101000101010000100001 There are many potential Start-Step-Stop codes - please read the paper for a full explanation. The reference for these is: E.R. Fiala, D.H. Greene, Data Compression with Finite Windows, Comm ACM, Vol 32, No 4, pp 490-505 , April 1989. One such code, with an open-ended arrangment so it can be used for arbitrarily large numbers, rather than stopping at 679 as in the paper's Table 5, is what I would call {3, 2, N} Start-Step-Stop coding, where N is some high number to set a limit to the system. Number range to be coded Codeword 0 8 40 168 0xxx 10xxxxx 110xxxxxxx 1110xxxxxxxx 7 - 39 - 167 - 679 ( 4 ( 7 (10 (13 bits bits bits bits total, total, total, total, 1 2 3 4 bit bit bit bit prefix prefix prefix prefix + + + + 3 5 7 9 bits bits bits bits data) data) data) data) etc. If it was desired to limit the system to 679, (or perhaps limit it to a slightly lower number and use the last few as an escape code for the rare occasion of encoding anything higher) then the last line would be as it is in the paper: 168 - 679 111xxxxxxxx (12 bits total, 3 bit prefix + 9 bits data) This gives excellent coding efficiency for larger numbers, but at the expense of smaller values. In lossless coding, our scheme will very often be encoding 0, so the above system does not look promising. An alternative would be {2, 2, N} Start-Step-Stop: 0 4 12 - 3 11 83 0xx 10xxxx 110xxxxxxx ( 3 bits total, 1 bit prefix + 2 bits data) ( 6 bits total, 2 bit prefix + 4 bits data) ( 9 bits total, 3 bit prefix + 6 bits data) (34 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression 84 - 339 1110xxxxxxxx (12 bits total, 4 bit prefix + 8 bits data) etc. Or {1, 2, N} Start-Step-Stop has another curve, favouring lower values still: 0 2 10 42 1 9 - 41 - 169 0x 10xxx 110xxxxx 1110xxxxxxx ( 2 ( 5 ( 8 (11 bits bits bits bits total, total, total, total, 1 2 3 4 bit bit bit bit prefix prefix prefix prefix + + + + 1 3 5 7 bits bits bits bits data) data) data) data) etc. Peter Fenwick describes new codes in which 0's are interspersed after 1's to indicate that the (reversed) number is not finished yet. These "punctured" codes take a bit of getting used to, but are very efficient at higher values. The bit length at higher values approximates "1.5 log N bits, in comparison to 2 log N bits for the Elias codes" (logs base 2). There is a ragged pattern of code-word lengths. Number Dec Binary P1 P2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 101 1001 11011 10001 110101 110011 1110111 1000001 1101001 1100101 11101101 1100011 11101011 11100111 111101111 1000001 01 001 1011 0001 10101 10011 110111 00001 101001 100101 1101101 100011 1101011 1100111 11101111 000001 1010001 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 The capacity of these various codes to help with coding the "stragglers" in a lossless audio compression algorithm depends on many factors I can't be sure of at present. Those codes which take more than one bit to code 0 are clearly at a disadvantage, since with the border set optimally for Rice or "Pod"/Biased Elias Gamma, most (2/3 or more) of the numbers will be 0. However, since these codes are highly efficient at coding larger integers, the "cost" of having longer stragglers is much less. Standard Rice coding of stragglers of values more than about 3 bits long can clearly be improved upon with Biased Elias Gamma. This uses about 2 bits per bit of straggler to be coded. But Peter Fenwick's "punctured" codes use only about 1.5 bits for longer values. This should enable the "boundary" separating the stragglers from the bits to be sent without compression further to the right, so reducing the number of bits to be sent uncompressed. (35 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression Some other links to sites concerning coding techniques for variable length integers: ● Peter Fenwick's home page. ● Mitsuharu ARIMURA's Bibliography on Source Coding/Data Compression. ● Mitsuharu ARIMURA's Bookmarks on Source Coding/Data Compression. ● CiteSeer - a fabulous site indexing and linking a vast number of scientific papers. Often has .PDFs even if the author only has a PostScript file on their site. Symbol Ranking Text Compression with Shannon Recodings. Another paper by Peter Fenwick, from which I found the link to the paper I have just been discussing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Index to the Journal, but the PDFs which can be found on IEEE CD-ROMs do not seem to be available. An Optimizing Hybrid LZ77 RLE Data Compression Program, aka Improving Compression Ratio for Low-Resource Decompression. Commodore 64 compression and the use of Elias Gamma codes. A handy tutorial on a number of related techiques. ● USD$89 for a bunch of C source code, including for Elias coding. ● Tutorial and source code for Elias codes and Golomb codes. ● "Recursive Elias codes" with graphs of their efficiency. ● Discussion of Elias Gamma and Delta codes. ● Try Alta Vista Advanced or Google Advanced for terms such as: ● ● ● ● ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ Elias codes Elias coding Elias gamma Punctured Elias Codes Data Compression with Finite Windows Tabulation details These are low level details of how I processed the file size results. I used a batch file or GUI to compress all the WAV files to individual compressed files with a distinctive file name extension. Then I would use a batch file containing "dir > dir.txt" to list the directory and so the file sizes. I would edit out all other lines except those of the compressed files and put them in the correct order, and then add those to sizes9.txt. Then I would use the MS-DOS command "type sizes9.txt" to show the text in an MS-DOS window. There is a rectangular text select command there and I selected the block of file sizes, complete with commas and by pressing Enter copied them to the clipboard. In the spreadsheet, I selected the column containing file sizes and pressed Control V. Voila! The spreadsheet (36 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:02 AM] Lossless audio compression does the rest. Then I manually copied the percentages and ratio from the spreadsheet into the HTML table. The excel spreadsheet and "sizes9.txt" URL is listed near the top of this page. To add your own pair of columns to the spreadsheet, select the block for an existing program, copy it to the clipboard, place your cursor in the Row 1 cell immediately to the right, and then paste into there. This page was created with Netscape Communicator 4.7's Composer. In December 2000, Mozilla's Composer still has a way to go. Updates in reverse order ● 2001 October 31. Added mention of new MUSICompress web site. ● 2001 March 22. Added mention of APT-X Windows DLL. ● 2001 January 17. Added mention of LPAC 3.0. ● 2000 December 19. Added listing of FLAC, but not tests. ● 2000 December 18. Slight change do DAXK notes - that the Mac version performs better than the PC version. ● 2000 December 14. Added mention of MKT and updated RKAU results, with extra tables showing which of the options worked best for each file. Added a table in the RKAU section on the options available in all programs for using stereo correlations. Rounded average file size and compression ratios to the nearest number, up or down, so 67.545 becomes 67.55 and 67.544 becomes 67.54. ● 2000 December 12. Completely revised section on Rice coding etc. adding material on Elias Gamma codes. Added mention of the DAKX Windows version 1.0. ● 2000 December 11. Added test results for RKAU 1.07. Mentioned RAR. ● 2000 December 10. Page completely revised. The old page is here. ● Robin Whittle [email protected] Return to the main page of the First Principles web site. (37 of 37) [1/4/2002 10:59:03 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Comparing AAC, MP3 and TwinVQ Lossy Compression of Audio Robin Whittle . Melbourne Australia [email protected] Last major update 13 September 1999. (But important links added at the front and some other minor changes to links to other sites since then - 22 March 2001. ) Investigating the quality of lossy algorithms: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) and Yamaha's SoundVQ, an implementation of TwinVQ. Back to the Audio compression page, which leads to some tests on lossless algorithms (totally updated in December 2000.). Back to the First Principles main page - for material on telecommunications, Internet music marketing, stick insects . . . 14 - 19 December 2000 Please note: There is a highly significant listening test report from the EBU in June 2000 on a variety of algorithms, including AAC and MP3. Proper listening tests are very difficult and expensive to conduct. I recommend you read this report in its entirety before bothering too much with what I wrote below, in December 1998. The report and a separate file with the results in greater graphic detail are both .PDF files. Current Acrobat plugins are a menace in terms of not caching the file when re-viewing it or printing it, and are often too dumb to save to disk with the original file name. Here are the URLs of the main report and two sub-reports which contain graphs in a larger format. If you shift click on them, you should be able to save them to disc and read them at your leisure. They are about 1.3 Megs in total ● (1 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 ● ● The EBU report tests the following codecs: ● Microsoft Windows Media 4. ● AAC - implementation by FhG-IIS. ● MP3 - or close to it, by Opticom. ● Q-Design Music Codec 2 - prototype version of that for Quicktime. ● Real Networks 5.0. ● Real Networks G2. Newer, widely used system based on "DolbyNet". ● Yamaha Sound VQ. These were tested at: ● 16 kbps mono. Q-Design gets special mention for music, but not for speech. ● 20 kbps stereo. Lower subjective results than 16 kbps mono. Ditto the Q-Design special mention. ● 32 kbps stereo. AAC leads. ● 48 kbps stereo. AAC leads with MP3 close behind. Windows Media gets special mention for a folk music test for being indistinguishable from the reference. Q-Design is not much better than at 20 kbps. ● 64 kbps stereo. AAC wins by a country mile averaging 80 points. At this data rate, AAC was the only codec which evaluated in the "excellent" range for all items tested. This report also discusses the codecs specifically. The Microsoft and Q-Design codecs show highly variable results on different test material at 48 and 16 kbps respectively. While the report does not give the complete breakdown of results, by codec, by test item, my interpretation of this is: 1. Forget TwinVQ. 2. The Windows and Q-Design codecs were very fussy about what material they encoded. With some items they were better and others much worse. Q-Design shows no significant improvement as the data rate increases. 3. Real Audio G2 is solid at all rates, except 20kbps stereo where Real Audio 5 is better. G2 rates a fraction better than AAC at 16 kbps mono. 4. MP3 tails slightly behind AAC as the data rate increases, except for at 64kbps where AAC is very significantly better than both MP3 and Real Audio 2, which have about the same score. Its horses for courses! (2 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Unfortunately, while AAC is widely regarded as being better then MP3 (as good at 96kbps as MP3 at 128 kbps) MP3 is good enough and is so established that the more tightly licensed AAC is unlikely to displace it for a while. Think Beta vs. crappy, widely marketed VHS, except VHS coming first - and as before, the average user not being fussy enough to care. Fortunately, with decoders in software on PCs, we aren't stuck with the fixed hardware and media investments which makes only one kind of video cassette system viable, even if it is not the best. Portable MP3 players, including CD players, imbed decoders which cannot be updated as can PC software. I think Real Audio G2 is here to stay for a few years for streaming applications, and for archived files. Its ability for a single file on disc to generate multiple streams, including via HTTP, for different players, is very snappy. AAC licensing is apparently tied up with attempts to keep music "secure" which I think is a waste of time. Here are some other important new URLs: Extensive analysis and links regarding lossy (MP3 and WMA at least) compression and some lossless codecs. Be sure to check this site! When I looked at it, the page was corrupt and would only display properly on MS Internet Explorer. There are many interesting things here, including a link to his listening tests of a watermarking system (Hiss!!) which was clearly audible and is apparently to be used on DVD audio discs. Watermarks are a waste of time, for too many reasons to explain here, but see what I wrote in 1997 about them: . Dave Weekly's specialist site with many links, some tests of lossless codecs and plans for a much more extensive and interactive codec comparison. David J M Robinson tests 24 MP3 decoders with a variety of encoders, including VBR (variable bit rate) and finds that only five pass all his tests. Salute! There is a freeware AAC encoder project: The source code is available at: There is a bit of patent cat-and-mouse going on here! (3 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 A Dolby AAC site is: . The announce that Music-Match Jukebox will support AAC. I had a suspicion that AAC or some related Dolby approach is used in Real Audio, which I think achieves remarkable results in stereo at only 20 kbps. The music lacks top-end detail, and speech sounds a little odd, but the music is still well worth listening to, for instance, from the archives or real-time source at fab community music station WMNF in Florida. However, the EBU report mentioned above distinguishes between AAC and Real Audio. states that Real Audio 3 to 5 is based on DolbyNet/AC-3 . But what technology is behind Real Audio G2? The MP3 Encoder's Mailing List is at: . Scope This page documents my own investigation of the audio quality provided by AAC (an early, unlicensed and non-optimised encoder / decoder) , MP3 and TwinVQ/SoundVQ. These are not full-blooded double-blind listening tests. They are for my own interest and concentrate on finding musical sounds which are most likely to cause audible differences in the decoded signal. These test show the performance of particular encoders and decoders, and do not necessarily show the maximum possible performance of the algorithm. This site also contains links to other sites regarding these three compression algorithms. I am particularly interested in the applicability of these compression algorithms to music delivery - as part of my interest in music marketing, which is the subject of a separate page: musicmar . Note that this is not an investigation of low bit-rate schemes suitable for streaming (real-time delivery) of music via 33.6 or 56 kbps modems. Although I tested some lower bit rates, I didn't really investigate them. My question was: "What algorithm and bit rate can be relied upon to encode a very wide range of music so it is audibly indistinguishable from the original, including with demanding listeners and listening environments?" (4 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 6 July 2000 Please note: 1. This work was done in late 1998 and I am not attempting to keep up with developments in this rapidly changing field. I can't keep this as an up-to-date link farm for lossy compression either. 2. See the following sites for more recent developments and links: ❍ ❍ ❍ Lots of up-to-date analyis. Detailed testing of MP3 encoders, showing that open-source LAME is the way to go! LAME is now available as executables for Windows ( but you might be violating patents to use it) as well as in source versions for Linux, Windows etc. LAME is an intense collaborative effort and no longer relies on ISO code. Salute! . 13 September 1999 Please note: 1. This work was done in late 1998 and I am not attempting to keep up with developments in this rapidly changing field. I can't keep this as an up-to-date link farm for lossy compression either. 2. My aim was not to find the best MP3 encoder or decoder, but to find out roughly how good the various algorithms were, or could be. 3. Most of the things I tested have now been superseded by later versions for instance MusicMatch is now (Sept 99) up to version 4.1 totally different from the demo 2.50.005 version I used. 4. I am currently using LAME on my Linux machines for MP3 encoding. Summary AAC is a most impressive compression algorithm. According to carefully conducted listening tests, at 128 kbps, it seems to be superior to MP3 at 192 kbps. This is reported by David Meares, Kaoru Watanabe and Eric Scheirer in their February 98 paper which is in a Word 6 file, zipped at: . I have quoted some of the results below, in the AAC section. I found that the audio quality of the Yamaha SoundVQ encoder (2.54eb1) and decoder (2.51eb1) is noticeably inferior to MP3 or AAC at the available bit rates of 96 and 80 kbps for stereo. Its performance on simple slowly swept-frequency sine-waves in the 3 to 6 kHz (5 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 range is really bad. Amongst TwinVQ users, these problems are generally well recognised and accepted - with the argument that TwinVQ's artefacts are not too unpleasant, that it's lower bit rate (80 or 96 kbps) is attractive and that it copes well with a wide variety of music, including tracks which work badly with MP3 joint stereo (for instance those from analogue master tapes which have significant L - R phase differences). Test sound files, and some of the decoded files are provided in .WAV format. I have included some graphic frequency analysis images as well. I don't believe that the term "CD quality" should be applied to any lossy algorithm. That said, I believe that for the majority of music and listening conditions, MP3 when properly implemented at 128 kbps (though it seem that joint stereo will fail with some out of phase material) and AAC when properly implemented at 128 and probably 96 kbps will probably reproduce virtually all music in a way that the degradation is inaudible to virtually all listeners. Personally, if I was buying music, I would want a delivery system that wasn't teetering on the edge of human perception. My tests of lossless algorithms (See here.) suggest that for pop, rock and techno, music can only be compressed losslessly to about 55 to 75% of its normal size. Until Internet bandwidth and costs improve, MP3 and soon AAC will play a vital role in the discovery and delivery of music for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Caveats I do not have a lot of experience with these algorithms. This was an attempt to find whatever it took to trip MP3, AAC and TwinVQ up. TwinVQ, trips up on the most fundamental component of sound - the sine wave - and so I cannot take it seriously. Nor do I think claims that "music does not contain sine waves" are valid. (Think of the Theremin in the Dr Who theme.) Accepting its limitations, it does cope remarkably well with a wide range of music. Lots of people like TwinVQ, and a lively discussion about it can be found at the VQF.COM discussion forum: , particularly starting with my post. This field is changing rapidly. I may not be able to keep this page up-to-date. Be sure to check with the sites mentioned below for the latest developments. There are many MP3 encoders and decoders, and it is evident that depending on the combination of encoder/decoder, the data rate, the type of music, the choice of stereo or joint-stereo for encoding (if you can choose), and characteristics of the original material which can cause joint-stereo encoding to sound bad, the audible results may vary considerably. To test all the combinations would be a mammoth task. Please let me know if you find anyone doing this even partially. (6 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Updates I can't keep up with all the developments in lossy audio compression, but I will attempt to update this page - primarily by linking to more up-to-date sites. One set of updates is flagged in the text as: up990424 for 24 April 1999. If you search for this, you will see what has changed. Another set is flagged in the text as: up990606 for 6 June 1999. Preamble I believe that if the Analogue to Digital Conversion (ADC) and Digital to Analogue Conversion (DAC) are performed properly, then the 44.1 kHz sampling rate and linear 16 bit resolution system established by Sony in the early 1980s for the audio CD is entirely adequate for reproducing stereo signals which are to be heard by humans in any "ordinary" listening environment. (This includes the highest quality headphones and speakers with the most exquisite music. It does not involve hiding a safe distance from the speakers when the cannons in the 1812 overture go off, and then running up to the speaker to hear quantitisation noise as the track fades out.) Achieving the potential of 16 bit 44.1 kHz digital audio is a challenging task - it only became possible around 1990 as far as I am aware. It can best be accomplished with oversampling ADCs followed by linear-phase digital decimation filters to bring the sampling rate down to 44.1 kHz, whilst rejecting frequencies outside the audio range without the need for high-Q analogue filters. For instance see the Delta-Sigma ADCs of Crystal Semiconductor. (The mathematical and electronic principles of these delta-sigma ADCs are partially beyond me.) With the existence of the CD, the DAT recorder and the CD-R, these extraordinary ADCs which Crystal and AKM pioneered have, as far as I can see, solved the problems of audio recording and storage. So why do some people want 96 kHz sampling? Maybe to keep their canine friends happy or to impress those, including themselves, who believe that 44.1 kHz is inadequate? (There are some people who work professionally in audio who are very keen about 96 kHz sampling. Check the Seneschal site for material on 96 kHz audio.) I agree that 20 bit resolution is highly desirable for recording, mixing and editing, but I still think that a properly edited (with dither) recording in a form suitable for playback on headphones or loudspeakers can contain a perfectly adequate signal to noise+distortion ratio with a 16 bit signal resolution at 44.1 kHz. (Dither extends the resolution in the most audible frequencies by several bits - to 18 or 19 bits or so. The playback is probably best done with 4 or 8 times oversampling digital filters and 18 bit current switching DACs (the extra bits are output by the filters and should be used) so that only a very gentle analogue low-pass filter is required. (7 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Lossless compression (compression is here used as a synonym for "data-reduction") algorithms for 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo signals (1,411,200 bits per second) seem to reduce most music by only about 30% - so they are not very widely used. It looks like a daunting task to do much better than this. So why are people saying that MPEG Audio Layer 3 compression to 128,000 bits per second (128 kbps - a compression ratio of 11.025 to 1) is "CD Quality"? Because, they want to believe it is true, or they can't tell the difference. (But see later - when I found it hard to tell the difference too.) "CD Quality" should rightfully mean any lossless form of conveying the full 44.1 kHz 16 bit stereo bitstream - but the term has been so widely misused now that I think it is best avoided. MPEG Audio Layer 3 (hereafter referred to as "MP3") and perhaps AAC (MPEG Advanced Audio Coding) are shaping up as the preferred form of distributing and storing music via the Internet. In general the bit rate of 128 kbps is used at present - so I am concerned that we are taking a serious step backwards in audio quality from the potentially pristine and transparent 16 bit 44.1 kHz system established by Toshi Doi and his colleagues at Sony in the late 1970s. These two algorithms - and TwinVQ (Yamaha calls it SoundVQ) - all work by breaking the sound into short time segments, filtering those segments into separate frequency bands, encoding the signal in each frequency band, and then - using a mathematical model of human hearing, sending the most audible parts of the signal to the output stream. With enough bits in the output stream, the result may be lossless - the decoded file is bit-for-bit identical with the original. However at the data-rates of interest to Internet users, these compression algorithms are certainly lossy. With a lot of music, on the crappy speakers that many people listen to music on, in the imperfect listening conditions (computer, car and other background noises), this loss in the compression system may not be audible at all. So for general use, with lots of boisterous music, I think these algorithms are likely to be fine at 128 kbps - assuming the encoding (compression) is performed optimally, which may not always be done due to not all encoders (or decoders) being perfectly written and due to CPU-intensive nature of filtering, analysis and of the recursive approaches to figuring out the best way to pack the data into the output stream. However this is not to say that the losses in the compression algorithms are insignificant or should be ignored. Sound and human hearing involves very subtle processes - and having come all this way to the point where we can record and reproduce stereo audio without any significant degradation, I don't believe we should put up with lossy compression algorithms if we are purchasing music for keeps. This page links to some sites of interest regarding compression, and then documents my attempt to find the weaknesses of MP3, AAC and VQ. In the future I may have some links regarding "digital watermarking" or "fingerprinting". For now, let me say that I think watermarking is doomed to failure for a number of technical and business reasons. (8 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:46 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 The three encoder-decoders I used AAC: The AAC compression algorithm is documented at and has a list of AAC software. From that list I found the site of the enigmatic Astrid/Quartex (up990424 it was at but see the AAC links section below on where to get it) - who has a Windows based AAC encoder and decoder. Thanks to [email protected] for making this software available! The files I got were called and These contain version 0.1 of the decoder and 0.2 of the encoder. The encoder zip file contained an executable and an aacenc.txt file which were dated 12 October 1998. Be sure to check at Astrid's site above, and at the AAC sites listed below for later versions but here are the zip files in case you find them hard to get. According to the Fraunhofer AAC FAQ, any software (such as Astrid/Quartex's) which is based on the MPEG source code will not be of the highest quality, and any AAC implementation must be licensed by the patent holders. In case Astrid/Quartex's site disappears, you may wish to search AltaVista for "aacenc" or "aacdec", (or with "02" or "03" etc, after that name - such as "aacenc02" or refer to some of the sites in the AAC links section below. There is another AAC encoder/decoder from Homeboy as well. See the AAC links section below for more sites for the Astrid/Quartex encoder/decoder. MP3: The Munich based Fraunhofer Institut for Integrated Circuits IIS-A is in many respects the home of MP3 - they did a lot of the work on developing the standard: They are not so popular in MP3 circles at present (November 1998) because of claims they are making regarding patents and pressure they have successfully exerted on a number of authors of freely available and/or shareware MP3 programs. I used their Windows demo-edition encoder and decoder for these experiments. The versions I used are: WinPlay 3 Version 2.3 beta 5 from and the command-line encoder program "mp3encdemo31.exe" which identifies itself as "MPEG Layer-3 Encoder V3.1 Demo (build Sep 23 1998)" and which comes in the file: The encoder is available for various Unices - including x86 Linux - and Windows at . VQ: Yamaha has a freely available VQ (more properly TwinVQ) encoder and decoder for Windows - which I used in these tests: . The versions I used are: encoder 2.54eb1 and decoder 2.51eb1. (9 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Links and information about the algorithms AAC AAC will be part of the forthcoming MPEG-4 standard, so "AAC", "MPEG-4" and "MP4" may be used interchangeably at some sites. There are three "profiles" for AAC in the MPEG-2 data stream. "Main" is the fully fledged AAC. "LC" (Low Complexity) and "SSR" (Scalable Sample Rate) are lower quality options for restricted CPU power implementations. I think that all AAC software mentioned here is not mucking around with the lower quality profiles. ● The definitive reference for MPEG Audio, including AAC (AKA MP4, of which it is a subset) is the MPEG Audio FAQ by D. Thom, H. Purnhagen, and the MPEG Audio Subgroup: (Note this server is also known as )It mentions that Dolby Laboratories should be contacted for AAC licensing - they and associated companies have some of the AAC technologies covered by patents. ● Dolby Laboratories has an email address, listed at: for AAC licensing. In a letter to's CEO Michael Robertson ( 23 November 1998 ) Dolby Laboratories states that they are "the licensing administrator for a new compression technology called AAC". The AAC patent rights apparently belong to AT&T, Dolby, Fraunhofer and Sony. Dolby asked Robertson to remove links from his to unlicensed AAC software. "These companies take the unlicensed use of their technology very seriously, and are presently in the process of communicating with each of your linked sites. Our goal is to provide them inexpensive licensing arrangements so that they can continue to utilize AAC technology." Following on from the letter to Michael Robertson, there is a lively discussion board (as there is for each news item) at: . At present, the only AAC encoders and decoders which are generally available are the Homeboy and Astrid/Quartex pairs. While recognising that these are far from optimal, I consider their availability to be vital for those such as myself who are interested in foreseeing the development of music marketing - and probably for quite a few other purposes. If I become convinced that these authors are materially and negatively affecting whoever owns the patents for these principles, or if I think they are lowering the standard of audio and software development, then I might take a dim view of them. At present, they are the only place you can get an AAC encoder or decoder without paying very large up-front license fees - and they are doing it for free because of their interest in audio. Hopefully Dolby Laboratories will succeed in making this excellent technology available to all those who can use it at a price which makes sense. For a long time they did it with Dolby B, and maintained standards at the same time. Now it's software and a very different marketing model. (10 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 ● ● ● ● ● Astrid/Quartex (up990424) used to have a site with the command line Windows AAC encoder/decoder I used: . The programs are mirrored here , here and at this site (see the AAC section above). According to the MPEG Audio FAQ V9, referring to the publicly available reference software on which the Astrid/Quartex 0.2 encoder is based: "The encoder software is not yet a general multi-channel encoder, and does not yet make use of all AAC coding tools." Therefore, this early software does not provide the full performance which is possible with AAC. K+K Research in Denmark(up990424) has a new AAC encoder and decoder: . I have not tried it. KM (up990424) (who is associated with K+K) has extensive and up-to-date pages on audio compression in general and on AAC in particular: . Homeboy Software are the other people who have gone to the trouble of writing and freely releasing AAC encoders/decoders in late November 1998. They seem to have an AAC player plug-in for WinAmp, and AAC encoder ( which has known problems - they are working on a new version - and soon an AAC player for the Macintosh. Who are these dudes? One of the directors apparently posted to the AAC discussion at: . CSELT's Official MPEG web site has a Word 6 file w2006.doc, pkzipped, containing a detailed February 1998 report from David Meares, Kaoru Watanabe and Eric Scheirer comparing AAC and MP3 at various bit rates with carefully conducted listening tests. The title is: "Report on the MPEG-2 AAC Stereo Verification Tests". . I quote some of the results below in the AAC section - they are most impressive. ● has a list of AAC software. ● See the next section for a link to MP3Tech. ● A site dedicated to AAC is the Advanced Audio Coding (11 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 Homepage . They have a discussion section. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Fraunhofer Institut has some excellent technical material, including an encoder block diagram on AAC See also the FAQ at this site. Forbidden Donut Unlimited has a site which includes a copy of the Astrid/Quartex file. There was a Windows player for AAC, MP3 and VQ files, called KJofol 0.402 The site used to be at: but seems to be gone now . . . but see below for new sites. There was a letter.txt there requesting the authors stop distributing the program, because of a claimed patent violation. Take a look at the screenshot. For some reason, this audio compression field leads programmers to create interfaces they think are exquisitely beautiful and easy to use, but which I think just the opposite! MP3 players FreeAmp, Sonique and quite a few others are really non-standard and focused on circles and curves and trying to be like a piece of hi-fi equipment, rather than a plain, easy-to-use program. A new site for KJofol (Windows player for MP3, AAC and VQ files) is On 26 November 1998, this has the v0.42 and promises v0.5 soon. Mirrors are here, here and here. A company called Mayah plans an editor for AAC files: . A site called AAC Net has some AAC information and also seems to be available from: (In the Tongan domain!). They have a discussion section. MP4 Central or concentrates on AAC audio files. Liquid Audio has a commercial program, Liquefier Pro for Windows, which will soon encode AAC (AKA MP4) files. However, I think the output is probably a proprietary format - or at least optionally so. Liquid Audio promote the use of watermarking and encryption in an attempt to stop people copying music. I think this is a waste of time. (12 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 ● ● Two Japanese AAC sites: and . AAC is also used, together with encryption and proprietary file formats, by AT&T's with their "a2b" player and music control system. Files purchased from their site reside on the user's computer and are supposedly unplayable on any other computer. See my music marketing material for why I think this approach to hang onto old certainties about uncopyable music is doomed to failure. MP3 and other algorithms See above for links new sites in 2000. Quite a few of these sites concern AAC, TwinVQ and PAC compression too. ● ● ● ● The Official MPEG site is at CSELT in Torino, north-west Italy: MP3Tech has information regarding MP3, AAC, TwinVQ, Dolby AC-3, listening tests, patents etc. There is a web discussion forum and an mp3tech mailing list. There is also results of a limited but interesting listening test of MP3 at different bit rates . A significant development is LAME This is an open source patch for the publicly available ISO encoder source file to correct errors in the algorithms, improve sonic performance and make it run faster. Distribution of this patch should be free of the patent restrictions concerning functional MP3 encoders (executables or source). This is a very promising development! The LAME crew are working intensively on all this and have a deep understanding of the psycho acoustics and the encoding algorithms. There is also a link to an MP3 Encoders mailing list. ( up990606 ). There are zillions of MP3 sites and a vast range of software. I won't attempt to keep up with it - see the biggest activist site in the MP3 universe is . There you will find extensive discussion of the technical, legal, moral, industry and political aspects of audio compression, electronic delivery of music and of copying and copyright. They also have an extensive set of links to all the relevant MP3 play, decode, encode etc. software. An essential starting point! (13 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GoodNoise - soon to be Emusic - is a pioneering company (together with Nordic Communications) in selling music with discovery, delivery and payment via the Net, in an open standards format (MP3) and without attempts at preventing listener copying. There are many other important music marketing sites - so see and my music marketing material on another page of this web site: musicmar . Cedric Amand's has a variety of interesting technical, performance and popularity material regarding MP3 software, and AAC as well. The Fraunhofer Institut has some excellent technical material: . The Motion Picture Experts Group site has lots of information on MP3 and AAC - and on the data streams they can be put into. MPEG numbering and terminology is a mess - I won't get into it here. Karsten Madsen <[email protected]> has a site: reviewing the Liquefier Pro encoder's AAC (Proper Dolby/Fraunhofer encoder, I believe), Astrid/Quartex's AAC software, PAC, MP3 and VQF. Not related to the audio quality, but relevant to the way people organise large numbers of MP3 files, is the ID3v2 tagging specification: . This is an informal and evolving standard, and I think the web site is beautifully organised and presented. From their explanation: "ID3v2 is a new tagging system that lets you put enriching and relevant information about your audio files within them. In more down-to-earth terms, ID3v2 is a chunk of data prepended to the binary audio data. Each ID3v2 tag holds one or more smaller chunks of information, called frames. These frames can contain any kind of information and data you could think of such as title, album, performer, website, lyrics, equalizer presets, pictures etc. (Update 8 Jan 1999.) Leonardo Maffi has some detailed material, mainly in Italian, testing the performance of lossy audio and other compresssion algorithms: . MPEG-4 ● The Official MPEG site is at CSELT in Torino, north-west Italy: They have a version 2 draft of the MPEG-4 work: This mentions that AAC and (14 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 TwinVQ will be part of the forthcoming MPEG-4 standard. MPEG-4 covers a bewildering array of concepts beyond direct compression of audio and video. One relatively straightforward aspect is SAOL - Structured Audio Orchestra Language This is a portable and flexible approach to digital synthesis of sound with software - based on Csound: or The bewildering stuff is when they start talking about compressed coding for facial, head and body animation! Apparently, rather than compressing a video of a person, they are planning on analysing them according to facial structure, expression, skin texture etc and synthesising an image based on these parameters at the receiving end. These images would then be merged together with MPEG-2 video or some VRML nonsense. Propellerhead zone! TwinVQ "TwinVQ" is the proper term. But I use "VQ" at this site. "SoundVQ" is Yamaha's term for this compression system, and files are normally stored with an extension of "VQF". TwinVQ will also be a part of MPEG-4. ● TwinVQ (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantitisation) was developed by NTT Human Interface Laboratories: The English version of the TwinVQ home page is: . Yamaha's site is: . ● A big activist site for TwinVQ is VFQ.COM: . They have a discussion area, which I posted to regarding these tests. My posting is: . Follow this link for alternative viewpoints to my negative assessment of TwinVQ! ● ● Search for "twinvq" with AltaVista by clicking here! Other related algorithms ● Dolby AC-3 is a highly respected, proprietary, multi-channel compression system which is also introduced at this site. DVD uses it at 384 kbps, and cinemas use it at 640 kbps. I don't know of any easy to obtain encoders or decoders for it, so have not investigated it further. (15 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] AAC, MP3 & TwinVQ Page 1 of 2 ● A relatively low loss system used for broadcasting is Audio Processing Technology's 4:1 fixed rate apt-X system. This is a real-time, high quality, low delay system (2.76ms for encode and decode combined) - which does not rely on psycho-acoustic models etc. The FAQ describes it: ADPCM as used by APT for its apt-X 4:1 compression algorithm takes the digital signal and breaks it into four frequency sub bands by means of a QMF digital filter. Each of these sub bands is subsequently coded by means of predictive analysis; the coder predicts what the next digital sample in the audio signal will be and subtracts this prediction from the actual sample. The resulting, small error signal is transmitted to the decoder which then adds back in the prediction from identical tables stored in the decoder. NO psycho-acoustic auditory mask is used to throw away any of the original audio signal resulting in a near lossless compression system. In March 2001, a chap from APT wrote to me that the algorithm is available on a demo basis as a Windows DLL. ● Microsoft (up990424) has developed a new low-bit-rate audio compression system: . The encoder is available here. An article and discussion of its merits is at MP3.COM: . As always, keep an eye on for the latest news. To Page 2 (16 of 16) [1/4/2002 10:59:47 AM] EBU Technical Review EBU Home EBU Technical Home EBU Technical Review CLICK HERE to display EBU listening tests on Internet audio codecs, by G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik (445 KB). [1/4/2002 11:00:09 AM] INTERNET AUDIO EBU listening tests on Internet audio codecs G. Stoll IRT F. Kozamernik EBU The advent of Internet multimedia has stimulated the development of several advanced audio and video compression technologies. Although most of these developments have taken place outside the EBU, many members are using these low bit-rate codecs extensively for their webcasting activities, either for downloading or live streaming. To this end, the EBU Project Group, B/AIM (Audio in Multimedia), was asked to carry out some tests on several low bit-rate audio codecs that are now available on the commercial Internet market. This article gives the results of the subjective evaluations undertaken by B/ AIM in late 1999 and early 2000. These EBU tests are the first international attempt at comparing the different audio compression schemes used on the Internet. In addition, prior to conducting these tests, no internationallyagreed subjective method was available for carrying out evaluations on very low bit-rate, intermediate-quality, codecs. In order to overcome this problem, the group was instrumental in devising a novel test method to evaluate specifically these low-quality audio codecs. The new method is now known as MUSHRA. Both the EBU and ITU-R have now adopted MUSHRA as a standard evaluation method. 1. Introduction During the last ten years or so, audio coding technology has made enormous progress. Many advanced coding schemes have been developed and successfully used in radio broadcasting, in storage media (e.g. CD, MiniDisc, CD-ROM, DVD) and, particularly, over the Internet. There have been significant advances in terms of the bit-rate reduction achieved, and the quality of the speech and music reproduced has been steadily improvEBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 1 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO ing. Nevertheless, the biggest push in low bit-rate audio coding has taken place quite recently, due to the fast development of the Internet where extremely low bit-rates are required while preserving the subjective quality of the original signal. Digital radio broadcast networks and audio automation systems are now almost completely based on relatively low bit-rate audio coded formats. Within the next few years, the on-line sales and distribution of music may surpass conventional physical distribution channels in terms of market share. 2. Audio codecs market Following the development of early digital codecs such as NICAM [1] and later ISO/IEC MPEG 1 [2], which are both successfully used in digital broadcasting, there are currently a large variety of different ultra low bit-rate audio codecs, specifically designed for the Internet market. Table 1 gives a provisional list of the more important codecs. Because of the limited bandwidth available over the Internet, extremely efficient compression techniques for data reduction have been developed. Current audio-coding standards were developed with relatively simple goals in mind: to achieve the lowest possible data rate while preserving the subjective quality of the original signal. The foreseen applications were digital broadcast emissions (including DAB and DVB), CD-ROM, DVD, etc. Since these channels assume to provide evenly-distributed single errors, error mitigation was limited to simple error detection codes which would allow muting or interpolation of the error-affected frames at the receiver. In the case of the Internet, the error characteristics are “block” in nature and radically lower bitrates are used, so different design approaches were necessary for optimizing the audio quality at very low bit-rates. Consequently, many new coding schemes were developed specifically for the Internet. The most advanced audio compression systems spread small portions of the encoded signal – both in time and frequency – and transmit these elements interleaved and spread among many transmission datagrams. Thus the audible effect of a lost or delayed packet can effectively be minimized by interpolating the data between neighbouring packets. In order to make the transmitted stream more robust, some redundancy can be added and the critical elements of the signal can be sent multiple times. There are additional requirements for advanced compression codecs: cut-and-paste editing of the encoded format directly, without audible impairments, must be possible; it should be possible to transmit the same file at different bit-rates, in order to adapt dynamically to network throughput and congestion. The latter feature is extremely important as it enables optimal sharing of the bit-rate between audio and video, and allows storage of a single file in the content database for a EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 2 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO variety of applications – low bit-rate previews, several different medium bit-rates for streaming, and a high bit-rate version for download or purchase. As more and more content becomes organized into on-line databases, there is increasing demand for efficient ways to search and categorize this content, and to package it for consumption. It is necessary to index and create metadata using audio analysis tools which classify many parameters of an audio signal. These tools can detect pitch, dynamics, key signature, whether or not the signal contains voice or a musical instrument, how similar the voice is to another voice, etc. Coded formats must support efficient classification. With the adoption of Apple’s QuickTime as the basis of the ISO MPEG-4 file and Table 1 Most popular streaming audio and/or video systems (status: June 1999). Product Name 1 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) – MPEG-4 2 Audioactive 3 AudioSoft 4 Destiny Internet 5 Command Engine (DICE) 6 I-Media 7 Intel Streaming Media 8 Company Audio/Video Platform A Telos A Win, Mac Eurodat A Win, Mac Destiny Software A Win I Q-Design A Win Intel A/V Win Internet Wave Vocaltec A Win 9 InterVU InterVU A/V Win, Mac 10 MP3 A Win, Mac 11 Netscape Media Netscape A/V Win, Mac, Unix 12 QuickTime Apple A/V Win, Mac 13 RealAudio Progressive Networks A/V Win, Mac, Unix 14 ShockWave Macromedia A/V Win, Mac 15 Stream Works Xing Technologies A/V Win, Mac, Unix 16 TrueSpeech DSP Group A Win 17 ToolVox VoxWare A Win, Mac, Unix 18 VDOLive VDOnet A/V Win, Mac 19 Vosaic Univ. of Illinois A/V Win, Mac, Unix 20 Win Media-Player Microsoft A/V Win EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 3 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO streaming format, there is a strong common standard architecture defined for the next generation of multimedia systems. The advent of such a large number of audio codecs has brought a radically new approach to standardization. Standards have become less important, since decoders (which are normally simple and do not require a lot of processing power) are downloadable (possibly in the form of a Java applet) to the client machine along with the content. In the Internet environment there is no longer a need for a single coding system as is the case in conventional broadcasting. Indeed, RealAudio is no longer the only, and not even the main, audio technology used over the Internet. From the user point of view, it is irrelevant which audio codec is being used – as long as the technical and commercial performance is comparable. Service providers decide which coding scheme to use. One of the advantages of this “deregulated” approach is that decoders can be regularly updated as the technology advances. The user can have the latest version of the decoder all the time. Audio players can be stored in a flash memory and not on a hard disk. Browsers or operating systems are usually shipped with a few audio plug-ins. New plugins can be downloaded easily. The user is no longer restricted to the use of plug-ins that came with the browser but is free to install any new decoder as appropriate. The business model of audio streaming is likely to change due to the advent of multicasting. Today, ISPs charge per audio stream. In multicasting situations, however, a single stream will be delivered to several users. The user will then be charged according to the occupancy of the servers used. Due to the huge competition in the audio decoder market, audio streamers will be increasingly available for free. 3. Audio quality assessments One of the principal characteristics of the current Internet audio codecs is that they experience a large variation in terms of the audio quality achieved for different bit-rates and different audio signals. In addition, they vary in terms of cost, the computation power required (real time), complexity of handling, reliability of the server, the service quality (ruggedness against errors), scalability and marketplace penetration. The main reason for this is that there is no standard. Even in the MPEG family of standards, the implementation of audio encoders is not standardized, allowing for a large variety of possible implementations in the marketplace. Since the encoder is not standardized, some improvements are possible while keeping the user’s decoder terminal unchanged. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 4 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO Analogue sound systems are measured in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and bandwidth, and they exhibit some harmonic distortions and wide-band noise. Typical artefacts of digital Internet audio codecs are not “harmonic”; they are usually less pleasant for the listener and are often more noticeable and disturbing. In order to assess the quality of an audio signal under controlled and repeatable conditions, subjective listening tests using a number of qualified listeners and a selection of audio sequences are still recognized as being the most reliable way of quality assessment. ITU-R Recommendation BS.1116-1 [3] is used for the evaluation of high-quality digital audio codecs, exhibiting small impairments of the signal. On the Internet 1 however, medium or even low-quality codecs should be acceptable and are unavoidable. Thus, compromises in the audio quality are necessary. The test method defined in BS.1116-1 is not suitable for assessing such lower audio qualities; it is generally too sensitive, leading to a grouping of results at the bottom of the scale. This is the main reason that EBU Project Group B/AIM proposed a new test method, termed MUSHRA “MUlti Stimulus test with Hidden Reference and Anchors” [4] 2. This method has been designed to give a reliable and repeatable measure of the audio quality of intermediate-quality signals. The method is in the process of being standardized by the ITU-R [5]. 4. The EBU MUSHRA method Regardless of the method used, the conducting of subjective evaluation tests is generally a highly complex time-consuming and costly process which requires very careful preparation and carrying out, followed by statistical processing of the results 3. Each of these three phases is briefly described below and is contrasted with ITU-R Recommendation BS.1116-1. 1. Other applications that may require low bit-rate codecs – due to low available bandwidths – and which support intermediate audio quality are digital AM (that is DRM - Digital Radio Mondiale), digital satellite broadcasting, commentary circuits in radio and TV, audio-on-demand services and audio-on-dial-up lines. 2. This inelegant name was agreed by the majority of B/AIM members in spite of some reservations concerning the aesthetic appeal of the acronym. However, taking into account the large impairments and poor audio quality encountered, and the need to endure unpleasant and repetitive listening to the numerous test items, this name does not seem so inadequate. 3. While several such methods have recently been developed (e.g. the new ITU-R PEAQ Standard which has been successfully verified at high audio-quality levels), they are not yet mature and reliable enough to be used in large-scale evaluation tests which feature low and intermediate quality audio, such as the tests described in this article. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 5 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO 4.1. How MUSHRA works Whereas BS.1116-1 uses a “double-blind triple-stimulus with hidden reference” test method, MUSHRA is a “double-blind multi-stimulus” test method with hidden reference and hidden anchors. The MUSHRA approach is felt to be more appropriate for evaluating medium and large impairments. MUSHRA also has the advantage that it provides an absolute measure of the audio quality of a codec which can be compared directly with the reference, i.e. the original audio signal as well as the anchors. Such an absolute measure is necessary in order to be able to compare the results with any other similar tests. If the reference is narrow-band (say 7 kHz), then the codecs under test tend to be rated higher, and this may sometimes lead to very misleading results (e.g. the NADIB test results). In a test involving small impairments, assessors are asked to detect and assess any perceptible annoyance of artefacts which may be present in the signal. A hidden reference signal helps the assessor to detect these artefacts. On the other hand, in a test with relatively large impairments, the assessor should normally have no difficulty in detecting the artefacts and, therefore, a hidden reference is not necessary. The difficulty however arises when the assessor must grade the relative annoyances of the various artefacts. The assessors are asked to judge their degree of “preference” for one type of artefact versus some other type of artefact. As MUSHRA is intended for evaluating medium and large impairments, the use of a high-quality reference (as used in BS.1116-1) is to be questioned. The perceptual distance between the reference and the test items is expected to be relatively large. On the other hand, the perceptual distances between the test items belonging to different systems may be quite small. Thus, if each system is only compared with the reference, the differences between any two systems may be too small to discriminate between them. Consequently, MUSHRA uses not only a high-quality reference but also a direct paired comparison between different systems. The assessor can switch at will between the reference signal and any of the systems under test. By way of comparison, in BS.1116-1 the assessor is asked to assess the impairments on “B” compared to a known reference “A” and then to assess “C” compared to “A”, where B and C are randomly assigned to a hidden reference and the object under test. Because the assessors can directly compare the impaired signals, they can relatively easily detect differences between the impaired signals and can then grade them accordingly. This feature permits a high degree of resolution in the grades given to the systems. It is important to note, however, that assessors will derive their grade for a given system by comparing that system to the reference signal, as well as to the other signals in each trial. In the EBU tests, a computer-controlled replay system was used, although other mechanisms using multiple CD or tape machines can also be used. In a given session, the assessor is presented with a sequence of trials. In each trial, the assessor is presented EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 6 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO with the reference version as well as all versions of the test signal processed by the systems under test. For example, if a test contains seven audio systems, then the assessor is allowed to switch instantly among at least ten signals (one “known” reference + seven impaired signals + one “hidden” reference + at least one “hidden” anchor). Depending on the test, more than one anchor might be used. During an ITU-R Rec. BS.1116-1 test, assessors tend to approach a given trial by starting with a detection process, followed by a grading process. In MUSHRA, assessors tend to begin a session with a rough estimation of the quality. This is followed by a sorting or ranking process and finally the assessor performs the grading process. Since the ranking is done in a direct fashion, the results are likely to be more consistent and reliable than for the BS.1116-1 method. 4.2. Grading process The grading scale used in the MUSHRA process is different from the one used in BS.1116-1 which uses the five-grade impairment scale given in ITU-R Recommendation BS.562 [6] In MUSHRA, the assessors are required to score the stimuli according to the five-interval Continuous Quality Scale (CQS) 4. The CQS consists of identical graphical scales (typically 10 cm long or more, with an internal numerical representation in the range of 0 to 100) which are divided into five equal intervals with the following descriptors from top to bottom: Excellent Good Fair Poor Bad The listeners record their assessments of the quality in a suitable form; for example, with the use of sliders on an electronic display (see Fig. 1), or by using a pen and paper scale. 4.3. Reference signals MUSHRA uses an unprocessed original programme material of full bandwidth as the reference signal. In addition, at least one additional signal (anchor) – being a low-pass filtered version of the unprocessed signal – should be used. The bandwidth of this additional signal should be 3.5 kHz. Depending on the context of the test, additional anchors can be used optionally. Other types of anchors, showing similar types of impairments as the systems under test, can also be used. For example, these types of impairments can include any of the following possibilities: 4. This scale is also used for the evaluation of picture quality (ITU-R Recommendation BT.500-8 [7]). EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 7 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO bandwidth limitation of 7.0 kHz or 10 kHz; reduced stereo image; additional noise; drop-outs; packet losses. In the EBU tests, two anchor sequences, i.e. low-pass filtered (3.5 and 7 kHz) versions of the unprocessed signals, were used. In BS.1116-1, the known reference is always available as stimulus “A”: the hidden reference and the object are simultaneously available but are randomly assigned to “B” and “C”. 4.4. User interface Compared to ITU-R Rec. BS.1116-1, the MUSHRA method has the advantage of displaying all stimuli for one test item at a given bit-rate at the same time (see Fig. 1). The assessors are therefore able to carry out any comparison between them directly. The time consumption for the test is significantly lower than for BS.1116 tests. Fig. 1 shows the user-interface which was used for each session. The buttons repreFigure 1 sent the reference (which is User interface for MUSHRA tests. specially displayed on the top left) and all the codecs under test, including the hidden reference and both processed references, i.e. the two anchors. Under each button, with the exception of the button for the reference, a slider is used to grade the quality of the test item according to the continuous quality scale used. For each of the test items, the signals under test are randomly assigned. In addition, the test items are randomized for each subject within a session. To avoid sequential effects, each assessor runs the five sessions in randomized order. 4.5. Selection of assessors As in BS.1116-1, listening assessors (i.e. evaluators) should have certain experience in listening critically to the sound sequences. Although the impairments caused by the EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 8 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO Internet audio codecs are generally quite high and therefore relatively easy to detect, experience shows that experienced listeners give more reliable results, and more quickly than non-experienced listeners. However, non-experienced listeners generally become sensitive enough to the various types of artefacts after frequent exposure. There are methods of pre- and post-screening to eliminate assessors that are not able to discriminate between different artefacts with sufficient accuracy. 4.6. Training phase In order to get reliable results, it is mandatory to train the assessors at special training sessions in advance of the test. This training has been found to be important for obtaining reliable results. The training should at least expose the assessor to the full range and nature of the impairments and all the test signals that will be experienced during the test. This may be achieved using several methods: a simple tape replay system or an interactive computer-controlled system. 4.7. Test material The choice of test material is crucial to the success of the tests and is far from being a simple matter. The MUSHRA method uses a selection of ordinary, unprocessed, broad- Abbreviations AAC (MPEG-2/4) Advanced Audio Coding AIFF (Apple) Audio Interchange File Format ASF (Microsoft) Advanced Streaming Format CFI Confidence interval CQS Continuous quality scale DR Danmarks Radio (Denmark) DVB Digital Video Broadcasting DVD Digital versatile disc FhG-IIS IEC IRT Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH (German broadcast engineering research centre) ISDN Integrated services digital network ISO International Organization for Standardization ITU-R International Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Sector MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group MUSHRA (EBU) MUlti Stimulus test with Hidden Reference and Anchors NICAM Near-instantaneous companding and multiplexing Fraunhofer Gesellschaft – Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen NOS Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (Holland) International Electrotechnical Commission NRK Norsk rikskringkasting (Norway) SR Sveriges Television Ab (Sweden) EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 9 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO cast programme sequences – consisting of pure speech, a mixture of speech, music and background noise, and music only. In contrast, BS.1116-1 uses very critical test sequences specifically chosen to “stress” or even “break” the codec tested and to reveal some audible artefacts. The length of the sequences should typically not exceed 20 s to avoid fatiguing the listeners and also to reduce the total duration of the listening tests. In order to reveal the differences among the systems under test, the material should be sufficiently critical for each system to be tested. Searching for suitable material is often time consuming; however, unless truly critical material is found for each system, tests may fail to reveal differences among systems and may be inconclusive. On the other hand, too-critical signals (e.g. synthetic, rather than “natural” broadcast programmes) which are deliberately designed to break a specific system should not be used. Care should be taken that the artistic or intellectual content of a programme sequence should be neither so attractive nor so disagreeable or wearisome that the assessors are distracted from focusing on the detection of impairments. The choice should reflect the expected likelihood of occurrence of each type of programme material in actual broadcasts 5. For the purpose of preparing subjective comparison test tapes, the loudness of each excerpt needs to be adjusted subjectively by the group of skilled assessors – the so-called “experts panel” – prior to recording it on the test media. This will allow subsequent use of the test media at a fixed gain setting for all the programme items within a test trial. For all test sequences, the group of skilled assessors shall convene and come to a consensus on the relative sound levels of the individual test excerpts. In addition, the experts should come to a consensus on the absolute reproduced sound pressure level for the sequence as a whole, relative to the alignment level. A tone burst 6 at alignment signal level may be included at the head of each recording to enable its output alignment level to be adjusted to the input alignment level required by the reproduction channel [8]. The tone burst is only for alignment purposes: it should not be replayed during the test. The sound-programme signal should be controlled so that the amplitudes of the peaks only rarely exceed the peak amplitude of the permitted maximum signal defined in ITU-R Recommendation ITU BS.645 [9] (a sine wave 9 dB above the alignment level). The number of test items to be included in a test can vary but it should not be too large, otherwise tests would simply be too long. A reasonable number seems to be around 1.5 times the number of systems under test, with a minimum of 5 items per system. Audio sequences should typically be 10 s to 20 s long. All systems should be tested with the same selection of test items. The performance of a multichannel system, under the conditions of two-channel playback, shall be tested using a reference down-mix. Although the use of a fixed down-mix may be considered to be restricting in some circumstances, it is undoubtedly the most 5. This condition may be fulfilled with some difficulty since the nature of broadcast material may vary from one station to another and may change in time as musical styles and preferences evolve. 6. For example 1 kHz, 300 ms, -18 dBFS EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 10 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO sensible option for use by broadcasters in the long run. The equations for the reference down-mix [10] are given in: L0 = 1.00 L + 0.71C + 0.71Ls R0 = 1.00 R + 0.71C + 0.71Rs It goes without saying that the pre-selection of suitable test excerpts for the critical evaluation of the performance of a reference two-channel down-mix should be based on the reproduction of two-channel down-mixed programme material. 4.8. Listening conditions The listening tests should be conducted under strictly-controlled conditions as specified in Sections 7 and 8 of ITU-R Recommendation BS.1116-1. Either headphones or loudspeakers are allowed. However, the use of both within one test session is not permitted. All assessors must use the same type of transducer. Individual adjustment of listening level by a assessor is allowed within a session and should be limited within the range of ± 4 dB relative to the reference level defined in BS.1116-1. The balance between the test items in one test should be provided by the selection panel in such a way that the assessors would normally not need to perform individual adjustments for each item. Level adjustments inside one item should not be allowed. 4.9. Statistical analysis The statistical analysis of the results obtained is perhaps one of the most demanding tasks. Its purpose is to apply some mathematical operations to the raw data obtained, and then present the results in a user-friendly manner. The assessments for each test condition are converted linearly from measurements of length on the score sheet to normalized scores in the range 0 to 100, where 0 corresponds to the bottom of the scale (bad quality). Then, the absolute scores are calculated as follows. Calculation of the averages of the normalized scores of all listeners who remain after post-screening will result in the Mean Subjective Scores (MSS). The first step in the analysis of the results is the calculation of the mean score, u jk for each of the presentations: EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 11 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO u jk = where: 1 N å uijk N i =1 (1) ui = the score of observer i for a given test condition j and sequence k N = the number of observers. Similarly, overall mean scores, u j and u k , could be calculated for each test condition and each test sequence. When presenting the results of a test, all mean scores should have an associated confidence interval which is derived from the standard deviation and size of each sample. It is proposed to use the 95% confidence interval which is given by: [u where: jk − δ jk , u jk + δ jk δ jk = 1.96 ] S jk N (2) The standard deviation for each presentation, Sjk, is given by: S jk = N å i =1 (u jk − uijk ) 2 ( N − 1) (3) With a probability of 95%, the absolute value of the difference between the experimental mean score and the “true” mean score (for a very high number of observers) is smaller than the 95% confidence interval, on condition that the distribution of the individual scores meets certain requirements. Similarly, a standard deviation Sj could be calculated for each test condition. It is noted however that this standard deviation will, in cases where a small number of test sequences are used, be influenced more by differences between the test sequences used than by variations between the assessors participating in the assessment. Experience has shown that the scores obtained for different test sequences are dependent on the criticality of the test material used. A more complete understanding of system performance can be obtained by presenting results for different test sequences separately, rather than only as aggregated averages across all the test sequences used in the assessment. For each test parameter, the mean and 95% confidence interval of the statistical distribution of the assessment grades must be given. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 12 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO 5. The EBU tests The following seven audio codecs were tested: Microsoft Windows Media 4 MPEG-2 AAC (implementation by FhG-IIS) MP3 (close to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer III, implementation by Opticom) Q-Design Music Codec 2 RealNetworks 5.0 RealNetworks G2 Yamaha SoundVQ Each of these codecs was tested at five different bit-rates: 16, 20, 32, 48 and 64 kbit/s. The test was divided into five sessions, according to the five different bit-rates used. In each of these sessions (with the exception of Sessions 4 and 5 7), all seven codecs were tested. Session 1: codecs at 16 kbit/sec, mono; Session 2: codecs at 20 kbit/sec, stereo; Session 3: codecs at 32 kbit/sec, stereo; Session 4: codecs at 48 kbit/sec, stereo; Session 5: codecs at 64 kbit/sec, stereo. The test material was partly taken from earlier Internet Radio listening tests, but also comprised completely new material. The test material consisted of critical, but ordinary broadcast material. It contained pure speech, speech together with music or background noise, as well as music only. The length of the sequences was set to a maximum of 17 s, with a typical length of about 12 s. The audio items shown in Table 2 were used for the MUSHRA tests. The bitstreams produced by the encoders under test at the IRT were sent to T-Nova (Berkom) for verification. The bit-rate was checked for each test item by calculating the size of the encoded file according to the length of the sequence. Then all bitstreams were decoded or replayed for a subjective check of the technical quality of the items. This was done in order to find any errors which were not caused by the encoding-decoding process. By doing this, an additional check of the bit-rate, as shown in the display of the decoder or player, was done. 7. One of the codecs (i.e. RealAudio 5) did not support 48 and 64 kbit/s and could not be tested in Sessions 4 and 5. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 13 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO Table 2 Audio test items which were selected for the listening tests Type of audio content Audio item Recorded by Comments 1 Classical music Mozart: Requiem – beginning of Dies Irae IRT New item 2 Broadcast programme Female speech (Dutch) & Music NOB Used already by EBU B/IR group 3 Broadcast programme Female speech (Danish) DR Used already by EBU B/IR group 4 Folk music Swedish Folk Music SR Used in ITU-R tests (ITU-R TG 10/2) 5 Live broadcast programme Ice-hockey commentary IRT New item 6 Jazz music Lee Ritenour GRP-Records New item 7 Broadcast programme Male speech (Danish) DR Used already by EBU B/IR group 8 Pop music Chris Rea – On the beach New item 9 Pop music Susan Vega – Tom's dinner Used already in previous MPEG-tests 6. Summary of test results The EBU listening tests on Internet audio coding schemes confirmed that the new MUSHRA methodology provides small confidence intervals and thus reliable and stable results. The tests also showed that the evaluation results are repeatable and reproducible. In the following, the main results of each session are described. The main test results are given in Fig 2. More detailed results are available in [4]. 6.1. Results for 16 kbit/s per mono signal The results for a bit-rate of 16 kbit/s per mono signal are given in Fig. 2a. These results show that the quality provided by all tested codecs at a bit-rate of 16 kbit/s is significantly lower than the subjective quality of the 7 kHz low-pass anchor. Even more, at this EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 14 / 24 Click here to download larger versions of these charts (628 KB) INTERNET AUDIO a) 16 kbit/s, mono b) 20 kbit/s, stereo c) 32 kbit/s, stereo d) 48 kbit/s, stereo e) 64 kbit/s, stereo f) Hidden Ref., 3.5 and 7 kHz low-pass anchor signals g) MPEG-2/4 AAC, MS Windows Media 4, Opticom MP3 and RealNetworks G2 h) Q-Design Music Codec 2, Real-Networks 5 and Yamaha TwinVQ i) RealNetworks 5 and RealNetworks G2 Figure 2 Mean and 95% confidence interval at the various bit-rates tested, compared with the hidden reference and the bandwidthlimited pilots. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 15 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO bit-rate no codec is better than the 3.5 kHz low-pass anchor. The difference between the different codecs seems to be relatively small, with a grade of about 40 for the best and 25 for the worst. However, looking at the figures with the detailed results, in particular at those which show the individual test items per codec, it becomes obvious that there are large differences among the different codecs. For example, at 16 kbit/s, the Q-Design Music Codec 2 gives very good quality with all the music-only items. The quality with the folk music item is no different from that of the 7 kHz low-pass anchor, which is in the range of “good quality”. The same behaviour can be found for the jazz item. However, this QDesign codec does not perform so well in cases where music is overlaid by a human voice, or with speech-only items. 6.2. Results for 20 kbit/s per stereo signal The results for a bit-rate of 20 kbit/s per stereo signal are given in Fig. 2b. These results show that the quality provided by all the tested codecs is still significantly lower than the subjective quality of the 7 kHz low-pass anchor. As in the case of 16 kbit/s mono, the quality at 20 kbit/s per stereo signal is also lower than that of the 3.5 kHz low-pass anchor. Comparing the results of Sessions 1 and 2 (i.e. Figs. 2a and 2b), the subjective quality of the 20 kbit/s stereo signal is slightly worse than that of the 16 kbit/s mono signal, for most of the codecs tested. However, in the case of the low-pass filtered anchors, there is no difference between Figs. 2a and 2b (because the only difference between those sessions was that monophonic signals were used in Session 1 and stereophonic in Session 2). Again, the Q-Design Music Codec 2 showed a very peculiar behaviour. With the two music-only items, it demonstrated good quality. In case of the folk song, the stereo performance was even better than the mono case. However, as soon as human voices were involved in the audio item, the quality of the Q-Design Music Codec 2 dropped significantly. 6.3. Results for 32 kbit/s per stereo signal The results for a bit-rate of 32 kbit/s per stereo signal are given in Fig. 2c. The most obvious result here is that, at this bit-rate, the differences between the various codecs becomes more pronounced. The difference between the best and the worst codec is about 25 points on the 100-point scale, whereas this difference was only about 15 in the case of 16 kbit/s mono. The better codecs are already approaching the subjective quality of the 3.5 kHz low-pass anchor. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 16 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO 6.4. Results for 48 kbit/s per stereo signal The results for a bit-rate of 48 kbit/s per stereo signal are given in Fig. 2d. The MPEG-2/ 4 AAC and the Opticom MP3 codecs exhibit a “fair” quality level comparable to that of the 7 kHz low-pass filtered anchor. Microsoft Windows Media 4, Q-Design Music Codec 2, RealNetworks G2 and Yamaha TwinVQ are similar to the 3.5 kHz low-pass filtered anchor. It should be pointed out that, for certain audio items (e.g. folk music), the quality of the Windows Media 4 codec was indistinguishable from the hidden reference, whereas the MPEG-2/4 AAC and Opticom MP3 codecs produced a mean value of only 63, i.e. in the range of “good” quality. Considering the results of the Q-Design Music Codec 2, it is interesting to note that the quality at 48 kbit/s did not increase significantly over the quality assessed at 20 kbit/s, for most of the audio items. 6.5. Results for 64 kbit/s per stereo signal The results for a bit-rate of 64 kbit/s per stereo signal are given in Fig. 2e. Several codecs showed very promising results at this bit-rate. In particular, the MPEG-2/4 AAC codec came close to the hidden reference, achieving an overall average of 80 points. It was the only codec in the 64 kbit/s test which was evaluated in the “excellent” range for all the items. Both the MPEG-2/4 AAC codec and the Microsoft Windows Media 4 codec exceeded the quality of the 7 kHz low-pass filtered anchor. The difference between the best and the worst codec was more than 40 points, i.e. the quality differences between the various codecs was greater. 6.6. Results for the hidden anchor and low-pass filtered anchors As shown in Fig. 2f, the Confidence Interval (CFI) for the full-bandwidth reference signal increased at 48 and 64 kbit/s. This was because some of the subjects failed to detect (identify) the hidden reference during the 48 and 64-kbit/s tests. This shows that, even at the relatively low bit-rates considered in these tests, some codecs are capable of offering a quality comparable to the full-bandwidth reference. In most cases, the CFI of the 7 kHz anchor was evaluated in the range “good” for all the bit-rates tested. The evaluation rating of the 7 kHz anchor however dropped somewhat as the bit-rate was increased, which means that the evaluation of the 7 kHz anchor has some dependency on the bit-rates being evaluated. The CFI of the 3.5 kHz anchor was evaluated well within the range “fair” at all the bitrates tested. Again, there was a tendency for the evaluation rating of the 3.5 kHz pilot to drop when the bit-rate was increased. However, the CFI intervals seem to overlap when EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 17 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO comparing the lowest and the highest bit-rates tested, which indicates that the MUSHRA method is an absolute grading system which gives stable and reliable results. 6.7. Mean and 95% confidence interval Figs. 2g, 2f and 2i depict the mean values of the scores and the 95% confidence intervals for the different bit-rates. These charts show that the measurements were very consistent, thus confirming the validity of the MUSHRA method. 7. Main features of the codecs tested 7.1. Microsoft Windows Media 4 This audio system, based on Windows Media Technologies 4.0 and revealed at NAB 99, has two basic codecs that were specifically designed for encoding music and voice content. The encoding speed is rather fast, allowing for real-time encoding on a standard PC, and it can be compared to RealNetworks G2. The multi-threaded architecture increases encoding performance when using more than one processor, i.e. dual-processor systems encode at nearly twice the speed as single-processor systems. MS Media 4 Audio offers a very wide bit-rate range from 5 kbit/s to 128 kbit/s with an 8 kHz to 48 kHz sampling rate, in both mono and stereo. The Media 4 codec is a proprietary system, developed by Microsoft. The version which was tested was an update from August 1999. For the encoding of voice, Windows Media 4 uses a specially-designed voice codec for compressing the human voice to produce high quality wide-band audio at very low bitrates. It is based on the ACELP technology and supports bit-rates from 5 kbit/s to 16 kbit/s. This codec was developed by Sipro Lab Telecom. With Windows Media Technologies version 4.0, content providers can offer as many as five different bit-rates (multi-bit-rate streams) for both on-demand and live streams in a single Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) file. When Windows Media Services and Windows Media Player connect, they automatically determine the available bandwidth. The server then selects and serves the appropriate audio stream. If the available bandwidth changes during a transmission, the server will automatically detect this and switch to a stream with a higher or lower bit-rate. 7.2. MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AAC AAC forms part of the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 standards. It uses waveform coding, based on the modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) of variable length. To prevent EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 18 / 24 Click here to download larger versions of these charts (386 KB) INTERNET AUDIO a) Windows Media 4 at 48 kbit/s b) MPEG AAC at 32 kbit/s c) MP3 at 20 kbit/s d) Q-Design Music Codec 2 at 16 kbit/s e) RealNetworks Real 5 at 20 kbit/s Figure 3 Selected results from the codecs tested. AAC from becoming a medium for music piracy, AAC is currently only available in secure formats. At present, an Internet application of AAC is only available from Liquid Audio. This specific implementation does not support live streaming nor does it allow replay of AAC-encoded files from normal servers. Currently the system is applicable only to the secure distribution of music over the Internet. In order to prevent music piracy, a specially-certified Liquid Audio server is needed. Other implementations for the use of AAC on the Internet are expected to be available soon. Besides the Internet, AAC will be used in the Japanese HDTV system. The AAC coder used in this test was the MPEG-2 AAC Main profile encoder according to ISO/IEC 13818-7, implemented by FhG-IIS. AAC was used with four sampling rates between 8 and 32 kHz, depending on the bit-rates in use. 7.3. MPEG-1, MPEG-2 Layer 3 (MP3) MP3 characterizes a special file format which is mainly used for streaming or downloading of audio files, but also for broadcasting applications (e.g. contributions via ISDN, the EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 19 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO satellite broadcasting system WorldSpace). MP3 is based on the ISO/IEC MPEG Layer 3 standard. There exist several implementations of MP3 encoders and plenty of decoder implementations on the market. The most popular encoders are AudioActive (from Telos Systems), MP3 Producer (from Opticom) and MP3 Live! (from Xing Technologies). All these implementations provide both the standardized sampling rates of ISO/ IEC 11172-3 and ISO/IEC 13818-3 and a proprietary extension to very-low sampling rates, named “MPEG-2.5”. The MP3 Live! encoder – together with Xing Streamworks MP3 streaming technology, or the AudioActive system using the Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format – are usually taken for live streaming of MP3. For the EBU tests, Opticom’s software encoder and decoder were used. At bit-rates of 48 kbit/s and 64 kbit/s, MP3 was used fully compliant with the MPEG standards whereas at the lower bit-rates, a sampling frequency of 11 kHz (from the MPEG-2.5 extension) was used. 7.4. Q-Design Music Codec 2 This codec runs under the QuickTime 4.0 multimedia platform, which previously was designed only for the downloading of audio and/or video. However, since April 1999 with the first public release of the beta-version of QuickTime 4.0, live-streaming is also supported. The Music Codec 2, is based on a completely new, proprietary, parametric coding system of which details are not available. The public version, which ships without any charge along with the QuickTime 4.0 platform, takes a lot of processing power and thus is very slow. Real-time encoding is more or less impossible with this version. A professional version which automatically adjusts itself to all the necessary refinements involved in audio processing, offers a significantly higher processing speed, allowing for real-time coding on a current standard PC or Mac. A new prototype version was used for the EBU tests, and was not commercially available at the time. The sampling rate was fixed at 44.1 kHz, at all the bit-rates tested 8. 7.5. RealAudio 5.0 and RealNetworks G2 The RealAudio encoder and decoder is a proprietary coding algorithm which supports different coding options with different flavours of the codec. The RealNetworks G2 audio system is used exclusively for live streaming of audio or the streaming of audio files. However, the creation of WAV or AIFF files is disabled for copy protection reasons. The new G2 system – based on DolbyNet coding technology – provides a big step forward when compared with RealAudio 5.0, thanks to its scalability. To this end, G2 can be used simultaneously on ISDN networks at 64 kbit/s as well as 8. Results below a bit-rate of 32 kbit/s may not be valid for this codec, because a lower sampling frequency might have shown better results. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 20 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO with a modem of only 14.4 kbit/s capacity. A number of parallel streams, typically up to six, can be created simultaneously within one audio file. The system flexibly allows the quality to be reduced if the available bandwidth reduces (as frequently occurs during Internet rush-hour periods). This facility can be compared to the Intelligent Streaming system used by Windows Media 4.0. 7.6. Yamaha SoundVQ The Yamaha SoundVQ is a TwinVQ (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization) coder. It is based on an audio compression technology developed by the NTT Human Interface Laboratories, in which patterns are developed from multiple units of data and compared with standard patterns: compressed code for similar patterns is transmitted. This provides high quality and high compression ratios. The TwinYQ algorithm has been standardized by MPEG-4 Audio. “SoundVQ” is not limited to the distribution of audio data from home pages. It can also be used for voicemail or audio bulletin boards, or for CD-ROMs containing large amounts of audio data. By using the SoundVQ “encoder”, anyone can easily create data for distribution. The compression ratio can be selected, allowing the audio data to be compressed from 1/10th to as much as 1/20th of its original size. Since encoded files do not require a special server for distribution, individuals may distribute audio data regardless of their Internet service provider. The “player” is used in conjunction with Internet browsing software, and allows audio to be played back from the user’s computer, simply by accessing a homepage. 8. General conclusions These EBU tests on Internet audio codecs represent a major collaborative achievement among EBU members. They also confirm the well-established EBU role in performing large-scale independent and commercially-neutral evaluations of advanced digital technologies. Following a thorough examination of the test results, the following main conclusions may be drawn: The AAC codec is the only one in the tests which was evaluated in the range “Excellent” at 64 kbit/s, for all the audio items evaluated. The Q-Design and RealNetworks 5 codecs produced, over most of the audio items assessed, a grading in the range “Poor” or “Bad”, independent of the bit-rate used. At 16 kbit/s, the Confidence Intervals of the MPEG-2/4 AAC coder are fully or partly within the range of “Fair”, except for two items (i.e. Male and Classics). At 64 kbit/s, the Confidence Interval is fully or partly within “Excellent”, with the exception of two items (i.e. Ice-hockey and Classics). MS Windows Media 4 has a quite non-uniform distribution over the different audio items and bit-rates. At 16 kbit/s, the quality varies mainly between the EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 21 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO ranges “Fair” and “Poor”. At 64 kbit/s, depending on the audio item tested, the quality level could be “Excellent”, “Good”, “Fair” or even “Poor”. The Opticom codec quality is mainly in the quality range “Poor” at the lowest bitrate, and mainly “Good” at the highest bit-rate. The quality range of the Q-Design Music Codec 2 is very much dependent on the nature of the audio item, and not very much on the chosen bit-rate. The items Folk and Jazz reach a quality level of “Good” even at the lowest bit-rate, but most of the remaining items are placed in the category “Fair” or “Bad” even at the highest bit-rate. The RealNetworks 5 codec was tested only at the three lowest bit-rates under test: 16 kbit/s, 20 kbit/s and 32 kbit/s. The quality evaluation of this codec is mainly in the category “Fair” and is independent of bit-rate. Franc Kozamernik graduated in 1972 from the Faculty of Electrotechnical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 1985 he has been with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). As a Senior Engineer, he has been involved in a variety of engineering activities, ranging from digital audio broadcasting and audio source coding to the RF aspects of the various audio and video broadcasting system developments. In particular, he contributed to the development and standardization of the DAB and DVB systems. Currently Mr Kozamernik is the co-ordinator of several EBU research and development Project Groups including B/AIM (Audio in Multimedia) and B/BMW (Broadcasting of Multimedia on the Web). He is also involved in several IST collaborative projects, such as SAMBITS (Advanced Services Market Survey / Deployment Strategies and Requirement / Specification of Integrated Broadcast and Internet Multimedia Services), Hypermedia and S3M. Franc Kozamernik was instrumental in establishing the EuroDAB Forum in 1994 to promote and roll out DAB, and acted as the Project Director of the WorldDAB Forum until the end of 1999. He represents the EBU in Module A of the WorldDAB Forum. He is also a member of the World Web Consortium (W3C) Advisory Committee. Gerhard Stoll studied electrical engineering, with the main emphasis on communications theory and psycho-acoustics, at the universities of Stuttgart and Munich. In 1984 he joined the IRT – the research centre of the public broadcasters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – and became head of the psycho-acoustics group. At the IRT, he was responsible for the development of the MPEG-Audio Layer II standard. Mt Stoll was/is also a member of different standardizations groups, such as MPEG, Eureka-147, DAB, DVB and the EBU, involved in setting up international standards for broadcasting. For his contributions in the area of low bit-rate audio coding, he received the Prof. Lothar Cremer Award of the German Acoustical Society, and the Fellowship Award of the Audio Engineering Society (AES). As a senior engineer at the IRT, he is now in charge of advanced multimedia broadcasting and information technology services. EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 22 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO The RealNetworks G2 codec shows at 20 kbit/s a significantly worse quality than at 16 kbit/s mono. At 32 kbit/s it offers a similar quality to 16 kbit/s mono, i.e. it seems that the Real G2 does not gain from any joint stereo coding. Due to the decoded signal’s higher frequency response at 48 kbit/s, compared with 32 kbit/s, the quality is even worse than for 32 kbit/s. At 64 kbit/s, the quality is in the range of “Good” and “Fair” for most of the tested signals. 9. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank warmly the members of the B/AIM project group who worked hard in conducting the studies, carrying out the subjective tests and putting together the final report which served as the basis for the present article. Particular thanks should go to Messrs. Thomas Sporer (Fraunhofer Institute) for providing the software and user-interface for training and conducting the tests as well as for statistical analysis of the results, Tor Vidar Fosse (NRK) and Michael Harrit (DR) for providing the assessors and for conducting the listening tests, Ulf Wüstenhagen (T-Nova) for verification of test material, and other members of the EBU Project Group B/AIM for their comments and advice. 10. References [1] ETS 300 163: Television systems; NICAM 728: Specification for transmission of two-channel digital sound with terrestrial television systems B, G, H, I and L [2] ISO/IEC 11172-1:1993: Information technology -- Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s [3] ITU-R Recommendation BS.1116-1: Methods for the subjective assessment of small impairments in audio systems including multichannel sound systems [4] BPN 029: EBU Report on the Subjective Listening Tests of Some Commercial Internet Audio Codecs Contribution of EBU Project Group B/AIM, June 2000. [5] Preliminary Draft New Recommendation, ITU-R document 10-11Q/TEMP/33: A method for subjective listening tests of intermediate audio quality - Contribution from the EBU to ITU Working Party 10-11Q 56005.html EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 23 / 24 INTERNET AUDIO [6] ITU-R Recommendation BS.562: Subjective assessment of sound quality [7] ITU-R Recommendation BT.500: Methodology for the subjective assessment of the quality of television pictures [8] EBU Recommendation R 68-1992: Alignment level in digital audio production equipment and in digital audio recorders [9] ITU-R Recommendation BS.645: Test signals and metering to be used on international sound programme connections [10] ITU-R Recommendation BS.775: Multichannel stereophonic sound systems with and without accompanying picture EBU TECHNICAL REVIEW – June 2000 G. Stoll and F. Kozamernik 24 / 24