Annual competition 2011 winning entries KS4, S3/4
Annual competition 2011 winning entries KS4, S3/4
fungus: An after-dinner roqueforti Penicillium and Whenyou'reeatingyourcheese afterdinner,didyou knowthat biscuits for the taste a fungusmaybe responsible 'blue of the cheese?!So-called cheeses' gettheirblue likeStiltonandRoquefort veinsfrom a helpfulfunguscalled peniciIIi um roqueforti. What is the fungus? Penicillium roqueforti 'saprophytic'funguswhich lives is a type of in the soil.Saprophyticfungi are the largest group of fungi. The enzymesof the fungi convert dead or decayingmatter like dead leaves, fallen trees or dead insects into organic acids, carbon dioxide and fungal biomass. What effectdoesthe fungushaveon cheese?Whena bluecheeselikeStiltonor Roquefort Roquefortiareaddedto fresh milk. Oncecurdshave is made,mouldsporesof Peniciltium formedand the cheesehasbeenmoulded,air is allowedinto the cheeseto activatethe penicilliumRoquefortiand after severalweeks,the blue/greenveinsform that give the cheeseits distinctiveflavour,tasteandtexture. Where does it get its name? The fungus is named after the Frenchtown called Roquefort where there are caveswith penicilliummould sporesoccurringnaturally. The cheesemakers in the town discoveredthe effectof the funguson their cheese. So,the next time you're enjoying Stilton or Roquefort,remember that it is a fungus that gives the cheesethe great taste! Useful information sources: m-roqueforti!29tL785424331 Mokfrshan Ramachandran Anandmoy Jana What is it? Trdmetesyersicoloris a species of rnushroom found in temperate to subrropical forests throughout the world. lts common name is Turkey Tail for its brighdy coloured patterns which resemble that of a Wild Turkey. Typically, it grows in rows or shelves'whichoverlap each other on logs or srumps of hardwood and they are usually found from fall to spring. Turkey Tail has been found to have great medicinal value and is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine under the name "YunZhi". What doesit look like? Possessing a leatherytexrure,the fleshof thesefungi is about2 mm thick and cangrow up to lOcm in diameter.Olderspecimens mayhavealgaegrowingon themg"iog the fungi a greenishappearance. However,they exist in a variety of attractivecolours.The undersideof the fungusappearscreamy white but the upper surfacecanhavea varietyof colourssuchasblack,red,blue,green,yellow and brown, which is why they were onceusedfor decoratinghats.The color of the fungusis dependent on the amountof sunlight that it receives.The surfaceof the fungusis denselypackedwith pores wherethereareabout2-5poresper millimeterof surface. What doesit feed on and what feedson it? The Turkey Tail fungus servesas a primary decomposerof wood and as such feedson rwo substancesfrom the wood that it rots , ligrio and cellulose.Both of these substancesare derived from the cell walls of the plant cells. On the other end of the food chain, the rurkey tail fungus is vulnerable to being eaten by the larvae of the Fungus Moth (Nemaxerabeilinella)and the maggots of the Pfatypezid fly (Polyporivorapicra) wlich exist in the same ecosvstem. How doesit helpus? TheTurkeyTail funguscontainsa substancecalledPSK(Polysaccharide-K) which is usedto Krestin. PSK is protein polysaccharide manufacrurea drug called a which booststhe immune bound systemin cancertherapy.It is now usedin severalcountriessuchasJapanasan officialadjuvant usedin treatingseveralcancerssuchasleukaemia,breast againstcancer. It hasbeensuccessfully cancer,Iung cancer,gastriccancerandcolon-rectalcancer.Addingto this,it hasbeenfound to effectivelyreducethe sizeof tumoursin lab animals.It is now becomingincreasinglyevidentthat this funguswill continueto improveour lives. Bibliography https://fungalgenomics. concordia.calfungi/Tver.php ngi/aug97.html http://en.wikipedia.orglwiki/Trametes_versicol or British Schoolof Brussels MiSAC Competition F u n n i l ye n o u g hf u n g ic a n b e a p r e t t yu s e f u it h i n g i n o u r d a y i o d a y l i v e s ,i n w a y s t h a t m o s t d o n ' te , r e nk n o w ,f r o m m a k i n gb e e rt o decompositioa n n d e v e n w a s h i n go u r c l o t h e sb u t a l t h c u g ht h e y d i f f e r e n kt i n g d o n t c L . t ss.c r r e f u i r g rs i r a : et h e s a m e a r ei : ' a ' ^ r h o : e i y p e o f p i g m e n i h a i u r ea l i h a v e i n o u r s k i n ,t r e i a n i n .- l V l e i a n i ins a ; , u, .i n i n m ,l ol cn i! t i rvaVr h n rvr r vn rr ca u ! ,i n i li lr l U PIVI -1,,^ ^-.^, -laa h-i^. ;n Ill OIIU dlDU IlglP) s ,vc i n zhcnrl^ i i\/ r:iiq f r o m t h e s u n i n o r c j e rt o h e i p s t o p c r r s e i v e sf r o m g e t t i n gb u r n i . C h e r n o b v lF u r r g u s ? I n 1 9 9 9 a r o b o iv v a ss e n t o u t t o t h e n u c l e a rp l a n ti n C h e r n o b y l r v h e r e s i n c et h e d i s a s t e ri n 1 9 8 6 .a b l a c kf u n o u sn a m e d "Cladosporium s p h a e r o s p e r m u mw" a s f o u n d g r o w i n go n i t s w a l l s , o n f u r t h e ra n a i y s i ss c i e n t i s t sd i s c o v e r e dt h a t t h e f u n g u st h e y f o u n d t h e r ec o n t a i n e dh i g h l e v e l so f m e l a n i n . irletanin T h e m a l o r n u c l e a rr e a c t i o nt h a t o c c u r r e da t t h e p l a n tw a s s o b i g i t m e a n st h a t n o o n e c a n g o a n y w h e r en e a r i t . - T h i s i s b e c a u s e t h e i o n i z i n gr a d i a t i o ni t g i v e so f f i s v e r y p e n e i r a t i n ga n d h a r m f u lt o l i v i n gc e l l s ,c a u s i n gm u t a t i o n si n g e n e sw h i c h c a n l e a dt o c a n c e r , b u t h o w e v e r ,t h e f u n g u sa p p e a r e dt o b e t h r i v i n gt h e r e . What's haBpqnin-q? melanin, including tookthreetypesof fungicontaining Scientists themto ionizing in Chernobyl, andexposed thefungusabundani grewup melanin radiation andfoundthattheonesthatcontained to 2.5timesfasteras a result.Thisprovesa linkexistsbetween thefungito growfaster. andthe melanin enabling the radiation this useftil? i l a n t1 9 8 3 C n e r , r o b yr l\ u c r e a P alone This is stilla verynewareaof researchbutthe discovery forthefungussuchas: meanswholenewimplications a o a Usein space- wherethereis lotsof ionizingradiation clothingin nuclearplants In protective engineering its genesintocropsto makethem Genetically orowfaster. Anotheraspectof the discoveryis its relevanceto us and how our body usesmelaninbecauseif melanincan utilizeionizing thanperhapsit can alsousethe longerwavelengths radiation of the electromagnetic spectrumwhicharen'tquiteso dangerous suchas visiblelightand UV.Thiswouldmeanthatwe couldalso be takingin radiation and usingit as a sourceof energy. So wheremanyotherorganismsare weak and are killedoff by radiation, fungisuchas Cladosporium sphaerospermum can not it use it to flourish. onlyendure but By lsabelleEllis ,^i^l^^.,^.;,,'- ^^h-^,^. - l a U r r S p U rl U l l l S p n a e l O S O e f . l - : U ll.Cl , , t - r O :e a b u n d a n c ei r C n e i ' i - t o p v i -:\ eo,rkstar, "-- ) b"rn'tu earfuFar,$r \\ 0r hgq(oscpic 0r hu afi5c.Diranrth^qfnr. earthstar, 'Grotr.E",(,/ / r uitlha broadrwe o {.i,W,{!Wv,##ffi, ffi ',Yt | .qqtrutrttnts #rorrttu €0rtL1. ^Il:^v^^fy!, ?:rg *tqs.:i q4aarf ilqnuedan'and'fru y ,,g!o,ut9-of igjW' bt to fo,tnd u torrc"t and tanpem . 'ltnnntun -otoris 'Tlw edd| G 0n }t$fa( bnd u1 tlu .qro"il and aftc!. rnoturs, oqqsqd pry6 to,.tlt^Surfaa asa)6t0,tik, rr*slr,*, -lfa t s[artiftsfuW,-is fo futf thr.{rtrgkE(/t its spsrr, uct ii tt - 4 ^f - ,' ffiW1ffi,tr[t*rlMtrA5,yr ff rrl;*,'-r",ffi F'-;. lfiM*'WW.xm W@ ffiM#ffii:ffi#ffffi ;il[;,;*' ffihil;,;;tu{s.r,S h;;. o 6m,qol,os"de.licior-ts$0CId" Uut l5 NOTpi6onor,$ r r trndions wrlnruntwdtd oiI for bUnd vrircm0t6 'ic burns,ondtt olco urd rn eintilic nleuc on groulth oJfurc( ondWnxNtanow cili$. BSESSILIS Kindon' fuum Clas Order Fatily @ts Speoes Aso(d fonn A ScorobBeetle infected by the The Cordyceps. beetle'sbody tissueis etefy compf replacedby the mycelium, fungus's over sometimes seve?alweeks.The sPoresore then releasedfrom the shootsonthe beetle'sbqck. 'Cordyceps Subsessilisis o rore porositic oscomycetefungus, thot only ottocks ond consumesScorob Beetles. This fungus hos been discoveredin the USA but wider distribution is not yet knowndue to its rority. olt's osexuolform (where there is only one Parent in reproduction) is Tolypoclodiuminflatum, which ft* more commonond is used in medicine oCyclosporinis derived from the osexuolform. It is isolated by the use of enzymes,ond is o ve?Ywidely used immunosuppressont. o Cyclosporinis used to prevent organ tronsplonts frsrn being rejected by the body; the immunesystem of the host body does not alwaysoccept donor orgons" com/idI 76.htm, Sources: http://www.danielwinkler. http:Ilb jun2006.html org/wiki/cordyceps-subsessilis http://en.wikipedia.