Amendment Notice


Amendment Notice
3';1""1 llTj ffJ:ll,Bt";rff
Bidyut Bhavan: Bidhannagar : Kolkata -700 091
Date:1 710112014
Memo No.: lT&C/38/678
Ref:- Pre Bid Discussion held odO9.01'2014
ii. '
Bhayan l.r.o Tender Notice No:-lr&c/38/561 dated
ln reference to the pre Bid Discussion held on 0g.01 .2014 alBidyut
1g11212013, the following amendments have been made'
1. lB 1.2. The clause
maY be read as:-
as proof of'eligibility of the vendor and
sealed envelop will contail-tid guarantes, lsquisite documents
inn"i .or"rr, Envelops shall be'super-sct'ibed as detailed
techno-commercial offer
tnree #pJirtErv
t"t enveloP (Outer cover)
lnner cover 1
lnner cover 2
lnner cover 3
2. B 2.A,
"Bid Guarantee"
"Proof of eligibility" duly self attested ##
"Tech no-Commercial Offer''
(## - Documents must be indexed properly') "
Sl No 3. The clause may be read as:Submission of bid
lT & C
up to r+oo nrs.-on iit1.2o1+ at the office of the Chief Engrneer,
CErr,- g" rloor, D-Block, Vidyut Bhavan, Bidhannagar^fll3li-199. 9il:
against their
Bidders shatl cottect r""Lipt *itn Out" & time trom WAS6DCL
submission of bid. Bids shall be submitted in person'
lB 7.1. The clause maY be read as:-
,,All bids must be accompanied with a refundable earnest money of Rs. 75,000.00 (Rupees.Seventy Five
trom any scheduled.lndian Bank in favour of
thousand only) in the form of irrecoverable Bank Guarantee
in separate envelop (lnner Cover 1), along
WBSEDCL in the prescribed forrnat enclosed aslBid Guarantee"
payable to WBSEDCL without any
wth the 1st part of the tender. The Bid Guarantee shall be made in'the
above Bid Guarantee' Bid
conditions, whatsoever. lrlo interest snarr ne pavanre by V/BSEDCL
of-Rs. 75,000 (Rupees s9v-9nW
Guarantee also be submitted oy paying a refunaaUe-earnest money
ordei favour of "west Bengal state
Five thousano oniviin ttre torrnor cros-sea demand draft /
scheduled lndian Bank"'
Electricity Distribution Company uimiteA;' payable at Kolkaiairom any
may be read as:offer, may have to arrange a
vendors, who would be qualified after evaluation of Techno-commercial
offices of wBSEDCL on demand of wBSEDCL'
demonstration of their sMS delivery r"*i"" ii.nv of the
of,1't Part of the tender' For
Successful demonstration of SMS delivery servicl nart gf-el3tyationapplication with the Vendor's
Demonstration, integration would n" i"duit"O to,. enisting
12.'5. The clause
4. lB
may be read
,- L,- ,i4^-^.
generated through the- different Application Packages used
send thousands of sMSesfsi{ay to individua re8i$,i8hts
http-we-b service where URL would be given by the
by wBSEDCT- in tie wav oi dpr intdgration by citting'ot
1.1.2. The clause
5. SW
6.' SW 1.1.3. The clause may be read as:;To provide 5 (five) sepaiate Apl account w*h five sender lD's."
SW 1.2. The clause may be read as:"To provide MIS reports on SMS delivery periodicatly and on demand by given email in excel format or the reports would
be made available in on line which can be accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL through respective API account of
five zones as provided by the Vendor."
SW 1.3. The clause may be read as:"To maintain and produce on demand, logs of all sent SMSes with individual receipt status and all failed SMSes. The
Vendor should make those logs available in online also which can be accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL through
respective API account of five zones."
SW 1.5. The clause may be read as:"To provide failure intirnation of every undelivered $MS in specified text format through email daily or the failure report
against each failed SMS woutd be made available in on line which can be accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL
through respective API account of five zones as provided by the Vendor.'
10. SW 1.8. The clause may be read as:"To provide daily summary reports for successfully sent SMSes and failed SMSes of five zones individually (time period
from 0 hrs to 24 hrs) within 11 :00 A.M in very next day to the given mail lD or the report would be made available in on line
which can be accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL through respective API account $.five zones as provided by the
11. SW 2.Z.Theclause may be read as:-
.lThe accumulated SMSes'as sentto the service provideri would be PUSHed to the recipients with a speed of 100 tps
(transaction per second) or necessary bandwidth for receiving the speed of 100 tps after receipt of the http document. At
least three dttempts would be made within 3 hrs to resend the SMSes, delivered unsurcessfully along with subsequent
three lots of SMSes afier the initial attempt."
12. SW 2',3. The clause may be read as:-
Every SMS, not delivered, would be identified and failure,intimation would be sent back through call back URL to the
rehted Call Center as well as given mail lD in specified text format through email, regularly, in periodic interval would
be made available in on line which can be accessed anddownloaded b, WBSEDCL through respective API account of
five zones as provided by the Vendor."
',2. SW 3.1. The ciause may be read as:Tc provide a daily srmrrry report (0:00 hrs to 24 hrs) dn next morning within 11:00 AM to a given mail id and tc all flve
zorres conuining Date, Timl-stamp,'Zone Name, Application Name/lD, Mobile No of successfully send SMS , Mobile No of
failed SMS in either text format or excel format or the report would be made available in on line which can be accessed and
downloaded by WBSEDCL through rgspective API account of five zones as provided by the Vendor."
14. SW 3.2. The clause may be read as:-
"To provide a weekly summary report on every Monday within 11:00 AM to a given mail lD and to all five zones containing
Date, Zone 11sms, fipplication Name/lD, No of successfullysent SMS and No of failed SMS in either text fomtat or excel
format or the report would be made available in on line which can be accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL through
respective API account of five zones as provided by the Vendor. "
15. St4/3.3. The clause may be read as:"To provide a monthly summary report on first day of next month within 11:00 AM to a given mail lD and to all five zones
containing the matter and format as stated in SW 3.2 or the report would be made available in on line which can be
accessed and downloaded by WBSEDCL through respective API account of five zones as provided by the Vendor.'
All other Terms & Conditions of the above referred Tender Notice will remain unaltered.
C.E,lT&C Cell,