Mainland Alumni - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Mainland Alumni - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
01 | Foreword
President’s Message
02 | Feature
Maximizing Potential – the story behind three alumni who have broken
through barriers of expectation to live their dreams
08 | The HKUST Edge
Prof Gary Chan heralds a new era for content distribution networks with
an innovative “substream-push” technology
10 | Global Horizons
12 | Insight
There’s a fresh look to the campus as new infrastructure and facilities
come on line to cope with the entrance of the double cohort
14 | Event Roundup
17 | Giving Back
Support for the Alumni Endowment Fund has been tremendous,
with HK$300,000 earmarked for sponsorships on student programs,
awards and other activities
18 | Class Notes
22 | Alumni Association
The A1 Team sets out a three-pillar strategy for getting alumni more
involved in their alma mater
Published by Development & Alumni Office
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2358 6158 Fax: (852) 3743 0939
Email: [email protected]
HKUST Alumni News 2011
Dear Alumni,
The historical moment has arrived – this
September we welcomed the double cohort
of students to HKUST. This marks the start
of a new era for us, with the launch of the
Professor Chan listens to students’ views and discusses University issues with them at the monthly tea gathering.
new curriculum and the opening of various
new facilities and soon-to-be completed
sporting achievements and other activities.
their dreams. It seems an appropriate
buildings on campus to cater for the
These will help make a big difference to
subject as the old year draws to a close and
increased intake. Please do turn to Insight of
the lives of many students. Special thanks
we prepare for a new start in 2013 and the
this Alumni News to find out more about our
go to the pioneer donors, whom I am sure
Year of the Snake. Make the coming year
expanded campus. But I would also like to
will be proud to see their investment paying
the one you decide to follow your dreams,
extend an invitation to you to visit the campus
dividends in perpetuity.
in the coming months. Then you can see for
I was fortunate to meet many graduates,
We can look back on a momentous
yourselves the wonderful new facilities and
exchange-out students and once exchange-
year at HKUST, when we achieved several
perhaps even chat to current students about
in students on a visit to Europe earlier
milestones. We are now in our third decade,
their lives on campus today!
in October. My trip took in a number of
and with each passing year we get stronger
In order that we continue to achieve
educational institutions in the cities of
and stronger. We are building a strong
new heights, we need the support of you,
Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin, Munich
heritage – and you, as alumni, play an
our alumni. It is very inspiring for everyone
and Heidelberg. It was good to be able to
important role in the culture and mission of
at HKUST – students, faculty and staff – that
catch up with everyone and hear their news,
our Alumni Endowment Fund (AEF) initiative
as well as updating them on HKUST’s latest
I wish every one of you all the very best
has received tremendous support since
happenings. I am especially impressed by
for the festive season. May your careers and
its launch in March this year. We have hit
the enduring bonds and countless ties that
your personal lives flourish in the New Year!
a record high in terms of donation amount
link them after graduation. It is always heart-
and participation rate. More than HK$6.2
warming to hear of gatherings of alumni and
million has been raised by alumni. Taking
students – and one group was lucky enough
into account the 2:1 matching successfully
to enjoy a cozy gathering at Vice-President
secured via the government matching grant,
Dr Eden Woon’s house in Shanghai in
the fund has now reached HK$9.3 million!
Best wishes,
In other words, the interest income available
Our cover feature of this issue looks at
for students in 2012-13 has reached
some alumni who have taken more unusual
HK$300,000. This sum is earmarked to
paths in life. The thread drawing them
cover sponsorships for student academic
together is that they are all passionate about
Professor Tony F Chan
programs, reach-out activities, awards for
something in their lives and have followed
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Success in the Frame
Terence Pang gave up a career in the IT industry to
focus on his childhood passion of photography.
But he credits his time at HKUST for fostering skills
that have helped his business to thrive, even in a
very competitive world.
Terence’s photographic works
Most of us are told when we
are little children that we should
dream big, because our dreams
can come true. But as we get
older, we get more and more
involved in school work, exams
and gaining a foothold on the
with good prospects. Our
dreams often disappear into
those responsible for this trend – particularly with overseas locations – is HKUST
the air, especially if they are
alumnus Terence Pang. Terence graduated with a BEng(COMP) in 1995, which
unconventional, and we dismiss
is probably not the normal career path for a photographer, so how and why did
them as the imaginings of a
he get to this point in his life? And how did HKUST help to shape that journey?
lower steps of a “safe” career
childish mind.
But what happens if you do
shoots becoming more creative in terms of location and styling. One of
“Looking back, I wouldn’t say that I started out doing something conventional
and then changed,” says Terence. “I did, in fact, want to take a film course
decide to follow your dreams?
when I finished secondary school and received an offer from a university, but
Here we talk to three HKUST
my family did not think that there was money to be earned in the movie industry.
alumni who have taken unusual
It happened to be the first year of JUPAS and I got more than 10 other offers,
turns in their careers. Two of
including computer science from HKUST,” he says.
them, followed traditional career
“HKUST was only in its second year – there was no history, everything was
paths – one in IT and one in
new but I like new things so it seemed to fit. Also, it seemed that it was the best
accounting – before seemingly
place to study IT because the infrastructure was new there,” says Terence. He
risking much to follow their
enjoyed his time at the university and says it taught him about working hard. “I
passions of photography and
lived in hall, so friendship and communication were important skills to develop. I
social enterprise, respectively.
learned how to think independently and critically.”
The other was a child musical
Terence got a job in IT on graduation and spent a decade in the industry
prodigy who realized that he
before he started to think about doing something different. “I wasn’t doing a lot
needed to reinforce his musical
of programming any way; I was more on the business side of things. In addition,
talents with more conventional
it turned out that the IT industry experiences ups and downs, too, so it is not
business skills in order to make
always so stable. My family was a little shocked but they were supportive.”
the most of himself.
edding photography is big business these days in Hong Kong, with photo
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Terence Pang
Having been a keen photographer since he was 12 years
about 50 percent is on weddings now, with a focus on overseas
old, in 2008 Terence decided to become a professional
destination shots. I am now doing more commercial work,
photographer; he took courses including one in Australia and
including portraits which I really enjoy. I also do photography
another with top Hong Kong photographer Alain Yip(葉青霖).
tutoring. About 10-20 percent of my time is spent on personal
He found that wedding photography was a good starting point
work such as documentaries and photojournalism projects.”
because of the way the business is structured. “With commercial
His portfolio is diverse – ranging from the wedding
photography, you don’t usually get paid until after the job is
photography of Chinese Olympic gymnasts Yang Yun(楊雲)
completed, whereas with weddings you can ask for a deposit
and Yang Wei(楊威)on Hainan Island and portraits of Chinese
even if the wedding is not till the following year.”
pop singer Jane Zhang(張靚穎)to a book for the 20th
Terence says he did structure a plan, but after initial
anniversary of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, as well as
implementation it is necessary to be flexible and adaptable. “You
publishing his own book Oh! Shoot! with 11 other photographers
can plan things very carefully – but you soon learn that everything
including Alain Yip and Cecilia Yip(葉童). He has also won
can change just with one phone call.” His background in IT has
numerous international photography awards for his work over
been useful: “In fact, I only spend around 10 percent of my time
the years, as well as staging exhibitions.
on shooting – I spend more time doing marketing, using social
What advice does Terence have for alumni who are
media such as Facebook and Weibo and updating my website, for
considering chasing their dreams and want to follow a new path?
example.” Other skills he learned at HKUST have proved a boon,
“You have to have a passion for what you want to do and do
too: “When I first became a photographer, I found that very few of
what you love. I always recall a script from the Indian movie
my competitors were as academically qualified as I was – I could
3 Idiots saying ‘pursue excellence, and success will follow’. I
talk comfortably with foreigners, and now I have customers from all
also like Steve Jobs’ famous quote ‘stay hungry, stay foolish’.
over the world. I can thank HKUST for its international atmosphere,
That is also about being passionate, and about accepting that
with professors and students from many different countries.”
things change. You need to be open minded. Knowledge from
Today, the profile of Terence’s business has changed. “Only
today may not be correct tomorrow.”
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Carrie Tang
Out of the Ordinary
Setting up one social
enterprise project can
be difficult enough – but
only two years after
graduating, Carrie Tang
is already responsible
for a range of initiatives
that are helping the
disadvantaged in our
society. She credits
HKUST for much of her
initial inspiration.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
about looking for sponsorship. “We searched for corporates on
the web and sent out emails and letters telling them our story.
But this failed because large corporations wouldn’t pay attention
to this type of email. After a couple of weeks, we decided to
research the companies’ backgrounds, their missions, and then
with that understanding we found they were more willing to reply.
Some companies offered sponsorship, and along with money
from friends we published the first issue in April 2011. We are now
about to release issue number six! We now have four partners
and a team of about eight to ten voluntary reporters. Most of them
are studying for associate degrees or diplomas at Hong Kong
institutes and want to become journalists.”
Her latest project is the Go Inside Café in the Fortune
Metropolis Mall in Hung Hom, set up in September. “We wanted a
Go Inside Café
ground floor place so that everybody can see what we are trying
to achieve – this is difficult to find with reasonable rent in Hong
Kong, but we are lucky enough to have investors who appreciate
our idea.”
Where did Carrie’s own passion come from? A number of
things opened her eyes to a different way of living. “I am proud
of being a HKUST graduate – the university gives you lots of
opportunities. I did a lot of voluntary work during my studies. I
went on an overseas exchange to Lancaster University in the
arrie Tang describes herself as an “ordinary 23-year-old girl”,
UK, where I discovered that youth overseas don’t just think of
yet take a look at what she has achieved already and you
earning money – it is not the end point. But in Hong Kong many
will find someone with a very big heart, a lot of passion and drive,
students don’t know what their passion is or what their dreams
and who works very hard to help the disadvantaged in society.
are. I also got a Working Holiday Visa for Australia, where I
The accomplishments include publishing a magazine that
focuses on social enterprise projects of young people. She
has started a voluntary service group called Sowergift and the
finally found a job in a coffee shop – so that’s where I got the
experience for the café!
“Finally, when I graduated I suddenly had a clear mind that
China branch of international movement Design for Change that
I wanted to do something different instead of getting a stable
empowers young children to be the catalyst of change. And, most
accounting job. I was encouraged by a few passionate friends and
recently, she has set up a café that not only serves tasty food and
a coach that I met in a youth leadership camp,” explains Carrie.
drinks but is also a showcase for social projects and for artworks
and crafts created by youth.
Carrie’s path to graduation was typical of what she calls a
“Stepping back, I don’t see myself as a very successful or
high-profile person and I am still finding the sustainability of each
project that I initiate by learning hard from many experienced
“traditional Chinese family’s expectation”. She got good grades
social innovators around me. Moreover, I find that all these
at school through diligence and application, gained a place on
try-fail-try-success actions let me know where the social
an accountancy program at HKUST and graduated with a BBA
innovator’s passion comes from. And I am surprised that my
(ACCT) in 2010. “My family wanted me to be an accountant, and
action also ignites the lives of young people around me.”
although I loved the studying I didn’t want to work in accounting. I
Her advice to fellow alumni or students about to graduate
wanted to work in a social enterprise, but it was not easy to find a
is that you don’t have to wait till you are rich or have plenty of
job that suited my passion.”
free time to become involved in social enterprise projects. “Even
She decided to “start small” as she says, and after a few
though we are not rich, we are already blessed compared to many
months in an accounting job had saved enough money to set up
underprivileged people all around the world. The most important
DreamMag with a friend. “We publish stories of youth in Hong
thing for every young person to make their dream come true is not
Kong and other parts of Asia who have been ignited by their
what their background is, but to find their passion and having at
passion. It might be a voluntary group, an arts project, an NGO
least one person around you who can continuously tell you ‘You
or their own business that they have set up.” Carrie explains that
can!’. Show your family that you are not just day-dreaming; they
they needed HK$20,000 to publish the first issue, so they set
worry about you, so show them that it is your career long-term.”
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Warren Lee
icture the scene: the Hong Kong Coliseum, a full crowd, the
named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Philharmonic, a piano on stage... and sitting at
earlier this year.
that piano is a boy of just six years of age.
This was Warren Lee’s debut as a musical performer, and it
Warren, who was born in Hong Kong, tells of how he started
on his musical journey. “My elder sister was learning the piano
seemed that Hong Kong could not get enough of him. Warren
– I used to go along with her when I was 2½ years old, and was
himself says that the pressure – especially given that the Chinese for
apparently very attentive. When I was 3½, I just went up to the
“child prodigy” translates as “child god” – was immense and he is
piano and started to play. However, the teacher thought I should
eternally grateful that his parents protected him from the demands
wait until I was four before starting formal lessons.”
and turned down most invitations for him to perform in public.
While our other “dare to dream” interviewees started
He gained a place as a music scholar at Marlborough College,
one of the UK’s top schools – and, as Warren himself points out,
from conventional beginnings – degrees in accountancy and
the alma mater of Kate Middleton, now wife of Britain’s Prince
computer engineering – Warren’s journey could be said to be
William. “I was terribly homesick. I also faced bullying, until my
the opposite. He started with the unusual – a career in music –
music teacher got me to perform on stage in front of the school.”
but has gradually added more strings to his bow including what
Respect from his fellow students followed and Warren says he
many would say is very conventional – an MBA. Today, Warren
enjoyed his time there. His musical talent attracted the attention of
is a music educator and performer. He’s recently returned from
the Royal Academy of Music. While there was a dilemma of staying
New York, where he performed three concerts, including one
at Marlborough to take his A-levels or attending the Royal Academy
at Carnegie Hall; recorded for the Naxos label in the UK; and
early to study for a degree, Warren says: “I jumped at the chance.”
performed with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. He even
performed a duet recital at HKUST in October. He was also
6 HKUST Alumni News 2012
In 1995, Warren took part in the Stravinsky Awards
International Piano Competition, which he won. However, this
From child prodigy to fully rounded adult: Warren Lee has avoided the pitfalls
of being uncommonly talented while young to inspire others to develop a love of
music – including a group of fellow MBA classmates.
turned out to be something a turning point: “Music is an art, it
children to truly enjoy playing piano or other instruments, though
is not like a sport,” he says. At around the same time he met
there are many “knock-on” benefits that parents appreciate such
Professor Boris Berman, Head of the Piano Department at Yale’s
as discipline, attention to detail and hard work. No matter how
School of Music, who persuaded him to spend an exchange year
talented a child is, he or she still needs to practice hard every day.
at the university. “In fact, I stayed for three years,” laughs Warren.
While he had found his niche as an educator, Warren still felt
After Yale, Warren thought it was time to change focus.
that he needed to better equip himself in terms of management
“This was a result of a couple of years’ reflection plus the huge
and strategy. “I decided on an MBA. I chose HKUST because of
expectations that come with being a child prodigy. I wanted to
its international diversity – having already studied in the UK and
prove that I could do other things. So I applied to law schools in the
US, I wanted an international culture,” he says. “It is one of the
UK and US.” However, he happened to return to Hong Kong for
best decisions I have made. I learned a lot about myself and how
the summer and while here, quite by chance, met Dr Betty Chan,
to analyze critically. However, I did realize that I’m not a business
Director of Yew Chung schools. “She’s a visionary – and she took
person – for example I’m not a risk taker! But on a practical level it
a gamble on me and offered me a place as ‘artist in residence’,
has been very useful in equipping myself with management skills
which later turned into the position of Music Director from 2000 to
that are proving very useful in my job.
2006.” Following his MBA, Warren took the job of Music Director at
St Paul’s Co-educational College and Primary School.”
Warren finds his work at the school to be very meaningful.
“I also made a lot of friends from different walks of life,
many of whom had never met a musician before. I took the class
to the Hong Kong Arts Centre and gave them a proper business
“Music in Hong Kong is almost seen as a currency that will help
school-style PowerPoint presentation followed by a recital.
a child to get into a good school. My long-term goal is to change
Almost the entire class came along – many were attending a
this climate.” He believes that only a love for music can motivate
classical concert for the first time.”
HKUST Alumni News 2012
The HKUST Edge
Next-gen Streamphony
Fast Forwards into
New Era of Streaming Cloud
Wide Range of Applications
Mobile T
Internet T
Distance Learning/
Stock Quotes
Online Gaming
8 HKUST Alumni News 2012
The HKUST Edge
If you regularly watch sporting events, movies or other content via the internet, are
you satisfied with the experience? Probably not, especially in terms of bit-rate and
delay. Streamphony, developed by a team at HKUST with invaluable support from
industry and government, is set to change that thanks to its innovative solutions.
emember the name “Streamphony”. It is a catchy name, but
percent on hardware. In order to cater for our target population size,
the real reason you will be hearing it more and more in future
with traditional methods we need large bandwidth and expensive
is because its patented and patent-pending technologies define a
servers, but now with Streamphony we can physically reduce the
new era for content distribution networks with a novel and highly
cost and number of servers with much lower bandwidth. And as
efficient “substream-push” technology.
our target population grows, the savings further increase.” He is
A research team, under the direction of Prof Gary Chan, Associate
looking forward to further close collaboration with Prof Chan’s
Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
team as Mei Ah rolls out its deployment to Mainland China and the
has developed a software suite for large-scale live multimedia
rest of the world, following its Hong Kong release.
streaming, including video, audio and data, over the internet.
Another key partner is the Innovation and Technology
Streamphony enables an Optimized Global Streaming Cloud for high
Commission (ITC) of the Hong
bit-rate applications, which streams content to a variety of user devices
Kong Government. “Through this
such as mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs, set-top boxes and PCs.
cooperation we have received
Streamphony is also useful for streaming time-critical data, such as
funding that enables us to hire
stock quotes. It achieves sub-second delay that is much faster than
software engineers so that research
multiple seconds as in many other existing streaming solutions.
results can be turned into software
Streamphony is being deployed by Mei Ah Digital Technology
Limited(美亞數碼科技有限公司), a top leader in entertainment
codes that can be tested in the real
environment,” says Prof Chan.
technology, and a major telecommunication company. High-quality
live broadcasts are set to air in December 2012.
MUTUAL BENEFITS Speaking about collaboration with industry, Prof
“The research started about 10 years ago and after we
Chan says it is very important because both parties depend on one
accumulated experience we started to work with industry and
another. “For a researcher like me, who is keen to roll out technology that
government to commercialize it,” says Prof Chan. “Mei Ah has been
people enjoy using, such collaboration is the key. I like to address real
very supportive since day one. I have been conducting research
industry needs through my research. In this way, our research results
on this area for years – my PhD thesis was on streaming. But just
can be finally channeled into industry, bringing impact to our lives.”
doing research without deploying in industry means that something
The team – which has averaged around 10 research staff, though
is lacking. Therefore, I want to walk those extra miles to develop it as
at times rising to 20 – will continue to develop Streamphony, with
a real system for industry to use.”
the help of Mei Ah. “Many elements can be improved, especially as
networks keep changing and users’ expectations rise. This calls for
QUANTUM LEAP Prof Chan explains more about the unique and
better and continual research,” he says.
innovative features that account for Streamphony’s high efficiency and
Prof Chan did his PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford
low deployment cost. “It divides the multimedia stream into multiple
University, where he was a William and Leila fellow. He got his BSE in
sub-streams and intelligently pushes them over multiple paths in the
Electrical Engineering from Princeton University. He has been at HKUST
cloud. This new design paradigm is a quantum leap from the traditional
since 1999. In 2011 he led a team that developed another wireless
design, leading to its remarkably lower delay,” he says.
project, called Lavinet. Lavinet is a multi-hop wireless mesh network
Mr Steve Law is Executive Director of Mei Ah: “We distribute
that greatly extends the coverage and improves the data access of
content to end-users via traditional channels such as cable. We
Wi-Fi networks. The software implements a set of innovative channel
had been looking into new media when, by chance, I met Prof
selection and routing algorithms that effectively avoid traffic congestion
Chan. Hearing about his work, it triggered something with me. I
and reduce signal interference. It is already commercialized and
felt he had a very mature thought about distribution networks – not
deployed in Modern Terminals, a leading port terminal in Hong Kong,
just on the academic side but that he was just a step away from
and was awarded bronze in the Best Innovation & Research Award
commercialization. It made sense to work together. Streamphony
(College & Undergraduates) in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2012.
fits our goals with its innovative approaches.”
As for the Streamphony, it is set to have a far-reaching impact
on the world. It is expected that in a few years’ time it will be widely
COST SAVINGS The major benefits, he notes, are in cost savings.
applied – and when you watch live soccer matches via this, you
“We can save on bandwidth costs by about 70 percent, and by 30
can think with pride of HKUST!
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Global Horizons
European Hubs
President Professor Tony Chan and Vice-President Dr Eden Woon paid a fruitful visit to
Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin, Munich and Heidelberg in October and met USTers in these large
cities renowned for high-tech research and industry. These reunions were not only attended by
alumni, but also current exchange-out and once exchange-in students, who have been maintaining
close ties with HKUST over the years.
Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen!
The visit started in Copenhagen, where
the meet-up included a good number of
once exchange-in students, mainly from the
Technical University of Denmark. The first-ever
alumni gathering here, the drinks reception
provided a good opportunity for Professor
Chan and Dr Woon to share HKUST’s success
and challenges ahead. Special thanks go to
Wayne Yeung for organizing this event.
Northern Lights
Thanks to Cai Bing’s coordination, the gathering
o kh
in St
attracted alumni pursuing postgraduate
g ee
es at internationally acclaimed universities in Sweden, and
exchange-in students from KTH. A great happy hour for all!
Happy in Heidelberg
Cheers! Alumni in Heidelberg had a cozy chat with Professor
Chan, Dr Woon and Professor Reinhard Renneberg. This happy
hour was facilitated by Jeffrey Iqbal, who was one of the first batch
of international graduates.
Capital Occasion
A pleasant breakfast was had with three alumni who shared their
experiences of living and working in Berlin, Germany’s biggest
city. Thank you Yee Dahm for facilitating this reunion.
Munich Fest
Alumni and TUM exchange-in students renewed their ties at this
Munich reunion, at which the HKSAR Economic and Trade Office
hosted a welcome lunch for HKUST delegates led by Professor
Chan. It was a rewarding get-together for everyone there, and was
coordinated by Karry Wong, who is furthering his study at TUM.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Global Horizons
Strong Bonds
Alumni in Shanghai had a great time as they were invited
to Vice-President Dr Eden Woon’s open house party in
November. Sharing a strong passion for HKUST, many
of them volunteered to help with the establishment of a
Shanghai Chapter to further strengthen the bond among
alumni in their neighborhood.
Sunny Trek
Shenzhen Inauguration
The Shenzhen Alumni Association was officially founded in October
with the inauguration ceremony being held at the HKUST Shenzhen
Research Institute in Nanshan. The Executive Committee, comprising
10 dedicated members, is striving to foster closer relations among
alumni in Shenzhen, where it accommodates a majority of graduates
on the Mainland.
To catch up with the good weather at the end of
fall, alumni in Beijing hiked to Mangshan(蟒山),
a suburb of the city, in late September. Organized
by the Beijing Alumni Association, this was
probably one of the most tiring gatherings they
have had, but also the happiest at the same time!
The year 2012 has
been a particularly
eventful one for the
Singapore Alumni
Association. Its
Kickoff Party at Ying
Yang Rooftop Bar
was well received by
alumni, with quite a number joining for the first time. The Association collaborated again
with HKU and CU Alumni Associations this year to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Many alumni and exchange-out students were invited to celebrate the 15th Anniversary
of the Establishment of the HKSAR with Mr Gregory So Kam-leung, Secretary for
Commerce and Economic Development, at the Gala Dinner at the Fullerton Hotel.
Don’t miss the forthcoming fabulous events!
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Campus for
Double Cohort
To welcome the double cohort of
undergraduates, new facilities are being
opened up all around the HKUST campus.
These new infrastructure projects will enhance
and upgrade the campus. They encompass
a wide range of amenities and facilities,
incorporating the latest in technology.
The facilities have been designed to
provide a better learning and
living environment for our
students. Here’s a pictorial
guide to the new-look campus!
Lee Shau Kee Business Building (right)
and IAS’s Lo Ka Chung Building are key
infrastructural components of our campus
HKUST Alumni News 2012
1. Lee Shau Kee Business Building comprises a lecture
theater, classrooms, computer labs, meeting rooms
and other facilities. It also features a roof-top garden
and a courtyard.
2 & 3. Located on LG1 within the Lee Shau Kee Library
and with a floor area of 1,800 square meters, the
Chevalier Learning Commons is divided into four zones,
namely Creative Media Zone, E-Learning Zone, Study
Zone and Refreshment Zone, and is equipped with
state-of-the-art technologies.
4. Providing 700 bed places to UG students, Hall 8 and Hall 9,
with panoramic seaview, will be ready in spring 2013.
5. This new South Bus Station has greatly eased the
heavy traffic flow.
6, 7, 8 & 9. An additional 1,050 seats are provided in
LG1 and LG7 restaurants as well as Academic Concourse
Courtyard, all of which serve a great variety of cuisines.
The total catering seating capacity on campus has
increased by over 42% from 2,450 to 3,500.
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Event Roundup
Leaders of the affiliated alumni associations and university
senior management celebrate the new heights reached by HKUSTAA.
From left: Dr Eden Woon, Professor Tony Chan,
Mr Maximilian Ma and Ms Laura Conzijnsen
Busy Year of Varied Events
HKUST Alumni Association: Alumni pet lovers got together with friends both human
and furry at the first-ever Pet Carnival in Yuen Long. Squid fishing has long been
a favorite summer pastime for our students; a tribe of USTers relived their u-lives
and enjoyed a sumptuous squid boat feast in Sai Kung. With the concerted support
of the Federation of Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Association and Hong
Kong Baptist University Alumni Association, the Joint-U Alumni Wine Tasting was a
fruitful success. Over 150 alumni from HKUST, CUHK and HKBU enjoyed the guided
Laura warmly welcomes the guests and gives a detailed
account of the wide array of programs organized in the
past year.
wine tasting given by Jennifer Luk, our alumna wine educator. Alumni bowlers got
together at KITEC for a fun-filled evening; fierce competition marked the climax of
the game. The Leadership Face to Face: Alumtrepreneur Meet brought together
50 entrepreneurs to interact in a social setting at the sleek CoCoon. Speaking at
the inspirational session were Mr Maximilian Ma, Chairman of Lee Heng Diamond
Group, and Mr Theodore Ma, Director of MaBelle Jewellery. Before the Mid-Autumn
Festival, the Care Program of HKUSTAA again joined hands with the Hong Kong
Movie Stars Sports Association Charities to present warm festive greetings and
mooncakes to the elderly in Sham Shui Po. A highlight of the year, the Annual
Dinner was a huge success with the participation of President Professor Tony Chan,
Vice-President Dr Eden Woon, Mr Maximilian Ma, VIPs and enthusiastic alumni.
It also marked a fabulous conclusion of the HKUSTAA 2010-12 Session under the
Alumtrepreneur Meet
presidency of Laura Conzijnsen.
Vintage Occasion
During the summer, the Biochemistry Alumni Association organized
a winery tour of The 8th Estate Winery at Ap Lei Chau followed by
an evening at the R9 Lounge Bar in Tsim Sha Tsui. It was a great
opportunity for biochemistry fellows to share the good times and
memories of their time at HKUST.
The Biochemistry Alumni Reunion Dinner 2012 was successfully
held in November.
Just like last year,
they were honored
to have Prof Robert
Ko as their guest. Dr Michael Huen (Assistant Professor, HKU) and Dr Eddy Wu (Medical
Director, Novartis), both HKUST alumni, shared their valuable experiences from their
careers. Please “like” the Facebook page to stay
tuned to upcoming events.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Event Roundup
Happy Tenth!
Over 220 alumni from the Class of 2002,
their families and guests congregated
at Hall 7 for a joyous 10th graduation
anniversary party. Vice-President Dr Eden
Woon updated the gathering on the
astonishing developments and new
facilities on campus. The event concluded
with tours of Hall 6 and Hall 7. Alumni
were impressed by the holistic hostel life
and wonderful learning environment.
Successful Election
An election meeting was held for the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management Alumni Association
on September 7, 2012. After the election, the association was officially established and more events are planned for the future.
Farewell, Steve!
In July, MBAAA bid farewell to Professor Steve
DeKrey, the former Senior Associate Dean of
Business and MBA Program Director, who has
been leading the Program over the past 16 years.
Water Wins
Growing from strength to strength, MBAAA Dragons dispatched an
unprecedented two teams to compete in a total of five competitions over the
summer. The best result was achieved with the winning of the 1st runner-up
trophy in the Silver Plate Final in the Stanley Tuen Ng race.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Event Roundup
Busy Celebrations
To mark its first anniversary, the EMBA Alumni
Association launched a three-day program of celebratory
events for its members in Beijing in October. These included
a visit to the Civil Aviation Management Institute of China
and the Cloud Valley where alumni Bian Zhiqiang and Wu
Man respectively are working. Renowned economist Mr
Mao Yushi was invited to share his views at a forum on
the future economic structure of China, while Mr Fang
Chao, President of Beijing Guohua Real-Estate, gave a detailed account of the future development of real estate in China. Alumni had a
relaxing time learning about wine from senior sommelier Wei Qing and, at the same time, enjoyed the good taste of wines from
Château Laulan Ducos, as sponsored by alumnus Shen Dongjun. The 20 alumni also took part in a golf tournament at Tianzhu Village
Golf Club.
Plenty to Smile About
Since graduation, everyone has to embrace new challenges in their lives, and it is no exception
for members of the Volleyball Alumni Team. Apart from regular volleyball practices, friendly
matches and tournaments, the
team has experienced some
making their gatherings even
more memorable.
Two female members of the
team gave birth to their second
First of Many!
child each on August 10 and 11,
Nearly 40 alumni, students and staff got
2012 respectively. The team and
together for the MSc(Econ) alumni gathering
families did not miss the chance
in Shenzhen on the Mid-Autumn Festival
to greet the new-born babies.
Eve. It was the first alumni event held by the
All the big smiles have
program office to foster relationships among
continued, as a couple in
students, alumni and the department. With
the team tied the knot on
the expanding MSc(Econ) alumni population,
October 2, 2012. On their big
the department looks forward to forging
day the couple, families and
stronger bonds among alumni via different
team members were on cloud
events and each person’s participation does
nine, everyone leaving the party
count. Looking forward to seeing more
with happy faces.
alumni at future happenings!
Mainland Alumni Gatherings
A series of fabulous programs were organized by the Mainland Alumni Association
following its establishment earlier this year. On July 1, a group of HKUST mainland
students and alumni celebrated the 15th Anniversary of the Reunification of Hong
Kong at a carnival at Hong Kong Stadium.
The following week, HKUSTMAA organized a boat trip from Sai Kung. Nearly 30
alumni and their friends participated and enjoyed cool and refreshing water sports.
A German cuisine dinner gathering attracted nearly 30 mainland alumni and
their friends in September and they all had an enjoyable time.
Hiking was surely not to be missed this fall. The hiking challenge comprised the
first and second sections of the Wilson Trail on Hong Kong Island, all the way from Quarry Bay to Stanley.
16 HKUST Alumni News 2012
Giving Back
Pong Benjamin BAI Lian CHAM Lai Ki Monica CHAN Chak Kam CHAN Chee Hang CHAN Chi Hung CHAN Chi Kin CHAN
Chi Man CHAN Chi Pang Ivan CHAN Chi Tat CHAN Chi Yan CHAN Chor Kin CHAN Chore Man Germaine CHAN Chun Ting
CHAN Chun Yip Johnny CHAN Chung Lun CHAN Chung Tak CHAN Ebe CHAN Fong Shan Michelle CHAN Hilton CHAN
Ho CHAN Hoi Lai Carmen CHAN Hung Kee CHAN Hung Shing Jimmy CHAN Jones CHAN Ka Fai CHAN Ka Lok CHAN Ka
Lok CHAN Ka Man Carmen CHAN Kar Wai Kevin CHAN Karen Man Yan CHAN Kin Fai CHAN Kin Man CHAN King Che Stephen CHAN Kwok Wing CHAN Lap
Kin CHAN Sau Lin CHAN Siu Man Simon CHAN Siu Wah Carmus CHAN Ting Fai CHAN Tsz Ki Patty CHAN Wai Hing CHAN Wai Kei CHAN Wai Man CHAN
Wai Yin CHAN Wan Lan CHAN Wing Chau CHAN Yee Yuen CHAN Yin Wah CHANG Xin CHAU Chun Wah Paulus CHAU Chun Wai CHAU Suk Yin CHEN
Benfeng CHEN Zhiheng CHENG Chak Wing CHENG Hau Lam CHENG Hok Man CHENG Ka Ho CHENG Kar Lok Carlos CHENG Kwok Wing William CHENG
Man Hau CHENG Man Ho Roman CHENG Pit Kai CHENG Shu Pok CHENG Suk Hang CHENG Tai Kwan Sunny CHENG Yu Sum CHENG Yuen Shan Vincent CHEUNG Cheuk Hang CHEUNG Chung
Yan Irene CHEUNG Kam Wang CHEUNG Kwan Yin CHEUNG Kwok Wai CHEUNG Kwok Yin Bernard CHEUNG Ming Hon Roben CHEUNG Ning Fung CHEUNG Pui Kwan CHEUNG Siu Yuk CHEUNG
Yuet Fun CHIANG Ning CHIU Chi Fai CHIU Ka Man Carmen CHIU Ka Shun CHIU Man Yiu CHIU Nai Ying CHIU Shung Cheong CHIU Tsz Yin CHOI Ping Ah Wilfred CHOI Sheung Hang CHONG Man Chi
CHONG Tin Lung Benny CHONG Yee Leung CHOW Ming Sang Sunny CHOW Ying CHU Wai Ling CHU Wing Hang CHUK Siu Kei CHUNG Kwok Wai DAI Hongyan DING Hiu Kwong DING Jinsong DU
Peng ELOY Pierre FAN Chi Chiu FAN Chi Ming FANG Lei FENG Jialiang FONG Kwok Wai FONG Shu Hung FU Kit Wah FUNG Cheuk Yin Alan FUNG Hon Leung FUNG Kwun Man FUNG Pui Ki Annie
FUNG Pui Lin GALLAGHER Cormac GAO Jian GAO Jin GAO Yiming GE Rui GU Yong GULATI Nishant HA Kwok Yan Lilian HAN Ngai Sze HAU Kent HAU Lap Wing HAU San Wa HEMRAHANI Geeta
Arjandas HO Chi Ho HO Ka Chung HO Kwong Yiu HO Luk Sang HO Pui Lam HO Pui San HO Siu Hong HO Tin Hong HO Tin Yau HO Wai No Fiona HO Yung HOI Ka Kit HON Ping Alva HON Wai HSIA
Wai Kit HSU Kuan Chun Issac HU Tak Hung HUI Ho Yan HUI Kwan San HUNG Chi Kin Chadwick HUNG Chun Lung IP Chit Yin IP Fung Wing Priscilla IP Lun Shu IP Yuk Ming Chris KAI Kwan Ying KAN
Cham Chung KANG Feiyu KATAYAMA Akihiko KEI Mun KO Chi Hang KO Chi Pui KO Yuk Choi Andrew KONG Man Kin KU Kei Tat KU Wai Hung KU Yuk Lun KUNG Ho Yan KWOK Kam Tim KWOK
Kong Hung KWOK Man Kit Gavin KWONG Kai Nang KWONG Ka Ping KWONG Kwok Wah KWONG Wai Kuen LAI Chi Kwan LAI Chun Fai LAI Chung Ching LAI Hing Kwan LAI Kim Ching LAI Kit Ching
Peggie LAI Man Hung LAI Pak Cheung LAI Ting Ngai Annie LAM Chi Tat LAM Chi Yung LAM Chui Shan Joanne LAM Kar Man Kelvin LAM Kin Hung LAM Kwun Tung LAM Ngai Lung LAM Oi Lin LAM
Po Yee Polly LAM Pong Yick LAM Pui Man LAM Siu Hung Robert LAM Siu Kau Matthew LAM Siu Kei LAM Tsz Chung LAM Wing Fai Weldon LAM Wing Leung LAM Wing Man LAM Wing Yan LAM Yat
Fung Alvin LAM Ysz Kwan LAM Yuk Ping LAU Cheuk Wai LAU Chi Chiu LAU CHI KWONG LAU Chun Yue LAU Frosti LAU Jack LAU Kai Chi LAU Kai Kong LAU Ki Ka LAU King Kuen LAU Kwok Wah
LAU Ming Chi LAU Sai Kit LAU Sze Sze LAU Wah LAU Wing Hong LAW Chun Kit LAW Ka Chun LEE Cheung Fai LEE Chi Kong Kendrick LEE Ho Kei Michael LEE Ho Tong LEE Ka Ching Joyce LEE
Kwan Lim LEE Leung Po LEE Lik Chim Ellis LEE Ming Bun LEE Oi San Michelle LEE Samuel LEE Sze Wan LEE Wai Yin LEE Wing Sum LEE Yau Ching LENG Shengwen LEUNG Ka Mun LEUNG Kim Ho
LEUNG Kwan Tat LEUNG Kwok Kuen Frankie LEUNG Kwok Ming LEUNG Man LEUNG Man Chung LEUNG Man Kit LEUNG Man Shun LEUNG Shing Yu LEUNG Shiu Wah LEUNG Sze Wai LEUNG Wai
Loi LEUNG Wai Man LEUNG Wai Shun Vincent LEUNG Wing Cheuk LEUNG Wing Shan Cynthia LEUNG Yat Lai Adrian LEUNG Yiu Cho LEUNG Yuet Wah LEUNG Yuk Hang LI Cheuk Ki LI Junyan LI Ka
Hung LI Kam Yuen LI Tsz Chung LI Wai Man Daniel LI Wai Shan LI Wang Kin LI Wang Kit LI Wing Fai LI Xia LI Yan LI Yeuk Mui LI Zhaoming LIANG Yu LIANG Zhenxing LIAO Zhonghe LIN Sean LING
Hin Ching LING Yau Kam LIU Hao LIU Kit Ching LIU Man Yi LIU Sai Ho Simon LIU Shuk Yu Sanny LIU Victor LO Steven LO Wai Lan LO Wai Leung LO Yan Kit Kenneth LOK Wai Kwok LOK Yu Leung
LOO Boon Lub Bernard LOR Yu Keung LUI Fu Hua Robert LUI Kwan Tat LUI Pui Yee Michelle LUI Suet Ling LUI Yan Man LUK Kar Tsun LUK Kit Shan MA Chor Yan MA Lam Kun MA Ning MA Oi Suet
MA Yat Yin MAK Ho Wing MALAMATOS Theocharis MAN Ngar Man MAN Yee Lan MAY Markus MEI Wen Long MO Yuen Shan MOK Koon Yip Edwin MONG Hoi Ching MU Bin MUI Bing Chi Eddy NG
Chi Fai NG Chi Hong NG Chi Yuen Albert NG Chik Sum Jackson NG Chor Leung NG Hiu Hong, Harriet NG Kwong Ching Alex NG Man Fai NG Man Wai NG Nga Sze NG Sheung Chi NG Sik Kit, Tom NG
Sin Yee NG Siu On Francis NG Siu Wa NG Wai Chung NG Wai Ki NG Wai Lun, Simon NG Wan Pang Victor NG Yuk Mei NGAI Tak Ming NGAN Kwok Hung NGAN Timothy PAK Yee Shuen Erica PANG
Chun Wai Kent PANG King Wah PARATTE Raphael POON Christopher POON Ka Cheuk POON King Yee PUN Leung Ling Alan SAM Wai Kin SCENE Steve SHIU Hoi Nam Richard SHUEN Harrison SHUM
Chit Yan SHUM Lai SIN Pui Yee Irene SIN Wai Hung SIU Chung Fai Andrew SIU Ka Yin Reiko SIU Ping Ping SIU Vivian SO Ho Fai SO Man Kit SO Siu Bong SO Wing Yin Winnie SU Qingxin SUEN Shing
Chuen SUEN Yeuk Ping SUM Chi Wing SUN Minghui SUZUKI Koji SZE Oi Kwan TAI Wing Chung TAM Ho Yin TAM Kin Kiu TAM Wai Ho TANG Hei Man TANG Yin Chiu THAM Kwok Ming TING Chun
Man TING Lei Lam Olivia TING Siu Hong TO Ming Hin TOW Chung Shum TSAI Lin Wai TSANG Chiu Fai TSANG Chung Wai TSANG Hin Kit TSANG Kin Chung Terry TSANG Ming Yin TSANG Yuen Fan
Ryan TSE Ho Yan TSE Sin Man Simone TSE Sui Lun TSE Yin King TSIM Chi To TSO Chin Hong Bobby TSOI Hung Kee TSUI Ka Yan TSUI Yat Kit TUNG Kelvin TZE Kei Yuen Frank WAH Kai Yee WAN
Chun Hong Eric WAN Guohua WAN Siu Shun WAN Siu Yiu Kennis WAN Tak Chi WANG Chi Yung WANG Fuqing WANG Jiwei WANG Limu WANG Steven Guangying WAT Kwok Chi Eric WEI Xiaohui
WONG Angie WONG Chau Ha WONG Chi Chuen WONG Chi Ming WONG Chi Pun WONG Chi Wai WONG Ching Hoi WONG Chiu Yu WONG Chun Hoi WONG Chun Yin WONG Chung Tak WONG Janet
WONG Ka Ki WONG Ka Mun WONG Kam Hon WONG Kam Man WONG Kar Wei Grace WONG Kim Man WONG Kin Hang George WONG King Chung WONG King Lun Alan WONG Kit Ying Wendy WONG
Kwai Fong WONG Mei Sin WONG Ngar Lai Candy WONG Ngar Sze Alice WONG Shau John Johnny WONG Shing Mun WONG Shun Lung WONG Shun Wa WONG Sin Wah WONG Suet Fai WONG Tak
Sang WONG Wai Chu Sonnia WONG Wai Fan WONG Wai Han Dorothy WONG Wai Kay Eric
WONG Wai Kin WONG Wai Leung WONG Wai Leung WONG Wing Yee WONG Yik Hong
Terence WONG Yin Ling WONG Yiu Fai WOO Leona WU Hau Wai WU Ho Wan WU Ho Yee
Carrie WU Mingli WU Sing Hung WU Yuk Ying XU Jian XUE Chuandi YAM Yin Lung YAN
Cheuk Fai YAN Chien Chun YAN Dong YAN Wing Hang YAU Cheung Lam YAU Kai Man YAU
Wai Ching YAU Yuen Shan YEUNG Fei Jenny YEUNG Irene YEUNG Ka Sing Ken YEUNG
Kit Ling YEUNG Kwok Wah YEUNG Lap YEUNG Sun Tat YIP Lai Yi YIP Man Chi YIP Man
Hang YIP Ming Wai YIU Sui Hing YIU Wai Pun YOUNG Ki Chun YU Eric YU Ho Yin YU Kan Fung
Jack YU Mong Kit YU Yong YUEN Ching Fai YUEN Siu Hang Walter YUEN Wing Man YUM King
Hung Ken YUNG Wing Ki Samuel ZHANG Fan ZHANG Yiheng ZHENG Bing CHEN Alex CHEN Gu
CHEUNG Yee Ling GUO Liwei HANCOCK Christopher JIANG Haifeng ZHANG Jin HKUST Civil and
Environmental Engineering Alumni Association
t is very inspiring for every one at HKUST that our Alumni Endowment Fund (AEF) initiative has
received tremendous support since its launch in March 2012.
It has hit a record high in terms of donation amount and participation rate, with a total of over
HK$6.2 million having been raised by our alumni. Taking into account the 2:1 matching successfully
secured from the government matching grant, the fund has now reached HK$9.3 million! In other
words, the interest income available for students in 2012-13 has reached HK$300,000, which is
earmarked to cover sponsorships on student academic programs, reaching-out activities, awards
for sporting achievements, other activities and the like. All these will help make a difference to the
students’ lives.
None of this would have been possible without the keen
enthusiasm of our alumni donors, in particular Dr Jack Lau, EMBA
and PhD(ELEC), and Mr Kent Hau, BBA(MGTO). These two took
Mr Kent Hau
the lead by donating HK$2 million each to match donations from
their peers. This has significantly amplified the donations. They were
both moved to do this because of their respect and admiration for
their alma mater, and by their desire that all students should be
able to make the most of their time at the University.
We are pleased to note that 13% of the donors give regularly,
through either monthly or yearly donations. It shows that many
alumni are committed to making contributions to their alma mater.
Our alumni donors:
Looking forward, the University relies greatly on your continuous
support to help AEF sustain and grow!
Dr Jack Lau
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Class Notes
Tell us what’s happening in your life!
Got married? Run a marathon? Opened a new business? Achieved a career landmark? Let your fellow alumni
know about your latest news. Fill in the online form at or email [email protected].
Angie Chau
2006 BEng(IEEM)
Andrew Lo and I had a beautiful wedding in Guam
on May 27, 2012.
Jack Law
2005 BSc(MATH)-GM
Lydia Kwok
2005 BBA(MARK)
We met at the
Christian fellowship
during university
years. We are happy
to announce that we
will get married on
January 12, 2013.
Tian Guilin
2008 MBA
Fanny and I
were married on
August 23, 2012
at Swedenborgian
Church, San
Pearlie Chan
2003 BBA(MGTO)
Tony Lau and I got
married on January
14, 2012. It was
a touching and
memorable ceremony,
and we’re really
grateful to our family,
friends and colleagues
for all their support.
18 HKUST Alumni News 2012
K Tang
2005 BSc(PHYS)-PP
Kat Wong
2005 BBA(MARK)
We’re pleased to
announce that we got
married on April 6,
Class Notes
Chen Yao
2009 MPhil(CIVL)
I married Wang Quan on
November 20, 2011.
Jack Lui
2010 BEng(CIVL)
Christine and I tied the
knot on June 3, 2012,
and started a new
chapter of our lives.
Winnie Lau
2007 BSc(BICH)
2009 MPhil (BICH)
We are delighted to
announce that we
got married on
September 19, 2012.
Reese Mak
2006 BEng(CPEG)
Ben Yim
2006 BEng(CPEG)
We got married on
December 4, 2011.
Thanks so much to
the Alumni Team for
taking care of our
pre-wedding photos
taken on campus!
Rita Wah
2006 BBA(OM)
Joe Lee
2002 BEng(MECH)
We’re happy to let
everyone know that our
wedding took place on
April 29, 2012.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Class Notes
Mak Kwok Fai
2002 BSc(MATH)-GM
Charmian Koo
2000 BBA(IS)
We celebrated our marriage on
February 22, 2009,
and our beloved kid, Circle Mak,
was born on June 5, 2010.
Catherine Mok
Leo Kwan
2002 BSc(PHYS)
We got married on
October 16, 2009, and our
baby boy, Chris Kwan,
was born exactly
two years later,
on October 16, 2011!
Fung Siu Him
2004 BSc(PHYS)-PP
December 23, 2012 is a very special
day - it is the day of my wedding to
Ng Siu Ping. I’m happy to be able to
share this good news with all of you
at HKUST, my alma mater!
William Kwok
2000 BEng(MECH)
Winnie Wong and I are here
celebrating the first birthday party
with our little princess, Royce Kwok,
who was born on October 27, 2011.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Class Notes
Terry Tsang
2004 BEng(CIVL)
2006 MPhil(CIVL)
Terence Tsang
2006 BEng(CSIE)-MC
We were honored
to have Dr Eden
Woon as our guest of
honor at the opening
ceremony of the new
office of our company,
madhead, on June
3, 2012. Madhead
develops mobile apps.
Alvin Lam
1998 BBA(FINA)
I am honored to be
one of the winners
of the Hong Kong
Computer Society
Outstanding ICT
Achiever Awards
2012 in Sales/
category. My
company, PacificLink
iMedia, is developing
into a leading digital
agency in the region.
Samuel Lee
1996 MSc(BIOT)
Currently Vice President, Regional
Petrochemical, Asia Pacific Equity Reseach of
J.P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific),
I am delighted to be ranked No. 3
in the sector of Chemicals of
The Wall Street Journal’s 2012 Asia’s Best
Analysts Survey.
Arthur Chow
2003 MBA
I am honored to be named as one of the winners of
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year 2012 China.
It is my delight to have led my company, 6waves, to a
number of milestones and achieve success in the social
media game publisher arena.
Leo Lau
2011 MBA/MSc(IM)
Ricky Lui
2011 MBA
Suzanne So
2010 MBA
We launched our baby – Joy Sprouts – at the Hong Kong
Book Fair 2012. It’s an app designed for young kids that’s
dedicated to holistic development, and available on iPad.
HKUST Alumni News 2012
Alumni Association
Dear Alumni,
No matter how long it has been since we graduated, our connection to HKUST never ends. Some alumni remain actively linked to
our alma mater, while others may still be seeking meaningful ways to get involved.
The Executive Committee of HKUSTAA Session 2012-14, of which I am President, has formed Alumni First – that is, the A1 Team.
A1 is dedicated to helping alumni connect with each other through the core value of “We are Family”. We would like to create a sense
of belonging for our members through unconditional care, providing immediate help and inspiring advice to each other, just as your
family members do.
In achieving our A1 vision of “Alumni Inspire Alumni”, we wish to create an open platform for our alumni to interact with one
another through engaging events under our three-pillar structure, namely Alumni Engagement, Community Service and Entrepreneur
Circle. By organizing activities in these three areas, we want to let our fellows re-connect and inspire each other through our heartfelt
Since your first day on campus to graduation and beyond, we are always connected. Together, we will promote the best image of
our alumni, our students and the University through close communication and active participation.
After all, HKUST is always your true home. No matter how far you are away from home, it’s time to come back and join our family.
Yours sincerely,
Alvin Lam, President, HKUSTAA Session 2012-14
A1 Team
Alvin Lam
Ronny Hui
Gigi Wong
Chui Yiu Man
Becky Lee
Albert Hui
Sharon Ching
Beryl Kwan
Ben Chiu
Fiona Lo
Samson Liu
Vanessa Ho
Sean Lin
Wilson Pang
Dicky Yuen
Catherine Cheng
Jennifer Luk
Peter Yeung
Matthew Tang
Connie Lee
Christina Tang
Benny Chan
Ivy Cheung
Craig Jo
Terry Tsang
Samson Li
Alex Cheng
William Fong
Alex Li
Anthony Law
Carter Lam
Chris Chan
Eric Yung
Ivan So
Paul Pan
Alex Leung
Dicky Chan
Victor Yip
22 HKUST Alumni News 2012
Taylor Li
Rachel Yan
Ivan Ge
John Pang
Nicole Lai
William Tsang
Calvin Leung
Bennet Tsui
Kevin So
Jason Kwok
Clayton Choy
Benny Hui
David Wan
Elaine Hung
Davin Chan
Winnie Lam
Thomas Tsai