Visualization software for mobile Android devices! Documentation


Visualization software for mobile Android devices! Documentation
Visualization software for mobile
Android devices!
Version 1.6.4
Publisher :
ISW Industriesoftware GmbH
Wolfernstraße 20b, A-4400 Steyr
Brunmayr Stefan
Release date:
29. August 2012 / Last update on 18.2.2016
© ISW Industriesoftware GmbH, Austria
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1. Content
Introduction (What is ISWvis Mobile App / ISWvis Mobile Editor) ................................................. 4
ISWvis Mobile Editor (PC / Laptop) ................................................................................................. 4
Install ISWvis Mobile apk manual............................................................................................ 5
Menu structure of the mobile ISWvis Editor ........................................................................... 6
Buy ISWvis Mobile Fullversion ........................................................................................................ 8
Buy the full version via company ........................................................................................ 8
Buy the full version for private citizen ................................................................................ 9
Activate ISWvis Mobile license via WLAN ..................................................................................... 11
Activate ISWvis Mobile license via USB ......................................................................................... 13
Creating a new project .................................................................................................................. 14
Saving a project ..................................................................................................................... 14
Opening an existing project................................................................................................... 15
Opening of a demonstration project ..................................................................................... 16
Editing a project .................................................................................................................... 16
Creating the visualization .............................................................................................................. 17
Image settings (screen size of the visualization on smartphone / tablet) ............................ 17
Customize screen size.................................................................................................... 17
Grid view and usage ...................................................................................................... 18
Set the background colour ............................................................................................ 18
Audible and Vibration feedback .................................................................................... 19
Variable list ............................................................................................................................ 19
Creating new variables: ......................................................................................................... 20
Copy Existing variabls: ........................................................................................................... 21
Delete variable: ..................................................................................................................... 21
Create Textlist................................................................................................................................ 22
Toolbox ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Copy of a control element ............................................................................................. 23
Deleting a control element ............................................................................................ 23
Turn shapes ................................................................................................................... 24
Shift the controls ........................................................................................................... 24
Standard controls and their properties ..................................................................................... 25
Switch ................................................................................................................................ 25
Textlabel ................................................................................................................................ 27
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Line ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Value field .............................................................................................................................. 30
Form ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Image ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Picture Change ...................................................................................................................... 35
Slider .................................................................................................................................. 37
Level Indicator ....................................................................................................................... 38
Trend ................................................................................................................................. 39
Connection to the controller set ............................................................................................... 40
12.1. Connect to more controllers .................................................................................................... 41
Connection Settings of the Logo ........................................................................................... 42
VPN (FortiGate Firewall) ........................................................................................................ 44
Custom controls (image objects / libraries) .............................................................................. 46
Creating a library ................................................................................................................... 47
Creating a custom control element for the library ............................................................... 48
Icon from a library in a project using..................................................................................... 49
Load project on mobile device / transfer .................................................................................. 50
USB transfer........................................................................................................................... 50
About ISWVisEditor (WLAN) - recommended method ......................................................... 52
Manually using File Explorer ................................................................................................. 53
Failure of the control during the operation of .......................................................................... 55
General information .............................................................................................................................. 56
FAQ ............................................................................................................................................ 57
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2. Introduction (What is ISWvis Mobile App / ISWvis Mobile Editor)
ISWVis Mobile is a visualization software (SCADA / HMI) for control and visualization of Simatic S7©
with Android devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.)
- Simatic S7 1200
- Simatic S7 300 with CP343 or PN interface
- Simatic S7 400 with CP 443 or PN interface
- Siemens logo controllers
- and Siemens compatible PLC´s like VIPA, Berthel and Saia Xxx7
 No additional programming in the PLC is required!
The software package consists of 2 parts.
- PC Editor (ISWvis Mobile Editor)
o Full version is free for download on
Runtime (ISWvis Mobile App)
o full version for Android devices
o demo version for Android devices (limited to 10 indicators / controls)
The first part is the editor, which is installed on the PC, and with which the visualizations can be
The second part of the software is an Android app that is installed on an Android device (smartphone
or tablet).
The visualization created at the PC can now be loaded to the Android device and then the PLC can be
controlled and visualized over WLAN.
3. ISWvis Mobile Editor (PC / Laptop)
The ISWvis Mobile Editor is the engineering platform for the PC to create a visualization for Android
The project is transferred via WiFi or USB by the ISWvis Mobile editor onto the mobile Android
 Note:
To transfer the project via WiFi to the Android device the ISWvis Mobile app has to be
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Install ISWvis Mobile apk manual
After editing your form, you get sent to your email address the "ISWvisMobile.apk".
Now connect your mobile device to your PC via USB.
To install the apk you have to activate “Unkown sources” on your device.
This setting allows installation of non-Market apps.
After you have made these settings, you can download the apk file to your mobile device via a file
Now select on your mobile device "ISWvisMobile.apk" and install it.
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Menu structure of the mobile ISWvis Editor
 Create a new project
 Open Existing Project
 Save current project
Save under
 Save current project under a different name
(USB) load on a mobile device
 Load the Project via USB cable onto a mobile device
(WLAN) load on a mobile device
 Load project via WLAN onto a mobile device
Manage Libraries
 Managing librarie names of your own libraries
Add pictue / control to a library
 This menu item appears if one / several libraries have been created.
The libraries are also saved as an XML file and e.g. be sent via email to
colleagues, so they also can use this library.
Location of the libraries is the installation directory of ISWvis Mobile
editor (eg: C: \ ISW \ ISWVisMobileEditor \Bibliotheken)
Buy ISWvisMobile App Full Version
 Open form for the license requirement
Transfer Key
 Transfer license key ti your mobile device.
 Quit ISWvis mobile Editor
o Variable list
 Variables create / change
 Name
 Data type (input, output, flags, data block)
 Address
 Connection
o Picture
 image settings (screen, screen size for the target device, image
background color, etc.)
o Connestion
 entering the connection data to the PLC
 IP adress oft he Simatic S7
 IPPPort (default 102)
 Rack / slot
 Specify default settings
o Selecting the SPS Type
o Textlist
 Name
 Value
 Text
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Toolbox (drag & drop all controls onto the drawing area – free-arrangement)
o button
 possible variable assignment for
 set, reset, toggle, push button (500ms)
 Visible and invisible
 Background color (fill color)
o Labeling
 Possible variable assignment for
 visible and invisible
 background colour
 text clolour
o Line
 possible variable assignment for
 Visible and invisible
o Field values / display field
 possible variable assignment for
 value oft the SPS (read, write)
 visible and invisible
 Text Color
o Form
 Possible variable assignment for
 visible and invisible
 background colour (fill colour)
 Possible forms
 circle
 Rectangle / Square
 triangle – head up, down, left, right
 a right angle triangle – head up, down, left, right
o Image
 Possible variable assignment for
 visible and invisible
 set, reset, toggle, push button (500ms)
o Picture Change
 Link to other pictures possible
 Possible variable assignment for
 visible and invisible
Level Indicator
 Possible variable assignment for
 visible and invisible
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4. Buy ISWvis Mobile Fullversion
For the purchase of the full version you have to start ISWvis mobile editor.
1. Select the menu item "File" and " Buy ISWvisMobile App Full Version"
a. It will automatically open the order form
2. Choose between “Company” when you buy via a company, or “Privat citizen” when you buy
the app as a privat person.
Buy the full version via company
1. Fileds that are marked with “*” are mandatory fields that you have to fill out for a correct
2. You must also specify whether the license is, for personal use or used for resale.
3. Make sure that the correct VAT number of your company.
4. Enter the data of your mobile device. The IMEI or MAC number should contain no errors.
5. After you accept our delivery and license conditions you can order:
a. send, and receive your files to your specified e-mail address
b. Print and signature and company stamp it and fax or send it to us.
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The UID number has to be specified correctly to be able to submit the order.
If you Mail the order to us checkl your given email address as you will get the data on this.
Before submitting your order forms please check the data carefully
The IMEI number can also be retrieved with “*#06#”.
Buy the full version for private citizen
1. Fileds that are marked with “*” are mandatory fields that you have to fill out for a correct
2. After you accept our delivery and license conditions you can print or send the order.
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The correct IMEI or MAC number as this is needed to identify your license.
Before submitting your order forms please check the data carefully
The IMEI number can also be retrieved with “*#06#”.
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5. Activate ISWvis Mobile license via WLAN
After you have completed the order form and payment is confirmed, you will get sent to the address
of us "apk" file and the license key to your specified e-mail.
Save the license key "*.ISWvisMobileKEY" on your PC and install the apk file on your mobile device.
1. After receiving our e-mail with the "apk" file and the license key, choose in the ISWvis editor
under the menu item "File" menu "(WLAN)Transfer Key".
2. Now select the "Key.ISWvisMobileKEY" of your PC.
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3. Select the device to which you want to transfer the license key.
Select “Load Key on Device” and the key will be transfer to your device and the full version is
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6. Activate ISWvis Mobile license via USB
After you have completed the order form and payment is confirmed, you will get sent to the address
of us "apk" file and the license key to your specified e-mail.Save the license key
"Key.ISWvisMobileKEY" on your PC and install the apk file on your mobile device.
This type of transmission is possible only register with devices with a drive letter in the Register File
1. After receiving our e-mail with the "apk" file and the license key, choose in the ISWvis editor
under the menu item "File" menu "Transfer Key".
2. Now select the key you received from us.
3. From the next dialog of the letter with which the Android device has logged onto the PC
4. Select “Load Key on Device” and the key will be transfer to your device and the full version is
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7. Creating a new project
To create a new project ISWvis Mobile editor must be started.
1. Select the menu item "File" and "New"
a. It will automatically create a new blank basic project
2. In the right windows "Project Name", enter the name of your project
3. Optionally, specify a meaningful description yet
4. You can also write the author of the project
5. Further you can set the background color of the entire project
6. Under "Resolution" means the resolution of the desired Android device
a. number of pixels of the target device (Bildschrimgröße)
Saving a project
1. Select the menu item "File" and "Save"
a. The first time you save a new project, you will be asked for a location
2. Now select the location and click the button "Save"
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Opening an existing project
1. Select the menu item "File", and "Open"
2. Now select the project and click "Open"
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Opening of a demonstration project
1. Select the menu item "File" and "open demo project"
2. Now choose a demo project and press "Open"
Editing a project
You can save an existing project with a new name and location.
1. Select the menu item "File" and "Save As"
2. Now the location and click "Save"
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8. Creating the visualization
Image settings (screen size of the visualization on smartphone /
Customize screen size
The size of the shown screen can be customized.
Here, the width and height of the screen can be adjusted (in pixels).
For most Smartphones, the top of the screen area is used to display various issue such as
network provider, battery level, signal reception, etc. therefore not the entire screen (pixel area)
is available for the visualization. Also in the top line of the program name "ISWvis mobile" is
displayed. Therefore, you should specify a workspace in the amount of at least 100 pixels less.
To make a larger project not too small and to confused, the width of the project can also choosen
larger than the screen of your smartphone. With the "wipe" function which it is supported, the
project allows the screen moving to the left and right by “wipeing”
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Grid view and usage
For quick orientation of the arrangement of the elements a simple grid cand be displayed.To align
the elements comfortably at the same height and level, with "Use Grid" item this can be done
easily.The grid settings will be save in the project properties.
Set the background colour
To set the background color of the project, use the menu "background color".
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Audible and Vibration feedback
You can activate an acoustic and vibration feedback for buttons.
Variable list
To liven up the icons / controls (in color, visibility, switching), corresponding variables, which are
present on the PLC must be added in the variable list.
The variable list can be accessed via the menu item "menu" and the menu "variable list". The
variables can be sorted by name and data type.
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Creating new variables:
Open the list
Click with the mouse into the first empty field name
Enter a descriptive name for the variable (eg conveyor belt runs)
Click with the mouse on the "data type"
Now select the appropriate storage area in the controller
a. I = Input
b. O = Output
c. F = Marker
d. DB = Data block
6. Please select the appropriate data type
a. Bit
b. Byte
c. Int
d. Dint
e. Real
f. Word
g. DWord
In Int, DInt, Word and DWord, a fixed-point (decimal number) can be specified.
In real, the number of decimal places displayed can be specified.
7. Now enter the corresponding PLC address
a. In case of inputs, outputs and flags the byte and bit number
b. With data blocks corresponding DB number, byte and bit number
8. Confirm with the "OK" button
9. You have to assign each variable a connection. By default, each variable oft he first
established connection is assigned.
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Copy Existing variabls:
To comfortably reproduce variables, follow these steps
1. Select the variable to be copied
2. Press the "Copy" button
3. It is now set up a copy of the selected variable at the end of the variable list with the
name “copy of ….”
a. Do not forget to rename the variable if necessary
i. z.B.: copy of conveyor belt 1 runs auf conveyor belt2 runs
b. Do not forget adapting the address now
i. z.B. von O0.5 auf O0.6
Delete variable:
To delete a variable, follow these steps
1. Select the variable to be deleted
2. Click the "Delete" button
You can also delete a variable with the „DEL“Button on your Keybord.
The sorting of the variables at the controls is after sorting, as is present in the variable list.
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9. Create Textlist
Text lists can be used to apply to certain values, to deposit texts. It may e.g. A text list can be created.
This will then be the values 1 -3 various texts assigned. This text list can be assigned a value field.
Now, if the mobile device receives the value of the value field of the controller 3, for example, will
now be "Start" written in the value field.
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By selecting the menu item "tool box", the standard items are shown. The following standard items
are available
Value filed
Picture Change
Level Indicator
Arrange the controls / items by drag & drog onto the area.
In addition to the standard control, further elements - "Copy" and "Delete" are shown. In addition to
these elements, there is the turn "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" function. You can switch
controls with "+1" and "-1" in a higher or lower layer.
10.1.1 Copy of a control element
1. Select the desired control to copy
2. Click the "Copy" button
a. The copied item is now "hanging" onto the cursor
3. Move the copied control now anywhere in the drawing
4. Press the mouse button to place the copied control
10.1.2 Deleting a control element
1. Select the desired control to be deleted
2. Click the "Delete" button
3. Confirm the prompt for deleting
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10.1.3 Turn shapes
1. Select the shape you want to rotate
2. Press the "+90 °" button to rotate the form to the left and the "-90 °" button to rotate it
to the right.
Only forms (circle, square, triangle) can be rotated. Also, several forms can be rotated
10.1.4 Shift the controls
1. Select the desired control to switch to a different layer
2. To change the layer in the foreground or background of a control press “+1” or “-1”
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Standard controls and their properties
The switch is used to control Boolean values.
Defines the dimensions of the switch.
Background color 0:
This color is the default background color of the switch when
No background variable is assigned or
If the assigned background variable is "False".
In the example:
o Variable "conveyor belt running" = "0"  switch is „Beige“
Background color 1:
This color is the background color when the value of the background variable is "True".
In the example:
o Variable "conveyor belt running" = "1"  switch is green
Background variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the background color of the switch.
In the example:
o O 0.5 = „1“  switch is green
Defines the postion of the switch in the pcture
Switching function:
Four different switching functions can be selected:
o When pressing the switch, the control variable in the PLC is set to "1"
o When pressing the switch, the control variable in the PLC is set to "0"
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When pressing the switch, the current values of the variables from the PLC is
read, then inverted and written back to the PLC
o When pressing the switch, the control variable in the PLC is set to "1" and after
500ms back to "0".
If the connection to the PLC is lost during this 500ms (eg, wireless failure), the bit
can not be reseted and remains in PLC of the state to "1".
In the example:
o DB 10. DBX 0.7
The write operation is performed only once - The PLC can override this value at any time
if this has been programmed in the PLC.
Visibility variable:
The switch is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
In the example:
o Variable „Enable operation“ = „1“  switch is visible
o Variable „Enable operation“ = „0“  switch is invisible
Control variable:
The control variable is the one variable that is set in the PLC by pressing the switch depending on the
switching function set, rest, toggle or non-locking.
In the example:
o Variable "conveyor belt switch"
The text which is used for the switch label.
Text size:
Here, the size of the text can be set
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
On some andreoid devices the display oh the text size can be problematic. If you do not see the fill
test in the runtime(app), please try different font sizes.
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11.2 Textlabel
The label can be used to display your own texts. The texts can also made visible and invisible by
assigning a variable, and the text color and background color can be made dynamic using a variable.
Defines the dimensions of the label.
Defines the position in the picture.
Visibility variable:
The label is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The label is invisible when
the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
This text is used for the label when no indicator variable is specified.
Text alignment:
Defines the position of the text in the label.
The choices are:
align left
align right
Background color 0:
This color is the default background color of the label as
No background variable is assigned or
If the associated background variable is "False".
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Background color 1:
This color is the background color when the value of the background variable is "True".
Background variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the background color of the label.
Text color 0:
This color is the default text color of the label as
No text colors variable is assigned or
If the associated text color variable is "False".
Text color 1:
This color is the color of text when the value of the variable text color is "True".
Text color variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value and determines the text color of the label.
Text size:
Defines the size of the text of the label.
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
On some andreoid devices the display oh the text size can be problematic. If you do not see the fill
test in the runtime(app), please try different font sizes.
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11.3 Line
The line may be used for simle circuits and connections, etc..
The texts can also made visible and invisible by assigning a variable.
Defines the size of the line.
Line color:
Defines the color of the line.
Line thickness:
Defines the thickness of the line.
Defines the position in the picture.
Direction defines the direction in which the line is drawn
There can be chosen 4 different directions:
diagonallly downwards
diagonally upward
Visibility variable:
The line is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the associated visibility variable is "TRUE".
The line is invisible when
If the associated visibility variable is "FALSE".
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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11.4 Value field
The value field can be used to display values from the PLC, as well as values to write to the PLC (byte,
int, DInt, Real, Word, Dword).
Is the value of a unit that is displayed on the mobile device of the value.
Defines the size of the value fiel
Background color 0:
This color is the default background color of the field as
No background variable is assigned or
If the associated background variable is "False".
Background color 1:
This color is the background color when the value of the background variable is "True".
Background variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the background color of the field.
Defines the position of the value field.
Line color:
Defines the color of the line.
Line thickness:
Defines the thickness of the line.
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If the Read Only Tag is marked the value can not be changed by des visualization.
Control variable:
This variable is read by the controller or if "Read_Only" is set to "False" it can be written to this
variable also.
Text alignment:
Defines the position of the text in the value field. The choices are "align left", "center" and "align
Text size:
Defines the size of the text.
Visibility variable:
The value field is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The value field is invisible when
If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE"
Text color 0:
This color is the default text color of the value field when
- No text colors variable is assigned or
- If the assigned text color variable is "False".
Text color 1:
This color is the color of text when the value of the variable text color is "True".
Text color variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the text color of the value field.
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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11.5 Form
The forms can be used to create icons / symbols yourselves.
With this property, the shape of the control element can be determined. 10 different shapes can be
selected. Where there is a "circle" a "square" and 8 "triangles" with different directions to choose
- Circle
- Rectangles / squares
- triangle - point up, down, left, right
- triangle right angle - pointing up, down, left, right
Defines the size of the form
Background color 0:
This color is the default background color of the form when
No background variable is assigned or
If the assigned background variable is "False".
Background colr 1:
This color is the background color when the value of the background variable is "True".
Background variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the background color of the form.
Defines the position in the picture
Visibility variable:
The form is visible, if
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE"
The form is not visible when
If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
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You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
Line color:
Defines the color of the line.
Line thickness:
Defines the thickness of the line.
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11.6 Image
The Image can be usesd to insert your own picture. To change the default picture:
1. Insert an Image by Drag & Drop from the Toolbox to your Project.
2. Now click in the properties window to “Image” so you can see the 3 points for the path.
3. Now, select your image and confirm it with open.
Defines the size of the image
Here you can select an image from your computer and use it.
Defines the position in the picture.
Visibility variable:
The image is visible when
- No visibility variable is assigned or
- If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The image is not visible when
- If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
Control variable:
This variable is read by the controller or if "Read_Only" is set to "False" it can be written to this
variable also.
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
Calling Picture:
Here you can select a previously created picture and link it to the picture change button.
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11.7 Picture Change
This feature allows you to manage multiple images in a project. Thus you can use multiple
artboards and link them together by the Picture Change.
To create a new Picture, select in the Projecteditor menu “Pictures”.
There you will find following functions:
- New picture
- Edit picture
- Delete picture
- Copy current picture
- Reload current picture
Note: When you delete pictures you note that 1 picture always have to exist.
To link the pictures you need a picture change button.
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Background variable:
This variable must return a Boolean value, and determines the background color of the picture
change button.
Backgroundcolor 0:
This color is the default background color of the picture change button when
No background variable is assigned or
If the assigned background variable is "False".
Backgroundcolor 1:
This color is the background color when the value of the background variable is "True".
Calling Picture:
Here you can select a previously created picture and link it to the picture change button.
Defines the positon in the picture.
Defines the size of the picture change button.
The text which is used for the picture change button.
Defines the size of the text.
Visible variable:
The picture change button is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The picture change button is not visible when
If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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11.8 Slider
The slider can be used to change the value manually of a specified range.
Defines the size of the slider.
Defines the interval steps.
This sets the maximum of your area.
This sets the minimum of your area.
Defines the position in the slider.
Here you specify the horizontal or vertical orientation.
Control variable:
This variable is read by the controller or if "Read_Only" is set to "False" it can be written to this
variable also.
Visible variable:
The slider is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The slider is not visible when
If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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11.9 Level Indicator
Defines the size of the level indicator.
This sets the maximum of your area.
This sets the minimum of your area.
Here you specify the horizontal or vertical orientation.
Defines the position in the level indicator.
Visible variable:
The level indicator is visible when
No visibility variable is assigned or
If the assigned visibility variable is "TRUE".
The level indicator is not visible when
If the assigned visibility variable is "FALSE".
Control variable:
This variable is read by the controller or if "Read_Only" is set to "False" it can be written to this
variable also.
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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11.10 Trend
Defines the size of the trend.
Defines the maximum value of the graph.
Defines the position in the trend.
Control variable:
The control variable is a variable that is recorded and displayed in the diagram.
Defines the recording interval of the trend.
You can choose between 10 different layers. A higher number means more to the foreground.
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Connection to the controller set
ISWvis mobile currently includes drivers for the controllers of the Simatic series
S7 Logo with TCP / IP interface
S7- 1200er
S7-300er with TCP / IP communications processor (z.B.: CP343-1 Lean or. higher) or PN –
S7-400er with TCP / IP communications processor (z.B.: CP443-1 or higher) or PN – CPU
To access the control you need to set different communication parameters.
Enter the IP address of the target PLC
In the Example:
This is default 102
Change this port only if you are sure that you require a different port. This is necessary only in a few
special cases
Enter the rack number of the target PLC
Default settings:
rack number:
rack number:
rack number:
rack number:
Enter the slot number of the target PLC
Default settings::
Slot number:
Slot number:
Slot number:
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Within the Property menu “connections” you are able to load standard settings of
communication parameters (rack numer / slot number). In the normal case this setting must not
be changed.
12.1. Connect to more controllers
You can manage multiple controllers.To create a new connection, select in the Projecteditor
menu “Connection”. There you can add a new Connection or delete an existing.
Note: When you consider that you delete connections always connect with it. You can´t delete
any connection when a variable is linked with this connection.
1. Click on “New connection”
2. Now enter the communication parameters for the created connection.
3. The existing connections can be linked now to each variable.
Tip: When you create a new variable then automatically the first known connection is added. To
delete a connection that didn´t may be linked with no more variables.
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12.2 Connection Settings of the Logo
To communicate with a logo, you have to change a few settings on the logo. The basic IP settings
for the logo to be provided here. The steps you need to make to the LogoSoft:
1. Select the menu item "Extras" and "Ethernet-Connections"
2. Open with the right mouse button the context menu „Add Connection“
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3. Following settings use the new connetion:
a. Select the Point „„Server-Verbindung: antwortet auf Verbindungsanforderungen
dezentraler Clients“
b. Activate the Option „Connect with operator Panel“ and „accept connection
c. Set in the "decentralized characteristics (client)" the TSAP to 01.00
d. Do not activate the „Keep-Alive“ function.
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12.3 VPN (FortiGate Firewall)
To set up a VPN connection, you need the application from your Firewall.
The settings are different for each firewall. (FortiGate 60)
1. Download „FortiClient“ on Google Play Store.
Achtung: Not the „Lite“ Version
2. Now start the Application „FortiClient“
3. Choose „Add SSL VPN“ aus.
4. Enter a user-defined name.
5. Now choose „Server“ in the configuration Window.
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6. Select „Server“, enter the public IP adress of the FortiGate Firewall and confirm with „OK“.
7. Now choose „User“ and enter the user name. This user should be createt in the
configuration oft he Firewall.
Select „Password“ and enter the paswword from the User.
Now select „Back“ to leave the configuration side.
Now the connection is aviable. Also restart the App.
Choose the Connection and confirm „Proceed“ .
The settings of the „Port“ and „Certificate“ shouldn´t changed.
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13. Custom controls (image objects / libraries)
To be productive and quick there is the possibility to create your own libraries and controls.
You can:
Manage any number of libraries
o library for ventilation
o library for conveyors
o and so on
Each library holds any number of symbols / objects
o library for ventilation
 Supply fan symbol
 Symbol Valve
 Symbol heater
 Symbol Heizregister
 Etc.
o library for conveyors
 Symbol conveyor belt
 icon Elevator
 Etc.
It will always assign and combine all shown icons (not just the highlighted icon!) that are currently on
the drawing screen into a symbol library and integrated into the selected librar
The libraries are also saved as an XML file and can eg be sent via email to colleagues, so they also can
use this library.
Location of the libraries is the installation directory of mobile ISWvis editor (eg: C: \ ISW \
ISWVisMobileEditor \ Bibliotheken)
You want to pass on individual symbols of the library to your colleagues:
Copy the corresponding XML file in the Library folder (eg C: \ ISW \ ISWVisMobileEditor \
Bibliotheken \ Ventilation \ supplyfan.xml) and send it by email to your colleagues
Your colleague will now copy this xml file in its directory (eg C: \ ISW \
ISWVisMobileEditor \ Bibliotheken\ ventilation systems)
You want to pass the entire library to your colleagues:
Copy the sub-library book from a library folder (eg C: \ ISW \ ISWVisMobileEditor \
Bibliotheken \ ventilation systems), “zip” it and send he zip-file via email to your
Your co-worker now unpackes the zip-file in its library folder, for example: D: \ ISW \
ISWVisMobileEditor \ Bibliotheken)
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13.1 Creating a library
1. To save your icon in a new library, select the menu item "File" and the item "Manage
Libraries" - the following dialog will be opened
2. Click on the button "Create New Library"
3. Enter a name for your new library, eg: ventilation system
Now Press “OK”
4. Close the main library dialog with the "Back" button
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13.2 Creating a custom control element for the library
1. Create a new project
a. Menu „File“ and „New“
2. Draw your own symbol
3. To save your icon in a new library, select the menu item "File" and the item "Add file to a
library" -the following dialog will be opend
4. Now select the desired library in the Library dialog (eg ventilation systems)
5. Now press "Add image to the selected library" button
6. It now opens a dialog to enter the symbol name (name of the picture)
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7. Now type in the name of the symbol (eg fan) and press the "OK" button
8. You have now successfully added the symbol "Supply fan" in the library "Ventilation
In the menu item "library" you will now find the icon you created "Supply fan" in the
library "Ventilation systems"
13.3 Icon from a library in a project using
1. Select the menu item "library" of
a. You find the the symbol "Supply fan" in the submenu
2. Drag & Drop this this symbol onto your workspace
It further, all the elements of the individual controls (symbol parts) are individually selected and the
properties can be adjusted.
However, all elements of the library symbol can be moved only together!
The inserted symbol is always placed in the upper left corner of the workspace.
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14. Load project on mobile device / transfer
When a project is created (picture, variable list, connection), the project can be loaded on the mobile
device. For this purpose, first the corresponding ISWvis mobile app on the Android device must be
installed and started.
If the app has now been installed on the mobile device, there are 3 ways to load the project to the
Project transfer via USB cable and ISWvis Mobile Editor
Project transfer via wifi (preferred method) and ISWvis Mobile Editor
o The PC with the ISWvis Mobile Editor must be located on the same TCP / IP
network as the mobile device
Manually via file transfer
14.1 USB transfer
To Transfer Projects to your mobile device the project must fist been saved.
Note that this will only work for devices that can register with a drive letter on Windows systems
(eg does not work on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1).
When the unit but can add a drive letter in Windows (tested with Samsung Galaxy Ace
smartphone and Works With this smartphone but must explicitly "USB - Memory connect".. Be
selected), then the project with the editor to load.
1. Open the desired project on mobile ISWvis Editor
2. Select the menu item "(USB) charge mobile device"Sie das gewünschte Projekt am ISWvis
mobile Editor
3. From the next dialog of the letter with which the Android device has logged onto the PC
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4. Press the "Load to Device" button now
5. Press the „Load on Device“ button now
a. The project is a now transferred to the mobile device
6. Now disconnect the USB connection between the PC and device Mobilem
7. Now activate the WiFi connection on your mobile device
8. Start the ISWvis mobile app
a. The app will automatically adjust a connection to the designed controller (in our
example, and an S7-300 controller with the IP address
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14.2 About ISWVisEditor (WLAN) - recommended method
This method must, the PC on which the ISWVisEditor is started, and the mobile device on which
the project will be stored in a Wi - Fi network (note IP addresses) are.
1. Enable WiFi on your mobile device
2. Start the ISWvis mobile app
a. If a project is not yet on the mobile device, a blank screen appears
b. If you already have a project is on the mobile device, it appears
3. Open it in the editor mobile ISWvis the desired project to be transferred
4. Select the menu item "(wireless) charge mobile device"
5. It now opens the dialog for "load on mobile device" and it will now search for mobile
devices with the active mobile ISWvis Runtime. You can start a broadcast search and
browse the entire network. However, since some routers do not forward broadcasts,
there is also the possibility of a specific device search on the IP address.
a. This search takes a normally 5-10s. In individual cases it may happen that this
search can take up to 3 minutes.
b. If you get an error message "Timeout", they conclude that ISWvis mobile app and
start it again. Then select menu item again "(WLAN) load on mobile devices."
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6. After a successful search in this dialog box all found mobile devices with active ISWvis
display mobile app.
7. Now select the desired target device and press the "Load to Device"
8. fter a successful transfer, the window closes the editor.
9. The app also closes automatically after a successful transmission. Now, if the app is
restarted, the currently transmitted project appears.
In some cases, it may happen that the app does not automatically close after a successful
transmission. In this case, the app can be closed manually by hand and open it again.
14.3 Manually using File Explorer
Another way to load a project on the mobile device is a file explorer such as: the
Once the ISWVis installed mobile app and once started on the sd card, a folder called "VIS" is
Now, if the project which has been stored as. Xml file from the Windows system ISWVisEditor
(The path was chosen when you first save of the project) will be manually copied to the folder of
the sd card of the VIS mobile device, the app can be started normally.
Now loads the app, the file from this folder VIS.
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It should be only one. Xml file in the VIS folder because when you open the app, only one project
can be loaded!
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Failure of the control during the operation of
1. The control can not be achieved (eg a broken cable)
2. There is an error message Displayed you will have to confirm with the Back button
3. Thereafter while Offline appears to return control can be achieved.
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General information
ISWvis Mobile can be used from Android version 2.3.5. The ISWVisMobileEditor requires Windows
XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
At this point is still to be pointed out that with ISWvisMobile the entire memory area of a PLC can be
changed and the software should be used only by people who know what they are doing.
( Therefore, we draw attention to the warnings of "libnodave"
authors that say explicitly that the libnodave library is experimental and possibly flawed. Simatic Step
7, S7-1200, S7-300, S7-400 are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of the software industry ISW Ges.mbH represents the software, including
any information given in databases is supplied under a license agreement or non-deployment, and
may only be used in accordance with the contract or copied.
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16. FAQ
Wireless transmission is not working or stops:
- Check your firewall settings maybe these blocks some
- Large projects from about 10MB have a very long transmission, here it can often lead to
transmission problems
- Corporate networks may have further restrictions
- There are also antivirus programs can interfere with communication
- Restart the app to get your device in the list of mobile devices
Wireless transmission is not working or stops:
- Check your network settings, especially in corporate networks (firewalls)
- Check your regional settings, which can sometimes lead to problems.
Values jump all the time:
- Check your variables to the same name
- Do you have addressed the correct variable
There are two different ways to purchase our software.
1) They relate the app through the Google-play store with your Google Account.
If you make your purchase through Google you didn’t get a bill.
You will then have the full version of our software and do not need to unlock or activate
2) You can buy the app or the license directly from us.
Here you have to choose in our Editor in the menu item "File" "ISWvisApp Buy Full Version".
After completing the form, you will receive an invoice for the requested license.
Once the amount has been credited to our account, we send you the license, the app and a
small installation guide.
Currently, you can still choose between one of two methods.
This will no longer be possible as long as there is then to relate the full version only about us directly.
So that means that you will fall from the Google Play update cycle.
Inputs and outputs control directly:
Inputs and outputs cannot be controlled directly.
If you set a flag with an OR function in front of your input, you can drive with our software this.
Regional settings:
Unfortunately we have inexplicably with some locales (language).
To eliminate this error definite, please make sure your regional settings to German-Germany or
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