`Necessary Roughness`: Autumn Reeser, Garcelle Beauvis Join
`Necessary Roughness`: Autumn Reeser, Garcelle Beauvis Join
Like Follow APR 18 2 WKS 161k Subscribe Industry Tools Newsletters Daily PDF 'Necessary Roughness' Recruits 'Last Resort' Star Autumn Reeser 9:00 AM PDT 4/18/2013 by Philiana Ng 8 45 0 0 0 Email (#) Print (/print/441579) Comments The actress, along with "Franklin and Bash's" Garcelle Beauvais, will be joining the USA Network drama in the third season. (#comments) Necessary Roughness is powering up. Autumn Reeser, most recently of ABC's Last Resort, and Franklin and Bash's Garcelle Beauvais have joined the USA Network drama top-lined by Callie Thorne, The Hollywood Reporter (http://thr.com) has learned. On an upcoming season three episode, Reeser will play Abby, a high-powered partner at V3's rival agency, who is determined to sign TK (Mehcad Brooks) to her agency and will do anything to win him over. STORY: John Stamos Lands Major Role on USA's Getty Images Autumn Reeser OUR EDITOR RECOMMENDS 'Necessary Roughness' (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com /live-feed/john-stamos-lands-major-role-428320) Beauvais will play Lana Langer, an outrageous mother of a star basketball payer who is suddenly choking at the free throw line in one episode. Dr. Dani 'Necessary Roughness' Adds (Thorne) is enlisted to help the player get his game back. Reeser and Beauvais are the latest bold-faced names to join the ranks of Necessary Roughness as it preps Register Log in its third-season return, which will include a major recurring arc for John Stamos, who plays V3 boss Connor McClane, and Once Upon a Time's David 'Once Upon a Time's' David Anders Heads to USA's 'Necessary Roughness' ( h tt p :/ / w w w . h o ll y w o o d r e p o rt e r. c o m /l i v e f e e d / o n c e a -t i m e s d a v i d a n d e r s 4 3 0 2 2 3 ) John Stamos Lands Major Role on USA's 'Necessary Anders (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/oncea-times-david-anders-430223) . Necessary Roughness picks up six months after the New York Hawks' playoff run. Big changes for the football team force Dani, TK and Matt (Marc Blucas) to reconsider their futures with the franchise. Scott Cohen co-stars, with new regular Karissa Lee Staples (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com /live-feed/necessary-roughness-adds-assistant-callie-431405) . STORY: 'Necessary Roughness' Adds Assistant for Callie Thorne (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com /live-feed/necessary-roughness-adds-assistant-callie-431405) Co-creators Liz Kruger and Craig Shapiro executive produce, alongside Kevin Dowling. Necessary Roughness is produced by Sony Pictures TV and Universal Cable Productions. Reeser, whose credits include The O.C., No Ordinary Family, Hawaii Five-0 and Entourage, is repped by Gersh and Kritzer Levine Wilkins Griffin Nilon Entertainment. Necessary Roughness returns for season three at 10 p.m. June 12 on USA. E-mail: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Twitter: @insidethetube Roughness' ( h tt p :/ / w w w . h o ll y w o o d r e p o rt e r. c o m /l i v e f e e d /j o h n s t a m o s l a n d s m a j o rr o l e 4 2 8 3 2 0 ) AUTUMN REESER (HTTP://WWW.HOLLYWOODREPORTER.COM/CATEGORY/ENTITIES/PEOPLE/AUTUMN-REESER) TV CASTING (HTTP://WWW.HOLLYWOODREPORTER.COM/TOPIC/CASTING) USA NETWORK (HTTP://WWW.HOLLYWOODREPORTER.COM/CATEGORY/ENTITIES/COMPANY/COMPANY/GENERAL-ELECTRIC /COMCAST/NBCUNIVERSAL/NBCUNIVERSAL-CABLE/USA-NETWO) 8 45 0 0 0 Email (#) Print (/print/441579) Comments FROM OUR PARTNERS (#comments) by Taboola (http://services.taboolasyndication.com/publisher/thr/rbox?item-id=/live-feed/necessary-roughness-autumn-reeser-garcelle-441579) Miley Cyrus' Shorts Are So Short You Can See Almost Everything What Happens When You Take a Testosterone Supplement? 14 Of The Most Airbrushed Celebrity Pics (See The Before And Afters)(#about_syndication) CafeMom First to Know Styleblazer (http://thestir.cafemom.com/beauty_style (http://firsttoknow.com/article/?ag=1275& (http://styleblazer.com/69578/14-of-the-most- /154552 utm_source=t_t&utm_campaign=what- airbrushed-celebrity-pics-see-the-before- /miley_cyrus_shorts_are_so?utm_medium=sm& happens-when-you-ta-27025) and-afters/?utm_source=taboola& utm_source=rss& utm_medium=referral& utm_content=beauty_style_rssfeed& utm_campaign=styleblazer) quick_picks=1&utm_medium=sem2& When Child Actors Grow Up: Stars First 'R-Rated' Movies We’re Done: Celebrities We Lost Respect For In 2012 Madame Noire Stephen Colbert's Family Tragedy Shocks Fans CafeMom b y Ta b o o l a ( h t t p : / / s e r v i c e s . t a b o o l a s y n d i c a t i o n . c o m / p u b l i s h e r / t h r / r b o x ? i t e m - i d = / l i v e - f e e d / n e c e s s a r y - r o u g h n e s s - a u t u m n - r e e s e r - g a r c e l l e - 4 4 1 5 7 9 ) THR VIDEOS (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com /video/tcm-classic-film-fest- /video/filth-red-band-trailer-437881) /video/andy-samberg-mtv-movie- /video/carrie-diaries-cw-404071) comedy-447691) 'Filth' Red Band Trailer awards-332540) CW's 'The Carrie Diaries' Sneak Peek Ben Kingsley On His Top Secret 'Iron Man' Role (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/ben-kingsley-iron-man3_n_3177754.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment) 'Magic Mike 2': Steven Soderbergh Says Sequel Is 'Good Idea' (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/magicmike-2_n_3177929.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment) 'Man Of Steel' Star: Movie Will 'Blow Everybody's Socks Off' (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/29/michaelshannon-the-iceman_n_3175699.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment) NBA Player Jason Collins Comes Out as Gay Man (http://www.justjared.com/2013/04/29/nba-player-jason-collins-comesout-as-gay-man/) Ray J: 'I Hit It First' Video with Kim Kardashian Lookalike (http://www.justjared.com/2013/04/29/ray-j-i-hit-it-first-video(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04 with-kim-kardashian-lookalike/) /29/ben-kingsley-iron-man- Jane Fonda's Hollywood Hand & Footprint Ceremony 3_n_3177754.html?utm_hp_ref=entertainment (http://www.justjared.com/2013/04/29/eva-longoria-jane-fonda-hollywoodhand-footprint-ceremony/) ) Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington on Jon Snow’s Wet-and-Wild Moment (http://www.vulture.com/2013/04/gameof-thrones-jon-snow-kit-harington-interview.html) On Set Photos: 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' (http://www.vulture.com/2013/04/spider-man-jamie-foxx-film-in-newyork.html) Advertisement (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=CxuQlzUqAUf6jBoOikwSOk4DwC4KrppUDAAAQASAAUO6i454FYMnOobIo-AaggEXY2EtcHViLTA0NTM5NzI2NDI3NTE2MzjIAQPgAgCoAwGqBMIBT9BNIwmoFk2syWOkkJ8lYJ5JaEtYKAR6J1PxpGpKzaDPsTrluSDQoEsL6D_1eGR-q_dX8Re3FvH01tI-MRObs0dwD5xFbu_dV73p5ufiya1g6fHMzXJcDNkqndtOxBSkhHvttYaNwt6Sc9WZur8PceJt1e6sYH4GJyDmAt7o1O1dWxQV_dBX7aPl2TA4apsEURplvzDRpJX5MRE_lxwvwekvajp5xH6UsUvjn_ggbgOaynNBmMIGhqe4ShJNRk9DgBAGgBhQ&num=0&sig=AOD64_0Ym0uezwOEhat8JsvlEGHCwHtQpQ& client=ca-pub-0453972642751638&adurl=http://www.pitchcon.org) 0 comments ★ 0 Leave a message... 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