grimsley newsletter_fall_06
grimsley newsletter_fall_06
FALL/WINTER 2006 GREENSBORO GRIMSLEY GENERATIONS NEWSLETTER bringing Alumni together Generations 3 … Helping Your School! It’s the Fall of 2006, the start of another school year and time for another generation of students to begin their journey through Grimsley High School, for others to continue that journey, and for many, a time to prepare for and celebrate the end of their high school years. It’s also another year to continue our school’s tradition of outstanding achievements in academics, athletics and the arts! As we celebrate the accomplishments of this last year and the Class of 2006, we kick off our third Generations Campaign, the Annual Fund for Greensboro Grimsley. Your generous past support of our Generations Campaigns has been instrumental in continuing the Grimsley tradition of excellence, as we’ve been able to help the school in an impressive variety of ways … from awarding student scholarships annually to providing faculty with grants for special projects … from funding needs for the Media Center and the Drama Departments to providing new textbooks for ROTC classes … from planting new trees at Jamison Stadium to helping fund a nature trail on campus. These are but a few examples of how your support has translated into fulfilling real needs for the benefit of our school. Our Annual Generations Campaign is a time to raise awareness and funding for Greensboro Grimsley High School, to truly “make a difference” for the new generations of Grimsley students and faculty, by supporting the school that has always “made a difference” in the lives of so many past generations. You can help by volunteering to help with the Campaign, by continuing your personal financial support and by spreading the word of the great work your Alumni Association is doing on behalf of your school. 3 We appreciate everything you do to assist Greensboro Grimsley, and we especially hope we are always deserving of your financial support. There are many school needs that cannot be funded from limited school budgets, but with your help, we continue to turn some of those “hopes and dreams” into reality. Thank you for volunteering for and giving to our Generations Campaign! Rick Andringa Alumni Association President Generations Campaign Schedule… Volunteers Needed! Our 3rd Annual Generations Campaign kicked off with a Class Captains meeting on September 20th. Each Class Captain will write to selected classmates and ask for their continued help, and we hope you will all respond as generously as you have in the past. We can always use more volunteers! If you would like to join your Class Captains and help us connect with even more classmates and send out even more letters, please advise us when you send in your contribution. We do have fun talking with classmates! Campaign letters will be mailed by the end of October. We look forward to your contributions and to recognizing you in our future newsletters … and thank you for talking us up to your fellow Alumni and friends of Grimsley as well! Music Building Dedicated to Herbert Hazelman March of 2005 saw the historic dedication of our music facility to become the Herbert R. Hazelman Music Building, a crowning achievement for the renowned educator and legendary music leader who served as band director at Greensboro Grimsley for 40 years. Mr. Hazelman has had a truly profound impact on the lives of countless students and on the music community in Greensboro and beyond. Respected for his positive influence, he always encouraged students to achieve through music discipline and education, and many of his students have gone on to excel in the music world. His legacy includes not only music education but a history of composing a number of pieces of music, including the Grimsley Alma Mater. Your Alumni Association is proud to have contributed to the preservation of the memory of Herbert Hazelman in this way, which will allow generations of Grimsley students to appreciate his impact on the Greensboro music scene. Keep Us Updated on Your Personal News! ___ Please check if this is a change of address Name ________________________Student Name ______________________ Class ________ Spouse’s Name _____________________________________ Children(s) Name(s) _______________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Home Phone # (_____) ___________________ Work Phone # (_____) ______ Email Address ___________________________________________________ News (new job? family news? history? memorials?) Tell us so we may include you in our next newsletter (if necessary attach a separate sheet)! _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___ I am interested in helping with the next Generations campaign. ___ I would like information about becoming more involved with the committees of the Alumni Association. Please mail this form to: GHS Alumni & Friends Assoc., P.O. Box 4248, Greensboro, NC 27404-4248 4th Annual Whirlie Walk Coming This Spring! Our Annual Whirlie Walks, sponsored by your Alumni Association, have raised over $65,000 in funds for the benefit of your school. Hundreds of Grimsley students have participated in past Walks and all students, alumni, faculty and staff are encouraged to help in this schoolwide effort. The Whirlie Walk is just plain fun! Congratulations to everyone who has participated in the past … and we look forward to your active involvement this Spring. If you like to walk, run, listen to music or just hang out, the Whirlie Walk is definitely for you. Look for more detail as we get closer to warmer weather! Grimsley Star Alumni Spotlight … Battles Back Polk, a three sport athlete and Dr. Thomas Penland OJ 1984 Grimsley graduate, suffered Our Grimsley Spotlight shines on Dr. Thomas Penland, our principal from 1993-1996. During his tenure, not only was the IB Diploma Program introduced but planning for your Alumni Association was also begun. Dr. Penland is currently the Superintendent of two foreign schools in South Korea but still maintains a home in Greensboro, and was gracious enough to be “interviewed” via email for this article. Among his fondest memories are Student Council “Lunch on the Lawn” events and students coming early in the morning before school to study “Classical Greek” with Dr. Frost. He also recalls “being the Wizard of Oz in the school play … and also members of the Jazz band and the regular band with Ms. Force surprising me at the airport when I arrived back from a three week trip to Asia to collect my dissertation research and attend the IB World Conference in Indonesia. I remember the IB exploration trips with our Grimsley faculty members. We talked during those trips about ‘world class’ education and how to make Grimsley better … it was a great time to get to know one another and appreciate the diversity in the group.” Dr. Penland says that “all of the teachers were inspirational … experienced teachers who were not ‘stuck in the old ways’ but who truly were lifelong learners always looking for ways to improve their craft of teaching. But the students were who made my days. They were always pushing us upward and forward. I remember the student body taking on the challenge of having ‘lunch buddies’ with the Autistic classroom students. I was so inspired by the leaders of the school taking time to build relationships with these students. It inspires me still today.” ”Grimsley taught me … that quality education occurs when you get well trained faculty members motivated to work together to do the best they can with their students,” says Dr. Penland. “Grimsley taught me to believe in student leaders more than ever and to let them have leadership responsibilities. Grimsley taught me no matter how big the school, you can still have a real community.” Dr. Penland arrived at the Taejon Christian International School in 1996, when the school had 200 students K-12 with 30 boarding students; it now has over 600 students with over 200 boarding students, and is one of the largest international boarding schools in Asia (visit the school’s website at He and his team just opened the Gyeonggi Suwon International School in Suwon, South Korea, just south of Seoul. A project in partnership with the Gyeonggi Provincial Government and the Suwon City government, which donated land and funding for construction, the school opened this fall with just over 100 students in grades K-8 (visit this school via the website at Dr. Penland is a truly outstanding representative of the Grimsley spirit of excellence around the world … from all of us at the Alumni Association you helped create, thank you for your inspiration and leadership! damage to his spinal column in a freak softball accident earlier this year and is undergoing rehabilitation at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. His costly rehab has generated several Greensboro-based efforts to raise funds for his assistance; one softball tournament has been played and another is scheduled. Clayton Nance, a former Grimsley teacher who retired from Page as a teacher and coach of many years, will be coordinating a basketball tournament when that season arrives. Phil Weaver visited OJ in Atlanta this summer and was buoyed by his amazingly positive attitude. Initially paralyzed from the neck down, OJ can now move his arms and hands well and can slightly wiggle the toes on his right foot. OJ hopes that as the spinal cord swelling goes down, he can once again regain full use of all of his body. His great attitude has helped him to accept that rehab will be a lengthy process. OJ was injured while sliding headfirst into third base, and that hard-nosed hustle reflects the fact that he is a tough athlete from a very athletic family. In fact, many of our Alumni went to school with a Polk because there have been eight of them! OJ is not a rich man, except in the sense of how many friends he has and of the great family that supports him. For your information, the “Jay Polk Medical Expense Fund” is being accumulated at the NC State Employees Credit Union (account number 60171453) to help defray expenses at the Shepherd Center, where OJ may be reached by phone at 404-352-2020 (room 316) or through an email link at Greensboro Grimsley Alumni & Friends Association A Love Story, Grimsley Style They both graduated in 1941 … Phil Newman and Aurelia “Chick” Dunstan … but they were never in the same class or activities; in fact, they rarely saw each other at school. They had but one date, and with graduation they went their separate ways: Phil to New Jersey and the Air Force, Aurelia to the University of Georgia and then to Florida. They each married, had children, lived their separate lives and survived early widowhood. In May 1991, the Class of ’41 celebrated their 50th reunion. Phil and Chick sat next to each other at a table … they could hardly take their eyes off each other, but that was as far as the old friendship went. Over a decade later Phil saw in the Grimsley Alumni News that Aurelia, now a widow in Gainesville, had published another book. He sent a friendly letter which turned into a year of letters and even more frequent telephone conversations, and after a year flew to Florida to see Chick. Within 15 minutes, he popped the question and 64 years after their only date, they were engaged. Rick Andringa, President [email protected] John Atkinson, Vice President [email protected] Mary Johnson Rayle, ’74, Treasurer [email protected] Missy Bateski, ’84 [email protected] Today Phil and Chick are happily married in Gainesville, enjoying their years together and living a true story of romance like no other, Grimsley grads reunited after decades apart. May they always be an inspiration to us all! Mary Jane Beavers, ‘73 [email protected] Ruth Comer [email protected] Joe Franks, ’78 [email protected] Rob Gasparello [email protected] Justo Nunez [email protected] Grimsley Cheerleaders from the past Bo Rodenbough [email protected] Bob Sawyer, ‘55 [email protected] Dawn Swanson, ’84 [email protected] Phil Weaver, ‘65 [email protected] Tim Weikel, ‘66 [email protected] CALLING ALL REUNIONS! If you are planning a reunion in the next 18 months, please: 1. Contact Mary Jane Beavers at (336) 852-1038 or [email protected], with information for publication in the newsletter and on our website. 2. Contact Melissa Bateski at (336) 373-1461 or [email protected], to get a copy of the mailing list for your class. 3. Contact Rob Gasparello at (336) 370-8194 or [email protected], to arrange for student-led tours of the school during your reunion. 4. Contact Rick Andringa at (336) 852-6511, or mailto:[email protected], to arrange for an Alumni Association representative to come talk to your classmates about the Association and making bequests. 5. After the reunion, contact Melissa Bateski at (336) 373-1461 or [email protected], , with updates the contact information for your class. Friends & Alumni Association CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 1/1/2005 THRU 8/15/2006 Contributions: $2500 thru $4999 Contribution Level: Ida Belle Moore Foundation Contributions: $100 thru $499 Contribution Level: Sustaining Member Class Year First Name Class Year First Name n/a Class of 1956 Scholarship fund 1942 1943 1943 1943 1943 1944 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1958 Walker F. Alan W. Harper J. William H. Ouida John W. Mary Claudius (Pete) Joseph S. Athena Thomas E. Joseph Watson Nancy F. Joseph T. Edward A. Nancy B. Ervin S. William F. T. Clyde Douglas W. Brown Hope Bill S. Margaret L. B. Thomas Muriel Steve Margaret Charles M. Roy E. Terriodiene Lacy G. Nancy B. Fred Margaret Katherine C. Sara T. E.S. Robert L. Barbara Clarence G. Sandra D. Garnett L. Jonathan L. Robert E. Julia H. Mary Frances Elizabeth A. Walter Alan Robert M. Kay Lynn Robert J. Thomas E. Susan L. Anne Cole John A. Jacqueline Samuel M. Louise Katharine Laura Adams Martha M. Roberta H. Gary William H. Peyton Steve Ralph Dorothy Roy H. John Edgar Current Last Name Student Last Name Contributions: $1000 thru $2499 Contribution Level: Jamieson/Sawyer Foundation Class Year n/a n/a 1966 1967 1976 1982 First Name Current Last Name Replacements Ltd. Robert C & Nadler Doris A Timothy J. Weikel Stewart P. Mitchell Mark E. Hyman Gregory Smith Student Last Name Nadler Weikel Mitchell Hyman Smith Contributions: $500 thru $999 Contribution Level: Principal’s Society Class Year First Name Current Last Name Student Last Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1941 1947 1952 1954 1958 1959 1963 1972 1974 1984 1987 Michael W. Haley Foundation, Inc. Grimsley Sr. High School PTSA Robert M. & Evelyn R.Nadler R. Steve Bowden & Associates S. Daniel Swaim Charles L. Weill Weill Conrad Hock Hock Frederick C. Ayers Ayers Martha L. Leonard Rierson Julia Adams Adams Phillip R. Byrum Byrum Candace Bernard Bernard C. Richard Bruning Bruning Randall Kaplan Kaplan Robert A. Fredrickson Fredrickson Susan C. Perini Perini Contributions: $100 thru $499 Contribution Level: Sustaining Member Class Year First Name Current Last Name n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1942 N.C. Graduate Service, Inc. KPMG Larry T. & Fannie D. Cathy Robert & Anne Anna B Dr. Josephine Bradley Raffle Lester Hill Jefferson Pilot Financial Debra E. Jerry Larry & Janet Keiner Kent L. Edgar & Lynda Little C. Anthony & Ancella B. Gail Bostic Nike Employee Matching Joan N. Mildred H. Albert S. Leigh & Melanie Hyatt Southeast Fuels Walker F. Rucker Student Last Name Bratcher Daniels-Lee Deutsch Dickieson Hill Jerry Keiner Leslie Little Livers Murphy Poole Powell Rives Rodenbough Rucker Current Last Name Contributions: $100 thru $499 Contribution Level: Sustaining Member Student Last Name Rucker Rucker Cone Cone Elam Elam Morrison Morrison Poole Tucker Caffey Caffey Glendinning Elam Miller Miller Showfety Showfety Pappas Gallins Hayworth Hayworth Noah Noah Fogleman Thompson Melvin Melvin Brown Brown Burton Hockett Batchelor Batchelor Black Black Collins Collins Galyon Galyon Patterson Patterson Leonard Gooch Lester Lester Lewis Sparrow Ward Ward Register Wilson Agapion Agapion Pritchett Howell Sparrow Sparrow Stanford Stanford Gaulden Battle Baynes Baynes Bulla Dever Heath Heath Underwood Underwood Bobbitt Bobbitt Talbert Cannady Melvin Melvin Beall Beall Holler Cox Hayes Hayes Dyer Hinson Hughes Hughes Kirkman Kirkman Lavietes Lavietes Hollowell Reeves Colvert Lack Eldridge Shuler Smigel Tuttle Tuttle Weinstein Weinstein Overstreet Arthur Boren Chandler Cowan Cowan Wagg Wagg Leonard Walker Cole Brown Gardiner Gardiner Mabie Humphrey LeBauer LeBauer Matthews Neese Leonard Schlag Adams Woodside Yates Yates Hutchins Fry Fulk Fulk Knight Knight Neal Neal Schlosser Schlosser Daniel Daniel Kluttz Dry Michaux Michaux Sockwell Sockwell Class Year First Name Current Last Name Student Last Name 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 Frances Anne Stone Whitfield Nancy E. Williams Cheek Frank C. Harmon Harmon Kay Easterling Hensley Robert (Barry) Morgan Morgan Jerry Robertson Robertson Jean Littlejohn Artley Cecil C. Conner Conner Donald Dandliker Dandliker Paisley Gordon Gordon William T. Kesler Kesler Percy D. Leonard Leonard W. Corbett Rouse Rouse Jane L. Hanling Shavender Peter Weltner Weltner John R. Monroe Monroe Anne Starr M. Minton Ward Sandra Parker Adams Donald E. Cunningham Cunningham Lucile O. O’Brien Dole Joseph M. Harmon Harmon Pam Angel Knight Mary Ann C. Cavey McFarland Martha McMakin McMakin Daniel J. Richman Richman Vera L. Leonard Schneider Victoria Sandford Goldman Barbara Gurley Gurley Kathleen Wharton Kane Jane Reed Miller Lynn Atkins Odom Katherine Engle Wimbish Paschal Harry Spence Spence Susan Monroe Williams Monnette Weaver Wood Anne Byrd Phillips Gilchrist Joseph E. Leonard Leonard Dede Kent Natale Bill B. Mims Mims Vestal Palmer Palmer David R. Hunter Hunter Eunice Searles King Lauren S. Scott Mallory Bradford Root Root John B. Troxler Troxler Susan Henley Yeager Alan Bardy Bardy Cathy Herring Bradley Barbara H. Horney Rodgers Doris Rouse Rouse Libba H. Hackney Weaver Mary White Skenes Aileen Ponder Hatcher James J. Klauber Klauber Dan C. Linker Linker Joseph R. Pringle Pringle Alfred Ryan Stanley Stanley G. Curtis Weaver Weaver Allen Gibbs Gibbs Lynn Greer Melton Thomas W. Ross Ross William L. Seawell Seawell Marc R. Bush Bush Craig Fredrickson Fredrickson Robert H.W. Jones Jones Laura J. Jeanes Pendleton Janis M. McAdams Bush Gerald A. Cunningham Cunningham Freddy H. Robinson Robinson Lyn Kaplan Chasen Kristin Hayes Coker Linda T. Townsend Douglas Friends & Alumni Association CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 1/1/2005 THRU 8/15/2006 Contributions: $100 thru $499 Contribution Level: Sustaining Member Class Year First Name Current Last Name Student Last Name 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1997 2001 2003 2005 Wesley York York Hartsell Mark S. Thomas Thomas Cyrus M. Johnson Johnson Vincent E. Knox Knox Marilyn Lane Lane-Morgan Robert W. Mays Mays Timothy M. O’Connell O’Connell Winthrop Watson Watson Susie G. Gray Baughard John Benbow Benbow Howard Borum Borum Charlie M. Broadway Broadway Robert W. Malburg Malburg Ken and Jean Ripley Ripley Peter A. Byrd Byrd Alan Irvin Irvin Mary J. Johnson Rayle Andrea Adams Wuori Nancy Wagoner Borum Angelo S. Kontoulas Kontoulas Robert E. Johnson Johnson Leslie A. Groome Sward J. Mark Trexler Trexler William L. Ferguson Ferguson Richard Gilbert Gilbert Elziabeth Imbus Depopas Vicki B. Blalock Hite Mary A. Atkinson Lovelace Glynn Wiener Wiener Jon Albright Albright Daniel Beamer Beamer Steve Streuli Streuli James W. Dowdall Dowdall John Garlock Garlock David Schneiderman Schneiderman Lawrence Schneiderman Schneiderman John R. Studders Studders Scott Vander Linden Vander Linden Carl Essa Essa Timothy J. Fry Fry Robert C. Bailey Bailey Cliff Ballard Ballard Charles Cassell Cassell Millyn K. Kelley Gaaserud Ralph Jones Jones Stephanie C. Culbertson McDaniel Lisa Freiberg Freiberg Sonja Salmon Salmon Brooks T. Raiford Raiford Jane R. Ritchie Potter Stacey Watkins-Griffith Watkins-Griffith R. Eric Apple Apple Brian Lee Schiller Schiller Mary Alyson Bush Bush Hayley Bush Bush GHS Varsity Men’s Soccer Team Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Class Year n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1932 1933 1935 1935 1935 1935 1936 1936 1936 1937 1938 1938 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 First Name Current Last Name Student Last Name Rick & Fancy Andringa Andringa Bank of America Matching Gifts Ruth S. Bramford Bramford Kelvin S. & Patrice Bryant Paulette Evans Anne Gildea Gildea Judith Goodman Goodman Carolyn K. Harmon Harmon Kathy Joyce Joyce Jeff Katz Katz Dorothy Kendall Kearns Sheldon J. Morgenstern Morgenstern New Century Advisors, Inc. Justo Nunez Nunez Beverly C. & Sylvia Patterson Scott Rob & Sue Stevens Stevens Mary Sears Truslow Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Theodore D. Walker Carole B. Weatherford Suzanne Weaver Lynn Wellons Wellons Henry Herbert and Ellen Wells Wells Edgar C. & Stacey C. Zimmerman Zimmerman Annie M. Cheek Neil Mary Carolyn Hines Hines Roger W. Couch Couch Jean K. Kiser Hannah Herbert L. Hartsook Hartsook James W. Phillips Phillips L. Robert Gorrell Gorrell Pauline Holt Wilson J. Marion Galloway Wren Jessie Cagle Hunt Michael B. Fleming Fleming Frances S. Sellars Thompson Margaret Lewis Caviness L.M. Clymer Clymer Duncan W. Holt Holt Betty Chandgie Roth James H. Sparger Sparger Rosser L. Clark Clark Ernest Ferris Ferris Dale Warmath Clymer Martin P. Hines Hines Charlot M. Marks Karesh Eleanor Dare Taylor Kennedy Sol B. Kennedy Kennedy Mildred Palmer Longman Amelia McNeill McNeill Loman Philip O. Newman Newman L. Vincent Wade Wade Aurelia Dunstan Dunstan Wallace Mae Teeter Ward Peggy O. O’Connell Wilson William H. Brooks Brooks H. Harold Brown Brown Mazie Bain Bullard Harvey Dick Dick Mildred Freeland Schnerk Evelyn Pierce Sell Thomas A. Alspaugh Alspaugh Martin M. Bernstein Bernstein Helen Massey Caviness Mary N. Neese Lea David Morris Prince Prince Phyllis Johnson Qualheim Betty Gale Edwards Sikes Class Year First Name Current Last Name 1943 1943 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 George C. Smith Donald H. Walker Dilys Edmunds James E. Brown Raymond Hepler Katherine Yokes Gwendolyn Tingen Edward Thomas Mulvey James Rawlins George I. Stoffel Mary Costner Jack R. Brantley Frances Barwick Jeannette MacKenzie Nancy Williams Willard A. Gourley Zeb N. Holler Carolyn P. Phillips Paul A. Lawhorne Grover M. Manheim Beatrice M. McIntosh W. D. Poole Mary Louise Woods Herbert S. Faught Charles D. Hudson William T. Moore Hoyt B. Whitcomb Peggy J. Arnold Virginia L. McDade Robert H. Kirk Joe F. Manson George Dewey Martin O. Swanson Poer Katherine Routh Loyce Nance Palmer F. Shelburne Charlie L. Dunman Bradley E. Faircloth Ruth Alston Alston Betty French French Gwen T. Truitt Jean I. Irving James M. Scott Robert Waugh Virginia Steele James Barbee Robert Blaylock Yvonne Schweistris Dawn L. Leach Charles W. Irvin Mary Elizabeth Sampson Raymond R. Showfety Jack T. Waynick Jane Wells Harry N. Young Dorothy Wulff Barbara Kearns Mary Ellen Wilson Mary M. Martin Nancy Benson Jeanette Hester Ashley Holland Margaret Merle Cates Elaine Darnell Elinor Wrenn Sallie Gray Hicks Ruth Overton Patricia Pinyan Anne Squires Marion (Marnie) Polk Rebecca F. Frazier S. Arthur Smith Student Last Name Smith Walker Brown Brown Hepler McFarland Moring Mulvey Rawlins Stoffel Basham Brantley Cole Dean Eppley Gourley Holler Kingdon Lawhorne Manheim Parker Poole Woods Faught Hudson Moore Whitcomb Arnold Gourley Kirk Manson Martin Poer Poole Root Shelburne Dunman Faircloth Forrest Manson Murray Roach Scott Waugh Wood Barbee Blaylock Deyton Gilmore Irvin Irvin Showfety Waynick West Young Adams Barker Battaille Beavers Benson Combs Dozier Frazier Griffin Hadley Holt Kirkman LaBella Long Ross Rucker Smith Friends & Alumni Association CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 1/1/2005 THRU 8/15/2006 Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Current Last Name Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Class Year First Name Student Last Name 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 William E. Zuckerman Zuckerman Henrietta Bell Abercrombie Luther G. French French Sara Ferrell Haigler Frederick T. Jones Jones Robert M. Kriegsman Kriegsman Albert W. Langley Langley Delbert Parrish Parrish Eli J. Attayek Attayek James E. Betts Betts Barbara A. Showfety Cox Mary Jane L. Lassiter Greene Dorothy S. Stevenson Kirkman James C. Kirkman Kirkman Bob Laughon Laughon Samuel L. Mingia Mingia Edwin W. Pearce Pearce Robert M. Scott Scott Peggy G. Gibbs Burton Jacquelyn Fink Dabbs Gardner P. H. Foley Foley Mary Henrie Arthur French Hugh L. Gerringer Gerringer Iris Starr Haislip David A. Heinzmann Heinzmann Joan Hester King Jeanette O. Oliver McBee Charles D. Roberts Roberts Sydnor A. Schenk Schenk Walter Underwood Underwood Bill D. Walke Walke Marjorie Schenk Gregory Whitesell Clyde B. Bailiff Bailiff Betty Bell Betts Elwood H. Chipchase Chipchase Carol Atcheson Donnell Janice L. Hepler Hepler Ronald N. Lambe Lambe Marietta Hinshaw Mobley Betty J. Thomas Shoffner Elizabeth A. Eldridge Shuler Smigel Frances Stafford Unruh Julia G. Glass Wright James A. Bilisoly Bilisoly Martha Burnet Carlisle Martha W. Wilkins Crawley Margie Boren Hutton Terry A. Garrison Lashley Mary Anne Boone Thomas Fred L. VonCannon VonCannon Marcia Felt Abernethy Charles Eichhorn Eichhorn Marie C. Cardwell Harrill Miranda Burnett Miles John E. Mobley Mobley John L. Murphy Murphy Jimmy W. Shoffner Shoffner J. A. Stanley Stanley Rebecca W. Walters Taylor Dwight C. Witty Witty Joe C. Bowles Bowles G.R. Buchanan Buchanan Judy Schaffer Cleveland Deanna Paschal Combs George William Crawford Crawford Shirley Bernau Hamilton Clyde L. Hunt Hunt Donald C. Inman Inman R.M. Johannesen Johannesen James E. Kistler Kistler Jeanne Jenkins McNairy James A. Murphy Murphy Current Last Name Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Class Year First Name 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1961 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 Peggy Margaret Wilson Schneider William C. (Currie)Singletary Singletary Linda M. Myers Temple Robert B. Willett Willett Margaret E. Earle Clapper Robert H. Cox Cox Linda Torrence Denmark Margaret Sink Fitzpatrick Carole Smither Greene S. Edwards Hines Hines Linda Cashwell Jewell Anne B. Baldwin Kistler Lillian B. Lovings Lovings Kenneth J. Miller Miller Rachel Jessup Rogers Barry M. Briles Briles Linda L. Carter Carter J. Bennett Glass Glass Robert D. Greeson Greeson Daniel Allan Nance Nance Diane B. Barker Stanley Kenneth E. Tutterow Tutterow Suzanne Humphrey Walke Ramon Neil Bell Bell Lynn F. Fifield Black John L. Davis Davis E. Preston Earle Earle Robert B. Foster Foster Susan Williams Horvath Brenda C. Coltrane Hubbard Mary Ann Crocker James Julie Pinson Mahlin James F. Parks Parks Wade M. Peoples Peoples Lynn Boyce Boyce Purdie-Brennan Lilla C. Culpepper Robinson Joseph H. Rubin Rubin Clyde W. Rudd Rudd Judy Greene Smith Lynn Westmoreland Smith Arthur C. Springer Springer Lacy R. Coble Starr Jeanne L. Tannenbaum Tannenbaum Michael M. Thompson Thompson Bayard B. Von HerrmannVon Herrmann Roger H. (Shad) Waring Waring David M. Schwartz Schwartz Linda J. Blair Byrd David Willard Edwards Edwards Carol B. Biser Flynt Kate F. Foster Foster Caroline Sprinkle Gordy Stephen H. Israel Israel Harry Kent Jones Jones R. Don Lee Lee Robert F. Ross Ross Richard L. Tontz Tontz Barbara Biser Wales Nora Wilson Wirtschafter Donna Lane Cloninger Brenda Cummings Harrell Brenda Hipp Henley Robert J. Nuckolls Nuckolls Ret Turner Turner Gary S. Anderson Anderson Patricia Roos Cross Pete Cross Cross Patricia R. Reed Head Carolyn R. Rich Hines Robert B. Kirkman Kirkman Robbie Tatum Nash Donald B. Raynor Raynor Student Last Name Class Year First Name 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 Stephen Gary Charles Charles Robert B. Sara Philip J. Doris Frank Roe Steven H. J. Michael Janice S. Martha Katharine Pamela Susan William Joyce Mary Nelle Mitchell Reid Charles A. Nancy Ronald W. Mark W. Ronald W. Dan C. Sarah Roger S. Nancy Jane H. Robert C. Carol Dale T. (Putts) Sophia Cyndy Barbara David Audrey Ann Gayle Elizabeth Jorgann Sharon Ann Brent Ronald S. Nancy David Gary Linda William J. Susan Linda W. Steve Emily W. Susan M. Dawn Diane David R. Perry C. Rox Anne Patricia Stephen H. Patricia N. Jan S. Alice Linda B. Gaines M. Joseph B. Glenn D. Patricia John A. Michael P. Current Last Name Student Last Name Blackwood Blackwood Core Core Earl Earl McCartney McCartney Skenes Skenes Sain Voight Weaver Weaver Eldridge Williams Dorner Dorner Ferris Ferris McLean McLean Shew McNairy Fenn Nance Pearce Pearce Swart Rice Ross Ross Robinson Shuman Smith Smith Townsend Townsend Voight Voight Penfield Wease Bolton Bolton Canfield Canfield Knedlik Knedlik Linker Linker Ruffing Robbins Tripp Tripp Rollins Bain House Burton Craven Craven Benbow Dixon Finn Finn Toompas Fragakis Foster Goodgame Jacobs Jacobs Labell Labell Lavine Lavine Lynch Lynch Dorner Cantrell McNeill Normandy Normandy Bullard Rogers Rhoades Webb Fredrickson Williams Cousins Cousins Dick Dick Bass Drake Ferris Ferris McNeill McNeill Pitts Pitts Rendleman Rendleman Spence Robinson Willard Shaw Snavely Snavely Williams Soapes Monroe Williford Weaver Barry Nichols Boger Carpenter Carpenter Henson Henson Desanto Jacot Claytor Lee Marks Marks Neese Smith Spivey Harris Levy Hill Briggs Hobson Hunter Hunter Kelleher Kelleher Rayle Rayle Clayton Abee Cocklereece Cocklereece Hunnemann Hunnemann Friends & Alumni Association CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 10/1/2003 THRU 12/31/2004 Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Current Last Name Contributions: $25 thru $99 Contribution Level: Member Class Year Student Last Name First Name 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 Susan K. Kelly Nichols John M. Queenan Queenan S. Kyle Woosley Woosley Mark Abee Abee Kathryn Christian Bender Teresa Truitt Brown Dave Doar Doar Anne Robinson Robinson Goldberg Jack Heberer Heberer Catherine W. Hill Hill Carolyn Beavers Howell Susan Perry Lineberry Deborah Dawson Marion Kenneth J. Ries Ries Gilbert Vance Vance Joseph P. Zahran Zahran Charlesanna Daily Ecker Paul Fogarty Fogarty Mary J. Johnson Rayle William Self Self Kathy E. Haines Haines J. Michael Thomas Thomas Lynn Cauble Collins Debra Jenks Hoffman Louis (Rusty) Hoffman Hoffman Kelly Marks Marks Rufus Brady Osborne Osborne Bryan K. James James Jean Powell Moore Yvonne Allgood Allgood Ned L. Bryan Bryan David H. Cox Cox Joseph Franks Franks Fred Pearlman Pearlman Diane Swan Pohanka Lisa G. Wainer Wainer Teresa J. Arnold Arnold John P. Chandler Chandler Lisa M. Matthews McBane Laurie Stevens Rabin Jeffrey J. Zaleon Zaleon Kathianne E. Elmore Bond Martha W. Hughes Hughes-James John Vestal Vestal Barbara Atkinson Young Sheryl Hartgrove Brannon Frank (Eddie) Ingram Ingram Max Lloyd Lloyd Martha Allen Allen Overman Marc R. Sasseville Sasseville Trisha L. Houser Houser Robert A. (Andy) Stoesen Stoesen Calvin Alston Alston Alan G. Atwell Atwell Melissa Comer Bateski Leigh E. Elkis Covington Bruce Harkins Harkins Margaret Sandin Hustad Mark Johnston Johnston W. Frank Kauder Kauder Michelle Andrews Leonard W. Allen Leonard Leonard Wendy Thompson Leonard Richard Lomax Lomax Vivian McCullough McCullough Gregory P. Newell Newell Mark Robertson Robertson Elizabeth Michelle Brady Shaw Robert R. Shaw Shaw Tracy Taft Taft-Morton Jennifer Johansson Bailey Jennifer Poole Cox Class Year First Name 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2004 2004 Charlotte Sorensen Palmer Smith Patrick R. Morrah Susanne Rutishauser Cynthia A. Johnson David M. Johnston R. Stuart Albright Christopher D. Ingram Annette R. Reichert Richard Scott Kern Christopher (Drew)Showfety Cam Creech Colin T. Moran Holly Chase Susan C. Carpenter Taylor W. Raiford Eileen J. Cirincione Kristian Hiers Gretchen A. Horley C. Robin Britt Lisa M. Williams Laurel C. Hansen Brian J. Mascia Bryan E. Newman Gretchen R. Spangler Jennifer E. Pugh Casandra D. Shaleuly Anne Patton Beatty Jennifer Elizabeth Marsh Alicia Dawn Williams CHARLES MICHAELWIMBS Sarah Louise Atkinson Elizabeth Lee Dixon Justin Berkley Blanks Robert Durante Griffin Cori Stevens Philip J. Barry Benjamin Marsh Robert Locke Beatty Peter C. Andringa Mary Ashley Barry Ryan Scott Barry Kimberly E. Hodgman Anne Timmins Whitney Andringa Zach Gurvis Contributions: $0 thru $25 Current Last Name Student Last Name Kemp McIntyre Morrah Rutishauser Johnson Johnston Albright Ingram Kern Kern Showfety Creech Moran Showfety Porter Raiford Cirincione Hiers Horley Britt Merring Hansen Mascia Newman Rotondo Matthis Shaleuly Beatty Marsh Williams WIMBS Gosch Gundaker Blanks Griffin Stevens Barry Marsh Beatty Andringa Barry Barry Hodgman Timmins Andringa Gurvis Contributions: $0 thru $25 Class Year n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1937 1938 1938 1939 1941 1942 1942 1950 1950 1951 1951 First Name Current Last Name Claudette Burroughs-White Kris B & David A. Cooke Davidson Insurance Services Ruth K. & Robert W.Gordon Angela Edna Jackie Rose & Victor Ackermann Sarah Jane A. Abernethy Viola Peeler Virginia Moore Joan Hunt Jack B. Smith Judith Ingram Robert G. Williams Barbara Cornelius Charles Phillips Frederick T. Jones Bob Kesler Student Last Name Greene Hurley Lattimore Sidbury Brewer Powell Vaughn Cochran Smith Bohrer Williams Phillips Phillips Jones Kesler Class Year First Name Current Last Name Student Last Name 1952 1952 1952 1953 1954 1954 1955 1956 1958 1959 1960 1960 1961 1961 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1965 1966 1967 1967 1967 1968 1969 1969 1971 1971 1974 1974 1974 1975 1977 1977 1984 1984 1985 1990 1999 2000 Elaine Lanier Kesler John C. Stuart Stuart Sara Ann Hickerson Stuart Norman Lee Livengood Livengood James T. Atwater Atwater Mary Ellen Rierson Atwater William D. Mauldin Mauldin Margaret Durham Mauldin Mary Murphy Berkelhammer Horace Edward Riddle Riddle Ann Waters Jones Lucian C. (Skip) Jones Jones John W. McCulloch McCulloch James Team Team Richard Schubert Schubert James Applewhite Applewhite Phyllis Jane Winston Ringler Bryant Byrd Byrd Sandra B. Butler McCulloch Emily Steifle Quinn David H. Quinn Quinn William H. Garvin Garvin Lynn M. Marshall Byrd John Daniel Huckabee Huckabee Angie B. Thompson McDonald Susan Ledbetter Ledbetter Mary Jeane Hildebrandt Kraft Larry Wayne Putnam Putnam Carol Rankin Putnam W.R. Stafford Stafford Nancy Shinn Highfill Yvonne Small McKnight Jan Kennett Stafford James T. Highfill Highfill David B. Michaels Michaels Nancy Porter Michaels Anna Shaw Alexander Alexander Edward Drew Drew Mary M. Doolan Asbill Holly Parker Parker Ellwanger Katherine S. Stafford Stafford Rose Emily Shingledecker Shingledecker Did You Know? You can make your Generations Campaign contributions in honor of someone you care about or as a memorial to an individual who has passed away. We ask you to clearly state your intent in writing when making your contribution, so we can list you not only in our list of donors but in our Memorials and In Honor Of sections. Thank you for considering this way to commemmorate people you would like remembered in a special way. Memorials Class Year 1971 Name Robert C. & Doris A. Nadler Robert M. & Evelyn R. Nadler Wesley York Hartsell 1972 1974 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 Vincent E. Knox, Jr. Mary Johnson Rayle Daniel Beamer Steve Streuli James W. Dowdall John Garlock David Schneiderman Lawrence Schneiderman In Honor Of: Class Year Name Rose & Victor Ackermann Alumni Notes Comments In Memory of Lester Gross In Memory of Lester Gross Memorial for Nancy Snider Mitchell, Class of 1971 & O. Frank York, Class of 1933. In Memory of Andy Oglesby, Class of 1972 In Memory of Andy Oglesby, Class of 1972 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 In Memory of Brian Kriegsman, Class of 1981 Comments In Honor of Lieutenant Alan Ross Mackey, Class of 2002 Class Year Current First Name Student Last Name Current Last Name 1948 Hazel Virginia Steele Wood 2001 Sarah Jarosak Jarosak Notes Child’s Name Jeremiah V. Wood. I am a Naval & Maritime History Reference Specialist, Library of Congress. I have graduated from UNCG with a BS in Biology in Spring 2006. I have also recently become engaged on June 1, 2006 to the love of my life and look forward to becoming Mrs. Sarah Beck! No date set as of yet, but around June or July 2008-2009. Campaign Funds First Association Endowment Fall 2005 saw your Alumni Association Board vote to establish an Alumni Association Endowment Fund and to adopt as a goal the annual allocation to that Fund from general Alumni Association revenues of at least $10,000. In early 2006, your Association partnered with the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (CFGG) in the formation of the Grimsley Alumni Association Endowment Fund. CFGG, through our Fund, offers the Association expert financial management at a reasonable cost, with economics of scale that result in a more favorable return and more reasonable management fees. With the consent of the founders of these separate Funds, the Association has also established with CFGG (1) the Grimsley Melvin G. Coleman Scholarship Endowment Fund and (2) the Grimsley Larry Saunders Teaching Award Fund, awards that are annually determined and announced by the Association. If you would like to contribute to any of our Endowment Funds through the Generations Campaign, please make your check payable to the “Greensboro Grimsley High School Alumni Association,” mark it for the “Endowment Fund,” the “Coleman Scholarship Fund” or the “Saunders Teaching Award Fund,” and mail it to GHS Alumni and Friends Association, PO Box 4248, Greensboro, NC 27404-4240. Thank you for all you do to help us build our Endowments for future use in helping Greensboro Grimsley High School! Q&A With Our Alumni … Coach Bob Sawyer What was your first memory of Greensboro Grimsley? I came as a 10th grader when Greensboro Senior was the only high school in the city, with all five Junior High Schools graduating students that would all attend the high school. I remember how great it was to compete with, rather than against, all the kids you had known from the five Junior High Schools in Greensboro. We were all together for the first time and that was a great feeling. Were there special people that made a significant impact on you over your student years? Q What was the sports scene in Greensboro like at that time? Since we were the only high school, I remember that every football game had huge publicity. It was a big deal, a show that brought everybody together. At that time, Jamieson Stadium, which had been built just 3 years before, was the place to be. And the rivalries were between cities, since each city had just one high school … we created lots of instate interest with our non-conference games against Raleigh, Durham and Rocky Mount. Our rivalries with Winston-Salem Reynolds and Burlington were spirited, but we played even harder against High Point Central, because that game was for bragging rights in Guilford County. I remember A.P. Routh as a principal who truly loved the school. And my swimming coach Patrick Earey was a great mentor and a superb coach who went on to coach at Carolina. Of course, Bob Jamieson was making lots of things happen and creating a great sports tradition at the school, one that I enjoyed being a part of. I concentrated on swimming at Greensboro Senior and was fortunate enough to be on a couple of state championship teams and to win two state titles in the 100 yard backstroke. What are you proudest of as far as Grimsley is concerned? A & When did you return to work at Greensboro Grimsley? I was set to come back in the fall of 1960 as a teacher and swimming coach, but chose to pursue a Master’s degree through a fellowship at the University of Tennessee. I finally joined the staff in 1961 as a business teacher, and also coached cross country, track, swimming and football. During my years as coach, we won 15 straight state swimming titles and I think that’s a record that still stands. In 1975 I became Athletic Director, a position that required me to make the tough decision to stop coaching but one that I enjoyed for the next 24 years until I retired in 1999. The thing I have most enjoyed is continuing the tradition of excellence that Bob Jamieson started. I was only the second Athletic Director in the school’s history and I tried to further his legacy of having a balanced athletic program, competitive across all sports for both boys and girls. I’ve also been proud of the way that alumni and parents have supported our efforts to maintain and renovate our facilities, the best in the city. Any final words? I couldn’t have done what I did without the support of my wife Susan, who was the “real” AD and a full time helper. She spent almost as much time at Grimsley as I did and I can honestly say I couldn’t have had a better wife or helpmate. Reunions Information Class of 1996 (10th reunion): September 29, 2006, Contact: Haley Miller Stallworth at [email protected] Class of 1986 (20th reunion): October 14, 2006 … Kress Terrace, 212 S. Elm Street Contact: Christy Barrier Moran at; email at [email protected] Class of 1987 (20th reunion): Date TBD hhtp:// Class of 1982 (25th reunion): November 3, 2007 hhtp:// Class of 1976 (30th reunion): November 24, 2006 … Elks Club, Greensboro Contact: Angelo Kontoulas at [email protected] or PO Box 41045 GSO 27404 (336/668-4220) Class of 1960 & 1961 (45th reunion): Date TBD Contact: Tip Williams at [email protected] or Brenda Meadows at [email protected] Whirlie Athletes Shine in Spring 2006 and Beyond! by Joe Franks The Whirlies continued strong play in conference and at the state level in the Spring 2006 seasons! Women’s Soccer and Men’s Tennis both won Metro conference titles, with Men’s Golf also a co-champion. The Soccer team made it to the third round of the state playoffs, Men’s Tennis was Regional Runner-up and Men’s Golf won the Regional and qualified for their sixth consecutive State Tournament (the longest current streak of appearances in 4A). Now that’s Whirlie success! As you know, the Alumni Association speaks of excellence at Grimsley with the 3 A’s – Academics, Arts and Athletics – and the class of 2006 student-athletes represented our school with great pride. Among the athletic award winners were … Lauren Atkinson, winner of the J.W. Tankersley Award, given in memory of Dr. Tankersley’s 40+ years of service to Grimsley. Lauren played both tennis and soccer and was always one of Grimsley’s biggest fans. She and her friends could often be found traveling all over the area to watch various Grimsley teams and help generate school spirit. The Pat Addison Award, given to the best Grimsley female athlete, was presented to Angela Hasz. Without a doubt, she was one of the best softball players we have had since the 1985 State Championship. Angela was involved in many areas of campus life and is just a super person. Colin Sherwood won the Raymond Johnson Award, given in memory of Coach J who loved kids that made the most of their ability. A football and lacrosse player, Colin was a hard working, tough nosed kid who pushed his teammates to be better and helped his teams excel. Brandon Peguese received the Roger Hobbs Award, given in memory of a student who lost a battle with cancer. Brandon persevered through some tough times to be one of the best defensive linemen we have had here since Ruben Davis (UNC & NFL) … he is also one of the nicest people you could ever meet. The John Dewey Award, given in memory of John’s battle with cancer, was presented to Charles Irvin. From knowing John Dewey as I grew up, I know that he would have been a real fan of Charles on the football and lacrosse fields. Charles always did whatever was asked of him with a positive outlook and was a real leader; he is also one of the most conscientious kids I have had the pleasure of working with over my 20+ years at GHS. Robert Lane, a legend at Grimsley, received the McDaniel Lewis Award given to our best male athlete. Robert was undoubtedly the best football player we have had here in over two decades, and we’ve had some really good ones. He was also a superb lacrosse player, and he far surpassed all expectations throughout his career at Grimsley. Our athletic programs are already off to very successful Fall 2006 seasons and we hope you get the opportunity to visit campus and attend one of our games, meets or matches. Thanks again for your support of Grimsley and our Alumni Association … GO WHIRLIES!! All Grimsley alumni, parents, family and friends are invited to join the Grimsley Athletics Booster Club … Help support the GHS athletic program! Go to for details today! Greensboro Grimsley Senior High School Alumni & Friends Association P.O. Box 4248 Greensboro, NC 27404-4248 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID GREENSBORO, NC PERMIT #369 Congrats to theClass of 2006! This year’s 350 graduating seniors were awarded a total of $ 7,922,724.00 in scholarship monies! As a Class, our 2006 graduates were accepted at 400 different colleges and universities all around the country. We are very proud of every student in the Class of 2006, a class that truly reflected the academic excellence, school loyalty and overall spirit that Greensboro Grimsley High School is famous for! Special congratulations go to the following winners of unique scholarships: Anna Barker .................... Greensboro News & Record Scholastic Award Ronnie Benson................ Target All-Around Scholarship Megan Henley ................. NC State University Parks Scholarship Neagheen Homaifar........ Harvard Faculty Scholarship Danforth Scholars – Washington University Roberston Scholars-Duke University Target All-Around Scholarship Carrie Katz ...................... N C State Employees’ Credit Union Scholarship Burger King’s Scholars Program Stephanie Levine............. Syracuse University Founders Scholarship George Washington – Presidential Scholarship Elizabeth Spangler .......... Elon University Presidential Scholarship Carolyn Tarpley ............... College of Charleston Presidential Scholarship Margaret Young .............. Loyola College of Maryland Presidential Scholarship
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