JULY 2012 President`s Message


JULY 2012 President`s Message
JULY 2012
A monthly publication of the Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
President’s Message
Pam Doolittle
In my January message, I spoke about
2012 as the year we work to build on our
future together. I write this message to you
the day after our June State board meeting,
where I left feeling really proud and excited
about all WDCTA volunteers are working on
to improve instruction, training and the
overall state of our sport for the future.
These programs foster the development
of our riders, teachers and trainers of the
future, as well as provide professional
development for those working hard in
the industry as instructors and trainers.
Some of our 2012 and 2013 programs
Final planning details for securing the
USDF Instructor Certification Program
in Wisconsin are coming together. The
dates are set, and our program instructors
are secured. Check out details in this newsletter and on our website. Only eight participants are selected for enrollment; however, all of these sessions are open for
auditors and will serve as a great way for
our members to learn about the mechanics
of a good riding lesson and a good training
session. The committee will also be looking
for members to participate as riders.
When WDCTA brought this program to
our area several years ago, I brought my
then five-year-old Cobra to Jayne Ayer’s
Hearth-stone Farm as a demonstration
rider. Lendon Gray was the instructor,
and I remember getting great help from
instructor participant and WDCTA member,
Anne Zaharias, on the movement, turn on
the haunches. Whether you participate as
an instructor, auditor, rider or volunteer,
this will surely be a fun and educational
Contact Stephanie Severn or Nicki Butler
for more information, or to offer your
Pam and WDCTA member, Donna Rose take a side trip to Ocean Beach, CA, during their trip to
the USDF convention last November. For a full report of the USDF conference, see pages 6-10.
Junior/Young Rider Clinic: The rider
application is now live for the Region 2 Jr/
YR clinic with Jeremy Steinberg, the USEF
Jr/YR national coach. While the clinic
participants will be Region 2 juniors and
young riders, again, this event is open for
auditors and will be a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by the enthusiasm, talent
and potential that exists in our Jr/YR group.
If you are interested in volunteering for a
few hours or for the weekend, please
contact me.
The WDCTA Board of Directors also
discussed plan-ning for the 2013 Annual
Meeting and Awards Banquet. Mark your
calendars for March 2, 2013. Our ad hoc
planning committee for the meeting is
chaired by Mary Hanneman, with
committee members Caitrin O’ Shea,
Angela and Sue Genin. If you would like to
be involved in planning or volunteering for
this fun event, which celebrates the
accomplishments of our members, please
contact Mary Hanneman.
The Kettle Moraine Chapter also has on
our calendar their highly anticipated
annual schooling show event. This year
they will not only offer classes for gaited
horses, but also will offer classes for
Western dressage. Check out their fun
show bill. Just like all of our programs
and sponsored events, volunteers are
absolutely necessary for success. If you
are interested in lending a hand for the
show, contact Alice Antczak.
Together we really are doing good work to
advance the mission of our organization.
This is a wonderful and exciting time to
take part in WDCTA activities and events.
Whether you join us as a volunteer, participant, auditor, groom, demonstration rider
or simply by passing the word on about
these great programs and events, I invite
you to include WDCTA as YOUR educational partner in sport.
Happy Independence Day!
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
On The Bit
games and
has been
Caryn Vesperman
eQuester Editor
Dressage is...Jumping
A friend, Barb, has taken dressage lessons
for as long as I’ve known her. She’s kept
her dressage and/or event horses at my
barn for more than 15 years. She’s a good
dressage rider, having competed through
Prix St. Georges. But, her heart has always
been with jumping. Prior to three kids, she
competed in eventing to the Advanced
Level. Now she is training and competing in
the jumpers, with dressage lessons still on
the agenda.
Barb believes dressage is a valuable foundation for jumping, from the warm-up to the
show ring. She said at one show, she drew
an audience watching her do “flat work”
with her horse. Barb didn’t think she was
doing anything special, just warming up her
horse and doing some lateral movements to
get the horse responsive and ready. “Look at
those things she can make her horse do,”
she heard one person say. “It’s beautiful!”
Barb recently rode in a clinic at
C h e s t n u t H i l l F a r m in
Oconomowoc, WI with Swedish rider, Bruce
Goodin, who now rides for New Zealand
and, among other accomplish-ments, has
ridden in the Barcelona and Sydney Olympic
(Above) Barb, carrying her
coat, walks the course with her
trainer, Kyle DeWar (back to
member of the N e w Z e a l a n d
N a t io n s C u p t e a m s in
N o rw ay , H u n g ary , Sw e d e n
a n d C z e c h o s lo v a k ia . B a r b
s a id t a k in g a le s s o n f r o m
B r u c e w a s lik e a d r e s s a g e
le s s o n w it h j u m p s , w h ic h is
n o t s u r p r is in g c o n s id e r in g
h is S w e d is h r id in g
b ackg ro und w here d ress a g e is t h e b a s e o f a ll
e q u e s t r ia n d is c ip lin e s .
I÷v e a c c o m p a n i e d B a r b a f e w
t im e s t o h e r j u m p in g
le s s o n s a t C h e s t n u t H ill
F a r m . S h e is c u r r e n t ly
le a s in g t w o h o r s e s f r o m
K y le . O n e o f t h o s e t im e s , I
t o o k a le s s o n o n t h e ir
s c h o o l h o r s e , E s t e lle , w h o
w a s a s a in t . J u s t p o in t a n d
sho o t ( and fo r m e,
h o ld o n t o m a n e ! ) .
J u m p in g is n o t e a s y ,
b u t I e n j o y e d it , e v e n
if t h e s a d d le s a r e h a lf
t h e s iz e o f m y
d r e s s a g e s a d d le .
(W hat ? No deep
seat ? No knee and
t h i g h b l o c k s ? ! ) À If I
h a d m o r e t im e , it
w o u ld b e f u n t o t a k e
j u m p in g le s s o n s o n
a r e g u la r b a s is . M a y b e
s o m e d a y w h e n I w in
t h e l o t t e r y a n d d o n ÷t
h a v e t o w o r k f u ll
WDCTA Members are
Group Members
of the
United States Dressage
WDCTA is Wisconsin’s
oldest and largest GMO
Caryn Vesperman
(608) 455-2208
[email protected]
W1619 King Road
Brooklyn, WI 53521
All advertisements, articles
and photographs (with photo
release) should be submitted
electronically to the editor by
the 15th of the month,
with payment for
advertisements postmarked
no later than the 15th. Ads
and calendar of events
submissions will appear in
both the eQuester and on
the website.
Advertising rates and
requirements are under
Forms on www.wdcta.org.
(Right) Barb flies over the
second-to-last jump in her
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Member News
News About Members, News to Help Members
Our Members are Winners!
Congrats to Shannon Langer for earning her last score for her
USDF Silver Medal!
Certifiably Certified
WDCTA is sponsoring the USDF’s Instructor Certification program.
Instructors – sign up now. Spots are limited and available on a
first come/first serve/first-pay basis. Auditors: The workshops, all
being held at Sunflower Farms in Bristol, WI, provide valuable
learning opportunities for you too. The lungeing workshop is Nov.
10-11; the riding/training workshop is Mar. 23-24, 2013 and the
teaching workshop is April 27-28, 2013.
The Dressage Foundation is Giving Money Away
Members and Chapters: Check out the myriad of scholarships
and grants available from The Dressage Foundation.
One upcoming deadline is for the The Carol Lavell Gifted Fund,
which is a grant provided to up to nine adult amateurs (one in
each USDF region) of $1,000. The Gifted scholarship is meant for
the adult amateur to be in an extended training situation, five to
seven consecutive days, with the same trainer. (It’s not meant to
be used for clinics, camps or symposia.). Application deadline is
Sept. 15, 2012. Check out The Dressage Foundation website.
New Videos Every Week
Also Available on DVD
Featuring the world’s most
celebrated professional dressage
trainers, presenting online “reality”
training sessions sharing
their lifelong experiences
in the training of
dressage horses
and riders.
Elizabeth Ball
Klaus Balkenhol
Hans Biss
Heather Blitz
Ellen Bontje
Leonie Bramall
Jan Brink
Volker Brommann
Jan Brons
Hartwig Burfeind
Hilary Clayton
Kathy Connelly
Shannon Dueck
Jan Ebeling
Pam Goodrich
Hubertus Zedtwitz
Lendon Gray
Markus Gribbe
Jane Hannigan
Christoph Hess
Bo Jena
Heike Kemmer
Ingrid Klimke
Michael Klimke
Sharon McCusker
Cesar Parra
Shannon Peters
Steffen Peters
Anja Plönzke
Daniel Ramseier
Leslie Reid
Penny & Johan Rockx
Mette Rosencrantz
Ulla Salzgeber
Jane Savoie
Nathalie Wittgenstein
Hubertus Schmidt
Conrad Schumacher
Guenter Seidel
Jeremy Steinberg
Betsy Steiner
Monica Theodorescu
Christine Traurig
Leunis van Lieren
Rien van der Schaft
Felicitas von Neumann
Bill Warren
George Williams
Our New Photo & Video Classifieds! Featuring: Young Prospects Dressage Hunters & Jumpers Eventing Broodmares &Breeding Stallions Come Shop For Your Next Horse! www.BreedersGroup.com __________________________________
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COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Meet Your 2012 New State Board Members
Meet the new board members who have joined those who retain their positions from last year
Where do you live? Elkhorn, WI
What do you do for a
Teach and train dressage.
I've been married for 33 years!
Other pets besides horses? Two long-haired Dachshunds, Fritz and
Arrow; five barn cats: Boy Kitty, Ghost,
Ripley Pew, Amelia Neyteri and Victor
How many horses do you have?
Four. Kosmic, now 20 years old. I bought
him when he was two, and he has taken
me all the way to Grand Prix, earning
many regional, national and state
championships along the way. Gallod Ffantastic, a six-year-old Welsh
Cob purchased as a weanling, has to
follow in Kosmic's hoofprints. So far he
has, winning his USDF All-breed award
last year and this year, and finishing in the
top 10 in USDF Horse of the Year for First
Level Vintage Cup and Freestyle.
CF Ladysmith (Dart), an eight-year-old
Welsh Cob Sec C mare, was imported
in utero from Canada. I show her at Welsh
shows and in dressage. In 2011, she was
Welsh Regional Champion in English
Pleasure, Section C Cob in hand and Cob
Pleasure Driving, plus in the top 10 in
those categories nationally. I am having
so much fun driving her! I also have Dart’s dam, My-Mars Mystic
Foxfire, Section A Welsh Pony mare, who
is 22 years old. I have shown her in hand
to many championships, but now her only
job is to be really, really cute. She is a
fabulous mover, and I love to watch her
play in the pasture. She is learning to
drive too.
If you take lessons, who do you ride or
clinic with?
I have been clinicing with Janet Foy for
about eight years. I give her credit for
getting me to Grand Prix. Last year I rode
several times for Tom Poulin, and will again
this year. Their training styles are somewhat
different but very complementary.
Favorite horse and why?
It has to be Kosmic. He has done everything for me, and has a home for life.
What's your favorite movie or book?
Movies: The Right Stuff, Star Trek The
Voyage Home, Men in Black, Independence
Day, and The Mummy. Books: The
Talisman by Stephan King. (Hmm, there
might be a trend here!)
Most interesting experience with a horse
at an event/competition/or other
situation? Three times I have had musical freestyle
rides that truly felt like dancing. Effortless,
and with every step being right on the beat. Once with Lindie Guthrie's JLA Ramblin
Sea at Intermediare I, Kosmic at I-1 also,
and with Gallod Ffantastic at First Level.
Do you do dressage, eventing or both? Trail ride? Anything else?
Dressage, and I started driving my pony
last year. I trail ride when I can, both at
home and on the state trails. I also coach
a drill team of Tennessee Walking horses.
If you were in a karaoke contest, you'd
sing what song?
It changes every week. This week is Jethro
Tull's "Bungle in the Jungle." Gallod Ffantastic likes "We will Rock You" by Queen
because it's all about him.
Favorite junk food?
Chocolate and marshmallow, together
or not.
Anything else?
Every rider should wake up every morning
and say, “HURRAY, I get to ride my horse
What or who inspires you with your
Watching riders who work in harmony
with their horse, having a student make
a breakthrough in their riding, and having a
horse master a new movement. We have
so many good riders in this area and in our
country — too many to name.
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
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Report on the 2011 Adequan/USDF National Convention and Symposium
Salient Sentiments on San Diego
2011, 13 states reported youth riders
competing on borrowed horses.
By Pam Doolittle
The title for last December’s
USDF Convention was, “San
Diego Dreaming.” And indeed
for a Wisconsinite to make her
way in December to sunny and
seventies weather is a dream
come true! I had never been to
San Diego or even California,
for that matter, before this trip.
For the convention proper, of
course, the weather was
textbook California sunshine,
seventies and blue skies. Of
course, all of our business
during this time was indoors,
and all day. Ah well, I still had
the weekend to look forward to! More on
that a little later…..
Region 2 News
Presidents and interested members of
Region 2 convened for two, one-hour
meetings, where the following topics
were discussed:
Region 2 Awards program remains undersubscribed. It’s easy and inexpensive to
participate. Check out the application and
guidelines on the Region 2 website.
Ken Levy (Region 2 director) is working
on forming an Education Committee for
Region 2, and plans are in the works to
do a live-stream educational program
rather than a clinic for 2012.
The dates for the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Region 2 Dressage
Championships, recognized by United
States Equestrian Federation at the
Kentucky Horse Park, are Oct 11-14.
Committee members organizing the
event include Ken Levy, Sue Mandas,
Gail Anderson, Deb Heier and Nancy
Due to decreasing membership, the
Participating Member (PM) delegate
number for our region has been reduced
from 13 to 10.
There was also discussion about holding
a Region 2 meeting sometime during the
summer/fall where GMO presidents and
interested members could convene to
discuss issues important to the region.
Board of Governors News
George Williams gave a wonderful
presentation on the “State of Dressage.”
Some of the highlights he is proud to
Strongest Pan Am team ever and
deep talent in the Young Horse,
Developing Horse, and Junior/Young Rider
The FarmVet Adult Amateur clinics with
Lilo Fore have been well received around
the country.
A pelican deftly catches a treat in San Diego.
USEF Open Forum News
Janet Brown-Foy expressed that 2011
was an absolutely thrilling hear for the
Young Horse and Developing Horse
programs: Every single age group had
quality horses competing, and the talent
ran deep too. Scott Hassler presented
some statistics on the positive impact
these programs are having on the quality
of horses and training at the FEI levels,
stating more than half of the horses
competing at Gladstone in 2011 are
graduates of the Young Horse program.
They are now working to develop a
network of trainers who are successful
at developing young horses for these
programs, to help build a strong
infrastructure for the future. Judging
forums are also addressing these classes
to help standardize scores and comments.
New for 2012 is the Developing Horse
Grand Prix program, sponsored by Hilda
Gurney and Carol Lavell. Information on
these programs can be found on the
USEF website.
George Williams reported a record number
of CDIs are on the books for 2012 and
span nine states, including Kentucky and
Ohio. This change addresses the problem
of saturation in Florida, although some
express concern over the welfare of longstanding venues in the Wellington area.
It was also reported during this forum that
USDF is now tracking scores for the Seat
Medal Finals, with the goal of “growing the
bottom for the equitation classes.” In
With the Junior/Young Rider coach,
Jeremy Steinberg, now on board,
Platinum Performance and the Dressage
Foundation, along with the USDF, are
sponsoring Junior/Young Rider clinics
with Steinberg across the country.
Nine “L” Education Programs with five
final exams and two Instructor Certification programs with final exams were held
in 2011.
2011 was the first time ever to have four
national coaches in dressage: Anne
Gribbons, Scott Hassler, Debbie
McDonald and Jeremy Steinberg. Anne
Gribbons commented, “It is historic that
USEF and USDF are finally moving
forward together.”
Williams noted competition participation
has continued to decline, as well as the
number of participating members, youth
members and lifetime horse certificate
applications. The total 2011 general
membership was the lowest it’s been
in six years. In an effort to stabilize the
decline, Williams reports USDF will reach
out to other associations to draw interest,
including the Western Dressage Association and other breed associations.
The economy and declining membership
were reasons last year that squelched the
idea of a National Championship. The
proposal was brought forward again for
vote, and after a lively discussion, the
motion to hold a head-to-head competition showcasing Adult Amateur and Open
riders at Training through Grand Prix levels
passed. With invitations to be extended to
competitors who have qualified through
Continued on next page
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
San Diego continued
the Great American Insurance Group/
USDF Regional Dressage
Championships, the inaugural
championship (exact name to be
determined) will take place in the fall
of 2013 at the Kentucky Horse Park
in Lexington, KY. Educational Sessions
Equestrian Journaling — Allison
Brunelli, presenter
All USDF members enjoy a free
membership to Barnby Notes, an
equestrian journaling service. Brunelli
shared her personal story on how
journaling helped her improve
retention in her daily training plan. She
explained that riding is a skill learned by
carving out neural pathways and building
muscle memory. If learning is only done
on the horse, you’re committing both
correct and incorrect feelings into your
long-term memory. As a result, some
of your time in the saddle is spent
unlearning! This is time intensive and
can be expensive. Journaling has aided
her to visually, intellectually and
kinesthetically solidify and understand
correct versus incorrect, resulting in
changing the speed and quality of learning
for the better. (See pages 9 and 10 for Dr.
Kathleen Kelly’s “General Guideline for
Deep Practice Journaling.”) Check out the
Barnby Notes website to read some of the
open journals available, including
Courtney King-Dye and WDCTA member,
Amanda Johnson. Try journaling for
yourself using your free membership.
Balance in Movement — Suzanne von
Dietze and Hillary Clayton, presenters
Suzanne von Dietze, her latest book,
Riders and Horses: Back to Back, gave a
fantastic presentation on rider conformation and a balanced seat. Just as horses
WDCTA members at the USDF awards banquet: Back row, left to right: Katie Foster; Debbie Garris,
Illinois Dressage & CTA member; Pam Doolittle; Shelly Reichart and Lynn Foster. Front row, left - Ed
Eickelberger, IDCTA president, and far right - Sheri Reichart.
must work through challenges in part
because of conformation, so do riders.
Using video and live demonstrations from
the audience, she shared how we can
compensate for our conformational
differences to affect a positive riding
result. Hillary Clayton’s talk showed how
the mechanics of the horse’s gaits
changes as uphill balance is improved.
The video demonstrations of the work
done in her lab were truly captivating.
The content was a wonderful complement
to the rider balance presentation
presented by von Dietze. You can find
a great article summarizing this talk in
the USDF Connections magazine, March
2012 issue, or look it up on eTrak.
SmartPak Salute Gala and Annual
Awards Banquet
This is only my second USDF Convention
experience, but I must admit being in the
audience celebrating the successes of our
WDCTA members has become one of my
favorite convention activities! I sat with
two wonderful mother/
daughter teams this year
—Lynne and Katie Foster
and Sheri and Shelly
Reichart. It was great fun
and a real privilege to
watch and clap as they
walked across the stage.
One of the first things I do
when I am seated is scan
through the 40+ pages in
the program to see if I
recognize any of our
Wisconsin members I can
Steffen Peters warms up for his demonstration
at the USDF Symposium
I was inspired by the
wonderful stories of the
honorees like Lendon
Gray, who was presented
a lifetime achievement award. (See her
story on the USDF website.)
I was moved by the hard work and
commitment all of you have to this sport
and your equine partners. Please celebrate with me the achievements of our
WDCTA members, listed later on in this
newsletter. Congratulations to all!
USDF Symposium—Presenting the
USEF Dressage Coaching Team
I was particularly excited for the weekend
symposium, which was held just north of
San Diego at the Del Mar Facility. After a
beautiful and warm week, the weekend
brought cooler temps in the 50s with a
cold wind. That didn’t deter attendance,
however. Working together for the first
time in one arena, our national coaching
team presented step-by-step their
methodologies for developing horses.
The symposium began with a lungeing
demonstration and ended with Steffen
Peters debuting his new mount, Legalos.
In between, the coaches worked with
some top names in our sport, including
David Blake, Charlotte Bredahl, Jan
Ebeling, Leslie Morse, Shannon Peters,
Kathleen Raine and more. Ravel and
Weltino’s Magic also made appearances
and helped illustrate important training
principles the coaches were trying to
Here are some of my notes:
Jeremy Steinberg:
Jump defines the canter, while swing
defines the trot. The speed and quickness
of the hind legs in canter result in more
jump, while the result in trot with hind legs
reaching more under is more swing.
Continued on next page
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
San Diego continued
When helping a rider think through a
problem with a training issue (one rider
was having trouble with canter-walk
transitions), he asked the rider to reflect
on what the horse was doing and NOT
doing. From a riding standpoint, he asked
the rider to give some ideas on what to do
differently to improve it. For example, if
the hind legs are slow, perhaps a kick is
necessary to get the legs to snap more.
Basically, he let the rider guide the
decision-making process moving forward,
and helped the rider think through the
training before doing it.
His final point to the audience was that he
participated in the Junior/Young Rider
program because the seat and feel in
dressage is the basis for all good riding,
even though in the beginning he really
loved jumping. He expressed that BOTH
people and horses need to be pushed out
of their comfort zones occasionally and
then need to have the experience of
realizing that the effort was really okay!
Debbie McDonald:
On contact: Give your arm to the horse—
hold the horse in your shoulder blades
rather than in your hands.
She emphasized the importance of having
a good plan in place: “A long-term plan, a
short-term plan, and a back-up plan.”
Keep in mind that the most important job
for you is to keep your horse happy in his
work and to develop a relationship that
will last!
Scott Hassler:
Scott brought a different vocabulary to the
training sessions than what I’m used to
hearing. He loved using words and
phrases such as “playfully develop” and
“coach” the horse. He acknowledged
emotions in the horse a lot, and also how
much of riding young horses is about the
rider developing a “friendly access.”
The years from five to six generally focus
on teaching the horse to sit and carry, so
starting ground work is appropriate. He
recommends a little bit every day and
building. It’s important to school an
appropriate reaction to the whip touching
the hind legs, and the work should be
“play” for relaxation and access.
Anne Gribbons:
Her quick and dry sense of humor, along
with her very observant and shortly
phrased summaries of her thoughts, were
easy to capture and remember. I had a lot
of notes for her! But here are my top
Together in one place, the USDF coaches: (L-R) Scott Hassler, Debbie McDonald, Jeremy
Steinberg and Anne Gribbons. George Williams, second from right.
She confessed she is “old school” in that
she still believes in the outside rein, which
is not so popular in Europe right now. For
this reason, she really likes using leg
yielding to improve the canter reaction.
Using Steffen Peters and Magic, she
worked them from quarter to centerline
and back again, leg yielding with and
against the lead. The exercise results in a
more active and uphill canter, with more
volume too.
There is a good side, and then there is the
other side. You always have the problem
of the “other side.” Take care not to drill,
which may highlight the “other side”
Canter-trot transitions are actually pretty
tricky at the FEI levels. To get them,
vibrate fingers on the outside for aiding.
Oh, and at the end of every movement,
shorten your reins whether you need it or
not. It keeps you—in your mind anyway—
Some Odds and Ends and in Summary
While I was at the symposium, I heard
some ladies talking behind me about a
fantastic sale on Pikeur clothing that
happens annually just north of San Diego.
The store offers all its Pikeur overstock
(and it is a LOT) for 50%+ off. My friends
from California booked it up there and
brought back a bounty of britches, winter
coats and sweaters for what was a super
deal. If you’re interested in watching for it
next year, perhaps subscribe to the store’s
mailing list.
I was also really lucky to have my friend,
Donna Rose, show me around the
neighborhood where she grew up. She
shared with me the little town of Ocean
Beach, right on the coast line. Ocean
Beach pier is the longest pier in California.
The town itself has the look and feel of
downtown Madison, in my opinion, with
interesting people and things to talk to
and see.
It was also fun to bump into fellow
snowbirds, Maryal Barnett and WDCTA
member, Nichole Trapp, during the
symposium, and share thoughts on the
great program put on by the national
I want to close by thanking you, our
members, for giving me the opportunity
to serve as your president and share
these wonderful educational events
with you. The USDF and USEF organizations are working hard to improve the
quality of teaching and training, which
in the end will serve all of us—and our
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Photo by Caryn Vesperman
WDCTA State and Chapter Boards
* Indicates State Board Position
State Board President *
Pam Doolittle (608) 644-9423
[email protected]
State Board Awards Recorder *
Send forms to:
Cindy Riffle [email protected]
State Board Vice President *
Mary Hanneman (608) 455-1037
[email protected]
State Board Members-at-Large *
Nicki Butler (608) 213-8925
[email protected]
State Board Secretary *
Sue Genin (608) 882-6580
[email protected]
Caitrin O’Shea (608) 217-7424
[email protected]
State Board Treasurer *
Angela Genin (608) 516-2293
[email protected]
State Board Historian *
Anne Zaharias (906) 864-2790
[email protected]
State Board Video Librarian *
Donna Thomas (608) 835-8549
[email protected]
State Board Newsletter Editor *
Caryn Vesperman (608) 455-2208
[email protected]
State Board Webmaster *
Stephanie Severn (608) 213-8925
[email protected]
[email protected]
Central Chapter
President - OPEN
Eastern Chapter
President - OPEN *
[email protected]
Vice President - OPEN
Secretary - OPEN
Treasurer - OPEN
Kettle Moraine Chapter
President - Carol Hines-Stroede*
(414) 444-8416
[email protected]
Vice President - Nancy Lightfield
Treasurer - Joann Williams
(414) 378-2231
Secretary - Kathy Weishampel
(262) 719-8438
Representative - Joann Williams *
(414) 378-2231
Northeastern Chapter
President - OPEN*
Northern Chapter
President - OPEN*
Southwest Chapter
President - Donna Thomas *
(608) 835-8549 [email protected]
Vice President - Sue Genin
(608) 882-6580
Treasurer - DeAnn Howard
(608) 576-4194
Secretary - Jamie Zimmerman
(608 )228-7381
Representative 1 - Pam Doolittle *
(608) 644-9423
Representative 2 - Heather McManamy *
(608) 886-3764
Alt. Representative - Stephanie Severn *
(608) 213-8925
Upper Peninsula Chapter
President - Kathy Caspary *
(906) [email protected]
Vice President - Tina Ozanich
(906) 296-0284
Treasurer - Tracee Horn
(920) 346-3624
Secretary - Judi Izzi
(906) 384-6955
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Dressage’s Barbaro?
pranced and spooked the rest of the way
back to his stall.
By Thereasa Marcum-Hribar
I am writing this on behalf of Patti Gruber
and her dressage BLM mustang, Padré.
For those of you who don’t know who they
are, here is a quick summary.
Padré is a 2000 buckskin BLM mustang
stallion. He was born in the wild on the
New Pass/Ravenswood Herd Management
Area in Nevada. In 2001, he was captured
and adopted from the Palomino Valley
National Adoption Center in
Nevada. He stood at stud from
2002 through 2007 at the
International Equine Podiatry
Center in Kentucky where his
breedings where part of a hoof
study that started through the
BLM. In 2007, Padré was gifted
to Patti Gruber, who trained him
under saddle and has been
showing him ever since. His
show career has earned him
titles such as GAIG/USDF
Breeder’s Championship Series
Reserve Grand Champion Stallion,
Dressage at Devon 4-Year-Old
and Older In-Hand Stallion
Reserve Grand Champion,
USDF Grand Champion Stallion
Silverwood Farm, USDF Reserve
Champion Stallion Sorensen Park,
and USDF Dressage Sport Horse
Breeding Horse of the Year for 4-Year-Old
and Older Stallions. There are many more
titles and honors Padré has earned,
including his own Breyer Model Horse.
Within an hour, Padré’s back legs began
to swell, from his fetlocks through his
hocks and the muscles in his rump and
lower back were extremely sensitive.
An emergency call was made to the vet,
followed by rotating cold hosing and hand
walking for six hours. Patti spent the night
in the barn outside his stall to keep an eye
on him overnight. The next morning, the
vet advised Patti to take Padré to the UW-
trimming company’s response to the
situation of this was: It was Patti’s fault!
That if she had such a nice, expensive
show horse, she should not have turned
him out. That he should have been hand
walked only, and that this is just a horse
and things happen.
They also informed Patti they had consulted their lawyer about the incident and that
if Patti felt the need to contact them further,
she should have her legal counsel contact
them. In short, they are denying any
responsibility for the injuries.
They only see horses as
a thing, and don’t realize
all the blood, sweat, tears,
emotions and money we
invest in them.
According to Padrés Facebook page, at
2 p.m., May 29, Padré was turned out in
his pasture located at the back of Patti’s
house. She was sitting in her living room
and looked up to see Padré running
frantically. She immediately got up and
went outside to see what was going on,
only to find a man in a tree within 10 feet
of Padré s pasture, which is about 50 feet
wide and 200 feet long. The man was
wielding a chainsaw and had just started
cutting down a tree.
Although the man stopped the chainsaw
when Patti approached, he ignored her
comments and questions in regard to what
he was doing and whom he worked for.
Patti had led Padré about 20 feet from the
paddock when the man in the tree turned
the chainsaw back on, as well as the tree
shredder. Padré reared up and spun in
circles again in a complete panic, and
Madison Veterinary Hospital to be seen by
their team.
At the hospital they did a variety of tests
including flexions, x-rays, ultrasound and
blood work. Padré s lameness is mainly in
his left hock with significant effusion on the
outside of his hock with blood spurting into
the effusion. He also had effusion on the
right hock and muscle soreness, as well
as a raised stress level in his blood work.
Padré was on stall rest for 10 days, his
legs were wrapped, and he needed to be
hand-walked with a return visit to the
hospital in mid-June for follow-up
ultrasound and x-rays and must return
again in July. The prognosis for a return
to work was Aug. 1 at the earliest. Outside
of his trips to the hospital for the ultrasounds, he is not to be trailered anywhere
due to the stress it puts on the joint.
Unfortunately, as of June 11, the swelling
had worsened. Now Patti is on a wait-andsee situation.
I wrote this article for two reasons.
The first reason was to inform
fellow dressage enthusiasts
about a devastating injury to
an inspirational dressage horse.
The second reason was to have
all equine owners, equine property
owners, and equine property
managers take into consideration
that there are equine ignorant
people in the world who don’t
see the value in horses like we
do. They only see horses as a
thing, and don’t realize all the
blood, sweat, tears, emotions
and money we invest in them.
Like Patti said in her Facebook
post, it doesn’t matter if it’s a
backyard pet or a Grand Prix
champion, companies should have a policy
on how to handle situations with animals.
Horses are legally defined as an “attractive
nuisance,” so it automatically makes horse
property owners potentially liable for
injuries that occur on the property due
to the horses. But who’s responsible for
injuries due to the ignorance of your
neighbors, general public (for example,
traffic, pedestrian, spectators), or
maintenance workers?
As a mustang owner and enthusiast,
I’m biased and taking Patti’s side on the
matter. But for those of you who side with
the tree trimming company, ask yourself
this question, what would you do if it was
your horse that was injured because of
someone else’s equine ignorance?
Next month, Thereasa talks about her
own mustang adventure.
As devastating as this situation is, the
added salt to the wound was the tree
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Coming to
A Great
Opportunity for
Instructors and
The hugely popular USDF Instructor Program has arrived! Workshops and testing
programs are being held all over the U.S. as many of our nation’s top dressage trainers
are seeking national certification through this program.
Mark the following dates on your calendar. All the sessions will be held at Sunflower Farms, Bristol, WI,
convenient to Milwaukee and Chicago airports. The curriculum will cover Training – First Levels:
Nov 10, 2012: Lungeing the Horse - Sarah Geikie, instructor
Nov 11, 2012, Lungeing the Rider - Sarah Geikie, instructor
Mar 23-24, 2013, Riding/Training Workshop- Vicki Hammers-O'Neil, instructor
April 27-28, 2013 , Teaching Workshop - Cindy Sydnor, instructor
WDCTA invites all dressage instructors and trainers to participate in these workshops.
NOTE: There are only eight instructor slots available, so please submit your application soon! The
application and additional information, including fees and deadlines, can be found on the WDCTA
website at www. wdcta.org.
For instructors looking for financial assistance to attend, several grants and scholarships are available.
The Dressage Foundation has two grants available:
* “Help for Dressage Instructors” – Deadline is July 1
* “The Trip Harting Fund” – Deadline is March 25, 2013
WDCTA also has scholarships available:
* WDCA State Scholarship
* WDCTA Chapter Scholarship (where available)
Auditing is also available. More information will be posted on the WDCTA website and in the eQuester
in the coming months!
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Horses For Sale Accolade HF— 4yo Oldenburg Verband gelding. 3 wonderful gaits for dressage. Nicely started under saddle. Should mature 17—17.2H. Videos on our website! $20,000! Lyrical Champion HF—7yo Oldenburg Verband mare. Wonderful soft gaits. Schooling First Level dressage. $20,000 ___________________
Savannah HF—Gorgeous mover with three very good gaits. Schooling Training Level, soft and easy, trailers, cross ties, clips, bathes. Videos on our website. $20,000 Cartouche HF Ster—5yo 17H Dutch WB geld­
ing. Spectacular, uphill mover who will shine in the dressage ring. Professionals will want to look closely at this top quality gelding. Started under saddle. Videos on our website. Serious inquiries only. Judy Batker, DVM
Larry Mahr, DVM
Stephanie Hirsbrunner, DVM
JR Lund, DVM
Emily Leuthner, DVM, DACVIM
Andrea Lanphear, DVM, CVA
Christine Olson, DVM
Keith Gunby, DVM
1350 South Fish Hatchery Rd ! P.O. Box 27 ! Oregon, WI 53575
© ShorthorseStudios Stephanie Severn, Hopeful Farm Sport Horses McFarland Wisconsin Tel 608-835-0551 Fax 608-835-0552
608.213.8925 ∙ www.hopefulfarm.com ___________________
[email protected] Exclusively
WDCTA Members Only
Thanks to WDCTA’s partnership with the international
educational video company, DressageClinic.com, 2012
WDCTA members receive a FREE 30-Day VIP
The following coupon code has been exclusively
reserved for WDCTA members: -------To take advantage of this offer—and watch other
videos including the WDCTA Steffen Peters-Janet Foy
* Go to DressageClinic.com.
* On the home page, click SUBSCRIBE.
* Enter the Coupon Code and choose
Username and Password.
* Click PROCEED and then WATCH to
enter the website.
Sit back and enjoy!
Become a Fan
Join the WDCTA Facebook page
to keep up on late breaking
news and discussion.
COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
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The Schten Family
PO Box 816WI 3~14k1
• [email protected]
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COPYRIGHT © 2012 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
A listing in the Calendar of Events is a service provided to WDCTA members only.
Send your submissions to [email protected] by the 15th of each month.
WDCTA State & Chapter Meetings
Tuesday, July 10
Kettle Moraine Chapter
6 p.m., Culvers in Mukwonago
Fine-tuning plans for our August schooling show
Contact: Carol Hines-Stroede
(414) 444-8416 or [email protected]
Tuesday, Aug. 14
Southwest Chapter Meeting
7 p.m., Hopeful Farm Sport Horses
Potluck and Farm Tour
4595 Mahoney Road, McFarland (Town of Dunn)
(RAIN DATE: Aug. 16)
Tuesday, Sept. 11
Southwest Chapter Meeting - Business Meeting Only
7 p.m., Location TBD
Tuesday, Oct. 9
Southwest Chapter Meeeting
6:30 p.m, Body Clipping Demo by Mary Hanneman at
Megan McIsaac's farm, Lindinhof Equine Sports
Zentrum, Oregon.
Tuesday, Nov. 6
Southwest Chapter Meeting
6:30 p.m. Business meeting only: 2013 chapter officers
election and 2013 program planning.
Location TBD
Saturday, Dec. 8
Southwest Chapter
1 p.m., “Death by Chocolate” Holiday Party
Location - Andrea Mitchell’s home, Madison
Saturday, March 2, 2013
WDCTA Annual conference and Awards Banquet
Location - TBA
WDCTA Clinics & Events
July 6-8
Janet Foy Clinic
Judd’s Green Meadows Farm, Belleville, WI
Contact: Mary Hanneman
* No auditing charge for
(608) 455-1037
SW Chapter members
[email protected]
Oct. 20-21
Maryal Barnett Clinic
Hidden Pond Farm, Mazomanie, WI
Contact: Pam Doolittle
* No auditing charge for
(608) 712-1400
SW Chapter members
[email protected]
Nov. 10 - 11
USDF Instructor Certification: Lungeing Workshop
Faculty Instructor: Sarah Geikie, USEF "S" judge and
certified examiner.
Taking instructors and open to auditors.
Sunflower Farms, 19000 - 128th Street, Bristol, WI
Contact: Stephanie Severn
(608) 213-8925 or [email protected]
Contact: Nicki Butler
(608) 358-2589 or [email protected]
Nov. 17-18
Platinum Performance/USDF Region 2 Jr/YR Clinic
Instructor: Jeremy Steinberg
Sunflower Farms, 19000 - 128th Street, Bristol, WI
Contact: Pamela Doolittle
(608) 712-1400 or [email protected]
March 23-24, 2013
USDF Instructor Certification: Riding Workshop
Faculty Instructor: Vicki Hammers-O'Neil, certified
Taking instructors and open to auditors.
Sunflower Farms, 19000 - 128th Street, Bristol, WI
Contact: Stephanie Severn
(608) 213-8925 or [email protected]
Contact: Nicki Butler
(608) 358-2589 or [email protected]
April 27-28, 2013
USDF Instructor Certification: Teaching Workshop
Faculty Instructor: Cindy Sydnor, certified examiner.
Taking instructors and open to auditors.
Sunflower Farms, 19000 - 128th Street, Bristol, WI
Contact: Stephanie Severn
(608) 213-8925 or [email protected]
Contact: Nicki Butler
(608) 358-2589 or [email protected]
Remember, only USDF/USEF recognized shows or schooling
shows designated as WDCTA-recognized are eligible for
WDCTA year-end awards.
July 7
Book Signing Party with Janet Foy for her book,
“Dressage for the (Not So) Perfect Horse” - 8-9 p.m.
Bring your book or buy a book that evening and get it
signed by Janet. Location: Tuscany Grill Restaurant at
the Quality Inn Hotel, 2969 Cahill Main (off S. Fish
Hatchery), Fitchburg/Madison. Limited books available
that evening. RSVP by July 1 (and to reserve a book),
contact Caryn Vesperman at 608-455-2208 or email:
[email protected]
July 7-8
FITS Dressage Schooling Show
Judge: Robin Brueckmann (S), Leslie Weiss (r), Jennifer
Malott Kotylo (L)
Wisconsin Equestrian Center, DePere, WI
Deb Heier
(920) 819- 2891
Aug. 10-12
Janet Foy Clinic
Judd’s Green Meadows Farm, Belleville, WI
Contact: Mary Hanneman
* No auditing charge for
(608) 455-1037
SW Chapter members
[email protected]
July 14-15
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judge: Marlene Schneider “S”, Cindy Canace “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata
[email protected]
(847) 235-6410
Sept. 7-9
Janet Foy Clinic
Judd’s Green Meadows Farm, Belleville, WI
Contact: Mary Hanneman
* No auditing charge for
(608) 455-1037
SW Chapter members
[email protected]
July 20-21
Sorensen Park Dressage & SportHorse Show
Judge: Gail Hoff-Carmona “S”
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen, (262) 642-4111
Continued on next page
Calendar of Events continued
July 22
IDCTA Dressage & CT Schooling Show
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
July 28
Heartland Dressage Schooling Show
Judge: Denise Jostes, “L”
Intro to 2nd Level and above; junior, senior, maiden
Heartland Stables, Custer, WI
Betty Foss and Alysia Makuski
[email protected]
(715) 340-7159 (Betty) or (715) 347-7728 (Alysia)
July 29
Heritage Stables MiniEvent, Dressage, Hunter Show
812 N Griffith Road, Oconomowoc, WI
Contact: Jennifer Strauss, (262) 313-8926
July 29
Heartland Dressage Schooling Show
Judge: Denise Jostes, “r”
Intro to 2nd Level and above; junior, senior, maiden
Heartland Stables, Custer, WI
Betty Foss and Alysia Makuski
[email protected]
(715) 340-7159 (Betty) or (715) 347-7728 (Alysia)
July 28-29
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judges: Dina Babcock “S” and Scott Peterson “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
Aug. 2-3 and 4 (two shows, one weekend)
Sorensen Park Dressage & Sport Horse Shows
Juges; Lilo Fore “I” and Sandy Chohany “S”
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen, (262) 642-4111
Aug. 4-5
Silverwood Dressage Horse Trials
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata
[email protected]
(847) 235-6410
Aug. 5
Fields and Fences Dressagefest
Judge: Thomas Poulin “S” and others TBD
Gurnee, IL
Deborah Garris
[email protected]
Aug. 9-11
Sorensen Park Dressage Youth Team Camp
Schooling Show
Judge: Tricia Joaquin “L” graduate
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen
(262) 642-4111
Aug. 10-12
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Donna Battaglia
[email protected]
Aug. 11-12
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judge: Sandy Chohany “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
Oct. 5-6
Sorensen Park Dressage Show
Judge: Ulrich Schmitz “S”
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen, (262) 642-4111
Aug. 17 and 18-19 (two shows, one weekend)
Silverwood Dressage Shows
Judges: Bev Rogers “S”, Jeanne MacDonald “I”and
others TBD
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
Oct. 13
Sorensen Park Dressage Schooling Show
Judge: Michele Sieracki “L” graduate
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen, (262) 642-4111
Aug. 18
Sorensen Schooling Show
Judge: Caryn Vesperman ”L” graduate
Sorensen Park, East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen, (262) 642-4111
Oct. 27
Iowa DCTA Schooling Show & Series Championship
Judge: Caryn Vesperman, L graduate
Iowa Equestrian Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Rachel Wehrheim
[email protected]
(319) 329-5065
Aug. 19
Hoofer Riding Club Dressage & CT Schooling Show
Judge: Caryn Vesperman, “L” graduate
Hoofer Equestrian Center, Belleville, WI
Jamie Stone, [email protected]
Non-WDCTA Event
Aug. 24-27
Summers End Hunter-Jumper - “A” rated
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Kate Geraldi, (847) 224-3854
Aug. 25
WDCTA Kettle Moraine Schooling Show
Offering traditional, gaited and western dressage
Judge: Tracey Dikkers, “L” graduate
Sorensen Equestrian Park, East Troy, WI
Alice Antczak, (262) 642-4178
[email protected]
WDCTA-recognized Sept. 1-2
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judge: Tom Poulin “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
Sept. 15
Sorensen Park Dressage Schooling Show
Judge: Nicole Trapp “L” graduate
East Troy, WI
Reid Sorensen
(262) 642-4111
Sept. 15-16
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judge: Sandy Hotz “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
Sept. 23
IDCTA Mini-Event and Championship
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Debbie Garris, (312) 401-1157
[email protected]
Sept. 29-30
Silverwood Dressage Show
Judge: Sara Schmitt “S”
Silverwood Farm, Camp Lake, WI
Lisa Cannata, (847) 235-6410
[email protected]
July 21
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Evening Toast and Performance - 6-8 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
July 29
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Matinee Performance - 1- 3 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
(847) 623-7272
Aug. 18
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Evening Toast and Performance - 6-8 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
(847) 623-7272
Aug. 26
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Matinee Performance - 1- 3 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
(847) 623-7272
Sept. 8
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Evening Toast and Performance - 6-8 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
(847) 623-7272
Sept. 23
Tempel Farm Lipizzan
Matinee Performance - 1- 3 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road, Wadsworth, WI
[email protected]
(847) 623-7272
Nov. 2-4
Gerd Zuther Clinic
Touchstone Farm, Brooklyn, WI
Contact: Caryn Vesperman
(608) 455-2208
* No auditing charge
[email protected]
Business Listings
Custom Saddlery
Lodi Veterinary Clinic
Proud Sponsor of WDCTA’s Symposium
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WISCONSIN HORSE COUNCIL Mission Statement: To represent and to foster a unified equine industry in Wisconsin. To promote the horse through leadership, education, service and communication, and to take a proactive role in the future growth and development of the equine industry. WHC offers: Midwest Horse Fair® Judges Seminar Trail Design School Championship Challenge Funding Opportunities with Scholarships, Trail Grants and Other Grants PO Box 72, Columbus, WI 53925 920.623.0393 Visit us on Facebook [email protected] Visit our website www.wisconsinhorsecouncil.org
Stable - Instructor - Breeder - Business Listings
Listings provided as a service and are not an endorsement of any member or facility listed. Must be a WDCTA member to be included.
Stable Listings
Nicole Trapp
N132 W18350 Rockfield Road
Germantown, WI 53022
Heated barn w/ insulated indoor w/
mirrors. Full-size outdoor arena,
footing groomed daily. Turnout on
grass individual or group paddocks.
Indoor wash stall w/ hot water, tack
room, lounge, wooded trails. On
premises dressage instruction.
Erinn Bieber
N4845 Highline Road
Bonduel, WI 54107
[email protected]
60 x 200’ indoor with mirrors,
standard outdoor dressage ring,
large pasture turnout or small
paddock (individual or small group),
wash stall w/ hot and cold water,
dressage instruction on site.
Trailering to shows.
Betsy Freiburger
5438 Hwy. M
Fitchburg, WI 53575
[email protected]
Indoor and outdoor arena, turnout,
heated lounge, wash stall, trails and
Megan McIsaac
4246 Schneider Drive
Oregon, WI 53575
[email protected]
Indoor with mirrors and 80 x 200
sand outdoor. Individual and group
turnout. Wash stall. Numerous trails.
Solarium. Lessons and monthly
training available.
Paula Pratt
8434 Central Sands Road
Bancroft, WI 54921
[email protected]
Boarding, lesson, breeding, training
facility. 70 x 140’ indoor w/ rubber
footing, mirrors. Three full outdoor
arenas, two round pens, jumps,
trails. Heated tack rooms, lounge
and wash rack. Matted stalls, daily
turnout, cleaning. Dressage clinics,
lessons and lesson horses.
La Roge Stable
W349S10131 Bittersweet Ct.
Eagle, WI 53119
[email protected]
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist.
Regional championships - Training
thru I-1 on self-trained horses.
Studied with multiple, internationally known trainers. 10 years teaching experience. School horses
available. Will travel.
Lisa Froehlig
P.O. Box 192
Camp Lake, WI 53109
[email protected]
80 x 160’ mirrored indoor arena,
7 outdoor arenas, hot/cold indoor
wash stalls, large wood-fenced
pastures, daily and rehab turnout,
beautiful XC courses, well-maintained grounds, recognized
dressage and horse trials on site,
four FEI trainers teach all levels.
19000 - 128th Street
Bristol, WI 53104
Four outdoor rings, three heated
indoor rings, 100 turnouts; 22 allweather turnouts, 24-hour security,
seven barns on 170 acres. Open
seven days a week until 9:30 p.m.
17000 Wadsworth Road
Old Mill Creek, IL 60083
[email protected]
Indoor and outdoor arena w/ stands,
clinics, classical dressage exhibitions, special performances and
private events at our Guest House.
Tempel Lipizzan Corp. is a dressage
training facility dedicated to the
education and promotion of classical dressage and the Lipizzan breed.
Alice Antczak
N7258 County Road ES
Elkhorn, WI 53121
[email protected]
10 x 10’ matted stalls, 60 x 120’
mirrored indoor arena, full-size
outdoor arena, seasonal pasture,
manicured trails, retirement
boarding, training available.
Instructor Listings
Equestrian Endeavors
N4845 Highline Road
Bonduel, WI 54107
[email protected]
Shown and trained through I-1 and
earned USDF Bronze and Silver
medals. Will teach all levels. School
horses available. Will travel for
lessons and available for clinics. Will
trailer and travel to shows.
Dundee Training Stable
N6482 Silver Road
Monticello, WI 53570
[email protected]
Shown through Intermediare I.
Training Grand Prix. USDF Bronze
and Silver medals on self-trained
horses. L graduate with distinction.
Ride regularly with top instructors.
Will teach all levels. Will travel for
clinics and lessons.
Silverwood Farm
P.O. Box 192
Camp Lake, WI 53109
[email protected]
20 years teaching experience, will
teach Intro thru G.P. 30 years riding
experience – USDF Bronze, Silver,
Gold Medals. Will do some travel.
Wisconsin Dells, WI
608-547-8814 (cell)
[email protected]
USEF “r’ judge - hunter, hunt seat
equitation, jumper. Students have
earned USDF, USEF, WDCTA and
IDCTA awards. 30+ years teaching
experience, and will travel. Lessons,
clinics and equine sports massage.
Lindinhof Equine Sports Zentrum
4246 Schneider Drive
Oregon, WI 53575
[email protected]
Indoor with mirrors and 80 x 200
sand outdoor. Individual and group
turnout. Wash stall. Numerous trails.
Solarium. Lessons and monthly
training available with FEI trainer
who lives on site. School horses
available for lease.
W349S10131 Bittersweet Ct.
Eagle, WI 53119
[email protected]
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist.
Regional championships - Training
thru I-1 on self-trained horses.
Studied with multiple, internationally known trainers. 10 years teaching experience. School horses
available. Will travel.
Barry Ridge Equestrian Center
1207 White Sands Court
West Bend, WI 53090
[email protected]
Shown thru 4th level and training
level eventing on self-trained horses.
Completed L program w/ distinction.
Audited USDF Instructor program,
USDF bronze medal, USDF HOY/
regional/other awards. 15+ years
teaching experience. Will teach up
to 4th level, school horses, will
travel for judging, clinics, shows.
Silver Spring Farm
3031 Timber Lane
Verona, WI 53593
[email protected]
British Horse Society Instructor.
USDF “L” Program graduate with
distinction. USDF Associate Certified Instructor. USDF medalist.
Shown thru Prix St. George. 30+
years teaching experience. Will
teach thru 4th Level. Specialize in
teaching all riders/horses correct
basics. Will travel for lessons.
Cambridge Farm
W3580 Scotch Bush Road
Elkorn, WI 53121
[email protected]
Offering classical dressage for every
horse and rider. USD Golf medalist
on self-trained horse and multiple
USDF regional and HOY winner.
Many students have Silver and
Bronze medals. Experience training
all breeds including gaited horses.
Will travel for lessons and clinics.
Continued on next page
COPYRIGHT © 2011 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
Business Listings
Elaine Burkhart
2645 Evergreen Drive
Cambridge, WI 53523
[email protected]
Equine ambulatory service with
emphasis on the performance horse.
15+ years’ experience in equine
dental equilibration and balance,
and 40+ years of training, riding and
competing high-level performance
horses. Lameness/performance,
medical evaluations, prepurchase,
digital radiography and ultrasound
available. Hours by appointment.
Emily Leuthner
1350 South fish Hatchery Road,
Oregon, WI 53575
Small and large animal veterinary
N6482 Silver Road
Monticello, WI 53570
[email protected]
L judge, passed with distinction.
USDF Bronze and Silver medals on
self-trained horses. Shown through
Intermediare I. Training Grand Prix.
Available for schooling shows.
[email protected]
Equine insurance - mortality
insurance, farm owners insurance,
instructors and trainers liability
Sharon Johnson
Wisconsin Dells, WI
608-547-8814 (cell)
[email protected]
USEF “r’ judge - hunter, hunt seat
equitation, jumper. Shown thru 4th
level; trained thru Grand Prix.
Lessons, clinics and equine sports
Debra Stephenson
8177 Plum Lake Station Road
Sayner, WI 54560-9751
[email protected]
Year-round vacation home rentals on
Plum Lake. Bring your horse on
vacation. Heated indoor arena,
lounge and viewing area; wash stall;
outdoor arena and round pen.
Support your WDCTA
business members.
Buy local!
LoRoge Stable
W349S10131 Bittersweet Ct.
Eagle, WI 53119
[email protected]
USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist.
Regional championships - Training
thru I-1 on self-trained horses.
Studied with multiple, internationally known trainers. 10 years teaching experience. School horses
available. Will travel.
19000 - 128th Street
Bristol, WI 53104
Four outdoor rings, three heated
indoor rings, 100 turnouts; 22 allweather turnouts, 24-hour security,
seven barns on 170 acres. Open
seven days a week until 9:30 p.m.
W1619 King Road
Brooklyn, WI 53521
[email protected]
L judge, passed with distinction.
USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold
medals. Shown through Grand Prix.
Available for schooling shows.
Cambridge Country Vet. Services
Elaine Burkhart
Countryview Veterinary Clinic
Emily Leuthner
Excalibur Insurance
Tom Mikulice
Andrea Schten
Breeder Listings
Howard and Sophie Fiedler
Galena, IL
[email protected]
Breed, raise and train Norwegian
Fjord Horses.
Shannon and Doug Langer
W3465 Market Road
Helenville, WI 53137
[email protected]
Hanoverians of exceptional quality.
Bloodlines include Ampere,
Bordeaux, DeNiro, Diamond Hit,
Rohdiamont, Royal Prince, Sir
Donnerhall, Sinatra Song, Fidertanz,
Pablo, Winterprinz and Weltmeyer.
Stonegate Equestrian Center
Hazelhurts, WI
Sunflower Farms
Bristol, WI
Maple Run Farm
Doug and Shannon Langer
Lindinhof Equine Sports Zentrum
Megan McIsaac
Plum Lake Vacation Home
PDebra Stephenson
Silverwood Farm
Lisa Froehlig
Temple Lipizzan Corporation
COPYRIGHT © 2011 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
COPYRIGHT © 2011 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
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COPYRIGHT © 2011 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association
WDCTA-SW 2012 Janet Foy Dressage Clinics
at Judd’s Green Meadows Farm, 6412 County A, Belleville, WI 53508
_ June 1-3 – opening day April 20
_ July 6-8 – opening day May 25
_ August 10-12 – opening day June 29
_ September 7-9 – opening day July 27
Separate application required for each clinic & each horse!
Janet Foy is an “I” rated FEI judge, USEF “S” and Sport Horse Breeding judge. She has judged US and
international FEI shows, including the NAYR Champs, Dressage at Devon, & USA World Cup League. She
is a USDF L Faculty member and instructs Federation Judges. She is a USDF bronze, silver and gold
medalist, having ridden horses to Horse of the Year Awards from Training to Grand Prix. Janet was a
member of the USDF test writing committee, making her uniquely qualified to provide her students with
insights to accurate test riding.
Rider applications must be postmarked on the “opening day” (see above). Riders will be selected on a firstcome basis with preference given to WDCTA-SW chapter members, followed by WDCTA members from other
chapters. Refunds will be considered at organizer’s discretion with receipt of veterinarian and/or doctor’s
certificate. ________________________________________________________________
Alternates who have volunteered for WDCTA will have first chance at open slots via a drawing.
Rider Name:_______________________________ Address: ____________________________
City: __________________________State: ________Zip: ___________Phone______________
Email: ______________________________________________ WDCTA
Volunteer: _ Yes (Mark if applies)
Horse’s Name:________________________________________
Age:_______ Schooling Level ______________________ Showing Level _________________
_ WDCTA Member: $125/ride or $365 for 3 rides _ Non-WDCTA Member: $140/ride or $420 for 3
$10/ride or $25 for 3 (Everyone pays except Judd boarders)
Ride Preferences: _ Friday
Will you need a stall?
_ Saturday _ Sunday _ AM _ PM (Will try to accommodate)
_ Overnight ** _ For day** _ Just in and out
**VERY limited overnight stall availability & additional cost – organizer will contact you with options
Negative Coggins required with application (If you board at Judd’s, don’t send.) All shots must be current.
WDCTA-SW Chapter members – NO CHARGE!!
WDCTA member
1 day @ $15_____
2 days @ $25_______ 3 days @ $30_______
Non-WDCTA member 1 day @ $20______
2 days @ $30_______ 3 days @ $35________
_ Friday _ Saturday _ Sunday
Includes coffee/water/soda and snacks. Bring your own lunch and chair!
Rider / Auditor Fee
Add Trailer in Fee
Make checks payable to: WDCTA Southwest Chapter
Mail to organizer with check & 2012 Coggins:
Mary Hanneman, N8160 Smith Rd, Brooklyn, WI 53521
608-712-0975 or [email protected]
[Updated 5/14/12]
COPYRIGHT © 2011 Wisconsin Dressage & Combined Training Association