bagarrett and associates, inc.
bagarrett and associates, inc.
Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 b.a.garrett a n d associates, inc. Land Planning 2424 Yorkshire Drive Saraaota, Florida 34231 April 9, 2012 Kirk Crane, AICP Senior Planner Planning and Development Services Planning Services 1660 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, Florida 34236 RE: Walker Family rezoning Dsar Kirk, Please find the application f o r the rezoning of the Walker Family property. Please note that an additional neighborhood workshop will need to take place. Mr. Walker has been in the process of working with our neighbors in developing stipulations and once we have finalized our discussions we will be conducting an additional neighborhood workshop. Also, the subject parcel has a locked gate, with a cattle operation and tenants in the home. Staff wishing to conduct a site visit will need to contact me in order to arrange the visit. My phone number is 941-284-0905 or I can be contacted by email at agarret(5> com cast, net. Sincerely B. Alan Garrett, AICP President Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 APPLICATION FOR REZONING / SPECIAL EXCEPTION PETITION Sarasota County Planning & Development Services 1660 Ringling Boulevard 1 Floor / Sarasota, F L 34236 / 941.861.5232 / F A X 941.861.5593 sl PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCEL I D E N T I F I C A T I O N NUMBER 0362-00-1016 & 0362-00-1001 LX] Please check this box i f there are additional numbers. Place these numbers under the additional information section on Page 3. STREET ADDRESS 1600 Ewing Street & 1652 Ranch Road PARCEL ACREAGE 40 acres +/SHORT L E G A L 150 feet East of Calusa Lakes Blvd and west of Honore Avenue. Legal Provided in Electronic Format PETITION REQUEST REZONING I/WE hereby petition the Board of County Commissioners o f Sarasota County, Florida, to rezone the property described in this application from OUE-1 to RSF-2 SPECIAL EXCEPTION • I/WE hereby petition the Board o f County Commissioners of Sarasota County, Florida, to approve a special exception under Article # , pursuant to Ordinance No. 2003-052, Sarasota County Zoning Ordinance, as codified in Appendix A of the Sarasota County Code to permit the property described in this application and zoned to be used as: or such other district as the Board may deem appropriate, pursuant to Ordinance 2003-052, Sarasota County Zoning Ordinance, as codified in Appendix A of the Sarasota County Code . I/WE understand a Development Concept Plan (DCP) is required with all applications. DCPs are binding for rezoning to a Planned District and for Special Exceptions. Q Please check this box i f you would like to have the DCP for a rezoning to OPI, CN or CI to be stipulated as binding upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners. FOR STAFF USE ONLY P E T I T I O N NO. AMANDA NO. PETITION PLANNER PREVIOUS PETITIONS ON PARCEL FUTURE LAND USE MAP DISIGNATION COMMUNITY PLAN (CP) PREAPPLICATION MEETING DATE NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOP DATE CRITICAL AREA PLAN (CAP) DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) — " CADocuments and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Documents\WaIker\REzone Application Form 06-05-10.docPage 1 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING D A T E OF MEETING OR WAIVER JANUARY 2 1 S T APPROVAL IS R E U S E W A T E R A V A I L A B L E T O T H E P A R C E L ? 2009 • NOTE: A C O P Y OF T H E SUMMARY L E T T E ROR YES KI W I L L R E U S E W A T E R B E UTILIZED BY T H E A P P R O V E D L E T T E R M U S T B E SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSED THE • APPLICATION. NEIGHBORHOOD W O R K S H O P DATE OF T H E NEIGHBORHOOD NO YES DEVELOPMENT? KI NO IF Y E S , AN I S O L A T E D / S E P A R A T E D R E U S E WORKSHOP S T O R A G E P O N D MAY B E R E Q U I R E D , IS S U C H P R O V I D E D ? OCTOBER 26™ • YES • NO ,2010 W I L L AN AUGMENTATION B E UTILIZED A S A TIME 6:00 P M LOCATION BACKUP FOR R E U S E WATER? SANDRA SIMMS T E R R Y COMMUNITY • YES KI NO C E N T E R 5 0 9 COLLINS ROAD NOKOMIS R E S O U R C E PROTECTION HEALTH DEPARTMENT I S HABITAT ON T H E P R O P E R T Y ? IS T H E R E AN EXISTING W E L L O N T H E • YES K I NO PROPERTY? KI YES • I F S O , IS HABITAT INFORMATION B E I N G PROVIDED? • YES K I NO NO IF Y E S , SHOW T H E W E L L ONT H E C O N C E P T PLAN AND INDICATE T H E INTENDED DISPOSITION O F T H E W E L L POTABLE WATER H O W WILL P O T A B L E W A T E R S E R V I C E B E IS T H E R E AN EXISTING S E P T I C S Y S T E M PROVIDED? (OSTDS) ONTHE P R O P E R T Y ? KI Y E S • NO • EXISTING W E L L IF Y E S , S H O W T H E S E P T I C S Y S T E M ON T H E • PROPOSED WELL C O N C E P T PLAN AND INDICATE T H E INTENDED KI SARASOTA C O U N T Y UTILITIES S Y S T E M DISPOSITION OF T H E S E P T I C SYSTEM. • OTHER PUBLIC/PRIVATE S Y S T E M NAME: WATER RESOURCES H O W F A R A W A Y IS T H E C L O S E S T W A T E R L I N E A R E THERE ANY ABOVE O R BELOW-GROUND TO THE S U B J E C T P R O P E R T Y ? F U E L S T O R A G E TANKS O R OTHER UTILITIES A R E S T U B E D T OT H E P R O P E R T Y HAZARDOUS MATERIAL L O C A T E D O N T H E P R O P E R T Y ? • YES K I NO WASTEWATER H O W WILL W A S T E W A T E R S E R V I C E B E A R E T H E R E ANY OLD LANDFILLS, DUMPS O R PROVIDED? C A T T L E DIPPING VATS L O C A T E D O N T H E PROPERTY? • • YES KI NO EXISTING S E P T I C TANK • P R O P O S E D SEPTIC TANK IF ANY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A R E KI SARASOTA C O U N T Y UTILITIES S Y S T E M P R O P O S E D T O B E U S E D O RS T O R E D ON SITE, • OTHER PUBLIC/PRIVATE S Y S T E M INCLUDE A C O P Y OF T H E PLANNED NAME: BEST MANAGEMENT P R A C T I C E S WITH T H E APPLICATION. H O W FAR A W A Y IS T H E C L O S E S T W A S T E W A T E R S E R V I C E LINE T O T H E S U B J E C T P R O P E R T Y ? AT THE PROPERTY C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Documcnts\Walker\RHzone Application Form 06-05-10.docPage 2 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 W A T E R PLANNING AND R E G U L A T O R Y IDENTIFY T H E F E M A FLOOD Z O N E O F T H E S U B J E C T P A R C E L AND T H E PANEL NUMBER. A R E A A F F E C T E D B Y THIS APPLICATION A R E IF N O , P R O V I D E A C O P Y O F A R E C O R D E D , L O C A T E D O U T S I D E O F T H E 100 Y E A R F L O O D DEEDED EASEMENT, C R O S S - A C C E S S PLAIN. AGREEMENT, OROTHER PROOF O F LEGAL A C C E S S WITH THIS APPLICATION. IS P R O P E R T Y S U B J E C T T O P E R I O D I C O R REGULAR FLOODING/STANDING • Y E S K| • PROVIDED • NOT PROVIDED WATER? NO PURSUANT TO THE COUNTY'S ADOPTED T R A F F I C IMPACT S T U D Y C R I T E R I A AND 98-169), IF Y E S , P R O V I D E A NARRATIVE D E S C R I B I N G METHODOLOGY (RESOLUTION NO. FLOODING/STANDING W A T E R ISSUES. DEVELOPMENT SATISFYING O N E O R MORE OF • T H E FOLLOWING CRITERIA SHALL B E PROVIDED • NOT PROVIDED P R E S U M E D T O R E Q U I R E A T R A F F I C IMPACT IS T H E R E AN E X I S T I N G DRAINAGE E A S E M E N T A N A L Y S I S P R I O R T O T H E C O U N T Y MAKING O R DRAINAGE TRANSPORTATION C O N C U R R E N C Y • PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY? KI PUBLIC • 1) IF T H E R E IS A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IT S H O W N O N T H E C O N C E P T P L A N ? YES • D E V E L O P M E N T is E X P E C T E D T O G E N E R A T E 100 O R M O R E N E T N E W P M S Y S T E M L O C A T E D O N T H E S U B J E C T P A R C E L , IS KI FINDINGS: NONE PEAK HOUR TRIPS, 2) NO D E V E L O P M E N T HAS A CONNECTION, E I T H E R D I R E C T L Y O R VIA A N E T W O R K O F LOCAL O R PRIVATE ROADS, T O A W H A T IS T H E D I R E C T I O N O F S T O R M W A T E R C O L L E C T O R OR ARTERIAL ROADWAY FLOW ON THE SUBJECT P A R C E L IS C U R R E N T L Y O P E R A T I N G B E L O W ITS STORMWATER WILL B ED I R E C T E D T O A D O P T E D L E V E L O F S E R V I C E B A S E D ON STORMWATER PONDS THAT GENERALIZED ANALYSIS O F EXISTING TRAFFIC AND TRAFFIC FROM APPROVED- I S T H E S I T E L O C A T E D IN A C O U N T Y DESIGNATED FLOODPLAIN? • Y E S K I NO BUT-NOT-YET-BUILT DEVELOPMENT; OR 3) D E V E L O P M E N T HAS A CONNECTION, E I T H E R D I R E C T L Y O R VIA A N E T W O R K O F I F Y E S , H O W M U C H O F T H E S I T E I S L O C A T E D IN LOCAL O R PRIVATE ROADS, TO A T H E FLOODPLAIN AND H O W WILL FLOODPLAIN DESIGNATED BACKLOGGED OR COMPENSATION B E A D D R E S S E D FOR T H E CONSTRAINED ROADWAY. S I T E ? P R O V I D E DOCUMENTATION WITH THIS APPLICATION. I F T H E A P P L I C A N T K N O W S O R I S U N C E R T A I N IF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SATISFIES ANY OF T H E S E CRITERIA, T H E APPLICANT SHOULD W H I C H W A T E R S H E D IS T H E SITE L O C A T E D I N ? CONTACT PUBLIC W O R K S D O N A / R O B E R T S BAY W A T E R S H E D [PLANNING S T A F F F O R A FINAL TRANSPORTATION DETERMINATION W H E T H E R A STUDY IS R E Q U I R E D . IF A T R A F F I C A R E YOU AWARE O FANY FLOODING / I M P A C T A N A L Y S I S I S R E Q U I R E D , IT S H A L L B E D R A I N A G E P R O B L E M S IN T H E V I C I N I T Y O F Y O U R P R E P A R E D B A S E D ON A WRITTEN SITE? M E T H O D L O G Y THAT HAS B E E N A G R E E D - U P O N I F Y E S , P L E A S E D E S C R I B E T H I S IN NARRATIVE. BETWEEN THE APPLICANT AND THE COUNTY NO STAFF. P U B L I C W O R K S MOBILITY B A S E D ON T H E ABOVE-CITED CRITERIA, IS A IS A C C E S S T O T H E P A R C E L T O B EF R O M A T R A N S P O R T A T I O N S T U D Y , A L O N G WITH T H E PUBLIC ROAD(S)? ^ Y E S AGREED-UPON METHODOLOGY, • NO PROVIDED? C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My DocumentsVMy Documents\Walker\Rt;zone Application Form 06-05-10.docPage 3 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 • KI YES NO HISTORY C E N T E R W I L L T H E P R O P O S E D P R O J E C T R E S U L T IN T H E RENOVATION O R DEMOLITION O F ANY EXISTING HOUSING S T R U C T U R E S ? IE] Y E S • NO WILL T H E P R O P O S E D DEVELOPMENT INCLUDE ANY AFFORDABLE/WORKFORCE HOUSING? YES [X] NO • IF Y E S , INDICATE O N T H E D E V E L O P M E N T C O N C E P T PLAN T H E DISPOSITION O F ANY EXISTING S T R U C T U R E S . IF S O , H O W MANY A F F O R D A B L E / W O R K F O R C E HOUSING UNITS A R E P R O P O S E D ? A R E T H E R E ANY KNOWN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ONTHE PROPERTY? n YES Kl No W H A T INCOME R A N G E ( S ) WILL B E S E R V E D IF S O , W H A T IS T H E S I T E ' S F L O R I D A M A S T E R ( W H A T WILL B E T H E S A L E P R I C E O F T H E S I T E F I L E IDENTIFICATION NUMBER? UNITS?) A D D I T I O N A L INFORMATION F O R MORE INFORMATION R E G A R D I N G THIS P L E A S E ATTACH ANY ADDITIONAL P L E A S E CONTACT T H E COMMUNITY HOUSING INFORMATION T O S U P P O R T O R C L A R I F Y T H E MANAGER AT 861-6618. PETITION R E Q U E S T . P L E A S E P R O V I D E ADDITIONAL P R O P E R T Y R E S I D E N T I A L INFORMATION NUMBERS IDENTIFICATION (PINS) NUMBER & T Y P E S O F UNITS f 1 4 0 S I N G L E - F A M I L Y UNITS SCHOOL C A P A C I T Y D E T E R M I N A T I O N P R I C E RANGE E X P E C T E D ON RESIDENTIAL UNITS $200,000 TO $400.00 C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A R T D A T E J A N U A R Y 2013 FIRST OCCUPANCY DATE J U N E BUILD OUT DATES J U N E 2020 2013 THIS P R E L I M I N A R Y C A P A C I T Y REVIEW SHALL APPLY TO APPLICATIONS FOR COMPREHENSIVE P L A N A M E N D M E N T S , REZONE PETITIONS A N D P R E L I M I N A Y SITE PLANS FOR PROPOSED R E S I D E N T I A L D E V E L O P M E N T . THIS N O N - B I N D I N G R E V I E W A N A L Y Z E S STUDENT GENERATION RELATIVE TO EXISTING SCHOOL CAPACITIES P L A N N E D W I T H I N T H E DISTRICT'S C U R R E N T FIVE-YESR C A P I T A L FACILITIES WORK P L A N IF R E S I D E N T I A L , HAS A L E T T E R OF RECEIPT F R O M THE SCHOOL B O A R D BEEN O B T A I N E D ? X YES NO C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My DocumentsVMy Documents\Walker\REzone Application Form 06-05-IO.docPage 4 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP OR OTHER INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY The Sarasota County Charter requires disclosure of those who own and/or have an interest in property proposed for rezoning or special exception. This includes owners, lessees, beneficiaries, and contract purchasers. For any entity other than a publicly traded corporation, the disclosure information must include the names of all persons having interests in the subject property, and the percentage of ownership held by each person. Please provide name(s), mailing address(es), and street address(es) for all persons. Please check all that apply for every owner, lessee, beneficiary, and contract purchaser. If owner, part owner, lessee, beneficiary, or purchaser is: • Individual. Indicate name exactly as recorded and list all other owners ^ Partnership, limited or business entity. Name owners and percentage held by each CD Corporation other than a public corporation, name all shareholders and percentage held by each LZI Trust. Name beneficiaries and percentage held by each • Other Please attach additional notarized sheets as needed for each of the above types of ownership to ensure that all required information is submitted. In addition, for a lessee, attach a copy of the signed lease; for a contract purchaser, attach a of the signed contract. OWNER AFFIDAVIT I V U ^ J t f ^ - ^ M t us T e a m n , being first duly sworn, deposed and say that I am the owner of the property deicribed escribed herein Herein ;and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made part of this application, are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be complete and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. I further permit the undersigned agent to act as my representative in any matter regarding this petition. I authorize County staff to visit the site as necessary for proper review of this petition. I f there are any special conditions such as guard dogs, locked gates, restricted hours, etc., please give the name and phone number of someone who can allow access. *K\r*\ N ^ U K J S A A D D R E S S 1 (&lfp Au^oGA^ SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFOR ME THIS / S r ^ NAME S. W .34231 ^7? DAY OF PHONE/FAX |f MICHAEL LAWLOR K MY COMMISSION JtDD 763732 * EXPIRES: April 12,2012 Sercte! Turn Mm j PlS'C Iterartofs SIGNATURE fYPEOF IH NAME SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED UliFOR M E THIS ADDRESS DAY OF PHONE/FAX_ SIGNATURE^ N( ) T A R Y P U B L I C TYPE OF I D AUTHORIZED AGENT The Agent may be the Owner or another person designated by the Owner. The Agent is the official representative and contact for all matters related to the processing of the petition by the County. All communications will be to the authorized agent, with copies of all letters sent to the property owner. NAME B- A A I ADDRESS 2*2A / ..... ... ^tft.1fem^JV SWORN T O A N D S U B S C R I B E D BEFOR M E THIS £A, / DAY OF 1'Sli I N E / F A S SlGNATU TYPE OF I D ritfRfa MICHAEL LAWLOR ST &X& MY COMMISSION # DD 763732 ¥ - T ^ # EXPIRES: April 12,2012 '*/BoRS^ Bonded Trim Notary PuDlic Underwriters C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Documents\Walker\REzone Application Form 06-05-lO.docPage 5 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 B I L L A B L E EEE P A Y M E N T A G M F M O T X Petition Number: I/WE agree to pay all the costs associated with processing this rezoning or special exception petition. Payment is due within 15 days o f receipt o f an invoice, and all processing o f the petition w i l l stop i f payments, including advances, are not made within 15 days. A l l funds that remain at the end o f the processing w i l l be returned to the entity which paid funds to the County. A petition is considered complete once the Board o f County Commissioners has rendered a decision and the change has been recorded on the official zoning maps, or the petition has been withdrawn by the Applicant. Name(s): K i m Walker Billing address: 1676 Anchorage Street Sarasota, F L 34231 Employer: N / A Employer's phone: Home address: 1676 Anchorage Street Sarasota, Flroida 34231 Home phone: Drivers License No; State Florida I understand and agree to the conditions outlined i n this agreement, and certify that all the i n f o r m a t i o n I have provided is correct. •^-Signature ]>ai.e Type o f ID C:\] >ocuments and Settings\Owncr\My Documents\My Documents\Walker\Rt-zone Application Form 06-05-10-docPage 6 of 6 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 OWNERSHIP WALKER F A M I L Y PROPERTIES K i m Walker 24.75 % Pam Walker 24.75% Eric Walker 24.75% Kirsten Walker 24.75% Walker Communities L L C 1 % W A L K E R C O M M U N I T I E S LLC Kim Walker 100% w w w . s u n o i z . o r g - u e p a r u n e i u 01 CUBIC rage i 01z Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 •aJBrTI Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Previous on List Next on List No Events No Name History Return To List Document Searches Forms Help Entity Name Search Submit Detail by Entity N a m e Florida Limited P a r t n e r s h i p WALKER FAMILY P R O P E R T I E S , LTD. Filing Information Document Number A03000000736 FEI/EIN Number 861065054 Date Filed 05/13/2003 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal A d d r e s s 1676 A N C H O R A G E S T R E E T SARASOTA F L 34231 Changed 04/29/2011 Mailing A d d r e s s 1676 A N C H O R A G E S T R E E T SARASOTA F L 34231 Changed 04/29/2011 R e g i s t e r e d A g e n t Name & A d d r e s s WALKER, KIM D 1676 ANCHORAGE S T R E E T SARASOTA FL 34231 U S Address Changed: 04/29/2011 G e n e r a l P a r t n e r Detail Name & Address Document Number L01000018240 WALKER COMMUNITIES, L L C 1676 A N C H O R A G E S T R E E T SARASOTA F L 34231 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2009 03/23/2009 2010 04/23/2010 2011 04/29/2011 Document Images 8/1/2011 Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fox Creek is a single family detached subdivision incorporating t w o parcels of land totaling 40.00 + acres. Both parcels are currently zoned OUE-1 (Open Use Estate, 1 unit/5 acres). The subdivision is proposed to be developed at a RSF-2 (Residential Single Family 3.5 units/acre), So as to preserve the native habitats located along Fox Creek, as well as t o provide perimeter buffering, Fox Creek is proposed to be a cluster development. A unique feature of the single-family detached subdivision is the proposed combination of front-loaded and rear-loaded lots providing alternative housing types and price ranges. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY The subject parcel is designated Moderate Density Residential (two units per acre to 4.99 units per acre) as shown on the Future Land Use Map. Areas to the west, north, southeast are also designated Moderate Density Residential. The area t o the south is designated Low Density Residential. The designation of the general area as Moderate Density Residential also recognized the County's efforts in providing infrastructure to the area. Appropriate densities within each density range shall be determined, in part, by the land uses and land use designations surrounding the parcel. Generally, densities at the higher end o f the range will be most appropriate next t o residential development or designations of comparable density and intensive non-residential land uses. The subject parcel proposes a density of 3.5 units to the acre or a mid-range of the Moderate Density Residential Designation range. This recognizes the Moderate Density Residential Designation abutting three sides of the parcel and the intensive land use associated with the abutting Honore Avenue and Interstate 75. LAND USE/ ZONING The subject parcel is currently zoned OUE-1 (Open Use Estate, 1 unit/5 acres). Zone districts consistent with the Moderate Density Residential Designation are RSF-1 {Residential Single Family, 2.5 units/acre), RSF-2 (Residential Single Family, 3.5 units/acre), RSF-3 (Residential Single Family, 4.5 units/acre) and RSF-4 (Residential Single Family 5.5 units/acre - with a limitation to 4.99 units/acre). Calusa Lakes to the west is zoned consistent with the Moderate Density Residential designation. The requested RSF-2 designation is consistent and an extension of the RSF2 zoning o f Calusa Lakes t o the east ending with the Interstate. Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 COMPATIBILITY One of the main aspect in maintaining compatibility is the fact that access t o and f r o m Fox Creek will be f r o m Honore Avenue. Access rights through Calusa lakes will be terminated so as t o have no traffic impacts to the surrounding residential developments. In addition, larger single-family residential front-loaded lots have been located along the perimeter of Fox Creek adjacent t o the larger lots of Calusa Lakes and Mission Valley. In addition t o the access limitations, drainage and landscaping buffer and additional compatibility stipulations have been developed with the neighboring developments and are listed below. 1. - Effective with the approval of this rezoning ordinance, applicant shall abandon all easements and or other access rights through the Calusa Lakes Subdivision for all property subject to this rezoning. Applicant shall deliver any and all legal documents, fully executed, reasonably required by the CalusVLakes Community Association t o accomplish the intent of this stipulation within 30 days of the date of the opening of Honore Avenue f r o m S.R. 681 t o Laurel Road or construction authorization for the subject parcel whichever is first. 2. - A 25 f o o t wide landscaped buffer shall be installed along the west property line. The buffer shall be planted with Florida friendly natural plantings providing for 60% opacity. The 60% opacity shall be maintained by installing, 4 canopy trees, 10 understory trees and 17 shrubs per 100 linear feet. Canopy trees shall be a minimum of 10 feet in height, accent trees shall be a minimum of 8 feet in height and shrubs shall be a minimum of 20 inches in height in a 3-gallon container. The landscape buffer shall be made approximately level with the existing properties t o the west. The landscape buffer shall be graded so that water drains toward Fox Creek and away f r o m adjoining properties and flooding is prevented. Any fill used in the landscape buffer shall be of non decaying natural material. Buffer zone shall be kept free of all non-natural objects. The landscape buffer shall be installed prior to project engineer's final Certification of Completion of required infrastructure improvements per Sarasota County's Land Development Regulations. The project's deed restrictions shall obligate its home owners association the responsibility for maintaining the plant material within the buffer. 3- The entire subject parcel shall be platted as a single-family subdivision consisting of a maximum of 140 lots, with lots along the western boundary being not less than 70 feet in width. 4. - Stormwater management calculations shall take into account stormwater f r o m the adjacent Calusa Lakes development to the west. Rec'd by Planning Services April 25,2012 PID # 0362-00-1016 PORTION OF SECTION 20-38-19, DESCRIBED AS B E G I N N I N G A T T H E N O R T H W E S T CORNER OF T H E SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF S A I D SEC 20, THENCE SOUTH 0 0 ° - 1 3 ' - 0 9 " EAST 1125.56 FT T O N O R T H L I N E OF M I S S I O N V A L L E Y ESTATES SECTION B - l , T H E N C E N O R T H 8 9 ° - 5 9 ' - 1 8 " EAST 1356.69 FEET TO THE C E N T E R L I N E OF F O X CREEK T H E N C E N O R T H E R L Y A L O N G S A I D CENTERLINE OF FOX CREEK T O POINT L Y I N G S 8 9 ° - 5 6 ' - 1 4 " EAST F R O M POINT OF BEGIN1NG T H E N C E N O R T H 8 9 ° - 5 6 - 1 4 " WEST 1482.13 FEET T O THE POINT OF B E G I N I N G , SUBJECT TO 23196 C-SQUARE FOOT U T I L I T Y EASEMENT T O SARASOTA C O U N T Y AS DESCRIBED I N O R I 2008163153 & 2008163154, C O N T A I N I N G 34.3051 ACRES M / L , PID #0362-00-1001 C O M M E N C I N G A T T H E NORTHWEST CORNER OF T H E SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20-38-19, T H E N C E SOUTH 8 9 ° - 5 6 M 4 " EAST 1452.65 FEET T O T H E CENTERLINE OF FOX CREEK FOR A POINT OF B E G I N I N G T H E N C E SOUTH 8 9 ° - 5 6 M 4 " EAST 411.95 FEET T H E N C E SOUTH 0 2 ° - 3 9 ' - 3 5 " WEST 614.80 FEET T H E N D C E N O R T H 8 7 ° - 2 0 ' - 2 5 " WEST 544.41 FEET M / L TO S A I D C E N T E R L I N E THENCE N O R T H E R L Y A L O N G S A I D C E N T E R L I N E 550 FT M / L T O T H E POINT OF B E G I N I N G , SUBJECT TO 6180 C-SQUARE FEET U T I L I T Y E A S E M E N T TO SARASOTA C O U N T Y AS DESCRIBED I N O R I 2008163154, PARCEL A , O A K RIDGE F A R M S UNRECORDED, C O N T A I N I N G 5.73 ACRES M / L