1 - Spectrum Alumni Association


1 - Spectrum Alumni Association
testetjfof fcesire
it> fp perish twice^
1 think 1 know enov^h of
To SAH th&t for b^5trwct(|o>i ice
Is aJso
Anfc wovdo suffice.
Robert #rost
You can never be too cold, too
full or too entertained. If you
were these three things, y o u
were at the M a g i c a l Mystery
Tour. Apart from the hour long
bus ride to and from Bamberton
Park, most of the time students
felt the c h i l l of the a u t u m n
weather. The less t h a n ideal
conditions did not dampen the
excitement i n the air. The opportunity to mingle with old and
new friends kept spirits high.
Exploration of the beach, distribution ofjunk food and the blare
of music soon followed.
Then a surprise. Kiel Pharis
in his aircraft flew over the whole
area, zipping up and down to impress us all. Blazing fire from the
g r i l l s filled the air w i t h the
aroma of hamburgers and hot
dogs. Students listening to their
s t o m a c h s , grabbed b u r g e r s ,
chips, pop, cookies and whatever was on their table. A plentiful amount of hamburgers allowed students to have two,
three or as m u c h as their stomachs desired. B y the time l u n c h
was over, everyone was filled
with sugar and energy.
Now was the best time for the
super-skilled games. Rope burn
was common among the participants. Either your hands from
the tug-of-war or your whole
body from the "string through
your clothes" game, made students grit through their pain.
Closeness was a key strategy for
winning the "pass the ball from
chin to chin" game.
After it all, the best of the best
reigned as the sun came shinning through. By this time the
700 plus loaded up into the bus
and headed home full of food
and Spectrum's warm fuzzy feeling.
Opposite: Tom Gordon, Zoe Isberg
Kristy McPherson, Tim Barss,
Christina Burke, Steve Nguyen
Clockwisefrom top:TrtMis Lacji/nund
Wade Bray, Angela ZwicterrTony Tndi,
Erin Kennedy, Clare Moreau, Ashley
Baker, Bart Sutherland, Jesse Sihota,
Meaghan Innes, Sarah Beebe, Leah
Pharis, Jessie Snow, Linda Palmiere,
Robin Macintosh, Emily DaSilva,
Andy Navarrete, Nicholas Peters,
Brandy Knight, Jessica MaCartney.
Zigay, Kelly Leonard, Chelsea
Hitchcock, Danielle Bailey, Shannon
Gibson, Diana Rukin, Kristy Dunning,
Zoe Isberg, Shawna Logue.
Left (Left to Right): The Old Waivers,
Chris Nicholls,Kristen Sparks,
Heather Russell.
Right (Left to Right): Robin Mcintosh,
Courtney Couch, Erica Matte, Erica
The annual Warm Fuzzy Ceremony was held on September
22nd. This is one of the favourite assemblies of the year because it introduces the new
grade l i s to Spectrum traditions a n d welcomes the returning grade 12s.
Warm Fuzzies and smiles
were handed out at the door
by students from the Leaders h i p G r o u p as everyone
crowded into the gym.
The a s s e m b l y began w i t h
some lively music from the Jazz
Band. This was followed by a
skit from the Leadership group,
depicting the history of Spectrum's relationship with the
Warm Fuzzy.The Warm Fuzzy
danced around the gym during
the celebration spreading its
enthusiasm and school spirit.
Warm Fuzzy's antics were accompanied by the traditional
Warm Fuzzy song from the 'musically inclined' teachers A K A
the Old Waivers who performed
at their usual high level.
A n interesting addition to the
assembly this year was a song
composed a n d performed by
Tom Gordon and the *New Waivers' entitled, Schools, which was
greeted by t h u n d e r o u s applause.
The assembly ended on a high
note after the new teachers and
sports teams were introduced,
and another exciting year began
at Spectrum.
Spectrum's Halloween week began on
M o n d a y October 25th with the delivery of
Spookygrams. Later that day a UNICEF
collection contest was started to raise
money for charity. Ted Sarkassian's class
won the contest with a total collection of
75 dollars. The reward was pizza for all.
Tuesday, was black and orange day,
featuring a day of Halloween and Spectrum
colours. The spirit of the school was strong
and everyone had fun.
Wednesday, brought the horrifying, the
unbearable, the laughable dress up the
teacher day! We had the finest of all dresses
on Ray Miller and J o h n Harrison. A sight
to be seen! Many more teachers sparkled.
Later that day the untamed and the fiendish were unleashed, and Spectrum's
Halloween dance began. A wild, yet
suspicious looking, old man appeared out
of nowhere, but did not say a word. He is
said to appear each year at Spectrum Halloween dances to eventually disappears
without a trace.
Thursday, block "B" classes took part i n
a pumpkin carving contest and although
all the pumpkins were good, Mr. Gordon's
pumpkin stood out as number one. The
pumpkins were later donated to the Victoria General Hospital.
Finally, F r i d a y and 'Halloween Dress Up
Day' arrived. Many students and teachers
dressed up and created quite an atmosphere.
The Spirit of Halloween at Spectrum, was
so strong that not even the ghosts and goblins could ignore it.
Above: Nathan Richards. Right clockwise: Lau
Kalynchuck, Taylor Chater, Tim Barss, Sharoy
Gaiptman, Gord Mosses, Anna Correia, Melli
Dejong, Erika Fitterer, Bree Bird, Jasmin Dan
Another Visit bvj Elvis tells us its time for*..
'Twas the night before Xmas and all through the school
The teachers were partying trying hard to be cool.
The stockings were hung with care by the chimney
By Richardson and her good friend Mr. Embry
Mr. Barss was sleeping, all nestled in bed,
While visions of Gail danced in his head
The reindeers were running with Smitty and Mac
While Thayer and Gaiptman prepared gifts for his sac
Now Dasher now Donner and Blitzen and Silver,
On Comet on Cupid on Vixen and Miller
Shwartz and Swonnell tested the velocity of the sled
As Bekkers and Harrison said "hey Sark, I mean Ted"
For the assembly the students sped right through the mall
And out burst an already hung-over Mrs. Hall
Have you seen Mr. Clemens the one with the hair parted
Its crazy he's hiding the party just started
Sue called on Burleson to help out Mrs. Gill
Because mistletoe was all over Madill
Ashton and Martin opened the fridge
To pass out the drinks to Schwarz and Stanbridge
The tree was full with presents galore
While the lights were prepared by Mr. Whitmore.
Harris and Hunter counted bulbs on the tree
With the help of Buydens and Lou Hetke
Kirk and Grant and both Miss As
Made a little something to leave Santa in a daze
Santa's little helpers Marsha and Winnie
Wearing green skirts shorter than mini
Were having a spotlight on how to be funky
the first ones there were Gordon and Marchi
Singing the carols were Fraiser and O'Ryan
Oops I mean Ractcliffe at least she was trying
Barb Jane and Kerry danced the table top
Shelley Julie and Joyce just couldn't stop
Brooks, Fields, Lebus, McGuire, Glenny and Riley
Threw out their mops, it was their turn to party
While Mr. Noulette was smashing computers
Thatcher and Boland looked for 3 point shooters
The fun went on for Old Saint Nick
Cherry made a scene with Mr. Fishwick
Out in the foyer there was such a clatter
But it was Spectrum staff and nothing was the matter
Reciting Xmas poetry was Watt and Ross
They were having great fun when in walked the boss
The teachers were in trouble sent straight to the burner
When Kellogg blamed it all on Ms. Turner
Mr. Howe turned out each and every light
Mr. Harrison said Merry Xmas to all and to all a good
-Amanda Bartleand Chelsea Mason
Christmas week, as always, was
memorable and of course we all had
fun. The activities included, the
Door Decorating Competition, Peer
Counsellors' Hampers for the
needy, breakfast with Santa,
karaoke and many more.
Dancing and singing by the Marigold Kindergarten and Grade one
classes began the show amidst
cheers from the encouraging crowd.
Elvis made his usual appearance
signalling that it was really Christmas at Spectrum. The school band
played, as did the "Old Waivers",
the student leadership's version of
the "Night Before Christmas" was
read and the improv group did on
the spot skits at the assembly to end
off a wonderful week.
Right (Clockwise): Chelsea Mason, Amanda Bartle, Elvis, Improv Group
Left: The Old Waivers
Rebecca Albrecht
David Allen
Laura Arlidge
Alexandra Baker
Chris Baker
Christina Baptista
Len Bapty
Steve Barta
Amanda Bartle
Jordan Beatson
Mathew Bendall
Matt Bender
Chris Berns
Brittany Blumel
Jennifer Boorman
Vicki Bourree
Keely Brandt
Wade Bray
Kellee Brown
Tom Brown
Christina Burke
Jennifer Candy
Robert Carrie
David Chaves
Natasha Chen
Allen Chiu
Bryan Christiansen
Anna Correia
Courtney Couch
Jennifer Crinkley
Brian Critchley
Avril Crockatt
Richard Daniels
Emily Da Silva
Ben Davidson
Brad De Jong
Trevor Desjardins
Jeremy Dewalt
Maria Dmitruk
Grant Dobson
Kelly Doran
Kevin Dosanjh
Michelle Doty
Kelsey Draper
Jennifer Drewniak
Kirsty Dunning
Katy Earl
Craig Esplen
Natalie Fabre
Aydin Ahadian: Aydin likes all
Italian cars and collecting
Fenari models. He also enjoys
kick-boxing. His M M M s were
going to Richmond with JH and
boxing the Camry with D Smith
He'd like to mention J Li, love
you, D Smith, S Bennet, E
Morin JSmith and G Walia.
Rebecca Albrecht: Rebecca's
two years at Spectrum were an
experience and an asset towards her future. She enjoyed
working as a team player in
Cooks Training for a year and
she wishes everyone the best in
the future. Rebecca would like
to thank all her friends for the
advice and support, especially
to the one she loves L J , Hove
J i l l i a n Alexander: Jib's
M M M s were parties at John
and Digger's and B-ball road
trips. Gill- B-ball's been fun.
Anna & Rob- Rocky Forever!
Robyn and Nicki- bestfriends
for life. Natalie- good times,
always keep in touch.
Chelsea - my little skipper.
Jen, Tall
T- you missed a spot. Thanks
to all my friends. Grad 2000!
It's been fun!
David Allen: David loves movies. Use the stairs, avoid outdoors, don't eat cow but wear
leather, appreciate your
friends, drink decaf, keep your money yet splurge
when it's important. Party regularly and study diligently, be arrogant but care about others, love one
another and smile on your brother ...good luck to
all and please wish me plenty. Don "t give much
thought to what is written.
Chelsey Anient: Chelsea's
M M M s include drivin' in the
Mustang with all the girls, peach
gum hike with Jess, living with
Alena, Emily's wrestling party
and watching our guys play soccer. Hey Kelly, it's your song!
McD'sTeneel? Kristian I love
ya! To everyone else, we've
had some great times and it
doesn t stop here. Grad 2000 is only the begin-
Laura Arlidge: Lollipop's
M M M s were Jessica's many
parties, {thanx, Wendy!), Halloween, hockey games, trips to
Vancouver, Hawaii '99 and
G R A D 2000! I'd like tol
thank all my friends for always being there and being so
cool. Lolli will be remembered
for biting people, lighting fires
and slapping people's butts.
Alexandra Baker: Well it's
been fun going to school
with all ofmyfriends.These
last two years have gone by
so fast. I have some good
memories of going to this
school and all my friends
for just being there. Grad
2000 is going to be a blast.
Chris Baker: Christoph's
M M M s were reading loft
quotes with M i k e Jones,
watchin' Cosby, making excessive loft noise and the musical
theatre crazy moments. Thank
you to my mom for always
being there for me. "Through
moments of
through the haze and noise, I
can still see the light. "
Christina Baprista: You never
realize what you have until
it's gone-I'd like to say hi to
my friends, I love you guys!
You've been great, don i ever
change. My M M M was summer '99. // was a blast!" Grad
2000, it's been a slice! Good
luck to everyone!
Len Bapty: Bipty's M M M s
were at Anna's, and the COLONIST CUP, B A B Y ! He will always remember chillin' lots with
the whole crew. New Year Y2K
was the best. Spectrum has
been loads of fun. To all my
friends- keep in touch. Grade
13ers don i stay too long.
Amanda Bartle: Courage
means moving ahead when it's easier to stay put.
Courage means admitting you 're afraid. Courage
means soaring like a bird on the wings of hope.
Courage means searchingfor
the seeds of truth and letting
them blossom in our lives.
Courage means walking tall
and unafraid because we
know at the heart of courage,
there is love. And where
there's love, there's God. "I
can do anything through Him,
who gives me strength ".
Mat Bendall: Only heroes
and quitters walk away and
we 're not quitters. To my special lady, no need to specify,
there is always a place in my
heartfor you. Also and a for
everyone who has touched me
in a special way.
Jessica Bender: Jess'
M M M s were Ice Cream Song
w/ the Barbies, April 21/97,
$ 13 0 girls night and peach gum
mish w/ Chels. She likes photography and shopping and dislikes liars and drunk drivers.
Thanks and love to my friends
and Brandon for being the
best boyfriend alive. Jessica
plans to be a photographer and
a good mommy.
Matt Bender: Bender's
M M M s were Sept 6,99' Pauly
and the Cougs, bash at Biptys,
Chelsea Masons two flats,
quarters at Jess', Hitchmuffand
the fisherman, Say wuz up to
the "Rocking Crew " all my
ruff & muff cyclers, Colonist
cup winners. Thanks for the
Alex Biddiscombe: "Any
conection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental, -Alex G's button.
Biddy likes movies. He dislikes
cell phones, wanna bees and
nimrods. He would like to mention his friends. Now Fm on to
minimum wage jobs and a
small apartment. Final words,
"the luck of the Irish is about
to kick in. " Sayonara.
Carol Fawcett
Teneel Ferris
Matthew Fitterer
James Fraser
Jason Frost
Lisa Furlong
Krista Golden
Rob Gordon
Mathias Gower
Rianne Gracia
Trevor Graham
Chelsea Green
Diane Guraly
Krista Hagstrom
Steve Hall
Jeremy Hanman
Nolan Heavenor
Nicole Holden
Ashley Holland
Katrina Hoogland
Jonathon Horel
Charlotte Hughes
Jenn Ianson
Meaghan Innes
Zoe Isberg
Simon Jang
Matt Jensen
Bryan Joanisse
Roseanne Johnston Amanda Johnstone
T.J. Johal
Virginia Johnson
Luis Johnston
Alex Jones
Nicole Jory
Shawn Kaloti
Erin Kennedy
Bunny Keo
Chann Tha Khonn
Jamie Kirk
Holly Klazinga
Seema Komal
Dale Kristensen
Anna Kubanski
Shannon Kusz
Shirley Kwan
Travis Lachmund
Jesse Lamb
Sean Lane
Dave Lavery
Kelly Leach
Brittany Blumel: Supergirl Keely Brandt: / really need
says: Hey Peaq, let's race the to thank my parents and Oma
clouds again. I'll let you win, for helping me get to where I
k? HeyMeags... OK! On the am, and my baby girl Myla-1
road again! That's what it's Love you! XOXO's to all my
all about. Oh, ya... HI friends, some of whom I've
MARLENA! And Freak boy, been with for all the 13 years
I will never forget you. Neo, of school, thanx for putting
you Punk Rawker! What hap- up with me! Grad 2000, we
pened to your haki sack? TU- rock!! Hope to see everyone
in 10, maybe by then my "boyfriend challenged'
status will be over.
Anthony Boikoff: Firstly, I
must thank GOD for all the
Wade Bray: Wade's M M M s
patience and strength and for
were playing hockey and hanghelping me through the years
ing with friends. Wade will be
at Spectrum and to my parremembered as being anywhere
ents and teachers for their
but in the classroom. Natashasupport. Three years have
call me, I have a mach3,
gone by, but it seems like yesTony- it's raspberry not pink
terday when Ifirstentered this
Khat- I miss Dr. Duckie,
school. For those I won "t see
Amanda/Kelly- What's up?
again, GOOD LUCK!
Charlie- when you are famous, don "tforget me, Jas- unlike me, go to class!
Keep the rivalry alive, Go Cougars Go!
Jennifer Boorman: Grad
2000 is finally here! Booges'
M M M s were partying at Dig
Kellee Brown: Stella's M M M
and John's where she received
was when she was given the
her comedy medal. GagnerayWarm Fuzzy in grade 11. This
another tantelini check Jillhas been a great two years.
quick game of charades (miss
To all of myfriendsthanx for
revolution), Nats- French rap
being there. To all of my
rocks, Chandell-what I would
coaches and teachers who
like to say cannot be written.
helped me achieve my goalsChelsea and Kelly- thanks for sticking by me "I'mfinallyout."
through the years, I love you! To all my friends,
keep in touch.
Thomas Brown: Thomas'
M M M was sledding at Roger's
VickiBourree: Finally... an- with Brandon and Matt and
other beginning. I will love smashing Dutty's car. It's been
you. Mom- thank you and I a great two years here at
love you. To my boyz, y 'all R Spectrum. Slay on to all the
tha 'best. DS, you 're my best Slayers. Slackin' in mechanfriend. My sweetie CM- keep ics was classic. All the nights
it real. You don if fade me- G cousin' ruckus with the boyz.
Amie- sing it'.Always remem- Good Luck to all, see you in
ber to follow your dreams... ten. P.S.- Love you forever Amy
Christina Burke: A few of her
best memories were Jamaica Kilborn, Letterman and Leno. Rob is heading to UVic
and Cowichan summers.
and plans a career in law.
Thanks to all my friends for
being there and supporting me
David Chaves: I'd like to say
with all my decisions. Always
wuz up to the notorious
remember Julia's B-day in
" Wrecking Crew."
grade 7 and the Philosopher
• • ^ • ^ B
Jake, July '98
Natasha Chen: Her MMMs
"Cuddle Time. " It's hard not
were all
to make decisions when you know what your valthe times
ues are ".
with Jas o n ,
Joshua Busuttil: Busey would
like to thank God, Mom and
Hey Z! Erin, Hana Hana! My
Pop and big sis for all their
one true Nia, Charley. Partystrength and support and to
ing with P Dodd and Mike.
my bro's. MMMs include
"Hugging" with Madeline,
Magical Mountain climb '99,
Mario, I will grow, shorty. Hi
Vani trips with everyone,
Lindsay! Bowling with Jiza,
'Suger Sean Vs Real Deal
Ryan and Tony, it's pink! Wade, I have shaving
Bususkills', 'Space Blender'
cream? Willows with Laura and Andrea. To everym a m
and "Gerdiner
sit up
one else, I love you guys!
straight". To all my fellow
grads, remember to keep your
heads up and never
Allen Chiu: Jacky's M M M s
forget where you came from.
were bonding with the
boys and jive talking with my
Jennifer Candy: Jennifer's
fellow students. Hike to menM M M s were nights at Red
tion to all myfriendsout there,
Robins, the cozway, the lunch
keep the world turning. In the
time bunch, cruising and Halfuture I will take over the
loween! A huge shoutoutto all
world. My final words are "
her friends., even the annoying
Live your life or depression
ones. Remember to keep in
will follow!"
touch! She'll never forget Halloween. Grad 2000 was ...
Bryan Christiansen: Bryan's
er... at this point... will be the
M M M s were camping '99,
best! Sean R and Marcus D- 4
Grad 2000 and N e w Year
ever. I love you guys.
2000. He likes B- Ball, music,
and cars. He dislikes work and
Robert Carrie: Rob enjoys
homework. Nadine- I will
sports, golf football (played for
never mock you again. NickVictoria Spartans), hockey,
get a car already! Mike- lam
movies and music. His favourite
going to kill your 240 SX.
car is a Mustang GT. He likes
Thanx to myfamily, good luck
all kinds of music and his
bro. All the best to my friendsin the New Year.
favourite T V shows are
Jacy L i
Jerry Linge
Shawna Logue
Julia Louie
Lisa Luu
Patrick Lyle
Jessica Macartney
Kristan Marion
Lyle Marquette
Josh Martell
Chelsea Mason
Paul Mason
Nick McGeachie
Ryan Mclntyre
Dustin McKay
John McTavish Saryna Messerschmidt
Erica Matte
Matthew McAdams Robbie McDonald
Noel McKay
Kyle McKinnon
Kristy McPherson
Laura McPherson
Jon Metcalf
Jeff Meyer
Jacci Middleton
Scott Miller
Evan Morin
Alishea Morrison
Jackson Morrison
Sara Morrison
Lisa Morton
Gord Mosses
Carolyn Mueller
Chantal Musgrove
Harpreet Nijjar
Raman Nijjar
Brandon North
Terri Olson
Jessica Ouellette
Patricia Pabbi
Linda Palmiere
Francis Pashak
Bryan Paulus
Jesse Paulus
Kristen Pearce
Colin Peck
Candice Pfluger
James Pratt
Muneesha Punni
Brian Critchley: Brian likes
computers, and cruising the
web. His M M M was standing
in line all morning for the new
Star Wars Movie only to find
out that half the theatre was
empty. Spectrum is nice to
visit but I'm glad to be graduating. Good luck to all the
Barry Clapp: Clapp's M M M was being chased by
the PO with Bart S and getting the 24 for doing nothing at Portage Beach. He wants to thank his boys
Kev, Chen, Tranny, Jeri, Bart and the Rant Brothers.
PEACE to everybody in the Wilkihood!
Sonya R Clemenson: Sony
says hi to all her friends. She has
to say Spectrum was a really
good school and she'll always
remember it. Red Sonya's
M M M was when she performed her dances on stage.
Her favourite saying is take only
photos, leave only footprints.
Her pet peeves are snobs and
she will miss everyone at Spectrum.
Grad 2000/ Chels, you've always been there to laugh, cry,
and dance with, we '11 travel.
Matt, thanks for always being there. A BIG HUG to my
friends, teachers and especiallyfamilyfor your support
and wisdom, I love you! Always challenge yourself, follow a rainbow and live your
Jennifer Crinkley: She would
like to say thank you to her
mom and Colten- / love you
both very much. Clay-1 don ~t
know. WWF sucks and so
does the people's heel. Katiegoat cheese face, we had
some great times over the years.
Reg- puggy bird, you 're the
best friend I could have. Her
final words are puzzle guys, puzzles
Avril Crockatt: / would like
to thank my family and
friends who have supported
and encouraged me in the last
few years. I would like to always remember the times in
Anna Correia: Wow, Grad the summer at my house. To
2000 is finally here! Well to my friends, I love you! Keep
my friends-1 love you guys, in touch! Grad 2000 all the
you make everyday fun- keep way babe!
in touch. Thanks Courtney,
Erica and Chelseafor always Richard Daniels: M M M was
being there when I neededyou winning the Colonist Cup. His
the most. Gord- I love you, final words are "If you don "t
thanksfor putting up with me. make dollars, it don't make
To the Tillicum school crew- cents."
you guys are the best.
Emily DaSilva: Paquita's
Courtney Dawn Couch: Courtney likes dance, mu- M M M s include the "Ice Cream
sical theatre, soccer, her V W bug and all the laughs Song", girls nights out and
and memories with her friends. Spectrum was a blast, camping with the crew. Alenamonkey Ann- Muggers, Chels- wrestling, Court
-mofo, Jess- Pedro, Kelly- storytelling, Munch-
faker, Teneel- English 11,
Teresa- B&B, Andres (mi
amore), you'll always be in
my heart. To my parents,
thanks for everything, I love
Ben Davidson: Digital Dover
would like to say 'Howdy' to
all his friends since elementary
school. Twelve years already!
Too many memories to remember.
CREW! Everybody keep in
touch, see ya in 28 years
when we 're all high bawlin'.
Trevor Desjardins: Trevor
likes weekends and the Vietnam
war. Trev's M M M was watching Clark shatter a window.
Trev's friends will remember
him as a friendly guy who loves
music. In closing, he'd like to
thank his teachers for a good
Najot Dev: Did you hear about
the rose that grew from a crack
in the concrete? Proving natures
law is wrong it learned to walk
without having feet. Funny it
seems, but by keeping its
it learned
breathe fresh air. Long live the
rose that grew from the concrete
when no one else ever
cared.-Tupac ShakurJason Dheri: Farms' interests
include partying, baseball and
working out. His M M M ' s were Grad 2000, and going
to the BCs for basketball in Gr. 11. Jason would like
to give a shout out to all his
Maria Dmitruk: Masha enjoys dancing and hanging out
with her friends. Her M M M s
were at Chalsia's Hallowe'en
party, and the Mount Tolmie incident Thanks to all her friends.
Jess- "How you doin'?, and
Shirley- Thanks for being a
great friend. I love you guys. Special thanks to my
family and teachers, you were
always there for me. GRAD
Grant Dobson: It's over! My
two years at Spectrum were
great! Rugby was a killer, soccer was the best, "We 're #1. "
I am finally out of here. I'd
like to say, high and goodbye, and good luck to all those
in grad 2000. I came here, I
worked, lam done. See-yah!
Kelly Doran: Our final year
has come and soon will be gone
but not forgotten. I'd like to
thank my friends for sticking
by me over the years, we've
done a lot of great stuff. Summer of '99! I wish you the best
in the future, even when we
move apart, we '11 always keep
in touch. "Believe in yourself
and the future is yours. "
Kevin (Lakhvinder) Dosanjh:
In his spare time, Kevin enjoys
B-ball and listening to music. He
would like to thank his family and
friends for their non-stop support. His M M M was Farm's car
incident (Thanks for the laugh).
To the Grads of2000, best of Luck!
Heather Quaite
John Quocksister
Clay Rach
Mario Ramos
Christine Randhawa
Tara Reburn
Matt Riches
Brandy Robbins
Graeme Ross
Rhylee Rossner
Alena Roy
David Roy
Sarina Ruffolo
Diana Rukin
Heather Russell
Derek Shanks
Dawn Sheehan
Tyson Sherwood
Kevin Sigurdson
Jesse Sihota
Paul Siu
Melissa Slack
Chris Sloan
Lori Slym
James Smith
Jeff Smith
Julie Smith
Kari Smith
Erica Sorenson
Trina Sorenson
Nick Squire
Raven Sran
Tera Stark
Katie Stone
Jeff Stratford
Nicki Stusek
Caley Sutton
Tony Thai
Steve Thomson
Nadine Trinh
Lisa Truong
Rodney Turple
Amy Underwood
Douglas Vaughan
Khat Vesal
Michelle Vincent
Val Vosper
Natalie Walker
Robert Waller
Jenneane Walsh
Chris Ward
Marlena Watters
Candice West
Angela White
Tanya White
Steven Van Buskirk Josie Van Der Elst
Michelle Doty: Dotes would
like to send a special thanks to
her parents for all their support,
I love you so much. Thanks also
to her teachers for always being
there when she needed them. To
all my friends for the great
memories and good times we
had together. Good luck to all
the grads at 2000. Have fun,
smile and live life to its fullest.
Kelsey Draper: It's been a
long twelve years but it's all over
now! Never forget the girls,
those crazy parties, jail boys,
logs, ranches, all calls, Duncan
Boys, and of course "You stole
my chicken!" Luv ya! And to
you boys- We'll get you back
one day! Best of luck to everyone. It's been fun!
Katy Earl: "Oppression may
make a wise one crazy."
(Ecclesiastes 7:7) = Homework
may make a very wise one
crazy! Well, maybe I'm not
wise but it was a crazy year!
Thankyou to all those patient
individuals who understood
me and let me do my work
when I needed to.
Michael Eison: Reison's
M M M s were the Boonie Bash
at Bipty's and chillin at Gord's.
He'd like to say what's up to all
of his friends- It's been a good
couple of years and we'll have
lots more.
Craig Esplen: Craigers'
M M M was the year that he
spent in Cooks Training- it was
a blast. To all my buds it's finally over, it's been a long 13
years. Grad is the biggest
thing in our lives at this point.
Let's enjoy the new Millennium.
Jennifer Drewniak: G i n
Rummy's M M M was camping
with her two brothers and a
bunch offriends in' 98 when they
took Aaron's canoe 4X4ing on
the gravel roads. Thanks for Natalie Fabre: Thank you
Trina, Millie and Karifor be- and I love my family. Kahlil
ing there for me during the you are my greatest friend.
hard times. Good luck to all Chandellyou have grown into a beautiful person.
my other friends.
Nolan I love you. Grad 2000 has come and I have
met many wonderful people. You will always be in
Kirsty Dunning: They say that
my heart. Live life to the fullest and never look
every journey begins with a
back I love you and thank
single step... we made it! May
you. Iam ready to live my life.
the paths you choose promise
to bring lifelong success!
Erin Favell: Skittles' M M M s
Thank you everyone who
are Jess' parties and most defimade this journey a lot less
nitely grad 2000! Smiley enjoys
bumpy! Best wishesfor thefuplaying soccer, baseball, partyture! Love Kirsty
ing and hanging out with her
friends. To all my friendsthanks for always being there
andfor keeping a smile on my face. Looking forward to the years to come. Love ya lots! Good
luck "Grad 2000."
Carol Fawcett: "Leakster,
Mouse, Drippy, Toyota,
Crayola," This year went by so
fast! I will always remember
Jessica's parties and cruisin'
'round. Next year will be so
different - and great!! Everyone has to keep touching,
wherever they
are!! Thanks to all myfriends
for making this year THE
BEST! REMEMBER -Australia infiveyears!
Matt Fitterer: "Life is a road
shown to all men, but few are
worthy of its many wonders".
David Fraelic: 'RawkOn!'
James Fraser: Skippy's
M M M was a certain Saturday
with his
buds and
the walk
f r o m
UVic, when he found out that
the insurance had run out on his
dad's truck and it was towed.
Skippy would like to remember
all his friends. "Don't drink and
you might spill your tea!"
Teresa Frias: "AMBITION
one's adversity/ Learn from
their misfortune/ Learn from
their pain/ Believe in something/ Believe in yourself/
Turn adversity into ambition/
Now blossom into wealth. " - T.S. - Thank you to
HR and S.Bfor showing me what true friends are.
Jason Frost: Frosty's M M M s
were New Year 2000, summer
'99. What up to the whole
crew! He looks forward to grad
2000. Next weekend will be
fun. To ' a l l ' of his friends,
Lisa Furlong: To my "fave"
Candice, Sarah, Tanya, Kim
and Alyshia, you guys rock!
There are so many memories
to come. Scott, those weekly
promises paid off, B.F's (Best
friends) like you are one in a
million, 1-4-3 we've been
though so much, thanks for
sticking with me! To all my
otherfriendsat Spectrum I'm
glad I got to know you. Mom
and Dad you are the best and most understanding
parents ever; I love you so much! To the grads of
2000, good luck!
Wes Gauthier: Wes enjoys
chillin' with his boyz. Wes would
like two throw a shout out to all
the Grads. Jen-dog, keep in
touch. Shortly B. - I did it, cuz.
Magarsa, Bik and Dan - mad
twenty three letter for you.
Alex Geiger: "I know not
with what weapons WWIII
will be, but WWW will be
fought with sticks and
stones. " - Albert Einstein. The
future is ours, let's try not to
screw it up. I'll always remember my fun times here.
Terri Wiebe
Nick Wood
Jessica Wright
Joshua Yates
Travis Folsy
Ben Howard
Bindu Sandhu
Sterling Simpson
Evan Smith
Devin Spark
Jenn Woods
Mike Woods
Theresa Wotherspoon
Gary Woznica
Barry Lalonde
Brendan Lucas
Timothy Morrison
Lee Robbins
Brad Gemmell: I wish the
very best to all the grads of
2000. It was definitely a year
to remember. To all the members of the boys basketball
team both new and old, "I'll
never forget you guys, it was
great playing with ya!" and
the very best to my girl Lori, I
love you!
Krista Golden: Well, we've
made it, 13 years has come
and gone too fast for me. I
would like to thank my family for their support. Also my
friends from the past and
present for making school interesting. We all need to stay
in touch, no matter where we
Ryan Gibson: a big Bow-Wow-Wow to the few of
my boys at this school who
have somehow managed to
stay enrolled and earn enough
credits to graduate. To the
rest of you, you 're a bunch of
wimps. Now, all that needs to
be said is: "Life is like a
Gimmi Datt Diploma.
Robert Gordon: Lefty's
M M M was the Christmas ski
trip with Kiel, Brad, Jesse,
Brandon, Collin and Joe. Kielone day we 11 cause an avalanche. Jesse- keep your head
up, the night is young. Brockwhere's all the snowbunnies?
Dheri- put it in your mouth.
Brandon- don't ever touch my
pillow again. Hisfinalwords areyo, all myfriends,
good luck in the future and let's keep in touch.
Kondema Gill: My most
memorable moment was
Nov.4/98. Loving Fridays
hanging with my girls. I'm
leaving and moving to
America! In this new millennium I will accomplish all of
my dreams, and be who I
want to be. Love you Dad and
Mom! Always my girl Bindu!
Only God can judge me!
Meanu Gill: "... some people
come into our lives and we are
forever changed... " RN and
SB, thanks for all the love and
friendship I've found in you.
Green is an ugly colour isn't
it, RN? SB you 're a geek!
Thanks for all the love and
support mom and Dad.
Shaun, you little doughnut, I
love you.
Mathias Gower: Mathias enjoys working on his car and
plans to work in the automotive
industry. I'll always remember
the fun we had in mechanics
and Grad night 2000! To my
girlfriend, Kristen, we've had
a lot of fun these past two
years together. You mean a lot
to me, I love you.
Rianne Gracia: Primero,
gracias a mis abuelospara ay
udando me con amor.
HH, through thick and thin we
always win. Dirty D and
Tubbin'. AZ some nanner,
huh? Mark: Summer Jam and
Canadian. D.C.- Chemainus.
T.B. Horse and Carriage?
Can you feel that?
Trevor Graham: Trevor participated in the Cook's Training
Program. He is always willing
to put a smile on someone's
face. He is interested in wrestling, video games, and cooking. His M M M was placing second for the Golden Whisk
Award. He hopes to continue
Chefs training at Camosun
College and to pursue a career in this area.
Chelsea Green: My MMMs
are Disneyland, partying at
John's and Dig's and coffee at
Robyn s with the girls. Thanks
to all my friends for everything. I love you all and good
luck to the grads of2000.
Krista Hagstrom: I was
down the street just a having
a think when a snake of a guy
gave me an evil wink. He
shook a me up, he took me by
surprise, he had a pick-up
truck and a devil's eye. He
started me and I found the
change. Time meant nothing,
never would again.
mobile will be out every night and my couch will
be dirtier than ever. Everyone else, see ya later.
Nolan Heavenor: Nolan's
M M M was goingtothe Nationals for lacrosse and winning the
gold medal. Nolan lovestoplay
lacrosse and workout. Nolan
just wants to mention all the
"Boyz" and "Gals." Remember
Spectrum, "Nobody is born a
winner nobody is born a loser,
you are all born choosers.
Nicole Holden: A generous
friendship no cold medium
knows, Burns with one love
with one resentment glows;
One should our interests and
our passions be, My friend
must hate the man that injures me. "
Ashley Holland: Ash's
M M M s were Magic Moun
tain (raving) with Khat and
Natalie, Vancouver trips and
summer '99. To her friends,
thanks for the memories...
Girls' nights out, camping '99,
trips with the crazy driver and
midnight munchies. Ericayou 're
the best, Lori the late nights
Steve Hall: "NB for Life. " To
were fun. Rhylee give up that
my cru Newage BBoyz. KIDDFLOW'S MMMs
Ouija. Anna "I burned mywere finally getting 2 airtrax, taking every BBOY
CRU in this town to school and back. Newage self. Hey Jess- night at NR. and the sailors in
BBOYZ, Silver Beat, Kid- Crazy, Flip Steady, Vez, the summer - no telling Josh. Thanks for the
Kid squad and Ultra Fly.
Shout out to all my friends
you're not forgotten. "Grad
Katrina Hoogland: Kate's
2000 baby."
M M M was meeting French
hotties in Quebec (summer
Jeremy Hanman: Tyson, you
'99') MMT, hanging out with
and me are going to have to
the gals! And spending time
watch outfor those dinosaurs.
with my man, Quy. Amanda
Tyson's party was the best.
don't know whatFd do withJosh, this summer the dirty
out you in Quebec, thanksfor
all those piggy back rides! Nov you 're a crazier
driver then me! Maria you 're a sweetheart, thanks
the memories live on. Best of luck to the class of
for listening to me and giving me advice. "Smiley. "
To all my friends thanks for the great memories
and all the crazy things we did together. Grad
Meaghan Innes: Well we
made it 13 long years. To all
thefriendsI've made and lost,
Jonathon Horel: "Ifquitters
you '11forever be in my heart.
never win, and winners never
To Carolyn
M. "Pony
quit, who came up with quit
Power", Jamie K. "Boom,
while you 're ahead. " Jon's
Boom, Boom, Boom", Hey
M M M was the '99 music trip.
Khat V, how you doin? All my
Jonathon remembers all of his
love to everyone who has
friends " I am leaving you
been there for me, Thank-you
now!" SEE YA.
forever. See ya later.
r t
Ben E . Howard the l :
Yaahh we are finally done!
Peace to Gord the great! To
all my friends I love you all
and "Stay in touch you sassy
monkeys!" His MMM were
the two weeks with his boys
and all the parties that came
along with that! To Kristan
love ya babes! To the principal you are great, thanks for
two great years at Spectrum.
Charlotte Hughes: To all my
women out there, Bree, Jas,
Al, Laura, Jackie, Erika and
whoever else y'all sexxxy.
Dude! Hey mouse! Say cheese!
People will always remember
me as being ticklish, grumpy
and knowing I will always and
be a fitness freak
Zoe Isberg: Well Kristy, we
finally made it...barely and
not all too soon. It's been a
long eventful year. Thanks to
all my teachers for being so
great. It was great getting to
know so many new people,
Dawn and Natassia. Musical
Grad 2000. See you all at the
submarine races!
Simon Jang: Simon would like
to thank those people who believed in him. See ya around.
Peace! I'm out!
Matt Jensen: The Jendog
says: what's up to all. DV
Frostie the Snowman G$ no
more Dee forJende, BH, MrB
You 're goin down, a shout out
to Danish and the Spectrum
Jenn Ianson: Thanks to evbailers Hootie Hoo. I'll be at
eryone for the last two years.
the next party and AB is the
Mom and Dad Icouldn't have
best for typing this up. The
done it with out your love and
Jendog's final words YEAW!
support. My hun Jamie May
28 1999, I love you. Jen,
Michelle, Nov, Kristen: may
Bryan Joanisse: His M M M
was on the cruise when his
friends and he ended up walking home. He loves to play golf.
To all his friends out there
thanksfor all the great memories. His final words are: Life's
a great journey, not a destination, live it to it's fullest.
Grad 2000 baby!
where everyone gets along and has fun.
Amanda Johnstone: " Life is
best played without a script,
you write out your own story.
So excuse yourself from the
predictable and embrace that
unreachable star." Manders,
the killer kitten, meows at her
family, Joey, Tristan, Timothy.
The wolf pack forever Deana, Camille, Christina,
Terry Johal: TJ likes to play
basketball and hang out with and all the rest who've left their indelible mark on
his friends. He would like to give my life-1 love you!!- Sanity is the playground of
a shout out to all of them. Spec- the unimaginative mind, take a walk on your wild
trum is and always will be the side.best school out there. I can't
Michael Jones: Mickel wants to wish fortune and
believe I made it. Bye.
happiness to all his friends. Chris B., Flipside, B¬
Kahlil Johl: Kahlil's M M M s R I A N , Nug-N, Timjob, JLwere skiing at Mt. Washington Farmer, Da Girk, His Lo fries,
and Grad 2000! He would like Lolly, Yacky, E-Rod, Marlinel,
to give a shout out to all his JO-D, Camille, L . K . , Heater,
friends, thanksfor everything. Mariah, Chanzy. To Harry
Doc-Thisporridge is too hot, Stanbridge my all knowing
Nick- no more excuses, Josh- mentor and the cast of Guys
I think it's "bedtime". It has and Dolls, Nass and Lia.
been an awesome two years Peace and love two those I'll
probably never see again. Sit
and I've had a blast!
down you 're Rockin 'the boat.
Virginia Johnson: Well, I've
graduated. In the future I Nicole Jory: I'm a newbie at
hope to be an elementary Spectrum but it's been fun.
school teacher. Her MMM is CB, seven years we'd better
June 23, 1999. I'd like to say love each other when we 're
thank-you to Amy, you've al- old and shaggy. MF, our
ways been there for me. I chats have been interesting.
would also like to thank my
Esquondtfamily and the rest of my
friends. Good luck and good
bye to everyone else.
CM and others, I love you
Luis Johnston: Luis enjoyed
his two years at Spectrum. His most favourite moDan Juricic: Dan likes playing
ments of the two years were the field trips at the beall sports, especially murder
ginning of the year. The Cook's Training class was
ball. His M M M was in PE, seefun. I will remember Spectrum as a great school
ing LS get toasted in the head in
murder ball. Other memorable moments are getting
the job at Silver City and blowing up his arm on Halloween. He'd like to say "Grad2000, whoo,whoo!" with me, giving and sharing
beyond what was necessary.
Thankyoufor believing in me,
Shawn Singh Kaloti: I'd like to thank my parents loving me, and reminding me
for always being there for me. that 'hope does not lead to
Neeta and Sonya- without you disappointment. " - Romans
girls I would've never accom- 5:5".
plished anything. MR- we've
been in this game since Kin Jamie Rose Kirk: Thankyou
and we '11 play it for life. JT- to Gail for teaching dance
you can always make me and making it fun. Thanks
and Ms.A
laugh. You get the ticket, I'll Mrs.Ractcliffe
bring the equipment and we '11Britz: love youforever, Meagy
jump out the plane together. -poo- all lean say is BOOM,
They '11 never know what hit BOOM, BOOM. The times
have been great and there's
more to come...To gr. lis:
Have fun and enjoy life.
Tina Kaloti: Tina's M M M s
were DS's birthday, all the one
Holly Klazinga: These past
minute fashion shows, house sittwo years have been great. To
ting for the weekend, "the
all of my friends, thank you
camping trip," the midnight drive
for being they're when I
in Seattle and the Vancouver
needed you. Mouse and H20trip. Tina would like to mention
I'll see you in Australia infour
all of her friend. ST look toyears. Grad2000 rules. To all
wards the sky and don't forthe people I have missedget to wipe. PT- hello to my
keep in touch.
babe. The Bros are fine at 7:07. Words of wisdom
"Anything is possible. "
W^>- «?t
Erin Kennedy: Her MMMs
were the tinkerbell squad car
incident, poptart road rage,
"how bizarre ", Gordon Head
day trips to Qualicum with
her boyfriend, being in a snow
globe, Prospect Lake dingy
and innertube. Erin likes
spending time with her boyfriend and travelling. Thanks
to all herfriendsfor the unforgettable memories.
Rajbinder Komal (Seema):
Spectrum has been great!
Twelve unbelievable years.
Love ya! Sokly- our rookie!
Thanks for being there! Joo
hab?!! Harpreet, little over
four feet? I might be mean,
but you laugh! Patty- my PB!
I'll always be there for you!
When's our next project?
Thanks to everyone for all the
memories and more to come!
Bunny Keo: "School is a playground for reality
and experience. Therefore, words can "t convey my
gratitude to everyone who has laughed and cried
Shannon Kusz: My MMM
was Grad 2000! I would like
to say Lisa- never forget
Woodwork 11, Amber and
Alecks- bestfriendsforever.
Paul- I love you. Last but
definitely not the least, Momthank you for being the best
mom ever. I love you! See you
all in ten years!
Shirley Kwan: Shirley enjoys
cooking, shopping and playing
volleyball, badminton and field
hockey. Her M M M s are getting the Secondary Apprenticeship, roadblock incident, Mount
Tolmie incident, the breakwaters, Camp '99, girls' night out
and Chelsea's Halloween party.
Thankyou to all the teachers
who have helped me through
the stressful times especially
the CKT teachers.
Bryan Kyle: "Mr. Sparkles"
M M M was when the cops
towed the truck at UVIC and
he had to walk home. Bryan
dislikes sports, enjoys programming and talking with friends.
Jesse Lamb: Jesse would like
to say hi to the crew. A shout
out to the Rugby team. Doug,
get Trevor to zoom out to the
west coast one day. Up with
w i t h
G r a d
Sokly Lay: Spectrum was a
blast! Thanks to everyone who
made this a memorable year. MP-Remember that dog
on the run? HN-Munda's ours! R N I can see! NSHey Sweetie! Sk-1 loved our hilarious outbursts in
English. RS- shopping sprees to the Island of Capri.
EI is mine. Best wishes to the Grad 2000!
Kelly Leach: Kelly's M M M s
were partying with the girls at
Jessica's! In five years she will
be living in an apartment with
Alena, and still be learning how
to drive. Thanks to all my friends
for making grade 12 so fun. Jen
you're the best friend a girl
could have. Good luck to all the
grads of2000!
M a r k Lefebvre: Mark likes
erasing on Friday nights and
enjoys working on cars with
friends. His M M M s were Mechanics 12. He hopes there will
be many more to come by the
end of the year.
Jacy L i : Jacy wants to say I
love you and thanks to Aydin
for his support. She wants to
say good-bye to all herfriends
especially to Jacci Middelton
(a.ka. pickles), also to all the
other graduates, have an
awesome "Grad 2000. " Last,
but not least to all the grade
lis "Good luck " Jacy's last
words are "I'll miss the dance
Jerry Linge: Jerry wants to
say have fun, take care and
thanks for the great years.
He likes playing rugby and
lacrosse. He can be quoted
saying, "Take life as it is, not
as it isn't. "
Shawna Logue: To everyone
three words: peace, love, and
harmony. To the Grads - congratulations! It's been a long
road, now we are finally at
the end. I'll miss you all- keep
in touch. To the rest of youyou 're almost done, make the
best of your last year for it is
the year you are the most remembered.
Julia Louie: Julia's M M M s
were the Europe trip, endless
shopping sprees with Lisa L, interesting and weird chats with
friends, graduation and all the
times memories were made. To
my friends who enriched my
life and I would be lost without- always and forever.
"Shootfor the moon... 'cause
if you miss you '11 end up in the stars "- Les Brown.
Lisa Luu: Lisa wanted to thank
her family for being supportive
and caring about her. Thanks
to my friends, you've made
my years in school wonderful
and I love you. I will miss all
of you so much. Always remember: "Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second
rate version of somebody
Travis Lachmund: He will always remember outdoor Rec.
and hitting some killer foaz at the
top with Robbie. Parties were
great at Diggaz, but always got
too big. Hey Shna, Flipmode,
Kiss, Ainsley thanx for all the luv.
To his buddies: Digga, Rob,
James, Bergeeb, Johnny Q and
many others. Never forget
Patrick Lyle: Cookie Monster would like to mention all
of his friends, even if he goes
the wrong way to school. His
M M M was playing WC W Nitro with A . C - D u d e ! ! His
favourite sayings were " C is
for cookie," and you're a superstar! M.W.- Good luck
avoiding those nice doctors!
Jessica Macartney: Thanks
to all the teachers who put up
with my negative outburst... "
I hate math when I don't know
it. " Thanks to all my friends
who have supported me
through the year. I love my
foster mom andfoster dadfor
teaching me what it's like to
be in the real world.
Kristan Marion: Chels, I've
loved you since Grade 2.
Kelly and Alena, you 're two
of my favourite people. Ben,
thanks for being sweet.
Heather and Jen, Hove knowing you. Digger, you 're special. Nothing would be the
same if I haven 1 gotten to
know all the great people I've
met over the years. I want us to be together forever. Sherri, I know we will be.
Josh Martell: My interests include golf, baseball, and
rollerhockey. My M M M s were
Grad 2000 and skiing at
Mt. Washington with the crew.
Kahlil - wouldn't it be cool if
Nick - what's an iso? And what
is there always? Doc - what
chapter are you on. To all my
friends thanks for the good
Lyle Marquette: Lyle's
M M M was the boonie bash at
Bipty's in 98' and the D M X
concert in '98. I'd like to
shout out to all my buds and
we '11 be chillin' after Grad
Chelsea Mason: "What was
hard to bear, is sweet to remember. " It was tough, but
I'll remember these two years
at Spectrum forever. Some of
my MMMs were camp '99,
parties at my house and
Mexico 2000. To Courtney,
thanxks for all your support.
To everyone it was fun and I
wish you the best in the future.
Paul Mason: "If you see the
soothing light at the end of
your tunnel, it's just a freight
train coming your way" Metallica.
M y M M M s were camping
trips (Matt! Wanna take a walk
?), the Big Bag' O ' Candy with
Ben and Mike and falling into
the ditch with Anna. To Mike,
my love and friendship to you
forever. Darkness may fall, but
stars will never fade. To everyone else, thanks! Keep in touch.
Friends you have all been
wonderful to me. Thoughts,
emotions and relationships all
can ruin us. Together we live
this happy life peace. Luvyou
all. "Love, as in all God's creations eventually becomes
extinct. " - Matthew James
McAdams 4. GRAD 2000!
Robbie James McDonald:
My MMMs are outdoor rec,
Hittin the fuaz with Trav and
the parties at Diggaz. Hope
to see everyone out at Thetis
on Canada day. I'll keep in
touch with Johnny Q, Trav,
James, Batman, Digger,
Joey, Heath, Dell, and everyone else. I'll always luv my
best friend Rhylee. Good
Nicholas McGeachie: M y
M M M was breaking my leg
donating a large spider and moving up to the two spot. Wally,
where's the Bear? Kyle, how's
life in the iso - center, easy
Mac, you still got backup,
Kahlil, your cheque for $300 is
in the mail.P.S it was your fault!
Grad 2000!
Ryan Mclntyre: It was a great
two years, from playing cards
to setting 50 burgers from
McDonalds. Too bad Grad
2000 is here, it means we have
to become adults. "In the road
of life, there are many forks
in the road ahead. "
Kyle McKinnon: My MMMs
were the UBC trip in Health
Science, rollerhockey, "coverts " and causing a ruckus!
Hey guys, I got busted by the
fashion police! To the Doc,
watch out for that blue line
and take care of your
disfunctional "rat-pack!" See
ya boyz!
Kristy McPherson: Although
my time here was short, it was
full of memories. Zoe, where
do I start, love you. Rowing
Rules! My love goes out to all
my friends. Catch you on the
next future wave.
on it. " Last, my Candy Girl Laurel, you are everything to me- I love you! Peace out Spectrum.
Jaclyn Middleton: Smacky's M M M s were all the
parties at Jess', Hawaii 99, block A spares, and most
of all Grad 2000. Yakky likes
watching hockey games and
hanging out with friends. To all
my friends- thanks for everything throughout the years you guys are the best. Good
luck to everyone in the future.
Scott Ryan Miller: Thank
goodness it'sfinally over! Just
Kidding. Life at Spectrum was
the best. I really enjoyed the MMT, gradparty and
pro-d days. My triple-Ms include hanging out with
my friends, graduation and
the free TV. Sure hope that
Laura McPherson: What can
Y2K thing is taken care of.
I say... I'm glad it's over.
Good times to all myfriends andfor everyone have
a safe and pleasant journey wherever you go.
Clare Moreau: I'd like to
Saryna Messerschmidt: It s
thank all taxpayers out there
finally here. Grad 2000.
who supWOW. I'm not as excited as
I'd thought I'd be. MMMs
my walk
with JazzyPoo, Tea. Never
down the
forget all the good times. FH yellow brick road of public
with Nutz. P - our usual at education. It's been swank.
the RR. You know where to al- More so when the Wizard
ways find me. X-Mass Hill, hands me my diploma and I
concert with Tea, Hai Uyen. can return to Kansasfor a speTo all Pickle's friends andfamily back home, miss cial cup of tea before I go on
you and love you. A. Mrest in Peace. Final Words:
Live Life to the fullest and never look back
trip of a lifetime.
Jeff Meyer: Jeffs M M M was
DJ Island and Phillies on the
dock at Shawnigan. First of all
I want to shout out to my
boyz: Jonny, Bryan, James,
Robby, Karn and BartThanks for being down for
whatever. Tony rules. Stay
TR U and remember "Igot five
Alishea Morrison: It's been
a good last year, and I'd like
to say Rec games are the best!
I'm glad I'm out of here, and
hope everyone, including myself make a good life for
themselves. PS. Love Mike
Jackson Morrison: / like
down hillin', spending time
with my girlfriend and having
a good time. To all my friends.
To my girl Jackie - love will
overcome all.
boys in the Colonist's Cup. Anna, I can't believe
you 're still with me. Luvya. Myfinalwords are "if
you can't beat us, join us. "
Carolyn Mueller: To all my
friends who have stuck by me
through all these years, you
rock. Hope life gives you
Sarah Morrison: Sarah would
everything you've always
like to thank the staff for their
wanted. Most of all to my
time and energy towards the students. The past two years at Spectrum have been a honey, thank you for always
blast. She would like to thank all of the staff that have being by my side through
helped and supported her in her two years at Spec- thick and thin, I lookforward
to next September in
Vancouver - I love you! "No one in life decides
Tim Morrison: Timmy likes baseball, football and who you are or what you 're worth except you!"
snowboarding. Tim's M M M s
were the M M T and Jendog's
Chantal Musgrove: "You
gathering. Thanks to my buds
may be disappointed if you
at school who kept me rollin'.
fail, but doomed if you never
Shout outs to the crew and to
try. " Thank you to all my
my boys. I like hanging out
friends who make me laugh
with friends and going to
and smile everyday. You've
movies. This year I enlightmade these two years at Specened my mind by shopping
trum memorable and crazy.
with S.L. Thanks to buds for
Keep in touch or no art for
making Spectrum a blast! Fiyou! Bonne Chance to you
nal Words: "Peace, " and
Jesse.... Safety.
yippies!" Grad 2000! To myfamily I love you and
thankyou for everything.
Lisa Morton: "Yeah Grad
TamaraNash: Year 2000 was
2000!" This year's been great!
myfirstyear at Spectrum and
To all my friends, thanks for
my last year in high school. I
always being there for me all
have my friends to thank for
the time - "You Rock." Katie
being there for me, especially
Stone-"That's Bunk!" To all
Nicole Holden. I would also
the grads - good luck for the
like to say thanks to my mom,
I know how hard it has been.
Gord Mosses: M y M M M
was the bash at Len's. To the
wrecking crew- you guys are
Chandell Naysmith: Delly's M M M s are the Amanda
the coolest. We have to keep
concert with Nat, Disneyland '99, petunia-pig, Canada
it tight. Congrats to all the
Day '99 Goldstream camping trips and something
nothing. Nat-2001 Europe will rock. To all my friends
and teachers thanks for all your support. Spectrum
was a blast and good luck to all the grads of2000.
Andy Navarrete: Andy's
M M M was at Len's bash and
flipping a car. He'd like to say
what's up to all his boyz and
girlz. This year has gone by
too fast and that's the bomb.
I'd like to mention E.D.S for
being there for me and I will
always will love you. Peace!
Camille Newton: All my love
to my family, thank you for
everything, LMK- So I says...
just joking. NN- I won't do
what you tell me, that's the
we 're gonna sink buzzer. MC3am Bob Ross, stupid bridge.
Peace hippy, denied. Artzisno art for you, AB.
Michael Nguyen: M i k e ' s
M M M was hanging out with his
buds B C , NW thanks for always sticking by. "Friends for
life!" He'd like to thank his family for never giving up on him and
always being there. M i k e
would like say wuzup to the
boyz on the Bball team, both
years memories for life with
you guys, thanks to the coaches.
Jodie Nicholson; I would like
to say thank you to my parents and family, I love you
with all my heart! To my
friends, luvya. To KB and AL
you guys are the best, laughs
all around Thanksfor all hard
work from everyone who
helped me. Grade 2000 is going to kick butt.
my parents for their love and
support. Grad luck to the
grads of2000.
were seeing SRK
live, the surprise party, Navigator Adventure in Van with the
REF's and Meena's wedding.
"Thanks to all myfriendsfor
making this a memorable year. MG- thanks for
your friendship and endless support! To all Spectrum Grads, good luck in your future- keep in
Sam Norrad: Sam would like
to say "Dave Mason you are
the biggest piece oftrash. " He
would also like to give
shoutouts to thatfriendand
to Neil and Bob for all the
great times in the staircase. I
love you babar. Ronny Sorry
for biting your line!
Brandon North: Brandon has
enjoyed his time at Spectrum
and would like thank those
people who made the time pass
quicker. Brandon loves Jessica
and would like to thank her for
always being there for him. To
all his friends he would like to
say " To live is to suffer but
to survive is to find meaning
in the suffering."
Harpreet Nijjar: These last two years have been
memorable. RS-your songs are the best SK- thanks
for always making me laugh. SL- don't trip over
your shoes. RN- you '11 never beat me! Thanks to
Terri Olson: I loved Spectrum
and had an awesome two years.
l met cool people and made
even cooler friends. Special
shoutout to Chann-tha, Sophie,
Jose and Moi Toy, / love you
with all my heart. We've had
many MMMs and will have
more to come. Grads of2000
- good luck in the real world I
hope your dreams come true.
Bryan Paulus: Bryan's
M M M s were partying Yot D
and E and the walk home from
"Basement Beats" with Yip
Yop! Bryan would like to give
some love to his friends that
helped him along the way. I'm
gonna miss you. Big hello to
all the Millennium grads.
reigns supreme. "
Jessica Ouellette: / did it!
Think it's the cookie dough?
Supabunny Adventures at the
arena...this is...this is great,
Part- E. Much love to my
'Chemical Crew, 'he he and to
all my wonderful friends.
Thanksfor being a part ofmy
life. A million kisses to you
babe! Mom, Dad, Lisa... I love
Jesse Paulus: School is finally over! It was good while
it lasted. His M M M was at the
'99 M M T "Keep twisting that
bubonic." In the future he hopes
to be a wealthy businessman living in Hawaii. I'd like to mention all my good friends I've
gained over the years. Seey 'all in ten. My final words are "Handle your business, don't let your business handle you. "
Linda Palmiere: Cutie would
like to say "Ow you doin'? "
to all her fnends-Brookie The
Cookie Messy Jessie-ooh your
fiesty, Camillian, Meaghs4k
a o
r ta
^ y
^ - Amber,
stay away from Kevin next
m\ Wmm
time. I long to be happy and
free! Krista is my hair puffy?
I smile because I have no idea
whats going on! It's been
swell! Princess
Francis Pashak: "Spectrum
rules all that is good. " I
would like to say peace to all
the boys and honeys that I
chilled with. JM- lets chill at
your house R. G- chillin in the
citation BC- Diesel, gas, go, BP- remember BC Tel
Building, AT-I love you. PEACE]
Kristen Pearce: / can't believe it's actually
Thanks to my parents for always being there! Bran, Ar,
Khat, you guys are my best, I
love you! Mathias, my high
school sweetheart, you mean
so much to me. I love you!
To all my new friends, you 're
the best, I'll never forget any
of you! GRAD 2000 BABY!
Colin Peck: Colin's M M M
was the May long weekend
camping trip. I am a lucky guy.
To Gord, "Gimpin ain't easy!"
MBender, " M A T C H ? " His final words are: I am glad to
finally leave school because
it's been too long.
Candice Pfiuger: Candice enj oys long bus rides and concerts.
Her M M M s were Grad 2000,
age confusion at movies, and
New Year 2000. Sugar Daddy,
stay awayfrom libraries, and
stop stalking that poor boy!
To all my otherfriends thanks
for making this last year so
memorable, good luck in
whatever life brings you!
Kelley C. Clay's M M M s were
the O R ski trip, parties at
Justin's, Cohen's and the one at
Greg's. In his sparetimehe likes
to play basketball, soccer and
video games. A reminder to
Jenn for the future- W W F
rocks. Clay's final words are "I
can't believe school is finally
over. "
Mario Ramos: Maaaarioo's
M M M s were Colonist Cup
Muneesha Punni: My school years have been a
'99, his one day trip to
blast and have now come to
Vancouver, St Andrew's- I
an end but I'll take with me
won't forget you guys, hanging
the many memories shared
out and reminiscing,rollingtothe
throughout. Thanks to my
precidia and Halloween '96friends for all the laughs and
'99. Thanks to everyone for
memories and remember,
making GRAD 2000. Thanks
"the secret to life is learning
to my friends for making me
to enjoy it. " Good bye and
feel at home. PP, AS, JSgood luck to all the grads of thanks, I love you guys.
Tara-Lynn Reburn: To all her
Kyle Purcell: Kyle would like
friends, past and present, thank
to thank his parents and his girlyou for always being there.
friend. To my friends, peace
She would liketomention LonV
to you all. Grad 2000 is goKhat PNE (GAYDAR), Brad/
ing to kick! His last words are
Steve- acting Cool at
"Live or let die. " Peace!
Doncaster, Carolyn, Av and
Kristen, Funny Farm! Mom and
Heather Ann Quaite: Heath's
Dad- thanks for pushing me
M M M s are the times at Specto try harder, I love you. Good
trum with her boyfriend and the
luck to the grads of2000, always stay in touch.
get-togethers at John Q's. She'd liked to say "good
luck" to all grads, and "don if
Matt Riches: Little Bear
worry, I'll keep in touch, " to
would like to thank his friends
all friends and acquaintances. To
and family for making his two
Chels and Dell, 8 o' clock at
years at Spectrum two of the
Robyn's? Iluvyou guys!Bye
best years of his life. "Lock the
to all the hokies still here!
door and throw away the key
Thanks to all my teachers and
there's someone in my head
especially my parents.
and it's not me!" -Pink Floyd.
I love you Big Bear and rock
Clay Rach: Clay would like to
on to Davel
mention his friends Colten C,
Jenn C, Justin S, Greg L , John M , Katie S, and
Brandy Robbins: Pooh Bear
would like to say hey to all her
friends. Princess thanks her Mom
and Dad for being there. JKThanks for all the "chats" about
boys. Her M M M was cruising at
lurchtimeto McD's, Tlllicum Mall
and Subway. She thanks Melissa
, Katie for D block spares- if
only those coffee cups could
talk. Jason and Phili for making my B-Day special.
Thankyou! I love you guys.
Graeme Ross: Spam's M M M
was winning the Colonist Cup at
UVic. He likes to play sports,
such as soccer and lacrosse.
Graduating in the year 2000
is going to be great. Finally I
am out.
Sarina Ruffolo: Bina's
M M M s include Hawaii '97
and '99, the "boat" incident,
parties with the PCS crew, /
love you guys, nights out with
the Spectrum gang and
"Good Times" with the Pacific
Coast committee. To my best
friend Pookie (AKA Jessica)
I'll love you to death. To all
my friends andfamily, thanks for all the love and
support throughout the years, you 're the best!
Diane Rukin: Many thanks
to all my friends. You all
rock Anyone who knows me
knows I am crazy about
Jesus. Romans 16:19 "The
God of peace will soon
crush Satan, underneath
your feet. " Roseanne and
Shawna- keep in touch.
Rhylee Rossner: Thanks to
all myfriends for all their love
and support. Erica and Ashley- Heather Russell: Heater
friends forever, Jen, J, Toobu says: What can one write that
for holds meaning forever? I
Tantalini's. " My little brother thank everyone who was
Robbie- thanksfor everything, ever a friend. The time and
bestfriendsforever. Mom and energy we shared is full of
Dadfor your endless love and valuable lessons and memosupport and Joey's, even when ries. Gotta learn Welsh.
he pretended not to care.
MUSIC: inspiration, emotion, life. I'm the little train
Alena Roy: Chels- my sell out that can. Spectrum- thanks
accomplice. Teneel- late nights for being my tracks.
cause trouble. Jess- keep the
costumes. Kelly- stay off the Bindu Sandhu: Bindu loves
road. Emily- you're the chocolate and hates vanilla!
, coolest. BenD- scruba dub. Her M M M was on Feb. 7/97
Matt- our plans will go with W M . She likes to work
out in her spare time. She will
own her own business and a tithrough. Josh- so many good ger someday soon. She would
times with you. Best of luck to
like to thank her parents for
all the grads of2000. "In orhelping her get to where she is
der to succeed we must first believe that we can "¬
now. Always my girl KG!
Michael Korda.
Parvinder Sandhu:
Parvinder's M M M was finishing his hard 12 years. He'd like Sterling Simpson: PirANhA
to mention all his friends. I says: I would like to rememwould like to thank my par- ber the R-Team, Smeghead,
ents for helping me all my life Snarky, firestarter,
andfor being there for me. He
likes to workout, hang with his cookie. For the ones who
boyeeez and play b-ball. Too were there we will all rememShort & Snoop Dog- I'll al- ber both weekends in
ways be bigger than you HARHAR! You only get Parksville, the table just
one chance at life so make it your best. Love is the walked away and why is there
all that sulphur in space? See you guys with the
key in life. Peace.
poodles playing chess. Long live the Corolla, and
Amber Rose Schykawy: C R A M B E R says: I know we can if forget bus depots.
about the clear cutting going
down at the Mississippi and I
know about you and Bobo
and I know about the Four
Seasons hotel and I know that
you love me and I know that
she's maternally challenged
and you know that I love you.
Paul Siu: "The road had finally ended...but the journey
has just begun."
Melissa Slack: Slacker will be
remembered as "Dougie's little
I'll never
Kevin Sigurdson: Chen's
"Katie's beach ", skipping at
favourite thing to eat is day old
Thetis, chats with Meg and
pizza, yummy. Big shoutout to
with Shorty. Thanks
all my friends and I can "tformom and dadfor all your supget you Sheeba old friend.
port. Katie, you know I love
Anyone I missed, TS. Cook's
you. To my friends "always
Training rocked, nobody beats
look towards the future, but
the Biz. Myfinal words "Don t
never forget the past. I'll
be afraid."
cherish our memories to•fl
Jesse Sihota Ever since I gether forever ".
Chris Sloan: Sloaner likes to
h e r e
chill wind cruise in the Reagle
from Duncan life has been
his friends. His M M M s
great. Wrestling has been enwas when he got his car and late
tertaining since I get to make
night rolling. I just wanna say
opponents hurt and feel true
wuz up to my boyeeez and
pain. I want to say to my
to my parents for being
Pack's and everyone else, bethere for me. I wish the best
fore I go, "Keep On Pumpin. "
to all my grade 11 boyeeez.
Lori Slym: Thankyou to all
of the friends I've made over
the past five years. To all of
the people who have stuck by
me- I luv you! Her M M M s
include Vancouver with Tara &
Khat, hicks with Erica M , late
nights with Ashley, bowling with
Carolyn, Avril's house and
spendingtimewith Brad-1 love you Christina- you 're
still the one, don "t forget me.
Mom, you 're the best- thank
Evan Smith: To anybody who
has helped me over the past
14 years of school - thank
you! My three years at this
school were very beneficial. I
leave this school saying one
thing "all you are is in you. "
- Tea Party
James Smith: James' M M M
was when he joined the Rugby
team. In the future he hopes to
become an artist His favourite
saying: " When all else fails,
plant a tree. " He has especially enjoyed working in the
art room and the weight room.
"To all myfriends, I wish you
a good life. "
Kari Smith: I would like to
thank my friends, you guys
have been awesome. J keep
on busting a move. Mom
thank you for all your support. Riley be a proud
mommy. Good luck to all
grads in the future.
Erica Sorenson: Erica enjoys
dancing, being with friends and
loved ones. M M M ' s Ashley's
'99, B-day, Summer '99 camping with the racoons, nights with
the girls, New Year and Grad
2000. Rhylee give up that ouija!
Thanks to my parents for all
the support and to my friends
for always being there and all the memories. Remember these are the best
years of your lives! Super
Trina Sorenson: "Bean's"
M M M was eating pizza with
Jen. Her future plans are to become a Neurosurgeon or a
drifter. Thanks to all my friends
who have been there for me.
Good luck to the rest of my
friends. GRAD 2000!!
Lee Starck: I drive a big truck
to school, it's probably the bigJulie Smith: First of all thanks to my parents for
gest truck in the school. I'dlike
always being there and helpto thank Krista and Amber for
ing me through the rough
being the
times. To Jenn, never forget
the times we had meeting
friends in
Jamie and all the guys from
the world,
Colwood. To all my friends,
M a d
the best of luck in the future.
props to
Good luck to everyone.
Anarchy Crew and kids with
messy hair.
Tera Stark: "Baby girl" M M M ,
Mike you 're one or a kind, remember to always
keep it real. To the rest of you, good luck in all
you do. To mom, thanks, I love you! Ryan we Nicole Stusek: "Nicki Stusek?"
miss you, R.I.P. Love you always.
to all teachers, who have taught
me over the past two years. It
Raven Sran: Spectrum has
was fun! Thanks for being great
been a blast! Seema- my O.H
and helping me through these two
what can I say? 12 years
years. Cooks Training was fun
down, forever to go. Solelythanks for the knowledge you
our cookie. Joo hab?! You
have taught me! Ms. Armstrong,
truly are magic. Harpreet
Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Grant,
wanna hear a song? Thanks
thanks! We wish you all the best.
for making me laugh. To my
Grad 2000!
other friends, thanks for making this year great. "The fuJeff Stratford: Jeffs M M M was
ture belongs to those who believe in the beauty of
Cooks Training. The best part of
their dreams."
school was meeting new people
and remembering the old ones.
Jeffsays hi to all hisfriends and
Nick Squire: Thanks to my
says goodbye to all his teachfamily and friends. M M M
ers. See you pilgrim.
Grad 2000.Markus causin'
Rackus, J M still not easier.
Katie Stone: "Shorty" likes to
Hey Doc good book. K J old
hangout with her friends. I love
man and to dubs, D's and Mo
you all. Shorty likes to goto movthanks for the memories. 68
ies with her friends. She won't
forget shopping with MS and eatafraid to smile."
ing strawberry pie. Million bucks
baby, I love you guys!
Devin Spark: Devin likes
soccer. His favourite movie is
Tony Thai: Tony's M M M was
Cheech and Chong Up In
winning his first car show trophy
Smoke. I'd like to mention the
crew J.
$400 deck. Zailo, don't get
pulled over so much. HurriIan Stevens: "Shwagg" Ian's cane, haha, your windows got
M M M was playing on stripped. Charley, Blockbuster,
Spectrum's greatest soccer McDonald's and the Highway.
team in '97. Ian says peace to Wade, go to class. Jas, hopeall the kids left and give shouts fully a third year is not needed,
to all da crew, and the rest of know what I mean? Tony's
you Roody-Pooh Candy hobbies are hockey, lifting
Wrappers. Anyways, Grad weights and mini truckin'.
2000 baby. PS, Know your
role and shut your mouth!
Nadine Trinh: "Sharedsorrow is half sorrow, sharedjoy
is double joy " A big hug for
the girls who have been there
for the smiles and tears. Nads
dislikes phone tag and parking
lot hopping. Her M M M s are
camp '99, D M X , the Boston
Pizza scream and "It's all
about the Benjamins. " Best of
luck to all. Mexico 2000!
Josie VanDerElst: Thanks to
my family without whom, I
would not be where I am today. To all my friends who
stuck by me though thick and
thin; good times never die.
And to Chris my heart belongs to you. M M M s include:
uncontrollable laughing, MarkVan Halen, Highjack with coat
hanger, Green faces, "Little one in the red jacket,"
can't stop shaking, Boat ones, B'e' happy, MillenLisa Truong: Li enjoys sleeping, laughing and spend- nium Diva's Red, Blue, Pink, and many more... Best
ing time with friends. Lisa's wishes in the future to all the grads. Life is only
M M M s include the PD video, what you make of it.
Camp '99 and anything to do
with the Nova. Grads of2000 Douglas Vaughan: Doug's
- Never forget SCS and the M M M was the summer o f ' 99.
good times. True friends are He loves Fridays and playing
forever in heart and in spirit. hockey. He'd like to mention
Learnfromyesterday, live for the two week streak and the
today, hope for tomorrow.
crew. R.King,"Budz"forever.
B C C , keep on growing. Final
words: "Next weekend will be
fun!" and "It's an everyday
Rodney Turple: Rodney enthong."
joyed learning here at Spectrum; it has been two long years
which have created lots of
Khatereh Vesal: Grad 2000
memories. Cooks Training will
all the way! So many
be what he remembers most
memories...girls night out,
because a lot of his time was
the Chem 11 incident, don't
spent in that class.
forget our journeys. Megshow you doin? Kellee- misAmy Underwood: Thanks to
sion buddy for life! Avi and
everyone who helped me get
Kris-1 love you guys! Wadethrough the highs and lows of
hook me up! Tara and Lorischool. It has been a rough
Vancouver is ours. All my
road but I made it. Grad2000!
other girls- we gotta go
Lookingforward to the future
campin again! Oh my goodand what it will bring. Thanks
ness! Bartle- neighbours for
to Rebecca, Kari, Lisa, Luis
and everyone else for keeping
me in line. Good luck in your
Michelle Vincent: Meesh's
most favourite thing in the world
is her boyfriend Chris. She loves
to dance and socialize and she
finds performing the most fun!
She would like to say congrats to all her graduating
friends, sorry to the grade 11 s and thanks to her and baseball. He wishes to thank everyone who has
roommate, Jenn. Have a great year everybody and helped him along the way. Tim- take it easy. Nick
M - nice driving skills. Nick S- stop using your
keep in touch! Love you baby!
street as a straight away See you around!
Val Vosper: Val would like to
say that she loves all of her animals. She likes to horseback
ride and to bike. She enjoys
being a peer counsellor and
hopes to go to Camosun in September. She would like to get
her bachelor degree and masters in Social Work. I would
like to thank everyone for
their support. Good luck to allher friends for the
Robert Waller: I have enjoyed my two years at
Spectrum school. Special thanks to Per and Glenn
for the help in finding a betterjob andfor the skills
I learned. To Ms. Richardsonfor helping me though
the two years at Spectrum and to Mr. Howe and
Mr. Harrison for putting up with so much from
me. I look forward to playing football and going
to College after Spectrum.
Marlena Watters: Tortis'
M M M s from all her years in
school are volleyball at
McKenzie, Grade 10 Science
class at Colquitz and Gerrod's
creative notes when at Spectrum. Crazy would like to congratulate her friends who had
classes with her and who still
managed to finish! Hype says:
Grads of2000- keep smiling
and never forget who you are!
Angela White: Ange's M M M
was camping '99 (give yourself
a break), Mexico 2000 and all
the parties. "Friends are made
by many acts and are lost by
only one. " To all my friendsthanks for always sticking by
my side. Always remember
Grad 2000 and the times we
shared over the last two years.
Jenneane Walsh: Jenneane's
M M M was parting with her
Tanya White: Well, it's finally
baby girl T, Mike, Mike (my
over! "Grad 2000 baby. " To
man), Michelle and Kelsay. To
my girlz- Lisa and Sara, the
her girl Tera- thanksfor everyfun's
just beginning! A big
thing and putting up with me.
shoutout to my bestfriend AnTo the rest of her friends- good
drew Cleaver- thanks for alluck and keep it real. Mamaways being there for me. Also,
I luv you and thank you for
I'd like to mention my girlz
Kristina and Nikki. As
Ryan- we all miss you. R.I.P. for Graham-1 luv you.
Love you.
Chris Ward: Maddog's
M M M s were Europe 2000 and
Grad 2000. A shout out to the
Crew. Chris enjoys golf, hockey
Ira Willey: Ira likes medieval fantasy books, computers and movies.
Jessica Wright: Jess enjoys dancing and being with her friends. M M M :
summer of'99,
night at N R
with Ash, Grad
2000, New Year and M M T . She
would like to say thanks to her friends
for all their support. To her friendsthanksfor always being there, love
you guys! And to all the grads- have
fun! Best of luck in the future.
Mexico 2000!
Nicholas Wood: Nicholas likes
chillin' with friends, lazin' at home, listening to music and playing pick-up
games down at the cage. His M M M s
were the camping trip in '99, New
Year 2000, grad, Y 2 K and knowing
the meaning of "Par." Big shoutouts
to all of his friends and family who
have always been there for him.
Woods: Big Bear's M M M was JB's
Halloween party '99. She likes to
hang around with all of her friends. A
special thank you goes out to M R for
being the greatest guy. I love you little
bear. See ya all in the future.
Gary Woznica: Gary's favourite saying is, "Hey, how's it going?" Gary
already has four jobs so he has no need to worry about his
futture after leaving Spectrum. His M M M was reading the
newspaper in the Resource Room.
Josh Yates: Josh can't wait to grad
and get out into the real world.
Shoutouts to Meathead, JFC, A D
and John Q. Jeremy, always remember the "dirty mobile. " Kelly, our
talks in English helped me a lot!
Alena R, you will always be in my
heart and I will never forget you.
Charley Young: Sane Crazy says:
Bad pic, Tone, the ride is nice.
Cheeks, the boyfriend, all right. No
Brainz, we '11 come and visit in two
years. Jaws, catch a cab. Mario,
spit that Green Jeep hot ish. Mills,
you need to get your life together.
My son? Love is love.
A n g e l a
Zwicker: Angela would like to thank
her mom, I couldn't have made it
without you, I love you. Shoutouts
to all my girls and thanks to the
guys who made school fun.
Aydin Ahadian-Fard
Andy Anderson
Zach Antonissen
Kathleen Armstrong
Karlin Audette
Marc Audette
Andrew Austin
Dan Baart
Danielle Bailey
Jennifer Bailey
Justin Bailey
Ashley Baker
Mike Balding
Michelle Balog
Balwinder Banger
Alexis Baran
Glen Barnes
Jamie Becvar
Sarah Beebe
Julie Bergman
Cameron Bertram
Crystal Beulah
Aaron Bickerton
Kevin Bimb
Bree Bird
Cheryl Bisson
Jesse Blackstock
Stephanie Boddam
Katie Bone
Marisa Bowles
Matthew Brickwood
Claudette Brine
Gill Brooke
Jessica Budynski
Cody Burchill
Andy Burns
John Butts
Scott Cadwallader
Phillip Camall
Alberto Carranza
Scott Catchpole
Lea Cathcart
Lisa Chamberlin
Sara Chapman
Rhianna Charko
Taylor Chater
Tasha Collins
Danny Correia
Darcy Creech
Matthew Crist
Jennifer Crothers
Matthew Crowson
Cassandra Cruse
Myles Cryderman
James Cudmore
Robbie Curtis
Rachael Davies
Melissa DeJong
Daniel Demers
Tashia Den-Otter
Keenan Deringer
Alexis Dolynchuk
Brittini Donald
Angela Downing
Chriselle Dulin
Dara Duong
Ron Dziadyk
Nigel Davis
Darryll Dawson
Jennifer Crothers & Sherri Elwell
Mark Edwards
Bethany Ellis
Calina Emerson
Kelcey Erlandson
Adam Faust
Cheryl Ferreira
Erika Fitterer
David Forsyth
Maria Fudge
Kimberley Furukawa
Steve Galego
Rich Gallup
Amber Garraway
Mark Gerow
Robel Getahun
Sarah Gibson
Shannon Gibson
Pawandeep Gill
Nicholas Godfrey
Fantasia Godron
Mike Gordon
Nathan Graham
Nicholas Graham
Colin Grainger
Cameron Green
Krissy Grimmer
Mark Gudowski
Syreeta Hartley
Darcy Guldbrandsen Matthew Haldane
Chris Hathaway
Chelsea Hitchcock Clare Hitchmough
Christine Hale
Chelsea Hames
Allison Hammell
Emily Hawkins
Jacob Haymes
Peter Heang
Sean Herbert
Wendy Hobbs
Desiree Houle
Daniel Howley
Melanie Hudson
Ryan Hudson
Katie Humphries
Shaun Huot
Brittoni Inglis
Rachel Innes
Alina Jacobson
Jas Johal
Jay Johnson
Loretta Jones
Matthew Jones
Charlene Joynson
Joti Kaler
Laura Kalynchuk
John Kantarakias
Sarah Karpati
Becka Kennedy
Noel Ker
Daniel Kerr
Tiffany Kilroy
Colin Kirby
Lindsay Kissinger
Byron Kjeldsen
Alyssa Koehler
David Kroeger
Chris Kucheran
Adam Kunze
Lynn Lacey
Parminder Lalari
Luke Laughy
Adam Lauren
Laura Kalynchuk & Nancy Le
Shawna Laursen
Nancy Le
Shawn Leatham
Brian Leighland
Chris Lenius
Kelly Leonard
Michelle Mackin
Promila Mahmi
Bunroth Mao
Amy Maranetz
Julie Masse
Brent McCallum
Jenny McCallum
Kyle McClymont
Cory McConnell
Robin Mcintosh
Andrew McLean
Bonnie McLean
Lynelle McLean
Carrie McLellan
Felicity McLeod
Kateri McMillan
Lindsay McRae
Haley Meyer
James Moore
Cory Nightingale
Kristie Morrison
Brooke Norbury
Jason Mosher
Nicholas O'Connell
Lea Murphy
Erin Nelson
Trevor Newnham
Morgan Mitchell
Scott Olauson
Kyle Olson
Derrick Ottenbreit
Chris Owen
Geoff Pakos
Mathew Park
Jeff Parsons
Misty Parsons
Nick Patterson
Stu Paul
Alana Pearce
Jesse Pearsson
Michael Peebles
Jennifer Pereira
Harley Perrin
Nick Peters
Ashley Petrucci
Leigh Pharis
Karl Porter
Briana Prest
Cheryl Bisson, Jessie Snow & Leigh Pharis
Nicolas Preston
Blake Prince
Harkiran Rai
Amanda Rand
Dan Raymond
Rob Raymond
Jayke Reed
Laura Reed
Kyle Reid
Megan Renney
Andrew Riches
Rob Rigby
Graham Robertson
Danny Robinson
Alex Rodriguez
Marie Rolls
Jesse Routley
Michael Ruffolo
Brian Sadler
Rajan Saini
Justin Sampson
Nav Sandhu
Patrick Sands
Rodolfo Santizo
Parminder Sarohia
Colin Scagliati
Dayna Schellenberg Morgan Schwartz
Miles Scott
Nick Searle
Daniel Seel
Jiwan Sekon
Andrew Seney
Lon Sheehan
Natasha Simmons
James Sorenson
Stephanie St.Pierre
Lucy Simonson Jonathan Smallwood
Alicia Spark
Nia Stark
Kristen Sparks
Aaron Stevenot
Joshua Smith
Tyler Spiers
Gary Stewart
Jessie Snow
Joe Snowden
Jeff Spilsbury
Matt Squire
Jeff Stoddart
Bart Sutherland
Robert Swanson
Lesia Szwender
Erik Tandberg
Carrie Stuart
Stephan Tarrington
Rick Taylor
Dan Thomas
Don Thomson
Claire Thorton
Jordan Vangylswyk
Shauna Toakley
Krysta Veenstra
Brian Tobin
Justin Turner
Philip Wade
Chris Wallace
Lucas Wallenburg
Philip Walmsley
Wendy Watters
Aaron Webster
Ashly Weisgerber
Launa Welch
Heather White
Kevin Winder
Heather Wood
Rob Wood
Bryce Wray
Benjamin Yancey Kristin Zajaczkowski
Vincent Velasco
Dan Tran
Andrea Zigay
Christie Virtue
The B u s i n e s s C a r e e r Prog r a m h a s h a d another s u c c e s s f u l c a r e e r w i t h manystudents achieving vital
s k i l l s to e n s u r e a profitable
future. These s k i l l s i n c l u d e
a c c o u n t i n g , w o r d processing, database, a n d s p r e a d sheets.
To g a i n more experience
a n d to p u t these s k i l l s into
practice, e a c h student participates i n 100 w o r k experience hours in various
b u s i n e s s e s a r o u n d the
lower i s l a n d . The s t u d e n t s
have gained p r a c t i c a l
knowledge i n s u c h areas as
b a n k i n g , receptionist, c a s h ier, while others have u s e d
it to go o n into b u s i n e s s at
Camosun and U-Victoria.
Sharoyne Gaiptman i s
p r o u d of these h a r d w o r k ing dedicated students. S t u d e n t s : Jennifer
Dmitruk, Jenn Ianson, Tina
Kaloti, Chann Tha Khonn,
Seema Komal, Sockly Lay,
Jesse Paulus, Kyle Purcell,
Raven Sran, Tony Thai, Lisa
The Cook Training Class had
one of its most successful years.
Students enter the program following a successful interview
with Chef Armstrong.While in
the program the students spend
a week at each of the sixteen
preparation stations throughout
the semester.
During the year the students
tour many facilities and watch
demonstrations from the experts. They also enter competitions for lard carving and gingerbread house design. Several
of the students earned competition medals.
The 'chefs in training' learn
many skills for the real world Pellerin entered apprenticeships.
which they develop during the Graduates:i?efoecca Albrecht,
program such as food service Leslie Crawford, Stephen
and safety, prep work and a lot DeAbreu, Craig Esplen, Joshua
of on the job training. They earn Gabriel, John Pellerin, Kevin
many certifications and a broad Chen Sigurdson, Jeff Stratford,
range of job skills especially Nicole Stusek, Rodney Turple,
teamwork. Most of the students Theresa Wotherspoon.
in this program usually have a Undergraduates: Claudette
job before they graduate. At the Brine, Lisa Chamberlin, Mathew
end of the course the students Crown, Keenan Derringer, Jeff
have the qualifications of Level Fowles, Nathan Graham, Ken
1 Professional Cook Training Kissinger, Ashley Lacey, Justin
course and in some cases a Level Largely, Jason Mosher, Brianna
1 apprenticeship. This year Dawn Perry, David Ross, Wendy
Shirley Kwan, Rebecca Albrecht,
Watters, Josh Westland, Paul
Craig Esplen and Johnathon Rendall.
Anybody can take a picture
but producing an eye-catching
and interesting one requires the
certain skills taught in Photography. The art of creating the
perfect picture and using photographic gadgets makes students
flex their creative muscle. Four
students who 'flexed' were Jessica Bender, Julia
Candice Pfluger and Nadine
Trinh. These students successfully completed two years of
Photography with expert Ted
Sarkissian who generously offered his time.
Furthermore, they dedicated
their spare time towards helping
the Journalism class to meet
their deadlines. The class allows
students to explore their artistic
side but requires hard work. By
the end students leave with a
knowledge of good photography, find the true personality of
an object and understand what
a good photograph is.
Behind the scenes of the yearbook, Prism, brochures and other publications are the hardworking Journalism class that consists of 26 dedicated
students. The ever-changing technology bestows upon the students a challenge that they gradually overcome. Adjusting to new computers, learning
how to scan and becoming skilled at transporting graphics were quickly
acquired during the course. Many extra hours were put into creating eyecatching layouts for publishing. Desktop publishing requires many precise
measurements and careful maneuvering of text and pictures. Teamwork
skills are essential in order to effectively achieve good quality work. Overall, Journalism is a great way to show off your skills and to have fun at the
same time.
Yearbook Committee:
Jillian Alexander, Ashley Baker, MatBendall, Rhianna
Charho, Barry Clapp, Laurel Crist, Kelsey Draper,
Josh Fraser, Matt Fitterer, Nicholas Godfrey, Emily
Hawkins, Ashley Holland Nicole Holden, Charlotte
Hughes, Meaghan Innes, Julia Louie, Saryna
Messerschmidt, Amanda Meyer, Bart Sutherland,
TamaraNash, Candice Pfluger, Bindhu Sandhu, Jesse
Sihota, Nadine Trinh, Josie Van Der Elst, ValVosper.
Once again, this year's Health Science lege where they earned a college credit
Career Preparation Program was a great in Biology 150, Human Anatomy. As
success! The program was created for, in past years, the students also had the
and entices those students who are opportunity to spend a day at U.B.C to
looking to pursue a career in the healthcheck out its school of dentistry and
service industry. It is best suited for stu- its school of nursing. Also, several
dents who are strong in math and sci- guest speakers came to visit the
ence, who are responsible and reliable, classroom.Ted Sarkissian will continue
and who are well organized, self di- to carry the torch while Joe Bekkers
rected, independent learners. The says goodbye to the program this year
course is linked to a Camosun program, as he retires from teaching.
and in the spring students began attend- Grade 11: Zach Antonissen,
ing evening classes at Camosun Col- Kathleen Armstrong, Jennifer Bailey, Danny Correia, Jennifer
Crothers, James Cudmore,
Charlind Dory, Alexis Dolynchuk,
Dorota Drozd, Derek Drysdale,
Kelcey Erlandson, Sheri Elwell,
Erika Fitterer, Maria Fudge, Shannon Gibson, Nicholas Graham,
Claire Hitchmough, Andrea Hilts,
Lindsay Kissinger, David Kroeger,
Adam Kunze, Nancy Le, Genny
McCallum, Kateri McMillan, Jeff
Parsons, Andrew Seney, Don
Thomson, Claire Thornton, Shauna
Toakley, Hong Tran, Krstin
Grade 12: Christina Baptista,
Amanda Bartle, Carol Fawcett,
Teresa Frias, Meanu Gill, Krista
Golden, Jeremy Hanman, Andrea
Hilts, Kahlil Johl, Dave Lavery,
Lisa Luu, Kyle McKinnon, Jacci
Middleton, Muneesha Punni,
Christine Randhawa, Alena Roy,
Lori Slym, Erica Sorenson, Marlena
L a w C a r e e r s i s a n e w prog r a m w h i c h began this year,
with twenty six students
registered. The students
gain more i n s i g h t into v a r i ous headline i s s u e s related
to criminology.
D u r i n g the two y e a r program, the students m u s t
complete 100 h o u r s of w o r k
experience i n places s u c h
as lawyers' offices, the A t torney G e n e r a l ' s office, vict i m services a n d a week long
police c a m p . W h e n the L a w
Career students graduate
they u s u a l l y p u r s u e careers
i n l a w related w o r k s u c h as
the police, social w o r k , correction offices, a n d forensic
S t u d e n t s : Vicki Bourree,
Josh Busuttil, Josh Martell,
Bryan Paulus, Tera Stark,
Cameron Bertram,
Brickwood, Phillip Camall,
Cryderman, Jodi Jonson,
John Kantarakias, Shannon
Myer, Blake Prince, Harkiran
Rai, Jesse Routely, Navpreet
Sandhu, Miles Scott, Jiwan
Sekhon, Stephen Somers,
Alicia Spark, Karl Van
Alphen, Krysta Veenstra.
T h e p u r p o s e of M a t h
Careers is it offers a m a t h
focus, b o t h i n theory a n d
applied m a t h . The c o u r s e
w a s designed for s t u d e n t s
who are interested i n p u r s u i n g careers i n s u c h areas as b u s i n e s s , e c o n o m ics, e n g i n e e r i n g , science,
psychology, a n d architecture.
J o h n Clemens, A.K.A.
Scrooge, practices s i n g i n g
for the O l d Waivers by yelli n g at h i s s t u d e n t s b u t
these k i d s don't seem to
m i n d . Better w a t c h out, he
may t h r o w y o u i n the ' s i n
Students: Dustin Boggs, Ben
Davidson, Katy Earl, Matt
Fitterer, Jesse Lamb, Ryan
Sarina Ruffolo, Paul Siu, Ira
The art careers p r o g r a m
focuses o n h e l p i n g students c o n t i n u e w i t h art i n
the future. T h e s t u d e n t s
practise numerous art
techniques, i n c l u d i n g clay,
sets, p a i n t i n g , d r a w i n g
a n d v i s u a l arts. A t the e n d
of the c o u r s e the art s t u dents have a professional
portfolio w h i c h e x h i b i t s a l l
their artistic abilities.
S t u d e n t s find t h a t t h i s
is very h e l p f u l for e n t r y
into colleges a n d u n i v e r s i ties a n d for s c h o l a r s h i p a p plications.
Art careers helps w i t h
the v i s u a l a w a r e n e s s w h i c h
is m u c h i n d e m a n d . Harry
Stanbridge a n d h i s c a r e e r
prep s t u d e n t s have entered
the n e w m i l l e n n i u m i n artistic style!
Students: Maria Curtis, Mike
Jones, Bunny Keo, Clare
Moreau, Chantal Musgrove,
Walker, Angela Zwicker, Andrew Anderson,
Audette, Julie
Michelle Chidley, Rachael
Davies, Cameron Green,
Chelsea Hames,
Hammell, Brittoni Inglis,
Byron Kjeldsen, Erin Lane,
Michelle Mackin,
Mitchell, Kristie Morison,
Swansen, Christie Virtue,
and Amy Muranetz.
The Career P r e p a r a t i o n Program-Outdoor Recreation
had another very exciting
year. W i t h eighteen s t u d e n t s
i n grade 11, a n d eighteen s t u dents i n grade 12, the g r o u p s
tackled many adventures
k a y a k i n g near Sidney, m o u n t a i n b i k i n g at M t . Z o o h a l a n ,
r u n n i n g at Thetis, G o w l a n d Todd, East Sooke
M t . W o r k , s a i l i n g at C o r d o v a
B a y , s n o r k e l l i n g at the breakw a t e r , r o c k c l i m b i n g at
Mt.MacDonald and Mt.Wells.
O t h e r h i g h l i g h t s of the year
included mountain wilderness survival, working with
S a a n i c h Parks and Recreation, and completing Outdoor S t e w a r d s h i p w i t h C R D
T h i s p r o g r a m offers a h i g h
l e v e l of f i t n e s s , l e a d e r s h i p
t r a i n i n g as w e l l as exposure
to a wide variety of outdoor
activities a n d s k i l l s .
Jim MacConnan c o n t i n u e s to
find the energy a n d e n t h u s i a s m to m a k e this a n exciting
p r o g r a m . Graduates: Steve Barta
Travis Lachmund, Robbie McDo
Graeme Ross, Ben Howard, C
Rach, David Roy, James Pratt, G
Dobson, Natalie Fabre, Julie S
Holly Klazinga, Khat Vesal, Ca
Mueller, Brad Gemmell, Jerry h
Undergrads: Chad Campbell, M
Gordon, Matthew Haldane, Ja
Haymes, Seamus Howley, Chr
Kucheran, Cari Lang, Chris Le
Carrie McLellan, Janet Nielson,
Owen, Nick Patterson, Kyle R
Caley Sutton, Lucas Wallenbu
Dick Brouwer, w h o t a u g h t
the G e n e r a l M e c h a n i c s
course, i n s t r u c t e d ten g r a d u ates a n d fifteen u n d e r g r a d u ates. He prepared the G r a d e
Eleven s t u d e n t s b y i n t r o d u c i n g t h e m to the b a s i c s of a u tomobile m a i n t e n a n c e s u c h
as tune-ups a n d l u b r i c a t i o n
c h e c k s , whereas, the G r a d e
Twelve s t u d e n t s were assigned to w o r k o n more c o m plicated tasks s u c h as repairi n g , r e b u i l d i n g engines a n d
transmissions while u s i n g d i agnostic e q u i p m e n t .
The students w o r k e d o n
their o w n cars, cars that were
s u p p l i e d by the s c h o o l or cars
w h i c h the s t u d e n t s b r o u g h t
The experience i n the a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y h e l p s to
prepare the s t u d e n t s for app r e n t i c e s h i p s or to e n r o l l i n
college giving t h e m a better
knowledge of w h a t it is really
like i n the 'real' w o r l d .
G r a d u a t e s : Tom Brown, Jesse
Cunningham, Kevin Dosanjh,
Lefebvre, Jackson Morrison,
Bryce Muir, Craig Selzler,
Devin Spark, Steven Van
Bailey, Ryan Brydon, Scott
Cadwallader, Stu Paul Darcy
Creech, Chelsea Hitchcock,
Brian Leighland, Cory Nightingale, Rob Raymond, Brian
Sadler, Stephen Tarrington,
Nick Searle, Bart Sutherland,
Vincent Velasco, Rob Wood.
It w a s a n o t h e r y e a r o f
c h a n g e a n d g r o w t h for the
Video A r t s P r o g r a m . In September, Rene Schwarzjoined
S p e c t r u m staff to teach Video
A r t s c l a s s e s w h i l e Brian
Whitmore remained responsible for w o r k experience. C l i ent videos were once again a n
i m p o r t a n t feature of the prog r a m . In the fall, a d o c u m e n tary was begun, chronicalling
the p r o d u c t i o n of a n environm e n t a l awareness C D for use
in classrooms throughout
B . C . E n t i t l e d " R u n n i n g from
the M o u n t a i n s " , the C D w a s
recorded i n the S p e c t r u m
Theatre b y well k n o w n artist
Holly Amtzen a n d the Watershed c h o i r . A s i m i l a r project
involved d o c u m e n t i n g the
p r o d u c t i o n of a C D of
" w e s t c o a s t m u s i c " b y Bill
Henderson, k e y w r i t e r a n d
performer i n C h i l l w a c k a n d
projects ranged from the sublime, s u c h as o u r fourth a n n u a l r e c o r d i n g of the R o a d
Festival, a literary fundraiser,
at the Conference Centre by
f a m o u s C a n a d i a n poets, to
the w h i m s i c a l , a promo video
for a d o g obedience school.
T h e h i g h l i g h t of the y e a r
w a s p r o d u c i n g a one h o u r i n terview p r o g r a m w i t h P a r l i a m e n t a r y O p p o s i t i o n Leader,
Preston Manning a n d b r o a d c a s t i n g it live o n the Internet.
O n October 2 1 , M r . M a n n i n g
Fraser, Alex Gaiger, Steve Hall, Ryan
Jarman, Matthew McAdams, Jeff
Meyer, Chris Mohr, Brian Nolan,
John Quocksister, Matthew Riches,
Lee Starck, B.J. Wood
Grade 11: Marc Audette, Alexis
Baran, Crystal Beulah, Cheryl
Bisson, Lisa Colantonio, Daniel
Demers, Mark Edwards, David
Forsyth, Sean Herbert, Loretta
Jones, Laura Kalynchuk, Tiffany
Kilroy, Jordan Lynam, James Moore,
Geoff Pakos, Jayke Reed, Megan
Renney, Danny Robinson, Lon
Grade 12: David Allen, Bret Barton,
Sheehan, Joshua Smith, James
Alex Biddiscom.be, Jared Butcher,
Sorenson, Philip Walmsley, Aaron
Dan Davidson, David Fraelic, James
visited Spectrum and disc u s s e d politics a n d c u r r e n t
affairs w i t h a n articulate a n d
knowledgable s t u d e n t a u d i ence. F o r m e r S p e c t r u m video
arts teacher, Jeff Birmingham
j o i n e d t h e c r e w to d i r e c t
t r a n s m i s s i o n of a flawless,
professional show. It w a s the
f i r s t live p o l i t i c a l i n t e r n e t
broadcast i n C a n a d a .
This year the Boys' Soccer Team
had an exciting season. Traditionally, the expectations for the boys
soccer team are always very high.
However after losing two of the first
games the boys realized that every
game would be a battle if they hoped
to reach the playoffs.
Despite this slow start, our squad
rallied and went on a nine game winning streak to finish in a tie for second place overall in the league.
What a terrific season! After a thrill-
ing overtime playoff victory over
Oak Bay, Spectrum, played a tough
Lambrick Park side in the Colonist
Cup final. The 4 - 1 score suggests
it was an easy victory, but all who
watched the game knew our boys
fought very hard to earn the title of
City Champs. This tremendous accomplishment was due to the hard
work, fantastic dedication and a
team approach, from each individual
on this year's squad. Congratulations on an outstanding season, we
look forward to the challenges of
next year! Well done boys!
Team players; (back row) Robin Mc
Intosh, Devin Spark, Richard
Daniels, Dan Kerr, Mike Woods,
Graeme Ross, Mark Gerow
(middle row) Darren Smith (coach),
Mario Ramos, Lea Cathcart, Tony
Flynn, Len Bapty, Matt Bender,
Grant Dobson, Ben Davidson (manager)
(front row) Darryll Dawson, Steve
Barta, Mark Gudowski, Steve Hall,
Lyle Marquette, Jordan Vangylswyk.
This year's girls volleyball team
showed outstanding skill as they finished the season with twenty-five
wins and only five losses, finishing
in a tie with Belmont for first place
in the league. The team placed third
in the Police Tournament, fourth
place in the Camosun Tournament,
and fourth place in the Island Championships. The girls' best game was
against Ballenas from Parksville the
Provincial champions, with a final
score of26-24. Spectrum's team was
unfortunate not to make it to the Provincial Championships this year.
Amanda Bartle received an
award for the first all-star team in
the U-Vic tour, and Chelsea Mason
received an award for the first allstar team in the Island Tournament.
Team members: Amanda Bartle,
Chelsea Mason, Jen Boorman,
Kellee Brown, Gill Brooke, Lynelle
McLean, Janet Neils on, Morgan
Schwartz, Shirley Kwan. Coach: Jim
With a racquet in hand, each
member of the badminton team hits
a birdie with no remorse. These
players have overhead smashes
that would put a tennis team to
The ten players, under the ruthless coaching of Mac and Cory
Rideout (all the way from Newfoundland), have managed to win
six out of their ten matches. In fact,
two of their losses were tied until
Doubles partnerships: Chris
Berns/ Graeme Ross, Grant Dobson
/ Dan Juricic, Janet Nielson / Maria
Dmitruk, Nadine Trinh/ Nancy Le.
Singles players: Simon Jang and
Shirley Kwan. Although the team
didn't go to the championships,
they earned respect from their foes.
1999 w a s the first s e a s o n
that Colquitz and Spectrum
c o m p e t e d as a c o m b i n e d
J u n i o r a n d senior athletes
from b o t h schools p a r t i c i pated i n the C r a b Fest, the
S e c o n d A n n u a l Regatta a n d
the Lower I s l a n d C h a m p i o n s h i p s . A l l the rowers made respectable s h o w i n g s , i n c l u d i n g the j u n i o r girls w h o q u a l i fied for the finals t h i s year.
Despite difficult odds a n d
two very cold ' d u n k s ' i n the
Gorge waterway, the t e a m a l ways showed tremendous
spirit a n d teamwork.
Team Members:
Armstrong, Kristy McPherson,
McConnell, Dan Raymond, Ryan
and Scott Miller.
Coaches: Scott Goodmanson, Peter Hunter.
Our performances this year were walkers and runners for the Garoutstanding. Janet Nielsen got bet- den City 10km Run and Walk on
ter and better as the cross- coun- April 30. Last year the team won
try season progressed. In the six for most pledges by selling pizza.
races that she ran she finished with Spectrum finished 4 in team
3-4* place performances. In the In- standing. This year the team raised
dividual standing she was fourth money by holding a raffle. Coach:
with 53 points behind Nancy Lou Hetke
Feduruk (100 pts) Lambrick Park,
Erica Drew (85 pts) Oak Bay, and
Karen Feduruk (LP) (65 pts). In the
Island Championship she finished
in 11 place. She saved her best
perfomance for the BC. Championship with a 21 place in a field of
135. Janet was the 5 ranked Island runner in the competition.
The Spectrum x- country team did
well in the Thetis Lake 4x5 km on
Remembrance Day. The women's
team consisting of Ms. Wendy
Burleson, Melissa Walker, Val
Vosper and Janet Nielsen won the
High School Division on a cold, wet
day at Thetis Lake.
The boy's team of Jake and Graham Haymes, James Pratt and Kiel
Pharis also won the High School
The staff and students have assembled a strong team of over 40
Left: Janet Nielson, Wendy
Burleson race at Elk Lake
Right: Janet Nielson crosses the
line in the BC Championships
Spectrum swimmers were i n full stroke this
year. They all swam their hearts out but unfortunately didn't make it beyond the Nanaimo
meet. The girls worked as a team and had a
great time. "Its all those winter swimmers who
take over the lane", said Janet Nielsen. It was
the Spectrum spirit that kept u s striving for
the gold. In the end it was our positive attitude
and high energy that won the races. O n the
other h a n d maybe it was the Gatorade and
power bars. Either way we were true champions. Way to go team! Back row: Katie Humphries
Julie Smith Krista Golden Haley Meyer. Front
row: Janet Nielsen Desiree Houle Natalie Fabre
We h a d a great turnout for
wrestling this year. We trained
w i t h students from Colquitz,
Claremont, Vic High and several
elementary schools.
The team practised at least
three times a week and sometimes as often as six.
This year, the Spectrum wrestlers did an excellent job on the
mat.They received a total of
fourteen medals and placed 8
or better five times.
The practices were hard and vigorous with a variety of drills. The
wrestlers learned new skills and
techniques along w i t h a long
cardiovascular workout to keep
fit and to get i n better shape.
The team travelled over 2500 km
and wrestled in tournaments in
Courtenay, Nanaimo, Coquitlam,
Kamloops, Victoria, Port Alberni,
C a m p b e l l River, Cloverdale,
Abbotsford, Ferndale and SedroWooly in Washington State.
Darcy Guldbrandsen and Bojan
w r e s t l e d i n the
Freestyle category i n the National Championships joined by
Jesse Sihota in the Greco Roman
At the Island Zone Championship i n Campbell River, coach
Bob Schwartz was presented
with a volunteer award for his
commitment and dedication to
the Victoria Bulldogs.
Awards for an outstanding team.
Darcy Guldbrandsen-Gold-BC Age
Class, Silver-Island Zones, Bronze-BC
Small Schools, 7*-BC Provincial
Julie Masse-Silver-Island Novice,
Bronze-Island Girls Invitational, 6 Port Alberni Invitational
Jesse Sihota~Silver-War on the Floor,
Bronze-BC Small Schools
Allison Russ -Silver-War on the Floor,
e'Msland Girls Invite, 8 -Port
Alberni Invitational
Bojan Grbawzc-Silver-SFU Elite,
Bronze-Port Alberni Invitational
Lakhbir GiH~Silver-BC Small Schools,
Bronze-Island Novice, Bronze-Alberni
Invite, e^-Island Zones
Grant Dobson-Bronze-Island Novice
Team Members: Jesse Sihota, Bojan
Grbavac, Darcy Guldbrandsen,
Lakhbir Gill, Julie Masse, Kristen
Sparks, Grant Dobsen, Allison Russ,
Barry Lalonde (Referee), Chris Hale
Coaches: Ed Ashmore (Head Coach),
Bob Schwartz.
The b o w l i n g t e a m t h i s y e a r
consisted of four teams:
Spectrum Spare of Destiny i n c l u d e d Lee Robbins, Dustin
Boggs, a n d Sterling Simpson.
We h a d a 'Clean Sweep''with
Simon Jang, Natasha Chen,
a n d Rob Gordon. T h e Spect r u m Kitchen Brigade i n c l u d e d Jeff Stratford, Rodney
Turple, a n d Craig Esplen.
Last, b u t n o t least, the Spectrum Y2K i n t r o d u c e d Dave
Lavery, Jon Horel, a n d Paul
Siu. E a c h week the b o w l e r s
played at M a y f a i r L a n e s .
E v e n i n e x p e r i e n c e d players
c a n j o i n the b o w l i n g team. A t
the e n d of the season w i n n i n g
teams m a y receive B u r s a r i e s ,
or m a y compete i n the T o p
Team City Championships.
This activity is sponsored
each year by the O p t i m i s t
C l u b of V i c t o r i a .
In the H i g h S c h o o l League
c o m p e t i t i o n , Spectrum Clean
Sweep p l a c e d s e c o n d b e h i n d
the Spectrum Spare of Destiny
w h o p l a c e d i n first. T h e h i g h light of the s e a s o n w a s Rob
Gordon p l a c i n g s e c o n d t o p
bowler i n the league. The h i g h
average scores for boys a n d
g i r l s were Rob Gordon-160
a n d Natasha Chen-120.
T h i s year we were l u c k y to
have the o p p o r t u n i t y to go to
the city c h a m p i o n s h i p s w i t h
the Spectrum Spare of Destiny
as o u r representatives. T h i s
c o m p e t i t i o n c o n s i s t s of n i n e
h i g h s c h o o l teams c o m p e t i n g
for the city c h a m p i o n s h i p tro¬
C o a c h : Julia Grant
t h
Claire game o n A p r i l 8 at S . M . U .
Hitchmough, Morgan Schwartz,Kellee Brown was also chosen
Jen Boorman, Jill Alexander, Gillfor the all star team and was
Brooke, Kellee Brown, A n d named M V P of the Vancouver
Lynelle McLean are the eight Island AAA Championship tourSpectrum champions who be- nament.
long to the G i r l s B a s k e t b a l l
The girls placed first on the
team. With their goal to win the Island and went into the B . C .
B . C ' s i n m i n d , t h e y went C h a m p i o n s h i p s as the fifth
through endless practices and seed. They were upset i n the
many tournaments. They won first game by a lower seed (Thoall their league games, placing mas Haney from Maple Ridge),
first i n the Vancouver Island and lost a close game against
AAA championship tournament. South Peace ( Dawson Creek).
The team highlights of this They finished the year on a winyear began when Gill Brooke was ning note with victories against
named first team all star a n d McRoberts ( Richmond) and Mt.
made it i n the Times Colonist Baker (Cranbrook) to finish 13th
newspaper. Jen Boorman won a i n t h e p r o v i n c e . C o a c h e s :
$200 Scholarship for basketball Leanna Madill, Gary Brooke,
and academics a n d was also Gary Lansdell
chosen to play i n the a l l star
A boring ferry ride doing homework and an hour long vanride,and
we were there. Now the fun was to
begin, or so we thought.
The night of our arrival we went
to the tournament banquet at the
Pacific Coliseum. It was a great experience. All the teams were there,
as well as a magician. We received
merchandise from many of the tournament sponsors and even got to
see the set of the upcoming movie
Scream 4.
We ended up losing our first game
the next morning 67-52 to Thomas
Haney. Our defence, or lack thereof,
was what killed us the most. The
same problem happened in our second game when we lost to South
Peace 66-52.
Most of us were pretty disappointed, but what's better at lifting
a bunch of girls' spirits than shopping. We covered many stores in
Vancouver including Metrotown
Centre and Robson Street. Other
things we did to pass time included
watching movies and hanging out
with, as well as supporting the other
island team, Claremont.
Our third and fourth games went
quite a bit better. We won both,
defeating McRoberts (again) 74-68
and Mt. Baker 62-54. We ended up
finishing 13 in BC. Not as great
as we wouldVe liked, but it could
have been worse.
The closing ceremonies consisted
of the usual handing out of medals
and all-star selections. However, the
volunteer committee had all the
teams walk out in a line behind
their school's sign, which was sort
of different and Olympic-like.
Although we didn't do as well as
we wanted or were expected to, we
still managed to have fun and enjoy the experience. This trip, as well
as the friendships we've made
through the sport, are memories
none of us will ever forget.
Jill Alexander
" A positive and hardworking
team," said Gord Thatcher, head
coach of Spectrum Boys Basketball
Team. The team consisted of nine
boys, #5- Steve Nguyen, #\4-Robin
Aflntosh, #\5-Chris Owen, U-Matt
Haldane, #13 -Jiwan Sekhan, #9RobPringle, X7-T.J. Johal,# 22-Dan
Seel, and #12-Chad Campbell. They
are an extremely young team, considering that most other teams in the
league are in their second year together. The only two grade twelves
on the team, T. J. Johal and Rob
Pringle "have shown a great deal of
leadership this year",said coach
Still full time at school, the boys
work through a tight schedule of
practices and games against some
pretty tough teams. Highlights this
year included T.J Johal and Chris
Owen being chosen as 1 st team all
stars,winning their game against St.
Michaels (who are currently ranked
fourteenth in B.C),beating a team
from California and never being defeated this year by Mt.Doug.
Although the boys did not make it
to the Island Championships they
finished their year on a high note
placing fifth in the city.
Top: Team members; Ashley Holland, Amber Garraway and, Sarah
Karpati, defend their goal against
the opposition.
Bottom Right: Sarah Karpati, Amber Garraway and Ashley Holland
make a daring steal.
Bottom Left: Sarah Karpati, Anna
Correia, Erica Sorenson and Jessica
Wright take a concsious swing, to
gain possession of the ball.
W i t h a h a r d grip o n the
field hockey stick, the b a l l has
finally stopped r o l l i n g a n d is
i n control. T u r n i n g to the left,
g l a n c i n g at the right, c e r t a i n
b u t not sure of the d i r e c t i o n
i n w h i c h to hit. A confident
smile emerges as the s t i c k is
raised i n the air. W i t h a l l possible m i g h t y strength i n that
right a r m , the s t i c k a n g r i l y
slaps the b a l l . It travels two
feet. W i t h a s m o o t h swift act i o n , the a d v e r s a r y e a s i l y
steals the b a l l a w a y a n d
q u i c k l y moves into play. H a v i n g more fun t h e n from a n y
other sport w a s the m a i n i n tention for t h i s t e a m where
the majority were first time
Field Hockey moved
a l o n g m o d e r a t e l y w i t h trem e n d o u s experience from exColquitz students. Even
t h o u g h no games were w o n ,
the girls c a m e out i n the e n d
a l l smiles a n d great attitudes!
The team joined this sport
p r i m a r i l y for the l e a r n i n g exp e r i e n c e a n d b e i n g able to
w o r k together as a team.
Practices were always
productive because there
w e r e a l w a y s n e w s k i l l s to
achieve a n d improve. First
b e i n g able to dribble the b a l l
was a challenge, however,
these determined players
q u i c k l y grasped the concept.
M e m b e r s w h o h a d more experience led the ones w i t h o u t
any. F i e l d H o c k e y w o u l d not
have been p o s s i b l e w i t h o u t
the c o a c h i n g of C a r a J a y who
c o n t r i b u t e d her free time to
this sport. C a r a brought b a c k
S p e c t r u m F i e l d H o c k e y for
w h i c h the girls w i l l always be
Back row: Katrina Hoogland, Angela White, Brandy Robbins, Lindsey Rigg, Haley Meyer, Sarah Karpati
Garraway, Michelle Doty, Jessica Wright, Anna Correia. Coach Cara Jay
Bottom row: Chelsea Mason, Jenn Crothers, Lindsay Kissinger, Erica Sorenson, Ashley Holland, Nadine T
W i t h b i g goals i n m i n d , t h i s
year's t e a m of golfers consisti n g of; Craig Esplen, Travis
Kahlil Johal, Graeme Ross,
Shaun Huot, Brian Sadler and
Tyson Sherwood are s t r i v i n g
to get to the Islands a n d the
Provincal C h a m p i o m s h i p s for
the first time i n years.
The season began w i t h sixteen golfers c o m p e t i n g for 1
of 8 spots o n the team.
The selection process c o n sisted of three 18-hole r o u n d s
w i t h the top 8 players b e i n g
selected for a c h a n c e at glory.
W i t h competitors from every
s c h o o l t h e t e a m h o p e s to
leave it's n a m e i n the b o o k s .
Y o u c a n c a t c h these g u y s
golfing at Gorge V a l e , O l y m pic View a n d many other
c o u r s e s . "One of the hopeful
players is T r a v i s L a c h m u n d ,
w h o h a d some o u t s t a n d i n g
s c o r e s i n the t r i a l r o u n d s "
says coach Grant Boland .
-Bunny Keo
By D a v i d
-Alex Biddiscombe
-Clare Moreau
Cereal Box
There was a young boy,
Who was pawing through a cereal box,
And passed a piece of love,
A piece of happiness,
A piece of peace,
For he was intent on a lesser prize,
The promised toy on the back of the cereal box.
~ Alex Jones
Speaking as though you have
Spoken those words
This old broken down sidewalk,
Seems you have walked over
Every crack while taking this route
Life has passed you without
You even living
Days go by as seconds come into
You blink and your thoughts
Have escaped your
0S$nd'my 6cul'flaffiewed 6y youv imtewae way&.
(^oo much,
C£$nd' tAew it a <jf<me.
Understanding is somewhat o f a
Foreign concept to
Tragedy has once again filled
Your body as you had
Just emptied out your
~Katie Stone
Just Fifty Cents
The homeless,
Overlooked, defeated people,
Walking the cold, busy streets,
Unable to sleep.
Society seems to push away the homeless.
People just have their own personal concerns.
The same line as I walk by;
Smiling, I drop two quarters.
She looks up, with hesitant eyes but
Smiles, satisfied.
M e , I walk away proud.
But I still do not understand
The importance o f that fifty cents.
~Chandell Naysmith
-paintings: Clare Moreau
"It's dangerous, you know/'
Said tpe
wizened, nosferous, old man,
in the ragged grey cloak
witl? l)is thin, strangly,
bleached white hair
The sulfurous stench
wrinkled and rankled
my nostrils, and I asked why.
I breathed the word, softly, hoping his
rheumy eyes,
his old ears
would not see or hear me
but they did.
He cackled,
"whyl" He cracked out.
"why is it dangerous!"
His voice dropped to a
low, ominous whisper,
so low that
-Natalie Walker
had to strain to hear,
"why is it dangerous!
Here there be dragons."
-Bunny Keo
A Chemical Smile
In the shadows a jester laughs
A straight-jacketed soul
With a painted smile
Behind the mask
A n angel fallen from grace
Starved o f a life
Stolen by chemical pleasures
~ Alexander Bryan Gaiger
Do you fear me?
Slender woman
My eye weapons?
Smile a knife?
Did I cause this?
Mistrust, Fear, and Anger
Admiration now a crime.
~Lee Robbins
-Mike Jones
Alone In the darkness
I walk
I spy a dark figure coming coming
Death is s
Majestically b
t m
Hades shows me the - r t , w s b
I ga z e
I hear whispering voices
u m
Death is s
-Kirsty Dunning
-Natalie Walker
The Rules of War
N o negotiating with terrorists,
N o killing the leaders.
The loser must pay reparations
The good guys always win
But are there any good guys in war
What is war?
Hostile contention by means o f
Armed forces between opposing powers
Usually over land, money, or doctrine
N o Rules!
-Mike Jones
-James Fraser
The human life is
like a caterpillar
it is
not bound by
but is a continual being
changing and growing
one end
a helpless babe
the other
a feeble old man
in between is the stuff
of dreams
Death is merely the cocoon
before the butterfly
-Joshua Douglas-Tubb
-Bunny Keo
-Lisa Morton
Paradise Lost
the s u n s h i n e s h i g h over the s h i m m e r i n g sea
a l o n g the shoreline
a c h i l d flies a kite
i n s h a l l o w waters
stands a heron
lord and master
over t h i s paradise
i n the waves
a n object floats
a single c a n i s t e r
w i t h a single w o r d u p o n it
-Alexander Bryan Gaiger
1 01010010 0
1 01010101 1
-James Fraser, Paul Siu
-Cam Green
II I'aime mats...
II I'aime
Mais il ne le lui a jamais dit.
II veut passer du temps avec elle
Mais il ne le lui a jamais demande
II lui achete des cadeaux
Mais il ne les lui a pas donnes.
II attend quelle I'aime
Mais elle n'en sait rien
-Erin Favell
-Darryll Dawson
Sans titre
Nous etudiions ensemble
Nous jouions ensemble
Quelquefois t u me donnais le
Pour plupart tu l'as garde
Nous mangions ensemble
Nous nous chicanions ensemble
Quelquefois tu m'as frappee
Nous nous embrassions
Nous parlions ensemble
Quelquefois t u me partagleais
Parce qu'il l'a fallu
-Amanda Bartle
-Mike Jones
Mon Premier Amour
Je me rappelle mon premier amour
Les bras puissants qui m'ont tenue
Le sourire fantastique qu'il m'a donne'
Les beaux yeux que j'ai regardes
Les cheveux de soie que j'ai touches
Le cou qui a senti de parfum
C'est aussi, la meme main qui a arrache mon coeur n*
Et le meme pied qui l'a ecrase
Nadine Trinh
La Confusion
-Jennifer Watterson
Au premier, nous avons parle
II m'a aimee et
Je I'ai aime mais
Qa ne marchera jamais
Puis nous nous sommes embrasses
Et il avait I'air content mais
Je n'etais pas contente
Parce que ga ne marchera pas
Maintenant, je ne sais pas
Nous nous aimons toujours mais,
Nous sommes perdus
Parce que ga ne marchera pas
The Rubber Glove
-Alex Biddiscombe
Here comes the story of O.J
The man the authorities came to blame
Swinging away on a golf course
Persecuted for something he ain't never done
But in his day Simpson was one of the best running backs the Bills ever had
Here comes the story of O.J.
The man the authorities came to blame
But now he's getting chased down south along the highway for something he ain't done * £ " v.
Stop it before anyone dies, you've gonna drive the man to suicide.
Here comes the story of O.J.
The man the authorities came to blame
Here comes the indictment, for two counts of murder in the first degree
Marcia Clark is saying he took the jabber to 'em both and almost took Nicole's head
clean off
Here comes the story of O.J.
The man the authorities came to blame
They won in civil court, but they can't put him away
Here comes the story of a crooked cop, planted evidence and racist allegations by the *•
bumper crop
Here comes the story of tainted blood
Here comes the story of an incompetent judge
That is the tale of a good 'ol O.J. Simpson
He fought the law, and he won
Storming into the endzone with the verdict.. .not guilty.
"5 s.* *•
4 S i s * <*
-Alex Jones
Stagecraft 12 students worked i n the Spect r u m theatre from September to J u n e a n d
helped produce more than 100 shows for the
school and community. While learning to hang
and focus lights, work with stage props and
scenery, operate the lighting and sound boards,
this small but talented group put the "magic"
on stage. They supported guest speakers, noon
hour activities, school dances, music concerts,
dramatic productions a n d dance shows. The
highlight of the year was being part of the team
which produced this year's hit musical, "Guys
and Dolls." Stagecraft students all passed the
"door test" a n d learned what a "hammer" is
(even-the-guy who-never-comes and new-guy
1-4) M r . Whitmore claims this was the best
stagecraft class ever a n d wants everyone to
know he was proud of their work and that he
will miss them next year.
C r e w : Kondema Gill, Krista Hagstrom,
Heartwell, Joel, Isberg, T.J. Johal, Jesse Lamb, Stu
Paul, ArashRahunifard, Mario Ramos, LeeRobbins,
Amber Schykawy, Sterling Simpson, Devin Spark,
Nick Squire, Steve Thomson, Samara Wesley,
Charley Young.
A performance of a lifetime!
Guys and Dolls was our production of the year. A colourful, fun
filled, energetic play that
"Rocked the Boat" for Spectrum
and its community. The production started on February 15
and ended seven sold out performances later. Gail Neuman
(director and choreographer)
took 50 students and worked
with them over three months to
stage the outstanding production.
The cast and crew worked
hard with three rehearsals a production was a great team efweek and many more as open- fort. When the lights went up the
ing night drew closer. Combine sets were revealed, the band
this with the remarkable sets worked its magic and the audiconstructed by Rick Ashton and ence couldn't help but feel the
his crew, painted by Harry electricity of it all. The performStanbridge and his team and the ers came to life as the cast took
scene was set for a blockbuster to the stage each night after
months of preparation and dediFrom Gail Neuman, Keith cation. Guys and Dolls gave
Fraser (music director) Tim Spectrum two weeks of pleasure
Barrs (assistant music director) playing to appreciative audito the musicians, set builders, ences in seven fine performpainters, make up artists, pub- ances.
lishers, costume designers the
Amanda Bartle
Scott Miller
Mike Jones
Byron Kjeldsen
Shawn Leatham
Charlind Dary
Natalie Fabre
Zoe Isberg
Lindsay McRae
Bree Bird
Avril Crockatt
Emily Hawkins
Meaghan Innes
Rachel Innes
Lindsay Lubinich
Amber Schykawy
Bojan Grbavac
John Pellerin
Dave Allen
Camem Bertram
Adam Faust
Steve Hall
Vincent Velasco
Steve Nguyen
Danielle Bailey
Chelsea Homes
Charlotte Hughes
Kristen Pearce
Sarina Ruffolo
Heather Russell
Marlena Waiters
Khat Vesal
Chris Baker
Nasstasia Yard
Anna Correia
Teneel Ferris
Krista Hagstrom
Kelly Leach
Chelsea Mason
Haley Meyer
Carolyn Mueller
Tara Rebum
Alena Roy
Courtney Couch
Kirsty Dunning
Construction C r e w
Protection Team
Gail Neuman, Brian Whitmore, Keith Fraser, Tim
Andrew Austin, Balwinder Banger, Joe Baratta, Bret
Barss, Jen Ratcliffe, Kathy Armstrong, Sue Wiggins,
Barton, Jordan Beatson, James Becvar
Samara Wesley, Joel Isberg, Jessica Hall, Jesse
Lamb, Sterling Simpson, Kondema Gill, Lee Robbins,
T.J. Johal, Stu Paul, Lee Robbins, James Smith,
Dayna Shellenburg, Laura South, Mario Ramos,
Karlin Audett, Julie Bergman, Katie Bone, Jennifer
Candy, Taylor Chater, Michelle Chidley, ChelseaHarry Stanbridge, Rick Ashton, Stage Craft Classes,
Journalism Class, Wendy Leach, Del Wood, Joan
Homes, Emma Hyldig, Mike Jones, Becka Kennedy,
Herron, Amber Seguin, Nicole Holden, Tanya White,
Bunny Keo, Chantel Musgrove, Julie Nguyen, James
Angela Zwicker
Smith, Christie Virtue, Aaron Webster
Set V^mtcrs
Above left: Krista Hagstrom
Right: CharlandDary
Concert Choir Courtney Couch, Chris
Concert Band: Jon Horel, Meloni
Nicholls, Diana Rukin, Melissa Slack,
McLean, Chris Nicholls, Jennife
Crystal Beulah, Brittany Blumel,Woods, Jenn Bayley, Dan Bail
Stephanie Boddam, Natalie Fabre,
Sarah Beebe, Cheryl Bisson,
Shannon Gibson, Chelsea Hames,
Claudette Brine, Dan Correia,
Emily Hawkins, Meaghan, Loretta
Charlind Dory, Dan Demers, Aa
Jones, Tiffany Kilroy, Lindsay Johnson, David Kroeger, Shaw
Lubinich, Jessica McCartney, Amy
Leatham, Lindsay McCrae, Chels
Muranetz, Chandell Naysmith, Julie
Middleton, Leigh Pharis, James
Nguyen, Brian Nolan, Leigh Pharis
Smith, Jesse Snow, Kristen Spa
Ashly Weisgerber
The S p e c t r u m C o n c e r t B a n d
a n d C h o i r were so full of e n t h u s i a s m t h a t after a f i r s t
r e g u l a r semester of c l a s s e s
they b o t h attended c l a s s o n
a once or twice a week extrac u r r i c u l a r b a s i s for the seco n d semester.
A s a n "off t o u r year", the
groups p l a c e d a s p e c i a l e m phasis on local c o m m u n i t y
concerts i n a n effort to c o n t i n u e to p r o m o t e m u s i c i n
our schools throughout
G r e a t e r V i c t o r i a . In a d d i t i o n
to regular concerts at Spect r u m , they visited the n e i g h b o u r i n g feeder schools w h i c h
h o u s e future S p e c t r u m s t u dents. The m u s i c students
r e s p o n d e d w e l l to K e i t h
Fraser's request to be p o s i tive role m o d e l s for future
students so that they will one
d a y fill the h a l l s of S p e c t r u m
w i t h their m u s i c too.
S e v e r a l m e m b e r s of t h e
S p e c t r u m C o n c e r t B a n d also
p l a y e d i n the p i t o r c h e s t r a
for " G u y s 8b D o l l s " , w h i l e
some of the c h o i r m e m b e r s
performed o n stage. A s everyone k n o w s , t h i s w a s a n i n c r e d i b l y positive experience
w i t h seven sold out shows.
M e m b e r s of the B a n d a n d
C h o i r have accepted a n i n v i t a t i o n to perform i n H a w a i i
i n the s p r i n g of 2 0 0 1 . F u n d
r a i s i n g activities have already
b e g u n for the tour.
The dance group which includes
males and females had a great year.
The dancers staged a wonderful
show, Evening of Dance' in the theatre during the winter and during
the year the students learned various types of dances including Latin,
Lyrical, Jazz and Hip Hop.
The outstanding dancers were
matched only by their magnificent
costumes which included Egyptian
mummies, funky blue nylons,
trenchcoats and Superman outfits.
Also featured this year were dances
which the students choreographed
themselves proving their abilities as
budding young choreographers.
Many of the dancers were featured
in the production of Guys and Dolls
where they strutted their stuff to
the appreciation of sell out audiences
As a finale to an extremely busy
year the Spectrum Dancers participated with many other schools
in a danceshowcase at U-Vic in
Some of the numbers which the
dancers performed were, J Will Remember You, Let's Get loud, Ca
Heat and Hit theFloor.
Dancers: Kelsi Anderson, Marisa
Bowles, Colten Capener, Lisa Ch
Anna Correia, Navjot Dev, Britt
Donald, Dorota Dorzd, Cheryl
Ferreira, Teneel Ferris, Robel
Getahun, Chelsea Green, Rach
Innes, Jodi Johnson, Charlene
Joynson, Laura Kalynchuk, Tha
Khonn, Samantha Lamb, Greg
Lamothe, Felicity Mcleod, Hale
Meyer, Shannon Meyer, Chelse
Middleton, Steven Nguyen, Ter
Olson, Missy Parsons, Lindsey Ri
Amber Seguin, Kari Smith, Car
Stuart, Lesia Szwender, Hong T
Michelle Vincent. Brittany Blum
Sherri Clarke, Sonya Clemenso
Natasha Collins, Michelle Doty,
Krista Hagstrom, Nolan Heaven
Jamie Kirk, Anna Kubanski, Ke
Leach, Jacy Li, Chelsea Mason,
Ramanjit Nijjar, Justin Sampso
Wendy Thomson, Michelle Vinc
Tanya White, Jessica Wright.
Dance teachers: Gail Neuman, Leig
Neuman, Jen Vanderhagen Hea
"Any other items of business?" A
moment of silence as everyone collects his or her thoughts. A hush of
voices, a stir of movement and then
a chorus of suggestions and ideas
burst out.
"Has anyone found a DJ for the
dance yet?"
"We can make the Warm Fuzzies!"
"Can I emcee the assembly?"
If you were walking by Room 312
on Wednesday afternoon this is one
of many typical conversations that
the Student Leadership Group
would be involved in.Hardworking
Grade 12s and a few vital Grade lis
dominated this enthusiastic group.
The year broke out with a great start
with the Warm Fuzzy Assembly and
the planning sessions for events.
Soon Halloween jumped out from
around the corner with the first
dance of the year along with the
pumpkin carving contest, pictures,
spooky-grams, black and Orange
Day and Dress-up day. Thereafter,
Spectrum's tone quieted down with
the wonderful Remembrance Day
Once more, the spirits lifted with
the sound of Santa's sleigh not too
far away. Student Leadership also
planned the Black Light Dance to
the unexpected surprise of the fire
department. Yes, the dance was so
hot; we needed someone to put out
the fire!
April brought Spirit Week with
games and stunts and also
Wellness Week for healthy sexuality, health and fitness.
The entire school year would have
been completely dull without this
28-member organization. The effective structure of this group consisted of the Executive Committee:
Heather Russell, Amanda Bartle,
Chelsea Mason, Chelsey Ament,
Shawna Logue, Emily Da Silva,
Alena Roy, Angela White, Sarina
Ruffolo; and the Advisors: Jeff
Marchi and Tom Gordon. Room for
improvement is always possible so
there are hopes of making Student
Leadership an actual scheduled
class for next year. Nonetheless, the
group will always make the school
year memorable.
General Committee: Jordan
Beatson, Jessica Bender, Allan Chiu,
Anna Correia, Courtney Couch,
Maria Dmitruk, Teresa Frias, Katrina
Hoogland, Tina Kaloti, Shirley
Kwan, Kelly Leah, Shawn Leathern,
Nancy Le, Erica Matte, Raman Nijjar,
Muneesha Punni, Nadine Trinh, Lisa
Truong, Khat Vesal, Ashley
Left to right: Students Harpreet
Nijjar, Nick Wood, Sokly Lay and
Raven Sran join Student Leadership members Lisa
Angela White, Chelsea Mason
and Nadine Trinh at the MMT.
Above: Katrina Hoogland, Maria
Dmitruk at the Black Light Dance.
Far left: Leadership
appreciating Tom Gordon's singing.
WithlfrTgTi expectations from
the g r a d u a t i n g c l a s s the c o m mittee k e p t a l l s t u d e n t s i n
m i n d w h e n they m a d e decisions.
Grad 2000! T h o s e t w o
w o r d s were o n the tongues of
a l l the g r a d u s t i n g s t u d e n t s
from o p e n i n g d a y i n S e p t e m ber. A s the d a y l o o m e d closer
a n e n t h u s i a s t i c g r o u p of 2 8
s t u d e n t s a n d teachers gathe r e d t o g e t h e r to f o r m t h e
Graduation Committee. The
m a n d a t e of the g r o u p w a s to
p l a n the c e r e m o n y at U V I C
a n d the d i n n e r / d a n c e at the
O c e a n P o i n t e Resort. H i g h
l i g h t s i n c l u d e d v i s i t i n g the
site of the d i n n e r / d a n c e
c h o o s i n g appropriate decorations, e v a l u a t i n g the m o u t h
w a t e r i n g food a n d the excitem e n t of c h o o s i n g the entertainment. Parents and students were treated to a grad
fashion show w h i c h helped
t h e m to m a k e choices a b o u t
w h a t to wear o n the b i g night.
The group fundraised by
selling delicious lolli-pops a n d
w a s h i n g a few c a r s i n order
to keep the costs of the event
down. Advertisements and
w o r d of m o u t h s p r e a d g r a d
i n f o r m a t i o n to the grade 12's
t h r o u g h o u t the m a n y m o n t h s
of d e d i c a t e d p l a n n i n g . T h e
o r g a n i s a t i o n group stayed o n
t r a c k as s h o w n by the w o n derful events.
Students: Candice Pftuger, Anna
Corriera Chelsea Mason, Amanda
Bartle, Saryna
Holly Klazinga, Carol Fawcett, Lisa
Morton, Juha Louie, Maria Dmitruk,
Shirley Kuxm, Krista Golden, Lisa
Luu, Christine Randhawa, Angela
Lisa Truong, Jaclyn
Mddetton, Nadine Trinh, ErinFauett,
Sarina Ruffolo, Laura Arlidge,
Mariena Walters.
Teachers: Sharoyne Gaiptman,
John Howe, Phil Watt, Shelia
Richardson, Al Fishwick, Johm
We are not Zighi, or the source of light. Light, understanding, knowledge and truth is there
to shine in many dark places. Only we can allow ourselves to reflect it. We have spent thirteen years in schools, winning and losing in our studies, friendships and sports, but our
strength and courage aren't always measured in medals and victories. Instead they are measured in the struggles we overcome. The strongest individuals are not those people who always win, the strongest are those who don't give up when they lose.
Over the years we have accomplished things completely unexpected of our generation, but
we are Hokies and we can do it.
As we look into the future, many adventures await us and it is evident that the support we
have received from parents, staff, and friends will be carried with us as future leaders.
Amanda Bartle, Mike Jones
Five S p e c t r u m students,
along w i t h seven students
from V i c H i g h a n d three from
Reynolds, took p a r t i n a two
week exchange
Monterrey, M e x i c o from F e b r u a r y 2 0 to M a r c h 5. The s t u dents stayed at the h o m e s of
Mexican host families and
attended classes at P r e p a T e c ,
a private high school in
Monterrey. They were able to
experienced first h a n d family a n d s c h o o l life i n M e x i c o .
D u r i n g the two weeks there
were t o u r s to m a n y attractions
Monterrey, i n c l u d i n g Horse
Tail Falls and L a Quemada,
a n Aztec archaeological site.
There w a s also a n overnight
b u s trip to Zacatecas, a n o l d
c o l o n i a l t o w n , f a m o u s for
gold a n d silver p r o d u c t i o n
a n d the site of the M e x i c a n
Revolution. Here students
were led a r o u n d t o w n by a
Mariachi band, danced i n a
cave, a n d b a r g a i n e d for s o u v e n i r s at a local market.
T h e trip w a s a hectic b u t
r e w a r d i n g adventure, i n c l u d i n g a n u n p l a n n e d overnight
stay i n Chicago!
Everyone returned
V i c t o r i a a little more t a n n e d ,
a little more confident speaking Spanish and with many
n e w friends a n d memories.
S t u d e n t s : Katie Bone, Robbie
Curtis, Dayna Schellenberg,
Phil Wade, Andra Zigay.
S p o n s o r : Tom Gordon
A nine-day whirlwind excursion of London and Paris kept
the Spectrum grads on their toes
as they toured the cities night
and day.
In exciting London, the students soaked the history i n m u seums, palaces, and castles.
They absorbed the culture i n
packed subway cars, busy sidewalks, and smoky restaurants.
Their nightlife included watching the musical "Starlight E x press" which is performed on
Paris proved to be a marathon.
From early morning with lots of
strong coffee to perk them up,
the s t u d e n t s left no stone
In Paris, who d i d the grads
meet i n a line-up waiting to purchase tickets to ascend to the
top of Eiffel Tower? You guessed
itl Friends from Victoria. What
are the chances of that? Fate...
Destiny... Romance? French art,
French food, French architecture, and French history, what
else could anyone want? The answer was the Champs Elysees
for its shopping, where shop
they d i d . They spent several
hours peering into very expensive stores, finally deciding upon
p u r c h a s e s from the D i s n e y
The luggage came home m u c h
heavier filled with souvenirs and
momentos. The most precious
cargo, however, was the carefully stowed rolls of film, which
captured the wonderful time
had by all i n two of the most enchanting cities i n the world. A l t h o u g h the trip is over, the
memories will last a ufetime and
the friendships will be treasured
forever. Students:Brian Critchley,
Lisa Luu, Julia Louie, Anna
Kubanski, V.J. Johnson, Natalie
Walker, Chris Ward.
Sponsor: Sharoyne Gaiptrnan.
activities we engaged i n this
This year we focused on enh a n c i n g p e r s o n a l awareness
and skill training by attending
an information session at the
Birth Control Clinic, the PostSecondary Information sessions
held at the Conference Centre,
This year was a challenging a drug and alcohol awareness
year for Spectrum's peer coun- workshop. We also participated
sellors. Mamtaining enthusiasm i n a ten-hour workshop on anand commitment was an ongo- ger management and another
ing struggle so kudos are i n or- ten hour workshop on suicide
der for the eight students who prevention training.
stuck it out! Of last year's peer
Peer counsellors also involved
counsellors only Christian Burke t h e m s e l v e s i n a n u m b e r of
returned to share her knowledge projects. Prior to Christmas, we
and skills i n the program and coordinated the collection of
eighteen hampers which were
then d i s t r i b u t e d to o u r own
Spectrum community. Four
peer counsellors also served
Christmas dinners at the Silver
Threads Lodge. A s well, peer
c o u n s e l l o r s a c t e d as t o u r
guides for the v a r i o u s open
houses, parents' nights, a n d
CPP showcase.
The Peer Counselling Program
continues to be a highly rewarding experience. Peer Counsellors:
Christina Burke, CassandraCrus
NauSandhu, Tera Stark, Krysta
Valerie Vosper,
Jenneane Walsh
Sponsors: Michael Kellogg, Ms
Back row: Amanda Bartle, Jessica Wright, Maria Dmitruk, Chelsea Mason, Angela White, Michelle Doty, Lisa Truong,
Nadine Trinh
Front row: Muneesha Punni, Katrina Hoogland, Kelsi Anderson, Ashley Holland, Shirley Kwan, Navjot Dev, Raman Nijjar
Back row: Alexandra Baker, Julia Louie, Christine Randhawa, Bunny Keo
Front row: Katy Earl, Lisa Luu, Zoe Isberg, Kirsty Dunning
Sherri Elwell, Kelcey Erlandson
Nadine Trinh, Lisa Truong, Shirley Kwan, Chelsea Mason,
Burke, Angela White
Kyle McClymont, Robin
I a l w a y s enjoy w r i t i n g my
yearly message for the Spectrum
yearbook because it requires
some reflection on the current
school year. During this annual
reflective exercise, I am always
reminded of what a wonderful
school we have. Spectrum is
everything a school community
should be: vibrant, caring, busy,
positive, productive and diverse.
I would like to frame this message around the concept of diversity. I a m c o n s t a n t l y reminded of what a fabulous name
Spectrum is for a school because the rainbow is s u c h a
powerful symbol of diversity.
Like every individual member of
this school community, the colours of the spectrum are individually unique and individually
beautiful. However, collectively,
they are that m u c h more beautiful. Diversity is the one thing
we a l l have i n c o m m o n a n d
therefore, our celebration of diversity at Spectrum recognizes
that every graduate, staff member, student and parent contributes i n a unique way to the success of our wonderful school.
On a personal note, I passed a
milestone this year and I'm not
referring to my 40th! This was
my fourth year as principal of
Spectrum and is therefore, the
longest time IVe have been at
any school. I can't think of a better place to be! Best wishes to
the Class of 2000!
Proud to be a Hokie from
left: John Harrison, Principal
right: John Howe, Vice Principal
Joe Bekkers retires this year after teac
ing in Canada since 1969. Bom in Holland,
he moved to Australia at the age of nine.
There he became a biology teacher an
married Judy, his wife of thirty-five year
They had been married six months wh
they moved to New Zealand where a teac
ing opportunity became available to him
During this time his first child, Georgin
was born.
Always a traveller, Joe and his family
moved to Victoria in January 1969. Joe wa
amazed by the record snowfall that winte
Right away he took up a teaching positi
at Vic West Elementary school. In Septe
ber, the same year, Joe Bekkers began hi
adventure as a Biology teacher at Mt. Vi
and continued his teaching career at Spe
trum when the new school opened.
Initally expecting only to stay in Victo
for a couple of years, it became apparent t
he and his family were "putting down
roots". In 1970, Joe's second child Pau
was born, and Victoria became home to
Bekkers' family.
Over the last thirty-one years Joe has be
a keen soccer coach and has won many tit
and championships with his teams inclu
ing Colonist Cup victories in 1970,1971 (
View) 1974, 1977, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1997
with Spectrum's boys. He also coached
girl's soccer team which went on to win
City Championships in 1992.
Joe has also taken students on numerou
school trips including Britain, France,
Spain, Greece, and Australia. We will
dearly miss "Mr. Bekkers", he has been
inspiration to Spectrum Joe we will mis
your good humour and your sparkle. Jo
Bekkers leaves us to enjoy an exciting l
of travelling, sports, spending time with
family, and especially his young grandson
Kerry Stevenson started work
with the Greater Victoria School
District in October
Northridge Elementary School. In
April 1984, she moved to
Spectrum Community School where
she was a welcome addition to the
office staff. She maintained student records and more importantly
kept teachers and administrators
in line.
Kerry has been a enthusiastic
member of the Spectrum staff supporting sports teams, Magical Mystery tours, countless musicals, and
the terrific
students who have passed through
the doors of this school. She also
has the pleasure of seeing her own
two daughters attend and graduate from Spectrum.
Kerry is looking forward to her
free time to pursue skiing, sailing,
and the pleasure of being a new
Spectrum thanks Kerry for all her
hard work, Spectrum's staff and
students will certainly miss her.
Remember to come back and visit
Bifi Gilbert, Dick Brauwer, Rick Ashton, Jim McConnan
Grant Boland, Darren Smith, Daryl Noullette, Gord Thatcher
Kim Kirk, Bartbara Armstrong, Julia Grant, Kathy Armstrong
John Clemens, Peter Hunter, Tim Barss, Bernadette Harris
Ted Sarkissian, Barbara Armstrong, Ray Miller, Bob
Schwartz, Denis Swonnell
Jean Buyden, Marsha Petty^Johnson, David Embry, Winnie
Rainsford, Carola Young, Rebecca Pollard, Duane Hoffman, John
Martin, Lou Hetke, Allison Enns
Harry Stanbridge, Jen RacUiffe, Brian Whitmore
Cherry Luzupone, Karen Turner, Al Fishwick, Doreen Hall,
Michael Kellogg
Sue Wiggins, Julie Anderson, Shelley Harvey, Kerry
Stevenson, Barb McCulloch, Jane Massy
Maureen Ross, Sharoyne Gaiptman, Kathleen Silver,
Shavinder Gill, Jeff Marchi, Wendy Burleson, Tom Gordon,
Phil Watt
With the girls winning more than The girls had their best game Armstrong, Cheryl Bisson, Gill
half their games, they have proved against Esquimalt winning 8-1! as Brooke, Courtney Couch, Emily
to be energetic and full of Spectrum well, as having a record of 6-3 dur- Silva, Khat Vesal, Erin Favell,
spiritl The girls soccer team has ing most games at press times. The ber Garraway, Morgan Schwar
improved from the team last year. team was even lucky enough to have Charlind Dary, Natalie Fabre,
As most of the team members are participated in the Campbell River Kristan Marion, Lynelle McLea
in grade 11, this bodes well for next Tournament. They had a great team Sherri Elwell, Kelcey Erlandso
year. They have had a lot of encour- and the entire season was very op- Lindsay Kissinger, Sarah Karp
agement and training along the way timistic!
Shannon Gibson, Shauna Toak
from Coach Bekkers, and manag- Team: Chelsey Ament, KathleenCoach: Joe Bekkers
ers Alena Roy and Jessica Bender.
The girl's softball team began the
season with a tournament in
Washington. Although these was
among the first games, they
played very well against the 3
and 5 ranked teams in the
The team showed great potential at the tournament as
Spectrum's pitching squad easily
matched the American girls. The
team benefited from the experience and was prepared for the
season opener.
When the girls returned home
they opened the season with an
awesome start. They won their
first games and continued to play
well throughout the season. With
all the talented girls on the team
we look forward to a great season.
Players: Jennifer McCallum, Taylor
Chater, Lindsey Kissinger, Erin
Favell, Sarah Karpati, Emily
Hawkins, Linsey Lubinich, Erika
Fitterer Chelsea Mason, Ashley
Baker, Kristen Sparks, Kelly Doran,
Jowi Alexander, Bree Short, Sara
Sponsor: John Martin
Manager: Courtney Couch
The men on the wrestling Bojan Grbavac received a silver
team did an excellent job at the medal in the Free Style category
Ferndale Tournament in Washing- and silver in the Grecco Roman
ton State. Bojan Grbavac won sil- category the very next day. Also
ver and Darcy Guldbrandsen won in the Grecco Roman category
a bronze. At the Sedro-Wooly Darcy Guldbrandsen placed fourth
Tournament, which was also in and Jesse Sihota placed fifth. The
Washington, Bojan and Darcy wrestling team from Spectrum did
both won gold as they pinned the an excellent job this year, for they
Americans to the mat. The Na- added another six medals and two
tional Championships were huge placings to their list of 20 medals
for three Spectrum wrestlers. and a placing of 8 or better 7
M O S T L l K E L y TO...
Su.cc.eed I n Li-fe:
M a k e T h e F r o n t Page O-f T h e Natior>a.l Eir\<^u.irer:
B e c o m e P r o - f e s s i o o a l , Highly P a i d
4- M a . t t
W r i t e F o r The N e w y o r k
4- C h a . r l e y
Be U
Cutre A
ly P e r f e c t P a r e n t s :
&R.ADS 2000
Ka_loti 4
P I P i W E A K y o u sAy.,.?
T h e M o s t Bea.M.ti-fw.1 E y e s B e l o n g To
Live Happily
) \ IK^T
Cov^cVs 4
I-Ha.ve T h e C o l g a t e K i d
Bui-ff B a J b e s a . r e K e l l e e B r o w n 4- & r a . o t D o b s o n
Center-fold S p r e a d s Lookouct, Here Come The Sexy
O-f A
Tr-u.or\0) 4 T o n y Tha_i F o l l o w T h e L a . t e s t R.u.nwa.y F a _ s h i o n
K i r k 4 Pau.1 S i u . W i l l B e R u - l i n g T h e W o r l d I n 2025:
K a . t r i n a . H o o g l a _ n d 4 M i k e VJoods &"ot T h e i r D r i v e r S L i c e n c e
A Crauck&r J c L c k Box'.
K o n d e o - i a . ( r i l l 4 B i n d u . Scx.r>d^ a . p p e a . r N e x t W e e k O n J e r r y S p r i n g e r
On B r o a d w a y :
L u - u . 4-
J r . : Da_ve
C r a w - f o r d : Kelly
D i o n a.nd
Br-o^rs<Aor\ N o r t h 4
CorrQ.\a. 4 J e s s e S i h o t a .
M a d T.V.^:
V a_n
The above information is an accurate summary of data collected from 100+ h u m a n subjects at Spectrum C o m m u n i t y
School in March 2000. The information does not reflect the opinions of the Yearbook Committee
Top row: Dayna Schellenberg, Stephanie Boddam, Bethany Ellis, Cheryl Ferreira, Lindsey Lubinich
Wisgerber, Erin Favell, Angela White, Anna Correira, Val Vosper, Maureen Ross
second row: Ashley
Back row: Ira Willey,
Mark Lefebvre, Justin
Eby, Kahlil Johal
Second row: Raven Sran,
Seema Komal, Sokly
Lay,Rhylee Rossner,
Kelsey Draper, Sharoyne
Front row: Nick Squire,
Simon Jang, Kirsty
Dunning, Shawna
Louge, Keely Brandt
This page was
purchased by the
English 12 class
(below) and the
Applied Humanities
Class (above) to
ensure a place in
Spectrum's history
Ahadian-Fard, A. .. 18, 54
Aitken, Ryan
Albrecht, Rebecca 16, 18
Alexander, Jillian
Allen, David
16, 18
Ament, Chelsea .... 16, 18
Anderson, Andy
Anderson, Kelsi
Antonissen, Zach
Arlidge, Laura
16, 18
Armitage, Bryan
Armitage, Sage
Armstrong, Kathleen.. 54
Audette, Karlin
Audette, Marc
Austin, Andrew
Baart, Dan
Bailey, Dandle
Bailey, Jennifer
Bailey, Justin
Baker, Alexandra.. 16, 18
Baker, Ashry
Baker, Chris
16, 19
Balding, Mike
Balog, Michelle
Banger, Surita
Banger, Baldwinder .... 54
Baptiata, Christina 16, 19
Bapty, Len
16, 19
Baran, Alexis
Baratta, Joe
Barnes, Glen
Barta, Steve
Bartle, Amanda .... 16, 19
Barton, Bret
Baur, Josh
Beatson, Jordan
Becvar, Jamie
Beebe, Sarah
Beech, Douglas
Bendall, Matt
16, 19
Bender, Jessica
Bender, Matt
16, 19
Bennett, John
Bergman, Julie
Berns, Chris
Bertram, Cameron
Beulah, Crystal
Bha 11a, Shaun
Bickerton, Aaron
Biddiscombe, Alex
Bimb, Kevin
Bird, Bree
Bisson, Cheryl
Blackstock, Jesse
Blumel, Brittany ... 16, 22
Boddam, Stephanie .... 54
Boggs, Dustin
Boikoff, Anthony
Bone, Katie
Boorman, Jennifer 16, 22
Bourree, Vikki
16, 22
Bowles, Marisa
Boyd, Elishia
Brandt, Keery
16, 22
Bray, Wade
16, 22
Brickwood, Matthew ... 55
Brine, Claudette
Brooke, Gillian
Brown, Kellee
16, 22
Brown, Tom
Brydon, Ryan
Budynski, Jessica
Bui, Thao
Burchill, Cody
Burke, Christina... 16, 23
Burns, Andy
Burton, David
Bussiers, Josue
Busuttil, Joshua
Butcher, Jared
Butts, John
Cadwallader, Scott
Campbell, Chad
Candy, Jennifer.... 16,23
Capener, Colter
Carnall, Phillip
Carranza, Alberto
Carrie, Robert
16, 23
Catchpole, Scott
Cathcart, Lea
Chamberlin, Lisa
Chapman, Sara
Charko, Rhia
Chater, Taylor
Chau, Lisa
Chaves, David
17, 23
Chen, Natasha
17, 23
Childley, Michelle
Chiu, Allen
17, 23
Choo, Dylan
Chorney, Ainsley
Christiansen, Bryan 17, 23
Clapp, Barry
26, 32
Clark, Sean
Clarke, Sherri
Claxton, Jennifer
Clemenson, Sonya 26, 32
Cobb, Kelley
Colantonio, Lisa
Collins, Tasha
Collins, Ryan
Corbertt, Christy
Correia, Anna
17, 26
Correia, Danny
Couch, Courtney .. 17, 26
Coulter, Chris
Crawford, Lesley
Creech, Darcy
Randy Hagastrom
team sales
s i t r l t and c a n t r a i t w e i r
^ of
Kathy & Buzz Parsons
TUbcum Mall
#82-3170 TWcixn R d .
Victoria. B C
V0A 7CE.
Crinkly, Jennifer... 17,26
Crist, Laurel
Crist, Matthew
Critchley, Brian .... 17, 26
Crockatt, Avril
17, 26
Crothers, Jennifer
Crowson, Matthew
Cruse, Cassandra
Cryderman, Miles
Cudmore, James
Cunningham, Jesse
Curtis, Lindsay
Curtis, Maria
Curtis, Robbie
Dance, Jasmin
Daniels, Richard ... 17, 26
Darby son, Chris
Dary, Charlind
Da Silva, Emily
17, 27
Dasilva, Pamela
Davidson, Ben
17, 27
Davies, Rachael
Davis, Neil
Davis, Nigel
Dawson, Darryll
De Abreu, Stephen
De Jong, Brad
De Jong, Melissa
Demers, Daniel
Den-Otter, Tashia
Dennis, Melissa
Deringer, Keenan
Desjardins, Trevor 17, 27
Dev, Nav
Dewalt, Jeremy
Dheri, Jason
Dmitruk, Maria .... 17, 27
Dobson, Grant
17, 27
Dolynchuk, Alexis
Donald, Brittini
Doran, Kelly
17, 27
Dosanjh, Kevin
17, 27
468 Sum side Rood East,
Victoria, British Cotumbio,
Conodo V8T 2X2
(2S0; 388-9222
Foj (250} 388-9049
Doty, Michelle
17, 30
Douglas Tubb, Joshua
Downing, Angela
Doyle, Cameron
Draper, Kelsey
17, 30
Drewniak, Jennifer 17, 30
Drozd, Do rota
Drysdale, Derek
Dulin, Chriselle
Dunning, Kirsty .... 17, 30
Duong, Dara
Dziadyk, Ron
Earl, Katy
17, 30
Eby, Justin
Edwards, Mark
Eison, Mike
17, 30
Ellis, Bethany
Elwell, Sherri
Emerson, Calina
Erlandson, Kelcey
Esplen, Craig
17, 30
Fabre, Natalie
17, 30
Faust, Adam
Favell, Erin
17, 30
Fawcett, Carol
20, 31
Ferguson, Shaun
Ferreira, Cheryl
Ferris, Teneel
Fitterer, Erika
Fitterer, Matt
20, 31
Flynn, Tony
Foisy, Travis
Forsyth, David
Fowles, Jeff
Fraelic, David
Fraser, James
20, 31
Fraser, Robert
Fraser, Trudy
Frias, Teresa
Frost, Jason
20, 31
Frost, Jesse
Fudge, Maria
Fulton, Chris
Furlong, Lisa
20, 31
Gabriel, Marcel
Gaiger, Alex
Galego, Steve
Gallup, Rich
Garraway, Amber
Gauthier, Wes
20, 31
Gemmell, Brad
20, 33
Gerow, Mark
Getahun, Robel
Gibson, Ryan
Gibson, Sarah
Gibson, Shannon
Gill, Kodema
20, 33
Gill, Lakhbir
Gill, Meanu
20, 33
Gill, Paul
Gill, Pawandeep
Godfrey, Nicolas
Godron, Dontia
Ptv 384-5152
Fax: 384-7710
Godron, Fantasia
Golden, Krista
20, 33
Gordon, Mike
Gordon, Rob
20, 33
Goudie, Patricia
Gower, Mathias .... 20, 33
Gracia, Rianne
20, 33
Graham, Nathan
Graham, Nicholas
Graham, Trevor .... 20, 34
Gran, Tara
Grbavac, Bojan
Grainger, Colin
Green, Cameron
Green, Chelsea
20, 34
Grimmer, Krissy
Gudowski, Mark
Guldbrandsen, Darcy . 58
Guraly, Diane
Hagstrom, Krista .. 20, 34
Haldane, Matthew
Hale, Christine
HaU, Steve
20, 34
Hames, Chelsea
Hamilton, Claeton
Hammell, Allison
Hanman, Jeremy . 20, 34
Hartley, Syreeta
Hathaway, Chris
Hawkins, Emily
Haymes, Jacob
Heang, Peter
Heang, Sophea
Heartwell, Cam
Heavenor, Nolan ... 20, 34
Herbert, Sean
Hewton, Lori
Higgins, Kyle
Hilts, Andrea
Hitchcock, Chelsea .... 58
Hitchmough, Claire
Hobbs, Wendy
Holden, Nicole
20, 34
Holland, Ashley ... 20, 34
Hoogland, Katrina 20, 34
Horel, Jon
20, 35
Houle, Desiree
Howard, Ben
32, 35
Howley, Daniel
Hudson, Melanie
Hudson, Ryan
Hughes, Charlotte. 20, 35
Humphries, Katie
Huot, Shaun
Hyldig, Emma
Ianson, Jenn
20, 35
Inglis, Brittoni
Innes, Meaghan .... 20, 35
Innes, Rachel
Isberg, Joel
Isberg, Zoe
20, 35
Jabs, Andrea
Jacobson, Alina
Jaffer, Shahid
Jang, Simon
Jensen, Matt
Joanisse, Bryan... 21,
Johal, Jas
Johal, Terry
Johl, Kahlil
Johnson, Aron
Johnson, Jay
Johnson, Virginia . 21,
Johnston, Luis
Johnston, Rosanne
Johnston, Steven
Johnstone, Amanda21,
Jones, Alex
Jones, Oggi
PHONE: 381-2234
FAX: 381-6131
Jones, Matthew ....
Jones, Michael
Jordan, Lyle
Jory, Nicole
21, 36
Joynson, Charlene
Juricic, Dan
21, 36
Kaloti, Shawn
21, 37
Kaloti, Tina
21, 37
Kalynchuck, Laura
Kantarakias, John
Karpati, Sarah
Kennedy, Erin
21, 37
Kennedy, Becka .
Keo, Bunny
21, 37
Keo, Samang
Ker, Noel
Kerr, Daniel
Khonn, Chann
Kilroy, Tiffany
Kirby, Colin
21, 37
Kissinger, Kenneth
Kissinger, Lindsay
Kjeldsen, Byron
Klazinga, Holly
Knight, Brandy
Koehler, Alyssa
Komal, Seema
Kristensen, Dale
Kroeger, David
Kubanski, Anna
Kucheran, Chris
Kunze, Adam
Kusz, Shannon ....
Kwan, Shirley
Kyle, Bryan
Lacey, Lynn
Lachmund, Travis
Lalari, Parminder
Lalonde, Barry
Lamb, Jesse
Lamb, Samantha
Lamothe, Greg
Lane, Erin
Lane, Sean
Lang, Cari
Langley, Justin
Lapointe, Aaron
Laughey, Luke
Lauren, Adam
Laursen, Shawna
Lavery, Dave
Lay, Sokry
Layo, Jerry
Le, Nancy
Leach, Kelly
Leatham, Shawn
Lebrun, Alycia
Lefebvre, Mark
Leighland, Brian
Lenius, Chris
Leonard, Kelly
Lewis, Amanda
Li, Angela
Li, Jacy
Linge, Jerry
Llewellyn, Robyn
21, 37
21 •
21, 38
21, 39
21, 38
24, 38
24, 38
MacDonald, Michael .. 60
Mackin, Michelle
Madam, Darcey
Mahmi, Promila
Mao, Bunroth
Maranetz, Amy
Marion, Kristan .... 24,39
Markolefas, Alex
Marquette, Lyle
Martell, Joshua
Marx, Eric
Mason, Chelsea
Mason, Paul
Masse, Julie
Matte, Erica
McAdams, Matthew 24,40
McArthur, Heath
McCallum, Brent
McCallum, Jenny
McCrymont, Kyle
McComb, Ryan
McConnell, Cory
McDonald, Robbie 24,40
McGeachie, Nick.... 24,40
Mcintosh, Robin
Mclntyre, Ryan
McKay, Dustin
Morran, Karl
Morrison, Alishea. 24, 41
Morrison, Jackson 25, 42
Morrison, Kristie
Morrison, Sara .... 25, 42
Morrison, Tim
32, 42
Morton, Lisa
25, 42
Mosher, Jason
Mosses, Gordon ... 25, 42
Mueller, Carolyn ... 25, 42
Muir, Bryce
Murphy, Aaron
Murphy, Lea
Musgrove, Chantal
Nash, Tamara
25, 42
Navarrete, Andy.... 25, 43
Naysmith, Chandell 25, 42
Neilson, Scott
Nelson, Erin
Neufeld, Sol
Newham, Trevor
Newton, Camille ... 25, 43
Nguyen, Ann
Nguyen, Hai
Nguyen, Hai-Uyen
Nguyen, Julie
Nguyen, Lena
Vancouver Islands Most
Complete Vending Service
District Sales Manager
21, 38
Logue, Shawna ....
Louie, Julia
Lubinich, Lindsay
Lucas, Brendan
Luu, Lisa
Lyle, Patrick
Lynam, Jordan
Lyseng, Kristeen
Macartney, Jessica
24, 39
24, 39
24, 39
24, 39
24, 39
fho Yoarboak Company
905 Ellery Street
Victoria, B.C. V9A 4R9
Tel: (250I388-4254 Fax: (250)381-1123
E-mail: vww.rjrtjnvendirig.com
McKay, Noel
McKinnon, Kyle
McLean, Andrew
McLean, Bonnie
McLean, Lynelle
McLean, Melonie
McLellan, Carrie
McLeod, Felicity
McMillan, Kateri
McPherson, Kristy . 24,41
McPherson, Laura . 24,41
McRae, Lindsay 60
McTavish, John
Messerschmidt, S. . 24,41
Metcalf, Jonathan
Meyer, Amanda
Meyer, Brandon
Meyer, Haley
Meyer, Jeff
Meyer, Shannon
Middleton, Chelsea .... 61
Middleton, Jaclyn . 24,41
Miller, Scott
Miller, Tom
Mitchell, Bryan
Mitchell, Morgan
Modeste, Margie
Modeste, Millie
Mohr, Chris
Mohr, Phillip
Moore, James
Moreau, Clare
Morin, Evan
Nguyen, Michael.. 25, 43
Nguyen, Steven „„
Nicholls, Chris
Nicholson, Jodie .. 25, 43
Nielsen, Janet
Nightingale, Cory ..
Nijjar, Harpreet .... 25, 43
Nijjar, Ramanjit.... 25, 43
Nolan, Brian
Norbury, Brooke ...
Norrad, Sam
North, Brandon ... 25, 43
OConnell, Nicholas .... 61
Olauson, Scott
Olson, Kyle
Olson, Terri
Ottenbreit, Derrick .... 62
Ouellet, Bryan
Ouellette, Jessica . 25,44
Owen, Chris
Pabbi, Patricia
Pakos, Geoff
Palmiere, Linda ... 25, 44
Paquet, Brian
Park, Mathew
Parsons, Misty
Pashak, Francis.... 25, 44
Patterson, Nick
Paul, Cameron
Paul, Stu
25, 44
Paulus, Bryan
. 25,44
Paulus, Jesse
Foodservice Distributor
Meogart Carver
PHOIME (2501 475-3330
FAX (2S0H73-3343
rtii^Df cin*P«a»fhdangl Bs.icirn
6v? BARHON Plfttt. VICiOKI*. 6< ¥11 ICS ww'«.*«rlM«»gla*.<«n
Pearce, Alana
Pearce, Kristen
25, 44
Pearsson, Jesse
Peck, Colin
25, 44
Peebles, Michael
Pellerin, Johnathan ... 25
Pereira, Jennifer
Perez, Aaron
Perrin, Harley
Perry, Brianna
Peters, Nick
Petrucci, Ashley
Pfluger, Candice .... 25,45
Pharis, Kyle
Pharis, Leigh
Pipko, Marina
Poole, Jaime
Poppe, Randy
Porter, Karl
Pratt, James
Prest, Briana
Preston, Nicolas
Prince, Blake
Pringle, Robert
Punni, Muneesha 25, 45
Purcell, Kyle
25, 45
Quaite, Heather ... 28, 45
Quocksister, John
Rach, Clay
28, 45
Rahimifard, Arash
Rai, Harkiran
Ramos, Mario
28, 45
Rand, Amanda
Randhawa, Christine .. 28
Rant, Gordie
Rant, Steve
Raymond, Dan
Raymond, Rob
Reburn, Tara
28, 65
Reed, Laura
Reid, Kyle
Rendall, Paul
Renney, Megan
Richards, Nathan
Riches, Andrew
Riches, Matthew ... 28, 45
Rigby, Rob
Rigg, Lindsey
Robbins, Brandy... 28,
Robbins, Lee
Robertson, Graham ....
Robinson, Danny ,.
Rodriguez, Alex
Rolls, Marie
Ross, Dave
Ross, Graeme
Saville, Amanda
Scagliati, Colin
Schellenberg, Dayna ...
Schwartz, Morgan
Schykawy, Amber . 28,
Scott, Miles
Searle, Nick
Seel, Daniel
Van Der Elst, Josie 29,
Vangylswyk, Jordan....
Vaughan, Douglas 29,
Veenstra, Krysta
Velasco, Vincent
Vesal, Khat
Vincent, Michelle .. 29,
Virtue, Christie
Vosper, Valerie
Vu, John
Wade, Philip
Walia, Gaurav
Walker, Brad
Walker, Natalie
Wallace, Chris
Wallace, Jesse
Wallengburg, Lucas ...
Waller, Robert
Walmsey, Philip
Walsh, Jenneane .. 29,
Ward, Chris
Watson, Brent
Watters, Marlena .. 29,
Watters, Wendy
Watterson, Jenny
Watts, Carorynn
Rossner, Joe
Rossner, Rhylee .... 28,
Routley, Jesse
Roy, Alena
Roy, David
Ruffolo, Michael
Ruffolo, Sarina
Rukin, Diana
Russ, Allison
Russell, Heather ... 28,
Sadler, Brian
Saini, Rajan
Sampson, Justin
Sandhu, Nav
Sandu, Parvinder.. 28,
Sandu, Bindu
Sands, Patrick
Santizo, Rodolfo
Sarohia, Parminder ....
Seguin, Amber
Sekhon, Jiwan
Selzler, Craig
Seney, Andrew
Shanks, Derek
Sheehan, Lon
Sheehan, Dawn
Sherwood, Tyson
Sigurdson, Kevin .. 28,
Sihota, Jesse
Simmons, Natasha
Simonson, Lucy
Simpson, Sterling 32,
Siu, Paul
Slack, Melissa
Sloan, Chris
Slym, Lori
Smallwood, Jonathan .
ttunro saov&PHiNi LTO
Smith, Amberley
Smith, Evan
Smith, James
Smith, Jeff
Smith, Joshua
Smith, Julie
Smith, Kari
Snow, Charity
Snow, Jessie
Snowden, Joe
Sorenson, Erica .... 29,
Sorenson, James
Sorenson, Trina .... 29,
Spark, Alicia
Spark, Devin
Sparks, Kristen
Spiers, Tyler
Spilsbury, Jeff
Squire, Matt
Squire, Nick
Sran, Raven
St. Marie, Geoff
St. Pierre, Stephanie ...
Starck, Lee
Stark, Tera
Stevenot, Aaron
Stevens, Ian
Stewart, Gary
Stoddart, Jeff
Stone, Katie
Stratford, Jeff
Stuart, Carrie
Stusek, Nicki
Sunko, Biljana
Sutherland, Bart
Sutton, Caley
Sutton, Daniel
Swan son, Robert
Szwender, Lesia
Tandberg, Erik
Tarrington, Stephen....
Taylor, Rick
Tennant, Graham
Thai, Tony
Thomas, Dan
Thomson, Don
Thomson, Steve
Thornton, Claire
Toakley, Shauna
Tobin, Brian
Toms, Ryan
Tran, Dan
Tran, Hong
Trinh, Nadine
Truong, Lisa
Turple, Rodney
Underwood, Amy .. 29,
Ung, Noeun
Utterson, Nicole
Van Akker, Alex
Van Buskirk, Steven ...
Weber, Shannon
Webster, Aaron
Weir, Hugh
Weisgerber, Ashry
Welch, Launa
Wesley, Samara
West, Candice
Westlind, Josh
White, Angela
White, Heather
White, Tanya
Wiebe, Terri
Willey, Ira
Wilson, Justin
Winder, Kevin
Woo, Adam
Wood, Heather
Wood, Nick
Wood, Rob
Woodruff, Heiley
Woods, Jenn
Woods, Mike
Wotherspoon, Theresa
Woznica, Gary
Wray, Bryce
Wright, Jessica
Yancey, Benjamin
Yard, Nasstasia
Yates, Joshua
Young, Charley .... 32,
Zajaczkowski, Kristin .
Zigay, Andrea
Zwicker, Angela .... 32,
The Yearbook Company
Printed in Canada
on Acid-Free Paper
The Battle at Seattle. One of the
most controversial issues these
days continues to be free trade.
Some people fear that more liberal
global trade rules will hurt key
domestic policies, especially those
that protect the environment and
workers. Last December, 50,000
people took their concerns to the
street, disrupting a World Trade
Organization meeting in Seattle,
Wash. (AP/Dan Krauss)
The Kennedy Curse. Another
horrific tragedy befell the Kennedy
family. John Kennedy Jr., who was
a toddler when his father was
assassinated in 1963, died along
with his wife Carolyn Bessette
Kennedy and her sister Lauren
Bessette, when the plane he was
piloting crashed into the ocean near
Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of
Massachusetts. JFK Jr. was founder
of the political-celebrity magazine
(AP/Douglas Healey)
Water rising. It was another year for devastating natural disasters. Taiwan
and Turkey were rocked by earthquakes. Venezuela was buried under
mudslides. And in the most terrible flood to hit Africa in recent memory,
Mozambicans were forced to flee their homes as water swept away entire
villages, perhaps killing thousands. Heroic efforts were made to save people
who were helpless for days from the rising water level, including one
woman who gave birth to her baby while stranded in a tree.
(AP/Karel Prinsloo)
Just a kid. He was only a six-yearold boy, but he became the centre
of an international incident, caught
between bitter enemies Cuba and
the United States. Elian Gonzalez
was found floating in the ocean
after a boat he was travelling in
with his mother capsized as they
were attempting to flee the Cuban
dictatorship of Fidel Castro. His
mother drowned. A fight over
custody of the boy pitted the boy's
father in Cuba against anti-Castro
relatives in Miami. (AP/Alan Diaz)
Forgive us. Despite his 79 years
and failing health, Pope John Paul II
continues to travel the world in his
quest to foster international brotherhood. As part of the Jubilee 2000
celebrations, the pontiff undertook
two pilgrimages to the Holy Land
which took him to holy sites of
Islam and Judaism as well as
Christian spots such as Bethlehem,
the town of Jesus's birth, and
Egypt's Mount Sinai, where Moses
is said to have received the Ten
Commandments. The Pope also
expressed dismay at historic
Christian anti-Semitism, singling
out the Jewish Holocaust during
the Second World War.
1997 Geneticists in Scotland clone a sheep
1989 Berlin Wall comes down
1989 Pro-democracy demonstration in
Tiananmen Square is brutally suppressed
1984 Scientists discover that ozone is being
lost from the earth's atmosphere
1969 Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon
1963 President John F. Kennedy assasinated
1956 The United Nations formed the first
peacekeeping force
1955 Bill Haley and the Comets introduce
Rock & Roll to the mainstream
1945 U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
1941 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
1929 Stock Market Crash - Great Depression
1917 The Russian Revolution begins
1914 Panama Canal opens
1912 Titanic sinks
1908 First Model T Ford built by Henry Ford
High school massacre. It was a bloody day in a
suburban Colorado high school that sent shock waves
through families around the world. Twelve students and
one teacher were gunned down at Columbine High
School, just outside of Denver, by fellow students Dylan
Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, who then killed themselves. The pair in videotapes they left behind blamed
teasing from classmates for their deadly actions.
The incident again sparked much discussion over gun
control, but little action was taken. (AP/Rick Wilking)
1903 Wright brothers test the first airplane
Abandoned children. The fight against HIV and AIDS
focussed on Kenya. The poor African country is plagued
by high incidents of the virus and parents abandoning
their diseased children to die. The World Health
Organization predicts the population of children with
HIV will reach 120,000 this year. The situation is so
bleak, a centre had to be established in Nairobi to care
for the lost toddlers. (AP/Sayyid Azim)
American Baseball League is started
1885 The prototype for the first practical,
gasoline-powered automobile is introduced
by Karl Benz
1877 Thomas Edison makes the first
recording of sound
1867 United States purchases Alaska for
$7.2 Million
1861 American Civil War begins
1848 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
publish The Communist Manifesto
1830 The first railroad opens in England
1804 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark,
are commissioned to explore the territory
west of the Mississippi River
1783 Using a hot air balloon, the Montgolfier
brothers become the first humans to fly
1770 Ludwig van Beethoven born
1760 Britain takes over all of Canada
1756 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born
Hillary's struggle. It's tough to be a woman in politics
and having a husband like Bill Clinton, famous for his
personal indiscretions, certainly does not make things
easier. But First Lady Hillary Clinton tried to distance
herself from her scandal-plagued husband after
announcing her bid for the Senate seat in New York
state. Clinton will go head to head against popular
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. (MACLEAN'S/Phill Snel)
1727 Coffee is first planted in Brazil by
1692 Salem witch trials end in the deaths of
20 people
And the winner is? It was a heated primary race, but
when the dust settled after Super Tuesday, VicePresident Al Gore, above, and Texas Governor George
W. Bush Jr. beat their competition to become the
Democrat and Republican nominees for the fall presidential elections. It was a hard-fought competition for
all candidates, which included Bill Bradley and Vietnam
vet John McCain. (AP/Doug Mills)
What a gas!
Out with the old. Russia put on quite a political show
on New Year's Eve. Soviet Union Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin received the torch from president Boris
Yeltsin, who surprised his countrymen by suddenly
resigning. During his eight years of rule, Yeltsin helped
Russia continue to move away from its earlier communist regime toward a capitalist market economy, and
suffered through failing health and civil wars with
Chechens demanding independence. Putin cemented
his power in March by winning over 50 per cent of the
vote in the presidential election. (REUTERS/ITAR-TASS)
Gasoline prices
hit an all-time
high this year,
beating those
set during the
oil crisis of the
1970s and their
peak in the
80s. Angry
blamed everything from
politicians and
taxes to oil
suspected of
price fixing.
(CP/Paul Chiasson)
1685 Johann Sebastian Bach born
1648 Construction completed on the
Taj Mahal in India
1583 Humphrey Gilbert founds the first
English colony in North America, in
I 1534
Cartier makes expedition to settle in Canada
1492 Columbus lands in America
1455 The first book printed in movable type
by Johann Gutenberg
1452 Leonardo da Vinci born
1431 Joan of Arc burned at the stake after
! being proclaimed a witch
1348 Bubonic plague kills 1/3 of Europe's
1325 Aztecs establish Tenochtitlan,
now Mexico City
1215 Magna Carta - King John of England
promises to govern and deal with his vassals
according to the customs of feudal law
Canadian Events
But will the food get any better? Now, Canadians have just one major
airline. After months of stressful and emotional bids and counter-bids, Air
Canada won a takeover of financially faltering Canadian Airlines. The takeover
raised concerns about the lack of competition raising fares and reducing
service to smaller centres, but Ottawa promised to keep a close eye on the
air carrier to ensure consumers aren't gouged. (cp/K«inFmyef)
Boiling pot. It may be peaceful under the sea, but on land, tensions were
high among fishers. Aboriginal and non-native East Coast fishers faced off
over lobster after Mi'kmaq fishers in New Brunswick claimed it was legal
for them to harvest the crustaceans during the off-season. Violence and
vandalism broke out when the primarily white fishers protested the exercise.
(CP/Andrew Vaughan)
Charge it. Tuition fees for college
and university continued to rise
across the board. More students
than ever applied for financial
assistance, and an increasing
number also defaulted on their
loans. This forced governments to
tighten the rules on personal bankruptcy around student loans, but
not enough to please the big banks
which pulled out of the controversial
loans program leaving the Feds to
hold the money bags.
(MACLEAN'S/ Craig Ctlivers)
Passing the torch. British Columbia made Canadian history by choosing
the first-ever premier of colour. Punjabi-born Ujjal Dosanjh won an NDP
leadership race after premier Glen Clark resigned following yet another
scandal that rocked his problem-plagued party.
, „
Farm Crisis. Farmers across the
prairies suffered from the worst
conditions since the Dust Bowl of
the 1930s Depression. But this
time, the cause of their dismay was
not bad weather, but rock bottom
prices from their wheat. Failing to
receive sufficient financial help
from government and banks and
with no hope in sight, many people
lost their family farms. Some even
took their lives.
(MACLEAN'S/ Todd KorOl)
The doctor won't see you now. After years of cutbacks to social spending,
the health care system seemed to tear apart at the seams when a number of
hospitals began turning away patients in the winter due to a combination of
severe flu outbreaks and not enough beds. It is no longer uncommon to wait
days for treatment or have patients sleep on gurneys in hospital hallways
due to a shortage of beds. (MACLEAN'S/ Todd Korol)
1999 Territory of Nunavut is born
1993 Kim Campbell first female Prime Minister
1987 Brian Mulroney signs tbe Free Trade
Agreement with USA
1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms adopted
1981 Terry Fox dies of cancer
1981 Canadian Gaetan Dugas is the lirst
person diagnosed with AIDS.
1980 '0 Canada' official national anthem
1972 Canada defeats the Soviets in 8 games
to win the Summit Series in hockey
In the soup. Human Resources
Minister Jane Stewart shuttled in
the spotlight when she and her
party had trouble accounting for the
over-$1 billion handed out by her
department for start-up companies
and job training. But despite the
"billion-dollar boondoggle," the
federal Liberals maintained good
marks in popularity polls.
(REUTERS/Jim Young)
1966 Medicare introduced nationwide
1966 Canada's maple leaf flag unveiled
1949 Canada joins the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO)
1939 Canada declares war on Germany.
42,000 Canadians die before World War II
ends in 1945.
1936 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
1934 Dionne quintuplets born
Everything must go! After 130 years as a Canadian cultural and business
icon, the Timothy Eaton Company closed the doors of its department store
chain last fall for the final time. In the fallout, rival Sears bought a handful
of stores and agreed to operate them under the Eaton's banner, including
the flagship store in downtown Toronto's Eaton Centre. Nearly 13,000
people lost their jobs in the closure, many of whom were students employed
part-time. (MACLEAN'S/ Phil) Snel)
1929 Stock Market Crash - Great Depression
1917 A munitions ship explods in Halifax
Harbour killing nearly 2000 people
1916 Women win the right to vote in the
Prairie provinces
1914 Canada sends troops to fight in World
War 1. More than 60.000 die before the war
ends in 1918.
1897 Klondike Gold Rush begins
1885 Canadian Pacific Railway opens.
Louis Riel is executed in Regina
1867 Canada is formed under the British
North America Act of 1867
1858 British Columbia is established as a
British colony
Adrienne Clarkson Presents.
She is our second female governor
general, but our first of Asian
descent. Adrienne Clarkson,
a former broadcaster, promises to
liven up the office of the Queen's
formal representative in Canada.
Clarkson said she would be sharing
the responsibilities of the job with
her husband, John Ralston Saul,
a writer and philosopher.
(MACLEAN'S/Peter Bregg)
Hero or crook? After months of
high tensions in the community
of Peace River, Alta., a 16-year-old
girl was shot and killed on a farm
belonging to Wiebo Ludwig. She
and friends were joyriding on the
property at the time. No charges
have been brought for lack of
evidence, but the environmental
activist and former preacher is
facing charges of vandalizing equipment and property belonging to oil
companies he says are polluting the
environment. (CP/Adrianwyw)
1789 Mackenzie follows river that would later
bear his name to the Beaufort Sea
1760 Britain takes over all of Canada
1670 Hudson's Bay Company is formed
1608 French establish a colony in Quebec
Out of the frying pan. Y2K fears
fizzled quicker than it took to
finish the countdown to the new
millennium when the world failed to
detonate at the turning of the clock.
The next day, some people nursed
hangovers, others went about
business as usual. Survivalist Bruce
Beach, left, had to find another use
for the 42-bus fallout shelter he
built in case of social breakdown.
(MACLEAN'S/ Rick Chard)
Another first. Beverley McLachlin
is Canada's first female chief justice.
The distinguished jurist has sat on
the Supreme Court of Canada for
11 years. Only months earlier
Louise Arbour, who was top
prosecutor to the UN's war crimes
tribunal, was appointed to the
Supreme Court. CLEANs/pninsnei>
1534 Cartier makes expedition to settle in
1492 Columbus lands in America
1000 Icelandic explorer Leif Ericson is
believed to have been one of the first
Europeans to set foot on North America in
what is now Newfoundland
So Smooth. After 30 years in the business, Latin music
guitarist Carlos Santana was finally widely recognized
for his achievements. His latest offering Supernatural,
which paired him with pop stars Rob Thomas of
Matchbox 20 and soul diva Lauryn Hill, earned Santana
a series of radio hits and eight Grammies. IAP/R«(IS»oi»
Roots. Erykah Badu shared her
Grammy win for rap performance
with The Roots. Badu's summer
schedule took her haunting vocal
soul stylings on the road with the
band, appearing at their Woodstock
'99 performance in Rome, N.Y.
Said Badu at the Grammies: "I feel
that I'm one of the midwives aiding
in the rebirth of music and I hope
that it can go back to a place where
it mostly inspires and uplifts us,
instead of teaching us to do stuff
that's not so healthy."
(AP/Kevork Djansezian)
Chick-lets. It's amazing what a little makeup can do.
After Shania Twain's phenomenal success popifying the
musical genre, the Dixie Chicks were given a makeover
that transformed their image and music into a successful package that earned them a growing fan base and
five Country Music Award nominations. The Chicks also
got a boost touring with Lilith Fair and performing on
Sheryl Crow's recent live album. (AP/Michael S. Green)
Is anybody out there? Rockers Our Lady Peace
continued their meteoric rise with the release of their
third album, Happiness Is Not a Fish That You Can
Catch. The band's frontman, Raine Maida, also married
singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk.
Hot tamales. Latin fever inflicted pop fans, vaulting
a number of Spanish artists to stardom. Among them:
Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, Enrique Iglesias and
Ricky Martin, pictured left. (AP/Robert Hanashiro)
How sweet it is. Jazz pianist Diana
Krall, 34, joined the ranks of
Canadian women who achieved
success at the Grammies. Krall,
from Nanaimo, B.C., whose topselling album When I Look in Your
Eyes re-popularized the musical
genre, took home the award for
best jazz vocal performance.
Teen idol turmoil. And the pop
onslaught never seems to stop.
Teen female sensation Christina
Aguilera gave Britney Spears a
run for her money with a six-time
platinum, self-titled debut album.
In a mild Grammy upset, the former
New Mouseketeer beat out Spears
for the award for best new artist
A future so bright. Ottawa is an unlikely source for a
summer song. But Len, who hail from Canada's capital
caught the ear of North American listeners with the
single "Steal My Sunshine" that lasted for months on
the top 20 charts. The pop band, which includes Marc
Costanzo and his sister Sharon, finally won recognition
with You Can't Stop the Bum Rush, the band's fourth
album. (CP/Kevin Frayer)
(AP/Kevork Djansezian)
Sweet Surrender. Sarah McLachlan
hung up her touring shoes.
The woman who birthed Lilith Fair,
a touring summer festival of allfemale performers, put a lid on the
project after three successful years.
McLachlan says she now spends
her time at home "making pillows"
with her musician husband. The
singer-songwriter took home an
International Achievement Award
at the Junos. m
Put your hands in the air. Urban music in Canada came
of age, joining the roster at the annual cross-Canada
touring music festival EdgeFest. Once considered a
curiosity by the music industry, rap is the only music
genre to see an increase in sales. Canadian hip hop
artists Maestro, Choclair and the Rascalz, above, are
poised to represent Canada on the international scene
and prove that it isn't only about Anne Murray.
Big Money. Britney Spears simply isn't having any luck.
First she injured her knee while practicing for the video
to the single "Sometimes." Then just over a year later, a
camera fell on her head on the set of her video "Oops!
...I Did It Again!" But don't cry over poor Britney. Her
fortunes more than cover the doctor's fees. Forbes
magazine recently pegged the pop star's revenues for
1999 at $15-million(U.S.).
(MACLEAN'S/ Phill Snel)
Never the Twain. She just keeps on
growing-in popularity. Still riding on
the success of her 1997 album
Come On Over, Timmins, Ont.-born
country pop queen Shania Twain
won several awards, including the
Country Music Association's top
award for best entertainer.
I'd like to thank the Academy. Newcomer Chantal
All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun. Riding the success
Kreviazuk surprised Canadian music lovers by taking
home this year's Juno award for best female artist. The
songstress who first gained notoriety with her version
of John Denver's "Leaving on a Jet Plane" from the
Armaggedon soundtrack, beat out such heavyweights
as Alanis Morrisette, Celine Dion and Amanda Marshall.
of a third best-selling album, the current queen of rock,
Sheryl Crow threw a free party, sponsored by American
Express, in New York City's Central Park last summer.
The show paired Crow with former boyfriend Eric Clapton
and many of her friends including Sarah McLachlan,
with whom Crow toured on the Lilith Fair bill.
(AP/Michael S Green)
(CP/Kevin Frayer)
(AP/Suzanne Plunkett)
Keep off the grass. Greening dense urban areas has taken on a whole new
meaning. In Toronto, an environmental organization is attempting to revolutionize the city's rooftops. Promoting a popular European trend, Green
Roofs for Healthy Cities says planting gardens and laying sod on roofs of
buildings can actually lower heating costs and reduce air contaminants.
(MACLEAN'S/ Phill Snel)
So long, Charlie Schultz. A sad
farewell for the creator of Peanuts,
a newspaper funnies staple, who
passed away from colon cancer at
age 77, shortly after hanging up
Snoopy for good. The cartoon strip
chronicling the pathetic, neurotic
lives of Charlie Brown and the gang
had been around for nearly 50
yearS. (AP/John Burgess)
Delivery for Ms. Smith. You don't
have to be a bike courier to partake
in this year's hot fashion accessory.
The messenger bag, slung over
the shoulder, replaced the backpack
as the tote of choice among teens
and 20-somethings. The item is
especially hot among the jet-set
Silicon Valley, new media crowd.
Frankenfoods. Breakfast won't be the same anymore. The genetic manipulation of organisms (GMO) to create super-foods might become a super-flub
as more people began turning the heat up on companies to label altered
prOdUCtS. (MACLEAN'S/ Phill Snel)
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Where to, Pikachu. The Pokemon
Brand wars. In her popular new
book No Logo, Canadian critic
Naomi Klein ventured into the brand
name debate. The approaching
battle, Klein says, will pit traditional
image-selling companies such as
Nike and Gap against savvy young
(MACLEAN'S/ Phill Snel)
phenomenon arrived with a
vengeance. The popular Japanese
game spawned a movie and became
an obsession for most five to
10-year-olds, boys and girls alike.
It got so extreme that some schools
banned Pokemon cards after
complaints of violence, in-class
distractions and unfair trading.
Butt Out. In the everlasting war
against tobacco, Ottawa decided
to place scary graphic images on
cigarette packages. The pictures of
diseased brains, cancerous lungs
and rotting teeth and gums are
meant to discourage young people
from smoking. However, many
teens said the new look would not
deter their habit. Some actually
thought the images were cool.
Digital killer. Do violent video
games make an individual murderous? After numerous fatal incidents
involving teenage killers, many
people have fingered the $17-billion
video-game industry as the culprit.
Simon Fraser University researcher
Brent Stafford conducted studies
that he says support their view.
He says the games train players to
celebrate violence and claims the
kids in his tests suffered from
symptoms of addiction.
(MACLEAN'S/Bayne Stanley)
Practice makes perfect. Who
needs Mark McGwire? Television
producer David E. Kelly kept hitting
homers, winning Emmys for his
wildly successful series Ally
I Don't! The Fox network, in an effort to up the
game show ante, broadcast Who Wants to Marry a
Millionaire?, a contest in which 50 women paraded in
swimsuits for their potential mate and answered such
hard-hitting questions as "If your house was dirty,
would you clean it yourself or wait for the maid?"
Feeding the tabloid frenzy, the winning wife subsequently
annulled the marriage after the couple's honeymoon.
It was also revealed the millionaire had been in trouble
with the law and wasn't rich after all
Final answer. Regis Philbin and ABC launched the
surprise television hit of the season with Who Wants to
Be a Millionaire. The program, which spawned knock-offs
such as Greed, allows contestants the opportunity to
win a million dollars by answering questions such as
Who wrote Cat in the Hat? a) Bill Clinton, b) Dr. Laura,
c) Dr. Seuss, or d) Regis Philbin. It also brought the
word 'lifeline' into popular conversation.
(AP/Donna Svennevik)
McBeal and The Practice starring
Dylan McDermott, above, two
shows about lawyers and the funny
and dramatic lives they lead.
Previous Kelly TV hits include Hill
Street Blues and LA. Law.
(MACLEAN'S/ Phill Snel)
The corpse gets jiggy. The CBC went out on a limb
for this one. The latest offering to teen viewers by the
public broadcaster, aka The Corpse, is Drop the Beat,
a half-hour drama about the hardships of an urban
music program on a campus radio station. Shot at the
University of Toronto, the series includes appearances
by some of Canada's top hip hop artists, including
series regular Michie Mee. Perhaps the show's best
feature is the true-to-life speech of its characters.
No laughing matter. Late-night talk show host David
Letterman recovered without complications from emergency quintuple-bypass surgery. The 52-year-old comic
quickly returned to hosting his successful TV show that
has brought him into the bedrooms of North
America for nearly two decades. (AP/Barbara Nitke)
Putting the bite on poverty. It's
tough to find time for a life among
school, movies, changing the world
and kicking vampire butt, but Sarah
Michelle Gellar managed to juggle it
all. In addition to starring in the
popular Butty the Vampire Slayer,
Gellar, who appeared in big screen
features Cruel Intentions and
Simply Irresistible, put down the
stake and picked up a shovel to
help Habitat for Humanity build
houses in the Dominican Republic.
(AP/Richard Cartwright)
Remember when? Both baby boomers and their
children can get into this one. Fox scored in the second
season of That 70s Show, renewing it for the next four
years. The network is slowly finding replacements for
The X-Files as the series, which put Fox on the television
map, winds down.
Family values. In a fashion true to the network's
history, Fox continued its on-again, off-again relationship
animated series The Family Guy. The program, which
spoofs current pop culture and has roots in old-time
sitcom Archie Bunker, is one of the few contenders to
replace The Simpsons, which is widely speculated to be
wrapping up in the next few years.
Do you see what I see? Twelve-year-old Haley Joel Osment stole the hearts of fans and
the Oscar academy with his portrayal of a young boy who sees ghosts in The Sixth Sense.
The movie earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture and Osment a nomination
for Best Supporting Actor. (AP/Ron Phillips)
Happy couple. American actor Michael Douglas, 55,
and Welsh fiance Catherine Zeta-Jones, 30, said they
will announce the date and location of their wedding on
Douglas's website before it is announced by the press.
The couple, who were engaged on New Year's Eve, had
toyed with the idea of marrying on their shared birthday,
September 25. (AP/Chris Pinello)
Things that go bump. The master
of the macabre Tim Burton returned
with another creepy tale, directing
Sleepy Hollow. Burton paired
Johnny Depp, whom he worked
with on the unforgettable Edward
Scissorhands, and Christina Ricci,
who cut her gothic teeth on the big
screen version of the old 1960s
television series The Addams Family.
(AP/Mark J. Terrill)
Rudolph with your nose so bright. The camera loves
beautiful stars. However aesthetically pleasing stars
Ben Affleck and Charlize Theron could not save the
weak Reindeer Games from its mediocrity (AP/Chris Pizzello)
One more round. Canadians come
to the rescue yet again. Canadian
director Norman Jewison chronicles
for celluloid the work done by
a Toronto commune in freeing
Rubin "Hurricane" Carter from a
U.S. prison. The former boxer
languished in jail after being wrongfully convicted of a triple murder.
(MACLEAN'S/ Peter Bregg)
Using her assets. The pretty woman is back at it.
After a series of light romantic comedies, Julia Roberts
starred as a lawyer taking on the big bad polluters in
a fictional version of the Erin Brockovich tale. In the
real story, Brockovich, a single mother with no law
experience, became involved in a lengthy and important
legal suit against a company that was polluting a small
Community. (AP/BobMaishack)
The suburbs will never be the same. American Beauty swept the Oscars
with five wins including best picture. The film starring Kevin Spacey, Annette
Bening, Mena Suvari, and Thora Birch, chronicles the deteriorating bonds of
a nuclear, modern-day American family as each of their lives spirals to
The longest mile. It was long, very long. At three hours-plus, The Green
Mile, based on Stephen King's serialized book and starring Tom Hanks,
was summarily panned by critics. Maybe it was just too much watery-eyed
Hanks for their liking. (AP/Ralph Nelson)
Don't Go Into the Woods. Two
guys and a girl proved that with
two cameras and a very low budget
you can produce a movie that will
reap big box office rewards. The
Blair Witch Project, which was the
Yeah Baby, Again! Canadian
comedian Michael Myers reprised
the roles of 1960s special agent
Austin Powers and his nemesis
Dr. Evil in Austin Powers-The Spy
Who Shagged Me. (REUTERs/K wrigm)
This isn't funny anymore.
Canadian-born comedian Jim
Carrey was overlooked again this
year by the Academy Award nomination committee. But his portrayal
of the late comic Andy Kaufman in
Man on the Moon did manage to
earn Carrey recognition with a
Golden Globe award for best actor.
sensation at last year's Sundance
festival, also put the sleepy town
of Burkittsville, Md., on the tourist
map, attracting many people who
believe the film is based on a true
Welcome back. In his first movie
appearance since the box-office
smash Titanic, teen heartthrob
Leonardo DiCaprio returned to
the big screen with mixed reviews
in The Beach. However, the film
angered environmentalists and
the people of Thailand who say
20th Century Fox damaged a Thai
national park during filming.
(AP/Markus Schreiber)
(AP/Francois Dutiamel)
Ernest's Sad Passing. He made us
Funny man. The hit and miss
antics of Adam Sandler struck a
positive chord this time around.
Fans and most critics liked the
Saturday Night Live alumni in the
more grown-up role of caregiver
and romantic lead in his latest
feature Big Daddy. (REUTERs/Fredprouseo
Bye, bye Ms. American Pie. It was
Going twice, going three times,
the sleeper hit of the summer.
American Pie, a low-key marketed,
coming-of-age story with a cast of
brilliant newcomers, was the surprise comedy hit that had everyone
talking. Canadian comedian Eugene
Levy starred as the father.
anyone? Actress Drew Barrymore
suffered an ego blow when an
online auction of her childhood
keepsakes by her mother failed
to interest bidders. (AP/Michael Caulfield)
laugh. Actor Jim Varney, star of
the slapstick Ernest movie series,
passed away at age 50 from lung
cancer. The comedian first hatched
the character of Ernest P. Worrell
for a series of TV commercials.
Varney also played the voice of the
Slinky Dog in the Toy Story films.
(AP/Mark Humphrey)
Schmirler: Canada's curling
darling Sandra Schmirler died at
age 36 after a battle with cancer.
She and her teammates won
many gold medals, including the
Olympics in Japan.
All the right moves. After a poor showing at the 1998 World Cup soccer
tournament, Canada's men's team surprised the world with an upset 2-0
win over Colombia for the Gold Cup, a competition among the United States,
soccer powerhouse Mexico and Caribbean nations. (AP/Kevork Djansezian)
Go Girl! The USA women's soccer
team beat out China to win the
1999 World Cup. After kicking in
the game-winning goal on a penalty
kick, Brandi Chastain tore off her
jersey to reveal a sports bra that
likely shot up sales for the Nikebrand undergarment.
(AP/Anacleta Flapping)
Stewart: The golf world mourned
the loss of Payne Stewart who
died in a strange plane accident:
the plane had lost pressure,
killing everyone on board shortly
after take-off, but it continued
flying on auto pilot for hours
before crashing. (AP/Chuck Burton)
Go get 'em Tiger. It was yet another
good year for golf sensation Tiger
Woods. The 23-year-old greens
veteran took home his sixth PGA
tour win in a row, unprecedented in
the modern era. He has singlehandedly turned golf into an even more
popular televised sporting event.
(AP/Scott Audette)
Sister, sister. It would have been
an awkward moment but great
television. Tennis superstar sisters
Venus and Serena Williams nearly
went head-to-head at the U.S.
Open. However, only Serena, 17,
made it to the final singles round to
beat out Martina Hingis to win the
title in only her second year as a
pro. However, the pair took home
the trophy in the doubles
Yankees win. After years of squabbling between players and owners,
baseball tried to regain some of its
magical touch, but a lackluster
World Series didn't help. The New
York Yankees beat the Atlanta
Braves in four straight games.
(AP/Ron Frerim)
Moore: He had a need for speed,
but understood the risks. The
death of 24-year-old race car
driver Greg Moore was made all
the eerier by comments two days
earlier that seemed to foreshadow
his fatal accident on the track of
the Marlboro 500 at the
California Speedway: "You'll
never be able to make race cars
completely safe. Things happen
at that speed." (AP/canososono)
No place like home. Canada put on
a strong showing both as host and
competitor. Winnipeg was home to
this year's Pan Am games, largely
regarded as one of the best ever.
Second only to the United States,
Canada took home the most medals
of the competition with 64 gold,
52 silver and 80 bronze. Canada's
women's basketball team lost the
gold to Cuba. Above the team celebrates its semi-final win over Brazil.
(CP/Pierre Obendrauf)
$ 1,591,959
2000 BRIER
Tigers roar. Hamilton took home the prize of Canadian
football. The Tiger-Cats, who opened the game with a
solid lead, went on to beat the Calgary Stampeders in a
32-21 bout for the Grey Cup. (cr/RymRemiom
Bowl bash. In a time-crunch ending, the St. Louis
Rams took home their first-ever Super Bowl win, beating
the Tennessee Titans. The Titans ended the game just
one yard short in one of the more exciting Super Bowl
games in years. (AP/oave Manm)
Invincible. The man many compare to basketball legend Michael Jordan wowed fans time and
again with his control of the ball and mastery of the court. At the All-Star game, Vince Carter
shot to international fame by winning the exciting slam-dunk contest. (MACLEAN'S/ Peter Bregg)
Heads Up! It was a tough year for professional hockey, as the game was tarnished by a series
of violent incidents. A slash to the head left Vancouver Canucks Donald Brashear with a
concussion. In a separate incident, Toronto Maple Leafs Brian Berard lost the sight in one eye
after being smacked in the face with a stick. (CP/CTV Sportsnet)
Too close to call. The NHL
stood by its decision to allow a
questionable goal that gave the
Dallas Stars a Stanley Cup win
over the Buffalo Sabres in Game 6.
Confusion followed over the interpretation of a rule that some say
should have disqualified the goal
because the skate of goal scorer
Brett Hull was in the crease at the
time. (AP/Gene Puskart
Space, The Final Frontier. And speaking of star voyages, the Hubble
Telescope is finally earning its keep. Pristine images of the Keyhole Nebula
captured by its lens allowed scientists to peek into the history of the universe.
The Nebula is nearly 8,000 light years away, (AP/N«SA)
Mircosurgery. In a scene straight out of a science fiction novel, scientists
have developed robots that can execute precision surgical procedures, in
some instances through cavities in the body no larger than a fountain pen.
Despite all the advancements, though, we are still light years away from the
sick bay of the Starship Enterprise. (MACLEAN'S/Phill Snel)
Wow music! Recent developments
in digital technology mean that in
the near future CDs and tapes for
use in music might become a thing
of the past. Using software such as
MP3 to record, save and distribute
music, people can download their
favourite tunes from the Web for
listening on a computer at home or
work, and even on portable players,
SUCh aS MPWOW. (AP/Lanra Ranch)
money.com. Make your parents
proud with your financial success
by joining the new economy.
Investor money flooded into stocks
for Internet-based companies
making instant millionaires out
of basement computer geeks.
In Canada, the Internet economy
produced $28.5-billion in revenues.
According to experts such as
consultant David Pecaut, those
numbers are expected to jump to
$155-billiOn in 2003. (MACLEAN'S/Peter Bregg)
An Eye for a Eye.
Click to your diploma. Pretty soon
getting ready for class will involve
little more than switching on your
laptop. More and more people of
all ages are turning to the Internet
to take virtual, accredited courses
offered by post-secondary institutions. And to disprove the naysayers, a recent study by Toronto's
York University revealed, on average,
that students who took classes
online received higher grades than
their brick and mortar counterparts.
(MACLEAN'S/ Mike Pinder)
In an age
when medical breakthroughs seem
a dime a dozen, researchers such
as Dr. May Griffith at the University
of Ottawa made a truly amazing
discovery when it was revealed they
could replace the eye's cornea
using human cells grown in a
culture, replacing the need for
donor transplants. The biotechnology race is entering full stride as scientists at the University of Toronto
are now trying to develop skin and
bone substitutes using similar techniques. (MACLEAN'S/ Mike Pinder)
The new fur trade. Scientists in Siberia retrieved a fully-preserved wooly
mammoth in a scene reminiscent of the Steven Spielberg film Jurassic Park.
Camera crews from The Discovery Channel were on hand for the unearthing
of the creature believed to have died around 23,000 years ago. Some talk
has surfaced about trying to clone the beast. CPI
Maclean's, Canada's weekly newsmagazine, offers resources for Canadian students.
In addition to publishing the annual Guide to Canadian Universities and the Guide
to Canadian Colleges, the magazine also offers a school program. The Maclean's
In-Class Program is a weekly package of lesson plans, quizzes and activities based
on Maclean's articles and essays. With a class subscription to Maclean's, each
student receives a copy of the magazine, and a variety of weekly and monthly
teaching materials and resources are sent to the teacher as a bonus. For more
information call 1-800-668-1951 or (416) 596-5514, or visit the program's website
at www.mh-education.com.
The Yearbook Company