August 7, 2016 - St. Thomas of Villanova


August 7, 2016 - St. Thomas of Villanova
Parish Information
1201 E. Anderson Drive, Palatine, IL 60074
Phone: 847-358-6999 Fax: 847-934-4919
Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor
Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor
Rev. Martin Luboyera, Weekend Assoc.
Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus
Permanent Deacons
Deacon John Breit
Deacon Tom Dunne
Deacon Len Marturano
Deacon Rich Willer
Director of Bereavement
Connie West
Director of Ministry of Care
Deacon Thomas Dunne
Music Minister
Marcy Weckler Barr
Parish Manager
Ron Schaefer
Parish Office Staff
Joseph Spano, Admin. Assistant
Meaghan Spano, Admin. Assistant
Suzie Walczynski, Bulletin Editor
Carol Wilson, Financial Secretary
Youth Minister
Jeff Walczynski
Pastoral Council
Norbert Krogstad, Chairman
Tom Hidenfelder Kathy Sauerland
Ann Johnson
Rev. Thomas Rzepiela
Steve Lundell
Ron Schaefer
Jane Murguia
Rev. Marcin Zasada
Religious Education: 847-358-2386
Email: [email protected]
Mary Strybel, Coordinator
Lisa Lechowicz, Admin. Assistant
Meaghan Spano, Admin. Assistant
7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am
1:30pm (Polish)
6:30am (Communion Service)
8:00am (Including Saturday)
Saturdays 8:30am—9:30am
BAPTISM: Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class preferable before the
baby is born to avoid babysitting concerns. Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays following
the 11:15am Mass. Call the Parish Office for more information.
Upcoming Baptism Prep Classes : Aug 24—Donna & John Breit 847-359-2870;
Sep 7—Brigid & Marc Janiak 847-826-5493; Sep 28—Brigid & Marc Janiak
MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the celebration of marriage should be made at least six (6)
months prior to your planned wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for more information.
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Call the Parish Office to set up an
appointment to register and learn more about our Parish.
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Adults who were never baptized in any faith, who were
baptized in another Christian faith and who wish to become Catholic, and baptized Catholics
who have never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist. Contact Tom at
847-971-4419 / [email protected]. Brochures are in the Gathering Area.
COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND: Ministers of Care are available to bring
Communion to the homebound. Contact Deacon Tom Dunne for more information.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Call the Parish Office to add your name to our sick list.
Due to patient privacy (HIPAA Law), only the ailing person or, in case of their incapacitation, the
person delegated for their medical care, can add their name to the sick list.
PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: If you know someone serving in the
military, please contact the Parish Office so our faith community may pray for them.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: Articles for the bulletin are due by Friday—9 days before
publication date and can be emailed to: [email protected]
Our Websites
School Information: 847-358-2110
Mary Brinkman, Principal
Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal
1141 E Anderson Dr, Palatine, IL 60074
FAX 1-847-776-1435
email: [email protected]
Religious Education:
Youth Group:
Second Homily
Dear Parish Family of St. Thomas,
As you know, there is an earlier starting date for grammar schools in our School District.
Our St. Thomas of Villanova School begins in ten days. This is the only time left for your
family vacations. So be sure you make the best of the next ten days for and with your
children. That’s ‘cause when school starts, tears will be flowing from our schoolchildren as well as our school
moms. And don’t forget to bring a bulletin home for your Pastor.
Can you believe that it is August already? I would like to share with you a special prayer for this new month!
August Stewardship Prayer
Lord God,
As we prepare for the transitions of August;
of routines becoming regular, signs of schools beginning to emerge,
and traffic patterns getting heavier, help us to appreciate the sacred rhythms in our lives.
Give us the wisdom to make our hearts be still, much as the August wind is still,
so that we may listen to the gentle words you speak to us.
Help us understand that you alone are the source of every good gift,
of the vast array of our universe and the mystery of each human life.
And help us see that we are called to be good stewards of all that you have entrusted to us;
tending them faithfully and responsibly so they may ultimately be returned to you with increase.
In this month of August while a measure of summer’s stillness remains,
speak to our hearts, guide us in your Son’s ways,
and through your Spirit, give us the strength to proclaim your
justice and peace in our everyday words and deeds. Amen.
Your generosity again has helped others experience a better and more blessed life. Our holiday collections
of Memorial Day of $606.00 and our July 4th collection of $592.00 were presented to Catholic Charities
Veteran Services. The Supportive Services for Veteran Families of Catholic Charities assists low-income
veterans and veteran families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. They also provide counseling,
childcare and emergency assistance to Veterans. Thank you again for your generosity to our Veterans.
We seek your patience as we bring some much needed repairs and upgrades to our parking lots.
Your Pastor,
Rev. Thomas R. Rzepiela
P.S. Ketchup with Jesus! Lettuce praise and relish Him. He loves us from our head to our to-ma-toes!
Parish Events
Sunday, August 7
STV School Volunteer MRA & B
Children’s Liturgy of the Word MRD
Monday, August 8
SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE Con nues through next weekend (Page 5)
welcome! You do not have to have a child at STV School to come help.
(VIRTUS training will be required, though.)
School Office Opens
STV School Athletics
FC Sub-Committee Mtg MR4
School Board & FC Sub- MR1
Committee Meeting
K of C Business Mtg MRA & B
Tuesday, August 9
STV School Athletics
K of C—ID Drive Meeting MRC
STV SCHOOL OFFICE OPENS! Monday, August 8 at 9am
7:30pm MRA & B. Show your support by a ending this mee ng and
enjoy the fellowship of your brother Knights.
Wednesday, August 10
Golden Villanovans
Eucharistic Adoration
A.A. (Closed Meeting)
Thursday, August 11
GOLDEN VILLANOVANS Wednesday, August 10 at 1pm in MRA & B,
General mee ng with speaker, Kathy Lorz from Solana—Deerpark
PRODUCEMOBILE Thursday, August 11 (Page 5)
ProduceMobile in the
Church Parking Lot
(8am—Volunteers arrive)
Friday, August 12
No Activities
Saturday, August 13
Morning Bible Study
Singles Night Out
- Game Night
Sunday, August 14
9:40am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Work has commenced on crack-filling, patching, seal-coa ng and
remarking our school parking lot. PLEASE be alert in case you need
to park on the street for access to the school office.
Thank you,
Ron Schaefer, Parish Manager
Now—August 13
Monday-Friday, 9am—5pm
Saturday, 9am—1pm
Kick-Off/Informa on Mee ng: September 13th 7:00 PM
 St. James Parish Center– 820 N Arlington Heights Road,
Arlington Heights in the O’Brien Room (Lower Level,
Northside Entrance)
“Divorce and Beyond” is a faith-based recovery program for
divorced Catholics and other people of faith. The workshop
consists of 10 weekly sessions of approximately 1.5 to 2
hours each. Our mission is to help par cipants move through the emo ons of
their loss to acceptance, healing and forgiveness. We hope divorced Catholics and others will feel welcomed and supported by their faith community
and will remain ac ve in the Church. We invite you to a end our Informa on
Mee ng on September 13, 2016. Should you have any ques ons, feel free to
contact Deacon Jim Bannon: [email protected] /224-345-7200
Parish Events
St. Angela’s
School Supply Drive
Begins TODAY through August 13/14
Bins will be available for two weeks—star ng today through
August 13/14—in the Gathering Area and Narthex for you to deposit
school supplies for our sharing school, St. Angela.
We will be collec ng all types of school supplies. However, this year,
St. Angela’s staff gave us a Wish List of some items that either might be
a li le more expensive or might not be on the usual school supply list.
is coming to STV!
Thursday, August 11
STV Parking Lot
Anyone in need…
...can pick up free produce at the
Greater Chicago Food Depository
food mobile which is coming to
STV on Thursday, August 11, from
9:30am to 11:30am.
No registra on is required.
** Note... WIDE-RULED paper and notebooks only. **
THANK YOU in advance for your efforts!
Any ques ons: Deacon Tom Dunne 847-358-6999
...are needed to help unload, set
up and distribute food star ng at
8:30am. This event is outside, so
remember to dress for the
weather. Come for an hour or
stay the en re me!
Growing Your Faith
Thinking About
Becoming a Member of
the Catholic Church?
In celebra ng Our Lady’s final
journey to God and her glorious
Assump on, let us ask her motherly intersession to draw souls to
the Sacred Heart of her Son.
The Rite of Chris on Ini a on of
Adults (RCIA) is a journey too—of
conversion to God and what he
intends for us. RCIA is the process
by which persons through Bapsm, Confirma on, and the Eucharist become members of the
Catholic Church. We are people
on pilgrimage to our Heavenly Father. For more informa on on the
RCIA process, contact Tom: 847971-4419 / [email protected].
Brochures about Becoming Catholic are available in the informa on
rack in the Gathering Area.
RCIA inquiry sessions begin
on Sunday, September 11!
It’s hard to keep your guard up all the me. Which is why I some mes don’t.
The example coming to mind in the moment deals with dental hygiene. I
know this is a personal topic, but I also know I’m among friends here. While
my folks gave me many good things gene cs-wise, a mouthful of perfect
teeth wasn’t one of them. So for decades now, I’ve made up for it by hard
work. Brushing. Flossing. Waterpik-ing. If I keep to my regimen between
check-ups, these visits go well. If I slack off, though--and slacking off is easy
with a comfortable bed calling me at 10:00 PM and a pre-5:00 AM alarm
going off in the back of my head--then the check-ups show the effects of my
In a similar vein, my wife’s nephew and his wife and the rest of the family
were looking to sell the rented home they were living in years ago, so not
only did they need to get it all cleaned-up and nice and show-ready, they had
to keep it all cleaned-up and nice and show-ready for as long as it took for a
poten al buyer to come through and say “Yes.” This may not sound like much
to many, but when both parents work outside the home--and a small child is
underfoot--the cleaning-up o en occurs more on a when-we-can-get-to-it
basis than on a regularly-scheduled basis, and I remember the wife saying at a
birthday gathering at her place, “How can I keep it looking great all the me?”
The answer in both cases has an element of faith. Faith in a good check-up if I
persevere in my dental home care. Faith that the well-cleaned house will sell,
and sooner than later. And today’s readings have all to do with faith, and the
persistence that goes with it. From Wisdom: “The night of the passover was
known beforehand to our fathers, that, with sure knowledge of the oaths in
which they put their faith, they might have courage.” From Hebrews: “Faith is
the realiza on of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” From
Jesus himself: “Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for
yourselves that do not wear out…”
But it takes faith to do this. Serious faith. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m
not there yet. I’m not even sure if this is exactly what Jesus is asking me to do
right now. I know in my bones, however, that Jesus is asking me to be a
prudent servant concerning all of the things he has entrusted me with. And
every day. If I say, though, like the imprudent steward in the Gospel, “My
master is delayed in coming…” and ignore my responsibili es, I know also that
I am not living the discipleship I am called to live. And at any me, everything
given to me can be taken away. “Be sure of this:” Jesus says, “if the master of
the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not
have let his house be broken into.” Short-term faith is good in the moment,
but moments fade, you know? Jesus asks for enduring faith, for flossing-every
-day faith, for keeping-the-house-in-constant order faith. Like I said, “I’ll be
the first to admit…” But if John Paul II was right--if faith leads us beyond
ourselves directly to God--then even when I fail, that’s s ll the direc on I
want to go.
Copyright 2016 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])
Suicide and Mental Health
As young boy, I longed to be a
professional athlete but I had to soon
accept the unwelcome fact that I
simply wasn’t gi ed with an athlete’s
body. Speed, strength, coordina on,
ins nct, vision, I got by in ordinary life
with what I had been given of these,
but I wasn’t physically robust enough
to be an athlete.
It took some years to make peace with
that, but it took me even longer, well
into mid-life, before I came to both
acknowledge and give thanks for the
fact that, while I wasn’t blessed with
an athlete’s body, I had been given a
robust mental health, and that this
was a mammoth undeserved blessing,
more important for life than an
athlete’s body. I had o en wondered
what it would be like to have an
athlete’s body, to possess that kind of
speed, strength, and grace, but I had
never wondered what it must be like
not to have a strong, steady, resilient
mind, one that knows how to return a
lob, split a defense, not be afraid of
contact, absorb a hit, and not let the
rigors of the game break you.
one’s physical health, fragile, and not
fully within one’s own control.
Moreover just as diabetes, arthri s,
cancer, stroke, heart a acks, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and mul ple
sclerosis, can cause debilita on and
death, so too can mental diseases
wreak deadly havoc inside the mind,
also causing every kind of debilita on
and, not infrequently, death, suicide.
How might one define robust mental
health? Robust mental health is not to
be confused with intelligence or
brilliance. It’s neither. Rather it is
steadiness, a capacity to somehow
always be anchored, balanced,
buoyant, and resilient in the face of all
that life throws at you, good and bad.
Indeed, some mes it can be a posi ve
blockage to crea vity and brilliance.
Some people, it seems, are just too
grounded and sane to be brilliant! And
brilliant people, gi ed ar sts, poets,
musicians, not infrequently struggle to
stay solidly grounded. Brilliance and
steadiness are frequently very different gi s. Through the years that I have
been wri ng on suicide, I have
received many le ers, emails, and
And that recogni on was bought and
phone calls, with anguished concerns
paid for by some of the most painful
about understanding mental health.
moments of my life. As I aged, year
One le er came for a woman, a
a er year, I began to see a number of
brilliant psychoanalyst, somewhat
my former classmates, colleagues,
anxious about her own steadiness
trusted mentors, acquaintances of all
and that of her family, who wrote:
kinds, and dear friends lose their
“Everyone in my family is brilliant, but
ba le with mental health and sink,
none of us is very steady!” Of course,
slowly or rapidly, into various forms of
we all know families where the
clinical depression, mental paralysis,
reverse is true.
mental anguish, demen a of various
kinds, dark personality changes,
In short, we need a be er understandsuicide, and, and worst of all, even
ing of mental health; perhaps not so
into murder.
much among doctors, psychiatrists,
and mental health professionals,
Slowly, painfully, hal ngly, I came to
where there is already a considerable
know that not everyone has the
understanding of mental health and
internal circuits to allow them the
where valuable research goes on, but
sustained capacity for steadiness and
within the culture at large, par cularly
buoyancy. I also came to learn that
as this pertains to suicide.
one’s mental health is really parallel to
When we see someone suffering from
a physical disability or a bodily
disease, it’s easy to understand this
limita on and be moved to empathy.
But this is predicated largely on the
fact that we can see, physically see,
the disability or the sickness. We may
feel frustrated, helpless, and even
angry in the face of what we see, but
we generally understand. We get it!
Nature has dealt this person a par cular hand of cards, no one’s to blame!
But that’s not the situa on with
mental health. Here the disability or
sickness is not so overt or easily
understood. This is par cularly true
where the breakdown of a person’s
mental health results in suicide. For
centuries, this has been badly misdiagnosed, not least morally and religiously. Today, more and more, we claim to
understand, even as we don’t really
understand. A deeper, more-intui ve
eye is s ll required. We s ll don’t
really understand mental fragility.
Our physical health can be robust or
fragile, the same for our mental
health. In both cases, how strong we
are depends a lot upon the hand of
cards we were dealt, our gene c
endowment and the environment that
shaped us. We don’t get to order our
bodies and minds from a catalogue,
and nature and life don’t always deal
the cards evenly.
We need to be er understand mental
health and mental breakdown.
Psychologically and emo onally, we
are not immune to all kinds of cancers,
strokes, diabetes, mul ple sclerosis,
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. And
they too can be terminal, as is the case
with suicide.
Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher,
and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate
School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be
contacted through or
Parish Updates
Hello friends
I wanted to let you all know that I will be admi ed
to Northwestern Memorial Hospital on August 12
(early morning) for my stem cell transplant
procedure. Because I am receiving umbilical cord
blood units, I will be in the hospital for a month,
perhaps more since it takes a li le longer with this
way of receiving stem cells.
Why should I register at my Parish?
Registering in a Parish is a declaraon of your desire to be part of a
Catholic community and a commitment to the life of the Parish Family.
To so clearly state your Catholic
commitment in all its dimensions
brings you advantages, recogni on
and responsibili es of many kinds.
Being a registered parishioner
makes things much easier when it is
me for your infant bap sm, school
registra on and weddings.
We are o en asked to provide
affidavits for bap smal Godparents
and confirma on sponsors. We can
only do this if a person is registered,
ac ve and a contribu ng member in
our Parish.
How do I know if I am already
A registered parishioner receives all
Parish mailings including Sunday
envelopes. You can also, call the
Parish Office to verify.
How do I register with St. Thomas of
It’s easy! Stop in the Parish Office
during regular office hours to fill
out a form.
I would, as always, appreciate your prayers. I am fully confident that things
will go well, especially with the prayers of St. Thomas at my back!
To get an idea of what they will be doing, I have to have full body radia on
(once only) and high dose chemo for the 7 days before to destroy my bone
marrow cells (where the cancer I have now is origina ng). Once they have the
bone marrow eliminated, they will infuse the stem cells. The idea is to grow a
whole new immune system, which will then take 18 - 21 days if all goes well.
While these things are happening, I will not have an immune system, so I am
at great risk for infec on. I will be living at Pren ce Women’s Hospital (part of
Northwestern) in an isola on room. I can s ll get phone calls, emails and
visitors. The staff there will be constantly monitoring me for signs of
infec on, blood levels, GVHD (gra versus host disease) and such.
When the stem cells have engra ed (taken hold) and my platelet levels and
other blood levels reached a normal point, they will release me from the
hospital to home. I will be having nurses come by once or twice every week
and will need to return to the clinic each week. I am quite sure that this
doesn’t mean being able to come back to work - I will have to avoid many
things, including large groups of people  , salad bars, buffets, gardening,
cleaning and more.
Thank you for all the many ways you are showing support. I look forward to
being back with you as soon as I am allowed by the doctors.
Much love,
Most Merciful God, Creator and Sustainer of Life,
We come before you, humbled by your great gift of life. In your
infinite love, you planted within us these tiny cells that have the
power to heal and renew. We ask a special blessing on Marcy as
she receives these life-giving cells. Let her trust not only in their
power to heal, but in Your invitation to new life and new birth.
Send your Spirit upon these cells, blessing them with your love
and healing power. Grant Marcy patience and hope as she waits
for the restoration of body, mind and spirit.
In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen
2017 Fiscal Year Sunday Sacrificial Giving
YTD Budget
$ 118,500.00
YTD Actual
$ 103,784.17
Over / Under
(- $ 14,715.83)
Over / Under
July 3
$ 24,320.70
$ 2,358.00
$ 26,678.70
$ 2,978.70
July 10
$ 20,199.68
$ 1,613.00
$ 21,812.68
(- $ 1887.32)
July 17
$ 16,555.16
$ 1,678.00
$ 18,233.16
(-$ 5,466.84)
July 24
$ 17,124.95
$ 1,323.00
$ 18,447.95
(-$ 5,252.05)
July 31
$ 16,968.68
$ 1643.00
$ 18,611.68
(- 5,088.32)
Budget: $23,700
YOUR SSG (Sunday Sacrificial Giving) AT WORK
Last week, we published many notes of thanks for your generous dona ons to
various organiza ons that prac ce the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Corporal Works of Mercy
Spiritual Works of Mercy
To Feed the Hungry
To Convert Sinners
To Give Drink to the Thirsty
To Instruct the Ignorant
To Clothe the Naked
To Advise the Doub ul
To Shelter the Homeless
To Comfort the Sorrowful
To Care for the Sick
To Bear Wrongs Pa ently
To Visit the Imprisoned
To Forgive Injuries
To Bury the Dead
To Pray for the Living and Dead
Here are a couple more thank you notes from those who received a por on
of the first 1.5% of your Fiscal Year 2016 SSG dona ons:
Thank you for you generous dona on of $500 to the North/Northwest
Suburban Task Force on Suppor ve Housing for Individuals Living with
Mental Illness. For individuals living with mental illness, affordable and
appropriate suppor ve housing is a key component to recover. Thank
you, Julie Savas o—The Task Force, Treasurer
Thank you for opening your heart and giving $700 so generously to our
Northwest Region Emergency Assistance. Your support and concern
make all the difference in what we are able to do for people when we
open our doors each day. God Bless, Rev. Monsignor Michael Boland—
The Catholic Chari es of the Archdiocese of Chicago
GiveCentral ONLINE GIVING is a
convenient way for St. Thomas of
Villanova to receive your SSG
support. It is a secure online system
with payment op ons from direct
debit (ACH) to all major credit cards:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express
and Discover.
At this me you will be able to
donate to these funds (events):
• “Sunday Giving”- Choose the
frequency for your gi ; weekly,
monthly, annually.
“Sharing” - Our tradi onal “Pink
Envelope” for Ministry of Care /
St. Angela’s.
How to sign up:
1. Go to and click
on the “START GIVING” bu on.
2. Type St. Thomas of Villanova in the
search box and click on our picture
when it appears.
3. Choose an “Event” to which you
would like to donate, entering the
frequency, date range and dollar
amount, then click “ADD TO MY GIFT
BASKET.” You may click
“CHECKOUT” at any me, or add
more dona ons, if you wish.
4. When you are ready, click “MY GIFT
BASKET” at the top of the page and
verify your gi s.
5. Click “CONTINUE,” then “COMPLETE
PROFILE” to register.
6. Complete the simple registra on
form, then click “REGISTER AND
7. You’re registered!
Check your inbox for an email
from [email protected].
If you have ques ons or need assistance,
please call Carol Wilson at the
Parish Office, 847-358-6999.
School News
From the Principal’s Desk
8th Grade
Washington DC Trip
Can you believe that tomorrow our School Office opens and in just 10 days
our School doors open for the new school year?
We have so much planned for this new school year! One of the surprises is
hidden under this big, blue tarp. Have you been tempted to sneak-a-peak?
The big reveal is only days away!
Last weekend, our Rummage Sale
was a huge success! We were able
to raise almost $6,000 towards our
8th Grade Washington DC Trip.
Thank you to all who donated to our
Rummage Sale. It was amazing to
see all the “treasures” that were
dropped off. Thank you also to all
who shopped the sale. We are so
happy that so many “treasures”
found a new home.
STV School’s 8th Grade Class
AUGUST 13/14
Free-will dona on towards the
8th Grade Washington DC Trip
A bit late, but...
We just received the St. Viator Honor Roll list from last semester. We don’t
want to overlook their outstanding achievements. So, join me in
congratula ng the following students, most of which are STV School Alumni.
We are so proud of you!
Principal Honor Roll:
− Jus n Cruz ’16, Michael Flis ’17, Mary O’Connell ’16
High Honor Roll:
− Therese Banea ’16, Alyssa D’Onofrio ’16, Katherine Krzoska ’18
B Honor Roll:
− Shelby Mepham ’18, Samantha Parlier ’19, Haley Robinson ’18,
Aryana Ziakas ’17
Enjoy these last few days of summer!
Mary Brinkman, Principal
Kids’ Corner
Fr. Tom Rzepiela
Fr. Tom Rzepiela
Fr. Marcin Zasada
Fr. Ray Yadron
Rich Willer
John Breit
Fr. Tom Rzepiela
Fr. Tom Rzepiela
Rich Willer
Fr. Ray Yadron
Theresa Mitchell
Ellen Frech
Randy Schappert
Jennifer Santos
Denise Giuntoli
Phil Giuntoli
Stan Nowak
Dave Asta
Sherry Adams
Louis Akins
Mary Bragiel
Larry Coco
John Davis
Marian DeGroot
Mick Lasiewicz
Sharon Lasiewicz
Sharon Reiber
Carole Parsons
Mila Quiaoit
Sarah Rauen
Gay Sladky
Bob Slanicky
Lori Smithe
Bob Stanek
Margo Stanek
Marilynn Stone
Mary Willer
Sue Allen
Kris Bartolameolli
Paula Logsdon
Stacy McCluskey
Susan Weres
Alice Witt
Eddie Wojek
Debbie Yurcheshen
Marty Yurcheshen
Donna Breit
Barbara Hedrich
Bob Haas
Lynn Haas
Tom Cavenagh
Donna Casey
Mary Carlson
Karen Barrett
Maureen Treanor
Ted Tomusiak
Timmy Matijevic
John Mepham
Sarah Mepham
Ryan Regan
Caroline Kawiecki
Evelyn Page
McKenzie Maude
Emmett Maude
Kieran Maude
Ryan Maude
Billy Shoults
Gretchen Fisher
Garrett Colbrook
Maureen Penkava
J & R Redmond
Sylvia Schaffer
Boni & Mila Quiaoit
Bob & Margo Stanek
Karen Froelich
Mary Anita Campbell
Erika, Rob, Lily & PJ Dix
Ken & Barb Doruff
Lynn Haas
Tom & Pat Cavenagh
John & Jan Harahan
Fr. Marcin Zasada
Fr. Marcin Zasada
Our Weekly Prayers
Monday, August 8
6:30am Communion Service
8:00am  Dominic Berta
Tuesday, August 9
6:30am Communion Service
8:00am For All Who Are Sick
Wednesday, August 10
6:30am Communion Service
8:00am For All Firefighter Personnel
Thursday, August 11
6:30am Communion Service
8:00am  Patrick Dolphin
Friday, August 12
6:30am Communion Service
8:00am For Those in the Armed Forces
Saturday, August 13
8:00am  David Sladky
5:00pm  Pete McEnery
Sunday, August 14
7:30am  Rose Casarez;  Michael
Solberg;  Rosemary Vlk;
 Harold & Lore a Martens;
 John Gora
9:30am  Raymond Eme;  Margaret
Selin; 69th Wedding Anniversary
for Elayne & Bob Maruska
11:15am All Living & Deceased Parishioners
1:30pm Mass—POLISH
Mon: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14;
Mt 17:22-27
Tue: Ez 2:8 -- 3:4; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103,
111, 131; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Wed: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-2, 5-9;
Jn 12:24-26
Thu: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-59, 61-62:
Mt 18:21 -- 19:1
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 or 16:59-63;
Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mt 19:3-12
Sat: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Ps 51:12-15,
18-19; Mt 19:13-15
Sun: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Ps 40:2-4, 18;
Heb 12:1-4; Lk 12:49-53
Aiden Yoon Young Jordan
Jordan Marie O’Donnell
Lou Anderson
Kathy Bell
Cherie Bott
Andy Bouchonville
Baby Billy Callahan
Baby Ray Callahan
Anna Marie Candorla
Leo Casarez
Baby Seamus Cullen
Brenda Darling
Jason Dean
Emily Dempsey
Joyce Diewald
Beth Dix
Bill Dvorak
Daniel Fegan
Jeanne Formanski
Kirk Forseth
Parker Forseth
Mel Gass
Lena Grieco
Ronald Grieco
Adeline Kaczmarek
Mary Anne Kiesel
Wesley Knutson
Mary Alice Kobler
Susan Kordell
Lauren Lambert
Elaine Romanchek
Ken Romanchek
Shawn Smith
John Socha
Joyce Sukowicz
Anne Swaw
Robert Szo
Trudy Unterfenger
Marcy Weckler Barr
Jeri Sue Welty
Connie Wilberding
Beau Zanca
Martha Zara
Sue Langowski
Sharon Laziewicz
Gene Lazich
Harold Lewis
L.J. Marak
Bob Maruska
Elayne Maruska
Candida Morales
Paul Moser
Mary Obey
Ken Oeschger
Boni Quiaoit
Pa y Reynolds
Jack Riedy
U.S. Army
SPC William Banville
MAJ Robert Bland
MAJ Bernade e O’Shea
PFC Ryan CamisSutherland
CPT Ben Couchey
SGT Brian J. Dankowski
CPT Joel Hilborn
SPC Jeffry Ketelsen
SF Joseph Kilcullen III,
Green Beret
LT Michael Labek
2LT Daniel Lloyd
SSGT Dus n Lyles
SPC Michael Medina
SGT Kevin Miller
CPT James Ruetsche,
CPT Jesse Turner
CPT Tina Stowick Turner
U.S. Air Force
TSGT Dan Fialek
A1C Jus n Godsey
MSGT Ma hew Grelck
CPT Erin Killion
CPT Sean McGee
SrA Trenton J. Metyk
SSGT Darrel J. Moe
SSGT Brian R. O’Donnell
A1C Joshua Olszak
LT Colonel Jeffrey D.
MAJ Ma hew Walz
U.S. Coast Guard
LTJG Kevin O’Brien
U.S. Marine Corps
MAJ Joey Cross
CPL David Crouse
MSGT Jason Dean
SGT Thomas Grygowski
PFC Jeffrey Daniel Krantz
CPT Thomas McCarthy
LCPL Cameron Miller
CPL Sam Miller
SGT Conor O’Neill
SGT Nicholas Regini
LCPL Kyle Rich
SGT Corey A. White
LCPL James N. Wyant
U.S. Navy
ENS Jeremy Adams
LT Kevin Brandwein
LT Cdr. John-Paul
CAPT Jason Haen
PO2 David Holley
SN Gregory Mino
CAPT Louis Schager Jr.
And pray for the safety of all Law Enforcement Personnel
A Special Granddaughter
Daily 6:30am Communion Service:
Monday-Friday in Church
Daily 8:00am Mass: Mon-Sat in
EucharisƟc AdoraƟon: Every
Wednesday 6-7pm in Church
 Todd Kane
Husband of Jana Kane
If you or someone you know needs prayer, call our Prayer Chain— Elaine 847-358-2782.
Informacje po polsku (Polish Information)
XIX Niedziela Zwykła – Bądźmy czujni
Czujność jest wyrazem roztropności pozwalająca odpowiednio przygotować się na pozytywne i
negatywne, dobre i złe doświadczenia. Będąc czujnym mamy pewność, iż do naszego domu
nie wtargnie złodziej. Jezus, odwołując się do tego przykładu, sugeruja i zaleca nam
analogiczną czujność wobec Jego ponownego przyjścia. On przyjdzie jako Pan, aby sprawdzić,
czy Jego słudzy są czujni i adekwatnie przygotowani. Przepasne biodra i zapalone pochodnie
są oznaką służby siostrom i braciom, zwłaszcza tym najmniejszym, z którymi utożsamia się Syn
Człowieczy. Zachowanie czujności polega na urzeczywistnianiu czynów miłosierdzia. Naszą
nagrodą będzie Jego służba, a więc doświadczenie Bożej miłości…
Życie przypomina pielgrzymkę…
Droga prowadząca do domu Ojca nie jest wygodną autostradą. To droga całego naszego
życia, na której odnajdujemy pozytywne i negatywne doświadczenia – zdrowie i chorobę,
grzech i skruchę, zagubienie i radosne powroty, modlitwę i oschłość. Pielgrzymi szlak pisany
jest wyborami człowieka.
Nasze pielgrzymowanie ma swój początek w Sercu Boga. Wyszliśmy od Boga i ku
Niemu zmierzamy. Niekiedy wydaje się nam, że to my szukamy Boga, tymczasem to On
nieustannie szuka nas. Św. Augustyn pisał o sercu człowieka, które nie zazna spokoju, dopóki
nie spocznie w Bogu.
W naszym sercu urzeczywistnia się Boża obecność – należy tylko odnaleźć do niej
ścieżkę. Bardzo często gubimy ślady Boga. Uważamy, że są ważniejsze sprawy w życiu niż
poznanie właściwej drogi. Pielgrzymowanie wpisane jest w nasze życie. To poniekąd
opowiadanie dziejów naszej duszy, obecności lub nieobecności Boga, świadczące o naszym
rozwoju duchowym. Należy przypatrywać się tej drodze, zastanawiać się, dokąd idziemy,
wyciągać wnioski, niekiedy zmienić kierunek – jeśli dostrzegamy, że oddalamy się od celu.
Należy stale pytać siebie, czy mamy łączność z Tym, ku któremu zmierzamy. Na
trasie bowiem zdarzają się rozmaite niespodzianki, panują różne warunki. Tak jak w życiu –
przechodzimy próby naszej wiary, nadziei i miłości, a więc naszej duchowej kondycji.
Pielgrzymka życia weryfikuje kim i jacy jesteśmy. Dlatego św. Paweł do wiernych z Efezu
napisał: ‘Obleczcie pełną zbroję Bożą, byście mogli się ostać wobec podstępnych zakusów
diabła. (…) W każdym położeniu bierzcie wiarę jako tarczę, dzięki której zdołacie zgasić
wszystkie rozżarzone pociski Złego. Weźcie też hełm zbawienia i miecz Ducha, to jest słowo
Boże – wśród wszelakiej modlitwy i błagania. (Ef 6, 11. 16-18).
Pielgrzymowanie ma coś z ciekawości dziecka. Jest odkrywaniem ziemi ojczystej, świata,
ale też samego siebie. Pan Jezus – Pielgrzym, chce tę drogę przeżyć ze mną i we mnie. Jest
ze mną pośród ludzi. Spotyka każdego, kto wejdzie do mego domu, każdego, kogo minę na
ulicy. Wszyscy są tymi, których przyszedł szukać i zbawić. Śpiewamy na pielgrzymce: ‘On szedł
w spiekocie dnia i w szarym pyle dróg, a idąc, uczył kochać i przebaczać (…). Mój Mistrzu,
przede mną droga, którą przebyć muszę tak jak Ty…’ Jezus naucza, jak altruistycznie kochać
ludzi, jak im służyć, jak przebaczać, jak ocalać. Jezus jest naszą Prawdą, Życiem i Drogą
Pielgrzymka Kół Różańcowych w roku Bożego Miłosierdzia
przy parafii St. Thomas of Villanova
15 – 19 września 2016
do tronu Pani Jasnogórskiej na wzgórzu w Amerykanskiej Czestochowie…
W programie:
• 16. września: Wodospad Niagara – Amerykański ‘American
Bridal Veil’ oraz ‘Horseshoe’ – tzw. Prawdziwa Niagara
• 16. września: Narodowe Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Fatimskiej
w Lewiston, NY
• 17. września: Narodowe Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego w
Stockbridge, MA
• 18. września: Narodowe Sanktuarium Matki Bożej
Częstochowskiej w Doylestown, PA
Koszt: $420 Serdecznie zapraszamy
Kontakt: Pani Maria Zając: (773) 370-1691
Pani Teresa Sloniewicz: (847) 858-9209
Intencje mszalne można zamówić po Mszy św.
niedzielnej w pokoju marszałków. Prosimy
o zamawianie Mszy św. z przynajmniej
tygodniowym wyprzedzeniem. Formy rejestracyjne
dostępne są również w pokoju marszałków.
Parafia Świętego Tomasza z Villanova zaprasza
całą wspólnotę polskojęzyczną do wspólnej
modlitwy i nabożeństw.
Msze św. w jęz. polskim—niedziela: 1:30pm;
Pierwszy Piątek miesiąca: spowiedź od 5:30 do
7:15pm, Msza św. o godz. 7:30pm
Sakrament Chrztu Św. w jęz. polskim jest
udzielany w pierwszą i trzecią niedzielę miesiąca
po Mszy św. w języku polskim—prosimy o
wcześniejsze potwierdzenie daty z biurem parafialnym! Rodzice zobowiązani są do uczestniczenia w
przygotowaniu do Sakramentu Chrztu Św.
Pary proszone są o kontakt z biurem parafialnym
przynajmniej 6 miesięcy przed planowanym
ślubem w celu ustalenia daty ślubu i spotkania się
z księdzem.
Niedziela 12:45pm- 1:15pm.
Duszpasterstwo dla osób starszych i chorych.
Wizyta w domu chorego z Komunią Św. oraz
wspólna modlitwa. Prosimy o kontakt
z ks. Marcinem.
Spotkania w drugą niedzielę miesiąca po Mszy św.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy
różańcowej w każdą niedzielę przed Mszą św.
o godz. 1:00 pm.
Poniedziałek—Czwartek: 9:00 am—8:00pm
Piątek: 9:00 am—5:00 pm
Sobota: 9:00 am—1:00 pm
Telefon: 847-358-6999
$ 1,578.00
$ 942.00
$ 1,413.00
$ 1,570.00
$ 1,455.00
W sumie:
$ 6,958.00