Order of Service
Order of Service February 13 & 14, 2016 Call to Worship Songs of Praise The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on Fire Berean, we are teaming up with the American Red Cross to save lives through the “Home Fire Relief Campaign.” We will train volunteers to go door to door to assure homes are equipped with fire alarms . Register at www.BereanChristianChurch.org and meet us Saturday, February 27th at 9:00am. Added Members Orientation class will Prayer Corporate Reading Congregational Hymn be held Sunday, February 28th at 3:00pm. This class is for those who have joined Berean. Come learn more about us. Childcare will be provided. Teachers Needed Acknowledgment of Guests Music Ministry Tithes & Offering Do you have a gift for teaching? If so, make plans to attend the School of Biblical Studies Teacher training workshop Saturday, March 5th at 10:00am. Email [email protected] for more information. STEM Program The Word of God Invitation to Discipleship Benediction Berean Tutorial Ministry will hold a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) program for middle school students. Sessions will be held March 5th, 12th and 19th from 10:00am-12 noon and students must attend ALL sessions to be a part of the program. To register your student, complete and return the application at the Information Center or email [email protected]. Space is limited. February 17th at 7:00pm Opportunities for Worship Saturday at 12 noon Sunday at 7:15am, 9:30am and 12:30pm Coordinators and Assistant Coordinators Opportunities for the Word Tuesday Bible Study at 12 noon & 7:30pm Register at www.BereanChristianChurch.org. Opportunities for Witnessing Childcare will be provided. Sunday, February 21st at 2:30pm Celebrate Recovery Small Group The Celebrate Recovery small group helps in dealing with life’s hurts, habits or hang ups. Join us Thursday, February 18th at 7:00pm in Room 200 for an informational meeting to see if this is the group for you. Calling All Young Adults (18-29) Do n’t fo rg et yo ur ti ck et s The 180 Young Adult Ministry and the GROUNDED College Ministry will host its 3rd Friday worship experience, “The Encounters” Friday, February 19th at the Community Center Building One. You don’t want to miss this night! Doors open at 7:00pm. Childcare will be provided. Sat., February 20th at 3:45pm The AMC Stonecrest 16 Theatre located at The Mall at Stonecrest. Tickets are $5.00 per person and can be purchased in the Bookstore. Atlanta Night with the Hawks Berean, we are going to see our Atlanta Hawks Friday, February 26th at 8:00pm. Show your Berean pride by wearing a B-Wear shirt. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Purchase your tickets at www.BereanChristianChurch.org and pick them up in the lobby before and after Bible Study or at the Outreach Center Monday-Friday from 9:00am-12 noon or 2:00pm-5:00pm. Shedding Light on Domestic Violence The Women’s Ministry is traveling to the South Fulton Arts Center to see “Domestic Damages” Saturday, February 27th at 2:00pm. No one is immune from domestic violence. Transportation will be provided and we will depart at 12:30pm from the back parking lot. Tickets are $12.00 per person and can be paid at www.BereanChristianChurch.org. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 10:00a 10:00a 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p MasterLife (Bracey-Hunter/Smith) MasterLife (Edwards) Drama Ministry Rehearsal MasterLife (Lige/Morton) MasterLife (Mitchell/Ward) More Than MIME Team 11:30a 6:00p 6:30p Corporate Prayer Tutoring Ministry Corporate Prayer 11:00a 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p Wise & Seasoned Saints Ministry Drama Ministry Rehearsal Berean Angels MasterLife (Carter/Thornton) MasterLife (Reaves/Smith) Spiritual Gifts Class 8:00a 6:30p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 7:30p Wise & Seasoned Saints Ministry Deaf Ministry Adult Praise Dancers Celebrating Recovery MasterLife (Conner/McShan) MasterLife (Gee/Gee) Youth Praise Team Rehearsal Gospel Choir Rehearsal 7:00p 7:00p 7:00p 180 Young Adult Ministry MasterLife (Jett/Jett) MasterLife (Smith/Smith) 9:00a 9:30a 9:30a 10:00a 10:00a 10:00a 10:00a 10:00a 11:00a 12:00p 3:45p Kingdom Kidz Choir Rehearsal IMPACT Ministry Premarital Counseling Class Budget & Finance Class MasterLife (Carter/Whitfield) MasterLife (Curent/Lewis) MasterLife (Griffin/Smith) Prayer Ministry Drama Ministry Rehearsal Girl Scouts Berean at the Movies 11:30a 11:30a 11:30a 2:30p 2:30p 3:00p 3:00p 3:00p 3:00p Local Missions Ministry Ministerial Core Team Prayer Ministry Leadership Council Ministers & Elders Helping Hands Ministry MasterLife (Wicker/Williams-Blandin) MasterLife (Ademola-Dada/Brown) Youth Council TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST Room 200 Room 203 Building One-CC Room 203 Room 200 Children’s Worship Sanctuary Room 101 Sanctuary Off-Site Building One-CC Children’s Worship Room 201 Room 200 Fellowship Hall Off-Site Room 202 Fellowship Hall Room 200 Room 201 Room 100 Room 102 Sanctuary Building One-CC Room 200 Room 201 Sanctuary Room 108 Room 203 Room 202 Room 100 Room 201 Room 101 Room 200 Building One-CC Building Two-CC Off-Site Outreach Center Room 100 Room 101 Fellowship Hall Choir Room Off-Site Room 100 Room 200 Children’s Worship Community Center (CC) - 2440 Young Road Family Life Center (FLC) - 2197 Young Road // Outreach Center (OC) - 1737 Panola Road
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