The Fury Times - Forsyth Country Day School
The Fury Times - Forsyth Country Day School
The Fury Times The weekly ee- newsletter for parents, teachers, students, and friends of FCDS Issue 2, Volume Five September 8, 2009 Golf for a Good Cause Dennis Ring Fore! There are still at 945-2134 openings for the FCDS ext. 459 or Fall Golf Classics on 462Wednesday, Sept. 16 2626. Special and Thursday, Sept. 17. thanks to Jeff If you’re new to the Plemmons’ school and would like to RV Superstore meet new people, this of Mocksville tournament is one of the and Gray Anbest opportunities to gel of Berplay golf at beautiful The team to beat: last year’s morning round winners: (from left) Joe Dilmuda Run Bermuda Run Country lon, Phil Waugh, Murray Hewell, and Pat Rearden will team up again this Club, socialize with fel- year to attempt a repeat. Also attending the event will be noted golf pro- Country Club ducer (and alumnus) Brandt Packer and the legendary Billy Packer. for their suplow FCDS friends and port of this family, enjoy a delicious year’s event! lunch, and support the school. Spaces are open for both the morning and afternoon rounds for Important Reminder the men (on Wednesday) and the Have you submitted your Parent morning round for the women (nine Information Form yet? The holes, on Thursday). school needs this information The cost is $150 per player ($600 per fourASAP, so please visit http:// some) for men and $100 per player ($400 per foursome) for women, and the format is capParentInfoForm.pdf today! tain’s choice. There are many exciting prizes to be won, so come out and join the fun! If you are interested in playing, please call If you have any questions, comments, or if you would like to submit an item to the Fury Times for publication, please send your item via e-mail to [email protected] or call P.J. St. John (ext. 428). The deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Monday’s Fury Times. Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times Information Meeting September 10 for Upper School Chorale Trip to Italy September 8, 2009 Campus Hours Notice Please remember that our Parents of Up- 9. campus gates close on per School weeknights at 10 p.m. On Chorus students weekends, the campus gates who are interclose at 6:00. Please be sure ested in being a to be off campus by these part of the Italy times so that the staff can trip in June lock the gates. Thank you! 2010 should plan to attend an important information meeting on Thursday, September 10 at 7:00 p.m. in Mr. Truhel’s room. Please contact Mr. Truhel at Actor Mike Wiley in Residence This Week x438 or [email protected] if you have quesOn Wednesday, Sept. 9, and Thursday, Sept. tions. See you then! 10, FCDS welcomes actor and playwright Mike School Pictures Friday, September 18 Wiley back for the fifth straight year. Get ready for your Mr. Wiley will close-ups! Students and present Mike his faculty will have their picplay, One Noble tures taken on Friday, Journey: A Box Sept. 18 from 7:30 a.m. Marked Freedom to 3:10 p.m. Photos will to the Middle be taken by grade level for School on Lower and Middle School students as follows: Wednesday and his critically ac7:30-8:30 Faculty claimed play, 8:35-8:50 Kindergarten Blood Done Sign 8:50-9:05 Pre-Kindergarten My Name (based 9:05-9:15 Junior Pre-Kindergarten on the book of 9:15-9:30 First Grade the same name) 9:30-9:45 Second Grade to the Upper Above: Actor Mike Wiley. Photo by 9:45-10:00 Third Grade School on ThursSteve Exum. 10:05-10:20 Fourth Grade day. 10:20-11:05 Eighth Grade (during P.E.) Mike will also work with drama students in a 12:00-12:20 Fifth Grade (during P.E.) workshop on Wednesday afternoon and lecture 1:35-2:20 Sixth Grade (during P.E.) to Mr. McBride’s A.P. U.S. History classes about 2:25-3:10 Seventh Grade (during P.E.) adapting the book Blood Done Sign My Name for the stage. Mr. McBride’s classes read this book Upper School students will have their picfor their summer reading this year. tures taken during their English classes throughout the day. Make-up day is scheduled for Oct. 2 Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times 2009-2010 Junior Fury Club Clinics Sponsored by Dr. Tina Merhoff Lower and Middle School Fury Fans can learn new skills or develop their current athletic abilities by participating in Fury Club Sports Clinics throughout the school year. Sunday, Sept. 13 Tennis with Head Coach Mike Murray For more information, please contact Dennis Ring, executive director of the Fury Club, at [email protected] or by phone at 945-3151 ext. 459. September 8, 2009 Meet Tennis Coach Mike Murray After an early career as a nationally ranked junior tennis player (and the number-one player in Florida in his division), Mike attended Wake Forest University on a full tennis scholarship. He earned his bachelor’s degree while playing positions one to four for the Deacs, leading the team in singles wins as a freshman and serving as captain his junior and senior years. After working in marketing , Mike left to pursue his passion: training and motivating young tennis players. Today, Mike is the director of the year-round tennis program at FCDS and the owner of Murray’s Match Tough Tennis Academy. Have you joined the Fury Club yet? Please support us by visiting, then click “Join the Fury Club,” fill out the membership form, and select “continue to make your donation. Thank you! Support SGA and Fury Fans –buy a raffle ticket! 3 Left: Colby Ring throws a football in front of the new Furies sign at Smith Field. The sign was donated by the 2009-2010 SGA and Fury Fans Club. The club is selling raffle tickets for a 2009 Kawasaki 4 wheeler donated by Kevin Powell’s Forsyth Motosport. You may buy the $10 tickets to help support these student groups by contacting Mr. Tom Howell ([email protected]) or any SGA or FANS Club member. Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times September 8, 2009 the Arts! Fine Arts Calendar SEPTEMBER September 9-10: Mike Wiley residency Sep. 18-19: North Carolina American Choral Directors Association conference in Greensboro OCTOBER October 1-31: AP 2-D Design Photography & Art Exhibition at WinstonSalem Living magazine office on Fourth Street October 22-25: NCAEA Conference, Winston-Salem October 23-24: Haunted Trail October 24-25: NCAIS Chorus Festival October 29-31: Upper School Drama NOVEMBER Nov. 7-10: North Carolina Music Educators Association conference in Winston-Salem November 18: Upper School Chorale at Biltmore November 23: Thanksgiving Program involving fine arts Students enjoy making music in 4Beth Frack’s Lower School class! Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times 5 September 8, 2009 Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times 6 September 8, 2009 Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times 7 September 8, 2009 Issue 2, Volume 5 The Fury Times 8 September 8, 2009
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