NewsletterrISSUE4. - NLA


NewsletterrISSUE4. - NLA
Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195
Whv "Pønt' Sexuøl?
It started with the Greeks didn't it? The original "back door folks"?
The word pan from pansexual, in this context, comes from the Greek
'pan' which meant all, and according to Webste¡'s fines! means to
combine. Interestilgly, other meanings of pan include: Pan the god of
(she¿p) flocks, and pan used colloquially, is to criticize unfavorably.
Yet another colloquial meaning of pan, is as in pan out, which means
to ùrm out favorably.
The South Florida BDSM communities are attempting to be pansexual.
NLA Florida, once having only Gay and Lesbian members, ûow not
only has heterosexual membe¡s, but actively seeks more. SPICE, once
only havi-ng a couple of female bisexual members and transgenders,
nou/ opens its doors to pansexualiry. The South Florida munch, which
only had heterosexual members, has begun to have, and actively seeks
a very pansexual mix. Leathe¡ University began as Gay Leather onìy,
and now welcomes heterosexuals to their events, atrd
Living in Leather
is pansexual.
National Leather Association lnternat¡onal
The National Leather Association: Inûernational is now accepting advertising
for The LINK, its bi-monthly member's newsletter, with an identical ad linked
to the ûew business associates page of the NLA-I's web site. This promotion
is at a special, inEoductory price, so don't delay, consider advertising in the
National Leather Association International's publication.
NLAI Congratulates the Man andWoman
of the Yea¡ and the Lifetime Achievement
Award Recipients at LIL )flV.
The following rates include, insertion Of course, if you want to advertise in
in The LINK for 2 issues, and 4 months just The LINK, the rates for insertion in
2 issues are:
on the web site:
$250.00 Full Page
'160.00 th Page [7.5" X 4.5ï
lz Page [7.5" X 4.5I
160.00 lz Page [10" X 3.5ï
90.00 114 Page [3.5' X 4.s"]
3.5"] 60.00 Business Card [2" X 3.5"]
290.00 lnside Back Cover
300.00 lnside Front Cover
360.00 Back Cover
The National Leather Association:
International (NLA-I) is pleased to
Page [10" X
114 Page [3.s" X
Business Card [2" X
lnside Back
lnside Front
Every homophobe is going to be afraid of unwelcome gestures f¡om a
gay person. What they consider unwelcome gestures will depend on
the sensitivity of the individual.
And, if you opt for advertising on the web site alone, the rate for a 4 month
insertion is a straight $25.00.
The bigger question for us is gt" ¡"¡s¡6ss¡'¡1, who is not truly
homophobic, yet still leery of the intentions of unwelcome gestures?
For more information, please contact: Hromovy at "[email protected]'. or call 501/
253-2832. You can also write to her at 304 Spring Street, Eureka Springs, AR
Each year, the Executive Council (EC) of
NLAI awards its highest honors to the man
and woman of our membership who have
done good works for NLAI, for their local
chaptcrs and their local communities in the
Qþan ge never comes
ome wonder why we should even attempt
As we bridge the gap between the Gays and the "Heteros" there are
going to be issues of sensitivity and protocol to learn.
A Gay friend of mine, in a conversation with a hetero Dom, put his arm around
his shoulder. (This person is a very touchy person. and does that to me all the
time, which I know is just his warm way of being). Later he asked me if I
thought the staight man had taken this as some sort of advance, or was
uncomfortable with it.
Stereotyping is something that all of us do on a daily basis to find our own
comfort level with a group by grving it characteristics based on experience.
Stereotyping also leads to prejudice. Our stereotypes change with each
awards as well as theLifetimeAcheivement
Awa¡d during the Living In Leather XIV
conference (LIL) in Fort Lauderdale, FL
why be pansexual? Besides the obvious answer of breaking down barriers
ofprejudice and bonding the groups who have simila¡ beliefs, as ifthat couldn't
The most obvious answer for the most leery of us, is the political power the
groups will have when they unite. If the Gay Male Leather communiry is (I'm
making these frgures up) 47o of ¡he population, and the Lesbian Leather
comrnunity is l7o of the population, and the Heterosexual Leather community
is 47a of the population, together w e hav e 9Vo of the population. Take a look at
what the NCSF, Nat'l Coalition for Sexual Freedom, a pansexual organization
who is starting to fight for freedom in our chosen lifestyles. This is a pansexual
Two olher reasons I can see offhand for wanting pansexuality are to learn from
each othe¡, and to widen our circle of friends with a coÍìmon "bond."
own behaviors not only coming from the group, but from their family,
We to make an effort to be less sensitive when we hea¡ a remark that perhaps is
envi¡onment, experiences, values, etc.).
not intended to slight, but does. We need to
teach, take that person aside, and explain to
them @ehehe, with your arm around them)?
Why that remark was objectionable to you, not
in anger, but to listen to their explanation, to
reply with how it "sounded" to you, all in the
hope to build that bond between us. We can
only change if we learn how. We can only teach
The¡efore, the more that we attempt to bridge
the gap between our groupsr the less sensitive
(negative) we will be about the other group.
Why would we \r/ant our BDSM society to be
pansexual? Should that mean that we are to be
what we know, and equally only learn what you
separation? Is it worth it?
If we are to üuly be pansexual, I believe that
we need to give alone time, as well as together
time. \ile need to feel comfortable and
confident enough with each other to say, "hey
this is a Gay only event." or "hey this a hetero
event." What is a turn on to one group, could
be a turn off to the other, although we a¡e all
Page 16
R: Herve Bernard, lntl Mr. Drummer, Megan
DeJarlais, lMsL, and Bruce Chopnik, IML 1999
at the IML contest in Chicago, May 30/99
forLIL travel arrangements contact: Tony
Gorrell, Travel Bureau of Dallas at 1-800-
year. We a¡e extraordinarily
forLIL hotel reservations call:
The Clarion
Hollywood at 1-800-Clarion or at [954]
458-1900. Be sure to mention NLA or
"Living in Leather" to get our special room
rates, $75-85.
becoming "united" becoming "pan" sexual.
Remember, Webster said, that can meån, to turn
out favorably!
Beth F
Vancouver, B.C. - Seeing how I have just
been appointed editor
of The Link
[congratulations and./or condolences are
definitely in order here!], I thought I should
say "IIi," and tell you a little bit about
myself, and what I'm planning to do with
the newsletter over the next two issues. I
say "two issues" because the EC will be
re-examining the newsletter in detail after
LIL XfV in October to determine the size.
content, frequency of issues, etc., before
starting into the new year.
- for LIL
registration forms contact:
Christinc Baker of NLA: Calgary.
For additonal info or questions about LIL
As for my experience as an editor, I've
edited the VASM newsletter for @ 5 years
(199L-94,95-96 & part of 1997), and was
the editor of the LA&M newsletter for a
contact Spencer at "[email protected]"
or call 20619 49 -7 469 : lax 2061 448-7 608.
year [March'98-Feb'99], as well as editing
the local Gay-Lesbian Centre's publication
fo¡ about one & half years.
Dallas chapter onc of our largest and most
Now, about what I'm planning to do with
sucessful and have helped spreadtheword
about NLA on thc internet.
The Link over the next two issues, I'd like
to have the newslette¡ be more visually
pleasing by introducing more photos, more
varied news, and a little touch of levity to
'break the ice' [after all, there IS fun in the
S/lvI field!1. I'd to increase the
educational content ofthe newsletter and,
to this end, I've asked Tony DeBlase, and
Joseph W. Bean, as well as "our" resident
Christine Baker is a tireless activist who
has been an inspiration in her local
Calgary, Albcrta community. She has
of The
activities quite closeiy.
NLA:Dallus ûnd the largerDallas community. Hardy's good works, good cheer,
skill and efforts have helped to make the
a member
"[email protected]"
Hardy Habcrman has been our NLAI
webmastcr for a number of years. In
addition, he is an integral part of
Of course, while I'm not
NLAI myseH- I'm just a lowly member of
the Vancouver Activists in S/M - I
nonetheless know about the many good
things that NLAI has done throughout the
years, and have been following their
pleased to ennounce that this years awards
go to Hardy Haberman of NLA:Dallas and
challcnged her community to look beyond
thcir comfort zones and has helped
redefine arcas of understanding. She is a
fbunder of many orgzanizations such as
NLA: Calgary Chapter, 3SM, Illusions,
Our Lifetime Acheivement Award winner
should be no stranger to any of you. His
imagery is a part of our very imaginations.
Bill "The Hun"
Schmeling has
creating SM and leather imagery through
in Leather
Psychology, to
contribute interesfing articles/columns for
all of us to enjoy.
and the now dcfunct CLUB Calgary.
join me and the many olhers in the
BDSM/Ds community in working towa¡ds
We urge you to join us at LIL this year to
help congratulate these fine members of our
Spencer Bergstedt, Vice President
practicing BDSM. We have not "come out ' in BDSM to be turned off: we c¡me
here, because it is us, because it hrrns us on.
experience we have. Therefore, research has proved that, the more experiences
we have with minoriry groups, the less we are sure of certain behaviors given to
the group as a whole, (since each individual is just that, atr individual, with their
joined at the hip always, without
will be awarding the
Man and Woman of the Yea¡
announcc that we
be enough.
The comfort level is in question also from the Gay community towa¡ds the
heterosexual. Some of the light and joking remarks (in language) within the
heGro community could be misconsfued by the Gay community as being
unfriendly. There are a good number of Gays whose life experiences with the
heterosexuâl world has not been positive one. Are they heærophobic? I would
think this also exists.
his artwork and his comic books for many
years. He has served NLA well through the
years as the LIL vendo¡ coordinator and as a
member of his local Portland community.
His contribution to the leather communitv is
Any*ay, enough for now. I am trying
"portrait of a bootman taken while face
to face with his big black boots"
by Mark l. Chester
new look & a new layout, and will probably
change it further in the next issue - I hope
you will be pleased.
Below is ths Tr€asure/s Report forthe period ending 5/31/99. As
you can seê, we are coñtinuing to build on N[A-l's solid financial
foundation, keêping expenses in line with our revenues.
Chapters and Chapters-in-Formation over
the past number of years. If you have any of
the following information, please let us
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Frazier
Treasurer 1 999
......$31 ,147.OO
- Beginning and Ending (if any) dates of
- Names and Addresses of Chapter Board
of Directors and Yea¡s Served;
- Any other information you would like to
Total income
Dallas ...,.......
.................$ 815.00
............ 250.00
.......... $1155.00
share with us.
All information will be compiled and then
presented to the Leather Archives and
........ $1500.00
................................. 9OO.OO
........ $2905.00
Total Expenses ....................
........ $29,397,00
Closing Balance (5/31/99)
Museum. Speaking of which, last year at
LIL, NLA:Dallas presented a wonderf¡rl
Presenter Coord
Opening Balance (1/01/99)
- income/expenses ..............
Closing Balance (5/31/99)
.......... $3,179.00
........ $5910.00
- Archives
- General
- DV Awareness ..........,.,.....
T-Shirt Sales ............
Tolal lncome
Link -
- Supplies ............:..........
Conference Ca||s.......,......
Otfice Supplies ....................
.................. $300.00
Jan Hall, President
Spencer Bergstedt, Vice President
Don Bastian, Sgt-at-Arms
Mark Frazier, Treasurer
Phil "Fluffy" Swenson, Secretary
- PO Box 7941 , Atlanta GA 30357-7941
Hardy Haberman, WebMaster
Tony DeBlase, NLA Archivist
Sallee Huber, P&P Manager
Dean Felt, Volunteer Coordinator
Ron Hertz, Electronic Resource Ctr
.............. 70.00
........ $3827.00
- PO Box 491 1, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33338-491
www. la-f l.htm
- PO Box 66553, Houston TX 77266-6553
NLA-New Orleans
PO Box 820302, New Orleans
LA 70122
NLA-Oklahoma City
- 4400 N. Hemingway #236, Oklahoma C¡ty,
oK, 731 1 I¡ndex.htm
WELCOME to our newest chapter, NLA: Oklahoma City!
For NLA-I's add¡ess and information
for establishing an NLA Chapter. Now available
is a whole host of i¡formation and sample forms
designed to help you with forming a new chapter.
So, if you need information regarding chapter
formation, or if one of these requests came from
your bacþard and you would like to be placed in
contact with these kinky folks, contact me at:
clothespinjunkie @ hotmail. corn
Mitch Wílliams
NLA: Dallas held thei¡ General meetins
Tuesday, June 1st, 1999.
Beginning at 7:10 pm, the meeting, chaired by
Co-chairs Ken Benson & Lynda Blakeslee,
proceeded smoothly through
series of
int¡oductions & Executive Reports, including
Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership. The
Chapter has a healthy financial balance on
hand [cash il the bank!!!], and its membe¡ship currently stands at 103 - with 10 more
to be processed - for atotal of 113 members.
For more information or
As support, NlA-Intemational has compiled
NLA Calgary
- 1014-601 -17 Ave. SW, Calgary, Alberta
Canada, T2S 083
Nl-A-Florida, PO Box 4911, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33338-4911 l.htm
NLA-Houston, PO Box 66553, Houston TX 77266-6553
NLA-New England, 831 Beacon St #9100-164, Newton Center MA
021 s9-1 822
NLA Calgary, 101A-601-17 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2S 0Bg
NLA-New Orleans, PO Box 820302, New Orleans LA 70122
NlA-Oklahoma City, 4400 N. Hemingway #236, Oklahoma City OK, 73118
Ithaca, NY
San Diego, CA
Milwaukee, WI
Indianapolis, IN
Benton, AR (Central Arkansas)
package of information regarding the procedure
- 831 Beacon St #9100-164, Newton Center
MA 02159-1822
Rick Spector, Membership Chair
(assisted by Tammy in the
membership drive)
Bruce Armstrong, Link Editor
Hromovy, Advertising Rep.
Nl-A-Atlanta, PO Box 7941 , Atlanta GA 30357-7941
Nl-A-Austin, PO Box 49801 , Austin TX 78765
NLA-Columbus, PO Box 2763, Columbus OH 43216
NLA-Dallas. PO Box 190432, Dallas TX 75219-0432
Minneapolis, MN
Morrisville, PA (Philly Area)
Kansas City,
TX 75219-0432 las (nla-dallas
Coram, NY (Upstate NY)
Royal Oak, MI (Detroit Area)
Penn Hills, PA (Pittsburgh Area)
Nashville, TN
Washington, DC
Portland, OR
- PO Box 2763, Columbus OH 43216
- PO Box 190432, Dallas
Cambridge, Ontario
- PO Box 49801, Austin TX 78765
www.col la-okc/index.htm
alterations that should be made to the followine
NLA-New England
Athena Lyons, NCSF, LIL Committee
Jim Richards, Elections
Eric Lawrence, LIL Committee
George Cameron, LIL Vendor Goord.
Mitch Williams, Chapter Liaison las ([email protected])
Membership -
Ghapter Liaison
Visa Fees
Bank Fees
Total Expenses ......,.............
Glosing Balance (5/31i99)
Executive Committee
NLA Chapters
Current Chapters:
As listed on page two, we curently have 10 NLA
Chapters in operation ttroughout North America.
Please contact me with any corrections and/or
Current and past NLA Chapters:
Since October, individuals from the following
a¡eas have expressed interest in starting new
National Leather Association Chaoters.
by Mitch Williams
chronicalling their history.
Donations - Law
- Resource
Club Colors plaque with club history and
photos to Joseph Bean, Executive Director
of the LA&M. It wouldbe wonderful if each
chapter would create a similar plaque
........ $3,179.00
.................. nil
Opening Balance
NLAI needs your help in compiling some
historical information about the NLA
lf you have any questions, please let me know
Opening Balance (1/01/99)
Dêar Membership,
ational Leather Association: fnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd,, Portland, OR 97232-19S*-liff¡
Leather Association: lnternat¡onal, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97292-1
about NLAI contact Athena Lyons at:
[email protected]
Communication between the Chapter &
has been
firmly established, and is
getting even better.
There was also time
or Spencer Bergstedt at:
[email protected]
or call2061949-7469:
fax 2061448-7608
Spencer Bergstedt
in the meeting for
noting all the good work that the Executive
has done with the Chapter, specifically
singling out James for the recognition he
deserves - tha¡ks James for an excellent iob
you're doing!
See "DALLAS" on page 4
Page 3
ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., portland, OR
DALLAS, continued from page
LETTERS, continued from page 4
The Chapter also nominated Hardy Haberman
for voting liaison between the NLA-I EC & the
chapters, and will be submitthg his name to the
EC as a candidate for the position.
from what I gather, it was
The meeting then continued with a discussion on
the cu¡rent vacancy ofthe Dallas Program Chair,
and Lynda explained that the EC decided to
entertain â motion from the membership to w aive
the Bylaws related to filling that vacancy, sirce
the election process for the next EC is opened.
The EC will conduct the business of the chai¡
until the elections are held in JuIy.
The meeting gradually wound down to its
inevitable conclusion, as Ken passed around the
hat for donations to help cover the cost of the
meeting space The meeting then adjourned at
10:39 pm. (sincere apologies for anything I
might have míssed or'inadvertantly altered' in
Had I slipped back into a 1950's time warp? I
know most of the people on this list and have
Reliable reports have come in from the Lone
Star State that the NLA: Austin Chapter has
held their eighth amual Texas Leather Pride
Conference, from May 20 - 23, 1999. And,
a great success
known them for many years, I have known them
when I was the publisher and./or editor of one or
more magazines and newsletters. I have published
their full names repeatedly for years without
objection from any of them. WHY IN HELL
Unfortunately, because of an unforseen
technical difficulty he¡e at The Link, I am
is my name reduced to Tony
those PC
There have been a few changes recently that you all
need to know. First of all, the US Post Office has
decided to change the way that mail is add¡essed to
PO Boxes. As a result. when addressing mail to
NLA:I. it must be addressed as:
Brace, LINK Editor
By the end of the summer, new NLA:I pins and
PMB #155
3439 NE Sardy B1vd.
Portland, OR 97232-1959
That exta line (PMB #155) must be a separate line
under the name of the organization.
I still get mail
rerumed. Élease
to let us know when changing your
also very helpful, when
patches should be in. You'l1 ¡eceive both a pin and
a patch if you are a new member, a pin if you are
renewing. Ifyou wish to purchase a pin or patch,
add $5.00 for each pin or patch ordered to your dues
and don't forget to let me know which you want!
I'll be letting everyone know when they are
available and they'll also be available for purchase at
filling outyour
applications, that you enclose an E-mail address, if
youhave one. It's the bestway forme to contact you
if mail is returned. The May Chaptet Reports I sent
out included your add¡esses and E-mail addresses,
so, hopefully, most of these will have
Also, since I had to redo the membership cards, due
to the alteration of the add¡ess, they'll be looking a
littleneate¡, as well as easier to keep neat as I will be
laminating them befo¡e sending them out.
If you are still missing your renewed member-ship
card and have given your check and renewal
application to your local chapter, piease check with
them to be sure it has been forwa¡ded to the NLA:I
mailbox before contacting me. There have been
instances where I've been contacted, not found the
renewa-l (or sometimes even the member) in the
database, only to much later f,rnd mail from the
chapter in the PO Box that included applications
turned in to the chapter a while ago.
Now, on to the numbers (as of 61U99)
- Calgary: 51
- Dallas: 121
- Houston: 29
- Atlanta:
- Austin: 17
- Columbus: 39
- New Eneland: 25
- New O¡leans: 25
Non-chapter: 146
Commercial Affiliate: 1 6
Total Membership: 505
Respectfully submitted,
Remember, you can always send your checks and
applications directly to the PO Box. Also ¡emembe¡
that your NLA:I membership expires a year from
Page 4
Rick Spector
NLA:IMembership Chair
E-mail: [email protected]
"6øl 6oys on
portrøits on the oerge of the miffeúum
I was noticing in the most recent LINK treasurer's
report that the current operating account balance is
equal to nearly tlrree times the previous year's
expenditures. I am wondering what plans are in
D."??? I have worked
have been fighting this battle for years with
anotler Club. They wish to remain closeteii and
refuse to allow full names to be used in the club
newsletter. Whenever they want to run my articles
on the Club history under the credit "Tony D" I, in
essence, tell them to go to hell - either my name
appears in full, or they get nothing at alM am not
surprised to have to do such battle with them.
In the meantime, I hope you'll look over the
other reports being presented here, so that
you'll be up-to-date on everything in NLA!!
the month NLA:I receives it, not from when it is
received by your local chapter. The membership
application had been revamped so that it is now only
one page, Remember that even when renewing, we
still need an application fully competed *with your
signature*. By the time you read this, the¡e should
be new copies of the application received by, or on
theirway to, your local chapter. They are also easily
printed from our web site: http:i/
[ooftjng for met ü uotflerL to
pfrotogrøpfr. for ñis new sñont
tìe works to bring
Letters to the Editor
Dea¡ Editor.
I received my copy of the May-June 1999 Li¡k
couple ofdays ago.
I was very favorably impressed with the overall
look. SOO much better tåan the tabloid newspaper
of nothing we have been seeing for way too mariy
years. And, after a quick perusal, I was also
favorably impressed by the contents.
I read the feature a¡ticle and thought "GREAT!" I
was disappointed to see the author's name virnrally
hidden from view, in small type outside the green
text block, but... And, when I finally found i¡ I was
surprised by the lack of a last name. "Keith L. K."?
I was wondering if itmight be Keith Kendrick, but
then I know that Keith Kendrick has no qualms
about his last name being used so I assumed it was
someone else. I was also disappointed not to find
the customary two to three sentence identifier for
the author at the end of tåe article.
Next, I started to read the President's Message, but
was brought to a sudden halt by the attribution
"from Jan H." I have known Jan for years and I
have never known her to hide her last name. I was
concerned, wondering if there was aproblem at her
employer which was requiring her to go back into
the closet.
find it incredulous that
have the sarire
problem with NLA-I. It is the complete antitheses
ofwhat I thought this organization was all about.
Yes, I recognize that some people must keep a
cloak of anonymity, but I expect them to be in the
minority, and they are not expected to be among
the move¡s a¡d shakers of ourleather movement. If
there is any member of the NLA boa¡d who has
such qualms I have great question about his/her
appropriateness for the boa¡d of this kind of an
It is ridiculous to reduce a person's fulIname to a¡
initial, unless they wish it. Not only for most of the
members of the board who have frequently had
their fuIl names published, but it has reached the
ludicrous when Link is identifying lntemational
Mr. Leather as "Tony M." WIrY? Does anyone
honestly think that Tony Mills is trying ro hide his
identity? Does anyone think that the recipients of
the Pa¡theon of Leather Awa¡ds do not want to
receive fulI recognition? Is "Susan W." delighted
to be so c¡edited for her article on SM Activism? I
think not! These a¡e INSULTS to members of our
community who deserve much more from NLA-I.
find this editorial decision totalty baffling. I
would appreciate hearing someone attempt to give
me a valid ¡eason for this. Though I must caution
you that
have been absolutely incapable of
coning up with a valid reason myself.
This prompted me to tum back to page two to look
at the listing of the board, which I had seen there,
buthad notreally Iooked atpreviously. It was then,
I admit, that I exploded! NONE OF TI{E PEOPLE
Member NLA Florida. Member
...conrinued next page
I am sorry that you were angry
over the
truncation of everybody's name in the last
issue of The Link. I can tell vou, without
stulio/e4ftiîitiofl opefl øt[ year
6ooft, of ralica[ se4 pfi.otograpfrs
Diøry of ø rffrougñt Criminø[
$35 softcozter, $51 fiarlcotter
- inct.
415-621-6294, mcfr.ester
u.twra.6 est. com/- mcfrester/
hesitation, that the initializing of last names
was an unfortunate oversight on the part of the
previous editorial staff. We here at the
newsletter are proud of who we are & we want
to celebrate the identity of those authors we
bring to NLA-|. I can assure you that it will not
happen again.
LINK Editor
autho¡s who confibuted articles to the last issue
of the LINK and to apologize to all of you who
are members of this organization. Apology for
what you may ask. It's simple really.....even
though it was not my decision to do so, and even
though I was not awa¡e of the fact that it was
happening until I received my LINK in the mail
of you, there
unforn-rnate editing decision in lastissue by then
interim editor, Ja¡r Hall. Tbat decision was in
using initials
for the last names of
contributing writers in the last issue.
So you may ask why I am apologizing. I am
apologizing because, as an NLAI EC member
and your incoming president, want you to
lmow that
am appalled by this editorial
a proud and out leatherman and
felt the need to hide my name or
identity behind initials. Neither do the rnany
fine people who are involved on the NLAI EC,
nor do the activists and writers who contributed
pieces to the last issue of the LINK. I want to
affinn to you that such a hiding of who we are
will not occur again.
Let me try to answer your first comment about
not receiving a LINK. Over the past two years,
pleas have been sent to chapters and posted
on NLA-Friends asking if you didn't receive a
LINK, to please contact us to verify your
address and membership data. Secondly, we
implemented a policy whereby the membership chair does a comparison between chapter
members and lnternational members to make
sure membership data is correct. We also
have a website which allows a member to
contact the membership chair if a problem
exists. Next time you do not receive a LINK,
olease let us know.
you received your copy of the LINK on time.
I would Iike to take this opportunity to apologize
to those members of the EC, the chapters, andthe
along with the rest
First let me say thanks for your inquiry about
tncome vs. exoenses.
Hopefully your problem has been resolved and
[by Spencer Bergstedt]
have never
Dear Tony,
in line with
decision. I am
Editorial Reply
Aìthough I have been a Member of NLA-I for
some time, I have not been receiving the LINK
regularly in over a year. Thus, my question may
have been answered in an issue that I did not
celebrating it! Who in the hell gives NLA the right
to reduce me to "Tony D."?
However, all is not lost!! I shall endeavor to
work hard & give you a full acounting of that
event down in Austin for the next newsletter,
our September-October issue!
writing this report!)
To the members of
on frøttcisco gay rø[icø[ se4 pfrotog
long and ha¡d over the years to establish a
reputation, I arn not hiding my identity, I am
glìtches add up. you know,
Br¡¡ce, LINK Editor
Dear Editor,
HIDDEN? To geteven more specific, "Why in hell
unable to bring you the a¡ticle on the Texas
Leather Pride Weekend.
How do you like the new layout?
To address your question about
expenses and income in line with each other.
The reason why the general operation fund
(separate from the LIL fund) has
balance is because, over the past three years,
little to no reimbursements were requested by
EC members. ln 1994, when we were g45k in
debt (with no income), each of us on the EC
vowed that this kind of situation would never
happen again.
Let me give you some data which extends from
1/1i99 to 6/24199.
Our 1999 general operating income is $6,331,
our general operating expenses are $5,315.
Th¡s amounts to about $1,500 profit thus far
this year.
Here are some of the things which we are doing
improve the tangible benefits
members. These expenses were not included
in our budget this year and as you will see will
account for more than $3k (our anticipated
general operating surplus).
...continued nexl page
Page 5
Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195
LETTERS, continued from page
1 - We have improved the quality of the LINK (& the cost to produce it)
and hope the membership enjoys the change.
2 - We are ordering pins and patches for our members.
3 - The Chapter Chair Laison has been busy establishing contact with
chapters and helping give "how to" assistance, as well as helping new
chapters get started. New money is being spent on regular mailings,
producing materials, and for increased postage costs.
4 - The membership chair has implemented a welcomed communication
policy with old and new, individual and affiliate members to make sure
their membership is up-to-date & correct, and everyone has redeived
their membership cards & information about the organization. Renewal
notices are being sent to individuals whose memberships have expired
or lapsed, rather than relying on LINK to transmit renewals. While this
costs more, it provides a more personalized service for the membership.
5 - Our website has many new features, and is well worth a visit!
6 - New NLA-l projects are also in the planning stages and will need seed
money to get started.
Sociable Switch/Male Bondage
This newsletter often prints the sLatement of purpose of the National
Leather Association: International. That, with our credo Safe, Sane,
Consensual, are our words to live by. Perhaps this is your first year as
a member. Perhaps you have been a member for some time. Take a
moment to look once again at that statement of purpose. With each line,
imagine yourself a part of that mission. Look away and imagine
someone asking you, "You're with NLA? What's that all about?" What
would you say?
months and
years go
We lea¡n the depths of it when our community is
threatened; we learn the joy of it when we clasp the hands of our sisters
and brothers in leather.
We go through many understandings of that statement
as the
lf you would like a breakdown of the estimated expenses of items 1-6,
olease let me know.
NLA-I is not in the business of making money from the membership
dues. We plan to live within ouryearly budgets. The beginning balances
you refer to will be used in cases of emergencies only.
I'd like to apologize to those who would have wished their fulI names
published by me in the last issue. Many "out" individuals prefer this'
hope this answers your question: if not, feel free to contact me. I would
be happy to talk to you more about this.
Editor, PMB #155,3439 NE Sandy BIvd,Portland, OR 97232-L959,or
Love one another. Keep it together. Carry it on...
Anyone who wishes thei¡ full name to be printed can write to
Mark Frazier (NLA-l Treasurer)
[email protected] - (214) 559-3511
The National Coalition For Sexual Freedom (NCSF) has undergone successful restructuring shce
Janua¡y, 1999. Positive changes have been enforced to better serve the community through direct
oufteach programs and media awareness. NCSF has developed a broader scope of function and
effectiveness as described in the following key points.
NCSF is a national lobbying and advocacy organization promoting tolerance of sexual mhorities and
of those who engage in, write about, or study sexual minority practices among consenting adults. The
NCSF constituency is broad and ircludes people of all orientations. The NCSF has a specific
commitment to the SM/LeatherÆetish community whose members continue to be victimized and
discriminated against because of their sexual expression.
The core issues of the NCSF a¡e tolerance, privacy rights, and free speech. NCSF supports:
l.An end to discrimination against individr¡als
Living that mission isn' t easy. It means keeping your eyes on the prize.
It means not breaking the chain. It means that as sure as we do nothing
against censorship, and haæ, everything that we have today will be lost.
It means, in the process, not becoming one of them.
thei¡ sexual expression, sexual orientation,
or sexual self-identihcation; 2.The repeal ofall statutes thatrestrict private sexual expression among
consenting adults, including sodomy laws; 3.Extension to all Americans of the same rights and
privileges accorded to those in traditional heterosexual relationships, hcluding marriage, child
custody, survivorship, and other familial rights; 4.The passage of hate-crirne laws and vigorous
enforcement of all laws that protect sexual minorities f¡om crimes motivated by bigotry; 5.An end to
censorship of images and descriptions of sexual expression among consenting adults; 6.Educational
efforts to promote understanding of sexual minorities and sexual minority practices among
consenting adults; T.Scientific and academic resea¡ch of sexual minorities and the issues that affect
them, including research on sexually transmitted diseases to deterrnine how they can be most
based on
effectively prevented and t¡eated.
...Ian Høll
Donna G,
Donna G., known as Mistress Donna, died of
ovarian cancer at her home in Bristol, PA. ln
addition to being part of many leather
organizations, she helped Hope for Animals
and several AIDS-related charities.
Stanten served in the Navy during World War ll
and also worked as a knife thrower and grave
digger. His cartoons appeared in the "New York
Daily News" and the "Brooklyn Mirror."
Peter Tolos
PeterTolos, also known as "Rubber Bear," died of
Donnie Rice
Donnie Rice, well-known edge-player from
Southern California, died mid-November. He
was participating in an archeological
collapsed. Donnie tounded Erotec, which built
and marketed Violet Wands. His wife
continuing the business.
a hearl attack on February 1. He was 59. Peter
was the founding publisher of Rubber Rebel
magazine, America's first national magazine for
gay rubberists, and was also instrumental in the
start up of Vulcan Amer¡ca magazine. One of
Peteis most notable inventions was the creation
of Liquid Latex, which has become a mainstay in
many a kinky toy chest. Peteis work has been
such films as "Seven," "Kull
A member of GMSMA and Chicago
Club, Copy was a single-tail whip master that
loved to play. He was an activist for gays in the
military and AIDS causes. He graduated from
the US Naval Academy and was g¡ven a
dishonorable discharge from the Navy for
homosexuality. He was the subject of a 1974
trial, and as a result of that landmark case, any
service member dismissed on grounds of
homosexuality today must receive a fully
honorable discharge.
Poz magazine did a profile on Copy which you
can see al
http ://www.thebody. com/pozJprof les/1 0-98/
Eric Stanton
Conqueror," and "The Crow 2: City Of Angels,"
and the television features "Sexbytes" (on HBO)
Erotic ¡llustrator Ernest Stanten aka Eric
Stanton died at age 72. Stanten was also
and the Babylon 5 special television movie, "River
of Souls."
On Tuesday, February 3, Jade of Castle realm
passed away. She died of pneumonia after a
year long fight against systemic lupus
erythromatosus and months of chemotherapy.
Jade and her oartner are well known on the
lnternet for their fabulous Castle Realm
Website at
known as the "Father of Fetish" and "Eric the
Wild." Living in New York City until the
70's, his work was once confiscated by New
York oolice. Several books were written about
him, including the illustrated "Eric Stanton:
Dominant Wives and Other Stories."
Most of his illustrations were of dominant
women engaged in a wide range of BDSM
activities - very fun stuff - each of his pictures
told a story. His most famous painting was of
Bettie Page.
Page 6
DorkeDom is the funniest site a¡d he's just got his
own domain. There's also an hysterical parody of
me: The 1999 Vr'annabe Award(c) for Most
Sociable Switch:
Here's a fun site fo¡ male on male bondage and
XSM is a new e-zine fo¡ the GenX SM Communiw:
Very useful for my watersports scenes. I'm
Lolita [@ 1999]
Here are some excellent websites to help you find
info on sodomy laws, age of consent, etc.
you c¿rn call 614/899-4406.
NCSF offers individual or group memberships. For more information contact NCSF at web site:
htþ:// or email: [email protected] or write to: NCSF, 381 Manhattan
Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11211.
Boa¡d of Directors
excavating shark's teeth when
NCSF NE\ry OUTLOOK by Athena Lyons, NLA-I EC
Copy Berg
Copy Berg passed away on January 27. Copy
was a photographer and an artist. You can see
some of his work at
His recent retrospective exhibition at Rutgers
University was attacked by both members of the
faculty and the student newspaper when it
included some biographical photos by Marcus
Leatherdale of Copy and his former lover, Paul
Nash (who passed away in '93) at play.
This free site is one of the most comprehensive
and useful resources for BDSM. lt includes
essays on the psychological and how-to's of
BDSM as well as ooetry.
The Articles of Association for the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom became binding and
effective when they were accepted by the following organizations who appointed rep-resentatives to
the Boa¡d:
http :/forww.l i b.uchicago,ed u/- lor¡/sexlaw, html
- gs¡rraliq¡, Gender, and the Law (National and ...
http ://urww.èg Èbi n/pages/new
- Lambda Legal
http ://www. n g ltf org/
- Weicome to the National Gay and Lesbian Task
. n/
- Lesbia¡ and Gay Law Notes
Black Rose - Jack McGeorge (Chairman of the Board)
GMSMA -BobZientewicz
NLA:I - Athena Lyons
Spencer Bergstedt
Eulenspiegel Society - Susan Degnan
Independent B oa¡d Members
Bruce Ma¡cus
Starting June 1, is now featuring
an online
Boa¡d Advisor
Charles Moser, PhD, MD.
Staff - the NCSF st¿ff is made up of volunteers from a¡ound the United States. It includes:
Executive Di¡ector: Judy Guerin
Policy Director: Susan Wright
Deputy Executive Di¡: Ma¡c Berlove
Outreach/Fundraising Director:
association with
Bookstore benefit NLA-I from
comissions paid by so
Treasurer: Peggy Evleth
Media Relations Director:
Public Affairs: Melinda Chateauvert
Legal Research Director: Rose Vergara
Creative Di¡ector: Kyri Connelly
Publication Director: Ka¡en Anderson
Webmaster: Shannon Young
Purchases made through the NLA-I
- [email protected]
bookstore Drawing from the nla-i suggested
reading list, we have assembled a selection of
books that visitors and members can purchase
online. For those in the community who are in a
city where BDSM information and literature is
noteasily available, orfor anyonewho is
looking for a hard to fi¡d BDSM title,
the NLA-I Bookstore is the answer.
you can shop, save and help NLA-I at the
Uirta $ulgæ
tfusy $Ëf,'e þ* fus* !
ffiffiffi .äáä%^ffiffi#ru
time. Take a few minutes and
check out the bookstore and feel free to
suggest additional books we can feature.
Hardy Haberman
Page 7
at¡onal Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E, Sandy Blvd', Portland, OR
Leather Associationr lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232'1
of Janus indicated that they still have the
recommended many others, that is the only
change to my original concept that I accepted.
original flag I donated ten years ago. I agreed
that the next time I am in San Francisco I will
autograph the flag for them and they will enter
it into their organizational a¡chives.
central stripe to white. Though
Editorial Note: We are all fortunate in
having one of our verY esteemed
members donating His time to write a
column for The Link. Thank You, SIR!
131 ,
July 1989, Page 4:
"A Leather Pride Flag
The flag is composed of nine horizontal
stripes of equal width. From the top, and
from the bottom, the stripes alternate black
and royal blue. The central stripe is white.
ln the upper Ieft quadrant of the flag is a
Iarge red heaft. I will leave it to the viewer
to interpret the colors and symbols.
Elsewhere the reactions were more positive.
Susie Shepherd, who was International Ms
Leather wben I made my presentation in
Chicago, phoned me shortly after I got back
home and asked permission to make a flag for
the Portland OR gay pride parade. Naturally I
At Chicago Hellfire club the man in charge of
Inferno refused to fly the flag in 1989 because
it was "too controversial," however, in 1990 it
Leather sash had been made in the image of
the flag. In October ofthat year a group ofmen
from Toronto exhibited a huge Leather Pride
Flag with a row of red maple leaves running
through the white stripe. I am told that that flag
still exists and is seen occasionally at events in
Toronto, but apparently it is the only one ever
made. I have also seen a version with the heart
replaced by a red maple leaf.
flying in spite of his objections. And it has
In the fust few years following development
ofthe flag a few people applied for a license to
produce it commerciall¡ one of the first was
Chuck Higgins, who made bumper stickers.
Desmodus lnc. has a copyright on the
design and anyone wishing to use it for
"The rainbow flag has become the
symbol of Gay and Lesbian pride and I
have been proud to wear it on mY
purely commercial purposes must receive
clothing, march behind it in parades, and
hand it from my balcony. I was thrilled by
the rainbow colored balloons used in the
opening and closing ceremonies of Gay
Games II and the spectacular rainbow
of balloons that arched over the main
stage at the G&L pride rally here in San
Francisco a couple of years ago.
our written approval. However, we welcome
members of the Leather/SM community to
use the design for flags, banners, pins, Tshiris, printed material, etc. to be distributed
free or sold at cost, or to be used for fund
raising for not-for -profit causes that benefit
Ieather men and women. No permission is
required for these uses but we do ask that
For the 20th anniversary of Stonewall
possible, send us samples.
Maly people, particularly titleholders, began
to use the flag on their business cards, on
We have had cloisonné pins made. These
are about l" wide and are available for $5
{plus $1.50 S&HJ from the Sandmutopia
Supply Co ... Photos of the flag at IML, and
hopefully in the parades as wellwill be in
Drummer 132."
brochures, newsletters, websites, and in other
ways. Leather makers sewed colored leather
into back patches and back panels. and westem
style shirt makers created designs in fabric to
truly wear the flag. I have seen the flag with
the heart replaced by a red computer console
used as the logo for a leather computer club
and I have seen the heart replaced by a red roast
Lanrbda Rising requested rights to make decals.
sent them a contract and offered our usually
licensing fee: $ I per year. They never bothered
to respond, but did start producing a line of
decals, pins, stickers and other leather pride
flag items. John Ponce was one of the first to
incorporate the design into frne jeweþ. Some
day I hope I can afford one of his beautiful rings
with the ruby heart!
you inform us of the use and, where
felt that the time was right for the Leather
men and women who have been
participating in these same parades and
events more and more visibly in recent
years, to have a similar simple, elegant
banner that would serue as a symbol of
their own identity and interests. I decided
that calling a committee meeting
design it would be counter productive, so
I just did it. I consulted with most of the
staff here at Drummer and some of their
suggestions were incorporated. I do not
expect this design to be the final form,
but the basis from which a
accepted banner will evolve.
prototype was constructed and
displayed at the lnternational Mr. Leather
contest in Chicago on May 28. It seemed
to be enthusiastically welcomed. I am
having a few more flags manufactured.
Drummer will be presenting one each to
the Leather men and women of New York
City and San Francisco. I have asked
GMSMA to be the custodian of the former
and The Society of Janus and The
Outcasts to be the custodians of the
latter. With luck both flags will be ready
"Off The Top" editorial in Drummer 131, by
Fledermaus, aka Tony DeBlase
Initial reaction to the Leather Pride flag was
mixed. Some, particularly on the east coast,
reacted positively to the concept, but were quite
concerned, some even offended, that I had not
involved the community in helping to create
the design. I emphatically did not want to have
a design competition, in which each and every
losing entry and all of his/her füends, would
oppose the winning entry. Nor did I want to
have a design committee. Just selecting the
members of such a committee was an invitation
to the guillotine. Instead I decided to just go
ahead with my design.
I asked one of the staff members at Desmodus
to translate my ideas into a drawing, which he
did, with many altematives. He did not like the
in time to be carried bY the Leather
design and thought that the heart was
contingents in each of these two maior
particularly trite. I did incorporate one of his
recommendations, because he managed to
pride parades. Drummerwill also donate
flags to the National Leather Association
and to Chicago Hellfire Club. Both of
these are groups with which I have been
intimately involved for quite some time
and both host maior events for the
Leather and/or SM communitY.
convince me that it was an improvement on
my original design, and I still agree that he was
right on this. I originally had the central stripe
red. But he pointed out that the tip of the red
heaf, bleeding into the red stripe, would not
agreed and told him to change the
gave her permission and sent her a copy of the
above editorial, along with the blueprint like
drawing of the flag that was included with it,
and she had a flag made and it was carried in
the Portland OR Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade
a week before those similar celebrations in New
York City and San Francisco.
On the East Coast, the flag
donated to
GMSMA was on the back of the jeep carrying
Guy Baldwin, the reigning IML, for much of
the parade. I received a letter from Barry
Douglas, the newly elected Chairman of
GMSMA, dated June 27, 1998, thanking me
for the gift, and telling me of the various
conflicted reactions it had drawn. But he
concludes by saying "We will keep the flag
safe and bring it out for the appropriate
events...." The prototype is not seen on display
in New York, but the acceptance of the design
in NYC
has yielded one
of my
adaptations... described further on.
been visible there a¡rd at the CHC clubhouse
ever since. NLA has displayed the flag proudly
at every Living In Leather conference.
turkey for a Thanksgiving invitation.
The first adaptation of the flag to come to my
attention was in December of 1989 when I
found Christmas tree ornaments for sale at
Worn Out West on Castro St. that were clear
glass balls to which someone had applied strips
of cloth in the flags' colors a¡ound the diameter
of the omament, and added a tiny red heart on
one side. Chuck Higgins, who was then Mr.
SE Leather, was the first to wear the flag in
any form other than a pin. He had it made as
the back panel of his leather vest.
1990 Laurie Lane
of Leatherworld in
Melbourne Australia applied the southern cross
constellation from the Australian flag to the
Leather Pride flag to create a uniquely
Australian version. And in 1991 the Melbourne
Leathermen became the first organization to
incorporate the leather pride flag design
On the West Coast, the flag was carried in the
Pride day parade in San Francisco and then was
prominently displayedin the Shotwell meeting
space used both by the Society of Janus and
the Outcasts. The Shotwell meeting house
closed several years ago and the Outcasts
disbanded a few years ago, so I was greatly
relieved when a recent inquiry to the Society
elements into their club colors. A few years later
TLFMC of Anchorage was the first of many
organizations to use the flag's stripes to fill in
a state outline and use the heart as the marker
for their city's position in the state.
In May of 1991 I was quite surprised, and
pleased, to see that the International Mr.
I have
seen the FIag crocheted
worked in leaded glass, candle wax, pebble
mosaics, and cloisonné. I have seen it painted
on a spare wheel cover on the back of ajeep,
as a hex symbol on the side of a Pennsylvania
barn, and on a woman's fingernails. I have
seen it painted on human bodies, and I have
seen it tattooed onto them as well.
Other than the Christmas tree ornament one
of the hrst interpretations of the flag I saw
was a huge flag composed of appropriately
colored banda¡nas filling the window of a
leather shop in Sa¡r Francisco during Leather
Pride week. One of my favorites is a T-shirt
design suggesting the flag by depicting
bandannas tied to the clothes line by one
corner and hanging as stripes. with the red
one knotted around a blue one. I love my
Jeanette Heartwood buffalo flogger with its
leather pride handle (lhank you Jeanette and
Dale!) And the interpretation that still ranks
very close to the top of my list of favo¡ites is
the logo used for the Leather Celebration
during Stonewall 25 in New York City: the
Manhattan skyline superimposed on the flag.
I'm delighted by each new inte¡pretation I see.
I thank you for your acceptance of the flag. I
remain glad that I neve¡ have explained my
reasons for the design elements. As I said in
my original presentation "I will leave it to
the viewer to interpret the colors and
symbols." I have heard many wonderful
interpretations over the past ten years. And
are much better than my original
into an afghan
and knitted into Cock and Ball warmers (By
IML Jeff Tucker's mother!). I have seen it
worked in rubber as a door mat, in chain, and
in beads for all kinds ofjewelry, and in colored
ropes for bondage and in colored plastic tapes
for a full body mummifrcation. I have seen it
I shall be celebrating the 10th Anniversary
of the Leather Pride Flag at major functions
throughout 1999, including IML, Thunder In
The Mountains, Inferno, Dungeon 401, and
Living in Leather XIV.
Tony DeBIase
July-August, 1999
Published by The National Leather Association
Original non-fiction articles in The LINK, unless
otherwise stated, may be reprinted by non-profit
organ¡zations, provided full credit is given to the
author, NLA-1, and The LINK. Original fiction,
photographs and artwork remains the property of
the author/owner, and may not be reprinted without
Letters and/or articles for The LINK can be sent to:
LINK Editor, PMB #155, 3439 NE Sandy Blvd,
Porlland, OR 97232-1 959.
Advertising rates available on request. For a
promotional opportunity in LINK, see page 16.
Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N'E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
asked this person why they thought I was a
bottom. They said it was because I was wearing
my watch onmy rightwrist.I saidlwore itonmy
Many times, those new to the scene come upon
something that they aren't su¡e about. Actually,
the scene for
years and still have questions about a technique,
a different way to do something, a better way to
handle a situation. Afær all, one should never
stop learning or one wiLl become stagnant.
sometimes one can have been
In the upcoming issues of The LINK, I
right wrist because I was left handed.
This person then became incensed and began
Leather Archives & Museum... The Good News Is...
The next dungeon party you go to, try to go wittì
someone who is familiar to the scene. And if the
party does not have at least a list of rules, or if no
DMs a¡e present, don't go!
The Annual ensemble choir practice where thousands of leathermen and leatherwomen
chant "located in Chicago and serving the world" in response to "Leather Archives and
Museum," was very short at International Mr. Leather this year. Excitement about the
LA&M, though, was very high.
One last word of advice, trust yourself and your
When Jill Ca¡ter came on stage during the contest, anyone who has been around IML for
a while knew they were in for a fiery speech on behalf of the Leather Archives. But, no
one could have guessed that, at the passionate peak of her plea for donations, Ca¡ter
wouldbe able to say "and wehavefound abuilding!"Lasttime Ms. Carter askedthelML
audience for money to support the LA&M, the "hat" was passed through the crowd and
came back stuffed with over $1,000.00. With a new building-a permanent home for the
LA&M-to be purchased, the crowd went wild.
yelling at me about flagging something that I'm
not. At this point I noticed that others were
staring at us. I became so embarras sed that I left.
Was this person right? Am I now going to have a
bad reputation? I don't even know if I'm a top or
bottom or what. Did I do the wrong thing by
wearing my watch? What are these "rules" that
that person spoke about?
NLA:I - Dear Daddy
PMB #155
3439 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland OR 97232-1959
own process. Don't worry about what level
others are, if somethingfeels wrongto you, don't
do it!
Dear Totally Confused,
Screw the Roses. Send Me the Thorns: The
You're not the only one who has been confused
in this situation. Sometimes, though not often,
Romance and Sexual Sorcery ofSadonlitsççhism
by Phillip Miller and MollY Devon
there are those who attend dungeon parties who
assume that they a¡e "A1l That" just because of
the role they play. You were not in the wrong !
Dil'fcrcnt Loving
by Gloria Brarne, V/illiam Brantc, tt¡ttl
Dear Daddy,
New to the scene, I went to my first Dungeon
Party the other night. I observed play scenes for
a whiLe, then went to get a drink of ice water.
While I was filling a cup, I was approached by
this person who was wearing a whip on thei¡ left
side and th¡ust a cup in my face, ordering me to
fill it. Being brought up with good manners and
not wanting to do the wrong thing,I did so. When
I went to give the cup back, this person ordered
me to hand it to them while on my knees. This did
not feel right to me so I refused. After all, I didn' t
even know who it was !
This person then said that I had better learn "The
Rules" or I would have a bad reputation irt the
community and no one would want to play with
Most dungeon parties require you to sign a
waiver and give you a list of rules (and'
Lcirning the Ropes: A Basic Guitlc tu Sulc
hopefully, basic etiquefte) that you must agree to
l.-un S/M
and sign before being allowed to enter. Thc
person you spoke of should have know that
by Race Bannon
behavior was not appropnate'
As for the people itaring, perhaps they were
witnessing yet another uncouth act performed by
that person and you, being so embarrassed, left
before someone could come to your defense or
console you.
Beine a novice is not an offense' Everyone,
Some of the money included in that total Ìvas quietly donated in pocket change and crumpled bills, some of it was gathered in exciting flourishes. The
a special pitch when Jewelry by Ponce offered a leather pride ring to be auctioned off. The auction took place on the spot
and raised $1,650.00. Meantime, a long-time supporter of the LA&M, choosing to remain anonymous, pledged $5,000.00. The Lords of Leather Mystic
Mardi Gras Krewe took the opportunity to "honor all our leather brothe¡s and sisters" and to memorialize "departed Krewe members" with a very generous
Back at the Congress Hotel, ir the IML Leather Market, the LA&M conducted a Silent Auction throughout the weekend. The Leather Archives' room
also housed a Pre-Viewed Pom Sale, thanks to Tom La¡son who collected more than 2,100 pre-viewed videos for resale. The porn sale raised over
$7,000.00 and the auction raised more than $6,000.00, and both sales gave people opportunities to o\iln great stuff at great prices.
-Know who your Host(s) is, as wt'll ttr lltc
Dungeon Master/Mi stress
-People will be in various statcs ol ¡ttlitr', tlott't
Bear Man of Dungeon Bear Leather in Fort Lauderdale rose to the occasion by issuing a
challenge: He'd give $1,500.00 if any other business men a¡d women would match his
gift. DougHarris of Sanctua¡y of aDarkAngelinAtlantametthe challenge right away alongwithFred Katz of DV8inNew YorkCity andBill "TheHun"
Schmeling of Portland, Oregon. Clubs and businesses, individuals and families either dropped cash into the bags carried tfuough the theater by
representatives of the Men of Discipline or brought thei¡ checks and pledges to the stage where, in the end, a total of over $20,450.00 was collected in
a matter of minutes.
ci¡cuslike atmosphere reached
by Jay Wiseman
There should also have been a Dungeon Mastcr
or Mistress there who could have stopped thc
confrontation. ff you're unsure of who they arc,
ask when you first enter the PartY.
available that can really give you valuable
Totally Confused
here to help answer questions and research
topics. Just send your queries to:
ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
regardless of their current level of expertise, had
to start out as a novice. Seek out the counsel of
someone you trust. Many long-timers are open to
mentoring. There a¡e also many reference books
-The dungeon
is a
place for setltr",,
discussing what happened on your lìtvor ilt' I'V
show. Keep your voice level down (tltir rhrcrtr't
include when involved in a scene, thctt il 'r rt¡r lo
your Host).
-Leave enough room between yottt'st'll ltttl
-Don't intemrpt scenes to ask questions tlt tlt¡tkr'
conments to those involved.
-Don'tjoin in
a scene unless asked.
-Don't touch other people's equiptment/ttlys.
-Just because someone is a Top or bottont lìrt
someone else, doesn'tmean they are thatfor you.
-If you see something you're unsute of, ask thc
DM, quietly. Remember that everyone has
diflerent limits.
-lf you see someone wearing a colla¡, or is
obviously subbing to someone, and you want to
converse with the sub, ask the Top first.
-Always be respectful.
-Clean up after yourself.
-Thank the Host.
By the time the accounts were settled and IML's long weekend was winding down, the LA&M had collected just over $60,000.00 and the purchase of
the new building was virtually guaranteed.
No less impressive, but perhaps a little less surprising, was the generosity of the leathermen and leatherwomen who brought club colors and histories,
photographs and overlays, academic theses and books to be added to the LA&M's collections
during IML. The Colors Project now holds examples of patches and logos of more Than 215
leather clubs. The book and magazine libraries have increased by more than300Vo in the past
year. The vertical files, where flyers, paper records and ephemera are kept, have grown more
thart600%. And, significant steps have been taken toward the indexing of all these collections.
The Leather Archives needs a big home, a permanent place to store and conserve, to restore and
protect the a¡tifacts of our lives and our communities. It need space to stage exhibits and to host
receptions. Now, a 12,500-square-foot building in a quiet neighborhood on the north side of
Chicago is almost certain to be that new home for the "attic of the world's leather communities."
Obviously, money will be needed to outfit the building for museum purposes, to fumish it and
to pay off the mortgage, but the members of the Boa¡d of Di¡ectors of the LA&M feels confident
in trusting leathermen and leatherwomen to continue and increase their support and enthusiasm
for the Leather Archives.
LA&M, both because of what it is in the communities it serves and by its permanence, is an
important force, an anchor of sorts for all of us. By helping to insure its existence in this
generation, we are creating a trust and a legacy to leave to future generations of leather/SlW
fetish men and women. What could be more worthwhile?
For more inforrnation or to contribute to the collections or funding of the
Museum, 5007 North Cla¡k
LA&M, write Leather
St., Chicago, lL 60640 or
[email protected]
Joseph W. Bean
More next time,
Page 1 0
ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd,, Portland, OR 97232-195+lþ¡
Leather Association: lnternat¡onal, PMB #155,3439 N'E. Sandy Blvd., Portland' ORS7232-
Notes fTomLOLITA
[@ 1999]
The SM-ORG e-mail list is a good resource for those starting new groups
as well as those involved
focuses on
a forum
disseminating info¡mation about events and activities and is also
The International Leather Women's SM
conference was held in April with more than
forty women from all over Europe, and two
from North America. The women were full
of excitement during the first dinner, as they
were learning about thei¡ sisters from
Daddy Alan Selby, the "Mayor of Folsom Street,"
became an American citizen this April ! He is now
officially one of us, but then again, he always was
majordomo@þ with the phrase "subscribe sm-org" in the body of
one of us.
the message.
Greece, Croatia, Italy, London, Pakistan, and
even a student from Cla¡k University in
Massachusetts, who is studying at the
University of Amsterdam for the past year,
majoring in Human Sexuality/Gender
Grace, a twenty-one year old student at Clark
University, is a new enthusiast concemed
that SM is not one of the topics spoken about
in her Human Sexuality curriculum at Clark.
It is her hope that by submitting her paper
regarding SM, it will lead to the possible
inclusion of this subject to the School's
The workshops during the
challenged women to hea¡ other's opinions
regarding SM. The leading issue was
boundaries, both as they related to the rules/
regulations of SM and one's personal
The second dinner was held at a restaurant
owned by a woman of color, who wears her
facial piercing so proudly.
While it was quite visible that all the women
shared a common thread as leather SM
women, there seemed to be a definite
distance between the genders of SM
enthusiast in Berlin, Germany, where I was
told that two contests were "all male only"
regarding attendance. I was at the same time
told that the events were also already soldout. As a result of this experience, I now
wonder if our titleholders understand the
totality of the enormous job they are asked to
do forits community - "Representing
every facet of the Leather/SMÆetish
In conclusion, it is my hope that the
international Leather SM Women's
conference will continue but will
address in the future some of the
issues that divide the SM
It was fantastic
meeting other
women of color, as well as touching
base with my leather/SN{/fetish
sisters across the BIG ocean.
for group
to discuss
organizational problems and
Pri nte, T-etrirtsr Sweatehi rte
{I-5hìÉË rfid ËseðtéB¡litts' 5Ð/çt eìttÈ\n,
ph¡IE, ssÊall ll}rB x-l¿lqr. ÀÞy cl;Íâi)oÍÌ
solutions. To subscribe, send e-maiL to:
l¡ÊÈr úurîtrcrÈ.j i Ùil ¡._,tì.
¡ìc i,or¿
, ;,
iÈtrn¡åtìùì úlerte emflÍl;
!Þ,/r hèÞ1rt.* rr,l b4'JÐ érl r8rt>¡l !r¡nn. stB!È
l¡ãnÈ 1.\ i)r Vei. qtsiren.Ér
far ou, èriô!%eæpt
PM Productions and Fantasy Chateau host Summer
Bash tr August 6-8 in North Brunswick, NJ' It will
feature an "S&M University" program. Instructors
DsDesires Dresents their 2nd annual Let Your Dsires Roam Weekend
Thursday through Sunday, September 9-12. Accommodations, activities, workshops, meals
and dungeons are included and take place on I ,000-acre resort property at the foothills of the
include Hilton, Bob Deegan, Bob H, and Lolita.
ür KF
CultureFacts, the newsletter fo¡ the Family
Alan Selby & Gaorgo
Research Council, has recently trashed Jose
Full Weekend Package ($210 double occupancy until June 21; single, tiplc und t¡ttntl rates are
available, too; g20 less if you are a member of TES or NLA, etc.) includes hotel ro<lnt litr two nights,
continental breakfast on both Saturday and Sunday, use of swimming pool, Snrrcks/Munchies/
Beverages on Friday and Saturday nights during ptay party. A Daytripper Wcckcntl llrrtc fbr those
hotel room is $120 per person. Add $32 for thc Stturtluy ttight Fetish
Banquet. Volunteers forregistration, publicity, dungeonmonitoring, and the likc rtrc ttcctlctl and they
will get a discount.
who live nearby and don't need
ar 9lack snd Whíic
For nlúrÈ
Demos and workshops include Japanese Bondage & Suspension Bondage with Master Brent,
Beginning & Advanced Flogging Techniques with Sadist Michael (Viking), Single Tails with
Bob Deegan, Fire & Wax Play with Lolita Wolf and Peggy aka O, Violet Wand with Robrac
Ucles' sixth annual dungeon dance. They
said that Ucles's efforts at youth pride
and Noreen, Male & Female Genital Torture with Domina Z, Hair Bondage with Master
Barry, and 2411 Master & slave Relationships with Master Paul and slave Monique.
require "equipment" and "demos."
TheZ4hour dungeons and play cabins are equipped by The Crucible with bondage horses,
racks, Catherine Wheel, St. Andrews Crosses, Flogging Posts, Suspension Rigs, Torture
Chairs and more. Friday night Birthday Spanking Party for Gina and for Sue; Saturday night
Dom & Slave Auction.
Info : htp ://
Vanilla activities include hay rides, bonfires, volleyball, tennis, hiking, boating, archery,
unlimited horseback riding, indoor swimming pool, game room, dance floor and lounge.
On Wednesday evening, Annie Sprinkle's houseboat in Sausalito, Califìlrlli¡r wits tlcstroyed
by fire. She was in Seattle performing a show. Her housesitter had left a carldlc lrtrt'ttittg when
she went out to do the laundry. The fire destroyed Annie's cats and all of'Arlltic's ¡rct'sonal
possessions. Some people may wish to contribute, You may wish to dctlic¡ttc t¡¡l olll¡tsm to
he¡. you may wish to pray or do a ritual. Write her an email of support (hcr big dcsktop
computer was destroyed, but she has an old laptop with her in Seattle and shc c¡llì gct cntail at:
For more information on the DsDesires Poconos Vy'eekend:
http ://
includes subjecting youth to fetishes that
Matty and Lisa of Body Archive got married
this April 9th! Their website is
h ttp: // me mb ers . ao l. co m/as ylump/
Bound by Desire's third annual women's
leather campout weekend
will be held
Austin TX on Oct 15-17.
[email protected]).
Bruce Chopnik (Denver's Mr. Rocþ Mountain Leather) is the new International Mr. Leather
1999. Sean Reilly (Mr. Pistons Leather) was lstrunner-up and Mike Hargis, (Mr. San Diego
Or send money to P.O.Box 396, Sausalito , CA 94965.. She did not have any ittsttrittlcc.
She does still have her website at:
Leather) was 2nd runner-up.
$35 registration includes a catered meal
Saturday night plus workshops, vendors,
structured activities as well as 24 hr open
play time in a secluded outdoor location.
Typically, The Hunt has only been open to
http ://w ww.heck. com/annie/index'htrnl.
members of BbD and their guests. This year,
Jeff G., former President of former chapter NLA Metro NY, has produced what is being callcd
an intense film about sexual obsession, "Red Light August." In the film, a painter engages in
an erotic ritual based in an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Out in the world, the painter
becomes a chivalrous guardian of
the women he idealizes.
60 Skiff Street, Suite 766
Hamclen, CT 06517
Reccntly Jcff's movie-making
*åìestll ¡rôn-f
Ð 3€.
http:l1www.i rsn -rcse'eoñ1
non-members will be allowed to participate.
Include references/and or leather club
membership with your regisffation.
(888)8 s8"e7
talcnts wcre discovcrcd
Hollywood and havc rcsulted in
him doing TV, film, and video
game collaborations with Michael
Recently Publisher's Weekly (May 3) ran a
detailed article by NLA's Cecelia Tan about
how independent publishers serve
lesbians, and the transgendered. Her article
includes news
of the erotica planned
publishers to be brought out later this year.
Ovitz's Artists Management Group.
Jeff s Red Light August web site is
The Pink Palace
http ://www.redlightaugust. com
are scheduled as a combination of social and
...continued next Page
is a new playspace in
Woodstock). Fridays
...continued next page
Page 1 3
Page 12
Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
a specific theme that
moderate play, while Saturdays usually
week. Info:
birthday slice on her stomach and straddled
her for a photo op' It was a hoot'
justf orthef unof it@ prodi gy.nel o¡ 91 4-247'9294
Afterwards, we went to Paddles. The roof
there. We lined up to give BumbleBee her
birthday spankings. No counting! She took
On Saturday, nine of us met at Lips, the drag
queen restaurant, to celebrate BumbleBee's
birthday. As we waited outside, a cab pulled
up, Boymeat led a blindfolded BumbleBee
out and guided her into the restaurant. We
were seated at a table and Paulina, our
waitress with the cutest ass, was at the ready
with a big greeting when the blindfold came
off. Surprise! We ordered champagne, had a
great dinner and watched the show. Then at
dessert time, the theme to Miss America was
all the swats. I went first to do warm up (my
favorite) and Boymeat got the last licks. The
scene ended witha32 ciothespin zipper (31
years old plus one for good luck) administered by Boymeat. Yowl
played and Paulina led BumbleBee to
center table and laid her down, placed a
the bigger the sale!
First of alì there is stiLl some time left to
register as a volunteer for either event.
Working the event is the least expensrve way
great way to get to
Volunteers at Dungeon 401:
- 560 @eforesept 1 st) versus
lst) for non volunteers
...October 1st - 4th
3 1st.
ut Lll, 'q7 continucd
throughout ll¡c lrtst twO yc[rr hy Scllcrtllillg opcn
forums for ull rt¡rtiotrt¡l ¡t¡trl it¡lcrtt¡tlkrtt¡rl ¡rctivisls
1999 PaY $100
- Register by SePt. I, f999 & PaY S1 10
- Register after Sept l,1999 & pay $120
For an application, sign onto the internet & go
to: ic' html
This Florida based convention is now in its
fourth year, and although it is growing, the
classes remain small, intimate, and hands on'
Your entry entitles you to a full course load of
classes and dínner every evening. For an
additional $42 you get breakfast & iunch as
well. Those registered also get a discounted
entry to the Saturday nite DECA DANCE
(prom nite with attitude), This eventis mostly
brought to you by the Gay community, but is
Living in Leather
October 7-L0th
If you pay before July 3lst the cost is: $150
(for NLA int'l members) & $175 for non
Regular registration for non volunteers
change quite a bit too by registering and
If you pay after August lst, it is: $175 (forNLA
paying earìy.
5225 for non members...
We invite all community leaders, organization
representatives or individuals with a special
interest in leather activism.
Activist Ror¡ntltuhlc
Athena Lyons, NI'A-I EC
- for LIL travel a¡rangements contact: Tony Gorrell, Travel Bureau of
'97, the roundtrrb[. lr¡¡¡ ¡crrt rorrnly bccn lircilitututl by othcr organizations Dallas, 1-800-598-7004.
- for LIL hotel reservatiots call: The Cla¡ion Hollywood, 954-458-1900;
such as Black ltorc, lX ' r¡rrtl tlrt Lr.ttlu:r Lcurlclshi¡r Confcrcncc, NYC.
todiscusspr¡jr:clr¡r¡l ¡rro¡rnnrn¡rrrlrurtlrr¡lcull¡crucccptance.
direct rcsult
among activists,
...that's a S50 savings PIiR l)l ilìSON for non
) w[r lilr rrrr'rl
't)7 ¡r¡r clcctronic coalition (sm-
or l-800-Clarion@esuretomentionNLAorLivinginLeathertogetour
(:oilllnt¡(rr ttl l'¡rcilit¡¡tc rtngoing
special room rates, $75-85.00).
yourprojects.r\ttcxttttt¡tlt.rrl|ttrlrtlr'wrllllrr.t.lltltlrrllrt.t¡rscrlirt¡trtslctlnluclAthcnaLyonsat:[email protected](614)
roundtables inclurh, tlrrr I llr¡¡¡y Itrololt, SM lkrlley ltclirrttt I'nrjcct ¡llronc; l'irx(ó14) 899-9117
Workshops l)nrtttlit' lo lru ltrrl, ltrrl, ltrrll
llttrttiltrl t,tt'lllttttwrrthrllo¡tltttttl l)rcscnlcrs
For an application. you cltn ¿tcccss ottl'website
in the leather co¡tutttlttllv rrrtttltty lrt yrrrl lll l,ll XIV llll$ Octohcr.,
workshop co-(lrorrllrrrrlilr r I llvlr Mrrt lo rlllrl Slirlllr't llor'¡ntttlt rl¡trtctl lhc
process shortly nl'lcr l,ll Xlll lrt¡t yprtt 'l'ltr"rcltorlttlu w¡tr rcl ¡¡ntl
presenters contuctcrl ¡rttrl llte sttrl tcrttll lr ¡trtttll
or writc to us at:
[email protected]. Or srrrril rnrril us at
NLA:I, PMB #155, 3439 SlndY Blvd'
What do you get for your. Ittotrcy'l lrirst,
chance to attend the original bclslll cotlvcntion
in their 14th year. A chancc to itttcrlcl ruany of
the more than 60 wolksho1ls. 'f'hc pnce
includes two breakfasts, two lLtllchcs and a
formal dinner with entertainmclìt. Colllc llleet
Guy Baldwin, Molly Devon, and so ttrany
more your plate
be fulì.
Also both hotels hosting conventions will
give you our special rates if
you rnake
your reservations bY SePtember!
The workshops lhlrr y0rrr iltu r¡rlll lttlil tlilvlt'r!, ttrlv¡t¡tt'ctl, llll(l lìltlln)tlrri,
There are nunthcr ol l¡tr'lllllnlr,rl rll¡r'ilrrlott¡ rtttrl trrttlttlltthh, rllnet¡rrkrns,
Someworksl¡o|)tr ilrr lwrt lttttlelr wlllt lilttllWtt lx,lttB lt¡ttttl¡ olt lctttttitt¡
and instructig¡t ¡¡ilrl lltrrtr, lr r'ltril ililtt llrttl wr,'tr, IIr'rr,illlnß twlccl
year's workslut¡tr rttt' I'll¡¡ltrp llll, Itryllrrrlrr¡¡lcnl lrltst Âitl' l'ltty
Piercing l0l(ollì'rorl lwl¡r'1, Ktrllr'l)lly, SM & lhc l,¡rw. Altcrctl St¡ttcs,
Playing with ( lcrtrlr,t, Nlrrglr, l'rrll wlrt¡rl, Wlto ltcctls ttir'l llrcuth Control,
Vaginal Fistirr¡, I lttlhrt tttr, ll¡r¡lt' S M Sllcly, llt:ing n Kitl Again: Age Play
for adults, Âhrlttt'llott lir'rttttti, l)to l)ottt¡tlc ltoundtablc, Genitorture l0l:
CBT and ('rr¡¡tr, I'ltov ('urt'l lrll 'l'lrnt ln'l'hcrc! Can They?? Butt Fisting'
Mentorin¡¡: lhrw lo gtrrw ¡rxrtl lcuthcrfolk, Cutting, Caning, Basic
the idea of being in the warmth of
southern Florida in October appeals to you
and you think you might enjoy attending one
or both conventions, get your apptications in
soon. Save money, meet new friends, learn
from experts, have fun.......such a deal! ! ! ! ! ! !
Over 500 are exPected at LL
250 at Dungeon 401...
...don't miss out!!
Spencer Bergstedt
NLA:I Vice President
and over
llrtttlrt¡c l0l, lil<lgging 201: Advanced
Permunct¡t ltlcrçl¡¡¡, Lcntlrcr Spirituality, Boot and Leather Ca¡e, What do
bottonlr wrtttt ltt 'litlts'1. What to Tops want in Bottoms?, CBT 201' Anal
I, I'ltis l'luy I 0 l, Psychological Play, Cunt Torture 201' Quccrs &
Hct's l(ountlt¡thlc, Etiquette & Protocol, Japancse Ropc Bondugc'
l)unchirtg, Kicking and Deep Bruising, Leather Business Rouncltablc,
l-cuthcr Pcrformance: Contests, Events and more, Creating Futnily
Dynamics, TS/TG l0l, Overcoming Grief, Ask the Elders, Mastcr/
for LIL registration forms contact: [email protected]
Two SM Activist ltorrrrrllrrlrlu rorrlonr lro rr,hcrlr¡lctl nt l,ll, on both Fritluy For NLA-I's membership form & information contact:
and Saturday allrrrr¡xrrr¡ ltlrrt¡t! lnln rt¡ nt l,ll. lur ¡ut oplntrtuttity to share
your ideas, prorìtol(' lttw rtl r'llll¡tlll lltlllllc¡ll, rtlt'irtl slr¡tlt:l¡ics lhrottgh
20 (after Sept
- $90 versus $225 non member price if paying
put in
Now the Mayor of Everett is working with
Iocal clergy and neighbors to step up the
campaign to close the club. The club is very
open to all.
Volunteers at LIL XIV:
after July
[email protected]; and
line "unsubscribc lolita"
Portland, OR
Well there is such a sale right now..'..the
earlier you register for both events of Ft
Leatherdale, Dungeon 401 and LIL XIV
to attend, and is also
To unsubscribe, send mail
healing. You can purchase thc book through
Dressing for Pleasure in NJ. Here's the
website: hnp:i/
Joh¡r of NLA: NE
- Register by JulY
know lhat planning now for Octobe¡ is
like Christmas shopping in Juìy. But' wouìd
you shop if the sale gave you 25% off' 50Vo
off, more?
The National Leather Association: International
(NLA-I) is pleased to host the SM Activist
Roundtable at the Living In Leather XIV
conference (LIL) in FortLauderdale, FL Octobcr
7-10, 1999. The succcss of thc first annuul SM
Quite a lot of people have asked recently
about how to get Constance's book
Kaleidoscope about S/M spirituality and
One of the biggest BDSM/Ds events for 1999
(Living in Leather),
School, the Centre SchooL, and the Parlin
Restraints is thc only SM club in the Boston
area and thc city of'Evcrctt has been trying to
closc it dowlt fbl the past two years. The club
has bccn takcn to court twice in the past two
ycars und has won both times
Leather Archives & Museum. Media Awareness,
Leadership Development, and the National
Coalition for Sexual Freedom.
10th, in South Flonda.
(NOWSM), the Law Project, Outreach Programs,
discreet and only operates late at night, but
the location is near St. Anthony's Church and
was open and we found a spanking bench up
Dungeon 401/Leather University...
will be FT. LEATHERDALE' October lst-
('uirr lìcrlingcr, Suc Bcrry, Bladerunner of Portland, Lynda Blakeslee
k.u M s'l'w i slctl, M ichclc B uchanan, George Cameron, Drew Campbell,
K'l'('hr¡sc, Ântltony DcBlasc a.k.a Flcdcrmaus, Molly Devon, Diva Marie,
lcnny cirrl, I lilton ljlax, Fuyc Foltz, Rcverand Robert Gaines, Master Doug
llurris, boy bob hurris, Coddcss Lukshimi, Jack Greenie, Hardy
l{irbcrnrun, Cara llancs, Bcrt Hcrrman, Hromovy, Amy Hunær, Viola
Johnson, Dadtly lrwin Kanc, Sybil King, Lady Kayla, Daddy Lee
l.ambcrt, Ms. Stephanie Locke, Pat McCarty, Drew McDiarmid, Jack
McGcorgc, Mis¡¡ess Angelina, monica a.k.a M. Nika, Lynne Pierce,
Quccn Cougar, Jen Rausin, Daddy Rick, Sheree Rose, Sha¡rin Spector,
llrnndi Stewal, Kasi von Welch Sumrall, Phil "Fluffy" Swenson, Tristan
'l'uurn¡ino, Jimi Tatu, Jaelle Tillery, Rose Vegara, Mitch Williams and
l,olit.r Woll'.
Wc will oncc again be bringing you the Leather Activists Roundtable.
¡\nd wc iue bringing you some of your favorite authors to meet and talk to
about their work. We will be showing the films, SICK and MORE THAN
PERVERTS as well.
In addition, there will be the Saturday night showing featuring Comedian
Shann Carr and The Human Sculpture Troupe! But wait, there's more'
There is the Vendor Market, the Play Parties and the resort hotel with
swimming pools on site and the beach just across the street! ! !
For more inlormation about LIL you can write to us at [email protected]
rlr chcck out the website at
Scc ya ut
slave relationships, Beating Ass: Paddling, Spanking and
rùy'e Don' t Talk
Àhout, l)trltly/hoy play, The responsibilities of POC in the Leather
strirpping, Scnsory Deprivation/Mummification, Scenes
lJl)SM r'tlrturtttttity. Dorninance and Submission: The Erotic Dance, Long
Tcrrrr l(t'l¡tllott¡ltl¡x, l.trn¡¡'fcrm Bondage, Branding, TS/TG 201: Playing
with'l'r¡¡rr¡ lirrtlrrxlltttcttlr, r¡nd lust but not least, Clips, Clamps and
And thc lirt ol ¡rtr'rcttle rr llllrr ycttt lr ittt¡trcssive: Leslie Anderson, Dana
Backicl, ('lu lrllrrr' ll¡tkcr. l)tltt ll¡¡rllrtlt, ,lrrrc¡llt Bean, Spencer Bergstedt,
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