Syracuse University Project Advance Administrative Guide


Syracuse University Project Advance Administrative Guide
Project Advance
Syracuse Universit y
Credit with Credibility®
4 General Administrative Requirements
9 Courses
6Registration, Student Records,
and Grades
11 Financial Assistance
11 Class Size
8 Student Identification Cards
12 Course Recognition
8 Student-Parent Orientations
15Instructional Materials
8Tuition Payments and Policies
15Research and Evaluation
yracuse University Project Advance
facilitates and administers a cooperative
arrangement between the University and
high schools. Through Project Advance,
SU enables high school seniors to take
Syracuse University courses in their own schools.
Project Advance also provides a continuing forum for
communication between educators from both school
and University settings through its in-service training for high school instructors. In addition, Project
Advance conducts ongoing research and evaluation
in an effort to systemically improve instruction.
The policies and procedures described in this manual
were developed in cooperation with high schools
offering SU courses through Project Advance in order
to clarify roles and responsibilities vital to the longterm success of this collaborative relationship, help
prevent misunderstandings, improve communication
between schools and the University, and explain the
regulations governing academic programs.
It is important that we all work to establish and maintain trust and a sense of common purpose. We value
your support and welcome your suggestions.
Gerald S. Edmonds, Ph.D.
Director, Project Advance
Syracuse University
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 3
C.Because University courses generally require an
unusually large amount of time for preparation
and direct consultation with students, teachers
should be relieved of at least a portion of their
nonteaching duties (insofar as possible).
D. T hree preparations and five classes constitute
a maximum load for teachers in SU’s Project
Advance program. Class sizes for Project Advance
sections may not exceed those listed in the Class
Size table.
E.In case a SUPA teacher is unable to complete the
year because of illness or some other unforeseeable occurrence, each high school should have
a sufficient number of trained teachers available
to prevent cancellation of a class. A cancellation
hurts everyone, especially students. We ask that
you notify your course administrator of any changes that may occur with the SU adjunct instructors.
General Administrative Requirements
A.Teachers of Project Advance sections of Syracuse
University courses should have undergraduate
and graduate degrees (or their equivalents) and a
minimum of five years of teaching experience in
the subject area. For some subjects, the requirement of a master’s degree in the subject area may
be waived if the teacher has substantial teaching
experience, coursework related to the particular
Syracuse University course, or experience in business and industry (waiver of a master’s degree in
the subject area is not an option in New Jersey). In
some cases, certification to teach a course will be
made contingent upon completion of additional
graduate coursework, field experiences, or a program of structured independent study.
B.No more than one section of a University course
should be assigned to one teacher per semester
unless the University specifically approves such an
4 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
F.SU courses offered through Project Advance
should be scheduled during periods that are not
subject to frequent cancellation or interruption.
G.University grades must conform to standards
established by the University. These are explained
in our manuals, workshops, and training sessions. Occasionally, differences in the application
of grading criteria may arise between teachers
in high school and Syracuse University faculty
members. Such problems are usually discussed
and resolved on a collegial basis. In the unlikely
case of pervasive and irreconcilable differences
of a more serious kind, however, courses may be
withdrawn at the option of either the school or the
H.Instructional materials should be ordered well before the beginning of the academic year. Updated
lists of required materials are available on our web
I.Certification to teach Project Advance sections
of SU courses is contingent upon the following
1.Attendance at all sessions and satisfactory
completion of the Summer Institute training.
2.Presentation of an acceptable written proposal
and/or conversation with the supervising
faculty member for adaptation of the University
course to the specific high school situation.
3.Submission of a new course application and
course catalog — course administrators must
review and approve these submissions.
4.Annual participation in the subject-specific inservice seminars. These required seminars are
held on regular school days and are typically
offered twice each year, and ALL teachers are
required to attend these seminars in order to
maintain their SU adjunct instructor appointments.
5.Assumption of major responsibility for teaching
the course at least once every three years.
J.It is very important that members of the high
school’s guidance department be thoroughly familiar with the requirements, objectives, and design
of each course and work closely with teachers in
advising prospective students whether to register
for SU courses offered through Project Advance.
K.Parents of prospective students should be given
an opportunity to meet with the instructors who
teach SU courses before their children are registered for the program. A letter should also be sent
to parents explaining the program, its operation in
the school, the tuition structure, and the University’s role. Parents should be made aware of both
the high school and University grading policies for
each course. Models for such letters are available
from the University.
L.Syracuse University reserves the right to determine
and periodically revise the conditions under which
its programs may be offered for college credit and
also assumes responsibility for their supervision.
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 5
Registration, Student Records, and Grades
All official student records for Project Advance sections of SU courses are maintained by the SU registrar’s office, which handles approximately 25,000
current student records and more than 200,000
alumni records for the entire University. Given the
scope of the registrar’s operation, it is important
that students enrolling in Project Advance sections
register accurately and in accordance with specified
deadlines and procedures.
A.Registration materials and instructions are mailed
to the attention of the SU Project Advance instructors and to the designated registration coordinators in the high school. To register for Syracuse
University credit, students must register online at High schools should
instruct their students to include all courses they
wish to register for on the same application form.
The application form must then be printed and
signed by both the student and parent/guardian
and returned to the high school instructor. Instructors will then forward the applications to the SU
Project Advance office for processing.
B.Course offerings are normally restricted to high
school seniors. Exceptions to this policy require
prior approval from the appropriate SU Project
Advance administrator and University faculty
C.Students who wish to drop a course must inform
their teachers in accordance with the policies of
Syracuse University:
1.A drop form must be completed and signed
by the instructor, parent, and student and
submitted to Project Advance prior to the
official deadlines for dropping a course.
Please review the registrar’s calendar on the
website for specific dates. Although courses
that are officially dropped before the cutoff
date will not be recorded on the student’s
6 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
transcript, tuition may be refunded only under
the circumstances explained in this manual.
Under no circumstances may a course be
dropped after students have earned a grade.
2.After the official SU drop date, students may
withdraw from a course and have the symbol
WD (withdrew) recorded on their transcripts.
The option of withdrawing extends to two
weeks before the last day of classes. NOTE:
Withdrawal from a course after the official drop
deadline does not remove the financial obligation to the University on the part of students/
parents. Students will be placed on financial
hold for failure to pay tuition. Students on
financial hold will not be issued SU transcripts.
Information regarding relevant University policies can be found online at
3.For certain SU course sequences completed
through Project Advance, successful completion of the first course in the sequence is the
prerequisite for beginning the second course in
the sequence. Please see chart on subsequent
D.Each semester, instructors will have the opportunity to log in to the PASS online information
system and view their applications/class lists and
notify us if they are correct. The purpose of these
lists is to inform instructors which students have
officially registered for the Syracuse University
E.At the end of each semester, each instructor must
post his or her grades online. After the University
processes the grades, students can then request
a transcript.
F.Students enrolling in Syracuse University courses
through Project Advance normally obtain dual high
school and college credit. The University grade for
the course is determined in compliance with grading criteria established by Syracuse University.
The high school grade is determined by the high
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 7
distance involved. The date, time, scope of the orientation, and materials needed for distribution must be
arranged several weeks in advance.
Tuition Payments and Policies
Tuition Charges / $110 per credit hour
Tuition is based on the number of credits each
student registers to take in a given academic year or
School administrators are informed well in advance
of any tuition changes for the next academic year.
Student Identification Numbers
Students in Project Advance sections of SU courses
are officially registered as part-time, nonmatriculated
students and receive an SU I.D. number. The I.D.
number permits students to use the SU libraries.
Student-Parent Orientations
Many schools conduct orientation programs during
the school year to offer parents and students the opportunity to learn and ask questions about the high
school-college program and enrollment procedures.
These programs ideally occur prior to when students
select their courses for the following year. Such programs have met with positive community response
and have prevented potential misunderstandings.
Schools that desire University participation should try
to arrange a time that coincides with our school visits
to the area, particularly when there is considerable
8 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
A.If students choose to enroll in a two-semester
sequence or a full-year course, tuition is due for
all of the credits in the fall semester. If students
choose to enroll in one-semester courses, tuition
is due at the beginning of the semester in which
each course is taken. It is up to each high school
to determine which semester (fall or spring) to offer the one-semester, three-credit courses. Below,
please find a table describing each course in relation to credits, prerequisites, tuition, etc.
Tuition Cost
ACC 151 Introduction to
Note: This is a full-year course.
BIO 121
General Biology I
First course of a two-course biology sequence. It is offered in the fall. Must register for both Bio 121 and
BIO 123/124 in the fall.
BIO 123
General Biology II
Second course of a two-course biology sequence. It is
offered in the spring. Prerequisite: BIO 121. (See above.)
Corequisite: BIO 124 (Lab)
BIO 124
General Biology II
Corequisite: BIO 123 (Lecture)
CHE 106 General
Chemistry Lecture
First course of a two-course sequence in general
chemistry. Offered in the fall. Must register for CHE
106/107 and CHE 116/117 in the fall.
Corequisite: CHE 107 (Lab).
CHE 107 General
Chemistry Lab
Corequisite: CHE 106 (Lecture).
CHE 113 Forensic Science
May be offered as a one-semester or full-year course.
CHE 116 General
Chemistry Lecture
Second course of a two-course sequence in general
chemistry. Offered in the spring. Must register for
CHE 106/107 and CHE 116/117 in the fall.
Corequisite: CHE 117 (Lab).
CHE 117 General
Chemistry Lab
Corequisite: CHE 116 (Lecture).
CLS 105 College Learning
Must take another college-level or AP course in the same
semester as CLS 105.
CRS 325
Presentational Speaking
Cross-listed with CAS 325.
CSE 261
Digital Logic Design
CSE 283 Introduction to
Object-Oriented Design
Should have completed ECS 102 or an equivalent
C++ course.
EAR 203
Earth System Science
May be offered as a one-semester or full-year course.
ECN 203 Economic Ideas
and Issues
ECS 100 Cybersecurity
ECS 102 Introduction to
EEE 370 Entrepreneurship
Note: This is a full-year course.
ETS 142 Narratives of Culture: Introduction to Issues
of Critical Reading
Must register for both WRT 105 and ETS 142.
FRE 102
French II
Only available to juniors (who are preparing to take FRE
201 as seniors) in schools already offering FRE 201.
This is a full-year course.
FRE 201
French III
(Intermediate French)
Note: This is a full-year course.
May be offered as a one-semester or full-year course.
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 9
Tuition Cost
HST 101 American History
to 1865
HST 101 is offered in the fall as part of a two-course
sequence. Must register for both HST 101 and HST 102
in the fall semester.
HST 102 American History
Since 1865
HST 102 is offered in the spring as part of a two-course
sequence. Must register for both HST 101 and HST 102
in the fall semester.
IST 195 Information
IST 263
Design and Management
of Internet Services
ITA 201
Italian III (Intermediate
Note: This is a full-year course.
LAT 201
Latin III
Note: This is a full-year course.
LAT 310
Latin Prose Authors
Must register for both LAT 310 and LAT 320.
LAT 320
Latin Poets
Must register for both LAT 310 and LAT 320.
Prerequisite: LAT 310
MAT 221 Elementary
Probability and Statistics I
MAT 222 Elementary
Probability and Statistics II
MAT 295 Calculus I
MAT 296 Calculus II
Must pass MAT 295 with a C or better or have a 4 or
better on the AP, AB Calculus exam.
MAT 397 Calculus III
Must pass MAT 296 with a C or better or have a 4 or
better on the AP, BC Calculus exam or have a qualifying
score on the department exam.
PAF 101
An Introduction to the
Analysis of Public Affairs
PHY 101 Major Concepts
of Physics I
Includes lab. Must register for both PHY 101 and
PHY 102 in the fall.
PHY 102] Major Concepts
of Physics II
Includes lab. Must register for both PHY 101 and
PHY 102 in the fall.
PSY 205 Foundations of
Human Behavior
SOC 101 Introduction
to Sociology
SPA 102 Spanish II
Only available to juniors (who are preparing to take SPA
201 as seniors) in schools offering SPA 201 .
SPA 201 Spanish III
Note: This is a full-year course.
WRT 105
Studio 1: Practices of
Academic Writing
Must register for both WRT 105 and ETS 142.
10 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
Must have D or better in MAT 221 to take MAT 222.
Payment Procedures and Policies
Once registrations have been received and processed, an invoice for tuition will be sent to each
student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) at the address
provided on his/her registration. Project Advance
must receive tuition payment by the due date printed
on the bill.
Parents or guardians are responsible for completing
the Student Financial Assistance Form that is available at
and then returning all the supporting documents to
the SU Project Advance office for approval prior to the
first payment due date.
Class Size
We offer a convenient online BillPay option at A monthly installment
payment plan is also available, but it does include
an additional $15 service charge for monthly billing
notices. Registering for a Syracuse University course
incurs a financial obligation to the University. Failure
to pay tuition will result in the student being placed
on financial hold. Students on financial hold will not
be issued SU transcripts.
Tuition Refunds
Class Size
American History
College Learning Strategies
Computer Engineering
Earth System Science
A. Voluntarily dropping courses:
1.Students who voluntarily drop courses before
the semester’s posted drop date deadlines are
eligible for a 100 percent refund of the tuition
paid. SU does not issue refunds for voluntary
drops after these dates.
Foreign Languages:
French, Italian, Latin, Spanish
Forensic Science
Information Technology
B.Involuntarily dropping courses for unforeseen
events such as:
1.The student’s family moves out of the district.
2.A major illness or accident that requires the
student to withdraw from all high school
courses for an extended period.
These requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis prior to processing a refund.
Presentational Speaking
Public Affairs
Web Design
Financial Assistance
The minimum number refers to the number of tuitionpaying students seeking college credit who must be
enrolled for the University to offer a particular class.
The maximum number refers to the total class enrollment, including any students who may not be registered for University credit. Our experience has shown
that students who do not enroll for college credit can
affect the motivation of the entire class; the number
of such students in any one class should be carefully
considered. Additional requirements for individual
courses may be adopted in conformance with actions
Although limited financial assistance for students
with urgent financial need (e.g., free or reduced
lunch) is available through Project Advance, we
encourage schools and students to explore the possibility of scholarship aid through local organizations.
When students are applying for financial assistance,
we ask that supporting documents be attached to
each request (e.g., most-current W-2 statement or
1040 form, approval letter of qualification for reduced or free school lunch program, or details of
special circumstances).
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 11
taken by academic departments in the University.
If you have any question concerning these policies,
please contact the Project Advance administrator for
the course in question. A list of course administrators
is available at
Course Recognition
Students who have taken Syracuse University courses through Project Advance have reported on their
experiences in seeking recognition for the courses
after matriculating to one of more than 600 colleges
and universities in the United States, Canada, and
Europe. A high proportion of students, approximately
nine in 10, consistently report receiving recognition
for their SU courses in the form of transfer of credit
hours, fulfillment of general education or major
program requirements, placement in more advanced
courses, or some combination of these. No institution
of higher education can guarantee the recognition of
its courses by another institution, and institutional
and departmental policies do change. Credit recognition remains the exclusive prerogative of the institution granting it. Colleges and universities prefer to
consider the individual student when making this
decision, rather than extending blanket acceptance
or rejection of the credit.
For students who enroll at Syracuse University,
the credits (and grades) they earn are part of their
records as SU students when they matriculate. Students and their parents should consider this when
deciding whether or not to take an SU course.
Catalogs of colleges and universities from across the
country show that most introductory-level courses do
not differ substantially in content from one campus
to another. However, the sequence of course topics
over two semesters may vary considerably among colleges and universities. To create wider acceptance for
SU coursework taken through Project Advance, students enrolled in Project Advance sections of American history, biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, and
writing/English are required to take both semesters
of these courses.
12 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
We encourage students to review the content of their
SU courses with their academic advisors at college
and with the appropriate faculty in the academic
departments involved to determine how the courses
relate to institutional and departmental requirements. Attempts to transfer academic credit should
be started by requesting that a copy of the official
SU transcript be sent to the institution rather than
through discussions with the advisor. The official
transcript is almost always the only record recognized
when colleges are considering whether to grant credit
The transcript includes a complete record of all
courses a student has taken at Syracuse University
through Project Advance, Summer Sessions, University College, or any other division of the University.
Syracuse University policy and federal law protect
access to student records. The individual student is
the only person authorized to request that an official
Syracuse University transcript be sent to any college
or university.
Suggested Procedures for Transferring Credit
Note to Instructor: Transferring credit is a novel and
occasionally frustrating experience for new college
students. For the first time, they have to initiate the
transfer of their educational records. Hence, the
information below should be reviewed carefully with
students. Students are responsible for ensuring that
the colleges and/or universities they designate actually receive their official Syracuse University transcripts to review.
Procedures for transferring credit are as follows:
A. T ranscript request forms are available on our
website: Students should give
their full name; Social Security number; address;
high school; SU course(s) taken; and the name,
title, and address of the college official to whom
the transcript should be sent.
B. Students should find out from their college
catalogs where transcripts should be sent (i.e.,
registrar, admissions, etc.), as this varies from
institution to institution. Students matriculating
at SU should direct a transcript to the dean of the
college in which they enroll.
C. Students should wait one or two weeks after
the end of the semester before mailing a transcript
request. The transcript request form should
be sent to:
Syracuse University
Transcript Office
109 Steele Hall
Syracuse NY 13244-1120
Transcript request forms may also be faxed to
315-443-7994. Transcripts will not be sent when
the request is made by telephone, e-mail, or by an
individual other than the student.
D.Students are advised to check with the college to
which they are applying to confirm receipt of the
transcript. If the transcript has not been received
within six weeks of a request, students should
contact the Syracuse University Transcript Office
at the address above or call 315-443-2422.
Occasionally, students seeking credit and advanced standing at colleges and universities other
than SU find that people misunderstand the term
”Project Advance.” They assume the term indicates courses specially designed by SU for high
school students. In fact, the courses are regular
SU courses, identical in every important respect to
those taught in the colleges on the University campus, including the same textbooks and curriculum.
Moreover, Project Advance administers Syracuse
University courses entirely in accordance with the
framework, rules, and academic guidelines coverProject Advance Administrative Guide | 13
ing all courses offered by SU. With this in mind, we
suggest that instructors, guidance counselors, and
all others who speak with students about these
courses refer to them as SU or Syracuse University
courses and use the course name and number
(e.g. Writing 105, ETS 142, MAT 295, etc.). We
also suggest the following procedure for students
who are seeking recognition in college:
1. College applications often question whether
the applicant has ever enrolled at, or done
coursework with, another college or university.
Students should answer “Yes” and explain that
they were enrolled as part-time, nonmatriculated students in the College of Arts and Sciences,
College of Engineering and Computer Science,
Whitman School of Management, etc., at Syracuse University.
2.In both correspondence and discussion with
college officials, students should refer to the
course(s) taken by name and number (e.g.,
Psychology 205).
14 | Project Advance Administrative Guide
3.Students should be sure they have requested,
and the college has received, an official Syracuse University transcript of all coursework
taken through the University.
4.If the question of transfer of credit or advanced
standing depends on showing a similarity
between course content at the institution the
student will attend and the Syracuse University
course, the student should request that the
faculty or other college officials making the
decision review the course syllabi or manuals,
course descriptions, and student portfolios as
appropriate. Brief course descriptions also appear in the official Syracuse University Bulletin:
Undergraduate Course Catalog. More extensive
course descriptions can be downloaded from
the Project Advance website:
5.Some colleges require or make available a
validating examination to evaluate transfer
students’ preparation for advanced coursework. Alternatively, students may have the
opportunity to register for the advanced course
at their own risk. If a question arises about
their preparation, they should request an
opportunity to demonstrate their readiness
for advanced work.
6.If, after a student has followed the preceding
steps, faculty or officials at the college have
questions that the student cannot answer, the
student should request assistance from the
Project Advance office by contacting the director, in writing, by phone or by e-mail:
Syracuse University Project Advance
400 Ostrom Ave
Syracuse NY 13244-3250
[email protected]
The student should communicate the name, title,
address, and phone number of the faculty member or the official, as well as the nature of his or
her questions.
7. Above all, students should not give up if their college or university is initially unwilling to recognize
their SU coursework for credit and/or placement.
Most colleges want to give students proper placement based on their achievement. If the institution needs further clarification or evidence of
the work completed, students should ask Project
Advance for assistance and encourage college
officials to do so at any time.
Instructional Materials
Lists of instructional materials necessary for the
courses are provided at
courses under the individual course listings. These
include all ordering information, including special
rates available for high schools offering SU courses
through Project Advance. High schools should purchase all instructional materials required for students
enrolled in SU courses in the minimum quantities
indicated by the University.
Teacher Copies
High school teachers participating in summer workshops will receive copies of most of the instructional
materials used in their SU courses.
Research and Evaluation
The Project Advance staff conducts a variety of
research and evaluation activities to assess the effectiveness of instruction in the SU courses offered
through the program; the maintenance of academic
standards; the quality of instructional materials; and
the impact of the program upon students, faculty,
curriculum, and schools. Such information is not only
vital for continued course and program improvement;
it also is necessary for colleges and universities that
evaluate these courses in order to make recognition
decisions. Research and evaluation activities include
the following:
•Course and instructor evaluations
•Post-graduate studies of students who took SU
courses through Project Advance to determine
the recognition received from other colleges and
universities, the impact of participating in the
program on their academic behaviors, and the impact of participating in the program on their high
•Comparison studies of students in Project Advance sections of SU courses and students in
Main Campus sections of SU courses
•Impact studies of Project Advance instructors and
•Other special studies
Requests for reports and inquiries about research on
specific topics should be sent to:
Rob Pusch, Associate Director
Syracuse University Project Advance
400 Ostrom Avenue
Syracuse NY 13244-3250
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information, contact us at:
Project Advance®
Syracuse University
400 Ostrom Avenue
Syracuse NY 13244-3250
T: 315.443.2404
F: 315.443.1626
E: [email protected]
© 2013 Syracuse University
Project Advance Administrative Guide | 15
For more information on any aspect of SUPA contact us at:
Project Advance
Syracuse Universit y
400 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-3250
T 315.443.2404 F 315.443.1626 E [email protected] W
© 2013 Syracuse University