THE LOW DOWN parents 23 OCTOBER 2014 DIARY DATES MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT... On Saturday night we hosted our annual AISPA Gala Ball. Our Diamonds are Forever theme, meant it was a night of decadence and sparkle. It was lovely to see everyone dress up and show his or her glamorous side! CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday, 7 December 6:00pm - 8:00pm AIS Main Oval OGM such a spectacular event. I would like to personally thank Deborah Talbot, Thursday, 6 November incredibly hard to ensure the success of the event. This year AISPA was very pleased to showcase some of our talented Music music from Amelia Woodward (Year 9) Tejas Chandrasakar (Year 10) and a your impressive performances. Thanks must also go to Thomas Killingback (Year 8) who put together a wonderful slideshow for us to display during the evening’s proceedings. The venue was special, the food was delicious and music from Band on the Run was fabulous and had us all up on our feet – my husband even made a calendar dates. Please keep your eyes open for further details in next week’s I hope you have an enjoyable week. Rebekah Fox Online Noticeboard [email protected] the heart of our school community THE LOW DOWN parents MUSIC BY DR NICK MILLER Most of you are aware of Dr Miller’s musical talent. Over the years Dr Miller has recorded various albums and is set to release a new solo 23 OCTOBER 2014 DIARY DATES CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday, 7 December 6:00pm - 8:00pm AIS Main Oval OGM child’s name and class and we will distribute the albums on Dr Miller’s behalf once the album has been delivered to the school. . . Thursday, 6 November SHARKS CAR DECALS only $3.00 each. Get yours before they sell Shop Opening hours: . LOST PROPERTY Online Noticeboard ais.com.sg [email protected] the heart of our school community THE LOW DOWN parents CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT 23 OCTOBER 2014 DIARY DATES CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday, 7 December 6:00pm - 8:00pm AIS Main Oval OGM Thursday, 6 November Online Noticeboard [email protected] the heart of our school community