Red Rock Entertainment


Red Rock Entertainment
Red Rock
Our Current
Previous Projects
The UK film industry is a valuable part of
the British economy and has doubled its
GDP in the past 20 years in real terms.
Extensive market research
has shown that despite
the recent recession in the
UK, the film industry has
continued to thrive. There are
a number of UK films which
have become mass market
hits, generating a huge
profit such as Skyfall and
Harry Potter.
The UK remains the third
largest consumer market for
filmed entertainment in the
world, with an 11% share of
the global box office market.
According to the British Film
Institute statistical yearbook
2014, the UK is predicted to
overtake Japan by 2018.
The British Film Industry has
received a large number
of awards for British film
talent, according to Viscount
Younger of Leckie, the
property “British creativity is
highly marketable, awardwinning and sought after. Our
creative industries that draw
on it are among the most
influential and successful
in the world, contributing
£71.4 billion per year to the
UK economy.”
At Red Rock Entertainment,
film is at the heart of what we
do, working in conjunction
with a number of UK film
production companies to
raise equity for independent
film projects.
Red Rock Entertainment offer
a number of film investment
Private Equity, Distribution
and EIS/SEIS. Our investors
will benefit from uncapped
upside potential and the
availability of EIS Tax Loss
Relief to help diminish
downside risk.
About Us
What We Do | What We Look For In A Film Project
6 | 7
About Elstree Studios
8 |11
Television Series
No Easy Days | Dystopia | Boats ‘N Bikes | Endeavor
13 | 23 Films
Eye Digress | The Comedians Guide to Survival | Dusty & Me
The Last Scout | Extremis | Await Further Instructions | Heretiks
London Heist | The London Firm | Breakdown | Ibiza Undead
24 | 27 Film Distribution
The Night Train to Lisbon | Cottage Country | The Yank
28 | 29 EIS
30 | 31 SEIS
About Us
Red Rock
is a film finance
company; we work
in conjunction with
a number of UK
film companies
to raise equity for
film projects.
As well as film, we
also raise funds for
TV and Distribution.
he Production and
Distribution companies
hire us to finance
their projects. We always
have a number of SEIS,
EIS, Equity and Distribution
film or TV investment
opportunities available.
Our sole focus is on our
products as an investment
opportunity, and we ensure
that we work alongside the
directors and producers to
make sure that our projects
stay within their budget
and timeline.
All monies paid by investors
are sent directly to the UK
production company.
We can arrange for our
investors to visit the sets
4 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
as extras, and
private screenings.
here at Elstree with guest
speakers from the different
film companies, along with
qualified accountants who
can discuss the various tax
advantages of investing in the
film industry.
Our directors attend all the
major Film Festivals and
Film Markets including: The
American Film Market, Berlin
International Film Festival
and Cannes International
Film Festival, ensuring that
we keep up to date with the
latest film trends.
What we do
n executive producer is someone who has either
personally funded or arranged the funding for a motion
picture or television show.
Making a television show, or film can be a costly process and
so the Executive Producer essentially acts as the financial
backer, helping the production to raise the extra finances it
needs to get to the distribution stage.
On the film/television set our main role is to ensure that
the project is proceeding according to the set schedule
and budget.
Although as an Executive Producer we don’t have
control over how the film is executed we do have a
say in anything which may affect the films schedule
or marketability.
What we
Look for
in a Film
ed Rock Entertainment specialise in films. We mainly
work with film projects which are at an advanced stage
and are looking for the final amount of financing.
We focus on film projects that have a commercial appeal, an
identifiable audience, moderately low and controllable costs
and a sound financial structure.
We also require that certain elements are in place before we
will commit to any film project. 5
About Elstree Studios
lstree Studios has firmly
established itself as the
number one Film and
Television Studio in London,
founded in 1925 by British
film producer Herbert Wilcox
and Hollywood producer
J.D Williams.
In the 1930’s Elstree launched
the screen careers of stars
such as Charles Laughton,
Neagle, Googie Withers, Ray
Milland and Stewart Granger.
Its output was enormous
and included quota quickie
films working with Hollywood
Studios, and by 1939 had
produced over 200 features.
In its 87 year history, Elstree
has been the studio of
choice for many legendary
producers and directors from
Alfred Hitchcock, George
Lucas, Steven Spielberg and
Stanley Kubrick to Danny
Boyle, Tom Hooper, Guy
Ritchie and Matthew Vaughn.
Some of the most famous
feature films have been
produced at Elstree over
the years which include the
Star Wars and Indiana Jones
trilogies, Superman, Moby
6 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Dick, The Dam Busters, The
Shining, Ice Cold in Alex, and
Labyrinth. Over 800 feature
films, and similar impressive
programmes, have been
produced at Elstree Studios.
Most recently Elstree has
been the studio of choice
for The World’s End starring
Holmes: A Game of Shadows
starring Jude Law and Robert
Downey Jnr, Brian Singer’s
Jack the Giant Slayer, Under
the Skin starring Scarlett
Johansson, the multi award
winning The King’s Speech
About Elstree Studios
Strictly Come Dancing
Danish Girl
starring Colin Firth, and
most recently Grimsby and
Paddington Bear.
Not only are major feature
films produced at Elstree, but
also some of the highest rated
TV shows in the UK such as
Big Brother for Channel 5,
Dancing on Ice, Who Wants
To Be A Millionaire? and Red
or Black for ITV, The Voice for
BBC, My Mad Fat Diary for
E4, television specials such
as ITV’s Michael Buble; Home
for Christmas and children’s
shows such as The Slammer
for BBC and Bunnytown
for Disney.
The King’s Speech
The Studios are also very
popular for commercials
having recently provided
stage space for Morrison’s,
Littlewoods, BT, River Island
and NatWest to name but
a few. Most recently Burberry
Commercial featuring Romeo
Beckham in George Lucas
Stage 1.
The George Lucas stages are
two of the tallest in Europe
offering excellent grid loading
and power. Internationally
famous acts such as Take
That, Alicia Keys, Kylie, Muse,
Rihanna, One Direction, Jay
Z, The Chemical Brothers,
Chase & Status and many
other artists find these
stages ideal for their tour
rehearsals enabling them
to accommodate a full size
stadium stage and lighting
grid and to rehearse within a
secure location.
ITV’s Michael Buble;
Home for Christmas 7
Television Productions
No Easy Days has an intense storyline concerning the Presidents daughter. She is kidnapped
by a man who appears to be a British Terrorist and is held for ransom. Navy Seal commandos
are dispatched by the president to rescue his daughter since he cannot negotiate with terrorists.
Without spoiling the excitement, something more sinister is at work here!
Sean Brosnan, Simon Phillips, Michael Hogan, Peter Outerbridge, Al Sapienza
Paul Tanter
Paul Tanter, Jonathan Westwood, Simon Phillips
8 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Television Productions
It is the year 2037. Our world is dying, slowly, from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile.
Not a single child has been born in 25 years. Governments are now powerless puppets for
the biggest corporations and Biocorp, the world’s biggest, keeps promising a cure that never
comes. A pair of scientists (Michael Copon and Simon Phillips) attempting to create the world
first teleporter, manage to create something even more powerful: time machines.
Si -Fi
Michael Copon, Simon Phillips, Sheena Colette, Eve Mauro
Paul Tanter
Paul Tanter, Paul Robert Lingas, Simon Phillips, Arkiesha Roberts 9
Television Productions
A quality factual entertaining full of fun and adventure, outstanding locations, glamorous
presenters, great music and interesting people with a sprinkling of comedy. The models turned
presenters, Joshua Kloss and Jessica Harbour, travel across the USA on a ultra cool HarleyDavidson motorcycle, reviewing yachts and motorcycles.
Jessica Harbour, Josh Kloss, Michael O’Dwyer
Sebastian Lyte
Sebastian Lyte
10 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Television Productions
Some journeys are measured by what you sacrifice to get there
Earth, 2065. Nuclear missiles have just been fired, starting World War 3. People have less than
45 minutes to get to a bunker or get off the planet. People swamp spaceports and private
ships, desperate to flee. The mining crew of the Endeavour just make it off in another craft
after theirs is damaged. Once in space, all ships are issued with a mission and a destination:
find humanity a new home. We follow the Endeavour space crew on their journey to uncharted
regions of the galaxy.
Michael Copon, Simon Phillips, Peter Woodward, Al Sapienza, Eve Mauro
Paul Tanter
Paul Tanter, Travis Seppala 11
Film Productions
12 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
Eye Digress
EYE DIGRESS (also known as The Special One)
Eye Digress Is about a middle aged man who enjoys watching classic British films and TV
shows from the 1960/70’s.
He soon finds himself in prison for a crime that he believes that he didn’t commit and after
many years in solitary confinement he begins to talk to his comedy heroes from the past as
each one tries to help him remember what he’s done.
Timothy Spall
Stephen Cookson
Stephen Cookson, Falcon Fields, Timothy Spall 13
Film Productions
Failed stand up comedian James Mullinger comes to a cross roads in his life, no one wants to
see him perform, his wife is fed up, and his day time boss has given him an ultimatum; take a
promotion and never do stand up again or, stick to the comedy and lose his job. To add salt to the
wound, his boss, the editor of CQ, wants him to interview the greatest comedians in the UK and
North America for an upcoming comedy special, with the added caveat that he must secure an
interview with the ever-elusive Dustin Langer, the world’s greatest stand up, or the promotion is off
the table.
James Buckley, Paul Kaye, MyAnna Burring, and a long list of top comedians
Mark Murphy
Mark Murphy
14 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
DUSTY & ME (also known as Slapper & Me)
Derek Springfield, an 18-year-old misfit, has just returned home at the end of his studies to wait
for his Oxbridge results he kills time during the summer by walking a no-chance greyhound,
Slapper, and admiring out-of-his league beauty Chrissie from afar. Under Derek’s loving care
Slapper gets faster - so fast she’s stolen for her racing potential. A miserable Derek is beside
himself; just when he thinks he will never see her again, Slapper escapes from her furious
captors at an illegal “flapper” track and finds her way back to Derek.
Comedy | Family
Luke Newberry, Genevieve Gaunt, Ian Hart, Iain Glen, Lesley Sharp
Betsan Morris Evans
Rob Isted 15
Film Productions
A devastating nuclear war between America and China renders planet Earth uninhabitable.
Those with access to commercial and private spacecraft escape the planet and the two sides
each decide to search for a new home In 2065, the crew of the Pegasus are searching for a
new home for humanity. As they approach their potential new world, the discovery of another
ship could be the key to their salvation, or doom them and the rest of humanity to extinction.
STARRING: Blaine Gray, Simon Phillips, Rebecca Ferdinando, Deji LaRay, Rita Ramnani,
Paul Thomas Arnold, Peter Woodward
DIRECTOR: Simon Phillips
Paul Tanter
16 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
Alex, a successful executive, returns home to his wife and daughter and their beautiful country
home. But something is wrong within this house. An unspoken discord that whispers of a
terrible tragedy that happened here. Then our focus shifts from the unspoken pain of this family
to a great cataclysm that is unfolding “out there” in the surrounding landscape.
STARRING: David O’Hara, Isabelle Allen, Lisa Gormley, Neil Pearson, Toyah Willcox,
Nick Cornwall, Bill Fellows, Stuart Sessions
DIRECTOR: Steve Stone
Steve Stone 17
Film Productions
It’s Christmas Day and the Milgram family wake to find a mysterious black substance
surrounding their house. Something monumental is clearly happening right outside their door,
but what exactly? Descending into terrified arguments, they turn on the television, desperate
for any information. On screen a message glows ominously: ‘Stay Indoors and Await Further
Instructions’. As the television exerts an ever more sinister grip, their paranoia escalates into
bloody carnage.
STARRING: David Bradley, Abigail Cruttenden, Sam Gittins, Holly Weston, Grant Masters,
Neerja Naik, Kris Saddler
DIRECTOR: Johnny Kevorkian
Gavin Williams
18 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
H e r et i ks
In a darker age, superstition overrules common sense and faith is tested to its limit. Amid
such darkness, the currency is fear and suspicion. At the heart of our story is a young woman,
Persephone. Her past is a mystery that we feel compelled to discover. Her present, in contrast,
cannot be clearer as we find Persephone accused of the murder of her master and mistress;
her apparently devoted employers and protectors. Surely only supernatural forces in this age of
Her etiks
extreme darkness could have created such a desperately sad scene.
STARRING: Clare Higgins, Ania Marson, Rosie Day, Hannah Arteton, Katie Sheridan,
Emily Tucker, Michael Ironside
DIRECTOR: Paul Hyett
Gregory Blair 19
Film Productions
LONDON HEIST (also known as Gunned Down)
Jack Cregan, career criminal, family man and vicious armed robber, is on a mission for revenge.
When Jack’s father Alfie is brutally murdered and their money from the Heathrow airport heist
stolen, Jack, his cousin Sammy and other gang members Eddie and Frank, realise there is
more to the stolen money and Alfie’s murder than meets the eye - and once Jack begins to dig,
he knows that his life will never be the same again.
Action | Thriller
STARRING: Craig Fairbrass, Nick Morgan, James Cosmo, Steve Berkoff, Mem Ferda,
Tony Denham, Nathalie Cox,
DIRECTOR: Mark McQueen
Craig Fairbrass
20 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
THE LONDON FIRM (also known as AB Negative)
Two hitmen become the subject of a sadistic game after waking up in the back of a truck,
drugged and confused. A mysterious female assassin attempts to play them against one
another in what becomes a bloody tale of duplicity. As the action unfurls, the two men sink
further and further into the seedy underworld. ‘The London Firm’ is a stylish gangster thriller
that delicately balances elongated scenes of calculated dialogue with explosions of violence
and action.
Crime | Thriller
STARRING: Vincent Regan, Kumud Pant, Jon Campling, Stephen Marcus,
Robert Cavanah
DIRECTOR: Neil Horner
Allen Beever, Neil Horner 21
Film Productions
Alfie Jennings. Loving father. Faithful husband. Professional contract killer. Haunted by horrific
visions of the men he has killed, Alfie spirals towards the brink of madness as his past catches
up with him. One of the founding members of elite hitman fraternity, Homefront, Alfie’s panic
attacks now compromise this once ruthless ex-elite soldier and leader of men. His tense
family life rapidly approaching boiling point, a sheltered daughter on the brink of womanhood,
a beautiful, neglected wife on the brink of despair, Alfie is lost, desperately trying to hold
everything together.
Drama | Thriller
STARRING: Craig Fairbrass, Emmett J Scanlan, James Cosmo, Mem Ferda, Amanda Wass
Tamer Hassan, Olivia Grant, Bruce Payne, Rab Affleck
DIRECTOR: Jonnie Malachi
Jonnie Malachi
22 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Productions
A group of young people head to Ibiza for the holiday of a lifetime - all the sun, sea and sex they
can handle. After only one drunken evening, the friends desperately need to find a way off the
island when a zombie outbreak quickly spreads amongst the revelers.
Comedy | Horror
Cara Theobold, Emily Atack, Algina Lipskis, Jordan Coulson, Homer Todiwala
Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards 23
Film Distribution
Some films are exhibited directly to the public through a
movie premiere and will remain in the theatre for a number
of weeks; others will be released straight to television, VOD
and or DVD and Blu-Ray discs.
Red Rock Entertainment work with film projects that are
almost finished and are looking for the final
amount of financing to cover the distribution
costs such as the theatrical release and
film promotion. We have a number
of Film Distribution Investments
available in which investors will
be able to see a return on their
investment plus a share of the
profit from the DVD and Blu-Ray
sales, Video-on-Demand and
Rental Subscriptions.
24 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Distribution
The story follows Raimund Gregorius, a Swiss Professor (Jeremy Irons) who, having saved a
beautiful Portuguese woman from leaping to her death, stumbles upon a mesmerizing book
by a Portuguese author, which compels him to suddenly abandon the boring life he has led for
years and to embark on an enthralling adventure. In search of the author, Gregorius acts as
detective, pulling together pieces of a puzzle that involves political and emotional intrigue and
the highest possible stakes. His voyage is one that transcends time and space, delving into the
realms of history, medicine and love, all in search of true meaning to his life.
Mystery | Romance |Thriller
STARRING: Jeremy Irons, Mélanie Laurent, Charlotte Rampling, Christopher Lee, Lena Olin,
Jack Huston, Martina Gedeck
DIRECTOR: Bille August
Pascal Mercier (novel), Greg Latter & Ulrich Herrmann (screenplay) 25
Film Distribution
Todd (Labine) wants everything to be just perfect at the family cottage where he plans to
propose to Cammie (Akerman). But things go awry with the arrival of Todd’s slacker brother
Salinger (Petronijevic) and his free-spirited girlfriend Masha (Punch). When Todd accidentally
dispatches his irksome sibling with an axe, Cammie is determined not to let murder stand in
the way of their happiness.
Comedy | Crime | Horror
STARRING: Malin Akerman, Tyler Labine, Lucy Punch, Dan Petronijevic, Benjamin Ayres
Kenneth Welsh, Nancy Beatty
DIRECTOR: Peter Wellington
Jeremy Boxen
26 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
Film Distribution
Shot on location in Cleveland, Dublin and County Clare, Ireland, “The Yank” is a farcical satire on
Irish America and it’s “paddywhackery.” It’s the story of Tom Murphy, a middle-aged Cleveland
bachelor whose view of Ireland comes from The Quiet Man, starring John Wayne. He also
tends to let the expectations of his family get in the way of finding true love. So when his best
friend, Marty, decides to get married in Ireland, Tom’s family and friends send him off on a side
splitting epic adventure. Tom does not know it yet, but he’s about to come face to face with
the real Ireland.
STARRING: Colm Meaney, Fred Willard, Kevin P. Farley, Nicole Forester, Martin Maloney,
Lynette Callaghan, Annie Kitral
DIRECTOR: Sean Lackey
Sean Lackey 27
EIS Investments
In the UK there are two kinds of government sponsored investment schemes, offering generous
tax benefits to investors, The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and The Seed Enterprise
Investment Scheme (SEIS). These were set up by the government to make it easier for investors
to invest in small high risk businesses which are not listed on the stock exchange.
Enterprise Investment Scheme
The EIS scheme was
introduced by the government
in 1994 with a main
objective to help small UK
companies raise capital from
private investors.
Whilst investing in EIS is not
without risks, the incentives
for investors looking at tax
planning opportunities are
attractive, these benefits
Income Tax Relief
You can claim a tax rebate (30% of the amount in which you have invested) on the income
you have paid in the last year or on tax which you still owe in the current tax year. Relief can
be claimed up to a maximum of £1,000,000 invested in such shares, giving a maximum tax
reduction in any one year of £300,000 providing you have sufficient Income Tax liability to
cover it.
28 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
EIS Investments
Capital Gains Tax
If the investment is a success and you make a profit on the sale of your shares you will be
exempt from Capital Gains Tax on the amount of profit you have made.
If you have any Capital Gains Tax or Inheritance Tax liability to pay in the current or next tax year
or if you have paid either of these in the last 2/3 years you can claw back or defer tax equivalent
to 28% of the capital you have invested in the EIS film.
Capital Gains Tax Deferral
The payment of tax on a capital gain can be
deferred where the gain is invested in shares
of an EIS qualifying company.
The gain can arise from the disposal of any
kind of asset, but the investment must be
made within the period one year before or
three years after the gain arose. There are no
minimum or maximum amounts for deferral.
There is no minimum period for which the
shares must be held; the deferred capital
gain is brought back into charge whenever
the shares are disposed of, or are deemed
to have been disposed of under the
EIS legislation. 29
SEIS Investments
The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) complements the existing Enterprise Investment
Scheme (EIS), offering a range of tax reliefs to individual investors who purchase shares in small,
early stage companies. SEIS is intended to recognise the particular difficulties which very early
stage companies face in attracting investment, by offering tax relief at a higher rate than that
offered by the existing EIS.
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme
As with an EIS investment,
you can reclaim a percentage
(50%) of the cost of your
investment against your
Income Tax liability for the tax
year in which the investments
were made.
The maximum you can invest
through SEIS in any tax year
is £100,000. As with EIS
there is no Capital Gains Tax,
Inheritance Tax or Loss Relief
Tax to be paid on an SEIS
investment opportunity.
Income Tax Relief
Income Tax Relief is available to you if you
subscribe for qualifying shares in a company
which meets the SEIS requirements, and if
you have UK tax liability against which to set
the relief.
However, there are some rules: Your shares
must be held for a period of 3 years from
date of issue for relief to be retained.
If they are disposed of within that 3 year
period, or if any of the qualifying conditions
cease to be met during that period, relief will
be withdrawn or reduced. Relief is available
at 50% of the cost of the shares, on a
maximum annual investment of £100,000.
The relief is given by way of a reduction of tax
liability, providing there is sufficient tax liability
against which to set it.
A claim to relief can be made up to 5 years
after the 31st January following the tax year in
which the investment was made.
30 About Red Rock Entertainment | Current and Projects Previous
SEIS Investments
Who can Participate in SEIS?
For connected shareholders Income Tax Relief and the CGT exemption are not
normally available. Connection may be by financial interest or by employment with
the company. Financial interest occurs where the subscriber and their associates
(such as parents, children and business partners) control more than 30% of
the company.
Employment includes directorships and also precludes the employment of associates.
However there is an exemption for business angels who become Directors.The above
is set out as a brief guide online, Red Rock Entertainment are not financial advisors,
as with any investment or tax related issue it is important that you seek advice from a
financial advisor.
Now the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme has become one of the most revered
government-backed schemes ever created.
Some of the most important points to consider are:
SEIS investors can place a maximum of £100,000 in
a single tax year, which can be spread over a number
of companies.
The Seed Enterprise
Investment Scheme
(SEIS) offers great tax
efficient benefits to
investors in return for
investment in small and
early stage start-up
businesses in the UK.
SEIS was designed to
boost economic growth
in the UK by promoting
new enterprise and
The scheme was
introduced in the
Chancellor George
Osborne’s 2011 Autumn
Statement which
heralded a big shake
up of tax incentives
for investors, with the
Enterprise Investment
Schemes and Venture
Capital Trusts also
being revamped.
A company can raise no more than £150,000 in total via
SEIS investment.
Investors cannot control the company receiving their
capital, and must not hold more than a 30% stake in the
company in which they invest.
The company seeking investment must be based in
the UK, and have a permanent establishment in the
British Isles.
The company must have fewer than 25 employees. If the
company is the parent company of a group, that figure
applies to the whole group.
The company must be no more than two years old, and
have assets of less than £200,000.
50% Tax Relief for current or previous Tax Year (from date of
Share Certificate).
50% Capital Gains write off from current Tax Year No
Inheritance Tax after 2 years.
No Income Tax or Capital Gains on any Profits.
Loss Relief on any monies lost at your current tax rate.
Monies must remain in the company for 3 years to benefit from
the above. 31
Contact Details
Red Rock Entertainment Ltd,
Suite 12 Elstree Studios, Shenley Rd,
Borehamwood, Hertfordshire,
WD6 1JG, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 203 745 5380
[email protected]